koiiiji · 13 days
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unspoken confessions
author's note ; request was quite long so i cut it to certain scenario if you don't mind!! also @aline1701 thank you for endless patience and support!! this is special for you!!
tw ; mentions of alcohol, drunk, little suggestive, kinda friends to lovers, angst
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neon lights flickered outside as laughter and music spilled from the small, dimly lit room where the members of the Gapryong Fist gang had gathered. it was a night of celebration, a rare reprieve from the chaos of their daily lives. Jinyoung Park leaned against the wall, a drink in hand, his heart racing not from the alcohol but from the presence of one person in particular.
you were there, laughing with the others, your smile bright and infectious. Jinyoung watched you from a distance, taking in the way your hair caught the light, the way your eyes sparkled with mischief. the ache in his chest intensified — a love he had buried deep, afraid to ruin the friendship that meant everything to him.
“hey, Jinyoung! come join us!” one of the gang members shouted, pulling him from his thoughts. he forced a smile, raising his drink in acknowledgment but remained rooted in his spot, preferring to observe rather than participate.
suddenly, he felt a strong arm wrapped around his neck, and someone's heavy weight fell on his shoulders. “hey Jinyoung, do you know that sitting here in the corner with a pussy face ruin the whole atmosphere?” Gapryong whine right into his ear.
but following his friend's gaze, his expression and tone immediately changed to a conspiratorial smile and a whisper “ah, i think i know what was on our little Jinyoung’s mind..” the leader said, poking his friend in ribs. “or should i say particular someone?” Gapryong guffawed, following his friend's gaze again.
now they were both watching Tom Lee unsuccessfully trying to make attempts to flirt with miss Kim, but you two were just trying live your happy lives and save your evening by completely ignoring the huge man.
smiling to himself, Jinyoung shrugged off his boss's arm, replying, “don't talk nonsense, we're just friends,” leaving Gapryong there, without a chance to discuss the need to tell a woman about his feelings...
as the night wore on, the energy shifted. drinks flowed freely, and laughter turned into raucous shouts. Jinyoung found himself downing shots alongside you, the alcohol blurring the edges of his inhibitions. the world felt hazy and bright, and he could no longer tell where the laughter ended and the warmth of your presence began.
“Jinyoung, you’re such a lightweight!” you teased, nudging him playfully as he swayed slightly. he laughed, the sound bubbling up from somewhere deep within, and for the first time that night, he felt free.
“maybe i’m just saving my energy for the after-party,” he joked, his words slurring slightly. you leaned closer, your cheeks flushed from the alcohol, and Jinyoung felt the pull between you intensifying.
whole gang continued to party, but as the clock struck midnight, many began to stumble out, unable to keep up with the pace of the night. just as two of you. eventually, you and Jinyoung left the building too, both of you unable to stand straight, you made your way to his home and only God knows how you two did it without hurting yourselves.
“mmhm hey, you okay?” you asked, as you entered his apartments, swaying slightly, your voice a melodic drawl. Jinyoung nodded, though he could barely keep his thoughts straight. “yeah… just… taking it all in.”
you moved closer, the warmth of your body radiating against his. “you’ve been so serious whole evening!!! let looooose a little!” you murmur into his chest, your words were playful, and Jinyoung could feel how your breasts pressed against his chest. he swallowed noisily.
before he could respond, you leaned in, your breath warm against his skin. “what if we just… forget about everything for a night?”
his heart raced as desire surged through him, amplified by the alcohol coursing through his veins. “what do you mean?” he stammered, but before he could think, your lips were on his, soft and tentative. the world around them melted away, and Jinyoung kissed you back, feeling the electric rush of adrenaline and the intoxicating thrill of crossing a line he had never dared to approach.
as the kiss deepened, he felt a surge of emotions — joy, fear, longing, and the weight of what it could mean. but the alcohol dulled his anxiety, and when you pulled back, breathless, he couldn't help but grinned. your clouded gaze intoxicated him the least of all the alcohol he had drunk. his hands found your waist and he leaned closer.
“someone is impatient here, huh?” he managed to say, his mind still spinning. you looked at him, eyes wide, and for a moment, he thought he saw something — something that, maybe, just maybe, mirrored his own feelings. but then you simply chuckled, a teasing glint in your eye. “just living in the moment, Jinyoung.”
the night continued in his bedroom, with laughter and stolen kisses, hot touches, and sounds that friends usually not share. fueled by the warmth of alcohol and the thrill of the moment. but as dawn broke, reality crept back in. you slipped away quietly, leaving Jinyoung alone with the remnants of the night.
sunlight streamed through the window, harsh and bright. Jinyoung woke up with a pounding headache, his mouth dry and his mind swirling with fragmented memories. he ran a hand through his hair, groaning as he tried to piece together the events of the night before.
his heart raced as flashes of laughter, your teasing smile, and the warmth of your lips on his neck… his hands on your hips…had it all been real? had he truly kissed you, or was it just a drunken fantasy? he felt a knot form in his stomach.
he glanced around the room, half-expecting to see you lounging on the couch or sipping a drink, but instead, it was just him — alone. the silence was deafening, a stark contrast to the raucous energy of the night before. realization hit him like a punch to the gut : you were gone.
“why did you leave?” he muttered to himself, burying his face in his hands. the memory of your laughter echoed in his mind, and he couldn’t shake the feeling of loss. it wasn’t just that you had left : it was the uncertainty of what had happened. did you even remember? would you pretend it hadn’t happened?
Jinyoung stumbled out of bed, his legs unsteady. he made his way to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face in a futile attempt to clear his head. as he looked in the mirror, he saw a reflection of confusion and longing staring back at him. warmth of your lips still lingered on his, a reminder of the connection you had shared, but now it felt like a cruel taunt.
he reached for his phone, desperate to see if you had messaged him, but there was nothing. no missed calls, no texts. just silence. the emptiness in his chest grew heavier, and he felt lost, adrift in a sea of uncertainty.
what if i messed everything up? he thought, pacing his small apartment. he thought about the friendship you both had built, the countless moments of support and laughter, and now it felt like it was all hanging by a thread. fear of losing you gnawed at him, making it hard to breathe.
he grabbed a jacket and stepped outside, hoping the fresh air would clear his mind.
as he walked through the familiar streets, memories of you flooded his mind — your laughter, the way you could light up a room, the moments when you both shared your dreams and fears. he remembered how he wanted to tell you everything, how he had wanted to confess his feelings but had been too afraid to ruin what you had. now, he wondered if he would ever get the chance again...
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constantinerkives · 1 year
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PAIRING: Yoo Jimin x Fem Reader _________________ WARNING: Mafia AU, gang AU, organized crime, dark Karina, age gap: Karina is in her early thirties while you are in your mid-twenties. Separation of parents, power struggle, corruption, home invasion, blackmail, E2L, TENSION, I made Karina half-Russian so-*gunshot*, but please, let me know what you think of half-Russian Karina - it's for research purposes, usage of Russian endearment, betrayal (not from Karina), Karina is slightly obsessed with OC, OC is reckless but dangerous, suggestive at the end. _________________ SYNOPSIS:
I hate you," You breathe into her mouth, your thoughts are muddled by nothing but her. Her scent, her abysmal eyes, her beautiful black hair, her devastatingly gorgeous face - all of her.
"I hate you so much that I can't think of anything else but you."
Karina chuckles and softly pecks the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine as her hands caress your body.
"If that's the case," She rasps against your skin, and you softly gasp as she squeezes your hips.
"Then give me one night to convince you otherwise, my love."
_________________ WORDCOUNT: 10, 214 _________________
A/N: Sorry for making you all wait this long, my exams were in the last week of May and due to the uncooperative weather - were moved to the second week of June.
Thank you for waiting. Enjoy reading!
And also because:
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You asked, I shall deliver
Russian-translated words are here.
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Dynasties are a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field.
And like all dynasties - they fall. Either by sickness or by each others' hands. 
In your family's case, however. It's the latter. 
Greed and ambition can make a man overlook crucial things, such as researching land in Tuscany before seizing its valuables and burning the farm. And as for the valuables in that mansion, most of them were sold, some were kept, and the rest were disregarded. For months, your family made a fortune out of it. 
It was only when masked, tall men broke into your family's vacation home, killed all the guards, and forced you to kneel beneath the barrels of their guns. 
Your watch from the back of your parents as your assailants part to make way for a woman, her face covered by the shadows, but you see her eyes. Black and devoid of warmth. 
"Who are you?" Demanded your father, "And how dare you attack my family in my home?"
Silence permeates the air. The woman spoke: "Hae Jinwon," Her voice was alluring yet sharp. There was a noticeable rough accent in her tone. "Capomandamento of the Haewon Clan." She mused. "Who the fuck are you?" Your brother spat beside you. The woman moves her gaze from your father to your older brother, Hae Jinyoung. "It was you, who led your father's men to my property in Tuscany, am I correct?"
"Yeah?" He challenged, "And what about it?"
"Ublijudok," She sneers and points the gun at him. 
Your eyes widened as your parents spat out cries of panic while Jinyoung visibly pales at the sight of the latter's gun. "Fools," She jeers as she redirects her aim and pulls the trigger. Your ears ring at the sound of her bullet wheezing past you and hitting one of your mother's vases, shattering it; pieces of ceramic fall on the floorboards. Your skin prickles at the sound as the woman points her gun at your father. 
"Do all of you have any idea how many enemies came into my home at this hour and threatened my family?" She snarled and walked forward, allowing you to see her face - beautiful and twisted with wrath and contempt. She wore an all-black attire, an overcoat, a turtleneck, trousers, and boots. Your eyes trailed to her gloved hand where she was holding a gun. "For months, we were hunted like animals." She grimaced, "And when they had their fill, they left us to rot. But I refused my family to succumb to that state and found the fuckers behind it."
She circles your family like a lioness examining her prey before killing it. 
"It's insulting," She scoffs, "To have everything I built destroyed by a minor family and reaped our benefits." She stops behind your father and digs the muzzle against the back of his skull. "I should kill all of you right here, right now." The perpetrator growls and applies pressure against the trigger.
Your ears couldn't register the cacophony of your family's panicked cries. Only you remained silent, watching with wide eyes as they struggled against their bindings while they plead for their lives. And she cackled - the perpetrator cackled. "That's right," She mused sickly, "Beg for it - your lives until no one understands what you all are saying." She moves in front of Jinyoung and crouches to meet his gaze.
"You're the oldest, right?"
His lips quivered. The woman was losing her patience and glowers at him. "Answer me, svin'ja." 
Jinyoung gulped, "Yes," 
"Then that means you'll take over once your father is out of commission, yes?"
"Yes?" He answers tentatively. 
The latter hums, "Do you know who I am, Hae Jinyoung?"
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. The woman clicked her tongue, "Answer me immediately, boy." She pointed the gun at you, and you flinched. "Or else your sister's brain will be riddled with bullets." 
"No!" He exclaimed, "No, I don't have a fucking clue who the fuck you are-"
She hits him with the butt of her gun, silencing him as your father exclaims. "Jinyoung!" He roared, "You bitch-"
"We're done here," She declared, and her men vacated the house one by one - except for her. "Why spare us?" Your mother questions. The woman didn't say anything at first as she moved her gaze toward you and answered:
"Because it'll be too easy. You took away my family's foundation - so I shall take away yours." A cold smile settles on her lips, "And finally, we're even. What's the fun of ending it quickly when you can leave them alive so they can suffer for it?" 
None of you made a sound, and she took it for her cue to leave. 
She didn't return after that. 
But true to her word, your family did suffer for it. 
Enemies came left and right. They robbed your family of its treasures, stole opportunities from the Haewon Clan, and even turned your people away from you. It got to the point that your parents separated. Your father kept your brother. He was the heir: while your mother took you. You never saw your father or your brother ever since. You thought that you'd turned over a new leaf, forgetting that humiliation that left you seething with anger and resentment for your father's stupid choices and for allowing his greed to put you and your mother into that position. 
But no, it remained. 
Evidence of that showed when your grandfather - your father's side of the family visited you at your university when you were nineteen. 
"Excuse me," You blinked at the older man, "You want me to go where?"
"Come back to us, Y/N." Your grandfather coaxed. You scoffed at him, "And do what?" You demanded, "Is my older brother not good enough to lead this god-forsaken family?"
A wry smile graced his thin lips, "Yes," 
You paused, "What?"
A sigh left his lips, "After returning from Italy to fix the mistakes my son and your brother made. I've concluded that neither is fit to lead the Haewon Clan." 
You knew where this conversation was going. Yo arched a brow, "And you think I can?"
"An old man can hope." Another scoff of disbelief leaves your lips. "Take your hopes with you and leave, grandfather." You sneered, "My mother and I want none of them." Without another word, you walk past the latter with a dark expression. 
"Don't you want to settle the score?" He called out. You stopped. 
"Don't you want to get even with the family who did this?" He added, and you ground your jaw so hard that you thought it was going to break. You balled your hand into fists and peered over your shoulder, "What makes you think I'd be interested?"
You didn't move as he made his way to you, "Your eyes say it all, granddaughter. I don't have to explain it, do I?"
You turn to him. Your expression was unreadable, but your eyes burned with vindication. 
"Under two conditions."
His eyes light up. "And what's that?"
"Allow me to finish college, and in the meantime - teach me what I need to know." He furrowed his brows, "Wouldn't that distract you from your studies?"
"I'll manage it," You snapped, and he nodded. "Alright, what's the other one?"
"I won't take your name." You tell him firmly, "I refuse to be associated with the name: Haewon. Instead, I'll take my mother's last name, Han." 
"Very well," He gives in, "Y/N Han." 
And for years, you rebuilt what your family had lost: money, security, fame. While you repair your foundation, you bid your time into researching the family that destroyed you and retaliated. It was small at first until you began stealing their clients, information - all of it. One by one, you stole from them. 
It's only a matter of time before the new capomandamento takes matters into her own hands and captures you for your deeds against her family. 
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Upon further research, the family you're holding a vendetta against is a Russian-Korean family named the Zakharov Clan.
And their two children - Ilina and Karina Zakharov.
Ilina, the woman who broke into your home, died three years ago after one of their men turned against her in an attempt to start a coup by shooting a bullet to her head. But he was swiftly killed by her sister - Karina, earning her Ilina's status and authority as the new capomandamento of the Zakharov Family a week after her sister's burial in Moscow.
Karina is fifth-generation old money. Her family is a mix of Russian kingmakers that made a fortune importing illegal goods during The Great Depression in 1929 and later established a globe-spanning empire in organized crime. A family long since retreated from public view, but their dominance endures to this day.
"The only gap we have in that family is that we don't know anything about the Zakharov's new capo." Your consigliere admits with a sigh, "No photos, records of any kind. Just the name."
You put the dossier down and locked eyes with the latter, "That's good enough for me, Kazuha. Send out the invitations."
She looked apprehensive, "Are you sure?"
"Yes," You tell her with finality. "I've made my move. I will await hers."
Kazuha didn't say anything as she took the dossier, "Before I forget, someone sent you a package." You arched a brow, "A package? What sort?" She shook her head sideways, "I didn't open it."
A hum reverberates from your throat, "Where is it now?"
"I sent it to your room, and before you can ask, it didn't have a return address. I suggest that I open it while you watch." You guffaw, "And I thought you were just a consigliere, not my guard."
"You are my employer and my friend, Y/N." She insists, "And I've made a promise-"
"To my mother, I know." You finish for her as you stand up. She follows your example as you gesture a hand toward your door. "Lead the way, Miss Nakamura."
"It's a dress," You mused as you stood beside her, your eyes lingering on the top cover. "From Givenchy. Is it from Jaehyun?"
The younger woman furrows her brows, "That man can't pick a dress for you to save a life, Y/N." She closes it, "Perhaps he asked a stylist to pick it for you." You hum and gently take the box from her and open it to see the dress. It was a black one-shoulder draped dress in crepe with a fluid skirt and a long slit in the front. "There's also a jewelry set," Your consigliere mused. Your eyes moved to the jewelry box nestled within.
"Jaehyun must've paid extra for these," You remarked as you carefully put the dress down and opened the jewelry box. It contained a necklace with golden-finish metal links and a bracelet in golden-finish metal with Swarovski crystals.
"Return this to him." You put the dress and accessories inside the box and turned away from the gift.
"I already have a dress in mind for next week's gathering." You tell the younger woman as you walk past her.
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The first time you met her, she played you at your game. 
Music plays through the speakers, accompanied by cheerful yells and self-indulging conversations as you watch all of these play beneath you from the elevated interior balcony of the venue with a glass of champagne in your hand and your consigliere standing to your left, her eyes sharply examining the attendees of the event. For tonight's event, you wore a black deconstructed cape cocktail dress featuring slashes, lapel detailing, and two flap pockets on the sides, finished with a single-button fastening and heels. 
While Kazuha wore a navy blue monogram shirt dress and boots. 
She leans close and whispers through the blaring music, "How would you know if she's here?"
You take a swig before replying: "People talk big about themselves in events like these, Kazuha. One of them is bound to slip." 
The younger woman blinks at you, "You don't know?"
You flash her a grin before descending the stairs. Kazuha follows your figure with disbelief etched in her graceful features. "Y/N, this is dangerous-"
"Jaehyun!" You call out as you see a familiar towering figure donning a two-piece suit and black hair conversing with a group of benefactors. The man turns to you and grins, "Y/N," He then looks at his audience and excuses himself before coming to you with open arms, his double-breasted blazer wrinkled. "My - you look delectable!" 
Once you're at arm's reach, he takes your hand and kisses the back of your palm. "To what do I owe the pleasure of having your attention tonight?" He queries as soon as you retract your hand. "How are the acquisitions for the farmland in Tuscany?"
Jeong Jaehyun, a family friend and your business partner since your return, is your man when it comes to international profits and investments. He was also the one who helped Kazuha in finding information about the Zakharov Clan, albeit it had gaps. 
"The owners are still deciding on it, Y/N." He says as he walks beside you with Kazuha trailing behind, "But I guarantee they'll sign the papers." 
"Good," You peer over your shoulder. "Leaves us, Kazuha. You have the luxury of mingling with our guests." The younger woman doesn't protest and bows before leaving. 
You crane your neck to study your attendees. Jaehyun follows your gaze and chuckles. "Looking for Miss Zakharov?"
"I don't even know who I'm supposed to look at," You comment, and Jaehyun frowns, "You're endangering yourself, my friend." 
"It's a long shot," A grin graces your lips, "But worth a try." Before he can reply, you cut him off. "By the way, that dress you sent me a week ago was nice." His frown deepen as you continue, "It's a shame that I already have a dress for tonight's event." 
He stops, and so did you. "Y/N, what are you talking about?"
You mirror his frown, "You didn't send me a dress?" 
Your business partner grasps your arm. "Y/N, I stopped sending you dresses the moment you said my taste for women's clothing was questionable." Your face blanks at the revelation, "So you're not the one who sent me a dress from Givenchy?"
"No," He hisses, "It wasn't me-"
"Jaehyun!" Another voice interjects. You both snap your heads toward a younger gentleman, and he flushes. "What is it, Mark?" 
"Mingyu wants to talk to you." 
"Alright," Jaehyun sighs before looking at you. "Be careful, Y/N. We'll talk later." 
"We will," You tell him, and you steel your composure. 
"Now go." The man obeys as the music changes to a livelier beat - on cue, your guests gather to dance with a partner next to them. You watch with a slight smile gracing your lips as you take another swig of your glass before placing it atop a random countertop. 
You felt a presence beside you, and with careful eyes, you regard the stranger - a woman with tall stature and pale skin. She wore a black wrap-over top with a plunging neckline, allowing you to see her carved collarbones and pale skin, flared tuxedo pants, a buckle-thin belt, and leather zipped boots. Her hair is black and luscious, cascading down to her waist with her slender fingers securing the stem of her champagne glass. 
"You didn't wear the dress I sent for you." She tells you with a distinct accent - Slavic. 
You arch a brow; she sent you the dress? 
"And who might you be?" You are bemused, and the woman finally looks at you. 
Beautiful is an understatement. The woman standing beside you couldn't be older than thirty-three, small-shaped face, a v-shaped jaw, a sharp upturned nose, red lips, and abysmal, obsidian-hued eyes. Beautiful, but there's something amiss. 
A smile made its way to her lips as she timely placed her half-finished drink atop the tray of the waiter and gestured an open palm toward your direction. 
"How about I answer that with a dance?" 
A wry smile made its way to your lips. "What makes you think I'd want to dance with you?"
The latter smirks, "You'll regret it if you don't." You frown at her response. 
She turns to you, allowing you to see her perfect proportions. Her attire compliments her lean figure as she places a hand atop her right breast and bows. She lifts her head to look at you expectantly. "So what will it be?" She holds out her hand toward you. 
You narrow your gaze at her, "I'm in no position to refuse, am I?" 
The woman grins, "Da," 
Without another word, you take her hand, and she swiftly sweeps you off your feet as she leads the dance. Her left grasps your hips while the other intertwines with your right. Your left-hand hooks onto her broad shoulder. 
"Your photos don't do you justice, dorogoj," She tells you with a smile, "You look prettier in person." 
"Who are you?" 
The enigmatic stranger doesn't reply and gracefully spins you, pressing her front against your back, eliciting a sharp gasp from you as she traps you against her body. "Y/N Han, formerly known as a Hae, daughter of Hae Jinwon." 
"That information is given." You tell her as you turn around, returning to your first position. "Who. Are. You." 
Her lips curl upwards, "Do you know 'The Red Shoes,' written by Christian Andersen?"
"And what does that have to do with who you are?" You retorted, patience waning as she coaxed your body to turn. "Oh, pretty girl." She purred, "It has something to do with your relationship with me." 
Your brows furrow, "What do you mean?"
Instead of directly answering that question, she replies with a different narrative:
"The little girl wore her red shoes everywhere she went, even to a God-fearing church. Once you wear those shoes, your feet start dancing on their own. And you can never stop dancing or take off those shoes. But even so, the little girl never gave up on those shoes. In the end, the executioner had to cut off her feet." 
Her expression changes to a cold, harsh one as she continues: "But those two feet that got cut off continue to dance in those red shoes." 
A blood-curdling smile curls on the woman's lips as you stop dancing. Her hand snakes around your hips, flushing you against her while the other cups your cheek. You stood frozen still as you try to comprehend what she just said. 
"You see, dovol'no devushka," She sneers as she caresses your cheek. "You stole from my family - it was small at first, but I began to notice it." You ground your jaw as the atmosphere becomes heavy and foreboding. "I see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." 
You sneer at her, and your hands finally move by digging your blunt nails against her shoulder - her pupils dilated with twisted excitement as you lean close, finally smelling her scent; top notes of mulberry and black peony followed by middle notes of jasmine and tuberose with hints of black musk and vetiver base notes. 
The scent suits her; sultry, dark, and alluring. 
"Karina Zakharov," You rasped, and she grins, "Pravil'no," 
Before you can react, she effortlessly manipulates your body to a dip, just as violins soar higher. Your nails shamelessly claw her attire, and the woman visibly lights up with twisted delight as the shadows mask her face. 
"Your obsession with finding me has come to fruition, Y/N." Karina husks as she lifts you back up, "You wanted my attention - fine." She leans close - and you let her. Her cold breath fans the left outer shell of your ear, and you muffle a gasp. 
"I shall share your fixation. I'll hold you captive beneath me while I take what you most treasure on this earth." 
She growls as she tightens her hold around you. 
Karina's other hand goes up to the back of your neck, reaching to your roots and purchasing a handful of your hair, and pulls it back. You muffle a groan as you glare at her while she looks down on you condescendingly with contempt. 
 "Oh," Her chest rumbles as she chuckles, "Don't look at me like that, moya ljubov. You brought this upon yourself." She leans close, lips almost touching yours as she speaks in full Russian:
"Ty pozhnaesh' to, chto seesh." Karina jeers, "You reap what you sow." 
And before you know it, you feel something pierce the side of your neck. You look at her, appalled as the dancers surround you and Zakharov's capomandamento. Your body feels heavy, and your eyelids heavier. You stagger in her grip, "What did you..." You trailed off as your speech slurs. You peer over her shoulder and spot Kazuha and Jaehyun marching toward you with alarmed expressions, your guards following behind them. 
Karina chuckles as she brushes a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“Your obsession is noble and beautiful, Y/N.”
“What did you do to me,” You stammer as you feel your grip on consciousness slipping. 
“And I’ve finally found my red shoes.” 
With that, your body shuts down. 
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The sound of metal scraping the floor jerks you awake, your fight or flight response activates, and blood rushes all over your body - forcing you into consciousness. 
Pain follows second. 
A groan leaves your lips as your head throbs and your legs feel sore. Your arms were bound behind your back, clasped together by chains that rattle with every move. Flashes of last night's events replay in your memory like a broken record - your face burns at the memory. But rather than throwing a tantrum in your new-found cell, you held your breath before exhaling slowly and examining your surroundings. 
Your senses heightened. 
Cement walls surround you, four walls devoid of warmth. The lighting is poor, only consisting of a bulb hanging over your head. The atmosphere is damp and cold. You look down at your dress; no doubt it was wrinkled and tattered by the people who dragged you here. You move your head upwards and spot a CCTV camera focused on you. 
You hear a set of footfalls approaching from behind. Questions flooded your thoughts - how could you have missed that? This god-forsaken place is dark. You should have heard a sound - anything. 
"You're awake," Your skin prickles at the familiar accent. Your expression darkens as Karina approaches you from the shadows. Her features are poised and relaxed in contrast to yours. 
"How long have I been unconscious?" 
A wry smile graces her lips, "Seven hours - I was beginning to think I overdosed you, dorogoj."
You sit on the back of your legs and shamelessly run your eyes down her body. Unlike her attire last night: Karina's wearing a white, buttoned-dow shirt, black tapered pants, and loafers. 
"Eyes up here, velikolepnyy." She mused, "Otherwise people might get the wrong idea of our dynamic." 
A scoff leaves your lips. "I'm not interested." 
She lets out a dark chuckle as she stalks toward you, the glint in her eyes changing to a menacing gleam as she bends and grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at her - the distance between your faces is only inches apart, and the atmosphere thickens. You held your breath at her proximity as her eyes trailed your features, from your eyes down to your lips. 
"I could tempt you," She rasps against your lips, and a wolfish grin creeps on her lips. "But I don't fraternize with thieves." 
You mirror her grin, although mockingly. "Oh?"
"$10,000,00.00 Y/N." She bemused, and her eyes shapen with contempt. "That's a large sum of our income." She tightens her grip on your jaw, but Karina doesn't dig her nails against your skin. 
"If that's the case, then I'm sorry." You jeer as you dig your nails against your palms. 
There's a pregnant pause, and silence permeates the air so heavily that you were tempted to break it, but she beats you to it.
"Don't be," Her tone changes, and those black, abysmal eyes swim with twisted mirth. "If anything - I'm impressed." The older woman lets go of your jaw and turns around. You use this opportunity to stretch your jaw and clamp it shut when she turns to you and folds her hands behind her back. 
"Does that mean you're letting me off the hook, Zakharov?"
She guffaws and grabs you by the collar, startling you as she bares her teeth. Your chains rattle at her sudden action. 
"I'm assuming that's a no," You hiss as she violently lets you go. "You're correct," She fixes her shirt. Before you can choose your words wisely, you blurt out:
"Are you going to kill me for it, then?"
She stares at you, her expression unreadable, before replying in a monotonous tone: "No, but my sister would." She inclines her head to the side, "But I am not Ilina." She leans down. "I am worse, Y/N." Karina chortles, "Why did you have to come back to this kind of life?" She steps back.
"You had your chance to live an ordinary life, dorogoj. You chose this, and now you deal with me." 
There's something in her eyes that unnerved you. 
"What are you going to do?" You inquired, but your voice sounded distant. 
She didn't answer and turned around, "Behave yourself, Y/N. My capo bastone will send you your food. Don't do anything stupid if you want your family to stay alive." 
Your face burned at her statement. "Don't you dare-"
"I've told you, pretty girl." She sneers, "You made your move, and I will make mine. You are in no position to threaten me."
Your blood boils as she continues: "Especially when you're the one who is in chains." 
Then she walks away from you. You dig your nails against your palms so hard you thought they'd bleed in an attempt to soothe your urge to bash someone's head in anger.
"Don't you dare touch them," You whisper as she leaves you in the dark. 
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Winter Kim is Karina's capo bastone, the underboss. Short-haired, pale, and brunette - socially inept too, given that Winter's impervious to conversations, only saying yes, no, or I can neither confirm nor deny that. 
She's the one bringing you food and water for the past four days. 
But you refuse to eat what's being handed to you, even if they loosen your binds so you can eat better. That did nothing. You'd rather starve than be poisoned by your captor. 
One day, Winter and a couple of guards enter your holding cell. She stands in front of you while her guards release you from your binds. "What's going on?" You question as they grab you by the arms and force you to stand up, your legs wobbling from sitting and kneeling for the past few days. 
"Don't do anything stupid," She replies, "We're taking you to her." 
"That's probably the longest sentence I've heard from you." You jeer. The brunette ignores it and gestures a hand toward the shadows. "Take her out." 
They obeyed and escorted you outside. The brightness hurts your eyes, and your ears buzz with the sound of nature as they drag you out of your detainment. You look over your shoulder to see the structure of your 'dungeon,' it is a modest-sized house with no second floor.
A few paces later and they take you to an elaborate garden surrounded by gardeners trimming bushes and wiping statues. 
In the center seats a figure eating her food with gusto. Your eyes narrow, and you ball your hands to distract your hunger as the figure looks up. "Ah, there she is," Karina puts down her utensils, wipes her mouth with a napkin, and gestured a hand at a vacant seat across from her. "Be seated, Y/N." 
The men drag you to the seat, but you stop them with a glare. 
"I can do sit by myself - let me go." They look at her for permission, and she permits it with a nod. The guards let go of your arm. You can feel Winter's gaze following your movements as you sit across the older, raven-haired beauty. 
The latter gestures a hand towards your plate: "Reverse sear steak," She tells you as you look down at your food. You ground your jaw as your nose catches the whiff of the dish - your stomach growls. "I had my finest chef cook it for you." 
You look at her dead in the eye, "I'm not hungry," 
A scoff leaves her lips as the older woman crosses her arms. "That's a lie, dorogoj. You haven't eaten." 
Her statement elicits an arched brow from you, "Aw - you're worried." 
Karina's lips curl upwards, "I don't have any use of you if you're dead, Y/N." Her gaze sharpens, "Eat," 
"And how do I know the meals you have been sending me aren't poisoned?" You countered. She blinks at you, bemused. "Poison is a coward's weapon, Y/N." 
You incline your head to the side, "I need a guarantee, Zakharov, not assurance." The latter hums and uses her fork, wipe it with a napkin, stabs one of your steak cuts, and brings it to her mouth. Her eyes never left yours as she caught the meat between her teeth and ate it.
"See?" She spreads her arms, "Now will you eat?"
Without saying a word, you take your utensils and eat under her watchful eye. "A meal like this instigates negotiation." You put down your fork, "What do you want, Zakharov?"
Karina chuckles, "You're quick. I like that." 
A wry smile decorates your lips, "We don't become heads of our families' business for nothing." 
"I agree," She knots her fingers together. "Leave us," 
The gardeners and her guards obey, except Winter. Karina looks over your shoulder. You assume that's where Winter is - behind you. 
"That includes you, Winter Kim." 
You didn't look back, but you heard receding footfalls. "Now that we're alone. I need you to act civil with me." 
You cock your brow upwards, "What makes you think I'm interested in being civil with you?"
A chuckle reverberates from her chest, and her hawk-like eyes study your face before speaking: "Because your stunt in stealing my fortune and assets earned us both enemies." 
You frowned, "We earn new enemies every day, Karina. What's new about that?" A vicious smile graces her lips as if she knew a terrible secret. Your skin prickles and your gut churns uncomfortably as she drops her voice an octave lower. 
"I heard that your grandfather is withdrawing his support after I abducted you, dorogoj. And he's cutting ties with you and stole almost all of your assets-"
"That's ridiculous-"
"Oh," She scoffs, "It's true, and I have the evidence to prove it, Y/N." On cue, she takes out a ledger and opens it. "These are your grandfather's offshore accounts. See the amount? It doubled." 
"Impossible," You clench your hands into fists, "My grandfather would never-"
"But he did," She jeers and shuts the ledger close. "And now, he's leaving you with me. Truth be told he is smart for a man going senile, taking your assets assuming that I've killed you, and leaving the Han clan out in the open for everyone to target."
You scowl at her, "My men-"
"Has already defected, dorogoj." She finishes for you, "Even your consigliere and your money man - Jaehyun, was it?"
Your chest heaved as you try to calm your nerves, "Where did it all go wrong? You might ask?" She grins dubiously, "It all started when you planned that event, Y/N." Karina guffaws, "I'm appalled that your grandfather would sell you out. He must've thought that he'd lose like last time." 
She returns her focus to your shaking figure, eyes wide and lips formed to a thin line, dark and unreadable. 
"Now, don't be sad. Y/N." She cooes, "You have me."
You didn't reply, and her phone rang. The latter takes it while never taking her eyes off you. You sit there and blocked out your surroundings as you feel the heavy weight of your actions taking a toll on your focus as Karina ends the call. 
"You know," She sighs and puts her phone on top of the table. "You should count yourself lucky that I've decided to kidnap you. Your warehouses were ransacked by your old enemies-"
"Shut up," You tell her with a shaky breath, "Shut up." 
Her face shifts to a faux show of sympathy and concern. "I'm merely telling the truth, Y/N."
"What do you want from me?"
Karina plays with her steak knife. "Your cooperation." 
"And if I don't want to cooperate?"
"Oh darling," She purrs, "You are in no position to refuse - this concerns you, after all." Your tongue pokes your inner left cheek, "Give me time to-"
"No," The older woman cuts you off, "It's either you agree or rot while I clean our fifth." There's a dangerous edge to her voice. You give her a dirty look while she shoots you with a challenging glare. "So, what will it be, dorogoj?"
"Fine," You say through gritted teeth. 
Karina purrs in satisfaction. "Clever girl, you got promoted from prisoner - to my guest. You will have one of my guestrooms. The rules still apply: do anything stupid, and I will deal with you. Do you understand this, Y/N?" 
You felt like a child underneath her gaze, your eyes burned with silent wrath as you answer with a curt:
"Yes - what, pretty girl?"
"Yes," You hiss, "Karina Zakharov." 
"Very good," On cue Karina's guards and Winter return to the garden. She stands up. You follow her example, unblinking as her guards seize you by the arms. You recoil at their touch as if they burned you. 
"Be gentle," She instructs them, "She is now my guest." 
They acknowledge her command with a bow before carrying on with what they are bid to do. 
"I'll cooperate," You tell her, "Under one condition, a simple condition." 
Karina clicks her tongue, "Let's hear it, then." 
"That you'll protect my mother." The latter pauses, "Very well, your mother will be under my care." She turns to look at the short-haired brunette. "Winter, escort her to her new room. The rest of you, return to your stations." 
You allow the second in command to lead you to your new room. 
Karina's manor is of neoclassical design. Neat and spacious. You follow Winter through the labyrinthine halls until she stops before an intricately carved white double door with guards standing on both sides. 
"This will be your room," She tells you blankly while one of the guards opens the door to reveal a spacious, clean room. "If you need anything, just call for the guards." 
Without saying anything, you enter the room and study your surroundings. The door closes behind you - the room contains your typical setting for a bedroom. But still, you inspect the place making sure that there are no hidden cameras. 
There was none. 
You sink into your knees and let out a shaky breath to calm your nerves. Your body feels numb and lightweight as you try to think clearly, but your mind is riddled - racing with thoughts more than your brain can take. 
And you pass out.
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For the next 72 hours, you observed the guards standing on the opposite side of your room. 
They change shifts, and the time lag is five minutes due to the long halls of Karina's manor. 
Darkness has befallen, the white halls dimmed to the color of the wall lamps, and your guards just left their posts. 
Five minutes
Your head peeked through your doors, eyeing both halls before slipping out, careful to avoid Karina's men. Your heart hammers against your ribs, and you can feel your pulse pounding against your head as you maneuver silently. 
While sneaking out, your eyes caught a huge family portrait hanging near the marble staircase. 
It's also been taken recently due to you spotting a familiar face. Karina was seated next to her older sister. The youngest Zakharov wore a black, sleeveless high-neck dress. Her hair was styled to a fishtail bun with her bangs resting on the sides of her face, while Ilina wore a black cut-out midi dress, and her hair was styled to a half ponytail.
You move your gaze to the parents you hailed them. 
Karina took her mother's features, while Ilina had their father's. But both sisters exude power and grace, a beautiful, powerful family. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Her voice cuts through the silence, and you swiftly turn to her with wide eyes. 
There she stood from behind. Karina Zakharov is wearing a black buttoned-down shirt, straight-cut jeans, and sandals. Her hair was let down. 
"It's a decent photo," You stiffly tell her, "No," She scoffs, "Don't I look great in that photo?"
You roll your eyes in reply while she chuckles and stands beside you. Your posture bristles and stiffens as she folds her hands behind her back. 
"It was the last photo we've taken before one of her men shot her." She tells you, "I'm sure you're relieved to hear that, am I right, dorogoj?" 
The air suddenly becomes heavy and stifling as you feel her move her line of sight toward your unwilling figure. You avert your gaze elsewhere. You don't know how to respond to that. You held your breath as you try to think of a reply but you blurt out:
"My condolences," You say to her monotonously.
She tears away her gaze from you, looks at the picture, and hums a tune that holds no consequence. "I don't need your condolences; she died a long time ago." 
Silence hangs between you before she speaks again, "And relax, Y/N." You shift your gaze to her with furrowed brows. "You're free to roam my halls so long as you stay out of our private rooms." A smirk coils on her lips, "And don't do-"
"Anything stupid," You finish for her through gritted teeth, "If that's the case, may I go to the garden?"
The older woman regards you for a moment before nodding. "I'll take you there." 
You arched a brow. Karina catches on. "As you can see, Y/N, I'm the only one present in this room - and if I call my men or Winter I'd have to waste my breath and call for them." She pauses, "I think it's perfect that I'll take you there just in case you decide to run away." Her smirk returns, "But if you did, I'll be the one to capture you - I like to give chase." 
An exasperated sigh leaves your lips, "Shut up and take me to the garden." 
She guffaws, "Follow me, dorogoj." 
What's with the Russian words? You didn't ask her and followed the raven-haired capo. "By the way," She adds, "My clothes look good on you." 
Your eyes subtly widen as you look down at your borrowed clothing. "Your clothes?!" That came out as a squeak. The older woman shoots you a wolfish grin before leading the way. 
"It's either that or you walk around my property naked, pretty girl." She teases, and you hold every fiber of your body not to hit her head. "No wonder why they felt big on me." You cringe as your footsteps echo through the dimly lit halls. It didn't take a minute for you to spot a familiar short-haired girl coming toward the two of you. 
"Winter," Karina acknowledges while the younger woman bows her head, "We received Giselle's report on the import at Port Elizabeth, New York."
Giselle? As in Uchinaga Giselle? The New York mobster?
"Very well, did you send a copy to my consigliere?"
The shorter woman nods, "Yeji has it. She's heading on her way as we speak." There's a pause. You feel out of place in their conversation and avert your gaze elsewhere. "If that's the case, then you'll entertain our guest here." You snap your head to the two. Winter pursed her lips before bowing her head, "Of course. Where shall I take her?"
"To my garden," She answers before looking at you with a small, distant smile. "Be a good girl, and don't give Winter a hard time, yeah?"
Without saying another word, Karina turns to the opposite hallway while Winter leads the way to the garden. You follow the brunette, but you look over your shoulder, your eyes locked on the disappearing figure of Karina. True to her word, Winter took you to the garden. You sigh as you revel in the cold breeze lightly nipping your skin and the ivory glow of the moon. A refreshing sight from the usual four walls of your room. 
A wry smile creeps on your lips at the realization. Despite being moved to a much more hospitable accommodation-
"A golden prison is still a prison." You tell yourself while Winter stands behind you. Her sharp gaze never leaves your figure as you bask in the beautiful glow of the moonlight. 
Meters away from the second floor of the manor, there stood Karina on her balcony with her slender, well-manicured fingers holding the stem of her wine glass. Despite Yeji discussing the keys of Giselle's report, Karina's eyes were glued to your figure, before disappearing inside her study. 
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"Y/N," Winter regards as you get out of your room. 
"What are you doing here?" You inquire the younger woman unkindly as you walk past her. The younger woman follows you, "And why are you following me around?"
"Haven't you heard?" You feel Winter's gaze move to your striding figure. "Miss Zakharov has assigned me as your guard." You stop in your tracks to look at her, "She assigned you to be my what?"
"Your guard," She tells you. 
You open your mouth but you shut it close and continue to walk. "Where are you going this time, Miss Han? To the gardens again?"
Turns out, you are being held captive in Italy. The northern Italian province of Lombardy is home to Milan and other fashion hubs.
"Where else?" You grumble, "But I'm getting tired of it. Can't a prisoner have something to entertain herself?"
Winter balks, "You're no prisoner." 
"A golden cage is still a cage, Winter." You bemused. This is the first time the short-haired brunette initiated a conversation with you. 
"Do books interest you?" You scoff at her, "What? I can't use the TV?"
"We don't have that," She tells you honestly, and you gawk at her. "What kind of founding family has all the money and resources in the world but has no TV?"
The latter coughs, "Karina is too busy with her work to watch." 
"You make it sound as though I am a lazy capo." You snark before the realization dawns on you. You're not a capo anymore. "Anyways," You quickly regain your composure, "She has a library?"
"Yes, follow me." Without waiting, she turns around, leaving you to follow her.
After minutes of wandering through the halls, she stops before two tall doors and gestures a hand. "Inside, Miss Han." 
You regard her for a moment before pushing the door open. Karina Zakharov's library is spacious and shelves rich with books. How could she possess such a magnitude of books? 
As if sensing your question, Winter speaks up: "This library was the congressman of Italy's gift for her." 
"I see," You mutter as you brush the pads of your fingers against the spines of the books. Winter watches you closely as you turn to the bookshelf and grab two books, one of Slavic folktale and the other a Russian-to-English dictionary.
Winter regards your choice of books, "I'll be outside if you need anything." 
You didn't answer and instead take a seat on the nearest couch before burying your head in between the pages, getting lost in a paradise of words to pass the time. You hear the door close. 
"You didn't eat the fruits I sent you." An amused voice cuts through the silence, forcing you to tear your eyes from the page and then look up at the owner of the voice.
Karina stood a few meters away from your seated figure with her arms crossed against her chest. Her tall figure leans against one of the bookshelves as her eyes watch you. 
Your eyes fall to a tray of cut fruits beside you. One of her men, or Winter must've placed it beside you, you just didn't notice.
"Ah," Is all you can say while the older woman chuckles and strides toward you, and gracefully picks up an apple. You watch her with intent, she holds your gaze as she takes a bite, and hunger suddenly pangs against your stomach, but your lips traverse to her lips as she licks them clean. You clear your throat softly and avert your gaze, you didn't see the smirk playing on her lips. 
"What are you doing, Zakharov?"
"Just showing you that it's not poisoned, dorogoj." 
Your face flushes at the pet name. You bared your teeth as you snap your gaze toward her. "You do realize that you've been calling me 'darling', right?"
Karina laughs, and your gut churns. "Ah, old habits." 
"You call your prisoners that?"
A teasing smile plays on her lips, and you want to smack it out of her. "No, just you." Your cheeks change to a shade of light pink, and you once again look away from the half-Russian capo. 
She moves her line of sight to your books, "I see that you've taken an interest in my language and culture. That's adorable." 
"Shut up," You snap at her, "I'm reading." 
The latter curls her lips upward, "That one's boring, dovol'no devushka." There she is again. The capo of the Zakharov family takes a book near her and approaches you and hands you the book. "Read this instead." 
You give her a sideward glance. "What I read is hardly any of your business, Zakharov." She scoffs at your snark, "Just read this, printsessa." 
"Don't you have your responsibilities to take care of?" You retort, and Karina rolls her eyes. Her Slavic tongue dominates her English accent. "I have my consigliere stepping in. I gave instructions - they will execute." She waves the book at you, "Now read." 
"Fine," You huff as put the book down and snatch the book from her hand. "What is it about, anyway?"
"Why don't you read and find out, dorogoj?"
You scowl at her before opening the first page. "And by the way," You sigh and look at the older woman. "What?"
"The Uchinagas are hosting an event." 
"Okay, and?"
"Your grandfather will be there," Your eyes sharpened as she continues, "And so will your father and older brother." 
You thread your words carefully. "And what does this have to do with me?" 
A sly smirk graces her plump lips, "This is your opportunity to get even." A pause, "You're coming with me to New York as my plus one." 
Your brow raises, "Is that your way of asking me on a date?"
The raven-haired beauty chuckles, "No, I'm not asking you, Y/N. I'm taking you." You gawk at her as she walks away. "Our flight's in three days. Prepare your valuables." You scoff. You don't have any as you scheme through the pages while Karina peers over her shoulder and exits the room. 
While browsing the pages, your eyes stumble at a sketch. It was a side view of a woman, no older than twenty-five holding a flute champagne, the dress looks familiar, as if you wore it during-
Your eyes subtly widen as you study the details of the sketch - it was you. The night before you were captured. 
"What the," You mutter as you snap your head towards the direction where Karina left with your hand gripping the sketch tightly with thoughts racing in your head, and one stands out:
Why would she sketch you?
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For the next four days, you observed Karina Zakharov - especially when she interacts with you. 
Whenever you throw a jab or a snark at her, she smirks and continues the conversation as if you didn't irritate her. It made the acids in your stomach boil. 
You tested her patience, and she merely chuckled or smirked. She'd walk beside you with a small smile creeping on her lips as if she didn't abduct you. It irked you. Because why would she have time to check on you when Winter or one of her guards can do that?
You are merely a capo left with nothing - if it was any capo, they won't even give you a second glance, but why does she-
Why would she give her time to go to you? 
You have nothing to offer, you have nothing left in your name - you are her prisoner. You were just given the privilege of roaming free and reading whatever's in her library. 
What is she getting at? What was she trying to accomplish?
What does she want from you?
"Ah, and who is this fine woman you're with, Karina?" You broke from your reverie as a smooth baritone voice fills your ears. You turn to the gentleman wearing a black suit. His hair is styled to a perm. He's handsome, almond-shaped eyes, light brown-hued eyes, an upturned hose, and slightly thin lips. Classical music plays faintly in the speakers, accompanied by the clinking of champagne glasses as the underworld's elite gather to attend the Uchinagas' event - it's to celebrate a successful partnership with the Sicilians. 
"Taehyung," Karina regards the gentleman as her hands land on the small area of your back. You held a gasp. Despite the fabric acting as a barrier between your skin and her fingertips, you can feel her cold touch - and it sends shivers throughout your body. "This is my date, Y/N Han." 
"Han?" He muses as he looks at you while you regard him with a bow. "My, you're gorgeous!" You reply with a chuckle as Karina looks at you with a well-practiced smile, "Says you, Mr. Kim. You look dashing." 
The man shifts his weight to his other foot. "An interesting pair, you two. Have you come to good terms?"
Karina responds this time, "Yes, we've decided that a pointless grudge is a waste of energy and time." You cocked a brow as she continues: "So we've agreed to a truce." 
Taehyung hums, "I'll drink to that, have a nice night." 
Once he's out of earshot you turn to look at the older woman who hasn't removed her hand from your back but you chose to ignore it. 
"Was that a personal attack?" 
She snorts, "A - what?"
"Nevermind," You roll your eyes at her as you look around to spot the thieving trio that stole from you. You can feel Karina's gaze and decide to tease her: "Take a photo, it might last longer." 
She scoffs, "Why would I do that when I can draw you with perfect accuracy?"
You glance at her, face unreadable. "Yes, no doubt." 
She cocked a brow, "Oh - I don't like that tone." 
You hid a smirk and grasped her arm, "Let's divide and conquer -or you know what? Leave me to my devices. I'll hunt those three down."
"Alone?" She muses, "I doubt it." 
"You wound me, Zakharov." You mocked, "How could you doubt my skills with a knife?" Where's the lie? There's a knife strapped to your thigh - concealed by the dress Karina bought for you, and it is easily accessible via the long slit of your dress. 
Her face was unreadable, but you could see the turmoil in her eyes. It made your eye twitch with irritation. 
Don't look at me that way. I am capable just as you are. 
"Very well," She concedes, "Winter is around to help you if you can't do it." 
You scowl at her. Since when did she care? 
"Alright," You answer harshly, "Do enjoy the party." 
Without waiting for a reply, you walk away from her. 
You weave through the crowd like black smoke, your eyes sharp and senses heightened as the event continues. And just when you thought you'd never seen another familiar face, Kazuha shows up. Your eyes widen as you come face to face with the former consigliere of the Han Clan. Kazuha mirrors your shock and her hand covers her mouth. 
"Zuha?" You squeak, "Y/N," The younger woman gasps as she grasps both your arms, "How did you-" She sputters, "Oh my god, Y/N I am so sorry, enemies flanked us left and right we had to escape, I'm sorry-"
"Kazuha," You tell her gently, "I understand. You don't have to apologize." 
"It's fine," You sternly reassured her. "You're better off alive than trying to defend what was left of our business." A bittersweet smile graces your lips, "You look gorgeous tonight. Did you get a new job as someone else's consigliere?"
"Yes," She answers shakily, "As Giselle's consigliere. How did you escape her? Karina - I mean." Before you can explain, you see Kazuha's eyes visibly sharpening, and her resplendent countenance twists to a scowl. 
"Karina," She growls as a figure approaches you from behind. Your skin tingles at the familiar touch; the older woman's hand drapes around your waist as she regards Kazuha with a polite smile. "Miss Nakamura," She greets, "A pleasure to meet you tonight." 
She eyes her hand around your waist, "I wish I could say the same, Miss Zakharov." Karina's lips curl upward as your former consigliere continues: 
"What is she doing being this close to you, Y/N?"
"Relax," Karina jeers, "She's with me as my date."
The younger woman's eyes slightly widen as she looks at you, "Is this true?"
Karina cuts you off, "Yes, it's true - even if you wring it out of Y/N, she'll agree with me." Kazuha glares at her while Karina's beautiful features twist to a challenging look while her hand pulls you closer to her. Your gut churns and goosebumps arise - her touch has you in a trance, tantalizing and blissful. 
"Easy ladies," You hissed as you quickly removed Karina's hand from your waist. She looks at you, aghast, but says nothing. "I'll explain everything if we meet again, but for now, I need to find my grandfather and his son and grandson." 
"I saw your grandfather in one of the private booths on the second floor." 
Excitement drums in your veins, and you thank the consigliere before she begrudgingly leaves you and the youngest Zakharov. You move away from Karina, eyes set on your goal now that Kazuha informed you about your grandfather's whereabouts as you make your way to the marble stairs, your hand is itching to grasp the dagger while weaving through the guests, no longer caring if your brushing or bumping past them. 
"Now," You grumble as your eyes study the closed rooms. "Where are you?"
"I don't think charging there with a dagger is intelligent, Y/N." Your face contorts to a scowl at the familiar voice. You snap your head toward her, "This does not concern you, Zakharov." You snark at her with toxicity lacing your voice. "This is between me and my grandfather. Stay out of it." Her face remains calm, and it irked you - so you turn away from her, only for Karina to seize you by the wrist and pull you towards her. Karina Zakharov's face was only inches from yours as her cold breath fanned against your dainty countenance. 
"And I'm telling you, Y/N, it's dangerous for you to go there alone." 
You bared your teeth at her, "Why do you care?"
She doesn't answer, and your patience thinned. "Let. Me. Go, Zakharov." 
The latter ignores this and tightens her grip around your wrist, keeping you in place. You curse at her and snap your head towards the private booths, one opens, revealing a familiar figure that scorned you. Your other hand twitches, you can throw the knife from here. It is thin after all. He's open, and so is your window of opportunity before he surrounds himself with potential collateral damage. 
"Karina," You warned without looking back at her, "Let me go." 
"What's the use of killing him now," The raven-haired beauty coaxes. "When you can let him live to suffer for it, Y/N?"
You grit your teeth. Those words are familiar to you. "I don't fucking care," You hissed. 
"Let me go, Karina Zakharov." You turn to her almost pleadingly, and Karina's face glows with resolve. 
"No, Y/N." She tells you, her voice a whisper. "I won't." 
And your window of opportunity closes. 
You've lost your chance, and you look at your grandfather helplessly, but it quickly dissipates as wrath seeps into your body faster than poison. And without thinking, you swiftly turn to the woman and harshly remove your wrist from her pale hand and use the side of your arm to press it against her throat, startling her, but you don't allow her to think as you quickly push her inside a vacant lounging room and shut it by swiftly pushing the older woman against the door and grab your knife, pressing it against her throat. 
Karina's eyes widen with macabre delight and doesn't make a move. Those black abysmal eyes of hers gleam with curiosity...and something else that you couldn't decipher. 
No, that isn't the reaction you want from her. She was supposed to look threatened, not curious. She is supposed to beg for you to keep the knife away from her face - to beg for her life. 
But she doesn't, and it makes your blood boil and your gut twinges uncomfortably. You ground your jaw so hard you thought your teeth would break. 
"I hate you," You spat at her while your eyes burned, "I hate you so fucking much." 
A cruel, soft smile graces her lips as she reaches out a hand and wipes-
Your tears?
You gape at her, surprised at the tender gesture as she cups your face. Her skin feels warm against your tear-stained cheek. 
"I hate you," You tell her again but this time, your voice sounds distant and meek. 
Distracted, the older woman hastily, but retains her grace as she pins you against the door and disarms the knife from your hands, and pins your wrist on both sides as she flushes her body against yours. 
You let out a shaky breath while Karina's eyes are glazed and hooded, her breath ragged as she leans her face closer to yours. Her scent invades your sense of smell, intoxicating you. She leans close to the outer shell of your right ear. Karina drops her voice an octave lower. 
"Say it to me again," Her Russian accent is hot and rough against the skin of your face. 
"What?" You breathe against her as you try to pry her hands off your wrist but to no avail. 
"That you hate me, dorogoj." Her voice hoarse, "Say it to me again, moya ljubov'."
"I hate you," You say, but the words come out like a caress. A litany. An enchantment. A ward against what you feel. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you-"
And she cuts you off with a searing kiss, catching you off guard. The older woman tilts her head to deepen it, and it didn't take a while for you to respond by matching her fervor that her lipstick smudges against yours. 
She pulls away with a batted breath. Her eyes are dark and ravaging as her grip on your wrist loosens, and you shake it away from her grasp, only to grab her by the lapels of her suit and pull her for another one. She kisses you harder. 
Karina's right-hand grasps you by the back of your head while the other rests against the small area of your back, her nails dig against your skin, eliciting a gasp from you, and she uses her opportunity by slipping her tongue, swallowing you whole before pulling away. 
"I hate you," You breathe into her mouth, your thoughts are muddled by nothing but her. Her scent, her abysmal eyes, her beautiful black hair, her devastatingly gorgeous face - all of her. 
"I hate you so much that I can't think of anything else but you." 
Karina chuckles and softly pecks the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine as her hands caress your body. 
"If that's the case," She rasps against your skin, and you softly gasp as she squeezes your hips. 
"Then give me one night to convince you otherwise, my love." 
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
Lookism Characters when it's your birthday!!!
A/N: It's my birthday todayyyy!!! So if you share the same birthdate with me or you happen to scroll this down on your own special day and if you're not on the mood, this is for you!
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Daniel Park/Zack Lee/Eli Jang/Sally Park/Mira Kim/Crystal Choi/Mary Kim/Zoe Park/Jace Park/Jay Hong/Heather/Jake Kim/Yoojin/Jihan Kwak/Gapryong Kim/Jinyeong Park/Sinu Han/Lua Im/Brad Lee/Jerry Kwon/Yui Kim/Joy Hong/Duke Pyeon/Jason Yoon
The really super sweethearts tbh
They're the ones who will remembers everyone's birthday (especially when you're superrr close with them).
So they will call the others to have a group meeting or create a group chat with over 40 members on it to surprise you on your special day! "GUYS ATTENTION!!! IT'S Y/N'S BIRTHDAY IN 4 DAYS WE GOTTA SURPRISE THEM!!!"
They will assign who will buy the décor and food (they will all share the budget!).
Will think of many plans and ideas to surprise you (It can turn out a little wacky though but at least they have put effort on it!)
Vasco/Doo Lee/Jiho Park/Olly Wang/Goo Kim/Yuseong/Warren Chae/Jibeom Kwak/Tom Lee/Kuroda Ryuhei/Sinu Han/Gongseob Ji/Alexander Wang (add in Zack Lee ; a little bit if you're really close)
They're the super noisy ones lmao
I can imagine the others getting so annoyed from them since they can't keep quiet when they're still preparing for the surprise (don't blame them they're super excited!).
So when you came inside the dark room and you opened the lights, they will scream and screech at the top of their lungs "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!" xD.
They're also the super hyped ones while singing Happy Birthday even though they're out of tune LMAO (the others looks so done while you just stand there in the center with the cake lit with the candles be like 🧍‍♀️).
Even while eating, they're still super talkative while there's lot of food smudges on their face (how the hell can they still speak? Because their vocal chords are SUPERIOR).
Jay Hong/Joy Hong/Jiho Park/Crystal Choi/Goo Kim/Gun Park/DG/Yoojin/Tom Lee/Mitsuki Soma/Charles Choi
The super rich ones. They have the budget to buy the décor for themselves but the others insisted to pay for it and help too.
Will also buy you a very expensive gift like designer clothes, jewelry, shoes or anything that you really like but you can't afford! The others will be just like "Woah! They bought the limited edition jewelry of f/b for Y/N!"
They just really love you so much so they bought the most expensive gift for you that they can find so you'll feel very special! (Though just don't use them as a sugar mommy/daddy it can turn them off).
They will smile, chuckle and pat you on the head if you're super happy with their present "WuahHhhHHh THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHH YOU DON"T HAVE TO SPEND TOO MUCH MONEY ON ME NEXT TIME!!!" "As long you're happy I am too".
They just wants to see you smiling all the time even if it's not your b-day they hate you seeing sad (like everyone hates seeing you sad :)))) .
Daniel Park/Zack Lee/Eli Jang/Warren Chae/Sally Park/Mira Kim/Vasco/Jace Park/Mary Kim/Zoe Park/Heather/Jake Kim/Jihan and Jibeom Kwak/Hudson Ahn/Johan Seong/Yuseong/Jerry Kwon/ Line Man/ Lua Im/ Sinu Han/Brad Lee/Duke Pyeon/Jason Yoon/Jichang Kwak/Young Jinyoung Park
Will feel insecure about their gift (or if they don't have something to give for you).
Like don't blame them they're just in high school they're not like super rich (for young Jinyoung Park too).
They will be the ones who will either buy you cheap but cute items that you like and it's wrapped in beautiful gift wraps, make it hand-made or they will write a super long letter with your favorite decorations and stickers on the envelope (they're so precious).
They will be hesitant first to give you their present but after encouraging themselves, they will be super shy and lovey dovey while giving it to you "Ha-Happy Birthday Y/N... Hope you like it".
But after reading their letter you'll probably burst into tears lol (they're so good at expressing their feelings through writing it down on a paper that it makes you feel appreciated and loved so much since you're so nice to them).
They will also comfort you for crying and they will feel bad for making you cry because of the letter lmao "Y/N ARE YOU OKAY WHY ARE YOU CRYING?"
Over all sweethearts tbh "WUAHHHH THANK YOU FOR THE GIFT YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPEND ON ME TOO MUCH MONEY ON ME DUMMY THE SURPRISE IS ENOUGH!!!" "So-sorry for making you cry though..."
Johan Seong/Samuel Seo/Gun Park/Goo Kim/DG/Taesoo Ma/Vin Jin/Magami Kenta/Jiho Park (villain arc)/Cheon Taejin/Mandeok/Yui Kim/Mitsuki Soma/Xiaoleoung
"Why the hell am I here?" vibe.
They're just here for the food (they might not even know or care for the celebrant if you're not close with them lmao).
But they're still going to buy a gift for you if you know each other.
Acts like they hate it, but they secretly love birthday parties (Goo's an obvious party monkey so he really loves making chaos on birthdays like throwing and smudging the cake on everybody's faces lol).
Will secretly turn on birthday song remixes and sus shit on the bluetooth speaker lmao.
ADD IN!: Duke Pyeon/Daniel Park/Jay Hong/Jerry Kwon/Warren Chae/Vasco/Jiho Park/Brad Lee/Lua Im/Goo Kim/Line Man
They're the camera man with the shaky hands.
The pictures they take will be a little bit blurry and shaky while Goo is just doing it on purpose to piss you off (the others are really doing their best don't get angry).
They just wants to enjoy and spend some time with you without the others bossing them around (please save them).
Jiho Park/Vasco/Joy Hong/Warren Chae/Zoe Park/Goo Kim/Kuroda Ryuhei
They're the ones that will unintentionally spoil the surprise.
They will get so excited that they will spill the tea from you without realizing that they're talking to the celebrant and the others will cover their mouth shutting them up. "WE'RE HAVING A SURPRISE PARTY FOR Y/-" "OKAY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???!!! Sorry Y/N..."
They will apologize to the others while there are tears building in their eyes "Sorry guys! I just got so excited I won't do it again!" (while Goo is just doing it on purpose to tick the others off he's such an asshole lmao).
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mykoreanlove · 1 year
Conversations with love
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“Jackson buddy, you okay?”
Jackson missed the same beat for the third time in a row, dance rehearsal was kicking his ass today. He was not okay, but he did not want to show it. He clutched his hands over his head and apologized to his dancers, offering to redo the choreography once more. He tried his best to concentrate for the rest of practice, but his mind was too clouded with thoughts of you.
He sunk down in his chair overlooking the nocturnal skyline out of his fancy hotel room. He dreaded being alone in hotel rooms, his mind always taking him to the darkest places when he was alone and afraid. Over time he learned to ask for help in those moments, but he still felt weak doing so. Jackson fumbled with his phone until he decided to neglect his pride and ask for help once more. The phone rang – once, twice, thrice. He was about to hang up when he heard the breathless voice at the other end: “Hello? Jackson? Sorry buddy, I almost missed your call. Memorizing scripts is a special kind of pain.”
Jackson chuckled while noticing how much he had missed his friend. Even though he was always surrounded by folks and their comforting ears, he only trusted a handful of people. His profession made opening up incredibly difficult, any vulnerability could be used against him at any moment. That’s why he was beyond grateful for his friend. Him being in the same industry made things a lot easier but it was his sincerity that touched Jackson’s heart the most. Whereas many people kissed his ass in order to be favored, his friend always kept it real with him – even if that hurt Jackson at times.
“Jinyoung, thank you for picking up your phone. I’m sure those drama preparations are brutal?” The man on the other end of the line instantly noticed that Jackson had to be in trouble. Not beating around the bush, he confronted him right away. “What’s going on?”
Jackson took a deep breath. “Do you remember Y/N?”
Of course, he did. Jinyoung was very attentive to the people he cared about. However, he was not toying with Jackson’s nerves right now. He knew that Jackson had bad luck in love, always encountering another woman that broke his heart.
“I think we are about to break up. Or rather, she’s about to dump me.”
“What makes you think that?” Jackson explained the situation calmly without spilling too much details, but it was evident that he was suffering from abandonment issues, fearing the worst before anything had even happened.
“Jinyoung, do you believe I’m cursed? Like, love hates me or something? If I could I would ask love directly. I-”, he looked up at the ceiling of his room and screamed, “hey love, do you hate me? Why do you make me suffer so much?”
 It took Jinyoung a minute to think about his answer – the desire to console Jackson as well as being sincere with him was not an easy feat.
“Jackson, do you believe in the devil?” He was taken aback by that question. “The devil? I don’t know, I mean I do believe in God. I guess I kinda believe in the devil, too? Why are you asking me about the devil?”
“People always think that the devil is some guy with thorns, dressed in red, lingering in hell waiting for them. And that’s the biggest pile of crap if you ask me. Do you want to know where the real devil lives? Within them. Within me and within you. And you wanna know what the real devil is? It’s your fear.” Jackson remained silent. He had no idea where his friend was going with this, but he decided to listen and think, because he had the utmost trust in Jinyoung’s wisdom.
“Let’s pretend I am love for a minute. I’m here and you’re asking me why you suffer so much when it comes to relationships, right? You know what I would say? It’s because you choose to.” Jackson felt his heart beating faster, feeling panicky at this revelation. He stuttered a silent reply: “Because I choose to?”
“Think about it. Think in terms of love and fear – if only those two sides existed, whose side are you on more often?” Jackson’s ego started to interfere – of course he was on love’s side! How dare he even ask? With an agitated voice he answered: “Of course, I am on love’s side. I want love, I love love! But love chooses to not choose me!” Jinyoung knew he had struck a nerve with this accusation. He hoped that his friend remained open enough to listen to him, to consider the depth his words held for him.
“Jackson, I love you. And that’s why I’m being honest with you. You are not on the side of love. I hate to break it to you, but you’re married to the devil in your head.”
Jackson got up and sprinted to the mini bar – he was in desperate need of a drink. The line was silent while he poured the burning liquid, hoping that it would ease his mind. “Listen, I don’t want to get defensive but that’s kind of a lot to ask of me right now. Can you… can you explain what you mean by that?”
Jinyoung let out the breath he did not know he had held in. Relieved he continued: “What happens when you meet someone? It’s all great for some time but then you get into your head, feeding your worst fears, don’t you? What if she leaves me? What if she breaks my heart? What if she’s a cheater? What if I’m not enough? What if this, what if that – isn’t that how it always goes? You feel like love has left you but in fact you left love first. You danced with the devil, seduced by its sneaky remarks, you gave into that. And then you over-fixate on those girls. Just look at Y/N, right now. She texts you less? She is not as attentive as she was in the beginning? Love would tell you to love her anyway and be patient – maybe she’s going through some stuff and isn’t comfortable with sharing just yet? Or she’s busy and needs some time for herself? Fear however would convince you that she must be fucking someone else. Fear would tell you that she only used you because of your fame. Fear would tell you that no woman could ever love you for you. Isn’t that right?”
Jackson started crying but didn’t notice, he was too much engulfed in Jinyoung’s revelations about him. Up until today he believed that he was a lover, someone that craved love and loved freely in return but now he understood that he was far from that. He once read a quote in one of the countless books Jinyoung had sent him over the years that went like this: Only the loving find love.
Was it loving to always assume the worst? Was it loving to only love others when they behaved the way he wanted them to? Was it loving to them? Or to him? Or to love itself? He felt nauseous, he was disgusted with himself. Jinyoung was right, he was married to the devil.
“Can I ask for a divorce?”
Jinyoung laughed whole-heartedly while covering his mouth with his hand – old habits die hard. “I think love would really like that. She’s been waiting for your comeback for a while now.”
Jackson smiled warmly even though his heart felt heavy. “Jinyoung, where do I start?”
“You start by loving yourself first. Do you know why the devil always gets you with those sneaky remarks? Because they’re yours. He takes your fears and uses them against you. And what is fear? It’s just a story. Just a story that you very strongly believe in.”
“Doesn’t feel like a story to me though”, Jackson scoffed while pouring another drink. “Yeah, I know. To you, it feels very real because it’s what you’ve known your whole life. Remember what I said about choosing? Now you choose better, now you choose love, now you choose you. And it’s gonna take some time and be a lot of work but I know you, you are a diligent worker and will master this. You’re Jackson Wang, remember?”
Jackson smiled silently, watching the moon and the stars illuminating the night for him. He looked up at the ceiling again, imagining that love was looking down at him, nodding her head and confirming everything Jinyoung had just said. “Loving myself”, he murmured under his breath. “I think I’m gonna need a follow up on this. Can I… can I call you again and we talk it out more?”
Now it was Jinyoung who was smiling warmly: “Yes Jackson, we can. I’ll send you some books, too. Read them and we’ll talk once you’re done.” Jackson thanked his friend again and hung up, feeling strangely calm. He knew he had work to do, he knew he had to change his devilish ways and for once he was not afraid of love leaving him again. For once, he found it within himself. 
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kmazine · 11 months
I Can't Have You
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bestfriend!jinyoung x female reader
genre : angst
For some reason, the walk back home feel so long and painful.
"Why it can't it be me?"
"I love you, Jinyoung"
You silently mutter under your breath. The words that you couldn't even say to him. The tears you don't bother to wipe, streaming down your face.
"Jinyoung, you okay?" You ask your best friend over the phone when your best friend called you an hour ago. It was late at night so you wonder why he call.
It was silent for a few seconds until you heard sniffles taking over the background noise that you register was from some television show. You didn't think much more. You immediately jump out from your bed and run towards your door.
"I'm coming" You heard Jinyoung replied with a sad hum and probably a nod, and that makes you fasten you steps. Luckily his apartment is not that far so you already in his apartment within minutes.
"Hey, you okay? How many days you've been drinking like this?" Closing the door behind you and took off your shoes, you can see few empty bottles of soju on the floor next to him. You immediately sit beside him on the floor. Your heart sank at the way his shoulder slouch, arms hugging his knees. He looks up to you when he hears your presence. And you look at him. Eyes swollen and he looks gaunt too. You scoot next to him and wrap your arms around his shoulder, hoping that you'd bring him comfort.
"We- we broke up" His tears starts to roll down his cheeks again as he said that. You let out a pain sigh, slowly wiping his tears with your fingers and pat his head softly.
"It's okay, Jinyoung. You will get through this. You will be fine okay?" You still stroking his hair, like an adult trying to persuade a child to not cry over candies.
"But I really love her, Y/n. It's been a few days and it hurts me that I can't see her face and listen to her voice. I can't do this Y/n. I miss her so much I feel like -- my heart..." He sniffled between words and voice quavering at the last part as he tapping his chest harder each sentences as if that will ever chase the pain away. You take his hands away and give him a tight grip, as to tell him, you're there for him. Your heart clenched to see him like this.
You know falling in love with your best friend was never a good idea. You've been liking him even before you became friend. Stealing glance at him during the class or sometimes exchanging smiles and nods when you saw each others is your definition of happiness back then. Then one semester, you and Jinyoung were assigned together for university projects and both of you clicked right away and the next thing you know, you two are inseparable as best friends. When you thought it's going to be easy for you and your feelings, but it was far from that.
Because from then on, Jinyoung see you as his best friend and best friend only.
Then start the cycle of your crumbling love story. You listen to his sobbing stories after the break ups like a best friend do. He try to match you with his other good friends because as a best friend, he want to see you happy with a good guy. Once, you ended up help him with the girl he likes because he just can't stop begging you.
Even after graduating and working on different companies, the cycle never end. And that's why it's hard. It's harder now to confess and tell him you love him. After everything, after all these years.
Especially this time, the relationship didn't seems like the others. He wasn't just smitten, and she didn't seem like the other girls she dated in the past. As much as you hate to admit it, he's definitely in love. You never thought they'll break up if you're being honest. She's a perfect woman any man can ever wish. It was perfect, as if they're actually made for each others.
You know asking him what happened now wont help him so you decided to make him a meal and tea to calm himself down. It was hard forcing the man to eat but you do every way you can and he finally give in.
"I don't know what will I do without you. Thank you Y/n" He give you a sad smile as he lays down on the couch. Deep sighs never left his mouth. You put the empty bottles in a plastic and put them aside and clean his messy living room.
"Glad I could help. You look too miserable for me not to to do that. I know it's hard but please, do not skip meals." You grabbing the blanket to cover his full body.
"Y/n?" He called for you so you lower yourself so your eyes meet on his level.
"Is it always this hard after the break up? It hurts so much. How can love be this painful huh? "He chuckles - probably knows how pathetic and sad he sound right now. You didn't say anything, just let him rambles more and give him another sympathetic smiles.
You make sure he was sleeping when you decided to leave. You're about to close the door when you heard his phone rings. You can hear Jinyoung shuffles to get up and the last thing you heard his voice saying her name. You closed the door shut, hoping that your heart closed the same for him.
There is a person that you can’t have even when you love them,
Just look at me, I’m next to you but I can’t have you,
I can’t have you.
a.n : this one have been sitting in my draft for months now. This is based from Bank's I Can't Have You (korean old song) and the lyrics are just heart breaking so here we go. Again, please do not mind the grammatical mistakes and typos. I will fix it later from time to time. Because the more I re-read, the more I want to delete this so I'll just post first.
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Kinktober Day 01
Capnolagnia: A fetish based on the sight and/or smell of someone smoking.
Pairing: Huang Renjun x fem!reader
AU/Genre: smut, established relationship
Word Count: 1607 words
Warnings: smoking cigarettes, dirty talk, praise, oral (m receiving), very subtle dom/sub undertones imo, deepthroating, face fucking, cumming untouched (f)
A/n: I wrote this while listening to Hong Jinyoung's Love Battery on repeat. Also: yey! Kinktober is starting!
Taglist: @matchahyuck @seraphinealana @ker00 @allaboutthedongs @baehaechannie @iwannabreathetosetmefree @positionslab @jjenodream @kundann
You're gripping your glass so tightly you'd be surprised it doesn't break if your mind could focus on anything but the man outside the glass doors. He is no other than your very own boyfriend, and you watch him stand outside the restaurant with some of his coworkers whilst you're waiting for his arrival back at the table of his company dinner.
You're totally aware that he appreciates smoking every once in a while when he's had something to drink, but somehow, you'd never seen it before. Well, until tonight. You watch his lean figure leaned against the railing, a polite smile on his face as he speaks to his colleagues. Though, your attention is on a different part of his body at the moment: his fingers that gently hold onto a cigarette.
For some reason, the sight excites you more than it should, especially when he laughs at something his coworker said before lifting the cigarette up to his mouth, gently wrapping his lips around it. He inhales deeply before blowing the smoke out of his pursed lips into the cool night air.
The air around you seems to be getting hotter the longer you watch Renjun smoke, your thighs rubbing together without you even realizing it. There's just something about the way he looks while he does it, so cool and carefree, relaxed as he inhales and exhales over and over again, the white cloud slipping from between his beautiful lips and partly out of his big nose.
When suddenly his eyes meet yours, he winks, grinning briefly, but you just blush – a reaction that is throughoutly uncommon for you when it comes to Renjun. You've known him for so long, you're so comfortable around him and used to his presence that you rarely feel exposed like this, flustered even, as you squirm in your seat.
It's over for you once he drags on the cigarette while maintaining eye contact with you. His looks are hot, or maybe that's just how you interpret them, but you feel your palms getting clammy as you nervously clench your fists at your sides, your breathing getting heavier the longer you watch him.
When he discards the butt of the cigarette and re-enters the facility, you jump to your feet, heat creeping up over your neck and into your blushing cheeks, and you make your way over to him. He smiles at you and extends his hand for you to hold, but you quickly bring yourself over to his side, leaning in to whisper into his ear.
"We need to go home," you say, shaky fingers tugging at his sleeve as you try your best to ignore the strong smell of tobacco and smoke he's reeking of, but fail miserably as you feel the wetness pool in your panties, a moan that you almost fail to suppress climbing up your throat. "Please."
"Suddenly?" Renjun chuckles, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. The scent of the smoke is even more prominent on his right hand, and you mewl, eyelids fluttering shut as you breathe in deeply.
"Yes, please," you bring out, opening your eyes to give him a pleading look. You're sure that Renjun understands that the reason for your sudden wish for departure is that you're incredibly horny and need him to take you as soon as possible, though you're not quite sure yourself why you're getting so worked up over your boyfriend smoking, and you just hope he doesn't question it.
"So fucking wet for me," Renjun mumbles into your neck, his fingers playing with your needy hole, stretching you open for his cock that he offers you soon after. His gentle fingers hold onto your waist as you slowly lower yourself onto his hardness.
You moan desperately as you begin to move, the feeling of his tip gliding against your walls sending you to heaven and back with just a few thrusts. The way you hold onto him, needing him as close as possible because you need to feel all of him against your body.
"What's gotten you so worked up, baby? Hm?" He questions, his fingers combing through your hair until they come to a stop at the back of your head, holding it almost protectively.
Nothing but a whimper comes out of you as you fasten your movements on top of him, forcing the most beautiful sounds out of his throat as you ride him, hands touching him everywhere at once. You're confused yourself as to why you're so needy for his closeness and his touch, and all of this just because you saw him smoke.
The images fly back into your brain, and even after the quick car ride, Renjun still smells so delicious. It all comes back to you at once, and you suddenly don't have it in you to move anymore.
"Tell me," Renjun whispers, taking it upon himself to thrust up into you. "You're so needy, baby. Tell me why."
"When you-", you choke out a moan as he hits deeply inside you, "when you went outside, and I-i saw you s-smoke."
"Aw, baby, did it turn you on? Does my pretty baby like seeing me smoke? Did it turn you on? Did it make your little cunt all wet for me?" You can hear the smile in Renjun's voice, bouncing you up and down on his lap as you hold onto him for dear life. His words turn you on beyond belief.
"Yes," you whimper, getting teary eyed at how close you are as you desperately hold onto him. Renjun chuckles out a "fuck" before he rams his cock harder into you, faster, and it doesn't take long for you to come undone around him.
"Such a good girl," Renjun praises, his fingers stroking over your cheek, then underneath your nose, letting you smell the heavenly scent from the smoke mixed with your own wetness from when he fingered you before.
"Shit, I can't," you whine, feeling overwhelmed with how hard you came combined with the crazy wave of new arousal washing over you at the smell.
"I have an idea," Renjun mumbles, kissing your cheek before leaning a bit closer to your ear, "I want you to suck me off while I smoke, would you like that?"
The moan ripping from your throat would definitely embarrass you if you were in your right mind, so raw and desperate as you nod, climbing off his lap to sit down on the floor in between his thighs. You had been so needy before that you couldn't even bother with taking both of your clothes off, hence Renjun'd only opened his button and fly and pushed his boxers down to grant you access to his cock.
Eyeing his length from your spot in front of the couch, you switch to watching Renjun pulling a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket. He looks deeply into your eyes as he places the butt of the cigarette between his lips, then lights it.
You swear you almost cum again on the spot. The smoke immediately hits your own nostrils and you feel yourself clench around nothing. Neediness takes over you as you begin to take him into your mouth. Renjun groans as soon as your lips wrap around him, your tongue teasing his tip inside your mouth with eagerness.
"Fuck," Renjun groans, dragging on his cigarette. He looks so sexy and dominant, cigarette placed in between his thumb and pointer finger as he watches you with lidded eyes.
Slowly, you work him deeper down your throat, and get rewarded with unfiltered sounds of lust and mind-hazing images as Renjun just sits there, smokes, and enjoys the feeling of your wet mouth around him, all while you're pressing your legs together, squirming and rubbing them together in an attempt to ease the tension in your lower belly.
Renjun takes it further, as he suddenly breathes the smoke right into your face experimentally. You feel your eyes roll back, inhaling the scent as deeply as you possibly can all while trying to push his cock even further down.
Seeing that you're clearly enjoying it, he suddenly grabs your hair to yank you off of him then grabs your jaw before leaning forward, joining his lips with yours. You mewl into the kiss, tasting the smoke on him sends you into a state of desperation that you've never felt before.
Once he parts from you, you're pushed down again, his cock slipping into your mouth easily. You feel messy, there's spit everywhere, and you can still taste yourself on his cock, but in the best way possible.
Placing the cigarette between his lips, Renjun now takes both hands to hold onto your head, slowly thrusting his hips in and out until he knows you can take it. He groans deeply, drags on the cigarette once before starting to really fuck your throat. Hazy-minded you just let him, enjoying the way he's using your body like this, and you watch the cigarette sit between his plush lips. His eyebrows scrunch together with lust, and you're sure he's close.
You're clenching your thighs, pressing them together even harder, and you feel so close all over again. When Renjun chokes out a last moan, pushing you down on his cock as far as he can, and you feel him emptying himself down your throat, pumping his cum inside of you, you let go as well, cumming untouched at the simple sight in front of you, the smell of the smoke, and the feeling of your boyfriend releasing down your throat.
© 2022 YUTASBELLYBUTTONPIERCING all rights reserved — please DO NOT translate, take, nor repost any of my works.
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 440 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
Wooooo weeeeee, another chapter this week! LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!! Also, I'm so sorry for worrying y'all for my absence these past few days but after this review is posted, Imma disappear again. 😭 At this point, my chapter reviews might not be posted on time and will be late to post frequently now. Also, don't mind me changing the color of the title every 10 chapters... *Ahem* Anyways-
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Ughhh... God, the fan service here. Thanks PTJ, you the man. 😩✋🏽 Also, the way Jibeom just acted like nothing happened by saying, "SORRY!" UH HA HA HA HA HA HA... 🧍🏽‍♀️💢 Nah, we allies now. Gotta forgive, right? And Jihan too... 🧍🏽‍♀️💢💢 Man, y'all just got your asses beat for no reason. This reminds me of those anime with the MC's fighting the enemies, and then they end up becoming allies with the "power of friendship". Behold, the power of friendship everyone.
Ok, but Imma be honest. Every time I see Hudson now, I squeal like a fangirl at a BTS concert. And suddenly seeing him... NAKED? RIGHT OFF THE BAT? My loyalty for Gun is REALLY being tested. Wtf man. Also, the snakes though? That's wild. 😭
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Yeah, that panel really wrecked me. Physically and emotionally.
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Oh, of course. Also, debt? Huh? 🤔
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Yeah man, we need to know!!! WE'VE BEEN DYING TO KNOWWWWWWWW. Whenever I hear "Young Master", it reminds me of a butler saying that. As if Daniel is being treated by a butler. 💀
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"At least eat before you go." That's so nice of them. Also, "At this rate he'll live here." KSSLDJLFSDHFSLFHDSFH JIHAN PLSSSSS- 💀💀💀💀💀
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Oh? Daniel coming up with a big brain plan...? 👀
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Daniel being acknowledged by, not only the man who ended the era of the First Generation, but also, the STRONGEST FIRST GENERATION KING???? Oh god, I love his growth and character development so much. He'll always have my heart forever. 💖 ALSO, THIS WHOLESOME MOMENT WITH JICHANG??? THIS IS TOO CUTE. MY HEART- 😩💗 I WAS SOBBING AT THIS BECAUSE THIS WAS TOO CUTE TO WITNESS. LIKE, LOOK AT HIM PETTING DANIEL'S HEAD, LOOKING LIKE A PROUD UNCLE.
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Literally, one of the cutest things I've ever seen in a long time in Lookism.
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YUUUSSSSSS, JICHANG IS GONNA HELP HIM EVENTUALLY. 😭😭👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I hope they actually do make it to the First Affiliate though. But, if the Elder knew where he was, then does that mean that he knows that Jinyoung is not in his right mind? And does he know that he has people held captive in his little basement? 👀 *coughs* Daniel *coughs* Johan *coughs* Samuel... Sorry guys, I might be getting a cold. Idk what's going on with me.
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Ohhhhhh shiiiii... Pls tell me we gonna see Jake here...
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AHHHHHHHH I KNEW IT, JAKE!!! BABY BOY IS BACK!!!! 😭💙 Oh shit, I wOnDeR who THAT could be...
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Tbh I'm not surprised that he said it was James Lee lol. It has been emphasized by Eugene before when he said in Ch. 432, that he was aware of the murder case that caught the attention of a lot of people. And he also mentioned how Charles Choi had been using blackmail on James Lee to control him in exchange of covering James's part of the murder. Also, earlier in that chapter, I was wondering why Charles would even bother to help in covering up a murder for James if that person that James murdered wasn't so important in the first place. If it was just a "nobody", then he would've just thrown that person somewhere, buried him, or burnt his body and converted it into ashes. Clearly, it all makes sense now. (Also, the red picture gave it away. lmao) AND JAKE, WITH THE TYPICAL "death stare" EXPRESSION WHEN HE FOUND OUT WHO THE MURDERER FOR HIS FATHER'S DEATH WAS??? Is he going to get revenge or something? 😭
But oh boy, James is really gonna get it eventually. Both him and Charles Choi. Actually, DEFINITELY Charles Choi. The guy is literally walking scum in the first place.
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You see, Charles Choi is a clown... 😀 *end of argument*
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I hope he does. Because if Charles Choi intercepts their operation, I'm going to sue. 😡
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Ughhhh, bro... Don't make me cry again, please. 💀💀💀💀
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Wait, an "unknown car"? He MUST have a driver with him. Please tell me that his driver is none other than Gun/Goo... Ik this is wishful thinking, but I want to see them again. 😳
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By choking...? 💀 I mean, I've seen a big ass snake devour a huge animal before, so it's possible Charles. Don't doubt Jichang's abilities, because you might be surprised at how he could MURDER YOU ON SIGHT. 😡😡😡 (And oh god, looking at Elite's face still reminds me of my professor. 😭 *sobbing* But also, with a twist of Manager Kim too.)
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I just want his ass to be wiped off the face of the Earth. Both him, and Eugene. But, wait... If Eugene and James Lee are conspiring AGAINST Charles Choi, and everyone else are conspiring against Charles Choi too, then... WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST UNITE AND BEAT CHARLES??? They all have a similar goal, yet they decided to do things their own way? Well, I get that they have ulterior motives/goals for them to take down Charles Choi, but at least make it easier for yourselves instead of just handling the crap on your own, right? Fight later, unite now. 🧍🏽‍♀️
Man, idk anymore. Just do whatever tf you guys want at this point. 😭
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Got7′s Reaction to...Your Time of the Month
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Backstory: You cancel date night because your period is kicking your ass
Mark’s been through this before, thanks to his sisters. He even has an app to keep track of everything himself. He planned date night with the possibility of your period coming into play. Mark is at your door with flowers and a new stuffy that also acts as a heating pad since you like to cuddle so much. He brings dinner to you from that restaurant that you wanted to try and later orders dessert to be delivered right to your door. The two of you are on the couch, your head reading on Mark’s lap while he massages your temples and pecks your nose playfully.
“Babe? Surprise! I hope you’re up for cuddles and chocolate!”
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This man is hands on. He is rubbing your back, using that super expensive body creme that you love so much. He remembered that you were running low and thought this was the best time to gift you with more...yes you did cry. Jaebeom’s fingers works their magic while you scroll through his phone trying to decide what you want to eat for dinner. You want something spicy and sweet. Keeping you in his arms, Jaebeom digs his fingers into your lower back and lets you absorb his body heat.
“Feeling better, babe? No? Just take a nap. I’m not going anywhere.”
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The moment he receives your text message, he’s already driving to the store with a mental checklist. He’s buying your favorite candy, tea and ramen. He even makes it a point to stop at that little bakery you love so much and gets your favorite cake. When Jackson shows up to your place, he is bundling you up in a warm blanket and hand feeding you which ever food you want first while giving you endless cuddles.
“Want more candy? Drink? Does it still hurt? Want me to kiss it better?”
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Canceling date night is a strong no. Jinyoung comes over to your place all dressed up and when he sees you on the couch stuffing your face with treats he sighs. Jinyoung settles beside you and pulls your feet into his lap, rubbing your feet and calves while you put on a movie. He’s okay with a date night in, no worries.
*sighs* “You’re really feeling it tonight huh? Did you need me to grab anything before you pass out?”
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Youngjae is worried, very worried. He knows that your period isn’t fun at all, hell the last time it landed you in the hospital. He brings out the big guns and asks his eomma for her famous beef stir-fry recipe and gets to work. He even stops by her house to steal some homemade kimchi. At your place, Youngjae won’t let you move a finger. He is at your beck and call, treating you like the royalty that you are. The candy and little kisses to your forehead while you snuggle Coco is a wonderful bonus.
“Awe, my baby...I-I got eomma’s beef stir-fry recipe! Just wait a little and we can eat, kay? Get some rest, my lovely. Coco, your on watch until I’m done!”
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Can you say extra? This man is at your door with half the pharmacy and the ice cream aisle in his arms. Bambam makes sure to settle you in bed, making a fortress of pillows and the new heated blanket he got you. It’s nothing but sweet kisses and soothing words as he pulls out a handheld massager and starts working on your lower back and shoulders.
*struggling to turn on the massager* “Get comfy while I figure this thing out...oh! Nevermind, I got it!”
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Your pain is Yugyeom’s pain. The poor guy is doing the best he can at keeping you comfy, all nice and tucked away in your bed. He flew to your house with nothing but his love and Dalkyum. Thankfully you have everything you need to help ease the pain. Yugyeom orders food and he runs to the corner store to get treats, Facetiming you to make sure he gets everything that you would want along with some extra pain medicine.
“Okay, now what do you want, babe? Chocolate? Which one?”
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nirvanawrites111 · 2 years
Hiii I'm a neurospicy heaux (90's baby) who enjoys writing K-pop fanfics.
You can call me Nirvana.
My pronouns are she/her.
I write mostly sub!Idol x dom!readers but I will be starting a new series where my one-shots are two parts radiating switch!energy.
My stories are all written with a black reader in mind.
All of my stories belong to me and you may not copy any of them. Nor, can you translate them into other languages. Thanks!!!
If you enjoy my work please comment and reblog, please. It keeps me going.
Focus On Me
Choi Minho
DILF Energy (Sub!Minho x Reader)
Lee Know
Claim Me (Sub!Lee Know x Reader)
Kim Jongin/Kai
Say You Love Me (Sub!Kai x Reader)
Say You Love Me Pt. 2
Goddess Energy (Taemin x Reader x Jongin) Part 1
May I Have Your Attention Series
May I Have Your Attention Please? (Sub!Hongjoong x Reader)
May I Have Your Attention Please? Pt. 2
May I Have Your Attention Please? Pt. 3
May I Have Your Attention Please? Pt. 4
Here We Go Again Bangchan x Reader x Hongjoong (Kinktober 2022 Vampire AU)
Lust Galore (Seonghwa x Reader x Hongjoong)
Sub!Hongjoong x Switch!Reader x Dom!Changbin
Falling For The Dark Lord (Sub!Taemin x Afab!Reader)
Wedding Secrets (Sub!Taemin x Reader)
Escape With You (Sub!Taemin x Reader)
Chase Me Sub!Taemin x Reader (Kinktober 2022)
Escape With You Pt. 2
Arch That Back, Baby (Sub!Taemin x Reader)
Play Things (Taemin x Reader x Jimin)
Supreme King (Taemin x Black Reader)
Goddess Energy (Taemin x Reader x Jongin) Part 1
Bend It Ova Sub!Seonghwa x Reader
Only One (Seonghwa x Black Reader)
Enemy Situation (Seonghwa x Black Reader)
Lust Galore (Seonghwa x Reader x Hongjoong)
Ten Lee
Amnesia (Sub!Ten Lee x Reader)
Boyfriend #2 Changbin x Reader
I'm Calling You Daddy (Sub!Changbin x Reader)
Switch It Up (Sub!Changbin x Reader)
Switch It Up Part 2
Sub!Hongjoong x Switch!Reader x Dom!Changbin
Juicy Lover Series (Sub!Juyeon x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
My Right Hand Man Series (Sub!Wooyoung x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Welcome To The Agency (San x Reader x Wooyoung)
Here We Go Again Bangchan x Reader x Hongjoong (Kinktober 2022 Vampire AU)
February Filth Fest (Hate sex with Yunho)
Welcome To The Agency (San x Reader x Wooyoung)
Park Jinyoung
Degrade Me Part 1
Degrade Me Part 2
Play Things (Taemin x Reader x Jimin)
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absolutebl · 2 years
And there it is again: In the first episode of Love in the Air, our young hero's buddy compliments him by saying he's handsome, that he "looks like Korean actor."
I've caught just enough of these references in my first year of BL viewing to realize that it's "a thing": Korea is the gold standard of ... something ... to other SE Asians ? Do I have that right ? If so, the ideal of what, exactly ?
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Astro’s Eunwoo is generally considered/discussed as the perfect example of Korean masculine beauty. 
10 Korean Male Beauty Ideals
The checklist of Korean masculine beauty standards (as of 2022) is as follows: 
over 183cm (6″+) 
slim/skinny build but toned body (we talking swimmer over bodybuilder) 
a “small face” 
pale skin 
dark defined eyebrows
a smaller mouth
high cheekbones
v shaped or sharp jaw line 
double eyelids & bigger eyes 
high nose bridge 
Plastic surgery is often utilized to attain the final three in particular.* 
Add to the above the global procreative breeding standards for “healthy” masculinity such as: symmetry in face and form, broad shoulders, clear skin. 
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SF9′s Rowoon is a great example of an idol successfully transitioning to leading man. He meets all 10 standards and is v tall at 190.5 or about 6″3. 
A Bit About Idols & Beauty Standards 
The visual of the idol group is (usually) the one who meets the most of the above checklist + photographs particularly well. As opposed to the center who is usually the best allrounder and/or most charismatic performer. Ironically the face of a group is usually the best representative in terms of communication and popularity style (handling fans + the press). But idols can/do hold more than one position in a group. 
Position distinctions are becoming less popular in 4th gen Kpop groups. While position assignments, including those based explicitly on Korean beauty standards, were pretty much expected of 3rd gen group formation. 
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Idols “visual” judgement tends to be decided upon and called via the same standards as above checklist, but they are permitted to be more androgynous by branding than if they were leading man Kdrama actors.
That said, idols tend to transition to acting if they can meet more of the above named standards (and want to act, of course), specifically height. They will probably never get to play leading men if they don’t meet the height standard so that’s usually the biggest hurdle (pun intended) - except for if they do BL. Of course, there are exceptions if the idol is an extremely good actor or very very famous. My bias, Jinyoung, is short to be an actor, for example. He still gets rolls but it will always be harder for him to play a grown up leading man in a romance Kdrama than someone like Rowoon or Eunwoo.  
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GOT7′s Jinyoung in Devil Judge 
How Does this Work Outside of Korea? 
Hallyu has had a profound effect on taste not just in other parts of Asia, but globally. But you asked about Asia.
Here’s a very good YT vid on the subject which basically is focused on women and China, but still addresses why Asian Beauty standards are the way they are culturally & historically. 
So when an Asian country (particularly in the south) calls a character “handsome like a Korean actor” that is code for particularly distinguishing the character as handsome by virtue of his “non local” features: like paleness and tallness. (Thailand also does this with reference to western beauty standards. Both Dean in UWMA and Tharn in TharnType are commented on/called out for/self identify as being handsome due in part to their “foreign” features, but the Thai word used is slang for a “foreigner of European decent.”) 
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TharnType 2
Because of the popularity of both Kdramas and Kpop, Korean beauty standards are coming to dominate taste at least amongst specific age brackets of consumers/watchers and in countries where Kdramas and Kpop are particularly popular. In these case, the 10 point check list above comes into play when you get a comment like the ones we see in Thai BL. 
That said, Chinese beauty standards (somewhat different) are also in play in the culture itself (for primarily socio-political and historical reasons, so more prevalent amongst older generations, and places that were occupied by China or have intimate social-political relations with it, like Taiwan), as well as western standards (blame colonialism, Hollywood, and the fashion industry). Taiwan is an interesting case since it has intimate ties on all levels with China, Japan, S Korean, and the west, so their beauty standards are particularly varied. 
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Japanese beauty standards (which used to dominate many parts of Asian because they cornered the market on music initially *waves at 90s Jpop* as well as manga, animation, cinema, and porn prior to Hallyu not to mention the whole, ya know, empire thing) have experienced significant pushback in the last 20 years, particularly from Korea. That said, their standards still hold pretty strongly within Japan (of course). They are a lot less formal and proscriptive. But, loosely, Japan tends to like a softer face shape, heavier jaw, and wider mouth and be less concerned about extreme tallness. They do love big eyes though. NCT’s Yuta is a pretty good example of one type of Japanese masculine beauty standard. But Japan has more than one. Remember the culture concept of kawaii is in play. Aka men are also allowed to be cute as a form of sexiness. 
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Old Fashion Cupcake 
* Yes, I am well aware this is a terrible unachievable bullshit. I am answering the question not making a judgement call. 
Like most beauty standards, these are the result of classism, racism, and colonial occupational history. Not to mention trends, styles, permissive fetishization, gender binary, infantilization, and core linguistic symbolism and syntax around the meaning of worlds used to define and talk about beauty. 
I’m discussing this shizz from a cultural anth and pop culture analysts perspective. Don’t come at me in the comments because you possess the sadly ubiquitous inability to critically think about your own cultural biases and how these might impact your consumption of a different culture’s pop product. My patience is wearing thin and my ban hammer is immediate these days. 
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Nothing More(M) - Two
~5k words - please, enjoy!
I see you as a stranger but it’s different… I have those marks of love, my soul is hurt. Can’t you stay closer when the lights turn down, so that you’ll feel you don’t have me?
“Then what? You just casually claimed you’re fine to be her fuck buddy?”
“And you’ll have sex, at the expense of her telling you more about herself?”
“You’re stupid.”
Jinyoung grabbed at the bridge of his nose before dropping down on the leather chair of the practice studio.
“I’m not?” Mark said with some sort of reinforced conviction, like that was his brightest accomplishment. “It’s pretty fair, if you ask me.”
“Fair?” Jinyoung repeated, leaning forward on top of his knees. “You know absolutely nothing about this girl, for which you are developing an unrequited affection.”
“I know things.”
Mark opened his mouth to answer but the words ceased to exist. With Jinyoung cocking his eyebrow and a half-mockery half-pitiful expression plastered on his face, Mark realized he really did not know much.
“She’s, uhm, a manager at Seoul Medical Private practice.”
Jinyoung nodded, as if prompting Mark to continue talking.
“And a part-time bartender.”
“Mhm. I suppose that’s it.”
 “That’s it.”
A sigh escaped through Mark’s lips. “But isn’t this the whole point of casual sex? You don’t ask questions and you don’t seek answers.”
“Except you are doing both, one-sidedly.” Jinyoung rose from his seat to place a hand on Mark’s shoulder, not trying to mask the evident worry in his eyes. “You’re not that guy.”
Mark looked at the other, and ultimately away. The silence of his reflection in the studio mirror was interrupted by the other 5 members, crowding the room with their usual infectious cheerfulness. Before breaking away from Mark, Jinyoung patted him on the shoulder and pursed his lips into a small smile. “You’re not that guy”.
“Knock-knock,” Jonathan’s voice chirped before leaning his tall body against the doorframe of Samantha’s new office. “I like this room. It’s much more spacious and you finally have big windows. Think you can grow a plant in here?”
Samantha put her pen away after having signed a document. She smiled up at Jonathan. “What can I help you with, Doctor Williams?”
Jonathan took the liberty to look around the office, searching for something specific. It still was there, Samantha’s doctor coat, dropping from the hanger. “I have an interesting case, which I’ll probably definitely operate on.”
She knew where that was going. “And?”
Jonathan stopped by the hanger, tracing his fingers over the white ironed material. “And I want Doctor Stoss to scrub in with me.”
“I am not a neurosurgeon, last time I checked.”
“But you agree that you’re still a surgeon.”
Samantha looked back at the wooden surface of the desk, trying to busy herself with anything other than that discussion Jonathan knowingly started. “Then again, I was not a neurosurgeon”.
The man came over to the desk, prompting his hands on either side of it. He leaned closer to Samantha, forcing her to look up at him. “I have a 7-month-old pregnant woman with a tumor on her brain. I want the best OB-GYN resident in this hospital to scrub in with me and deliver the baby or keep the baby in safely.”
She looked away. Jonathan peeled a hand off from the desk to bring up to her chin, on a tender touch. “I will repeat that if you think you didn’t hear it clearly enough”.
“Jonathan, I’m not ready.” Samantha breathed shakily and had to close and squeeze her eyes in an attempt to keep that past incident away from surfacing violently. “I’m not ready.”
Jonathan let his hand slide further to caress the fragile skin of her cheek. “Let us help you. Let me help you. We all know that wasn’t on you.”
“What’s it to you?” Samantha opened her eyes to pierce into the other’s emerald ones. Jonathan jerked his head back in surprise, the contact between them breaking in response. The tip of his tongue wet the bottom lip and exhaled an exasperated sigh.
“It is that you chose that bastard over me. It also is that I loved you and I am beating myself up everyday you are not picking up the damn scalpel. I should have beat him much more than I did.”
He pushed forward. “And now that you finally threw him out of your life, and a good part of your life for that matter, you keep away from me. I am still here.”
Samantha’s eyes were pacing back and forth between his features, his eyes, and his lips, as if trying to grasp the words he was speaking and put them together in such a manner that made sense. She looked at him with a look that was stuck somewhere between past and present, a look that let him know everything was a mistake. A look that also let him know there was no way to rewrite the past. And he wished he hadn’t seen that look.
“You don’t love me, Jonathan. I can’t have you trying to love two women at the same time. Not when one of them is just a ghost in your memory.”
He scoffed. Samantha did not let him speak. “You stopped loving me the moment I made my choice. And it’s okay. Because I don’t hold any grudge against you. Because you love Leena.”
Jonathan straightened his body and Samantha could not read his expression. “Let me go.”
“He killed that woman, Sam. He did. He was desperate to show off to the Chief.”
“Jonathan, I am not having this discussion—”
“You trusted him against your better judgement. You couldn’t have saved neither of them—”
“Jonathan, get out.”
The man lifted both his hands to signal he was giving up. “I can’t let you go, Sam. I just can’t. You’re losing yourself and you’re not picking up my hand. You used to take us by the hand.”
Samantha turned her chair away from Jonathan and fixated her eyes on a void point outside the window. Her brain triggered the moments she tried shoving away like skeletons in a closet. She wanted to desperately believe skeletons do not always come back.
“I assume we’re still meeting to go out tonight. We’re supposed to celebrate the new manager.”
The last thing she heard was the sound of the door slamming violently behind. Before a tear dropped loosely, Samantha thought about Mark.
In the fervent ruckus of practicing and perfecting their next concert, which was set to start in 6 days, the guys, drenched in sweat, with their ankles hurting after more than 5 continuous hours, decided to take a water break. Mark dropped to the ground, crossing his legs, and holding his body up with his arms. Before Jackson threw him a towel, Mark thought about Samantha. It had been a couple of days since they’d heard from one another.
“Hey, Mark,” Bambam chirped, a cheeky tone blatantly carrying his words “girlfriend’s calling.”
Mark’s head perked up almost instantly.
“She’s not his girlfriend.” Jinyoung breathed, pouring what was left of the water in the bottle on his head.
“I don’t think she’s not his girlfriend” Jackson joined in, throwing the shirt over his head.
“Could you stop making assumptions?” Mark jolted from his place, eager to try and put an early end to the teasing he was just about to receive. “I swear to God, if I am picking up this phone and you’ll be hovering over my shoulders, I’ll kick you in the nuts.”
Youngjae placed his hands protectively over the threatened jewels. “Don’t hit hard?”
At that point, he gave up.
“Hey stranger.”
“Hey,” she answered on the other end of the line, with a slight delay. “I’m sorry I didn’t text you earlier.”
“Yeah, no, that’s fine. It’s quite actually none of my business.” Mark saw in the mirror the displeased expressions of Jackson and Jaebom, while Yugyeom and Bambam covered their mouths dramatically. ‘That’s bad’, Jackson mouthed to Jinyoung.
Against his expectations, Mark was met with silence on the other line. Suddenly, he felt awkward for the first time since meeting her. Mark never meant to sound accusative. If anything, he might have waited for her to text. “I mean, part of the deal, right?”
 “Listen, I didn’t mean that. It’s just been a very long day.” A small pause, in tune with all the other members who seemed to have drawn in their breaths for what Mark would have said next. “I can use some good company. If you want to meet up?”
“Yeah, sure, sounds good to me.”
Mark was not convinced it sounded good to her. He cleared his throat. “So, uh, do you want to meet tonight?"
Another pause. “I cannot really meet tonight, I have surgery.” She heard his sharp gasp. “Not surgery on me, surgery on someone else. I’m, uh, a resident.”
“A resident? A surgical resident?” There was a collective gasp from all of the boys, accompanied by shocked faces staring at Mark in the mirror.
“You didn’t take me as the smart type, huh? I guess smart people don’t have fuck buddies after all.”
“No, that’s—”
“Listen, I have to go. For the record, I didn’t call to get you to bend me over the table. I… I wanted to see how you were doing. Bye.”
Mark did not have any chance to protest before the dial tone echoed in his ear. The phone slid away from his ear, intrigued initially, then a furrow between his eyebrows made him wonder what he did wrong for her to dismiss him like that.
“A surgical resident,” Jaebum repeated, gesturing with his hands like an orchestra conductor to calm down the overly excited group. “That’s cool.”
“Cool? That’s fucking insane. Do you think I could find an arrangement like yours?” Bambam blurted out and earned a smack on the head from the leader. Jinyoung followed Mark with his eyes. He sensed the uncertainty and the sliver of self-doubt oozing from the other. Just when he was about to say something, Jackson went over to start the music set, to rescue Mark from the dozens of questions he was about to receive, to which he held no answers. Jinyoung thanked him with a head dip.
Jonathan was cleaning his hands when the OR doors slid open. He couldn’t hide the evident shock on his face, not that it mattered. For all he knew, he wanted her to see the shock imprinted on his face.
“Don’t tell me.”
The shock deepened when he noticed she was dressed in surgical scrubs. Then a sly smirk on his face. “You look so hot dressed like this.”
Samantha kicked the water tank with her foot, choosing not to add any comment.
“I missed you.”
She gasped at the other’s confession. Her head tilted for her to look over her shoulder in the depth of his eyes. Coming to the OR was impulsive, an impulsive decision after Mark reiterated their arrangement. Samantha knew it sounded frivolous. Only then did she truly register the words Jonathan said to her. The memories, the hope, the dream. With all the disappointments they carried. Before she knew, she found herself in the OR.
“If you keep staring at me like that, I might push you against the wall and you’d lose the bet.”
“Doesn’t that make you the loser?” she retorted, a smirk stretching the corners of her lips. “I’m just observing, that’s it. There is already a GYN resident in there.”
Jonathan shook his hands lightly to dispose of the surplus of dripping water. He turned to her as he kicked the OR door open, and if Samantha did not know any better, she would say he was relieved of her presence. “Not if you kissed me first.”
Pacing was not Mark’s way of coping with things in general. For what sentiment he paced that evening, in the lobby hall of the hospital, he could not tell. No one likes hospitals in particular, but it wasn’t the hospital’s fervid smell of chlorine that provoked Mark’s pacing. It was Samantha’s sharp dismissal that stained his thoughts. And he didn’t care, or that’s what he kept trying to convince himself of. Jinyoung’s words popped in his mind yet again.
You’re not that guy.
When he braced himself to stop pacing, he approached the nurse’s station. “Hi, good evening. I am looking for Samantha…”
The awkward pause sneaked in. A woman whose last name he had no idea about, who was supposed to be his casual sex call.
“She’s a manager here at this hospital.”
“Oh, Doctor Stoss you meant. Yes, the surgery in OR 4 has just ended, she should be here any minute with Doctor Williams.”
Mark did not get enough time to thank the nurse when he got distracted by an electrifying sound he himself had caused before. His attention turned magnetically toward the source of the joyful laughter, only to be met by Doctor Jonathan Williams, with his hands in his jeans pockets. He was making Samantha laugh.
“Mark?” she turned to him in a blink, same way Jonathan turned to her.
“So you’re the Mark,” Jonathan said, faking one of his best smiles. Samantha was too taken aback to realize Jonathan was, in fact, a tad bothered by the other’s presence.
Mark quirked an eyebrow involuntarily at the other man. He was exactly as Samantha described him, tall, handsome, cocky. Trustful. And he knew about them two, which could have changed the situation. Complicate it.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here is all, Mark. I told you I had surgery.”
“Yeah, no, I heard, I wanted to make sure you were fine.” If it weren’t for his fingers numbing from his tightened grip around the Lindt chocolate box, he would have forgotten about them entirely. Mark extended his arm towards Samantha in a successful but unforeseen attempt to leave her speechless. It was Jonathan’s turn to cock an eyebrow.
“You shouldn’t have…” Samantha looked up at Jonathan. She was growing annoyed with his displeased antics. Not that Mark would know. “I am busy tonight, we’ll gather with Leena to celebrate, you know. Me.”
“Totally.” Mark nodded with a serene expression. “I will go. If we don’t see each other again before I go, it was nice enough seeing you like this, Doctor.”
There was something about his serene smile that tied a knot in Samantha’s stomach. In her imagination, Mark was not supposed to be that. He was not supposed to come looking for her, to bring her chocolate and call her endearingly on her title. He was not supposed to sketch a hue of pink across her face. Mark was supposed to sleep with her and forget about her.
“Go where? I wouldn’t say you are leaving,” Leena chimed in, allowing her curly hair to bounce freely against her short-sleeved shirt, “though we won’t force you to join us for drinks.”
“Ah, as much as I’d love to,” Mark replied, his eyes searching for Samantha once again, “I wasn’t invited. I’m not barging.”
“We’re inviting you now.” Jonathan cleared his throat and painted a puzzled expression on Samantha’s face. “You said so yourself, you would love to, would you not?”
Mark hesitated. He suddenly pondered over the fact that a fuck buddy would not meet the other’s friends.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to feel pressured by these two anyway.”
“No, I… I think I’d love to.”
Saturday night in a popular high-profile club in Seoul city could rival all levels of imagination. Stories that would go unknown for all eternity, on people who’d enter the club to enjoy, to fool around, to forget, on a busy dancefloor, with extravagant lights and liquor. Samantha’s cousin had one of the most sought-after clubs of the capital and on good merit. It hit Samantha that she never did face the other side of the bar counter. It had always been easier to be the one serving the poison than the one to drink it.
The reservation for Samantha’s group was made on a booth better shielded from the crowded center of the club. She waved a hand at the security guys outside and guided the four of them to their spot.
“Wow, I can’t believe I never came to this club,” said Jonathan with a newly discovered admiration for the place.
“Maybe your relationships would have been more successful.” Leena stuck his tongue out at him and the other rolled his eyes at her remark. Albeit hiding a smile behind the façade.
Mark guided Samantha to take her seat first and the latter offered a smile. She refused instead.
“I’ll go get the drinks because I am that cool and that fast. What would you like to have?”
Not long after Samantha disappeared in the nightly crowd, Mark took a seat somewhat cornered by the curious eyes of Samantha’s friends. One would say that, with all the public attention and the fame, he would get used to the squinting.
“So, you and Sam,” Jonathan begun, rolling the sleeves of his shirt as if preparing himself for some sort of a confrontation with the other man. “How’s it going?”
“Fine? I think.” He replied much less inconsistently than he would have hoped. Truth be told, he did not really know how to reply to such a question. The answer would have been straightforward for someone who sleeps with another person for fun but one does not consider verbalizing how such a relationship would ‘be’. When it is not even a relationship. “She’s amazing.”
“I bet she is.”
“Jonathan!” Leena smacked his shoulder. “Please forgive him, we have been friends since college, and he gets over-protective over her sometimes…”
Mark pondered over the girl’s words. If he would not want to be involved with Samantha, he wouldn’t mind about their arrangement. “It’s totally fine. I am a stranger who sleeps with your friend. Nothing more.”
The conversation was cut short by Samantha returning with the tray of drinks. After serving everyone, more out of habit than anything else, she seated herself beside Mark. “So, what did you two press Mark about?”
Jonathan raised both his eyebrows and his glass in a swift motion, to grab a solid gulp of his whiskey on the rocks. “Nothing in particular.”
“So, a surgeon, huh?” Mark took a hold of his dark beer to mimic Jonathan’s earlier gesture. “Can you do both? Management and save lives?”
Samantha looked down at her glass to swirl the straw around. Mark was not ill intended, and she also was not prepared to reveal too much about herself. She never planned to do so anyhow.
I want you to tell me about you in exchange.
“I took a step back from surgery for a while. It became a bit overwhelming. But I did not want to leave the hospital and the community, so I applied for a more ‘business’ like job. Now I am manager.”
“Today was just her first step coming back to surgery full time.” Jonathan smiled and shot a wink to Samantha’s direction.
Leena immediately became confused. “Surgery? You went into surgery today?”
Samantha looked over at Jonathan with a piercing look. Mark figured she had not revealed that to the other woman. “Jonathan told me he had a 7-month-old pregnant woman with a brain tumor. He came to me to ask me to scrub in. I just watched the fetal monitor, that’s all. Luckily, there was no need to step in.”
“Interesting,” concluded Leena to take a sip of her Margarita. “Samantha, can we have a word?”
Samantha looked over at Mark with an apologetic look. Guilt started building up that she purposely dragged him into her personal life. Mark raised his bottle once again, with his lips pursed into a silent surrender. It was flattering, in a way, that she honored her half of their agreement. With each word sent out into the world by the three of them, Mark’s curiosity blossomed. Perhaps more eager and too easily.
“So, how’s the sex?”
Mark choked on the beer. “I’m sorry?”
“Nah, I am just curious how a stranger in a bar got in her bed.”
Ah, thought Mark. Jonathan did not know.
“I am not entitled to tell you that.”
“You actually went into surgery? And you did not think to tell me, as well?”
Samantha looked at Leena. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen that mixture of hurt and betrayal on the other’s face. “It was impulsive. Johnny came to my office to tell me about his case, and then we sort of fought—”
“Why did you fight about?”
The moment Samantha put her hands on her hips, Leena knew. “Fought about you.”
“It’s not what you think—”
“He still hasn’t let go of you. Did you tell him that Mark is your fuck buddy?”
Silence. “I see. It’s not like you’re trying too hard to push him either.”
“Leena I don’t want him, I don’t love him. And he loves you. It’s quite visible with the naked eye.”
“It’s not when the moment you fuck another guy, he becomes all protective over a woman who is not even his to begin with!”
Leena stopped in her tracks, almost in disbelief that she let something out which she did not consider she would. Samantha grabbed her by the wrist to tug her through the crowd.
“What are you doing?” screamed Leena over the booming music.
“I am tired of being the middleman between you two fools. He is crushing so hard over you and as cocky and almighty you say he is, he is a coward. So, you’ll speak to him while I have sex in the back room. 30 minutes enough?”
By the time the girls returned to their booth, Leena had not been given the choice to ingest the newly divulged pieces of information. The two arrived in the evasive silence of the two men who could have prayed for a disaster to occur so that they’d escape the involuntary cage they’d been placed under.
“Leena has something to talk to you about Jonathan. So, while you two resolve your lover’s quarrel, I am going to steal Mark from this table.”
Mark extended his body upwards faster than he would have liked to and put his hands together in a silent apology. He threw one last look over his shoulder at the two surgeons and then had to concentrate on his feet to follow an apparently flustered Samantha. The woman guided the two into a room to the far back of the club.
A small room, still neatly decorated with a tall mirror, half a dozen lockers, and all the necessities an employee starting their shift would need. Samantha slammed the door behind them and locked it in an agile movement of the wrist. She prompted her body against the door to relieve a sigh.
“You know, against all odds, I like your friends.” Mark chuckled and took a couple of steps to seat himself on the closest chair. “A bit intense but they seem like genuine people.”
“You don’t say.”
The day had been full and heavy of unsettled emotions for Samantha. Rarely do plans turn out to be exactly how you imagine them. Samantha’s plan was to enjoy a managerial Saturday, having drinks and getting drunk in her favorite club, not reminiscent of the cold past but optimistic of the unexplored future. She could not find a plausible explanation of why she joined the surgery in the evening, of why she allowed Mark to enter a significant piece of her life in meeting her friends.
Only, she did know the explanation for all of the events. She joined in surgery because Jonathan was right. She allowed Mark to enter her life because he exceeded all her expectations of him, because, in a split of a moment, she acknowledged she wanted him to get to know her. To know the great OB-GYN resident that she was.
And this shattered the reality from under her feet.
He was supposed to be a tight hug that turned into sex. Nothing more.
“Hey, are you alright?”
Samantha did not realize when Mark stood up to enter her proximity. His hand found her cheek in a motion that was so natural he surprised himself of it.
She was supposed to be a tight hug that turned into sex. Nothing more.
“Yeah. I am tired of all these unrequited feelings and of all these unspoken memories and I just hope Jonathan lets me go already so he can be with Leena.”
Samantha smiled tiredly and leaned into Mark’s touch. He had a hunch that her confession held much more power than being about just her two friends. And he wanted to ask, the more he wanted to ask the more his heart picked up a beat in his chest.
“Huh, I think the only people who did not know they love each other are Jonathan and Leena.” He declared instead, locking his eyes with hers. Unbeknownst to him, his other hand gained a free will to intertwine with Samantha’s fingers. Mark wanted to stop. He wanted to stop his body from gravitating towards hers.
“Thanks for the chat,” Samantha laughed and ignored the burning in her chest and the buzzing in her head altogether. If she were drunk, she would have blamed it all on the alcohol, and she would have justified herself for the reason it was so scorching to look into Mark’s orbits.
Mark brought his head to rest against her shoulder and the sudden contact set her skin on fire. The devil on her shoulder wanted Mark to rip her shirt so he could touch her better.
“So, I promised Leena I’d get her 30 minutes to freely talk to Jonathan,” Samantha dismissed the dangerous thought to make space for dirty ones. Dirty ones that wouldn’t leave her longing in the morning. “Do you think we could give them that?”
“I…” Mark murmured and pushed himself away, his hand still protecting her cheek. “I want to kiss you, so, so bad.”
“What are you waiting for?”
I want to. And I can’t.
If I kiss you now, I am afraid I’ll fall in love with you.
Samantha untangled their fingers to reach up to his face. Tips of her fingers set ablaze.
Mark sighed and glued their foreheads together.  Their noses were brushing against one another, and Samantha could feel each inspiration Mark took into his chest. “I cannot make love to you and leave the next day like I am the worst scum to have ever walked this Earth. I am not that guy.”
Samantha was not sure she understood the breathy words gliding out of Mark’s mouth. She was dazzled by the wording he chose.
“You aren’t making love to me Mark. We are having sex, it is just sex.”
A modest scoff carried Mark’s silhouette to wrap his arms around her frame. He felt Samantha’s body rigid in his embrace. Mark couldn’t let her see the disappointment nesting in his eyes. He couldn’t allow himself to believe in the disappointment nesting in his eyes. He went ahead and assumed a miscalculation. He had to set himself straight.
I guess it is just sex.
“Jonathan asked me how’s sex with you.”
Samantha’s chest deflated helplessly. The sudden hug and the hasty words made her afraid and nervous Mark would want to go on with his life, that he would put a stop to them. She did not want him to put a stop to them. “So? What’d you tell him?”
She furrowed her brows.
“But I am going to tell you how sex with you is.”
Mark pulled away from the hug to face her, resting his left hand against the door, the other prepared to do a demonstration on her body. Samantha could not tell how he was feeling, what he was thinking. He looked stoic.
“If I kiss you right here, behind the lobe of your ear,” Mark traced his index along her skin and Samantha felt like he could ignite it “you’ll gasp. Grab my hair and pull me into you.”
Mark’s words were even, collected. His eyes were glued to each piece of her body he was busy with. Reading her like an open book. “If I cup your breasts,” Mark ran the back of his finger over her clothed breast, a moan eluding from her lips “you’ll moan. Like you did just now.”
His hand travelled to her hip, tips of his fingers digging into the fabric of her trousers. She was unlucky it had such a thin texture. “If I grab you by your hips, this is the part where I usually slide myself inside you and you nip your fingers into my back. “
Mark brought his free hand to cusp her cheek and prompt her to look at him. By all means, Samantha was expecting to recognize anything comparable to lust, carnality. What she found instead was a stubborn tenderness that was a stranger to simply having sex.
I want to make love to you.
“Mark?” she whispered when he didn’t move.
“Will you be mad at me if we don’t have sex tonight, princess?” he stated, loosening his clasp on her hip, but caressing her cheek with his other thumb. “I am tired and I left Milo alone too much.”
Against her will, Samantha let out a whimper. Mark took her entire essence and played with it in his hands, reassembling it at his will in mere minutes. In such a short period, Mark took his time to memorize her characteristics, her reactions, and her feelings. Mark took his time to make an effort on how to please her. He never did what Mark did.  
I don’t want you to go, Mark.
“Sure, absolutely. I understand.” She nodded, placing her hand above his. “When are you, uhm… when are you flying out?”
“Day after tomorrow.”
“When will you be back?”
Why would I want to know?
Mark chuckled and admired her for a moment. He was aware he was leaving her hot and bothered. He did not assume for a moment that she was inquiring for any other reason.
God are you beautiful.
“It’s going to be three long weeks, give or take. You’re going to have to find a replacement for me.”
I hope you don’t find a replacement for me.
Samantha giggled. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”
The phone in Mark’s pocket buzzed up with messages. He wanted to pull away, but Samantha kept his hand in place. “Kiss me goodbye at least?”
The night highway was chasing pointlessly after the black van, transporting Mark and his group to the airport. Mark’s eyes were aimed at the blurry lights, the hues of orange and red cutting through the depth of the sky. He pulled over the hood of his sweatshirt and checked his phone. Still devoid of any messages.
Jinyoung was chatting with the others when he noticed abruptly Mark did not join the lively discussion. He stealthily excused himself from the group, with a little help from Jackson to keep the others at bay from questioning too much.
“Hey,” Jinyoung plopped himself into the seat next to Mark. The latter snapped from the whirlwind of his thoughts.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I think you should tell me what’s up, Mark.”
Mark laughed and turned his body towards the other. “That obvious?”
“A bit.” Jinyoung agreed. “Have you heard from her yet?”
The other shrugged his shoulders. “Nope. We didn’t, you know, do anything. We just went out with her friends. Intense guys, lucky me I have a bit of training from y’all.”
“But?” Jinyoung questioned, still leaving Mark to his own pace. “She must’ve been a bit disappointed you never did anything.”
Mark tilted his head to look out the window. He wished his thoughts would blurry like the reality on the highway. “Yeah, she must’ve been.”
“And you? Were you expecting anything to happen? Did you kiss her, I don’t know, goodbye?”
Mark was a bit shocked by her request. Still, against his better judgement, he drew in closer, to seal the distance between their lips. “You are irresistible, you know that?”
Jinyoung just knew something was bothering Mark. Maybe regret, or maybe repentance.
“No, I didn’t kiss her.” Previous chapter Next chapter
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aestheticseungmean · 2 years
And They Were Roomates
Featuring: Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, and Jeong Jungkook with brief Park Jimin
Warnings: Daddy kink, oral (male and fem), implied female reader, name calling, edging, overstimulation, sir kink, master kink, reader being referred to as bitch, praise, voyeurism, dacryphilia, choking, biting, threesome.
Please do not send any hate. This is my first threesome smut. Request open and please enjoy
Word count: 7.6K words
Taehyung. Taehyung. Taehyung. You banged your head in your hands frustratedly. At one point, you missed and banged your head on the desk. The teacher stopped speaking and everyone looked at you. “I’m okay…” She shrugged and went back to writing impossible math problems on the board. All but one of the students directed their attention back to the board. You sighed and winced when you got hit by a note. You opened it and smiled. Your dorm @4 and your bed is mine. Quickly, you threw a glance at your mint-haired friend who smirked at you. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him. Luckily, you had homework so you wouldn’t fight over the bed.
Four rolled around quickly and you left your door unlocked. It wasn’t like your friend was going to knock anyways. “I’M HERE AND I BROUGHT A FRIEND.” “IN HERE.” You watched as he entered the room. “Hey, Yoongs!” He muttered a ‘hey’ and jumped on your bed. “My homework gives me more reaction than you.” “I’m here, too.” A small voice came from the doorway. “Chimmy!” Jimin was your childhood crush, but as all good things get older, they fade. That’s exactly what happened. Now you have a crush on the campus hot boy alien, Kim Taehyung. He was untouchable. Unreachable. And he’s been on your mind since he gave you his umbrella and stood in the rain.
“Yoongles?” “Why do you hate me?” He sighed and groaned. “Cause I do. Now, did you pay attention in class?” You heard a slight chuckle. “I was zoned out but I know one thing. You were thinking of Taehyung.” He sneered. The closest soft thing was a plushie, so you decided to throw it at Yoongi. Jimin perked up. “I wanna talk about Tae.” “I don’t.” Jimin forcefully turned your seat around and made you look at him. “We are talking about Taehyung.” “You looked like shit in class.” Of course, Yoongi noticed. No matter how much concealer you put on, he could tell. “I didn’t get good sleep last night.” “I can tell. These sheets smell clean, which means you washed them this morning.” True. You did. You hate washing your sheets so you do it once a month unless you have a reason to do it sooner.
“Okay, so I had a dream…” That was the truth… just not the full truth. “What kind of dream?” Yoongi smirked. “Obviously one about Taehyung, Jimin.” Sighing and blushing, you hid your head in your hands. “Ooh, was he choking you? Did he chain you up? Did he blindfold you? Did he make you call him daddy?” No. No. No. You absolutely did not want that image in your head right now, especially not in front of your friends. You bit back a moan and shuddered instead. “I don’t want to talk about it.” “He’s got you whipped.” Jimin giggled, playfully teasing you. You groaned. “Shut up, please!” Jimin looked taken aback. “Man, you need to get fucked and fast. You’re a bitch.” “I don’t need your criticism, Jimin. Or your advice.” At this point, the homework was forgotten until you turned around. Your phone buzzed violently.
ᗰᗩᗰᗩ ᒍIᑎ
Did you hear the news?
Did you?
Did you?
Answer me!
I cannot believe you don’t love your brother
What news?
Taehyung’s heading towards your house
I think it was something like he’s moving in next to you.
“SERIOUSLY, HE DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME THAT TAEHYUNG IS MOVING IN NEXT DOOR?” “Ooh, the tea is piping hot!” “Shut up, Jimin.” You groaned as someone knocked on the door. “Must be, Jinyoung.” The dorms were co-ed which was stupid, but you guess that the administration didn’t care if you got an STD, or worse, pregnant. Jinyoung hadn’t been home in weeks and you noticed his door was closed the entire time, but he was a private person so nothing was thought of it. You stood up and readjusted your shorts from riding up any farther. Thinking he could hear you, you started complaining to the door. “Jinyoung, you know that the key opens the door. Don’t tell me you lost it otherwise-“ You finally paid attention to who was at the door. Kim Taehyung. Jungkook was standing behind him with the second half of Taehyung’s stuff. “Hi! Are you going to let me into my dorm, roomie?”
A knock sounded on your bedroom door and Jimin opened it before you could react. Taehyung and Jungkook stood at the door. “YOU GOT AN XBOX ONE, PLAYSTATION, WII, AND TWO COMPUTERS FOR GAMING!” You giggled at Jungkook’s reaction. Typically, after school, you would come in here and play against people or just play for fun. “Is Jungkookie excited by my new roommate’s gaming system?” He nodded. “If you want, we can play sometime, Jungkook.” You could see him glowing with excitement. “I can come back if you want to be alone.” Taehyung eyed Jimin and Yoongi cautiously. His tone told you that he was thinking you were going to do something with Jimin and Yoongi. “It’s okay, they’re just friends.” “I’m not just your friend…” Jimin is not helping. “I’m your childhood best friend too!” “Go order takeout and make yourself useful.”
He stuck his tongue out at you before going to the living room to order. “What do you need?” “I was wondering if you’d help me do laundry?” Yoongi chuckled and gave you a look. That ‘this is the guy you want to fuck you’ look. “You don’t know how to do laundry?” He sheepishly grinned. “I mean, I do, but I don’t want to break another washer because it was different.” Jungkook chimed in much to the despair of his best friend. “Oh yeah! You broke the knob off and then fried the wiring.” Yoongi chuckled at you. Through gritted teeth, Taehyung spoke. “Yes, I was referring to that one.” Thankfully, Jimin came back into the room which saved Taehyung from complete embarrassment. Whatever, you thought. “Let’s go, it’s downstairs.” He nodded and grabbed his laundry. The two of you walked side by side in silence until you got to the laundry room. He watched closely as you showed him how to use the washer, eyes analyzing your every move. ———————————————————
“I-I have to go.” You were too embarrassed to stay and deal with the fact that your hot roommate heard you get turned on by a dryer. “Stay.” Taehyung’s voice was dominant and turned you on even more. Your juices were slowly soaking through to your shorts. Luckily, you were wearing black so it didn’t show, but at least you were in a place where you could wash your clothes. “Did that turn you on?” You shook your head. “Answer me, baby doll.” A small whimper left your lips when he forced his leg in between yours. “Yes, Daddy.” Daddy. Taehyung just realized that he had a Daddy kink. “Fuck, that was hot.” He watched as your face turned pink and you looked away from him. This wasn’t acceptable in his book. His hand gripped your chin and forced you to look at him. You looked into his lust-filled eyes and gulped as he leaned in closer, lips brushing yours. The need controlled your movements as you pulled him into a heated kiss. It was a mess of moans and tongues as you submitted to Taehyung.
Pulling away to catch your breath, Taehyung nipped and sucked at the soft skin of your neck, leaving marks. “We can’t do this here. There are cameras.” He nipped harshly at a sweet spot, causing you to moan. “Let them watch.” Forcing yourself not to succumb to his wants, you pushed him away. “We’ll get kicked out.” You jumped down only to be pushed against the wall. Taehyung grinded himself against you, the pleasure making you throw your head back. “Tae,” your voice was barely a whimper now. “You can’t leave me hanging babydoll, now can you?” “No Daddy but-“ He effectively cut you off by thrusting his long, slender fingers in your mouth, making you gag at the sudden intrusion. Drool spilled out of the corner of your mouth, making you feel absolutely filthy. If one were to walk into the laundry room, they’d know exactly what was going down or who was going down.
Footsteps sounded in the hallway, nearing closer to the laundry room. “Stay quiet, babydoll and they won’t know a thing. You can do that for me, right?” “Yes, Daddy,” you sighed. “Good girl.” Taehyung removed his fingers from your mouth and wiped them on his sweatpants. “Hey, Taehyung. ________.” You managed to squeak out a small hi to your classmate, but Taehyung’s wandering hands didn’t help either. When she looked away to grab clothes, Taehyung’s large hand groped your breast, pinching your sensitive nipple through the shirt. “Shit,” you gasped. “Are you okay?” You looked up to see the girl staring at you worried. “Yeah, just had a cold chill.” It wasn’t a total lie, but it was believable enough for her to return to her laundry. “Who knew my baby doll had a little mouth on her?” Taehyung whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “What else can that pretty mouth say?” “Wait until we get back to the dorm to do anything,” you hissed, scared of getting caught but loving the thrill. “Tsk. Are you disrespecting me? Do I need to punish you?”
The thought of what Taehyung could do to you made you even wetter. Your juices threatened to escape your shorts and show him how much that affected you but there was no need. His fingers slipped into your shorts and ran across your clit, forcing you to bite your lip to keep quiet. “Hey, you look sick. Are you okay?” You looked up to find the girl staring at you and suddenly, you were all too aware of Taehyung’s fingers threatening to push into you in a public area. “Yeah, it’s just hot in here.” She nodded in agreement. “It is a little, but will you be kind enough to watch my clothes? I have to study and I don’t want someone to set them on top again in the middle of the wash.” A quick nod made her smile, and she left the room. “Babydoll, I think you have a voyeurism kink.” A smirk was etched onto his face as you turned to him, wide-eyed. “And I think I know just how to satiate that. Would you like me to call Jungkookie? Or how about Yoongi hyung, hmm? How would you like to have your best friend watch you get ruined?”
“You don’t even need to talk, your body is talking for you,” he purred into your ear. You whined when he slipped his hands out of your shorts and tapped your lips. “Open up, babydoll.” Maybe you could get some retribution for his teasing. The lewd sucking sounds from you made Taehyung groan out loud. He pulled his fingers out and dried them on his sweatpants before turning to the dryer. “I think the dryer’s done.” Your mouth hung open as he completely ignored the fact that he had just been toying with you, making you a mess. Taehyung grabbed his phone and pulled up his contacts before calling someone. “I’ll be right back,” he said, heading out to the hallway. Dumbfounded, you stood in place trying to figure out what just happened. Sexually frustrated, you squeezed your thighs together, hoping that your classmate would come to get her clothes so you could go home and fix your own problems. Fuck Taehyung. Fuck him and his effect on you.
“Hey, thank you! I owe you a favor.” You came back down to earth to see the second person you wanted to see the most. “Oh, it’s no biggie.” Exhaling heavily, you grabbed Taehyung’s clothes from the dryer, put them in his basket, and walked out to where he stood, still on his phone. He grunted when you shoved the basket into his chest before stomping back to the apartment, clearly struggling to keep your cool. Behind you, you heard Taehyung chuckle. “Okay, see you soon. Bye.” Was he really going to leave you like this? Almost immediately, you shut your bedroom door. You threw yourself face down on your bed, screaming. You turned over and stared at the ceiling, thinking about how it would feel to have Taehyung’s long fingers reaching lengths that your own couldn’t. Just the thought itself made your hands crawl down to the place that needed the most attention. You wasted no time slipping your fingers in between your folds, collecting the slick that was now dripping down onto the back of your shorts.
With ease, you pushed in one finger, your back arching at the pleasure. “Fuck,” you moaned out, now thrusting your fingers in and out of yourself. Moans spilled from your mouth as you edged closer to your high. Your door creaked open and you heard a tsk. “Babydoll, you couldn’t wait for me?” “You were busy on the phone,” you spat. “Being a little brat, are we? I think I can fix that.” Taehyung grabbed the silk tie from your robe hanging on the door and crawled onto your bed. “Hands.” “No, I’m so close,” you whimpered. He ignored your pleading as his large hands wrapped around your wrists, forcing them up towards the bed frame. “You don’t want to listen, then you don’t get to cum, baby doll. Fine. By. Me.” You tugged at the silk that restricted you to the bed. “Tae,” you whined out, earning a glare. “What did you just call me?” He asked darkly. “I’m sorry, Daddy.” His dark eyes disappeared when he smiled, causing you to internally scream at the fact that he could look so sexy one minute, but the next minute so cute.
“I brought you a gift!” Taehyung exclaimed. Confused, you watched as he opened the door to reveal your best friend, leaning against your door frame. “Y-Yoongi, what are you doing here?” “No speaking without permission, Babydoll.” Yoongi strolled in and sat down in your desk chair, spreading his legs while exerting dominance. “Daddy, what are you doing?” “Kitten, I believe he told you not to talk without permission.” You gulped and watched as Taehyung stalked you like his prey. “Hmm, I bet you taste sweet.” Your hips rutted into the air as Taehyung dragged his fingers up your leg, over the spot you wanted them most, over your chest, and to your cheeks where he harshly squeezed them and forced you to look at him. “I want you to be a good girl for me. Or else.” Without warning, Taehyung ripped your shirt, exposing the dark red bra that you were thankful you had put on before going to the laundry room. “We won’t be needing this,” he said before reaching underneath you and unclasping your bra in one swift motion.
As the garment was thrown across the room, Taehyung was working at your perked nipples. You gasped as he pinched and twisted the sensitive bud. A low chuckle escaped from his lips as he took the other in his mouth, using his tongue to stimulate you. “Fuck,” you whined. Taehyung pulled back and removed his hands. “I’m pretty sure Taehyung made himself clear, Kitten,” Yoongi stated. You looked up at Taehyung as if asking for permission to talk. “You may speak, babydoll.” “I’m sorry, Daddy. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Just touch me please,” you said desperately, already having been denied an orgasm once. “I think you should ask Yoongi hyung what he thinks.” “Yoongi-“ He held up his hand to quiet you. “If you want to get anywhere with me, then you should call me master.” “Master, I’ll do anything, I just want someone to touch me. Please.” You saw a small smirk appear on his face as you spoke. “Taehyung, I think Kitten wants you to taste her.” “With pleasure.”
Taehyung tapped your thigh to signal for you to lift your hips so he could take off your shorts. “Babydoll, you're soaked. Is it because of Daddy or maybe it’s caused by your master?” You took your lip in between your teeth to stop the noises threatening to release themselves. A loud moan forced its way out of your mouth as Taehyung licked a stripe up your folds. “How does she taste?” “So good.” Just as quick as he spoke, he was already diving back in, devouring you like a starved man. You let out a broken sob at the euphoric feeling. If your hands weren’t tied, they’d be tangled up in Taehyung’s messy hair. Instead, you let your thighs tighten around his head. “Kitten, you're gonna suffocate him.” The male in between your legs let out a groan when he realized Yoongi’s words affected you. “Use your fingers, Taehyung.” Complying to Yoongi’s command, Taehyung slipped a finger into you, moving it at a fast pace. “Don’t be a pussy, add more. She can take it.” “Master-“ Your words were cut off by the male adding two more fingers. You felt your high approaching and so did Taehyung. Right before you came, he pulled away, letting your orgasm fade.
“You didn’t think I’d actually let you come so soon, did you, babydoll? You’ve been a bad girl.” You stared at him, tears spilling out of your eyes from being so close. “Don’t look so sad, Kitten. We’re just getting started.” Taehyung crawled off the bed and stripped off his shirt and pants, leaving himself in his underwear. Your eyes widened at the sight of Taehyung’s bulge straining against his boxers. You happily sighed as he took them off, letting his dick stand tall and proud. “Like what you see?” Taehyung asked cockily. “I know for a fact that Yoongi’s bigger.” He let out a growl, sounding almost animalistic as Yoongi chuckled from the side. “Well, she’s not wrong.” “It doesn’t matter the size, as long as you fuck your bitch right.” The bed dipped as he untied the silk from the bed frame. He pulled you towards him, seeing as how your wrists were still tied together. “And tonight, along with every other night, you are my bitch.” His lips crashed against yours in a messy make out. You fought for dominance but ultimately lost. Taehyung pulled away for air and readjusted you so you were on his lap. Even though he was dominating you, he still wanted to make sure you were ready for him.
“Are you ready?” The sincerity in his voice was sweet but you were too far gone to care. “Take me, daddy. Make me your bitch.” You whispered the last word into his ear before nibbling at it, making him groan. Taehyung lifted you up and helped you ease onto his dick. He let out a guttural groan as he bottomed out. “Move for me, babydoll.” Using his chest as leverage, you brought your body up before slamming it back down, repeating the process. Eventually, you started to slow down, becoming worn out from doing all the work. Taehyung gladly took control, flipping you over and pounding you deep into the mattress, making you moan out loud. You glanced over at Yoongi, who was watching the entire show with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. A sharp gasp left your lips as Taehyung found that ‘special’ spot. “YOONGI,” you screamed out in pleasure, making Taehyung wrap his hands around your throat and lean down towards you. He chuckled deeply into your ear. “Oh babydoll, you’re in for a long night.”
You became frustrated when Taehyung pulled out once again, making you cry out. “Daddy. Please let me cum just once.” He pretended to think about it before shaking his head. “I think you’ve been a good girl but I’m not letting you cum. He might though.” You froze and looked to where Taehyung was pointing. Jungkook stood dumbfounded in the doorway, watching your naked body shudder under his gaze. Yoongi pulled up the other chair and patted it, signaling Jungkook to sit down. You watched as he shifted in his chair, trying to ignore the raging hard-on he was sporting. “Looks like Jungkookie has a little problem. Why don’t you let him use you? Maybe he’ll let you cum.” Jungkook visibly gulped as Taehyung stepped away and gave him permission to come up to you. “C-Can I?” He asked, reaching out for your hand. “Yes, sir.” His eyes darkened at the two little words that held a monumental effect on him. Jungkook carefully took your hand in his, wanting to be a little more on the sweet side.
“She’s not porcelain, she won’t break,” Taehyung scoffed. “Trust me, I know.” He added, throwing you a smirk. “You’re right, I didn’t break. Maybe you just didn’t fuck me hard enough.” Sure you were gonna die, but it would be worth it. “Bitch-“ Jungkook turned and stood face to face with Taehyung. “You said it was my turn, therefore; it’s my turn. Clearly, you didn’t impress her.” Taehyung backed up, astonished that his friend just spoke back to him. Jungkook returned to his spot beside you and untied your wrists. “No need for this.” You sighed and rolled your wrists, happy that there wasn’t something restraining them anymore. “Thank you, sir.” “On your knees.” Gladly, you dropped down on your knees in front of him. His hands fumbled to get the belt on his jeans undone, but once he got it off everything else was easy. “I want you to put that pretty mouth to use. You said you don’t have a gag reflex and I’m here to test that, Princess.”
Once his dick was free from its confinement, you set to work, smearing his precum along his length. He let out an almost pornographic moan when you kitten licked his tip. “Don’t tease.” Not wanting to make him wait any longer, you opened your mouth and fit as much as you could at one time. “Good girl,” Jungkook groaned, his fingers tangling into your hair and pushing you further down, enjoying the feeling of your tongue swirling around his dick. You hollow your cheeks and begin to suck on his length softly. He bucked his hips harshly when he felt you swallow the drool threatening to spill out of the corners of your mouth. “I can’t hold back, Princess.” You tapped his thigh, signaling to let go of his restraint and just fuck your mouth until your throat is raw. Jungkook happily did so, thrusting roughly to the point where your nose reached the skin at the base of his dick. “You weren’t lying, babydoll. You really don’t have a gag reflex.” Feeling proud of your little feat, you sucked harshly, making Jungkook’s head fall back in pleasure. Somewhere in there, you swore you heard Yoongi mumble, “fuck, that’s hot,” under his breath.
“I’m cumming, Princess.” You felt him pull out of your mouth and use his hand to get his release. “Open your mouth,” Jungkook commanded. Just the sheer tone of his voice made you eagerly stick out your tongue, awaiting his next move. He moaned as he came, his release staying mainly on your tongue but escaping to your chin and down to your chest. “Look at the little cum slut so eager to please,” Yoongi chuckled, his thumb coming to wipe the excess off your chin and bringing it to your mouth. “Open up, Princess.” You took Yoongi’s thumb in your mouth and sucked, trying to make his facade break. “You can show me what that little mouth of yours can do later. Right now, it’s Jungkook’s turn, Kitten.” Listening to Yoongi, you turned to see Jungkook already shirtless and working on his skinny jeans. You gawked at his muscles, admiring how well built he was. “Shit,” you whispered under your breath, imagining Jungkook fucking you up against your bedroom wall. His strong arms hold you up while his hips thrust into you at an inhuman pace.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, Princess.” Back in reality, Jungkook was already stripped and standing in front of you. “Nothing, sir.” “Now don’t lie or you won’t get what you want.” You gulped nervously and spoke. “I was thinking about you f-fucking me against the wall.” Your voice was hushed and raw but Jungkook still smirked, hearing you clearly. “Your wish is my command.” Before you could speak, his hands were already helping you to your feet. He pulled you into a kiss that started out soft, his teeth occasionally nibbling at your bottom lip. “Jump.” As soon as your legs wrapped around his body, the kiss became rougher and needier. Your hands tangled into his hair, and your back hit the cold wall, making you whine. With his strength, he gingerly slid you onto his length. The sound of his skillful hips slapping against your skin soon filled the room as Jungkook set to work on covering your neck in his marks. You moaned when he found your sweet spot. “Found it,” he said with a small chuckle. He continued his assault on your neck, enjoying the sinful sounds you made dangerously close to his ear.
“Sir, I’m going to cum,” you whispered in between marking his neck. “Cum for me, Princess.” Unable to hold back any longer, you bit down onto Jungkook’s neck as you came, your moans being muffled. Jungkook wasn’t expecting you to have a biting kink but it had him pulling out and cumming in seconds. “I wasn’t expecting that,” he said breathlessly. Your head laid on his shoulders, tired and worn out. Jungkook laid you onto the bed and watched as you started to drift off, chuckling because they were not done with you. Sleep was only an inch away when you were jolted awake by a tongue against your sensitive clit. You looked down to see Yoongi lazily eating you out, taking his time and ruining any chance of you getting any energy back. “Yoongi,” you whimpered out, earning a small bite on your thigh. “Master, please. I can’t take it. It hurts.” He pulled his head up to look at you with dangerous eyes. “Keep complaining and I’ll make sure you can’t walk tomorrow.” You threw your head back in defeat as Yoongi continued his assault. After a minute or two, he decided to add one of his fingers, pushing it in slowly. Instinctively, your hips bucked into his fingers to get more friction. Your own fingers were tangled in his hair, pulling when his fingers pushed in.
It was so dirty and filthy the way you were enjoying how your best friend was making you feel. The way his tongue skillfully danced across your clit. The way the sucking and nibbling made you cry out in pleasure. “Did I say you could make noise?” “No but-“ Yoongi looked up at you with a dark, piercing gaze. “Make one more sound, and I’ll punish you.” You almost whimpered at the sound of his harsh tone, but you held it back and nodded your head. “Good girl.” While Yoongi was teasing you, you tried your hardest to not make a sound, biting your lip so hard it almost started to bleed. His lips traveled up your body, placing light, feathery kisses along with marks that would take weeks to disappear. He crashed his lips against yours in a messy make out and you were careful not to make noise. Your hips moved along with his fingers at a fast pace, making the whole scene feel heavenly. Everyone else in the room became non-existent as Yoongi kissed you roughly, sending bolts down to your core. Even as you were making out with him, you still fought the urge to make noise. Yoongi pulled away from the kiss. “Struggling much, kitten?”
With all your strength, you reached up and crashed your lips against his again to stop the whine threatening to slip from your lips. You were so caught up in kissing him, that you didn’t feel his fingers run through your hair. Yoongi waited a few seconds before tugging your hair harshly. A cry escaped your lips as you grabbed the sheets, crumpling up the once pristine purple sheets. Your eyes widened at the realization of what you had just done, broken his only rule. “Master, please. I didn’t mean to.” The pleads of forgiveness slipped out in a broken voice. Yoongi chuckles darkly. “I had one rule, kitten. And you couldn’t even follow it. I’m disappointed. I didn’t want to have to punish you.” “Please. I’ve been a good girl. Don’t do this,” you whined, feeling his fingers work your orgasm closer. Noticing the way you clenched heavily around his fingers, he pulled them out of you. “You sound cute when you beg, kitten. I can’t wait to make you beg me to stop. If you take your punishment like the good girl I know you are, I’ll fuck you until you’re crying. Okay?” You nodded desperately. “Good. You didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.”
“On your knees, slut. I’m going to fuck your throat raw,” Yoongi commanded. While you got on your knees and awaited your fate, Yoongi undressed himself. He walked to where you were kneeling for him. You were too busy looking at the floor to notice him, so he yanked your hair to make you look at him. “Now that I have your attention, you ready?” You took a deep breath before nodding at him. He released your hair, but only for a minute. He pulled your hair into a makeshift ponytail as he thrust into your mouth. Yoongi chuckled as drool dribbled out of your mouth and down your chin. His low groans were music to your ears. As he grew closer to his release, his pace got rougher and sloppier. Right before he came, he pulled out of your mouth, breathing heavily. “Master, you didn’t cum,” you forced out, your words not fully forming because of your raw throat. “Listen to that. Babydoll can’t speak properly.” Yoongi threw a smirk towards the two other boys in the room as if saying ‘I did this and you didn’t’. “I don’t want to cum yet because you are going to take it like the little cumslut you are. And you’ll enjoy every minute of it whether you like it or not.”
You mentally smiled, knowing that even though Yoongi was treating you like a slut, he would stop if need be. “Bed. Now.” You immediately stood up and went to the bed, complying to Yoongi’s command. “Face down, ass up,” he enunciated each word, forcing you to do the action by pressing his hand in the middle of your back and pushing down so your back was arched. The bed dipped as he climbed up behind you and prepared himself. The stretch was a little different from Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s dicks. It was slightly longer than Jungkook’s but less girthier and Taehyung just couldn’t compare. Taehyung’s length was a bit shorter and less girthier than both men. It was perfect for causal sex but right now, you wanted to be fucked, destroyed, not able to walk tomorrow. The sound of Yoongi placing harsh smacks on your ass while pounding you face first into the mattress was a sight for the others. Jungkook had gotten his phone out and started to record while Taehyung had grabbed his camera from the other room and took pictures of your fucked out expressions to add to his new keepsake box.
“Let the neighbours hear how good I make you feel, kitten,” Yoongi growled out, focusing on the feeling of you clenching around him. A loud, pornographic moan erupted from your lips, eliciting a smirk from Yoongi. He groaned when he looked at where your cunt was swallowing his dick, pulling it in with a vice-like grip. A word slipped past your mouth, making Yoongi chuckle. “Are you sure you’re ready for me to go faster, kitten?” You tapped the bed, signaling yes as your confirmation words were swallowed into the mattress. Your face went even further into the mattress… if that was even possible. Yoongi thrusted into you at an almost animalistic pace, making you scream into the sheets. “Maybe you should fuck the bitch more often if she screams that loud for you,” Taehyung said, his voice deeper than usual. “Maybe I should. It’s not like you could anyways.” Taehyung clenched his jaw, but opted to not say anything. “Are you going cum all over my dick for me, Kitten?” Knowing you couldn't answer, Yoongi continued to thrust into you harshly, edging you closer to your limit. “Yoongi,” you yelled out as he continued his relentless pace through your orgasm, immediately overstimulating you.
“I’m not stopping until I cum, little brat.” He flipped you over onto your back and repositioned you so that your leg was on his shoulder and the other was against your chest. Tears spilled from your eyes as he ignored your pleas. His hips stuttered as he came inside of you, thrusting a little more to milk himself of every last drop before he fell beside you. “I did too much work,” he huffed out. “Pfft. A good fuck goes all night. A mediocre fuck goes one round,” Taehyung teased, riling up the mint haired boy. “I never said I couldn’t go more rounds, I just said I’m done doing the work.” While the two bickered back and forth, Jungkook was already making his way over to you, wheeling in the chair. With the last bit of strength you had, you climbed into his lap. “How are you feeling, princess?” He asked sweetly. You laid your head on his shoulder, tired. “Sore and tired,” you sighed out, placing a soft kiss on his neck. Jungkook placed a kiss on your forehead and allowed you to rest for a minute or two. “Don’t go to sleep yet. We aren’t finished with you,” he said softly but yet something about it was hot. Discreetly, his hands moved your bottom half against his growing problem. “Sir, please. Five more minutes.” Jungkook sighed sharply. “But I need to be in you.” You lifted yourself up and allowed Jungkook to slip his dick into your sensitive heat.
“Don’t move.” While he didn’t enjoy orders from you, he did enjoy the warmth of your tight walls around his length. Caught up in the passion and slowness of the moment, you kissed Jungkook. You kissed him slowly and passionately, not rough like you did when he was taking you against the wall. His hands laid upon your waist, holding you close. Your arms were wrapped around the back of his neck as you continued your soft make out session. You were so into the kiss that you didn’t realize a few things. A)Jungkook had started moving, going against your instructions. B) Yoongi was watching what was going on. C) Taehyung was now behind you, trailing his fingers up your body as he sucked marks on your neck and shoulder bone. Feeling Taehyung behind you, sucking and biting at your neck, made you kiss Jungkook with a little bit more rush. “Let’s turn you around, babydoll.” Careful, not to move too much, you turned around and came face to face with two dicks. “We’ll give Jungkook the pleasure of finishing off in you last, but I want your mouth, babydoll. Let me see what had the others coming so fast.”
Yoongi looked at you expectantly, clearly not wanting to be left to help himself. Your hand wrapped around his dick and began to pump his length. Taehyung on the other hand, had tapped your lips with his fingers making you open up. He slid his dick in easily and you hollowed your cheeks before bobbing your mouth up and down. Jungkook, noticing that you were preoccupied, took matters into his own hands by bucking his hips up into you, causing you to moan around Taehyung. The vibrations against his length made Taehyung groan out and you were pretty sure the neighbours could hear and knew exactly what was going on. “I’m taking over, okay Babydoll?” You looked up at him through your blown out eyes and nodded. His long fingers grabbed a hold of your hair and the back of your head, pushing you down to meet his thrust. He did this a couple of times to test the waters before picking up the speed almost making you gag at times. The hand that was working Yoongi stuttered as you tried to focus on the two things that were fucking into you and he quickly lost patience, taking matters into his own hands.
Yoongi started fucking into your hand at the same pace as Taehyung, imagining that it was your skillful tongue working him and not a measly hand. Your knees quickly grew painful at the hard cracked leather scraping and scratching at them but you pushed through. In your bliss, you looked up and saw Taehyung become a groaning mess as he felt his high near. His face was contorted with pleasure as his hands grabbed whatever was nearest to him which happened to be your desk. Yoongi was close by, moaning out your name as you struggled to keep your hand shaped for him. Jungkook wasn’t far behind as he had been edging himself during the time Yoongi was fucking the life out of you. You weren’t as close as the others and you were counting on one of them to help you. “I’m coming, babydoll,” Taehyung choked out. You swallowed the drool that had form in your mouth around him to make room for the next thing. His large hand pushed your head down all the way and released down your throat effectively making you gag. He pulled away, exhausted and went to grab some lotion and towels.
You felt Yoongi’s thumb grab up the excess cum from your mouth and wiped it on your bottom lip. You were going to lick it off to tease him but Jungkook hit just right and had your head falling back against his shoulder. “Sir, more please.” “Yoongi isn't finished yet.” A whine fell from your lips but you set to work making your hand meet Yoongi’s thrusts. You leaned down to where his dick poked through and kitten licked the tip each time it came through. “Shit. Keep doing that and I won’t be able to hold back.” A few more thrusts or so of doing that and he was cumming. Bits of it were all over your neck and face and some landed on your breasts. The entire picture was lewd. Before Yoongi could get affected by the scene again, he rushed to get the bath running. “It’s just you and me, princess.” With ease, Jungkook went faster while you slammed your hips down to meet his. “Jungkookie, I’m cumming!” “Cum for me, Princess.” He had neared his high right as you had and you both came at the same time. You shut your eyes, tired, sore and hungry. A scream came from the doorway.
“What the fuck?” The new voice had Taehyung and Yoongi running, only Yoongi had the decency to wear a towel around his waist. “YOONGI? Oh my god! I’ll come back later. Have fun.” “Jimin-ah.” Yoongi called him, effectively making the boy turn and stare. “Tell anyone about this and I’ll break you.” Jimin smiled sheepishly knowing he would die if he didn’t listen. “I believe you. I mean, you already broke our best friend. Wait, is she still your best friend or….” “Go wait in the living room.” You gave a weak smile as you heard Jimin laugh down the hallway, running from Yoongi. “Let’s get you two in the bath.” The voice wasn’t registering in your head but you felt yourself being lifted up and placed in the hot bath. Not long after, you felt another body enter the tub. “Come cuddle me, Princess.” “No, we are washing you guys up.” You felt hands placing soap in your hair, washing it before moving onto your body. “She’s tired, Taehyung.” “We all fucked her pretty good.” “Correction, I did.” “Shut up Kook.” “You, Tae.” You chuckled at the boys and let whoever was washing you, continue. “Come on, up you go.” It was Yoongi washing you with such gentleness. He wrapped a towel around you as soon as he helped you stand up. “Let’s go get you some clothes,” he spoke softly which was a nice change from all the times before.
You walked out to the living room in Jungkook's shirt and a pair of loose shorts and nothing else. With the help of the walls, you walked out to Jimin and sat beside him. “One of the boys couldn’t have helped you out here?” “I could do it myself, I’m a big girl,” you said weakly. “Yes you are. So tell me….” You looked at him expectantly, not knowing what was going to be said. “How were they? Especially Yoongi! Was he as big and good as he claimed to be?” The way Jimin threw question after question and cutely stared at you waiting for the answers made you laugh. “They were good and Yoongi is way better and bigger than what he said he was.” The two of you got lost in conversation when the other three came out to sit on the couch and chairs. “I hear you talking good things about Yoongi and Jungkook but what about me?” “You were okay,” you teased Taehyung who pouted. Still hazy from the sex, you leaned over and kissed him. “Did you just kiss me?” “Was I not allowed to?” You question, curious as to why not right now, just minutes after they were all kissing and making out with you. “What are we?” Jungkook asked. “Whatever you guys want to be,” you shrugged, down with being in a relationship or a friends with benefits situation or even just friends and this never happened. The room was silent with people thinking of what to call this.
Yoongi spoke up first. “I’m okay with all of us being in a relationship.” “You’re suggesting polyamory?” You asked, watching his head nod. “I’m down!” All four heads turned to look at the enthusiastic Jungkook already eyeing you. “All you guys need is Taehyung,” Jimin pointed out. “Yeah, I’m good with it. I have more chances to prove myself now.” You threw the pillow at Taehyung and laughed when it hit his head. “Shut up.” “How about no?” “Wait, so this means that I can do couply things with you guys and kiss you and be alone with you?” Yoongi nodded. “Yeah but don’t kiss me in public. Don’t need Jimin getting jealous.” “Yah! I’m not jealous. You’re mediocre at best, hyung.” You smacked Jimin’s chest making him wince. “Don’t say anything you don’t know.” “Oh yeah, I forgot. You’re an expert on Yoongi now,” he joked, sticking his tongue out at you. “I am. And I am an expert on Taehyung and Jungkook. Got a problem?” “No. You aren’t an expert on me so we are good.” You painfully crossed your arms standing your ground. “Oh yeah? Should I tell them about the 3 am Dream calls where you interrupt my sleep talking about your sex dreams?” Jimin’s eyes went wide. “No, I’m sorry. I’ll go order Chinese as a sorry.” The four of you laughed as you watched Jimin scurry off to order food. “Hey, princess?” You turned towards Jungkook only to be met by a quick kiss. “Meanie.”
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iamyoursinblog · 11 months
Angel of death(pt.1)
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Pairing:  Park Jinyoung x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  1.5 k
Immortal life was one of the main advantages of being an angel, even if you were the angel of death. Even though you saw death every day, people's lives still surprised you. You found it amusing to watch them, their decisions and actions that sooner or later led them to you. But for some reason this guy attracted your attention more than the others, although your meeting was not yet close. There was something in him that you had never felt in people before - purity. You sat on the balcony railing of the second floor, watching his filming go by. Every day he was busy with something new, music, dancing, filming. Such a busy life, you thought with a smile on your face.
“Park Jinyoung, this is for you. Have fun,” the man with a wide smile put a box of letters in front of him. He read each letter with a smile, but when he opened the next letter, the joy on his face gave way to fear. That's something interesting, you thought, jumping from the balcony railing to the ground.
You walked up to him and looked at the piece of paper on which was written “I love you.” Nice, so that’s what scares him, a confetion of love. You wanted to return to your “spectator’s seat,” but a familiar smell attracted your attention. The smell of blood - you knew it too well. Someone wrote a love letter with their blood. It's even symbolic, you thought smiling. Although judging by the expression on Jinyoung's face, it instilled horror in him, not romantic affection. Apparently for people to get a confession in love written in blood is not considered a romantic sign. You sat down in front of him on the ground, watching his reaction. The letter fell from his shaking hands, falling to the ground next to you. Even fear suits him, you thought, watching his handsome face. You smiled as he leaned forward to pick up the letter, and his face was an inch from yours. He stood up and went to the man who brought the box. After which they quickly left. Well, you sighed in disappointment, your show is over for today.
. . .
You turned around, finding yourself in the castle, people would call this place your home.
“Watched that alive soul again?” your mentor asked when you entered his office.
“Thanks to him, I make new discoveries for myself every day. Today’s discovery: love letter in blood does not show romantic affection,” you said as you sat down on the large chair next to his desk. He just rolled his eyes and continued reading his book.
“For thousands of years you weren’t interested in people, but now you spend every day in their world and all this because of one soul.”
“He’s quite a beautiful soul, he wouldn’t be any different from the angels here if he showed up here,” you grinned, thinking about Jinyoung’s face
“Are we still talking about the beauty of his soul or already about the beauty of the owner of this soul?” he raised an eyebrow at you, but you just smiled. "Be careful anyway"
“Are you telling the angel of death to be careful? That's funny" you laughed before leaving the office.
. . .
Thinking about Jinyoung, you moved to where his soul was. You leaned against the wall, watching him walk down the long corridor. Behind him was a girl in black clothes. "Park Jinyoung!" she screamed getting his attention. “You should belong only to me!” she took a knife out of her pocket, swinging at him. In surprise, he swayed back, losing his balance. You snap your fingers stopping time. You came closer. Turning Jinyoung's back to the girl, you stood between them. Snapping your fingers again, you returned the passage of time and Jinyoung smashed into your back. "What the heck!" He said, falling to the floor behind you. You looked at the girl who screamed and ran away. Lowering your head, you looked at the knife on your collarbone and took it out and threw it on the floor. “What just happened? Who you are?" Jinyoung stared at you, turning in your direction while still sitting on the floor. “Where is that girl with the knife? It seems like you weren’t in the corridor?” he continued asking questions while looking around. "Aren't you injured?" he asked looking at you with concern when he saw the knife on the floor.
You were amused by his behavior, and the fact that he was worried about you, although he himself almost went on a date with you. “You humanity are so funny,” you said, squatting down next to him. “You guys keep refusing and trying to take away what doesn’t even belong to you.” You picked up the knife and saw blood on it, most likely it was she who sent that bloody love letter.
“You speak like that as if you don’t belong to humanity,” he said, getting up from the floor
You laughed, putting the knife back on the floor. “Not really, although I had more humanity today than the owner of this knife,” you stood up and cursed under nose, remembered the rule that you can’t disappear in front of people. “Bye,” you said, heading towards exit.
"Wait, who are you?" he asked
You turned in his direction, meeting his gaze. “Consider me your gift from fate,” you said, going out onto the stairs. You moved to the roof. Sitting on the edge, watching as cars with flashing lights appeared after a while.
You followed Jinyoung, wondering how it would all end. You sat on the cabinet in the corner, watching Jinyoung. You rested your chin on your knee, dangling your other leg down as Jinyoung described the attack. “There was another girl there, it seems she was the one who saved me by pushing me aside. Although I can’t fully remember what exactly happened after the knife was swung at me.”
“Anyway, you're lucky. This girl has already been cited for stalking other celebrities. Her blood and prints on the knife prove that it was she who sent you those letters you were talking about,” said the man in uniform.
“Were there only one person prints on the knife?” Jinyoung asked
He looked at the knife that lay in front of him, “But she definitely took it in her hands,” he whispered barely audibly, looking at the knife in surprise.
“In any case, you can rest assured that this girl will soon be found and arrested. Just in case, there will be security near your house until she is caught."
“Okay, whatever you say,” Jinyoung sighed and looked towards where you were sitting. His eyes widened as he looked in your direction. You turned around and saw the clock behind you. You were wonder why he looks at clock like that. Either way, he's safe.
. . .
You traversed to the mentor's office.
“Have you to interfere in this person live, didn't you?” he slammed the table hard, glaring at you.
“He wasn’t on your list anyway, so what difference does it make whether I intervened or not. I didn’t save anyone from death, I just saved myself from a boring stay in the hospital."
“I hope you have a lot of fun filling out all of this,” he snapped his fingers and a tall stack of papers appeared in front of you. You opened your mouth, examining the stack. “Have fun,” he said as he left the office. You fell onto the table, grumbling and pounding your fists.
You lost count of which form you filled out. You traversed to the roof of the van, watching Jinyoung who was filming. He was like a breath of fresh air, you were even lucky that he looked in the direction where you were standing. You felt your mentor approaching the office, and you returned to the table again, filling out another form.
“Now I understand why people say 'boredom to death'. It's really so boring you could die" you laughed clapping your hands as your mentor appeared in front of you.
“Weirdo,” he said shaking his head, leaving the office.
You buried your face in the papers; it seemed like the stack never ended. After finishing half of it, you moved to Jinyoung. You found yourself in the middle of a road with a lot of cars on it. You slowly walked along the road past cars passing at speed, approaching the car in which Jinyoung was sitting. He leaned his head against the window and watched the passing cars as he stood waiting for the green light for his side. You returned to the office and gasped. It seems like there were fewer papers before your disappearance.
“Oh yes, I forgot to say” you heard the quiet laugh of the mentor who was returning to the office “Every time you leave, the stack will return to its original size” he smiled at you. You hit the table with force and all the papers scattered across the huge hall. The mentor just smiled and snapped his fingers and returned all the papers to the table. “You can continue,” he said, sitting down at his desk and picking up the book.
I wonder if angels can feel tired, you thought, almost finishing filling out the papers. You definitely felt something or was it just anger? So hard to figure out. “I’m done,” you smiled widely, placing the last piece of paper in that endless pile.
“Well done,” the mentor walked up to the table and took the papers and threw them into the fireplace. You stood up and stared at the fire that was consuming your efforts, or rather your suffering.
"What?" you turned to your mentor
“This is just a tool for punishment,” he pointed to the paper burning in the fireplace, “The main punishment for you is to force you to sit in one place.”
You fell back into the chair, propping your feet up on the table. “Unbelievable,” you muttered, crossing your arms over your chest.
The mentor smiled and left the office. Before you could shout anything back at him, you fell through the chair and the floor. Great, another punishment, you thought, falling down through the darkness.
You found yourself on the table in a strange place, in front of an unfamiliar man. What is this?, you muttered. You've definitely seen him somewhere before. The man sat and looked through you with concern. Where did you see him, you continued to look at him.
“Jinyoung are you sure you’re okay?” the man asked
Jinyoung? Exactly, it was the man who was always next to Jinyoung. But why are you here? You didn't move here. You turned your head in the direction where the man was looking. Jinyoung stood near the sink, throwing away a broken glass. “No big deal, just a shallow cut,” Jinyoung said looking at the man.
You saw blood on his fingers, which he tried to wash off with water. What the hell, you muttered, sitting cross-legged on the table. You looked around, wondering how and why you ended up here.
“Hyung, it’s time for you to go home!” Jinyoung’s voice changed dramatically, and you watched in amazement as he practically pushed the man out of the apartment. You stood on the table, looking around. Maybe he’s waiting for someone, you giggled. You jumped, ending up on the back of the sofa.
“This looks familiar,” you said, looking at the painting on the wall.
"You! Who are you?" you heard Jinyoung's voice but didn't pay any attention to it. “It was you who was in the corridor when I was attacked!”
You turned sharply in his direction, jumping to the floor. “How can this be,” you muttered. He was definitely looking at you. "Can you see me?" you looked at him in surprise
“Yes,” he said shaking his head.
“This can’t be” you didn’t understand. You continued to look at him, trying to find in him the answer to this riddle.
“I saw you that night in the police station, and on the roof of the van. And then you stood in the middle of the road while cars drove along it at full speed.”
“What are you?” you looked at him, you had never seen people who saw angels before.
“I am a man, but who are you? That girl said she stuck a knife in you, but they thought she was crazy. But there was not a scratch on you, and you touched the knife, but there were no prints of yours. How could you save me from death?"
“Even if I hadn’t shown up, you wouldn’t have died, you would have just ended up in the hospital for a few weeks,” you replied. “Unbelievable,” you continued to examine him.
“It’s not me who’s incredible here, it’s you,” he said, taking a step towards you, attracting your attention. “You were now sitting on the table, but hyung didn’t see you, although you were in front of his nose. Then you said that you don’t quite relate to humanity. Who are you?" his voice practically trembled. Although you didn’t see fear in his eyes, it was more like excitement.
“It’s much more interesting who you are. Remember what we talked about, I’ll be right back” you pointed your finger at him before heading back to the office in search of your mentor.
"Can people see angels?" You asked as soon as you found a mentor.
“Only if the angel showed himself. Why are you asking?"
“And if only one person can see the angel, while he is hidden to everyone else. Could this be possible?
“Usually this can happen if a person experienced strong feelings for an angel when he saw him or the angel saved him from death. Then the angel becomes his guardian and appears in front of him every time the person is in pain or when he is in danger."
“If such a connection existed, then, for example, if a person cut himself, his angel would appear in front of him.”
“Not exactly what I had in mind, but if at that moment a person felt pain, then an angel would appear”
“This shouldn’t apply to the angels of death, right?”
“Even though you are the messengers of death, you are still angels first and foremost. So it affects everyone. Why are you even asking this?” he looked at you
“It’s simply interesting. To broaden horizons” you smiled
“If you are so interested, you can start with the books in the study. Better study books than do stupid things."
“Some other time,” you said, moving towards Jinyoung again.
He practically jumped in place when you appeared in front of him. You walked up to him and took his hand, seeing a cut running through all his fingers. So it’s true, you have become his guardians. “Will you tell me who you are?” Jinyoung asked as you let go of his hand and began to walk in a circle, trying to figure out how to get rid of this problem.
“Can we limit ourselves to the fact that I do not belong to humanity?” you smiled and sat back in your chair, crossing your legs, watching him.
“You know you don’t walk on the floor, right?” he asked, pointing to the surfaces in his room that you were moving on. “You can’t stand on the floor for long? Will something happen to you?"
“How cute,” you laughed because of the worry in his voice. “It’s more of a habit developed over centuries, because I definitely won’t run into people like that.”
"But they'll just pass right through you"
“That doesn’t mean I won’t feel it. Every time someone passes through me, I feel the darkness of their soul."
“If you feel the sins of people, does that mean you are a demon from hell?” he asked
You stood up and snapped your fingers, changing your appearance. You stood dressed in a black latex suit and twirled a burning trident in your hands, “And this is quite comfortable.” You ran your hand over your body, “Does it suit me?” you smiled, looking at the shocked Jinyoung, who, with his mouth open, backed away until he hit the wall. “Apparently, not very much.” You laughed and snapped your fingers again, returning to your previous appearance. You took one flower from the vase and tore off the petals and threw them up. By snapping your fingers, you stopped time
"How do you do it?" Jinyoung asked, pointing to the petals that were hanging in the air
“That’s what I thought, mine time stop doesn’t work on you anymore,” you muttered, snapping your fingers again. The petals fell to the floor while Jinyoung was still looking at you with his mouth open.
"Are you appearing in front of me because I'm about to die?" he asked
“No, you won't die. I'm just interested in watching you"
"Why? Is there too much darkness in me?" His voice was shaking
“On the contrary, there is absolutely no darkness in you, which surprised me. And by the way, to answer your question, I’m not a demon, although I don’t deny that for some reason people are used to thinking of me as one,” you grinned
“So you are an angel,” he said
“An angel of death to be exact” you laughed as his eyes widened “That’s exactly what I was talking about” you said pointing at his reaction
“You shouldn’t take the blame for something you weren’t involved in”
"I thought the angels were different"
“I thought they showed up in robes and quoted the Bible?” You asked, “If it makes you more comfortable...” you raised your hand.
“No, stop.” He waved his hands, "Your 'unconventionality' and jokes help me not to faint." He looked out the window, “It’s winter now,” he said, and this time you looked at him in surprise, “You’re just barefoot, and yours...” Jinyoung looked you from head to toe, “the dress only slightly covers the body. You don’t feel cold?"
“We’re built a little differently,” you laughed. “Physical and emotional sensations, we can feel them, but only when we want them to” You looked at him as he laughed “What?” You asked
“Nothing” he tried to hide his smile
“You don’t want me to find out for myself, do you?” You asked, waving your hand at him.
"Can you read my mind?" At first he looked at you with widened eyes, but then grinned, answering to himself, “Of course you can. I thought that people must be happy to see someone so beautiful after death. I don’t know why this thought came to my mind,” you smiled at his assumption, without specifying that an angel after death comes in the form of the one they loved most in this life.
You looked out the window as the sky became lighter. “Don’t people sleep at night?” you looked at Jinyoung again
“I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway. I am now communicating with an angel who is sitting on my chair. How can you sleep here? he smiled
“Try” you said when you felt that your mentor was looking for you. “I have to go” you got up from the chair
“Will I see you again?” he asked
“You're the only one who can do this,” you winked at him before moving out of the mentor's office.
“Don’t say that you have become the guardian of the soul you were watching,” asked the mentor as soon as you appeared
“Oops,” you smiled and shrugged.
“I warned you,” he shook his head.
"Is it so bad? Wow, great place, comfy,” you said, plopping down in the mentor’s chair, running your fingers over the soft chair.
"Yes! If you continue to appear in front of him, you will begin to experience emotions without the ability to control them. If you experience emotions, you may get hurt." Did you really hear the fear in your mentor's voice?
“Don’t worry, I’ll disappear before that happens,” you looked at your mentor, “Can I have that chair too?” you smiled widely while jumping on a soft pillow
“Please, a moment of seriousness! You are my eternal headache!" He grabbed his head, shaking it
“Your head can’t hurt,” you whispered, getting up from his chair.
“Every time I see you, I understand that nothing is impossible,” he rolled his eyes
. . .
You walked into your room, wandering among the shelves with all sorts of things that caught your attention in the human world. Aha, I found it!, you exclaimed, taking out a painting, exactly the same as the one hanging in Jinyoung’s living room. You placed the painting near the window and sat on the floor, looking at it. After you dealt with things, you were transported to the place where Jinyoung was. You stood on a high fence, watching him. When he saw you, he smiled widely and raised his hand to wave at you. He stopped himself when several people turned their attention to him. Turning around, you were wearing the same suit he was wearing. He gave you a thumbs up, pretending to fix your hair. You put your dress back and jumped, sitting on the edge of the tent that was next to him. He raised the phone to his ear, “Hello!” He said smiling broadly at you. You laughed at his little trick of not drawing attention to him. "How are you?" “Are you seriously asking how the angel is doing?” you grinned “Several days have passed, perhaps for you they flew by like 5 minutes, but after all, you were doing something during this time.” “Reasonable. Let's just say did my job." For a moment the smile disappeared from his face. He looked at you, you would even say with sympathy. “Well done, I’m sure you did well” You laughed loudly, clapping your hands together “Are you trying to feel sorry for me now?” you practically rolled around laughing, making him roll his eyes "I do my best" “Well done, you did it well,” you said with the same intonation as him. “Are you teasing me now?” “I do my best” you shook your head, getting to your feet. “You are simply incredible,” he chuckled. “I hear that a lot,” you said, walking around the edge of the tent. “You should go,” you said, pointing at the man who was walking in his direction.
. . .
You were transported to your room, falling onto your bed. “Where has that ill-mannered angel of death gone again!” you heard your mentor’s dissatisfied voice approaching your room. “Oh, there you are!” He said when he saw you “I already thought, you again with this mortal soul” “You seemed angry with me, so I decided not to flash in front of your nose for a while,” you said, throwing your legs up on the wall. “This is all somehow too suspicious. I'm watching you” he looked at you with narrowed eyes.
. . .
You returned to the office having dealt with all your mentor’s orders. You smiled when you found yourself in the office alone. You quickly walked over to your mentor's chair and relaxed, allowing yourself to fall into its softness. You fell through it, falling through the darkness. Did Jinyoung cut himself again, you thought before finding yourself in a room with dim red lights. You stood up, looking around. All the walls and ceiling were covered with Jinyoung's photos. You turned towards the bed and saw Jinyoung lying in his boxers only. You smiled, it didn't look like he had cut himself. His arms and legs were tied to each corner of the bed. His eyes and mouth were blindfolded. You carefully stood on the bed covered with rose petals. You sat on his chest with your legs crossed. Carefully moved the blindfold from his eyes to his forehead. “Are you into roleplay game?” you asked, looking around. You met Jinyoung's gaze, which was filled with fear. “Did you forget your safe word?” you giggled, removing the bandage from his mouth.
“Please save me,” he whispered, barely audible. The fear in his voice was real. You turned towards the locked door.
“I can't free you. Although I can make sure no one comes here before the police arrive,” you said and he sighed with relief.
“Why can’t I feel you even though you’re sitting on my chest?” he whispered
“You forgot, I’m not here” you winked at him, jumping onto the floor and he smiled “A smile is a good sign” you leaned forward looking around the next room. "Shouldn't she be in jail?" You asked pointing to the door behind which was the girl who wanted to stab him.
“So it was that girl who kidnapped me?”
  "In case you were wondering, she's cooking dinner."
"This is not normal" Jinyoung muttered
“You’re right, it doesn’t smell very good,” you said, turning in his direction. But he looked at the walls covered with his photographs in horror.
“Oh, about that. Apparently you didn't have a chance to admire the interior. Impressive, isn't it?" you sat on the bed next to him, laying your head on his stomach and looking at the ceiling. “By the way, in case you didn’t notice due to shock, you’re practically naked,” you said, getting back to your feet.
"What the..." his eyes widened
“Shh... unlike me, she can hear you,” you said as he raised his voice. He closed his eyes, trying to fight the anger inside. You jumped onto the bed and sat on the iron headboard that his legs were tied to. “How did you end up here?” you watched him
"Don't know. I was supposed to go to the shoot, but I can’t remember anything after I walked out into the parking lot.” He shook his head, opening his eyes.
“How are you going to save your almost naked ass from this person?” you smiled widely. “If I take this away, no one will believe that you were able to free yourself without tearing your skin to blood.” You pointed to the plastic zip ties around his wrists.
"Phone! Try to find my phone" he said looking around.
You opened the closet hoping that his clothes would be there. “How terrible!” You gasped.
“What's there? What happened?" he whispered worriedly
You pulled out a sweater from the closet, a dirty mustard color with a not-so-good image of a beaver embroidered on it, showing it to Jinyoung. “Her tastes terrible. Brrr...” you shook your head, putting the thing back in the closet.
"You're terrible!" Jinyoung muttered through clenched teeth, trying to fight his laughter. “I'm actually trying to survive here,” he said, chuckling quietly. He took a deep breath to calm himself. "Phone"
“Exactly!” you clapped your hands as you walked into the other room. “Found it,” you shouted, placing him on the floor, you pushed him with your foot so that he slipped under the door. You snapped your fingers, stopping time only for the girl as she turned towards the door behind which was Jinyoung. “You can speak calmly,” you said as you passed back to the room. You picked up the phone and turned it on.
“Have you stopped time?” he stared at you
“Only for her. It seemed like she wanted to check on you." You turned on your phone and placed it next to him. "Remember to keep your voice low." You said as he dialed the manager using voice command.
"Quiet. Shhh... hyung shut up" he hissed into the phone when the man practically shouted his name into the phone
You shook your head, rolling your eyes. You pointed to the window when Jinyoung was asked where he was. “I think I saw a yellow restaurant sign through the window before I was blindfolded.” You smiled as he said several similar names before naming the correct one.
“Tell that you think you smell burnt food,” you said and he stared at you, repeating your words. “And also tell them not to call, because you don’t know where the phone is and you’re lucky that it worked on your voice.”
You took the phone when the maneger hung up. You laid him on the floor, kicking him under the nightstands next to the bed. “It’s entirely possible that it fell out of your clothes while she was undressing you.” You smiled, shrugging.
“Would I have died today if you hadn’t shown up?” he asked, meeting your gaze
“No, you wouldn't die. Although you might have gotten a few scars to remember that day while you were trying to escape the trap" you said pointing at his hands
“Why did you say about the smell of burnt food?” he asked when you sat down next to him.
“I told you she was cooking dinner, she burned it. Or rather, this will happen in 10-15 minutes. Just the right moment for her time to start again. Because the food will burn, it will go back to the kitchen and won’t come here, and the smell will be heard even in the entrance. I forgot to tell you, the other room is also completely covered in your photos,” you said, returning to the bed. “I’m surprised by the number of them, but what surprises me even more is that not a single photo is repeated twice,” you pointed to the photos around
He laughed quietly and you looked at him in surprise. “I just remembered your reaction to that sweater with the half-dead beaver,” he whispered. You walked up to the door, tilting your head through the door, snapping your fingers when you smelled smoke. As you thought, she ran back to the kitchen.
“Right? I’m not the only one who thinks this thing is extremely strange. It seems to me that even a beaver would be horrified if they showed him this sweater." You shook your head as you approached the window. "Hurray! Finally, our valiant prince rushed to save his princess from a tower with a fire-breathing dragon." You clapped your hands joyfully when you saw a lot of cars with flashing lights below.
“Am I a princess now?” he smiled widely.
“Why not” you jumped onto the bed and squatted next to his head. “This needs to be returned” you said sliding the blindfold back over your eyes when you heard a loud noise and screams outside the door.
“Are you still around?” he whispered barely audibly
You smiled and took his hand. He squeezed your finger as his body began to shake violently. After several strong blows, the door to the room fell out, falling to the floor. "I found him." the man shouted before entering the room. “Jinyoung.” Can you hear me?" The man said as he removed Jinyoung's blindfold. “Don’t be afraid, I’m from the police. Everything will be fine."
Jinyoung kept his gaze on you as the man cut off his bonds. You winced as Jinyoung groaned in pain as he tried to sit up. “Lay down, the doctor will come now,” the man said, covering Jinyoung with a blanket.
“Oh yeah, it’s right, the blanket will help him deal with the pain,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. “Stop giggling!” you said as he turned on his side, towards you. “They’ll think you’re crazy.”
“Isn’t that so? I’m talking to the angel of death, remember?” he winked at you, smiling widely as the man walked away from him.
You jumped to the side when a lot of people appeared and kept asking practically the same questions. “Do they have trouble processing information or is it normal to ask the same questions to someone who has been kidnapped?” You asked, standing on the iron headboard, watching the people who surrounded Jinyoung. Jinyoung covered his mouth with his hand, hiding his smile at your words.
"Anyway... See you!" You said, waving your hand at Jinyoung before vanishing.
_______________________ More Park Jinyoung x Reader: Girl, what more beautiful than moonlight (fluff) Secret (smut) The window (fluff, smut) Ah, that’s what love is! (fluff) Our nights (smut)
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astroyongie · 1 year
Sun: Lay - we are enemies because I cannot stan a man more stunning than me 🤡 but bitch who is dating Xiumin huh? Me 💁🏾‍♀️
Moon: Bangchan - thank you, next, I dont trust man and less if they are libra moon or sun 🥴we can call ir TRauma reponse 🤭
Mercury: Jiwoong - we gossip about how my boyfriend loves my feet
Venus: Xiumin - I think he will break up with me since him teammate and I we fought a lot about who have the most pretty feet
Mars: Bae Jinyoung - he found my clit so we are all good
Rising: capricorn bUT KIM HONGJOONG pls and thank you 🤡
U might have rejected him, but if you look closely you can sometimes see him form the window of your dorms
EXCUSE MEEEE ????:!/$/$&/&/&2&
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ni but an advise keep him he is a cooker, a cleaner and a tidy man 🥰
💀💀💀 I swear I’m gonna pass out everyone has Jinyoung WHY U ALL LIBRA MARS
Unfortunately hongjoong is not available. By astrology u have to marry Lay ur enemie bc enemies to lovers ✨✨ (and even more drama with ur x)
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markie-baby · 7 months
just got7 going crazy cus y/n is wearing a white t-shirt without a bra,so they see her nipples very welll, (yhh ur girly is nastyy 😭)
WE nasty bih, whatchu mean??? 😭😭😭 But I GOT YOU. I'm so unseasoned when it comes to trying to emulate the other members' speech (yeah I dick-ride Mark that hard) Thank you so much for being my third request EVER💞
Hope you enjoy~
Jinyoung would have never thought his girlfriend would be into the public, sexier side of life. He didn't know she would be a fan of the band but even so, he didn't expect her to do that. He'd be in the back seat of a van, in the parking lot with the tinted windows, his hands on her hips as she rode him. The way her breasts would bounce with each thrust, nipples hardening under the thin white material, and the way she would bite her lip, eyes locked on his, it would drive him mad. She would be the one to tease him in front of all of those people. He would take her home immediately afterward to punish her.
"Honey...I didn't expect this... I like it."
Jaebum has seen his girlfriend wear his shirts before but not a white one. He would love the way she would look in his clothes with no bra. It's something he has fantasized about many times. The way she would tease him by bending over in front of him, showing him her ass, and the outline of her breasts under the white material. It's a turn-on he would love to experience.
"Mmm, you look so sexy, babe."
Mark would love to see his girlfriend wearing one of his white shirts with no bra on. He loves the way her breasts would bounce when she walks and the way her nipples would harden when she's excited. He loves the way her body looks in white clothing. Mark would also enjoy being able to see her breasts through the shirt and playing with them. He'd love to take her into their bedroom and have his way with her.
"Come here, sexy."
Jackson thinks his girlfriend looks good in everything. Although, white just makes him more turned on. It's very hot to him. Jackson would want to take his girlfriend to a private area and have sex with her. They've done this before, but not wearing just white clothing. That's what's new to him and the reason why he is excited. The sight of his girlfriend in white with no bra drives him crazy. It's one of those sex symbols for guys. A man's fetish.
"You look so hot, babe. Wanna go somewhere...?"
It would be so unexpected for Youngjae to see his girlfriend wearing his white shirt outside of their bedroom. However, he couldn't help himself. He would find her sexy and would fantasize about ripping the clothes off of her. Although Youngjae is known for being sweet and romantic, this wouldn't be the time. He would bring her somewhere where they can have privacy because he cannot control himself and would just want to take her clothes off.
"I've been holding back all day...please let me touch you."
He'd know immediately why she was doing that, which was to attract him. A sexy prank, maybe? Yugyeom would try his best to tease his girlfriend. He'd try to grab her boobs but not make it obvious to everyone else. Yugyeom would think to himself that they would feel very different if she didn't have a bra on. She would react to his advances. Therefore, he would know that she wants him to play with them. He'd rather do it in private, however.
"Looks like you want me right now, huh?"
Walking around with no bra, especially outside, takes guts and self-confidence. Both of those BamBam loves, and because of that, he would love to see his girlfriend dressed so erotically. A thin white shirt without a bra makes BamBam think of all the possibilities. It could lead to sex and it's sexy to see the person he's into the most in simple clothing. It turns him on. He's into skinny clothing but anything his girlfriend wears gets his attention immediately.
"You should take your shirt off, babe."
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 435 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
Not much happened here, so Imma keep this short and simple.
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Nah mf, you lied.
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Ohhhh shit, the return of Zack 2.5!!! 😳 (2.5 because Zack got a glow-up and got stronger. So that’s his 2.0. Plus, Kwak Jihan is like, HALF of Zack here. 2nd half is Gun.) The “Kya~” 💀 AND OFC DANIEL WOULD PULL IT OFF. HE ISN’T ONE OF YOUR SIDE-CHICK LACKIES BRO. 😭
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Um… because he can? Why? Is Jinyoung your side hoe? Like… why are you all over his di-
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Goddamn, that bite mark tho and those scars on his chest. Can I just…
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“Lord” ? Oh “Lord”, I knew he had some type of praising kink- 💀💀💀💀
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You already know that guys who drink makgeolli like this are actual freaks. Like… it’s obvious. 💀 Bruh I really wanna try makgeolli. I wonder if it tastes sweeter than straight soju or something…
Also, same pot? 👀
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Bro... what the fu... When did this arc turn into a whole horror movie? 😭😭😭
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PTJ really giving us these angles man, sheesh... Man's wearing BAPE TOO? Bape underwear bruv. I can't- 💀 These mf's flexing on us, even with expensive underwear on. I'm dying in the inside.
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Bitch you thought. (Also, he's giving me Gun vibes here. Shiiiiiiiiiiiit... Calm down, my feral ass, it's NOT HIM...)
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AWWWW NOT THE DOGS GIVING HIM THE SCARED SIDE-EYES. 😭😭😭 (But nah, they really were all talk, barking and shiii. ALL BARK, BUT NO BITE. SMH 😤)
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Yeah, you're all going to get GOT. Say your prayers now. 🙏🏽
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OK, THAT'S YOUR FAULT FOR UNDERESTIMATING HIM THO. LIKE SORRY BABE, YOU DIDN'T GET THE MEMO??? 🙄 (Also, damn. If you were planning to break your phone in the first place, you should've just given it to me. I really needed a new one... 👁👄👁)
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A KING FOR NONVIOLENCE, LET'S GOOOOOO!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 (I loved how he just shows up without having to beat up anybody. Instead, he drives his motorcycle and scares people off of cliffs. God bless his pure heart.) 💀
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AAAAAAAAAALRIGHTYYYYYY, SO THIS CONCLUDES CH. 435. Holy crap, I haven't finished a review THIS early in a while. BUT ANYWAYS, I really want to know why they're getting in Daniel's way of learning more about Jinyoung Park. Like, who are they? Jinyoung's bodyguards or something? 😅 They most likely might have beef with Jinyoung, but they've been hella pressed ever since Danny boy arrived. He's just trying to find this man, just leave him alone!! 😩 But what if they joined forces in trying to find Jinyoung...? Idk, just a little afterthought in the back of my mind. They might have some sort of compromise or something. Eugene style...? 😂✨ Anything is possible at this point
Also, "short and simple" my ass. I just realized that I went overboard AGAIN.
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