#ooc // lazarus
jokerwithcrowbar · 2 months
-mentions of blood and insanity.
The Joker's eyes bore into the ceiling. Or was it really the ceiling? The Lazarus pit had crippled everything he once believed in. Now, his mind was clouded with different thoughts. He felt everything a normal human should feel.
Pain, anger, disgust, fear—but the most prominent—the feeling that stood out most—guilt. Joker wasn't used to this. He was used to enjoying the process of tormenting and terrorizing the citizens of Gotham. But now he wasn't sure.
He gulped. His head was pounding with different thoughts. He remembered their faces and the fear in their eyes as they screamed profanities at him.
He felt disgusted with himself. It was strange.
Joker's hands trembled as he touched his face. "Who am I?" He whispered to himself, haunted by the ghosts of his past. A single tear slid down his cheek before he wiped it away.
He hadn't cried in years. Maybe it was the Lazarus pit. It turned him sane, making him aware of his gruesome actions in the past. When he bathed in the pit and rose above, he was afraid, and then he felt woozy. The Joker never felt afraid before.
"Please," he muttered to himself. He felt something clawing at the back of his brain, trying to pull him in. He wanted to reach for it and take back the old, familiar sensation, but something was holding him back.
Could it be the effect of the pit? It had to be, right?
He felt something soft hit his hand. It was a feather. Joker looked around, but there was nothing. Not a single bird in sight.
Maybe it was Ra's trick?
He heard a voice pang from behind him: "Joker." His eyes widened as he slowly turned around. But there was no one. He had to have been hallucinating.
Joker clutched the feather in his hands and slumped back down.
"Get up, clown."
It was just his imagination. "I'm not here to hurt you, 'k?"
"Get out of my head—whatever you are!" He screamed. Joker felt himself growing angry. He clenched and unclenched his fists.
He groaned, feeling a sharp pain in his palm. He looked down and saw an "x" -shaped cut. Joker gasped. He didn't do this to himself. He had no sort of weapon on him.
He rubbed his palm on his pants, trying to get the blood off. That's when he noticed another feather a few feet away from him. Joker's frown had disappeared, being replaced by a grin, followed by a loud laugh.
He couldn't believe it. He laughed continuously.
Joker threw his head back, and it hit the wall. But he didn't feel any pain, causing him to laugh even more. He was insane.
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jane-lynndrake-t · 18 days
Starting around 2007, Gotham got a whole lot crazier and the mob kinda fell down the source of stressors for all Gothamites. So there's a very high shot that your face has aged a little more gracefully than your colleagues. Actually, it is practically a guarantee, since whatever happened to you in your coma was removing surgical scars.
Do you think it is worth asking Owens or Zeddmore about any kinds of rejuvenating substances they might know of? Maybe this Acheron had access to it?
That makes it sound like the different mob syndicates collapsed. And got replaced with something worse. That's... quite scary.
Aw, aren't you being sweet. Hon, you can't even see me <3
That's... true.
That's a very good idea!
Hold on!!
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wardenunit-wau · 11 months
two types of AI
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officialbruciewayne · 2 months
Currently Bruce Wayne has been captured by Ra's al Ghul, and is being held under Alleytown in Gotham. He has seen a VERY big Lazarus Lake under there which did not get planning permissions from the city.
His trackers were deactivated and removed.
At present, nobody knows his location, though happy to plot a rescue / escape down the line, but since I'm busy ooc today, for now he can sit there and think about what he did and gather intel on Ra's.
He's with @jokerwithcrowbar and having... a time of it.
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magicofrobin · 2 months
one of the batkids sees bruce out as nightwing, snaps a picture and it's then circulating around their group chats.
dick grayson, where he has fucked off to, gets a separate text later that day from jason w the picture attached and a link to his venmo or some shit saying "pay for my therapy asshole. you made this happen. i can never unseen the horrors i have witnessed."
jason adds on a text about how it wasn't so bad when he was pretending to be nightwing now was it lmao. (dick almost wishes it was jason out as nightwing again, he would've preferred that if anyone absolutely had to)
dick proceeds to shut down any further comments on it, in separate texts and group chats, by bringing up one (1) crucial point: if bruce is being nightwing then who is being batman? and all of a sudden the chats go dead. jason calls him long enough to tell him that he hates him and then hangs up, tim is in the bg of the call asking him to come back immediately.
while dick is processing thru his own horrors because what the actual fuck. he finally hears back from his siblings after they have done whatever to decide who has to be batman bc no one really wants to (they drew straws bc rock, paper, scissors got too violent </3) and they tell him cass is gonna be batman until bruce stops going thru his midlife crisis or whatever the hell is going on.
(none of them considered that gotham would be fine without batman for awhile bc there's a fuckton of other vigilantes around.)
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bloodiedbiotic · 25 days
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So after dealing with a fucked up save file (example: didn't get the Carnifex somehow despite recruiting Mordin), I went back and remade Blair in ME2 and decided on a whim to redesign her face closer to how I try to draw her. After a lot, and I mean a lot of tweaking, I'm pretty happy with her appearance in-game. She looks rough and tired, and fits the vibe of "recently came back from the dead."
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((Hey! Its this blog's 2nd birthday!))
((I just wanted to say I'm never coming back here. I am still very good friends with everyone I interacted with and sone people in the TBoI fandom. Leaving this blog unfinished didn't feel satisfying and I wanted a concrete sendoff.))
((This blog was dead for months, even when I kicked it around a bit. Plus me going to school and the repentance hype being long dead, it was safe to say this will never be a thing again. I won't delete this blog, but it shall be here, frozen in time. I feel bad for my two Lazari being here forever alone. So tiny Lazarus and friends will be stuck in that little home forever, having fun together with no worries at all.))
((I thank everyone who stuck around with me from start to finish. My artstyle improved drastically and I met many wonderful people. @greedycatdemon @bootleg-sara @thebindingofpillo @celicia-the-puppet and @the-horsemen-ride all get honorary mentions!! But most importantly.. I thank you, the askers, behind that screen.))
-Mod Maggy ♡
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acecasinova · 2 years
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Some idiot baby touched a relic that f*cked up evil creatures then grew several months' worth of height and hair in a few minutes because he drained another vampire wbu
Diablerie is IN, kids~
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variantia · 1 year
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@starfoam said : A concept for you: Lazarus, listening to Lo rant about her situation, and getting a very real laugh out of how smart she actually is versus how she acts to the other vampires... but also girl, the pop culture references you're making do not exist yet, rewind it a good 20 years please.
BELLUM. djfklaflka OK BUT LIKE
"guess it's a good thing you're not an influencer or anything anymore, there's no chance of you eating Tide Pods"
"?? eating what?"
"... Tide Pods? you know, those little packets of laundry detergent that people were stupid enough to eat because they're brightly colored like candy and they thought it'd make them internet famous"
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jokerwithcrowbar · 2 months
I feel different. Everything is spinning and I feel guilt rushing into my veins. Now, I parade the streets of Gotham, shame rushing through me as I hear laughter panging from all directions.
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wardenunit-wau · 2 years
warden unit
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uncoloured under the cut
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officialbruciewayne · 2 months
what are your thoughts on the colour green?
New growth, deep verdant, spring birds.
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Me after rewatching Gotham Knights and Arkham City, plus remembering every single time Ra's Al Ghul decided that Gotham is the worst place on Earth, but actually just wants the Lazarus Pit located bellow the city:
Can we all just agree that there's like a huge pit under the city? Like... the whole extension of the city is the extension of the Lazarus Pit it has and the pools we see appear here and there are the contents erupting from a lower layer of sediments out?
My reason?
In Arkham City it's located under Arkham City's subway station and in Wonder City, which is, according to the game's NPCs part of Old Gotham.
In Gotham Knights it's under Wayne Manor, meaning slightly outside the city (12 miles away), but still considered Gotham territory.
In the comics, it has appeared pretty much everywhere from what I remember, but the locations that I remember the most are under the clocktower and under the city hall, and I think there was one time it appeared under the museum.
Like, this thing is all over the place and I truly can't keep track anymore. It's like a game of Where's Wally? but instead of a guy with a striped shirt is a pool of green goo.
Also, can anyone tell me if Gotham is over a ley line? Because there's no way this city isn't, not with the amount of shit it attracts. Metropolis can have its catastrophes and he the capital of destruction due to alien activity, but Gotham? Gotham is there competing to be the craziest of the chaotic cities in DC's universe when compared with the other main heroes' cities (Metropolis, Star City, Central City etc).
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clvric · 2 years
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i just wanna hold her like this forever
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hallsjordanss · 2 months
How much for Ollie?
What do you mean by this question? If you are planning on.. getting with him by paying me. I would advise against as i would never accept such offer, Anon.
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cherricdwines · 3 months
tag drop pt 1
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