#Velvet's Inventory
yourcomputerr · 1 month
was so ready to leave the doc martens plans behind me but then i remembered The Rain
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confinesofmy · 2 months
brooo i went to my local thrift store that's closing and i was kind of in a rush so i grabbed a couple pairs of pants based on 10 second once-overs and they both fit perfectly!!! what are the chances!
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simply-sithel · 2 years
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Well, the craft fair has come and gone. I feel like I might have had a good time? Sales weren't overwhelming, but they were constant and I made back booth fee + some extra money for coffee and cannabis. More mutterings on the matter under the cut...
Of the 21 Christmas minis I specifically made for the event, 10 remain. The new bird leg book I made for the fair sold, along with several of my older monsters-- the pink legged one, the green legged one, and the Capricorn. Happy to see them gone.
The real winner was the crimson alcohol edged Fleur du Mal mini-- purchased immediately upon fair opening and envied by someone else who eventually settled on the loquat dyed copy pictured above. Unfortunately, I was so busy prepping for fair I never actually photographed my most popular book!
Am on the fence about doing another holiday craft fair... Am haunted by the memory/fact that I used some less-than-stellar cover paper on a couple pieces-- a fact that I only noticed after seeing how scuffed my remaining copy was after lugging it home ungently. 🙈 hurts to consider some of my work floating out there not being up-to-snuff, especially given I charged for it. Still not fond of that....
I'd wanted to know how well I worked, crafting at full tilt. Do things get easier when aiming for 'mass production'? NO. Will I ever try and binge crafting books like this again? NO. Do I want to 'make books professionally'? NO.
The positive take aways are that I enjoy working on things in sets of 5. I enjoy my new travel-crafting setup for minis. I enjoy expanding my mini typeset collection to draw from. Seeing my mini shelf temporarily packed w/ the leftovers before I disperse them makes me happy.
Special shout out/thanks to @aetherseer for gifting me so many small sheets of excellent paper and apologies that I failed to photograph most of them. Her taste is impeccable and it elevated my work from the normal ho-hum selection of origami paper I indulge in.
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inked-violets · 2 months
"It's just a refresher run," I say to myself. "The world state won't even import in Veilguard. I'll focus on the companion quests and the main story."
Days later, through gritted teeth, I accept the reward for the miner's ring. My inventory is drowning in drakestone and ring velvet. I'm sobbing as I climb cliffs to collect shards. There is no escape.
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tenelkadjowrites · 1 year
Video Girl - Seonghwa x Reader (NSFW)
📼 Summary: On the cusp of 1998, your quiet life working at a department store is upended when an attractive new coworker named Seonghwa awakens your desire for sexual exploration.
📼 Word count: 22k
📼 Genre and warnings: smut one shot. coworkers to lovers. fem pronouns for reader. use of a camera during sex. oral sex. unprotected sex. creampie.
📼 fic playlist here.
this fic is not meant to represent seonghwa in any way, shape or form.
Monday, October 6th, 1997
“What happened to the stack of CDs I put right there?”
               “Right where?”
               “Right there,” You gesture to the empty space that once housed a cluster of CDs that needed to be put on the shelf.
               Your coworker, San, pops his head up from where he had been busy sorting through one of the boxes of new inventory. His brows furrow while staring at the spot as if he could magically make the CDs appear.
               “What was it?”
               “The new Janet Jackson album.”
               “The new…oh shit, wait, I might’ve knocked it into this other box,” He ducks back down out of your view and you hear him wildly rummaging around.
               With a sigh, you slump against the shelf and stare out at the store which closed half an hour ago. Now, you’re stuck restocking new releases in the CD and VHS section for another hour before your shift ends. At least there are no customers, you think gratefully.
               “What’s it called?” San asks, still trying to find what he accidentally misplaced.
               “The Velvet Rope, I think,” You reply, wishing your feet didn’t hurt so much.
               The stack of CDs really isn’t that important but you just needed an excuse to take a break. It’s been a long day, working a double to cover for someone else, and you were sick of being here about three hours ago. The vest you have to wear while clocked in has long been discarded, tossed onto the counter as soon as the last customer finally got the hell out.
               “Wait, I found it,” San says with the same enthusiasm of someone completing a lifelong goal. He circles around the aisle, holding the pile of CDs, “Where should I put them?”
               “I’m just stacking them next to Mariah Carey,” You reply while taking them out of his hands and turning back to the shelf, “I don’t care.”
               “Fine by me.”
               You’ve worked with San for two years now and know him as well as one can know another coworker. He rarely missed a shift, probably because he enjoyed flirting with the women who wandered into the electronics section too much. There were two things San liked to do outside of work: work out and go clubbing with his best friend, Wooyoung. He was good looking to the point that even the ugly work mandated vest couldn’t take away from his jawline sculpted out of marble.
               “Thanks for helping me out,” San says.
               “It’s cool, dude. I really did not feel like working in my department tonight.”
               “You’re sick of organizing all the tube tops? Don’t see any of them you want for yourself?” He jokes, knowing how bored you are of working in the women’s clothing department.
               You make a face. “Ugh, as if.”
               San leans against the shelf, crossing his arms. “Did you hear about the new guy they hired for the men’s department?”
               “No,” You reply, uninterested.
               “I heard he’s good looking,” A thought strikes him and in an alarmed tone, he goes, “You don’t think he’s better looking than me, do you?”
               You shove the last CD onto the shelf although it teeters close to the edge. You stare at it, willing that it doesn’t fall and when the case stays in place, you finally turn your attention to San. “Why, worried you’re going to no longer be the Resident Hottie?”
               “Pfft, no. But…you’ll let me know, won’t you?”
               You lean down and pick up one of the boxes of CDs, balancing it on your knee until you get a better hold on it. “Why are you buggin about a new hire?”
               “I’m not buggin about him,” San protests quickly.
               “Yes, you totally are. I’m sure he’s nothing special. Don’t worry about it,” You turn away from San, getting ready to head down another aisle to finish putting the CDs away, “I can’t even remember the last time we hired someone who impacted me outside of asking and then promptly forgetting their name.”
               San looks mollified, taking comfort in the fact that everyone knows he is the hottest guy working in the store. You plop the box down, sorting through it to see what to put away first.
               The routine is comforting in that sort of mind numbing manner, the same pace of your life unchanging with no disruptions on the horizon. Tomorrow, you’d wake up and be here again to sort out ugly women’s clothing and clean up the fitting rooms after old ladies leave piles everywhere.
               That’s how it always goes, how it will continue to go.
Tuesday, October 7th, 1997
               “I don’t want this one,” A customer declares, thrusting a crushed velvet mini dress into your arms, “Or this.” A denim dress is tossed as the customer saunters off back into the aisles of clothing racks.
               You stand there, momentarily bunching the fabric in your hands with irritation before collecting your features into a pleasant expression. You go back to organizing the clothing from the fitting room racks to put them away. There are two hours left in your shift and your feet hurt yet again.
               “Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt,” A voice cuts cleanly through the music being piped into the building. It is deep, almost melodious and you look over your shoulder curiously, expecting to see a lost looking man trying to find something to buy for his wife or girlfriend.
               There is, in fact, a lost looking man standing there but his blue vest indicates he’s a coworker. The slightly confused expression combined with the outfit leads you to believe this is the man San had been talking about the other night.
               “I just started working here yesterday and the person who was supposed to be training me called out so I’m running the men’s department alone. I just had some questions and was hoping you could help me.”
               The man is tall and slender with black hair carefully combed. The ugly blue vest does nothing to take away from his uniquely pretty face – beautiful brown eyes with a strong nose, perfectly straight white teeth and full lips. In his hands is a small collection of clothing, long fingers splayed out across to stop it from tumbling onto the floor. His shoes look brand new, the shine making it obvious. A belt loops around his small waist, wearing simple dress slacks.
               You’re so used to going through the motions at work, typically zoned out that only something absolutely wild could shatter you from that usual feeling. Seeing someone so pretty against the backdrop of the woman’s department brings you up short.
               “Uhhhh,” You go before managing to collect yourself swiftly, replying, “Yeah, I can help you,” Your eyes fall onto his nametag, and you tentatively say his name aloud for the first time, “Seonghwa.”
               He smiles, a sort of strange smile in which he looks vastly uncomfortable, saying your own name after reading it from your tag. You trail after him, cutting through the organized racks of the women’s department into the general shitshow of the men’s.
               For some reason, it was impossible to keep a full team in the men’s section. They always quit or just stopped showing up. Over the two years you worked here, you normally didn’t speak to anyone in the men’s department too much since they never seemed to last long. That meant the department always looked like a group of wild school children tore through it regularly and today is no exception.
               Seonghwa takes you to a large box dumped unceremoniously onto the counter near the men’s fitting rooms. “I was told to process these returns but I don’t…actually know how to do that,” He admits bashfully.
               “Oh, it’s not difficult. I can show you.”
               He looks relieved, thanking you. As you begin to show Seonghwa the process, you sneak a glance at his face out of the corner of your eye. His eyelashes are long, his lips prettily plump and his skin seemingly perfect. What planet did this dude come from? You wonder, unsure how someone like him stumbled into working at a store like this.
               “You know how to fold the clothes the right way?” You ask at one point.
               “Yeah, I’ve worked retail before in my last town.”
               “Oh, you moved here?”
               Seonghwa looks up as you hand him a particularly ugly dress shirt made from a shiny fabric. In the horrendous fluorescent lights which make almost everyone look garish, he seems to be immune.
               “Yeah, just a couple weeks ago. Not far away, just a few towns over.” He quickly changes the subject off himself, “Have you worked here long?”
               “Around two years.”
               “Do you like it?”
               “It’s retail,” You reply dryly, “I think it is the same everywhere.”
               The corners of his lips turn up for a second. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
               Seonghwa turns his attention back to the pile of clothes, folding them swiftly. You watch the way his long fingers smooth out the fabric before expertly folding it. Every movement of his seems to be precise and completely under control, a far cry from yourself.
               “Are you settling in okay then?” You ask, trying to wiggle more information out of this professional handsome guy who for some reason is working at this shitty store instead of modeling overseas somewhere.
               He carefully folds another shirt while replying, “Yeah, I’m doing alright. Have you always lived here?” Another deflection. It’s growing obvious Seonghwa doesn’t want to talk about himself.
               “Yeah, I have. It’s really nothing special though. Pretty generic place.” You study his face while asking the next question, “Why did you pick here?”
               Without missing a beat, he goes, “It was convenient. What do you like the most about living here?”
               You find his answer curious but decide asking Seonghwa questions is pointless because he only swiftly tries to put the conversation back on you.
               Stumped by his question, mostly because nothing really comes to mind, you finally settle on, “The weather is alright.”
               He tilts his face in your direction at your answer, one eyebrow slightly raised. “That’s it?”
               You shrug, “Yeah, I guess.”
               His gaze is heavy on you, a beat too long before turning his attention back to folding the clothes. You swallow hard, wondering why you feel so unnerved. As beautiful as Seonghwa is, he has the sort of intense presence that knocks you a little off balance, almost as if he can see some part of yourself that most people cannot.
               “Alright, finished.” His voice brings you back to the moment as he picks up the clothing, “Do I just put them back now?”
               “Yup, that’s it. Do you want me to help you?”
               “No, I got it. I should start learning where everything goes,” He turns to go and then stops, looking over his shoulder, “Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.”
               “It’s no biggie. You can pop over again if you have any other questions.”
               He smiles again, exposing the most perfect teeth you’ve ever seen. “Alright, thanks. Talk to you later.”
               You give him a small wave, turning around to head back to your section, wondering why you feel so thrown off balance over someone you’ve known for ten minutes.
               “So, how is he?”
               “Don’t play coy with me,” San says, leaning closer to you, “The new guy.”
               You’re in the break room, poking at the unappealing lunch you brought. The break room is covered in tacky motivational posters, a bulletin board filled with random flyers about things like worker safety, requesting time off and a garage sale ad. A small TV in the corner shows the local news. The image, as usual, is extra grainy due to the bad signal off the cheap antenna. There is no break from the harsh fluorescents even in this room.
               “You saw him, didn’t you?” He presses.
               You relent and reply with a casual, “Yeah, I saw him.”
               “And? What’s he like? Is he hotter than me?”
               Another noncommittal shrug. “He’s…different. He’s friendly, don’t get me wrong, but he seems distant. I guess he moved here from a town nearby. That’s all I know about him.” San is staring at you with a serious expression on his face. You shift uncomfortably in the hard chair, finally glaring at him. “What?”
               He points at you sternly. “You do think he’s fine.”
               “What?” You bluster. “Where the hell did you get that idea?”
               San gestures wildly. “It’s written all over your face! We talk about every new hire in detail and now suddenly, you give me a couple of sentences. What spell did he cast on you?”
               “No spell,” You say crossly, irritated at somehow being too obvious when believing you played it cool, “You’re caring too much about my opinion.”
               He slumps back in his chair, crossing his arms, pouting. With a sigh, you push your meal away and turn to face him.
               “Come on, dude. You’re giving a new hire way too much power. Everyone knows you’re all that and a bag of chips. You think the confused old ladies who still don’t understand what a cordless phone is are not gonna be charmed by you? That they’re suddenly going to head to the men’s department instead?”
               “They tip me, you know,” San says defensively, “That’s why it’s important to me. They give me a couple of bucks when I finish explaining what a portable CD player is compared to their 8 track.”
               You skirt around the fact it is against company police to take cash tips from customers, opting to continue reassuring him instead.  “Don’t give someone else so much power. I mean, look at the size of your arms. No one in the store can compare with that.”
               “That’s true,” He says begrudgingly, “Fine. And I’ll give the new guy a shot only cuz you think he’s fly.”
               “I don’t – will you stop –” You sputter.
               San stands up, snatching his work vest off the table and slipping it back on. “Alright, I’m going. Talk to you later.”
               You say bye, now alone in the break room. Normally, you relish the quiet moments here without a coworker talking your ear off. But you’re longing for a pointless discussion, some sort of distraction from the fact that you’ve spent ten minutes around Seonghwa and are seemingly attracted to him.
               You’ve fallen into such a routine between work, occasionally going out on the weekends, and watching TV that suddenly finding someone hot is like an electric bolt to your chest. Things have been quiet for so long, in both your mind and life, that the last thing you want to deal with is forming an attraction to a coworker.
               Luckily, Seonghwa seems intent to keep mostly to himself. The emotional distance should help, you think, should make it easier not to get swept up in some guy.
Wednesday, October 8th, 1997
               Once it hits 4pm, all you care about is punching out and getting home. You’re so wrapped up in this that when you turn around to dart out of the back room, you collide immediately into Seonghwa.
               It’s like striking a wall. Even though he’s slender, his body is firm, resulting in you ungracefully flailing for a moment. His hands go to your upper arms to steady you, allowing yourself to recover from toppling back against the wall.
               “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” You’re embarrassed by being so spaced out.
               Seonghwa, who you have successfully avoided all day, doesn’t seem to be impacted by the collision. He’s still in his work vest but today he’s wearing a long sleeve black shirt. His hands rest on your upper arms and your eyes drop to his fingers, taking note of how they look against the fabric of your clothing.
               He clears his throat gently, a mild noise of embarrassment, before dropping his hands back to his sides. “No, I should have let you know I was behind you. My shift is done too so I was just punching out.”
               You shuffle to the side, letting Seonghwa finish up. Your heart is beating quickly in that annoying way you’ve been trying to avoid since your last relationship. You should just say goodbye now and head out. But your feet refuse to obey and you find yourself lingering to walk out with Seonghwa.
               After shaking out of his work vest and tossing it unceremoniously into his locker, he leans against it, watching as you fumble with your own lock.
               “How was your day?”
               “Uh, it was alright. What about you? You settling in okay with everything?” You successfully open your locker, shoving your own work vest in there and grabbing your bag.
               Turning to meet Seonghwa’s gaze, your eyes unintentionally flick down to his torso. His long sleeve shirt fits him a little too well, is a little too snug, and you’re now acutely aware of his small waist on top of the fact he’s definitely in shape.
               “Yeah, it’s going well. A bit disorganized but it’s fine.”
               The two of you are leaving the backroom together, cutting through the electronics section. San is milling around in front of a display of Tamagotchis which is already half empty. He glances up and notices you, waving.
               “Hey,” He goes, “Oh, you’re the new guy, right?”
               You’re secretly hoping San doesn’t embarrass you. Even though you denied thinking Seonghwa is attractive yesterday, you know that San doesn’t believe you for a second.
               Seonghwa introduces himself and then glances at the display. “These things go fast, don’t they?”
               “Tell me about it. I end up having to restock the display every shift,” San replies disgruntled, “I don’t get it. An electronic pet?”
               “I had a Tamagotchi,” Seonghwa muses, “It kept beeping while I was sleeping so I shoved it in a drawer and forgot about it.”
               “What happened to it?” San asks.
               “It died,” He replies seriously, “I felt pretty guilty.”
               “I’m sorry to hear that,” San says just as grimly.
               You glance between the two men and their bonding moment over a dead Tamagotchi before clasping your hands together. “Okay, well, this has been truly touching but I don’t wanna miss my bus. See you tomorrow, San.”
               As you turn to leave, you hear Seonghwa mumble a quick goodbye before catching up with you. “You take the bus to work?”
               “Yeah, no car.”
               “I can drop you off at your place if you’d like.”
               You glance at him in surprise. “You don’t even know if I’m completely out of your way or not. We could live on opposite sides of one another. On top of that, how familiar are you with the town? You got a map in your car or something to help you get home afterwards?”
               Seonghwa looks perplexed. “I guess I didn’t think of that.”
               The doors glide open as you step out into the late afternoon air. The temperature has dropped since this morning, a chilly bite that cuts through your t-shirt. Seonghwa had the right idea with the long sleeve, you think. Feeling flustered by his invitation to drive you home, you stop walking and turn to face him.
               “Sorry, I didn’t mean to come across so harsh. I just wouldn’t want you going out of your way on my account.”
               “I get that,” He replies, a wind kicking up and blowing some of his hair into his eyes which he impatiently brushes back, “But I really don’t mind. I need to learn where everything is anyway.”
               Chewing on your bottom lip, you fight the urge just to agree. Logically, you should just take the bus home. If you’re trying to steadfastly ignore the fact that Seonghwa is attractive then obviously being in his car will not help things. But on the other hand, being alone with him also sounds too good.
               “Alright, fine. But if you get lost, I warned you.”
               He smiles and you can feel it in your chest. Following him to his car, which looks as though it has seen better days, you get into the passenger seat and toss your bag on the floor, looking around. A pair of small dice swing off the rearview mirror, the only decoration in the car. There is nothing else to learn about Seonghwa in here – the car is neat, clean and smells nice.
               He stretches out his long legs in his seat, starting the car. You are trying very hard not to stare at him, not notice how smooth his skin is nor how his muscles pull against his long sleeve shirt.
               You open your mouth to tell him your address when suddenly Wannabe by the Spice Girls begins to blare out of his car speakers. Startled into silence, you can only watch as Seonghwa looks mortified, quickly slamming his hand down onto the eject button which spits the CD out of the player in his car dashboard.
               He grabs the CD swiftly while going, “Uh, I didn’t know – I forgot – ‘’
               “Seonghwa, it’s fine,” You reassure him, “It would be stranger at this point if you didn’t own that CD.”
               He turns his body to grab something off the back seat, plopping the CD holder into his lap. Quickly, he opens it, flips to a random page with a spot available and hastily shoves the disc inside before closing the big binder of albums. Seonghwa seems to collect himself after a second or two, returning the binder to the backseat and quietly clearing his throat while turning on the radio. Sunday Morning by No Doubt quietly fills the car.
               “Alright,” He says, neatly skirting around the Spice Girls incident, his hands wrapping around the steering wheel, “Help me get to your place.”
               You give him a couple of directions and soon enough Seonghwa is on a main road. You make a mental note to eventually Map Quest some stuff for him later so he can learn the town layout faster.
               Wanting to fill the silence before your brain gets swept up in the mental image of sitting in his lap, you go, “Are you excited for Halloween? Hopefully we don’t get stuck working late.”
               “Do you usually do something for Halloween?”
               Of course he deflects immediately. You should have known better than to ask Seonghwa a question about himself. “Sometimes. Last year I went to a party but it was a total buzzkill. I don’t know what I’m doing this year.”
               “Do you like horror movies?”
               “They’re okay. Do you?”
               “Yeah, I like them.” Wow, finally an answer out of him! Progress.
               “Oh, wait, turn right at this light,” You say as Seonghwa shifts into the other lane.
               At the red light, he looks out the side window and says, “So far, this is near my own place. Maybe we don’t live too far away from each other.”
               “Maybe.” Did you dare ask another question? “Do you live alone?”
               Seonghwa hesitates for a moment and then replies, “Yeah, I do. What about you?”
               You spare an extra second to study his face. Every interaction with Seonghwa, while friendly enough, gives you the feeling that he is constantly holding back in some respect. Aspects of himself are carefully hidden, making you wonder what he is like behind the perfectly pleasant façade he shows at work.
               “Yeah. Do you like living alone?”
               “It’s a little different than what I am used to,” Seonghwa says carefully, glancing at you for a moment.
               You point to a road ahead. “You can turn down here.” After he does so, you ask, “What are you used to?”
               Seonghwa’s hands tighten around the wheel. You get the sense he is struggling to answer, torn between talking about himself and staying private.
               “Listen, Seonghwa,” You begin, “I get the sense you really don’t like talking about yourself. That’s fine. I don’t want to come off all ‘hey, tell me your life story’ and shit. I know we just met.”
               There is another red light and the car stops. Seonghwa tilts his face to look at you. You’re struck again by how handsome you find him and how his intense gaze startles you into silence.
               “It has nothing to do with you. I don’t mean to seem so closed off.” He turns his attention back to the road, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel before saying, “I moved here because my girlfriend and I broke up recently. I’m not used to living alone because I lived with her.”
               “Oh,” You mumble as the light turns green, feeling awkward, “I didn’t mean to – I mean…”
               “It’s okay,” He reassures you, his attention back on the road, “I’m a private person but I don’t want to come off rude.”
               Quietly, you point out the next turn. It doesn’t take long to stop at the small apartment complex you’ve lived in the past year. Grabbing your bag, anxious to get out of the car after fumbling straight into making Seonghwa feel as if he needed to explain himself, you stop just in time to remember he might not know how to get to his own place.
               “I can figure it out,” He claims while you rummage in your bag for a stray sheet of paper and pen.
               “No, no, you were nice enough to drop me off. What’s your address?” After he says it, you scribble down rough directions that he can follow and thrust the paper in his direction. “Here, this should help.”
               When he takes the paper from you, his fingers brush against yours. Your breath catches at the small touch.
               “Listen, I meant what I said,” Seonghwa says, “You don’t need to feel bad.”
               “Yeah but I didn’t want you to talk about anything negative like a breakup. That is way uncool of me. It isn’t any of my business why you moved here or who you live with.”
               “True but I also don’t wanna come off like a jerk.”
               “You weren’t, I just…” You’re struggling to find a safe sentence to land on. How did you not say that you wanted to learn more about him because you were immediately attracted and therefore curious? “Wanted to be friendly. Since we work together.”
               “We’re chilling, don’t worry about it. Let me walk you to your door, at least.”
               “You don’t need to do that,” You protest even though your heart skips a beat.
               “I don’t mind.”
               You know that you’re probably supposed to refuse again until Seonghwa relents and even though you still have anxiety from the misstep of having him open up about his past, your desire to be around him for longer wins out. You nod in acceptance, getting out of the car and rubbing your arms in the cold air, reminding yourself to bring a hoodie tomorrow.
               Seonghwa circles around the car, waiting for you to shuffle over. The apartment complex isn’t anything special, just two floors and a run down looking pool in the middle that is currently closed for fall and winter. You lead him up to the second floor, stopping in front of your apartment. Seonghwa is peering over the railing to look at the pool. Some of his black hair falls in front of his eyes. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his pants to keep them warm. Your eyes drop to his slender waist and you swallow hard. Everything about this man seems to have been specially created to drive you up the wall.
               “You ever use the pool?”
               “Not really. Why, do you like swimming?”
               “I do. My apartment complex doesn’t have a pool though.”
               Without thinking, you offer, “Well, when the pool reopens, you can come here.”
               He looks over at you, something flickering across his eyes quickly. Straightening up, he nods, giving you a small smile. “Alright, that sounds sweet.”
               Shifting the weight of your bag onto your other shoulder, you go, “Well…thanks again for the ride. Try not to get lost on the way home. Do you work tomorrow?”
               “I do.”
               “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
               Seonghwa lingers for a moment. Once again, you get the feeling he is restraining from doing or saying something that might expose too much of himself. It is a curious thing, you think, especially given that you just assumed the whole ex-girlfriend thing is why he was being so reserved. Maybe that’s just him as a person though. Just really private and constantly filtering his behavior through a thousand nets.
               “Alright, talk to you later.”
               “See you later, alligator,” You reply and immediately chastised yourself for ending on such a corny line.
               Seonghwa turns around, walking back towards the staircase. You trace the curve of his shoulders underneath his shirt, getting a brief mental image of your hands flat against the top of them while you’re under his body. Shaking your head to fend off the fantasy, you turn away.
               He’s probably incredibly boring in bed. He’s an attractive guy but he’s so mild mannered and pleasant in an easily digestible way. Why get distracted into some annoying crush when the end result won’t be worth it?
Thursday, October 9th, 1997
               “Wassup?” San plops down in the chair next to yours while gesturing at the TV. “You watch this?”
               Once again, it is mid-afternoon in the break room. You’re eating lunch, staring at the grainy image on the TV that is showing a Buffy the Vampire Slayer ad for the new episode on Monday night.
               “No, do you?”
               “Nah but Yeosang records it every week to watch.”
               Yeosang is San’s roommate. That information doesn’t really surprise you seeing as he also watches The X-Files religiously.
               “Well, I bet he will enjoy this episode,” You squint, looking at the ad closer, “About a gigantic reptile thing in a frat house.”
               It is at that moment that Seonghwa steps into the break room. He is wearing a short sleeve black shirt today along with the ugly blue vest and a pair of black jeans. San waves when he enters.
               “Hey, dude. Are you on break?”
               “Yeah, I am.”
               San kicks out the chair on the other side of you, motioning to it. “Wanna chill with us?” When Seonghwa isn’t looking, he winks at you. You fight the urge to punch his shoulder.
               Seonghwa nods, stopping to get something out of the fridge before settling in next to you. He catches your eye and gives you a small smile. Your cheeks feel warm so you turn your attention back to your sandwich but you can still feel his gaze.
               “Damn, I wanna see this,” San interrupts whatever the hell was passing in between Seonghwa and yourself.
               “I think the title is kinda goofy though,” Seonghwa remarks.
               “You don’t like I Know What You Did Last Summer? I think it sounds a little mysterious. You know, it’s by the same writer as Scream,” San nudges you, “What do you think?”
               “I think I haven’t seen Scream so that sentence means nothing to me.”
               “Whoa, what, you haven’t seen Scream?” Seonghwa’s attention is back on you, “The sequel comes out soon. You should watch it. It’s really good.”
               Slightly desperate for something new to discuss with Seonghwa that didn’t involve asking questions leading to awkward moments, you leap at this opportunity. “Alright. I guess I can see if Blockbuster has it.”
               San scoffs. “Are you serious? I’ve been asking you to watch Scream for months – ow!” He winces as your foot collides with his shin under the table.
               Seonghwa frowns. “Are you alright?”
               “Yes,” San wheezes, “I always forget about the metal bar under the table. Just whacked my leg against it.”
               “He’s fine,” You say quickly, shooting daggers at him.
               Seonghwa tilts his body in your direction and goes, “I own Scream. I can bring the VHS tape tomorrow if you’re also working.”
               “I don’t have a day off until Sunday so I’ll be here. But are you sure? I don’t want you to lend me anything…”
               “Yeah, it’s okay. Don’t go to Blockbuster. I always do and then forget and end up owing them an annoying amount of late fees.”
               San has quickly forgotten the shin kicking incident and nods in agreement. “He’s right. Avoid it if you can.”
               “I’ll bring it tomorrow.”
               “Okay, well, thanks.”
               “Hey, when you’re done watching it, can I borrow it? Yeosang still hasn’t seen it either,” San goes, “He’s so bad at watching movies.”
               “Yeah, that’s no problem,” Seonghwa replies, “I’m still unpacking but I know where it is.”
               “Great, thanks dude,” San exclaims before turning his attention back to the TV.
               San says something else but you don’t really hear him because Seonghwa is still looking at you. Even though Seonghwa is friendly yet distant, your body seems to react to him in a way that takes you by surprise every time you’re close. It’s the warmth of his body so near combined with his toned arms and perfect skin. The effect is slightly dizzying. Toss in the fact you haven’t had a crush on someone since your last relationship ended three years ago, you are struggling between thinking his personality doesn’t match up with yours and wanting to throw yourself at him. The entire thing is confusing.
               Seonghwa’s lips are slightly parted as if he was going to say more but falls silent while staring at you. There is something brewing in his eyes, something you haven’t seen before. It’s intense and your stomach swoops as if leaping off a cliff. His hand presses down hard against his knee to steady himself. He suddenly looks away towards the window, cutting the moment short.
               You’re breathless, wondering what the hell that had been about. The way Seonghwa looked at you mingling with the feeling that he was reigning himself in, closing something off – you don’t know what to make of it. Could it be he also is attracted to you and is trying to hide it? In all your interactions with him, he’s been kind and considerate but nothing indicated he saw you in a physical way.
               You force yourself into focusing on whatever San is saying, trying to push all the swirling emotions out of your mind.
Friday, October 10th, 1997
               You sigh, plopping down on your bed, stretching out. Work today was a chore but Seonghwa had given you his copy of Scream. With San bothering you to watch it quickly so he could let Yeosang borrow it, you figured you’d just watch it tonight before going to sleep.
               Leaning over the side of your bed, you rummage through your bag until your fingers feel the edge of the VHS tape. Pulling it out, you gaze at the cover for a few seconds, lost in thought. You’re thinking about how Seonghwa looked today right before his shift ended. You were on your break and he was at the lockers, tugging a hoodie over his head. His white shirt lifted up so slightly that if you hadn’t been already staring at him, you wouldn’t have noticed the quick glimpse of a few inches of hard abdomen. That was enough to send your body into overdrive, something you still hadn’t calmed down from when he came over to hand you the Scream VHS.
               “Thanks,” You mumbled quickly, hoping that he didn’t have the ability to read your mind.
               “Not a problem. You can just give it to San as soon as you’re done with it. I’m not in any hurry to get it back.”
               He gave you that same easy going smile, the type of smile that made you wonder what he would be like if his kind demeanor cracked and he had you pushed against a wall with his lips against your neck.
               “Right, yeah, cool.” You said in what you hoped was a casual tone.
               When he turned around to leave, your eyes lingered on his waist before turning your attention back to your food, the VHS tape in your lap like a heavy weight.
               Dragging yourself back to the present moment, you pull the tape out of the sleeve, finding it a bit curious there isn’t a sticker with the movie name on it. You wiggle to the edge of your bed, shoving the tape into the player. There are a few seconds of VHS tracking and then the picture pops into view.
               You’re staring at a palm tree against a blue sky, slightly out of focus. The tape goes grainy for a moment and then the camera swoops downward. Someone’s face comes into view, filling up the lens before their hand pushes the camera away while they are laughing.
               Uh, okay, this is not what I thought the movie was gonna look like, you think while squinting at the TV.
               “Can you get the camera out of my face?” comes a familiar voice.
               “Stop, you love when the camera is on,” A woman replies coyly.
               The shot snaps into focus then, showing Seonghwa against a wall. He is wearing a sleeveless white and blue striped shirt, his black hair ruffling in the wind. The sight of him is like a punch to your chest, knocking the air out of your lungs. His smile is bright, completely different from the ones you’ve seen at work. It is unguarded. Even his posture is relaxed with none of the slightly stiff professional nature he has at work.
               Entranced, you can only stare as the scene continues. Seonghwa runs his long fingers through his hair, his smile turning into a grin.
               “So do you,” He counters.
               You can hear the sound of ocean waves just off screen. He turns his face to the side, the camera lingering on this for a moment before it lowers for a second, showing a wooden pathway. It cuts suddenly, immediately shifting into another scene.
               Seonghwa is standing on the beach now, slipping his shirt off and tossing it onto the blanket that is on the sand. You didn’t think it was possible to see him look so comfortable in his own skin. He doesn’t seem to be shy at all, staring at the camera with a challenging look on his face. On top of that, the sight of Seonghwa shirtless is bowling you over. He is toned, tanned and has muscles you want to press your hands against.
               “What?” He goes.
               “Nothing,” The woman says, “I can’t film you getting into the water?”
               “You’re just filming me undressing.”
               “Well, it’s not the first time, is it?”
               He rolls his eyes but there is a good natured expression on his face. He shoves his thumbs into his swim trunks, tugging them down half an inch before exploding into laughter and turning around, jogging towards the water.
               Another cut. New scene. This has to be him and his ex. I need to turn this off. It’s obviously not meant for me.
Seonghwa is sitting at a table in a diner, looking over a menu. He raises his eyes, making eye contact with the camera then he laughs again. He looks relaxed, his smile bright and posture resting comfortably against the booth.
“You look wicked good tonight,” The woman remarks and Seonghwa playfully shakes the menu in her direction.
“Good thing you’re getting it on camera, right?”
“Exactly.” She zooms in a little more. “Do you want to tell the imaginary audience what we’ll be filming later?”
“Oh, well, I think the imaginary audience knows by now what we like to film,” He says with a mock seriousness that makes your heart constrict. “Isn’t that right?”
The woman giggles and the scene cuts suddenly. This time the camera is in a bedroom with the lens focusing on Seonghwa once again. He is shirtless, close to the camera.
               “You gonna keep it on while I fuck you?” He says in a low voice.
               The woman doesn’t reply, just giggles.
               Seonghwa’s eyes drop for a moment before locking back onto the camera. You’ve never seen such an expression on his face – a combination of lust and reveling in the fact the entire thing is being filmed. It is as if the exterior you’ve seen on him since he began to work at the store is all bullshit, a lie in which he hides behind, and you’re seeing him for real now through the lens.
               “Maybe I’ll film you when my cock is down your throat,” He continues, “You want that?”
               The woman titters again before going, “Yeah, I want that.”
               Seonghwa grins, moving back a little so that his entire body is in view. The low light makes it difficult to fully make him out but you can see the curve of his shoulders, the stiffness against the fabric of his boxers, and the way he motions for her to come closer.
               “Then give me the camera and get on your knees,” He says sternly while lowering one hand towards his boxers, starting to pull them down –
               The sight of Seonghwa about to expose himself finally snaps you out of your shock. Quickly, you lean over and smash the eject button on the tape, yanking it out of the machine and dropping it to the floor as if it is going to burn you.
               You stare at it, breathless, your mind spinning. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where that tape was going to lead. After all, people still talked about the tape of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee; it had been covered in media for months and was still often a topic of conversation.
               You are aware Seonghwa just moved and the tape must be misplaced. Do you tell him? Do you just pretend you watched Scream and not mention it? But San wanted to borrow the copy as well. Obviously, he couldn’t get his hands on it. You could lie and say the tape didn’t play. But the excuse wouldn’t work because Seonghwa would try it on his own player and realize what was really on it. You could pretend you lost the tape and destroy it. But that also didn’t seem right. It wasn’t your tape, after all, and eventually Seonghwa could put the pieces together and believe you kept the tape to watch or worse. It felt as if the only choice would be to come clean to Seonghwa and let him know he accidentally gave you the wrong tape.  
               On the other side of things, you couldn’t believe how different Seonghwa was on camera. There was such a relaxed, casual demeanor to him. He seemed more at ease in front of the lens than in reality. For the first time since meeting him, it felt that you truly saw him. The quiet confidence, no hint of shyness in the way he spoke or removed his clothes. On top of that, his body was absolutely banging in a way that made your thighs clench and hands bunch up in your blanket.
               Then give me the camera and get on your knees.
               You think about that moment in the break room when Seonghwa’s eyes were heavy on yours and his hand gripped his knee. The little bit of his true personality coming through before being shoved back down, perhaps? Just an hour ago, you thought everything about Seonghwa had been figured out. Not anymore.
               Your mind flashes back to his smile and the expression on his face while the camera filmed. Unguarded. Exposed. Hiding behind nothing and leaving everything, including sex, on a VHS tape.
               What would such a thing be like? A small voice in your head wonders.
Saturday, October 11th, 1997
               “Hey, good morning.”
               You jump out of your skin, slamming your locker door shut and turning to see Seonghwa standing there.
               “Hi, Seonghwa! How’s it hanging?!” You exclaim loudly with such false cheer that you inwardly wince.
               Seonghwa outwardly winces. “You’re at an excitement level I can’t quite reach given we are at work.”
               Then give me the camera and get on your knees.
               You make a garbled noise in response, eyes darting all over the place. You can’t stare at Seonghwa’s face because then you think of his unguarded smile. You can’t stare at his chest because then the mental image of his abs pops into view. You can’t even look at his small waist, something that had been giving you great pleasure to sneak glances at during the week, because you’re picturing the way he was tugging down his boxers.
               “Are you…uh…feeling alright?”
               “Yeah, just didn’t sleep well,” You say quickly, “Tired.”
               His eyes move to your locker and he gestures to it. “Oh, did you watch Scream?”
               Your head turns sharply. The VHS tape is poking out of the top of your bag. You stammer out a collection of gibberish, stalling for time. You didn’t want to have this conversation right now; you had been picturing it after work, maybe in his car or something. Not in the break room before it hits ten in the morning.
               Seonghwa looks perplexed once again. You don’t blame him.
               Finally, you settle on, “I would really like to discuss the tape with you.”
               His features brighten. “Yeah, sure.”
               “After work?”
               Confusion once again but he slowly replies, “Alright.”
               You scurry past him, shouting your goodbye while exiting the room and hurrying to the women’s department. Seonghwa’s smile from the tape is still blazing across your brain in vivid colour and no matter how much you try not to think about it, you can still see the lascivious look in his eyes as he began to remove his boxers.
               You’ll tell him after work, you think desperately, even though it will be mortifying and he most likely will never speak to you again.
               As long as you get through this shift without losing your cool, everything should be fine. Just don’t think about him on the tape. Don’t think about him having sex and recording it. Don’t think about how relaxed he looked. Don’t think about how sexy his body looked.
               Should be simple.
               You manage to avoid Seonghwa the entire day, including an awkward moment where you wedged yourself into a clothing rack as he walked by. You were worried about blurting out what was on the tape in the middle of his work shift or even worse – admitting that you were curious about how he filmed himself doing such things and how it felt to let go with a camera on. In quiet moments when a customer wasn’t bothering you, your mind travels back to him like an overplayed record.
               You have a difficult time wrapping your head around the Seonghwa on the tape and the Seonghwa in reality. Always polite, yet distant, always kind but professional, in the few days you’ve known him, you’ve bounced between wanting him physically and believing his personality would keep a deeper connection from potentially forming.
               But on the tape, you viewed Seonghwa as to how he truly is. There is no façade when the camera is on him. You see him unfiltered. The hint of mischief in his smile, that sense of freedom when he was jogging towards the waves, his quiet confidence when he was talking dirty – why were such things hidden in his day to day life?
               By the time the end of your shift comes, you are anxious to get the tape and tell Seonghwa you need to talk. Since you were finishing shifts at the same time, you figured you’d wait for him in the break room. It is a little past seven by the time you enter. The break room has a couple of employees milling around but not San, who snuck out an hour earlier in order to hit up the club with Wooyoung.
               Standing in front of your locker, you reach for the lock but as your fingers graze the cold metal, you realize with a jolt it is unlocked. With a small sigh, you realize San must have opened it earlier. You had a bottle of ibuprofen in your locker that he would use occasionally and eventually gave him your locker combination so he would stop bothering you.
               But as you reach for your bag, your eyes narrow. Heart thudding, you rummage around in it with growing panic. The VHS tape isn’t in the bag. The tape isn’t in the bag.
               “What the fuck?” You hiss in between your teeth, your heart plummeting.
               You are about to upend the bag onto the floor when Seonghwa’s voice cuts through. “Hey, finishing up too?”
               Surprised, you jump, flattening your back against the locker, clutching the bag against your chest. “Seonghwa! Hey! Hi!”
               “Lots of enthusiasm for work today,” He notes, removing his work vest. His slender fingers twist the dial on his locker. You stare at them, momentarily transfixed. He glances at you. “What?”
               “Nothing. No, that’s a lie. Seonghwa, I seem to have misplaced the tape.”
               “Oh, Scream? Nah, San came to me earlier and said he noticed it was in your locker. I told him you watched it and he grabbed it before he left to give to his roommate. He said he was cutting out early to head to the club or something. Yeosang…that’s his roommate, right? San mentioned that Yeosang was gonna watch it with him and everyone else later tonight.”
               Every word out of his mouth, every word tumbling out of his beautifully plush lips, makes you want to sink into the planet’s core. The panic that had been wiggling in your brain while looking for the tape is now washing over your body like a cold wave.
               You picture Yeosang, whom you have only met briefly before, hitting play on the video. A room filled with his friends plus San and Wooyoung. The video starting, them seeing Seonghwa. How long would they let the tape run? Probably to where you ejected it. Enough for them to know what is on that tape, enough for them to know what Seonghwa does for fun.
               You drop your bag to the floor in shock, reaching out for Seonghwa. Your hand grips the front of his sweater. His eyes widen in surprise.
               “Seonghwa,” You say in a choked voice.
               He looks a bit flustered, eyes darting over your shoulder to see if anyone else is seeing this. “H-hey, I…” He swallows hard. “I…”
               “Seonghwa, that movie isn’t on the tape.”
               His nerves, possibly because he thought you were literally throwing yourself at him during work, are now washed away in confusion. “What do you mean?”
               “Scream is not on that tape. It’s…something else,” You steel yourself, plunging forward, “It’s a home video. Of you and your ex.”
               The colour immediately drains from Seonghwa’s face. Your grip loosens on his shirt, watching as he goes through a myriad of facial expressions before settling on something that looks blandly neutral. You’re amazed at how quickly he collects himself.
               “I didn’t watch it,” You say hurriedly, talking a mile a minute, “Well, I watched like 3 or 4 minutes but then it was starting to get a little….anyway, I shut it off then. I was going to tell you. I brought it back today so I could tell you after work. I just didn’t think San was going…okay, it’s fine. It’s fine. We’ll page him. He’ll know to call here, right? I’ll just page him.”
               Seonghwa takes a slow deep breath. You can’t tell if he wants to scream, cry, or punch something. His calm demeanor does nothing to relax your own nerves. You don’t know what he is thinking. You go back to digging through your bag, pulling out the tiny phone number and address book you keep in there. Quickly, you head to the break room phone, yanking it off the receiver while flipping through the book to find San’s beeper number. You page him, hurriedly inputting the phone number of the store before hanging up.
               “Okay, we’ll just wait here for a few minutes. He’ll call back.”
               You aren’t sure if Seonghwa heard you. Looking over your shoulder, you see him standing in the same exact spot, his back to you.
               “Uh…Seonghwa?” You say tentatively. “Are you freaking out?”
               He turns around then, his features still amazingly collected in an extremely calm appearance. “Do you know where San lives?”
               “Where he lives? Yeah, I do. Oh, you want to go there?” You glance at the clock. “Yeah, I mean, it might be too early for him to be at the club. But shouldn’t we wait in case he calls?”
               “No,” He says curtly, “You’ll come with me and show me where his place is.”
               “Oh – oh, okay. Yeah, sure. Let’s go.”
               You can hardly keep up with Seonghwa’s long strides, scampering behind him as you exit the store and into the chilly weather. Tightening the hoodie you’ve managed to shove yourself into while following him, you get in his car silently. Even though Seonghwa is amazingly calm, you can tell he is on edge. The veneer he portrays to the world is on thin ice and you can almost feel the roiling tension under his skin. He starts the car and the radio plays softly.
               Pulling out of the parking spot, Seonghwa gets to the exit and grunts, “Tell me how to get to his place.”
               “Okay,” You say, adding on, “You’ll take a left at the light,” You hesitate before going, “Seonghwa, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.’’
               His hands tighten on the wheel, the only indication of his stress. “It isn’t your fault. I should have checked the tape before I gave it to you. Due to my move and breakup, things are all over the place. I don’t even know how it ended up in the Scream case.”
               “Even so, I should have turned it off immediately. I just…” What do you even say? I was entranced by how different you were on camera. I’m deeply attracted to you and I want to get to know the version of you that was on the tape. I’m curious about what you do for fun. Maybe a little too intrigued for my own good.
               “It’s fine,” Seonghwa interrupts you swiftly, “I really don’t want to discuss the tape while this is on.” He gestures to the radio which is currently playing Supermodel (You Better Work). “Just a little too ridiculous for me right now.”
               You fall silent, the words tumbling around in your chest. “A right up here,” You mumble after a couple of minutes.
               You know it is a morally grey area to keep thinking about Seonghwa in the bedroom, talking openly about getting his dick sucked and filming it. You know it’s wrong to wonder what the rest of the tape looked like. Your curiosity feels like a mark against your moral code.
               Fifteen minutes later, you have pulled up to the apartment complex that San resides in. Getting out of the car, you study the building, trying to remember what number his apartment is.
               “The door,” Seonghwa points, “You don’t happen to have a key to get into the foyer, do you?”
               “No. I guess we can buzz and see if anyone answers. But I…I can’t remember his apartment number.”
               He looks at you swiftly. “Please try to remember.” You can tell it is taking him great effort to keep his voice even and not start shaking you.
               But you’ve only been here a couple of times so nothing appears in your head. Seonghwa takes off towards the door, giving you no choice but to follow. He stands in front of the door, looking around to see the chances of someone coming by so he could slink in after them.
               “You remember it yet?”
               “No, sorry.”
               He turns to the set of apartment numbers written out across the buzzers and randomly hits one. No answer. He presses another one.
               “Is this your plan?” You ask.
               “Yes,” He replies calmly.
               “What are you going to do if someone answers?”
               You aren’t sure what to say. This is yet another new side of Seonghwa, one driven by the desperation of someone seeing the tape and finding out what he’s really like.
               On the fourth buzz, someone gruffly goes, “Who is it?” The speaker crackles.
               “Hi, I live a few places down from you and forgot my key,” Seonghwa says smoothly, “I’m so sorry to bother you. I just wanted to get buzzed in real quick.”
               “Yeah, whatever.” The door clicks open and the speaker goes silent.
               Seonghwa grabs the door handle, shooting you a look as he holds it open. You slip past him into the entrance of the building. Once you stand in the foyer, staring at the row of small mailboxes, the apartment number bounces back into your brain.
               “It’s #1117!” You declare, happy at your brain’s ability to recall such a fact.
               “Great, let’s go,” Seonghwa says while walking towards the elevator, pressing the button.
               The foyer is silent as the two of you wait for the elevator to come down. You bounce on the balls of your feet a little, your nerves getting the best of you. You’re worried about Seonghwa, you’re worried about someone seeing that tape and his secret getting out and you’re still dealing with the fact your mind won’t drop mental images that it shouldn’t be thinking about.
               In the elevator, Seonghwa exhales slowly. It is the only sign of tension brewing in him. You marvel at how calm and collected he is. If you were in this situation, there would be no chance of being in control. You’re barely in control of your emotions now, dealing with something that technically would have no impact on your life.
               The doors glide open and Seonghwa marches down the quiet hallway. His steps are muffled against the carpet, coming to a stop in front of San and Yeosang’s apartment. He rings the doorbell but there is no reply. He tries again. Nothing.
               “Maybe they really have gone to the club already,” You suggest.
               In response, Seonghwa bangs his fist against the door before resting his hand against the wood, closing his eyes. You can feel the energy crackling off him, just like that moment in the break room the other day - that same sensation of him wrangling himself under control, shoving his real self into a small box and tying it up with a bow.
               “Do you know what club they go to?”
               “Yeah. It’s nearby.”
               “Let’s go.” He turns around to return to the elevator.
               “Wait,” You hurry after Seonghwa, “We’re just going to go to the club and what?”
               “Ask where the tape is. If it’s in the apartment, I’m going to ask for San to get it for me. If he still has it on him, I’ll just ask for it back.”
               “How are you going to explain why you need it so badly without…you know.”
               The elevator arrives and he steps inside. “I don’t know. I’ll figure it out when we get there.”
               You stand next to him, feeling the warmth off his body. He’s wearing a form fitting white sweater today due to the temperature and you cannot help but notice how it lays across his chest. His black jeans are also snug against his slender waist. It is difficult to look at him and not picture the images of him on the beach and in the bedroom. Cheeks getting warm, you stare steadfastly ahead at the elevator doors, which finally open to release you from the ever growing tension.
               Back outside, Seonghwa is hurriedly walking back to the car. The sun has fully dipped below the horizon now, the last strands of dying daylight long gone. You cross your arms, the cold seeping into the fabric of your hoodie.
               “Seonghwa,” You say tentatively as he reaches the car, “Do you wanna talk about it now? Since Rupaul isn’t playing, I mean.”
               “I really don’t.”
               “I don’t want to make things awkward between us.”
               His hand, hovering over the handle of the car door, drops back to his side. His eyes are on you, focused in a way they haven’t been since the news of the tape landing in San’s hands were uttered to him. You suddenly feel exposed.
               Seonghwa crosses the small gap in a couple of seconds, looking at you intensely. “What do you want to talk about exactly? You want to discuss something, surely, and I don’t think that it is about your apology.”
               “I don’t know what you mean,” You mumble quickly, balking at the way his eyes tear through your defenses.
               “You want to know more about the tape? You want to know what I do in my spare time?”
               “N-no!” You lie, “No, I just didn’t want this to mess up anything between us.”
               Seonghwa shakes his head, pulling away from you and exhaling slowly before he loses his cool. “There isn’t time to sit and chat about everything. Can you please just get in the car and tell me where this club San goes to is?”
               You nod silently and Seonghwa turns around, getting into the car. Rooted to the spot for a moment, your heart thrumming in your chest, you try to ignore that little voice in your head – a voice entirely new, one that you don’t know what to do with.
               What if you stopped getting yourself back in control, Seonghwa? What would that look like? I want to see what it looks like. I want to see what the real you is and I want to keep pressing against that exterior until it cracks.
               You’ve never dealt with such a desire before. It is as if a giant dog is tugging you along on a leash and you can’t pull it back. You can dig your heels against the pavement, yank on the leash and beg for the dog to stop but it doesn’t work. The little voice in your head, the centre of your curiosity about Seonghwa mixed with your attraction to him, is a dangerous thing.
               Perhaps it isn’t just Seonghwa who is always struggling to remain cool, calm and collected in every situation. Maybe you’re not so different from him.
               Twenty minutes later, Seonghwa is parking at the club San frequents. The place is crowded with a line snaking around the outside of the building. Seonghwa stares at the line quietly after turning off the car. You know what he is thinking – time is important and he isn’t going to waste it waiting in a long line with the risk of the bouncer saying no. His fingers are curled lightly around the steering wheel, his brows furrowed together in concentration.
               “What’s the plan? You gonna gank someone’s VIP pass?” You joke lightly.
               He shifts, pulling his wallet out of his pocket and opening it. His fingers glide across the bills inside as he counts them quickly before looking in your direction. “How much cash do you have on you?”
               “I��ll pay you back,” Seonghwa says impatiently, “We’re just going to bribe the bouncer and skip the line.”
               “Is – is that allowed?”
               “Oh. Uhm,” You fish your wallet out of your bag. “I have a hundred bucks.”
               “Great, and I have two hundred,” He holds out his hand, wiggling his fingers at you.
               “Wait, we’re going to give the bouncer three hundred dollars?” You ask incredulously.
               “No, we’re going to start with a hundred and go from there,” Seonghwa explains, “They might be content with that. Your money is last resort.” When you hesitate, he sighs. “I told you, I’m good for it. I’ll pay you back immediately. I’ll pay you back tonight. As soon as I get the tape. Don’t start wiggin out on me now.”
               “I am not wiggin out,” You say defensively, “I just have never bribed someone before.”
               “Technically, I’m bribing. You’re merely watching.”
               As soon as the words leave his mouth, an awkward silence settles across the car. Seonghwa neatly averts his gaze, pretending to be fascinated with the money in his wallet. You swallow hard, unable to stop yourself from thinking about the tape.
               You thrust the money at him which he takes with a mumbled thanks before getting out of the car. You look down at your hoodie and work pants, unable to recall if this place has a dress code or not. Probably, given the long line. You sigh, opening the car door and trailing after Seonghwa.
               He stops at one point, looking over his shoulder at you. “Are you comfortable pretending we’re on a date?”
               “Excuse me?”
               “I’m going to bribe the bouncer under the guise that I’m trying to impress you. Can I put my arm around you when we get up there? I won’t do anything else.”
               “How do you come up with this shit?” You say without thinking, “The entire night, you just seamlessly come up with these ideas and lies and stories.” Every interaction we’ve had before tonight has been pleasant and normal to the point where I thought you were attractive but a little boring, is what you don’t add on to the sentence, and now I’m seeing all sorts of sides to you I never thought lurked inside.
               Seonghwa ignores the question, instead asking one of his own. “Are you comfortable with me putting my arm around your waist?”
               “Yeah, fine,” You mumble although the idea of him touching your body is making your skin warm.
               “Alright. Try not to look so nervous.”
               Seonghwa walks towards the club with a confidence you cannot hope to possibly mimic. Gone is the easy going attitude he carries at work. Instead, he acts as though he owns the place and is merely popping by to give it a look. His arm circles around your waist as the bouncer comes into view. You can hear people complaining about him cutting the line but Seonghwa doesn’t pay them any attention.
               His arm around your waist is distracting in an agonizing way. Every nerve in your body has awakened to him and the desire is dizzying. As you approach the bouncer, Seonghwa nods his head in the man’s direction, extending his hand outward and slipping the hundred dollars in his palm.
               “How’s it hangin?” Seonghwa asks casually, pulling you closer against him.
               The bouncer glances quickly down at the money and replies evenly, “Could be better.”
               Another hundred dollars is given and the bouncer pretends to study his clipboard and nods, moving to the side. “You’re on the list. Have a good night.”
               Seonghwa nods, guiding you past him and into the club. On the way in, he brings his lips close to your ear and murmurs, “See? Didn’t even need your cash.”
               You’re feeling slightly in awe of the Seonghwa on display tonight – gone is the fake work personality, just someone tackling the situation at hand in whatever way would work best even if it included lying. His arm is still around your waist, his body angled at a slight slant as he leads you through the crowd of people and onto the main dance floor.
               The music is loud, cramming your skull immediately as a crush of people squeeze against Seonghwa and yourself. The flickering lights dance over Seonghwa’s hair as his grip tightens on your waist so the two of you don’t get separated. He pulls you along until he finds an alcove, releasing his hold and facing you.
               “Do you know where they’d be?” He shouts.
               “The dance floor! San always talks about dancing a lot when he’s here!” You yell back.
               Seonghwa scowls. “I fucking hate clubs!”
               Your hand reaches for his, pulling him out of the alcove and towards the main dance floor while This Is Your Night blasts so loudly that you can feel it vibrate along your bones. Wiggling through the vast swarm of people, you successfully make your way to the main dance floor. It is impossible to find San in the crush of people. Seonghwa tugs on your hand, getting your attention while pointing to a large staircase leading to the second floor.
               You nod and he takes the lead, quickly lost in a sea of gauzy club clothes in colours that could cause someone’s retinas to bleed, seeing more cleavage and mini dresses than you thought possible in one space. Your hoodie and work pants and lack of high heels have you receiving a few confused glances as Seonghwa works his way through the crowd.
               Of course, you also notice that Seonghwa is attracting a lot of attention in his own way. No one seems to care that his outfit isn’t club attire in the same way they cared about yours. While making your way up the stairs, you can hear giggles follow as people check Seonghwa out. This sparks an intense irritation in your chest for reasons you can’t fully explain.
               Standing on one of the stairs, you gaze out across the dance floor, squinting to try to spot San or Wooyoung. Someone bangs into your side, cursing at you standing there. Seonghwa turns around sharply, glowering at the woman with such an intensity that she scampers up the rest of the stairs, wobbling on her strappy sandals with huge heels. His hand is on your lower back protectively.
               “We are standing right on the stairs,” You shout at him.
               “I don’t care,” He says crossly, “They can move around us. The staircase is huge.”
               Seonghwa’s gaze is steady on yours and for a few seconds, time seems to stretch out. The music becomes background noise, his hand against your back, his body facing yours. He has one strand of hair that has come out of place, betraying his inner turmoil that he has been attempting to hide all night.
               You bring your hand upwards, pushing his hair back into place before you can stop yourself. He reaches for you, fingers gently wrapping around your wrist. Your breath catches, thrown off by his touch and the intensity of his stare. For a brief second, you think it is finally going to happen – the fissures that have formed in Seonghwa’s carefully constructed polite personality are going to shatter –
               But then, over his shoulder, you spot San weaving his way away from the bar, holding two drinks over his head, heading towards a small table where Wooyoung is.
               “I found them!” You exclaim and the moment passes as Seonghwa looks over his shoulder, eyes narrowing as he spots San.
               He swiftly turns around to head back down the stairs, holding onto your hand again. His impatience is exposed through the way he practically shoves his way through the crowd. The time the grumbles are not of admiration but of annoyance. Seonghwa doesn’t seem to care.
               San’s eyes widen when he spots you and one eyebrow raises at the sight of Seonghwa holding your hand. Suddenly embarrassed, you pull your hand away from him although Seonghwa doesn’t seem to notice. He’s on a mission and only one thing is on his mind.
               The print on San’s shirt defies logic and reasoning, distantly reminding you of a Taco Bell you stepped into a few weeks ago. Paired with even more colourful pants, you are unsure how it took this long to spot him in the crowd.
               “What are you two doing here?” San exclaims loudly.
               Without preamble, Seonghwa goes, “I need the Scream tape back.”
               “You came all this way for that?” He asks confused.
               Wooyoung slides out of the small booth he was occupying, plucking the drink out of San’s hand. Tonight, he’s wearing a nylon dark pink button up with three of the buttons undone, exposing his tanned chest. His pants are so tight that you aren’t sure how he even got into them.
 Wooyoung waves at you and goes, “Who is your friend?”
               “New coworker,” San exclaims over the music before turning his attention back to Seonghwa. “I don’t have it. I gave it to Yeosang when I got home and he took it with him when he left.”
               Seonghwa’s hands flex at his sides, a motion only you notice. “Where is he?”
               “I think he’s out with Mingi and Jongho tonight. They were gonna watch the movie at Mingi’s place. We were going to meet them there later.”
               “Where is he now?” Seonghwa grinds out between clenched teeth.
               San is picking up on the tension, glancing at you but your expression gives nothing away. “Is everything alright? Why do you need the tape back so badly?”
               “I’ll explain later. I just need it back tonight,” Seonghwa replies.
               Wooyoung, who has been silent this entire conversation, his eyes bouncing between the two men, throws his arm around San’s shoulders while pointing at Seonghwa, still holding his drink. “Who is this guy? I like him. He gets right to the point. He’s very money, you know what I mean?”
               You interrupt quickly. “It’s to do with me, San. Please don’t ask any questions.”     
               It’s a lie, of course, but you know San will respect your request. You can feel Seonghwa’s eyes flick to you for a second.
               “Yeah, it’s no problem. I don’t mean to be pushy. Yeosang is at the minigolf course. The one with the big wizard in the middle, you know it?”
               “I do, yeah. Thanks for the help.”
               “It’s all good,” San replies.
               “Are you sure you don’t wanna hang?” Wooyoung asks Seonghwa, “We’re just getting started here.”
               “I appreciate the offer but we gotta bounce. Nice meeting you.” Seonghwa is already turning away, eyes darting towards the exit.
               You give the two men a small wave and then it is back to being smushed in the crowd, wiggling through the writhing bodies as the music pulsates around you. You’re walking behind Seonghwa, his hand searching for yours so the two of you don’t get separated. Your fingers curl around his and you find yourself studying the curve of his neck, the way his shoulders look in his sweater. From this angle, you can just make out the muscles underneath the tight fabric.
               Seonghwa glances over his shoulder to make sure you’re alright. You can’t read his gaze; something shifts behind it, ever changing and unfolding. In that moment, it feels as if you’ve known him forever, in a thousand different locations across a thousand different universes.
               Back into the night air, Seonghwa turns to face you. “Do you know what minigolf course San was talking about?”
               “Yeah, I do.”
               “Great, come on.” He takes off across the parking lot towards the car. His back is illuminated by the neon from the sign of the club, dousing him in a bright blue that his hair soaks up.
               You follow, catching up with him as Seonghwa asks, “What are you gonna tell San when he asks why you needed the tape?”
               “I don’t know. I just said that because I knew he would drop it.”
               “Well, you bought us time,” He remarks, opening the door to the car, “Tell me how to get to the minigolf course.”
               Back in the passenger seat, you can still feel the tension rolling off Seonghwa. Unable to help yourself, you try to reassure him. “We’ll find Yeosang there. I’m sure he will have the tape on him. It’s nearby too.”
               Seonghwa brushes off your words. “Just tell me how to get there.”
               It takes fifteen minutes to get to the minigolf course. A large garish wizard hat juts out of the centre of the course, covered in purple lights to make it glow. There is an assortment of other tacky objects sticking upwards – palm trees, a poorly made replica of the leaning tower of Pisa, a UFO that used to rotate five years ago but has since broken down and not been repaired.
               Seonghwa gazes at the sight through the windshield, clearly assessing the situation before getting out of the car. You take off after him, fighting the urge to grab his hand. It made sense in the club, not here.
               As you approach the entrance, the sound of top 40 radio plays loudly over speakers. Seonghwa bypasses the ticket booth completely, instead opting to head directly onto the course. But a bored looking employee glances up from the magazine he’s reading and gets to his feet quickly.
               “Whoa, hey there, homeslice. I need to see the ticket.” He extends his hand out to Seonghwa.
               “I’m not playing,” He says quickly, “I just am getting something from a friend.”
               “Sure, I can just let anyone pass by without a ticket,” The man rolls his eyes, “No ticket, no entrance.”
               “It’ll take less than five minutes,” Seonghwa protests, the agitation at being so close and so far starting to get to him.
               You hover by his side and quietly go, “Seonghwa, let’s just go buy a ticket.”
               “I don’t want to buy a ticket. The ticket is for playing minigolf and I’m not playing,” He grinds out, staring at the attendant, “So, just let me in.”
               The attendant, who is stuck wearing an ugly polyester blue button up, looks positively thrilled at finally having something interesting happening. “No can do, dude,” He says gleefully.
               You grab Seonghwa’s upper arm, briefly distracted by the firm muscles underneath, before carting him away from the entrance. While gesturing to the ticket booth, you go, “Let’s just buy a ticket. Do you really wanna throw down with the guy working the minigolf course? We won’t get to Yeosang that way.”
               “I don’t care,” He says stubbornly, “He’s being an asshole.”
               Your irritation gets the best of you. “If you could wrangle your repressed anger under control for two seconds –”
               “My what?”
               “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Seonghwa. The entire night, you’ve been furious at me and just won’t say it. So, you just shove everything down and ignore it and pretend you’re so calm and collected but you’re not –”
               Seonghwa takes a step towards you. His demeanor is icy cold now. “Not everything is about you,” He replies in a tone that could frost over a window, “As much as you want it to be.”
               Your eyes narrow. “What the hell does that mean?”
               “If I’ve been repressing anger all night, you’ve been holding back too. The multiple attempts to steer the conversation back to how sorry you are, how you found the tape, how little you watched of it.” Another step closer, close enough to touch now. “Why don’t you stop bullshitting and just admit you wanna ask me questions about the tape and what I do in my spare time?”
               You hadn’t thought it was that obvious. Seonghwa striking the centre of your heart with his accusation makes your breath catch. You can’t bring yourself to reply.
               “The tape not only has me on it but also my ex. It violates her privacy for anyone else to see it, not just mine. That’s the most important thing going on right now, not you having some sort of sexual awakening at seeing a few minutes of it.”
               You make a strangled noise in the back of your throat, knowing Seonghwa is correct but also feeling exposed at the same time. He stalks off past you, going towards the ticket booth. The employee at the entrance is gawking at the two of you although he didn’t hear anything said.
               “You and your boyfriend are pretty intense,” He says over the din of top forty music.
               “He’s not my boyfriend,” You mumble, looking over your shoulder at Seonghwa.
               Seonghwa is smiling casually at the person working the ticket booth. All earlier signs of irritation are wiped clean from his beautiful face. He is chatting as though he doesn’t have a care in the world. Was I really that obvious? Or is he just that good at reading people? You are embarrassed but manage to make your facial expression look as placid as possible when Seonghwa returns to you.
               “Ready?” He asks as if the two of you hadn’t just been at each other’s throats a couple of minutes ago.
               After you nod, Seonghwa thrusts the tickets at the attendant who takes them in an over the top gesture and tacks on, “Have a good night!”
               Entering the minigolf course, you stop to grab one of the little putters. Seonghwa notices and drawls, “Really?”
               You hand it off to him. “Yes, really. You wanna blend in or look like the weird guy stalking across a golf course?”
               He takes it, holding it daintily with his long fingers while studying it. “You were right. About the ticket. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”
               You’re holding your own putter now, staring at him. “I know. I wouldn’t think clearly in your situation either.”
               Seonghwa looks at you for a long moment. You get the sense he wants to say more but he gives a small shake of his head, turning his attention back to the course. “Come on. We’ll just start at the first hole and wander around until you spot them.”
               The next ten minutes are spent navigating the busy course which includes a moment where Seonghwa ducks to avoid a little kid swinging the putter and another where you almost lose your footing and awkwardly trip off a tiny fake bridge. There are a few questioning glances shot in your direction as the two of you bypass playing completely while you try to spot Yeosang.
               Finally, near the gigantic wizard hat, you spot him along with who you assume is Mingi and Jongho. Yeosang, in baggy jeans and an oversized green hoodie, looks to be talking very animatedly with a tall man who is wildly gesturing. The other man is watching them with an amused expression on his face as if it is a very funny TV show.
               “There they are.” You nudge Seonghwa to get his attention. “Are you doing the talking or am I?”
               “You start and I’ll follow. Yeosang is familiar with you and doesn’t know me.”
               “Alright, let’s go.”
               You cut across a particularly ugly ice cream cone that is the centre of hole number ten and call out Yeosang’s name. He looks up in surprise but waves when he sees you.
               “Wassup? Didn’t know you like minigolfing,” He says as you and Seonghwa stop in front of the group. “Mingi and I were just having a disagreement about how many hits he took to get the ball in the hole.”
               The tall man, who is dressed entirely in acid wash denim, protests. “It was four strokes. You’re saying five and that’s not true.”
               The other guy, who must be Jongho, goes, “Can we please move on? I want to get an Icee.”
               “In this temperature?” Mingi asks, momentarily distracted.
               Jongho tugs on his long sleeve, wearing a plaid dress shirt with all the buttons undone, a black t-shirt underneath, topped off with a simple pair of jeans. “It isn’t that cold in this.”
               Seonghwa, who is already radiating an intense energy that will be overflowing at any second, swiftly interrupts, “Sorry, but I was talking to San and he said you had the Scream tape?”
               Yeosang nods. “Yeah, it’s in my bag. Oh! You must be the coworker he is borrowing it from?”
               “That’s right. I just need to see it for a second please.”
               “Sure,” He turns around, scooping his bag off the ground which it had been unceremoniously dumped on and pulls out the tape, handing it to Seonghwa. “There you go.”
               “Thanks so much,” Seonghwa replies calmly.
               He immediately pries his fingers into the slots and begins to unspool the tape, wildly tugging it out onto the ground. Everyone, including yourself, falls silent, watching as Seonghwa then drops the plastic shell onto the ground and begins to take the putter to it. His hair falls out of place as he beats the shit out of the VHS tape with the putter, the shell cracking from the sheer force at which he strikes it.
               “This dude is wacked,” Mingi mumbles.
               “I heard Scream was a good movie,” Jongho says, brows furrowed in confusion.
               “Guess we won’t find out now,” Yeosang replies dryly, “I suppose we’re watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 tonight.”
               Seonghwa exhales, his cheeks puffing out while doing so, tossing the putter to the ground while scooping up the remains of the VHS tape. He runs his fingers through his hair although it doesn’t fix it.
               “Thanks guys. Have a good night.” Seonghwa says as if he just didn’t go postal in the middle of the minigolf course.
               He glances at you before taking off back the way he came. You give an apologetic look at Yeosang, unsure what to say and settling on nothing. Following Seonghwa, who is still holding onto what little of the tape remained, with the cheery pop music playing over the sound of laughter and people talking, you aren’t sure if speaking right now would help him. Does he need comfort? Is he relieved? He showed no hesitation in destroying the tape immediately. Had that been his plan the entire night?
               Luckily for the attendant working the entrance, the exit loops around the other side of the course, taking you both into the parking lot before Seonghwa can start bickering with him again. He drops the pieces of the plastic casing into the nearest trash can although he is still holding the film, wrapping it carefully around his slender fingers.
               “Seonghwa,” You say tentatively and he stops, looking over at you.
               In the lights of the parking lot, Seonghwa is a slim figure with his black hair glowing. His breathing is slightly uneven, his features not nearly as collected as they’ve been all night. There is something raw wiggling underneath the surface of his composure, something you desperately want to touch.
               “I’ll take you back to your place now,” He says roughly, “Come on.”
               You don’t know what to reply with so you merely nod. A few minutes later, the car is pulling out of the parking lot and back onto the main road. You quietly tell Seonghwa how to get to your apartment from here. The tape is in his lap, the film nestled like a snake in between his thighs. You wonder what he will do with it. Set it on fire, maybe. He seems intent on destroying it completely. You understand why but still feel a pain of regret in your chest. There would be no viewing the rest of the tape now.
               You suddenly feel very tired. Between work and the entire events of the sex tape, you’re ready to crawl in bed and sleep in tomorrow. You lean back in the seat, staring idly out the window. The radio is playing music quietly and Seonghwa doesn’t say a word. You still get the sense he is wrangling himself in. Does he do that all the time? Why bother? Why shield yourself from people to the extent he does? You see his smile from the tape in your mind once again. To your surprise, you feel a spark of jealousy buried in your chest. His ex got to see the real Seonghwa while you’ve been seeing his façade. You want to know him like that. You want to touch him like that.
               The silent admission to yourself is unsettling. It’s been ages since you’ve wanted someone. Your attraction to Seonghwa earlier this week seems easier to digest when you thought your personalities wouldn’t be compatible. But his words outside the minigolf course were correct – those few minutes of him on your TV screen are making something deep inside you stir.
               The streetlights swim lazily across Seonghwa as he drives silently. They blend in with his white sweater before appearing on his tanned skin, small pools of light that travel over his body before eventually being lost behind the car.
               When he parks at your apartment complex, he goes, “I’ll walk you to your door.”
               This time, you don’t refuse. Back into the cold air, you stop at the outskirts of the pool near the staircase to the second floor.
               “Seonghwa,” You say again, your hand resting against the cold metal of the banister, “Now that you got the tape, and everything is sorted out, I really –”
               “Don’t,” He says swiftly, “You’re going to apologize again. It isn’t your fault. I already told you that.”
               “I know what you said,” You are two steps up on the staircase, looking slightly down at Seonghwa, whose hand is inches from yours on the banister, “But outside of the golf course…”
               “Was I too harsh?”
               “I just don’t understand why you’re pretending all the time,” You say after a beat of silence, “When I met you earlier this week, you were pleasant enough. But it’s obvious that isn’t what you’re really like. Just the few minutes of the tape showed that to me. And I’ve caught it once or twice before, at work, when you are obviously shoving your real self back down. Throughout tonight, I’ve seen glimpses of who you actually are – the quick lying, the flashes of irritation, your nerves at someone seeing the tape…I just don’t understand why you hide it everywhere but on a VHS tape.”
               There. You said what you’ve been thinking the whole night. Seonghwa’s face doesn’t change the entire time you speak. But you aren’t fooled by it anymore.
               Seonghwa places his feet on the first step of the staircase. He’s extremely close to you now; his body’s warmth seeps into your skin. You fight the urge to place your hands against his chest to pull on his sweater so that he will kiss you.
               You aren’t sure what his reply was going to be but you aren’t prepared for the way his voice drops to almost a murmur. “You’re really intrigued about the tape, aren’t you? I wonder what makes you so curious. It is the idea of letting the camera see all of you for who you truly are? Is it just the idea of fucking and recording it that you find so compelling? Maybe both.”
               You’ve gone still, frozen in surprise at the words leaving his mouth. He leans forward, his lips so close to your ear that your heart skips a beat. “Do you regret turning the tape off when you did? Your conscience prevailed; you did the morally right thing in a few minutes. Others would have watched the entire thing. But some part of you wishes it kept it running so you could watch me fuck my ex, listen to what we talked about. You know, I was so focused on getting rid of the tape, I don’t even know what one this one contains. We filmed so many,” He lingers on the last word as your brain fills up with mental images of tape after tape of Seonghwa, “What happened in the first few minutes of the tape?”
               Shakily, you manage to whisper, “You were on a beach. And then in a diner. Finally, a hotel room.”
               You don’t see Seonghwa smile but you can feel it, like an arrow in the dark, so fast that the sensation is gone in a second. “The vacation tape,” He pauses and continues, “I prefer being on film. Being seen. I feel comfortable and at ease. The camera misses nothing. The lens cuts through everything. All the noise and the bullshit. It isn’t about watching it back later. It isn’t about sharing it. I fill a tape, shove it in the collection. Destroy them when the relationship ends. Rinse and repeat. It’s about capturing that one moment and putting it on film. Everything when the camera isn’t on feels like bullshit. I feel like bullshit.”
               Seonghwa shakes his head. “Dunno. Just always have. I only exist when the camera is on. Otherwise, I can’t be myself. Been that way forever. I’ll ask you again – did you regret turning the tape off?”
               It doesn’t even enter your mind to lie. “Yes.”
               “You wanted to watch me fuck my ex? Or did you want to be on that tape with me?”
               Your body is growing hot all over. You wish Seonghwa would touch you. His hand is so close to yours that you would settle for him just to brush his fingers against your skin.
               “Yes,” You whisper so quietly that if he weren’t so close to you, it would have been impossible to hear. You aren’t even sure what question you’re answering. Maybe it is both.
               But Seonghwa pulls away abruptly then. With his warmth gone, it feels like a hole has opened in your chest. He runs his fingers through his hair but you take note of the slightly uneven way he is breathing. You want to grab him, see him for who he really is with no pretenses, have the camera lens on his body while he –
               “I need to get home. I won’t be able to relax until I finish destroying the film,” His eyes trail along your body quickly and it feels deeply personal to have Seonghwa look at you in such a manner, “Goodnight.”
               You don’t want him to go. You want him to follow you to your apartment and fuck you silly. But he turns around and in a couple of seconds, he has rounded the corner, leaving you alone with your thoughts, your desires and the briefest glimmer of the man Seonghwa truly is.
Monday, October 13th, 1997
               “You gonna explain why Seonghwa opened up a can of whoop-ass on a VHS tape in the middle of a minigolf course on Saturday night or am I not privy to that information?”
               You stifle a groan, unable to duck and dodge San any longer. You had yesterday off, which didn’t end up being as fun as it sounded, due to the fact all you did was lay in bed running the events of Saturday night over and over in your head.
               And you still hadn’t come up with any sort of realistic story to tell San about the tape especially since Seonghwa had opted to destroy it with a minigolf putter.
               “It’s complicated,” You finally settle on.
               San’s eyebrows shoot upwards. “Complicated? Should I be concerned about your little work crush? Could he be a little…unwell?”
               “He’s not unwell,” You say defensively, “It’s just complicated. Can you just drop it, please? It was his tape, after all.”
               “Just makes no sense. You said the situation had to do with you. But why did Seonghwa go postal on the tape like that?”
               You’re starting to get a headache. You’ve had way too much coffee before coming into work and your nerves are frazzled between the idea of seeing Seonghwa and how much time you’ve spent analyzing his words to you Saturday night before he left. Yes you told him on the staircase, yes you wanted to watch the entire tape, yes you wanted to see him have sex with his ex and yes, you wanted to be on film with him. A jarring admission, one that you’re still grappling with.
               “San, my break ended a few minutes ago. Just please, for the sake of our friendship, I’m asking you to drop the entire thing.”
               He holds his hands up in a gesture of innocence. “Fine. Consider it dropped. However, it is not forgotten.”
               “I’ll take it, thanks,” You reply, heading quickly to the exit. “Listen, I’ll help you with inventory sometime this week, okay?”
               “You’re just sucking up to me.”
               “Yes, but you hate inventory,” You fire back over your shoulder.
               “I do so I’ll accept it!” He calls after you.
               Back in the store, you meander your way towards to the women’s clothing department. Part of you is desperate to run into Seonghwa while the other part is dreading it. What do you even say to him? Just a simple hello? How can you look him in the face knowing his entire personality is carefully curated bullshit to hide who he really is? How can you talk to him after what he said to you last night? How can you hold a conversation when you are so desperate to have him?
               You end up avoiding the shortcut through the men’s clothing section. Even so, your eyes carefully scan the area for any sight of him among the racks of ugly dresses and t-shirts. Once you’re safely in the dressing rooms, reorganizing and cleaning out the mess people leave behind, you relax slightly.
               You wanted to watch me fuck my ex? Or did you want to be on that tape with me?
               Seonghwa’s words bang around in your brain no matter how much you try to push them away. Even as you go through the motions of work, your mind lingers on how warm his body was so close to yours on the stairs, the low timber of his voice in your ear, and how he saw through you and all your pretenses.
               In fact, you’re so swept up in work and your thoughts, that you don’t realize Seonghwa is in the dressing room area until he says your name. Flinching in surprise, you look over your shoulder.
               He stands there in his blue work vest, his arms so full of clothes that it looks like they could spill onto the floor at any second. Seonghwa’s face is beautifully impassive. You get the sense he has also been avoiding you.
               “Wanted to drop off all the women’s clothes that ended up in the men’s dressing rooms before my shift ends,” He explains in a clipped tone.
               “Right. Thanks.” You move closer, trying to take the clothes from him.
               But there is simply too much and a good portion falls onto the floor. Your hands brush against his in the mess of fabric, sending your heart racing so quickly that it almost makes your chest hurt. Seonghwa is staring at you through his long lashes although his eyes dart away when yours meet his.
               You manage to wrangle a good chunk of the clothes away, tossing it onto the small table at the end of the hallway that you use to organize them. “You can just dump the rest here.”
               Seonghwa does so and then an awkward silence settles across the empty dressing rooms. The store closes in ten minutes. You didn’t think you’d be seeing Seonghwa at all today. We filmed so many he had whispered, teasing you with the mental images of whatever lurked on those tapes.
               “Do you want any help?” He offers.
               “I got it, thanks,” You say quickly, knowing the longer he stands next to you, the higher chance there is at the conversation going sideways.
               His fingers are touching one of the t-shirts, his expression unfocused. “I wanted to apologize.”
               You hesitate and then go, “For what?”
               “I was pretty…intense Saturday night. I also talked to you out of line at the end there,” He swallows, staring at the pile of clothes as if they were a fascinating creature, “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.”
               You feel stuck. It would be simpler to accept the apology and put the entire thing in the past. But a much larger part of you has shifted since discovering what Seonghwa is really like, brought to life by his words and the images on the tape, growing louder every passing moment. It is difficult to ignore these new feelings inside your chest.
               “It’s all good. It was a stressful situation. I think it would make anyone start trippin although San is asking questions and I have nothing to tell him. It is a little harder to come up with a story when you…beat the shit out of the tape in front of everyone.”
               “Yeah,” He looks at you sheepishly. “I lost my cool for a sec.”
               “Cracked your pleasant exterior there,” You joke quietly.
               His lips twist up into a smile for a brief second. You’re feeling hot all over, knowing it would be far easier just to let the conversation stop here. Easier to return to the way things were before the tape. Let Seonghwa be a work crush and nothing else.
               “But, uhm,” You pick up a shirt, carefully folding it so that you don’t have to look at him, “I didn’t mind how you talked to me. At the end of the night.”
               Seonghwa’s breathing changes slightly, something you wouldn’t have noticed a few days ago. But it is as if viewing the tape, learning about who he is and spending Saturday night with him has synced you up to Seonghwa in a new way.
               “Is that right?” He finally replies, his voice even and without emotion.
               “Yeah, I’ve been…thinking about what you said,” Your voice trembles slightly, betraying your nerves.
               Seonghwa moves ever so slightly closer to you. Relief swoops through your body at his close proximity. “What about it?” He murmurs.
               You take in a small breath and go, “I was thinking about asking you to come over. Tomorrow night.”
               He hesitates for a small second. “To your place?”
               “Yeah. I mean. If you’d want.” You are a mixture of anxiety and desire.
               But you push through it to look at Seonghwa’s face. You recognize the expression this time – he is teying to maintain his calm exterior, aware that he is at work and in a public setting.
                “Should I bring anything?” He asks in a forced nonchalant voice.
               Your grip tightens on the shirt. After spending all day trying to dodge Seonghwa, you can’t believe how you’re cracking after a couple of minutes around him. But perhaps avoiding him was your own way of denying what you wanted.
               “Maybe your camera,” You say with forced casualness.
               But the words seem to crack Seonghwa. He moves closer to you, just as close as the time on the staircase. In a strangled voice, he goes, “You’re not making fun of me, are you?”
               Surprised, you exclaim, “What? No, not at all.”
               His hand reaches out for you but then thinks better of it. Falling back to his side, he flexes his fingers. His voice drops to a whisper. “I work a closing tomorrow but I’ll come over afterwards.”
               You’re done work at five tomorrow which gives you plenty of time to get ready for…whatever you’re getting into. Seonghwa’s gaze is heavy, his energy buzzing. You want to push him, crack him open fully so that you can experience what he is like without any barriers…and maybe you want the same thing for yourself too. You want to know what it would be like being stripped away of all things you carefully hide behind without even realizing it. You just didn’t know that such a thing was so desired until you saw Seonghwa on that tape.
               You nod, wanting to say more but nerves getting the best of you. He pulls away, trying to control his breathing. There is a slight flush of colour creeping up his neck. You get a vivid mental image of being on top of him, your hands against his chest, taking him fully inside you –
               Quickly, you look away, afraid your thoughts might be all over your face. Seonghwa wishes you a goodnight, leaving the dressing rooms quickly before the energy crackles and explodes, spilling out into work.
               He works so hard to keep everything separate, after all.
Tuesday, October 14th, 1997
               You’re looking out the window of the living room, staring at the unremarkable view. The neon of the Taco Bell sign washes over the street, bathing the cars in the bright colour for a second or two as they drive by. You can just make out the interior, a swirl of pink, blue and purple, like a little lighthouse in the night.
               You don’t think you’ve never felt so nervous staring at Taco Bell before.
               It’s past ten which means Seonghwa will be here in about twenty minutes. Having invited him on a whim, driven by a combination of lust and curiosity, you’re now dealing with the reality of what you suggested. In asking him to bring his camera, you’ve basically admitted to him and yourself that you want to see what filming together would be like. And while you’re aware that you can change your mind and tell him to forget it once he arrives, the truth of the matter is that you don’t want to do such a thing.
               Your attraction to Seonghwa has only been heightened since seeing the tape, and your own sexual exploration seemed to be spilling out of you with a mighty need. As nervous as you feel, you also have no interest in denying it any longer.
               You aren’t sure how long you stare out the window, spacing out, but a soft knock at the door startles your thoughts away. Exhaling slowly, you cross the small living room, opening the front door to see Seonghwa standing there.
               He’s wearing a very colourful button up tucked into a pair of blue jeans. A bag is slung over his shoulder and his hair is a little messy from the chilly wind. Your heart skips a beat violently at the sight of him.
               “Hey. Oh, uh, come in,” You say awkwardly, moving to the side as Seonghwa walks past, “How was work?”
               “Fine, the usual. You know how it is. I like your place.”
               You blink. “Really? I don’t think it’s anything exciting.”
               He glances over his shoulder. “Well, I didn’t say it was exciting. I just like how comfortable it looks.”
               “Thanks. How are you doing with unpacking your own place?”
               Seonghwa places the bag on the coffee table while replying, “Besides the mishap with the tape, it has been uneventful.”
               He speaks of the tape so candidly now although given the circumstances, why wouldn’t he?
               “Did you and your ex live together long?” It no longer felt awkward to mention his last relationship – so much is different now with Seonghwa.
               “We did although that seemed to be our undoing. Only lasted a few months after we moved in together,” He replies while turning to face you. “For the sake of honesty, I haven’t been with anyone else since my relationship ended. Does that bother you?”
               “No because I haven’t either. I find those things…distracting. I just was focusing on work and other things in my life.”
               “Am I a distraction?”
               He repeats himself.
               Your cheeks grow warm. “I mean – technically, yes.”
               Seonghwa is fighting off a smile. You can tell by the way he tilts his face away from your direction to look at your TV.
               “Do you want anything to drink?” You offer.
               “Just some water is fine, thanks.”
               “Alright. Uh, please sit down. Don’t feel like you need to stand there.”
               You scamper out of the living room, wishing your nerves would settle. Now that he is here, you feel scattered. Your attraction to him has grown tenfold in the last few days and you can’t remember the last time you’ve wanted someone this much.
               Returning with a couple of glasses of water, you sit down next to Seonghwa on the couch. Desperate to fill the silence, you turn on the TV, immediately blasted with a Surge ad.
               “Listen,” Seonghwa says after a few minutes, “We don’t have to do anything tonight. I don’t want you to think I went into anything with expectations.”
               Hurriedly, you reply, “I know that.”
               “I understand you’re curious because the concept is new to you. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to be into it.”
               You turn to face him, your fingers wrapped around your glass of water. Seonghwa tilts his head in your direction.
               “I am curious,” You say quickly, “And I don’t really understand why. I’ve never thought about something like that until I saw those few minutes of the tape. And I…” You swallow, feeling shy. “Well, I only think about it with you. I was attracted to you right away but…you seemed so…nice. As if there wasn’t a lot going on underneath the surface. So, I assumed the attraction would never deepen. But after I saw the tape…I felt like I saw you.”
               “And?” He prompts.
               “And I was intrigued. At you. At the idea of filming stuff like that. The idea of a camera around, catching all these private moments. I started realizing how much you pull yourself under control, how you’re wearing a mask all the time.”
               “Everyone wears a mask in public. Most people just don’t realize it.”
               “You think I’m realizing it now then?”
               “Maybe. I don’t want to speak over your feelings or pretend I know what you’re thinking of. But yes, you’re right about me. I struggle with being vulnerable, being myself. I always switch into this false personality. I don’t even mean to do it.”
               “But you don’t do it while recording.”
               “That’s right. Something about seeing that little red light on switches it off.”
               “And what about…” Your shyness deepens.
               “Filming myself having sex?” After you nod, Seonghwa goes, “It just turns me on. Makes sex better. Makes me more relaxed. In that moment of filming, I feel free. Capturing those moments of pleasure…it feels crucial to my enjoyment.”
               “Has everyone you’ve been dating into it too?”
               “After I realized how much I like it, yeah. When the relationship ends, I destroy all the tapes. Just out of respect. Recording it isn’t really about watching it back anyway. It’s just about that moment of filming the intimacy of it.”
               You fall silent, battling more questions and your ever growing desire for Seonghwa. He turns his attention back to the TV, although you get the feeling he really isn’t engrossed in the episode of NYPD Blue playing. Your eyes land on the large bag he brought.
               Could you record yourself sleeping with Seonghwa? Knowing that moment would be captured on a tape with him? It’s all you have been thinking about since discovering Seonghwa’s secret. But now that you can make it a reality, your nerves are still battling for dominance.
               “Could I see it?” You ask suddenly, “The camera, I mean.”
               “Sure,” He replies, leaning forward and pulling the bag towards him.
               Unzipping the bag, he pulls out a large and chunky camcorder, resting it in his lap. He runs his fingers along the side where the spot for the tape opens while saying, “I was reading that they’re making these new cameras that are apparently a lot smaller and would be digital, if you could imagine such a thing. Would make filming a lot easier than this heavy thing.”
               “So you don’t…hold it during…”
               He laughs. “No. I just plop it down on a table or something during sex. But if the digital cameras end up truly becoming a thing, I suppose I could hold it during sex. Or you could,” He immediately realizes what he casually said and looks embarrassed. “Not that I meant – I don’t mean to assume that we would sleep together. Or you would be comfortable filming anything.”
               You reach for the camera, grabbing it out of his lap and into your own, studying it. It isn’t as though it’s your first time holding such a thing but it has been a while. “How do you start recording?”
               “You insert the tape and then press this button,” He leans closer, showing you where it is located.
               You study his face, eyes lingering on his lips. “Where’s the tape?”
               Seonghwa meets your gaze for a beat before moving away to retrieve it from the bag. He presses a button, the side popping out so he can insert the VHS tape. Snapping it shut, he says, “Then you can hit record. Each tape can roughly film for two hours.”
               You hesitate for a moment before reaching for the camera. Your fingers touch his, an electric vibration that sparks along your skin. You can hear Seonghwa’s breath catch slightly but he relinquishes the camera. You look into the camera’s viewfinder while popping the cover off the lens.
               You know what you want – Seonghwa and the exploration the recording will bring. Even though it is something you’ve never thought of until that moment you saw Seonghwa on your TV, with his beautiful smile, toned chest and low voice talking dirty, it seems to have awakened something deep inside you. Something that won’t rest, won’t stop, until you explore your desires.
               You press down on the record button, making sure Seonghwa is in frame. You know he can see the red light, aware that you’re recording.
               “Tell me about the first time you filmed yourself having sex,” You ask bluntly.
               Seonghwa raises an eyebrow although the chuckle he emits makes it clear he isn’t offended. “You interviewing me now?”
               “A little.”
               “It actually wasn’t my idea, if you can believe it. My girlfriend at the time brought it up to me one night after she noticed how much I liked recording home movies.”
               “Did she notice how comfortable you seemed on camera?”
               “Yeah, she did. It felt like a natural progression to me like oh, why hadn’t I thought of it? I was always trying to get in front of the camera ever since I can remember. But she was the first one to suggest taking it that far.”
               “Were you nervous?”
               “No.” Seonghwa looks relaxed now. The tension you hadn’t even realized he carried has now softened, his shoulders are lowered while he leans against the couch, still facing you. His hair grazes against his cheek from the angle. You catch yourself admiring his face, the slope of his nose, how his fingers rest in his lap. “No, I felt comfortable right away. What about you?”
               “What about me?”
               “You ever think about filming yourself having sex before?”
               “No, absolutely not.”
               “Not until my tape.”
               “That’s right.”
               “You like filming me?” He asks and after you nod, he goes, “This time, you don’t have to shut it off before it gets to the good part.”
               “A little cocky now, don’t you think?”
               He gives a casual shrug. This is the Seonghwa you saw on the TV – relaxed, confident, letting each emotion come easily without judgement. This is the Seonghwa you’ve wanted.
                You lean back against the couch, the camera still recording in your lap while motioning to the front of the TV. “Why don’t you show me how comfortable you are in front of the camera?” You can hardly believe the words after you say them. I guess it isn’t just Seonghwa who shows new sides of himself to the camera.
               But Seonghwa only grins at your request, getting up and standing in front of the TV. He pulls the colourful shirt from the confines of his jeans, his fingers swiftly undoing the buttons to expose a thin white tank top underneath. Your heart rate is already accelerating at the sight of the fabric resting against his taunt stomach.
               “Is this what you wanted?” He teases and your thighs clench at the fact you’re hearing that tone of voice being used on you now.
               “Don’t be coy.”
               Another grin. Yes, Seonghwa is correct – that little red light on from the camera changes him entirely. He shrugs out of the shirt, exposing his shoulders before it falls to the floor. Wearing just the tank top now, he hooks his thumbs into the front of his jeans, staring at you with an expression that looks almost devious.
               “What?” You say defensively.
               His grin widens. “Nothing. You’re just obvious.”
               “What does that mean?”
               “Come here and I’ll show you.”
               You stand up, holding the heavy camera while ambling towards him. He reaches for the camera, taking it out of your hands and placing it on the top of the TV stand, giving the lens a view of your faces down to just under your shoulders.
               After he finishes positioning the camera, Seonghwa turns his attention back to you. He is as close to your body as he was the other night on the stairs. Your breathing is uneven, aware of the camera on you, aware of everything you’ve been secretly thinking about is going to come to fruition.
               “See?” He murmurs.
               Seonghwa smirks while running one finger down along your arm and your body shivers in response. “That. How much you want me.”
               “Well, some of us aren’t experts at hiding ourselves all the time,” You counter.
               His lips hover just above yours, hands coming up to cup your cheeks. Your body is screaming for Seonghwa, your brain buzzing with need, lips parted in anticipation.
               There is no witty retort from him. Instead, Seonghwa kisses you. Softly at first, enough to shake the centre of you. His lips against yours makes you feel slightly delirious as if not realizing you were dying of thirst. The camera’s gaze remains steady on both of you while the kiss continues. His tongue slips past your lips, exploring your mouth so tenderly that your hands hold onto the band of his jeans to steady yourself.
               Your whimper is muffled against the kiss, face warm, body responsive to this man you’ve only known for a week – and only truly known for a few days. Seonghwa’s hands are in your hair as yours circle around his small waist, pressing him against your body. He is stiff in his jeans but still his hands travel downward until they rest on your ass, squeezing it. The kiss continues, growing deeper, hungrier, breaking briefly so you can pull off his tank top.
               You are pressing your hands against his hard stomach, running up along his chest until curling them around his shoulders, breathless at the sight of him. His skin is warm, inviting, and the sight of him in just his jeans is incredibly sexy.
               Seonghwa brings his face to your neck, kissing along there while his grip on your ass tightens. Your eyes flutter closed for a second. The barriers of your clothing are becoming an annoyance now. You want more of him, you want all of him.
               When you open your eyes, they land on the camera. A silent observer, missing nothing, no judgement to be found.
               “Seonghwa,” You whisper and he stops, pulling away just enough to look at you. His eyes are hazy with lust, lips parted prettily. “Come with me to my room,” You pause for a second before adding, “And bring the camera.”
               In your room, the camera is once again propped onto the top of the TV which gives it the perfect angle of the bed. When originally purchasing the second TV at a yard sale, a friend had questioned needing another one. Now, you’re grateful for it – where else would the camera filming the two of you go?
 You are still fully dressed, something Seonghwa looks to rectify from the way he gently nudges you into view of the camera while he stands behind you.
               His hands are on your waist, skittering upwards until your shirt is pulled off, tossed onto the nearby dresser. In just your bra and sweatpants now, acutely aware of the camera, your breathing grows uneven. Seonghwa’s hands continue to travel, now onto your bra, squeezing your breasts together. He is kissing along your neck once again, his lips a soft whisper along your skin.
               He tugs down on the bra, exposing your tits not only to his hands but to the camera as well. The entire thing feels more intimate than any other sexual encounter you’ve had before; the camera adds to the feeling as strange as it sounds in your head.
               Seonghwa’s hands are warm. He cups your breasts, thumbs brushing across your nipples. You’re soaking wet, overwhelmed by the desire you’re experiencing for him. He rolls your nipples in between his fingers, pinching them a little, allowing the camera to take in the sight of him groping you like this.
               You tilt your face in his direction and his lips find yours once again. You like how Seonghwa tastes in your mouth – it is familiar, almost as if you’ve kissed him before, kissed him a thousand times. When he pulls away, the look in his eyes is heavy, laced with lust and stripped away from any pretenses he usually carried so close to him.
               You brush his hands away from your body, instead grabbing him by the waist band of his jeans, moving him closer to the camera on the top of the TV. Unbuttoning his jeans, you rub him through the denim, taking note of the way his breathing catches.
               You lean towards the camera, moving it to the shelf underneath the TV, giving the lens a perfect view of you on your knees in front of Seonghwa. You look up at him, unzipping his pants and pulling them down until his boxers are exposed.
               The camera can’t catch his facial expression but you can see it – the way he looks at you with his plump lips slightly parted, his eyes dancing across your hands down to your breasts. It isn’t just giving yourself over to him, it’s giving yourself over to the camera too.
               Your hands rub against the bulge in his boxers, feeling the warmth through the fabric. Your hands dip into the band of his boxers, pulling it down until his cock springs free. Gently wrapping your hand around him, you bring your tongue across the head, sweeping across it once, twice, three times. Seonghwa exhales slowly while you begin to pump his cock, looking up at him. The camera’s gaze is steady on the two of you, the moment you take his length into your mouth captured on film.
               Your tongue presses against the tip of his cock for a few seconds before taking more of him, filling your mouth with his length. Your other hand goes to his balls, fondling them while your tongue presses along the underside of his shaft.
               Spurned on by the soft noises of pleasure that escape Seonghwa, you begin to bob on his cock. Sometimes, he pops out of your mouth, the tip of him a sticky sweet mess of your salvia and his precum. It glistens in the low lights before you take him once again, as much as you can. You enjoy the way he fills your mouth, stretches out your lips with his thickness.
               Seonghwa’s eyes close, his head rolling back as a guttural groan topples from in between his pink lips before he curses sharply and pulls away. His cock slides out, precum smearing against your cheek.
               With a small shake of his head, he goes, “I don’t wanna finish. I want to feel you wrapped around me.”
               Seonghwa helps you up, scooping the camera off the shelf and back onto the top of the TV. This time he puts more care into the angle, asking you to sit on the bed while he looks through the viewfinder until he looks pleased with it.
               “Look at you, big shot director,” You tease at one point.
               He raises his eye from the viewfinder. “Hey, it’s your debut,” Seonghwa says gravely but the twinkle in his eyes makes it evident he’s joking. “Lay sideways on the bed for me, will you?”
               “Yes, sir,” You are still poking at him.
               When he seems satisfied, Seonghwa circles back to the bed. He crawls up along your body, stopping to remove your sweatpants and underwear. You’re completely naked with him on camera now while his lips travel across your stomach, stopping at your breasts. His tongue flicks over your nipples and he gently bites down on one, tugging on it with his teeth just to hear you gasp.
               Seonghwa is skin to skin with you, not an inch in between your bodies as he finally kisses your lips. Your legs curl around his waist urgently, tugging on his bottom lip with your teeth until he groans in response.
               It is simple to enter your pussy, having been wet for Seonghwa since he stepped foot inside your apartment. His length fills you swiftly until his hips touches yours. The next kiss is messy, a mixture of muffled moans and whimpers as Seonghwa goes still, allowing you to get used to the sensation of being filled with his cock.
               His hands snake up along your arms, gently pinning your hands above your head, just at the edge of the mattress. Almost lazily, Seonghwa rocks his hips. The motion is small, just enough to send shocks of warmth and pleasure through your body. You groan out his name in a plea for him to move faster but he doesn’t obey.
               “Sorry, my boo, but I’ve been thinking about this all week and I want to take my time,” Seonghwa declares, your hands entwined together, “I saw the way you looked at me when we first met, saw the disinterest flicker across your face when I drove you home the first time.” He moves his hips, pulling almost completely out of your hole. “And I went home that night and thought about inviting you over, teasing your body until you crumbled and begged for me.” He thrusts now, all the way back inside, until your hips meet once more and you gasp, your fingers curling around his for something to hold onto.
               You can recall the memory, the way you mused that Seonghwa was too pleasant, too kind in that sort of neutral, placid way that meant even though he was beautiful, he faded to the background of your memory. But there is your side of things too…
               “Your veneer isn’t perfect,” You counter with a small gasp when he rocks his hips again, “Maybe to others but not to me.”
               “Is that right?” He growls.
               Breathlessly, you explain, “I got the feeling multiple times you were holding back, hiding parts of yourself. You were so restrained all the time.” You remember the moment in the breakroom where he flattened his hand against his knee, wrangling himself under control. “But sometimes, I would see pieces. It made me want to crack those parts open, see you.”
               Seonghwa is moving your legs now, sliding his arms under them so that they fold closer to your chest. He is still as near to you as he can get physically. But the angle change is intense and you grab the edge of the bed, gasping as he begins to pump his cock deeper into your cunt.
               “And now?” He prompts but you can’t focus on the conversation anymore, not when his cock feels this good and he’s finally fucking you at a pace that only heightens the desire and pleasure. After your garbled moan, Seonghwa goes, “I’ll take that as your answer.”
               Your eyes flutter open, the red light from the camera like a spotlight. This moment - captured either forever or until Seonghwa and you were to break apart. Tiny parts of yourself, combined with Seonghwa, in this intimate moment for the camera lens.
               Your thighs shake, your pussy tightening around Seonghwa’s cock as your orgasm approaches. He keeps up the steady pace, the bed shaking with every thrust, your legs bouncing with each jerk of his hips. Your knuckles are white from clutching the edge of the bed, your bedsheets tangled around your fingers as Seonghwa pistons his cock into your wet cunt.
               And then your orgasm begins, Seonghwa’s name a shattered piece of glass on the tip of your tongue as your hips meet his. The pleasure blots out everything; it is so exquisite that you lose yourself entirely to him.
               Seonghwa pulls out, allowing you to stretch out your legs. “I want to fuck you from behind,” He says, his hands on your thighs, “Will you let me?”
               You know that means facing the camera, allowing it to capture every expression on your face. You nod and Seonghwa helps you get into position on all fours, your ass in the air and hands pressed against the bed. He runs his hands over your ass before tugging you down a little, towards his cock.
               “Seonghwa,” You say, looking over your shoulder at him. His hair is messy, his breathing rough, but all his protections over his personality are gone. He looks sexy, inviting, warm, all yours. “I want you to finish in me.”
               He stops for a moment, glancing up at you before nodding. You turn back to the camera while he enters you once again. You gasp loudly – he feels much different from this angle and your eyes almost roll back into your head from how amazing it is. Seonghwa doesn’t stop this time. He immediately begins to pump and you curse roughly as his hips smack against yours.
               One hand reaches for your hair, pulling it on it in a sharp tug, keeping your head up so that the camera captures your ever changing facial expressions. You like that it’s being filmed, both you and Seonghwa’s faces being recorded as you chase the pleasure your bodies can give.
               He grunts out your name as he fucks you, releasing his hold on your hair so that he can grip your waist. Your hands shake and you finally relent, lowering your front half onto the bed. This allows him to fuck your cunt even deeper. You’re cursing loudly, begging him to keep going because you’re going to cum again. He doesn’t stop and you’re sure that the camera is going to show a thin layer of sweat across his forehead from how quickly Seonghwa’s hips snap into yours, his balls smacking against your ass, your wet pussy taking him easily.
               Your hands grip the bed sheets, face down in the bed now, trying to muffle how much noise you’re making because of the neighbors. Seonghwa is grunting, panting, his fingers digging into your soft flesh as his cock pounds into your sopping wet hole.
               Your orgasm starts suddenly, without any warning, and your back arches. You bring your ass backwards, trying to meet his erratic thrusts. At the same time, Seonghwa groans out your name and it sounds like gravel against the bottom of a shoe. He begins to spill inside of your cunt. Together, you both cum, in full view of the camera. His warmth overflows and when he pulls out, you can feel him dripping out of your cunt.
               Legs like jelly, you fall against the bed, completely exhausted. But Seonghwa slides off, reaching for the camera and bringing it onto the bed. He plops it briefly onto the sheets while his hands go to your hips, rolling you onto your back.
               “What?” You mumble, slightly dazed.
               “I want to see your cunt filled with my load,” He explains, bringing the camera close, peering through the viewfinder.
               His other hand gently spreads your lips apart, showing his cum leaking out from in between your folds. It’s lurid, completely pornographic, and you find it thrilling.
               “You’re a perv,” You tease him.
               His finger dips into your cunt, scooping up some of his cum. His hand trails up along your body, along with the camera lens, and when his finger is against your lips, you open, sucking his cum clean off.
               “And what are you then?” He says.
               “Your new girlfriend,” You reply boldly.
               Seonghwa pulls away from the viewfinder, his eyes meeting yours. In the now quiet room, the only noise is of his soft breathing mingling with yours. The past is wiped clean, replaced with the new tape, the collision of two people caught on camera, entwining together both physically and mentally.
               “That sounds perfect to me,” is what he finally says and you can read in between the lines – you aren’t just privy to Seonghwa’s true self through a camera lens anymore. You get access to him all the time.
               You smile up at him, fucked out completely and never been more content.
               Seonghwa returns the look, his finger hovering over the button to stop recording.
               “What do you want to do now?” He asks.
               You think for a moment before going, “We should –”
               And his finger presses the button, ending the tape.
the end.
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Bittersweet 1
No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc. 
Part of the Sweet and Spicy AU 
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk. 
18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you. 
Summary: Your startup business catches the eye of a powerful rival.
Character: Loki Laufeyson
Please comment and reblog if it’s not too much. I always love getting to chat about these stories and hearing all your ideas! You all are wonderful and loved. 
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“So, the Green Bundle includes a Match truffle, chocolate mint smoothies, and green tea infused fudge,” you explain to the trio of women across from you. “The deluxe includes peppermint cocoa as well and comes in a this mug.” 
You present one of the few kits you have left in your inventory. As big a deal as getting a stall at the event was, you hadn’t expected the crowd. You’re overwhelmed, especially realising you’re the only stand with only a single body. 
“That’s so cute,” the taller brunette remarks, “what about the Pink kit? It says strawberry and creme?” 
“Ah, yes, that one sold out rather quickly today. I can offer a voucher for my online boutique or I can sell you a sampler box? It has the strawberry and creme as well as my more popular flavours.” 
“Do you do this all yourself?” The curly blonde asks as she eyes the chocolate dipped cherries. 
Another body crowds in, a tall men bending to peruse your hand-painted sign listing all your bundles and boxes. He pays you little mind as he eyes cling to the letters and he reaches to pluck up one of your cards. You return your attention to the blonde. 
“Yes, they’re all hand-crafted. The mugs as well but I don’t do those. I’ve a friend who makes those.” 
“The packaging is so pretty,” the first preens, “can I have a sampler then?” 
“Sure,” you answer, “I do the packaging as well. All the stickers, the bows I tie myself, and I decorate each box.” 
“Wow, that’s so cool,” the middle on remarks, “I’ll have a sampler as well and the green bundle.” 
“Sampler for me,” the third agrees. 
You go through the same process with each. You grab the product, put it in a bag, seal it with a sticker, and ring them through with a tap of their card. They all seem excited for their purchase and it’s contagious. It’s been a hectic day but you’re running low and you don’t think you’ll make it through to closing. Still, it’s good advertising. 
“Green tea fudge?” The tall man slithers towards the center of your counter, “an unusual combination.” 
“Yes, that one took a lot of experimenting.” 
“Mmm,” he still has your card in hand, bending it slightly as he flicks it with his thumb, “the red bundle. Cherry, red velvet, and...” he leans back to check the sign, “cayenne. Interesting.” 
“I try to make sure there’s variety in each,” you explain. 
“Yes, so it seems. I’ll take a red then.” 
“Sorry, sir, um, I’ve sold out of most. I still have the yellow, the black, and the green--” 
“Sold out?” He raises his wrist to give an emphatic glance at his watch, “either you’re very popular or ill-prepared.” 
You’re surprised by the accusation. He’s rather blunt. You’ve dealt with many different types today but they’ve all been relatively pleasant, after all, it’s hard to be in a bad mood at a Baking Show. 
“Fair, I wasn’t expecting so many buyers, sir. But you have my card, you’ll see my online boutique is listed--” 
“But I want to buy now,” he says as he tilts his head, dark brows rising just slightly. 
“I understand, I apologise for the inconvenience, but I just don’t have the red on-hand. I do have a sampler here--” You grab one of the variety boxes, “it would have the cayenne and the cherry.” 
“Do you think a one-person operation like this is sustainable?” He inquires sharply. 
You wince and shake your head, “sir? I’ve only just started. I’m sure with growth I’ll have to adjust.” 
“And do you have a business plan or is this some Etsy venture with no goals?” 
You nearly choke. You don’t know what you’ve done to offend him. 
“Well, sir, if you don’t want to buy, I do have free samples available. I don’t have any of the red flavours but I do have some banana peanut butter and salted caramel apple--” 
“I didn’t ask about samples,” he insists, “I’m asking about your business plan.” 
You bat your lashes and look around. Has he come to this event just to interrogate people over their bottom line? 
“I suppose it’s something I will have to review after today,” you contend. 
“I’d say,” he tucks your card into his jacket pocket, his hand lingering within as he pulls out a leather wallet, “if you have any questions...” 
He slides a card free and offers it. You take it hesitantly and read the gold font on matte black cardstock. Black Snake Chocolatier. You run your fingers over the embossed lettering and narrow your eyes. You peer over at the large banner over that business’ booth. He must be from over there but he’s not exactly dressed for the work. His suit is pressed and stainless. 
“I did sponsor that one,” he pulls your attention back, “but I’ve come down to take measure of my competition and possible... acquisitions.” 
You nod slowly as you meet his green eyes. Is this intimidation? 
“Loki Laufeyson,” he offers his hand as a glint of silver in his hair catches the light, “might I have your name?” 
You trade your name and a handshake. He squeezes enough for you to wince. He lets go and you slip his card in you apron pocket with all the others collected from your fellow vendors. 
“I’ll certainly take a sampler,” he says, “see if this little venture has any teeth.” 
His every word is like a bite. He speaks with the fangs of the very logo of his business. You put his purchase into your phone and offer the square for him to tap his payment. He processes it and swipes up the box before you can package it. 
“Do you want a bag?” You ask. 
“I can handle it,” he tucks the box under his arm. “Best of luck to you doing the same.” 
He glances around and slowly moves aside as a group of new customers set in. A family of five with three hollering children with grabby hands. Your eyes widen as you smile at them as best you can. This day has truly tested your social battery. 
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months
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Hero Complex Gallery has released the remaining inventory of its San Diego Comic Con exclusive prints online, including:
The Exorcist by Liza Shumska
Beetlejuice by Stephen Andrade
Predator 2 by Rich Davies
Shin Godzilla & Godzilla Minus One by Danny Haas
What We Do in the Shadows by Nichole Daniels
Blade Runner by Aaron Lea
The Thing by Casey Callender
Batman by Clay Rodery
Vertigo by Michael Dunbabin
The Running Man by Bryan Carey
Fallout by Conor Fenner-Toora
Sweeney Todd by Fredlobo Lopez
Gremlins by Oscar Martinez
Blue Velvet by Garbhan Grant
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64 notes · View notes
starflungwaddledee · 5 months
Would you like a red velvet cupcake for your journey, starstruck?
-From Kurabe
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added to inventory: 1x Kurabe's Cupcake! starstruck seems to be in slightly better spirits! the tournament is still a ways away... << prev || [masterpost] || next >>
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shopwitchvamp · 6 months
We've got three @vetiverfox designs up for preorder now!!
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Constellation Skaters; Treacherous Garden and Black Velvet Joggers Preorders are open now thru March 26th at 11:59pm CT. Come take a look while there's still time (and take advantage of unlimited inventory)!! 🖤witchvamp.com🖤
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ms-nesbit · 1 year
Empire records (jason todd x reader)
Rating: 18+ (minors, fuck off)
Warnings: masturbation, reader is female, reader is bisexual, Jason Todd is not red hood, plus size reader
Summary: Jason is a cam model and is killing it, so he heads to the record store where he sees y/n.
Notes: honestly, i loved the idea of this one. Let me know if you want me to continue with an additional chapter or something.
“God…” Jason exhaled, a slow flow of cum spurting from his cock and onto his hand. Breathing labored as he came down from his orgasm, Jason revealed the mess he made to the webcam. “Fuck, that’s so much cum.” he spoke half-heartedly, the tone masked by faux sensuality and confidence. “What do you want me to do next, hmm?” he sat up in his computer chair and bit on his bottom lip. “Let me know, Babe. I’ll be here again next week. Till next time.” Jason ran his fingers through his hair, his tricep exposed to the camera. He flashed his signature winked before ending the livestream, shutting off the comment section and logging off from his administrative account.
Wiping his hand clean on a nearby napkin, he remained silent, his presiding persona crumbling with each minute after the stream ended. Jason hadn’t bothered to glance at the comments - only the tips, which he gratefully appreciated; they accounted for his rent and utilities, above other expenses, including the impromptu trip to Vanity Records he was getting ready to make.
After a quick shower (graphic details spared) and his skincare routine consisting of serum and spf moisturizer, Jason adorned his already-attractive figure with dark washed jeans and a simple black tee, which was layered by his black and red-striped leather biking jacket.
Once he tied his boots, he set out the door to the record store, walking to the parking lot - riding helmet in tow - to his motorcycle.
“I’ve told you how many times that we don’t carry that bullshit?” y/n spat into the landline phone, wrapping her cord around her finger. “Seriously, Joe, I don’t give a rat’s ass that your old town carried Tom Petty. We don’t do campy bullshit. Got it?” Before she gave the voice on the other end to even respond, she abruptly hung up, rolling her eyes and wiggling her finger free from the twisted cord.
She crossed her arms and sat back in her velvet mustard lounger behind the register, pulling an inventory sheet from the cluster of papers scattered on the surface. Clanging of bells attached to the entrance door temporarily distracted her enough to drone, “Vanity Records: if we don’t have it, your music taste sucks.”
“Well, I hope it doesn’t. Do you have Foo Fighters?”
The voice was sardonic, but it didn’t stop y/n from giving a judgemental look to… a tall man whose black tee matched his (mostly) black hair, the white patch in the front pairing fondly with the low white collar on his leather jacket. He awaited her answer with playful eyes, though they seemed heavy. “If you’re talking about Nirvana, yes.” y/n began, crossing her arms in front of the keyhole cutout on the chest of her long-sleeved black blouse, which was coupled by black and red plaid pants, and a scowl on her face. “If you’re talking about the Louise Post-worshipping Foo Fighters? Also yes.” she stood from her seat and leaned over the clutter of paperwork, ignoring it completely in an attempt to flirt with the handsome stranger. “But if you’re talking about the mock-punk, dads-in-a-cluttered-garage-with-a-pipe-dream Foo Fighters? We don’t carry it.”
The man smiled down at her. “Could you show me?” he tilted his head ever-so-slightly, as if he wasn’t a regular customer already.
With a click of her tongue, y/n left her station, showing the man to a collection of vinyl organized alphabetically. She scanned at the waves of albums, distraught by the poor penmanship of the poor schmuck who had a stroke labeling the aisles, but made her way to the ‘dad rock’ section, reaching over and thumbing through different albums behind a poorly-enunciated letter ‘F’. In between all this, she failed to notice the man - who had been walking behind her - ingesting her outfit, and how the blouse accentuated her.
“Ah! Here we go.” She pulled out a plastic-slipped album titled The Colour and the Shape, and handed it over to the man, who grinned at her. “Anything else?”
Biting the inside of his cheek to prevent him from commenting anything creepy, he chose safer words instead. “Is there anything you recommend? I’m kinda new here, and I don’t really know what to listen to.”
Y/n pondered for a moment, before asking a series of questions: “What do you like to do on a Saturday afternoon? What’s your favorite comfort food? Do you have any siblings? And…fight or flight?”
The man was taken aback by the questions, confused by the randomness of the inquiries. As he thought carefully about his answers, he zoned out, unaware of the chewing of his lip that allowed a dimple to present itself to y/n. If she wasn’t committed to her shrewd demeanor, she would have swooned. “If it’s sunny, I like to watch tv, but if it’s raining, I’ll read and take a walk; I fucking love an unhealthy amount of baklava, but I will settle for eclairs if necessary;” the man began rambling, passion strong in his voice, “I do have adopted siblings, but no blood relatives that are living, and; I suppose fight. I don’t really know when to quit.” the man smiled embarrassingly at his own confession.
Responding with a hum of affirmation, y/n skimmed over the vast selection in the compact shop. She then briskly walked to a middle aisle, dusty tile floor scuffed by her combat boots, before stopping at an unmarked section, fingering through the untouched vinyl. She pulled one out and whipped around, presenting the album cover to the man on the other end of the crates. “Human Bloom. They are fusion jazz from Chicago, but have a nice tone to it. I would give them a try if I were you.” she handed the man the record. “Need anything else…?” her question hung on a cliff, dangling in hope for a name.
“Jason.” he replied, “and no, I think that’ll be all.” he tried to look for a nametag, but found a newfound attraction to chest-placed keyhole cutouts instead.
“Y/n. The checkout is something I’m supposed to take care of with a register, not with you and your eyes.” she admonished, quirking a brow before heading back to her post behind the counter, hips swaying with each step she took.
Jason watched, unable to speak by the way he was called out. He took larger steps to the checkout, head down as he did so. “Yes. Right. Sorry.” he stammered when he finally reached the register, patting his jacket pockets for his wallet before finding it in his pec pocket (or, as he calls it, tit patch). “How much would those be?”
Y/n clacked at the old register buttons, its labels washed out from abuse. “$52.75. Cash, card, or number?”
“Pardon?” Jason opened up his wallet.
“Y’know, you could tender with cash, a credit or debit card, or your phone number.”
Jason smiled widely at y/n, finally acknowledging her forward attempt at flirting. He set his wallet down on the counter and asked quietly, “Can you do that here?”
“For you? Sure.” y/n remarked, her ‘sure’ accompanied by a survey of Jason’s tall figure with her eyes. She tore a piece of paper and opened a drawer by her hip, grabbing a pen and jamming it shut before sliding the pair to Jason.
Pen in hand, Jason jotted down his number and passed it back to y/n, who already removed her phone from one of her pockets and entered the number into it. Jason watched her every move, impressed, albeit flattered, by her determination; until, of course, his phone vibrated in his back pocket. He checked it briefly: new text: you are as tall as you are hot, buddy.
Jason gaped at the text before looking at y/n. “I must be pretty short then.” he snickered, earning a scoff from the woman on the other end of the counter.
“Short on time? Patience?” she dipped her voice an octave. “...Self-control?”
Before Jason could respond, y/n’s coworker, Jade, greeted him. “Hey, Jay! How was work today?”
Jason stopped in his tracks. Y/n dropped her seduction tactics, returning to her guarded expression. “Yes, Jay, how was work today?”
Both employees stared at Jason with terribly different intentions, one with genuine curiosity, and the other with vehemence. “It was okay, I guess. Made some tips, so that’s why I’m here.”
“Good.” Jade chirped. “I would have stopped by on the livestream, but I dunno…camwork really isn’t my thing. Wish you all the best though!” She finished with a beam before walking away from the counter and to the back of the store, away from whatever tension she sensed.
“I can explain-”
“Over breakfast. Tomorrow.” y/n decided Jason’s fate for him, which he was happy was spared. It was rare he was forgiven for white lies, something that he was awfully rung out for. He accepted his dues with a nod and snuck out of the record store with his tail tucked between his legs.
Jason and y/n exchanged details on their confirmed date, so it was rather disappointing to Jason when he arrived at the Gotham Diner to…nobody. He checked his phone when the waitress seated him at a booth, and again after she poured him a cup of coffee. Nothing.
“Good morning, Jason.” y/n greeted out of nowhere, bringing Jason’s attention from his desolate thoughts to the woman now scooting herself on the abrasive booth cushion. He must have smiled, because y/n added, “Got your uppers for today?”
He rolled his eyes at her. “Good to know your chipper attitude isn’t just your customer service voice.” he critiqued, to which y/n stared at him. “You look nice today.”
“Thanks. I think I stepped on dog shit on the way over.” she glanced underneath the table at the underside of her boot.
The silence between them was too agonizing for Jason to handle, despite it being short. “So, about yesterday, I didn’t really mean to lie like that, and I just wanted to say I’m-”
“Seriously don’t worry about it, man. I like that you’re not put off by me, y’know? A lot of guys are; usually it’s the chicks I hit on that admire my decisiveness.” y/n tore open a few packets of stevia, shaking its contents into her coffee before stirring it with the wooden stick. “Jade gave me intel on your job though.” Jason frowned, awaiting the imminent rejection he expected with the acknowledgement of his unconventional line of work. “I’m all for sex work, dude, so don’t sweat it, but camwork? Really? Isn’t that, like, outdated now?”
Jason allowed his shoulders to slouch as his nerves settled, pleasantly surprised by y/n’s reaction. “To be honest, I know a lot of people do shit like modeling, but it feels so…forced.”
“And camwork is different? I’m not sure how it is for guys.”
“No, you…you have a point.” y/n saw through him, and saw something he hadn’t quite noticed in himself; it was, to a degree, a facade. He didn’t want to jeopardize his vulnerability to the dark caves of the internet, so he simply hid behind something he wanted to be, rather than completely himself. Perhaps that was why he admired y/n so much, despite knowing so little of her.
The pair was interrupted by a waitress, who took their orders. “An egg-white only omelet, please.” Jason politely asked.
“And could you get me a large stack, please? With extra blueberries on top.” Y/n asked with wide eyes, clearly ecstatic by the antioxidant properties of the garnish.
After the waitress left, they returned to their conversation. “I do pretend to enjoy some of the stuff I’m requested to do, but I dunno.” Jason hid behind his cup of coffee, an absurd sight for y/n seeing a tall, broad figure hunched over. “To be honest, I’m kinda turned on by the idea of someone watching me. Plus it pays the bills.”
Y/n mirrored Jason’s shrug in rapport. “I see what you mean. If I had the body, I think I’d do the same, but there isn’t much of a market for stocky punk chicks.” she stated, a sliver of disappointment in her voice.
“I’d watch.” Jason blurted, before covering his face with his large hand. “Sorry, I-”
“One omelet, egg whites only.” the waitress returned, huge tray balanced in her palm. She distributed the plates and utensils. “And a large stack for y/n, our favorite regular.” the waitress beamed at y/n, who returned the sentiment. “Hope you two enjoy.” she left with a wink.
“Thanks, Wanda!” y/n called from her booth, giddily dancing in her seat when returning her attention to the stack of round, golden pancakes in front of her.
“You come here often?” Jason inquired skeptically, offended that she hadn’t indulged him in the information prior to their scheduling.
Y/n nodded and gave a “mmhmm” that was muffled by pancakes in her mouth. “You know, I used to come here in my college days.” y/n explained once she swallowed her first bite of the delectable breakfast treat. “I’d stop by with my study group - which was usually just me - and I’d sometimes order a few rounds of the stacks. Wanda there joked that my veins are probably pumping syrup more than blood, and I’m afraid I have to agree with her on that one.”
Jason let out a chuckle while cutting his omelet with a knife and fork with minimal scraping. “At least the vampires will get a tasty dessert if they bite you.”
“Maybe you’re right!” y/n stifled her laughter. “Maybe they’ll pour my blood over some waffles or something.”
Hand over his mouth to prevent omelet from flying all over the table and y/n, Jason chortled and mocked Dracula, “Mmm! ‘Vou must try this breakfast! Ze blood is vunderful!”
Y/n gasped jokingly. “How dare you mock vampires? They don’t all sound like that.”
They each took turns smacking the table and giggling, exchanging niche vocal impressions until Wanda returned with a warning. “You two are causing a distraction to some of our other patrons here. Try to keep it under control, okay?” she gave them a lambasted look. “Here is the check, since I know you two will probably want to continue your date.”
Date. Y/n blushed at the word. “Thank you, Wanda. And tell that rigid couple in booth twelve that we’re sorry, and we’re not real vampires.”
“But we will bite if needed.” Jason added with a cheap smile.
Wanda sighed and walked away, murmuring something incoherent.
As Jason was about to snag his wallet, y/n slipped a couple of bills in the receipt card. “I’m holding you hostage, so I’m paying. Don’t worry, pretty boy.”
Though the action was assurring, it was confusing when paired with y/n’s nickname for Jason. He found himself amused at the woman, and had to ask: “What are your answers, by the way?”
“Your answers. To the question you asked me yesterday. You never gave me yours.”
Y/n grinned innocently, sincerity splayed across her face. Jason wished he could have taken a photo of it - her eyes were just pretty. “Gimme a sec to think,” she sat back in the booth, head hitting the backrest with a thump. “So I usually don’t do anything except listen to music and read, I have two siblings - but three if you count the imaginary turtle I had when I was six, I love a good bowl of soup and some tamales, and I’m not wearing any.”
Jason cocked his head, perplexed by the final answer. “Not wearing any? Any what?”
“Underwear.” y/n blinked innocently, despite being well aware of her suggestion. “You asked if I’m wearing underwear, right? I’m not.” her smile grew bigger with each word, and her eyes dimmed darker with lust.
So did Jason’s. “Oh, uhm.” he was indecisive, unable to choose how to respond. It wasn’t that Jason was inexperienced the art of flirtation, it was that he hadn’t quite been this interested in someone in a long time, and it showed by the way his cheeks reddened (and cock hardened in his pants) at her reveal.
He refused to indulge, his pride in the way. “Thank you for this.”
“No problem.” It wasn’t the reaction y/n was hoping for, and her tone fell with it.
They stood and exited the diner together, loitering in the parking space where Jason had left his motorcycle. Jason noticed that y/n’s spark died off when he hadn’t taken her bait, and although he felt guilt, he knew he wanted to explore the relationship more prior to sleeping together. He feared that y/n took it personally;
She did. “I’ll text you.” she said, backing away before she gave a brief wave of her hand and disappearing into the crowd of Gothamites.
“Jesus, what is wrong with me.” y/n sighed when she re-entered her loft, littered with old clothing on the ground, and walls decorated with mismatched posters. As she untied her boots, she replayed the rejection in her head: Jason’s nose twitching, eyes shifty, and mouth open, pausing to choose whatever denial he believed was appropriate.
Her phone chimed in her pocket, but she neglected to check it; instead, she hovered to her bed on the other end of the studio flat, and tumbled onto it, her sheets making a punched ‘oof’. Deep breaths calmed her worried mind buzzing with defeat, and she wondered if perhaps she was, in a word, bamboozled.
It didn’t make sense: the flirting beforehand, way his eyes wandered too freely on her body like a dog to a treat, yet he rejected her…why? Was it what she wore that day? The borderline offensive vampire impressions? Or was it, in the end, her determination that hammered the final nail into the coffin of the potential of their relationship?
Heels digging in the sand, y/n set off on her research, beginning with Jason’s business venture. She sat up in her bed, fixing the pillows to better suit her needs, and reached over for the laptop on the ground. Y/n opened it and waited for the startup operation sequence, the fan vibrating over y/n’s lap as it whirred.
“Alright, Todd, let’s see what camwork you’re doing.” y/n murmured as she entered the site info, creating an account to access the lewd media. “A $7.99 subscription? I didn’t know these cost money nowadays.” she chortled at the virtual pricetag while entering her card info, reluctant to provide sensitive information on her archaic device.
Upon granted access, y/n’s eyes widened, blurred images revealing themselves to her, and she was, well, intrigued, to say the least. The first uncensored media on the site feed was Jason in a public dressing room, unclothed; his hooded eyelids and smirk enhanced his smitten look; his chest was naked, gleaming from the shop lights, and his shoulders were broad, leaned back into the wall of the dressing room; his torso was chiseled, the contour of his muscles shaping into a v near his pelvis, almost as if they were a sign from god for y/n’s eyes to point to his carefully trimmed pubic hair, which failed to hide the base of his thich, uncut cock.
Y/n hadn’t even looked at the caption, so when she finally managed to strip her eyes away from his holy figure, she grinned at the words, “Imagination - life is your creation, Doll.”
A fucking Barbie reference, and she dropped the ball? Y/n scrolled to drown her distraught, searching for a video she could watch.
A notification popped on the page: Robin Hood started a livestream. Click to join. Y/n scrambled to find her dreaded wired headphones, shoving the plug into the jack on the side of the laptop. She then clicked on the notification, instantly refreshing the screen to bring her to a livestream starring the man she had just joked with about Transylvanian vampire genitalia.
The irony. “This is unreal.” y/n muttered to herself as she stared at the tall man sat back on his bed - different than his usual post in his computer seat - as he flicked open a cap of lube, applying it to his hand before he spread it on his erection. He exhaled as he did so, toned chest rising as his fingers moved along his sensitive flesh.
“Fuck, this feels good.” Jason moaned, hips bucking into his hand as his eyes remained closed. Y/n rubbed her thighs together at the sight. “I’m already so close. I wanna come so bad.”
Y/n let out a low moan deep in her throat, mouth watering at the filth transmitted through her earbuds. She watched as Jason’s hand moved from the base of his cock to its head, his wrist twisting. He searched for a speed, but was indecisive with the way his hips shot up sharply, thrusting into his hand. The wet skin sound filling y/n’s earbuds was fucking dirty, and she knew she had to shower right after finishing the livestream - she wanted to see him come, hear the euphoric, obscene noises leaving his mouth.
“Fuck” Jason grunted, holding his cock with one hand, and the other roaming his torso and thighs. “Oh, shit, you feel amazing.” his words were so intent, sincere, as if he imagined someone actually riding his cock - or it was y/n who was projecting her desires onto him, wishing she could straddle his lap and be the source of his pleasure, bouncing on his dick until she milked him dry.
“Oh,” Jason barely pushed through gritted teeth, “Keep going, y/n” he whispered, brows furrowing. Y/n stopped and blinked at the screen, doubting what her senses told her she heard. “Please, please, y/n…” he said it again, this time in a plea that sent y/n’s mind reeling into another dimension as she wanted to touch herself, but wanted, more than anything, to drive Jason over the edge.
His breaths fell staggered, jerking at his cock hard as his bottom lip trembled. “God, I wanna come. Your pussy is so good,” he admitted, eyes screwed shut, “so fucking good.” his speed became erratic, frantically searching for God in a moment’s release, and y/n was right there with him, her panties soaked from the heavenly torturous sight in front of her. She wanted to tell him to come, tell him how good he feels driving his cock into her, continuously, and how badly she wanted to sit on his pretty face until she screamed.
“Shit! Oh, fuck, god.” Jason exclaimed, profanities slipping him like a ghost leaving his vessel as spurts of cum erupted from his cock, body stilling. He thrusted into his hand once more before finally relaxing, catching his breath in a laugh. 
He looked down at the mess of cum he made on his pelvic bone and torso, a splash landing all the way to his neck, and he shook his head. “Wow. Hadn’t had that much in a long time. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. See you later.” Jason smirked, propping himself on his elbows and biting his lip before the livestream ended.
Y/n sat in front of the computer screen with glossy eyes. She was his spank bank. She was. The reality set in, and it finally clicked.
But before she could allow herself to feel relief, free from the shackles of rejection in which she imprisoned herself, y/n quickly moved to her feet and grabbed her phone from the other side of the room to check the notification she dismissed earlier:
Jason. Hey, I hope I wasn’t too rude, but I don’t want to pursue any- (½) Y/n opened the message, careless of the read receipt that would be sent to him. -anything sexual, since that’s my job, and I’ve been used before. I hope that doesn’t ruin anything with you, because I do think you’re special, but I understand if it does. I’m here if you want a second date.
Y/n skimmed over the text, and reread it to check if her senses failed her once more. I hope that doesn’t ruin anything with you, she repeated. I do think you’re special. Y/n smiled widely as she opened up the keyboard to reply:
I thought I was too much. Usually am.
She rested her back against the wall, waiting for a response. Already, it shown as read, and the bubbles appeared at the bottom of their chat.
It’s not your fault, I should have clarified from the start. Are you free this weekend?
Y/n felt the melting of the glacier in her chest, and the cooling of the heat between her legs. She gathered her thoughts for a response:
I think I am on Sunday. 
Jason’s reply was instantaneous, and y/n was thankful games were off the table for them.
Meet me at the Gotham library?
Y/n smiled. Fuck yeah.
It’s a date. Jason replied, the three words launching y/n into orbit.
So much of an orbit that she hadn’t proofread her response. Btw, saw your livestream.
Y/n regretted it instantly, eyes blown wide and apprehension rising in her.
The bubbles came up on the phone screen before disappearing, then reappearing again. Y/n cursed to herself as she waited. Finally: Good. You looked absolutely stunning at breakfast. Wanted to eat you instead of the omelet.
Maybe y/n could get used to this, after all.
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elizabethan-memes · 6 months
Henry VIII’s inventory later listed ‘two little babies in a box of wood [dolls], one of them having a gown of crimson satin and the other a gown of white velvet’, which had been placed in storage, and it is entirely possible that Elizabeth played with these toys during her youth
Nicola Tallis, Young Elizabeth
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witchersmistress · 1 year
You put a spell on me
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Hello my darlings, this is a one shot with the beloved Syverson and Rory. I've included a link to the spotify playlist that i listened to while i wrote this. this does not fit into their story this is just an off to the side idea i had for them. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6oI2B8it5xZ1s3svwvdWoH?si=e89eed0c285d431a
Trigger Warnings: pole dancing, bodily fluids, sex, p in the v, multiple orgams, somnophilia
Word count: 2.4 K
Syverson POV
Stupid August and stupid Walter.. The fucking pricks. I was mentally flipping them off as I went over the paperwork at Lux. Addie was on bedrest for the remainder of her pregnancy so August wasn't about to leave her side. Walter was hunting  his sweet little Amelia. So that left me stuck with Lux, and all the bullshit that comes with it. The payroll, the new hires, the orders and inventories.. I hate them so much.
The club had closed and it was just me here in the back office. Leaning back from my desk, I let out a heavy sigh. I'd rather be home with Rory. her sweet curvaceous body sleeping in my bed waiting for me. A tiny silk nightie, and no panties. Massaging her creamy thighs with my hands before rolling the sweet girl to her back. Pushing her nightie up her lush curves, nipping at her stomach and thighs as I pulled her little lace panties, down off her legs and toss them to the floor, opening her legs up to show me her pink glistening pussy. “Is this all for me Darlin’?” I murmured against her skin, trailing one of my tattooed knuckles down her thigh and between her slick folds, she rolled her hips, with a slight arch to her back and a low moan escaped her soft pink lips. “Already so wet and ready for me, i've barely even touched you" propping her legs up, I gaze down at my beautiful before diving head first into my favorite meal.
Nips at her thighs and her sensitive fold, I plunge my tongue into her tight wet heat, bucking her hips in rhythm with my eating her, her hands made their way to the collar of my shirt and she began to fist it in my hands as she chanted my name over and over like an unanswered prayer. But her voice changed. "Logan" a male voice said, drawing me back to reality.
Back in my office, my cock painfully swollen and tenting in my pants. I look up to see our DJ. "What's up man?" I nodded at him. Putting my feet up on the desk to cover my throbbing erection "Just heading out, for the night" waving him off, "have a good night man" he turned and walked out the door " I will but not as good as yours will be" he cocked a brow as he walked away. Taking my feet off my desk I stood and walked over to my decanter of scotch and poured myself another two fingers, when I heard the beat of music coming from the lounge area.
Following the music, the sensual beat of You Put a Spell on Me by Austin Giorgio is playing. Pushing back the velvet curtains, the stage in the middle of the room was lit up by a blue light and a woman with long hair, black lace nightie and high heels was leaning against the pole, with her back towards me. With a heavy sigh I approached the woman, " Come on Doll we are closed, time to go" but she didn't answer me. Walking around the stage, I looked up at her " Doll we are closed… Rory??" Her red lips pulled back into a seductive smile. She arched her back and raised her hands above her head as the song changed to Eat your young by Hozier. 
She slid down the pole and opened her legs, to show me her cunt, barely covered by a thin piece of lace. Sucking in a sharp breath. Balancing on her heels, sliding her hands down her neck, breasts, to her thighs before she got on her hands and knees and crawled over to me. She slid gracefully off the stage to stand before me. I went to grab her but she shook her head " No Sy" she pushed on my chest as she backed me up and my legs buckled as they hit the back of the plush leather couch.  She parted my thighs and looked up at me while she was on her knees. 
Palming my hard cock in my slacks. “I want to dance for you.” “Dance for me…?” I point at my chest then flick my gaze to the pole on the stage, a wide grin spreading across my face like the fucking sun rising across the horizon. “Yep.” She shrugs, like she hasn’t just made my whole fucking night, let alone year. “Well, this I can get behind.” I grin, leaning back in my chair, my fucking cock filling with blood in excitement. “I thought you might,” she licks her lips, giving me a naughty smile before pushing up on my thighs to a standing position.
 Grabbing  her phone from the speaker it rested on, she selects a new track and sends it via bluetooth to the speaker system. A familiar tune starts to play. “Love Is A Bitch?” I ask, biting on my knuckles as she saunters to the stage, her hips swaying from side to side. I might just come from the thought of her pussy sliding down that pole alone. “Isn’t it though?” she replies, and my heart ratchets up a notch as I watch her remove her nightie in a sexy striptease, doing so in time to the music until all she’s wearing is her lace panties, bra, her heels and a seductive smile on her face. “Jesus fuck, how did I get so damn lucky?” I mutter, completely and utterly mesmerized as she grasps the pole with both hands and struts around it in a wide circle on her tiptoes, her hips swaying with every step.
Fuck, her sass and sexiness is off the motherfucking charts, and whilst her body is pretty fucking perfect for me, I’ve never been a man who goes for looks alone. It’s all about confidence for me. I’ve always liked women, no matter their shape or size. Thick, thin, big tits, small tits, tall, short, tiger stripes or unblemished skin. It never mattered to me, what matters is how they feel about themselves, and right now, Rory must be feeling fucking phenomenal going by the way she dances around that pole.
 My eyes trace over every inch of her skin as she sways her body, using the pole as her anchor whilst she undulates her hips, then opens her thighs and drops her ass to her heels,  she runs her fingers up her thigh and over her pussy, adding the tiniest bit of pressure before dragging her hand up her body and reaching above her head. Gripping the pole with both hands, she winks at me then pushes off her feet and flips her legs out in the splits before turning them in on herself like a fucking corkscrew. My jaw nearly hits the floor, and as Rory shifts from one step to the next with ease, I grow impatient to touch her. Truth be known, it’s taking all my willpower not to storm the stage and fuck her against that black stage. 
All I could do was wrap my fingers around the armrest of my chair and hold on tight. At the very least, this time I can temper the urge to interrupt her show by unzipping my slacks and fisting my cock. “Fuck!” I exclaim, as Rory throws some moves that defy gravity and that familiar tingle in the base of my spine makes itself known. 
I’ve never come before just by looking at someone, but I can tell you I’m pretty fucking close to that now. The weight and heat of my cock, which is currently more Moby Dick , can attest to that. Still I watch, stroking my dick as she kicks upwards, her feet near the ceiling. With one hand gripping the pole near the floor and the other grasping it between her legs she widens her legs into the splits, licking her lips in her upside-down position like a sexy fucking spider monkey.
 I damn near came then and there as my gaze hones in on her pussy and the thin strip of lace pulled taut between her legs. As the music picks up speed, so does her movements and the rhythm of my fist around my cock. Righting herself, her feet touching the floor gently, she kicks out her right leg, wrapping it around the pole and slides around it in one smooth movement, her hair flying out behind her. The way she moves is breathtaking. I wouldn’t be able to look away even if the Pope himself commanded it.
As the music fades out, Rory stares at me, her chest heaving and a sheen of sweat covering her skin. She bites on her lip, her gaze dropping to my crotch then says, “What did you think?” “What do I think? Princess, I’ve never been more jealous of a pole in my life, and right now Rumple-fore-skin wants you to come sit on his lap.” “I bet he does,” she replies with a slow smile as she steps off the stage and walks towards me, her hips swaying from side to side like a goddamn pendulum.
 When she reaches me her gaze drops to my crotch, “Is he feeling shy?” “Fuck no!” I reply, kicking off my boots and shoving my slacks and boxers down over my hips, my cock springing free. Precum glistens on the tip and my fucking balls ache as Rory crouches before me, her fingertips curling around the waistband of my slacks and boxers. “Good, because my pussy is more than ready to be smashed,” she replies with a chuckle, yanking off my clothes, including my socks. “Who fucks with socks on anyway?” “Not me, evidently.” Stepping between my legs, Rory leans over and kisses me. She’s not slow or tentative, she takes, her tongue sliding between my lips as she claims me. Her kiss is possessive, filled with passion, heat and desire, and if kisses had the ability to end a man’s life, right now I’d be knocking at Heaven’s gates asking for absolution. Reaching up I grasp her face in my palms, angling my head, my fingers curling into her hair. I need to kiss her more than I need to breathe. She consumes me.
 Before I’m able to pull her onto my lap and take what belongs to me, Rory breaks our kiss and twists on her feet, facing the stage. Then, looking over her shoulder, she gives me a sexy smile and slowly removes her knickers, kicking them across the floor before saying, “I’ve always wanted to do this.” “Do wha—?” My question is cut short as she bends over before me, her slit glistening with arousal. Her ripe ass, peachy. I gasp. Yep, I fucking gasp at the sight. “That is the sexiest thing I’ve seen in my fucking life,” I grunt, squeezing my cock to temper the sudden rush of sensation. “Spread your legs a little, Princess. Let me get a good look at you.” Rory widens her stance, giving me a perfect view of both of her tight holes. “Like that?” “Just like that,” I groan, releasing my cock. It slaps against my abdomen, thick and heavy as I shift forward in my seat. “Keep your hands flat on the ground, and try to hold steady because I’m about to give you the best orgasm of your life.” “Yes,” she hisses as I reach between her legs, and with two fingers swipe upwards through her parted folds, spreading her juices all over her puckered hole, rimming it. Then I lower my mouth to her pussy and eat her the fuck out like the starved monster that  I am.
I’m not considerate in my approach like I was before. This is a man losing his motherfucking control. This is a man fucking starving and feasting on the woman he loves more than life itself. I lick and lap, suck and bite, my tongue and lips gorging on her arousal, fucking high on it. I use two fingers to drive into her pussy, finger fucking her as she moans and whimpers, begging me to fuck her with my cock. “Not yet, Princess. I’m gonna make you come before I fuck you,” I reply, using her juices to lubeher puckered ass.
 She gasps when I gently slide in a finger, but she doesn’t pull away, and I don’t stop fingering her, licking her, fucking her with my tongue. Less than five minutes later, Rory’s legs are trembling as she hurtles towards an orgasm, her knees buckling as she hits the floor. I follow her down on my hands and knees, refusing to let up, turned the fuck on as I bury my face in her pussy. My lips and chin are covered in her arousal but I don’t ease off, I just grasp her hips tighter and lap at her like a fucking cat would a bowl of cream. When she screams out my name, her pussy pulsating around my tongue, I slide my arm around her waist and haul her onto my cock reverse cowgirl style, impaling her on my dick right here on the floor. “Sy!” she screams, shivering and shaking and coming long and hard as her core muscles squeeze my dick, fucking choking it. I grit my teeth, willing myself not to come as I press my forehead between her shoulder blades and slam my eyelids shut, because damn I’m dancing on the precipice. I’m so fucking close. Rory senses it too, her body so intune with mine. 
The minute her orgasm fades, I expect her to relax into me, but she doesn’t. Instead she begins to ride my dick like a woman on a mission, fucking me hard and fast.
She takes control, her ass slapping against my thighs as she takes me deep, the tip of my cock hitting her cervix with every downward stroke. “Goddamn it!” I yell, my hands grasping her perfect tits as her equally perfect pussy fists my cock, and her thighs straddle mine. I can’t help but look down at the crack of her ass, a visual line to where our bodies join together. She’s so fucking wet that her arousal slides down my cock and collects in the trimmed hair surrounding the base. Seeing how wet I make her, how thick and hard she makes me, sets off an orgasm that rips through my body like a fucking hurricane, blinding me in a vortex of sensation and orgasmic bliss. Tipping my head back I roar, coming harder than I ever have in my life as she shatters around me, her own orgasm claiming her shortly after. I should be fucking embarrassed for not lasting, but I’m not. I’m not because all I can think about is the way her tits feel in my hands, how perfectly my cock fits inside of her, and how fucking happy she makes me.
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emiplayzmc · 2 months
Hooo boy, time for the ref sheets of two more Pink Addi OCs!
(Image text and IDs in the ALT text!"
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Introducing Click Velvet and their Trojan (or 'Copycat'), Clickbait Page!
Some extra info about the both of 'em under the cut because I have far too much info about my babies :D.
(Jsyk there is. A lotta rambling under the cut. Most of the longer stuff is under Clickbait :,) )
Click Velvet:
-Click is a loner Addison, which - in my AU - basically he worked his way to 'sentience' on his own rather than having anybody else helping him through that process. 'Sentience' is the Addison equivalent of reaching maturity, since when they first spawn all they can really think and do is working and advertising, but they slowly start gaining their own thoughts and personalities over time as they mature.
-Click is the S/O of my main Orange Addi, Banner! I've made ship art of the two of them before ^-^
-Click is an EXTREME lover of stuffed animals, his favourite being a small duck plush he named 'Tap,' which became a third joking 'mascot' of his and Banner's catering service 'Click or Tap the Banner.'
-Their leg is partially malfunctional because of a car crash - the leg is mostly fine now, but there are days where the wiring goes slightly off and it glitches or has a slower response time than normal, so he always keeps a cane on hand in his inventory just in case he needs it.
-He's a very sweet individual, and a very talented baker - he and Banner even have a catering service for parties! Click knows how to make just about any sweet treat you cam think of, and even makes his own root beer (although he doesn't sell this, despite Banner's gentle nudging. He prefers to have it as a drink for himself). He also happens to live above his bakery in the attic. I'll have to draw his room someday!
-He can be a bit of a neat freak / germophobe at times :,) Not as much as Target, but all Pink Addisons have a tendency to want things to be tidy - Click is no exception. Every part of his bakery needs to be SPOTLESS before the open hours of the next day, or else he frets about if something will be too dirty.
-Red velvet is his favourite flavour of just about anything he can work it into, so that's what he made his middle name! Click Velvet :D
-Click's a great photographer! Since his whole purpose is to generate 'clicks' on his store / website, he photographs all of the products in his advertisements to make them look as appealing as possible to customers.
Clickbait Page:
-Clickbait spawned in when Click was 19 and had wandered into the Dark Web on accident - Trojan Addisons are essentially 'virus copies' of a normal Addi's code, with some of their personality traits being shared between them, while any and all natural physical traits are shared (looks, glitches, et cetera). They have a chance of spawning in whenever a normal Addison wanders into the Dark Web.
-Trojan Addis all have a mark inside their mouths that indicates they're a Trojan, which is a small Web logo in a glowing bluish-green colour.
-Clickbait doesn't share Click's malfunctional leg, but he does share his farsightedness - he wears contacts over his camera lenses for that, but only when he's writing. He also shares Click's asexuality, adoration of anything sweet, skill in a kitchen (although Clickbait's pertains to making drinks rather than food), germophobia, and love of plushies.
-Clickbait is the youngest overall of my Addis, and also the youngest in his family! Clickbait wasn't a loner when he spawned - he was taken in by two other Addis who eventually became his 'sister' and 'father,' they'll get ref sheets later. Even though he's technically the youngest, only having been around for 16 years, he has the same mental maturity as Click, most of which was gained after he became 'sentient.'
-His given job is writing 'clickbait' articles. Given jobs are basically the first jobs that an Addison is assigned to once they're created, Trojan or not, that relate to their purpose. As a result, he's a bit of a pathological liar, making him very skilled at making up pretty believable lies on the spot for the articles he writes in newspapers (basically the type of ads and articles you see that are like 'You WON'T BELIEVE what happens to [So-and-So Celebrity] after they used this product!!').
-His second job was given to him by his dad - working alongside his sister as a bartender in their dad's casino, the Sapphire Retire. His father is... also really strict, and doesn't really like the idea of Clickbait or his sister having other jobs beside the casino and their given jobs. Because of that, Clickbait keeps his third job - working at Cyber Shoes II as a supervisor - a secret from both of them. Although this does stretch him quite thin at times, between working at Cyber Shoes by day, the casino by night, and writing his articles in between both jobs - the casino, Cyber Shoes, and the newspaper printing house all being pretty far away from each other in Cyber City doesn't help either.
-Clickbait acts VERY differently between the casino and Cyber Shoes II - at the casino, he's more of his natural self, which is rather awkward, quiet, and a little dorky. At Cyber Shoes, however, he's... not exactly the nicest to be around. He acts like a cold, sarcastic jerk around his co-workers to keep them from questioning about his actual life, since he doesn't want to get too attached to the job in case his father finds out. He doesn't actually DISLIKE anyone there, he's merely trying to keep them out of his personal life by discouraging people from interacting.
-Clickbait adores taking pictures of his Tasque, Bread, and dressing it up in cute little outfits - he also spoils Bread to no end, treating him like a little prince.
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aseuki · 6 months
🧋👜 for whoever you'd like!
[ask meme]
Oh Hi Tea! Of course, here we go!
🧋 (Boba Tea) - Come up with a Kirby Café item themed around your OC! It can be a savoury dish, a drink, a dessert, or something else entirely.
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Hands you Stell's. It's a Mexican Hot Chocolate Lava Cake! (with a red velvet base :>) Desserts are my happy place, and it was definitely fun scrolling through the Kirby Cafe Menu archives to write up an appropriate flavor (ha) text for it haha! Clenches fist. Love the Kirby Cafe. Mentally I am There.
💼 (Bag) - Inventory check! What items does your OC typically carry around with them? What do they carry them in?
Already did Stell’s, so here's Phemus’!
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Much like a certain masked knight, Phemus likes to keep her things in the hammerspace of her cape! This is only a sampling of what’s in there, who knows what other bits and bobs and knick knacks lie within >:’D
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doubledyke · 7 months
I think that in "domestic stuff" Edd will torture Eddy. Eddy isn't a slob, but he's a lot more relaxed about it, while Edd obsessed with cleanliness and organization. I think Double D would criticize Edd for everything, including the fact that Eddy likes to buy all sorts of aesthetic “trash.” And if they work together, then Double D will probably nag often too. In short, Eddy will have a hard time if he lives with Double D :D
edd? an uptight nag? say it ain't so...
i agree that they'd BOTH have some things to work on preferably before, but definitely after they move in together. by the time they're at that point in their relationship eddy would have a pretty clear idea of what to expect living with eddward. he's seen the guy's room. and he knows how he gets when he's stressed: the nagging, the nervous chatter, the theatrics. he'd be lying if he said he didn't find it a little endearing. i don't think eddy is a total slob either but yeah he's got his habits. he'll gain a new appreciation for his mother, realizing just how much stuff she did for him that he never noticed. and he's gonna realize quickly that it's a lot easier to just not procrastinate on chores if he doesn't want to listen to edd's yapper. i don't think it'd take him long to pick up better habits. like in my fair ed, but this time it's for real.
shoes + shoe rack = happy edd
dish + sink = happy edd
clothes + hamper = happy edd
simple math.
he's not just doing it for edd though, he wants a neat space too. he's just more the type to clean when it gets gross rather than maintaining on a daily basis. edd's quick to remind him of the microscopic nature of germs.
the aggravation does go both ways. edd's not the way he is for funsies. clutter and filth make his skin crawl and he legitimately cannot relax in an unkempt space. i like to imagine edd getting hit with a reality check when he moves out to go to college and has to share a space with someone who's actually there regularly. he'd be shocked to learn how little importance most people place on tidiness. especially his level of tidiness.
anyway, he fears that his home with eddy could easily start looking like eddy's parents' - 'packrats' whose empty nest is slowly starting to fill back up - unless he keeps a strict inventory binder and cleaning schedule for all household items and areas, separated by category, and color coded with the use of-
as far as the decor, again, he saw eddy's room as a kid, he knows what to expect. i'm sure there would be items that edd would veto outright, like those tawdry leg lamps, or any non-insect taxidermy. and the dusting of so many kitschy antiques in a room containing more than its fair share of velvet upholstery would be a nightmare. buuuut he agreed to let eddy do the decorating, so i think he'd try his very hardest to keep any snide remarks to a maximum of 2 per day... it's one of many things that edd has to learn to cope with. eddy's made a million concessions for him too, after all.
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whataboutsimple · 2 months
Not enough for you.
Potion Master happily studied the annual festival in honor of the victory over the Wither Storm, simultaneously looking for a familiar face. His sweet, sweet wife should be around somewhere.
«Uh huh..» — he thought, noticing the right person from the back. Using his "Ninja skills", he jumped up, putting his arm around their waist — «Gotcha!»
However, something was wrong. The person mentioned earlier anxiously pushed him away, turning to face him. Oh, oh..
«Ah.. Gabriel. Sorry. I confused you with someone else.» - the black—haired man awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, looking away.
«With Harper?»
«Yes! Wait- how did you-»
The brunette shrugged vaguely, looking tired — «I was looking for you.»
Surprisingly — «Yeah? Why?»
«You forgot something in the Temple before you ran away forever.» — he muttered, taking out a small velvet box from his inventory. There were rings inside. Their rings — «Take them.»
The Potions Master's face twisted into a grimace of pain — «Oh, Gabriel, I'm.. sorry-»
«No. Just take it.» — the Warrior said, almost forcefully shoving the box into Ivor's hand, before turning towards the exit without looking up at his ex—fiance, without waiting for an answer, he got lost in the crowd of passing townspeople.
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