#Valve Records Studio
technician-the · 2 months
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unstable-samurai · 4 months
Until You're Mine (Jealous Girlfriend) - smut
Momo x Male Reader
Word Count: 4k
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Tags: toxic relationship, jealous girlfriend, non-linear story, possessive girlfriend, first sex, penetration, boobjob, facial
She was awake when he arrived. She heard the door latch turn twice as it was unlocked. There were always two turns, fast and firm. Y/N saw her lying on the couch, watching another animated movie. It was the kind of movie she looked for when she really needed to be distracted, her escape valve or something, so seeing her there in front of the TV close to midnight (it was much later than that, but he had no idea), turned on an emergency light in his mind.
Normally he was the owl of that house.
“Hey baby, why’re you still awake?” he asked. “I said you didn’t have to wait for me.”
“I just felt like watching a Studio Ghibli film. Only that.” She explained without looking at him.
No fucking way it was just that. She was frowning. One of those moments where Momo turned into a bomb and it was up to Y/N to disarm it without it exploding. The problem was that this was an impossible task to do, any wire he cut would result in an explosion. And that was the last thing he wanted. His head was already a battlefield in itself. That damn company party had exhausted his social battery, which wasn’t much anyway. Y/N didn’t have the courage to provoke an aerial bombardment that night.
He sat on the left end of the sofa, Momo didn't mind moving his legs so he could have more space.
"OK. Is the film already close to the end? I can watch it with you.”
“Did you have fun there?” she asked.
"Yes. Was cool."
“You’re watching the movie, I don’t want to disturb you. In the morning I’ll tell you everything.”
"Just that?
"No details?" she questioned him quite insistently.
Y/N had his head focused on the bath he was going to take in a while and how he was going to sink his head into the pillow. No more plastic masks, fake laughs, shallow people, please.
She paused the movie.
“What a ridiculous excuse. It sounds like you were trying to hide the things that happened at the party.”
“No, it doesn’t sound…” He was almost sure of it.
“Yes it does, you bastard.”
“It wasn’t even a party. We were all among work colleagues.”
“I've been to enough parties to know that it was YES a party. Loud music, drinks, pool, snacks. The complete package.”
“It’s a damn modern company, okay? They please the employees and pretend to be cool so that we forget the slavery we are subjected to on a daily basis. You kids had fun on Saturday and you’ll work overtime on Monday, okay?”
“Wait, I made a mistake. In fact: VIP package. They even hired prostitutes. Five star service.”
“Are you high or what?”
He was too tired to read the signs.
“I saw the way she kept touching you. The giggles... As if you were the funniest clown on the planet and she was a fucking hyena.”
Y/N abruptly stood up from the couch. He had finally understood everything. The last spark of his neurons, probably.
“There were no prostitutes. And I wasn't chatting up with any girls.”
"Oh, really?" She stood up too. “Let me refresh your memory, dear: short black hair, horse smile, lilac dress, can't stand alone unless she's supported by a man, small tits... Seriously, I don't know why she decided to wear that dress with cleavage if there was nothing there to show. Someone should tell her the truth. So, does this remind you of anyone, my love?”
The fucking bomb exploded in his hand.
“That was Rachel, a friend from work. How the hell did you know what was going on at the party?”
Momo laughed sadistically. Her wickedly beautiful eyes looked at him with intensity as she asked:
“Are you afraid?”
"No. I didn't do anything wrong to get scared. Did someone record me at the party?”
"Yes. And it wasn't just that. I also watch the stories of those who were at the party and you appeared in some of them in the corners. I saw everything.”
Here's a little overview of this relationship: A year and a half of dating. They met through mutual friends and the first deep contact was delayed, but when it happened it ended up becoming a path of no return. Y/N avoided her as much as he could, not in a way that would be noticeable and make him seem rude. But we were talking about an incredibly beautiful woman, aware of her attractiveness and unfettered by modesty. She was with a group of eight other beautiful and popular girls. Yes, she was elite. High caliber, my friend. Well, he was... quiet, an avid reader, calm and sometimes melancholic, but he loved being with his friends and enjoying them on the weekends, respecting his limits, of course. When he saw Momo for the first time he cowardly ignored her. She looks stunning in front of his eyes, wearing a short denim skirt, a baby tee that leaves her sculpted abs on display and her hair flowing in the wind as she dances. There was no way to predict that the plan would backfire; by not noticing her, Y/N became one of the few guys who didn't try to flirt with her. Apathetic guy, but handsome enough to take risks, the little boy who only swims in the shallow end, a plastic armor he forced himself to wear.
The reason? Momo didn't know, but she wanted to find out.
On one of the many night outs where they bumped into each other, Momo skillfully simulated an intimacy that clearly didn't exist between them, talking to Y/N closely, fake accidental touches, and killer eye contact. Abruptly, intimacy between them was forged and evolved in a short space of time. After a while it was no longer strange when they were among friends and Momo sat on his lap, or when she felt tired and rested her head on his shoulder. And Y/N could play hard to get, but he loved the attention he got from Momo, the controversial “bad bitch” (as some girls who didn't like Momo called her), the most attractive girl he knew was always glued to him, and the sexual chemistry that grew over time intoxicated his ego. Being with her made him feel good and more confident and also… shit, she was more than a superficial person or 'just another one of those teasing girls' like a lot of guys used to think. She had a unique way, attitude and things to say too.
“Were you acting like a stalker all night? Seriously, watching stories of other people trying to see me from the corners is a fucking weird thing.”
“And you've been acting like you don't have a girlfriend all night? I almost called Jihyo to drive me to this party to say a few things to that bitch. But I’m not that kind of girlfriend.”
“What is the reason we are arguing? This shit doesn't make sense. I'm exhausted..."
“Have you forgotten your promise? You told me you would arrive early...”
“I didn’t look at the time when I was there. I thought it was still early when I was leaving the party.”
A cynical laugh escaped Momo's mouth.
“You didn't even bother to look at your fucking cellphone to check the time. What is your problem?"
Y/N sighed. He should have already known that going to this party wouldn't be a good idea.
“You know I only went to the party to establish some contacts with the other branch. The damn job forces me to maintain a good relationship with everyone.”
"Poor boy! Does it also force you to talk to sluts?”
"This again?!”
“A little bird told me you were too close to each other on the couch.”
“Who was this damn person?”
“Why blow the heroine’s cover? Maybe she’ll be there again at the next parties.”
“Would you like it if I hired someone to follow you around?”
"Go ahead. I have nothing to hide, because I have consideration and respect for you, asshole!”
“According to you, I cheated you just by sitting on a couch talking to a co-worker. A colleague who can help me move up in the company as she has just been promoted.”
“Apparently it’s not just at work where she likes to be promoted.”
"What do you want from me?" he asked, feeling defeated.
"You know what I want."
“Honestly, I don't know. God must be punishing me for some sin I committed, that’s the only explanation.”
“Make me your girlfriend or your tormentor. You decide." She took a step forward. “You know I could be with anyone. But I'm with you ‘cause I love you, idiot.”
If only there wasn't something genuine about it all.
Being alone with her knocking down topic after topic like dominoes was so fucking enjoyable, the way she laughed, the way she listened to him (Momo didn't interrupt him even during the long pauses he took when he needed to organize his line of reasoning, a mere peculiarity of his but which never went under her radar), the way she could be incredibly silly at times and, even without sharing many common interests, Momo liked having him explain things that were previously uninteresting to her. This attention he received was blinding and addictive. Growing up in a harmful and neglectful home, neediness was his compass and his weakness. But he never showed signs. Y/N was good at disguising it... He thought so.
Their first sex was an unforgettable moment, a path of no return, in the same way that a criminal remembers the moment of the crime that sentenced him to prison. It occurred when they were on a camping trip, good friends gathered, each to their own tent, campfire, marshmallows, snacks, stupid horror stories, and wine. One of the few moments where he felt slightly intimidated around her, as he felt Momo watching him like a predator, and after each glass of wine she became more and more intoxicated, grabbing Y/N from behind and wrapping her arms around him. “It’s very cold here” she whispered in his ear. And Y/N couldn't tell if it was the wind or Momo's velvety voice so close to him that made him shiver.
The hours passed incredibly quickly, eventually everyone retreated to their tents, and eventually there was a slow cessation of the noises of people, finally leaving only the cold whistle of the wind, the rustle of leaves in the trees that surrounded the hill where they were camped and the symphony of insects orchestrated by crickets and cicadas.
He heard sneaky footsteps. It was certainly someone who needed to take a piss and didn't want to wake the others. But the footsteps got louder and louder until he noticed that someone was actually coming to his tent, stopping in front of the entrance. The flash on his cell phone was on (he was reading a book and the damn camp lamp was emitting a horrible orange light), so he pointed the light at the entrance of the tent and saw a very familiar silhouette.
“It’s me, Momo. Let me in!" she whispered. "Quickly!"
Y/N lowered the zipper, opening the way for her.
“What are you doing up?” he asked.
“I was sleepless so I decided to come and check on you.”
"I am well thanks."
She was wearing comfortable clothes. Striped pajama pants, a sweatshirt that was too big on her and her hair loose and messy. Y/N noticed that Momo had removed her makeup. It was the first time he had seen her like that.
"What are you reading?" Momo asked as she sat down.
“Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller.”
"Cool! What is it about?!"
How the hell was he going to explain this?
“About a guy living in Paris.”
"It seems good. Read a chapter to me.”
"How old are you?"
“Don’t be annoying. Let's do it like this: I point the cell phone's flash at the book and you hold it while you read to me. This way we can read lying down.”
Hard to refuse, hard to say 'no' to her.
“You know I love you too, Momori.” he said
Momo was wearing his long-sleeved shirt, she loved that shirt and, truth be told, it looked incredibly good on her. The legs so sensually exposed... Was that still a discussion?
“Sometimes you make me doubt this love, baby. Do you like making me look crazy? I swear to God you love seeing me jealous. When I get like this, does it make you horny?”
“No” he lied to one of the questions.
“You know how I am, Y/N.” One more step forward. She could touch him if she wanted. “And I only ask one thing: don’t talk to other girls. We establish a limit and then cross it, what is the purpose?”
Now closer he could smell her, her body that was warmed by the blanket. Nipples hardened through the fabric of her clothing.
“You look so beautiful...” he blurted out of her mouth.
“But I don’t think I’m beautiful enough for you since you try to be with other girls when I’m not around.”
"Is not true. I only have eyes for you, Momori.”
With a decisive gesture she grabbed Y/N by the collar of his social shirt. A noise escaped his mouth. Slowly she ordered:
“Say you are mine. Say you belong to me.”
He felt her head moving on his chest, he thought she was just looking for a comfortable position, until he was surprised by a kiss on the neck. And another one. And another, and they were getting more and more intense.
"What are you doing?" he asked as he lowered the book, the air escaping from her mouth.
“This book is really interesting and even put me in the mood to do something more fun.”
"What are you talking about?"
He had his hands pressed into Momo's arms, but he made no real effort to push her away.
“I know what you think about me. I know what you want from me. Don’t try to hide it now.” Her voice breathy and wavering. “I want to fuck you so bad, fuck!”
Y/N turned Momo around, placing her back on the floor and then getting on top of her.
“Momo…” His head was a hurricane. Was this really happening? “I've imagined the two of us doing this, but I never thought it could actually happen.”
There was a pause that was filled by a kiss.
“I don’t think you know how hot you are. Other girls were also eyeing you, so I decided to act quickly.”
Y/N lifted Momo's sweatshirt, and was able to appreciate and touch her abs for the first time. Kissing her abdomen was like an achievement, she knew how beautiful it was, that's why she never made a point of hiding it. The soft, slightly sweaty skin met his lips in a mix of sensations.
He lifted her sweatshirt a little more, exposing her juicy boobs. They were big, he knew that, but the first glimpse paralyzed him for an instant, he was amazed, and his hand filled with desire wasted no time in grabbing one of the tits while his mouth sucked the other..
“Oh, Y/N” she moaned.
The cell phone's flashlight went out as they rolled from side to side in the camping tent. Surrounded by the weak orange light of the camp lantern, the senses now seemed more heightened, the touches more intense and brazen, the breathing more labored and an uncontrollable lust, noticeable in several ways, such as Momo's pussy that wet his fingers when he touched her down there.
“I belong to you” he declared. “Is that what you wanted to hear? I am only yours, Momori.”
She smiled satisfied.
"Sit down!" she exclaimed harshly, and pushed him onto the couch. Momo certainly knew how to impose herself when she wanted, the mechanism of submitting him to her will through horny never failed. Sitting on his lap, she said: “You like to make me suffer, you know that? You like having your girlfriend mad so she can have hard sex with you and get you back on track. So depraved, baby!”
It was partly true, although he wasn't consciously acting to make her jealous. The problem was that this wasn't a difficult task, the girl was possessive as hell, so the options fluctuated between becoming a puppy on a leash or floating on the waves of a tide that could occasionally get... Aggressive.
"Do not say that. I don’t like making you feel bad.”
Momo kissed him, she felt Y/N getting excited down there.
“And yet you hurt me.”
He couldn't refute it, so her tongue had another use; warm and wet, she played with Momo's tongue. She sighed when he lightly bit her lower lip, slowly removing the pressure, enjoying her taste like a professional taster.
“It was never my intention,” he said. “Your jealousy is sick.”
“Living with you is hell, you know that?” she revealed. “But you always make me feel so surrendered." Momo slowly touched her nose to Y/N's. She whispered: "It’s a fucking hell, baby.”
Instead of responding, he decided to dedicate a series of kisses to her neck. Momo loved it, it was her weakness. She smiled while letting out small moans of satisfaction.
Momo stroked his dick and under the fabric of his underwear and pants he was already completely hard, waiting for her. She rubbed her hand on his dick eagerly while he felt her breasts and left hickey marks on her neck.
“Oh baby, I want your cock in my pussy so bad!”
He covered her mouth with his hand while he penetrated her deeply. The friends' camping tents were close to Y/N's, and Momo was moaning loudly, so it wouldn't be difficult to hear her in the silence of the night.
“Shhh! You can’t make noise like that!” he said breathlessly.
“It’s fucking hard. Your dick is really big.”
At one point she crossed her legs around Y/N's waist and he could feel her pussy getting tighter and wetter. Immediately Y/N laid his body under hers, penetrating her with force, feeling her pussy swallow his cock eager for pleasure. She moaned loudly, Y/N sucked on her tongue in an attempt to suppress some of the noise, Momo's eyes rolling back in pleasure as her legs tightened around him, pulling him deeper, as if she could never have him inside enough. Each thrust was an explosion of raw sensation, her insides wetting his cock urgently as he fucked her with wild love, each movement driven by desire that had been postponed for too long.
“Lie on your side!” Y/N asked.
He watched her with burning lust, his eyes fixed on her pert ass, eager to possess her in a different way. With one quick movement, he positioned himself behind her, his cock pulsing with anticipation as he slid in, feeling enveloped by the warm wetness of her wet pussy. He gripped Momo tightly, his hands marking her skin as he fucked her sideways, each thrust sending waves of electric pleasure throughout her body. Momo's moans filled the air, soft and sweet, mixing with the sounds of the wet friction his dick made as it slid inside her. All the touches, the intimate conversations, the looks that met and lost each other when they were in the circle of friends, the jealousy they hid from each other when one of them was talking to someone else, all these things led them to this moment , and now they assumed this feeling… making love.
Momo showed some of her talent when she rode his dick with her back to him, Y/N's body rippling with desire as she rode him with full force. Her hips moved with an erotic cadence, his cock disappearing inside her with each thrust as if he were plunging into a warm ocean. He squeezed Momo's fat ass, guiding her movements as she gave herself over to the frenzy of sex, her moans intensifying with each thrust – fuck if anyone would hear. The tension between them was palpable, the air in the tent stifling as they neared their climax. And then, finally, Momo squirted, her body shaking with the intensity of her orgasm, as Y/N watched her in wonder in the light of the camp lantern, her silhouette writhing with pleasure, so perfect, so sensual that he could fill her of cum at that moment.
Something he didn't do.
Things happened so fast that Y/N didn't have time to put on a condom. Well, truth be told, he DID NOT have a condom in his tent (not the kind of thing you think about taking on a camping trip with friends when you're a single guy).
“Cum for me, baby” she asked, her voice full of lust. “Where do you want to cum?”
“On your tits.”
It was one of Y/N's fantasies, it usually came to his mind when he saw Momo with cleavage. Now it all seemed so intentional...
Y/N stood on top of Momo, his desire burning so strong he could barely think straight. With shaking hands, he grabbed Momo's massive boobs, feeling his hard-on grow as he squeezed them tightly. Y/N wanted to feel every inch of that soft flesh surrounding his thick cock, he wanted to sink into that delicious sensation until he lost his mind. And then, without further hesitation, he began to move frantically, sliding his hard cock between Momo's breasts with great desire. Loud moans echoed through the tent as he gave in to the pleasure of that sensation, losing himself in the sensation of heat and pressure.
“You gonna cum for me, huh?” she asked between moans, making a point of maintaining latent eye contact while smiling naughty.
“Yeah, I'm gonna cum for you, baby! You're gonna make me cum, Momo.”
“please please, cum for me!! Yeah! Cum for your naughty babygirl...” she begged, hot as fuck, while biting her lower lip like a horny bitch.
And when Y/N finally reached the edge he let out a primal groan, his orgasm exploding in a hot shot over Momo's boobs and face. She looked so beautiful like that in the light of the camp lamp. Y/N brushed her face with his dick, making a nice mess on that adorable little face, and she smiled while this happened, Momo smiled until he finished his art, she finished the job by licking what was left on the head of his dick.
Uninhibited from any shyness, thanks to the endorphins his brain had released, he smiled at her, finding her the most beautiful woman in the world, and into Momo's precious eyes, Y/N confessed: 'I wanna love you.’
It's common to look for culprits in a dysfunctional relationship, who manipulates who, the prisoner and the jailer and all that old story. It's hard to admit that sometimes there is a dark pleasure in predicting events, returning to the same place that is your refuge and your sentence. Most people shoot at "emotional dependence", but few dare to target "connivance". Y/N felt like he was part of the second option. Repeat the fucking pattern, see the wheel spin in the same direction, the same trip as before. It's your pit of lies and acceptance, man, you smell the stench and yet you insist on moving forward, it's not much different than a dog licking its own vomit. At the end of the day, no one will tell you that you deserve better.
If you really deserve it.
"I remember what you said to me that night in the camping tent." She whispered, lying under his chest. "When we had sex for the first time. 'I wanna love you'. That's what you said. Your voice was so sweet and calm. I think that's when I realized that my feelings for you were really special."
The two were snuggled in bed, protected from the cold by the blankets, completely naked after having sex. This was always how fights ended, and the question that arose was: what's the next thing, now? An apology? Unfounded promises about how to improve as a person? Affectionate words to dissolve what was said during the fight? It was a mystery box.
"Those were the words? I honestly don't remember the exact words clearly."
"That's exactly what you told me. I slept with you in the camping tent feeling very happy."
"I was happy to be with you too."
"But at that time I didn't realize that you were actually still trying to fall in love with me. You wanted to love me, but you didn't really love me yet."
"I was a little confused at that time."
"What now? Are you still trying to love me?"
"I love you, Momori. but at the same time... I don't think we work together.”
"We agreed to it then. And honestly, does it matter?"
"I don't know. I feel like it doesn't matter anymore."
"Yeah! And look, we're not the only couple to go through problems like this. We're not alone in this, baby. Forget that Hollywood bullshit about perfect couples. It's not real. It's okay for me to stay like this, as long as we stay together."
"We always fix things."
"Making love is a great way to solve problems. That's our formula."
"Come here, my love" he said.
A/N: sorry for any grammar errors 🖖
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jokeroutsubs · 8 months
📝 ENG Translation: Joker Out honestly on anxiety that is ever-present
Article by evrovizija.com, written by Alesh Maatko, originally published on 7.2.2024.
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Joker Out / Photo: Urša Premik
The Song 'Everybody's Waiting' is coming
Just before a big European tour, Joker Out will present a new track, undoubtedly one of their most magnificent songs to date - Everybody's Waiting. This is the band's first release after their temporary move from their native Ljubljana to London, where they were driven by the desire to create a new album. Everybody's Waiting focuses on personal thoughts and reflections that accompany many young people these days. The premiere of Joker Out's new single will take place on Friday, the 16th of February.
Joker Out on Anxiety
The song Everybody's Waiting grew out of Bojan's sudden bouts of anxiety on stage and in everyday life. In an increasingly fast-paced society driven by success and individualism, anxiety is now, unstoppably, on the rise, but it still seems to be somehow overlooked and ignored. A song can act as a valve that offers the listener the opportunity to recognise himself as the main protagonist of the story, recognise his own feelings and release the tension.
The song was written last summer, when the band was recording the song Sunny Side of London in the Beatracks studio in Kočevje. It was produced by their longtime producer Žarko Pak, the mix was created by Sebastian Krys, and the final sound was provided by Maor Appelbaum. In the music video, which will also be premiered on the 16th of February, we will be able to follow the story of the protagonist, who struggles with his inner battles in the comfort of his own house, while the band, almost like an apparition, pours out its soul through its instruments around him. The video highlights the deep introspective nature of the song, while hinting at the role of music and art in overcoming personal challenges. Bojan took care of the direction in tandem with the long-time collaborator of the band, Mark Pirc.
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Slovenija 2023: Joker Out – Carpe Diem | Photo: Sarah Louise Bennett / EBU
The 'See You Soon' Tour
The new single comes two weeks before the start of the big European tour 'See You Soon', which takes the band to as many as 13 countries, including France, Belgium and Italy for the first time. It promises 22 concerts at some of the world's most iconic venues, including the O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire. The dates of some festival concerts are also known, including EXIT (July 10-14, Novi Sad), Sziget (August 7-12, Budapest) and Sea Star (May 23-26, Umag).
At the end of last year, Joker Out also released the album and concert film 'Live From Arena Stožice', which was created at their revolutionary concert in Ljubljana's Arena Stožice, in front of 12,000 fans. The album can be found on all music streaming platforms and an exclusive concert film directed by Mark Pirc is available on demand on the band's website.
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The unique concert in Stožice that is still making waves. | Photo: Vita Orehek
With photos by Urša Premik, Sarah Louise Bennett / EBU, and Vita Orehek.
Translation by vessyvk, reviewed by @kurooscoffee, proofeead by IG GBoleyn123
If you repost quotes from the interview, please link back to this post! And if you repost the photos, do not crop out the photographer credit.
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neovid · 1 month
So, about the new Valve game we're not allowed to record...
I noticed I'd received a surprise invite to a beta test a couple days ago. It turned out to be Deadlock, a game I'd vaguely heard of, but was finding myself interested in just because it's a new game from Valve and it reminded me of many games I'd enjoyed in the past. I spent a couple of hours playing as soon as I could download it, and you know, the game feels like a love letter to my all-time favorite MOBA/hero shooter, Super Monday Night Combat. Along with easily recognizable elements of a vast array of other games in those genres, from SMITE to Overwatch to Gigantic.
...So, it's the first Valve game I've ever tried that feels derivative. Yes, it's derivative of a bunch of games I freaking loved, but what we expect from Valve are games that feel like nothing we've ever seen before, not like a collection of things we've seen plenty of times. It's good and fun, but I can't imagine that this will have the impact of anything we got from the Orange Box.
Also, there's the fact that MOBA+Hero Shooter is a game idea that has always crashed and burned. I'll never forget what a friend I got into SMNC said after he dropped it despite being completely addicted for weeks: "There's no way I could ever play this enough to be good at it." Shooters and MOBAs are two of the most brutal genres, and combining the two makes for one of the most punishing game concepts possible. Most people don't have much fun doing badly at a game, with myself in SMNC being an exception. However, Valve was the first dev studio to realize that bad players need some way to compete with good players, or they won't stick around long enough to become good players. How they're going to apply that principle to Deadlock is a mystery to me, but they're the pros.
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dodgeryy · 4 months
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This blog is dedicated to neurodiversity and mental health, specifically personality disorders and even MORE specifically cluster B. I love using this blog to connect with others like me, reblog and share their experiences, and try to bring light-hearted PD content into our communities. I personally do not post vents on my blog, but I do take care to properly tag them when I post/reblog them. I also post the occasional fandom / chronic illness / disability post here and there as well as ofc cute animals and funny hahas.
I am an adult! Minors are free to interact/follow/moot, but be aware that I might interact w or reblog adult content. (Anything heavy will always be tagged.)
Some posts may have themes of trauma, child hood trauma, psychosis/mania, depression, anxiety, and paranoia. I tag as best I can, and don't ever get graphic. Feel free to ask for specific trigger tags if you are a follower.
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DIVAS. I am Ery, I am known 4 dressing cunt and acting like cunt. I am a big fan of the whimsical and fantastical, and media that is horrifying and gut wrenching. The waters call to me and every time I see anything bigger than a puddle I want to jump in.
I am a college student student w impulse control problems. I am studying fashion design and like to spend my money on calico critters and way too expensive accessories. You can find me in my sewing studio half naked because I realized there is a cute, easy, life changing alteration to the outfit I was wearing that I need to make RIGHT NOW. I spend my free time buying things to feel something, video gaming, and being not normal about many things.
My go to coffee order is a mocha.
Gay gay insane and disabled so here are some labels / disorders I got.
Genderqueer • aroace • lesbian
POTs • Pectus Excavatum • Connective Tissue Disorders • Mitral Valve disease
Sewing / designing
Dungeons and Dragons
Character design / drawing
Arts and crafts in general
Color guard
Astrology / Tarot
Yearning for the waters (swimming and lifeguarding)
Airplanes / aviation
How to train your dragon (books)
Dungeons and Dragons
These are not all current but does not mean I am not down 2 chat about them!
Greys Anatomy
Gemini Home Entertainment, other internet horror series!!!,
madoka magica
Harry Potter
good omens
critical role + Vox Machina
and a lot more I forgor but like. There.
Saint Motel
Oingo Boingo
Orville Peck
Record Heat
Lord Huron
TV Girl
Florence + the Machine
Portugal the Man
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bornetoblood · 1 year
Tag Game Rules: Shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people.
Somthing Something Lake- Drive45
Under My Skin- Jukebox the Ghost
Sylvia's Just a Dying Fad- The Scary Jokes
Beird- Jack Stauber
Eighth Wonder- Lemon Demon
New Invention- IDKHBTFM
No Children (Ska)- Sad Snack
Kick It Up a Notch- Starship Cast Recording
Medic!- Valve Studio Orchestra
Waterloo- ABBA
TYSM @magnumdarkin25 and @undefeatablesin for the @ :))
okay @nishihii @butchladymaria @skleech @galaxirin @melanodis @redsixwing @nameless-headless @cardinalcopiakinnie @wikipedianna and @the-lightless-flame your turn :)
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deadal3x · 1 year
[BENDY AND THE FINAL CYCLE] Chapter One: The Moving Cycle
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A bright white light.
Henry was comforted by it, he realized, as he waited to return to the old apartment. To restart the cycle anew, without Wilson’s influence, or Audrey’s fear looming around him and the others.
when the light faded, Henry’s guard was up; his hands grabbing for an axe that wasn’t there.
He was in the apartment, that the old animator could tell. but it was wrong.
The air hung heavily around him, the familiar stench of ink and death floated around him, almost choking him.
he walked further into the apartment, the dripping of the ink and the overall wrongness of it pushing him into a further state of caution that was almost dizzying.
Vines and other foliage had made their way into the house, overgrown and twisting around the broken furniture. sunlight spilled into the main room; warming Henry’s face in a way he hasn’t felt in so long
Henry sighed, his eyes closing as he took in the warmth. For a split moment, everything melted around him, and he swore he could smell the summer air; the fire crackling as someone roasted marshmallows over it.
His throat tightened as he thought he heard a familiar giggle.
he opened his eyes, and saw the dilapidated apartment around him- the smell hitting his nose all over again.
walking into the kitchen, Henry’s stomach twisted, bile rising in his throat when he looked to where Joey typically stood.
a rotted, unrecognizable corpse was in his spot, half fallen to the ground. Henry couldn’t look away, his sense of worry making his blood run ice cold.
Pulling himself away from the corpse, Henry tried opening the door into the cycle, desperate for the smell of his once good friend’s rotting flesh to leave his nose.
but the door didn’t open.
it was locked.
Henry’s mouth ran dry, and it felt like he was choking on sawdust. He saw the corpse out of the corner of his eye and the hairs on the back of his neck stood.
it had moved.
it was leaning against the counter, it’s head at a 90 degree angle to the left. Henry’s stomach flipped as he watched the skeletal arm lift, pointing to the door. a stone of realization settled deep within his gut; the door opening easily as it did.
the Cycle’s script still needed someone to tell Henry to visit the studio. It hadn’t accommodated for Joey’s death. Henry heard the door click shut behind him, and he allowed himself a moment to relax, feeling his stomach churning as he stumbled down the hall.
Collapsing into a chair, it creaked under the sudden weight. Henry sighed, running his hand down his face. Taking a breath, he steeled himself, and stood.
The studio hadn’t been affected by whatever… that was in Joey’s apartment, Henry realized. A few out of place things had been scattered about, but the so-to-speak First Act of his hell was relatively untouched.
Henry found himself going through the motions of it subconsciously. He collected the items, each weighed strangely heavy in the bag he made for himself back over a hundred cycles ago.
The Book, The Doll, The Wrench, The Gear, The Inkwell, and The Record
Each placed on their respectful podiums, Henry sighed, and wandered towards the screening room, turning the valve for the ink pressure. The studio rumbled, and the pipe in the room burst, the flooding ink drowning out the-
Henry turned, and realized the whistling bendy reel wasn’t making sound. it was playing, he had heard the projector click on, but the whistling tune that played alongside was gone. Huh, he thought, wading through the ink. strange. He decided not to think too much of it, and found himself flipping the lever that turned the machine on.
The studio groaned to life, the subtle rumbling of the Ink Machine made Henry sigh. His relief to escape the Cycle-Breaker’s prison was short-lived by the realization of returning to a false sense of normal.
Returning to watch as the people he trusted, cared for, or even allied with briefly forgot him with each new cycle.
Shaking his head, he found himself face to face with the boarded up room that held the ink machine. he scowled and stepped closer—bracing himself for the scare.
it never came, the first appearance of the Ink Demon, screaming in his face with its wide, shaky grin. Henry could see it in his mind; the clawed hand reaching for him as he fell back. The studio still reacted as if the Demon was there, rumbling and flooding with no sign of stopping. Henry ran, towards the exit, where the floor gave way underneath him- plunging him further into the studio.
Henry sighed, standing in the pool of ink. He wasted no time draining each pipe, making his way towards the so-called second act. Henry had the timing of things down pretty well before Wilson had frozen everything in place. He couldn’t even remember if Boris had been taken by Alice or not when the ex-janitor arrived. Shaking his head, Henry grabbed the axe, the weight and familiarity of the weapon giving him a sense of much-needed security. He sighed, walking towards the room full of coffins, remembering the names that was scrawled across the covers of each of them. he sighed, standing in the room, realizing another strange change.
I usually pass out here, he thought, staring at the strange pentagram like circle beneath him. What is happening? Henry moved towards the door, his axe raised defensively as he reached for the doorknob.
Before he could grab it, the knob shook, and turned. Henry held his breath, slowly backing away as the door swung opened.
His breath caught in his throat, taking in the sight of the stranger on the other side.
A rather built man, with blonde hair stood staring at him; his ice blue eyes glaring daggers into him. The man’s facial expression was soured, as he watched Henry move closer. Henry saw the somewhat permanent damage the ink had done to him, stains on his hands and around his lips made the animator shiver as he realized who it was.
“Sammy..?” Henry questioned, his voice soft. “Is that really you?” The man standing across from him scoffed, rolling his eyes. He crossed his arms across his chest, his once beloved bendy mask in hand.
“Of course, have you gone insane?” Sammy said, his ever-present attitude dripping from his words. “Honestly, Little Sheep, I can’t believe you didn’t recognize me.” he shook his head, and Henry cleared his throat.
“Sorry,” Henry said, lowering his axe. “I didn’t think there would be changes so soon.” he explained, watching as Sammy’s expression twisted into one of confusion.
“Changes?” He mused, looking at the mask. “I don’t think I’ve encountered any changes; aside from the much needed silence in my mind,” Sammy explained, looking back up at Henry. the old animator smiled, a strange feeling; as he held up the gleaming axe blade to the music director, the reflective surface revealing the man has his face back. Sammy dropped the mask, his hands shakily touching his head.
“Oh,” he whispered. “that’s my face..” He looked at Henry, his ice blue eyes full of confusion and fear. “I suppose I have encountered these changes, Little Sheep.”
“If you don’t have the ink demon whispering in your head,” Henry said, lowering the axe once again. “why do you still call me that?” He questioned, moving past Sammy- further into the music department.
“I…” The music director wet his lips, his expression unreadable. Henry watched as it twisted into his typical sour expression, his ice blue eyes holding upset and anger.
“My name’s Henry, In case you’ve forgotten.” Henry prompted, stopping just outside the recording room. “you wanna open your sanctuary so we can drain that ink?” The old animator prompted, moving towards the projector booth.
“I don’t see how that’s necessary,” Sammy said. “I usually knock you out and bring you somewhere once you do that,” he explained, causing Henry to reach for the back of his head. “But now that things have changed, I can just bring you there.” He stated, walking towards a door.
“Oh, right. That makes sense.” Henry said, watching as Sammy opened a once locked door, leading him into the familiar room.
A room he was once almost sacrificed in, 414 times. Henry sighed, and glanced over to Sammy wearily; a little on edge as the music director walked towards the large door on the other side of the room.
“I’m guessing you escape through here,” he said, slightly upset. “I don’t actually see you escape, seeing as…” He scowled, and shook his head. “Never mind that, let me grab my banjo and we can press on!” He shouted, causing Henry to flinch.
“shh!” Henry said, putting a finger to his lips. “We don’t know what’s out there still, it’s best to stay quiet.” He looked nervous as he watched Sammy wave his hand dismissively, grabbing his beloved instrument.
“I know the Demon’s gone,” He said, walking back towards Henry. “I don’t know about…the angel.” he spat the last word, his face twisted into an expression of anger. “we’ll find out the hard way, I suppose.”
Henry sighed, realizing Sammy had no idea about Boris. No idea what’s bound to happen to him if Alice wasn’t changed like he was.
the two pressed forward, and eventually, made their way past the familiar door, the wooden barricade falling into place as it closed behind Sammy. the can of bacon soup rolled out across from them and Henry relaxed.
“Hello?” He said. “Who’s there, show yourself.” Boris walked out, his cartoonish mouth twisted into something akin to a wolfish grin. “Boris..” Henry sighed, glancing at Sammy. the music director stared at the toon with wide eyes.
“Hiya Henry!” Boris said. Henry’s eyes widened, and he felt tears forming. “I have my voice back now, isn’t that cool?” Henry nodded, pulling the toon into a hug.
“you can speak! that’s amazing, buddy!” Henry allowed himself to celebrate for a moment, turning to Sammy. “he used to not be able to talk, this is a new change.”
“That’s…wonderful.” Sammy said, still staring at Boris. “the angel-”
“is where we will go after spending sometime in Buddy’s safe-house. I usually play some cards with him and get some sleep before heading to heavenly toys.” Sammy didn’t seem to catch onto Henry’s interruption, and continued talking about Alice.
“-will want him for her experiments” Sammy finished, pointing to Boris. “She’s evil like that.”
“I know.” Henry said, his expression hardening. his tone was suddenly serious despite the tears that shined in his eyes. “Let’s get somewhere safe so she doesn’t spot him.” Henry’s voice was stern. The old animator watched as Sammy nodded, finally catching on. the three walked the short distance to Boris’s safe-house, the door sliding shut behind them.
“Alright, I don’t want to stay here too long, I need to get my bearings and know exactly how much Audrey has changed for us.” Henry explained, watching as Boris took his spot at the small table. Sammy waved him off once again, and took a spot in a corner, banjo in hand. Henry sighed, sitting across from Boris; resting his axe against the foot of his chair.
“we don’t have to stay too long here,” Boris said, handing the deck of cards to the animator. “I know what’s ahead, and it’s different than before…”
“Different?” Henry questioned, setting up the poker game. Boris nodded, checking his cards.
“there’s less screamin’ than I remember. it’s..” Boris looked nervous. “It’s not as scary. There’s also more people out there.” He explained, as he won the first game of the night. He made an excited sort of growling sound, grabbing the soup can off the table.
“Did you get a good look at any of them? Like.. Are they lost ones or..?” Henry pushed, dealing out a new game. Boris shrugged, his expression relaxing.
“There’s another me, another Alice. they looked confused but they had the mean Alice, and she..” Boris glanced at Sammy, who was plucking away at his banjo. “She sounded worried.”
“worried?” Henry dropped his cards, forgetting about the game. he did notice he had won, but shook his smug smile off his face. “what does that mean?”
“She was askin’ about you, and Mr. Lawrence. the other Alice called her-”
”Susie?” Sammy was listening now, his banjo forgotten in his lap. “was it Susie?” Boris nodded, turning to him.
“yea! how’d you know?” Boris looked a bit confused, as he waited for Henry to deal another game. “anyways, she was also asking why heavenly toys was changed into a Gent corp. factory-” The old animator stood, grabbing the axe.
“We have to go check this out, something’s wrong.” He said, watching as Sammy stood without question. “Come on buddy, I’ll keep us safe.” Boris stood, and let them out of the safe-house. Henry sighed, leading the group towards heavenly toys, his mind racing.
Audrey wouldn’t have put Gent in such a strange spot, he thought, grabbing the flashlight. She wouldn’t have put gent anywhere, he realized, as they made it to their destination.
“Henry!” Allison smiled, standing at the bottom of the steps. “there you are.” She walked over to him, Tom following quickly behind. Henry went to go speak, but was cut off.
“Where’s Susie?” Sammy’s voice came from behind Henry, sounding almost desperate. “Susie?” he called for her, his banjo clutched tightly in his hand.
“Sammy!” at the top of the stairs stood a rather tall Alice angel. her halo floated just above her head, Henry saw. He stared, seeing how her malformed face was somewhat fixed. she had scarring, as if it was an injury. She ran down the steps, into Sammy’s arms.
“Oh Susie..” Sammy whispered, pulling away from her; looking at her with wide eyes. “you look wonderful.” The angel giggled, twirling in her spot.
“Thank you.” She sighed. the two talked softly, Sammy’s soft nature shining through the more they conversed.
Henry sighed, counting the group. five people. too many. He looked away from Susie and Sammy, focusing on Allison and Tom.
“I heard from Buddy, I had to come check it out..” He looked up, and felt his heart drop. instead of the rather large ‘Heavenly Toys’ sign, in it’s spot was a rather industrial and ugly sign.
‘property of Gent Corps.’ Henry scoffed, his grip on the axe tightening. “Can’t ever catch a single break, can we Allison..?” He muttered. she shook her head, holding out a familiar tool.
The Seeing Tool, he had called it. he had forgotten about it when it was taken as contraband by the Keepers. He held it tightly, seeing the golden ink glowing through it. he sighed, and strapped it to his belt, his darkened expression scanning the room.
“We’re sitting ducks out in the open…” Henry muttered, his mind racing. “We don’t know what’s wrong-”
“But something’s definitely wrong.” Tom spoke, his voice a low growl. “We were scouting when we found Ms. Campbell staring at the sign. she was crying.” Henry nodded, grateful that Tom also received his voice back.
“I don’t think Gent’s sudden appearance is Audrey’s doing,” Allison said, watching as Sammy and Susie reunited. “She fixed the Prophet and The Angel and even gave Tom and Buddy voices again but…” Allison sighed, hand gripping the handle of her sword.
“The only big difference is the Ink Demon is gone, and Gent’s sudden influence.”
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Immigrant Song · John Daversa Big Band · DACA Artists
Multi-Grammy nominee John Daversa brings us a deeply personal, emotionally stirring and timely project that gives voice to young undocumented people known as ‘Dreamers,” children who were brought to America through no fault of their own and raised with American culture and values. There are 53 Dreamers featured on this recording, representing 17 states and 17 birth countries. There are spoken intros from nine Dreamers, telling their heart-wrenching stories in narrative or poetry before the musical track ensues. Some of these will leave you in tears. The music sometimes stretches boundaries as a few selections move into a kind o Charles Mingus Bid Band territory but mostly they are patriotic, hopeful, and uplifting.
Daversa is a trumpet and electronic valve instrument (EVI) master as well as a composer, arranger, and bandleader. He’s also the Chair of the Studio Music and Jazz Department at the University of Miami’s Frost School of Music. As a father and educator, he has deep connections to young people and respects his ancestral roots, with blue collar grandparents who immigrated from Italy. The decision of this Administration’s decision to rescind the DACA policy, struck a nerve. “I wanted to provide an opportunity for Dreamers to share their stories through music,” says Daversa.  He continues, “You don’t need polemics or a bullhorn to make yourself heard. The young people I worked with are just amazing, and I want this project to reach a wide audience, so that others could be touched, as I have, by their abundant courage and hope.”
[The rapper on Immigrant Song,] Caliph came here from Senegal at age seven, earned a University scholarship but couldn’t attend because of his immigration status.
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charlesmwa · 1 month
Top 5 Guitar Amplifiers for Home and Studio Use in 2024
If you're a guitarist looking for the perfect amplifier for your home or studio setup, you've come to the right place. Choosing the right amplifier can make a significant difference in your sound, whether you're recording, practicing, or jamming. In this blog, we’ll explore the top 5 types of guitar amplifiers that are ideal for both home and studio use in 2024.
1. Tube Amplifiers
Tube amplifiers, also known as valve amps, are beloved by many guitarists for their warm, rich tones. They use vacuum tubes to amplify sound, giving a classic, vintage feel that's perfect for genres like blues, rock, and jazz. While tube amps can be heavier and require more maintenance, their sound quality is often worth the extra effort. They're great for studio recordings where you want a full, authentic sound.
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2. Solid-State Amplifiers
Solid-state amplifiers are known for their durability and reliability. Instead of tubes, they use transistors to amplify sound, making them lighter and easier to maintain. They offer a clean, consistent tone that's ideal for home practice and recording sessions. Solid-state amps are also more affordable, making them a great choice for beginners or those on a budget.
3. Modeling Amplifiers
Modeling amplifiers are a modern choice that’s becoming increasingly popular. These amps use digital technology to replicate the sounds of various classic amplifiers. This gives you a wide range of tones in one unit, making them incredibly versatile. If you like experimenting with different sounds or need an all-in-one solution for home and studio, a modeling amp is an excellent choice.
4. Hybrid Amplifiers
Hybrid amplifiers combine the best of both worlds by using both tubes and solid-state technology. Typically, the preamp section (where the initial tone shaping happens) uses tubes, while the power amp section (which drives the speakers) is solid-state. This combination provides the warmth of tube amps with the reliability of solid-state amps. Hybrids are great for guitarists who want that classic tube sound without the maintenance hassle.
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5. Portable Amplifiers
For those who need something compact and easy to move around, portable amplifiers are perfect. These small amps are designed for home use and are also great for traveling musicians. Despite their size, many portable amps offer impressive sound quality and can even be used for recording. They’re ideal if you have limited space or if you like to take your music on the go.
When choosing a guitar amplifier for home and studio use, it’s important to consider your needs and preferences. Whether you prefer the warm tones of a tube amp, the reliability of a solid-state amp, the versatility of a modelling amp, the blend of a hybrid amp, or the convenience of a portable amp, there’s something out there for every guitarist. Consider visiting local audio shops like VIP PRO AUDIO in Brooklyn to check out these amplifiers in person. In 2024, these five types of amplifiers are leading the way, helping musicians create great music, no matter where they are.
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johnerigo-blog · 4 months
SENSE OF FEAR (Greece - Heavy Metal) - Release "Conflict of Interest" (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO) - Taken from new album due in 2024 #senseoffear #heavymetal
SENSE OF FEAR (Greece – Heavy Metal) – Release “Conflict of Interest” (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO) – Taken from new album due in 2024 #senseoffear #heavymetal   Official SENSE OF FEAR lyric video for the brand new single “Conflict of Interest”, taken from their upcoming album (2024) Music & Lyrics: Ioannis Kikis Recorded at Valve Studios, Thessaloniki GR, by Stratos “Strutter” Karagiannidis Mixed and…
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technician-the · 1 year
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brainstorming the internal structure of a vacuum tube microphone
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freturetechno · 8 months
Beyond Petrochemicals: The Curious Case of Control Valves in Unexpected Industries
In the industrial world, control valves often conjure images of towering petrochemical refineries, pulsating with volatile fluids and echoing with the roar of machinery. But their reign of flow control extends far beyond the realm of hydrocarbons, venturing into surprising corners of human endeavor. So, buckle up, fellow curious adventurers, as we embark on a journey to uncover the unconventional uses of control valves in unexpected industries.
First Stop: The Culinary Symphony: Imagine a perfectly poached egg, the delicate dance of white and yolk suspended in pristine water. Behind this culinary masterpiece lies a hidden maestro – the control valve. In sophisticated kitchens, these unsung heroes regulate the flow of water in sous vide baths, ensuring precise temperature control for consistent, restaurant-worthy results. From simmering broths to temperamental chocolate fountains, control valves orchestrate the culinary symphony, guaranteeing impeccable taste and texture.
Next Step: The Brewing Bonanza: Forget the industrial giants; some control valves thrive in the cozy confines of microbreweries. They meticulously meter precise amounts of hops and grains into kettles, ensuring the perfect balance of bitterness and flavor in your favorite craft beer. Whether it's a hoppy IPA or a smooth stout, these micro-regulators play a crucial role in crafting the magic in every pint.
A Dive into the Deep: The Ocean Symphony: Beyond the surface, in the silent world of underwater explorations, control valves play a vital role in submersibles and research vessels. They manage the flow of hydraulic fluids that power robotic arms, manipulate delicate sampling equipment, and maintain crucial pressure levels in diving chambers. Their silent dedication ensures the safety and success of oceanographic missions, unveiling the secrets of the deep.
A Musical Interlude: The Sound of Silence: Even the world of music owes a debt of gratitude to these flow guardians. In concert halls and recording studios, control valves regulate the flow of compressed air in pneumatic instruments, like organs and harmoniums. Their precise modulation ensures the smooth, uninterrupted flow of melodies that captivate audiences and fill concert halls with the magic of sound.
The Grand Finale: The Dance of Life: Our journey culminates in the most sacred realm of all – healthcare. In hospitals and research labs, control valves contribute to life-saving advancements. They precisely calibrate the flow of fluids in dialysis machines, ensuring the delicate balance of electrolytes in patients' blood. They regulate the oxygen and medications delivered through ventilators, sustaining fragile lives. In this noble cause, the silent symphony of control valves becomes a symphony of life itself.
So, the next time you savor a gourmet dish, raise a toast to your favorite craft beer, or marvel at the mysteries of the deep, remember the unsung heroes who orchestrate these unexpected wonders – the control valves. Their dedication to precise flow control lies at the heart of diverse industries, shaping our world in ways we often don't realize. Now, go forth, curious adventurers, and let the hunt for unexpected uses of control valves begin! You might just be surprised at what you uncover.
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44gamez · 9 months
10 games to buy on Steam with your gift card
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So, you obtained a present card to Steam through the holidays. In case you personal a gaming PC or a Steam Deck, that’s like getting the important thing to town. There are such a lot of nice video games on Valve’s PC gaming platform, and you may probably get quite a bit to your cash (do you know that Steam present playing cards will also be used to purchase {hardware} just like the Steam Deck OLED?). So how will you probably determine what to purchase? That’s the place this publish comes into play, offering you with a pair handfuls of titles which are getting some well-deserved consideration on Steam, in addition to informing you about the perfect offers on 2023’s high video games occurring through the Steam Winter Sale that’ll final by way of Jan. 4, 2024. Enjoyable reality: virtually all the video games under are included in Polygon’s rating of the perfect video games of 2023.
Deadly Firm
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If in case you have a few buddies who you wish to play video games with, take into account Deadly Firm, which prices $9.99 (be aware: it’s in early entry). It’s a survival horror multiplayer sport that may trigger rapturous screaming and laughter, typically directly. You’ll work collectively to collect scraps and loot from creepy locales, not less than for so long as you possibly can till monsters or environmental hazards wreck you in essentially the most unpredictable methods. Whereas the sport is terrifying at occasions, the proximity-based voice chat amps up the humor of dropping your friends or barely escaping loss of life. Polygon’s video crew streams Deadly Firm on Twitch infrequently, and you may try a previous stream here.
Baldur’s Gate 3
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Picture: Larian Studios through Polygon Whether or not you play video games solo or with a crew, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a must-play sport on PC. This RPG is closely steeped in Dungeons & Dragons when it comes to its universe and ruleset. That mentioned, you don’t have to have ever performed D&D to rapidly get immersed on this title. Every battle is turn-based, and also you command a crew of 4 characters, full with their very own weapons and spells. The fights are all the time thrilling, however what occurs exterior of fisticuffs is equally — if no more — riveting. You’ll make choices that alter your path by way of the sport, in addition to your relationships with key characters. In case you’re intelligent, you possibly can even speak your approach out of battles. There’s a lot risk at each flip that it’s unattainable to see all the things that Baldur’s Gate 3 has to supply in a single playthrough. Through the Steam Winter Sale, Baldur’s Gate 3 prices $53.99 (usually $59.99).
No Man’s Sky
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Picture: Howdy Video games Howdy Video games’ first-person house exploration sport No Man’s Sky is the oldest title on this record, having launched in 2016 to middling reception. Since then, the developer has delivered replace after game-changing replace, constantly elevating its personal bar to present players near-total freedom in house. Merely put, No Man’s Sky is a deal with for a way a lot it’s at present promoting for ($29.99), and the expertise is what you make of it. It may be a chill house exploration sport the place you gather sources to improve your ship to its fullest capabilities. You may focus strictly on constructing outposts. Or you possibly can turn out to be an area pirate, preventing different gamers to seize their treasures.
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew
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Picture: Mimimi Video games Most of us have performed tactical espionage video games, however Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew places a spin on the idea — one which solely its developer, Mimimi Video games, might have pulled off. The swansong for the studio is its finest work, constructing on its earlier video games like Shadow Techniques and Desperados 3. Visually, it walks the plank and dives headfirst right into a pirate aesthetic, with characters and settings that my colleague Alice Newcome-Beill described in her assessment as “Monkey Island-esque.” Throughout Steam’s Winter Sale, this sport is $31.99 (usually $39.99).
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Picture: Geometric Interactive/Annapurna Interactive through Polygon Cocoon is a puzzle sport that doesn’t exit of its solution to clarify itself to the participant. However, like the perfect of its style, it’s designed to faucet into our curiosity, encouraging us to assume exterior of the field (er, sphere). The dialog-free title was directed by Jeppe Carlsen, who additionally helped design different minimalist puzzle video games, together with Limbo and Inside. It’s definitely worth the value of admission simply to expertise its ingenious planet traversal puzzle mechanic. This title is $5 off through the Steam Winter Sale, costing $19.99.
Hitman World of Assassination
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Picture: IO Interactive IO Interactive left a lot of Polygon’s workers obsessed once more in 2023 due to the introduction of a brand new mode in Hitman World of Assassination. Read the full article
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blockloards · 1 year
Beginning with Total War: Warhammer in 1995, the mid-to-late 90s gave rise to many legendary franchises in the online strategy gaming genre, including StarCraft, Age of Empires, Command & Conquer, and Warcraft — with each releasing expansions and sequels well into the 2000s. Hit after hit, the online strategy genre experienced a golden age making and breaking record sales. But, as the decade turned, the popularity of strategy games mysteriously dwindled.
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness was considered a massive success with 500,000 worldwide sales made within its first three months, but future strategy titles would blow it out of the water. StarCraft topped 1998’s best seller spot with 1.5 million sales. Then, in 2002, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos became the fastest-selling PC game of all time, after selling 1 million copies in just 30 days! Following Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III’s next expansion — Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne — made an impressive 1 million sales in 2003. Sales for strategy games were only going up.
Finally, in 2010, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty shocked the gaming industry by selling 1 million copies on launch day. Extremely well-received, the game went on to sell over 6 million more copies before it was expanded with StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm and StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void — each of which added an additional million sales to the franchise. StarCraft II set a new standard, and is now commonly considered the best strategy game of all time. Yet most subsequent strategy games have fallen flat and been unable to live up to expectations.
Out of the bleak winter that encapsulated strategy games, two developers have emerged, and are rising to the challenge of breathing new life into the strategy genre. Relic Entertainment released Age of Empires 4 in October of last year, and rising game studio MetaKing is joining the fight with its upcoming release of BLOCKLORDS, a medieval grand strategy with AAA graphics, built on web3 technology. While official sales numbers for Age of Empires 4 haven’t yet been released, signs are good as the game reached Steam’s top-seller list with its refreshingly modern mechanics. BLOCKLORDS also shows promise, combining the best mechanics of top strategy games and taking inspiration from what many consider to be responsible for the downfall of the strategy genre — MOBAs.
MOBAs, or multiplayer online battle arenas, began with Defense of the Ancients (more commonly known as DotA). DotA itself originated as a modded StarCraft game mode that featured players cooperatively fighting endless waves of enemies in four lanes. After the game mode gained popularity, modders continuously iterated upon it and began creating modded DotA game modes for other strategy titles. The modding community had particular success with Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, seeing as the game’s new capabilities enabled modders to make increasingly complex game modes that eventually came to resemble modern MOBAs.
Seeing the future of gaming unfolding before them, Valve Software changed gaming by officially hiring lead modder IceFrog. IceFrog would go on to design a standalone version of DotA known as DotA 2. DotA 2 was released in 2013, almost 9 years after its predecessor became popular. But Valve wasn’t the only company inspired by the emerging MOBA trend. Between the releases of DotA and DotA 2, publisher Riot Games launched League of Legends in 2009.
Today, DotA 2 sees an average daily player count of over 400,000 users, while League of Legends stands as the most popular MOBA with an astonishing 180 million active players. Both serve as modern icons within the MOBA space, and owe their success directly to strategy franchises like StarCraft and Warcraft. In fact, before the multiplayer online battle arena genre existed, League of Legends and DotA were referred to as action real-time strategy games.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Fart Studios call for DPC changes to combat ‘instability’ after being forced into forfeits
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The team has made the decision to forfeit the remaining games in an effort to preserve the spirit of competition in Division II, just one day after Fart Studios was forced to forfeit a series in the North American Dota Pro Circuit owing to organiser PGL's regional eligibility judgement. The squad has also put up rule modification ideas at the same time. Brian “BSJ” Canavan was the FS player to deliver the double-barreled news, confirming while he and Andrew Jenkins are both in Stockholm working as talent for DreamLeague Season 19, their teammate Danny “iAnnihilate” Cote is in Brazil for personal regions. https://twitter.com/BananaSlamJamma/status/1645851584495079434 As a majority of FS were not playing from NA during yesterday’s matches against Sand King Gómez, and retroactively for the first series they played against ALPHA, the team was forced to forfeit the series despite their availability to play the matches. This is because the DPC’s regional tour system has a rule in place to protect regional competitive integrity and have teams register from outside of their home region. Despite the default loss applied to FS’ record, the team could have continued competing while using a stand-in for four of the remaining five series. However, the players opted to forfeit their remaining matches—and their spot in Division II for the DPC Summer Tour—to ensure they aren’t unfairly impacting the results of the season. https://twitter.com/pglesports/status/1645869892715917314 The team added that they recognize they have broken the rules of the DPC and will deal with the consequences, but that doesn’t mean they won’t use this as a way to discuss the odd applications of this region-locked ruling. While FS acknowledges the rule was likely set to ensure each region could grow its own talent rather than rely on imports, the Dota 2 squad believes their unique scenario as a team with years of commitment to the region should give them a pass. “​​Fart Studios is a team of five formerly competitive players that turned to content creation as a primary source of income due to the instability and unreliability of that competitive Dota 2 paycheck,” BSJ said. “If you are a Div 2 Dota player, the most you can make from a single DPC season is $3,400 per person. There are three seasons per year thus netting you approximately $10,000 annually. This is not news to most people involved in the Dota scene that you do not make a livable wage playing Div 2 Dota.” FS is a content team, but also heavily cares about the integrity and health of competitive Dota as players and fans—to the point they are willing to give up their Division II spot to help the scene. The squad also noted they have no issue with players relocating to play in another region, but a rule like that being applied in this way hurts the ecosystem of the game because it will eventually force players to pick between opportunities. It also doesn’t help that the competitive scene as a whole is one of well-documented “instability and unreliability.” One such drawback is the inability of Division II teams to participate in any third-party tournaments, as most are scheduled in the middle of the DPC season. “Our situation is one of many examples of how stunting the current system is for any aspiring pros or non-Tier 1 Dota players trying to make a living in the game,” said BSJ. “If we wish to have a healthy ecosystem, rules like the one above must be modified to promote growth within the scene.” As a result of this stance, FS is proposing a rule change to Valve and its organizers for future DPC regional tours, whereby the majority of the lineup would be eligible to compete in a region if they had been physically located there for more than half of a season. The wording might need a little work, but FS’ proposed change would essentially work on a credit model that tracks a player’s location and allocates them to a region after a set period. It doesn’t impact the overall rule itself either—it simply allows more flexibility for players who have proven their dedication to a region. This could be a good solution that maintains regional growth while also giving players who might not be able to commit to an extended period of Dota competition some leeway. As for Fart Squad, the team has high hopes to return to compete in the future and thanked the community for all of the support over the past several months. Read the full article
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