gonzo-n-kermit · 9 months
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Ominis put him there
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Once Upon a December - The Invitation - Walter x Reader - P9
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Don't you disrespect me little man! Don't you derogate or deride! You're in my world now, Not your world And I got friends on the other side!
You hadn’t even been married; he hadn’t had the chance to propose; he had barely moved in after your parent's death.
You were barely into your early twenties.
It was probably the coldest and bleakest day of your life; Harrison's death and rebirth. As a vampire.
You hated remembering that day, that night more so.
“Be kind Harrison” you laughed, hanging onto his arm as his fingers intertwined with yours, making your way back home; not noticing the shadowy figure keeping pace behind you. Harrison just laughed, shaking his head.
“Always my dear” he muttered, kissing your knuckles “but he deserved it, you heard what he called Calista” you rolled your eyes at Harrison’s defense, but you couldn’t fault him for protecting his sister, even if it meant insulting the hell out of the butcher for calling Calista a bed-warmer. Which she wasn’t, she was still ‘pure’ as the priest would say.
She saw no desire for things like that anyhow, her love and lust were for the world beyond the shores.
“Come on, it's almost dusk-“ Harrison’s words were cut off at the sound of a tree-branch snapping and he whirled around, eyes scanning the tree line behind you. “Harry?” you whispered, tugging on his hand gently, feeling him pull you to stand behind him “Harry?”
“I just thought I heard something” he muttered, turning and pulling you towards the castle, his shoulders tense and his hand tight around yours. You hummed, glancing back at the forest line, leaning into Harrison’s side before you were ripped away; your scream cut short with a rough hand on your mouth. “HEY!” Harrison yelled, running after you as the man tugged you back towards the tree line. “LET HER GO!”
“Come along my dear” a gruff voice whispered in your ear, and you struggled as best you could- recognizing it as the voice of the priest's brother. Solomon. He was much older than you, wealthy, and well off in his life. But his demands for your hand had been ignored by you and your parents; while they didn’t like Harrison, they did admit he was better for you than Solomon.
You reeled your elbow back, sending it into Solomon’s gut and making him double over. You ducked under his arms and twisted them about, flinching as his wrist gave a sickening crack. You bolted back towards Harrison, nearly collapsing in his arms as he grabbed you, pulling you back towards the house.
“What in the seven hells are you doing?!” Harrison yelled, pulling you behind him and glaring at the older man, Solomon’s eyes flashing with madness and jealousy. “The gods decreed her mine, you devil!” Solomon screamed, the blood vessels in his eyes popping as he glared at you and Harrison.
“Fuck the gods then, she isn’t yours to have! You cretin.”  Harrison hissed, slowly pushing you back towards the castle, you just had to get inside, and you both would be safe. “I will have her, we will wed and I will have her” Solomon muttered, his eyes swirling with darkness and cruelty. Harrison tilted his down, ready to do whatever it took to keep you safe.
“(y/n), get inside, now!” Harrison yelled, stopping Solomon in his tracks as he attempted to rush Harrison, the feral old man practically foaming at the mouth as he swung wildly. You stuttered for a moment, but obeyed, knowing you would be no help in this fight.
You turned, going to run back inside when you heard Harrison gasp and choke. You turned again, screaming as you saw Solomon rip a knife out of Harrison's chest, blood following the blade “HARRISON!” You screamed, rushing towards your beloved as Solomon backed away, his eyes wide.
“i-I didn’t mean…” he whispered, the madness suddenly gone from his eyes as Harrison stumbled back, his hands hovering above the fatal wound Solomon had granted him. You caught Harrison’s falling form, his knees buckling under his sudden dead weight. “no-no no please no, Harry-please, stay awake my love-stay awake!” you pleaded with his fading spirit, his ocean blue eyes looking into yours, glassy and scared.
“(y/n)” he whispered, voice cracked and quiet, he reached towards you and you quickly grasped his hand, holding it to your chest; your tears dripping down your cheeks and onto his bloodied chest. “I’m-I’m sorry”
“Don’t be, this isn’t your fault, you just need to stay awake-for me-okay?” you whispered back, frantic and pleading, taking your other hand and holding Harrison’s face, not liking the way it felt cold against your palm.  He smiled up at you, tilting his face into your palm “I love you (y/n)” he murmured, already struggling to breathe.
“I love you too, now stay awake-please; I can't lose you” you whispered, leaning down to kiss Harrison’s forehead “you’re all I have” he smiled, his breath shuddering as he leaned up with all his might to kiss you, his hand weakly curling around your arm. “Have courage, and be kind” he whispered, echoing your words right back to you, the light in his eyes going out as he slumped into your lap, his head falling back against your arms.
“No-no no nonono!” you screamed, sobbing out against his chest as Harrison’s breathing stopped, along with his heart. “HARRY!!! DON’T DO THIS TO ME, PLEASE!” you sat there for what felt like hours, crying against Harrison’s body, which was growing colder by the moment, clutching his shirt and hand as tight you could, hoping that-something-anything-would bring him back if you wished for it hard enough.
When you looked up, red-eyed and unable to shed any more tears, Solomon was gone, and the sun had set. You took a shuddering breath, forcing yourself to stand and helplessly drag Harrison’s body into your home, collapsing against the cold stone walls once you made it inside, closing the heavy wooden door with your foot as you cradled his body against yours, his head resting in the crook of your neck as you wrapped your arms around him.
“Please” you whispered to the air, hoping something-anything-was listening “please, just…just give him back-I’ll do anything” you pressed your face into his shoulder, muffing your sobs against his clothes. You clenched your jaw as a strong shudder ran up your spine, something-cold-grasping your shoulders and gently pulling you towards Harrison’s study just down the hall.
You stared, wondering what was pulling you towards his study, slowly slipping out from under Harrison’s study and walking down the hall; feeling like your body was moving of its own accord. That cold grasp left your arms and guided your hands to the locked top drawer in Harrison’s desk, and for once, it was unlocked. You pulled it open, your breath catching as you looked down at the spell book that had been found a few miles away a good hundred years ago, under the wych elm.
It was tied with a white ribbon and smelled of cleansing herbs. You carefully grabbed the leather-bound book, tracing your fingers on the indented symbol on the front. You looked back at Harrison, your eyes stuck on the bloody stab wound, your eyes closed, remembering how many times Solomon had cursed Harry as the devil, and claimed you to be his.
“He wants a devil, he’s getting one” you muttered, undoing the ribbon and opening the book, the room suddenly dropped in temperature, and you could see your breath in the thin beam of moonlight that filtered into the room. You felt clawed hands curling over your shoulder and arms, one guiding down your hand to guide you to flip through the book. You looked at your hand and shoulders, seeing nothing there.
You took a deep breath, hurriedly flipping through the book until you felt you found what you were looking for “A simple exchange” you whispered, running your finger down the words written on the paper.
“To bring one soul back to the land of the living, another soul must take its place-and another must be the first's anchor” you muttered, licking your lips nervously as you read the instructions of the spell; all of which only led to one thing.
A living sacrifice.
You nearly threw up reading what you would have to do, this wasn’t just-witch craft, it was devil’s work. “Drink the blood of the sacrificed?” you whispered, nearly dropping the book “i-i-I” you could feel yourself spiraling, nose burning with panicked tears.
You locked eyes with Harrison’s body again and you closed your eyes, gritting your jaw before slamming the book closed and walking out of the study, that cold feeling and claws following you right out.
“I’m pleased you’ve come around my dear, in time you’ll see I was the right one for you all along. The Lord will rejoice in our union.” Solomon said, his fingers trailing down your neck. You had to stop yourself from breaking his fingers, your fear and anger helping you keep yourself in check.
“Mmm,” you hummed, leading Solomon down into the basement, which he thought was one of your personal rooms. Soloman rubbed his hands together as you stepped into the stone room “it’s cold, is there a fire we could light?” Solomon asked, blinking as fire appeared in the middle of the room, the door behind him slamming shut. “wha-“
He saw Harrison’s body, slumped in the corner, pale as a sheet, and you standing across from him, eyes as black as coal. “Dear?” Solomon whimpered, gasping as his back touched the cold stone wall. He looked down, his breath picking up at the symbol carved into the floor, and in the middle, the floating fire that illuminated the room.
“Witch,” Solomon cried out, desperately trying to get to the door “you lie with the devil!” you just glared, the book clutched tightly in your hand as Solomon did everything he could to open the door. Nothing worked, the strong wood being held closed by an unseen force, all whispering praises and encouragement to you.
“And the devil shall rise again, as you called him” you finally muttered, and Solomon realized what you were going to do, crying out as he sunk to the floor. “No, show me kindness, mercy my dear!” he sobbed, closing his eyes as you stalked towards him, a knife in hand.
“My kindness was drained from me, the moment you killed my love” you sneered, chest rising with panting rage. “And your death shall bring him back.” You took a final look at Harrison’s body, and that pushed you to go through with the spell, grabbing Solomon’s trembling arm and throwing him onto the carved symbol, jumping on him before he could move and stabbing him right in the middle of the chest, tears of pain and anger burning in your eyes as you stabbed him again, and again, and again; until he was gurgling on his blood.
You grabbed his left arm, slitting his wrist and letting the blood drain, doing the same with his right wrist.
Then you leaned over his face, looking right into his eyes “I love Harrison Deville, and nothing-will never change that. No matter what he becomes, or what he does; because I have murdered for him, I have made a deal with the devil for him. You will never, tear us apart” you whispered, feeling something click within your soul as you slit Solomon’s throat, closing your eyes as he took his last breath and slumped, blood pouring from every orifice of his body.
You scrambled off his body, hitting the wall and curling into yourself, sobbing into your arms as the carved symbol on the floor filled with blood. “Forgive me Harry” you whispered, tear and blood-stained face crumbled with a thousand emotions. You forced yourself to stand, grabbing the book and reading what you had to do next.
You took a shuddering breath, moving back to Solomon’s body and grabbing the two silver chalices and forcing some of the still draining blood into the chalices, one from the left wrist, and one from the right wrist.
You set them on the table, pulling Solomon’s body off the symbol and half carrying and half pulling Harrison’s body onto it to replace Solomon. “Please let this work, or I shall join you in the afterlife my love” you muttered, running your hands through Harrison’s hair before standing, taking a deep breath as you grabbed the silver dagger from the table; closing your eyes before you slit your left wrist, letting your blood mix with the two chalices holding Solomon’s blood.
You hesitated before pouring the blood from the right wrist into Harrison’s mouth, closing your eyes as it pooled there. “This is for him (y/n), all for him” you told yourself, feeling those clawed hands on yours, gently pushing the chalice towards your mouth. You closed your eyes, titling your head back and downing the small amount of blood, gagging as it slid down your throat.
You coughed, squeezing your eyes shut as you threw the chalice to the side, wiping your mouth free of the excess blood. “Okay, okay, no turning back now” you muttered, stepping away from Harrison’s body, lifting your hands and taking a deep breath. “I, (y/n) Godkin, offer the soul, the blood, and the life of Solomon Bennett; to bring back the soul of Harrison Deville.”
You gasped as your arms suddenly felt like they were on fire, the symbol on the ground swirling with Solomon's blood and beginning to boil. You closed your eyes, feeling a burning sensation from your chest and your left wrist, your blood-and Harrisons-pulling from his chest into yours, hovering just in front of your collar bones. “I, (y/n) Godkin, offer my soul, my blood, and my life; to be the anchor of Harrison Deville’s soul, to guide him through his eternal life on earth, as a son of the devil.”
You opened your eyes, gasping as you saw your blood and Harrison’s crystallizing before your eyes, the silver from the chalice curling around the top. You let out a slow breath, looking down at Harrison’s body, seeing the color coming back to his cheeks. ‘Last part (y/n), last part’ you thought to yourself, keeping your eyes on Harrison’s body as you began to chant the final bit of the spell.
“Eleka nahmen nahmen” you began to chant, having to hold back a wince as a burning sensation started at your forehead and began to spread down your chest, your arms, and your legs, leaving a red glowing mark in its wake.  “Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen, Eleka nahmen nahmen, Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen” you gasped in pain as the burning sensation turned to fire, your clothes burning up and turning to ash as the marks made themselves known.
"Let his flesh not be torn, Let his blood leave no stain, Though they beat him; Let him feel no pain. Let his bones never break, And however they try to destroy him; Let him never die, Let him never die.” With each word, you saw the life return to Harrison Deville, the color returning to his cheeks, the breath returning to his chest, his closed eyes fluttering as if only in sleep; not in death.
It was working.
“Eleka nahmen nahmen, Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen. Eleka nahmen nahmen, Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen.”
And with that last chant, the crystallized blood fully formed, leaving a ruby-like gem in its place; silver vines and roses decorating the top. Harrison's initials and last name engraved into the vines and gem. You swallowed harshly as a leather cord extended from it and wrapped around your neck, something whispering in your mind as it did.
‘forever bound as one, your life will be his, his life yours; Joy and pain shared’
The voice whispered away as did the horrid cold, tears trailing down your face as Harrison swallowed the blood in his mouth, awakening with a strangled gasp, one now-clawed hand reaching to his throat as he tried to regain his senses “i-what-where?” Harrison stuttered, looking about the room confused before he saw you, his eyes softening and his panic disappearing “love”
You sobbed, collapsing on yourself as you cried into your hands, the red glowing marks still vivid on your skin “It worked, oh gods it worked” you whispered into your hands, letting Harrison tug you into his arms as he sat up and crawled over to you. “I don’t know what you did but thank you my love” he whispered, eyes widening as he saw Solomon’s body in the corner, before shaking his head, burying his face in your neck. “Thank you”
You gasped as he slowly pulled back a few moments later, wiping your face clean of tears and blood, his nails sharp and black, his teeth sharpened, and his eyes almost black. “I love you so much” you whispered, feeling your skin rise with goosebumps as the cold basement set into your exposed skin as the marks faded away. Harry smiled, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead to yours.
“And I love you my dear, so much” you sobbed at his words, grabbing his still bloodstained collar and pulling him into you, pressing a desperate kiss to his warm lips. He hummed into it, wrapping his arms tightly around you and holding you tight, one of his hands cupping your cheek.
You tucked your head into his neck as you pulled away, breathing in his faded scent that blended with his blood. “I think I need to change and burn these clothes” Harrison muttered, chuckling as you gently smacked his arm before nodding, letting him pick you up and carry you out of the basement, your legs weakened after doing what you did, and still feeling the effects from the burning marks.
You pinched your nose as you remembered that day, you didn’t regret it, not a bit; but it was a painful and gross memory. You just wish you hadn’t been forced to go through with it in the first place. You looked down at the last letter dangling between your fingers and peeled open the wax seal; opening the letter and settling against the stone wall once more.
“To my dearest (y/n), my beloved, my wife, my only love;
It has been 900 years since your disappearance, and I have shaped myself into a man you would fear…my name is Walter Deville now, I kept our last, since I deemed it appropriate. But I’ve long moved out of our home, and in the late 1800’s, the Alexander family built me a manor, just three miles away from our home.
Only Viktoria, the bride of the Klopstock family, knew this; as she has been the only one to survive these last 500 years. Oh, I think I forgot to tell you what the deal was, from the 1500’s? the three families offered me fresh ‘prey’ and three brides, one from each family, offering a blood pact for their protection, prosperity, and doubling my strength.
It was much like the spell you performed to save me, darling, they had a whole witch and everything. But she felt so much-less powerful than you, even though you did not practice your magics beyond our bond. Im rambling, I apologize; I wrote this only a few hours after I saw you again, the day of your arrival with Evie.
Gods, I still can't believe it, even as I sit here and write you this letter for you to hopefully find, and remember me with. To see you again has been a blessing from the gods I never expected to see…even if you do not remember me, I will die happily at any time, simply because I have seen you, I knew you hadn’t died, I knew my hope wasn’t for naught.
I’m sorry I didn’t look hard enough, I’m sorry I gave up; I have to wonder-where were you my love? Locked in a basement? Buried within the town? Did they take you far away from me?
You were under the wych elm? Had my-silly theory, been correct? Were you that close all this time? Had I given up just a moment before I reached you? Had I forsaken you to another 500 years of darkness simply because I lost hope?
Im so sorry.”
You trailed your fingers across the dutifully written words, a strained smile on your lips as you noticed the warped paper; he had cried again. You could imagine him clenching his jaw as he sobbed, one hand curled into his hair as the other held his pen lightly, the object threatening to clatter to the ground as his shoulders shook with his cries.
“I must tell you this before I run out of room on this-damned piece of paper; I never loved any of my brides from the three families. Viktoria is a thorn in my side, thinking she always knows what's best and tries to constantly rip control for herself from anyone and anything. She was a monster before I ever offered my blood. The Billington brides have always been kind, some a false kindness but Lucy…she reminds me of you, she is a bubble of-gods I don’t know…she reminds me of Calista, honestly; probably why I never saw her as a wife and more of a family member.
And Emmaline, my last Alexander bride, she was kind-but she was sad, she did not want to be involved with all of this. Again, reminding me of you; and how you wished to not have to do what you did all those years ago. She killed herself to free herself and end all of…this. I always tried to treat the Alexander family a bit better than the rest, as Evelyn, your friend, was their ancestor, and after your disappearance, she was kind-the only one to know of our true bond other than my sisters.
Evie, your friend now, is supposed to be wed to me this Sunday…and-seeing you again-I don’t know if I want to do it. She is your friend; she has brought you back to me-I don’t know if I can curse her to live this life. It’s not like me, Walter, to feel this way…Viktoria has already noticed my hesitance, I don’t think she likes you. Fuck her. I would be a pathetic farm boy again, just to be with you. I would face every struggle, every burden to just be able to look into your eyes, and tell you I love you once more.
I never stopped loving you, you have always been on my mind; Harrison never truly died, I had never been able to do that; not when I still loved you. Love…if you remember, and you realize the monster I’ve become, and you decide to leave me-I will understand-I will still love you, and will still protect you with all that I am. I will do my best to get Evie back home with you if you do leave, she has graced me with someone I thought had disappeared from my life forever, and I am eternally grateful for her. Ah, there's so little left in this paper, I suppose I should wrap it up” you could imagine him huffing and tapping his pen against the desk, pouting a bit at not being able to write more to you “if you do remember me, and all that we went through; and you decide to love me just as you had 900 years ago…you know where to find me.
We only had 20 years together, 6 of that spent within our eternal bond, but I wouldn’t trade those years for anything, or anyone in the world. I love you (y/n), so much. And I missed you, so much.
Your beloved, and forever-loving husband; Harrison Deville.”
You shook your head “sap” you muttered, getting to your feet and grabbing the pocket watch, kissing the polished top and pocketing it, carefully folding the letter back up and holding it close to your chest, your necklace burning with renewed power. “Harrison Deville, here I come”
You couldn’t keep the smile off your lips as you raced out of Harrison’s study, down the stairs, through the ballroom, out the courtyard, and down the forest path; heart pumping with adrenaline and excitement, your arms pumping by your sides as you sprinted through the forest towards the manor.
As you arrived, you saw many butlers and maids wandering about getting ready for the rehearsal dinner later that night. You checked your phone, it was in two hours; just enough time to find Harrison and tell him you still loved him, and remembered everything.
You took a direct turn to the library/his study, pushing open the door, slightly surprised to find it unlocked, and called his name out gently; sighing in disappointment to find him not there. You sped over to his desk, looking for something to write on when you saw the file on his desk.
It was of all the maids, and Evie. You quickly scanned over it, sighing a bit as you realized what it was “Good to know he didn’t break his promise to not lie to me” you muttered before remembering he did, but in a way to protect your still fragile mind “Brother my ass, died after designing the room my ass” you joked to yourself, shaking your head as you continue your search for a blank piece of paper and a pen.
“Dammit,” you groaned, there was nothing on his desk, not even a sticky note! Looking down at the letter in your hand you got an idea, you set it on the desk, turned it over to the blank side, and grabbed a pen. You quickly scribbled what you wanted to tell him, keeping it short and sweet.
'i remember, and I still love you-didn’t I say ‘no matter what?’
You sighed with a smile, tapping the paper before stepping back, going to search for Harrison when you were hit over the head with something heavy and you crumbled to the floor, gasping in pain as a tall feminine figure stood over you, her eyes dark with rage. She snatched your letter to Harrison and crumbled it, pocketing it and huffing.
“You really don’t know when you quit do you? Witch” she muttered, her clawed hands grabbing the collar of your jacket and beginning to drag you out of the manor, your vision fading out as soon as your body passed the doorway to the main hall.
“This should do the trick” Viktoria muttered, tossing your bound body into the hole that sat underneath the Wych elm. Just as the townsfolk had done so many years ago. Viktoria looked down at the small book in her hands, smirking at its title ‘how to bind the witch of Carfax Abbey.’ She had grown up hearing the legend of the witch of Carfax Abbey, a witch who had bewitched lord Deville and sacrificed children and the priest's brother to keep her youth.
Now she knew those tales weren’t entirely true, you were too…kind-to kill anyone, let alone children. One of the families of the town just a few miles away from Carfax Abbey had noticed the brother's disappearance and linked it to Lord Deville’s disappearance, his reappearance, and the sudden-ethereal look to lady Godkin. They claimed witch, and hunted you down; which according to legend, had been successful. This was back in the 1120s, a good six years after the brother’s disappearance.
Viktoria chuckled to herself, pocketing the book and snapping her fingers, some of the butlers doing the dirty work for Viktoria as they began to fill the hole with dirt. “I’ll take good care of him dear” Viktoria cooed, waving her fingers to your once again forever sleeping form.
She walked off, leaving the butlers alone, some of which glancing at each other, clearly uncomfortable with what they were doing. They had noticed the -change- in lord Deville with your arrival, he had been happier, easygoing. They did not want to know what would happen if he found out about what they and Viktoria had done.
Soon they had filled the hole and buried your body, two of the butlers staying back for a moment, glancing at each other with an odd look. “Ain’t she the one we found 10 years ago?” the blonde one asked, biting his lip as he looked back at the loose dirt covering your grave. The other nodded, taking a shuddering breath.
10 years ago, these two butlers -then they were only boys, 14 years old at the most-had traveled off the main forest path and stumbled across the wych’s elm. They had remembered the legend of the witch and-goofing around, dug up the supposed sleeping place of the witch; the only spot on the grounds not frozen deep or covered with snow.
Only to find you, bound by chains, and white ribbon; looking as if you were only just buried. Your chest rising and falling, as if only in sleep. Nearly peeing themselves, they took your body from the grave, one cutting the white ribbon from your body.
When you began to stir, they ran for their lives, screaming about how the witch was real and how she had risen from the dead.
That had been the day you woke up all alone, with no memories but your name, snow drifting from the sky and dirt staining your dress.
The two butlers glanced at each other again, then followed after their co-workers, wondering if it was worth it to follow Viktoria's orders.
-end of part 9-
yep, another cliff hanger mfs~~~~ also-how’d yall like how wrote the official reveal?! were your theories correct? did i somehow throw you off even though i didnt mean to?? XD but to make some things final; (y/n) was not a witch until that night she made the sacrifice-and after that, she only uses her new magic to connect with Harrison, beyond that-she hates using it, too much of a reminder of Harrison’s death. The necklace! its basically a ‘contract’ of the spell, or the heart of the spell, it connects (y/n) and Harrison through body and soul, if (y/n) is hurt, it shows up on Harrison so he can protect her/heal her if needed. 
Her blood makes him all powerful, even more powerful then if he has all three brides, as she is his connection to the world, his anchor. her blood is also the best food source for him, he only needs a drop and he’s full for a year (exaggeration but you get it) and his blood can heal her through the gem; aka him sharing his powers with her. and (y/n)’s 900 year disappearance and how she woke up, hopefully it came across well enough, but the townsfolk bound her with chains and cleansing white ribbon (like the one on the spell book) and buried her under the wych elm, basically to taunt Harrison since she was-that close (the elm is only like-less than five miles away from the castle). and then 890 years later, two boys, who would become butlers at the manor, were goofing around and found (y/n), one accidently undid the ribbon and (y/n) was freed. she doesn't remember the chains cuz-everything's fuzzy when you wake up. 
as for the red glowing marks-think raven from teen titan’s with those the gem/portal marks
also note-Harrison’s death and revival happens within a day, from sunset to sunrise; (y/n) works fast as fuck boi.
perm Walter/Tommy taglist!
@thetrueghostqueen​ @littlewierdalien​
OUAD taglist!
@hofficoffi​ @miniaturehideoutmentality​ @disneyfan50​
@reallysparklychaos​ @reallystressedhoneybee​ @rebellbelle​
@libbymouse​ @soulsfrostedheart18​ @zane2408​
@austynparksandpizza​ @tati-the-fangirl​
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izvmimi · 2 years
i’m gonna abuse polls btw
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softwaring · 9 months
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we’re really out here living in an AI dystopian hellscape and this shit has just begun… the future is grim…
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blitzos-horse-ranch · 3 months
Something that has always stood out to me (and got me thinking) IRT Blitzø and his true nature underneath all of his sharp edges is this specific scene in Oops:
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Here, Blitz is very, VERY badly burnt. Enough to be permanently disfiguring on at least a third of his body. Yeah, Fizz had it worse, but this is still awful and was probably horrifically painful. But he barely seems affected, because his only concern is his mom. We as the audience can't hear what he's saying, but he's clearly calling out to her in this flashback.
Blitz could easily, and understandably, put himself first here. But he doesn't. And it says a lot about him. Take this with several other standout moments in (and upcoming!) the show...
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...and you get a really good picture that one of Blitz's core traits is how protective he is of those he loves. A lot of the fandom writes him off as nothing but a selfish asshole that doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. And as sad and uncharitable as that read of him is, it's also kind of funny because if you actually watch the show it's obviously not the case at all.
Blitz values and is very protective of his loved ones, and if you can't see that you're blind or purposefully ignoring moments like this.
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5K notes · View notes
Will Abby ever meet Elizabeth 👀
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I’ve technically drawn that once before! In newer comics? We’ll see,,
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christadeguchi · 8 months
“you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but you can’t say jaquan”
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rabb1ttrash · 4 months
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he's on his way to have a 'talk' with palpabitch :D
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sketchy-tour · 9 months
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I can't see you. Do you see me? 👁️👁️
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
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chapter 0 : top-ultra-super-ultra-secret-mission.
no quirk au, mentions of fighting and violence, the yakuza and my very little knowledge of it (msorry yall,,i know about the video games :>..!), gang violence, found family trope my love, crime syndicate boss daughter! reader, badboy bodyguard! katsuki x fem reader, sunshine reader, reader is a sweetheart but a little bratty, CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LUVERS TROPE MY STAR, almost polar opposites, you get off on the wrong foot at first so kinndaa enemies to friends, reader has a last name but it will be explained later, original characters, all might is a fictional character, one piece easter egg lol, food n cookies ! katsuki gets recruited into a crime syndicate at eleven years old, but he doesn't do any fightin till a years later !, lemme know if i missed sum (might add more in future chapters !)
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katsuki doesn't remember anything besides his own bloody and bruised knuckles.
it's all he remembers and all he's known his entire life. where he comes from you gotta fight to survive and every dispute was resolved with conflict. bloody fists and busted lips was all he grew up with until the age of 11 years old.
the orphanage he'd lived in for years didn't help in reinforcing that point : the place was neglected, faded and crumbling like a mansion in a horror movie. he'd heard so many rumors going around the halls that the place was haunted. none of the adults bothered to shut it down but they didn't bother to take care of them either, so katsuki didn't expect much from them. katsuki wouldn't be able to count the amount of times their caretakers, if you could even call them that, let him and his housemates run off without supervision on both hands and feet. their disinterested eyes occasionally glancing at the poor kid getting ganged up on by kids twice his size and age.
"if you don't pull your weight around here, you're deadmeat." katsuki remembers an older boy, his roommate at the time, saying to him. he hasn't seen the boy in years and katsuki is sure that wherever he fucked off to was miles better than the shithole he currently lives in.
fights weren't uncommon either. petty fights over pudding were often brought to the communal area, ranging from food fights to all out brawls. power struggles between kids where mostly for dominance, to show others who was the boss. it was all for the sake of a survival kids their ages shouldn't have known, one that they shouldn't have been desensitized to.
the disinterest of the staff members meant that the kids could run wild, running amok around the city streets as if they owned them. stealing and fighting, forming groups and alliances only for those who lagged behind to be betrayed and ganged up on by their pack members.
he recognized it whenever people where trying to get something out of him. katsuki knew he was strong and he knew others knew it too and it got him nothing but enemies and wannabe lackey's acting like errand boys in exchange for services. beating up some guy who had owed them money, some people simply wanted to be around him, hearing that his name had gotten notoriety around their neighborhood and simply using him to scare people off, like parents telling their kids about the boogeyman.
it worked out fine whenever they'd stay out of his way, but katsuki was a lone wolf through and through and didn't like people sticking to his heels, so after many more bloody knuckles, the sound of bones crunching and broken noses, people knew not to mess, or associate themselves, with the rage that was katsuki bakugou.
" i heard he beat some guys face in so bad he never left his house again.." "if you look at him for too long, he'll kick your ass !" "that little brat thinks he's the shit just because he beat some shrimp’s ass." he'd heard whispers like these for years. scared fleeting glances and nasty glares was all people offered him and he learned that striking fear into others was the only way you'd be respected. beating people up was the only way others would leave you alone. stealing from others was the only way others wouldn't steal from you.
being a monster was the only way people would listen. and just like how continuing to spread legends kept horror movie creatures alive. other people spreading rumors about how ruthless he was kept katsuki safe.
until that man showed up.
one of their caretakers had announced that someone would be coming to visit, meaning they should be on their best behaviour so they could find a new forever home. katsuki scoffs, the idea that anyone would choose him to bring home was laughable to him. all the grown ups that came by came for the golden boys: the push overs or the crybabies, was what they were called amongst the other kids.
the man that appeared infront of the line of young boys was anything but what katsuki could’ve ever imagined. tall, extremely so, with a long leather jacket draped over his shoulder, rings could be seen adorning his fingers when he cracked his knuckles. he was completely decked out in black : black coat, black pants, black belt and dark, hardened black eyes that had all the boys shivering. unconsciously having them stand up straighter by the heat of the man’s stare alone.
katsuki and his housemates had all gathered around the windows minutes before to see the man arrive in a big black cadillac escalade, peeking the curiosity of everyone in the room as they wondered what the hell this person could want from an orphanage like this one.
katsuki for the first time in years, feels a hint of fear wash over him when the man stops right in front of him. he feels the eyes of his other mates on him as well and feels himself sweating a little when he gulps.
the mysterious man offers him a large, friendly smile and katsuki doesn't know if he should feel threatened by the warmth he feels in his chest. the tall man kneels down until he's at katsuki's height and his deep, honeyed voice catches him off guard, because he thinks such a man shouldn't have such a..welcoming voice. especially with the multiple men he saw surrounding his car outside looking anything but welcoming.
"hey, kid." the man starts, sharp canines on display as he grins "how would you like to come home with me ?"
katsuki, wide eyed and mouth agape, can only think of one response,
"..huh ?"
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katsuki's shocked expression has not changed once. not since the grown ups had talked about boring grown up stuff he'd barely tuned into, only hearing the scritching of the pen on the paper when the mysterious badass man had signed the adoption papers.
and now, inside of the big black cadillac escalade surrounded by other huge badass guys, his expression has yet to change, though he’d managed to clamp his mouth shut.
katsuki is currently gripping onto an apple juice box, (frankly he prefers orange but he doesn't think he can form a correct sentence right now) offered to him buy a stoic man--who was introduced to him by another huge man, although not as scary looking as the other one, who told him not to be frightened by his straight-faced friend as he was "a scary lookin' dude, but a big teddybear once you get to know him ! " katsuki hadn't taken a single sip of the juice yet, juice that he didn't steal but was given to. without having to threaten anyone for it. a strange feeling grows in his stomach that he's not familiar with. and in katsuki's experience anything unknown is bad, so he doesn't like this.
the scary men all pulled a complete 180 from what they were like outside, going from being quiet and serious to extremely loud. so loud katsuki wonders how it's possible that four men in one car can be just as loud as an entire communal area at his now old orphanage. the thought of not having to step foot in that cursed building ever again has him holding back a little smile. he squeezes the juice box in his hands a little tighter.
the men who's names he doesn't know yet are cracking jokes. they smack his shoulder randomly, causing him to basically fly forward and he's sure that if he weren't wearing a seatbelt he'd have flewn right through the windshield. they laugh and tell him they're excited to start working with him. this has katsuki tilt his head in question.
" working with you ?" he asks, it's the first thing he's said and the two more expressive men in the car brighten up. one of the guys, who's squeezed next to him speaks. he has bleached hair with black roots still peaking through. his sunglasses are pulling his hair back and perfectly showing off the scar running over his left eyebrow.
"yeah, starting today you're a part of our clan, little buddy !" he grins. their clan ?
the boss man, he assumes, speaks up from the drivers seat " takashi, don't just jump that on him so suddenly," he reprimands jokingly. he looks at katsuki through the rear view mirror and smiles, katsuki simply looks away. he doesn't know how to react to situations, or people like this well. or at all. "you'll frighten him."
katsuki's head shoots up at that, eyes squinted and brows furrowed "i'm not scared of shit !" he exclaims "what do you guys even do ?" he glares around at everyone in the car. it's silent and he sees the ringed hand of the boss guy turn the radio down. then after a beat passes everyone bursts out laughing again and katsuki jumps despite himself, even the stone faced guy cracks a smile.
"you're a fiesty one, huh ?! you're perfect for the job !" the bleached blonde man, who is apparently named takashi, speaks. he wraps an arm around katsuki and doesn't notice how he tenses and growls, that or he ignores it. "you see, we have a very special job."
"what special job ?" takashi responds with a mischievous smirk.
"we beat up bad guys !" he chirps happily.
katsuki can't help the gasp that comes out of his throat nor can he control the sparkle in his eyes, yet he tries his best to sound cool " y-you beat up bad guys ?" he asks carefully.
"u--huuuuuh" he squeezes katsuki between his bicep tighter, apologizing when katsuki punches at his arm, loosening his extremely tight grip. he offers him a little apology that katsuki only graces with a stinkeye. "we find guys who mess with us or our turf, and we fuck 'em up good !" he makes punching motions at the air with his free arm " y'know, like all might !"
" all might isn't real." katsuki shoots back.
"well, yeah. but he's cool isn't he !" the bleached man whines, giving katsuki a slight noogie. he shoves at his arm and looks away with a huff and a pout. unwilling to admit that the tv show superhero had been his idol for years now. takashi chuckles knowingly at the boys pink cheeks before finally releasing him from his grasp.
katsuki suddenly remembers the conversation before he'd trailed off "so..you guys beat up bad guys ?" the young blonde starts "and i'm part of your clan now ?" he eyes everyone curiously and they all offer him firm nods.
"why me, though ?" he hates how..desperate he sounds, it reminds him too much of the other loser crybabies that he used to share a space with. he peers at the rear view mirror only to be met with the boss man's eyes already on him. he jumps despite the warmth in said man's eyes.
"i like you, kid. you've got this look in your eye." he explains, he focuses back on the road once he finishes " makes me think of myself when i was your age."
katsuki sits stunned as the rest of the men in the car start up again calling their boss superficial for "going for someone who reminds him of himself" they say, yet katsuki can't find it in himself to feel insulted. he's been told time and time again the looks he'd give people were rude, cocky, scary and every other adjective in the book, none of them being exactly positive one's.
but for someone to say they like the look in his eye is shocking. the lack of any praise besides about how much of a monster he was when he got into fights was something completely unknown to him.
during the entire ride, katsuki grips his untouched apple juice box to keep from smiling.
when he arrives into a large office like room, following closely behind the boss man, who's name he found out during the car ride was kento matsumoto, he's surprised to find the room empty once the door slammed behind him. katsuki's immediatly on his toes and ready, already in a fighting stance, his eyes zipping around the room ready to attack should any bad guys show up.
"what're you doing ?" the older man hums in amusement, slowly creeping towards his desk in the middle of the room. katsuki's too focused on a surprise attack to bother noticing.
"where are the bad guys ?!" the unruly blonde asks, adrenaline already running through his veins, a smirks growing on his features until matsumoto laughs and--wait why is he laughing ?
"there are no bad guys here, you can rest easy." he chuckles when katsuki's shoulders immediatly drop, a pouty frown etched onto his features. "you won't be fighting any bad guys today," the more he continues the more katsuki's eyebrows drop lower and lower. he finally realises how quite and gentle he's been and tilts his head in confusion. he walks up to his desk chair which is turned away from katsuki's eyes. mr. matsumoto walks up and kneels towards the chair and whispers softly. katsuki can hear someone whisper back if he strains his ears hard enough and his brows furrow harder.
after a bit more back and forth, the tall man stands back up, and limps a little as he has two tiny arms arms dragging along with him. along with two tiny legs following along at his pace.
"i'd actually like you to meet someone today." the man chuckles to himself lightly. he presses his hand to the back of the little person behind him. and katsuki finally makes eye contact with them.
the girl looks about his age, maybe a year younger. she keeps alternating her gaze to him briefly and longer towards the floor. her socked feet rubbing at the other as she grips the taller man's pant leg.
katsuki holds back the urge to scoff. she would've been eaten alive if she spent one day back at his orphanage. pushovers don't survive long before becoming someone's lackey unless they pull their weight. you mutter something under your breath and mr. matsumoto scolds you gently.
"you don't wanna be rude to your new friend don't you ?" he encourages. both of your eyes widen and while a grin breaks out on your face. katsuki's mouth drops in near horror
"huh ?!"
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"bakugou, stop moving !"
katsuki doesn't know where that old roommate he had fucked off to, but if it's someplace like this, he feels bad for him.
he'd found out that you were mr. matsumoto's daughter, which was shocking news by itself but you can imagine how much more shocked he was when the older male had asked him to spend time with you.
"i'm not a babysitter !" katsuki stormed "i thought i was fighting bad guys !" mr. matsumoto raises his hands up in surrender from where he's knelt down to diffuse tension.
"you'll start your training soon enough, and then you'll be able to fight as many bad guys as you see fit." he compromises. katsuki's somewhat satisfied, but still crosses his arms across his chest, awaiting further explanation.
"i'm just asking you to keep an eye on her. spend some time with her, stuff like that..you'll be like her bodyguard !" he offers.
"more like babyguard." katsuki scoffs. the older man chuckles nervously.
"my job's real dangerous, so a lot of people wanna hurt me, and my family. i can't have that, you get what i'm sayin' right ?" he speaks sincerely. katsuki's eyes soften the slightest bit as he readjusts his arms. "i want her to be able to spend time with kids her age. not some old guys in suits, you know ?"
katsuki doesn't say but he thinks that reasoning is stupid. he thinks constantly being around men like your dad would be cool as hell, but he digresses. the unruly blonde stares at the pleading man pensively, mr. matsumoto had gotten him out of the wretched orphanage, he owes it to him to atleast help him with this easy sounding request.
katsuki heaves a long, deep sigh and looks down at the ground.
"fine..i'll do it."
he wishes he could punch his past self in the mouth for agreeing to this torture.
he grabs your wrist when you try to sneakily press a tiny flavored lip balm stick to his lips. you pout and whine at him and he growls and furrows his brows at you in response.
"c'mon !" you whine. straining your arm still tightly clutched in his grip to press the lip balm to his pink lips. “it tastes like peaches !” you try.
"no ! i already let you put these shitty braids in my hair, m'not putting your stupid makeup shit on." he throws your arm to the side and you gasp. before crossing your arms,
"swear." you mumble grumply. you shake your head and lean towards him with new found vigor. you’re stubborn and usually he’d at least give you that, but you’re the annoying kind of stubborn, so you’re not getting anything from him.
"it's not makeup, it's just lip balm ! dad let's me put it on him all the time !"
"yeah, well i ain't your dad."
"yeah you're not. cus my dad's not a jerk !" you stick your tongue out at him and katsuki scoffs at you, looking away from you. he bets you wouldn't act all cool if he shoved you once, you look like the type of wimp who'd cry about tripping over your own shoelaces.
"i'll tell my dad you're bein' mean to me." you announce. katsuki's head whips towards you and he feels a vein on his forehead when you turn your nose up at the sky with a 'hmph !". you make his head hurt.
"don't go lying on me !" he fumed.
"but i'm not lyin', you are mean ! i asked you nice an' you won't lemme put the chapstick on you !" you bite back. katsuki inhales through his nose in anger.
"you didn't ask me sh—anything !" he stops himself mid curse, your father doesn't like him swearing around you for some reason and he'd rather you not snitch to your dad about his cursing habits.
you suddenly stop, then roll your eyes like the brat you are. "well, i'm asking now..please ?" you bat your lashes at him and give him, what katsuki assumes, are your best puppy dog eyes.
you're so much more different than when he'd first met you two weeks ago and he definitely doesn't mean it as a good thing. he almost wishes you stayed the quiet, meek little mouse you were. that would've been way less annoying than the bossy bratty princess you are, despite being a few months younger than him.
katsuki groans, loudly to himself, than turns to you again. gripping at his criss crossed legs to control his nerves.
"make it quick, princess." he spits, glaring at your bright smile, obviously pleased you'd won the argument even though you didn't play fair at all. katsuki had won every fight he'd ever been in but you were making yourself out to be his toughest opponent yet. he grits his teeth and sucks his loss in for another day. you make a happy noise and press the sweet stick to his lips. it tastes like peaches when he briefly licks his lips to get a taste. he let’s out a quiet pleased grunt.
"it tastes good, right !"
"shut up."
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katsuki looks at you strangely when he sees you sneaking around corners.
he's stuck on babysitting duty again while your dad and the others get to do fun stuff like beating the shit out of people. from what he'd gathered from mr. matsumoto and when he 'accidentally' listened in on his passing conversations with his coworkers, your father was the boss of an underground yakuza organisation. the men he'd sat in the car with being his most trusted companions.
they all bore a similar tattoo’s somewhere on their body : some had them on their arms or hands, others were more showy and had them on their necks or on their backs like your dad did. katsuki was bummed to find out he wouldn’t be able to get one yet, he scoffs at the memory of your dad ruffling his hair and telling him to wait a few more years.
he was dreading having to put up with your whiny tantrums and sticky flavored lip balms, although he guessed it was kinda fun to guess the flavour. but today you surprised him by beckoning him over and telling him you needed his help with something. at 9 in the morning.
“a top-ultra-super-ultra secret-mission ”, you’d called it. and from the moment you’d pushed him out of the huge spare room he was currently using as his bedroom, you’d been sneaking around corners even though katsuki would look ahead (he has to take some risks, he is your bodyguard after all) and see no one there.
the prospect of a secret mission did peak his interest, it was the reason he had followed you without making a fuss. but even though ‘patience’ wasn’t an unknown word in katsuki’s documentary, it wasn’t frequently used. so it shouldn’t have been a surprise when he started complaining.
“what are we even doing ? and why the hell are you sneaking around like that?” he asks, the urge to go back to bed still clinging to him as he rubs at his eyes sleepily. katsuki doesn’t know how you can navigate this huge house so well and he feels like he’s been following you through a maze.
you quickly, after peeking around another corner, shush him. “shhh !” you hiss, placing a finger over your lips. if katsuki weren’t so tired he would’ve rolled his eyes at you but he simply decides to narrow his eyes at you.
“i told you, it’s super secret ! i’ll tell you when we get there !” you huff “swear, by the way.” you chide playfully, giggling when he grumbles at you.
if katsuki could compare you to anything, he’d compare you to rubber. it’s weird because it’s an object rather than a living thing, but he thinks it’s pretty fitting. he pokes and prods, throws snarky comments and mean names at you, pulling at you like rubber, yet all you do is snap right back into place. like that rubber man you like on tv ( he prefers the sword guy better).
you pout about his mean spirited ‘princess’ nickname after he tells you he doesn’t mean it as a compliment because to him it means your snobby, bratty and spoiled, but you never let him get you down. often just saying that princesses we’re super pretty “so therefore, you’re just calling me pretty !” you’d grin. he thinks your reasoning is more than stupid and rolled his eyes hard when you’d first told him that, but you intrigue him in ways he doesn’t wanna admit.
you’re so annoying and bubbly it puzzles him, he wonders how someone like you could exist in the same world as his. the world he was raised in was cold and unforgiving, quickly stomping and crushing pretty bright flowers like you under its heel before they were even given a chance to fully bloom.
you’re something he’s never seen before and you piss him off. but that’s mostly because you’re annoying though.
after sneaking around for a bit more, you get to what katsuki recognizes as the kitchen. katsuki hears the sound of chopping and sizzling before he rounds the corner and the smell of food fills his nose and his mouth waters.
you put an arm out to hold him back from rounding the corner and point towards something, katsuki looks up at where your looking to see..
a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies.
his eyes widen like he’d just seen a stack of gold. back at the orphanage, they were barely allowed to have any sweets besides during holidays, two for everyone. katsuki didn’t really mind much, since he doesn’t really like candy, but your home chef nakazawa really knew how to cook and katsuki would gobble up anything the man cooked.
the long white haired man never commented on his table manners and messy eating, only smiling brightly and always telling him it made him happy to see people enjoying his food so much.
katsuki would never say it out loud, but he would sometimes sneak around to watch mr. nakazawa cook. he’d never had any time to be interested in..anything back at his old hell hole and it’d taken him a while to admit he’d taken a liking to not only nakazawa’s cooking, but also cooking in general.
he bets those cookies would be fucking delicious. he gulps.
“those are our objective !” you whisper, turning back to him with a determined grin “your job as my bodyguard today is to help me snatch up those chocolate chip cookies mr zawa made.” you explain.
katsuki almost exclaims before begrudgingly remembering this is supposed to be a secret mission and you were supposed to be inconspicuous “huh ?!” he hisses. you nudge him away from the opening and place your finger against your lips to shush him again, katsuki growls at you.
"just cus i'm your bodyguard..or whatever," he grumbles, rolling his eyes "doesn't mean i'm your errand boy. i'm not anybody's errand boy." he spits, glaring at you. you don't look the least bit scared, instead your eyebrows furrow and you pout.
"but you're not my errand boy, we're doing it together ! you're helping me out !"
"i don't help anyone." he shoots back "what am i getting from this anyway ?" he scoffs, shuffling on his feet.
" you don't like sweets, right ? so the least you could do is help me get some cookies !" you declare, crossing your arms." but if you want, i guess i could share the booty with you." you say with a roll of your eyes. katsuki wants to be surprised that you remembered something he’d mumbled to you in passing once but he ignores that to sneer at you, eye twitching at your brattiness.
"gross. don't call it that." he snarks, you roll your eyes again "don't be a baby, bakugou." you quickly flip around and sneak towards the main kitchen doors. bakugou glares at your back as you slip away and throws you one last snarky comment under his breath before following you "you're one to talk."
mr nakazawa’s back is to the both of you still, he seems to not have noticed you both yet. even though katsuki hates being ordered around by you, pointing at where he should go so as not to be seen, he ignores it in favour of the giddy feeling in his chest. you're holding back a laugh too, he can see it on your face and as annoying as you are, he can't help but hold back a snort with you when the cook stops in his movements to scan around the kitchen, you both still going unnoticed.
he hasn't been allowed to go out on missions with your dad and his squad yet, simply undergoing training starting from every wednesday, to going monday through thursday for a few hours and though it was fun, it was pretty irritating seeing the grown ups do all the fun stuff while he's stuck carrying you around on his back and watching dumb disney channel original movies with you (he won't admit he enjoys most of them, though. never.)
but right now that's all been forgotten, adrenaline is pumping through him but it's different than the adrenaline rush he gets from when he beats up some no name kid that wanted to start a fight to prove he was some type of big shot, surrounded by the choruses of cheering kids and screams. instead, he's simply sneaking closer and closer to a tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. accompanied only by you, who's covering your mouth trying not to make a single sound so you don't get caught and scolded for getting to the cookies early.
it's different, it's unknown. but katsuki realizes it's not bad.
it actually feels really warm, and nice. and good. it's good to have fun with you. it's good to be able to bicker and playfight with you without it leading to his knuckles being bruised up. he hates to admit it but he has to hold back a snicker at your dumb jokes and antics. and maybe he can admit that some of the movies you pick out are kinda fun.
he doesn't have to fight for the remote with you because you let him pick whenever he wants. you've set up a system where you pick one night and he gets to pick the next night and you hadn't broken your promise, always handing him the remote when it was his turn to pick a movie, though you huff about it sometimes, but that's cus you're a brat.
but when katsuki finally reaches the tray of cookies and you silently cheer for him with a smile so bright you could rival the sun itself and two thumbs up in the air, katsuki has to admit you're not so bad to be around.
"may i ask what you kids are doin' ?"
both you and katsuki stiffen at mr. nakazawa looming over him, he doesn't look the least bit angry. he's trying to, but he can't fight off the smile on his mock dissapointed face.
"mr. bakugou is a newcomer, so i can't really be mad at 'im" he starts, katsuki gulps when the white haired man's frosty blue eyes land on him, then zero on you "but lady yn should already know what happens to misbehaving children.." he slowly stretches his arms out towards you, making a grabby motion and you start uncontrollably giggling, eyes widening as you slowly stand up and back away.
"they go...into the oven !!"
"mission complete, cookies obtained, get outta there !" you exclaim, hightailing it with your laughter trailing down the hallway. katsuki starts up and dashes for the door to follow you. mr. nakazawa barely makes any effort to catch both of you and katsuki knows he's stopped following you but he doesn't bother telling you about it.
he's having too much fun right now.
he's holding the tray of cooled off cookies to his chest to keep them safe and he can't stop laughing especially because you're basically hollering next to him, cheering loudly and katsuki mimicks you. it's probably still around nine in the morning and you're running around like headless chickens, screaming around the hallways, but katsuki's having too much fun with you to care.
you get to your bedroom door first and katsuki would usually blame it on your hands being free, but he doesn't care about being first right now. you quickly wave your hand around, signaling for him to run inside before you slam your door shut and fall to the ground, helplessly snorting and giggling with your fluffy pyjama pant legs kicking in the air.
katsuki sits down next to you, placing the cookies down between you both slightly above your head. he's calmed down more than you have, but he's still buzzing, chest rising and falling. he snorts and giggles some more looking at you and after you finally calm down you sigh. you take a deep breath before looking up at him with stars in your eyes.
"that was so fun ! we booked it outta there so fast !" you giggle. katsuki sits more comfortable, cross-crossing his legs. he hums in response "mr. nakazawa always says he's gonna put me in the oven when i sneak a cookie, but he's super nice, so i knew he wouldn't do anything if he caught you !"
katsuki scoffs pridefully, turning his nose up in the air "he wouldn't have been able to do anythin' cus i woulda kicked his ass !" he smirks. you giggle in response.
"that's expected of my bodyguard !" you chirp. he rolls his eyes but doesn't complain. you sit up and look at him all starry eyed and katsuki's eyes widen in turn.
"you were awesome, bakugou ! no wonder dad likes you so much !" you beam. it's too bright, you're too bright. katsuki wants to look away, wants to go back into his shell and pull the curtain shut on the sun that you are. he wants to be scary and feared by all and yet for some reason he likes that you're not scared of him. he wants it to stay that way. he knows he shouldn't and yet,
"..you can just call me, katsuki. i don't mind.." he mutters, looking away from you and towards the wall. he doesn't dare look at you or he'll have to acknowledge your expression, acknowledge the fact his face is burning alarmingly hard and fast. "i don't care..if you do." he rephrases.
a beat passes and he feels the cold metal of the tray against his hand, he looks down to see your hand pushing the cookies towards him.
"since you did the most work, you can have the first one." you say shyly, fiddling with your soft sleeves.
katsuki feels his heart beating and thumping hard in his chest. he can faintly hear it in his ears, can feel it softly bumping in his head. he's never felt this before.
he doesn't like the unknown. but he can't find it in himself to care when he reaches out and takes a big bite of a cookie. it tastes heavenly and his eyelashes flutter as he munches away, his eyes snap open when he hears you giggle.
"s'good, right ?" you grin, leaning towards him to grab a cookie before popping a piece into your mouth with a hum. katsuki gulps a bite of his cookie down.
"mm.." he hums in agreement. that's enough for you, so you lean back more comfortably and you both continue silently munching away at the slowly dwindling tray of cookies. until you speak up again.
"usually i eat all of mr. nakazawa's cookies on my own. dad and my other uncles are always gone before i can share with them." you explain, katsuki sees your puppy eyes shining with sadness. they're the same as the pushover's at his old orphanage who'd cower in corners and cry as the bigger predators of the institution prey on them.
"they're really good.." the happy tone in your voice is gone and is instead replaced by a more bittersweet one. "but whenever i eat too many, my stomach hurts. and that's not fun at all." katsuki feels his chest tighten at your words, and it tightens harder when you look up at him and send him the sincerest smile he's ever seen.
"but today, i ate a lot of 'em and i'm completely fine, cus i shared them with you !"
katsuki only remembers the feeling of fighting. of bloody and bruised knuckles and the rush of adrenaline that eventually fades away and all he feels is the stinging pain in his body. and that's not fun at all.
but sitting here with you, he hopes and he hopes with all his might that the way he feels when his chest blooms with warmth never fades away.
"yeah..." is all he says, looking down at the ground. tugging at the carpet.
"y'know, you're my fifth bodyguard." katsuki's eyes widen "fifth ?" he parrots and you nod, stuffing the last bit of your cookie into your mouth.
"why so many ? you go out on missions or something ?"
you shake your head "no, but dad says it's safer because a lot of people could wanna hurt me." you say simply, wrapping your arms around your knees, wiggling your socked feet " 'i wouldn't let anyone hurt you, but you can never be too careful.'" you mimick, deepening your voice best you can to copy your father's tone.
"all my other bodyguards were super old, and they never talked, or played with me. no fun at all." you mutter bitterly, grounding your heel down against your soft carpeted floor.
"you're kinda mean, and very aggressive. especially for someone your age." katsuki scoffs at your doctor like tone like you'd just done an analysis on him. he kicks at your foot with his and you giggle and stick yout tongue out at him. katsuki wants to hold back the smirk growing on his face, but he can't. maybe because he isn't trying very hard to hold back at all.
"but you're funny..and you can be really nice when you wanna be." he hears it again, the thumping and beating of his heart at your words and your smile. "you're definitely my favorite bodyguard, katsuki !"
the thumping of his heart gets so loud he can feel it in the tips of his fingers, rhythmically beating away. he gets that feeling of adrenaline from when he wins a fight. when he's got a nasty bloody nose but people are inching away from him. whispers of his name and strenght all around and he feels like he's on top of the world for a while.
but this feels nicer. it's foreign, but katsuki feels like he can get used to that.
"'f course i am, i'm the best !" he exclaims. the warmth in his chest still present and burning harder when you smile at him brightly with a giggle.
katsuki unfamiliar with these kinds of burning feelings that aren’t accompanied with pain. they’re unknown and foreign, but he thinks he likes them. and, maybe, he can admit that he thinks he likes you a little bit, too.
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soooowww...whatre we thinkiiinnnn..personally i like this alot and would love to hear whatyallthinkaboutthisconcepttttquestionmark... i was inspired to post this after getting back into akabane honeko no bodyguard, and my love for delinquents mixed w some childhood friends to lovers and i HAD to write this, i rlly like this and i hope yall enjoy !!
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philistiniphagottini · 4 months
So I may have a thing for Scar and I got so annoyingly horny for him that I'm going to make y'all suffer with me. I just... I need this man collar and leashed and grinding against me until my bones turn to dust. I hope you enjoy. Please indulge my wuwa brain rot as I slowly make my way through the game <3
cw. smut, intercrural (thigh fucking), dirty talk, pussy slapping ((like, two taps)), female reader, implied chubby reader, MDNI
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“Say, when I put my cock in, how far do you think I can make it in that pretty, little pussy?”
You could feel the heat of Scar's breath licking at the shell of your ear as he stood behind you, arms secured around your waist as he held you tight. Your breathing wavered, a pleasant tingle rippling down your back and causing your toes to curl as every hair on the nape of your neck stood up in anticipation. You shuddered in his grasp, a small whine crawling out of your parched throat as his hips bumped into your plush rump. You could feel heat curling in the pit of your stomach, your blood simmering hotly in your veins as Scar sandwiched his boiling cock between your plump thighs. All you could do was squirm; so pleasantly helpless against him as you cast your lidded gaze downward, fire burning your cheeks and turning the tips of your ears hot as he languidly wedged his fat cock between your legs. Your spine tingled with violent rattles as he blew air against your ear, teeth playfully gnawing on the lobe as a warm chuckle breezed past his lips. His question was left unanswered, but he was far from done with playing with his new, favourite toy.
Your pulse fluttered in your ears, heart beating wildly as a hum rumbled in his chest, the vibrations dancing along the ridges of your spine as the hot coil knotted in your belly. He continued to drag his cock through your creamy folds, a devious smirk lighting his features as he hooked his chin on your shoulder and watched what was happening between your thighs with rapt attention. You swallowed thickly, tasting desire lingering in the back of your throat as the tip of his drooling cock teased the pretty pearl of your clit, dragging another pleased moan from your bruised lips. Your hands blindly grasped at him behind you, fingers tangling in his clothes and trying to anchor to his hips as you held on for dear life. Your knees were starting to wobble and you didn't know how much longer you could stand before they gave out.
Every nerve in your body was set on edge as Scar raised his hand, sharp claws glinting under the dim light as he brought his hand to your chest. He flicked a single, rosy tip as you whimpered, your nipples pebbling in the cold despite the heat of a raging inferno searing your skin. Your hips ache as you weakly rolled and you were convinced your bones were going to turn to dust from the sparking friction created between your bodies moving in tandem. Your dazed mind snapped back to attention as Scar squeezed your chest, your tit eagerly jumping into the warm touch of his hand as he cupped it with his palm. Jolts of electricity raced down your back as Scar placed a delicate kiss to your skin, your pulse jumping under the press of his mouth as his hand suddenly started to travel lower. His fingers danced along your torso, nails lightly raking over your skin as his fingers walked down to your stomach. His nails intimately pressed into your skin as he dragged them over the sumptuous v-line of your body, a sound akin to a purr bubbling up his throat as he stared down at you with a lust filled haze. You had difficultly seeing his face, even as you tried to tilt your head and catch a glimpse of the expression he was holding. Perhaps it was a good thing you didn't see the crazed look in his eye, nor the love sick grin that split his lips.
“Do you think I could reach here?” Scar asked, continuing with his earlier question.
His fingers pressed against the soft pudge of your belly, drawing a line across your pubic bone. Your soused walls clenched around nothing as he whispered your name with a husky purr, a hint of desperation seeping into the tone as his sharp nails continued to draw patterns into your skin. Wisps of his hair tickled your cheek as he leaned over you, his body curling as he rested more of his weight on you and his hips dug into the round globes of your ass cheeks with a resounding smack. You whimpered, a constellation of tears clinging to your lashes as your core throbbed, your arousal dripping down your quaking things and staining the length of his cock with the translucent strings. Another thoughtful noise stirred in Scar's throat as he gnawed on the skin of your shoulder, dragging his nails further up your body until he could feel you quivering against him.
“Or do you think I could reach here?” he asked with a playful lilt.
His fingers circled around your navel before he rest his hand on your stomach, squeezing the soft flesh until your skin spilled over the splayed digits of his long fingers. The tips of your fingers felt numb as he continued to drag his cock along the drooling seam of your cunt and you struggled to peel your tongue off the roof of your mouth long enough to offer him an answer. Not that Scar seemed to mind. He was having too much fun watching you slowly crumble as he intimately picked you apart at the seams, one fraying thread at a time.
“Would you like that?” Scar mused. “Would like it if I gave your womb a little present?”
You moaned loudly in response, thrashing in his hold as you tried to twist around in his tight grip. All you could manage was a weak nod of your head, your core throbbing desperately as his sultry words spun around and around in your head like a broken record. The mere thought alone was going to be your undoing.
“Scar” you gasped loudly, voice scratching your throat and leaving behind a horrible itch. “Gonna…”
Your voice got stuck in your throat once more as Scar hummed a playful tune, signalling you had his attention. But you couldn't force the rest of your words out. You moaned sharply as his cock pressed against the slick, aching nub of your clit once more, kissing the tender nerve in just the right way that had you coming undone in an instant. You trembled violently as stars swirled in your vision, the coil in your stomach shattering as your veins were flooded with white hot relief. You tried your best to hump his cock stuffed between your thick thighs, grinding your swollen clit against his achingly hard flesh as your slick juices gushed from your core like a sweet nectar. Scar cooed in delight at the sight, eagerly reaching his hand between your sticky thighs as the sharp thrust of his hips came to a halt.
“Look at you~” he cooed.
His fingers spread apart the puffy folds of your soaked lips, pearls of your orgasm sticking to the tips of his fingers like the fine silk of a spider's web as your plush walls fluttered and pulsed. You restlessly rubbed your thighs together, pulling a soft groan from Scar’s lips as you squeezed his cock. He clicked his tongue behind his teeth as he dipped his fingers into your sticky folds, your arousal dripping from you like honey. He squished his cheek against yours fondly, teeth and tongue nipping and laving at the side of your jaw.
“Is my pretty baby hungry for me?” he cooed, his tone bordering on the edge of mocking but not quite dipping its toes in.
The smouldering embers in your belly were slowly stoked back into a fierce flame as Scar flicked his finger against the nub of your clit. The tightly packed bundle of nerves came roaring back to life as he slapped his hand over your drenched cunt, shocking your overstimulated nerves into overdrive. You shrieked and the sound was like a chime from a shimmering bell. He chuckled darkly, his cock throbbing harshly as he brought the palm of his hand down on your pussy once more, enjoying the little jolts of your muscles as you mewled for more of his touch. He buried his nose in your soft hair as his lips kissed your temple, hands squeezing your soft stomach with a fierce possessiveness that no one could rival.
“Our little game is far from over, sunshine~”
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bixels · 5 months
Finally posting my first Rarijack one-shot for the Grand Galloping 20s, "So This Is Love." This is the first time I've posted my writing (or written any fanfiction) in years and years, so lemme know what you think.
Summary: After a mutually unsuccessful night at the Grand Galloping Gala, both Miss Rarity and April-Jacqueline find themselves at their wits' end in the Canterlot castle gardens while the gala continues without them.
Preview: Polished marble sculptures and manicured jade hedges glistened by the light of the moon and her stars. The gardens of Canterlot Castle were beautiful. They would be much more beautiful if shared with another, Miss Rarity thought to herself bitterly. “Surprised to see you all on your lonesome out here.” She looked down the gravel path to a figure sitting at a stone bench. A woman, fitted in a fetchingly tailored pinstripe suit –– Miss Rarity’s suit actually, she designed it herself –– a perfectly curled ponytail –– she had spent nearly half an hour ironing out the flyaways –– and that obnoxiously drab stetson hat –– no relation to Miss Rarity. A half-spent cigarette fell from her lip, stamped out under her heel. ...
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petrichorium · 4 months
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"i told you in my last letter, my lord, that should you return past sundown i would not entertain your affections until morning."
"you torment me, little wife."
"i have great confidence in your self control. wait until dawn."
"your confidence, i fear, fails to have sympathy for how long i have endured without your sweet company."
"the sweetest fruit requires time to ripen, husband. endure a while longer."
commission from the lovely and incredibly talented @ruiaes !!! this actually came back to me at the start of this yr but ive been hoarding it i fear 🫣
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dreadfuldevotee · 6 months
The insane thing to me about half the "critique" about LLB is about "fetish". I really just need y'all to come out and say you hate gay women and the art they make, cuz white male directors have been making mountains of film of the kinky shit they're into but god forbid A woman be buff and framed as sexually desirable and a singular five second scene of her greasy butch suckin' a toe. Y'all need to grow the fuck up or go back to watching children's television if you can't handle dykes being anything more than angelic sexless intellectuals.
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day 231
doomed timeline
u ever think about how literally every single one of the thousands of aradias that traveled back to fight in the trolls' boss battle was from a doomed timeline where she had to a) watch all her friends die b) process that she was also doomed and c) then power through all that to do a bunch of time travel detective work so that she could advise the alpha iterations of her friends on how to avoid splitting into that doomed timeline in the first place? before traveling to a battle she knew she wouldn't make it out of?
yeah man
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