#Vil x oc
hatsu2 · 2 months
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Vil and Rei arguing on their first meeting and Lilia stepping in to stop them (make it worse/hj),,,
i want to post more yume art but the shyness in me wins most of the time sgshssi
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dilatorywriting · 4 months
Truth Potion
Vil Schoenheit x OC x Rook Hunt Word Count: 9.7k
Summary: Truth Potions should be banned from the proximity of any and all far-too-attractive people for all time. Least of all when dating one of them who would be far to keen to use said lack-of-filter to his advantage.
[OC Archive]
🌶️🌶️🌶️ WARNING for Spicy Content! WARNING for References to a Character's Previous Death
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The potion exploding in her face was nothing unusual. Saya had been cursed with cat ears, and fluffy tails, and all sorts of strange ailments at this point. It was like there was a target on her back that the universe had put there saying ‘hey! You! Don’t let this poor idiot escape a single potions lesson unscathed!’
What wasn’t familiar was the strange, staticky lull all throughout her mouth. Making her tongue feel light as a feather.
“That didn’t taste very bad,” she mumbled to herself, and then wondered why she’d muttered anything at all. “But I guess a lot of things don’t taste as bad as I was expecting them to.”
“Oh?” Deuce coughed, good-natured despite his own singed eyebrows. “Like what?”
She shrugged. “Cum.”
And then immediately screamed into her hands like she was being murdered point blank. She gasped against her palms in horror. Because she did not just say that. Out loud. In public.
“I didn’t mean to say that!” she wailed. “I haven’t even told Vil that! And he’s the one who’d actually want to know!”
She clamped her fingers over her mouth again and screamed louder.
“Oh my god,” Ace chirped, like this was the greatest gift God could have ever gifted him and all of mankind. “You got truth dosed.”
Ro blinked in worry from his place at the desk nearby. “Is she going to be alright?”
“No!” Saya wailed.
“Quick!” Ace beamed, dashing forward like a hound after a hare. “Ask her everything you’ve always wanted to know! Before it wears off!”
“Or before she kills us,” Jack scowled under his breath.
“I would never kill you,” Saya said, serious. “I don’t think I could. You’re too beefy. But you’re too nice too. The best. Right behind Deuce.”
“Oh,” Jack rumbled, gold eyes going wide and then quickly shooting away.
“This seems a bit like we’re taking advantage…” Robyn mumbled, looking guilty.
“Thank you,” Saya huffed. “Because—”
“Do you like me, yes or no?” the redhead blurted as fast as he could, and then immediately looked terribly chagrinned about it.
“If anything happened to you I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. You’re my best friend in the whole world and I wish you were actually my brother so I could finally have something good in my stupid genetic pool.” The words tumbled out like the shrapnel from a bomb—wild, and uncontrolled, and loud. Saya squawked in indignation. “Robyn Starling!”
“Sorry! Sorry! I just—I needed to know!”
“Fuck you!”
“Out of everyone in this room, who would you wanna fuck the most?” Ace piped in, like a rabid little demon.
“Jamil!” Saya blurted, and immediately covered her mouth in horror. Said Vice-Warden’s head popped up from his place hovering over his own cauldron, and he immediately looked like he wanted to melt into the floor and disappear from their entire plane of existence. But then, like some kind of absolutely malicious trick of fate, the words just kept coming. “Or Professor Crewel.”
“Someone go get Schoenheit,” the man in question groaned, pinching at the bridge of his nose. “Quickly.”
“A truth potion?” Vil muttered, rubbing his thumbs along a dot of blue smeared high along her cheekbone. “That’s all?”
“That I can tell,” Professor Crewel sighed.
“This is the worst day of my life,” Saya grouched, and then seemed to reconsider. “Actually, that was probably when I killed myself the first time around. But this is pretty up there.” Another pause. “Worst day of my life so far.”
Vil fought the urge to dig his fingers into his temples. He could already feel the stress headache forming. The last thing he needed was the add new wrinkles on top of that.
“How long until it wears off?”
“Hopefully no more than a day,” Crewel hummed, considering. “Perhaps sooner, if you can get her cleaned up quickly enough.”
“He can never clean me quick enough,” Saya complained past the shield of her fingers. “He always ends up fucking me in the bath, which is entirely counterproductive. Especially when he’s the one complaining about tight schedules. Like, sir, it’s your own fault you’re late. You didn’t have to spend half an hour with your tongue up my—”
Vil clamped a hand over her mouth and Saya looked grateful beyond measure.
“Please just get her out of public,” Crewel sighed, looking like he’d aged ten years over the course of the afternoon. “Before I have an aneurism.”
Saya said something else against Vil’s palm, but thankfully it came out too garbled and flat to comprehend.
“Of course, sir.”
The House Warden dragged his miserable, red-faced girlfriend out the office doors and down a back hallway—determined to skulk away to Pomefiore as stealthily as he could possibly manage.  
“God, what I wouldn’t give to be in the center of a Schoenheit-Crewel sandwich,” she sighed once his palm was off her lips, and then immediately paled from head to toe, like a ghost. “I might actually kill myself again.”
“Do not even joke about that,” he snapped.
“Can it be a joke if I’m under a truth spell?”
“You know,” Vil smiled, poisonously poised and vicious, “Perhaps I should go back and let you make your offer in person, hmm? I’m on decent enough terms with the Professor. Perhaps we can make an arrangement, if you’re being so truthful in the moment.”
Saya tucked both hands over her mouth and allowed herself to be herded back towards the elaborate, Pomefiore dorms in silence.
The bath that followed was entirely unsexy, and Saya nearly bit through her bottom lip in an effort to keep her bubbling complaints under wraps. Vil practically dunked her like a rag against a washboard, and she couldn’t help but think that he always got a bit like this—a bit too upset, a bit too mean—whenever her untimely demise was brought up all over again. Which, on one hand, she couldn’t blame him. Whenever Robyn talked about his own death, it made her stomach fall and her hair stand on end. And if Vil had done what she had—Well. She’d be upset too. So she sat politely and quietly in her towel until the stupid potion got the better of her. 
“I just don’t get it,” she said into his glacial sneer. “It’s not like it matters.”
“The fact that we’re having this argument yet again when you can’t even physically lie about it tells me you need more therapy than there exists on this godforsaken planet.”
“I am a little broken,” she shrugged, and something in the model’s amethyst eyes went so terribly sad. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I mean, I meant it. But I shouldn’t have said it. I don’t like upsetting you.”
Vil sighed and reached out to dry her hair, gentler now. Scrubbing the soft towel over her short, blonde, waves in little circles.
“I know,” he said. “And I’ll reward your valiant efforts by not pushing all of the things I would so love to use this opportunity to push.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” she hummed, leaning into his kneading. “Not if it’s you. Not really, at least. Even if it is embarrassing.” She paused, and he watched her try to physically swallow down the words in her mouth before they came tumbling out anyways. “Your cum tastes good, by the way. Well, not good. Not like, I don’t know, candy or whatever. But like, not bad at all. I thought you should know. Because I said it earlier, but you weren’t around. And now you are. And now I also need to throw myself out the nearest window.”
The startled laugh that ripped out of his throat was entirely less dignified than he would have liked.
“Is that so?” he trilled, beyond amused. “I suppose I’m glad my healthy diet has been useful for… other unexpected benefits, as well.”
Her face screwed up like he’d forced her to drink rotten milk and he couldn’t help himself from feeling hopelessly fond at this miserable, sopping wet, little wreck of a person.  
“Anything else you’d like to confess?” he grinned. “While I have your full attention?”
More nose scrunching. “What do you want to know?”
It sounded like the question had to be pried out of her mouth with pliers. Vil’s smile went a little wicked. He dropped the towel to his bedroom floor so that he could dig his fingers into her damp hair.  
“What’s your favorite part? Of all the things I’ve done to you?”
“That you’ve loved me,” she said instantly, and that teasing mew melted off his face in a heartbeat. Saya looked positively stricken. “Oh my god, please. Why are you doing this to me?”
“Because I love you,” he chirped, mocking, and she made a gagging noise. “But as touched as I am by your sentimentality, I had meant on the more physical side of things. It’s so hard to get your honest feedback.”
“I thought you liked that,” she said, a bit mulish. “The whole ‘stubborn’ thing. Having to pin me down.”
Saya watched the round, black circles of his pupils jump and dilate. The twist of his mouth went smug and warm—familiar. In all the best and worst possible ways. 
“Is that why you do it?” he cooed, a dangerous lilt to his voice that had goosebumps dancing down her spine.
“Not completely,” she mumbled, gaze slipping away and cheeks going pink. “I think some of it is just—just me, too,” she gulped as his nose trailed down her neck. “That’s really distracting.”
“Is it?” he drawled.
“I just said it was!”
“You’re so lovely to me, do you know? Working so hard to try and meet my tastes,” he said against her collarbone, and she shivered. “What else could I do for you, I wonder?”
“You do more than enough.”
Vil couldn’t help but feel flattered at the ringing truth in that proclamation, but he pushed forward nonetheless. This was a golden opportunity not to be diminished—not even by the charming warmth of their sentimentality.
“But I could always do more. Tell me—I’m always open with the things I’d like to do to you. What’s something that you’ve always wanted to try.”
“DP,” she burst out, and then immediately ducked her head to shriek against his shoulder. “Oh my god, please forget I just said that. Well, don’t forget it. Because it would be—really, really—I just. Oh my god!”
“You weren’t kidding then,” he tutted, warm and calm, dragging a soothing palm against her lower back, “when you mentioned the professor and I earlier.”
“I mean, only a little. I’d never be able to look Crewel in the eye again. It wouldn’t be worth it. Especially when I think he’s just starting to like me.”
Vil huffed. “He adores you.”
“Yeah, more like he’d like to hit me with a-door.”
“I can see this isn’t the time to address your self-worth issues,” he droned, and then worked to shift back into the direction he’d been so carefully coaxing. “But either way. You were saying? Something about being taken by—"
“I know it’s not practical!” she immediately squeaked. “Like, I am fully aware you only have one dick. And also, like, I love you. I don’t have any desire to like, go around fucking some other random person just to, I don’t know, satisfy some weird fantasy. Everyone has their like, Thing that they’re like ‘wow. That’d be super hot. Will never happen. But damn.’ And that’s just—I don’t know. Mine.” A pause, to take her breath. “Also, like, it takes two to tango. Or, well, three in this case. And I’m still reeling over the fact that I’ve managed to trick one person into sleeping with me, let alone two.” 
Vil couldn’t hold back his snort. “I’m certain you could find more than double that on this campus alone who would be more than willing to step in to fill the role at a moment’s notice.”
She crinkled her nose. “Even if that was true, I still love you most. I don’t want other people.”
“And if I found someone suitable to partake in this? Someone who has perhaps displayed a keen interest in the past and who I trust enough to involve? Someone who’s already proven more than enthusiastic about the topic?” Vil asked, and he watched her eyebrows jump up in startled confusion. “Would that be amenable then? If you had that on top of my fullhearted approval and support?”
Her brow furrowed, clearly taken aback. “Who the fuck are you talking to about screwing me?”
Vil snorted another laugh.
“My, you’re feeling crude today.”
“It’s this stupid potion and you know it!” He watched that tight little tick in her brow grow deeper as she dove into the depths of her thoughts, searching and searching for an answer he was sure she’d find. All of a sudden she choked. “Are you talking about Rook?”
“I knew you’d get there eventually, kitten.”
“But he—” she gaped. “He doesn’t—I haven’t—” she spluttered. “He doesn’t even like me. I bet he’d hang my head over his fireplace if he got the chance.”
Vil barked out a laugh. “That would certainly be the highest of compliments.”
At her continued fretting, he leaned closer to tug her in tight and go back to running his fingers up and down her spine. “Naturally it’s your choice, but I can assure you, I’ve heard more than my fair share of soliloquies about the wonders of your bountiful bosom to know he’d be more than thrilled to assist.”
“They’re not even that big,” she grouched under her breath. “But that’s… Even if he was okay with it, what about you?” she asked, nervous.
Vil grinned, sharp and seductive. “Darling, who hasn’t shared something so private with their closest friend, hmm?”
“Uhm, me?” she gaped. “If you ever catch me in a three-way with Ro, please just shoot me in the face—"
“You’re moving away from the point,” he accused, snagging her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Now. Tell me—would that be a situation you’d be amenable to?”
She chewed at her lower lip hesitantly and looked up at him through her lashes. “I trust you enough that if you think it would—it would be a good idea, then…”
“This isn’t about me,” he tutted.
“Everything in my life is about you,” she corrected sharply, and then immediately went beet red. “Fucking just—gag me or something. Please.”
Vil laughed. “That can be arranged. But first,” he grinned, moving to slip lithely to his feet. “I do believe I need to have a conversation with my Vice Warden.”
 “Shouldn’t we at least wait until the potion wears off?” Saya asked, hoping she didn’t sound nearly as panicked as she felt. “And, I mean,” she spluttered. “This all probably feels a bit sudden, right? Like, I know if someone knocked at my door one minute to—to—"
Rook’s answering grin had a shiver running down her spine and Vil reached out to tweak her cheek like an unruly child.
“Nonsense. How else will we know if you’re being honest about the experience, hmm?”
“That’s fair. I do lie about how I’m feeling a lot,” she said, and then instantly bit into her lip with a scowl. Fucking— “But that still doesn’t answer the,” she waved her hand around her head. “The other bit.”
“Ahh, but what predator could ever turn down such an opportunity to pounce when a feast is presented to him, hmm?” Rook cooed, hand over his heart as if he was about to start delivering a grand poem. “Particularly when it is a meal I’ve most looked forward to. And I can promise that I have thought on it long and often, mon chaton,” he smirked—a strange, dark, twisty thing that showed perhaps a few too many teeth. “It is so hard to look away when so much fluttering beauty twines itself so frequently beneath a shared roof.”
Dutifully ignoring the implications of that little statement, she frowned and said, “But you like pretty things.”
Vil frowned right back, but before he could launch into another one of his irritable spiels about self-value, and ‘in the eye of the beholder, blablabla,’ Rook ducked in and scooped her hands up between his.
“There is loveliness in delicacy,” the hunter agreed easily, smoothly. “But there is also beauty in a storm, in destruction. Qu'est-ce que la vie sans la mort? Qu'est-ce que l'amour sans l'horreur? And you, petite tentatrice,” he grinned, “are the loveliest storm of all.”
Her mouth dropped open in shock. “I’m sorry, but did you just French your way into saying that me being an unruly bitch is hot?”
“Ahh,” he crooned, lifting a hand as if he was about to swoon, “you’ve found me out!” And then that grin was back, sending all kinds of nervous goosebumps racing down her arms. “An easy hunt may speak to one’s skill well enough, but sometimes I can’t help but hope for a chase.”
“You’re unsettling her,” Vil warned, reaching out to twine an arm around her waist and rub soothing circles into the divots of her hips. “I told you not to overdo it.”
“Ah, pardonne moi, pardonne moi!” he lamented. “But I could hardly help myself.”
Vil’s amethyst eyes narrowed, a silent reprimand and threat all in one. You will help yourself, that glare warned. And while the Vice Warden certainly didn’t outright cow to that sneer, he dipped his chin in easy submittance nonetheless.
“Of course, mon reine,” he chirped. “This is a gift! And I will do my best to cherish it so.”
He reached forward and brushed a wayward strand of honey-hued hair from Saya’s eyes—fingers landing neatly on her cheek after to rub at the spreading flush there.
“How could I not? Especially after you’ve trained her so wonderfully.”
Saya gasped in indignation, that nervous blush staining plum red with rage instead.
“I’m not a fucking dog!” She snapped. “And he hasn’t—I haven’t been—”
“We’re working on it,” Vil droned, and Saya started spluttering all over again.
“We are not!”
“Well, we aren’t,” the ethereal beauty sighed, as if terribly put upon. “That is my job, after all. And you don’t make it easy, darling.”
The snarky retort twisted off her tongue with the taste of popping bubbles and lingering herbs, and instead, what came out was a pouty, “I thought that was the point.”
She cursed colorfully under her breath and Rook burst into gleeful laughter.
“Oh, she is just merveilleuse, mon reine. Je suis honoré que vous souhaitiez partager une telle merveille avec votre humble serviteur.”
Vil scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Perhaps if you were so humble as you’d like me to believe, you wouldn’t have been so bold in your spying these past months.”
Rook held up his hands with another snicker, as if to say ‘you caught me!’
“But it worked, did it not?” he beamed, and then leaned forward to nuzzle along the underside of Saya’s jaw. His teeth skimmed the delicate, pale skin there and she pressed back against Vil with a squeak.
Vil rolled his eyes yet again and shifted so that Saya could tuck herself up against him in one, long lean line. Like a cat arching away from the wandering hands of an overenthusiastic guest and towards the familiar warmth of its owner. But all that being said, proper socialization was all in the name of the game. And he would be terribly bereft to go lax in his diligent efforts now of all times. 
“Gently,” he reprimanded. “She startles easily.”
“I’m not a—” she squeaked again, and Rook ducked forward with another sharp nip. “It’s not weird to be jumpy. I’d never done anything like this before I met you.”
“Ah, comme c'est chéri,” Rook cooed, as he burrowed in closer and latched his mouth against the hollow beneath her throat, sucking an angry, purple bruise against the pale skin there. “Did you know,” he trilled, popping back with a preening little smirk to observe his handiwork, “that our dearest queen does have quite the love of, ah, how did you describe it?” Rook mused. “Un amour de la corruption?”
“Rook,” Vil sneered, lip curling in warning.
“Not like that’s anything I didn’t already know,” Saya scoffed under her breath, and then squawked when familiar, painted nails dug into her hips.
“What was that, kitten?”
“I—I just meant,” she gulped, cursing that stupid potion with every fiber of her being. “It was—you got excited. When I said I was—that I had never—and you—I—” she trailed off with a nervous incoherence.
Vil hummed against her neck and she shivered.
“This is quite the difference,” he mused, a note of interest curling over his words. “To ask for an answer and to receive one rather than some stuttering, biting attempt at maintaining your dignity. I can’t say I’m opposed.” His hands trailed lower. “Perhaps not forever, but as an anomaly—as a treat,” he smirked. “For all my hard work.” She could feel the blunt, rounded edges of his nails trailing back and forth at the inseam of her thighs. “I do enjoy the ensuing correction far too much to want this new sweetness of yours to become a permanent fixture in our lives, but for the time being…”  
Saya gulped, and she could see Rook’s eyes trace the movement like a fox watching a rabbit’s hole.
“Tell me, won’t you” Vil demanded, head going high once more and some of that haughty, put-upon superiority lighting his eyes. Saya knew that expression, and it meant literally nothing good for her hips or spine for the upcoming days. “What makes this so appealing to you?” He grinned against her hair, sharp. “Wanting to be taken so thoroughly.”
“I—” she spluttered, feeling those awful, terrible remnants of magic dancing around her mouth. “It just—I—” and then that arcana popped with a focus and she was babbling all over again. “It just seems—seems nice. To be wanted that badly to be shared like, like something special. And—being between—the, the warmth of it seems—I…” She was going to die. Melt into a puddle and stain his stupid carpet with her untimely end. “I like to be squished, and held. And being that full seems nice.”
“Tellement poétique!” Rook crooned, looking nearly sparkly-eyed with wonder.
‘I hate this,’ she tried to spit, but instead, “I don’t mind this.”
Vil snorted a laugh into her hair.
“Yes, darling. I could tell.”
His hand dipped past the edge of the towel and brushed pointedly between her legs. He pulled back when she squeaked and held his fingers up with the same air as a teacher offering a demonstration. The wetness on them caught the light overhead—shining and slippery—and Saya tried to bury her face in her hands.
“You’re not particularly subtle,” he hummed, amused. And Saya felt like her blood was about to boil straight out of her veins.
And then, because apparently the love of her stupid life was actively trying to send her into cardiac arrest, she watched through her fingers as Vil stretched forward and offered his hand for Rook’s inspection. The hunter’s gaze tracked the slow, sticky drip of her and his emerald eyes pointedly flickered down to the space between her thighs, still artfully hidden beneath the fringe of the bath towel. And then those too-bright eyes slipped back up to meet hers and he leaned forward to lick a long stripe up Vil’s palm.
“No need for embarrassment,” Rook promised, licking his lips pleasantly. “Neither of us can lay claim to the notion of subtly either, favori.”
“Oh my God,” she choked.
“Ah, ah,” Vil tutted, twisting his other hand forward to pinch at her thigh. “We’ve talked about this.”
“Vil,” she gasped, a bit too close to a petulant whine.
“Better,” he smirked, and then reached up to loose the folds of her little towel, sending it fluttering to the mattress beneath them. Saya shivered at the rush of cold air, and then again when she caught the strange, predatory gleam in their guest’s green eyes. His gaze was like a tangible thing, running over every bit of exposed skin like the edge of a blade dipping along her shaking limbs.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” she snipped, embarrassed.
“Oh, not to worry!” he chirped. “I’ve taken several!”
Vil twined his fingers through the shorter hair at the base of her skull and tugged. “Focus, kitten.”
“I’m always focused on you,” she snapped, potion bubbling off her tongue. And Vil rewarded her honesty with another sharp tug and a dip into a deep kiss. He pressed her down until she was dizzy, and when he finally pulled back with a contented hum and a flickering, wine-warm smirk, Saya felt like she was ready to melt into the bed.
“How do you always look so stupidly put together during sex?” she complained, unbidden. “And I always wind up looking like I’ve been railed halfway to Sunday.”
Vil snorted in amusement. “Perhaps that’s the point.”
His purple irises jumped past her shoulder and then the bed was dipping again. Saya blinked, not even having realized that Rook had stepped away. But then the hunter was back and she squeaked as a pair of deceptively well-muscled arms hauled her up against an unfamiliar and very naked chest. Vil nodded, as if in satisfaction with the state of things, and then eased himself back towards solid ground to also begin the process of divesting himself of his ridiculously intricate House Robes.
A pair of unfamiliar fingers snagged her chin and Saya found herself turned to face a smile that would not look out of place on a shark.
“There you are, chérie,” Rook purred, like a big cat hulking down over its kill, and then ducked forward to press his mouth against hers in a kiss that was like a whirlwind. While Vil kissed like an artform—a perfected, poised, creation that pushed as soft or as hard as he felt suited the moment, Rook kissed like he meant to eat her alive. He nipped at her lips until Saya was tasting copper, and the self-satisfied groan that rumbled from his throat had her nearly vibrating out of her skin.
The bed was dipping again and she felt another set of far more familiar hands work their way around her waist—pushing the leach away and dragging her back across the sheets to sprawl along a lean lap. Rook laughed, pleasantly amused, and pointedly reached up to wipe a speck of blood off his chin.
“Poor thing,” Vil sighed, brushing a thumb along the smear of crimson at the corner of Saya’s own abused mouth.
The poisonous beauty leaned forward to press his lips back against hers. He laved his tongue across the fresh cut there, easing the sting and sharpening it all at once.
“He’s just terrible to you, isn’t he?” he cooed, all mocking softness. “I suppose you’ll never be able to complain about my own methods again, once this is over. I’m not nearly that mean, am I, kitten?”  
“I like it when you’re a little mean to me,” she admitted, eyes darting away in mulish embarrassment.
Vil chuckled against her throat—a warm, satisfied thing. “You’re providing me with far too my ammunition this evening, darling.”
“You think I don’t know that?” she snapped. “I’m literally never going to live this down.”
“Ah,” Rook trilled, slipping forward to tuck himself up against the skin of her back. And Jesus, she’d known the two of them were pretty substantially taller than her, but being wedged between them like this was a stark reminder of just how teeny she was. “But is it not better to be open and true with the one you love, hmm?”
“It’s not my fault I’m emotionally constipated,” she grumbled.
“Oh?” the hunter mused. “If you provide me with a list of the ones who are suitably responsible then, I would be more than happy to ensure that such a strain upon your person would never occur again.”
“Uhm,” Saya spluttered. “Appreciated, but… I mean, they’re all back in my old world anyways.”
“Ah,” he hummed, ducking over her shoulder to press another kiss to the corner of her mouth. “Quel malheur.”
There were too many hands at her waist, and the pull of it was a bit disorientating. Saya swayed into one kiss and then another, neck craning back and forth—left to right, left to right.
“How would you prefer us?” Vil asked, with all the casual nuance of someone inquiring after the weather. It was going to drive her insane. And holy fuck, holy shit, they were—
“—actually doing this,” she choked, feeling lightheaded and far, far too warm.
“Of course,” Vil smirked, amusement playing across his face. “Unless you want us to stop.”
“Absolutely fucking not,” she squawked, and then buried her face in his shoulder in humiliation. Rook laughed, chiming and musical against her collarbone.
Vil reached around to dig his fingers into the soft flesh of her rump and squeeze. “Well? You haven’t answered me.”
“…You in front?” she asked, tentative. “So I can…”
“So you can?” he pressed, dragging her back and forth between them in a horrible, torturous grind.
“So I can kiss you,” she mumbled, pink from the tip of her chin to the roots of her hair.
That upright, royal smugness melted from his face for a moment in a wave of golden fondness, and he ducked in to press a sweet, soft kiss to her lips—his hands coming up to cup her cheeks and run gently through her mused hair. She could hear Rook let out the most besotted little sigh, like he was watching a favorite scene from one of Neige’s romcoms.
“Ah, l'amour vrai,” he breathed, leaning forward to hook his chin over her shoulder. “I never will tire of the sight.” 
“Mmm,” Vil hummed, pulling away from her mouth with a lingering nip and a long, deep drag of his tongue along hers. “I suppose not, if I have any say in it.”
Saya blinked—dizzy, and warm, and jaw still hanging slack—and Rook laughed at the startled look on her face.
“Meaning he’d like to keep you forever, mon coeur,” he chirped. “So such a treat on the eyes will never have an expiry date.”
“Oh,” she whispered, still far too dazed and only falling further into that horrible, hot spiral when Vil’s fingers shifted back down to her waist to pull her back into that slow, smooth, grind between them. It was awful, and wet. And surely she was making a hideous mess of the sheets. And their thighs. And all of it. But neither of them seemed to mind, only groaned low against her skin as the blonde beauty rocked her and back and forth, and back and forth, and back and—
“Still alright, kitten?” he laughed, leaning forward to suck another dark mark against her throat.
“I want that,” she blurted, and it came out shivery and far too high. “Being—” Son of a—No! No! She had some dignity left! And stupid fucking truth potion or otherwise, she wasn’t going to let him tease her into saying— “Being yours forever.”
Another kiss, so deep and strong it had her collapsing back against Rook’s chest with the push of it. She whined against painted lips and she felt the hunter’s pleased rumble along her spine in return.
“Si réactif,” he sighed, dipping down to the other side of her throat to lave a matching mark to one Vil had only just bitten into her skin.
Vil hummed again, deep in his chest—lips trailing from her mouth, down her chin, and all the way to her collarbones. “Isn’t she?”
“Okay, okay,” Saya squawked, fighting a shiver when Rook’s hands curled around her front to cup at her chest. “Can we stop talking out how stupidly squeaky I am and just—just get on with—"
Two of Vil’s fingers curled up into her in one, sharp thrust and she gasped.
“What was that, kitten?” he cooed. “I couldn’t hear you—” another brutal thump thump thump, another strangled exhale, “over whatever—” gasping, and gasping, “you were trying,” Saya squealed, hands coming down to tug fruitlessly at Vil’s wrist as he drilled up into her over, and over, and over—“to say?”
She bucked against his grip and then Rook’s palm was slipping forward to press down hard just below her naval. And she could practically feel the tips of Vil’s fingers grinding up against the hand at her abdomen. Full, and tight, and so, so—
The hunter’s other hand dipped low between her legs to rub tight, focused circles against her clit and the winding, spring of heat in her gut just about snapped. Hard, and fast, and sudden. And then it was gone. Those crafty, wet fingers slipping away to stroke along her flank instead. Saya threw her head back against Rook’s shoulder with a whimpering gasp. She bit into her lip and pressed her fingers over her mouth in a bid to trap some of the horrible, embarrassing noises trying to sneak off her tongue. To trap the complaint, that she could feel bubbling up along with those awful, terrible mews. Because if she ever, in all her life, let a whiny, little ‘why did you stop?’ pass her lips, Rook Hunt would never let her live it down. Ever.
She breathed through her nose, counting slow and steady as she tried to drag her head back out of the clouds. And just when she thought she was settling that horrible, heat addled, fog into something manageable, the grinding started again and she squeaked.
“Wh-What are you—” she choked, twisting down against a third finger. A fourth.
“I know that normally you prefer a bit of a sting,” Vil said, and Saya was nodding along with the bubbles of that godawful potion before she could help herself. There was a twitch in Rook’s fingers along the dip of her spine, and she could feel his nails dig into the skin there like he couldn’t help himself. “But this is something new, darling. So it’s better safe than sorry, hmm?”
“I wouldn’t be sorry,” she blurted, and then cursed under her breath. “Probably.”
Vil chuckled, indulgent, against her cheek, and then curved his fingers in a way that had her seeing stars.
“Another time, perhaps,” he trilled, soft, and went back to scissoring back and forth. A steady, slippery grind to ease their way.
There was a curious hum at her shoulder and then Rook’s fingers were dancing back around to tap at Vil’s steadily rocking wrist.
“May I?”
Those heavily lined eyes narrowed for a moment, considering, and then he slowly shifted his hand to make room for Rook’s own, slipping two fingers aside to leave a soft, warm space between them.
“Carefully,” he warned, firm.
“Bien sûr, bien sûr!” Rook trilled, delving forward too fast, and too quick, and not in line with his sweet, little reassurance at all. Saya squeaked and clenched her thighs shut around his hand. Hips stuttering on the rapid thump, thump, thump of his knuckles meeting her folds. She arched away with a gasp, toes twisting in the sheets and head tossing back and forth in a tight, strangled little mewl.
“Slower,” Vil snapped, and Rook sighed like an unrepentant child with their hand caught in the cookie jar.
“Yes, yes. As you say, mon reine.”
The brutal pace grew more tempered, more constrained, and Saya’s muscles slowly eased out of their rigid arch. Vil hummed, approving, and deftly began to twist his own fingers again in time with Rook’s enthusiastic exploration.
“Angle yourself a bit more towards the front. And a touch to the right,” he coached, and then there was familiar pressure against a tight, far too sensitive part of her that had Saya keening. “Ah. That’s it then.”
“Merci, merci, Roi de Poison,” Rook beamed, “for your marvelous guidance, as always.”
“Please, just—” she begged, twisting and bucking against the mess of hands between her legs. Because she couldn’t—it was all—there was so much—and— “It’s fine. I’m ready. Please. Can you just—”
There was a sharp pinch at her hip that had her whining and flinching away.
“Don’t rush me, kitten,” Vil chastised. “You know the rules.”
“Of course I do,” Saya snapped, more of those same, terrible truths popping along her tongue like fizz off a soft drink. “And breaking them is the only thing that gets you to actually fuck me nine out of ten times. So of course I—"
Another wicked sting at the inside of her thigh, and Saya yelped.
“My, you are an unruly, little thing aren’t you, favori?” Rook cooed, nails raking up and down her pale skin like he wanted to etch those stark, red lines into her flesh like a tattoo. “Your darling Queen adores you so much, and this is how you repay him?” There was a near-feral, hungry spark in those emerald eyes that had her trembling. And suddenly Saya felt very much like a rabbit trapped between the jaws of a cackling fox. A feisty, smirking predator who just wanted any excuse to chase, and pounce, and bite—
“Enough, Rook.”
 Another sigh, long and lamenting. And Saya shivered against a fresh wave of goosebumps.
Vil hooked a finger beneath her chin and pulled her forward into a slow, syrupy kiss. His tongue traced steadily along hers, lining her teeth, pricking her canines, twining round and round until she was easing back against him with a soft sigh.
“There you are, kitten” he hummed, pulling back with a thin, sticky trail of saliva—keeping close enough that it didn’t have quite enough stretch to snap and break between them. He cupped her cheeks between his palms and Saya did her best to ignore the stripe of thick, slippery wetness that rubbed along her skin. “I think we’ve teased you enough for one night, don’t you?”
She nodded, still a bit too shivery and teary-eyed. Trembling like a leaf in the wind. And Vil leaned forward with a sweet coo to offer her another kiss.
“Do you still want this, darling?”
Another nod. One that she probably would have offered even without a Truth Potion coursing through her veins. Because, yes. It was a lot. But—but that was the whole point, wasn’t it? And Rook was still a bit, well, himself. And Saya still felt like he was two steps away from sinking his teeth into her throat and never letting go. But she trusted Vil to stay the Hunter’s hand—to keep them both in line. So she twisted her fingers through his own, finely manicured ones and leaned forward to press a soft, tremulous kiss to the underside of his jaw.
“There’s my good girl,” Vil hummed, an indulgent, little smile curling his red lips. “Now, how to best go about this…”
Manicured fingers rose to clasp firmly along the line of her shoulders, and then Vil was easing her back flat against the mattress. Her head landed with a soft ‘thump’ against Rook’s thighs, and immediately the hunter’s hands were curling into the loose waves of her hair, raking his nails along her scalp until she was shivering all over again. Vil slid his palms down along her sides to cup under her rear and raise her hips off the pooling, silk sheets. One curved further along her lower back to keep her aloft, and the other ran down her legs one at a time, hooking one calf around his waist and then the other.
He shifted forward on his knees until he was looming over her and ducked down to press another deep, breath-stealing kiss into her lips. And then he was rocking forward and slipping in slow and smooth. Saya whined against his mouth and he nipped softly at lower her lip in reprimand.
“Relax, kitten.”
She whined again and tried to shift her hips to better accommodate the familiar stretch, but Vil dug his fingers into her side to keep her firmly in place, tapping one, painted nail against the dip in her waist like a reprimand. She stilled under that firm grip all at once and Rook trilled something enthusiastic and saccharine sweet in her ear.
“Si bien entraîné,” he cooed, peppering kisses all along the curve of her jaw, up her cheek, along the bridge of her nose. “Si adorable,” another wave of pecks along her forehead. “Tu le prends si bien, favori.”
Saya scrunched her nose beneath the endless press of fluttering lips, ticklish, and Rook laughed—bright and fond. He leaned in closer to run the broad flat of his tongue along her lips instead and Saya fought a complaint, because that would just open her mouth up to the rest of him. And going by the spark darkening that emerald leer of his, that was exactly what he was hoping for.
Vil shooed the hunter away with an exasperated wave of his hand and shifted his palms back along the dip in her spine.
“Up, darling.”
He rolled back onto his knees and Saya shifted obediently alongside him—letting herself be swooped up from the long, lean sprawl and into his lap. She wobbled a bit and dug her teeth into her lip to focus on keeping her balance. It was an odd sort of position. Normally when Vil settled her in his lap, she was flush with his thighs. Pressed core to core so that he could grind her down along his length and whisper terrible things into her ear that made her melt. Now, she was situated far further up—sticky clit bumping against the firm muscles of his stomach and thighs shivering into an arch. Like trying to hold a rising trot on a horse.  
Vil ran a soothing hand up and down her trembling sides.
“Good girl, doing so lovely for us” he hummed, pressing her closer and encouraging her to grind low, slow circles against his abdomen. Saya fought a shiver and bit her lip harder. “Stay just like this, hmm?”
She nodded, jittery but determined, and he smiled indulgently against her throat.
Amethyst eyes flashed towards their guest and Vil dipped his chin—an order. And then Rook was draping himself along her back once more, hands curling around to knead and pinch along her chest like he couldn’t help himself. Squeezing handfuls of soft, squishy flesh between his palms, rolling pink peaks between his fingers in sharp, overenthusiastic twists, and panting near-indiscernible obscenities into her neck all the while. Vil shuffled them around until they were situated to his liking, smacking at Rook’s limbs whenever the hunter tried to readjust himself or slip too close too soon. Two sets of hands dug themselves into her hips, and Saya could feel the hot, blunt press of Rook at her back like a brand. He sighed, whimsical, against her shoulders and rutted short, aborted thrusts against her rear—leaving smears of tacky, warm precum in his wake like a signature. Saya could feel it cooling in sticky trails all along her skin, but Rook seemed more than merry with the idea of letting it pool there, thick and messy, until they were stuck together at the hip from it.
She was still pressed up at that awkward angle, still rubbing those soft, wet, maddening circles right where Vil had told her to. And even though her thighs were really starting to ache, Saya realized oh. Like this, Rook could drive right up into her, couldn’t he? They both could. And then, after she was wrapped up between them like a lock and key, they would be able to pass her back and forth so easily, and—
Vil rocked up into her in one quick, sharp thrust and Saya’s attention was immediately snapping back to him on a high-pitched keen.   
“Focus, kitten,” he chastised. “Just for this part, at the very least. So that we can make sure everything’s going the way it should. And,” he pressed, flicking at her nose, “because you will be telling us if anything hurts. Understood?”
The potion popped in her mouth with a vengeance, and she found herself pouting, “But I like when it—"
Vil nipped at her lips to stop the words in their tracks, but Rook was already gasping delightedly in her ear.
“You know what I mean, sweetheart,” he chuffed, amused.
The House Warden propped his chin against her shoulder to press a wet, lingering kiss beneath her ear. And with his teeth still scraping against her skin, he canted his head back to shoot Rook the coldest, sharpest look she’d ever seen him level at the hunter in their bed.
“She’s small,” Vil said, like a warning. But there was something else there too, underlying. Something curling, and dark, and possessive that Saya wasn’t really sure what to make of. “So you need to be careful.”
She couldn’t see Rook’s reaction from over her shoulder, but whatever stare down they were locked in felt like it dragged on for an age. And then, finally, Vil was relaxing against her with a nod and drawing the both of them back into the little cradle of limbs he’d so deftly constructed.  
“Go on then,” he ordered, in the same, haughty tone he might use for making demands of an unruly student. “She’s waiting.”
“A crime I shall never be able to repent for,” Rook crooned, and then dug his fingers along Saya’s hips until she was carefully arching away from Vil’s with a soft hiss.
It was a bit of an awkward balancing act at first—trying to keep herself from tipping too far forward or too far back. To keep Vil between her legs without slipping off entirely while also bowing her spine enough to give Rook the access he needed. He panted along her shoulder, biting and licking as he went in a way that made her think of rabbits and predators all over again. She could feel the steady, blunt pressure of him as he rocked forward bit by bit. Careful, just like Vil had demanded he be. Saya shifted against the strain in her legs and gave a tentative swivel of her hips, trying to coax him into seating himself deeper. And, naturally, Vil was there in an instant to nip admonishingly at her throat and tighten his grip until she kept herself still once more.
“Be patient, kitten.”
I am being patient, she wanted to whine back, but in that moment, Rook hit a point where the resistance seemed to give way all at once, and she was sliding all the way down against the both of them with a noise like the air had been knocked straight out of her lungs.
Vil groaned, low and punched out, against her neck, and Rook hissed from behind his teeth.
“Si serrée,” he gasped, hips rabbiting up fast—once, twice—like he couldn’t help himself, and Vil snapped something under his breath that Saya was too out of her wits to make sense of. Because it was so, so much. So tight, and hot, and the pressure was just, so, so—
She panted around them and dug her nails into Vil’s shoulders hard, hard, hard. He didn’t even flinch.
“Alright?” he asked after a moment, mouthing gently at the hollow below her collarbone as he glanced up at her from beneath heavy lashes.
“Mmhmm,” she nodded, jerkily, dizzily.
“Nothing painful?” he coaxed, and Saya shook her head until her hair was flying around her cheeks. The pressure and the tight, tight, tight, tight of it was almost too much to bear. Teetering precariously along that ledge of ‘too much.’ But it was also so, so good—
“It feels—”
“Go on,” Rook teased, voice a bit tremulous and breathy, and she could feel the words slither along the shell of her ear. Vil shushed him sharply and then pressed another encouraging kiss to her throat.
“Don’t mind him, darling. When you’re ready.”
“It’s nice?” she managed to choke out, when Vil shifted a bit at her front and it sent a tidal wave of all sorts of unfamiliar pressure through the rest of her. Lovely, and full, and different, and—
“Ah, avez-vous entendu que, mon reine?” the hunter tutted. “We are but ‘nice.’ That doesn’t sound like much of a resounding success, no?”
“No,” Vil hummed on a wry sort of agreement that sounded like nothing but trouble. He shifted again, giving an experimental rut of his hips as he did so that had all three of them shivering on a moan. “Not exactly a ringing endorsement. How unfortunate.”
“Very nice?” Saya spluttered out frantically.
“Oh, come now!” Rook mewed, and she could feel his fingers reaching around to dig into her hips and gently begin to pull her down. “Surely we can do better than that, mon reine.”
“Surely,” he echoed, gaze flitting pointedly over her shoulder to whatever expression was curling over their guest’s face. Vil’s eyes narrowed again, but that swimming, dark something from before was absent. Now, it just looked like a challenge. Saya could feel Rook’s smile widen against her cheek. “Keep to my rhythm,” Vil demanded, giving another sharp, deep, push that had Saya dipping back on a gasp. Rook chirped in delight.
“I will, as always, endeavor to follow your lead in all things, mon reine,” he trilled, letting his own hips jump forward in response. It was too hard, too quick, and Saya yelped when the force of it nearly toppled her out of both of their laps.
“Apologies, apologies,” the hunter cooed, giving another, gentler thrust. “I was too eager, I’m afraid.”
Vil huffed under his breath and then started up his own, measured grind. He twined his fingers along Saya’s hips and pulled her down at each upward press. Meeting his thrusts in time so that they struck long, and deep, and hard along all the familiar, sensitive places that he knew far too well. It took a moment for Rook to match it—to push in as Vil eased out. To rut just hard enough to have her whining and gasping but not squeaking in discomfort. And Saya was dying. The press of the two of them was so, so much. She felt out of her skin—like her pulse was a match to the pressures in her belly and those alone. She raked her nails down Vil’s back until he was hissing with it and Rook trilled in delight.
“Next time,” he sighed, dreamy, and stuttered on a thrust. “Ah, la merveille de sentir tes griffes dans ma peau,” he crooned. He bit at her throat, hard, and Saya choked on a squeak. “What I wouldn’t give—”
“Focus, Rook,” Vil snorted, reaching a hand down between them to rub tight circles against Saya’s clit until she was shivering.
“Ah, désolé, désolé,” the Vice Warden chirped, and then drove up hard enough to nearly send her sprawling all over again. But this time he kept his fingers firm around her waist, hauling her down against the pair of them just as sharply. And Saya keened.
Vil didn’t even bother to chastise him this time, his own head falling back on a startled grunt at the tight, tight heat—his hips catching on the slick drag of it and nearly tugging him under. He dug his fingers in alongside Rook’s and pulled her down harsher. Until Saya was hiccupping on every thrust and panting desperate, whiny sentiments against his shoulder. That curling, clawing warmth in her gut spiraled higher, and Vil’s eyes caught on hers like a shark scenting blood in the water.
“Almost there, kitten?” he breathed against her cheek, wet and fast. “We do have an audience this, time, don’t we?” he cooed, pupils pulsing so wide and blown that they nearly swallowed the amethyst there in its entirety. “So we’re going to have to make it count.”
And then his fingers were working over her clit in earnest and Saya squealed.
She gulped, nearly choking on air, and that potion bubbled in her veins like a promise.
“Can’t hear you, darling.” Which was absolutely rich, coming for the man currently pushing words past his throat like he trying not to gasp for breath. Like every other sound coming out of him wasn’t some airy, punched-out groan.
“You can do better than that, kitten.”
Saya’s very rightful complaint broke into a squawk when Rook drove up harder. When the two of them met in the middle in perfect sync—in a perfect, terrible pressure that was far too much. And she wanted to scream, and scream, and—
“That’s it, darling.”
Saya wailed, tucking herself tight against Vil’s chest like she could crawl inside him if she pushed hard enough. That she could live there forever alongside the staccato thump thump thump of his heart at her front, and Rook’s at her back, and—
The spring snapped and Saya was tumbling over the edge all at once. Rook moaned, low and long, from over her shoulder and Vil cursed under his breath. Both sets of hips stuttered at the tight, tight clench and then, as she was still trembling, and panting, and seeing stars, Vil groaned and released deep inside her in a familiar, wet, wave of heat. Rook followed not a moment after, sighing, and gasping, and pushing forward as far as he could go.
It took a long, long time for her to come down. And even after that, Saya was still shaking, and shivery, and far too oversensitive. Rook shifted at her back—still tucked up as deep inside as he could manage. Still wet, and warm, and heavy—and she winced at the tender sting of it. Vil’s lips traced a soft, sweet pattern against her temple, murmuring reassurances that she still wasn’t quite in the right mind to make sense of, and then he was gently easing her off the both of them and back down towards the sheets. Carefully, carefully. Saya’s thighs throbbed, and then the rest of her gave an answering, sore flinch. All the way down to the core of her. She was sticky, and aching, and there was a pool of white, tacky, wetness cooling between her legs that she could feel trailing down, down, down. She shifted with another flinch, hoping to take some of the pressure off her hips, and Vil’s hands reached down to slot a pillow beneath her lower back.
“There you are, darling,” Vil hummed, tucking her gently between the pair of them so she could curl up into his side, mess be damned. Rook draped himself delicately along her back, rubbing circles into the bruises by her hips and cooing soft, low sentiments into her hair. “You did so well, sweetheart.”
Saya grumbled something drunkenly incoherent into his chest and Vil chuffed in amusement against her flushed cheeks.
“Une prestation magistrale,” Rook encouraged, still a bit warbly, a bit breathless, and licked a long, lazy line over the sweat beading along her skin. “Truly, I have never witnessed such perfection in human form, mon coeur.”
Saya’s head lolled forward on another, soft hiccup and she snuggled in tighter—embarrassed. Limbs loose and shivering.
Vil’s hand trailed up and down her arm in slow, measured strokes.
“Too much?” he coaxed, concerned, and Saya managed to shake her head until he was laughing at her under his breath. “Ah. Just enough then, I suppose.”
She took a moment to just breathe—to take in the familiar scents of Vil’s lingering cologne, the soft, floral breeze of his shampoo, the lavender musk that was just him. And overlaid amidst all that cozy comfort was the smell of cypress and pine. Of ozone, and leather, and sprawling forests. Saya scrunched her nose nervously against Vil’s collarbone for a moment, taking in another few, deep breaths to steady herself. And then she turned back onto her side, wincing all the while. The hands at her hips faltered, and with careful, cautious movements, she managed to flop all the way over without squeaking even once.
Saya peeked up at Rook from beneath her golden lashes, nervous. And then slowly, hesitantly, she leaned forward to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“Uhm…” she spluttered, quickly averting her gaze and ears going pink in chagrin. Despite how innocent it was in comparison to all the things that they’d just done—what they’d done to her. “…Thank you.”
And then she was ducking back into the safety of Vil’s arms far too quickly, wheezing in discomfort when it tugged at muscles she didn’t even know could ache. She burrowed back into his chest with a sniffly little whine that was far too teary for her pride to admit, and Vil was immediately back to cooing and carding his fingers through her hair.
The House Warden smiled into her mused locks for a moment longer before letting his sharp gaze dart back to the hunter sprawled out beside them.
Rook had a hand delicately raised to his cheek, as if he could trace the imprint of Saya’s kiss with his fingertips alone. His green eyes had gone wide with surprise, and there was a strange, curling, spark blooming in them that Vil knew far too well.
“Oh,” Rook whispered, sounding choked. Like his heart had grown enough to swell past the cage of his chest, to press hard and welcoming against his airway like it couldn’t help itself. Ready to steal the last breath it could. Ready to take it willingly.  
Vil snorted into Saya’s hair and let her press herself in an exhausted puddle along his side, right where she was always meant to be. He closed his eyes, feeling the pleasant, sore twinges in his own muscles as he settled back against the pillows. A moment passed in silence, and then another. And then, predictably, Vil could hear the soft shft of Rook slipping closer along the mattress—feel the dip along Saya’s hips as the hunter draped himself over her back like a cloak.
Saya stiffened for a moment in surprise, but then was slipping back into sleep between one, soft breath and the next. Vil tucked himself against her nape and felt the brush of Rook’s hands as he reached forward to clutch at the teeny, shivering blonde between them like a lifeline. Vil sighed again and let himself be lulled into a dreamless doze alongside her.
They could discuss the future another time. 
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kaevch · 5 months
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tixdixl · 13 days
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It's been a minute since I've drawn them together, and admittedly I had wanted to do an illustration of the two of them in OB for a while now. But this will have to suffice for now.
Unironically, while they dont both OB at the same time, their OBs are crucial to there dynamic as a QPP/ship. They don't get to grow together as a duo without OBing. And there is a connection their unique to themselves because of their mutual understanding of one another.
Tag list: @ramshacklerumble @elenauaurs @starry-night-rose @rainesol @thehollowwriter
@cyanide-latte @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @lumdays @boopshoops
@inmateofthemind @the-trinket-witch
Lmk if you want added/removed
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Hey there! If mini doodle requests are open, can I request please my OC Reina with Malleus and Vil? It’s a love triangle lmaoo
Take your time and thank you!
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Achievement unlocked: Poison and Thorns Sandwich
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artsybelle1015 · 1 year
i feel like vil is much more of a soft lover, and is more touchy than expected.
after all, his life has been just fame… which doesn’t give much genuine affection, so of course if he were to get a lover he would do a lot to merely hug or hold their hand, he’ll kiss them as much as possible.
he knows he’s good enough for them and they’re good enough for them, no matter what they look like as long as they’re taking care of themself.
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jasmariswonderland · 3 months
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“Abandon thought and let the dream descend…”
A huge thank you to @/chirtttttttt on twitter for this hauntingly gorgeous VilDani commission from one of my favorite scenes from my fic Shining Hearts ~ Melodies and Melancholy. They did such a wonderful job capturing both the beauty and tragedy of this scene.💙
Read it here on Ao3 | Read it here on Tumblr
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foxwitchaine · 3 months
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Ginnie has some choice words for Vil
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thelamentknight · 7 months
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Prince Vil
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o-she · 1 month
«A small dim light
All trying not to extinguish your fire
Says: "I'm here so you won't be empty,"
He says: "I'm here so you won't be alone"»
Song: Лампабикт - Плафон.
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This is my twst oc (70% selfsona), his name is OShe (read as oshi) Zahrad, he is based on Basil and Lord Henry from The Portrait of Dorian Gray, and his special magic allows you to capture the emotional state of a person in a painting. I really love viloshe, this is my otp, and I hope you like it too... Here is a scene from my canon, where OShe gives Vil a picture after VDC, it serves as the background of the art itself (maybe one day I will draw what the picture itself looks like).
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azriel-sama · 2 months
Made this in the middle of the night. Heavily inspired by another little comic that I saw a while ago on tumblr but I can't find it. Someone help me find it if you know 😭
(Under the cut)
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hatsu2 · 1 month
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more oc art wushskssok it's just them chilling out together
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dilatorywriting · 4 months
Vil Schoenheit x OC Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Never in a hundred years would anyone have expected the Vil Schoenheit to develop seperation anxiety.
[OC Archive]
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Vil wasn’t picking up his phone. Which was saying something, because normally the blonde was hemming and hawing over getting Saya to answer in any reasonable fashion. It wasn’t her fault she was terrible with texts, let alone the strange, encrypted, messaging software he’d insisted they use. But Vil was normally so focused—so intent. She’d never had to wait more than a few minutes before for him to respond to even her silliest of questions.
She listened through the tinny speakers as the phone rang, and rang, and rang.
It went to voicemail again with a near petulant chirp and Saya huffed irritably through her nose.
Vil was away filming. He hadn’t wanted to be. He’d told her time and time again that he’d specifically set aside his acting career to focus on his education, and that he had no intentions of stepping into any new roles when his duties to Pomefiore and Night Raven already ate up so much of his precious free time. But this was some reshoot or other for a project that had long since shifted into post-production. And he was contractually obligated to pack his bags and head out on the earliest flight to the Shaftlands.
“Call me every night,” he’d said, as he was fretfully checking and rechecking his suitcase. Shifting through outfits like a blackjack dealer spitting cards around a table. “And every morning.”
“And every afternoon?” she’d drawled, rolling over to bury back into his too-expensive plum duvet. The sun wasn’t even up yet. The birds hadn’t even started to sing yet. It was too early to be awake at all, let alone trying to juggle kindness and reciprocal doting.
“I’m serious,” he’d snapped. “You already get into enough trouble while I’m here to keep a watch over you. And now I’m going to be on another continent.”
And he’d seemed… frazzled, almost. There were smears of purple beneath his eyes that didn’t look intentional or artful, and there was a tightness to his sculpted brows that spoke of a burgeoning headache.
“You said It’s only for two weeks,” Saya mumbled, sitting back up to give him and his fretting her proper attention. “It’ll be fine. It can be, like, a vacation,” she tried. “Away from all my nonsense. I’m sure by the end of it you’ll be dreading coming back.”
Her cheek stretched with sharp, stinging pain and she whined into Vil’s palm as he pinched the skin there.
“Don’t say that,” he demanded, bitter and… something she couldn’t quite place. Saya blinked back, owlish and surprised. Vil never really liked when she joked about him not caring, or about her being a burden, and blablabla. It was all in good fun, well, mostly, but he always put a hard stop to it nonetheless. So she hadn’t expected him to sit back and laugh at her little joke, but he’d never really looked quite so…
“…I’ll miss you,” she said around his fingers, instead of pushing further. Hoping that might be less of a conversational landmine. But instead of helping, that something darkening his eyes just got worse.
“Every morning and every night,” he said again after a moment, ducking forward to press a lingering kiss to her forehead. “So keep your phone charged.”
Another chirp. Another ‘you have reached the voicemail of—’
Saya frowned and set her phone aside.
He had been a bit… odd, maybe. The last few times they’d spoken. Or, well, to be fair, he hadn’t really been himself the entire time he’d been away. Like there was an undercurrent of tension to him winding tighter and tighter, just waiting to snap. Vil had always had a tendency to work himself too hard, but this… didn’t really seem like that. There was almost a mania to it. Not quite hysterical, but something that reminded her a bit too much of trickling tar and the foul, creeping sludge of blot for comfort.
Her phone vibrated and Saya pounced for it before the screen even had a chance to light up.
“Oh thank god, you picked up. Do you know where he is?”
Saya blinked, startled, and then hazarded a quick glance at the caller ID. When his PR Team's icon blinked back at her, she swallowed a pissy curse.
“Amelia,” she frowned, fighting the urge to twist her fingers. “What do you mean? Know where who is?”
“You know who!” the woman snapped, sounding halfway to a meltdown. “Vil stormed off set hours ago and no one’s been able to find him.”
Saya’s stomach dropped and she felt herself moving towards the door before she’d even realized she’d stood.
“What do you mean?” she frowned, scraggling blindly along the coat hangers for a jacket. “What do you mean ‘ran off?’” He wouldn’t. Vil would never. He was a consummate professional—
“He hasn’t been… feeling well,” Amelia said into the speaker, sounding a bit choked. “And some of the crew was struggling with his… his mood.”
“Just call him a bitch and be done with it,” Saya snipped, yanking her arms through the sleeves and shoving her keys into her pocket. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“He can always be a bit difficult to work with—demanding, heavy-handed. We all know that. But never cruel. But this time it was like… He was just... ” the woman trailed off, still stiff. Still clearly panicked. “So things weren’t going well. I—We—He just—"
“Look,” Saya interrupted, stumbling out the door and hearing the creaking old hinges slam behind her. It was pouring. A torrential downpour that had turned the whole of the paths outside Ramshackle into a hazardous, muddy obstacle course. “You can share your poor, boohoo backstories later. Do you have any idea where he could have—"
She crashed headfirst into another rushing figure with a whoosh that knocked the air right out of her chest. Saya leaned forward with a gasping wheeze, trying to get her feet back under her and the air back into her lungs, and gaped in shock at the very familiar chest that she’d just barreled into at Mach speed. A chest that was supposed to be a hundred miles away on a movie set and not—not—
The voice in her phone was faint, droning buzz like the flighty chitter of mosquitos. She shoved it into her pocket until the panicked white noise was muffled through a layer of fabric.
There were too many questions. Too many hard questions.
So Saya just stiffened her lip and looped an arm through Vil’s.
“Come on,” she sighed, feeling a terrible, nervous chill trickling through her veins like ice water. “Your makeup is dripping everywhere. Let’s get you inside.”
Vil hated Ramshackle—made it a point to say so every time he laid eyes upon the fetid, lopsided, wreck of a building. But this time he just let himself be herded through the main entrance without a word, and that fretful, freezing something in her limbs got worse. Saya corralled him carefully upstairs to her small room. Ro was supposed to be away at Diasomnia for the evening, but the little bit of extra privacy wouldn’t do any harm.
Saya’s heart was tripping unpleasantly in her chest and she decided she had a plan.
First, she’d sit him down on her bed all comfy like. She’d wipe away his smeared mascara and dot at the red, angry lines on his cheeks. Then, she’d bundle him up in her comforter and maybe make some cocoa. And then—then… Well, she didn’t know what then. But it was a start.
Vil, naturally, was never one to make anyone’s lives easier ever. Even hers. So when she moved to start pushing him towards her mattress, he lurched around—quick as a snake—and dragged her into his arms so tight that her sides were aching with it. Saya squeaked and fought the urge to immediately start wriggling like a fish in a net. Because something wasn’t… This really wasn’t…
“Vil…?” she tried, and he pressed forward until his nose was digging into her throat so hard there was sure to be a fresh set of red marks there tomorrow. She tried to get her arms up, to hug him back, but it was too tight. And he wasn’t moving. So Saya sighed and settled on a soft, “I missed you.”
Vil locked up like a broken doll and she froze, feeling like she’d audibly misstepped somehow.
“Uhm…” she mumbled, unsure how to backtrack. “Are you alright? Amelia called. She said everyone was worried that—”
“They’re not worried,” he sneered, so sharp and so venomous that it genuinely startled her. “I did what I had to do and I left. I doubt they could care less.”
Saya frowned, hesitant. “Something’s bothering you.”
A scoff. “Everything bothers me.”
“Yeah, well, I can’t fix everything,” she pressed back. “Not all at once, anyways. Just—one thing at a time maybe? So I can help with that first?”
“…I always knew,” Vil said against her shoulder after a moment, “that they were miserable, lying vermin. That’s all any of this really is. What can I do for them, how can they use me best. And it never bothered me before. Or maybe it did, but I just never knew any better.”
“What are you talking about?” Saya frowned, doing her best to shuffle up against him in as close of an approximation to a reassuring pat as she could manage with her arms pinned to her side.
“It’s hard,” Vil continued, sounding bitter. “To learn that you can be loved as a person, and then having to go back to being a commodity. To being nothing but your use. So don’t ever,” he seethed, digging his painted nails into her hips, “say that leaving you is a vacation, or a treat, or enjoyable ever again when you’re the only one who ever even lets me be a person to begin with.”
“…okay,” Saya choked. Because that sounded like a lot. A lot, a lot. But—but this was Vil. Who she really did love so, so much. Cracks and all.
So she did what she did best and walled off the strange something that had started to fester in her gut. Locked it away and decided promptly that it had never existed at all.
“But maybe next time at least tell someone where you’re going,” she protested weakly, forcing a bit of levity into her tone. “Because your PA was calling me in a panic. I was literally about to go down to the road and hitchhike to the Shaftlands.”
“Do not ever get into a car with a stranger who tries to pick you up on the curbside,” he snipped at her, grip loosening just enough that he could reach up to tug, reprimanding, at a lock of her hair instead. “And this is why I was so nervous about leaving you alone. You’re just as danger prone as your brother.”
“Oh, please. I am not.”
“Being willing to turn and bite the thing chasing you like a feral racoon doesn’t mean you aren’t being chased,” Vil snorted, a bit of his more familiar, playful snark curling over the words to replace that horrible, cloying something from before. He ran his fingers through her hair and scratched lightly at her scalp. “I should track your phone at this rate.”
Saya scoffed. “I’m surprised you don’t already.”
Vil hummed, sounding pensive. And perhaps a touch of good humor. Like he’d caught himself thinking on an inside joke.
“Nevertheless,” he sighed, slowly unwinding himself from around her like a hulking, venomous snake unspooling its coils. “I’m sorry for worrying you. I just missed you terribly. And wanted to come home as soon as possible.”
Oof. One hit KO.
Saya huffed, cheeks going pink all the way up to her ears.
“Yeah, well, I missed you more and you didn’t see me forgetting your stupid ‘keep your phone charged at all times’ rule, did I?”
Vil chuckled and leaned forward to press a soft, apologetic kiss along the underside of her jaw.
“I have a lot to repent for, it would seem,” he hummed.
“Damn straight.”
A pause, as she looked over him with a touch of that same creeping, prickling worry.
“But… only after you’re feeling a bit better,” she amended, eyes darting off to the corner of the room with an embarrassed little huff. “It��s not fair,” she said after a moment. “That you feel like—” like there was no one in the world who wanted him for him. That he was good for nothing but his face, or his smile, or pretty, little lies. “—like they don’t care about you.”
“You care,” Vil sighed, burrowing back into her collarbone. “That’s all that really matters, hmm?”
“It shouldn’t be,” Saya harumphed. “Next time this happens I’ll follow you around myself and like, I don’t know, spray them with a water bottle full of cat piss. Or something.”
Vil laughed, low and deep.
“Of course. What a simple solution,” he hummed against her throat. “To just never let you leave my side to begin with.”
And maybe the steady, unquestionable undercurrent to that proclamation should have been a bit concerning. Like the sweetness of chocolate undermined by something darker and stickier that would leave one’s mouth dry and a peculiar sense of wrongness coating their tongue. But honestly, that sounded all well and good to her. Never leave his side to begin with. Saya sighed and let Vil pull her back towards her mattress. Because honestly, if it was him being the clingy one, then at least she’d never have to admit to it on her own. 
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horrorcutieangel · 4 months
Anti Transfem Vil DNI(and don't try to start shit you're just wasting everyone's time)
Anyways, HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! Especially to Crooked Crown(Vil x Adelaide)!!! (^q^)
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Also! If you wanna get tagged just ask me pls!(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
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ariella-schoenheit · 3 months
Vil told me our bodies are temples and we must take care of them. ( I ate a whole tub of ice cream again)
I ignored the second part and told him I'm a devout follower and now my face is covered in red lipstick stains and I'm sitting on his lap as he does my hair.
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Hi can you do my oc? Here-
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She has freckles but cover by make up but Vil and Neige would say it’s beautiful her freckles please?
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This might work? I had no information about her freckles sadly 😭
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