rafindia · 1 year
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unitile Unifold panels made of steel cementious panels, ideal for heavier products, raised access flooring company, false flooring, flooring for server room, flooring for data centers, flooring for educational buildings, noise neutral flooring
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s India’s no. 1 Raised access floor brand, we have maintained our relentless focus on operational excellence and delivering premium solutions and superior client value. The fervour and commitment of our teams helped us garner numerous achievements and milestones throughout the year.
With our manufacturing facility sprawled across 700,000 sq. ft. of covered area, our production capabilities are focused on precision tuned to perform with maximum efficiency and quality to produce intelligent, sustainable and technologically advanced raised access flooring solutions. In fiscal 2019-20, we have transformed over 70,00,000 sq. ft. in 332 workplaces globally, using leading edge technology and robotic automation. We also are extremely honoured to be associated with brands across various industries 30% clients being from the Indian Fortune 500 companies list 2020. Further expanding our global presence, we recently ventured into new international markets including Vietnam, Maldives, Singapore, UAE and Sri Lanka. 
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torchiiko · 13 days
my sister has school today >:(( i need her to watch me play more pokemon dlc >:((
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searchsystem · 1 year
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Peter Korsman / Autograph / APK Unitile / Typeface / 2020
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melandrops · 9 months
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Words cannot describe how jealous I am over the fact that some people can get FHH digitally at midnight
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nova2cosmos · 9 months
Tw: Blood, Body Horror
After escaping from the human, the "Phantom" of the Ruin Mad Dummy
took more time to find another body due to the fact that the Mew Mew mannequin was not where it was supposed to be,
which is why the "Phantom" was looking for it.
an envelope to possess, entered some unitile trinkets, like small dolls or stuffed animals
cursing the human for what they had done to him, vowing to make them regret trying to kill him
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As time passed and the more he came across dust in every corner, he headed towards the Hall of Judgment, perhaps hoping to find a new body or a way to kill the human.
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But when he arrived, the ghost saw the human fighting against a skeleton, managed to kill the human several times but the latter come back and fight,
and again!
It irritated the Phantom to watch this without doing anything so he decides to take possession of the Skeleton's body before it turns to dust.
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From the moment the Phantom entered the skeleton's body, he received all the amount of information from it, causing him a shock, followed by an indescribable feeling, it was the first time he possessed a “living” body,
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he never felt so alive and
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Sans' memories and emotions had completely merged with those of the ghost, making him a completely different person.
he likes this feeling alive
he loves Jagged and seeing humans day after day, week after dark week in madness each time they fail to escape
“O how good it is to be alive”
Because yes! A new life has been created
a being filled with joy
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Congratulations on your birth into this world,
Welp i did my Best for the Story of MADD Hope you like! Thank you for reading 😀 HIS REFERENCE IS COMING TOMORROW!
Reblog are very welcome
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incorrectneverland · 4 months
Tink: Couldn't help but notice mother's day came and went and you didn't visit your mom.
Hook: She's a busy woman.
Tink: So you rescheduled?
Hook: I would prefer of you minded your own business miss bell.
Tink: Not unitil you realize you can't raise Peter like your mom raised you.
Hook: Why not? I turned out fine.
Tink: Did you? Really?
Hook: Who asked you?
Tink: You did, and now that Im giving you the advice you asked for its suddenly an issue.
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258punkweight · 3 months
i'm gonna eat ice cream unitil i theow up
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merlinreviews · 1 month
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Outdoor spaces are evolving the way they appeal with a modernized touch to it. It is substantial for a flooring system to withstand weather changes as well as the functionality of an outdoor space, for a longer life-span.
Unitile All-Weather Pedestal is geared towards giving the specifier not just a product that meets and exceeds the required specification but also technical and on-site support that ensures the on-time installation. This solution offers a practical passage for pipes and the open gaps between the outdoor tiles allow the water to drain-off into the cavity created under the panels.
The Unitile All-weather pedestal has been designed keeping in mind both aspects. The versatility of the system allows its application to a wide range of spaces such as restaurants, roof-top terrace, balconies, gardens, swimming pools, wall decks and many more.
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Poe went undercover as a tailor. In the salon that specialize in sewing FO uniforms for high ranking officers who wanted to have a little better quality than what's issued but still within regulation. So now main interest of the Resistance is destroying FO uniforms. They have no luck so far as officers usually send requests through holonet or droids. Until they destroyed whole wardrobe of General Hux.
Hux just stormed into salon, furious and irritated that he had to change his schedule. Ignored the receptionist and opened a fitting room. He stood abruptly seeing Poe. Dameron froze thinking he was recognized.
"You are new here" hux huffed annoyed. And Poe breathed out.
"Yeah. I am. What do you need, sir? Maybe something to drink first?"
"No. I don't have much time." Hux gave him his customer card and sat down on the couch. " My order is on the card. Full set."
"Of course. Full set? Was there something wrong with your previous order?"
"No it was perfectly acceptable. Unitil some karking Resistance scum decided to blow it up " Hux hissed. Poe turned around to face the screen just to cover his smirk.
"That's awful"
" It is! Outrageous!" Hux seems to miss the sarcasm that Poe failed to cover.
"Some time ago they wouldn't dare to get so close to a Star Destroyer huh?"
"I am not discussing First Order technology, tactic, movement or plans with you"
"Huh." And Poe though that he was subtle "calm down it was a small talk..."
"You are not paid for talking."
"Right. So. Full set. Just to confirm. It's ten standard uniforms, seven casual thingies, two great coats, two fancy fancy uniforms, bunch of gym sets and...
"How did you get a job here?"
"And a... Robe?" He raised his eyes to meet Hux's glare.
"Yes. A silk one. Actually could you put it on the display?"
"Yeah... " But should i? He though, pressing the screen. A holo robe appeared in the middle of the room.
"I would need one just like that and one shorter."
"How short?" Poe asked automatically his mind blank as he stared at a v-neckline.
"An inch from being inappropriate" Dameron blinked looking at Hux. He cleared his throat modifying the robe in the programme. "Yes. Like that."
"Yeah. Alright so... Two robes. Um it will be ready in two days and would you like it to be sent or you will pick it up?"
"Send it. I don't have time. I am here personally because we were close. Its much more convenient to jump to Hosnian system from here" He stood up. Poe looked at him. To... Hosnian?
"For your effort. " Hux put credits into his hand "But Dameron do not buy weapon for Resistance with these. It would made me look bad" he smirked and headed to the exit leaving Poe alone, confused and not well.
Then he saw a data stick among credits and his heart skipped a beat.
"Kiffing hell " he mutered.
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0-k-4 · 5 months
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notthestarwar · 6 months
For your WIP folder…. Omg it’s so hard to choose. Wonder Soldier AU with Kix?
thank you so much for the ask!!!
omg. this is the one im currently rotating in my brain. im SO VERY obsessed with it.
(im going to ramble so badly here lol pls dont feel you have to read it all but im VERY excited by this au)
ok so. ive been rereading the winter soldier comics. starting from the first reveal of him in captain america onwards. i feel like everyone knows about the 'who the hell is bucky scene' which is a real heartstopper but omg. there are so many moments that didnt make it in to the films. theres just so much feeling there and i see a huge paralell between a lot of stuff bucky goes through and the clones origin.
i'd seen winter soldier au's with various clones before, but there was always something missing for me. on my reread of the comics i realised what it was. the being out of time. finding yourself in the future unexpectedly. having to adapt. getting used to being alone. and then realising you arent. realising that someone you failed to save is here. is still maybe capable of being saved. is such a huge part for me. thats the driver of so much emotion.
and i realised that there IS a part of star wars that makes me feel kinda similar. Kix's story. Kix finds himself waking up in a galaxy that has moved on. theres no room for him anymore. he was once a part of something, but now he isnt. he's never been alone before, but now he is, without question. he is the last of his kind. and after he finds out what happened, his identity as a medic is really threatened. his job was to heal his brothers, to save them. but when it mattered, he couldnt.
so then i started thinking. what would it be like for kix, facing this reckoning, having faced it for a while. finding himself a place in this new world, beginning to fight the first order. beginning to move on from something thats really quite impossible to ever truly move on from. what would it be like for him to face what steve rogers does in those comics?
for anyone that doesnt know, steve and buckys stories in the comics are slightly different. they are brought together because captain america needs a sidekick. they dont know each other before. and bucky is pretty much a kid at the time. he's 16. steve becomes like his older brother as they fight in ww2 with a superhero group called the invaders (pretty much like the avengers) against nazi superheroes and the like, unitil, just at the end of the war, they get captured. steve watches bucky being tortured, he cant stop it, and then when they escape, bucky sacrifices himself. the last thing steve sees before he gets frozen is bucky, just out of steves reach, unable to be saved after sacrificing himself for their cause. steve is awake in the ice in the comics. he has all those years to dwell on it, and when he gets out, the world has moved on and its far far too late to save anyone he knew.
buckys backstory has some real similarities with the clones. he grows up on a military camp, his dad dies when he's like 12 and he ends up staying as a kind of camp mascot. he grows up in the army. violence is every day for him. its all he knows. and when he gets recruited as captain americas sidekick. its all about the image. he is a propaganda tool. there to look like a kid so that other kids want to join up, but trained to be a killer. he is there to do the dirty work that captain america cant be seen doing. he's an assasin from the start. deadly efficient.
buckys return in the comics is delicious. it comes out of nowhere, to the reader and to steve rogers. he has been living in this new world and has accepted that noone will ever really understand him. anyone that survived ww2 looks at it with rose tinted glasses, but in a lot of ways to steve, he's still there. and then comes the winter soldier, a cold war relic, woken up to meet someone elses aims. in a lot of ways, it echos how steve has been working for america, putting out fire after fire, since he got out of the ice. the people around steve put the pieces together before he does and when they try and break it to him, he refuses to hear it. he wont look at their evidence. he simply cant. to know that not only could he not save this younger brother figure, but that while he was frozen, powerless, bucky was taken by the enemy and used in the worst kind of way. made to do things he never would have done (a big part of this is that bucky never would have worked against america. his patriotism was a huge part of his character thanks to his upbringing, which his handlers knew and found pretty funny. they used him to fight america because it was ironic). like omg. the paralells there! with the clones being raised to serve the republic, being raised to know nothing but loyalty because alll they knew was the military. and then having chips in their heads force them to do the last thing they ever would have done? again and again?
steve refuses to believe that its bucky. but we begin to see that he knows. he's just in denial. he fights the winter soldier and we have the 'who the hell is bucky moment' and then, his denial is shattered in the worst possible way. a dossier is delivered to him holding records from the winter soliders handlers from the start. he has to see the cold and impersonal documentation of the ppl that ripped his brother, his best friend, from death (from peace) so that he could be used against his country. he'd forgotten everything about who he was, all he had was the muscle memory of this fight. he could still fight. he was still a killer. these files document a kind of sick amusement from his handlers at his situation. his drs talk about him like he's an object for testing. (there are so many paralels here with the kamineese, palpatine, jango and how they treat the clones). worse than this. the files show that even without his memory, bucky fought them. during a mission in america he dropped off the radar, confused and lost, but trying to find something of himself. at this point they start wiping his memory after each mission and keeping him in stasis. he is no more than a tool. the whole thing is heart wretching. i know the movie version touched a lot of ppls hearts but. oh my god. it doesnt even touch the surface.
that feeling. those vibes. are the backbone of this au.
kix is beginning to move on. and then, the first order pull out the winter soldier. kix fights him and he's caught. because this stranger, decades after the last clone died, fights just like a clone. and against his will kix is just. pulled in. it feels like one last link to his brothers. he needs to know who trained this assasin. he needs to know more. this guy is like a ghost. the more he finds out the further he feels from any answers. what he finds. well none of it fits together. this guy has been doing this for decades. is he the first winter soldier? was he the one trained by a clone or was that his predecessor? his predecessors predecessor. kixs new war continues, as he investigates. this is simply a side quest. research to resolve his own curiosity.
and then, kix is fighting yet another battle. and in comes this guy. and as they fight, it gets to the point where its just kix and this assasin and the guys mask falls off. and he's a clone. and its an impossibility. its not something kix ever let himself imagine. how can there possibly be a clone here? how can he possibly be so young. he's hardly physically older than kix, in statis all these years, and the guy runs and kix is left. just. shellshocked. he goes back to his research. it doesnt make any sense.
time passes and kix realises who this winter soldier is. he knows him. not only that. he knows exactlly how they are controlling him. its the chips. the chips that kix was unable to save his brothers from. he woke up here and he thought it was too late for anything. his brothers long dead. him, unable to save any of them. he's a medic but he was not enough. yet. here is a chance. a chance at redemption. a brother, just one, that still needs saving. that kix has a chance of saving. and if he does. its someone that will understand. someone who knows what it is to be a clone. someone who knows what it is to wake up in a new galaxy, after years of stasis against your own will. its a chance.
the story deals with kix trying to face this. the whole thing is just like. emotional turmoil. he's given himself a impossible task. he's trying to save someone that does not want saving and very much wants to kill kix. in doing so he's having to face all this trauma and shit he had just accepted living with. and even worse. he gets to see a chipped clone in action. the lack of self preservation, the lack of control. kix gets to see what it would have been like for every one of their brothers. and he has to face that. its a journey thats kinda agonising. lots to face up to. lots to be dealt with. bad situation all round.
im so sorry for how long ive rambled but. oh my god im so utterly obsessed with this. its taken root in side me. the idea. the thought of them. gives me a feeling in my chest thats just. beyond words.
theres another post where i talk about it here also here
im just...screaming. the whole thing makes me want to scream and bite and never stop
ive yet to actually write anything that i can share loool cause ive just been chewing over the idea HOWEVER rest assured once i have something i'll be sharing it on here lol cause i need to yell about this au as much as possible
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gdbot · 1 year
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Peter Korsman / Autograph / APK Unitile / Typeface / 2020 https://ift.tt/fkjDMLs Telegram: https://t.me/gdesignbot
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sunrisesinthesuburbs · 4 months
swore to myself I wouldn’t write another AU again but I have this two prompts swimming in my head and they’re gonna keep swimming unitil I give in won’t they
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