#Uugghh so good!!
jjoneechan · 8 months
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Sapnap would do anything for George. He’d fly over 9 hours to a whole other country despite his fear of flights. He lets George win arguments and laughs at his jokes. He lets him boast about his height, age and maturity. He lets George make fun of his insecurities. He’d let himself be held and kissed and even though it makes his brain fog up and his heart stutter in his chest, he knows George doesn’t feel the same. He’ll be whatever George needed, just so he wouldn’t feel sad anymore. Even if the heart on his sleeve bleeds too deep, shows too much how he cares. He’d squash his feelings down because that’s not what George needs right now. He needs a distraction. And when George begs Sapnap to make him forget how alone and trapped he feels, to kiss him so much he’ll forget he’s leaving again, even though Sapnap knows having this one night would kill him… he’d do anything for George.
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George: It’s not fair.
Sapnap: I know.
G: I hate it here. I want to go home. With you
S: I know, George
G: I feel so trapped. So alone
S: I’m here now, I’m not leaving
G: But you will, and I’ll be left again
S: George…
G: I wish you had never come here
S: … i know
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[CN] Victor’s 2023 Birthday Story (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a content yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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Collect the memory items and look back at the moment when his life ushered in a major turning point. The future he earnestly desired is composed of every second and minute from that immediate moment.
Victor’s dialogues will be in bold and italics. Others’ dialogues will be in only bold.
I’ll use ( ✄┈┈┈┈ ) when moving on to the next page within the same chapter and partitions for different chapters, as usual.
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✧ [Chapter 1] ✧
Creak–– creak––
The sound of metal scraping against the ground travels intermittently to the ears. Although small, it’s still enough to jolt someone awake from light dreams. The fingers resting on the table shudder almost imperceptibly. After a few moments, the owner of the hand is awakened, and he lifts his head from the crook of his arms.
The laptop on the table had already entered sleep mode long ago, the dark screen reflecting his disheveled fringes and the warm sunlight. Instinctively, Victor lightly squints his eyes. After a while, he sits up straight and can’t help but let out a light hiss.
The arms have been pinned down for too long, and the first movement sends an intense sense of numbness through them. He leans back in his chair and moves his stiff forearms and the back of his neck, hearing the sound of the table and chair scraping traveling to his ears once again. This time, however, the other party is clearly much more relaxed.
“I’m sorry. I made too much noise while looking for something.”
Cao Lin, his dormitory roommate, holds up a dusty wireless mouse and shoots a glance at the computer,
“Did you stay up all night again last night?”
“Thank you for your hard work. About that project showcase for that application for the school’s Entrepreneurship Park...”
“It’s good. Take a look at it for yourself.”
Victor casually taps the keyboard a few times. In the next second, the screen lights up abruptly.
“As expected of you.”
Cao Lin impatiently takes the laptop from him and browses through it, wonderstruck,
“Although it’s not complicated, the key points are so clear at a glance… you even made a Gnatt Chart of the future revenue expectations! Yes, yes, I knew I had just the right person!”
“It’s nothing.”
Victor takes a bag of instant coffee and glances at Cao Lin,
“What about the speech draft?”
“Here it is.”
Cao Lin fumbles with the printed manuscript, words still on his lips,
“I’m truly not exaggerating. This entrepreneurship thing for university students is like “being alive even after dying nine times.” If it weren’t for you being sufficiently strong, I would’ve never agreed to join.”
No reply can be heard drifting to the ears. When Cao Lin looks up, he finds Victor staring hard at the speech draft, his slender eyebrows knitted into a frown.
“The background of the project is not written clearly enough,”
Victor picks up a pen from the table and continues to draw circles relentlessly,
“It has to give a more granular level of details regarding the current situation of the marketplace and its prospects.”
“The orientation is also too limited. Our target audience will not be confined to the campus, and the following will have to be adjusted accordingly.”
He puts down the pen as he speaks, picking up the cup from the side,
“The selection quiz is at 3 pm. We still have time, so let’s get down to modifying this version again.”
Cao Lin takes the speech draft, sighing as he looks at it,
“We don’t have to be so serious, right? This shouldn’t be too far off the mark in response to the school’s audit.”
“There are several teams in the Economics Department planning to start their own business.”
Victor counters methodically,
“Across the school, there are only a few more competitors.”
“But they necessarily won’t apply for the Entrepreneurship Park…”
“The rent at school is over 30% lower than outside.”
Victor shoots him a glance,
“Which project that drew up a financial plan do you think will let this opportunity slip by?”
Cao Lin dithers for a moment, sighing as he returns to his seat and turns on his computer. Victor gets up and walks over to his desk, tapping on the screen.
“One more thing. Let’s lengthen the margin to leave room for annotations.”
He looks at his phone as he speaks,
“I’m not coming with you guys. Professor Wu has something for me. Send me a soft copy when you’re done, and I’ll meet you directly at the venue at 3:00.”
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✧ [Chapter 2] ✧
The office building of the institution is located in the northwest corner of the school, surrounded by pines and bamboo. Victor walks through the gently swaying shadows of the trees in the corridor and knocks on the heavy door of the office.
“Come in.”
The professor behind the desk looks up from his computer and pats the chair next to him, motioning to Victor.
“I wanted to see you to have a chat about your term paper.”
After he sits down, Professor Wu turns the computer around,
“Your paper is very promising. Can you tell me a little about your thinking process for choosing this topic?”
“Generally, along with a society developing economically, its industrial structure will also be transformed. This usually means the proportion of the tertiary industry will increase…”
Victor contemplates for a moment, and then elaborates in a methodical manner.
“Then, why didn’t you begin with the Baumol effect?”
“That’s indeed the mainstream research method.”
Victor explains calmly,
“But I think if we combine the actual data on the basis of the Ricardian model, we can strengthen the explanatory force.”
Professor Wu nods unobtrusively and asks a few more follow-up questions from tricky angles. Faced with Victor’s logical and rigorous analysis, his gaze gradually displays the look of an unconcealed admiration. When Victor finishes his explanation, he strokes the teacup in his hand, looking thoughtful.
“The angle for your choice of topic is very new and original, and your reasoning is also very clear... Your paper is already at the level of a graduation thesis.”
“Thank you, Professor.”
“I’m just stating the truth, nothing more.”
The professor pours a cup of hot tea once again.
“I wanted to see you for one more thing.”
“At this point in your junior year, it’s time to consider the next step.”
The professor says, pushing the cup of tea towards Victor,
“After you graduate next year, how about coming to me as a postgraduate student?”
The scorching temperature of the tea passes through the porcelain cup and spreads on the palm of his hand. Through the dense steam, Victor’s gaze sweeps past the bookshelves in the back row of the office. “General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money,” “The Field of Modern Economics and the Economy,”... each and every name of a well-known reputation in the Economics field are silently displayed on the spine of the books, and Professor Wu’s name is also among them.
No other explanation is necessary. Victor clearly understands that the path unfolding before him is a smooth and straightforward one, causing people to flock toward it.
With a professor as a guide, it will be much easier to plow through the field of economics. Perhaps within a few years’ time, his name will also appear here, silently overlooking countless students.
Victor blinks, quietly averting his gaze from the bookshelves.
All that is all right. But he knows in his heart that this is not what he wants.
The investment world is indeed colder and more ever-changing than the academic world. But this is precisely what causes him to be intrigued–– there are numerous opportunities and dangers lurking in this field; the chips you have in your hand now could be wiped away overnight, or they could grow astonishingly like a snowball. Here, all judgments reveal their consequences in the most straightforward manner.
This is the only place where his ambitions and talents could be realized.
“Thank you for your kind appreciation.”
He looks at the professor, his tone carrying with it a certainty,
“But I have decided that I want to start a business with my team.”
“I’d like to see what kind of future I can achieve with my capability.”
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✧ [Chapter 3] ✧
“We formed a media company that offers a range of services including…”
Victor pushes open the back door of the classroom and is suddenly greeted with the sound of a staccato explanation. There is not even a single empty seat in the large classroom. The cold light of the projection on the podium reflects either the nervous or expectant faces of several hundred students off the stage. His gaze wanders around the lecture hall a few times, finally spotting the familiar four or five figures in the corner. At about the same time, Cao Lin notices him and waves his hand, making gestures:
“God Vic! Over here!”
Victor passes through the back of the classroom. Just as he draws nearer, his arm is eagerly pulled by Yu Hong. He is one year above Victor and is in charge of the financial aspects of the project. Although he is the oldest among the teammates, Yu Hong is prone to being nervous when it comes to formal situations. Only a few moments have passed, and his face has already broken out in sweats,
“You really did hit the nail on the head. This battle is a big one!”
“I fear there are no less than forty groups present today.”
Some of them are hurriedly revising their speeches based on the experience of the previous groups, while speaking with anxiety,
“If the application is not approved, then…”
“That won’t make much difference.”
Victor pushes down Yu Hong’s hand,
“We can control our costs by renting space in a slightly more remote location.”
“That’d be too far. What would we do about the back-and-forth trips?”
“That’s not a problem. We can make arrangements with the shuttle bus service for the morning and evening pick-ups.”
Victor’s eyes sweep over the faces of the group,
“Also, there’s no need to worry about it right now. I don’t think our project will be any less impressive than the others.”
While they are conversing, the previous group’s project presentation has come to an end. The teachers in the front row turn their heads sideways to discuss something. Shortly after, they flip to the next page of the registration form,
“Group 9, be prepared to take the stage.”
The air that alleviated just a little becomes tense once again, and Victor hears Cao Lin next to him inhaling a deep breath. His fingertips curl up, and he takes the lead as he rises from his seat. A multitude of eyes rests upon him within an instant.
“Let’s go.”
He says in a low voice and strides down the flight of steps.
Following Victor’s footsteps, the other team members ascend onto the stage in a single file. After the projector is connected, a clear and concise presentation of the project is immediately displayed on the screen.  Victor’s gaze unobtrusively glides across the stage, and he begins to explain in a profound voice,
“We are a team of entrepreneurs from the Department of Economics. This application is for an industrial project where investment is the main operation…”
“The next stage is to expand our target clientele beyond the campus to assimilate social investment…”
The display of the project turns over page by page. Along with the rigorous narration of several people, a number of teacher exchange glances with each other rather approvingly. However, a female teacher sitting in the middle of the front row knits her brows into a frown. Victor’s heart shivers slightly. As luck will have it, the female teacher takes the lead with a difficult question in the question and answer session that follows:
“In terms of future profitability, your project is indeed remarkable. However, unlike outside Entrepreneurship Parks, the school does not prioritize profits.”
“I’ll be straight with you guys–– this project lacks social significance. Compared with the previous projects from the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Journalism, you guys don’t have any advantage.”
The sound of restrained discussion immediately breaks out in the classroom. A few of the teachers nod thoughtfully, a little more scrutiny emerging in their gazes.
“But, but…”
Cao Lin parts his lips helplessly, a few drops of cold sweat sliding down the corners of his forehead.
“I agree with the teacher’s viewpoint.”
Victor takes the microphone and meets the eyes of the teacher off the stage, not even blinking his eyes,
“It’s true that the school’s Entrepreneurship Park should not be for utilitarian purposes.”
“But again, I also do not think that the social significance of this project is any less than the subject fields you’ve mentioned before.”
“I agree with you that business practices can involve the addition or subtraction of assets, but this cannot comprise all the elements. Driven by business, the essential factors of production will operate in a more efficient manner, and society will change in line with the development of the industrial structure–– it’s a practical fact that is relevant to everyone’s life.”
Victor’s gaze sweeps across the audience. He pauses, as if he’s explaining something, and as if he’s making a kind of promise:
“And in our own way, we, too, will influence the world.”
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✧ [Chapter 4] ✧
“The school will inspect the operation of the project on an academic year basis. If any violations are found, the right to use the park will be withdrawn immediately…”
“There is also a requirement for your CGPA. You guys must not let your entrepreneurial project interfere with your studies…”
At the office building of the school enterprise center, the teacher in charge of explaining the terms of use to the winning projects props her glasses up and describes the terms meticulously. As Victor writes down the contents in his diary one by one, he suddenly hears the voice drifting to his ears coming to a halt. He looks up, only to find that the teacher, who was particularly strict during the question and answer session, has lifted the corners of her lips into a small, imperceptible smile. Her voice seems to soften a little as she hands over the key,
“Your presentation was very good. Congratulations to you guys.”
“Thank you.”
Victor lowers his eyes. The key is now in the palm of his hand, shining quietly with a warm coppery luster. The traces of being worn out is clearly visible on it. It’s only a light piece of metal, but it feels heavy as he holds it in his palm. He gently clenches his palm, and out of the corner of his eyes, he sees the faces of several people next to him turning thorough and thorough red. After walking out of the school building, Yu Hong is the first one to shout in excitement,
“We did it! We have our own zone now!”
“It was so close! I thought we would lose it in the question session… luckily, “God Vic” was quick to respond just in time!”
Laughter, high fives… the pressure and exhaustion from running around for several days seem to dissipate into the air in this overflowing clamor. Victor looks at the group and finally lifts the corners of his lips,
“Let’s not waste time and go see the park.”
“Let’s go, let’s go. I’ve been curious for a long time!”
Making a racket, the group of people soon walks to the Entrepreneurship Park, which is a block away from the school. When they reach the gate, everyone falls silent in tacit agreement, watching as Victor inserts the key into the keyhole and turns it gently. In the next second, a neat and quiet space slowly unfolds in front of this group of youngsters.
“From today onwards, this is our place? Why does it feel like a dream…”
“Then you keep dreaming. I’m putting my words here first. That desk by the window belongs to me, Senior Yu.”
Several of the youngsters habitually “roast” each other, then rush to scatter all around the office, taking in the surroundings where they will spend a long time in the coming days. Victor follows behind them unhurriedly; his gaze runs over the slightly congested desks and yellowed ceiling fans, then turns to the bright view outside the window–– although the decor, the tables, and chairs wear the traces of age, for a start-up team like theirs, this is already enough.
“God Vic! Come and see this!”
A shout of surprise rings out behind him. Victor turns around and sees Cao Lin and the others huddling around a wall, excitedly filming something. As he approaches, Victor finds that there is a wall of memorials, filled with messages written by the previous generations of seniors who had started their own businesses. There are self-motivational words along with many motivational slogans–– the wordings are not lacking in brashness, but what cannot be concealed within them are the vigorous vitality and ambition.
“Let’s write something on it too… it will be a memento for us to see when we come back here after being away for half a lifetime.”
Cao Lin makes a genteel proposal. No one makes any jokes at this time, which is a rare occasion. In a serious and quiet atmosphere, this group of youngsters writes down their dreams, stroke by stroke.
Accompanied by the uniform sound of brush strokes, Victor lifts his hand and solemnly writes a line on it:
“You can change the society with your values.”
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✧ [Chapter 5] ✧
“Exam time is over. Everyone, now stop answering and pass your test paper from the back to the front.”
The invigilator’s voice rings out almost simultaneously with the bell. Victor puts down his pen, hands the test paper to the person in front of him, and releases a soft breath. It’s akin to a silent signal, declaring that the winter holidays have officially begun from this moment. Despite the reservation that the teacher hasn’t yet left, the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly brightens up.
While the teacher is busy sorting out the test papers, Victor turns on his phone. Several messages pop up one after another at a gushing pace. He casually clicks on the text at the very top, and the moment he reads the content, he’s suddenly taken aback.
“Vic, happy birthday! Have you ordered a cake for yourself today? Aunt has recently learned some new dishes. I’ll cook them for you when you come back…”
Victor blinks, then looks at the center of the screen as an afterthought: “13th January.”
For the previous month, he’s barely found any room for respite in his life. For the project, applying for the Entrepreneurship Park was only the first step. To bring in investments and attract more people to join, it involves product assessment as well as system evaluation… In the juggling between the park and school, time passes by in such a rush; to the extent that, he practically forgot today was his birthday.
“Damn, the last exam is finally done!”
At the back, Yu Hong lets out a long sigh of relief, casually conversing with the people around him,
“I’ve booked a flight, and I can be on the slopes galloping by noon tomorrow!”
“I’m going straight back home. My mom urged me several times.”
Cao Lin says, patting Victor on the shoulder,
“God Vic, what about you? What’s your plan?”
“I’m not going back. I’ll stay behind to push the project.”
Victor replies concisely. His eyes sweep over the message of blessings sent by his father, and he briefly explains his decision to stay on campus during the vacation. When he lifts his head again, he’s met with Cao Lin’s slightly hesitant gaze.
“You’re striving too hard, aren’t you?”
Cao Lin’s tone is a little hesitant,
“The project has only just started, and we haven’t gotten any business yet. Why are you throwing away your vacation now?”
The other person behind him doesn’t say anything, and his expression reveals a bit of approval. Yu Hong at the side seems to be unable to look past it and frowns at Cao Lin,
“Are you unclear about the logic? The more we can’t progress, the more we have to rush in to draw investments, don’t we?”
He says and looks at Victor,
“I was careless before. I’ll come back after skiing the day after tomorrow, and I’ll stay here with you during the holidays.”
“No, I didn’t mean anything else by it…”
“Today should be the last time we will be able to meet before school starts.”
Victor says as he flips open his diary,
“Let’s start by reporting on the progress of our respective work. Cao Lin, how is the market research analysis going?”
“I’ve been occupied with the exams for the past few days and haven’t started yet. I––”
“Yu Hong.”
Victor’s gaze turns to the next person,
“What about the financial budget you’re in charge of?”
“Almost done. I’ll give it to you in a couple of days.”
As the report submitting process progresses one by one, some people’s faces gradually grow embarrassed–– those who get the opportunity to be admitted into the Economics Department after the college entrance exam are gifted. Even if no one has spoken up yet to denounce anything, their self-esteem cannot stand the blow of this kind of comparison.
Victor listens calmly as the last person finishes his report and closes the diary in his hand, not gently but not heavily either,
“It’s my own choice to stay at school during vacation, and I’m not imposing everyone to follow up on the project here.”
“It’s your personal freedom to plan your vacation. I don’t want to interfere with that.”
Victor says, gliding his gaze over the group,
“However, no delay in the progress is allowed.”
“It’s a company, not a school group project anymore.”
Without further delay, Victor picks up his bag and gets up to leave. The moment he steps out of the classroom, there seem to be hesitant murmurs coming from behind him. It’s akin to questioning, and also akin to soliloquizing,
“...will anyone really invest in a start-up company that hasn’t been around for a long time? Isn’t that a bit too ambitious?”
Victor doesn’t stop in his footsteps. Those chaotic voices are reminiscent of a gloomy shadow, and he leaves them behind in the school building without looking back.
On the way to the Entrepreneurship Park, he habitually pulls out his phone and searches for new investors–– he can’t remember exactly how many attempts he’s made during this period.
And it doesn’t really matter.
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✧ [Chapter 6] ✧
The days are always particularly short in winter. It seems that merely within a flash, the sky outside the window is tinted with the dusky colors of twilight, and the sound of tapping the keyboard fades a little along with it. Victor takes his eyes off the screen and lifts his head to turn on the ceiling light at his workstation. When he returns to his seat, he happens to catch his phone screen lighting up for an instant. 
“The project looks quite promising. We can make an appointment for a face-to-face meeting and begin with further evaluation.”
It’s a message from an investor.
Victor’s fingertips freeze in the air for a moment, almost invisibly. A few moments later, he lifts his hand and replies:
“Of course, we can meet at your convenient time.”
With a few words, he forwards the messages to the workgroup. In just a few seconds, messages suddenly continue to pop up one after another in the previously silent group.
“F*ck! Someone is really coming to review our project?”
“Thank goodness I didn’t buy a train ticket yet… wait, I’ll go to the park tomorrow to sort out the materials!”
“I can complete the stuff I have within tomorrow. What do we have to prepare next?”
…these people.
Victor sighs softly at his phone, and even he is unaware that his own expression has quietly softened a little bit. After arranging the next steps of the tasks, he glances at his phone and finds that it’s already past eleven.
Studies, work… even his birthday isn’t any different from regular days, and it’s still occupied with all kinds of things. Now, this less than an hour that he has left, it seems that it truly belongs to him and him alone.
Perhaps now, he can do something else.
Victor contemplates. Almost subconsciously, he opens his social networks and begins to search for news related to the orphanage incident–– for several years now, he never gave up on the thought of finding the girl. For him, it has become almost an instinct.
His eyes scan over page after page of news, most of the contents of which he has already browsed countless times. Occasionally, one or two pieces of new information pop up, but it can be easily told that they are obvious fabrications. Victor’s gaze lingers on the “no new news” prompt for a few seconds. After pondering for a while, he posts an anonymous search post.
He is going to wait a little longer. If there’s still no news, he will look for a different method… Victor thinks as he presses the Enter key. Kneading his forehead, he suddenly thinks of something and logs into his private email.
There is no blessing sent by his mother.
[Important Tidbits]: It’s a reference to his 5th birthday story~ ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Just like the office at the moment, his mailbox is empty and deserted. But after all these years, he has also long since gotten accustomed to this feeling of emptiness. His gaze pauses on the inbox page for a second, then he retreats and leans back in his chair, closing his eyes a little wearily.
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He doesn’t have to worry for the moment. There will be more possibilities in the next year. The company should be welcoming more opportunities; perhaps he will receive blessings from his mother, and perhaps he will find her soon. As Victor thinks, he suddenly hears a very faint rustling sound drifting to his ears. Victor subconsciously inclines his head and looks toward the source of the sound, finding that it has started to snow outside the window at some point.
The flurry of snowflakes descends from the sky, quietly and ardently dancing across the horizon, akin to a wordless present.
Victor quietly stares like this for a while, the corners of his lips lifting softly.
This year’s birthday has indeed been a little cold and lonely, but that’s okay.
The best gift of all–– he will give it to himself in the future.
Birthday Date: here!
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moonverc3x · 5 months
the fashion designs for palestine post u rbed is ai, just fyi!
aahhh nooo!! cant believe I didn't notice- thank you for pointing it out! omw to delete the reblog
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solardistress · 11 months
man im really tired
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vanillashusband · 1 year
i made cringefail cookies and i am. so so sad about it OTL hjghfg
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motheyes · 2 years
alright headache is dying done and i’m on my last floor :3
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What Levi invisioned when FemMC revealed she was a Gamer-
MC in a weird e-girl voice: Babe, please come heal me! They're gonna get me! Babe! Thank you 😘
MC: Uugghh we lost! Its okay, baby, I know you were carrying us the whole time.
MC: Babe, can I have a stack of cobblestone? I want to build us a little minecraft house and put our little minecraft beds together.
The reality-
MC: Babe, I clearly said: Andisite for the foundation, diorite for the columns. It's not my fault that you dont understand basic minecraft geology.
MC: Guys, get the Reinhardt off me so I can - GUYS! GUYS- Okay... I hope one of your family members is in a car accident this week!
MC: You know what guys... good effort... is what I would say if I didnt have GOLD DAMAGE AS MERCY!
MC: Guys, get on the objective! Get on the- *starts beating her hand against the table* AAAAAAHHHHHHH!
Also MC: Hey babe, can we put our minecraft beds together?
Based on this:
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sometimes I imagine Alphonse waking up early to open the shop and letting Seth and Boo sleep in, and because of the absence of warmth, Boo cuddles closer to Seth
that’s all <3
Sleeping in
Alphonse sighed quietly when he woke up, turning his head he saw Sugarboo and Seth sleeping still. It was around five in the morning, since he put off checking inventory yesterday night he woke up early. Today was Sugarboo and Seth's day off so he didn't want to wake them up, so shutting off his alarm he looked back to see if they were awake.
"Good, still knocked out. Hhhggg time to get up." Groaning quietly he slowly slipped out of bed. He felt Boo grab his arm, Mumbling something. Smiling at them he kissed their forehead, that caused them to let out and cuddle with Seth.
"Awwwee my two cuddle bugs." Cooing lovingly Al gushed at the sight of his two favorite people. They looked so cute all sleepy trying to stay warm after Al left the bed. He was the one that had to give most of the earth under the blanket, he ran hotter compared to both.
"I'm gonna leave now, you two enjoy your sleep." Whispering to the sleepers he leaned down and gave both a quick kiss. Grabbing his shoes he tiptoes out of the room and into the hallway. After successfully closing the door he walked to the front door.
"Hhhaa I should have done it last night. Uugghh" moaning out he was a little mad at himself. Alphonse wanted to cuddle too, how cruel the world is. But also he knew he'd be more grumpy in the morning if he did do inventory last night.
While walking out the door he was able to make a small breakfast. Chewing on the toast he was wondering how the other two were without him. Meanwhile with the sleeping beauties Alphonse would say.
Seth's arms were wrapped tightly around Subarboo who was drooling a bit on their pillow. Groaning a bit as they tried to roll over on their other side. Grabbing the blanket that was left they tugged it over Seth and them. Then smiling sleepily as ut got warmer under the blanket and the arms around them loosened a bit.
It was a cute scene, Sugarboo was cocooned with the blanket Alphonse left. Seth was cuddling their back holding them tight under his own blanket. The two were blissfully sleeping not knowing their other third left them for the day.
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lavend3r-stardust · 4 months
When her lips are all glossy and blood-red after she runs her tongue along them like uugghh baby, just eat me out already, damn i know she's good with that beautiful, heart-shaped mouth . . . I need to cum on her face so bad 😫😔
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konigsblog · 1 year
uugghh i wanna ride konigs face pleaseeee 🫠🫠🫠
you can feel his larger, rough hands on your hips, rocking and dragging you back and forth on his face while he sucks on your pussy. your slick coating his face in a thin sheen, groaning into your cunny while you gasp and whine :(( desperate for your release :(((
curling his tongue inside your hole, lapping and grazing it against your slit and cunt, adoring the taste that landed and coated his tongue, lingering and remaining as he continued to eat you out. he just loves the taste that you provide; sweet, sweeter than honey and more addicting than sugar. unable to get enough of it, leaving you on his face, legs numb, gasping and mewling while both your thighs, cunny and his face are soaked with slick and saliva :(((( switching from english to german as he grew more needy and aroused
“so fucking good, mein stern. scheiße.. ich liebe dich, sonnenschein .. you taste-.. so amazing, i can't get enough.. god-.. fuck-fuck..”
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Family Time
Ruhn x reader
A/n: Ruhn would be such a good dad like uugghh
Warnings: none just kinda cheesy
Running around the kitchen you hear a little voice call out from the living room, “Auntie y/n!” “Yes!” You yell back. “I found the goldfish! They were next to the couch.” You let out a sigh of relief. Walking back to the living room your niece, Louise, was sitting on the floor coloring, happily munching away at her goldfish.
Your brother called you last minute asking you to babysit for the night. He and his wife are healers at the hospital in Lunathion and were called into work. You never minded watching your niece, you loved your family, they're the most important thing to you.
As you plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV you couldn’t help but feel like you were forgetting something. Louise had everything she needed, you had dinner planned, what were you forgetting?
A knock at the door pulled you from your thoughts. “Who’s that?” Louise asked, tilting her head like a curious cat. “I’m not sure.” You get up, opening the door to Ruhn holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
Fuck. It was date night. That’s what you were forgetting.
“Hi sweetheart, ready for dinner.” He kisses your cheek and enters your apartment. He stops short, noticing Louise by the coffee table. The Fae child looking between the two of you with a mischievous look. “Ooohhh Auntie y/n you didn’t tell me you have a boyfriend.” She says tauntingly. Ruhn let out a laugh, crouching down to Louise’s level.
“And who’s this young lady?” Louise holds out her hand for Ruhn to shake, “Louise, y/n’s niece.” “Well it’s very nice to meet you.” He shakes her hand as they lock into an intense staring contest.
Breakin the growing tension between the two you cut in, “Louise, this is Ruhn Danaan, the crown prince of the Valbaran Fae. And yes, he’s Auntie's boyfriend.” Louise lets go of Ruhns hand, crossing her tiny arms over her chest. “Hhmm, not impressed.” Ruhns expression turns to shock and you laugh a little.
“Louise, why don’t you hang out here while we go talk in the kitchen.” Louise nods and goes back to her coloring book.
Once in the kitchen Ruhn hands you the bouquet. You take it, standing on your tiptoes and peck his cheek. “Thank you baby, they’re lovely.” You set about to put them in a vase. “Louise is a funny kid. Looks like it’s gonna take a lot to impress her.” You set the vase on the table, “Oh, don’t mind her. She just likes messing with people.”
Facing him, your expression turns into a sad smile. “I’m so sorry, I forgot about date night and I said I could babysit.” Ruhn comes up to you rubbing your arms soothingly. “Hey, it’s fine. I understand completely. If you don’t have dinner plans already, we can go out. All three of us.”
“Are you sure? You don’t have to do that, Ruhn.” “I want to. Your family is important to you, so they’re important to me. So please let me take you and your niece out.” You let out a sigh, “Ok, let’s go.”
The whole walk to the restaurant Louise grilled Ruhn, asking question after question. By the time you were seated the Fae Prince was her new best friend.
Once dinner was over Louise slumped back in the booth. You hear Ruhn in your mind. Perking up, you let him in. “Is it ok if she has ice cream?” “Yeah of course! Ice cream sounds nice.” Ruhn smiles at you and slumps back like Louise.
“Gosh, I am full.” He rubs a hand over his stomach for emphasis. “But you know what I could go for?” He turns his head towards Louise who gives him a curious look. “Ice cream!” She starts bouncing up and down in her seat, excited by the thought of the sugary treat. “Are you serious Ruhn! Can we really get ice cream!?”
He laughs at the child’s excitement, “Ask your Aunt first.” Louise looks at you, her wide eyes hopeful that you’ll say yes. “Let's do it.”
Sitting in the ice cream parlor watching your boyfriend and niece get along so well your mind starts to wander. Ruhn would be such a good dad. You know he didn’t have the best upbringing with his father and all, but he grew up to be a kind and caring male.
You’d talked about what the Oracle had told him and you both said that you didn’t want kids. But one day you might change your mind. The thought of starting a family with him took over your mind.
Ruhn notices you lost in thought out of the corner of his eye. He asks you mind to mind, “You ok sweetheart?” “We could change our minds one day right?” You ask shyly. He looks at you, eyes full of love and says, “We absolutely can.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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You forgot!
My point of view
I was playing madden mobile on my phone still upset at sam. Why am I upset at her? Well, every night she tells me goodnight beautiful and gives me a kiss before we go to sleep. And last night she didnt do that. And uugghh I'm so mad at her!!
Sam's pov
"I cant believe you forgot!!" Tara said to me.
"What? What did I forget?" You asked.
"You know!" Tara said to me.
I gave Tara a blank stare.
"What's the one thing you say to (Y/n) and do to her every night?" Tara said.
"Sex?" I said feeling confused.
"Noooo!" Said Tara. "What do you and (Y/n) do every night before you guys go to bed?" She said to me.
I honestly forgot. I tried to remember then I finally remembered. "Yeah, we kiss before we go to sleep and I tell her good night beautiful". I said. Then it finally came to me. "Oh my god!!" I said feeling ashamed. "I forgot to do that!!".
"Yeah", said Quinn "And now shes pissed at you". She said to me.
I gently smacked myself on the forehead with my hand. "I'm such an idiot".
"I'll go talk to her". Said chad.
I decided to run to my girlfriend's run.
My point of view
I saw my stupid girlfriend Sam.
"Hey". She said to me.
"Chaaaaaaad!!" You yelled and started to pout.
"She ran passed me before I could get there!" Said chad.
"I dont wanna talk to you". I said to sam.
"Babe". She said to me. "I feel awful". Sam said to me. "I'm so so so so so so sorryyyyyy I forgot to kiss you before we went to sleep and tell you goodnight beautiful".
"Mhm". I said sarcastically.
Sam gave me a hug and kissed me on my hair. "Babe". She said to me. "Please dont be mad at me. I'm sorry, okay?".
I can tell that her apology was very sincere.
"It sucks being mad at you". I said to Sam. "And I'm", I said "I'm lonely without you".
"Aww baby". Sam said to me. "I miss you a lot throughout the day. When I see you I wanna hold you tight. Even when we first met".
"Is that true Sam? When you first saw me you wanted to hold me tight?" I asked.
"Yeah". Sam said softly.
"Oh, sam". I said lovingly to my girlfriend. I gave her a big hug and she hugged me back.
"Do you wanna sit on my lap while Tara drives us to the store? I'll even get you your favorite soda". Sam said to me.
"Will you...will you hold me in your arms too?" I asked.
"Yes baby I will". Sam said to me.
I smiled and she gave me a peck on the lips and on the cheek.
"I love you". Sam said to me.
I kissed her back. "I love you too".
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This is going to be so random but I am a trans woman, who recently had a one night stand with a straight man, who has never been with a trans woman before and it turned out to be the greatest sex of my life!
And i love seeing mtf Reg come to life through your stories because there is so little representation of mtf in marauders fandom as long as I know. Would you mind putting jegulus in a similar situation where Regulus has to walk him through it?
this makes me so incredibly happy. getting asks like this is one of the most rewarding things about writing the microfics (or reading similar stuff in the tags).
first of all thank you for sharing this with me ily<3 and second that’s actually a really nice prompt/idea!! james being so soft and encouraging and respectful, making reg really talk to him, set boundaries, make her tell him where he should be careful, where he can press hard, where she feels good and uugghh yes i need that!!!!!! i dunno when i’ll have the time to get back to it but i’ll make it noticeable when it’s out! xx
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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it's a new year, so i wanna try something new (a month late lol) where i make a little post for all of the fics i enjoyed each month!
this is gonna specifically be for fics that were also written that month, but if you wanna see more of my fic recs and favs, i have em all organized on my recs blog, here!
if you have any fic recs of your own, feel free to send em my way here or on my sideblog- i love finding new fics and writers!
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Alex Keller
sun and stars - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ sunshine!alex is something i never knew i needed until i read this fic. and sunshine!alex with grumpy!gf is such a perfect combination! this entire fic is so beautifully written, so cute and so tender. this is definitely going to be a new comfort fic for me!
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Joel Miller
yours and mine - @uselsshuman
✧ i'm already weak for soft!joel, but this just knocked it out of the park for me. the interactions between sarah and reader, and reader's determination to prove stepmothers can be good too is just uugghh. i always come back to this fic whenever the show gets too sad, it's the perfect pick-me-up.
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John Price
to the flame || pt. 7 | pt. 8 - @lunarvicar
✧ a series i found forever ago, then lost track of! i had no idea there were more chapters, but when i tell you i was over the moon to find out there was more. this series has everything: angst, fluff, just enough smut, an oc named moth, and an amazing characterization of price!
kiss time! - @newcomernewcums
✧ price covered lipstick marks??? sign me tf up. two separate scenarios and both are absolutely perfect. and the added detail of price letting reader reapply their lipstick so they can cover him in even more marks?? i'm feral.
small, dark, and kind of shady - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ there really are no words for how perfect i think this fic is. undercover missions are already a weakness of mine and coupled with one of the best characterizations of price i've seen, i'm completely smitten.
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John "Soap" Mactavish
his wistful yearning - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ friends to lovers is one of my favorite tropes and this is one of the best portrayals i've read. the teasing, the flirting, soap being so completely obvious and in love, and the reaction from the rest of the 141 is all written absolutely beautifully.
soap and squid || adjusting. | hands and stars | softest kisses - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ nothing but pure softness, i am melting. soap and squid are one of my favorite fic couples to read, and these valentine's fic have only just cemented my love for them.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
speak now - @sprout-fics
✧ i'm already feral over this because it's a gaz fic, but oh. my. god. this fic absolutely killed me, it hurt so so good and the ending just killed me. wonderfully written and only got more and more perfect with every reread.
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Multi Characters
mask on, mask off - @m4ctavish
✧ very cute, and honestly got me kinda obsessed with the idea of a masked reader?? love the way both characters and both scenarios are handled, and the idea of ghost trading masks???? 👀
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Original Works
unnamed - @uselsshuman
✧ we stan original works and stories on this blog. we got fantasy, assassins, shadow people, and i'm already excited to see where this goes!!
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
earl gray tea | come stay awhile | stay here with me - @a-sibyl
✧ a mini-series that has found a special place in heart, i can't count the amount of times i've reread this. such a wholesome set of fic showing a softer side to ghost outside the 141.
ghost panics when he realizes he likes you just a little too much - @euovennia
✧ such a good look at how ghost would process catching feelings for someone, especially a friend. the internal struggle, the constant worry, the sharknado series, this fic has it all!
ghost and helen || just the softest touch | fluffy headcanons re: his super king bed | pt. 2 - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ i have no words for the entire ghost x helen!reader series, it's literal perfection. probably one of the best portrayals of ghost i've ever seen and every fic is so beautifully written and has me thinking about them for days i've read them. idk how jo manages to knock it out of the park every single time, but i am in awe of her talent.
sometimes, i dream - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ another ghost and helen fic (and one of my favorites), but it gets it own section for this line alone: “Would you still love me if I was a rock, Simon?”
happiness series || imagine it | twice a question, once an answer | will never be enough | almost | bigger than the whole sky - @lethalchiralium
✧ this series is so cute and fun. i am such a sucker for family man simon riley and this scratches that itch in all right ways. even the sad chapters. and seeing the 141 loving and supporting the riley family just makes my heart swell.
the captain - @as-is-above-so-below
✧ my crops are watered, my livestock fed, my bills paid. ghost has a badass sniper wife and she's pregananante and i love it. ghost going feral on price and then shamelessly flirting with his wife had me rolling, but i love the interactions here between ghost and the team!
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queen-scottie · 2 months
I know I'm awfully late, but...I FINALLY watched ALL OF US STRANGERS!!!
Uugghh...what a fricking rollercoaster of damn emotions! WHY IS ANDREW SO GOOD AT PLAYING SAD CHARACTERS?!?! Whenever he cried, I literally wanted to reach through the screen and hug him tight.
And that ending combined with THE POWER OF LOVE by FGTH ...I'll never be able to hear that song again without thinking about this scene. That's gonna haunt me forever....
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waves-mp4 · 1 year
Just finished reading Sunlight Left Me by @vivificanousprime (go read it it’s good) and i love it so much that it hurts. I feel so bad for Soundwave. He watched his friend fall in and out of love and the way that each time Megatron gets worse is just UUGGHH (/lh). Also this quote,
“In the end, he admitted to himself that the friend he'd loved died in that arena, screaming for the mech greying in his arms. All that proceeded was the fantasy.
Shockwave, however, was real. Their love, their bond, their family were all real and infallible.”
This quote kills me. After the death of Terminus, Megatron kinds loses himself. Soundwave watchs this happen and must hurt to see his friend change so much. Soundwave stays at Megatron's side through it all. They are still friends but the old Megatron is long dead.
Shockwave must feel so stable to Soundwave. Shockwave is calm and predictable. Yes, Shockwave has changed but that was a long time ago. But current Shockwave is reliable. Like the quote says, Shockwave is real.
(at least that is my interpretation. I’m not able to find underlining meanings in stories and stuff sooo i might be wrong lol)
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