#Valtor x Griffin
darkpoisonouslove · 4 months
Imagine having the same colour palette as your Ex-lover aka enemy aka the person who wants to subjugate the entire magical dimension and wants to destroy everyone you care about.
You mean one of the greatest design decisions of all time?????
It's almost like they're implying certain things about the characters (or well, Griffin at least since he was always wearing that same outfit but she made some changes to her wardrobe) if you believe this shared color palette was intentional. Which... how are you going to invent almost the exact same color palette accidentally and for the same show, for characters who not only interact, but used to be partners? This does not sound like a coincidence at all. So then we're left with the question of what was going through Griffin's head when she switched to his color scheme after the final battle on Domino.
Take a look:
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Her first outfit from when she actually worked with Valtor is purple but it is a completely different shade from his purple and there's no red in sight. In fact, her hair color is closest to any of the colors he wears, particularly the shade of his pants and vest.
Later in her battle outfit from SotLK the purple is almost completely gone, replaced by a light blue that turns into very light purple that's barely present in her outfit during the show. Seems like she was trying to escape from her association with Valtor. Except for the cape that is starting to suspiciously remind of Valtor's coat as it is mere shades away from being the exact same color.
And then:
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MA'AM?????? Did you steal his clothes????????? Is this some elaborate ritual of mourning - making yourself a living, walking shrine of this man you betrayed?!?!?!?!?!?! It's almost like she said "I cannot bear the thought of there not being any part of Valtor left in the world. Guess I'll start dressing in his colors to literally wear the memory of him and that would be the way the entire world sees me, forever."
Oh, they were insane for this!
P.S. My headcanon is that she started wearing gloves because she hates the mark she's left on the world. Sort of like a subconscious impulse to stop leaving her fingerprints over everything she touches because she's done enough harm. And the gloves are light purple aka the only color that she wears that isn't also part of his color scheme. So it's like she realizes the negative impact their relationship had on all the rest of her interactions with the world which is why she's trying to distance herself from that in order to stop making the universe a worse place. But not only is her color scheme his color scheme but he also wears gloves so that's just another similarity (if only on the surface).
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diankakijanka · 2 months
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New opsession 🧎‍♀️
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charmixpower · 1 year
for ship bingo: valtor x his own ego (but fr tho: griffin x faragonda? i just think they can be fun together!)
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Valtor x his own ego is my otp, but have you considered Valtor x his crippling fear of his own mortality and desire for free will? XD
OMG this ship
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Tbh Faragona x Griffin is a crack ship to me
They are divorced and get back together in s2, again because this HAS happened before
I love making up insane shit for both of them and they're many break ups and get back togethers that I am utterly convinced happened
They drag their students into every fucking fight they have and Saladin is sick of BOTH of their asses
They are my insane grandma's who are playing increasingly insane and petty pranks on each other in the background as their grandchildren desperately beg them to stop to no avail or go way too hard in helping for no reason
They are so insane to me 💕💕💕💕💕
*plays "hate to love you" from the amvs I watched in middle school*
They are just very fun and funny to me and I love them and they are just the silliest of little guys
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winxamvedits · 1 year
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lyliah7 · 2 months
✨ The Winx Tarot ✨
I am currently designing a Rider-Waite tarot inspired by all the Winx club seasons (including S8 which I need to finish). I got the idea of making this tarot while rewatching S2 because the codex is in four parts, each associated with a keeper and a school/village, which fit perfectly with the four tarot suits
The Winx Tarot is made up of the 78 traditional cards and probably some additional ones knowing myself (edit: I was right, we have additional ones), I also plan on making a booklet, a box pattern and a tarot cloth (my goal is to be able to print my tarot and actually use it)
You will find some additional info and the full list of cards under the cut, I will add links to their WIP and final versions as I draw them :3
🦋 The Major Arcanas 🦋
They are based on major characters which fit the vibe of the card. They don't match a specific part of the codex but, like the codex, they represent power so their frame contains the codex itself
0 - The Fool: Kiko WIP I - The Magician: Musa II - The High Priestess: Daphne WIP III - The Empress: Queen Marion IV - The Emperor: King Oritel V - The Hierophant: King Erendor VI - The Lovers: Mike & Vanessa Peters WIP VII - The Chariot: Layla/Aisha VIII - Strength: Flora IX - The Hermit: Bloom X - The Wheel of Fortune: Darcy WIP XI - Justice: Icy XII - The Hanged Man: Tecna WIP XIII - Death: Lord Darkar WIP XIV - Temperance: Maia XV - The Devill: Diaspro XVI - The Tower: Stormy XVII - The Star: Stella XVIII - The Moon: Queen Luna XIX - The Sun: King Radius XX - Judgement: Nabu XXI - The World: The Galaxy
🏆 The Suit of Cups 🏆
It is based on Alfea and thus contains almost only Fairy teachers and students
Ace - Alfea II - ??? III - ??? IV - ??? V - Amaryl VI - ??? VII - ??? VIII - Princess Galathea IX - ??? X - Roxy Page - Concorda Knight - Griselda Queen - Faragonda King - Wizgiz
⭐ The Suit of Pentacles ⭐
It is based on Red Fountain and thus contains almost only Specialist teachers and students
Ace - Red Fountain II - ??? III - Brandon IV - Riven V - ??? VI - Timmy VII - Helia VIII - Sky IX - Thoren X - ??? Page - Athena Knight - Codatorta Queen - ??? King - Saladin
🗡️ The Suit of Swords 🗡️
It is based on Cloud Tower and thus contains almost only Witch teachers and students
Ace - Cloud Tower II - ??? III - ??? IV - ??? V - Lucy VI - Mirta VII - Selina VIII - ??? IX - ??? X - ??? Page - Discorda Knight - Zarathustra & Ediltrude Queen - Griffin King - Valtor
🪄 The Suit of Wands 🪄
It is based on Pixie Village and thus contains almost only pixies
Ace - Pixie Village II - Tune III - Chatta IV - Amore V - ??? VI - ??? VII - ??? VIII - Livy IX - Digit X - Piff Page - Ninfea Knight - Zing Queen - Lockette King - Jolly
🃏 Additional Cards 🃏
These are cards I thought important and really wanted to make
Dark Magic - The Ancestral Witches / The Trix Light Magic - The Company of Light / The Winx
??? means I don't know yet, feel free to give me ideas
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emoxxzombie · 7 months
Winx club Theories.
Headmistress Griffin is related to Darcy. Young Griffin is just present day Darcy. Also the resembles is uncanny.
Crystal dated Helia before Flora but broken up for their own reasons. Flora is Jelous of Crystal.
Mirta and Flora are in secret lesbian relationship and flora is closed Bisexual and Mirta is open lesbian.
Stella can't stand Timmy.
Brandon and sky were having nighly activities before they Stella and Bloom.
Riven cheated on Musa with Darcy.
Stormy and Darcy are in lesbian relationahip hidden from Icy.
I'm still not sure what my stance is on headmistress Griffin being related to Darcy or not, the resemblance is definitely there, and I can't deny that. I would also like to point out that present day Stormy looks sort of similar to present day Griffin too. Stormy's hairstyle and hair color appear pretty similar to hers. I kind of like the theory that Darcy and Stormy were orphaned by Griffin and Valtor (or something like that), but I find it a bit weird because the two of them (including Icy ofc) had a thing for Valtor. Just another thing that I noticed: Darcy's got Griffin's eyes, whilst Stormy's are blue like Valtor's (his eyes are notably lighter though.)
I like that one! I hated the unnecessary drama they added into Helia and Flora's relationship though. Regarding Krystal, I think that her and Flora could've made for a good friendship.
I hc that Mirta and Lucy are both lesbians and are in a relationship with each other. And, I actually hc Flora as pansexual (as well as Helia), and think that she had a little crush on Mirta for a bit.
She doesn't hate him or anything like that, but yes, she can get annoyed by him fairly quickly.
Agreed! I kind of ship the two though, as well as Stella x Bloom.
Yes, but then he made up with Musa and they got back together.
For this last one I'm a bit confused (my apologies, I didn't sleep very well), are you saying that they're both in separate hidden lesbian relationships, or that they are in a hidden relationship with each other?
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Submitted Contestants (updated 24/02, 20:49):
Tecmy (Timmy x Tecna)
Brella (Brandon x Stella)
Nabu x Aisha/Layla
Florelia (Flora x Helia)
Muri/Rivusa (Riven x Musa)
Skloom (Sky x Bloom)
Tritannus x Icy
Nex x Aisha/Layla
Married couples:
Erendor x Samara
Mike x Vanessa
Musa's Parents
Oritel x Marion
Thoren x Daphne
One-sided romances, past relationships etc.:
Roy x Aisha/Layla
Driven (Riven x Darcy)
Brandon x Mitzi
Sky x Diaspro
Brandon x Shiny aka casual bestiality from s7
Radius x Luna
Amentia x Brandon
WLW ships:
Solarflare (Bloom x Stella)
JewelFlower (Flora x Diaspro)
SoundWave (Aisha/Layla x Musa)
SunFlower (Flora x Stella)
DigitalFlower (Flora x Tecna)
Bloom x Roxy
Flora x Mirta
FireFlower (Bloom x Flora)
Flora x Musa
Aisha/Layla x Roxy
SunWave (Aisha/Layla x Stella)
Flora x Icy
Faragonda x Griffin
Ambershipping/LavaRocks (Bloom x Diaspro)
Mirta x Lucy
Blicy (Bloom x Icy)
Roxy x Selina
Aisha/Layla x Anne
Daphne x Politea
Musa x Tecna
Flora x Krystal
Musa x Galatea
Stella x Nova
Stella x Chimera
Stella x Darcy
Stormy x Stella (aka Fate lovechild)
Darcy x Musa
Aisha/Layla x Flora
FireWall (Bloom x Tecna)
MLM ships:
Nabu x Riven
Ograntlos (Gantlos x Ogron)
Avalon x Palladium
Roy x Nex
Sky x Riven
Riven x Timmy
Brandon x Sky
Fanon ships:
Anagan x Flora
Covenshipping (Valtor x Griffin)
Riven x Flora
Helia x Musa
Roy x Roxy
Riven x Tecna
Timmy x Icy
Gantlos x Icy
Gantlos x Stormy
Nabu x Bloom
Nabu x Tecna
Sky x Aisha/Layla
Sparxshipping (Valtor X Bloom)
Valtor x Marion
Thoren x Diaspro
Sky x Icy
Jim x Bloom
Ogron x Flora
Helia x Krystal
Riven x Bloom
Brandon x Flora
Duman x Stella
Darcy x Riven x Musa
Brandon x Stella x Bloom
Saladin x Griffin x Faragonda
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solisvia · 1 year
2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19 for Winx
2. What I like most and least about it
Ok ok just AALLL the potential for worldbuilding! The creators crafted such a fascinating, widespread lore and universe, you can fit almost anything in. It's heaven for worldbuilders. The most detestable part of this show is the nonsensical timelines and plot holes, as well as all the garbage behind the scenes. Stop milking this franchise's corpse - and enough with the racism and whitewashing.
4. A character I couldn't care less about
Uhm, how beloved is Palladium? Is the fandom going to hunt me down? He has a nice design but... I just can't connect with him. Who is this man and why did he have a growth spurt between Seasons 1 and 2?
10. A ship I would gladly go down with... and then become Davey Jones, so I can continue to captain said ship for eternity
It started out as a crackship, but the more I thought about it the more I liked it, and people need to stop sleeping on it and that's Flora x Tecna!
Do they have a ship name? Must I make one?
Anyways, what happens when you put together two insecure (going by Season 1 characterization) nerds who are seemingly polar opposites but in actuality have more than a few things in common? This ship. And brooms and buckets.
11. A ship that makes me want to look into the camera like I'm on The Office
Valtor x anyone from the Dominian Royal Family. No thank you. I doubt any one of the RF would care much for the man partially responsible for the pain they went through. Marion, Daphne and Bloom would be an especially ill fit due to them having the Dragon Flame. Valtor is rather self-obsessed and self-aggrandizing, so anyone who could rival or even surpass his power would be a threat to him and his self-image.
... And Daphne's not into men. I'm objectively correct here.
That said, I have nothing against the shippers. You do you friends.
13. The non-canon pairing I find the most intriguing
Griffin x Valtor, and that's actually largely thanks to you! I hadn't thought of the ship much before, but then I read a bunch of your posts, and looked at their scenes with fresh eyes and thought how did I not see this before? Best totally-not-canon-we-swear ship, hands down.
15. A character/story arc that bores me to tears
Season 3 only has 25 episodes. Episode 20 and its stupid pixie filler, doesn't exist. It's not only boring, but annoying too, as I'm not the pixies' biggest fan, and it dunks on the Trix too. :/
16. A scene/moment that makes me really emotional every single time
The scene in SoLK where Daphne reunites with her parents. It's the first time they see her as a ghost. It's very possible that they've (or just Marion, if Oritel was unconscious) held on to a desperate hope that their daughters might be alive, and to find out that isn't true... Bloom's inclusion is poorly handled but I'll give it a pass because the earlier seconds are just so 🙏🙏
18. A plot hole that makes me want to tear my hair out
What hasn't been said about Domino's weird timeline? Instead, I'll yell about the Earth Fairies' weird timeline! :) WHAT IS GOING ON HERE RAINBOW? How can Roxy be Morgana's daughter?? If Roxy was born before her mother's imprisonment how can she be Klaus' daughter? If Morgana SOMEHOW escaped why did she do NOTHING for the others? Morgana's relation to Roxy is a fun idea but at least make it make sense!
19. Crossovers/AUs that pique my interest
I'd love to see an AU where the Winx fairies resemble the Fae seasonal courts more. Give me fish-out-of-water Bloom trying to navigate a world full of technically-not-lying-jackass Fae. Do it for the funsies
Fandom ask game
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winxwannabe · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Valtor and Griffin? Was there something beyond friendship and close partnership?
I am so sorry I totally missed this
I think it's a good ship! I totally get why it's popular. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if Valtor and Griffin had something beyond a close partnership, but even without that I think Valtor respected the hell out of Griffin and got really hurt when she changed sides. There was that kind of air about them in S3, and it made me want to know more about their past.
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yel-it · 3 years
Fanfiction recommendation: Birds by darcyinstilettoes @darcyinstilettos
•Pairing: Griffin x Valtor
•Genre: Angst
•Rating: 9/10- some grammar issues but very poetic and interesting. Tw for self harm and suicidal ideation.
•Summary: who's a bird, who's a monster? The one who flies away, or the the one that stays? Valtor struggles. Griffin has to decide if she will struggle alongside him.
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everythingpuddle · 4 years
Do you have any non canon ships you’d like to make canon in your fic?
Well, Lucy/Mirta are very much fanon and Mirta/Flora is pretty close. So while I’ve made them both a thing in my fic I’m not sure that they count.
Same with explicitly having Valtor/Griffin in my S3.
Recently I have been considering a later Diaspro/Chimera pairing since they do have a lot in common and it would make more sense if you could see my notes for post SotLK.
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 months
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Griffin x Valtor text posts Part 3
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wtchlings · 5 years
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Winx Club Ship Aesthetics: 13/??
Valtor x Young!Griffin
She look at my demons  in the eye and smiled.  She fell for the very thing  I thought she’d fear.
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Valtor: Don't change the subject.
Griffin: What's the subject?
Valtor: Me.
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witdar · 2 years
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мои булочки :)
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lumapagno · 4 years
Winx Club S3E10 dialogue (4kids dub)
Griffin: [...] I know you hate the school but how could you three traitors let this monsters in here?!
Stormy: well we'd might not be traitors if you hadn't kicked us out.
Valtor: you're hardly one to talk about being a traitor.
Griffin: what do you mean?!
Valtor: have you forgotten when you and I were the go to team for the ancient witches coven? We were so good together that when we combined our dark magic there's nothing that could stop us... But then you had your change of heart, you talked a good game about evil and mayhem but when it came time to deliver? You were too scared. The ancient witches would have destroyed you if Faragonda hadn't reached out with her relication spell and brought you to Alfea. With your help the Company of Light defeated me and for that you will pay.
Griffin: you and the coven would destroy entire worlds and that was wrong, Valtor.
Valtor: no, Griffin, you were the one who was wrong and if you don't see it yet, perhaps an eternity behind bars will give you a chance to properly rethink things.
I really like this wee dialogue for the simple fact that Faragonda saved Griffin and that's why I'm sharing cause yes.🤧
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