lychniis · 2 years
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raiden ei , ningguang , shenhe x reader.
“your love is reciprocated.” + “loyalty / i will stay by your side.” + fluff
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WARNING(S) : mentions of blood ( ei ), dead animals ( shenhe ) and a few slight sugar mama ( ??????????? ) implications and slight suggestive themes ( ningguang ). however this is mostly fluff and three women low key simping for you.
#main masterlist | flos anthalogy masterlist
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&& . ei | raiden shongun · ( the battle is over ; rest with me )
THERE WAS BLOOD on the floors of the Tenshukaku. 
Ei has seen plenty of it in her time alive, from the details of war and her countless campaigns. She has seen blood on you in those moments on the battlefield, but your loyalty always stayed unwavering and your resolve, unyielding. The stalking tiger, the Raiju who tears apart those who oppose her with claws made of cloudburst and a roar that invokes your thunderous wrath.
( Your name was one Ei cherished amongst her closest friends and a name those she reviles, grow to fear. )
It was an honor, you’d say, to serve under her, to fight for her, to lay down your final words in her name. It was an honor, you’d say but even with the centuries Ei holds in her hands and the never ending cycle of loss that she lay witness to, the traitorous thought of you turning into stardust ( just like everyone else, again and again and again ) still invades her mind during her moments of solitude, when the noise from Inazuma and Yae’s voice no longer berates her. 
Perhaps in the end, Ei was a weakling to fear something so unlikely. To fear the news of you never returning from a crusade, the news that she’d never see you again, that you’d turn into one of the many faces she now mourns for. Another friend lost to time, another absence that leaves a cold spot behind her.
There was blood on the floors of the Tenshukaku.
And Ei was afraid.
“Milady, you worry too much.” You assure with a laugh while the healers throng about your bleeding body. Your clothes were stained red and Ei see the handle of a spear gutting into your abdomen but you still smile ( and she thinks it’s radiant, even in the macabre state you were in ). She does not move though, quietly watching your wounds treated, the glow of hydro reflecting off of your face with a pale blue sheen. 
Ei did not know how to heal. It was Makoto who sealed your wounds and sang for you and Ei between a cup of tea and a platter of mochi. Ei only knew how to fight and wield her spear. In a situation that called for gentleness like her sister’s, she finds herself useless.
( She wants to help you, to ease your pain. The poison in your wound was hardly lethal for a spiritual being like you, but you still wince whenever you shift and your hand still twitches and your jaw still clenches. It shouldn’t hurt you but it does, just as watching you suffer so stings her heart. Ei know, she knows you hide more than you let on. And she knows she can only watch you suffer in uncomfortable silence. )
Once you were tended to and your torso was wrapped with linen, Ei sat herself beside you with a frown on her face. You raise your head a little, indecisiveness settling in your gaze. Ei tucks brushes some of your hair away with a sigh. 
“You worry me, sometimes.” she admits, her voice soft, like she was opening up her box of secrets and her thoughts, letting you catch a glimpse of the terrified woman beneath the stoic warrior. “Please, do not turn to such recklessness again.”
You hum, your eyes snapping shut for a brief moment. “I will try, Almighty Shogun…”.
She does not believe you.
A hand rests upon hers. Ei’s glances at you. Your eyes crinkle at the corners. “I won’t be leaving anytime soon, Ei.” Her name escapes your lips easily ( and she finds her cheeks heating up jut a tad bit, for you, a friend, a companion, perhaps more, perhaps… ).
She sighs, lacing her fingers with yours and she presses a gentle kiss on your knuckles. You pass her an embarrassed look but she cares little of it. The promise had been made and she mulls over the thought till she nods with contentment.
“I trust your loyalty, then.”
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&& . ningguang · ( the loveliest of treasures ; she holds close )
“EYES ON ME now.” Ningguang smiles, her metal tipped fingers raising your chin up to meet hers. The brush tickles as it paints a line of red over your eyelid but it was the act that seizes hold of everything that was logical and rational in your mind. Ningguang’s closeness, the softness of her hold, her own scarlet rimmed eyes, her smile —
She was golden; when you look at her long enough. Like the sunsets beheld from the Jade Chamber or the minted mora she so keenly seeks and adores. She was always golden, even as the young girl who you’d accompany to Yaoguang Shoal and share a hot snack with at the stairways of shops and bookstores. Ningguang, who was the face of beauty in Liyue’s streets, who captured hearts around her.
( You were one of them, from the start, from that moment she had taken your hand and whispered your name one chilly night beside a small campfire, with nothing but the stars and the sky above you two. )
It was her hum that brought you out of your wandering thoughts and back to reality. “It’s smudged.” she muses, completely unbothered by the mess of red at the corner of your eye. Wiping away the ink, she dips her brush back into the pot again and leans in closer. “Now, stay still…you keep fluttering your lashes and it hinders my work…” 
“Alright…” you could help but giggle, staying still and willing your eyelids to cease it’s nervous movement. You felt that coldness on your skin again and she began her work once more with meticulous detail. Her touch grazes against your chin then down, down, down to your neck, her lips turning up cheekily. “Ningguang…” you whisper with a breathless lilt and her scarlet gaze pins you down.
“Yes?” she teases, brushing up against one particular spot and your head jolts — you were laughing. She was smiling too, her head tilted to the side and her hair stroking your cheek softly when she shifts to place something on the marble table beside you two. You couldn’t see what it was, too focused on her cleaning the smudged ink off of you once more. 
“Oh dear…” her concern and annoyance was painfully false and it only served to make you laugh even harder, the humor in your chest rising and rising till you were reduced to nothing but a giggling pile in her hands. “You’ve gone and smudged your makeup again.”
“You know I'm ticklish!” you cry out helplessly. “You may as well have one of your servants do it for me if it bothers you so, no?”
Something flashes in her stare and you wonder if your mischievous words struck a little deeper than expected. Ninnguang always shrugged vitriol off easier than she made her money. She could hardly be bothered by it and she knows you were flippant in your intentions and delivery; a forgettable statement at best.
Your laughter ceases when you see her brow pinch and her painted lips purse.
“Hm, yes…” she hums, lifting your chin up. “I could do that…but I’m a terribly greedy woman and I hardly think I would pass up an opportunity to have you like this…” a pause. “...for myself…” she adds. 
You hardly expected that from her, how her voice seems to grow heavier as she whispers her ‘I love you.’ They were frequently shared words between friends, between you and her as an innocent gesture and an affectionate one. The ‘I love you’ uttered by the two of you hardly holds the weight of romance.
( You keep telling yourself that, that lie, even when Ningguang kisses your cheek, or buys you everything and anything under the sun, who lets you into her chambers and rests beside you, speaking of the days when you were both reckless children racing barefoot across the beach. )
“I love you too, mi-guang.” you reply. She stares at you, long and hard, face betraying no emotion whatsoever.
That was when you noticed the dragon and phoenix chopsticks on the table and the look on her face says everything.
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&& . shenhe · ( the warmth of a meal ; she missed it so )
YOUR FIRST SIGHTING of Shenhe, the crane girl was at the valleys of Juehyun Karst, a bouquet of Qingxins in your hand. She was a silver shape in the distant peak, with hair like star glitter and her spear at the ready ( strange, solitary, and so far away and alien ). The muffled scream of an abyss mage follows, then a palpable silence.
You wasted no time in packing your things and leaving. Death was not something welcomed yet.
The second time you saw Shenhe, it was in Liyue harbor. She was staring at a noodle stall with the intensity of a warrior who anticipates glorious battle. She also wasn't blinking either and the poor stall keeper, for all his modesty, was beginning to nervously sweat under the heat of her gaze.
“Is something wrong?” you step in, anxiously glancing between him and the silver girl ( and you think you’ve heard of her, of the adeptus of Aocang who exorcized the demons that dared sink their claws into hallowed ground ). The silver girl only huffs.
“That is none of your concern.” and then, she leaves the two of you behind with shared bewildered stares.
The third time you saw Shenhe, it was at Juehyun Karst again. She stands close now, close enough for you to see her impassive stance and feel her scrutinizing glare. As beautiful as the silver woman was, she was a terrifying creature, like a gilded dagger ( beautiful and sharp ). But you nod politely and quietly leave behind some of your spare lunch; a bowl of noodles.
The bowl was empty when you returned.
The fourth time you saw Shenhe, she was at your gate. You try not to scream when you catch sight of her tall frame, terrified that you may have sought out her wrath in some way. To be cursed or killed by an adeptus…the most you could do now was pray to any listening god for your safety.
She does not come any closer though and any monster foolish enough to wander too close was killed.
( She did catch your gaze once, when you placed a bowl of hot Banmian on your windowsill and retreated back, much like an inexperienced bumpkin handling a dangerous tiger. She wordlessly collected her food when your back was turned and returns the dish without so much as a thank you. )
The fifth time you saw Shenhe, she was at your doorway, with two dead fowls in her hands. You figured she must have liked your cooking because she holds the birds up with solemn expectancy ( and you were struck by how child-like she seemed at that moment, like she was waiting for a promise to be fulfilled, for a faraway dream that she deemed perfectly attainable ). You take them, anxiously glancing between her and her supposed gift.
“Will you cook some for me?” she asks, her tone still curt and apathetic, but you sense — just sense — a hint of hope and perhaps some longing as well beneath it all. Her frame glows white ( she looked like a lost spirit…perhaps she was a lost spirit ), her light blue eyes stay trained upon you. You nod.
“What would you like?” you ask.
“Noodle soup.” her answer was immediate, almost practiced and you wonder why she seems so fixated on that dish. “For you too.” she adds, pointing to the second fowl. You blink. That was...sweet...?
An hour later, you set the table and she helps herself, content with her meal. You do not question it; simplicity was a life you liked living and you doubt she was ready to answer any questions that were brimming up to the surface like scalding magma.
Shenhe keeps returning with food and with her visits, comes a comfortable familiarity. She’ll tell you about her studies under the adepti and you’d tell her about the harbor. You weave Qingxins in her hair when you think she isn't looking; when she knows you’re there, but she sees no reason to talk, you utter her name with a smile now rather than a nervous tug at your lips ( and it comes out easily, and it feels like silk on your lips ) and she tentatively grasps your finger with hers during evening walks. 
( The two of you witnessed a couple do so once during the Lantern Rite. It was the first time you saw her shy hesitance when it came to touching you, but she was gentle for a being who knew violence ).
“If anyone dares to bother you,” she declares one day. “Tell me of them and I'll break their legs.”
You raise a brow, mildly distressed. “Surely that's not how you confess your affections for me…?” you utter under your breath, drawing your free hand away from a paper kite. Shenhe frowns.
“Is that not romantic? From what I have read in books, the willingness to protect a loved one is viewed to be quite appealing…”
You stare at her this time, at Shenhe who stares back with a confused tilt of her head, at the girl who lived tucked away within the realm of the gods high in the mountains, at the warrior who bore too much emotion in a single body and knew so little about humanity, who comes home everyday with a dead animal as a symbol of her courtship.
“Just kiss me already.” you sigh, exasperated. Shenhe’s cheeks flush pink but she dips her head and presses her lips against yours.
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❪⠀🎬⠀❫ AINE SPEAKS ;;
requested by : @muse-hub
raiju, in shintoism is actually the animal totem or comanion of raiden / narukami, the god of thunder. it's name literally means thunder beast and since it's species was never specified, there are a lot of iterations on what animal it was. a few popular ones are the wolf, the dragon and the tiger ( which is what i went for the reader here ). and yes, raiku, that tiger pokemon is actually inspire by raiju's tiger iterations. pretty cool, huh?
the dragon and phoenix chopsticks are usually given to married couples as a symbol of marital bliss and good luck. it's one of the reasons why zhongchi as a ship blew up so much, since zhongli gave childe a pair of the same chopsticks XD. while it is left ambiguous by hoyo, i'd like to think that this is either ningguang pulling all the stops and telling the reader to just flat out marry her, or is subtly asking them out.
the nickname the reader uses for ningguang is a play on words of sorts. some chinese nicknames shared between friends usually features a pun of sorts or a play on their names ( since chinese names can have similar pronunciations but completely different characters and meanings ). the name used means 'peaceful stroll'.
food in chinese culture is pretty important when it comes to forming bonds as well as to bring people closer. it plays a pretty significant role in festivals for this precise reason as well ( and i find it pretty fascinating since food in itself seems to share that universal value...at least in my culture as well. eating anywhere but at the table was considered pretty disrespectful ).
taglist — @x-zho, @dustofthedailylife, @deus-lapidis, @silentmothss, @nebulaera, @niverine, @aestellia.
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AINE © 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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toytulini · 11 months
listen im ace and im pro kink at pride and whatever, but the way some of yall are wording your posts in response to the backlash against it is uh. really taking me back to the ace shitcourse era.
yall know theres nothing wrong with being a "virgin", right? that its not inherently shameful to have not had sex, to never have sex, even if youre not ace, even if you do want to have sex someday, like, its fine that you haven't had sex?
maybe if your problem is that theyre trying to police your behavior and shame you for expressing your sexuality, you can say that? instead of resorting to "haha stupid virgin gets no bitches" like my god. do you not hear how fucking regressive that attitude is? i know, i know, youre "joking".
get a better joke
#toy txt post#god im going to regret this post im gonna regret it so much i can feel it in my bones#let it flop..........pls#internalize my message let it sink in and understand what i am saying and then let the post flop#i say. knowing the ppl who need to see such a message are the ones who will make me regret this post and regrwt not having#1 million bajillion disclaimers#virgin is in quotes bc its a bullshit made up stupid purity culture concept anyway and quite frankly i hate even seeing the word#disclaimer: the previous sentence is not me saying that it is a slur for asexuals. it is me a single individual saying this specific word#grosses me out to read and see everywhere when its a stupid bullshit binary made up or at least historically largely used#to shame largely women and i dont know why we're still using it in 2023#and ive just been. seeing such an uptick in this whole like. attitude? lately and like#im ace im minorly sex repulsed. mostly about anything sex at me bad. other adults sex at each other consensually? go wild#i like to think im pretty chill about it. i try to be. i think its fine ig to be like 'my meat is huge i fuck so much so good'#like okay not my thing but good for you. love that for you#but then some of yall have started turning it back around back to. 'haha your meat so small and shriveled you get no bitches'#'haha stupid incel virgin' like okay. didnt realize we all went back to fucking. middle school but okay#god im gonna run out of tine to get ready for my thing writing this stupid post UGH evil#but like idk we've kinda circled back to being like haha being a virgin still is stupid and silly and shameful#and if im quite honest. i do think the acecourse played a part in that bc i felt like we were making good progress in like#hey guys is fine to not have sex ever if you dont want to its fine to not want sex its fine#and then aphobes went fucking rabid on us and splintered and destroyed online communities all over but especially on tumblr#and so many aces went back in the closet we stopped talking about it we stopped spreading awareness and now this stupid goddamn like#and now this stupid bullshit attitude is back where its like funny to call someone a virgin as an insult but like no bro trust me its okay#its okay for me to do it bc im a hot queer person with huge meat instead of a cisstraight frat bro with huge meat#? like you know the issue was the behavior right? not the fact that it was straight dudes saying it? its bc the thing being said was shitty?#you know you can dunk on the puritan bitches trying to police your behavior at pride without getting us as collateral damage right#stop making me read that stupid ugly ass word ur not cool or funny#whatever#if you come on to this post to start shit i will not only block you but as many of your mutuals and followers as i can find. i will scroll#i will block this entire fucking website if i need to do not test me. i am exhausted and the acecourse ate up all my tolerance in 2015.
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 6 months
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MAM'ZELLE BONAPARTE (1942), dir. Maurice Tourneur
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 months
So um. During our weekly phone call my sister and I did tier lists and I had her sort Tolkien characters based solely on vibes (she's never read or watched anything Tolkien) and
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You guys
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dcminions · 2 years
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JUSTINE SKYE in GROWN - ISH ( 2022 ) ⏤ S5E3
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evansbby · 25 days
bro now it’s actually pizsing me off the hate this poor young woman is getting for playing Juliet in some random play in London like not even a Hollywood movie but a random play 😭😭
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gellavonhamster · 8 months
If one can set aside, for just a moment, the major objection that Christine de Pizan would have had to Isode’s and Guinevere’s adultery, it is worth observing how they both in fact possess many of the traits she believed made a good queen. Christine advises queens to gain support of powerful people, and both Isode and Guinevere appear to be politically adept, as they secure the support of allies: the barons defend Isode when she drinks from Morgan’s horn, and Guinevere reclaims support after the poisoned apple incident, re-establishing her allies in the roll call that signals her Maying expedition. Christine also promotes charity, and warns princesses not to overindulge in their wealth, one of the main ‘temptacions’ that can plague the rich; while the day-to-day accounting and practical affairs of a queen are rarely, if ever, recorded in romance, Isode demonstrates that she is no slave to wealth when she offers to live with Tristram in poverty, and Guinevere is willing to spend a small fortune on the recovery of Lancelot following his madness. Christine suggests that a sensible queen will ‘tendra discrete maniere meismement vers ceulx que elle saura bien qui ne l’aimeront pas, et qui aront envie sur elle’ [maintain a discreet bearing even towards those who do not like her very much, and who will be jealous of her]. While Christine warns against those who envy queens for their power rather than beauty, her advice might still work as a relevant backdrop for Malory’s two queens, who show no signs of jealousy at all despite being constantly compared to each other by their admirers. The solidarity of women in Le Morte Darthur is also extended between women of different social status: Isode has a good relationship with Brangwain, as well as Guinevere, again adhering to Christine’s advice for ladies, for she stresses the importance of having the favour ‘de tous les estaz de ses subgiez’ [of all the estates/classes of subjects], and, in particular, of ladies in waiting and female companions. While the French Iseut plots against her maid and contemplates killing her at one point, Malory omits this entire episode completely, strengthening my claim that his women may be positioned as much-needed models of civility and empathy for the envy-ridden knights.
— Women of Words in Le Morte Darthur: The Autonomy of Speech in Malory’s Female Characters by Siobhán M. Wyatt
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dreamlanddoll · 4 days
I wish men actually liked women... a lot of them say that they do but they don't realize that they're usually just talking about our bodies.. or how we can serve them.. I want men to look at women and say wow, they're so smart and have so many cool intrests and I love it when a girl is super talented or talks a lot about her passions I want men to want to learn from us and look at our souls instead all I ever see is how much they love our bodies. I don't actually hate men, I think lots of men are great, but I'm always hit with the painful reminder sooner or later that even though they SAY they like women, I know what they mean. They may not realize it, but from mine, and a lot of girls perspectives, it's obvious. And it hurts. It sucks.
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fitzrove · 3 months
Sopranos have it so much easier 😭
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molluskzone · 2 months
and hmmmm maybe i will continue to Instigate. i have talked about the concept of "pick me girls" before on this blog and why i don't like it. and i truly genuinely with all my heart believe that women complaining about "pick mes" are infinitely MORE of a "pick me" than the women they target. you can only repeat the same stuff for so long before you're just seething over nothing, yeah? and honestly, if you're going to claim to be feminist about it, i don't think it's very feminist to claim that everything a woman does, she does because she wants to get "picked" by a man. why do you think men are so special that everything you do needs to revolve around getting one? if a woman is doing something genuinely misogynist, you can call her a misogynist. because a lot of the time when i see whining about "pick mes" its not even a woman whos trying to get men to like her by tearing down other women. it's just a woman who like, thinks makeup is stupid (not misogynistic OR inherently pick-me behavior, because women do not pop out of the womb with a full face), or think girly things are frivolous (maybe you can call her a BITCH but you can't call her a misogynistic pick me girl for that alone). also the "pick me" concept being named after being PICKED (by men) just leads me to this idea that you're not actually mad about her tearing down other women, youre mad about the appeal to MEN since that is what's being centered in your language! and what's more "pick me behavior" than that?
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vandyrix · 1 year
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Pretty robot ladies..
(happy release Atomic Heart btw :>)
Unveiled version:
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shy-little-lesbian · 1 year
Hi hi 🤗
Welcome to my blog! My blog is nsfw so it’s obv 18+. If I can’t find your age after 10 seconds on your blog please leave 🥰
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I tag things randomly and they don’t always make sense but I’ll put some below. They’re really just for me to scroll through my own blog when I’m in one of those mood :p
Pls spam like and spam reblog and message me first 🥰 I’m a ball of nervousness cosplaying as a functioning adult. Try not to hate me if I suck at replying
✨ turn ons✨
Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy
Body worship
Humping, especially thighs and shoes ☺️
Praise, omfg can never get enough
Just a liiittle bit of intox
Pain 😳
Getting asks 🥰
Giving oral
Being called angel, baby, babygirl, darling, doll, little girl, princess, young lady (HELLO ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL MEEEE)
❌ turn offs❌
All the -phobics and -isms
Being called kiddo
💩 and 🤢 and 🩸
Dms from men lol follow or reblog idc but pls don’t talk to me
Humping stuffies. Idk why y’all, they’re my best friends and they’re too innocent for that
Either of those list can change, that’s kinda like the point of this blog
‼️ sex without consent isn’t sex it’s rape
‼️ kink without aftercare isn’t kink it’s abuse
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dolokhoded · 6 months
there is no worse disappointment than getting excited that some media has lesbian rep that isn't fetishizing only to realize they've only made the character a lesbian because they don't deem them attractive enough for the male gaze and they're never actually going to explore their relationship with their sexuality or god forbid them actually being in a relationship
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rimouskis · 7 months
sometimes the gayest girls you know are actually straight women who were your bestie's roommate back in New York City all those years ago who you met at your bestie's wedding over the summer and haven't been able to stop thinking about because she's cool and suave and smart (and a LAWYER) and has a deep voice and is also vegetarian and also doesn't drink and is funny and a good listener and also has a very nice boyfriend 🙄 life isn't fair
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dorkousloris · 2 years
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i got coral island (no oc yet bc i want to create a oc farmer when the full version comes out so its just me the farmer to check it out [and play around!])
...and. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SO MANY PRETT Y PEOPLE, here's the ones who really caught my attention--
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menalez · 2 years
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and almost every single woman using the sound just happens to be dating a man and shows off an ugly ass man as The Good One and The Only Man They’re Attracted To like what 😭😭
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