#Urban Action Showcase
ajepyx · 5 months
Urban Action Showcase FILMMAKERS' Reception Pics
Urban Action Showcase FILMMAKERS' Reception Pics
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herrscherofinsanity · 3 months
Web of Hearts
Spider!Jimin being as subtle as a neon sign.
Yu Jimin (Karina x fem!reader)
Word count: 5.6k
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In the bustling city of Seoul, where towering skyscrapers touched the sky and the pulse of urban life echoed through every street, a new kind of hero emerged. Clad in a sleek red and black suit, Spiderwoman swung from building to building, keeping a watchful eye on the city she vowed to protect.
Yu Jimin, a seemingly ordinary woman by day, carried the weight of a secret identity. By night, she embraced her extraordinary abilities and became the guardian of Seoul. As Spiderwoman, she effortlessly swung through the cityscape, her agility and strength unmatched.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Jimin perched atop a high-rise building, scanning the city for any signs of trouble. Her enhanced senses picked up on a distant commotion, and with a graceful leap, she swung into action.
Down on the streets, chaos ensued as a group of villains wreaked havoc, terrorizing innocent civilians. Without hesitation, Spiderwoman descended upon the scene, her presence casting a shadow over the criminals.
"Looks like the party's over, gentlemen," she quipped, her voice laced with a confident edge.
The villains, startled by the sudden appearance of the city's masked guardian, prepared to face off against the formidable Spiderwoman. The confrontation unfolded in a series of acrobatic moves and swift strikes, showcasing Jimin's mastery of her newfound abilities.
As the last villain was apprehended, Spiderwoman turned to the gathered crowd, her mask concealing the determined glint in her eyes. "Fear not, citizens of Seoul. Spiderwoman is here to ensure your safety."
Word of the mysterious heroine spread across the city, capturing the imagination of its inhabitants. While Jimin navigated her daily life as an unassuming individual, she couldn't deny the thrill that came with her nightly escapades as Spiderwoman.
In a city where shadows concealed both villains and heroes, Jimin grappled with the responsibility that came with her extraordinary abilities. The balance between protecting the city and preserving her personal life became a delicate dance, and as the night sky witnessed her silent struggles, Seoul remained oblivious to the identity of its mysterious guardian, Spiderwoman.
It was move-in day at the college dorms, and the hallways buzzed with excitement and nervous energy. yn, lugging a heavy suitcase behind her, scanned the room numbers until she found hers: Room 302. With a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside.
The room was small but cozy, furnished with two twin beds, desks cluttered with textbooks, and a large window overlooking the campus grounds. yn's eyes landed on her new roommate, who was unpacking a box of books with an infectious smile on her face.
Jimin looked up and flashed a warm grin at yn. "Hey there! You must be my new roommate. I'm Yu Jimin. It's nice to meet you!"
yn returned the smile, instantly feeling at ease in Jimin's presence. "Hi, Jimin. I'm yn. Nice to meet you too."
And with that simple introduction, the bond between Jimin and yn began to form, setting the stage for the adventures that lay ahead. What yn didn’t know was that her quirky and endearing roommate held a secret that would change both of their lives forever.
After their initial meeting, Jimin and yn quickly settled into their roles as roommates. Jimin's bubbly personality and penchant for nerdy jokes brought a lightness to their shared space, while yn's calm and grounded demeanor provided a sense of stability.
As days turned into weeks, yn couldn't help but notice a peculiar pattern. Jimin seemed to have an uncanny knack for getting injured. Whether it was tripping over her own feet or accidentally bumping into furniture, Jimin always seemed to have a new bruise or scrape to show for it.
At first, yn brushed it off as Jimin just being incredibly clumsy. She would tease Jimin gently, offering band-aids and ice packs whenever Jimin came back from another misadventure.
But as time went on, yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to Jimin's frequent injuries. She noticed the way Jimin would tense up whenever yn asked about how she got hurt, quickly deflecting the conversation with a laugh or a joke.
yn's curiosity grew, and she began to pay closer attention to Jimin's behavior. She noticed how Jimin would sometimes slip out of their dorm room in the middle of the night, only to return hours later looking exhausted and worn out.
Despite her suspicions, yn didn't confront Jimin about her weird midnight escapades. Instead, she quietly observed, but the more she observed Jimin, the more confused she felt.
What on earth could her dorky roommate be up to?
Amidst the bustling city streets, chaos reigned as a gang of masked criminals wreaked havoc, their nefarious intentions casting a shadow of fear over the unsuspecting civilians. Amidst the chaos, a lone figure swung gracefully through the air, her lithe form a blur of crimson and black against the night sky.
Spiderwoman, as she was known to the citizens of the city, moved with fluid precision, her keen senses alert to the danger that lurked around every corner. With effortless grace, she leaped from building to building, her web-slinging abilities propelling her forward with astonishing speed.
As she closed in on the scene of the crime, Spiderwoman's senses tingled with anticipation, her heart pounding with adrenaline-fueled excitement. With a deft flick of her wrist, she shot a web line towards a nearby lamppost, swinging around it with practiced ease before landing gracefully on the ground below.
With a swift and decisive movement, Spiderwoman sprang into action, her movements a blur of acrobatic prowess as she dispatched her foes with precision and finesse. Her spider-like agility and lightning-fast reflexes left the criminals reeling, their futile attempts to strike back thwarted at every turn.
As the last of the criminals lay defeated at her feet, Spiderwoman allowed herself a brief moment of satisfaction before turning her attention back to her true objective. With a confident smirk, she shot a web line towards the nearest rooftop, launching herself into the air with a graceful leap.
Minutes later, Spiderwoman landed silently on the rooftop of the college dormitory she shared with yn, her heart racing with exhilaration from the night's events. With practiced stealth, she slipped through the window and into the darkness of her room, her secret identity safe for another day.
One evening, as yn was studying in the shared dorm room, she heard a loud crash coming from the living area. Startled, she rushed out to find Jimin sprawled on the floor, clutching her ankle in pain.
"Jimin, are you okay?"
Jimin winced as she attempted to sit up, her face contorted in pain. "I think I twisted my ankle. It hurts like crazy."
yn hurried to Jimin's side, helping her to sit up and inspecting the injury. Sure enough, Jimin's ankle was swollen and bruised, a clear sign of a sprain.
yn tried to be as gentle as possible with her injured roommate, "let's get some ice on that ankle. I'll grab a cold pack from the freezer."
As yn tended to Jimin's injury, she couldn't help but notice how frequently her roommate seemed to get hurt. It was as if Jimin was a magnet for accidents, always finding herself in precarious situations that resulted in bumps, bruises, and sprains.
Despite her curiosity, yn didn't press Jimin for details about how she got hurt. Instead, she focused on providing comfort and support, knowing that her roommate needed her in moments like these.
As Jimin winced in pain, yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Jimin's injuries than met the eye. But for now, she pushed aside her suspicions and focused on helping her friend heal.
One afternoon, as yn returned to their dorm room after class, she absentmindedly pushed open the door without bothering to knock. To her surprise, she found Jimin standing shirtless in the middle of the room, a towel draped over her shoulders.
yn's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sight of Jimin's bare torso, but her attention was quickly drawn to the large cut spanning across Jimin's back.
"Jimin, what the hell happened!? You're bleeding!" the younger girl shrieked.
Jimin jumped in surprise, hastily grabbing the towel to cover herself as she turned to face yn.
Jimin stammered, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. "Oh, uh, it's nothing. Just a little mishap while I was... uh, working out." Nailed it.
yn could see the discomfort in Jimin's expression as she hesitated to explain the true cause of her injury. Without another word, yn grabbed the first aid kit from their shared bathroom and motioned for Jimin to sit down on the bed.
"Let me take care of that for you. It looks pretty deep." Jimin felt herself freezing up at the soft look yn sent her way, she obediently walked towards her roommate.
As yn carefully cleaned and bandaged Jimin's wound, she couldn't help but notice the nervous energy radiating from her roommate. It was clear to yn that Jimin was hiding something, but she didn't press for answers, respecting Jimin's privacy.
As they sat in silence, the air thick with unspoken words, yn couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Jimin than met the eye. For now, she focused on helping her friend heal, unaware of the deeper feelings brewing beneath the surface.
As she finished wrapping up Jimin’s wound, yn couldn’t help but break the silence that enveloped them.
“You know…” yn began “you don’t have to tell me what actually happened, but I hate it when you get hurt. Please try to be more careful from now on, I can’t bare to see you in pain”. With those words yn got up to put away the first aid kit.
Jimin didn’t say anything, but she couldn’t deny that yn’s words had affected her in a way she couldn’t really describe. She couldn’t keep ignoring the butterflies she felt every time she locked eyes with yn.
Despite her best efforts to be subtle, Jimin's attempts at dropping hints about her developing feelings for yn were about as inconspicuous as a flashing neon sign. Whether it was lingering glances, awkward attempts at flirting, or fumbling over her words whenever yn was around, Jimin's attempts to express her affection were anything but discreet.
yn, however, wasn't oblivious to Jimin's antics. In fact, she found them rather endearing. She couldn't help but smile to herself whenever Jimin stumbled over her words or blushed furiously whenever their eyes met. yn appreciated Jimin's efforts, even if they weren't exactly subtle.
Despite her awareness of Jimin's feelings, yn decided to play along, enjoying the playful banter and the budding friendship between them. She didn't comment on Jimin's less-than-subtle approach, opting instead to let her roommate express herself in her own quirky way.
As they navigated the delicate dance of friendship and budding romance, yn couldn't help but feel a warmth blossom in her chest whenever she thought of Jimin. Maybe, just maybe, there was something more than friendship brewing between them, and yn was eager to see where their journey would take them.
("What do you think of superheroes?"
"Um, they're pretty cool, I guess. Why?"
"Oh, no reason. Just curious."
"Okay... Anyway, what's on your mind?"
"Oh, nothing important. Just, you know, hanging out with my favorite person."
"Smooth, Jimin."
"I try my best."
"Uh huh. Well, keep practicing."
"Ouch, right in the ego."
"Hey, you're the one who asked for honesty."
"True. Thanks for keeping me grounded, yn."
"Anytime, Jimin. Anytime.")
On a random afternoon as the two girls lounged on the couch, idly flipping through channels, they stumbled upon a news report about Spiderwoman. Jimin's heart skipped a beat as she watched, her secret identity suddenly thrust into the spotlight.
"Wow, Spiderwoman is so cool," yn commented, her eyes fixed on the screen. "She's pretty hot too..." she muttered more-so to herself, Jimin still heard her comment though.
Jimin tried to suppress the surge of excitement that bubbled up inside her at yn's words. She felt a blush creeping up her cheeks, her heart racing as she struggled to maintain her composure.
"Yeah, she's... uh, pretty cool," Jimin managed to mumble, her voice betraying her nerves.
As the report continued, Jimin couldn't tear her eyes away from the screen, her mind racing with a million thoughts. She stole a glance at yn out of the corner of her eye, her heart swelling with affection for the oblivious girl sitting beside her.
In that moment, Jimin realized just how much she cared about yn, and how badly she wished she could share her true identity with her. But the fear of rejection still held her back, casting a shadow over her burgeoning feelings.
As the news segment came to an end and the TV screen flickered to black, Jimin was left grappling with the turmoil of her emotions, uncertain of what the future held for her and yn.
("Are you made of copper and tellurium?"
"Uh, no? Why?"
"Because you're Cu-Te!"
"Oh, Jimin, that's... something."
"Yeah, I thought it was kind of nerdy but cute. Like me."
"Definitely cute. And modest too."
"Thanks. I'll take that as a win.")
“Hey Jimin? Do you think you can help me out with this subject?”
The question was innocent enough, nothing was supposed to happen between Jimin and yn, right?
Jimin and yn sat together in their cozy dorm room, the soft glow of the lamp casting warm shadows across the room. They had been studying for hours, their textbooks forgotten as their conversation drifted to more personal topics.
As the evening wore on, their proximity seemed to amplify the crackling tension between them. Jimin's heart raced as she stole glances at yn, her features illuminated by the gentle light. yn's laughter rang out, filling the room with its melodic cadence, and Jimin found herself captivated by the way yn's eyes sparkled with amusement.
With each passing moment, the air between them seemed to thicken with unspoken desire. Jimin's gaze lingered on yn's lips, the urge to lean in almost overwhelming. She could feel the heat of yn's breath against her skin, a tangible reminder of their closeness.
yn's fingers brushed against Jimin's hand, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. Their eyes met, a silent exchange of longing and yearning passing between them. In that fleeting moment, it felt as if the rest of the world had fallen away, leaving only the two of them suspended in time.
As Jimin and yn found themselves drawn closer together, the tension between them palpable, it seemed as if the world around them faded into the background. Their gazes locked, inches apart, their lips mere moments away from touching in a long-awaited kiss.
But just as they leaned in, on the precipice of that anticipated connection, Jimin's heightened senses kicked in. A familiar tingle crept up her spine, a warning sign that duty called. A new crime awaited Spiderwoman's intervention, pulling her away from the brink of intimacy with yn.
With a heavy heart, Jimin reluctantly pulled back, the disappointment evident in both their eyes. Yn's expression mirrored Jimin's own sense of longing, the momentary promise of closeness snatched away by the demands of Jimin's secret life as Spiderwoman.
Their interrupted moment hung in the air, charged with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. Though duty called Jimin away, the memory of their almost-kiss lingered, a tantalizing glimpse of what could have been, leaving both girls yearning for the day they could pick up where they left off.
Somehow the almost kiss made Jimin even more awkward than she already was. Jimin didn’t know how to behave around yn. Should she keep her distance? Should she seize the day and kiss the girl? One thing was for sure, she wanted her roommate badly.
Jimin's heart skipped a beat as yn emerged from the bathroom, clad only in a towel. She tried to focus on her textbook, but her eyes kept drifting back to her roommate's figure. yn seemed oblivious to Jimin's internal struggle as she nonchalantly rummaged through her wardrobe for something to wear.
Jimin cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure. "Uh, yn, do you need help finding something?"
yn turned to her, a playful grin on her lips. "No, I'm good, thanks. Just trying to decide what to wear for tonight." yn knew perfectly what kind of effect she had on Jimin and she planned to use it to her advantage.
Jimin nodded, unable to tear her gaze away. "Right, yeah, you look... um, nice."
yn giggled, seemingly unfazed by Jimin's flustered state. " In nothing but a towel? Wow. Thanks, Jimin. You're sweet."
As yn finally settled on an outfit and disappeared into her room, Jimin let out a shaky breath, grateful for the temporary reprieve. Being roommates with yn was both a blessing and a curse, especially when moments like this left her feeling more than a little flustered.
("Are you a magician, yn?"
"No, why?"
"Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears."
"Smooth, Jimin."
"I try my best. So, do I get a round of applause for that one?"
"You definitely get points for creativity."
"Well, I'm glad you appreciate my efforts."
"I appreciate the entertainment, that's for sure."
"I'll take what I can get. Maybe next time I'll pull a rabbit out of a hat or something."
"Looking forward to it.")
As the night enveloped the city in its dark embrace, yn found herself walking alone, lost in her own thoughts. Unbeknownst to her, danger lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike. Suddenly, a group of masked assailants emerged from the darkness, their intentions menacing and clear.
yn's heart pounded in her chest as fear gripped her, her instincts urging her to flee, but before she could react, a figure swooped down from above, a blur of red and black, swiftly dispatching yn's would-be attackers with a flurry of punches and kicks.
In the chaos of the moment, yn barely registered what was happening, her mind consumed by a whirlwind of confusion and fear. But as the dust settled and her assailants lay defeated, she found herself face to face with her savior, the enigmatic figure who had appeared out of nowhere to rescue her.
Spiderwoman stood before her, her mask concealing her identity but her presence radiating strength and reassurance. yn's eyes widened in astonishment, a mix of awe and gratitude washing over her as she realized the magnitude of what had just occurred.
"Spiderwoman...” yn began, her voice barely above a whisper “You saved me."
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Spiderwoman replied in an incredibly gentle tone. yn couldn’t shake off the fact that her gentleness felt familiar. Maybe it was a superhero thing.
yn shook her head, still reeling from the adrenaline rush of the encounter. Spiderwoman's concern was palpable, her eyes searching yn's face for any signs of injury or distress.
"I-I'm okay, thanks to you. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up." The girl was clearly shaken, but she still tried to voice how grateful she was.
"Just doing my job. Stay safe out here, alright? And remember, if you ever need help, I'll be watching over you."
With that, Spiderwoman vanished into the night, leaving yn standing alone in the aftermath of the encounter. Though shaken by the ordeal, a newfound sense of reassurance settled over her, knowing that she had a guardian angel watching over her, even in the darkest of times.
As yn stepped back into the familiar surroundings of their dorm room, her heart still racing from the adrenaline of the encounter, she found Jimin sitting on her bed, a book in hand. Jimin looked up as yn entered, her eyes immediately drawn to the dreamy expression on her roommate's face.
"Hey, everything okay?" Perfect execution, Jimin!
yn, still caught in a daydream, replied to the best of her ability, "Oh, Jimin, you won't believe what just happened. I met Spiderwoman!"
Jimin's eyes widened in excitement, a grin spreading across her face at yn's words. She set her book aside, leaning forward eagerly as yn recounted the thrilling encounter with the mysterious superhero.
"No way! What was it like? Did she say anything to you?" You really are the perfect actress, Yu Jimin!
yn launched into a vivid retelling of the encounter, her words animated with the lingering rush of adrenaline and awe. She described Spiderwoman's swift intervention, her unwavering bravery in the face of danger, and the sense of reassurance she had instilled in yn with her presence.
"It was incredible, Jimin. I've never felt so safe and protected in my life." yn let out a dreamy sigh.
Jimin listened intently, her eyes shining with excitement as she hung on yn's every word. She couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at yn's reaction to meeting her alter ego, knowing that she had played a part in protecting and wooing her roommate.
"That's amazing, yn. I'm so glad you're okay. And hey, if you ever want to meet her again, just let me know. I might be able to arrange something." Smooth, Jimin! She’s finally yours!
yn smiled at Jimin's offer, grateful for her roommate's unwavering support and excitement. In that moment, as they shared the thrill of yn's encounter with Spiderwoman, their bond grew stronger than ever, united by a shared sense of wonder and admiration for the extraordinary hero in their midst.
However, yn didn’t know that this was only the first of many encounters she would share with Spiderwoman.
As yn made her way home through the quiet streets, the late hour casting elongated shadows across the pavement, she felt a sense of calm settle over her. She was lost in her thoughts, unaware of the vigilant figure watching over her from the rooftops above.
Suddenly, a familiar figure descended gracefully from the darkness, landing before yn with a quiet rustle of fabric. yn looked up in surprise, her eyes widening as she recognized the unmistakable silhouette of Spiderwoman.
"Spiderwoman! What a pleasant surprise." yn let out, she would be lying if she said she hadn’t been dreaming about this very moment.
"Hey there, yn. Just out for a stroll?" Spiderwoman said as casually as she could.
Wait… yn?
yn froze, her heart skipping a beat at the sound of her own name slipping past Spiderwoman's lips. She turned to her companion, her expression a mix of surprise and confusion.
yn nodded, feeling bewildered, returning Spiderwoman's smile as she fell into step beside her mysterious companion. They walked together in companionable silence for a while, the only sound the soft shuffle of their footsteps against the pavement. However, yn couldn’t brush off her surprise.
Why does she know my name?
Eventually, yn couldn't resist the urge to strike up a conversation, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic figure at her side.
"So, Spiderwoman” yn said in an overly casual tone, “anything exciting happen tonight?"
"Oh, you know, the usual. Just keeping an eye on the city." Spiderwoman said, trying her best to sound cool.
yn nodded, content to enjoy the peaceful camaraderie of their impromptu encounter. Still, she made sure to keep a close eye on her companion. Maybe she’ll let her guard down.
"So, yn..." Spiderwoman made a mistake. Again.
I got you now.
“Can I ask you a question, Spidey?”
Jimin is embarrassed by how fast her heart started beating after hearing yn refer to her by a nickname. “Sure, what’s up?”
“How did you know my name was yn? I never told you”.
Spiderwoman's mask hid the flicker of panic that flashed across her features at yn's question. She scrambled for a plausible explanation, her mind racing to come up with a convincing response.
"Um, well, you know, I, uh... I just happened to overhear it somewhere. Must have slipped out accidentally."
yn studied Spiderwoman's masked visage intently, a lingering sense of suspicion nagging at the back of her mind. However, she chose to let the matter drop for now, unwilling to push her mysterious companion any further. She is sure she’ll get her chance sooner rather than later.
"Ah, got it. Well, thanks for the company, Spiderwoman. It's always nice to have someone to walk with." She smiled in a way that gave Jimin a heart attack for a million different reasons.
"Anytime, yn. Take care on your way home." Nailed it.
With a final wave, Spiderwoman melted back into the shadows, leaving yn to ponder the intriguing encounter as she continued on her journey homeward. Despite the unanswered questions lingering in her mind, she couldn't deny the sense of comfort and reassurance that Spiderwoman's presence had brought her on this dark and lonely night.
yn stepped through the door of the dormitory, her mind still reeling from her encounter with Spiderwoman. As she entered the familiar surroundings of their shared living space, she was greeted by the sight of Jimin sitting on the couch, a playful glint in her eye.
"Hey there, yn! How was your walk?" Jimin said cheerfully.
yn's lips quirked into a knowing smile as she regarded her roommate, her suspicions about Spiderwoman's true identity suddenly crystallizing into certainty. She decided to play along for now, relishing the opportunity to keep Jimin's secret while she plotted her next move.
"Oh, you know, nothing out of the ordinary. Although I did run into someone interesting on the way back." A slight smirk playing at her lips.
Jimin's eyes widened slightly at yn's cryptic remark, a hint of apprehension flickering across her features before she quickly masked it with an easy grin.
"Oh yeah? Who'd you meet?"
yn leaned against the doorframe, her expression enigmatic as she met Jimin's gaze head-on. Let’s see you try to get out of this one, Spidey.
"Let's just say she's someone who knows how to keep the city safe, even late at night."
Jimin's breath caught in her throat, a surge of panic coursing through her veins at yn's words. She struggled to maintain her composure, her mind racing to concoct a plausible explanation for her alter ego's unexpected appearance in their conversation.
"Ha, lucky you, running into interesting people all the time!” Jimin let out an awkward laugh. “You'll have to introduce me sometime."
yn's smirk widened into a knowing grin as she watched Jimin squirm under the weight of her unspoken revelation. She made a mental note to bide her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to confront Jimin head on.
"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you'll meet her soon enough." With that tantalizing promise hanging in the air, yn sauntered off to her room, leaving Jimin to grapple with the unsettling realization that her carefully guarded secret might not be safe for much longer.
Maybe you’re not the perfect actress, Yu Jimin.
Okay, time to do something stupid!
yn stood defiantly in the dimly lit alley, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for the inevitable. She knew she was treading on dangerous ground, playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with her roommate-turned-superhero. But she couldn't resist the thrill of the chase, the exhilarating rush of adrenaline that coursed through her veins as she knowingly put herself in harm's way.
As she glanced nervously around the shadowy confines of the alley, she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. Seconds later, Spiderwoman materialized out of the darkness, her lithe figure cutting a striking silhouette against the night sky.
"yn, what are you doing here? It's not safe!" Spiderwoman exclaimed, her voice dripping with concern.
yn met Spiderwoman's concerned gaze with a defiant glint in her eye, her resolve unyielding as she faced the repercussions of her reckless actions head-on.
"I knew you'd come. I needed to prove a point."
Spiderwoman's brow furrowed in frustration, her voice tinged with exasperation as she chided yn for her foolhardy behavior.
"You can't go around doing stuff like this, yn! You're putting yourself in unnecessary danger. What if something had happened to you?" Spiderwoman said, her frustration skyrocketing. “What if I wasn’t her to protect you, huh? You’re acting like a toddler”.
yn bristled at Spiderwoman's stern tone, her own temper flaring as she pushed back against the other girl's unwavering concern.
"Yu Jimin, enough! Stop treating me like a child. I know exactly what I’m doing."
The words hung heavy in the air between them, a palpable tension crackling with the weight of unspoken truths. In that fleeting moment, Spiderwoman's mask of stoicism slipped, revealing the vulnerable girl beneath the facade.
Spiderwoman's eyes widened in shock at the sound of her real name on yn's lips, her heart skipping a beat as she grappled with the sudden shift in dynamics between them. In that brief, poignant moment, the boundaries that had once defined their relationship blurred, leaving behind a lingering sense of uncertainty and unspoken desires.
Jimin's heart pounded erratically in her chest as she watched yn's expression soften, her eyes brimming with unspoken affection. She couldn't believe she had let slip her secret identity, couldn't fathom the repercussions of her reckless actions. But as yn's gaze met hers with unwavering warmth, Jimin felt a flicker of hope ignite within her, a glimmer of possibility in the midst of uncertainty.
"How... How did you find out?" Jimin’s voice barely above a whisper.
yn's smile was gentle, her voice infused with a quiet reassurance as she met Jimin's gaze with unwavering sincerity. "I noticed the little things, the way you always seem to disappear whenever trouble arises, the injuries that miraculously heal overnight. And then there was that slip-up with my name."
Jimin's shoulders sagged with relief at yn's honest confession, her heart swelling with gratitude for the other girl's unwavering acceptance.
"I'm sorry, yn. I never meant to keep this from you. I just... I didn't know how to tell you." Jimin felt like she could cry, she was feeling too much at the moment. Oh brother, I need to lie down.
yn reached out to gently cup Jimin's cheek, her touch tender and reassuring as she offered the other girl a small, understanding smile.
"It's okay, Jimin. I understand. But from now on, let's promise to be honest with each other, no matter what." yn’s smile gave Jimin hope. For the first time, Jimin felt like everything was going to be okay.
Jimin nodded fervently, her heart overflowing with gratitude for yn's unwavering support. As the weight of secrecy lifted from her shoulders, Jimin felt a renewed sense of longing blossom within her, a newfound courage to embrace the vulnerabilities that lay bare between them.
"Thank you, yn. How can I make it up to you?"
yn's smile widened into a mischievous grin as she reached out to delicately trace the contours of Jimin's mask, her touch sending shivers down the other girl's spine.
"I think I have an idea." yn lowered her voice, a smirk on her lips.
With a deft motion, yn carefully pulled away Jimin's mask, revealing the vulnerable girl beneath the facade. In that moment of unspoken intimacy, Jimin felt the walls that had once separated them crumble away, leaving behind an undeniable connection that transcended the boundaries of secrecy and fear.
As their lips finally met in a long-awaited kiss, the world around them faded into obscurity, leaving only the raw, unfiltered emotion that pulsed between them. In that fleeting moment of shared vulnerability, Jimin and yn found solace in each other's arms, daring to believe that love might just conquer all.
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and Jimin and yn had decided to spend the day together at their shared dorm room. As they lounged on the couch, Jimin scrolled through her phone while yn leaned against her, idly playing with Jimin's hair.
Suddenly, a breaking news alert flashed across the screen, announcing Spiderwoman's latest heroic feat. yn glanced up, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, as she nudged Jimin playfully. "Looks like your alter ego is making headlines again."
Jimin chuckled, leaning into yn's touch as she replied, "Yeah, she's always stealing the spotlight."
yn grinned, her fingers tracing lazy circles on Jimin's scalp as she teased, "I bet she's just trying to impress her girlfriend."
Jimin's cheeks flushed pink at the playful jab, but she couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at her lips. Wrapping an arm around yn, she pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"Well, she's lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend." Jimin whispered against her girlfriend’s temple. Tease me all you want, at the end of the day you still agreed to be mine.
yn grinned, leaning into Jimin's embrace as she retorted, "Flattery will get you everywhere, Spidey."
The two of them dissolved into laughter, the playful banter a comforting reminder of the easy chemistry they shared. As they snuggled together on the couch, Jimin and yn savored the simple joy of being together, grateful for the love and laughter that filled their lives.
With Jimin's arm wrapped around her and the warmth of their shared affection enveloping them, yn couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world. And as they basked in each other's company, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm.
("Are you a time traveler, yn?"
"No, why?"
"Because every time I look at you, I feel like I'm going back in time. To the moment I fell in love with you."
"You're ridiculous, you know that?"
"But you love me anyway, right?"
A/N: Here we go, spider Jimin! I had this sitting on my drafts for the longest time, but here it is. Thank you so much for reading!
I'm working on some requests and I might add a Valentine's Day special as well. It all depends on my schedule, I'm getting a new one tomorrow so we shall see how it goes. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, if you want to request something, feel free to let me know.
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amputeewomen · 3 months
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Magical amputee
In the heart of a bustling metropolis, where the hum of the city blended with the whispers of the unseen, lived two friends bound by a secret—the existence of magic. Ashley, a spirited urban explorer with an unquenchable thirst for adrenaline, had always been fascinated by the covert world of spells and enchantments her friend Mia, a modern-day mage, navigated with ease.
Mia, with her cool demeanor and an apartment cluttered with arcane books and technological gadgets, had long promised to introduce Ashley to the art of magic, a promise that had been postponed by the chaos of city life. It wasn't until one seemingly ordinary afternoon, in Mia's high-rise sanctuary, that the promise would be demanded in an unexpected way.
Eager to showcase a newly mastered spell, Mia inadvertently altered the course of their lives. With a few whispered incantations and a misplaced flick of her wrist, she cast a transmutation spell that, to their shock, left Ashley with only one leg. The other had vanished, spirited away by forces they could barely comprehend. The sophisticated aluminum forearm crutches that Ashley now had to rely on felt cold and unyielding—a far cry from the freedom she was accustomed to.
Anger bubbled within Ashley, a fiery contrast to the cool, steel touch of her new supports. "Mia," she said, her voice sharp as a blade, "you better make this right. Teach me magic, for real this time. I want to be able to fix this myself."
Mia, her confidence shaken, knew the weight of her responsibility. The spell wouldn't reverse for four weeks, a period that felt like a lifetime to Ashley. Mia agreed, her guilt fueling a newfound determination to fulfill her overdue promise.
And so, amidst the glow of neon lights and the endless thrum of city life, Ashley began her journey into the world of magic. It was no easy task; the arcane books were dense, filled with esoteric knowledge that twisted the tongue and boggled the mind. Mia guided her through ancient spells, teaching her the delicate balance between the mystical and the mundane.
With each passing day, Ashley's frustration turned to fascination. She learned to harness her inner energy, to manipulate the elements, and to understand the language of the universe. The crutches, once a symbol of her limitation, became a part of her learning, as she used them in her magical exercises, balancing and moving with a grace she hadn't known before.
Ashley's anger faded, replaced by a sense of empowerment and an appreciation for Mia's world. The accident had been a catalyst for growth, pushing her into realms she had only dreamed of. By the time the four weeks had passed and her leg returned as if by magic—because, of course, it was—Ashley had transformed. She was no longer just an adrenaline junkie urban explorer; she was a mage in her own right, a master of her own story.
As for Mia, she had learned the gravest lesson of all—the consequences of her actions in the tapestry of fate. But she had also gained a true equal, a partner in magic, and their bond had grown unbreakable.
Together, Ashley and Mia stepped into the future, a future where magic and the metropolitan were intertwined, and their adventures were just beginning.
As the moon crested over the skyline of the city, Ashley and Mia, now comrades in the mystical arts, ventured beyond the concrete jungle to a place where modern GPS maps faltered and the ley lines of the old world held sway. There, cloaked by the lush embrace of the wild, lay the ruins of an ancient magical civilization, whispered about in obscure tomes and hushed tones in the backrooms of esoteric bookshops.
The ruins, remnants of a bygone era where magic flowed as freely as water, were said to contain a pool—a sanctum of pure mana, unspoiled by time. With the night sky as their canopy, the pair navigated the underbrush until the ruins rose before them, bathed in the silver light of the moon. Vines clung to weathered stone, and the air was thick with the power that pulsed through the remnants of archaic spells.
The pool, nestled at the heart of the ruins, glimmered like a jewel in the night. It was said that the waters were infused with the essence of the earth's veins, capable of rejuvenating the magic within any who bathed in its depths.
With a shared glance, Ashley and Mia shed the trappings of the city and entered the waters. The pool embraced Ashley, its magic compensating for her temporary loss, allowing her to swim with a freedom that defied her condition. The water was not just a physical balm but a wellspring of arcane energy that soaked into their very beings, replenishing the mana that flowed through their veins.
As they swam, the boundaries between them, once defined by mentor and pupil, blurred into something more profound. Laughter echoed off the ancient stones, a sound as timeless as the magic that surrounded them. In the water, under the gaze of the constellations that had witnessed millennia pass, they found themselves drawn to each other by a force as natural and powerful as the ley lines beneath their feet.
The water seemed to recognize the burgeoning bond, glowing with a soft luminescence that reflected the light of their souls. And in that moment, Ashley considered the possibility of prolonging her magical ailment. The thought of remaining an amputee, if it meant continuing to explore the depths of this newfound connection with Mia, wasn't as daunting as it once might have been. The transformation had, after all, led her here—to magic, to Mia, to a love she hadn't anticipated.
Their time in the pool was both an eternity and a fleeting instant, a paradox befitting the mystique of the ruins. When they finally emerged, it was with a sense of renewal, both in magic and in heart. The crutches, which lay beside the pool, seemed less like a shackle and more like a bridge—a bridge that had carried Ashley to this point in her journey.
The ruins, once silent and waiting, now played host to the whispers of a new story, one that intertwined Ashley and Mia's destinies. As they left the sanctity of the pool and the embrace of the ancient stones, they carried with them the warmth of shared affection and the quiet promise of tomorrow's magic.
The city awaited their return, a canvas for their adventures, both arcane and intimate. But the ruins and the pool remained, a testament to their journey, ready to welcome them back whenever they sought the tranquility and power found in its waters. The magic of the place had woven itself into their tale, a thread of the old world in the tapestry of the new, binding them together in ways they were only just beginning to understand.
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solitasims4 · 2 years
(Updated March 15, 2023) I always get asked what mods I use, & I plan on making a mods showcase on majority of these mods/already have made a showcase on a few of these on my Tiktok @solitasims, but I don’t gatekeep😏 So, here’s my official mods list. I will update this whenever I get a new mod & this will always be available by clicking the link in my bio on Tiktok.
If I made any mistakes/you have any questions, feel free to let me know/ask.
⭐ = My personal favorites.
❌ = I no longer use the mod.
Like always, make sure you read the mod requirements & read & respect the creator’s terms of use!
Basemental Dr*gs (18+)  ⭐
Basemental Gangs (18+)  ⭐
Wicked Whims (18+)  ⭐
Extreme Violence (18+)  ⭐
Deadly Toddlers (18+) 
Hoe It Up (18+)❌
AEP P*rn*gr*phy (18+)
Sugar Baby (18+)
RedAppleNet (18+) ❌
Slice of Life
Woohoo Wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul ⭐
Go to School  ⭐❌
Kneel Anywhere
XML Injector
Andrew’s Pose Player  ⭐
Teleport Any Sim   ⭐
MC Command Center  ⭐
UI Cheats  ⭐
Passionate Romance
Life’s Drama
Fairies vs Witches  ⭐
Romantic Skygaze
Slow Dancing❌
Remove Sim from Conversation  ⭐
Bed Cuddle
Simulation Lag Fix
Simulation Unclogger
Road to Fame  ⭐
Party Anywhere
Holiday Home
Meaningful Stories
Urban Socials❌
Set Family Relationships
Realistic Childbirth ⭐
Ballroom Dance
Immersive Vampires
Mental Health
Ability to Read
LGBT Mod  ⭐❌
Better Babies❌
Better Toddlers❌
Faster Sim Spawning
First Love
Improved Practical Spells
New Vampire Powers  ⭐
No Restaurant Bill When Invited
Send to Bed
Simda Dating
Spend Weekend With
Ultrasound Scan
Longer Parties + More Guests
Invite Any Guests To Parties
20 Sim Cap Remover
Contextual Social Interactions
Road to Romance
Slumber Party ❌
Baby Shower ❌
ISO Love  ⭐
Be A Burglar
Insimnia Eats❌
More Traits in CAS
Lie on Lap
No Strings Attached
Mood Pack
Parenting Skill for Teens
More Away Actions  ⭐
Life Tragedies
Tattoo Shop
Education System Bundle  ⭐❌
Simflix & Chill❌
Chingyu CAS Traits
Playable Pets
OMSP Shelf
More Columns in CAS  ⭐
Expandable Build/Buy
More Best Friends
Switch Streaming❌
Advanced Birth Certificate
Copy Graduation Photos & Diplomas
Restaurant Faster Cooking
Honey, What’s Cooking?❌
UI Dark Mode❌
Better Maps❌
Playful Toddler Pack (Functional Crib, Playdoh, etc.)
june 15 2022
Mario Carts❌
Functional Cars❌
Functional Ice Cream Truck❌
Food Truck❌
Funny Pranks❌
Sims 3 Romance Interactions ❌
Spring Rider
Weighed Barbell
Kids Can Paint
Mechanical Bull from The Sims 3
Take Off Shoes Animation❌
Proper Interaction
Five New Vehicles❌
Functional Garage Doors ❌
No Kids Outdoors During a Storm
Open Love Life
Fortnite Dance Mod
Buy Tomes on Computer
Faster Run to University
Plasma Renamed to Blood
Higher Stereo Volume
Call Over High Distance
Famous Sims Gain Followers Automatically
Flower Arrangements Slower Decay
Fan Stans Only Homeless Sims
No Celeb Outfit Copying
Functional Toddler Makeup Kit
Teens Can Buy Lottery Tickets
Umbrella Auto Opens on Rainy Days Only
Sack Lunch Into Inventory
Vampires No Cold Breath
Less Idle Animation
Child Slow Dance
Ballet Barre
Pillow Talk After Woohoo
Double Cheek Kiss
Flying Broom
Personality Please!
Prefer Leftovers
Allow Stoves on University Lots
august 14 2022
Skate Everywhere
Smore Options
Photographic Memory
Time Out
High School Years More Classmates
Adult Life ❌
Let’s Get Fit
Better Exceptions
Toddlers Can Use Activity Table
Slide Into Your Mods
Andrew’s Studio Effect Player⭐
september 17 2022
Wicked Whims Inappropriate Unlock (18+)
Functional Photo Frames
Calendar Tweaks
No High School Situation Outfit
TS2 CAS Background
Stop Change Phone Color Obsession ❌
Bonehilda Loading Screen ❌
Phone Animation For Teens Only
Hopes & Fears Mod (Wants & Fears Overhaul)
Teenage Interaction Reactions
All Worlds Are Residential
Self-Soothing Toddlers
Leave Me Alone About Early Graduation
Color Picker (Color Wheel) ❌
Agnes Crumplebottom Loading Screen ❌
october 19 2022
Functional Personal Care Products
Twister ❌
Patty Cake
More Restaurant Options ❌
Functional Spiral Staircase ❌
Social Bunny Overhaul
Dance Override
november 13 2022
Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop
Ink For Yourself Memory Keeper (Customizable Journal)
Fantastical Play Rug + Tent
Functional Bar Cart
Run Here
Lemonade Stand
Walk in Style
Interactions From The Past
Resorts and Hotels
Nursery Playroom Set
Customizable Graves
Little Chef’s Toy Kitchen
Scent To Be Oil Diffuser
december 17 2022
Memory Panel
Online Homework
Less Intrusive Sims
Can I Come Over?
Social Activities
january 12 2023
Carry & Kiss
Grannie’s Cookbook
Cookbook S&S
Auto Zodiacs
Playable Harp
Cutting Board Override
Cute Romance
Functional Sleeping Bags
Always Towel After Shower
My Grocery Shopping List
Obsessed Teen❌
february 13 2023
Bouncy Boobs (18+)
Hot Chocolate Machine
Functional Airpods Max
Education System
Family Portraits
Functional Wine
Kids Can Cook
Story Progression Viewer
Auto Repair
School Holidays
Online Learning System
Simoleonz Online Jobs
Indoor Dog Potty Mats
Phone UI Overhaul
Waffle Maker
Selfie Override
Nectar Maker
Functional Perfume and Sunblock
Functional DDR Machine
Custom Food Interactions
Functional Perfumes
Crafting Enabler
march 15 2023
Thee Salad Bowl
Werewolf Tail
TS3 Time Controls Sound Effect ⭐
TS3 Pie Menu Sound Effect ⭐
TS3 Wants Sound Effect ⭐
Edit Lights in Build Mode
Color Sliders
Better Build Buy
School Food Tray Replacement
Healthcare Redux
Don’t Prep Food Where You Angry Poop
Call Anytime + Relationship 
Smarter Baby Care
More Traumatic Divorce For Children
Keep Instruments in Inventory
Set Filters on Paintings by Reference
Piano Play Regency Era Music
Sit on Ground
Functional Perfume Bottles
Custom Food Interactions
Smoothie Blender
More Kisses ⭐
More Traits
Country Club
100 Social Interactions ⭐
Mean Interactions No Impact ⭐
Music Lessons
Autonomous Proposals
Active Lawyer Career
Immersive Social Bunny
No Constant Phone
Control Any Sim ⭐
Unlock Door For Chosen Sims
Functional Lotion
Expanded Mermaids
Beach Yoga
Cool Pools CC
Beer Barrels
Drink Platter ⭐
Stand Still in CAS
Higher Acting Gigs and Royalty Payouts
Ask to Cook/Bake/Grill
Ask to Go For a Walk and More
Ask to Upgrade
Auto Pay Bills PC
Auto Repair
Auto Upgrade
Better Autonomous Homework
Go For a Walk
Kids Walk Dogs
No Auto Grab Food After Cooking
Romantic Massage
Auto Check Toddler Tweaks
Less Ping Pong With
Transfer Inventory
Science Baby Tweaks
Pole Dance
No Empty Venues When Arriving
2K notes · View notes
tuesday again 2/6/2024
some weeks it's really hard to come up with a snappy little bon mot to put here
Barbarella, by a fuck of a lot of people. yes i DID watch this movie this week! this is the single catchiest theme song i have ever heard. i cannot link the actual opening credits scene bc tumblr will censor that shit SO fast. spotify
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Rebecca Roanhorse's Tread of Angels novella. this is an urban magic old west religious fantasy novella. VERY sangfielle friendsatthetable vibes, there's an old west mining town centered around the body of the demon Abbadon, which is being mined for its powerful properties. demons and angels have sort of interbred throughout the human population. there is some deeply nerdy catholic bullshit and i say that as someone who was in catholic school for fifteen years. actually let's just take Roanhorse's explanation
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the setting and premise are not where the novella bites off way more than it can chew. the main character, a cardsharp, has a chanteuse sister being held accused of a murder and she's got 48hrs to prove her innocence. the time limit and general structure is good, and it uses its side characters wisely, there's just a fuck of a lot of them.
in general, this novella does not have the emotional room to make its emotional beats really count. for example, there was a second breakup with an ex after a night of passion that mostly just left me confused. more broadly, the main character has an oldest sister's selfsacrificing nature that has twisted into utter ruthlessness with regards to her sister, and i'm both impressed Roanhorse managed to convey that in so few pages and annoyed bc i really wanted to see more of that in way more detail. due to the nature of it being a novella, the series of escalating decisions she takes feel very jagged in their escalation. i hope that makes sense.
it's got really interesting ideas! i want to know more about the ideas! i wish this was a full book instead of a novella, so the ending hits a little better instead of a Well That Just Happened way. from this interview it seems Roanhorse also wanted it to be a full book, but it was sort of a "i need something short and sweet so i don't go insane while adapting my other book for TV" (which is very exciting!!!)
really a bizarre set of films. extremely unemployed energy in this watchlist this week. largely composed of "what's on my letterboxed watchlist and also available for free on tubi, with brief forays into hulu"
Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons (2013, dir. Chow). loved the overall visual design of the antagonists and the monsters, did not overall love this movie. it is a solid martial arts showcase and the first twenty minutes with freshwater JAWS are the most tightly plotted. it kind of flounders (lol) after that. can't find a gif i like.
INU-OH (2021, dir. Yuasa) genuinely healed my heart a little i think. queer (complimentary, not queer in the western massachusetts housing coop way) feudal anime glam rock opera. i am sooooooo picky about bad dads in movies as a driving force but this really soothed my daddy issues. stuck the landing on both storytelling and visuals.
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Barbarella (1968, dir. Vadim) WOW Jane Fonda was hot. this was both sillier and less porny than i was led to believe (if we ignore the softcore porn opening credits). however horny this movie was it was not brave enough to have some girl-on-girl action with barbarella and the evil empress, even though the evil empress never seems to actually learn her name and just calls her “pretty” or “pretty-pretty”. shoutout to the one fic on ao3 that rectifies this situation. certainly a piece of scifi history, i wish modern scifi was as brave with its theatrical set dressing, i think one viewing is good enough for me bc i cannot stop thinking about how all the women on set might have been treated.
john philip law popped up and i said out loud to my cat “hey i know him from cowboys”
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Flower Drum Song (1961, dir. Koster) got conned into watching this by the hotvintagemen poll bc i wanted to see what james shigeta’s deal was, and if he did have a sort of ratpack sensibility as the propaganda described. he does! however this movie is unrelentingly awful. it is so so so slow. all of its comedy is racism-based. it feels like a three and a half hour two-VHS set instead of two hours. i like to think i have a stronger stomach for older media and am able to consider things as products of their times but this is my upper limit i think. one brief fleeting moment of cool production with this triple mirror effect
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Dirty Dancing (1987, dir. Ardolino). we were trying to find something to watch on either peacock or hbo max, and when i said "oh i've never seen that" out loud my my best friend said "that's insane we're watching it". i did not hate this movie, but i feel like i missed some critical window of development in which i would have had to see this movie to really love it. i had sort of an abnormal high school experience and i am a smidge too old to relate to bildungsroman any more. but it was cute! it was fine! i think patrick swayze’s jawline could cut glass. this film was made after Roe v Wade (1973) and i feel like the backstreet abortion b-plot has done this interesting 180 from sort of a historical novelty to a real threat and terror again. fun!
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that’s it for the watching section i promise
im doing the thing where i play a game for ten minutes, put it down, and then pick it back up again, which is probably not terrific for the health of my elderly switch. but whatever. what have i been up to in breath of the wild?
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not a ton of progress map-wise, but did make it up to zora’s domain.
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i was planning on the camel being the first divine beast, to get that over with bc i had such a devil of a time in my last playthrough, but the thing about the desert is it’s really far away.
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dicked around the dueling peaks stables for a while without managing to defeat that guardian and unlock that shrine. so it goes. i think i really need an actual guardian shield from one of the minor tests of strength shrines instead of a normie shield. this line and sidequest made me laugh— it wasn’t terribly hard to find this little cache but it was a tricky bit of gliding.
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didn’t realize the horses don’t have that much vertical threat perception, just like real horses. this little band walked right under me and i failed to glide down and land perfectly on someone’s back, which did freak them all out.
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i think my new favorite place in a game is this little grove clinging to the side of the dueling peaks. it felt very peaceful and cozy. nothing can get me up there and there’s more than enough room to make a little campfire and cook dinner and not roll off the mountain in a sleeping bag the middle of the night.
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also fully kitted out my house bc i had a very successful mining expedition along dueling peaks. EXTREMELY forgiving and generous secondary opening area imo, thanks game
i started this glitch sampler pattern by tumblr's own mathysphere (not @'d bc this is a fuck of a long post) at the beginning of the pandemic, june 2020, while thinking "eh let's give this friends at the table counterweight thing a shot" got most of the way through both counterweight and this piece, put it down bc i was so annoyed with all the confetti stitches (random one-off stitches of colors that aren't anywhere near other stitches of the same color. i think i resorted to fraychek at several points in the rover square) and then put it down so long i had to throw it out during the great moth debacle, bc it was partly eaten.
here's what it will look like finished, and a link to buy the pattern
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i think this time around i am a much better technical stitcher (the first crack at this i didn't know the loop method of starting, or pin stitches, or really any alternate endings except running the tail under the last few stitches). i usually stitch with three strands bc i like the look, but i think the loop method with three strands is overly fiddly. i have not picked up cross stitch since mmmm 2021, but any mistakes or unevenness in this will simply contribute to the glitch effect. i'm going to go back and backstitch the four "frames" and key portions of the sampler to highlight portions of the glitches (eg the yellow and blue centers of the spiral galaxy, the interior of the eclipse, perhaps add an antenna to the rover).
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still not my tidiest back, but hey. it's going to sit in a frame and not have any sort of friction or extra force applied to it ever
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i am really looking forward to framing this in a deep shadowbox, i have an idea about how to mat it with little melty cutouts for the drips at the bottom.
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who-can-appease-me · 11 months
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Spiderman 2099
(short action story)
Summary: Spiderman gets into a street fight with a villain
(spoiler alert: he wins)
Warnings: Violence
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In the bustling metropolis of Nueva York in the year 2099, Spider-Man 2099 swung through the cityscape, a beacon of hope for its citizens. The futuristic skyscrapers gleamed with neon lights as he gracefully maneuvered between them. People below marveled at their iconic hero, inspired by his unwavering dedication to protect the city.
Spider-Man 2099 quickly leaped into action, landing gracefully in front of Mattermorph. The villain sneered, reveling in his newfound powers as he transformed nearby debris into dangerous projectiles. Spider-Man's enhanced senses detected the surge of energy emanating from the core-pin and analyzed the possibilities and limitations of Mattermorph's abilities.
Amidst the urban chaos, a disturbance rippled through the air, grabbing Spider-Man's attention. From seemingly thin air, a new villain emerged, wielding the power to manipulate matter. Known as Mattermorph, this unpredictable creature could reshape objects and elements with the energy harnessed from a core-pin on its chest.
Spider-Man leaped into action, landing before Mattermorph. The villain sneered, relishing in its newfound powers. It transformed nearby debris into dangerous projectiles, testing the limits of Spider-Man's abilities. With his heightened senses, Spider-Man analyzed Mattermorph's power source and anticipated its moves.
The battle ignited as Spider-Man evaded the onslaught, his advanced suit augmenting his agility and reflexes. His web-shooters whirred as he unleashed a flurry of webs, aiming to immobilize the formidable villain. But Mattermorph proved relentless, countering with its matter-manipulating prowess.
With each blow, Mattermorph retaliated, molding the environment to its advantage. Streets cracked open, lampposts contorted, and vehicles morphed into deadly weapons. Spider-Man utilized his web-slinging expertise, navigating through the chaos, and countering Mattermorph's attacks with precise strikes and cleverly constructed web traps. Yet, the battle intensified, pushing both combatants to their limits.
Buildings trembled as Mattermorph unleashed its full range of matter-manipulating abilities. The fabric of reality twisted and distorted with the villain's boundless power. Spider-Man knew he had to devise a new strategy to overcome this formidable foe.
In a desperate move, Mattermorph hurled a massive boulder towards Spider-Man. Swiftly swinging into action, the hero redirected the projectile using his webs. However, Mattermorph had a surprise waiting. It swiftly crafted a puppet out of brick and debris, launching it at supersonic speed towards the back of Spider-Man's head, shattering upon impact.
The double attack disoriented Spider-Man, leaving his senses entangled in a knot. Struggling to regain focus, he fought against the throbbing pain. His movements became sluggish, and his spider-sense faltered. Seizing the opportunity, Mattermorph closed in for a final strike, sensing imminent victory.
Yet, Spider-Man's indomitable spirit refused to surrender. Drawing upon his reserves of strength, he relied on instinct and muscle memory, honed through years of training and experience. Adapting his fighting style to compensate for his impaired senses and the unpredictable environment, he flowed with the battle, countering Mattermorph's every move.
Summoning a final surge of energy, Spider-Man disarmed Mattermorph, removing the core-pin from its chest. A cry of frustration and pain echoed from the defeated villain. But Spider-Man pressed on. With precision and determination, he delivered a decisive blow to the exposed core, severing the connection to Mattermorph's power source. The villain crumbled to the ground, defeated and powerless.
As the battle subsided, Spider-Man's head throbbed with pain, a testament to the toll of the fight. His suit, battered and torn, showcased the intensity of the encounter. Without wasting a moment, the hero swiftly secured Mattermorph in a cocoon of webbing, ensuring the villain's capture.
With the city now safe, Spider-Man swung away from the scene, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction
Word count: 541
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obstinaterixatrix · 11 months
yo bookwalker’s having a coin boost event on yuri until 6/25/23, there’s a sale but it only applies to ‘yuri is my job’ (personally I wasn’t compelled by that one). anyway here are some of the series on the list I like:
Still Sick—office lady romance about a woman who draws yuri being found at a convention by a coworker, one of my absolute faves (3 volumes, complete)
5 seconds before a witch falls in love—collection of stories, main story is a two-shot about a witch hunter and a witch duking it out (really like this one) and there’s a oneshot about the most normal girl in existence but a demon and angel obsess over her (not personally a fan). regardless if you like the oneshot, imo the main story is SUUUUPER worth it, I love it a lot (1 volume, complete)
Failed Princesses—high school romance with the energy of a hot-blooded shounen. these gals shout passionately about their feelings. the main character is a popular girl who’d talk shit about the unpopular girl but then her boyfriend cheated on her and the unpopular girl was like ‘hey. you have to be happy. you’re not allowed to be unhappy (because I resent you for being the perfect popular girl)’ and the popular girl was like ‘oh my god… you are sooo NICE I’m obsessed you forever now’ (this is all in like the first two chapters) (6 volumes, complete)
black and white—honestly? I’m not entirely sold on the writing (I don’t think it really coheres in terms of why the relationship develops how it does) but the novelty of having office ladies violently beat the shit out of each other carries it, especially since sal jiang’s art is really good. like those gals are BRAWLING for real, it’s kind of refreshing (1 volume, incomplete)
here are series that I fell off of because I lost interest but they weren’t bad or anything:
The two of them are pretty much like this—slice of life established relationship between a voice actress in her early 20s and a novelist in her 30s (I think). it’s cute, it’s good for folks who like fluff, I fell off because it felt more meandering whereas I like stories with heated drama and momentum (3 volumes, probably ongoing?)
School zone girls—high school gag 4koma, really good for folks who like the *stupid* high school energy. This is a manga with rowdy gals who are idiots. I fell off because it’s one of those really long + big cast kinda manga, yknow, like tsurezure children or gekkan shoujo, so it’ll probably suit folks who like those types (4 volumes, ongoing)
Hello Melancholic—high school gals in a band (I think they do jazz? or it’s some kind of brass band? well the main character plays trumpet), it’s pretty cute and has a solid gloomy gal with hella anxiety + excitable gal who Will Get Her Way No Matter What dynamic, I just fell off of it because I wasn’t interested at the time (3 volumes, complete)
Otherside Picnic—college gals investigating another world/urban legends, the main character is someone who just wanted to chill in another world and the love interest is Looking For Someone Who Disappeared. it’s fun and entertaining, it’s a light novel and the main character has a lot of fun biases—when she says she’s just a normal girl who has experienced a normal life, she is absolutely lying. Good for folks who like urban legends and kind of… investigative arcs? Action and mystery vibes? I read up to volume 4 and fell off because that was all that was out (7 volumes, incomplete, vol 8 is coming out in august)
She loves to cook, she loves to eat—slice of life with working women, the main character loves to cook, the love interest loves to eat. Good for folks who like more grounded stories, the main character thinks a lot about how she’s seen as A Great Potential Wife rather than someone who just has a hobby and the love interest gets underestimated a lot (I think she works in construction??) and gets judgement from being a woman who, yknow, likes to eat. from what I read it’s a very tentative kind of romance of a couple of women finding someone comfortable to be around, I fell off because I get more grabbed by internal/interpersonal conflict rather than external/societal influences but I think it’ll grab folks who 1) like more grounded stories, 2) likes food (3 volumes, I think incomplete?)
Catch these hands!—ex-delinquent and her old classmate that’s obsessed with her. The artist did love live doujins, I think? Anyway it’s fun, would appeal to folks who like things that are lighthearted and who enjoy weird women. I don’t think I was compelled by the emotional focus but I don’t think that means it was bad (4 volumes, complete I think)
I didn’t like these but a lot of people do:
Even Though We’re Adults—messy adult relationship, one of them is married to a man and the other one is like ‘this is so fucking stupid do NOT go through with this it is SUCH a bad idea’ and she goes through with it. shimura is a pretty renowned yuri mangaka, she’s the one who did aoi hana, it’ll probably be a good read for people who like emotionally complex and pretty miserable stories. didn’t have enough humor for my tastes and I fell off pretty early (6 volumes, ongoing)
Run away with me, girl—gorgeous and unique art, it’s about two gals who were high school sweethearts and then one of them went off to be with a guy, the gals reunite as adults and they end up running away together. one of the gals is pregnant and was in an abusive relationship, which is why she’s running. again, for people who like emotionally complex stories. I wasn’t satisfied with the love interest’s development, kinda reminded me of octave, but I know other folks who would probably enjoy how the narrative approaches her (3 volumes, complete)
SHWD—buff women and sci-fi action horror. good art. I don’t think any of the character archetypes or dynamics appealed to me but if you’re desperate for buff women and like sci-fi/action/horror this will help probably (1 volume, incomplete? idk)
Roadqueen—mira’s art is gorgeous but I’m not super compelled by the writing. Good for people who want something goofy and hot-blooded, the vibes are kind of… shounen gag manga? I think? (1 volume, complete)
I’m in love with the villainess—manga adaption of a light novel, one of the most successful (and. one of the very few) villainess transmigration romances, the main character transmigrates into the protagonist and her favorite character is the villainess. one of my friends really likes it and there’s some Sincere Feelings on What It’s Like To Be A Lesbian, but I find it to comedy-focused for my tastes in the beginning. There’s also a spinoff from the villainess’ perspective. Actually I don’t remember if I linked to the manga adaption or the light novel… uh… figure it out yourself.
Bloom into you—everybody loves this one. It has good writing. I don’t like it. High school slice of life coming of age, very emotions-focused, probably like 10 volumes or something I dunno
Superwomen in love—I actually despise this one but according to my strict principles I’m including it because the concept is unique and would appeal to people probably. it’s like tokusatsu yuri with a general defecting from the evil organization and teaming up with the hero. I would’ve liked it more if it was more sincere and less gag-focused. Read it for a fun time but not a deep time until they sprinkle in pathos of heroism and love etc and then they go back to comedy. I guess. I fell off a couple volumes in I dunno it probably gets better. However I like tokusatsu and romance too much to continue.
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lazytitans-world · 2 months
Wish: The Series (Season 2 outline)
For this season, I wanted to explore the world outside of Rosas while building the relationship between Asha and the Star Boy. I was enticed by the idea of Asha leaving Rosas for a while and going on this adventure to this new place that she has never been two while learning more about her magic and about Star Boy.
For those unaware, early versions of Wish had Asha and her family live in a village hidden away in the Forrest. This village purpose is for those who did not wish to give their wishes to Magnifico to hide as they are considered traitors of the crown. The residents could never say their wish out loud as it would risk Magnifico and his army to find the sanctuary. However, to keep in their spirit of wishes, the villagers would tie a ribbon to a tree at the edge of the Forrest in hopes that their wish would come true.
I really grasped on to the idea of this hidden village deep in the Forrest and thought it would be a great place for Asha, Star Boy and Star to take their next steps in their journey. I’m still toying either way concepts but here are just a few ideas I had.
• I want to go way back to the start of this season with the arrival of Star Boy. He has come down to Rosas to retrieve and heal Star from the dark magic. He cannot bring Star back to the sky as it risks spreading the dark magic and corrupting other stars. This is where we'd get the mention of a place deep in the forest that has tremendous healing capabilities. Asha would offer to go with them, but Star Boy would drop those "haven't you've caused enough damage?!" speeches as he goes over how Asha has endangered Star and everyone around her. Star would eventually help him come around on Asha and the three would make their way into the forest.
• The village would be built up early on as this urban legend amongst the kingdom, probably started as a fear monger campaign by Magnifico.
• the reason our main leads would seek out the village as a way to heal Star, who for those who haven’t read the original pitch, was greatly damaged by dark magic as Magnifico escaped his containment.
• I want to spend at least 1-3 episodes with Asha and Star boy trying to find the village. Gives us time to build up the relationship between each character. We'd see the caring sibling like dynamic of Star and Star Boy, Asha being a caring mother figure to Star, and the start of Asha and Star Boy's adversary to lover's story.
• I have two ideas on how the village would be when they get there: One has the village still be unaware of the true nature of Magnifico’s defeat as rumors and legends are made up about how Asha is this great wizard with the power of light on their side and other types of stories that overblow what happened. The villagers would be distrustful of Asha as the last person with power like hers was Magnifico, so she has to show them that not only is she worthy but also that they are free to speak their wishes aloud without fear.
•Another idea was that some or most village see the stars as gods. All powerful beings that should be worshiped. I liked this idea as it gives Star Boy a bit of a cocky ego (he loves to make Asha grumpy; he finds her cute when he does it). But this would be used to showcase that stars have powers greater then even they know. I want to build up that Star has this power within them that will be used at the end of the next season.
•building off the last idea, we would see Star Boy go “nova”, basically an avatar state for Stars that has them in full god mode. We’d see this in action through Star Boy as certain villagers hold Asha and Star hostage and when he sees them using Stars powers to hurt Asha. His eyes would become pure white as he emotionlessly bulldozes the captors just with a swift motion of a finger moving. He’d come out of it by seeing Asha and Star frightened of what he became, Asha even making a brief speech saying that this is not like him. He’d snap out of it but we’d see the trauma even he had from doing this. (I just realized I basically copied ATLA)
• I am debating on whether to do an episode where a villager who would flirt with Asha and Star Boy gets a little jealous. It would show that Star Boy has deeper feelings for Asha, but I think I can do something better.
• One scene would have Star Boy and Asha sitting in the wishing tree looking at the stars. This is where Asha and Star Boy share more of their personal sides as their bond grows as now both see the other in this new life. We’d learn a little about the life of a star from this.
• One episode would have little star tries to play matchmaker with Asha and Star Boy. Star enjoys being with each of them and sees how well they complement each other and tries yet fails to force a romantic spark between the two. The episode would end Star Boy and Asha sitting in the wishing tree looking at the stars. This is where Asha and Star Boy share more of their personal sides as their bond grows as now both see the other in this new life.
• The romantic tension between Asha and Star Boy would grow as both do little things to show affection such as hand holding, giving a flower, etc.
• Asha’s arc outside of her budding romance with Star Boy would be dealing with the aftermath of Magnifico escaping. She begins to doubt herself after her choices ended up not only endangering Star but the people of Rosas as well. Asha would be more hesitant to use her wand this season, opting for a more strategical approach.
• This arc would end with Star Boy teaching her the powers of the wand as well as the magic and history of Stars over the course of two to three episodes. She grows more confident with her skills, and it again adds to her relationship with Star Boy.
• Meanwhile in Rosas during all this, Amaya is slowly being taken over by dark magic that was released during Magnifico's escape. It would speak to her in her own voice and sometimes Magnifico's. The voices lure her in by playing on her fears of ruling on her own, trying to do what's best for the people, fixing the damage her husband did, dealing with betrayal and losing her husband fully to evil.
• Her turn would be built throughout the season as she breaks out old spell books and tools to see if anything can heal Star from the dark magic, but nothing works. It's during this time of concern where the dark magic latches on to her. She would slowly become more paranoid and concerned with the absence of Asha and the others, sometimes lashing out at citizens or Asha's friends. Eventually she would give into the darkness and start dabbling in the same type of magic that her husband used, only this time using it in more subtle and hidden ways before being consumed by it and going full evil witch mode.
• To wrap up the village storyline, Asha would win over the village as she is able to use Star Boy's teachings to save the village from someone or a group of villains looking to harnesses the power of both stars in order to take over Rosas. As they are nearing the divider between Rosas and the forest, one of Asha's friends rides in on a horse to tell the trio about Amaya.
• The trio would then return to Rosas to find Amaya having caused similar chaos to that of her husband with Amaya now showcasing a new look that is reminiscent of female Disney villains like Maleficent or the Evil Queen. The trio would try to stop a now powerful Amaya by any means, with Star Boy stepping up to fight Amaya with his own magic to protect Asha and Star. Star Boy would put up a worthy fight as he taps into the nova powers without losing himself to it, but he still can't fully control it and Amaya would almost defeat him after he slips out of his power. I wanted to end this battle with Asha being able to speak to the good that is in Amaya, showing that someone can be saved from the darkest parts of themselves if they truly want to be redeemed. It ties back into Asha shouldering the blame for Magnifico's escape and her finally moving past it as well as showing that Magnifico choose to be evil, and it was not just the book controlling him.
• After the battle and fortifying the magical defenses of Rosas, Star Boy would declare his feelings for Asha as they sit on the wishing tree Asha and her dad sat on when she was young with Asha reciprocating his feelings with a kiss. Once that happens, we would cut to Magnifico who is holed up in dark cavern or lair of some sorts as he is planning something devious that will take out our main trio but also give him power over all wishes forever.
• I want to use Magnifico sparingly, one because getting Chris Pine would probably cost a lot, and two, I wanted to see the trio deal with other threats before going back to Magnifico. He would appear at the end of certain episodes when the audience would least expect it to remind the viewer that he is still out there and is growing stronger.
• To reuse a scrapped concept, I want Magnifico to actually consume the Wishes by eating them. The voice of dark magic could say that he did not have full power as he only crushed the wishes when he should have consumed them himself. It makes for a truly twisted visual and shows Magnifico's evilness.
• I don't know if I want to use this idea for this season or the next, but I want to tackle the concept of what I call "dark wishes" which are wishes but used for evil purposes. This would tie into the ending of the series which sets up the everlasting battle of good vs evil but that may be a story for another time (or when another spark of creativity hits me)
So that would be season two of my three to four seasons Wish sequel series. I wanted this season to do the Asha and Star romance we never got while taking Asha and Star to a place they have never been to get them out of the comfort zone of Rosas. And yes, I know I skipped over season one, but the idea of the hidden hamlet really sparked a story from me. Maybe I might flesh out the other ideas I had for the other seasons or maybe not. I hope you had fun reading this and as before, you are free to use these ideas for any animatics or comics just please credit me for story ideas and my asks and comments are open for all questions and critiques.
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ausetkmt · 3 days
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The excitement of the draft has truly permeated the city, bringing energy and enthusiasm that extends far beyond downtown festivities and the general passion for football. Importantly, this event has also shone a light on something less expected but deeply significant: urban agriculture. As the city celebrates new team picks and enjoys its moment in the sports spotlight, community gardens and urban farms are gaining recognition as vital elements of urban life. 
It is all too common for underprivileged communities to endure substandard conditions that shouldn’t even be an issue, such as access to clean food. Likewise, our veterans, who have sacrificed immensely for the US, are frequently neglected. Despite the sensitivity of this issue, it reflects our reality. This has spurred a number of grassroots organizations, policies, and nonprofits, both locally and politically, to take action. Among them is the NFL and S.H.I.E.L.D 1, a nonprofit founded by NFL players aimed at boosting economic mobility in underserved areas. They showcased the Green Boots Veteran Community Horticulture Gardens and Marketplace for their community ribbon-cutting event on the city’s westside, which features a GroShed. GroSheds are hydroponic gardening sheds designed for cold climates, allowing year-round access to nutritious, non-toxic, affordable whole foods, thereby addressing the seasonal gaps in fresh produce availability in these communities. 
The excitement behind the draft have touched down in the city but it goes beyond the confines of downtown and the fun times and the love of football, this has placed a spotlight on urban agriculture. 
Green Boots not only offers nutritious food choices for the local community but also provides a therapeutic outlet for veterans like its founder, Travis Peters, to engage in gardening and improve their mental health. 
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PHOTO: Travis Peters, Green Boots Community Horticulture Gardens and Marketplace
“My mission was to sustain myself, my family, and my community through urban agriculture without leaving our veterans out of the picture,” said Peters. “This place is a multifaceted space where we focus on urban agriculture basic training for our veterans and community along with horticulture therapy and protocols to help bridge the wellness gap.” 
“The GroShed will allow us to produce food at a higher rate, a faster and a more economical rate” Peters said. “This space has no city municipalities connection whatsoever. We run on solar power and rainwater, I rely on nature and just what the earth gives us.” 
Standing alongside community members and local media were NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, United States Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Senator Debbie Stabenow, New Orleans Saints Linebacker Demario Davis, NFL Cornerback Josh Norman, and NFL Legend Alex Lewis. 
“Travis is an extraordinary man and I’m proud to be here on behalf of the NFL,” said Goodell. “I’m also inspired by our players. There are two players here that have really led the way. Damario Davis and Josh Norman. For the last 4 or 5 years I’ve heard about this concept and their desire to make this happen and they have worked to make this happen. It has been their undying support to bring this into fruition not just here in Detroit but also in Buffalo. These men are not just great professional athletes, they are stand up men.” 
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PHOTO: New Orleans Saints Linebacker Demario Davis, Travis Peters, NFL Cornerback Josh Norman, Senator Debbie Stabenow, United States Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.
This event is part of the NFL’s Inspire Change social justice initiative. Inspire
Inspire Change is designed to reduce barriers to opportunity, especially in communities of color, demonstrating the collective efforts of the NFL family—current and former players, teams, owners, and the league office—to foster positive change. The initiative operates at all levels within the league, with a mission to showcase their commitment to social justice and community improvement. 
This GroShed initiative all started when Davis took a trip to Flint, MI a few years ago and realized there was a need for clean water. At the time he witnessed truckloads of water bottles being dispersed throughout the city, but he had an epiphany regarding his charity work, “What’s going on with the water system? That’s when we moved from doing just the charity work to finding sustainable solutions in the community.” 
“This is a continuation of our work that we’re doing in other cities,” said Davis. “We are committed to bringing sustainable solutions to communities that have traditionally been marginalized. This work touches me personally. It brings our hearts joy.” 
The NFL is collaborating with the White House on the “Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthy Communities” initiative, highlighting this effort at the event. 
Amidst the backdrop of steel and concrete, a transformation is quietly taking root—a healthy mindset. Spearheaded by Peter and powered by the enduring strength of the local Black community, this initiative isn’t merely about planting vegetables; it’s a reclaiming of urban spaces, turning them from symbols of decay into beacons of hope and growth. These community gardens are not just places to grow food; they are sanctuaries of empowerment, where residents, burdened by economic hardships and societal neglect, find a powerful form of expression and control over their lives and environment. 
Peter’s movement is leveraging a rich yet underrecognized legacy of Black horticulture expertise, challenging the stereotype that urban communities lack the green thumbs or know-how. Each garden plot and GroShed serves as a testament to resilience and innovation, with every plant sown echoing the community’s deep-rooted connection to the land and their ancestors wisdom. This isn’t just about horticulture; it’s about cultural heritage, community, a bridge connecting past generations who tilled the soil for sustenance to a modern movement for food sovereignty and social justice. 
“I started a number of years ago putting in place opportunities and extra support where veterans can go into farming,” said Senator Debbie Stabenow and chair of the agriculture, nutrition and forestry committee in Washington D.C. “We now have veteran organizations and veteran farmers around the country with the largest group in Michigan.” 
Absolutely, agriculture transcends the rural boundaries we often confine it to; it’s very much a vibrant part of urban landscapes as well. Urban agriculture is about more than just growing food; it’s about building community, fostering sustainability, and ensuring access to healthy, affordable meals. Echoing this sentiment, Senator Debbie Stabenow said, “This is about providing healthy food in a sustainable way right here in our urban communities.” 
This movement reshapes the concept of what it means to be a community. It’s a collective effort where city dwellers reconnect with their food sources and with each other, breaking down the isolation that urban environments can sometimes foster. Urban agriculture initiatives make it possible for fresh produce to travel just a few yards from soil to table, drastically reducing food miles and providing a stark contrast to the impersonal nature of mass food production. 
Moreover, these initiatives are a testament to the adaptability and ingenuity of urban communities. Each space cultivated is a step towards a more sustainable urban existence, proving that the heart of agriculture isn’t found solely in wide-open spaces but wherever there are people willing to plant the seeds of change. 
“The Greenboots community displays the real work,” Davis said. “You guys are the heroes and deserve the brightest light to be on you all. They are on the ground doing the work, it is people that are in the trenches that really keep the game going. So, thank you for your work.” 
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ajepyx · 6 months
Urban Action Showcase Pics from MARKED & G.I. JOE Screenings
Urban Action Showcase Pics from MARKED & G.I. JOE Screenings
Thanks to everyone who came out to support “Marked” and “G.I. Joe: The Fall of Cobra” last night at the Urban Action Showcase! Always a pleasure to support Demetrius Angelo and this amazing festival. More importantly for my cast to see their work in the heart of Times Square. Here’s to some new horizons ahead…
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uispeccoll · 1 year
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Shaft and the Era of Blaxploitation
Last year, Special Collections and Archives at the University of Iowa Libraries acquired items to form a new collection: the Black Film and Television Collection. In honor of Black History Month, we’re shining a spotlight on a different item from this collection each week.
In last week’s post, we discussed the lobby card for Oscar Micheaux’s 1938 film Swing, starring Cora Green. Our next spotlight is on original materials from the 1971 film Shaft, which includes the script used in the production in the movie, which was a defining entry in the Blaxploitation genre.
What is “Blaxploitation?”
We’ll start with the obvious: the word itself blends “Black” and “exploitation” and was coined by Beverly Hills-Hollywood NAACP president Junius Griffin in 1972 and wasn’t in the context of praise.
Blaxploitation movies are made by black filmmakers with black actors for black audiences. They portray strong black characters who were the heroes and leads. During the mid- to early 1970s, more than 200 movies of the genre were made, in subgenres such as horror, westerns, comedy, drama, and action.
Rather than trying to dispel stereotypes, movies like Shaft reinforce them. And while the movies were popular with audiences, that approach did create some critics, like Junius Griffin and other NAACP members.
Exploiting a lurid loophole
The Hays Code ruled Hollywood from 1934 to 1968, enforcing a strict set of moral standards for films. But filmmakers tend to be creative people, and “exploitation films” were the loophole they chose. If they depicted these offensive (and entertaining) subjects under the guise of a cautionary tale, they could get away with including them.
Over the years, court cases and boundary-breakers chipped away at the Hays Code. In 1968—the same year most history textbooks mark as the end of the Civil Rights Movement because it coincides with the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.—the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) scrapped the Code in favor of the film rating system. It was into these unique circumstances that a new genre—Blaxploitation—was born.
John Shaft’s world
Shaft is an adaptation of Ernest Tidyman’s 1970 detective novel, directed by Gordon Parks. Opening on an urban panorama overlaid with a funk soundtrack, the movie stars Richard Roundtree as John Shaft, a stylish and suave private detective in New York who is approached by the boss of a Harlem organized crime family (Moses Gunn) in search of his kidnapped daughter (Sherri Brewer). In the course of his mission, Shaft dispatches mafiosos, teams up with activists in the Black Power Movement, and delivers enough one-liners to cement his legacy as one of the iconic characters of 20th century film.
Even a brief glimpse at the original movie script’s pages (like the one shown above) showcase the swagger and bombast of the protagonist, who would go on to anchor multiple sequels. The movie’s iconic theme song, written and recorded by Isaac Hayes, has been sampled and reused dozens of times since the movie’s release, and the film itself has been preserved by the Library of Congress. It provides one of the early blueprints for the Blaxploitation genre, which continued to flourish throughout the 1970s.
It’s well worth noting that while Shaft’s director, stars, and core audience were Black, its writers were both white men. This information certainly complicates how many viewers receive the film’s representation of Black characters—and those complications became the focus of blaxploitation’s most vocal detractors.
Blaxploitation may have had its heyday in the 1970s, but it’s never truly ended. The genre was carried into the 21st century by the generation of filmmakers it inspired, including John Singleton, Spike Lee, and the Hughes Brothers.
Our next entry will be a look at Cheryl Dunye’s 1997 film The Watermelon Woman, and the growing influence of Black women in the film industry.
---Natalee Dawson, Communication Coordinator at UIowa Libraries with assistance from Anne Bassett, Liz Riordan, and Jerome Kirby
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thesorcererspen · 1 year
About Me
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I am TheSorcerer'sPen. Some just call me SP. Either is fine. Writing has always been a passion of mine since childhood. I graduated a few years ago with a degree in writing & rhetoric, but I've never been brave enough to share anything online. My fiance and best friend have both encouraged me to put myself out there more, so I wanted to start by introducing myself to the writing community here.
I am a lover of fantasy, sci-fi, mythology, and crime stories. I am also obsessed with manga/anime, especially HunterxHunter, Naruto, and Jujutsu Kaisen. My favorite book of all time is Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Game of Thrones and Dune are both in my top five favorite books of all time. I am not a huge fan of romance stories, but I love stories with well-written romance subplots. Action scenes are fun, but I am here for the great dialogue and character interactions. Internal conflict is seriously underrated.
I am a huge history and mythology buff, so much of my writing is inspired by these two things. I love writing dark fantasy stories and exploring themes of class, power structures, dysfunctional families, friendship, forbidden love, angst, etc. But, really, I just get such great joy from creating my worlds and creating characters that feel alive. My characters become like my imaginary friends.
I want to use this blog to showcase my writing and connect with other writers in the community!
I have two current WIPs listed below.
Traitors of the Nation
Genre: Urban Fantasy
In the nation of Astoria, the cold carves bone deep and its citizens are divided by blood—those with the golden blood type are called the magia, people with super abilities that manifest themselves when the user is thrust into dangerous situations. The noble elite wants to control this power with a class system that ranks its citizens based on the nobility of bloodlines and the usefulness of one’s abilities. Commoners with the golden blood type are forced into labor assignments, and the elite have created a device to suppress the abilities of an individual should they prove to be defiant.
Izan Ashida and Satoshi Nishimura are childhood friends who find themselves on opposite sides. Izan sits among the highest elites, serving as a bounty hunter who does the Crown's bidding, while Satoshi is placed in a lower class and branded a danger to society. War is brewing between the classes, and it has the royal family on edge. Revolution is coming. But when an elite military officer orders Satoshi be executed for treason Izan must confront a past he was desperate to leave behind and decide where his loyalties truly lie.
The Immortals' Gambit
Genre: High Fantasy/Mythos
Casimir Kozlov has lived his life in hiding, afraid of being discovered as a cross-blood in a world where humans struggle as mere mortals and the vampiric hemomancers known as the Zegoshi reign as gods. But the nine immortals are not the only thing to fear.
The Watchers, a highly trained military faction of the Zegoshi, are everywhere. They are tasked with maintaining social order and executing any cross-bloods they encounter. Beyond the wall, there are dragons, violent beasts who are enemies to Zegoshi and humans alike. At least, that’s what he had always been told.
Tired of living within the confinements of the wall and wanting to escape his Zegoshi father, he runs away from home on his eighteenth birthday. But his venture outside the wall proves to be lethal when he has an encounter with a dragon, discovering that the beasts have been disguising themselves among humans.
A rogue Zegoshi intervenes, sweeping Casimir into a world of intrigue and danger. Forced into an alliance with an enigmatic young Watcher captain, the trio embarks on a mission to investigate the surging dragon threat in society. But as he begins to delve deeper into this world, he uncovers hidden truths about humanity’s history with the dragons, the true intentions of the gods, and a prophecy that reveals the role he must play in this deadly game of power and politics.
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justforbooks · 11 months
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The reggae pioneer and record producer Jah Shaka, who has died suddenly in his late 60s, was a giant of the British sound system scene. In a career that lasted more than 55 years, he transformed the sound system landscape with a distinctive and idiosyncratic style, eschewing the dominant trends to focus exclusively on contemporary reggae that was spiritually uplifting and politically relevant, presenting the music as a means of inspiration and empowerment for the disenfranchised and oppressed.
At the many dances he held in diverse underground spaces, playing on an ancient and archaic Garrard turntable in a trance-like state, Shaka would chant messages of encouragement as well as exhortations of transcendent devotion to Rastafari, adding custom-built effects and live percussive elements to increase the dramatic tension.
Through his masterful use of components such as a pre-amp, a syndrum and a homemade siren box, he made the sessions visceral and immersive, boosting the subsonic bass frequencies at regular intervals to create a transportive and transformative experience. He reinforced this shamanistic persona by not revealing his given name or other details of his personal life.
An integral part of the black community of his home base in Lewisham, south-east London, during the late 1970s, Shaka deployed a sonic wizardry that made a dramatic impact on the post-punk music of Public Image Limited and the Slits, whose members were then among the few white attendees of his dances. Broader audiences became aware of his importance when he appeared in Franco Rosso’s evocative 1980 urban drama film Babylon, playing himself at a south London sound system session as the action draws to a climax.
Jamaican reggae subsequently underwent dramatic changes during the mid-80s as the dancehall style came to the fore, its output largely preoccupied with lasciviousness, violence and frivolity. British sound systems inevitably embraced the new style, but Shaka opted to become a lone voice in the wilderness that kept the roots reggae flame burning, advancing an up-tempo homegrown variant that became known as UK Steppers.
With a backing band he dubbed the Fasimbas after a local activist group established in response to the discriminatory treatment of black children in the British school system, from 1980 Shaka also produced original music with upcoming unknowns such as African Princess and Sister Audrey, as well as self-produced work.
He went on to produce reggae vocalists such as Bim Sherman, Johnny Clarke, the Twinkle Brothers, Max Romeo and Horace Andy, and released an impressive series of dub albums, including collaborative works with Aswad and Mad Professor. In the same period he ran a three-storey community hub in New Cross, known as the Culture Shop, which acted as a focal point for local black youth and housed a record store, a Caribbean food outlet and a Rastafari-oriented hair salon.
Although his record productions did not achieve much mainstream success, they were consistently popular with his core audience, and, more importantly, the uniqueness of his sound system would ultimately inspire acolytes such as Iration Steppas and Zion Train, as well as various sound system operators across the world.
Shaka spent his infant years in rural Clarendon, south Jamaica, before his parents moved the family to the UK in 1956 in search of betterment. They settled in south-east London, and it was while attending Samuel Pepys comprehensive school that he began an apprenticeship on the local soul sound system Freddie Cloudburst, beginning in 1968 as a “box boy”, helping to transport and set up the speaker boxes.
Later he ensured that the amplifiers and speakers were functioning properly, and finally became the resident selector to showcase work by Nina Simone, the Temptations, the Drifters, Diana Ross and other Motown acts. Then, after being inspired by activists such as Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X and Angela Davis, as well as his overarching Rastafari faith, he formed his own sound system in 1970, which he named Jah Shaka after the Zulu king.
Armed with exclusive dubplates and a powerfully commanding presence on the microphone, Shaka soon began building a name on the sound system underground, triumphing at many a sound clash. But along with the accolades came tensions with the police, who raided a dance he held in Brockley, south-east London, in 1975, beating attendees and damaging his equipment.
Undaunted, Shaka established a residency at Phebes nightclub in Stoke Newington, north London, in the late 70s, followed by another at Club Noreik in Tottenham, and was crowned the top sound system at the Black Echoes reggae awards in 1980 and 1981. His audience widened during the 90s, when he enjoyed a popular residency at the Rocket, adjoining the University of North London (now London Metropolitan University).
Shaka made his first pilgrimage to the African continent in 1984, and established the Jah Shaka Foundation in Ghana in 1992 to distribute medical supplies, library books and other materials to schools and medical clinics. He also undertook charitable works in Ethiopia, Jamaica and Kenya.
His extensive touring schedule took him throughout Europe and to Japan, Africa, Mexico and Peru. He became a regular festival headliner while mentoring his son, known as Young Warrior, who became a leading sound system practitioner and record producer in his own right.
Noted for his stamina and for presiding over all-night sessions without a break, Shaka continued to command large audiences at events in the UK and abroad.
He is survived by his extended family.
🔔 Jah Shaka, sound system owner and record producer, born circa 1954; died 12 April 2023
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ecargmura · 4 months
Here Are My Thoughts On The First Episode of Solo Leveling
Ah, yes, one of THE most anticipated animes of Winter 2024 is finally here. I’m not too familiar with popular Webtoons/manhwas these days despite me being Korean. I feel out of touch. However, I just feel like this has all the elements of the usual action fantasy story that is popular in the modern era and that’s not a bad thing. Action shows are the rage because it requires a lot of animation and engaging plot. I’m going in this show blind, so I have no clue what’s going on here, but the first episode was pretty decent.
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So, is this considered an isekai fantasy? Not exactly. I’d say that it’s an urban fantasy as there are still real life elements mixed with fantasy elements. I think what makes this stand out is the fact that it’s Korean media. As Korean media is booming, people want the next best thing. In Japan, they have My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece as their modern action hits. In Korea, I know about Noblesse, Tower of God and God of High School (which all got adaptations); I think they’re the founders of action webtoons in a way, so who would be their successor? Solo Leveling, most likely.
Solo Leveling is a web novel series that became popular to become a Webtoon, which is how the popularity sky-rocketed. From what I’ve seen, it’s dark but still has the usual isekai element of having a weak protagonist become strong. The story is about how gates to a fantasy has opened in the world and people eventually adapted by developing a Hunter system where they select people with Hunter capabilities and have them become soldiers to protect the world from the monsters that pop out of the portals. In some cases, hunters can even go into the portals to explore dungeons and such. There are ranks from S being the highest to E being the lowest. As you expect, the main character Sung Jinwoo (I usually write character names in Western order, but for Solo Leveling, I’ll write them in the Eastern order with surname first and then given name) is the weakest hunter in the world as he is Level E (is he the only Level E hunter?).
While he is weak, he still risks his life to become a hunter because his father went missing, meaning he has to be the breadwinner as his mother is hospitalized and his sister is in school. He needs money for the hospital bills and for his sister’s college tuition. Although he is a good boy, the cruel fantasy world is no place for a good boy like him. From the first episode alone, Jin-woo is shown to be very weak and can only really take out goblins in a very battered state. His guild makes a very dangerous decision to explore an unknown dungeon that popped up in the dungeon that they cleared and they reap the consequences. Unfortunately, what happens to Jin-woo will be revealed next episode.
From a viewer’s perspective, I think the anime did a very good job explaining what Hunters are and how the world changed in a decade in regards to these portals. Jin-woo has been stated to be a very weak hunter and it is shown too. The power of other hunters are showcased, showing off how powerful some of them are.
However, because there are so many characters introduced in the first episode alone, it’s really hard to keep up. The only character the viewers are really meant to care about other than Jinwoo is Joohee. She’s a B-class healer who worries a lot about Jinwoo. She’s also probably going to be that one girl who has a crush on Jin-woo but dies before anything can happen. That is such a fate of these action fantasy stories. Some characters that caught my interest in the first episode alone are the fire hunter and Cha Hae-in (I do wonder why her name is the one of the few that is just hyphened while everyone else has their given names stuck together). I’d like to learn more about them.
I watched the episode in Japanese dub, but there are English and Korean dubs available too! I haven’t watched them yet, but I know that they’ll be good because the voice actors they chose for this show are good. Jinwoo is voiced by Taito Ban in Japanese, Aleks Le in English and Min Seung-woo in Korean. I’m not too familiar with Taito Ban other than that he voices Shizusumi in Given, but he does give a good performance with showing the reserved side of Jinwoo. While he isn’t a big name, I do like that he was chosen as a potential rising star; in a year or two, his name will be seen in 10 different animes—just you wait. Aleks Le is also another rising star in the English dubbing world. I’m familiar with him as he voices Zenitsu in the Demon Slayer dub. I’ve been seeing this guy’s name in almost every anime dub cast news lately. Korean dubbing is a bit of an obscure industry as it isn’t as well-known as K-pop and K-dramas, but Korean dubs are good. Min Seung-woo is actually a really good voice actor. He voices Scaramouche/Wanderer in the Korean dub of Genshin Impact and is also known for voicing Loid Forger in the Korean dub of Spy x Family. I think that he’s also a rising star in the Korean dubbing world, so it’s nice to see that they’re getting potential big names for a big show like this.
Speaking of dubs, in the original Japanese trailer for Solo Leveling, Jinwoo’s name was localized to Shun Mizushino and everyone else had their names changed to Japanese as well. However, the animation staff had made it so that there would be two versions of Japanese dub, one with the Japanese names and one with the Korean names. I don’t think I’ve seen Japan doing this before and it surprises me because they usually keep the Japanese localized or translated names. I guess they want to appeal to the international audience because this is a non-Japanese media they’re adapting. I don’t know; I’m just theorizing.
Did I like what I’ve seen so far? Yes. I do want to tune in next week to see what will happen to Jinwoo as he and his guild members are trapped in the room with the scary, homicidal statues. What are your thoughts on the premiere of this anime?
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anamelessfool · 3 months
This took me way too long to decide because I want to sit and ask you every question on the list, in order, sat cross legged on the ground, munching wotsits like a maniac whilst you spill your brilliant brain out.
But we must be civilised.
If the mood takes you:
72, 65, 46
And a bonus 42 if I may 😂
thank you that's the nicest thing.....wait what's a wotsits?
72 What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
I am writing tons of things all over the place, and I realize now that's how my brain works. Notion is amazing for somebody who writes all over the place like me. I will be doing a long post about how to set up a basic fic Notion page soon. It's helped me organize what I do so much. I usually start with dialogue and then add action, then descriptions. Dialogue to me is the most important.
65 Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project.
I have said previously that I am excited to reveal some hands to readers, especially readers who have been reading all my stuff this whole time. It will all fall together soon. Also right now I am writing about Hell Night/The Open Call showcase for Occult bands in my 1979 Primo fic, and it has been fun. I have been watching a lot of home videos about the era on YouTube. It's amazing what you find there.
46 How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I want everything to come from characters. I throw challenges at characters and watch what they do with them. Then I write it down. It is surprising what happens, especially if you know the character well (for fanfic, you know your version of the character well).
As far as genre, I like to call mine "suburban fantasy". It's like Urban Fantasy in that it's set in present day, but the day to day is not as grimdark. I like when fantasy punches holes in reality and sets things into chaos. I like when the ordinary becomes Significant.
42 What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
The last fic I have read is @fishwithtitz "The Five Times I've Hooked Up With Mary Goore" and I keep rereading scenes from it. I enjoy the slice of life feel to Mary and I feel a sense of nostalgia when I read Fish's work.
I also am enjoying "Infernal" by @ghostchems for its humor. Stoned and Chilling Terzo is the best Terzo. Chems writes the best Stoned Terzo of all time. I feel so cozy reading it and it's quite funny.
(I picked two fics that aren't bigger titles! I read a whole lot!)
Thank you so much for your ask! I am hugging you from across the pond! <3<3<3
Ask Fic Writer Game Here
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac in A Most Violent Year (J.C. Chandor, 2014) Cast: Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain, Elyes Gabel, Albert Brooks, David Oyelowo, Alessandro Nivola, Albert Brooks, Jerry Adler. Screenplay: J.C. Chandor. Cinematography: Bradford Young. Production design: John P. Goldsmith. Film editing: Ron Patane. Music: Alex Ebert. In a movie that might have been called "Do the Most Right Thing," Oscar Isaac plays yet another ethically challenged protagonist. Abel Morales is not as cranky as Llewyn Davis or as politically savvy as Nick Wasicsko, the beleaguered Yonkers mayor of the 2015 HBO series Show Me a Hero, but he's another little guy who deserves better than the forces opposed to him will allow. He's no moral paragon: He couldn't have built a successful heating oil company in New York City without bending a few of the rules -- and without the help of his less-scrupulous wife, Anna (Jessica Chastain). It's 1981, and Morales is on the brink of a big deal, purchasing property on the East River that will enable him to eliminate some of the middlemen in the business. But then everything starts going awry: His trucks are being hijacked and the district attorney (David Oyelowo) has decided to make him a target in his exposé of corrupt practices in the heating oil business. It's a gritty urban tale, the kind that the movies haven't seen much of lately, demanding an audience that doesn't ask for a lot of glamour and knows how to wait patiently for things to unfold. As director and screenwriter, J.C. Chandor resists the temptation to reveal too much too swiftly, building a quiet tension as we begin to bring the story into focus. He also handles action well, as the title suggests, although much of the violence is latent. Best of all, he showcases some fine performances, not only from Isaac and Chastain and Oyelowo, but also from Albert Brooks as Morales's attorney, Elyes Gabel as one of the victimized truck drivers, and Alessandro Nivola as one of Morales's mobbed-up competitors. There are moments when the script's depiction of Morales's determination to go as straight as possible seems a little too much like forcing him into the good-guy role, and the climax is too melodramatic, but on the whole it's a solid movie.
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