dexaroth · 5 months
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destroy everything you touch, today
destroy me this way
anything that may desert you
so it cannot hurt you
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howlingday · 1 month
Jaune Deals With Bullies
Jaune: (Sits at desk, Stares at rude grafitti)
Russel: Hahaha!
Sky: He looks so sad!
Dove: Ssshhh! He'll hear you!
Jaune: (Stands up, Walks over)
Cardin: Huh? What do you want?
Cardin: (Falls over from Jaune's punch) Agh...
Russel: ...
Sky: ...
Dove: Somebody call a professor!
Oobleck: Mr. Arc! I believe I made myself perfectly clear that I will not tolerate any violence within my class! You are in big trouble, young man!
RDL: Yeah! Tell him, sir!
Oobleck: (Falls to ground, Clutching nose) ARGH! IT HURTS!
Jaune: (Walking to RDL)
Sky: What?!
Dove: How did that happen?!
Russel: Waaagh!
Russel: (Falls over)
Sky: Take him! (Shoves Dove)
Dove: H-Hey! What the hell-
Dove: (Collapses into a heap)
Sky: (Running)
Jaune: (Running)
Sky: (Runs to Ironwood) SIR, PLEASE, YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!
Ironwood: Huh? Hey, you! Stop!
Jaune: (Runs to Ironwood)
Ironwood: (On his back) Aaaaah...
Jaune: (Sprinting after Sky)
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faatosinaswriting · 1 year
(PT. 2)
Simon Henrikkson x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, a little bit heated, but nothing bad.
A/N: WAAAGH!! Thank you for the support on the last one! (Also we are just going to act as if he lives in the apartments durring the earlier events, because if he were at his mom's house that would be a little bit uncomfortable.)
SUMMARY: Simon takes you back to his place, and it gets a little...WINK WINK...IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAANNN...
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Simon placed his hand on your thigh, slightly going higher durring the drive to his apartment, you haven't ever really seen his apartment room before. He gently squeezed your upper thigh, suddenly. "Are you alright?" his attention averted toward you.
"Oh, yeah! I was zoning out for a minute, I'm sorry." you offered a friendly smile to the man.
"If you're ever uncomfortable you can tell-"
You cut him off with a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm serious, I'm okay." you stated in a reassuring tone, Simon's face reddening at the kiss you had given him. You believed he hadn't been used to that type of affection before. When you had arrived to the apartment complex, he gripped your hand and practically blasted up the stairs. You opened the brown beat down door, a CREEEEK! followed with it, Simon proceeded kicked the door shut with his shoe.
"I like it here, its cozy." you tilted your head at the lover boy, his eyes drifting to your lips.
"Mm, is that so?" he muttered, his focus still on your lips.
"Yeah!" you had realized he was staring, and started blushing.
"Your lips look awfully cozy, though, my lips are a bit tired..Mind if they rest on yours for a bit?" he asked, smirking.
"I don't think I do mind." you winked at him.
You pulled him closer by his collar, his hands landing on your hips. He was desperate for you. His grip was enough to bruise you, but you didn't mind. Actually, you rather enjoyed it. The height difference was impeccable, he was so tall. And you LOVED it. He groaned into the kiss, trying to kiss deeper, and deeper, and deeper... He wanted every part of you.
"You're so fucking gorgeous." he parts your lips, you then responded in a protest, you were, also, undeniably desperate for him. He gripped your thighs and picked you up, your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, walking into his bedroom. He proceeded to then give you a long, juicy, intense kiss. A moan slipping past your lips. He climbed upon his bed, his grip still remaining as tight as ever. You felt his rough grip on your ass, you whimpered, and he gently chuckled at your reaction. When you looked at his hands, his veins were visible. He suddenly let go of your hips, starting to kiss you EVERYWHERE. Like, literally EVERYWHERE. He began kissing down your stomach before he stopped and arose from his position. He gave you a kiss on the cheek, though, his action didn't go unnoticed because your eyebrows were furrowed.
"Hey, don't play with me like that!" you threatened, your face still incredibly red, God, the effect he had on you was simply surreal. He gripped your hips once again, placing you on his thigh.
"Pick a movie to watch, please." he asked, the TV screen enlighting his face, making him look angelic. "Please, sweet girl." he whispered in your ear, his voice making you shiver.
"Okay.." you agreed, grabbing the remote.
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(Not a request dw)
Just thinking about Drift's Little One play wrestling with Drift's servos, and letting out playful little growls whilst they're doing it. He's just watching them hug their little arms tightly around his servo, and attempt to push his servo around a little bit. (He's moving his hand with them to make it look like they're strong enough to make him budge.)
Sometimes, he like to slowly close his servo around them to watch them clamber out of the way in time. Or just climb out of the loose circle his digits make. He adores the sound of their play-growling, and would know the difference between the fake growls, and the real ones. Granted, they don't growl at him to display dissatisfaction, but he's very attentive to their emotional state nonetheless.
They also play-growl sometimes when giving him affection. This is typically paired with slightly tighter hugs, and longer kisses. He thinks it has something to do with cuteness aggression. He's heard of other bots experiencing this towards their humans, but he never expected that humans felt that sort of thing too.
For his part, he tries to release some of that cuteness aggression through kissies, and (gentle) licking. His purring tends to be the only aspect that gets more intense when administering physical affection towards them. He's all too aware of how much larger he is than his Little One, after all.
-Not a Request Anon
WAAAGH THIS IS SO CUTE!!! I LOVE when people write about humans and their bots play fighting like this! It’s so CUTE ANCBRNCHFJFJ IT MAKES ME GIDDY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT! Both Drift and his little one experiencing intense bouts of pure adoration that makes when want to smother each other with kisses and murmur incomprehensible little coos due to how cute each of them see the other as!
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crunchyheartbeat · 1 month
Zombie apocalypse -Ghost-
TW: Zombies I guess It is a bit of a longer read compared to some of my other post.
This was hard, really hard in fact to wrap your mind around. Part of you was wondering if maybe you had lost your mind along the journey that you've had to take alone. Being left alone by isolating yourself on your own decision is one thing, but doing it because everyone you loved was taken from you by the dead, the biters, walkers, whatever the hell you want to call them, is something else interlay.
Your alone with a six foot zombie, covered in what seems to be army tactical gear and plenty of weapons on his body, just staring at you. Staring like your the only thing that is occupying the space in its brain.
Holding your knife tightly in one hand, crouched beside a couch hoping that it had missed your precense. You had killed the few zombies that were in the living room but you couldn't believe you somehow missed him. "Honestly it's over for" you thought to yourself. There is no way you can fight a zombie of his size. Maybe if you had better nutrition intake but up to this point all you have really eaten is bags of noodles and cans of beans.
He's not moving... He isn't attacking you... He is just staring...
As you slowly rise to your feet, your legs shaking and your knuckles turning white from holding your knife to tightly, you noticed that his jaw is broken. A bit of confidence makes you take a step backwards, trying to head to the door. If his jaw is broken then it will be harder for him to eat you.
As you slowly continue walking towards the door and looking at him, you see him slowly raise his arms. Eyes widening and a breath sucked in your ready to make the run the last bit of space that is left between you and the door. Counting the steps as you run. one. two. three. four. "waaagh" Stopping in your tracks and turning your head, you thought maybe you heard wrong. Did this thing just try to talk, just try to say wait. "waaagh" Soft and horse, it says it again. Eyebrows raising and fear striking through your body, you focus your attention to his arm, then his hand, then the bag of chips he seems to be holding in them.
"What do I do" You think to yourself. You are obviously imagining it, going crazy from the lack of anything social in your life up to this point. You've been surrounded by zombies for so long you think one is trying to be friendly. You watch as the zombie tosses the chips towards you. as far as it can throw with the few broken fingers it has. Another grunt passes the zombies lips, head jerking towards the chips, and walking towards the couch to sit down upon it. Lifting it's hand and patting the couch next to it to signal you to sit down.
If you would have known months ago when this outbreak started that you would come across a zombie that is capable of still holding on to some part of his past self then you wouldn't believe it, but being here with Ghost while he walks along side you, defending off any harmful things that you guys come across, your thankful for him.
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So I have an absolute love for zombie ghost to begin with and I'm thinking of maybe adding a few more of these cause any zombie ghost fanfiction is French kiss not gonna lie. But I hope you enjoyed reading and let me know if you would like more of zombie ghost post!
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kitsune-pop · 3 months
I really don't have anything to say about this. I'm grabbing and shaking you as I tell you everything below the cut is canon compliant with warhammer 40k. if I have to suffer this brainrot so do you. this was supposed to be a short story yet here we are two hours later
content warning: hard vore, belly stuffing, size growth, 40k in general should be a content warning at this point
(I don't even like hard vore I just couldn't leave this in the dark)
The stink of iron and sweat filled the night air, smoke choking out the two moons overhead. A city laid bare, scorched and hollowed out as roaming Ork packs wandered through blasted out buildings looking for any remaining loot. The Waaagh! had been one for the ages, and even though the various pack leaders were either dead or fighting with each other the mood was jovial at the bottom of a particularly spectacular crater.
Urdgit Wug Gutchrusha groaned as he leaned back, his tightly packed belly spilling out over his lap as he stuffed another hunk of meat past his tusks. "I don't fink i kan finish dis wun, Boyz." He looked over his overstuffed belly at the feast still in front of him, hunks of meat pulled from both buildings and wreckage sizzling away over the huge bonfire the other Orks set up.
"Wot? don't give me dat afta all dat talk ya were do'n!" Grobnagga Spleenblasta chortled as he ripped a drumstick off his meal. "Stupid ork kan't put his teef where his mouth iz!"
Urdgit narrowed his eyes at the other Ork, a snarl spreading across his face as he heaved himself upright, belly jiggling in front of him, and tore the drumstick out of Grobsnagga's hand. Pushing the other Ork back he stuffed the whole leg into his mouth and chomped down, bone splintering and fabric tearing under his fearsome teeth. "I'll showz yer where i kan put ma teeth!" Urdgit felt a surge of energy flow through him as he turned to the bonfire of a vehicle behind him.
The other Orks in the crater took notice of the commotion and began to whoop and holler as Urdgit started grabbing as much meat as he could and devouring it as fast as he could. He barely tasted the charred flesh in his frenzy, bits of bone and metal falling past his tusks and onto his straining belly. Grabbing a barrel of ale he leaned back as he washed down his latest mouthful, and a number of Orks ran up to support him so he didn't tip all the way back. Several sets of hands were suddenly grabbing and groping Urdgit's backside as he finished off the barrel and reached for another bite.
More Orks were drawn to the crowd forming around the gluttonous Ork as he leaned back on his impromptu throne, his belly pushing far past the limits of his trousers. Straining and grumbling, Urdgit snapped his greasy fingers at a group of gobsmacked Orks, pointing at his overstuffed stomach. "Get ta work, ya know wot ta do!" The Orks quickly surged forward, grabbing, rubbing and jiggling his tummy roughly. They were helping crush and squish the meal inside him, and Urdgit felt another rush of energy flow through his limbs. He started to laugh as he looked down at Grobsnagga, the now much smaller Ork looking stunned at the green mountain before him.
"Wot was dat about ma teef an' ma mouth? Maybe i kan put someth'n else where ma mouth iz!" Urdgit reached down, grabbing the struggling Ork under his arms and bringing him up to eye level. Without another word Urdgit stuffed as much of Grobsnagga into his mouth as he could and bit down. A burst of green blood sprayed from his tusks, splattering the stunned Orks beneath him. One gulp was all Urdgit needed before forcing what was left of his meal into his mouth, crushing bones and tearing through metal with ease. A final swallow finally pushed his throne over the edge, the Orks beneath him dropping his mighty bulk onto the dirt.
Urdgit scowled and cursed, his gravid belly grumbling ominously. A final surge of energy flowed through him, pushing his formidable bulk even further until he was eye level with the lip of the crater and could see hundreds of Orks drawn to the show. A mighty belch tore out of his throat then, the sheer force of it knocking several dozen Orks flat on their backs. Silence fell on the blasted city for the first time in days after the last echo of Urdgit's burp faded to nothing.
That silence was shattered as the Orks around him all started cheering and roaring in approval, smashing heads together and knocking holes in what few walls were left standing. Urdgit felt a new energy flow around him as he stood up, several times taller than his fellow Orks. He looked at the rioting Orks smashing into each other with wild, unspent energy. He knew what he had to do.
Spreading his arms wide, Urdgit threw his head back and bellowed out a titanic "WAAAAAAAAAGG!" that was swiftly echoed back from the swarm of Orks surrounding him. This Waaagh! was going to be legendary, and there was nothing the galaxy could do to stop Urdgit Wug Gutchrusha, Collosal Mega-Bruisa of Kroniphora Five.
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transbeeduo · 7 months
i admire you so much you are so brave if i talked about my pregnant tubbo with tgirl tommy and nb ranboo baby headcanons on the internet i think everyone would kill me and id die 😭 but if this helps think about tubbo getting weird pregnancy cravings and ranboo having to travel all over the dsmp looking for his specific foods (or maybe its just mcpuffys for eleven days in a row) or perhaps tubbo having difficulty getting around the mansion with all the stairs and his sore ankles so ranboo massages his ankles and ranboo/tommy carry him around everywhere. imagine tommy pulling him around snowchester on a sled so they can hang out and tommys huffing and puffing and she looks like theyre gonna barf but hes still tugging the damn sleigh because he wants to hang out with tubbo. imagine ranboo curling up around him and kissing and nuzzling his belly and purring like a motor and talking/singing to the baby and tubbo gets all emotional because he thinks its really sweet and hes got pregnancy mood swings dammit. i think about them
Tubbo would for SUREEEEE have the WORST cravings i think. Bug sucked a LOTTT of energy out of him for such a little tiny thang so he was more often than not REALLY hungry. Which led to him having really strong cravings (specifically for things Endermen would usually eat a lot of during pregnancy, chorus fruit, silverfish [endermen eat endermites but ranboo cant exactly get those easily] and a lot of meat and berries) but for SUREEEE Ranboo would be bringing Tubbo whatever he asked for they were very keen on making sure Tubbo was doing okay and that he was comfortable and happy as possible. I LOVE THE IDEA OF THEM GIVING TUBBO MASSAGES…. Tubbo’d for SUREEE appreciate it dude was SORE as HELL the whole pregnancy and would carry Tubbo whenever he could (Ranboo’s REALLY strong from carrying big grass blocks everywhere and it was incredibly easy for them despite Tubbo’s extra weight gained from pregnancy) I think they’d try and allieviate Tubbo’s pain wherever he could. ALSO THE IDEA OF TOMMY PULLING TUBBO AROUND IS SO CUTE she wants to help out but doesn’t want to look like it’s helping so it complains and says that he’s only doing it to hang out with Tubbo wagghhhh
ALSO THE THING ABOUT RANBOO CURLING AROUND TUBBO’S BELLY AND PURRING AND HUMMING AND KISSING AND TALKING TO IT IS SOOOO FUCKING REALLLLL IM GONNA WAIL AND SOB i think they LOVEEE curling around Tubbo and cuddling up to his womb to hang out with Bug,,,, literally thats their baby that’s their little babu :((((((( i think that will almost without fail calm tubbo down when pregnancy gets particularly rough and he’s freaking the fuck out over it… a reminder of why he wanted this in the first ppacd WAAAGH
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brownald · 5 months
I am new to Warhammer but I’m having a lot of fun playing dolls with the Primarchs so here’s a fic I wrote with one of my favorites and one I think is ok!
Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines stomped through the balls of the XIIIth legion’s flagship. Entering the bridge, the light of distant stars reflected in his cerulean eyes. He looked to his bodyguards, two Astartes warriors born from his gene-seed. One stood to his left, another to his right. Their dark blue armor and unmoving stature likened them to brass statues, guarding a man who needed no protection.
“Leave me.” Guilliman said, his voice rumbling with a deep baritone. “I must speak with the Great Khan in peace.” He spoke to neither man before him, but they both heeded his words.
“Yes, Lord Guilliman.” The one to his right nodded. He and his comrade departed the room, boltguns at the ready.
Guilliman sighed, and snapped an unarmored finger. A shimmering blue image of Jagathai Khan appeared before him. The Primarch of the White Scars offered a short bow to his genetic equal; Guilliman returned the gesture. They stared at each other for a moment, neither willing to speak the first word.
Eventually, the Khan coughed. “Care to tell me the meaning of this?” His rough, gravelly voice was muffled from the communicator’s static, but he remained audible so long as the Warp Currents allowed it.
“Of course,” Guilliman blinked. “I’m sure you’re aware of my Legion’s campaign against the Ork Waaagh on Traitis IV?”
Jagathai offered a short nod in response.
“Then I’m sure you’ve heard of the siege forced upon my men in the planet’s capital city.” Guilliman continued, his face unreadable. “Three months we have fought against the greenskin tide, and there is no hope of a reprieve from the Ork horde.”
“I know this,” The Khan interrupted. “This is an issue beyond the concern of my sons, as well as that of mine. You ask for aid?”
“Yes.” Guilliman spoke without a trace of fear in his voice, merely duty.
The Khan furrowed his brow, anger creeping into his voice. “Why? The Imperial fists lie only star systems away, and the consultation of a siege is something Dorn drools at the mouth for. He would drop everything to join your men. Why request our aid, brother?”
“Because, Jagathai, I am not asking for a consultation of the Ultramarines’ siege warfare tactics. I come to you asking for aid in alleviating the stress upon my warriors.”
The Khan raised an eyebrow, perplexed.
“You are the closest Legion to Traitis IV that has the expertise I require. We need Astartes that specialize in hit and run tactics. The Raven Guard are licking their wounds on Terra, and the Warmaster’s duties lie elsewhere. Thus, my request comes to you.”
“You almost make it sound like you have a plan.” Jagathai muttered sarcastically.
“I do.” Guilliman let himself smile. “Would you care to hear it?”
The Khan paused for a moment in pensive silence, considering the offer. “Very well.” He said at last.
Guilliman nodded. “By my calculations, a detachment of your fleet would reach Traitis IV in two day’s time. That gives me the time I need to tell my men of the news. You arrive on Traitis IV, and provoke the Orks into following you into a confrontation. Once they begin to follow you, the White Scars disengage. Then, as they attempt to regroup, continue biting at their heels. My men will join you, fully rested and prepared to exterminate. Then, a combined force of Ultramarines and White Scars purge the threat these Xenos pose once and for all.”
The Great Khan seemed to let a smile creep across his lips. “I’m not appalled by the idea.”
Guilliman blinked. “That is all I ask, brother.”
“A question.”
The Khan drew a breath. “How much time would your men require in rest? White Scars pride themselves on speed, not stalling.”
“The entire campaign would take 4 days.” Guilliman explained. “The first day is when the White Scars make planetfall and engage the Ork Waaagh. They fight as long as they desire, so long as the Ork attention is properly drawn away from my Ultramarine forces. You disengage at will, and the Orks will follow. That is the first day.”
“Continue.” Jagathai’s voice was dripping with interest.
“The second day is one for my men to rest. Reload their weapons, bury the dead, repair our vehicles. Your men’s only duty will be to strike at the heels of the Orks, keep them fighting, busy, and away from the city. I care not how you do it, only that it is done. I trust you can do that?”
The Khan nodded, eyes widened in childlike excitement.
“Good. The next day is one of planning and logistics.” The Khan cocked his head as Guilliman drew a breath. “Fret not, that job goes to me. Your job is to listen and go where I feel it most important. My men set out, and you drive the Orks towards a position we deem strategically viable. My men arrive at the same time, and come the stroke of midnight we attack. We leave nothing left. That is the result of our final day.”
Jagathai Khan chuckled, a deep throaty laugh that reverberated across the room as if he was in the room with Guilliman.
“You like it?” Roboute asked, already knowing the answer.
“I love it!” Jagathai smiled. “Just one final question.”
Guilliman nodded. “Go ahead.”
“Promise me I reserve the right to bring home the Ork Warboss’s head on a pike.”
“I would not dare take that away from you.”
“Wonderful. I will be there with my fleet in two day’s time.”
“Two days? You are certain you will arrive that quickly?”
The Khan shook his head. “If we are not giving your men their reprieve in two day’s time, you’d might as well have called Mortarion and his sentient walls for aid.” He laughed loudly to himself; Guilliman forced himself to laugh along with him.
Jagathai waved. “See you soon, brother.” With that, the flickering image that had depicted him disappeared with a light gasp, leaving Roboute Guilliman alone in the room once again.
He exhaled, and the weight of the galaxy became apparent on his shoulders once again.
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crippledgiraff · 10 months
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Another team-up with Wib of Snipe & Wibl , we've got this old school looking dakka boy! A welcome addition to any WAAAGH!
Recruit him here!
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divineerdrick · 7 months
Warhammer World Reveals for Mar 2, 2024
So I'm late on this, and not looking to not be late on these any time soon. Still, I really enjoy blogging these reveals.
In case you didn't hear, this time we didn't get a live show. My guess is that this isn't because live shows won't be a thing anymore, but just because they don't have many reveals this time around. Still, we'll have to wait and see what they're up to in the future.
We still get our WarCom article above, so let's take a look at what we've got!
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Seriously! This Big Mek is badass! I definitely prefer the alternate head sculpt with the iron jaw. But if you're someone who pictures your Waaagh's Mek as being a little more kunnin', the main previewed sculpt is still good.
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We also get some stats. That is a nice big gun, but in keeping with standard Ork themes it's going to be very swingy. While fly can be a relevant keyword, you're not bringing this git for his firepower.
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This, on the other hand, is a perfect reason to bring him. Re-rolling advance rolls isn't anything to sneeze at, and this will make his unit really hard to screen out. Very dangerous, especially if Calling the Waaagh remains unchanged.
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There's an interesting box for you!
I'm not going to speculate on whether or not this box will be any good, since we don't know what's going to happen in the codex. But three of those kits are pretty relevant right now. And if you've ever wanted a Stompa, here's a potential discount if you need or can split the other models.
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Finally we have our Codex reveal. Haven't been the biggest fan of this Edition's Codex art so far. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool piece of art, but it doesn't really sell the army well to me.
Next we have our reveal for the Custodes. And yeah, sorry, this doesn't bring as much excitement for me as that Big Mek.
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Our second new mini is a new Shield-Captain. He definitely looks suitably ornate and imposing, but I'd keep the helmet on. I think the expression on that head sculpt is supposed to be contempt, but it's just not reading clearly as anything. In fact it just as easily reads as, "What the hell happened to this galaxy while I was stuck on Terra?" Fitting maybe, but not really portraying the majesty of the finest warriors in the galaxy.
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The Shield-Captain can now take a Pyrithite Spear, which is appropriate since you'd think a Shield-Captain could basically wield whatever they wanted. Previously, this weapon was limited to Forge World. Melta may have lost a step in 10th Edition, but Custodes have plenty of ways to get more out of it.
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This model is also coming with it's own box set, including a full six Vertus Praetors. Those aren't doing particularly well right now, but they could get some love in the upcoming Codex.
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Again, that's a very well done golden man, but there's nothing here to sell the faction or inspire a player. Why aren't they doing battle scenes on these covers anymore? Seeing a Captain and three Guard holding their own against a horde in their elegant combat stances would go much further to depict just how epic these warriors are.
This ties in with Hammer and Bolter, bringing characters introduced there to the table top. As such, I feel like this is going to be a bit niche.
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The sculpts are definitely nice, but I'm not really seeing anything that screams AoS about them.
One of my greatest praises for current GW has been how they've used the Mortal Realms to really let their imaginations take flight. So many of the new factions are just such wonderful reimaginings classic fantasy races. But these look like they would feel at home in any dark fantasy world. You could easily see them stepping off the pages of a Conan novel from the 1950s. For some, this will be a good thing. But especially now that Old World is back, I want Sigmar to keep pushing and keep giving us stuff that is new and cool.
There's also no hint at rules, or even system, for this band of killers. I'm betting we might eventually see rules for both AoS and Warcry. But it would be nice if they got some Underworlds love too, even if maybe the Singri has to stay behind.
This is the one reveal I'd had spoiled. This is so much fun and Blood Bowl is the perfect place for it! When I saw the preview of the goose, I was honestly thinking that maybe it was something for halfling cooks for Old World. But this is way better!
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These are a lot of fun, but I do kinda wish they'd gone a bit further. These gnomes don't really look like they're playing the most brutal sport in Fantasy. But I can't help but think of how much fun, and thematic to the game, it would be to see a bunch of wild animals just let loose on the field.
Remember, there's no rule that says a badger can't play Blood Bowl!
Final Thoughts
This was fun! Although I had a lot to say about Codex covers, that Shield-Captain's face sculpt, and some generic bad guys in AoS, these were still fun reveals. I can also definitely understand why they didn't really hype us up for them or do a live show. But as a casual release for a Saturday news post, this is perfect.
And yeah, I'm not gonna stop being salty about 10th Edition Codexes any time soon. So it will probably take something impressive to make me cheer a Codex reveal.
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sweetheart-haely · 7 months
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Da Grimgrins aren't exactly part of the clan- they're a group picked up sort of along the way to the clan's next big fight. Being Kommandos, they're competent enough to be kept around, though they haven't really integrated yet. They do love their killing, though; Darkchop, Deathtooth, Stranglegrug, Bloodpunch, and their leader, Shadowkill.
Okay so, the reason I have so so many Boyz is because I bought this huge sellout pile of them- and many sprues and parts- from some dude. This did indeed include somewhere around sixty boyz in various states of assembly, most of them primed, but very very few painted, which was ideal for me. Of the painted ones, a few had partial work, and I mostly kept the existing work intact and painted to complement it- a few of those have shown up already! there's also one done in black and white in a design to look like Borderlands, whatever that arty style is called. No idea what to do with him, honestly- I can't replicate it but I don't want to ruin it. These five were the only 'fully' painted ones, and for a while I wasn't sure what to do with them. In the end, I decided, given the scheme, they'd be Kommandos- I did finish up their painting, making some corrections, drilling barrels, accents here and there, and I probably won't try replicating them for future Kommandos, but it's kind of a nice nod, I think, to Da Warboss I got them from, so to speak.
I salute you, former Warboss. And I'm grateful on getting such a damn good deal to kickstart my own WAAAGH!
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cutiecorner · 2 years
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Dadfred & Babybat Headcanons...
Featuring y'all's lovely asks!! I have a bunch stocked up in the inbox that I ADORE but have been saving for one reason or another, so I'm gonna ramble about them!!
@sweetsoftysky said: dadfred and babybat drabbles, you could do alfred cleaning and brucie tryna help with those little kid brooms and vacuums and stuff, an just copying alfred
10/10 absolutely ADORABLE concept 🥺 Brucie always wants to help Alfred whatever way he can, so I can absolutely see him trying to tidy up!! I imagine he made a bit of a mess with real cleaning tools so Alfred got him some toy ones lol. I also think when Bruce is small but doesn't really realize it yet, he'll start copying Alfred to feel more "adult". It gets more obvious as Bruce regresses, first just copying his posture or general speech, but when he gets really small he'll copy whatever he does down to small hand gestures. Alfred thinks it's adorable. Bonus headcanon: Bruce experiences echolalia! He has it all the time but it's more noticable when he's regressed as he's not in such strict control of his speech. He'll repeat phrases Alfred says often or he'll immediately echo a word that catches him ("Aw, it looks like I have a little copybat, hm?" "copy bat copy bat :)")
Anon said: I saw a crib with the words you're dearer to me than all the bats in all the caves of the world and Alfred with most definitely have that in Bruce's nursery!
WAAAGH you have no idea the brain worms this ask gave me /pos. Ever since I got this ask I've been looking high and low for (free lol) room building applications so I can fully illustrate Bruce's nursery (this concept absolutely included!!). Recently I've been having Thoughts about Alfred and Bruce building a specific nursery for Bruce's regression together. Bruce is insistent that it's frivolous and he doesn't need one and it's actually Alfred who's campaigning for it. Mostly because he just likes a project! He likes to decorate and make things that aren't weapons! And it's also for Alfred's benefit, since he wasn't very involved in that kind of stuff when Bruce was actually a baby/toddler. He never got the full new baby experience so he wants to do it his way now that he knows what Bruce needs and likes. He just likes spoiling his child okay ajshsj. I think the phrase (which is an Addams family quote!) "You're dearer to me than all the bats in all the caves of the world" would be carved into headboard of Bruce's nursery bed, so he never forgets <3
Anon asked: bruce hiding behind alfred or alfred carrying sleepy bruce to bed?
So this was a request for a doodle (that I still might do lol) but it brings up one of my fave little Bruce things!! On the occasions that they go out while Bruce is regressed he can be very shy and he hides behind Alfred a lot. Once in a blue moon Bruce will regress at a party and go stick by Alfred in the staff rooms until he can go home. A lot of the service people for other gothamites have known Bruce since he was a kid, so they don't mind him being around when he's small. A lot of the time he just needs to be with Alfred, it's not as scary in the rooms with the staff so he doesn't necessarily have to leave. He'll sit by Alfred and hold his arm while he talks to his butler friends. He's usually too shy to greet them at first but by the end of the night he can muster a "bye bye :)". They all love him dearly. WAGH just the idea of big intimidating Bruce hiding behind Alfred makes me 🥹 he's baby for real!!!
This is only a few of y'all's lovely asks but I love every single one!!! I'm still saving some for drawings or ficlets or whatever (these included!!) but feel free to keep em coming!!
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skippyv20 · 1 year
I look forward to Meghan showing up somewhere in her custom Dior dress to announce she’s having triplets! They’ll be named Alice, William, and Waaagh as an tribute to past members (William will be because she’s still obsessed with him, tragic I know) and their latest contribution via the Privacy Tour…please note the triplets much like the alleged Archie and Lilibet will NOT be of the body but in fact from Smyths toy store, at a bargain price having been purchased as 3 for the price of 2. Kisses Rachel we know you’re reading here, throwing tea, smashing plates and desperately waiting to throw a public tantrum via the Daily Mail. Enjoy the concert tomorrow everyone, such fun! Signed, Catherine’s Heels™️ that have been stepping on necks all week. 😘🥂💅🏽 🎺 THREE CHEERS FOR THE KING AND THREE THOUSAND CHEERS FOR THE WALES’ BECAUSE CARRYING THE WEIGHT OF THIS FAMILY IS ONE HELL OF A JOB. Where God guides, He provides…truth and justice always prevail even in the subtlest of ways. Keep the faith friends, and always remember to have a laugh amongst it all. HopeAnon✨💐
Hi Hope Anon! Long time no see, nice to see you! Great post! Thank you!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Is this the true Leo? Is he just mind controlled?
What's Prime!Leo willing to go to to make sure Mikey doesn't tell the others? That he doesn't put him back?
WAAAGH my first ask!! Showering you with so many kisses mUAH mUAH!! Thank you for your interest in my silly lil brainrot but onto your question!
Yes! This is our favorite boy 100%! Mind controlled though hmm i want to say mostly no!
This AU is kinda an exploration on how much of ‘you’ (your personality, goals, wants and needs) are tied into your experiences and memories- and how having a lot of, if not all, of someone else’s memories might affect that.
Essentially, this is our Leo, 100%, but it’s also a Leo who has seen through the eyes of a conqueror, a tyrant, and having his perspective in every kill and war waged! He felt Karaang Prime’s lust for blood, his satisfaction with victory, the sweet rush of adrenaline fueled malice- and while someone like Raph or Mikey might shove those feelings down and away, for Leo, who’s a bit insecure, protective, prone to a flighty nature AND who’s just returned from a traumatic experience showing him just how utterly weak he truly is…maybe he might lean into those memories of victory just a weeeee bit too much…not realizing that trying to forget that ‘weak’ part of himself leaves more and more room for someone else to fill in the cracks…not until it’s too late, anyway.
So yeah! This is most certainly Og Leo making really bad decisions and telling no one about them until the last precarious minute hehehe!
To the second question! I am but a simple woman with a simple love for happy endings so most likely no, Leo would never touch his fav younger brother…but he might try!
Prime!Leo has two sets of fears when it comes to the Prison Dimension- not only does he have centuries of boredom and frustration to NOT look forward to, but now he has a clawing terror of what WONT be boring but most certainly won’t be fun- Karaang is there. He’s waiting. And knowing “Leo’s” memories Kraang is probably bored out of his mind so the second he gets his gross warty tentacles around Leo it’ll be lights out forever. Hohoho and in my head Leo reacts to fear by disassociating and denying it while someone as prideful and narcissistic as Karaang would respond with a “If I’m going down you’re coming with me!” Violence so you can just imagine the absolute WAR this boy will rage to not be sent back! Are you imagining it? Cus I am! And there is a lot of kicking, screaming, biting and VERY hurtful words Bahaha!
That being said, Leo attempting to kill or maim Mickey for however he insinuated or hints at this outcome will probably be what cracks Leo into realizing he’s in way over his head and finally asking for help. Maybe fear-disassociating Leo is my own HC but if he ever actually hurt one of his brothers that memory would be too much to bear and he’d completely carpenmentalize himself and lean wholly into Kraang’s apathy and remorselessness.
So tl;dr sorry for babbling but
Yes! This is our Leo! And no, he’s not being mind controlled,,not exactly. “Influenced” is a more accurate word
Prime would do absolutely anything! But Leo would and could never.
Now, am I already thinking of some compromises between Prime and Leo? Oh yeah, comics are comin your way dog and thank you again for inspiring me with your question <3
Have a wonderful day fellow angst loving maniac <3
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dabigmek · 11 months
Mek Bignutz stood on top of his MekTrukk (Tm) watching the growing mob of boyz in front of him. The humie defence line was a few slugga shots away across the pitted and cratered landscape.
Warboss Krippla was shouting an incoherent speech of rage, anger and challenge to the growing mass of boyz. Enemy fire slowly started to increase as their numbers grew and whilst occasionally a boy fell, overall the numbers were swelling alarmingly.
"S'funny how da ladz can almost smell a skrap," mused bignutz. "Mind, I can feelz da buzz at da back a me ead, but I iz jus' too klever ta fall fer dat."
His Grot assistants duly nodded in agreement. Looking round, Bignutz noticed the increasingly glazed look on his drivers face, the way he drooled and gripped the steering wheel tightly told Bignutz it was nearly time to act.
Looking back to the growing horde he could feel in his bones it was reaching critical mass and on cue Krippla raised his massive slugga and fired off a burst in the air, like an ancient starting pistol from some ritual race, the enormous mass of orks surged towards the humies.
Bignutz jumped down into the gunners seat and slapped his driver hard on his helmet.
"Go, go, go ya stoopid git." He bellowed over the roar of Waaagh.
The Mek trukk lurched forwards and in his haste, the driver ran over a handful of ladz, but no matter he had a job to do.
Enemy fire intensified suddenly and boyz were falling left and right, judging the time was right, Bignutz turned to his assistants.
"Krank up da gubbinz!" He shouted. The small gang of grotz did their best to cling on to the violently shaking vehicle and manipulate the complex machine.
Watching a dial, Bignutz mashed a big red button at the auspicious moment. Sparks flew, whirly bits whirled, clunky bits clunked and finally a large shimmering dome of green energy sprung into being covering the majority of the warhorde. Solid shot, lasers and shells began to bounce and ricochet from the energy field. Occasionally where something deflected from the bubble, a lash of greenish yellow lightning would ground itself through an unfortunate boy, cooking him well done from the inside, but on the whole the bubble was saving the ladz from a pounding.
Standing in his seat, Bignutz drew his mega-kombi-zappa-slugga and aimed it at the enemy.
"Floor it, letz kick sum oomie!" He yelled to his maniacally laughing driver. "Waaagh!!!"
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So if the C'tan are weak to psychic powers, how is it that the Nightbringer was able to slaughter so many war in heaven Eldar, who were all way more powerful than loads of psychers in the current Era, as well as krorks, who had complete control over the waaagh, and the old ones, who were so psychicly powerful, in some parts of the lore its said they put the gods to shame, to the point he caused a psychic backlash that made his form be what the whole universe imagines what death looks like?
I do not have the answer for everything.
It could be he was just that powerful before he was shattered by the Necrons..... Which then raises the question, if he was so strong, how did the Necrons shatter him?
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