#Huron University College
canadachronicles · 1 year
Adrienne Arsenault always is an inspiration!
Source: CBC's Instagram Page
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adverbally · 28 days
Searching for a Trail to Follow Again
Written for the @steddieangstyaugust prompt “The Night We Met - Lord Huron” | wc: 1,111 | rated: M | cw: nonexplicit sexual content | tags: Eddie’s insecurities, not really breakup sex, kind of more like goodbye sex, at least until Steve knocks some sense into Eddie, hopeful ending
Eddie has never understood the concept of breakup sex.
Either you were ending the relationship and didn’t care if you never saw the other person again, or you were still in love and devastated that they didn’t want you anymore. What closure could someone get from that?
He wishes he could go back to that ignorance. Now he knows that not all relationships end because the love is gone; now he understands wanting to make the last time special, to savor something you will probably never have again. Sure, it hurts to know the end is coming. But the end is coming whether you know it or not, and Eddie would rather be able to plan for it.
Their end is here. Tomorrow, Steve will be taking his community college credits to Ball State University to become a teacher. He’s so excited to start his deaf education program and work with kids like him. Eddie’s excited for him too, except that Muncie, Indiana is over 200 miles away from Chicago, where they’ve both been living with Robin.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust Steve, but who wants to go to school with a partner chaining them down when they could be meeting new people, enjoying their youth? Who wants a loser like Eddie holding them back? Wannabe musician, part-time bartender, part-time record store clerk, full-time disappointment.
As much as Steve protests that line of thinking, he concedes that he won’t be able to make the trip back to Chicago often, between his coursework and his internship and working part-time. He refuses to call it a breakup, though; this is just a temporary disruption in their relationship.
Eddie wishes he had that confidence. Instead, he’s kissing Steve like it’s his last night on earth and committing everything to memory in case he never gets to touch Steve like this again. The lean muscle of him, the freckles that dot his skin, the coarse hair against Eddie’s fingertips, the taste of his sweat. The way Steve can’t seem to get enough of him, reluctant to let their lips part for more than a moment. The sounds he makes, low moans and gasps and quiet praise and Eddie’s name, over and over.
Afterward, they lie curled around each other in Eddie’s bed. Steve’s belongings are already packed and loaded into the truck he rented. The finality of everything is setting in but Eddie is determined not to be dramatic, just this once. He’ll enjoy Steve while he still has him and not waste the precious hours they have left.
“Maybe you can visit me sometime,” Steve suggests, like he wants to ask Eddie to come but doesn’t want to be too direct about it. Like Eddie isn’t grasping for any crumbs of Steve he can gather.
“If you want me to, I will,” Eddie promises.
“Of course I want you to.” Steve is quiet for a minute before he speaks again. “Are you saying goodbye to me? Was this– it felt… I don’t know. I don’t want to leave with you thinking you’ll never see me again.”
How can Eddie explain that that’s how it feels? Steve is going to be at school for two or three years; that may be a short time in the grand scheme of things, but compared to how long they’ve been together? Compared to how many other people Steve has dated and slept with? Just because Steve has undeniably ruined Eddie for anyone else doesn’t mean the reverse is true.
So instead of trying to explain, he says, “You know, they say it’s, like, scientifically proven that you never forget the person who gave you your first kiss or the one who took your virginity.”
Steve laughs. “I don’t think that’s true.”
“It is!” Eddie insists. “And yeah, you weren’t my first kiss, but you were my first everything else, you know? And I don’t get to be that for you.”
“They may not be as glamorous, but I’ve had plenty of firsts with you,” Steve argues, propping himself up on an elbow to look down at Eddie. “Like, I had never laughed until I cried during sex before you. And I had never been to a metal concert until that one I saw with you.” His voice is soft when he continues, “I don’t think I’ve ever really, truly been in love with anyone but you, either.”
Eddie gnaws on his own lip, pulling at the dry skin until it starts to bleed. “Just because I was the first doesn’t mean I’ll be the last. There might be someone else out there for you.”
“Yeah, there’s probably someone else for you, too. It doesn’t matter, I don’t want someone else.” Steve’s hand is gentle on Eddie’s cheek, caressing the stubble along his jaw. “I want you. As long as you want me back, I’ll want you.”
“I just— I don’t want you to resent me when I’m not there.” Eddie can’t look away with Steve holding his face, so he can’t hide when he tears up. “I worry you’ll realize you’re too good for me, or you’ll wish you didn’t have to deal with me anymore or something.”
Steve looks devastated. “Baby, am I that bad at telling you how much you mean to me? I love you. I’ve loved you for two years, and I’ll keep loving you forever.”
Eddie sniffs as Steve helpfully wipes under his eye with his thumb. “That’s not always— What if the love isn’t enough?”
“What if it’s not?” Steve challenges him. “If we couldn’t make it work, what would you do?” When Eddie doesn’t respond, he continues, “I’d rather be with you now, really be present and enjoy our time together, than worry about some hypothetical. And even if it does end someday, I would rather face the pain of losing you than never have you at all.”
“I didn’t think about it that way,” Eddie admits, almost ashamed. Here he is, making Steve comfort him when he should be focusing on Steve.
“I get it if you’re scared. I’m scared, too. I’m gonna be in a new place, studying hard, and I’m not gonna have you there to make it better.” Steve’s smile is fond and a little teasing. “But we can still talk and send letters. And three hours isn’t that long of a drive.”
Eddie nods. “Yeah. You’re right, of course. I want to be here for you. Even if I can’t always be there.”
“So be here now, and be here when I come back.” The kiss Steve lays on his cheek is chaste, but it might be the most intimate feeling Eddie has ever experienced.
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astrangetorpedo · 5 months
Lucy Dacus Brings It All Back Home
by Hilary Saunders | 9/2/16
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Back in March, when Lucy Dacus and her band passed through Boise, Idaho to play the opening night of Treefort Music Festival, every single member of the group—rolling four deep—wore shirts and caps that bore a variation on their home state’s motto: “Virginia Is For (Music) Lovers.” Before their set, they had stopped in Bleubird, locally considered Boise’s best sandwich shop, and while they waited in a line that stretched out the door, Dacus and the boys chatted eagerly and earnestly with those around them—especially if they asked about their shirts.
Four months later at the Harrison Street Café, one of her favorite sandwich shops in her hometown of Richmond, Virginia, Dacus remembers the festival fondly. Her debut album No Burden had only been out for about a month at the time, courtesy of Richmond indie EggHunt Records, and Boise was the farthest west the band had ever performed.
A lot has changed since then. Dacus has toured with indie-rock darlings like The Decemberists and Lord Huron, and impressed festival audiences at South by Southwest and Lollapalooza. On September 9, Matador Records will re-release No Burden, with the hopes that its eight songs will catapult the 21-year-old further into the scene’s fickle mainstream.
Comprised of Dacus’ first recorded works, No Burden showcases the singer/songwriter at her most revealing. Her contralto, which she manipulates from a whisper to a cry, conveys both self-awareness and self-deprecation. Meanwhile, the band, comprised of a traditional guitar-bass-drums set-up, stretches its volume and dynamics to parallel extremes, allowing Dacus to transform from demure chanteuse to rock band leader—sometimes even within the same song. Case in point: on lead single “I Don’t Want To Be Funny Anymore,” Dacus laments “being the odd man out” and “being the biggest fan,” right before the song erupts into a guttural roar. The album’s seven-and-a-half-minute centerpiece, “Map On A Wall” opens with Dacus acknowledging her physical flaws and begging, “Oh please, don’t make fun of me / of my crooked smile and my crowded teeth / of my pigeon feet, of my knobby knees,” but the song eventually builds to a tense crescendo, Dacus repeating similar lyrics with more force and tenacity.
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Sitting in a corner booth upstairs in the café, Dacus explains, “I make an effort to voice what I’m most sensitive about, because I know everyone else feels that way, too. The biggest hold-up, when it comes to insecurity, is when you think you’re alone in it. When you realize that you’re not, it’s easier to deal with. It’s just that somebody has to be the first person to break the ice of internal anxiety.”
Dacus grew up in Richmond’s neighboring town of Mechanicsville (its most famous export is Jason Mraz). She didn’t necessarily suffer from “extreme internal anxiety,” but she did drift in and out of the precarious social structures of the popular crowd in elementary and middle school. By the time she got to high school—the prestigious Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School, which is coincidentally located just down the street from the Harrison Street Café—she had found like-minded creative friends, and Richmond started to feel more like a home.
Although Dacus initially enrolled at Virginia Commonwealth University—also located near the café—to study film, she left after her second semester sophomore year to travel in Europe. Before leaving the country, she recorded what would become No Burden to help out now-bandmate Jacob Blizard on one of his college recording finals at Oberlin. It never occurred to either of them to release the recordings. “We were just going to put it on Bandcamp for our friends and family to see,” she says. “It’s the only accessible place for start up musicians to put their work.”
When Dacus returned, EggHunt Records’ co-founder Adam Henceroth saw her opening for his label’s own signees, Manatree. As Henceroth remembers, he only intended to watch Dacus for a few minutes.
“I sat in the front row like, ‘Hey lemme catch a few seconds of this before I meet this other guy backstage.’ Well, I forgot about whatever I was doing. Forty minutes later after being glued to her set, I was speechless,” he says. “The thing about Lucy is that, literally within 60 seconds of listening to her, you’re immediately drawn into her world. You’re caught in a tractor beam of sorts. She hits you square in the head and speaks to your heart.”
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Both in person and on No Burden, Dacus radiates that emotional authenticity that Henceroth describes. Part of that stems from her Richmond upbringing—specifically, the fact that Dacus was adopted. That fact is a bit oblique on the record; she never sings about her experience directly. But the lessons she learned reveal themselves in certain places—the album title itself is a reminder that we are not a duty to those who love us. They reflect Dacus’ desire to seek meaningful connections, especially when we are at our most vulnerable.
“[Adoption has] totally impacted what I write, because one of first things I learned as a philosophy was that life is worthwhile,” She says, “So much so that a bunch of people had to sacrifice a lot so that I would have one. As a four-year-old, that’s what I already knew.”
The most impressive element of Dacus’ debut is that while so much of No Burden resulted from growing up in Richmond, its messages transcend the city that raised her and embraced her. And everyone from EggHunt to Matador to the fans she’s gained in the meteoric past nine months seem to realize it. “It’s real cool how Lucy has seemed to stay true to her roots,” says Henceroth. “She talks about Virginia a lot, and she never had any obligation to include [EggHunt] in her story, but she did. She comes across as really honest. You can hear it in her music. There’s no pretense. She’s not trying to be something she’s not. It’s all coming from her. That’s the magical part of it.”
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justforbooks · 4 months
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In "Fiction", one of the 10 new stories collected in Too Much Happiness, a woman called Joyce takes a vague dislike to a guest at a family party. The guest, Maggie, whom Joyce thinks of as the sort of young woman "whose mission in life is to make people feel uncomfortable", turns out to be a writer who's just published her first book. Joyce buys a copy on a whim a few days later, not sure if she'll actually read it ("she has a couple of good biographies on the go at the moment"). She becomes even more unsure when she realises that it's "a collection of short stories, not a novel . . . It seems to diminish the book's authority, making the author seem like somebody who is just hanging on to the gates of Literature, rather than safely settled inside."
Alice Munro has said in interviews that she once had similar anxieties about short stories - that she spent her 20s fretting about not producing a novel. These days, along with William Trevor, she is one of the grandees of English-language short fiction. Yet people still like to worry about her authority. In truth, there's little substance to these anxieties: she's had an international readership since the 1970s; this year she added the Man Booker International prize to her already substantial collection of awards; and her daughter has published a memoir about being brought up by "an icon". Even so, there's a persistent idea of her as an underpraised housewife-genius from the Canadian backwoods, perhaps because it's easier to talk about the literary politics of being a woman, Canadian or a short-story writer than it is to give a sense of her densely packed but effortless-seeming work.
Born Alice Laidlaw in 1931, Munro grew up in a small town in southwestern Ontario peopled by descendants of Scottish and Irish settlers. (Through her father, she's descended from the Scottish Romantic writer James Hogg.) She quickly got out of there on a scholarship, married a man she met in college and started a family in suburban Vancouver. Then, not long after publishing Lives of Girls and Women (1971), a kind of bildungsroman made of interlinked stories, she got divorced and found herself back in Ontario, where the sexual and social changes in the air did not always fit well with the religious and class assumptions of small-town Canada. But there she stayed, remarrying and, in her writing, addressing the matter of men and women, trouble with children, the deaths of friends and parents. By the early 80s, it was clear that Huron County - with some excursions to the Pacific northwest - had given her all the material she would need.
Munro's localism isn't antiquarian or defensive. Small-town Canada, it turns out, is an ideal place to observe the mysteries of sex and selfhood, of personal formation and deformation. But localism has also insulated her writing from windy notions of universality, giving it a sense of history and a network of social gradations and prohibitions to work with, as well as an understated Gothic turn. Rural or puritanical suspicions of pretension, which often oppress her characters, have left their impress on her writing style, too. Her prose is clean, precise and unmannered; her stories are attentive to emotion but sometimes almost witheringly unsentimental. She's also a storyteller rather than a maker of atmospheric vignettes, not afraid to shift chronology around or have dramatic things happen. In the collections she's published over the past 10 years, she gives the impression of being able to make the form do pretty much anything she wants, and Too Much Happiness is no exception.
"Fiction", for example, seems at first to be a story about Joyce being left by her husband in the 70s. But then the action cuts to the near-present, with the character presiding in grandmotherly style over her second husband's family get-together, being annoyed by Maggie. When she finally gets round to reading Maggie's stories, she sees why the writer seemed nigglingly familiar: she's the daughter of the woman for whom Joyce's first husband left her. What's more, the first story she starts to read - it's called "Kindertotenlieder" - is transparently modelled on Maggie's childhood, in the course of which Joyce taught her music at school and, so Maggie's story recounts, exploited the child's love for her glamorous, freshly husbandless music teacher to prise details of her mother's new domestic setup out of her. Joyce reads on in horror as the child grows up, understands that her innocent love was exploited (though to no great effect), and becomes bitter, "a person never to be fooled again".
"But", Munro writes, "something happens. And here is the surprise ending." The Maggie-figure in the story finds one day that her feelings about that teacher and that time have changed. She realises that her happiness wasn't fraudulent: whatever the teacher's motives, the child singled out for attention experienced love. "It almost seemed as if there must be some random and of course unfair thrift in the emotional housekeeping of the world, if the great happiness - however temporary, however flimsy - of one person could come out of the great unhappiness of another." Joyce is suitably cheered by this conclusion, and Munro could honourably have left the story there. Instead, she gives its tone two further tweaks. First, Joyce queues up to get her copy signed and Maggie doesn't recognise her, indeed she acts as though her story was disposed of long before. Then, having made Joyce depart a bit mawkishly, Munro gives her back her composure: "This might even turn into a funny story that she would tell one day. She wouldn't be surprised."
Laid out in a short summary, the story's workings - the lessons and counter-lessons in fiction-making; the fluent, dramatic changes of perspective; the approach to, and retreat from, generalising wisdom - inevitably seem a bit squashed. On the page, though, they hang together beautifully, without strain; and the same holds true for many of the other pieces in the book. In "Dimensions", one of several stories featuring violent death, Munro arrives at a brilliantly ambiguous emotional transaction between a traumatised woman and the mad husband who killed their children. "Free Radicals", in which a widowed woman with cancer has to deal with a dangerous intruder, turns neatly - perhaps too neatly towards the end - on another deftly handled reversal; while "Wenlock Edge" moves easily from surface realism to a David Lynch-like erotic dreamscape involving enforced nudity, chicken-carving lessons and the poetry of AE Housman.
Many of these new stories have a valedictory feel. "I grew up, and old," one ends. The novella-length title story - which recreates the last days of Sofia Kovalevskaya, the 19th-century Russian mathematician, writer and practical feminist - begins in a graveyard and ends with a litany of deaths and fates. The ageing narrators of the stories of childhood and early adulthood are good on the urgency with which once-discarded memories can come back, "wanting attention, even wanting you to do something about it, though it's plain there is not on this earth a thing to be done". At the same time, we get appealing glimpses of the sardonic girls these people once were, as when the narrator of "Wenlock Edge" watches her bachelor cousin pour scorn on a snobbish warning she's received: "This speech of his, the righteousness and approval lighting his large face, the jerky enthusiasm of his movements, roused the first doubts in me, the first gloomy suspicion that the warning, after all, might have some weight in it."
Munro is famously hard to write about, in part because she's the opposite of the Borges character who joked about belonging not to art but to the history of art. Far from hanging on to the gates of literature, her stories create a powerful illusion of bringing their readers up against unmediated life; and life isn't penetrable by the normal procedures of book reviewing. Is Too Much Happiness as substantial a collection as Runaway (2004) or Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage (2001)? The only sensible answer is to recommend buying all three.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
Hi! Can I get a Supernatural matchup?
- My Pronouns are she/her.
- Currently a university student majoring in clinical mental health (considering switching to art rn).
- I'm an artist, writer, and musician.
- I'm an INTJ and I'm a rather big fan of having my own personal time to decompress.
- I have a more detached social style so I'm considered "hard to get to know" sometimes because I'm not super social.
- I spend my time painting, playing piano, playing video games, or doing my own personal research.
- I enjoy going to literature events like poetry readings, and I also enjoy going to art shows.
- I go to oil painting seminars regularly and have my own personal collection of fine art and poetry.
- I'm an avid player of Dungeons and Dragons (I'm a massive Baldur's Gate fan) and my favorite thing about it is making up character backstories and doing art of my characters.
- I enjoy the aesthetic of tattoos and plan on getting a sword on my sternum.
- My love language is quality time/parallel play. I enjoy doing my own thing while someone else does their thing.
- I enjoy civil debates and going to theatre. I enjoy going to musicals and plays.
- My favorite musicians are Hozier, Type O Negative, Flora Cash, Florence and the Machine, Lord Huron, and Metallica.
- My favorite books are Crime and Punishment, Dracula, Pride and Prejudice, and The Strange Tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
- I'm a big fan of snacks and snacking and I keep a (large) bag of pretzels and a redbull in my tote bag.
- My family calls me a Renaissance reincarnation because of my varied interests.
(I have a preference for male/masculine presenting characters)
Hello! Here's your SPN matchup! I hope you like it! <333333
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🐝 Who knew that already being friends with Dean and Sam would lead you to meeting Castiel - you had known the boys for probably more than a year, and then you finally get to know the man behind all of the funny bee stories; though you are not too social with new people/people in general, Cas is the same, so you both go slow and slowly warm up to each other
🐝 Once you both get used to each other, it's not long until you become good friends - Cas sometimes get caught staring at you by Sam and Dean, and when he goes to them for help on these new feelings he's having, Sam gives him advice; near the end of the seven months of being friends, Cas gifts you the First Edition of Pride and Prejudice
🐝 Skipping to when you both are official, you and Cas spend some quality time together - when you're not in college studying or when you are not busy in general; you often bring Cas to the poetry readings or go to art shows - and when not out and about together, you both paint or just eat a ton of snacks while listening to music (my money says he likes Hozier too)
🐝 If you need time alone to decompress, Cas totally understands, he'll find something else to in the meantime, maybe go find some bees...
🐝 Cas loves learning more about you, your favorite snacks, hobbies, movies, and so on, he could spend hours just learning how to play D&D just so he could play with you or have a conversation with you about it; he loves how passionate you are in the things that you like, and how kind and understanding you are once he got to know you - he just massively adores you in general
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sailor-aviator · 10 months
About Me
Hey there!
Hi! My name is Liz! I’m 28 years old (Born on September 3rd), and my big three are Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon, and Virgo Rising! I just recently started writing fanfiction, but I’ve been writing since I was around 9 years old. I’ve been creating stories since I could talk! I was a Linguistics Major in college, having attended the University of Missouri, and I had two minors: one in German and the other in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. I studied abroad twice during college: once for a year in Germany and the other for a month in Ireland! 
My Hobbies include:
Video Games
My Favorites include:
Books: Night Road by A.M. Jenkins, The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, The Giver by Lois Lowry, Earth Abides by George R. Stewart, and Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Movies: The Labyrinth, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Raiders of the Lost Ark, Where the Crawdads Sing, Detective Pikachu, and Black Phone
Shows: Derry Girls, Daria, X-Files, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Fruits Basket, and Anne With an E
Songs: In a Week by Hozier, The Yawning Grave by Lord Huron, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by U2
Disney Movies: The Little Mermaid, Brave, Elemental, and Soul
Disney Princess: Ariel
Disney Character: Donald Duck
Disney Show: Ducktales (original and new)
Cryptid: Mothman
Holiday: Halloween
Scary Movies: The Omen (1976), Longlegs, Incantation, and As Above, So Below
Flower: Lily of the Valley
Place in the World: Scottish Highlands
Myth: Orpheus and Eurydice
Musicals: Hadestown and Jesus Christ Superstar
Season: Spring
Weather: Thunderstorms
Colors: Yellow, Green, and Pink!
Musical Artist: Hozier
Animals: Stingrays, Gorillas, and Foxes
My Other Interests include:
Cute Things
My Personality Types are:
Chaotic Good
Enneagram 4
Have other questions? Go ahead and shoot me an ask!
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beesmiley · 10 months
meet my tavs through ambiguous questions 🌿🩸🔪
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answering some questions posed by @corviiids (original post here) with my Tavs: Phlox (top; elf druidic ranger - romancing Gale), Casimir (bottom left; half-elf sorcerer durge - romancing Astarion), and Seylem (bottom right; tiefling rogue - romancing Wyll)
1. if they went to a modern-day university what would they get their bachelor's in and do they enjoy it?
Phlox would double major in Conservation Biology and Environmental Ethics - she adores protecting and caring for nature and animals and sharing that knowledge and care with others. Casimir would enter college unsure of what she wanted to study but would end up with a degree in Psychology purely because of a professor who continued to believe in her and helped guide her on her way. Seylem always dreamed of going into Law but had to drop out in her second year due to familial issues back home.
2. do they collect anything and what is it?
Phlox collects books - she is a big fantasy enjoyer and loved listening to Gale read her fairy tales when they were children. Casimir has a proud collection of animal bones and skulls, her favorite being a nearly perfect crow skull. Seylem has a button collection and was taught by her father how to sew them on clothes.
3. signature perfume / fragrance notes?
Phlox smells of lilac flowers after a rain shower. Casimir surprising loves smelling like vanilla and cinnamon. Having grown up near the docks of Baldur's Gate, Seylem usually smells of the ocean and salty sea breeze.
4. what mundane human job would they have in modern society to pay the bills and do they like it?
Phlox would be a forest ranger, educating folks about nature and working to conserve and protect it - she thrives in the outdoors! Casimir would be a mortician; she respects death and would want to help give folks peace before their forever resting place. Seylem would be a locksmith because she has mastered the art of lock picking; she would like to do more with her life someday.
5. their top three songs on repeat
Phlox: First Light by Hozier; Meet Me in the Woods by Lord Huron; Forgive Me Friend by Smith & Thell Casimir: Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer; AMERICAN HORROR SHOW by SNOW WIFE; Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons Seylem: Nothing Personal by Night Riots; SKIN OF MY TEETH by Demi Lovato; Dangerous by Royal Deluxe
6. story of their first kiss
When they were teenagers at a royal gala in Deergarde, Gale and Phlox shared their first kiss with each other and it was as awkward as young love kisses could be; their blushes burned so hot, they could put Karlach to shame. Since Casimir lost her memory of her life before the Nautiloid, her night with Astarion is the only first she considers; she's glad it was with him. Seylem doesn't remember who exactly her first kiss was with, but she does remember the coin pouch, the pocket watch, and the dagger she was able to pickpocket off of him during it.
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strandnreyes · 1 year
Hi Jen!
First, I've been wanting to tell you that I think you were one of the first kudos I ever got on my first chaptered story come and take a walk on the wild side and that really made my day when it happened.
I was so new to the fandom at the time and it was so cool to see someone was interested in a story that was far out of my own writing comfort zone at the time.
Now, for Nice Ask Day, I have to ask:
If you could have a soundtrack made for any of your stories; which would it be, who's five artist that would be on it, and if you want, what would their songs be called?
omg really? I didn’t know that! I remember being super intrigued by the premise!
I’ll go with the universe that I have the most extensive playlist for which is the vampire universe (I’d link my playlist when I post the sequel, but I’d be revealing my whole name and I don’t want to go through the effort of making a new spotify account lol). Embarrassed to admit that yes, some of the twilight soundtrack is on this playlist.
I actually have so many scenes that when I write, I think about how awesome it would be to watch this scene play out with a particular song in the background, so I’ll give you an artist and then what song of theirs would play during which scene! (Side note: I had to take a theater appreciation class in college and I was in charge of sound design for our final project and I actually loved it! My professor recommended me to take more classes, but it was so far from my degree that those class didn’t fit into my carefully curated schedule. I will channel that energy here instead)
1. Noah Kahan
Maine (specifically the intro) would play in the beginning of as if you were a mythical thing. I’m picturing an overview of the town before zooming into Carlos on his run because duh, look at the title of the song.
2. Taylor Swift (the folklore/evermore type music)
Peace would play on the drive back from camping after Carlos finds out about TK. Picture the scenic backroads with both of them looking out the windows wondering what happens next
3. Bon Iver
Roslyn (hello twilight soundtrack) would play during the scene on the beach when TK tells Carlos about his parents
4. Hozier
I’m thinking Work Song would be a nice slow yet powerful, meaningful song for either tarlos’ first time or their last time with Carlos as a human (coming soon!)
5. Lord Huron
The Night We Met would play during the final scene of the sequel, which will make a lot more sense eventually!
As you can tell, the soundtrack for this very much matches the gloomy autumn woodsy mood of this universe!
I appreciate the creativity of the final part of the ask, but that is not my strong suit AJDHJA I already struggle to title my own work
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e’en as the storm on the streamlet and sea - playlists for cat morgan and undine, for @bombawife‘s OC week
morgan: 01. through me (the flood) - hozier | 02. captain morgan - the jolly rogers | 03. to the sea - thomas borchert | 04. a whale of a tale - kirk douglas | 05. glitter and gold - barns courtney | 06. beautiful dreamer - sheryl crow | 07. brother - the rural alberta advantage | 08. the night we met - lord huron | 09. tír na nÓg - celtic woman feat. oonagh | 10. notos - the oh hellos | 11. the storm and the stars - sebastien may | 12. fjöll í austri fagurblá - sigur rós feat. steindór andersen | 13. dúlamán - the choral scholars of university college dublin | 14. sir patrick spens (child 58) - anaïs mitchell and jefferson hamer | 15. dear fellow traveler - sea wolf | 16. shaking of the sheets - steeleye span | 17. in this world or the one below - brian tyler | 18. who will save you now - les friction | 19. here’s a health to the company - the longest johns [listen]
undine: 01. the human heart - andrea frierson | 02. someday we’ll linger in the sun - gaelynn lea | 03. flying dutchman - tori amos | 04. i talk to the wind - king crimson | 05. water witch - the secret sisters | 06. ships - anaïs mitchell | 07. friends unknown - lachanze | 08. dreams - solange | 09. never-ending road (amhrán duit) - loreena mckennitt | 10. jig of life - kate bush | 11. ivory tongue - ayla nereo | 12. árbakkinn -ólafur arnalds | 13. granuaile's dance - celtic woman | 14. duele - carla morrisson | 15. rounds - the oh hellos | 16. locket - crumb | 17. amhrán na farraige - lisa hannigan | 18. for the dancing and the dreaming - erutan | 19. ondine - maurice ravel [listen]
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fetteredhope · 1 year
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—— ( geraldine viswanathan. cis woman, she/her. ) recently seen serving at diner 54: enter ROBIN ELODIE SHRIKE. twenty-eight years old & a capricorn, usually observed in graphic t-shirts, leather jackets, and oversized cargos ; robin is a devotion local known within their circle as COMPOSED + NURTURING, a perpetual hum of me by the 1975 on salted mouth. something of the AFFECTLESS + FICKLE follows, regardless … something to do with working dead end jobs, because who really cares in the end, perhaps ? strange, what a HUMAN can get up to. they’ve been heard waxing lyrical about a dream they had recently, a strange tale of a familiar laugh, but there’s an echo that leaves the room feeling cold. it’s hollow and forced, but she’ll take what she can get. pay no mind to fanciful star - gazing, though: rather, mind the tangible. focus on rolling her eyes at her favourite twinks despite how much she actually loves them, flipping off customers the second they try it with her, dark lipstick; dark eyeshadow; dark attire. / committed to legend by bri, twenty6, they/she, est.
below are mentions of chronic illness & hospitalization!
name: robin elodie shrike.
nickname: rob, robby.
age: twenty eight.
gender identity: cis woman.
pronouns: she/her.
sexuality: lesbian.
birthday: january 15, 1995.
star sign: capricorn.
myer-briggs: intp.
occupation: waitress at diner 54.
place of birth: devotion, south of tene.
last played on spotify: until the night turns by lord huron.
general disposition: indifferent and judgmental.
the youngest of two older brothers, robin came into the world loudly and aggressively, and it was merely a precursor to how she’d always read
life growing up wasn’t horrible, her parents were loving and their family had money - mum being the owner of a massive publishing company and dad being a big name editor, also the owners of shrike point light library
however it felt as if they were never satisfied, always pushing for more even when their kids were at the top of their classes and heavily involved in as many extracurriculars as they could
it eventually mottled her relationship with her brothers - she was always close with the oldest shrike kid josef, but malcolm had a bad case of middle child syndrome and distanced himself entirely, from their parents and definitely from josef, who was the best of them in their parents eyes
robin herself didn’t purposely act out - she just stopped caring……… academics to her came with ease, she was lucky to be naturally very smart, but she felt no desire to ever challenge herself in her extracurriculars and classes the way her parents wanted her to
she graduated high school and… that was basically it, she never tried to go to university, wrinkled her nose at the idea of taking community college classes as a pass time, she was just done and though her parents hated it, she was free of their judgment
she’s been working at diner 54 for 10 years now - while robin’s free, she feels the opposite of stuck; she loves devotion and plans on staying there for as long as she lives, with her rag tag somewhat dysfunctional group of friends she’s had since she was little
thought it felt like nothing was happening for her, robin didn’t mind it at all; she would give anything to go back to those days before josef fell incredibly sick - a lung infection that resulted in a transplant, which seemed like the worst of it, until his body began to reject the transplant and he’s been in hospital ever since
when she’s not at work, robin’s either in a dingy bar with her friends or at the hospital visiting josef - she has her own cot permanently left in his room for when she has to serve late into the night and visiting hours are technically over
a big reader!!!! ig it runs in the family fr
the epitome of grunge/punk kid
is secretly quite loving and she does make it known with friends but she’s openly sneered in customers faces before if they were rude to her or even bc she thought their dinner orders were Ass
as a human she’s incredibly intrigued and fascinated with the devotion creatures, especially witches of which a lot of her friends are
she can be a bit selfish in her requests and demands sometimes but she just wants to watch people use their powers its cool ok.
is the lesbian mom to her fav twinks around town that she protects like they’re her own children
needs roommates pls, at least 2!!!
bffs/childhood friends
ppl who work at diner 54 with her!!
someone added to her twink collection :) 
exes!! that ended on good and bad terms
hook ups/fwbs
someone she knows thru her brothers/grew up with them/family friends etc.
anything n everything teehee
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motownfiction · 1 year
Lucy loses a sandal in Lake Huron on a breezy day at the end of April.
She’s back home in Michigan, coincidentally there for a guest lecture at her alma mater. It pays off to stay in contact with your very first professors (and your parents, who are their colleagues at a different university, but Lucy’s still a bit too shy about that, a bit too reluctant to admit it). The lecture went well enough. You can only engage students about Victorian Gothic mores for so long, even if you do tie it to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show’s only been off the air for about a year, and already, its core demographic seems over it. Things move too fast now, even for Lucy, the most impatient person in the world (or at least on the East Coast).
But they’re home – at least, she and Will are. Emma wants to get back to New York, but Lucy, who knows there’s almost nothing more beautiful than the Great Lakes. They can’t make it over to Lake Michigan, so Huron will have to suffice. She and Emma run over to Old Navy for cheap sandals, just for a walk at Lighthouse Park. It’s out of their way, but Lucy doesn’t care. She wants Emma to know a little bit about why she and Will have so many stories about home.
She wades in the water. It’s still bitterly cold from the winter, which takes too long to end. But Lucy doesn’t care. While she’s usually logical enough to stay close to the sand, especially when the water is still this cold, today is not one of those days. She lifts the skirt of her dress above her knees and wades deeper and deeper. She wades until she feels one of her cheap sandals slip right off her foot.
At first, she goes to pick it up, but she doesn’t want to get her dress wet. There’s nothing worse than a cold car ride, especially all the way back from Port Huron. So she just lets the sandal float away. A little guilt stabs her in the heart in all the right places, but it doesn’t change anything. What’s gone is gone; done is done. There’s nothing she can do about it anymore, even if she wants to.
Lucy wonders what will happen when the sandal washes ashore. If it ever washes ashore. She doesn’t know how long it will take, but she thinks about how different the world might be. Emma’s age will be in double digits. Elenore will have a college degree. Will might have a few extra gray hairs. And she might have another book to her name. She takes a deep breath of the lake air.
It’s not that it’s better here. It’s that this will never stop being home. It’s that this will never stop being the place where Lucy is the most herself. She always thought Sadie was bullshitting when she said that as a water sign, there was no better place to think than at the beach.
Turns out she was right.
This is Lucy, on the shore, and this is where she needs to be.
(part of @nosebleedclub poetry month challenge -- day xxii!)
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axolotlbottle · 1 year
❝Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained❞ - Jonathan Harnisch
Samuel "Junior" Sunglint
This is Junior! He's my oc that is the son of BenxSally, but in my universe ✨️ In this version, Ben & Sally knew each other since middle school, (maybe became more aquainted in highschool, and then went in to be college sweethearts) grew up, got married & had 3 children 💕 Junior being the youngest of the bunch. I absolutely love Ben x sally, so it was fun to design one of their children! (My friend designed the older two) Also, I imagine that if Sally grew up, she would be a sweet elementary school teacher & ben would have been some sort of early-internet wiz & programmer! ༉‧₊˚✧
ⓘ NOTE: BEN/SALLY do not belong to us, obviously. Therefore, our children for them are not canon to ben/sally's original lore (canon in me & my besties universe though) nor should be taken as such. Sally belongs to @la-mishi-mish & Ben belongs to Alex Hall. We will not in any shape or form claim their parents to be our own characters. 💚💖.
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He looks identical to his mother, Sally & loved her dearly (he especially loved it when she made cute outfits for his stuffed frog walter) . Though he is a HUGE daddy's boy, hence being very clingy onto his father, Ben. ( Ben spoils him in return.) He didn't get along with his older siblings. His older brother Benji was stuck up indoors playing videogames & his older sister preferred staying indoors with her dolls & such. Junior is the only child who despised being stuck inside 24/7 and loved the outdoors as his second home. He often got ganged up on by them, but he had his parents to back him up lol.
Yes, unfortunately, Junior is deceased. His other family members' whereabouts are unknown to him. Unbeknownst to him & the outside world, all of them are deceased except his older brother, Benji, who has been missing since [REDACTED].
I would NOT call nor refer to him as a ghost-child. He isn't vengeful, nor does he "haunt" the location he died at. He rarely appears in a ghostly/undead form. Being trapped as a "spirit" is depressing & he has mourned greatly. But luckily he found comfort in being able to "live" in an environment he loves. He resides in a cabin at an undisclosed location, where all his trinkets & belongings mysteriously appeared there. He continues to collect trinkets & his hobbies, having hope the spirits of his parents will find him one day. If other alive hikers / travelers come by, he typically ignores them or "dissappears." He's still very much new to being a "spirit" after all, he can barely understand the quirks of it being a child and all :P. He doesn't like to interact with others like him either. The most he can do is levitate, but that freaks him out so he rarely does it!!
I associate the crowcore aesthetic with him very much. And also the song "Ends of the earth" by lord Huron.
I found a cute art style on Pinterest and wanted to recreate it with Junior , and I think I did a decent job.
I also posted this on Instagram but had to limit it because instagram has too many limits on their posts. However I did add some vids there that I associated with Junior!! Regardless, this is all I have for now. I just wanted to share it here to get a lot of info out there. Thank you if you have read this far :).
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cleanwaterchronicles · 2 months
University looks to the lakes for educational inspiration
The College of Great Lakes Ecology and Education at Lake Superior State University (LSSU) marks a significant stride toward sustaining Michigan’s invaluable water resources.
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Students in a high school natural resources career and technology class offered through LSSU’s Center for Freshwater Research and Education in the College of Great Lakes Ecology and Education help Bay Mills Indian Community plant manoomin, or wild rice, in an Upper Peninsula lake. Photo courtesy of LSSU.
The initiative, launched a year ago and encompassing the schools of Natural Resources and Education and the Center for Freshwater Research and Education, creates a new model of collaboration to train the next generation of educators and scientists while promoting the sustainability of cultural and natural resources in the Great Lakes basin.  
The college is a shared vision leveraging LSSU’s place at the nexus of the upper Great Lakes to help sustain the region’s economy, culture, and way of life for future generations. 
Located in Sault Ste. Marie at the confluence of the upper Great Lakes and straddling multinational borders, LSSU is uniquely poised to spearhead critical research and education. Its strategic location grants researchers and students direct access to the ecosystems of three Great Lakes (Superior, Huron, and Michigan) and multiple nations (U.S., Canada, Native American tribes, and First Nations), along with key partners, such as Algoma University, the U.S. Coast Guard’s National Center of Expertise for the Great Lakes, and the Michigan departments of Natural Resources (DNR) and Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).  
The location along a multinational border also underlines the interconnected nature of environmental challenges, reinforcing the importance of cross-nation cooperation and of indigenous peoples’ knowledge and participation. 
A novel component of the college’s mission is its dedication to place-based methodologies in education. This innovative approach builds a foundation for learning on the local environment, history, culture, and needs, creating a profound connection between students and their surroundings and increasing Great Lakes literacy. 
Place-based education aligns teaching with real-world contexts, making learning more relevant and engaging for students. The goal is to build teacher education programs that empower aspiring teachers to bridge classroom learning with local natural and indigenous knowledge and connect student learning in their own backyards.    
Immersing future educators in place-based techniques will instill a sense of responsibility and appreciation for the Great Lakes region, fostering educators who impart not only knowledge but also a deep-rooted understanding of the lakes’ significance in our culture and history.  
Additionally, this new approach encourages an appreciation for diverse cultures and perspectives, which promotes skills needed to adapt teaching methods and content to support the needs of diverse student populations. 
The College for Great Lakes Ecology and Education is home to cutting-edge facilities and resources, including the Richard and Theresa Barch Center for Freshwater Research and Education, which houses a Great Lakes Discovery Center for K-12 and community programs, along with state-of-the-art research laboratories to empower both aspiring educators and scientists. 
College of Great Lakes Ecology and Education graduates will be better prepared to tackle the complex challenges that the Great Lakes region faces, advocating for impactful policies and engaging local communities in preserving the region’s cultural and ecological integrity.  
As environmental concerns including climate change and water scarcity continue to grow, this college will be an innovative model of collaboration and education, leading the way to creating the next local and global leaders in education and natural resource conservation and management.  
Many courses to chart 
Lake Superior State University offers numerous degree programs through its College of the Great Lakes: 
Bachelor’s degrees 
Teacher education, with an emphasis on placed-based learning/teaching. 
Fisheries and wildlife management (fisheries management, wildlife management, and conservation officer concentrations available). 
Conservation biology. 
Outdoor recreation and leadership (park and land management, outdoor recreation and ecotourism, and environmental education concentrations available. 
Associate degrees 
Geospatial technology. 
Natural resources technology. 
Early childhood education. 
Master’s degree 
The college is preparing a new master’s degree program in fisheries and wildlife sciences to build on the resources of the university’s Center for Freshwater Research and Education.  
Adapted from an article in the 2023 Michigan State of the Great Lakes Report by Ashley Moerke, Lake Superior State University.
Source: EGLE Newsroom
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starlostastronaut · 10 months
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PAIRING: lee minho x reader
GENRE: angst, unrequited love, college au, non idol au
WC: 1.27k
CW: profesional dancer!minho, mentioned reader/gunil (xdinary heroes), seonghwa (ateez) cameo
PROMPT: realizing they fell for the other one too late
this is the angst one. i'm sorry in advance. i know i sneaked in yet another random relationship, but it fits the plot. and i will use any excuse to sneak gunil anywhere lol. also i have no idea how weddings in sk work, so i just wrote what i know. the wedding isnt even important anyway lol. i hope you enjoy reading <3
title from the night we met - lord huron
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Minho propped his head on his hand and looked out of the window. He wasn't really watching nature outside the train window; it just served as a distraction. And a cover, so the other people sitting around him won't see his face, even though it's covered by a mask. His deep brown boba eyes weren't, and that eyes are the windows to the soul was a saying for a reason. Especially for Minho. Many people have told him that despite his mysteriously closed-off attitude, his eyes have always betrayed him, telling his deepest secrets to the world.
And especially now, he didn't particularly feel the need to spill his heart to the unknown woman sitting opposite him. Not that she would notice, given the fact that she had been arguing over the phone for the past twenty minutes, but it was better to be safe than sorry. His thoughts were in dangerous territory. As they always did for the past few months, they wandered to you. Minho hadn't seen you for almost a year. The last time you two saw each other was last summer, when you took advantage of the summer break to go on a late August vacation with your whole friend group. Then your lives kicked off; you became busy with your university work, and Minho didn't even make it to Jisung's birthday before his company sent him off to dance for some idol group on tour. But now the tour was finishing, and Minho was on his way back to Seoul. He wasn't supposed to be back for another week, but he made a deal with the company. His best friend Chan was getting married, and Minho planned to surprise him.
But because Chan was also your friend, it meant you would be there too. And here was the core problem. In the time spent around the world and being able to exchange only a few texts a day, often with multiple-hour delays, Minho realized something. Minho realized that he was a complete idiot for what he did back in August. He pondered over the conversation you had the last night of your vacation many times. When it got late and he was in his hotel room, unable to sleep, his mind found its way towards that specific moment, replaying every second of it so vividly that it felt like watching a movie. And with every replay, Minho began slowly realizing something important.
He remembered how you pulled him aside that day, telling him to come meet you outside the beachhouse you and friends rented. He remembered standing there while you went to put on something warmer than a tank top. You walked barefoot alongside the beach, the waves occasionally splashing your ankles. Minho remembered how the stars shone brightly above your heads, mirrored in your eyes. It was romantic, Minho recalled. The breeze had been playing with your hair as you stopped and turned to face him. And then you told him. You confessed with tears in the corners of your eyes, telling him about all the heavy feelings you had harbored since March. You told him how it would be fine if he rejected you, but you just needed to get it off your chest because it was killing you on the inside to have him so close yet so out of reach.
And Minho, being the fool he was, said no. He said he was flattered but didn't feel the same. He only saw you as a friend. You nodded. Minho reached to wipe the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs, and you smiled at him. You told him it was okay, you understood. You would just need a little time to allow your heart to get over it as well. Reaching forward, you pressed a light kiss to his cheek and began walking back to the house, leaving Minho on the moonlit beach alone. When he woke up the next morning, you were gone. And that was the last time he saw you. He gave you time, like he promised, and then he left for the tour.
Sometime after two months of touring, you began texting like you used to, but Minho could sense something had shifted. As a matter of fact, it took him several more months to realize what, but he knew it from the start. He got too used to the fact that, in his life, you were a constant. You never left, not even after a few particularly nasty fights. In the end, you were there. Everywhere. Always. So being away from you made him realize just how much he missed you. And not only that. In the lonely, sleepless nights, he had room to think. And he did indeed. He thought about you, what you were doing, or how you were feeling. He thought about how dear you were to him and that he wouldn't know what to do if he lost you. He thought about what his heart did at the mention of your name. He thought about what your texts made him feel. And he came to the conclusion that he was completely, utterly fucked.
Because he was in love with you. He was in love with you for the whole duration of the tour. He was in love with you even back then, in August. He was just too stupid to realize it then.
But now he was going to fix it. He was going to surprise you, spill his heart, and hope you haven't moved on yet. He had watched your Instagram almost obsessively, and you haven't posted anything about a new partner. That hope was what got him through the tour, because as soon as he realized it, he was really close to just packing his things and leaving right there and then. He wanted to tell you in person because you didn't deserve anything less, and he wanted to do it soon.
When Minho arrived at the venue, he went to greet Chan and his friends but avoided you at all costs. As soon as reception began, though, he immediately began searching for you. When he found you, he had to remind himself to stay calm. You hugged, exchanged a few sentences about how you were, and then he came. An unknown man holding two drinks joined you, giving one of them to you. You smiled as a thank-you and said the words that shattered Minho's world. “Oh, Min. Meet Gunil, my boyfriend.”
It took all of Minho's willpower to smile, bow, and shake Gunil's hand before he excused himself. He knew this was his fault. He couldn't blame you for moving on and for finding someone who was there when he couldn't. He cared too much about you to do that. He was the one who was late, and now he had to suffer the consequences. He found himself at the bar, a drink in hand. He downed it in one go and, with a raspy voice, asked the bartender, Seonghwa, according to the name tag, for another one. He didn't ask questions; he simply filled Minho's glass again. And again. Until Minho had too much to drink and the bartender had to take him out for some fresh air.
As Seonghwa led him outside, Minho caught a glimpse of you on the dance floor in Gunil's arms, head thrown back in laughter as your boyfriend spun you around. A part of Minho felt happy for you. Another part of him wished he would find someone to pick up the pieces of his broken heart, just like Gunil did for you.
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taglist: @stayconnecteed @saintriots @vivioluh @ivaneedssleep @jazziwritesthings @darkypooo
©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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kgdrendel · 1 year
God Speaks to Each of Us in Our Own Love Language
The poignance of human longing, existential angst, and the intimacy of God with us
Photo credit to Carolyn Weber: author, speaker and professor Carolyn Weber has always been an academic, but she is no longer an atheist. She has a B.A. Hon. from Huron College at Western University, Canada and a M.Phil. and D.Phil. from Oxford University, England. She has taught at faculty at Oxford University, Seattle University, University of San Francisco, Westmont College, Brescia University…
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ramrodd · 1 year
What a Vietnam War Riot Says about Today’s Culture Wars | Robert Reich
This is an example of liberal revisionism of the cultural wars. Like the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, these things happened pretty much the way Reich describes them but it's where Hegel could come in handy for a far more balanced context.
As I've pointed out, William F. Buckley launched what has become the January 6 conspiracy to prevent Eisenhower's transformation of the Military Industrial Complex from maturing in 1960 with the Sharon Statement.
In 1962, the Students for a Democratic Society issued the Lake Huron Statement which adopted the Trotsky Insurgency Process as the political strategy to mobilize the campuses in favor of Nuclear Disarmament and Civil Rights. This process led to the massive student protests across the world after Tet 1968 that ultimately resulted in the Chicago Police Riots at the Democratic Convention in 1968.
That's the part Robert Reich wants to leave out, in particular the SDS takeover of Columbia University in 1968 that basically won the campus cultural wars and installed the liberal Politically Correct cancel culture on virtually all college campuses that persists to this day.
Now, the Hard Hat riots in NYC Reich cites in this video occurred after the Kent State shooting that was the result of the student riots protesting Nixon's Cambodian Incursion that made it possible to end the war in Vietnam quickly and to America's advantage. That's the part Robert Reich leaves out of the liberal version of events.
The cultural wars had been firmly established by the liberals on campus from 1965 until 1968 and preceded these hard hat demonstrations by almost a decade. January 6 is one consequence of this liberal revisionism It's a large reason why Trump voters don't trust liberals.
Speaking from my perspective at the time, both sides are bullshit.
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