#WAU 2
UNIQUE - nowa jakość w meblach biurowych: fotel WAU 2
Do tej pory wszystkie meble, które miały uatrakcyjnić biuro i salę konferencji, były skoncentrowane na wyglądzie i wygodzie, ale UNIQUE wnosi zupełnie nowe rozwiązanie. Wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom klientów, marka UNIQUE oferuje swoim klientom designerski fotel biurowy WAU 2 w odcieniach czarnym i pomarańczowym elastomeru. To wyjątkowe połączenie dostarczy Ci niezapomnianych wrażeń, a jednocześnie obiecuje wygodę i trwałość. Dzięki profilowanym oparciom i regulowanym podłokietnikom, fotel WAU 2 kształtuje się do ciała, dlatego jest wyjątkowo wygodny i jednocześnie podkreśla oryginalny design. Zagłówek można również regulować i odchylać, aby dostosować go do potrzeb użytkownika. Także konstrukcja fotela została zaprojektowana po to, aby zapewniać wygodę, wykonana została z metalu, tworzywa i tkaniny. UNIQUE to niepowtarzalna marka, która od lat dostarcza swoim klientom designerskie meble do biura i do domu. Produkty są cały czas doskonalone, a to pozwala na stałe wprowadzanie nowych, unikalnych rozwiązań, takich jak fotel WAU 2. Firma pozostaje również wierna swojej filozofii, która opiera się na trwałości materiałów użytych do produkcji i na dbałości o najdrobniejsze detale. Dzięki temu wszystkie produkty marki UNIQUE zapewniają wygodę i są niepowtarzalne.
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wardenunit-wau · 7 months
two types of AI
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ameno-hypostasis · 1 month
The Pathos server kept calling Simon a sad wet hamster
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And I had the funniest Idea
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teadrop-12 · 6 months
ive realized MATA just keeps using the same manipulation tactics on the ppl they recruit bc they did this twice (as far as we know)
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soma-shitposts · 2 years
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fresastraw · 2 years
Estuve flojaaa, no dibuje nadaaa. Planeaba dibujar a Beli con nosee un traje de vampiroo o nosee y a jinx con unoo de diablo oo de denji ese de chainsaw man
perooo noooo me visie a pokemon y me pase la liga 🤙 por eso no hice nada
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Teamo garchomp
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eebie · 1 year
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imbigandimbad · 2 years
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dog-girl-zezora · 1 year
My problematic trait is that I will watch chaos unfold around my coworkers and not offer any help unless they look to me for it
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daedrabela · 1 year
sometimes i'll just be chilling with my bf and i start talking about something weird that happened to me as a kid/when i was younger and it turns out that was a whole ass trauma and then we sit there looking at each other like 😮
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beeapocalypse · 2 years
trying to envision scenes in which a character is seething mad rules bc i come up w a single sentence and then get stuck on the phrasing of it to make it the most spittle flying teeth barred angry sounding thing ever and i turn over those same words for like five hours. how many ways can you rephrase dumb shit son of a bitch before it becomes verbal slop
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delta-orionis · 1 year
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I have blorbo disease, which means that if I don't draw my special little guy at least once every couple of weeks I'll shrivel up and die (...maybe not, but it sure feels like that).
An assortment of Simons from my sketchbook, as well as some brainstorming. I've included transcriptions of my notes as well as some additional thoughts under the cut:
Second image:
I was brainstorming what Simon might look like with a more severe WAU "infection", based on this piece of concept art. The idea was that Simon would become visibly more "infected" with WAU growths depending on how often the player chose to use WAU nodes.
WAU modules are noticeably larger
WAU growths typically wrap through and around like plant roots or mycelium. Can also harden into scales, with softer “roots” poking out underneath.
Simon 2:
”veins” growing up Simon’s helmet
some WAU growths are scaly, with large nodules and “hairs” beneath the scales
scales (most visible poking thru the neoprene) [in Simon’s suit]
Structure gel growths are breaking out of Simon’s suit, like plant roots in a root-bound plant
Simon 3:
The power suit is more rigid, so the WAU growths poke out in places where the pieces connect (namely the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and especially the hands)
”veins” wrap around the more rigid structures of the power suit
scales form near the wrists, forearms, and triceps
Third Image:
Various doodles of Simon 2, 3, and 4.
I've always liked the idea of Ark Simon having a laurel halo [like the Pathos-II logo] (along with the other Ark residents)
Like I noted in my sketchbook, I like the idea of Simon 4 (Ark Simon) having a halo that distinguishes him in appearance from Simon 1. It would be cool if it looked like the laurels in the Pathos-II logo. Laurel wreaths were often used in ancient Greece as a symbol of victory, which I think fits because Simon 4 completed his goal (of getting on the Ark). It also would double as a halo, to show how Simon has ascended to the afterlife (if the Ark could be considered that). Also I just think it looks cool. :]
Bonus tiny Simon as a reward for reading the notes:
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eliasdrid · 1 year
I had to cut some AIs/robots from here because... 10 options only but I want to give the poll some videogame variation (and also have characters that are better known so people are more likely to reblog).
Honorable mentions (off the top of my head): V2, Mirage and the other machines (Ultrakill), Ghost and Failsafe (Destiny 2) , Red (The Enigma Machine), Buddy (Buddy Simulator 1984), Grace and Blue (ROM: 2064), Million and Superduck (Norco), the characters from Primordia - especially Horatio, Crispin and MetroMind, RT-217NP (The Uncertain), Theta One One (Subsurface Circular), P03 (Inscryption).
Acronyms only poll
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teadrop-12 · 2 years
curse the owl house for making me overanalyse things for hidden pride flags
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onglai · 6 months
Rudy doesn't (seem to) go to school
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So, during their Arena tournament in season 3, we got to see the junior agents wearing their school uniforms. Other than finding out that most of the agents are at secondary school level or higher, there is one tiny detail that I've only realized when I thought back to Rudy's backstory; he was from Pinggiran.
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Pinggiran is a slum, likely with no form of education to speak of if even the kids living there resorts to stealing to eat.
This means Rudy never went to school and the first form of education he received was one to become an agent. Maybe that's why he's so good that even Alicia complimented him back in season 2.
If we look back at the episode, we can see the only one with the same color scheme as his is Roza, but even her uniform has a badge on it.
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Rudy's "uniform" meanwhile doesn't have any sign that could be attributed to his school either on the front or the back.
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Now, you can argue that it could just be a jacket. Like, I go to my uni class in my black sweater all the time but that's a university and Rudy is of school age. But try zooming in the picture. You'll see him wearing only a T-shirt inside the jacket.
So is this really a school uniform or is it just his daily wear whenever he's in public?
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...okay, no, I lied
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Apparently it's just an animation error. This is him in the next episode.
I legit believed it tho. WAU animation scammed me 😌
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strawberrywindow · 10 months
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i can't focus on anything more in depth than sketches lately smh been so scatterbrained 🤧
anyways, sketch of jin yoshida my beloved, one of the most interesting side characters in the game for how little we know about him and yet how terrifying his segment is lol. according to logs mans was alive up to a MONTH before simon woke up at pathos 2. that's crazy. and also means he and sarah were the last two humans alive for some time 🥲
i wonder if jin was attempting to leave in some last ditch effort to find some form of food for them when he got wau-ified. i'd imagine it was quite hard on sarah when he didn't return and she was left completely alone. i do wonder if she knows what became of him seeing as he seems to have been wandering the front halls of tau for the past month.
i find him interesting as well for being the closest enemy to what simon is composition wise, being a corpse in a diving suit held together by structure gel. i don't know how quickly mans died, knowing the wau it kept him alive for a time and i guess we don't know if jin is TECHNICALLY actually dead 😅 although any semblamce of his self is gone - he may just be heavily mutated. but this was a sketch attempt at him mid-transformation i suppose, before his helmet is breached and totally consumed by wau tendrils, delusional and lost in the halls of tau poor bby 🥲
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