#Using JavaScript
advancedbytez · 8 months
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adobe-outdesign · 3 months
quick shoutout to the Neopet V2 plot for having one of the most insane solutions I've ever seen. it includes fun steps like "check the source code" and "run subroutine JavaScript"
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manonamora-if · 19 days
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The 100% Good Ready-to-Use Tweego Folder!
The 100% Good Ready-to-Use Tweego Folder is both a coding guide for the Tweego compiler and an easy-install for the program. It is meant to complement the official Tweego documentation, and update the Tweego download folder (formats). The Guide is fairly short and goes over installation of Tweego in Windows and MacOS, the Twee Notation (a.k.a. Passage set-up), and use of Tweego in Windows and MacOS as well as with Twine 1 and Twine 2 formats.
While the Guide was compiled with SugarCube 2.37.3, and the Ready-to-Use Tweego Folder has a base project with SugarCube 2.37.3, Tweego can be used with any Twine 1 and Twine 2 formats. Annotations are also provided to change formats.
Note: setting up Tweego is different depending on your device. Check the Guide for full instructions before downloading the Folder (esp. for MacOS).
The Folder includes:
the Ready-to-Use Tweego Guide
Tweego, all official Twine 1 & 2 formats, and relevant scripts
a Base New Project with annotations
Twine® is an “an open-source tool for telling interactive, non-linear stories” originally created by Chris Klimas maintained in several different repositories (Twinery.org). Twine is also a registered trademark of the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
Tweego is a free (gratis and libre) command line compiler for Twine/Twee story formats, written in Go, created by TME. The Ready-to-Use folder is based on the one put together by Sjoerd.
The previous version of this Guide and Folder (SugarCube 2.36.1/Windows only) is still available for download on my GitHub.
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magebane · 1 year
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made a clickable directory of spell trees from darpg becos all i could find were images with no descriptions. idk if anyone might need these other than me but here they are (unfortunately only available in pdf (plaintext) and html (clunky interactive) formats because the site i made these with doesnt allow never-expiring links)
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ackee · 7 months
working on my neocities again because of [gestures vaguely] everything. on the adventures of me trying to get my damn traversion page mobile compatible
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i got naomi to work yayyyy 😋
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wispybunbun · 9 months
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🍰 ⸝⸝ ꒰ Carrd Design #1 // Client: Uxsakki ꒱
A soft, very lightly Y2K inspired Carrd that feels like a little flower meadow! (..◜ᴗ◝..) I am a little bun bun who makes Carrds if you would like one please check out my VGen: https://vgen.co/WispyBun (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
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itsmybirthdaythough · 5 months
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Helllooooo everyone. Dirk strider Moodboard part ???? Because I found more fuel. I’ve been super into coding lately and after understanding how code works, dirk’s mannerisms and tendencies are a lot easier to empathize with. Not the whole “controlling my friend’s lives so they live the most ideally to my standards” but in the sense of constant micromanagement. I understand that living and growing up almost completely alone will cause hyper independency, but being so involved with code and programming tends to invoke perfectionism within somebody. If the most minute details result in a complete project failure, then extreme attention to detail is a needed feature. Rambles and words, this guy is so neat.
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birindale · 3 months
actually, speaking of esoteric bullshit i do, I finished transcribing the MOTUC bios today! the landing page (the only page) looks like hot garbage atm but the search function works and that's all that matters! uninterested in like 70% of these? seek thy heart's desire & ye shall see nought else. hm. sorry, that was weird. it's been a long day
anyway i still gotta actually design a layout and pick a color scheme and so on but the main course is all finished, have at it! vote in my poll, perhaps
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bonetrousledbones · 4 months
well folks i was completely unsuccessful in not allowing myself to work Any Further on html bullshit so anyway i have a brand new enemy now
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1794 · 25 days
I've taken 3 college level intro cs classes in the last 8 years and not completed a one of them. they've also all been for different languages (java, c++, & python). I am now about to embark on my FOURTH intro cs class which just says it's for an unspecified high-level coding language. which probably means python, I'd think.
anyways. all this to say I'm Really Good at leveraging if/for/while & basic array manipulation to do whatever I want but have absolutely no grasp on real programming. perhaps I'll finally remedy that?
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kaiserouo · 5 months
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You can't give me a shell and expect me not to try this
(Disclaimer: do not ever do that to any real machine if you do that you're the one to blame)
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littlepillbugs · 7 days
On my site: Cat genetics visualizer
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Here it is! You can customize a cat based on real cat genetics.
A beginner-friendly guide to what the alleles do:
I am not an expert, so I would recommend doing research outside of what I say! This is just how my simulator works.
Tabby: A/A or A/a to be stripey (tabby). a/a to be not-stripey (self).
Mc: Mc/Mc or Mc/mc makes the cat's stripes "mackerel" (stripey), mc/mc makes the cat's stripes "classic" (blotchy).
Ticking: "Ta"s change a cat from being stripey to being Ticked. I simplified the way they look A LOT in this, here's a better picture of what they look like. (plus this one too)
Base color:
B/B, B/b, or B/b1 = Black base
b/b or b/b1 = Chocolate (dark brown)
b1/b1 = Cinnamon (lighter brown)
Dilution: d/d "dilutes" black to gray ("blue"), chocolate to 'lilac', cinnamon to fawn, and orange to cream. D/D or D/d is normal, un-diluted coloration.
O/- = Orange male cat
o/- = Non-orange male cat
O/O = Orange female
O/o = Tortie female
o/o = Non-orange female
Inhibitor: I/I or I/i will make tabby cats silver (turns part of them white) and makes non-tabby cats smoke (turns a smaller part of them white and makes stripes visible).
anything with a "C" allele: Normal full color
cb/cb or cb/c - "Sepia" - Warmer parts of the body are a little lighter.
cb/cs or cs/c - "Tonkinese/mink" - Warmer parts of the body are lighter.
cs/cs - "Siamese" - Warmer parts of the body are basically white.
c/c - Albino cat (no pigment)
White spotting:
anything with a "Wd" allele: All white
S/S - Mostly white
S/w - Some white
w/w - No white spots
Fur length: L/L or L/l is short fur, l/l is long fur
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qrevo · 1 year
uh can someone. threaten to beat me with a large rock. if i don't finish up my uni work in time. really needing that "fighting for my life" energy to finish these up lol
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the-knights-of-rohan · 11 months
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22/100 days of productivity.
Today was a very busy day. Had a lab in physics, as well as a long problem set, and I've been assigned 3 different projects/long writing assignments over the weekend :"|
(Call me Old Mex the way I got that yellow tint.)
Today’s productivity:
Did AP Physics homework on Kinetic Energy & Work
Did AP Physics online lab
Did some more AP Statistics practice FRQs to prepare for the test on experimental design.
Worked on a simple game for my AP Stats teacher to easily and reliably measure hand-eye coordination in p5.js
Read a chapter of The Namesake, seems interesting right now.
Spent an hour flashcarding for Japanese 4 new chapter vocab
Self Care:
Had some pumpkin spice biscotti with my coffee today
Spent an entire two hours after coming home doing nothing but lounging around. Felt great.
Future Goals:
Study for 2 tests in the coming weeks; AP Statistics (Experimental Design) and AP Physics (Friction and Drag)
Keep preparing for college interview (僕はスペインにいる。スは静かだ。)
Start working on AP Literature story section due next week, as well as reading/notes on another chapter of The Namesake.
Start working on US Government personal experience paragraph due Monday
Start working on US Government project due after Thanksgiving break.
Song of the day:
Name: Dmitri
Album: Lamb Over Rice
Artists: Action Bronson & The Alchemist
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dkettchen · 7 months
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I'm applying to coding bootcamps (in my retraining efforts toward a stable career to fall back on whenever media industry is being an ass (aka their default state)) and this one is making me learn javascript as part of the application process, and I'm like just let me use my snake_case, you monsters ToT
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omaenanimonoda · 2 months
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