#University of Western Ontario
quiltofstars · 1 month
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The Northern Lights at Elginfield Observatory in Ontario, Canada // Katelyn Beecroft
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Research revives 1800s photos
Researchers from Western University developed techniques for creating images from old, badly tarnished photographs. These techniques could also be used to study other historic artifacts and fossils and prevent corrosion in modern materials. Chemistry professor Tson-Kong (T.K.) Sham and his colleagues recently confirmed a new synchrotron imaging technique they developed is just as effective for retrieving corroded daguerreotypes—the earliest form of photographs—as a strategy they first reported in 2018 and can also be used no matter how badly damaged the image surface is from natural corrosion or cleaning attempts. The new research, which used beamlines at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan, is published in the Journal of Cultural Heritage.
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tenth-sentence · 7 months
At this time, indications of human genetic sex were beginning to be obtained by using the 1949 discovery of Murray L. Barr, a cytologist at the University of Western Ontario: routine staining revealed a small satellite (eventually called a "Barr body") near the nucleolus in the cells of females but not usually in of males.
"In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity" - Daniel J. Kevles
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uwophilosophy · 2 years
University of Western Ontario Philosophy Club
For anyone with an interest in philosophy regardless of major. DM or comment to be added to the no-commitment information list as we begin the semester.
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biographyset · 2 years
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The president and vice-chancellor of Western University in London, Ont., has issued a statement roughly three weeks into a pro-Palestinian encampment on university grounds, in which he suggests that a principal demand from protestors is not feasible.
Protestors under the group Western Divestment Coalition, like their counterparts at campuses across North America, have been calling on Western to divest from Israel-connected funds in light of the ongoing conflict in Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas war.
President Alan Shepard said in the open letter to the entire Western community that the institution’s investments are publicly available and that it does not invest directly into companies but rather through pooled funds curated by external fund managers.
“Assuming divestment was possible, many experts have argued that this approach would have limited to no impact on the issues at hand – while at the same time requiring organizations like universities to dismantle their entire investment model to address a very small percentage of assets,” Shepard writes. [...]
The coalition noted that just two years ago the university issued a statement in solidarity with Ukraine following Russia’s invasion. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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dreamertrilogys · 4 months
they should invent a city driving/train distance from me that has a uni. & they should call it mtl but put it in ontario so i don’t have to pay 2x tuition
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alifelearned · 2 months
Every April London, Ontario experiences a huge outflux of students as they finish their semesters and head home for the summer break. This always leads to literally TONS of perfectly usable items being trashed when they could otherwise be donated. Living next door to a property where this was a particularly glaring issue, I simply couldn't stand by without acting. Thus over the last 5 years I have found ways to progressively save more and more of these perfectly usable items by bringing them to the thrift store. This year I was successful in bringing 27 loads of reusable items from the students waste straight to charity. Here's hoping I'm even more successful with these waste diversion efforts in future years!
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if68 · 2 years
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London, Ontario
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arcticdementor · 2 years
A Western University social media post supporting the fight against homophobia included an illustration of two women in hijabs about to kiss – sparking a backlash from London’s Muslim community that forced school officials to delete it.
The image, posted on the school’s Instagram account Tuesday to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, was met with a firestorm of criticism from people who were offended by the imagery.
They said the post was “inappropriate” and “disrespectful” because the hijab, an Islamic veil, has religious and spiritual connotations. Wrote one person: “Shame on you Western for such an insulting mockery post to my religion.”
In response, school officials initially appeared to stand behind the poster, noting they understood “how complex and intersectional this topic is” and that the “imagery may be upsetting to some Muslims.” But on Wednesday, a Western official who oversees equity, diversity and inclusion issued a statement noting the image had been removed.
“We believe this presents an opportunity for genuine, thoughtful discussion about how we can best support members of the Queer Muslim community, and those from all faiths and backgrounds within the 2SLGBTQ+ community,” said Opiyo Oloya.
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bob425608 · 24 days
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【国外大学文凭样本】UWO毕业证认证Q/微:892798920办西安大略大学毕业证留信留服使馆公证,UWO硕士毕业证,UWO研究生毕业证,文凭,改UWO成绩单,GPA,学士学位证,硕士学位证,offer雅思考试申请学校University of Western Ontario Diploma,Degree,Transcript
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New hemp-based biomaterial to help with global microplastic pollution crisis
Plastic is cheap and light, and conceivably recyclable, which makes it an easy choice for packaging when it comes to food and cosmetics. But it's also potentially toxic and biologically harmful, making it a non-starter for many environmentally responsible and socially conscious companies in Canada and around the world.
Western chemistry professor Elizabeth Gillies, mechanical and materials engineering professor Aaron Price and their research teams worked with industry partner CTK Bio Canada to develop a new biodegradable, hemp-based material that could serve as a sustainable substitute for packaging needs for a wide variety of products.
"When it comes to packaging, plastic replaces things like metal and glass. Those are heavy and expensive," said Gillies, who is also the Canada Research Chair in polymeric biomaterials. "Glass recycling is not a very profitable business and while many plastics are potentially recyclable, it often doesn't happen in practice."
This lack of recycling, compounded by a global microplastics pollution crisis, led Gillies and her team to find a degradable 'plastic' to solve the problem, or in this case, a hemp-based product.
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immaculatasknight · 27 days
Waking from the nightmare
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canadachronicles · 1 year
Adrienne Arsenault always is an inspiration!
Source: CBC's Instagram Page
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A court injunction filed by five Western University students to block the London, Ont., institution's COVID-19 booster shot mandate has been rejected by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, according to court documents.
In a written decision, Justice Kelly Tranquilli stated that as an independent, autonomous, and self-governing institution, Western can govern its affairs separate from the province, and collecting personal health data from staff and students is its way of implementing the vaccination policy.
"The collection of proof of vaccine is how the vaccination policy or mandate is implemented and enforced, this court finds the Policy is the product of Western's broad powers of self-government," she said.
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
Migratory birds that can sense the planet's magnetic field might experience a similar irritation over being micromanaged. Researchers from the University of Western Ontario in Canada and Bowling Green State University in the US have found they can lilterally switch off their neurological navigation aid when no longer in need of it. The research looked at white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) and found that they were able to activate a particular part of their brain when they needed to migrate, and put it back into a dormant mode while resting at stopover points. This 'cluster N' brain region has previously been identified as being important to avian navigation, but it hasn't been clear precisely how it was used across species, or if it activates and deactivates automatically based on daily or seasonal cycles. "This brain region is super important for activating the geomagnetic compass, especially for songbirds when they migrate at night," says psychology graduate student Madeleine Brodbeck from the University of Western Ontario in Canada.
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