#USA Networks
vintage1981 · 2 years
Chucky Season 2 Inside Look: Wanna Pray? | Chucky TV Series | USA Network and SYFY
Don Mancini takes us behind the scenes of Chucky Season 2, which was inspired by "Catholic-based horror movies" such as The Omen and The Exorcist as well as Don's own Catholic upbringing. It's all-new mayhem, and even more murder as Chucky is unleashed upon a community of priests, nuns, and troubled students. Chucky Season 2 premieres on October 5.
Watch the Season 2 premiere of Chucky, October 5th at 9/8c on SYFY and USA Network.
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mysharona1987 · 4 months
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Forget Aaron Bushnell. These men are not mentally well.
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tvneon · 3 months
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saulwexler · 1 year
white collar goes so hard because they will stop at NOTHING to close cases that usually dont matter at all. like, enjoy the steep fine i hope forging antique bottles was worth it 😈 the stakes have never been lower. its about the journey
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faentasy-paesta · 4 months
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
I'm curious since you've been reblogging Suits stuff -- did you watch/get into any other USA network shows?
oh god i watched basically anything usa network put out for a while
white collar
cover affairs
fairly legal
in plain sight
common law (rip it could have been so good)
burn notice
i didn't watch royal pains or mr. robot consistently but they were still on the radar
i think the only big one from that time that i didn't get into was monk
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cozylittleartblog · 3 months
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thena0315 · 5 months
[VIDEO] BTS Secrets of SVU on USA
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the-lady-maddy · 30 days
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nando161mando · 17 days
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girls-are-weird · 12 days
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so, when i set out to make my new desktop background, i KNEW i wanted to make it with these promo pictures because i love them all so much-- this is my favorite photoshoot from the show. problem was, i asked around, and no one seemed to have any idea where to find the full set (or more than a handful of them, at least). apparently they'd been swallowed by the black hole at the center of the internet in the years since the show ended.
and then, the next day, i checked an old hard drive of mine, and imagine my surprise when i found A WHOLE BUNCH OF THEM just sitting pretty right there in my psych images folder. so i figured i'd return them to the fandom, since everyone was so nice as to try and look for them when i asked.
these are just the shawn and chief vick ones, due to tumblr limitations. lassie, gus, henry, and juliet are in a separate post. or i also uploaded them to a folder on my website, so you can just see all of them there.
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thenightfolknetwork · 4 months
To the Announcer of The Nightfolk Network. I know in this day and age I should not give out personal information. Especially more so with these correspondence potentially being read to the country. But I feel I should clarify who I am first, as that is linked with my problem. I am, or I was, The Boy in Bronze. Yes, the statue that was in the Royal collection that was discovered to be a person in-cased in bronze as I was released accidentally. I still feel bad for the staff I frightened. As you know, I was sealed by my Mas- I mean, the late Lord Crawford. The inventor and scientist who, as I have learnt through recent education, has been remembered more in infamy. It has been an adjustment. One moment I was standing in the lab as Mas- I mean, Lord Crawford, explained about a work he was to present for Queen Victoria's wedding. The next I was on the ground in a bright place whilst people in unusual garbs were staring. Some holding up these... mirrors? I know they are called smartphones, but it was still confusing. Now, I was helped. Apparently I was not the first person, or entity, to be thrown through time. Though admittedly, my method of travel was unique, I was connected to my many great nephew and his partner? is that the right term? Back then they would have been bachelors. I guess that is some of the main issues I am having. Not with them, no no. Back during the era, the monsters. No, sorry. The Creature Community, wasn't that visible? I mean, people were aware of them, but I never knew them or the terms they have now. And back then, well... it was not a kind time. It was a surprise to learn the old village baker from back then was in the community as I ran into them whilst seeing the village nowadays, though it was nice getting to talk to someone who I knew back then. And I am surprised that after I was gone my family had changed to include Liminal Folks (Is that correct?) and they have been more than kind. My, I hate calling him and his partner nephews as they are older than me, I have taken to calling them uncles as they are older and referring to them as Mister feels... too formal. They have been kind and very forth coming with so much, even when I have made comments that apparently are not... correct, particularly with their Genera, that is the term right? An example would be I never knew there were werewolves who can change not only during the full moon, but even at will, Or that Giants are not blood driven animals only seeking food.
I am sorry. Everything has changed. And I rather like these changes. I just need to try and understand sometimes. Well this is my problem. I know that mas- I mean, Lord Crawford was a horrible man. Even by the standards of the time as he was executed following his grotesque experiments on many both in and out of the Liminal community. And I am not excusing that, far from it. The problem is, people speak to me about him, or how I should feel of him. But. It was different. I was his valet. Lord Crawford had sponsored me, giving my family payment as he had me clothed, educated, and served him. That was how it was back then. An example would be whilst studying for O-level examinations (And can I say how impressive it is that everyone has the access to education) there was mention on figures of the era, and people asked me about my experience living with Lord Crawford, or how as a member of the creature community how I could stand being in his presence back then. I just, how can I explain I am not a member of this community as I am human? How I am not one of Master Crawford's victims and what he had done to me was nothing compared to those he tortured and killed. I mean, being frozen as a statue was not that bad. I just... how do I explain what happened to me is nothing compared to the others who were hurt? I hope this letter does not bother you. With kind regards, The Former Boy in Bronze
First of all, dear reader, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the hard work you're putting into learning the new social and political norms to which you have awakened. It is no easy feat to adjust to a world so changed, and I'm glad your uncles are able to correct you with kindness when you It
It may help to understand why others consider you to be a member of the community. The interpretation rests on a rather significant shift in how liminal folk define and discuss themselves since you were last awake.
At the time of your encasement, Darwin's theories of evolution were sending shockwaves through the scientific community, and the dominant framework for understanding liminality was as an evolutionary, biological difference, inherent in certain bodies.
We can still see that framework influencing our language today. We talk about “genuses” as if they represent profound, biological distinctions. But that thinking only takes us so far. In what sense are the risen dead a different genus than their more vital siblings? Is a sapio who becomes haematophagic now a different species, or not?
Currently, the dominant framework for understanding liminality is a great deal broader, and concentrates primarily on experience. A person might consider themselves to be liminal after growing up in a mixed-genus family, for example, even if they themselves were sapio. The same goes for magical practitioners or people who experience liminality as a result of their work.
With all that said, you certainly don't have to ascribe to a liminal identity if you don't find it helpful. Neither do you have to identify as a victim if that word feels inaccurate to your experiences. Other people in your position might describe themselves as “survivors” of magical violence, while others still prefer not to incorporate the experience into their identity at all.
All of these positions are valid, and I encourage you to explore the language that feels right for you. This language might change over time, and that's perfectly alright too. You aren't beholden to anyone to talk about yourself and your experiences in a particular way if you don't want to.
And if you are not beholden to using certain language, you are especially not beholden to feeling certain emotions just because others expect them of you. Nobody can dictate to you how you “ought” to feel about Lord Crawford or his actions.
It is perfectly natural for you to feel conflicted or complicated about your former master's treatment of you. Have you considered talking the matter through with a professional? Our understanding of mental health and well-being have also come a long way since you were last with us, and I think you could really benefit from exploring your feelings more deeply.
Talk to your uncles about accessing some counselling or therapy, and take some time to reflect and consider what language you want to use about yourself. That way, you'll be well-placed to offer a polite correction to people who mistake your identity in the future.
Finally, I would like to push back gently on your assertion that what happened to you was “nothing” compared to the other people Lord Crawford hurt. Suffering is, unfortunately, not a finite resource. There is more than enough to go around. Acknowledging the harm done to you does not diminish the harm done to others – it only does yourself a disservice.
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mysharona1987 · 6 months
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Nothing but respect for Brock Lesnar’s genes. They are unstoppable.
She is literally breaking sports records.
When the aliens invade, she will inevitably be the person we call.
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blush-and-books · 1 month
7x01 ending with amy winehouse's "back to black" and cutting from donna alone in her office and smiling at her and harvey's can opener while he speeds off to kiss dr. agard and the part of the song is "you'll go back to her"... this was a targeted act of violence
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Audrey McCabe at MMFA:
Turning Point Action senior director and Arizona state Rep. Austin Smith was named last week in a complaint alleging that he forged dozens of signatures, names, and addresses on his petitions to qualify for the state’s GOP primary ballot in July, quickly sparking a scandal that led the candidate to drop out of the race and resign from his position at TP Action just days later. Yet, for all of right-wing media’s handwringing about voter fraud in recent election cycles, a Media Matters analysis found no mentions of those allegations between April 15-23 on Fox News, One America News, and Newsmax — conservative cable outlets that have repeatedly peddled and fixated on debunked instances of supposed voter fraud.
An Arizona state representative and Turning Point Action official has been accused of forging signatures on a ballot qualification petition
According to an April 15 complaint filed by one of Smith’s constituents in state Superior Court, the first-term lawmaker “personally circulated multiple petition sheets bearing what appear to be forged voter signatures” in handwriting that bore a “striking resemblance” to his own. Additionally, several purported signers provided declarations claiming that they never signed Smith’s petitions. 
In a statement posted on X (formerly Twitter) on April 18, Smith refuted the allegations and announced that he would withdraw his candidacy to avoid the legal fees required to defend himself in court. (That same day, Smith resigned from his position at Turning Point Action.) He also claimed that the complaint was part of a “coordinated attack” and a “well-organized effort.” But as Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts noted, “If, in fact, this was some Democratic conspiracy to chase an innocent man from the Legislature, it’s curious that Smith wouldn’t defend himself. More curious still is the fact that not a single Republican legislator has called for his resignation in light of his refusal to answer allegations of election fraud.” Smith repeatedly claimed that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, and on the eve of the January 6, 2021, insurrection — in a now-deleted post on X — Smith reportedly urged his followers to not “get comfortable” and “fight like hell.” 
In a recent post, Smith promoted a colleague running against Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, a Republican official scorned by pro-Trump figures for pushing back on false election fraud narratives in his county. 
The same right-wing media outlets who bellyache about supposed "voter fraud" are silent that a TPUSA-affiliated Turning Point Action senior director and Arizona State Rep. Austin Smith (R) forged signatures to get on the ballot.
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