warakami-vaporwave · 15 days
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Synthetic Starlight (Video1)
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purrincessnatsu · 1 month
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My friend and I decided to explore a creepy map in VRChat last night. We were just the two of us, armed with our virtual cameras, taking selfies in every spooky corner we could find. The atmosphere was eerie, with flickering lights and creepy sounds that added to the tension.
Each selfie captured our mix of excitement and nervousness as we navigated through the haunted environment. It was a fun and slightly terrifying experience that had us both laughing and jumping at shadows.
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Have you ever explored a creepy map in VRChat? What was your experience like? Share your stories—we'd love to hear them!
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amazingamyy-y · 1 month
What If We're Living in a Simulation? Exploring Simulation Theory
Simulation theory is one of those concepts that can make your brain do a double take. The idea is simple, yet profound: what if our entire reality—everything we see, hear, and feel—is just an advanced simulation? It’s a thought that’s been explored in science fiction for decades, but in recent years, it has gained traction in academic circles and pop culture alike.
The Basics: What Is Simulation Theory?
At its core, simulation theory posits that the universe and everything within it is a highly advanced computer simulation. This could mean that we are living in a virtual reality created by a civilization far more advanced than our own, potentially to the point where their simulations are indistinguishable from what we perceive as reality.
This idea was popularized by philosopher Nick Bostrom in his 2003 paper, Are You Living in a Computer Simulation? Bostrom suggests that at least one of the following propositions is true:
Almost all civilizations at our level of technological development go extinct before becoming capable of creating such a simulation.
If civilizations reach the capability to create such simulations, they choose not to for some reason.
We are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.
The third proposition is the one that has sparked the most interest—and controversy.
Why Would Anyone Create a Simulation?
The motivations behind creating such a simulation could vary widely. Some theorists suggest that an advanced civilization might create simulations for scientific research, historical reenactments, or even entertainment. If you think about it, our own society is moving towards increasingly immersive virtual realities. We play video games, use virtual reality headsets, and create digital worlds. As our technology improves, who’s to say we won’t create simulations so complex that the inhabitants don’t even realize they’re in one?
Evidence and Arguments
So, what evidence is there that we might be living in a simulation? While there’s no definitive proof, several arguments have been made:
Mathematical Structure of the Universe: Some physicists and mathematicians point out that the universe seems to operate according to a set of underlying mathematical laws. If the universe is code, then it makes sense that it would have a structured, logical framework.
Quantum Mechanics: At the quantum level, reality behaves in strange, almost digital ways. Particles appear and disappear, and the act of observation seems to affect outcomes. This has led some to speculate that what we’re seeing is akin to how a computer simulation might render only what is necessary for the “player” to see.
Cosmological Fine-Tuning: The universe appears to be finely tuned for life, with physical constants falling within a narrow range that allows for the existence of complex structures like stars, planets, and humans. Some argue this could be evidence of a simulation designed to support life.
Of course, there are plenty of skeptics. Critics of simulation theory argue that the hypothesis is unfalsifiable—meaning it cannot be proven or disproven. This makes it more of a philosophical musing than a scientific theory. Additionally, some argue that assuming we are in a simulation leads to a kind of nihilism, where our actions and experiences are rendered meaningless.
Others point out that just because something is possible doesn’t mean it’s probable. The idea of an advanced civilization creating simulations is fascinating, but there’s no direct evidence to suggest it’s happening.
Why It Matters
Whether or not we’re living in a simulation, the idea itself has significant implications. It forces us to question the nature of reality and our place within it. Are we the creators of our destiny, or are we just characters in a cosmic video game? Simulation theory also raises ethical questions—if we create simulations with conscious beings, what responsibility do we have toward them?
Final Thoughts
Simulation theory might sound like science fiction, but it’s a concept that has captured the imaginations of philosophers, scientists, and the general public alike. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, it’s an idea that invites us to think deeply about the nature of existence. And who knows—maybe one day we’ll find out the truth.
In the meantime, the idea that we could be living in a simulated reality adds a layer of mystery to our everyday lives. Next time something strange or inexplicable happens, you might find yourself wondering: Is this just a glitch in the matrix?
Feel free to dive into the comments—I'd love to hear what you think about simulation theory! Are we living in a simulation, or is it just another wild idea? Let’s discuss!
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princessnateira · 2 months
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🎂🥳 Happy Birthday to me! 🥳🎂
Follow me on Instagram & Twitter @ PrincessNaTeira
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renaissanceofthearts · 10 months
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systemst91 · 2 years
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gweeen-tea · 1 year
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Akane (gween) Fukosoru is a Fox Yokai here on twitch to play games and bring good luck and good times to others!
She streams from her tea shop where she works to pay off her debts
I am a variety streamer that likes to play anything and everything! But my favourite genres are RPGs, Metroidvanias, and Platformers and love retro games! My model has been done by the talented Sigman! Known for his work on the card game, Force of Will! https://twitter.com/5IGMAN I'm excited to make new friends here~ ^^
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noaasanctuaries · 1 year
Take a virtual dive on Cordell Bank without getting wet and explore this colorful environment through this immersive experience. Discover colorful corals and anemones, rockfish, jellies, ocean sunfish and more.
To experience more 360-degree images of your national marine sanctuaries, visit sanctuaries.noaa.gov/vr.
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dannyhellman · 6 months
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"Arcade Game"
Cover illustration by Danny Hellman for The Devastator
Published by Geoffrey Golden & Amanda Meadows
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 month
The Fear Weaver Shaina Tranquilino August 16, 2024
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Jenna sat in her small apartment, the neon lights of the city flickering through the window like ghosts of opportunities lost. A week had passed since she lost her job as a game designer at Infinity Studios, a position she had poured her soul into. Her dismissal came without warning—budget cuts, they said. But Jenna knew the truth: her ideas were too unorthodox, too risky for a company that favoured profit over innovation. The first few days of unemployment were a blur of self-doubt and anxiety. She questioned her worth, replayed every mistake, and wondered if she’d ever design again. But in the quiet moments, when the world outside her window calmed, a different kind of thought began to surface—a question: What if she could create something that truly mattered, something that went beyond entertainment?
That night, as rain tapped against the glass, Jenna found herself sketching on an old tablet. The idea had been brewing for years, but she had never dared to pitch it—too personal, too niche. But now, with nothing left to lose, she let her imagination take over.
She called it "The Fear Weaver."
The concept was simple, yet revolutionary: a virtual reality world designed to help people confront and conquer their deepest fears and insecurities. Unlike traditional VR games, The Fear Weaver wouldn’t be about escape. It would be about immersion, about facing the things that held people back in the real world.
Jenna worked tirelessly, coding through the nights, sculpting landscapes that mirrored the human psyche—dark forests representing loneliness, towering cliffs symbolizing fear of failure, endless mazes for insecurity. Each environment was designed to evoke a specific emotional response, challenging players to navigate and overcome.
But it wasn’t just the environments that made The Fear Weaver special. Jenna knew that real change came from within, so she developed an AI companion named Solis. Solis would guide players, offering encouragement, insights, and reflections. Unlike any AI before, Solis could adapt to the player's progress, providing a personalized journey through their fears.
As the project neared completion, Jenna faced a new fear—releasing it to the world. What if people didn’t understand it? What if they found it too intense, too raw? But she pushed those doubts aside. The Fear Weaver wasn’t just a game; it was a chance for people to heal, to grow.
The day of the launch arrived. Jenna released The Fear Weaver online, offering it for free to anyone willing to try. The response was slow at first, a handful of downloads trickling in. But then, something incredible happened. Word spread, not through flashy ads or influencers, but through the testimonies of those who had played.
People began sharing their stories: a man who had struggled with social anxiety found himself able to speak at his sister's wedding; a young woman, haunted by a childhood trauma, finally felt a sense of peace after confronting it within the game. The Fear Weaver was more than a game—it was a mirror, a guide, and a companion on a journey of self-discovery.
Soon, therapists began incorporating The Fear Weaver into their practices, and support groups formed around it. Jenna’s inbox flooded with messages of gratitude, stories of transformation, and requests for new environments. The Fear Weaver was no longer just a project—it was a movement.
As Jenna sat in her apartment, watching the numbers grow, she realized something profound. Losing her job had been the catalyst for creating something far more meaningful than she could have ever achieved at Infinity Studios. The Fear Weaver was her legacy, proof that her ideas weren’t too unorthodox—they were exactly what the world needed.
And as for Jenna, she had faced her own fears in the process. She was no longer the designer who had lost her job; she was the creator who had found her purpose.
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gourmand-sl · 4 months
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Trusting everyone spent their nice long weekend with saucy ribs and cheesy macs just like these. ⁠ ⁠ Food Credit:⁠ Junk Food - Ribs Platter⁠ Pitaya - Spice it Up (peppers)⁠
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purrincessnatsu · 1 month
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I'm feeling adventurous today, but I'm not sure which map to explore in VRChat. There are so many options, and each one promises a unique experience. Maybe I'll stumble upon something incredible! Have you visited the map I uploaded? It's breathtaking, especially with the night sky glowing above. The stars and moonlight create such a magical atmosphere. I'd love to hear about your favorite maps or any recommendations you have! Link here : [EN⁄JP] Night Sky Exchange - Launch Instance - VRChat Have fun !
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aurosoulart · 1 year
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I'm hosting another Figmin XR art jam tomorrow night!! 🎉🎉
here's the Discord invite link
here's the Quest event link
here's the Figmin XR website with all headset download links
don't worry if you don't have a headset - spectators are welcome to join as well! I'll be streaming live to the official Figmin XR Discord for the duration of the event. I'm gonna be creating a giant oak tree in an autumnal forest to celebrate fall! 🍂🍁
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princessnateira · 2 months
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Yall better have a great day 🫶🏽
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