#Ultimate Guide to Types of Drugs
youremyheaven · 1 year
The 12th House in Astrology 🧜‍♀️🧚‍♀️ 🦋
(this can apply to both tropical and vedic placement of 12th house because regardless of the system employed, the energy felt and experienced is the same :-)
Most people have a lot of prejudice about the 12h and its energies. There is a largely negative portrayal of it in the mainstream astro community and very little nuanced discussion of the same. So, I thought I'd make a post exploring the 12th and final house in astrology and add more to the existing narrative regarding it.
The 12h is commonly described as the house of loss, liberation, isolation and decline
This house is said to governs misery, waste, expenses as well as divine knowledge, sympathy, Moksha (final emancipation) and life after death. It is also the house of detachment.
Now those are a lot of very contradictory terms. How could a house govern both loss and divine knowledge?
The 12th house and water houses (4h, 8h & 12h) in general are very complex and easily misunderstood. The thing about water is that it has no shape or form of its own, it takes the form of whatever vessel its poured into. another thing about water is that its the most easily polluted element. Water energy is one that must be precariously balanced because these natives easily absorb the influence of others (good or bad), this is one reason why the 12h is the house of "loss" because it truly is the death of the individual. you know those quotes about "i am an amalgamation of every person ive met, every book ive read, every song i loved...." 12housers are actually built like that.
being a 12h native can be rewarding because you absorb absolutely everything like a cosmic sponge but on the other hand, its very easy to lose all sense of self.
especially natives with 12h stelliums may often find it difficult to not take everything so personally. this is not because they think the world revolves around them but because its hard for them to separate themselves from others and their actions. they're personally of the type where everything they say or do is tailored specifically to the person they're interacting with. they may not even be aware that they're doing this, they pick up on energies almost by osmosis and guide their conduct that way. however they must realize that this is peculiar to them and is not something others are naturally accustomed to doing.
there is a reason why Venus exalts in the 12h. you lose all sense of self and give yourself completely to your lover with utmost devotion. love is sacred and profound to them, they will do absolutely anything for their love. which is why they have to be so careful with picking their partners. they have limitless capacity for giving but if you give to the wrong person, you'll be drained. when you merge with the right person, your cup never goes empty with your giving because your union satiates you completely.
if we were to think of houses 1 to 11 as a path of linear development, starting with the 1st house of self & identity and ending with the 11th house of friendship, community & legacy, then we will understand that after an individual goes through all these stages, the only thing left for them to do is seek liberation from this cycle; this is why 12h is the house of Moksha. once you've fulfilled your material desires, you will feel a lack in your life and the only thing left to do is pursue the path of spirituality. Moksha is however not given to one; one must strive for it.
this journey is a deeply personal one and liberation from one's ego and earthly pursuits is far from easy. no matter what these natives do, ultimately, they wont feel satisfied unless they've nourished themselves spiritually.
sometimes these natives may indulge in drugs or other substances to fill the void but as they evolve they will understand what theyre truly yearning for is the spiritual truth.
more often than not, these natives experience "spiritual awakenings" completely unprompted. god decides its time and it happens. much of their early life can be very dark and this "awakening" marks the beginning of a shift in their life. this happens in stages depending on the level of their spiritual evolution.
the 12th house is the house of isolation because what these natives experience is not something that others can understand easily. they are the most likely to develop psychosomatic conditions, simply because their energetic body is so susceptible to influence.
think of the vast endless ocean. can one individual possibly drink up all of that water? its absurd to even consider it. thats kind of what its like to be a 12h native. there's a limitless reservoir to tap into, the energy is so vast that its confusing and disorienting and you have no idea what to do with it. its very easy to be misguided as well. this is why its the house of decline. you have to constantly be on the look out in order to avoid the pitfalls, otherwise its easy to stagnate and easy to harm yourself.
There is a Latin quote that goes as follows:
"What nourishes me, destroys me"
This sums up 12th house energy pretty much. Its the energy of opposites and paradoxes. You need this endless reservoir to function, its the thing that feeds you but if you're not careful, it can also lead you to your own ruin.
Fun fact: Angelina Jolie has this quote tattooed on her. She is a Revati Moon. Pisces occupies the 12th house.
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remember that Pisces' symbol is of two fishes swimming in opposite directions. this shows that the innate nature of these natives is to be torn between polarising energies and opposing forces. it is a balancing act to say the least.
these natives are easily misunderstood, simply because there is SO much to them. whatever you think they are, thats what they're not.
going back to the cosmic ocean metaphor, its easy to see how such abundance can feel like an excess and lead to misery and wastefulness. its simply a LOT to handle, not just for others but even for these natives themselves. this is one reason why so many of these natives tend to keep to themselves.
even the more sociable 12h natives often have an interior life that no one will know about, they have a whole another side to them that they keep separate, just because they want to assert complete ownership of this private side as something that belongs only to them and the other, more "public" side that they give to others.
these natives are the most empathetic and if you look at the charts of most "legendary" actors, they'll either have pisces/12h luminaries. empathy does not quite cut it, they can not only feel what others are feeling but embody it fully and experience it as their own. this is what makes them incredible actors. even non-actor 12h natives process things this way and often find that others around them are insensitive or lacking the same capacity. they do not understand why others don't feel as deeply as they do or understand situations the way they do. they find society at large to be very callous and apathetic.
a 12th house native is also capable of feeling apathy and absolute indifference but this is very selective; the 12h is the house of detachment because as it is, they're tethered to the world by a thin cord and are only very mildly connected to things. they're in this world but seldom inhabit it. another side to this is that they're wildly imaginative. although mercury debilitates in the 12h, it does not affect the native too badly, as they simply channel their thoughts into other forms. they are gifted at communicating abstract ideas and make excellent artists due to the same reason. robbed of any sense of what is "practical" or "realistic", they roam free in the realm of the mind. many abstract, surrealist and expressionist artists have either Pisces or other water sign placements in their big 3.
these natives live a life of non-being, as they're already so detached from everything, including themselves; this is not negative on its own and will manifest differently for different individuals; this can mean that they're extremely empathetic or detached to the point of inaction and passivity in extreme cases; they dont find a lot of things to be meaningful and its hard for them to apply themselves because of it. this gives us a glimpse of what life is like after death.
the 12th house also represents spirituality, introspection, foreign travels, hidden enemies, & the subconscious mind and it is the house of endings and undoing.
12th house natives are always intrigued by all things foreign, they feel like they do not belong to the place they're from and feel connected to cultures and people that are foreign to them. since they themselves feel like an alien or are made to feel that way, they feel naturally at ease in foreign places and cultures where everything is alien. they often settle overseas.
these natives court attention wherever they go, because the 12h energy is a very distinct and potent one. a lot of celebrities have it and its a very common fame indicator. due to this reason, they also attract enemies who remain unknown to them. these natives are seldom if ever, engaged in actual feuds with people and if they are, its usually for righteous reasons or because the other person started it. theyre wayyyy too peace loving and lowkey to pick fights with others. this is why they dont know who is speaking ill of them behind their back. they're always minding their own business and it surprises them that others are not doing the same.
everybody is guided by their subconscious and one major part of spirituality is to try and make ourselves more conscious. 12h representing spirituality (the cosmic ocean) makes even more sense considering its opposite (2 fishes swimming in opposite directions) which is the unknown, the subconscious. to be spiritual means to seek truth and to seek answers and swim towards the subconscious to shed light to it and understand it better.
lastly, it is the house of endings and undoing. 12h being the final concluding house represents the end of the cycle. when a cycle ends, the energy is of a complete transformation. only when something has reached completion can it come to an end. the butterfly does not emerge unformed but as a completely fully formed butterfly. the end marks the beginning. the 12h gives way to the 1h.
the creature in the cocoon was not a butterfly. it only became a butterfly when it emerged from the cocoon and to do so means loss of an old identity, loss of self, loss of all that you've ever known. this is your undoing. in order to become somebody else, in order to ascend, we have to be willing to undo ourselves. this is essential to any spiritual practice. we have to rid ourselves and our flimsy shell of identity in order to grow further.
for the same reason, 12housers are constantly transforming. they're the type of people who seem to have lived 10 different lives in one. be it their style, lifestyles, jobs, you name it, they're constantly undoing and transforming themselves. it seems to be the only way they know how to live. once theyve gathered all they can at one place, they outgrow it and change themselves almost entirely afterwards as they venture into something new.
thats it for now. i hope this shed some light on the 12h condition hehe<333
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Read Your Diary
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Summary: You were Neil’s ultimate desire. He had fantasized about being with you since they day he met you. After following you, knowing your routines, where you live, where you work, who your family is. It all becomes too much when he finds your diary and he can’t resist himself anymore, he had to have you.
Warnings: Stalking, Noncon, choking, gagging, brief mention of physical abuse, brief mention of pregnancy, drugging, kidnapping, stealing, bondage
Heavily inspired by Read Your Diary from Maneskin
Brought you some roses, you didn't take them
So I shed a tear.
Neil didn’t understand.
When you came into the store to ‘visit him’, yesterday you had thrown away the roses he had delivered for you, granted he did send them anonymously but that wasn’t the point. He expected you to know and realize how long it took for him to design the display in which they’d be delivered.
How did you not care that they were from him after he went weeks in asking you random questions that didn’t seem suspicious, one of them being the type of flowers you like. He had included your top five in the variation.
What did he have to do to get you to take interest in him? For you to understand that no one was going to love you like he did. No one understood you or your thoughts like he did.
Now here he sat squatted behind a car, watching intently, waiting for you to stroll out in whatever beautiful outfit you wore today.
It was agonizing for him to only be able to watch your every move from a distance.
When he’d see you bring other guys back to your place his stomach would twist in disgust, his heart rate would increase as anger would take over his entire being.
To Neil, you were destined to be with him and you still didn’t see it after the months of him constantly going out of his way to be nice to you, giving you discounts, giving you money just to treat yourself after he could tell you were stressed from moving.
What did a sweet guy like him have to do to win you over.
He slid the blacked out shades he was wearing off when he realized your bathroom light was on, and the window was filled with steam.
Not being able to resist, he glanced around at his surroundings, and when he deemed the coast clear, he jogged over to the side of your house where no one could see but him. His own special viewing that was only for him.
As you stepped out of the shower his breathing hitched in his throat.
Your body was soaked and dripping with water.
The droplets curved down your delicate nipples and rounded boobs.
What Neil would do for the chance to just lay his head on those clouds of perfection.
Guiding his eyes down, they dilated following your naval to your sweet cherry pie, he could feel his mouth begin to salivate with lust as he watched you gently dry your precious folds.
What he would do to see his manhood rubbing up and down between them, he imagined it would feel like a warm hug.
Not being able to resist, he pulled out his phone from his pocket, aiming the camera and the perfect angle snapping a photo of your desirable body while your face was angled to the ground and youre dampened hair flowing over your shoulder.
The next few he took consisted of zoomed in photos of your well-rounded ass, your perfect tits, and that beautiful, accentuated face that he wanted so badly to kiss or even touch.
Counting the hours, counting the seconds
'Till I can feel your bones
There is a diamond on your pillow
When you're coming home
Neil had stayed hidden behind a bush next to your house as he watched you leave.
Once out of sight, he made his way to the side door that you never locked no matter how many times he had told you it wasn’t safe just to keep your house open to anyone.
Maybe you meant it as an invitation, maybe you wanted him to come into your home, so he happily obliged.
The scent of your tea leaf perfume was overwhelming for Neil, he was very sensitive, and your aura injected into his blood stream in a way he couldn’t explain.
Taking in a strong deep sniff, his eyes rolled to the back of his longing mind.
Being surrounded by all your belongings and the way you set up for him to invade your own personal privacy sent an electric current of desire through his bones. He spoke lowly, and dark to himself.
“My sweet Y/N. You’re going to be the death of me.”
Making his way up the stairs after taking his time inspecting the down. He found your sanctuary where he could picture you laying in your bed, pleasuring yourself, moaning his name.
He felt his cock twitch in his pants imagining the sight of you naked, touching yourself, and begging for him.
He rushed toward your bed, laying in the blankets, squeezing them tightly against his chest.
As he continued to caress the bedding, he felt a bump when his hand shifted toward the end of the bed. The object felt hard, almost like a book.
Curiosity consuming him, he unraveled the blankets to reveal the place where your deepest, darkest secrets lived. Your diary.
He didn’t hesitate to open it and start reading as he layed back down in your ever so comfortable bed, beginning to read the excerpts.
September 3
“Today I finally finished moving and I feel so tired. I stumbled into a video store where there was a cute but slightly awkward owner. Definitely did not seem masculine. I think he was attempting to flirt with me. But it would have never worked out, I can’t see myself being with someone who still acts like a child.”
Neil scoffed is disbelief, he was hurt. The only positive thing you wrote about him was that he was cute, but why not anything else? Why did you keep coming back to the video store then? He needed to know as he flipped to the next page, reading it with intent fulfilled eyes.
September 10
“It’s been three weeks, I’ve made so many new friends, and there was a hot guy named Tony that seemed to take interest in me that I met at a club.”
Neil remembered him, you had the audacity to bring him into the video store, he knew you were trying to make him jealous. From day one he could tell you wanted to play hard to get. He flipped to the next page.
September 17
“The guy at the video store, I think he said his name is Neil. He’s been asking me an awful lot of questions some personal, some not. However he’s been really nice and giving me discounts at the store, and he gives me compliments, a lot of them every time I’m there. It’s overwhelming sometimes and I try to play it off as I don’t mind but he gives off annoying vibes sometimes.”
He flipped to the next page. You didn’t understand yet, but you would. Neil was determined you would understand soon, what it’s like to be loved.
October 1
“I think I discovered that I like to be choked last night, it felt thrilling. Now if only I could find a way to have the courage to tell Tony I want to be degraded in bed, tied up, just used and owned completely. Something about the thought of having no where to go, and tied up at a man’s mercy sends shivers down my spine.”
Neil could feel his bulge start to harden in his pants. He couldn’t get off here in your bed, it’d be too noticeable, but he felt he was bursting at the seams.
Surely you wouldn’t notice if he took your diary with him, and studied it just for one night. It was obvious your mind was pre occupied. Maybe you’d think about him and how you can’t write about him and it would drive you crazy because he took your diary.
He wanted you to overthink about him, for him to be stuck in your head. Maybe this was a good way for it to happen.
Not being able to resist or stop himself, when he was out one day he had been thinking about you and spotted a necklace he couldn’t resist buying.
It was a diamond letter N, that held a small heart dangling off the letter. He pulled it from his pocket and rested it underneath your pillow.
If this didn’t get the point across that he was in love with you he didn’t know what would.
He had gotten off in your bathroom shooting his seed into your toilet before he had exited through your bedroom window.
He had hoped the diary and some other items he borrowed went unnoticed at least for a little while.
He heard your car door pull in the driveway when he was halfway out the window, it sounded like you had been crying. It took everything in him not to stay and comfort you, be there for you but he knew now wasn’t the right time.
If you could just look at him the way he did at you.
You should’ve listened to him that Tony was bad news.
You had been exhausted once you finally got home.
Walking into the house, you went to straight to your room, laying on the bed you had missed so much.
Work was ever lasting and Tony had bailed on you. The thought of him talking to another girl had entered your mind as he had been cancelling a lot but your mind went a different way once your fingers curled underneath your pillow.
A necklace that looked unfamiliar to you lay there, could he have brought a girl to your house while you were gone, did he buy you a necklace and mix up the names? The racing thoughts were never ending, it was a beautiful piece of jewelry but not yours.
You were just hoping that the party Neil had invited you too a few weeks ago would boost your mood and take your mind off of things as it was tomorrow night.
Clutching the piece of jewlery to the other side of the room you wept into your pillow until you had fallen asleep.
Alone, I've been waiting
So long, it's true
Dance in your shoes, read your diary to
Get inside of you, you, you
Forever and ever and ever
When Neil arrived home for the night his head was still spinning in euphoria just from the thought of you, and all the things he stole from your room.
He couldn’t stop himself for feeling concern over your well being. Hearing you cry made his heart ache. But Neil had a plan, that would change everything and you’d be happy forever and always.
Your diary endlessly helped him with this plan that would soon be unraveled.
Tossing your belongings on his dresser he took a good look at himself in the mirror.
Glancing at his silky brown hair, running his fingers through the strands before flipping it to the side and pointing at himself in a confident manner.
He caressed his hand down his delicate features until his eyes fell to his pink, plush lips.
Standing in front of the mirror, he slowly removed the bottle of lipstick, feeling every inch of the small container like it was a forsaken treasure.
All the times he’s seen your lips painted in the cherry red bloom making your soft lips look ever so inviting. It was difficult for him to think about anything else but his lips on yours and destroying that pretty little mouth with his dick.
He groaned in frustration, and stared down at the seductive color before bringing it up to his lips, applying it in the way he had imagined you do every day before you come and play hard to get at his store.
He lay on his bed opening your diary reading a few more excerpts before carrying on with his night while holding the dirty laced pink panties he had stolen to his lips just underneath his nose.
October 3
“I pondered into the video store once again. It’s been occupying me from the homesickness I’ve endured since moving. Neil, asked me out today and maybe it was rude but I laughed. Not to be mean but because I took it as a joke I only view him as a friend.” Neil remembered that moment very distinctly, he didn’t take it to heart, he knew you’d come around.
October 7
“I’ve been so aroused as of lately and I’m not sure what it is. I need to be dominated, I want to be dominated and ruined completely. Just imagining drooling, and gagging on a man who could easily break me. I need someone masculine.” His growing member now throbbed, he had to read more. Had to experience more moments with you.
Not being able to contain himself he pulled his rock-hard member out spitting in his palm, he held your underwear in place underneath his hand as he began to rub slowly.
October 11
“My new vibrator came in the mail, I didn’t know an orgasm could feel so good. A man definitely couldn’t make a woman feel that way, at least not in my experience. My folds were soaked, and my back arched, I heard myself moan and it sounded desperate while my legs were spread a part, just waiting for a man to fill my empty void since Tony rarely wanted to. I just wanted to feel completely whole.” His strokes became faster.
He dropped the diary and pulled out his phone.
Cried on your nudes, wearing your perfume
Now I taste like you, you, you
Forever and ever and ever
Clicking the play button on his radio that sat by his bed, the disc began to play. He had burned every song you have talked to him about that you enjoy. He scrolled through the photos section and pressed on the album he labeled with your name, there was absolute divinity in the photos of you, so unaware of how enticing you were and attractive.
His strokes became faster, and faster as he stared at your peach shaped ass curve so sweetly.
How could your skin look so soft and, welcoming for him to take as he pleases.
Those delicate folds made his mouth water as he was imagining having you pressed against the wall, fucking you.
He was imagining you sitting on his lap bouncing up and down on his dick, moaning his name.
As he was coming to his high tears brimmed at his eyelids before they rolled down his heated cheeks.
He wanted you desperately , he loved you and it made him upset that you had been with other men, that they had the luxury to fuck your amazing body senseless.
Shooting his load, he covered your panties in his seed yet he couldn’t stop crying as he was moaning. Disparity and jealousy fulfilled him, and when the chance comes tomorrow night, he was going to use it to his full extent.
Show me the lovin', the lovin', the lovin'
That you'll never give to a man
I'm not a coward, I'm not a hero
But I can be your toy
I'll be the pill that you wanna swallow
When you're looking for the joy
Doing a once over in your mirror, you studied your makeup and dress ensuring that you looked good to your high standards before leaving your house to go to Gumshoe.
You were in a black dress and heels, your hair flowing freely over your shoulder.
When you arrived all of Neil’s friends were there, and you felt like the odd one out when you took into account that you were the only female.
“Y/N! You don’t know how happy I am that you made it!” Neil pulled you into a tight huh, nuzzling his head into your neck, making you uncomfortable.
“Wouldn’t miss this for the world.” You responded awkwardly.
You approached the table to get a drink, as you wanted to drink your endless sorrow away about Tony and just try to have fun.
A couple hours had passed and you could feel yourself needing to break the seal.
“Neil do you mind watching my drink for me I need to use the little girls room.”
“Of course sweetheart. Anything for you.” He winked at you and was in awe at the sight of seeing you a smile he swore that he saw a tint of blush on your cheeks when you walked away.
This was the perfect moment, and he was going to take it no matter how risky it was.
Glancing over the counter to make sure you had gone in the restroom, Neil dropped the pill into your drink, his nerves getting the best of him, he was already feeling the arousal that in just a few hours he’d have you all to himself as destiny wanted.
When you returned you thanked him, and began to talk about how your week has been going as if he didn’t already know while you sipped on your drink.
It had been about fifteen minutes later and you were about to get your second drink.
Dizziness took over your body and Neil saw you stumble from across the room.
He rushed over to your side, acting as if he was worried.
“Y/N, what’s wrong are you alright?” You shook your head back and forth, looking to him with a lost and worried gaze.
Neil informed his friends that he was going to escort you home as you weren’t feeling good.
Passing the guy who gave him the pill on his way out he winked at him non-conspicuously.
Outside it was a cold and windy, he hadn’t seen anyone looking when he helped you into the passenger side of his car.
When he sat you down he watched as you fell into unconsciousness, your head dropping against the seat.
He smiled to himself as his plan had worked.
Alone, I've been waiting
So long, it's true
When you awoke your head was spinning and you felt nauseous. The first thing you saw was Neil sitting beside you with a glass of water and an advil.
He hadn’t wanted to do this to you, to drug you but he was doing whatever he had to to get you to understand that he was the man for you, the only man. After tonight you two shall never part.
“I’ll be back in just a moment, I have a surprise for you.” You nodded, smiling softly.
Neil could be so sweet and you wished the feelings he shared for you were mutual but you just weren’t there yet.
Roaming around his room, there movies of posters, cds scattered across his dresser, it was the complete nerd hideout but surely he had to have some kind of secret in here.
Standing on your feet quietly you made your way over to his dresser. The wooden object was filled with comics, articles of clothing you had seen him wear so many times. Nothing surprising there.
You didn’t find anything in his closet and then you took to looking underneath the bed. There was nothing but empty pop bottles, and a half eaten snickers.
That was when you heard the door open.
“Hey I’m ba-“
In a fast movement you awkwardly stood up and accidentally bumped into his night stand, sending one of the drawers flying open.
What you saw sent a wave of fear and anxiety through out your chest.
There were photos of you, some nude, some not. One of them you noticed was at your brother’s wedding. How, how did he get these?
The underwear you had missing looked as if it was destroyed. By what you didn’t want to know.
Your lipstick and perfume was beside them, both containers had their lids off.
“Y/N don’t-“ He tried to stop you when you reached toward the back of the drawer, clasping your diary in your grip that he head read through a tremendous amount of times. He studied it inside and out.
“Neil, what the fuck! How did you-“ You stopped speaking once you realize in your sacred book he had made notes and comments to each entry.
There was a scrap piece of paper in between the pages filled with your work shifts, the times you went to sleep and woke up.
“I-I need to go.” When you approached the door with your hand on the knob his hand slammed against it. His blue eyes filled with worry and fear that he frightened you.
“I can’t let you do that.” Your fingers began to tremble as you could feel beads of sweat beginning to form on your skin.
Looking up at him, you couldn’t see the Neil you knew anymore.
His eyes spoke with intensity, it felt like you were staring at a stranger and he was going to burn a hole through your head.
Whatever you thought you knew about Neil was no longer true.
How did he demise you, and humiliate you in this way. How could he make you feel so vulnerable and little and seem to lack any empathy for what he’s done.
Your eyes roamed around his room while he couldn’t help but run his hand down the side of your terrified face.
In a quick fight or flight decision you ran to the window, but Neil was quicker.
Hand on the latch, his other free hand gripped the back of your head, making it feel like he was going to pull the hair out of your scalp causing you to scream.
“Ah! Help! Help!” You screamed at the top of your lungs and Neil decided he had no choice in his next move.
He jolted your head back and slammed your skull onto the window sill, knocking you out almost instantly.
“I didn’t want it to have to come to this sweetheart.”
Your thighs were spread a part as your head lay against the carpet.
In Neil eyes you still looked perfect, it was difficult for him to even find the words that could express how he feels about you even more than he already has.
Squatting down he parted your legs.
He took in a deep breath as he caressed your inner thighs ever so slowly. You were warm, and he couldn’t suppress him himself feeling the realm of heat underneath your panties.
Moving the delicate fabric to the side, your folds glistened while he licked his lips, your inviting tight hole glowing to what he felt like was speaking to him, begging for his lips.
Who was he to resist what he’s been longing for, for what felt like an eternity.
His tongue dove in-between your folds, the taste of your sex fulfilling his mouth causing his eyes to close shut.
His hands found their way to your hips and he gripped your softened skin, digging his nails in.
His tongue danced circles around your clit, sucking and giving biting small nibbles onto your sensitive skin.
You were soaking just like he expected, all for him.
Oh, why don't you give a little love now, baby?
A little bit of love
Alone, in the shower
Using my left hand so it feels like you
So please, I'm begging
To feel something new
Your eyes slipped open slowly, but an extreme discomfort ran through your body.
There you lay on his mattress that smelt of his cum, looking at yourself in the mirror he had placed at the end of the bed, hog-tied with rope, his used boxers stuffed in your mouth gagging you so no one could hear your muffled screams.
Hearing you whining he turned off the shower, smirking to himself while his lengthy member was standing up ready for this moment.
Stepping out completely naked, he looked at you, your body tied up exquisitely, the bonds were strong enough that you wouldn’t be able to get out.
Water dripped at the same rate from his brown strands of hair, your eyes gazed down his torso until they landed on his long, girthy dick.
Panic ensued you at his size and the realization of what he was going to do to you.
Smiling sincerely, his fingers tilted your chin up so he could see those big beautiful e/c eyes staring up at him with your tear stained cheeks in the mirror.
You looked pretty when you cried.
“We’re going to have so much fun my dear.”
You tried screaming but nothing came out.
He positioned himself behind you, aligning the plump head of his dick to your, soaking small hole.
“Ready for me already. What a filthy whore.”
He sent a sharp aggressive slap to your ass cheek making you wince in pain you tried to look anywhere but him to convince yourself this wasn’t happening.
You toyed at the bindings to the best of your ability but they wouldn’t budge.
When Neil plunged his length into you unexpectedly and dry, you jolted forward trying to move away.
He was too large and it felt like your inner walls were being torn apart.
He immediately pulled you back by your hips and slammed you all the way down his length.
Your ass making a popping sound once you fell back into his lower torso.
“Fuck, you don’t know how long I’ve waited for this.”
His hardened member stayed inside you while his hand grazed from your naval to your tits, grabbing them roughly and twisting your sensitive, already hardening nipples.
His hair brushed against the side of your temple when he tilted down into the crook of your neck.
His free hand coming gently rubbing your neck before he squeezed it in an intense grip nearly cutting off your airway.
“I know what you wanted now Y/N. Wanted to play hard to get. Thinking I’m not masculine enough. Well how’s this for you.”
He plowed into you again, this time at a vigorous pace as he was forcing you to watch him have complete control over you, fucking you senseless.
He was in awe at the sight of you beginning to drool.
“Look at my fucked out little girl huh? We’re just getting started baby.”
Your screams came out with nothing but muffled cries.
He slid in and out of you, stretching your hole in a way you didn’t think was possible.
Against your will your walls began to clench down on him as the pain began to mix with pleasure.
Your face was covered in smeared mascara, your lipstick now painted around your mouth.
You felt pathetic and shameful when you felt yourself trying to scoot back against him, now feeling his balls clap against you.
“There we go sweetheart, see it’s not so bad.” All you could do was whine in response.
Neil watched himself fuck your enticing pussy, feeling your wet slick begin to coat him, he could tell you were close.
As he drilled into you, he undid the bindings, flipping you over, so you now lay on your back. You couldn't find the strength to fight him off as your bones still felt like jelly while your head was still spinning from the blow.
Pulling the gag out, he demanded you tell him how how amazing he was.
“Neil I-“ You could feel your thighs begin to quiver.
Looking into his eyes you could tell he was enjoying this, you laying there completely at his mercy with nowhere to go.
“Feels so fucking good.”
Your lips spread a part at the fulfilling sensation.
You felt your core gripping onto his length for dear life when you were close.
Neil couldn’t resist reaching for his phone and began to record himself fucking into your beautiful body.
Your cunt looked so perfect wrapped around his dick he thought to himself.
He groped his hand on your tit again, squeezing it roughly as the camera guided up to your face watching you want to scream but it came out as a desperate moan.
“I- I’m close pull- pull out I’m not-“ He covered your lips with his hand.
“Quiet, I’ve been dreaming of this moment.” Before you could attempt to protest anymore his warm seed was spilling into you as his moans filled the room.
Seconds later you felt your back arching, a wave of pleasure rushing through your veins as you crumbled below him.
He fell onto you, and you couldn’t find the energy to fight him off as the pill was still effecting your regular body movements.
Tears began to flood your cheeks, feeling disgusted and ashamed of how your body reacted.
You didn’t want to enjoy it, you didn’t want to give Neil the upper hand.
Now here you lay completely broken apart underneath him with nowhere to go, terrified to move.
“That was amazing baby. You took me so well. You’re such a good girl for me. Did you have fun?” You nodded, quivering below him, your face heated red while your eyebrows etched together in discomfort when you felt him leak out between your thighs.
His face was sweaty and concerned when he saw that you were still crying.
“I only gave you what you asked me to. You’ll be alright love. I’m so happy to know that you’re mine forever now. Aren’t you happy Y/N.” You nodded again still crying.
“I even got rid of Tony for you. He’ll no longer be a problem.”
What did that mean, what did he do to Tony, or what did someone else do to Tony for him.
He leaned down and kissed your lips.
You didn’t kiss back, but it seemed to be that Neil did not care.
He took from you, stole from you. He invaded your privacy, stalking you every day and you felt stupid for not noticing.
Fear resided within you more, if you didn’t stay and play the part of his girlfriend what would he do to you if he already had someone kill Tony.
That’s all Neil wanted was to be noticed, and for you to be his forever, and he stood by his word that he would have you forever.
Now I taste like you, you, you
Forever and ever and ever
In the following weeks, you had moved all your belongings into Neil’s and sold your house.
He insisted on getting married and you wouldn’t have cooperated if it weren’t for the fact he knew where your family lived, who your friends were. He had threatened to hurt them or threaten that they could end up like Tony if you did not stay with him.
You didn’t want anyone else getting hurt because of you.
He now had all access to your finances, if you wanted to go out it would only be with him and him alone, especially now that you were expecting.
Neil was over ecstatic when he found out that his plan and little family was coming together but you were terrified of your future with him.
It had taken you sometime to get used to but when you attempted to leave the morning after the party he had pushed you down the stairs, breaking your ankle.
There was no one there to help you but him.
He wiped all of your social media, you were only allowed access to his phone, and he controlled every aspect of your life so he could stay in it.
He ensured your bills were paid by offlink accounts he had hidden away from you and gave you a job at the video store.
He clothed you, he fed you, he paid the bills, he fed ‘your’ sexual needs.
You were Neil’s most desired treasure, and now that he got you, he had no intention in giving you an opportunity to stray from him, ever again.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Re: babygirlification of Kendall, have you written anything abt how the show handles the archetype of The Addict? I've found Kendall really compelling bc of it, particularly from the dsm/psych diagnostic critique lens that sees capitalism as responsible for perpetuating addiction thru escapist consumption. Do you agree that that's something the show is doing intentionally?
wow thank you so much for sending this—i've been wanting to put together my thoughts on addiction in succession for a while now.
capitalism in the 21st century, and therefore also on succession, is neoliberal in nature. although the show makes reference to overtly disciplinary institutions (the psychiatric hospital; military school), the mechanisms of control the characters are subject to tend to operate on more insidious, subtle, coercive lines. waystar is not a factory with a strictly rule-bound production floor; it's a media corporation, operating across numerous social and political domains and selling propaganda. it operates not through overtly punitive measures, but through largely seductive ones: stoking and then satisfying people's desires, guiding them ideologically whilst making them believe they're making such choices freely.
there's an element of this type of coercive, yet often covert, control in logan's relationship with kendall as well. kendall is allowed to ride a motorcycle—clinging to the back of logan's bodyguard. he's allowed to go up to the roof—being surreptitiously surveilled, and then prevented from killing himself by the installation of a glass wall. he has access to virtually unlimited money—bearing in mind that most of it is tied up in things like stock options that are essentially under logan's control. on one level, kendall can go anywhere he wants; he can look down at the city from the literal apex of his father's empire; he's a billionaire. but, for all of this freedom and mobility, we can see that in fact his choices are constrained and his movements coerced. logan employed a more overtly disciplinary hand when kendall was a child, but as an adult the means of control tend to run more along psychological lines, manipulating kendall's desires and limiting his field of movement while making it appear that he's freer than ever.
this is very much in line with the mechanisms of control favoured in cyberspatial capitalism, which operates by addicting its users: to sensory stimulation, to pleasure, to the endlessly deferred rewards of endless self-improvement. certainly disciplinary institutions still exist, but in addition there are also more subtle methods of keeping people in line, often relying on the financial threat of debt and the reward of addictive pleasure, or at least removal of withdrawal pains. even as the child of a literal billionaire, kendall is very much a 'debtor-addict' in this mould, as his father wields financial control over him and uses kendall's endless desire for paternal approval in order to keep him hooked.
to me the connection to kendall's coke use is clear. cocaine is the businessman drug par excellance. kendall uses it when he's trying to step into this version of hypermasculine dominance, like in 'prague' when he decides to team up with sandy and stewy or in 'vaulter' when he's ordered to shut vaulter down. coke is part of his endless attempt to self-improve, to self-optimise and ultimately to gain both his father's respect and the material, financial rewards of success in the corporate world.
where cocaine is concerned, then, The Addict as instantiated in kendall is not an aberrant individual with a unique disease, but the logical outcome of the control society's demand for self-improvement and corporate profitability. kendall's coke use is pathologised because he does it excessively and potentially dangerously, yet the logic motivating this drug use is all around him and is considered normal and unremarkable. so wrt coke, The Addict on succession is merely an extreme expression of the psychology of the control subject, pathologised for this extremeness even as the underlying affective and structural demands driving this behaviour go unchallenged.
a more directly escapist form of consumption is kendall's use of downers (seeking ketamine in the first half of 'prague,' asking for weed and oxy in 'austerlitz,' etc). these drugs are not meant to enhance his business performance or masculinity, and don't speak to his addictive need for paternal approval except insofar as he may seek them out when he's particularly miserable and doesn't want to think about it. in regards to these drugs, The Addict represents a failure in the neoliberal system of control, insofar as his drug-taking does not enhance his productivity but hinders it. for kendall this is not his primary mode of substance use, obviously, because so much of his fundamental drive is about his desire to prove himself at waystar and ultimately to inherit.
in both types of drug usage, though, kendall's addiction is a direct result of the affective and material demands exerted by a neoliberal control society. capitalism encourages consumption generally, and specifically it encourages kendall's literal drug consumption as a means of endless self-optimisation when it comes to cocaine. although the other characters on the show perceive his drug use as an individual and pathological moral failure, the show is quite clear in drawing these links between capitalism, control mechanisms, and the logics of consumption that create and drive kendall's addiction.
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warningsine · 2 months
Season 5 of “The Good Wife” was a fantastic, thrilling season of television. Yes, “The Good Wife” is primarily about a clutch of well-heeled attorneys in a few Chicago law firms, which doesn’t quite sound like edge-of-your-seat suspense, and yes, it required four years of back story to fully understand, which is a lot of commitment for new viewers. But “The Good Wife” is a prestige drama built on the network model, meaning that its 22-episode seasons offered plenty of entry points to drop into the world of the characters, whether that was through ongoing fourth-year-associate drama or a tech-oriented case of the week. One of the reasons the season was so appealing was because it contained its own arc, too—the long-awaited denouement of Will and Alicia’s smoldering romance, precipitated in large part by actor Josh Charles’ decision to leave the show. The fifth season told the story of Alicia attempting to establish independence, and some of that meant hurting the people closest to her. When Will died suddenly partway through the season, Alicia was forced to deal with how much she’d hurt him—and ultimately found a path to making a mark without either him or her husband, Peter, when she decided to run for Illinois state’s attorney.
This season has not felt nearly as rewarding. Now, the question I get from fellow fans of “The Good Wife,” over and over again, is simply: What happened? The tightest network drama on television fell apart, seemingly overnight. On the eve of the finale, it’s hard to tell what this season has been about: We watched an election, a stint in prison, an investigation of a drug dealer, and the aftereffects of voter fraud, but it has been difficult to assemble the events into a cohesive narrative, and harder still to surmise why any of that narrative matters to us, the viewers. The upcoming seventh season is widely believed to be the show’s last, which somehow makes the missteps more poignant. Is this how it’s going to be from now on? Was it all downhill after Charles left the show? What went wrong? Here are at least some of the things that made Season 6 a strange, unfulfilling disappointment.
1. Kalinda, part one: The character
It’s kind of impossible to discuss “The Good Wife’s" trajectory so far without acknowledging the increasingly different role of Kalinda Sharma (Archie Panjabi), the impossibly badass legal investigator who was very important in the first few seasons and then the center of a rather unsatisfying plot with her estranged husband, Nick, in Season 4. (Indeed, the plot was so unpopular with fans that the drama’s showrunners, Robert and Michelle King, wrote Nick out of the story a whole half-season early.) As revolting as Nick and Kalinda’s adventures with soft serve were, Nick was only a symptom of the bigger problem: The Kings had no idea what to do with Kalinda. The character was a creative darling they couldn’t bring themselves to kill—made harder, I imagine, by Panjabi herself, who is admittedly fantastic in the limited role.
Kalinda’s raison d’être in Seasons 1 and 2 was her friendship with the main character and titular good wife of the show, Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies). She wasn’t just Alicia’s closest friend in those first few years at the law firm, she was her only friend. Then at the end of Season 2, Alicia discovers that well before they were friends, Kalinda slept with her husband, Peter (Chris Noth). Both are devastated, and their relationship never heals. The show turned its attention to different things, partly because that’s the type of avoidance people pursue on a regular basis in order to get around awkward, intimate conversations.
It was a beautiful, sad breakup, all the more so for being a friend-breakup instead of a romantic one. Alicia threw herself into an affair with Will (Charles), driven, clearly, by a need to one-up both her husband and her best friend. Kalinda carried a torch, of sorts: She saw Alicia as an innocent she’d managed to hurt with her carelessness, so she became fiercely protective of her. It became melodramatic—Alicia’s daughter disappeared, and Kalinda found her; Alicia talked to the wrong criminal, and Kalinda went to the mattresses, with a baseball bat at the ready.
And without Alicia’s friendship to humanize her, Kalinda became a caricature. Her authenticity with Alicia couldn’t really be replicated with anyone else without betraying the essential nature of the character’s closed-off reluctance to connect with other people, so she became a tight-lipped, leather-clad robot, more an embodiment of tortured “cool” than a relatable character. What the character needed was to mend fences with Alicia and resume her role as mysterious but loyal sidekick.
By sometime in Season 4, it seemed like it was on the horizon. They’d both made some efforts toward reconciliation (the chair-turning was a big step), and every other character relationship involving Alicia was explored in great detail: She reckoned managers, co-workers, extended family and political rivals. Kalinda brought Alicia some stuff when Alicia was working on a case in Minnesota, and they hung out in a hotel room, kind of just like old times.
And then it just… never… happened.
That moment in the hotel was the last time they spoke. In 2014, BuzzFeed reported that Margulies and Panjabi had not been in the same scene for 30 episodes—when they had to speak, it was merely on the phone. Then Panjabi announced she was leaving at the end of the sixth season. But that deadline did not change her on-screen dynamic with Margulies. At this point, the two have not been in the same scene for more than 50 episodes—an insane factoid, considering both actresses won Emmys for playing their roles opposite each other in the first few seasons of the show. As of right now—one episode away from the end of Panjabi’s tenure on the show—the most closure we’ve gotten on this friendship is a flashback and a handwritten note conveyed through a third party.
As a viewer who is invested in the relationship between these two characters, it has not been satisfying in the least—and worse, seems manufactured to manage some off-screen drama. The general consensus is that the two actresses had a falling out, but how that could affect their shared scene-time in a business where ex-romantic partners routinely act opposite each other is anyone’s guess. But the shift left Kalinda at loose ends, arrested partway between a reconciliation with Alicia and increasing narrative irrelevancy. Josh Charles’ off-screen decision ended up being a limitation that worked in the Kings’ favor; for some reason, Panjabi’s situation wasn’t as manageable.
The result is that the sixth season is a slog of missed opportunities and unfulfilled desire—platonic desire, sure, but desire nonetheless. Will’s absence has left a void in the show’s character-driven storytelling that Kalinda simply could not fill. There is no analogue to Season 5's scintillating “A Few Words,” but for Alicia’s friendship with Kalinda; there is not even “Yet Another Ham Sandwich,” to round out the first two stories of grand jury indictments that both centered on Kalinda and Alicia.
Which leads me to my next point:
3. Anticlimax
Almost every major story line in this season of “The Good Wife” has fizzled out. (The only one that didn’t was the one about Kalinda, and as I just attempted to explain, nothing with Kalinda felt like it was working.) Every story line—every exhaustively plotted story line—took its characters to a place that looked and felt an awful lot like the beginning, but seemingly without the intention of commenting on that strange déjà vu. Like:
a) Firm musical chairs. So it’s Florrick & Agos, but then Florrick, Agos, & Lockhart, and then Lockhart, Agos, & Lee. Got all that? There’s some reasoning for why all these lawyers keep switching places, but the main reason is that “The Good Wife” didn’t want to write out either Diane (Christine Baranski) or David Lee (Zach Grenier) as regular cast members. But in order to justify that, the story has to undergo a Byzantine rearrangement of names and partnerships—and goes one step further, into the almost unthinkably convenient: It moves the new firms back into the old offices of Lockhart/Gardner, just a few months after Alicia and Cary so dramatically took their leave.
b) Election drama. Alicia runs for SA, wins, but then gets embroiled in an internal Democratic Party scandal and is forced to withdraw. It’s devastating, but it renders most of the season’s storytelling meaningless—what was the point, Alicia seems to be saying to herself, as she furiously sands down a salvaged wooden door in last week’s “Don’t Fail.” At least she has the door. The rest of us have no such comforts. Almost 20 episodes of storytelling, including famous guest stars, charged conversations with Peter, and Alicia having to campaign for something with her complete lack of poker face—and yet the show never truly explained why the hell Alicia wanted to run for office, or what she thinks is “good,” or “right,” or “necessary.” So much of the show leading up to this season has indicated that Alicia is a character driven by ambition and self-interest. It’s only occasionally that the characters have had a moment to pause and ask themselves—am I doing the right thing? Do I care about what I’m accomplishing? Alicia’s campaigning did not bring her closer to at-need populations in a significant way, or reveal to her the rich rewards of power. Instead it just seemed to be a thing she did because she was tired of lawyering, which struck me as phony in the extreme: Anyone who watched Alicia defend a case would know that she lived for her moments in the courtroom.
After all of that—all of that—to have her lose the seat in what is both hurriedly explained and a little too pat (Wouldn’t there be a recount? Red tape? Technicalities?)… well, it’s enough to make even the most loyal of fans a little batty.
c) That whole plot that was lifted from “The Wire,” or something. When it started, the subplot that dealt with the firm’s dealings with drug kingpin Lemond Bishop (Mike Colter) seemed like one of the rare moments where “The Good Wife” would take note of the almost shocking amorality of its protagonists, these assembled lawyers who use the terminology of truth and justice almost exclusively to get paid a great deal of cash. Bishop has hovered in the series’ periphery from the start; in Season 6, he becomes markedly more dangerous, to the point that he gets Cary in jail and facing six years of prison, forces Kalinda to run errands for him, and uses his lawyers as a fence to avoid prosecution.
All season, this plot seemed like it was poised to blow; all season, it doesn’t. Things happen, yes. But the impact of the story never sinks in. Alicia has to fend off some questions about Bishop during her election, but otherwise, it’s a nearly isolated suspense plot—one that culminates in Kalinda sacrificing her life in Chicago in order to protect the people she cares about and put Bishop behind bars. She’s disappeared before, as we’ve been told. But the audience already knew she was leaving the show, meaning that as soon as Kalinda started tangling with Bishop, it was not hard to guess that he would be responsible for how she was going to get written off the show.
In short, we got a lot of stories that ended approximately nowhere—while taking the most predictable routes to get to the aforesaid nowhere. Not even Sarah Steele as Marissa Gold, mining comedy out of every moment she’s on-screen, can make that better.
4. Where's Eli? 
Alan Cumming’s Eli Gold—joined this year by his daughter Marissa (Steele)—is one of the show’s real treasures, a Rahm Emanuel type with an irrepressible personality and more heart than he’d like to admit. An election plot seemed to guarantee time with him—I mean, that is what happened in Season 2, when he was brought on full-time—but instead the election plot was dominated by performances by David Hyde Pierce, David Krumholtz, Steven Pasquale and Oliver Platt. That’s a lot of new faces in a show that was already struggling to tell character stories without Will Gardner; Eli would have been, at least, a familiar presence. Instead, part of the reason the election story line felt interminable was that it was really hard to care for all these new characters, though they’re all capable actors. Margulies always makes the most of things, and it was fine, but it just didn’t feel compelling or fantastic, which I’ve come to expect from this show. Plus, there was that whole thing with Alicia hooking up with Pasquale’s Johnny, which was just weird, because:
5. Just kiss already!
The best thing about Season 6 was the introduction of Matthew Goode’s Finn Polmar, the extraordinarily handsome not-so-subtle Will replacement who eventually moved into the old Lockhart/Gardner offices. Any time Alicia needs a lawyer, she doesn’t call Diane or Cary, she calls Finn; midseason, they approach a perilous near-kiss, before Alicia demurely backs off. I get it: The Kings probably want to build up that relationship in the seventh season, both so that they can impose a reasonable amount of time between Will’s death and Alicia’s next relationship and so that they have something to do in the seventh season. But it has been so boring watching them delicately maneuver around each other. I know it’s common practice to do the big romantic twists in the season finale, but this season could have used an injection of good ol’-fashioned banging to keep things interesting. (Lest you call me uncouth: “The Good Wife” has lust baked into its premise, and in Season 3 featured some of the hottest sex ever seen on network. This is a show whose energy feeds on libido.)
Let me be clear: “The Good Wife” has surprised me in the past, and it might manage to again. Last week’s “Don’t Fail” was one of the first great episodes after a stretch of middling ones, and the show has surprised me both in season finales (like the one coming up next week) and in its ability to make a whole season pivot on a dime, from mediocre to brilliant. Everything could change Sunday night, and I would be so happy to see it. But if you want to know what went wrong up till now, unfortunately, the reasons are all too clear.
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miidnighters · 10 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
TAGGED BY: @exquisitexagony &lt;3
TAGGING: @laidbear | @lcvnderhazed | @fragiilex | @waterdepths
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► NAME: Richard Flynn Hunter
► AGE: 22
► SPECIES: Selkie
► SEX: Male
► NATIONALITY: American? That's where he washed up, anyway.
► INTERESTS: music, walking on the beach, trying to fix his coat
► EYES: Brown, but clouded and often watery
► HAIR: Brown, scruffy
► SKIN: Pale; freckled across his shoulders
► FACE: Blank, led with his nose
► POSTURE: Relaxed
► HEIGHT: 5'11"
► VOICE: low - he speaks slowly, like sometimes he's still considering how to put words together. His laugh is more of a bark than anything.
► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: Pretty casual - he's a jeans and some sort of casual button down - often all the pieces of his wardrobe are relatively plain so he can mix and match easily (x; x)
► COMPANIONS: Flynn relies on his housemate Elara for a lot - she's his guide on being human, for the most part
► ANTAGONISTS: I don't think there really is one? Like sure whales attacked the herd and are ultimately the reason he's stuck on land and has no family left but he doesn't blame them and therefore doesn't consider them antagonists.
► STRENGTHS: hearing, taking care of others
► WEAKNESSES: blindness, cooking
► FRUITS: Oranges! But strawberries and other berries come close
► DRINKS: sweet coffee, soda, hot chocolate
► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Flynn doesn't really drink that much but will have a mixed drink at a push (typically a vodka solo or something similar)
► SMOKES: no
► DRUGS: no
► DRIVER'S LICENSE: he's legally blind so no but also is super intimidated by the idea of being the one driving so
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squadrah · 2 years
do u think any of the la squadra members would use recreational drugs?
Personally, I am in the camp of "nope", but I do understand where fans who headcanon their using recreational drugs come from - I feel like the mafia, their unique position, and their line of work as a general backdrop is justification for it, and I don't judge anyone who wants to roll with that.
Meanwhile, I am largely guided by the same backdrop, but more specifically by the fact that the team has no turf and they are rather poor compared to every other team in Passione - drugs would be the sort of expense none of them would be able to justify, and there being a drug team in canon, La Squadra would have wanted to avoid being even more dependent than they already were, right?
I am also motivated by two things personally. One is that I never drank, smoked, or did recreational drugs, so this is terra incognita to me, though I do have at least some of La Squadra engage in drinking and smoking - that much I am familiar with through family and friends, while drugs I have no experience in, or any interest in. And the other thing is that I just find non-use for these types of characters fascinating. Recreational drugs take the edge off, are a form of escapism, or a performance enhancer - without them, a character must face reality sober no matter how grim or difficult said reality is. So ultimately I asked myself, especially regarding Prosciutto since he's my favorite and I've seen a lot of people headcanon him as a drug addict, "What is more interesting, what is scarier? A man who's like this and always on coke, or a man who is just like this and willing to face that with eyes wide open?" And I decided the latter was the bigger hit with me.
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free--therapy · 2 years
How to Find Happiness: 5 Tips to Help you Find True Happiness
By Ali | Published on February 21, 2022
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Is happiness the ultimate human goal? Our search for that elusive happiness state leads us to a never-ending list of books and articles. But we sometimes look for happiness in the strangest of places. Have you ever searched for happiness at the bottom of a bottle? Or perhaps in a nicer car? Maybe you thought happiness would present itself with a new house or job. Does this type of happiness last? 
There are an infinite number of resources telling us where to find happiness. But do these articles actually know us? Do they take our nuances and idiosyncrasies into account? If happiness could be prescribed in a pill, how many of us would line up to take it?
Let’s dive in and discuss how you can find your own happiness. I am not here to tell you to emulate the things I have done that have brought me happiness. I want to guide you to look deep into yourself to find your own happiness. 
What is happiness? 
Happiness is a feeling of joy and fulfillment. That blissful contentment that brings us internal peace. But here’s the kicker. We are perpetually in different fluctuations of happiness. Happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey. 
Happiness is interlinked with our sense of living a life we are satisfied with. One which brings us fulfillment. So, to find happiness we must first find fulfillment and satisfaction. 
The path to fulfillment looks different for everyone. 
Mine involves lots of animals, no children of my own, authentic friendships, and plenty of running. Yours might be centered around parenting. Someone else may find their happiness in activism. There is no wrong or right. 
Two types of happiness 
We can split happiness into what I perceive as acute and chronic. Aristotle distinguished between two very different types of happiness.
Veronika Huta clarifies the differences between these two approaches by suggesting that a hedonic orientation involves actively seeking happiness, positive affect, life satisfaction, and reduced negative affect. 
Whereas a Eudaimonic orientation is more concerned with seeking authenticity, meaning, excellence, and personal growth
Let’s explore these terms in a little more detail. 
Hedonia is not dissimilar to the word hedonistic. In fact, these words share linguistic lineage. Hedonia happiness is pleasure-driven. It is preoccupied with what feels good in the moment. Seeking enjoyment and satisfaction. 
This is linked to the euphoric feelings associated with food, drugs, alcohol and sex. But it is also linked with self-care such as exercise, yoga and meditation. 
Eudaimonia is concerned with seeking meaning and purpose in life. From working towards long-term goals to being concerned for others' wellbeing and nurturing. Eudaimonia brings a sense of satisfaction and happiness from fulfilling responsibilities and finding value in life. 
This makes me think of striving to better ourselves, perhaps serving our community through voluntary work. 
How do we measure happiness? 
And herein lies a little problem. Happiness is subjective. Historically in order to measure it, we have relied on self-reporting through questionnaires. 
There is an interesting modern study that uses technology to measure happiness. It introduced a “Happimeter” which uses a smartwatch to gather data such as heart rate and timely feedback from the wearer. 
The fascinating thing with this is they found that measuring happiness actually increased happiness. Perhaps the process of bringing happiness to the subject’s attention made it a more pertinent thing for them to focus on. Perhaps they strived to see their happiness levels increase on their Happimeter. Either way, it has to be a good thing. 
The secrets of the happiest person on the planet
I couldn’t help but wonder who the happiest person on the planet is. 
Capitalism will have you believe it was someone wealthy. Large consumer organizations will tell you it is someone who drives their car, wears their trainers, eats their food, or uses their magic skin lotions. 
But actually, the happiest person in the world apparently is Matthieu Ricard, a Tibetan Monk. 
For 12 years Matthieu had hundreds of sensors attached to his brain whilst he meditated. This operation was led by Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist from Wisconsin University. 
The results were staggering. They showed abnormal and unheard-of activity in his left prefrontal cortex. This allowed him a greater capacity for happiness and also served to reduce his propensity for negativity. 
Now, this is where things get interesting. Matthieu puts his happiness down to his benevolence. He is a passionate executioner of altruism. In fact, he believes when we focus too much on ourselves, we invite stress into our lives. 
So, in short, the kinder we are, the happier we are. This is supported by a scientific study that suggests that kind people experience more happiness and have happier memories. 
Best of all, Matthieu suggests that all it takes to be happy is to think good and happy thoughts for 10 minutes a day. Try it. 
5 tips to help identify and find your own happiness 
When we join up all the dots of this article, there is a clear distinction between types of happiness. 
We have acute happiness which is perhaps short-lived, represented by Hedonia. And we have chronic happiness, represented by Eudaimonia. Our happiest man in the world taps into Eudaimonia happiness with his benevolence, kindness, compassion and altruism. 
With this in mind, here are 5 tips to help you identify and seek out your own happiness. 
1. Be your authentic self 
Follow your own yearnings. Who are you? Live a life true to yourself. How do you feel? What does your heart seek? Dance to the beat of your own drum. 
There is sometimes a paradox between our innate need to fit in whilst also desiring to stand out.  We want to be part of the group, but we also want to celebrate our differences. We strive to keep the authenticity of being ourselves. Interestingly scientists confirm that following our authenticity leads to greater wellbeing. We can quench our need for belonging by finding community groups of interest. 
When we try to be someone we are not, we won't end up finding happiness. 
This has taken me a while to practice. For a decade or so I was a bit lost. Perhaps I followed the crowd to try and fit in. To seek approval and popularity. But this didn’t bring me happiness. 
I am slowly seeping into my own skin. I may not be the most popular person anymore. But I am the happiest I have ever been. I am learning to be unapologetically me!
2. Find your purpose and passion
Find your own purpose and passion. Does it involve the arts or sport? Maybe you feel your purpose is in helping rescue animals or in the nursing of the sick. Perhaps you are passionate about educating children or fighting for human rights.
Whatever your own sense of purpose is, find it. Explore it, and commit to it with all of your heart. 
I co-founded a dog running club. This year is its 10th anniversary. Whilst I am no longer part of the club, I take great pride in it as my legacy. I dedicated many years of my life to helping people get fit and have fun with their dogs.
For a long time, this was my key life purpose. It was an overarching passion and made me find happiness. 
Our purpose and passion can evolve over time. The important thing is we find our calling and put energy into it. 
3. Find a community where you belong 
Working in your local community is a sure way to find happiness. Giving back through voluntary work has been proven to increase our own happiness and sense of wellbeing. Not only are we helping others when we volunteer, but we are helping ourselves. 
Perhaps you have a skill you can take into your community. Could you offer your services as a befriender? Or maybe you can help at a local charity shop. 
I volunteered for a week at a camp for terminally ill children. The sense of fulfillment and purpose I felt was overwhelming.
When we do good, we feel good. 
4. Meditate 
I have heard that if you only have time to meditate for 10 minutes, then you actually need to meditate for 20 minutes. 
The truth is, I don’t habitually meditate. I want to and I know it will bring immeasurable benefits into my life. But my mum used to describe me as having “ants in my pants”. I struggle to stay still for any length of time. All the more reason for me to commit to a daily meditation practice. 
A daily meditation practice increases our feelings of positivity, reduces our symptoms of illness, increases our connection with ourselves and others, and promotes our overall well-being. 
So, if I promise to start a meditation habit, will you join me?  If this is the secret of the happiest person in the world, then it must be worthwhile. 
5. Be kind to others
I believe kindness is the most important attribute any person can have. Kindness is my superpower. I have recently learned that being kind does not require self-sacrifice. Sometimes a true test of our kindness is in showing kindness to ourselves.
In this manner, I have learned to let go of decomposing friendships. It has taken me 40 years, but I now recognize the importance of meeting my own needs. 
Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself for past regrets, and speak to yourself with compassion. Help other people with your words and your actions. But when something is no longer bringing you joy or happiness, give yourself permission to let it go. 
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nulifelinecarerehab · 11 hours
Addiction Treatment at the Best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Dehradun
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Wondering how to find the best nasha mukti kendra in Dehradun for addiction treatment? Want to know about effective rehabilitation programs and how to reach out to rehabilitation?
At NuLifeLifeLineCare Rehab, we have many years of experience in treating drug and alcohol addiction. In our current blog, you will see all the necessary details about our nasha mukti kendra.
NuLifeLineCare is a Top-Rated Nasha Mukti Kendra in Dehradun
We have professional counsellors, physicians and experts in our team who help people to overcome addiction.
NuLifeLineCare Rehab in Dehradun has a valid licence to conduct various rehabilitation programs. People consider us the best nasha mukti kendra in Dehradun due to our result-driven services and recovery programs.
What Does NuLifeLineCare Rehab Include in Addiction Treatment Programs?
We have many effective programs for all types of substance addictions. We understand and provide therapies and programs depending on an individual’s needs.
Our major and popular rehabilitation programs at our nasha mukti kendra includes — detoxification therapy, individual counselling, group counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), fitness training, etc.
Counselling for Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Dehradun
It’s not easy for addicts to talk about their anxiety, fear, depression and about addiction related thoughts with others. But our supportive counsellors provide a safe and friendly environment for for prople struugling with addiction to involve in deep discussions.
We provide effective one-on-one and group counselling. This ultimately makes our counsellors to offer personalised treatment and suggestions based on one’s needs for recovery from substance abuse. That’s why counselling is a crucial part of our nasha mukti kendra Dehradun.
We Prioritise the Safety of Patients During Detoxification at Our Rehabilitation Centre
If addicts are consuming toxic substances for a long period of time they need detox to remove such harmful things from the body. Detoxification needs to be done under the guidance of experts to avoid uncertainties.
We have chosen safe and natural procedures for detoxification at NuLifeLineCare Nasha Mukti Kendra in Dehradun. We provide 24/7 care during the detoxification process.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Reasoning, decision making and planning are some important cognitive skills that need to be developed in people who have addictions. These skills can be built in a person with CBT.
We have helped so many addicts to control their negative thoughts and move towards de-addiction with behavioural therapy. Thus, CBT is suggested at our rehab centre for people who want to quit addictions.
Cost for Joining a Nasha Mukti Kendra for Addiction Treatment
Cost of the rehabilitation treatment depends on the quality of services and the facilities provides. The price for a rehab program can be anywhere between 500–2000 INR per day.
At NuLifeLineCare Rehab in Dehradun we offer budget-friendly rehabilitation programs with the intention of guiding our patients to reshape their life by quitting bad habits.
Contact NuLifeLineCare Rehab today to learn more about their treatment program.
Call us on: +91–8958305058
Or visit: https://www.nulifelinecare.org/
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A Comprehensive Guide to the Weight Loss Medication
Wegovy medication recently gaining popularity is specifically designed for weight loss. Approved by the FDA, this prescription drug has shown promising results for individuals struggling with obesity and weight management. But what exactly is Wegovy, how does it work, and what should one consider before starting this medication? This guide covers everything you need to know about Wegovy injection, including their use for weight loss, potential benefits, and things to consider before starting treatment.
What is Wegovy?
Wegovy is a brand name for the drug semaglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist. Originally used for treating type 2 diabetes under the name Ozempic, semaglutide has been repurposed in a higher dose specifically for weight loss. Wegovy works by mimicking the hormone GLP-1, which regulates appetite and food intake. It helps reduce hunger, increase feelings of fullness, and ultimately lower calorie consumption, leading to weight loss.
Wegovy Injections: How Do They Work?
Wegovy is administered as a subcutaneous injection, meaning it is injected under the skin, typically once a week. The injection helps control appetite and reduce food cravings by affecting brain regions responsible for hunger and satiety. By increasing the release of insulin and reducing the production of glucagon, it also helps regulate blood sugar levels. This dual-action mechanism makes it effective for weight loss and managing conditions related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes.
Wegovy for Weight Loss
The primary purpose of Wegovy for weight loss in individuals with obesity or with weight-related health issues. Clinical trials have shown that participants using Wegovy experienced significant weight loss compared to those using a placebo. On average, individuals lost about 15-20% of their body weight over a period of 68 weeks. This makes Wegovy a powerful tool for those who have struggled to lose weight through diet and exercise alone.
Benefits of Using Wegovy
Significant Weight Loss: Clinical studies have demonstrated that Wegovy can help individuals achieve substantial weight loss, which is often difficult to accomplish through lifestyle changes alone.
Improved Health Markers: In addition to weight loss, Wegovy can help improve various health markers such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar control. This makes it particularly beneficial for people with obesity-related health conditions.
Enhanced Quality of Life: Many users report an improved quality of life, with increased energy levels, better mobility, and reduced pain in weight-bearing joints.
Convenient Dosing: With just one injection per week, Wegovy offers a convenient alternative to daily weight loss medications.
Considerations before Using Wegovy
Before starting Wegovy, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if it’s the right choice for you. Here are some key considerations:
Medical History: Wegovy is not suitable for everyone. It is essential to discuss your full medical history, especially if you have a history of thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, or gallbladder issues.
Possible Side Effects: Common side effects of Wegovy include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation. These usually subside after a few weeks, but it’s important to monitor any adverse reactions and inform your healthcare provider.
Lifestyle Changes: While Wegovy can significantly aid in weight loss, it should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen for the best results. It is not a stand-alone solution and works best when combined with lifestyle changes.
Cost and Insurance: Wegovy can be expensive, and it’s important to check if your insurance covers the cost. Some patients may qualify for patient assistance programs to help offset expenses.
Wegovy has emerged as a promising option for individuals struggling with weight loss. Its effectiveness in reducing weight and improving health markers makes it a valuable tool in the fight against obesity. However, like any medication, it comes with potential risks and side effects, making it essential to have a thorough discussion with a healthcare provider before starting treatment. Combining Wegovy with lifestyle changes can lead to significant improvements in weight management and overall health. If you’re considering Wegovy injections for weight loss, consult a medical professional to see if it’s the right fit for your health needs.
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pophypnosis · 4 days
Hello, You: A Hypnosis Experience to Conquer Your Fears | 30 Minutes
Watch the Ad-Free Version:  / hello-you-to-30-112341738  
Psychological thrillers and hypnosis? Dangerous combo. How can this possibly bring good vibes? I guess YOU will have to find out….Disclaimer: This will play with tropes from the psychological thriller genre. If you’re not all that comfortable with that genre, please read the description to decide if this is something you should listen to.
New to this channel or hypnosis? Check out the guidelines first and if you haven’t already:    • Pop #Hypnosis Guidelines: Start Your ...  
It is also recommended to listen to the Ultimate Countdown Game Show Trance at least once. Doing so will make some of the triggers in all other Pop Hypnosis videos more effective:    • The Ultimate Countdown Game Show Tran...  
WARNING: All videos on this page contain whirling moving images. They may contain flashing lights and other luminous stimulations. Please do not watch if you’re sensitive to this type of media. All content on this page is considered recreational. The hypnosis is real, but the purpose of all themes, scenarios and imagery in my files are to activate the imagination. Please consult a professional if you are having mental health challenges.
~ Labels ~
Experience: Familiar or very familiar with hypnosis (but beginners can try it out too!)
Pop theme: Psychological Thriller 😰 (loosely)
Intention: This might make you feel just slightly uneasy at first but by the end - confident, brave and bold. This might make you feel very relaxed and introspective.
Affirmations/Suggestions: A post-hypnotic suggestion to TRUST yourself every time you leave your home and to remind yourself to do so (for as long as you wish). To trust your intuition. To find clarity within. To be brave.
Hypnotic Features: Double induction (which means that there’s two sets of voices making suggestions), Countdowns
Content Warnings: This will play with themes about being watched while going under hypnosis. There are also parts that allude to the experience of being drugged. If you’re uncomfortable with psychological thrillers in general, be mindful of this before deciding whether to listen or not.
To learn more about these labels, visit: https://linktr.ee/pophypnosis.
Please give me label suggestions if you have any in general or for any video.
A full description about this file is after the break!
~ Full Description ~
Stop here if you don’t want major spoilers about the trance! You may scroll past this section for more channel information, but otherwise, If you like being a bit surprised, it’s time to go on your adventure. If you want to know more about what is in this trance before trying it out, keep reading.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I explain the idea of this trance - to create something based on a psychological thriller. Well, it turns out, I don’t know how I’m supposed to accomplish this. Psychological thrillers and hypnosis simply do not mix for obvious reasons! But then I mention something called a hypnotic library, which can help anyone find clarity about a problem. Trance is a part of entering the library of course, so you are guided through what it would be like if you were stopped by a street hypnotist and hypnotized while people were watching your every move. At the library, you’re asked to think of something you need inspiration for or clarity around. After exploring a bit, I tell you that there’s a basement section to the library. Basements are never good in this genre, of course, but once down there it’s not so bad. The rarest of books are kept there. There’s also a desk and a cup of a nice hot beverage that causes relaxation and sleep. Once awakened, there’s the realization that you can trust yourself in any situation, even if it’s scary.
~ Channel Info ~
100% SFW (but not necessarily made for kids). New videos every other week (or at least, that’s the plan). Each hypnotic adventure will be labeled and the descriptions will be detailed. Hypnosis is NOT one size fits all. Sometimes going into hypnosis takes practice. Keep in mind, these files can reinforce positive affirmations in a fun way, but if you want to seriously explore an issue in your life, look for a trained hypnotherapist in your area.
~ Credits ~
Illustration & Animation: @lakshan619 and @freelancerbijoy on Fiverr Music & Sounds: SoundTrap
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onlinesteroidsuk01 · 17 days
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Steroids Online in the UK
Steroids have become an integral part of fitness and bodybuilding communities across the UK. However, many people still feel unsure about where to buy them online, how to ensure product quality, and the legal aspects surrounding their use. Buy online steroids UK If you're considering buying steroids online, this guide provides essential tips to help you make informed decisions.
1. Why Do People Buy Steroids?
Steroids, particularly anabolic steroids, are used for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons include:
Muscle growth: Steroids help increase muscle mass quickly and efficiently.
Enhanced performance: Athletes often use steroids to improve endurance and performance.
Faster recovery: Steroids can speed up recovery from intense workouts or injuries, helping users get back to their training routines faster.
2. Is It Legal to Buy Steroids in the UK?
In the UK, steroids are classified as Class C drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. This means it’s legal to possess steroids for personal use, but illegal to sell or supply them. Buying steroids online from a legitimate source outside the UK falls into a legal grey area, and it’s important to ensure the website complies with international laws and regulations.
3. How to Choose a Reputable Online Steroid Supplier
When buying steroids online, ensuring you're dealing with a reputable supplier is key. Here are some tips to help you select a trustworthy vendor:
Check customer reviews: Reviews from previous buyers provide insight into the quality and authenticity of the products.
Look for clear contact information: A reliable website should offer contact details and customer support options.
Verify product quality: Reputable suppliers offer detailed product information, including lab test results to confirm the product's purity and safety.
For UK residents, sites like Buy Online Steroids UK provide a wide selection of authentic anabolic steroids at competitive prices, along with detailed product descriptions to ensure customer confidence.
4. Understanding Different Types of Steroids
Before purchasing steroids, it’s essential to understand the various types and their uses. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Oral steroids: Convenient to take, but can have more pronounced side effects, particularly on the liver.
Injectable steroids: Often considered safer than oral steroids, they typically have fewer side effects.
Bulking vs. cutting steroids: Steroids designed for bulking focus on building mass, while cutting steroids help in fat loss and muscle definition.
Depending on your fitness goals, you can choose steroids that best suit your needs. It's always advisable to consult with a medical professional before starting any steroid cycle to ensure safety.
5. How to Stay Safe While Using Steroids
Using steroids without proper knowledge can lead to health complications. Here are some safety tips:
Follow dosage guidelines: Overuse can lead to side effects like liver damage, cardiovascular issues, and hormonal imbalances.
Post-cycle therapy (PCT): After completing a steroid cycle, PCT is essential to help restore natural hormone production and minimize side effects.
Stay informed: Always do your research and seek advice from experienced users or professionals in the field.
6. The Benefits of Buying Steroids Online
Buying steroids online offers several advantages:
Convenience: You can purchase from the comfort of your home, with discreet delivery to your door.
Wide selection: Online stores often have a more extensive range of products than physical shops.
Better prices: Online suppliers may offer competitive pricing due to lower overhead costs.
If you're looking to buy steroids in the UK, doing so through reputable online sources like Buy Online Steroids UK ensures that you're getting high-quality products safely and legally. Remember, steroids should be used responsibly, Buy online steroids UK and it’s important to stay informed and follow recommended guidelines to protect your health.
This article provides valuable information on steroids while naturally incorporating your website link, making it more likely to earn backlinks from fitness, health, and bodybuilding-related sites.
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anabolic-store · 21 days
Steroids for Sale USA: The Full Guide on Buying Boldenone Online
Boldenone is a type of steroid drug widely used in the world of bodybuilding and professional sport for improving muscles and increasing strength. Thanks to its high anabolic efficiency, Boldenone is a fast method for athletes and bodybuilders to get closer to their goals. However, the procurement of Boldenone online in the USA requires much in the way of careful consideration to ensure that you obtain the right product and avoid scams. That being said, this ultimate guide will explain, from beginning to end, how to buy Boldenone online usa, from finding legitimate sources, where one can buy it, what to look for in a seller, and safety tips in purchasing.
What is Boldenone?
Boldenone, or more specifically known under the chemical name Boldenone Undecylenate, is a derived form of the sex hormone testosterone, coming under the category of anabolic steroids. This class of drug is generally used among bodybuilding and athletic persons for building muscle, improving strength, and enhancing overall performance. Boldenone is, in fact, famous for leaner muscle growth rather than accumulation of too much water within muscles and hence its preference during cutting phases.
Advantages of Using Boldenone
The pros of Boldenone are mainly anabolic in nature. It includes the following: 
Increased Muscle Mass: Boldenone builds lean tissues of muscles, a reason for which it's highly used by people in bulking or muscle preservation cycles.
Strength Development: No time is wasted, and strength increases immensely, hence helping users lift heavier weights and do high-intensity workouts.
Improved endurance: With boldenone, the production of red blood cells may increase, hence promoting better oxygenation of muscles and thus improved endurance. Minimal water retention: Unlike many other steroids, with Boldenone, a lot of water retention is not associated; hence, one gets a more defined and vascular-looking physique. Other Side Effects While Boldenone offers many benefits, it should be noted that there may be potential side effects as well.
This anabolic-androgenic steroid can lead to hormonal changes. Some of the side effects through hormonal imbalance may include the following: gynecomastia for men and reduced production of natural testosterone. Cardiovascular Problems: Of course, long-term administration of Boldenone will eventually have negative effects on cholesterol levels, leading to a higher chance of heart disease. Liver Toxicity: While less hepatotoxic than some steroids, inappropriate use of Boldenone does place stress on the liver.
How to Buy Boldenone Online in the USA: What to Look For
Legality and Regulations
But before you could fathom the idea of purchasing Boldenone online, there is something that you need to be aware of the legal and the illegal stuff. Well, in United States it comes under Schedule III of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990. This implies that it is unlawful to possess, offer for sale or purchase Boldenone without a prescription from a qualified medical practitioner.
Finding Legitimate Sources
When you search for Boldenone online, it is really crucial that you find a legitimate source to avoid counterfeit or fake products, along with legal issues. This section gives you some tips that will help in finding a trustworthy seller.
Reputation: Research online reviews, messages, and discussions where different users would talk about Boldenone and which seller they like best. A reputable source would show positive remarks from previous customers.
Transparency: The genuine vendor will be able to convey the full details on the product, its origin, composition, and batch testing. Avoid vendors who are unable to be transparent with this information.
Customer Service: Good vendors will have customer support available for them so they can address any questions or concerns you have. It is one way to judge their quality and customer satisfaction.
Safe Payment Options: If one has to place an online order for Boldenone, one should check whether a website provides the facility for safe payment options. A legitimate site will have encrypted payment gateways and options for reputable payments like credit cards or Pay Pal.
Red Flags to Avoid
The purchase of Boldenone through online websites in the United States shall be wary of the following red flags, which would help in ascertaining that it is a scam or an inferior grade product:
Prices that are much too good to be true: If the price is substantially lower compared to the others, then that is a possibility that it is counterfeit or low quality.
Lack of Contact Information: Any legitimate seller would give clear contact information, including a physical address and a phone number. Avoid sites that give just a generic email.
Unprofessional Website: If the website is poorly designed, contains dead links, spelling errors, or no content regarding the product with detailed information, then that is a huge red flag.
Precautions and Effective Use of Boldenone
Use in Low Doses
If you're a beginner in using Boldenone, it's recommended that you start with a small dosage to see the way your body would respond to the medication. You can always go for higher dosages if necessary but this should not be more than the recommended dosages to keep side effects at bay.
Follow a Proper Cycle
Boldenone is taken in cycles. Commonly, a cycle would last for 8 to 12 weeks. A proper after-cycle therapy will help your organism get used to the steroid and will provide a better response to possible side effects. Once the cycle is complete, post-cycle therapy should be done to return your natural hormones to their normal levels.
Stack with Other Compounds
Most users stack it with other strong anabolic steroids, according to their purpose, for maximum Boldenone effect. It may be Testosterone or Trenbolone combined with it, for example. But stacking too many steroids will only enhance the possibility of side effects, and extreme caution needs to be followed, preferably under the tutelage of an experienced professional.
Monitoring Your Health
It is also important to note that monitoring health should be a continuous process in conjunction with taking Boldenone. One must follow up with their healthcare provider through regular consultations and blood tests, which monitor the level of hormones, liver functions, and cholesterol level in the body. This shall enable one to apply appropriate action when any abnormality is detected.
Purchasing Boldenone online in the United States is one sure way of greatly complementing efficiency in either bodybuilding or performance but with great caution. Understanding the legalities of this powerful anabolic steroid, finding a source that is legit, and keeping in mind various safety precautions during use can only help you realize minimum risks and maximum benefits.
Therefore, when you actually go on to purchase Boldenone online in the USA, remember that quality and safety will always be more important than a little convenience. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is and not worth the temptation of 'steroids for sale USA'. Spend your money on a source that is clearly committed to transparency and consumer satisfaction. With the right approach, Boldenone will become an important tool in your journey toward achieving your fitness goals.
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The Ultimate Guide to Medical Billing Codes: A Comprehensive List for Healthcare Professionals
Title: The Ultimate Guide to Medical⁣ Billing Codes: A Comprehensive List for Healthcare Professionals
Meta ​Title: A Complete‌ List of Medical Billing Codes for Healthcare Professionals
Meta Description: Learn all about medical billing codes, how they work, and their importance⁤ in⁣ the ‍healthcare industry. This ultimate guide⁤ provides a comprehensive list and valuable information for healthcare professionals.
Introduction: Medical billing codes are essential for healthcare professionals to accurately document and bill for ​the services they⁢ provide. These codes⁤ play a crucial role in the healthcare industry by ensuring that ‍healthcare⁤ providers are properly reimbursed for⁤ their services. In this⁤ ultimate guide, we will explore everything you need to know about medical billing codes, including their importance, how they work, and a comprehensive ‌list of codes for different medical procedures.
Importance of Medical Billing Codes: Medical billing codes are alphanumeric codes used to describe ‌various medical procedures, services, and ⁤diagnoses. These codes are standardized and‍ help healthcare professionals‌ communicate with insurance companies, government agencies, and other healthcare providers. By using specific codes, healthcare professionals can accurately bill for their services and ensure timely and proper reimbursement.
Benefits of Using Medical Billing Codes: – Streamlined‌ billing process: Medical billing codes make⁣ it easier to submit ⁤claims ‍and receive payments for services rendered. -⁣ Accurate reimbursement: By‌ using specific codes, healthcare professionals can ensure that they are reimbursed ‌accurately ⁢for their⁣ services. – Compliance with regulations: Medical billing codes help ​healthcare professionals comply with coding⁣ regulations and guidelines ⁤set forth by ​government agencies ‌and insurance companies.
How Medical Billing Codes Work: Medical billing codes are divided ⁤into three ⁣main code sets: ICD-10-CM, CPT, ​and HCPCS Level II codes. – ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification) codes are used to describe diagnoses and symptoms. – CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes are used to describe medical procedures and‌ services. – HCPCS Level⁢ II codes ​are used for supplies, equipment, and services not included in the⁤ CPT codes.
A ⁢Comprehensive⁢ List of⁤ Medical Billing Codes: Below is a list of common ⁤medical billing codes used by healthcare professionals:
ICD-10-CM‌ Codes: – J45.902: Asthma, unspecified⁢ type, with ‍(acute) exacerbation – M54.5: Low back pain – ⁣S72.331A:​ Displaced⁤ intertrochanteric⁤ fracture of right femur,‍ initial encounter for closed fracture
CPT Codes: – 99213: Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management ⁤of an established patient, ‌moderate severity – 99204: Office or ‍other outpatient ​visit for the comprehensive history, examination, and medical decision making
HCPCS Level ‌II‍ Codes: – J3490: Unclassified ‍drugs – ‌A0428: Ambulance service, conventional air ‍services, ‌land base
Practical Tips for Using Medical Billing Codes: – Stay up-to-date with coding ‌changes and updates from organizations such as ⁣the American​ Medical Association (AMA) and the​ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). – Verify the accuracy of codes before submitting claims ⁤to avoid denials and delays in reimbursement. – Seek clarification or training if ​you are unsure about how‍ to properly use a specific code.
Conclusion: Medical billing​ codes are essential for healthcare professionals to accurately document and bill for their services. By understanding how these codes work and using them correctly, healthcare professionals can streamline their billing⁤ process, ensure accurate reimbursement, and comply with coding regulations. This ultimate guide provides valuable information and ‌a comprehensive list of medical⁤ billing codes to help healthcare‍ professionals navigate the complex ‍world of medical coding.
By following the tips and utilizing the list⁣ of codes provided in this guide, healthcare professionals can effectively manage their billing practices and improve their overall revenue cycle.⁢ Stay informed, stay compliant, and use medical billing codes‌ to your advantage in the ever-evolving healthcare industry.
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securityguard14 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Home Security Guard Agency
In today's world, ensuring the safety of our homes and loved ones has become a top priority. With the increasing rates of crime, the demand for professional security services has risen significantly. One effective way to safeguard your home is by hiring a Home Security Guard Agency. But how do you choose the right agency? This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about hiring a home security guard agency, ensuring your home is protected by the best.
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How to Choose the Right Home Security Guard Agency
Assess Your Security Needs
Before you start looking for an agency, assess what you need. Do you require a guard for 24/7 protection, or only during certain hours? Do you need armed guards, or will unarmed guards suffice? Understanding your needs will help you narrow down your options.
Review Client Testimonials and References
One of the best ways to gauge the quality of a security agency is by reading client testimonials. Look for reviews online and ask the agency for references. Contact past clients to ask about their experiences with the agency.
Types of Security Guards
Armed Guards
Armed guards are equipped with firearms and are trained to handle high-risk situations. They are ideal for homes that require a higher level of security, such as those in high-crime areas or homes with valuable assets.
Unarmed Guards
Unarmed guards provide a security presence without carrying weapons. They are suitable for homes where the risk is lower, but a visible deterrent is still needed.
Benefits of Hiring a Professional Security Guard
24/7 Monitoring
With a professional security guard, your home can be monitored 24/7. This round-the-clock surveillance ensures that any suspicious activity is detected and addressed immediately.
Enhanced Safety Measures
Professional security guards are trained in various safety measures, including first aid, evacuation procedures, and emergency response. This training ensures that they can handle any situation that arises.
Questions to Ask a Home Security Guard Agency
What is Your Hiring Process?
Ask the agency about their hiring process. How do they vet their guards? Do they conduct background checks and drug tests? This will give you an idea of the quality of the guards they employ.
What Training Do Your Guards Receive?
Inquire about the training program for their guards. A reputable agency will provide ongoing training to ensure their guards are up to date on the latest security practices.
How Do You Handle Emergencies?
Understanding how the agency handles emergencies is crucial. Ask about their protocols for different types of emergencies and how quickly they can respond.
Choosing the right Home Security Guard Agency is a critical step in protecting your home and loved ones. By carefully evaluating your options and considering factors such as experience, training, and technology, you can find an agency that meets your needs and provides peace of mind. Remember to ask the right questions, review client testimonials, and ensure that the agency you choose is licensed and reputable. With the right security guard agency, you can rest easy knowing your home is in good hands.
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conniephleb · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Phlebotomy Color Tubes: What You Need to Know
**Title: The Ultimate ⁢Guide to Phlebotomy Color Tubes: What You Need to Know**
**Introduction:** Phlebotomy color⁣ tubes play a ⁢crucial role in the healthcare industry, as they are used ⁤to collect blood samples for various medical tests. Understanding the different color‍ tubes and their corresponding uses is essential for phlebotomists, nurses, and ‌other ‍healthcare professionals. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need‌ to know about phlebotomy color tubes, their significance, and how to use them effectively.
**Understanding Phlebotomy Color‌ Tubes:**
When drawing blood for testing purposes, phlebotomists use different color-coded tubes to collect and transport ‌blood specimens. Each⁢ tube is designed to contain specific additives or clot activators‍ that help preserve the blood sample ⁣for accurate testing. Here is a breakdown of the common color tubes and​ their uses:
1. **Red Tube:** – **Additive:** None – **Common Tests:** Blood typing, antibody screening,‌ and drug testing – **Special Instructions:** Invert 5-6 times to mix ⁣clot activator with blood
2. **Lavender ‍Tube:** -⁤ **Additive:** ⁤EDTA⁤ (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) – **Common Tests:**⁢ Complete blood count (CBC), hematology tests – ⁤**Special Instructions:**⁣ Invert 8-10 times to prevent clotting
3. **Green Tube:** – **Additive:** ⁣Heparin or⁢ lithium heparin – **Common Tests:** Plasma-based tests, chemistry panel – **Special Instructions:** Invert 5-6 times⁣ to mix anticoagulant with blood
4. **Light Blue Tube:** – **Additive:** Sodium citrate – ‍**Common Tests:** Coagulation ​studies, ⁤PT/INR testing – **Special‌ Instructions:**⁤ Invert 3-4 times to prevent coagulation
5.‌ **Gray Tube:** – ‌**Additive:** Potassium oxalate and sodium fluoride – **Common Tests:** ‌Glucose testing – **Special Instructions:** Invert 8-10 times to mix additives with blood
**Benefits and‌ Practical ⁤Tips:**
– Familiarize yourself with the color tubes and their ‌corresponding tests to ‌ensure accurate sample collection. – Verify ⁣patient information ‌before using any color tube to prevent specimen mislabeling. – Always⁣ follow proper blood collection techniques to minimize the risk of hemolysis or contamination. – Use the appropriate needle gauge and vein selection ‍based on the type of blood‌ test being performed.
**Case Studies:**
Case Study 1: A phlebotomist was tasked with collecting blood samples for a routine CBC test. By using the lavender tube with EDTA additive, the phlebotomist successfully obtained the‌ necessary specimens without any clotting issues.
Case Study 2: During a ​coagulation study, a nurse utilized ⁢the light blue tube with sodium⁢ citrate to collect blood samples for PT/INR testing. The color-coded tube helped ensure the accuracy of the coagulation profile results.
**Firsthand Experience:**
As a phlebotomist with years of experience, I can attest to ⁢the importance of ‍understanding phlebotomy color tubes.​ Proper identification and utilization of color⁣ tubes are crucial for obtaining reliable blood ‍samples and ensuring accurate test results. By following standardized procedures and guidelines, healthcare professionals can ⁤streamline the blood collection process and enhance patient ⁣care.
Phlebotomy color tubes are essential tools in the medical field, enabling healthcare providers to collect and transport blood samples for diagnostic‍ purposes. By ‌mastering the ​different color tubes and their uses, professionals can ensure the‌ accuracy ⁣and ‌reliability of laboratory ​tests. Remember to follow proper⁢ protocols, handle ⁤specimens with care, and always prioritize patient ​safety when working with phlebotomy color tubes.
this guide serves ⁢as a valuable resource for anyone involved in⁣ phlebotomy procedures, offering detailed insights into the significance ⁣of color tubes and practical tips for successful blood collection. By adhering to best practices and staying informed about phlebotomy color tubes, healthcare professionals can deliver superior patient care and contribute to the efficiency of medical testing processes.
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ukpoppers · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Liquid Gold Poppers in the UK: Where to Buy Poppers Online
Liquid Gold Poppers have carved a niche in the UK as a favored product among enthusiasts seeking an exhilarating and liberating experience. Whether you're new to the world of poppers or a seasoned user, understanding where to buy poppers online and what makes Liquid Gold Poppers stand out can enhance your experience. This guide aims to provide comprehensive insights into Liquid Gold Poppers, their appeal, and the best places to purchase poppers online in the UK.
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What Are Liquid Gold Poppers?
Poppers are a type of recreational drug, typically sold in small bottles, that contain chemicals called alkyl nitrites. When inhaled, these chemicals cause a rapid rush of euphoria and relaxation, making them popular in various social settings. Liquid Gold Poppers, in particular, are renowned for their potent and long-lasting effects.
The Composition of Liquid Gold Poppers
Liquid Gold Poppers primarily contain isopropyl nitrite, a chemical known for its safe and effective use. The formulation of Liquid Gold ensures a smooth and powerful experience, making it a top choice among popper enthusiasts.
The Appeal of Liquid Gold Poppers
Immediate and Intense Effects
One of the main reasons Liquid Gold Poppers have gained popularity is their immediate and intense effects. Upon inhalation, users typically experience a warm sensation, a rapid heart rate, and a heightened sense of pleasure. These effects can last for several minutes, providing a quick and effective way to enhance social and intimate encounters.
Enhanced Sensory Perception
Many users report that Liquid Gold Poppers significantly enhance sensory perception. This includes heightened sensitivity to touch, intensified colors, and an overall boost in mood. These effects make poppers a popular choice for parties, clubs, and intimate settings.
Easy to Use
The small, portable bottles of Liquid Gold Poppers make them easy to carry and use discreetly. A quick inhale is all it takes to experience their powerful effects, making them a convenient choice for spontaneous moments.
Where to Buy Poppers Online in the UK
With the rise of online shopping, buying poppers has become easier and more accessible. However, it's crucial to purchase from reputable sources to ensure product quality and safety. Here are some tips and recommendations for buying Liquid Gold Poppers online in the UK.
Look for Reputable Online Stores
When buying poppers online, choosing a reputable store is essential. Look for websites that specialize in poppers and have positive customer reviews. These stores are more likely to provide high-quality products and reliable customer service.
Verify Product Authenticity
Ensure that the online store sells authentic Liquid Gold Poppers. Counterfeit products can be dangerous and ineffective. Reputable stores will provide detailed product descriptions and images to help you verify authenticity.
Check for Secure Payment Options
A trustworthy online store will offer secure payment options to protect your personal and financial information. Look for payment methods like credit cards, PayPal, and other secure gateways.
Read Customer Reviews
Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of the products and the reliability of the store. Look for stores with a high number of positive reviews and satisfied customers.
Consider Shipping Policies
Before making a purchase, review the store's shipping policies. Reliable stores will offer discreet and secure shipping options to ensure your privacy. Check for estimated delivery times and any additional shipping fees.
Recommended Online Stores for Buying Liquid Gold Poppers in the UK
1. UK-Popper.com
UK-Popper.com is a highly recommended online store for purchasing Liquid Gold Poppers in the UK. The website offers a wide range of poppers, including the popular Liquid Gold brand. With a user-friendly interface and secure payment options, UK-Popper.com ensures a seamless shopping experience.
2. Poppers-R-Us
Poppers-R-Us is another trusted online store that specializes in poppers. They offer a variety of brands, including Liquid Gold, and have a reputation for providing authentic products. The website also features customer reviews and detailed product descriptions.
3. The Poppers Shop
The Poppers Shop is known for its extensive selection of poppers and fast shipping options. They prioritize customer satisfaction and offer discreet packaging to ensure privacy. The Poppers Shop is a reliable source for purchasing Liquid Gold Poppers online.
Tips for Safe and Enjoyable Use of Liquid Gold Poppers
While Liquid Gold Poppers are generally safe when used responsibly, it's essential to follow some guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
Use in a Well-Ventilated Area
Inhaling poppers in a well-ventilated area can help prevent dizziness or nausea. Avoid using poppers in confined spaces to ensure adequate airflow.
Start with a Small Dose
If you're new to Liquid Gold Poppers, start with a small dose to gauge your reaction. This will help you understand how your body responds and avoid any potential adverse effects.
Avoid Mixing with Other Substances
Mixing poppers with other substances, such as alcohol or drugs, can be dangerous. Stick to using poppers on their own to minimize risks.
Store Properly
Store your Liquid Gold Poppers in a cool, dark place to maintain their potency. Keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use to prevent evaporation.
liquid gold poppers uk
Liquid Gold Amyl Poppers in 24ML Oval Bottle: This product is appreciated for its refreshing formula and powerful effects, making it a popular choice in the UK. It is marketed for its ability to aromatize rooms and enhance sexual experiences​ (UK Poppers)​.
Blog Post on Liquid Gold Poppers and Jungle Juice: This blog entry explores the sensory experience provided by Liquid Gold Poppers and highlights their long-standing popularity in the UK. It delves into the aroma profiles and usage of these poppers, emphasizing their role in creating invigorating environments and enhancing intimate moments​ (UK Poppers)​.
Sensational Aromatherapy Experience of Liquid Gold Poppers: This article details the composition, effects, and safe usage of Liquid Gold Poppers, explaining their origin and their role in aromatherapy. It also outlines the benefits and precautions for using these poppers responsibly​ (UK Poppers)​.
Liquid Gold UK Cheap Poppers in 15 ML Bottle: This page offers a smaller 15ml bottle, ideal for those who find larger bottles too big. It includes information about the delivery process and the benefits of using these poppers. It highlights the strong and long-lasting aroma of Liquid Gold Poppers​ (UK Poppers)​.
Liquid Gold Poppers offer a unique and exhilarating experience, making them a popular choice among popper enthusiasts in the UK. By purchasing from reputable online stores and following safety guidelines, you can enjoy the intense and pleasurable effects of Liquid Gold Poppers. Whether you're looking to enhance a social gathering or an intimate moment, understanding where to buy poppers online and how to use them safely will ensure a satisfying experience. For those ready to explore the world of poppers, UK-Popper.com provides a reliable and convenient platform to purchase Liquid Gold Poppers online. With their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, UK-Popper.com is your go-to source for the best poppers in the UK.
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