disdaidal · 1 year
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Dean O’Gorman 🌈 filmography:
Siren (1996) When Love Comes Along (1998) Kawa (2010) Under the Vines (2021-)
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earlgodwin · 9 months
from supernatural to the borgias pipeline is so real gotta stan 10/10 toxic codependency and fucked up siblings dynamics with loads of parallels and symbolisms
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
So—Dean is refusing to torture Alistair in the beginning of "On The Head Of A Pin", right? And Uriel is telling him he has to. And you’d think that when Dean asks to speak to Cas alone, it’d be in an effort to bargain or plead (something Uriel isn’t amenable to at all and never has been) or to let Cas give him a more candid and convincing argument on how this is the right thing.
But when Dean gets Cas alone, he just wants to know why Uriel is in charge of Cas now, and then he wants to tell Cas torturing Alistair is going to bring something horrifying out of Dean. Cas doesn’t do any convincing at all. He doesn’t make any further argument for why Dean has to do this—he doesn’t tell Dean it’s for the greater good. Hell—it seems like Cas got demoted because he balked at asking Dean to do this to begin with. Cas doesn’t want Dean to do this and doesn’t try to convince him to! But the scene cuts and Dean is pushing his torture-set-on-wheels into the room where Alistair is being kept! So why? How does that interaction result in Dean suddenly deciding to do something he was refusing to do moments before???
I think it’s because Cas showed Dean sympathy.
The episode opens with Dean trying to tell Sam he’s hurting. He’s grieving Pam (they’re driving from her funeral), he feels like her death is his fault, he feels like they aren’t making any progress on saving the world—they’re just fuck ups who are going to fail.
DEAN I'm tired of burying friends, Sam. SAM Look, we catch a fresh trail— DEAN And we follow it, I know. Like I said, I'm just—I'm just getting tired. SAM Well, get angry!
No sympathy from Sam. Sam wants Dean to nut up—and that's what Sam said last episode too, and it's what he said the episode before that too while under the Siren's spell.
They get into the motel and Uriel and Cas are standing there waiting for them when Dean just wanted to sleep after an awful day, and Uriel says they're needed. Dean says he just got back from needed, and Uriel tells him to mind his tone. Then of course,
CASTIEL Dean, we know this is difficult to understand. URIEL And we— URIEL gives CASTIEL a significant look. URIEL —don't care.
So no one is showing Dean any sympathy, right? Everyone is telling him to shut up and do what needs to be done—except Cas. Cas is sympathizing with him. And when Dean gets Cas alone?
DEAN You ask me to open that door and walk through it, you will not like what walks back out. CASTIEL For what it's worth, I would give anything not to have you do this.
And that's all it takes. That's literally all it takes—is just a single shred of sympathy—someone saying that they care that Dean is in pain—that they care what this will do to him and don't wish this on him. Just someone saying that they understand and that they care is enough and Dean agrees.
Don't ever let anyone tell you Dean "needs tough love".
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insanesonofabitch · 1 year
AU where destiel gets confirmed like, 3 seasons before the finale because Cas unknowingly hooks up with a siren, revealing his love for Dean. But then the siren uses that to make him attack Sam and Dean.
Sam’s trying to pull him out of the situation, “Dean! DEAN!!! We need to get out of here!!!! DEAN!!!!!!” But Dean is just standing there, unmoving. Every moment spent, every word exchanged, everything. Everything came raining down, crushing him underneath. Cas is pointing his blade against him and he cannot move a single muscle.
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ghoastixx · 2 months
what about spn boys with an S/o who pranks them with the ‘monthly shed’ thing? How would they react to that?
SPN boys being pranked with the monthly shed
synopsis above
notes: I hope you know, whoever you are, I love you for this. This.. this is amazing.
Author's notes: Gender Neutral Reader, but AFAB body. Mentions of menstrual cycle.
Dean Winchester
Freaks the hell out.
Brother does NOT understand, he hardly understands makeup as a whole so he would never even think of it as an option.
"Is it like your period?? Is it a side affect??" "Baby, what do you mean? It's my monthly shed." "I THOUGHT THAT WAS YOUR PERIOD."
He is stressing.
He would 100% ask if you need anything. Tries to tell you that you look amazing, though he does wonder if you're a monster.
Will ignore you once he finds out you were joking. You scared him, he's petty.
Will ask you how you did it.. he wants to try it on Sam.
Sam Winchester
Now, Sammy is a smart boy. He's lived with a girl before, I feel like he'd know better. He knows how makeup works.
..but you're so persuasive.
He shakes himself out of it, he knows very quickly you're bullshitting.
He's mostly just interested on what exactly you had on to make it look like you could peel your skin off. He wants to know how it works, how you put it on, what it is.
This is what you get for loving a smart boy.
He's confused
genuinely so confused.
"Does this have to do with a humans menstrual cycle..I was not aware..the human body could do that.."
Asks if there is a way he can help..what you do with the skin..how to treat this..how long you've been dealing with it.
Genuinely if you were to go further with the joke and use the siren-esc route I've seen on tiktok where they mention that "To keep our beauty we have to drain it from men" he will actually tweak a little bit.
He doesn't remember Eve having to do that?? When was this update??
Please reassure him you're joking, he might have a crisis.
Even if he knew that you were joking, he would soo play into it
"Sugar, what are you doing?" "My monthly shed," "Your monthly shed?" "Yes, why is something wrong?" "I've never seen something like this before, sugar. What is it that you do for this again?" "Ah, I have to drain a man to keep my beauty before I wilt." "OH. SO THAT'S WHY YOU'RE WITH ME."
It literally goes exactly like that. Nothing else.
He does ask you how you do it though, sure he could do the same thing if he wanted, for real, but he wants to see you do it.
He is slightly intrigued.
"My dear, whatever are you doing?" You mention you're peeling your skin off?
"Darling, you're shedding?"
Immediately (Ironically) compares it to a snake in his mind. Wonders if his father punished humanity finally.
"My darling, I was around. I do not remember this being..necessary."
He sniffs it out so fast.
Would act unphased but he sort of does want to know about your odd illusions you can do with the odd..face paint you insist on wearing.
Only a tad bit concerned.
Humans don't normally..do that.. do they.
I think he would be confused but would want to act like he knew what was going on.
Like..yes this is totally normal! oh- a joke- psh yeah I knew that, I was only humoring you, angel.
What a charmer.
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fatecantstopme · 10 months
She's My Siren
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x plus size!reader
Summary: The boys are working a case where several men have brutally murdered their wives for no apparent reason. Turns out they were influenced by a siren. The siren sees Dean and appears to him as someone he knows.
Warnings: canon violence, cursing, use of pet names. SMUT, oral (M and F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V), face sitting. Fluffy fluff fluff.
"So what do you think this is? Just a bunch of dudes ganking their wives?"
"I mean, that's what's happening," Sam replied with a shrug. "but I think something is making them do it."
"Well they're not possessed, so what's doing it?" Dean asked.
"I have no idea. Maybe we should call Bobby and (Y/N)."
Dean groaned. "She's gonna laugh at us for not figuring it out."
Sam smiled. "Probably, but we do need their help."
"Fine," Dean grumbled.
Sam pulled out his phone and dialed a very familiar number.
"Hey Sam. Having some trouble?" Bobby answered on the second ring.
"We can't figure out what's causing these guys to kill their wives."
"Tell me what you've got so far," (Y/N)'s voice said from the other end of the phone.
Sam put the phone on speaker so Dean could talk. "All we've got is four guys who murdered their wives for basically no reason. No possession, no shapeshifters, nada."
"All the husbands knew exactly what they were doing...and they all regret it," Sam added.
"Anything else?" Bobby asked.
"All of them met their 'perfect' woman not long before killing their wives," Dean answered.
"Define 'perfect'," (Y/N) said.
"They all said 'she was perfect in every way. Exactly what I wanted'," Sam responded.
The boys couldn't see the look Bobby and (Y/N) exchanged, but they did hear her soft chuckle. "And you boys couldn't think of anything that could fit that description?"
Dean gave Sam an 'I told you so' look. "I'm guessing you have something in mind?" he said aloud.
"I do indeed," she answered. "Ever hear of a Siren?"
"A Siren?" Dean asked. "Like Greek Mythology?"
Sam gave Dean a surprised look.
"I can read, you know," Dean mumbled.
"Yes, like Greek Mythology," (Y/N) said with a small smile. "What do you remember from the stories?"
"Uhh...they're super hot women who lured sailors to their deaths?" Dean said.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and Bobby chuckled. "Sort of," Bobby replied. "They're actually quite hideous, but they can read minds. They appear to the guy as their ideal perfect woman, put some mojo on them, and make them kill."
"What kind of mojo?" Dean asked.
"Don't really know," Bobby answered. "Siren songs aren't really songs...more like a spell that falls on the person."
"Okay, so how do we find her?" Sam asked.
"Honestly, boys, my money is on her finding you," (Y/N) said.
"Great," Dean mumbled. "So...how do we kill a Siren?"
"We're...uh--gonna have to get back to you on that one," Bobby said.
"Just keep your eyes peeled and don't do anything stupid," (Y/N) said. "We'll get back to you as soon as we find something."
"Thanks guys," Sam said before hanging up.
"Sooo a Siren, huh?"
"Looks like it."
"Who do you think she's gonna look like?"
Sam rolled his eyes. "Probably one of those chicks from 'Busty Asian Beauties' you're obsessed with."
Dean's eyes lit up. "Hell yes. Let's go find us a Siren."
(Y/N) and Bobby had been digging through lore books for hours before they managed to find something potentially useful.
"I love a good 3,000 year old text," (Y/N) mumbled in annoyance.
"I'm not even sure what it means," Bobby responded.
"You're supposed to be the expert, Singer," she teased.
He chuckled. "Let me see it again."
He took the book from her and read the passage again...and again...and one more time for effect. "I think I've got it."
Bobby explained his reasoning to her and she agreed. She placed a call to Sam, but he didn't answer. When she called Dean, he picked up almost immediately.
"You got something for me, sweetheart?"
An almost imperceptible shudder ran through her body at the pet name. She was used to him calling her that and other similar names, but it never ceased to have an effect on her. She knew he called all the girls 'sweetheart', so she knew it didn't mean anything...not that she wanted it to...right?
"Bobby and I think we figured out how to kill her."
"Lay it on me."
She cleared her throat. "Uh, you'll need a stake, dipped in the blood of someone actively under her spell...then just stab her."
"Okay, sounds easy enough. We'll just get some blood from one of the poor saps sitting in a jail cell."
"Not quite, Dean," Bobby cut in. "The guy has to be actively under her spell...none of those guys are anymore."
"Damn. Okay, so how do we get it?"
"I have a terrible plan, but it should work," (Y/N) said.
"I'm always down for a terrible plan," Dean responded.
"Find the Siren, one of you gets dosed, the other uses his blood to gank her."
"You want us to get dosed?" Dean asked in surprise.
"Obviously not, but it's a surefire way to get the job done. As long as only one of you gets dosed."
"What happens if we both get it?"
"You'll probably try to kill each other," Bobby answered.
"Great. That's just great," Dean grumbled.
"If you've got a better plan, go for it," (Y/N) said with a shrug.
"We'll make it work. I'll call you when we're finished." Dean hung up without another word.
(Y/N) and Bobby exchanged another glance.
"Carvistly is what, three hours from here?" she asked.
Bobby nodded. "We should probably head that way."
"Any luck tracking down the Siren?" Dean asked when Sam walked into the motel room.
"Nope. Any word from Bobby or (Y/N)?"
"Got a way to kill her and a...rather terrible plan."
Dean explained (Y/N)'s plan, as well as how to kill the Siren.
"You're right, that's a terrible plan," Sam said when Dean finished.
"Yeah, but it's all we've got."
"Fine...but how do we find her? I mean, I've talked to all the vics and they all described a different chick. We have no idea what she's gonna look like."
"That's true. Guess we'll just have to hang out at the bar and hope she comes to us."
"We're lucky there's only one bar in town," Sam commented.
"Dude, for real."
The two hunters made their way to the bar and got themselves a high top table towards the back of the room, giving them a good vantage point of the rest of the bar.
"Do we even know how she's picking her targets?" Dean asked.
"Well, all of the guys have been married so far, but I'm sure she'll go for just about any guy desperate enough," Sam answered with a pointed look.
"What's the look for? You saying I'm desperate?"
Sam shrugged.
"I'm not desperate."
"Right...when was the last time you got laid?"
Dean scoffed. "All the time, man."
Sam raised his eyebrows and Dean groaned.
"Okay, fine, so it's been a while. That doesn't make me desperate."
"Whatever you say, Dean."
Dean grumbled as he took a swig of his beer. He was not desperate. Absolutely not. Dean Winchester was never desperate. Maybe he just hadn't been horny lately...a man doesn't need to get laid every day. It had absolutely nothing to do with a certain hunter he couldn't get off his mind. Definitely not.
Sam was scanning the bar, looking for anyone who seemed out of place...but no one was catching his eye. He felt a little bad for teasing his brother, but he just wanted Dean to admit the truth.
"I'm gonna hit the head," Dean mumbled.
He watched Dean walk to the bathroom, several pairs of eyes on him the entire time. Most were women, but none of them stood out as concerning. Just the typical hot bimbos Dean always seemed to take home.
Sam's mind began to wander a bit while he waited for his brother to return. He had a lot on his mind and working this job was, unfortunately, not his priority.
Dean made his way back from the bathroom, jarring Sam out of his trance. "I'm gonna get another beer. Want anything?"
"No thanks, I'm good," Sam replied.
Dean walked off towards the bar and Sam's eyes followed him out of habit. Dean was halfway to the bar when a woman approached him. Sam's jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw her. Had Dean not told him (Y/N) had called from Bobby's two hours ago, he would have been certain she was here in the bar.
He watched the woman walk up to Dean and touch his arm, and he was out of his seat and heading their direction in an instant.
"Hey there, handsome," a woman said from beside him, her hand touching his arm.
When Dean turned to face her, shock lit up his handsome face. He knew it wasn't her, but the resemblance was so uncanny, he almost believed it for a moment.
Realizing the woman before him was the Siren, he quickly regained his cool. "Well hello to you too," he said with a smirk.
"How 'bout you buy me a drink?" she said lightly.
Her voice is wrong, he thought to himself. "I'd love to," he said aloud.
He followed her towards the bar, turning to see Sammy following close behind. The expression on Sam's face told him that his little brother knew what was happening.
Dean held back a little, allowing Sam to catch up to him.
"Dude, she--" Sam began.
Dean glared at him. “Not of word of this to (Y/N), Sammy. Not a word.”
Feeling a little more comfortable knowing his backup was there, Dean continued to follow the Siren. When they reached the bar, he ordered a beer and she ordered some fruity cocktail.
"So what's your name, beautiful?" Dean asked.
"Hi, Kimberly. I'm Dean." I guess she doesn't know everything...
"It's nice to meet you, Dean."
The bartender handed them their drinks and Dean followed her to a solitary booth in the far corner of the bar. Dean noticed Sam taking a seat not too far away.
The Siren leaned in close and began chatting with Dean, laying on the flirtation very thick. Despite the fact she was literally wearing the face of the one woman Dean really loved, he found it very hard to reciprocate.
Thankfully, the Siren didn't seem to notice. In all honesty, Dean's bad flirting was better than most of the population's good flirting.
A half hour and another round of drinks later, Dean found himself mere inches from the Siren. Her scent was intoxicating, and he wondered for a moment if that was the 'mojo'...except he didn't feel any different. He knew it had to be something else.
"Your lips look so soft," the Siren muttered as she reached up a hand to touch them.
"They are," Dean murmured as he leaned in closer. "Wanna find out?"
She smiled and for a moment--just a moment--Dean forgot that it wasn't her. His eyes fluttered closed and he pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. He was instantly intoxicated by her...he wanted her so badly he could hardly breathe.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, a small voice screamed at him, reminding him she was a Siren, but the feeling of desire--of mindless devotion--quickly overcame the voice.
After what felt like an eternity, she broke the kiss. Dean was breathless, but he knew he would have happily suffocated to death kissing her.
"Why don't you take me back to your place?" she asked, voice suddenly sultrier than he remembered it being before.
He wanted nothing more than to take her to his bed, so he agreed without hesitation. Dean took her by the hand and guided her outside, helping her into the Impala, and taking off without a second thought.
Sam came running out of the bar, just in time to see Dean speeding away with the Siren in his passenger seat. "Shit..."
When Dean arrived back at the motel, he escorted "Kimberly" into his room. "Sorry for the mess," he said quickly as he knocked a few books off his bed.
"Don't worry," she said as she came up to him and ran her hands up his chest. "I don't mind a little mess."
Dean looked down at her and let out a soft groan. "God, you are so beautiful," he whispered.
She smiled knowingly. She had been more than a little surprised when she read his mind at the bar...it was rare to meet a man who's ideal girl wasn't a tall, thin, bombshell, especially a man who looked like him. But she knew what he wanted and she was more than happy to give it to him...until she got what she wanted.
Dean kissed her passionately and pulled her down onto the bed with him. He began to slowly peel off her clothes and she tugged at his shirt. He broke the kiss just long enough to pull his shirt off over his head.
Suddenly, someone knocked on their door.
Dean groaned. "Ignore it."
She was happy to do so and continued to kiss him.
"Dean!" Sam yelled from the other side of the door.
Dean pulled away for a moment. "Kinda busy here Sammy," he called.
"Open the damn door, Dean! She's not who you think!"
"Don't listen to him," the Siren said. "He wants me all to himself."
Dean's eyes darkened. "But you're mine."
"That's right, sweetie. All yours," she purred. "And I can be yours forever if you just get rid of him."
"Get rid of him?"
"You have to kill him, Dean, or he'll take me away from you."
"That's never gonna happen, baby." Dean stood up and crossed the room.
The moment he opened the door, Sam punched him in the face, sending him spiraling back into the room. The Siren watched with a smile as the two men fought each other.
"Dean, you gotta snap out of it!" Sam yelled.
"You can't have her. I won't let you."
"What are you talking about?"
"Kimberly's mine, Sammy," Dean insisted as he swung at his brother.
Sam ducked out of the way and slipped behind him. Dean swung his foot around and managed to knock Sam to the floor.
The Siren stood off to the side, egging Dean on. "Kill him for me, Dean. We can be together if you just kill him."
Dean was on top of Sam, punching him repeatedly. Sam reached into his jacket and managed to grab ahold of the stake. He jabbed Dean in the arm and kneed him in the groin with a mumbled apology.
Dean groaned loudly and Sam pushed him off and onto the floor. When he stood up, the Siren noticed the stake in his hand, but it was too late. Sam was blocking her exit. She turned to run towards the window, but Sam was faster. He stabbed the stake into her back and she fell to the ground with a scream and a thud.
Sam turned back to his brother, who was now kneeling on the floor. "You okay, Dean?"
Dean looked up at him with a glare. "Did you really have to go for the goods, man?"
Sam chuckled lightly. "Sorry about that, but you were being a dick."
"I was hopped up on Siren juice, dude!"
"Well lookie here, guess they don't need our help after all," Bobby said from the open doorway.
(Y/N) came up beside him with a smirk. "Nice work you two. We thought you might need some backup, but looks like we were wrong."
"We can help with the body dump at least," Bobby said.
Bobby and (Y/N) stepped into the room and Dean yelled "no!" in an oddly high pitched voice. (Y/N) did her best not to look in Dean's direction, despite his outburst...his shirtless form made her stomach do somersaults.
"Jesus, Sam, how hard did you hit him?" Bobby asked.
Dean scrambled to get to his feet, but he wasn't fast enough to stop (Y/N) from seeing the Siren. Sam had reached for her, but he saw the look on her face and knew it was too late.
"I don't think that's his problem..." (Y/N) said softly, pointing to the body of the Siren.
Bobby came up beside her and cursed under his breath. He and Sam made eye contact and slowly started to back out of the room.
"Does anyone want to tell me why the Siren looks like my twin?" (Y/N) asked, stopping everyone in their tracks. She turned to fix all three men with a hard stare.
"We're just gonna...umm--go, uh anywhere else," Bobby said. He grabbed Sam's arm and dragged him from the room, closing the door behind them.
(Y/N) fixed her intense gaze on Dean. "Well?"
"I--um, well--you see, I...um." He couldn't quite meet her eyes.
(Y/N)'s expression softened. She could see his discomfort matched her own. "Sit," she said gently, gesturing to the bed nearest the door. "And maybe put on a shirt."
Dean sat down, tugging his shirt back over his head. She sat across from him, finally able to look at him without feeling incredibly awkward.
"It just sorta...happened," Dean mumbled.
"You sure about that?"
"Yeah--you musta been on my mind when she read it, ya know? So she made herself look like you." He didn't want to tell her the truth...all this time he'd spent pretending he didn't feel this way was going to be thrown out the window in an instant.
"That's not how it works, Dean," she said softly. "Sirens can see your innermost desire...the woman of your dreams."
Dean let out a little groan and bit his lip. He exhaled heavily and finally lifted his head to meet her eyes. "Guess there's no point in lying then."
She shook her head. "Not really."
Dean's heart was hammering in his chest. It was so loud that he was surprised (Y/N) couldn't hear it. She looked beautiful, sitting there with a confused and concerned expression on her face. For the first time in the years he'd known her, he was struggling to push his feelings back down. Now that the box had been opened, he couldn't put them back.
"She didn't get your voice right," he said softly.
"Your voice...it wasn't right. It was missing the softness...the--" he struggled to find the right word, "--the melody."
"You think my voice is melodious?" she asked in surprise.
"I think it's the most beautiful sound in the world."
She laughed, thinking he had to be joking. When his expression didn't change, her laughter came to an abrupt stop. "Oh, you're serious..."
"I changed my mind. Your voice is the second most beautiful sound in the world."
She swallowed thickly. "What's the first?"
Dean smirked as he crossed the short space between them and sat on the bed directly beside her. "Your laugh," he whispered.
Her breath caught in her chest as she looked at him. His expression was something she'd never seen on his face before, but it sure looked a hell of a lot like lust.
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"What are you doing?"
"I'm clumsily telling you how I feel about you," he answered honestly.
"That you like my laugh and my voice?"
He sighed. "I like them because they're yours."
She wanted to believe it, but she couldn't wrap her brain around the idea that Dean Winchester liked her. It wasn't even remotely possible, so he clearly had to still be under the Siren's spell. There had to be some alternate explanation for why the Siren took on her appearance.
"I guess the Siren's mojo really screwed with your head."
Dean shook his head. "It didn't mess with my head, (Y/N/N). It just made me face something I've felt for a long time."
Her breathing sped up as she stared into his eyes. "And what is it you feel?"
"Affection," he answered. "Adoration...devotion, desire, longing." He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, fingertips lingering on her cheek. "Love," he finished softly.
She inhaled sharply, disbelief evident on her face. "You love me?"
"With everything I have."
Surprise lit up his face and he dropped his hand. "Why? What do you mean, why?"
"I mean, why would you love me of all people?"
"I don't really know how to answer that...I just--I just do."
She shook her head and stood up. She began to pace and the words tumbled from her mouth before she could think about what she was saying. "There is absolutely no way that you, Dean Winchester, love me. I mean, look at you! You're literally perfection in human form. Every woman on planet earth with a set of working eyeballs wants you. You could have your pick of any fish in the sea! I've seen the women you go home with, Dean, and they sure as hell don't look like me. I'm not what any man would use to define the 'ideal woman'...I'm short, I'm certainly not thin--I've got hips and thighs and a big ass, not to mention large boobs and a soft stomach. There is nothing special about me. Someone like you isn't meant to be with someone like me."
Dean stood up and grabbed her, pulling her to a stop directly in front of him. "Are you done now?"
She was slightly breathless as she nodded.
"Okay, good. Now listen--I'm not perfect. Not even close. I'm aware that I'm attractive, but inside? Shit, (Y/N), I'm damaged goods. Beyond damaged. Why do you think I only bring home chicks that look like that? Baby, they're easy to entice home and there's zero strings attached. I've kept my feelings buried for so long, it just became easier to pretend they didn't exist. It kept you safe...I didn't want to expose you to the darkness that lives inside me. You deserve so much better than me, (Y/N)."
She stood there in stunned silence--unable to grasp a single word to say.
"And another thing--you're my ideal woman. I don't give a damn what society's beauty standards are. For the record, I love your thick thighs and that gorgeous ass of yours. I love your boobs, and your hips, and your stomach--baby, I love all of you. You're perfect. So don't you dare tell me you're not meant to be with someone like me...because in reality, I'm the one who doesn't deserve you."
"Dean," she whispered.
His eyes fluttered closed for a moment as he tried to stamp out the terror that she was about to rip his heart out. He opened his eyes again and saw the whirlwind of emotions in her eyes. "Yes?" he asked tentatively.
"Please kiss me," she murmured.
He didn't need to be told twice. His lips crashed against hers in a searing kiss. He moaned softly, licking against her lips, silently begging to be let in.
She parted her lips, allowing his tongue entry. She sighed as he tightened his grip on her, pulling her flush against his chest.
Dean deepened the kiss, large hands roaming her soft body until they landed on her round ass. He gave it a light squeeze and she responded with a little moan.
Dean broke the kiss to begin trailing down her jaw to her neck. His lips felt like heaven against her skin and she clung to him, head tossed back in pleasure.
He nipped at her pulse point and she moaned softly, eliciting a growl from deep in his chest. He pulled away from her, slightly breathless, and leaned his forehead against hers. "I take it back," he whispered.
"I've got a new favorite sound."
She cocked her head to the side in confusion.
He grinned devilishly. "Those pretty little moans you make? Those are my new favorite."
Her eyes widened slightly, but a small smile played at her lips. "I bet if you try hard enough, you can hear a few more."
He chuckled. "Oh, baby, you ain't seen nothing yet."
"Uhhh guys?" Sam suddenly said from the doorway.
They both turned their heads to face him, embarrassment reddening her cheeks.
"Little busy here, Sammy," Dean grumbled.
"I can see that, but umm...dead monster body," he said as he pointed at the Siren's body.
"Gross," Dean mumbled. "I forgot about that."
(Y/N) chuckled lightly. "We should probably take care of that."
He nodded. "We'll pick up where we left off later." He shot her a wink and gave her another kiss before peeling himself off of her.
An hour later, the body had been properly disposed of and everyone was ready to head home.
"You boys wanna come back to my place and rest for a few days?" Bobby asked.
Dean looked over at (Y/N) before turning his attention back to the older man. "Yeah, Bobby, I think we could use the rest." He glanced back over at (Y/N) just in time to see the soft smile on her lips.
Bobby nodded. "Sam, why don't you ride with me?"
Sam looked confused for a moment, but realization quickly lit up his face. "Oh, yeah--right. Sure. I'll uh, see you guys later, then."
"Mhm," Dean hummed, clearly not really listening anymore.
Bobby and Sam got into Bobby's car and drove off, leaving Dean and (Y/N) alone.
"So, uh...whatcha say we stop at the nearest motel on the way?" Dean asked with a sheepish grin.
She smiled. "I think I could be persuaded."
He grinned fully, reaching out to grab ahold of her and pull her into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he leaned down to kiss her.
Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to take her right then and there, but he wanted better for her. Her kiss lit a fire inside of him that burned more brightly than he had ever felt before. He wanted her with a kind of desperation he had never known was possible.
"Why don't we skip the motel," she whispered against his lips.
She glanced at the Impala. "The backseat is pretty spacious."
He chuckled. "It's plenty big enough, but I don't want our first time together to be in the back of a car. I wanna make love to you properly--on a bed."
She smiled, practically melting against him. "Then you better drive fast, because I don't know how long I can wait."
His eyes widened. "Yes ma'am."
She laughed lightly as he opened up the car door for her and she slid into the passenger seat. Dean ran to the other side of the car and jammed the key into the ignition. The car roared to life and he sped off toward the highway.
"Oh thank God," Dean mumbled about 20 minutes into the drive. "There's a motel 10 miles up."
(Y/N) laughed warmly. "Step on it, handsome."
He grinned and laid his foot down a little harder on the accelerator. Less than 5 minutes later, Dean was pulling into the motel parking lot.
"I'll go get us a room. Should be quick," he said as he hopped out of the car.
A few minutes later, Dean returned with a room key in hand. He opened the car door and held out his hand for her to take.
"Come on, gorgeous. We've got important things to do," he said with a smile.
"Lead the way."
Dean had to consciously force himself to walk at a reasonable pace to the room. (Y/N)'s legs were a lot shorter than his and if he'd walked as fast as he wanted to, he would've been dragging her along.
As soon as they were in the room, Dean shut and locked the door.
(Y/N) glanced around. "Looks clean enou--"
Dean silenced the rest of her sentence with a well-timed heated kiss. He'd whipped her around and pressed her up against the door, hands gripping her hips as he kissed her passionately.
She gripped the edges of his shirt and tugged upwards, silently asking him to remove it. He pulled back, yanking the shirt off his head, before attaching his lips back to hers.
He slid his hands under her shirt and her body tensed up on instinct. She'd always hated people touching her stomach, but she did her best to push away her discomfort.
Despite her best efforts, Dean could feel her unease. "Baby, look at me," he whispered.
Her eyes met his and she visibly relaxed.
"I've got you, okay? I love you, I love your body, and I wanna touch and see every inch of it...but if you're not ready, I can wait."
Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of his sweet words. Normally, she would have taken him up on his offer, but not now. She wanted this...wanted him...and that meant giving in completely.
She pushed him back ever so slightly, giving her enough space to unbutton her shirt and slip it off. It fell to the ground, leaving her upper half in just a bra.
She was self-conscious for no more than a moment. Dean's hungry eyes traced their way down her torso and back up, desire evident in his gaze.
He pressed his body up against hers again, a soft moan escaping his lips. "So fucking perfect," he whispered.
He slid his hands up her back and deftly unhooked her bra. She let him pull it off and toss it somewhere behind him. He groaned as he palmed each of her breasts in his large hands. He began to kneed them gently, pinching her nipples as she gasped.
Suddenly, his hands left her breasts and traveled to her thighs. "Jump," he whispered.
"Excuse me?"
He gripped her thighs tightly. "Jump, baby. I've got you."
She looked at him like he was crazy, but she trusted him completely. She jumped up and Dean caught her with ease, tugging her legs around his waist. She locked her heels behind him and he pressed her back against the door.
Her breasts were now at the perfect height for his mouth to feast on...and feast on them he did. He sucked and nipped, his light stubble scratching against her skin deliciously.
His arms wrapped around her back and he lifted his head to look at her. "Keep those legs tight, okay?"
As soon as she nodded, he pulled away from the door and carried her to the bed. He laid her down gently, but instead of crawling on top of her, he stood at the end of the bed.
She sat up slightly. "Dean?"
He licked his lips and looked back up at her face. "Hmm?"
She crooked her finger, gesturing him to come to her.
Instead of climbing onto the bed, he leaned down and placed a kiss to her belly, just above her pants. "These should go," he murmured.
He made quick work of removing her jeans, his calloused hands gliding back up her legs to the hem of her underwear.
"I don't think you need these either." He tugged them off and threw them onto the ground.
She laid before him, completely bare, and she didn't feel self-conscious at all. She couldn't--not with the way he was looking at her.
His breathing was slightly labored as he stared at her. He palmed his painfully hard cock through his jeans, a strangled moan escaping his lips.
She sat up and licked her lips. "I can help you with that."
His eyes widened, pupils dilated to the point of obscuring his green irises. "Oh yeah?"
She nodded and slid off the end of the bed, dropping to her knees before him. She looked up at him and slowly began to undo his belt.
"Holy fuck..." he murmured. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as she undid the button on his jeans and slowly began to pull them down.
He helped her take them off completely before she hooked her fingers in the waistband of his boxer briefs. "These are in my way," she said huskily.
He yanked his underwear off with such speed, if she'd blinked she would have missed it. What she couldn't miss, however, was his surprisingly large member mere inches from her face.
Dean noticed her wide eyes and he grinned. "Like what you see, baby?"
Her lust-filled eyes flicked up to his. "I like every inch of you."
He wasn't sure if she was talking about his body or his cock, but he didn't have time to think about it. She gripped him tightly and slid her mouth onto his cock, eliciting a loud moan from him.
She kept her eyes fixed on his face as she began to move her head and her hands in an expert rhythm. He could barely breathe as he stared down at her...pretty mouth stuffed full of his cock and her big (y/e/c) eyes looking up at him.
He slid his fingers into her hair, pulling it back from her face so he could see it better. The blunt tips of his nails raked against her scalp as he tightened his grip, a moan of ecstasy escaping his lips.
"Fuck, baby...feels so good."
She moaned around his cock, the vibration sending a shock of pleasure through him. His hips jilted forward slightly, causing her to gag a little. He instantly pulled back, not wanting to hurt her.
In response, she grabbed onto his upper thighs with both hands and tugged his hips forward, relaxing her throat as she did to take him even farther into her.
Her watery eyes met his in a silent plea. Dean was pretty sure he knew what she wanted, so he tentatively pulled back and thrust his hips forward gently.
Her eyes seemed to light up and she moaned loudly, giving him the confirmation he needed. He gripped her head with both of his hands and he began to fuck her pretty face.
(Y/N) tightened her grip on his thighs and desperately tried to keep her eyes open and on his face. She wanted to see him come undone more than anything. At this moment, she was just along for the ride.
Dean's grip on her hair tightened to an almost painful level, but she didn't complain. The moans and whispered pleas coming from his mouth were reward enough.
"Baby, I'm so close..." he groaned.
She released a deep moan and his eyes flicked down to meet hers. The moment his gaze found hers, he came with a moan of her name. (Y/N) didn't let go of his cock until she'd swallowed every last drop of his spend before finally releasing him.
He nearly collapsed on the bed, but through the fog in his brain, he remembered (Y/N) would have needs of her own.
"Come here, baby," he said softly as he reached for her. "Lie on the bed."
She stood up with his help and laid down on the bed, feet hanging over the edge. When Dean didn't move to join her, she began to shift uncomfortably.
"You're too far away," he insisted.
She immediately started to move closer to him, but he shook his head, grabbed her hips, and tugged her to the edge of the bed where he wanted her.
She gasped in surprise. "Dean!"
He grinned as he dropped to his knees. "What? I wanna taste you."
She looked a little shy. "You don't have to."
He looked at her in confusion. "I know I don't have to...I want to."
"Baby, if you taste half as delicious as you look, then I'm going to be the happiest man in the world."
"Oh," she whispered in a slightly more surprised tone.
Dean grabbed her legs and threw one over each shoulder before diving into her pussy like a starving man at a feast.
"Oh!" What started out as a pleasantly surprised sound quickly turned to moans of enjoyment.
She'd known he would be good...after all, he had a lot of practice, but she hadn't expected to feel like this. Dean's mouth had been on her pussy for less than 30 seconds and she was already a gasping mess.
Her hand fisted his hair, tugging on it slightly, legs desperately searching for something to hold onto.
Dean was an incredibly fast learner. He paid attention to what made her moan, what made her grip his hair harder, what made her squirm...he was determined to be the absolute best she'd ever had.
"Dean," she gasped. "You--it--shit...feels so good."
He grinned against her pussy before wrapping his lips around her clit and sucking intently. His tongue began to swirl around her clit, spelling out her name in fast-moving cursive.
"Oh god!"
Her legs began to tighten around his head and he had a vague thought about wanting to be smothered by her thighs...but the thought was pushed aside when she cried out, cumming all over his mouth and chin.
He hungrily lapped up as much as he could before she yanked on his hair and desperately tried to squirm away. "Sensitive, Dean!"
He finally allowed her to pull his head up and he stared at her pretty face as he licked his lips. "Infinitely better than I'd imagined," he murmured.
"Huh?" she asked, clearly still dazed from her orgasm.
He smiled as he crawled on top of her, placing a kiss to her lips. "You taste like heaven," he whispered.
She blushed, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her for another kiss.
He'd found himself growing hard again while he was eating her out, and as he deepened the kiss, his cock brushed against her pussy, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
He smiled against her lips. "(Y/N)?"
"If I told you I wanted to do something really really badly, would you be willing to do it for me?"
She cocked her head to the side as she regarded him. "That would depend on what it is."
"Fair enough."
Suddenly, he flipped onto his back, taking her with him. She gasped as she found herself looking down at him from above. "You could have just asked," she said with a chuckle.
"Oh that?" He smirked darkly. "That's not what I want..."
Her breathing began to pick up pace again. "Then what do you want?"
He grinned wolfishly. "I wanna taste that sweet pussy again."
Her eyes widened. No one had ever eaten her out twice during sex. "But you just did..."
He nodded. His eyes softened as he looked at her, his fingers gently rubbing circles into her thighs. "Please baby? I would do anything."
She bit her lip. She couldn't deny, the idea of him wanting to eat her out again was an incredible turn-on...but she was still sensitive from a few minutes prior.
"Please," he begged again, green eyes widening.
She sighed, realizing there was no way she could say no to him when he was looking at her like that. "Alright."
He grinned. "That's my good girl. Now come up here."
Her pussy clenched around nothing at the praise, but then confusion settled on her face. "Come up...where?"
"Here," he said, patting his mouth. "I want you to sit on my face."
Her eyes widened in shock. "What? No! Absolutely not. No way." She tried to scramble off of him, but his strong arms held her in place.
"Why not?" he pouted.
"Umm because I could seriously hurt you! Or I don't know, smother you to death!"
He laughed lightly. "I would die a very happy man."
"I'm serious, Dean! I'm not light!"
The smile disappeared from his face as he took in the shock and disbelief on hers. He sat up and ran his hand along her cheek. "Hey, baby, look at me."
Her eyes slowly shifted to meet his.
"(Y/N), I want this. Badly. Now, I would never force you to do something you didn't want to do, but I don't want you to say no out of some misguided desire to protect me. I'm more than capable of picking you up and tossing you around, so I promise you're not going to smother me or hurt me. I wanna feel those sexy thighs of yours wrapped around my head as I devour that sweet pussy."
His eyes darkened as he spoke and it lit something inside of her. She was scared of hurting him, but she could see how much he wanted this. "I'll--I'll try," she whispered.
He smiled. "That's my girl." He laid back down on the bed. "Now come here and have a seat, gorgeous."
She blushed, but did as he told her--mostly.
"Babe, I said sit."
"I am sitting," she protested.
"No, you're not." He grabbed her hips and tugged her down so she was directly against his lips. "Fuck yes," he mumbled into her before getting to work.
(Y/N) gasped loudly. This new position changed the angle of his tongue inside of her and his nose bumped against her clit every time he moved.
Within seconds, she was a moaning mess above him, hands grasping onto the headboard for stability. Her hips started to move of their own volition and Dean gripped her hips to help facilitate the movement.
She didn't know she could feel this incredible...her body was shaking with a pleasure she'd never felt before--every nerve ending alive with need.
"Dean, I can't--I need--please."
He tightened his hold on her hips and focused his tongue on her clit as she rode his face. Seconds later, she yelled his name as she orgasmed, drenching his face in her slick.
God help him, but he didn't want to stop. He'd never been happier. The sounds she made, her taste, the need to pleasure her...all of it made him want to never stop.
Unfortunately for him, (Y/N) managed to scramble away with cries of sensitivity. She collapsed on the bed beside him, trying to catch her breath. Her legs shook with the aftershocks of her orgasm as she came down from her high.
Dean wiped his mouth and turned to look at her, a wide grin gracing his handsome face. "Thoughts?"
"You can...do that...again...anytime you want," she said between breaths.
He chuckled. "Oh, baby, don't tempt me." He rolled on top of her and gave her a soft kiss to her lips. He slowly kissed along her jaw and down to her neck, sucking on her pulse point.
She had no idea how he knew that would drive her crazy, but she was glad he did. Despite her exhaustion, she wanted him...wanted to feel him so badly she could hardly breathe. "Dean..." she whispered.
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"I want you."
He raised his eyebrows. "Where?"
She fidgeted a little before murmuring, "Inside me."
He pressed his index finger against her lips. "Here?"
She shook her head.
"Then where, baby?"
She took his hand and guided it between her legs, placing it against her dripping pussy. "Here."
His eyes seem to sparkle as he looked down at her. He wanted to hear her demand what she wanted, but this was close enough for now.
"Anything for you, baby."
He sat up and gripped his cock, giving it a few strokes before lining himself up with her core. His eyes flicked up to hers and he asked softly, "You ready?"
She nodded.
"Words, baby."
"I'm ready, Dean, please."
He pushed into her slowly, eliciting a sharp moan from her lips. The stretch was deliciously painful, but she was desperate for him to keep going. She whined softly when he stopped to let her adjust, so he continued to push until he was fully seated inside of her.
He dropped his head down to her forehead, breathing heavily. He'd never been gripped this tightly in his life and it felt amazing.
(Y/N) had similar thoughts. He fit her perfectly...a feeling she'd never before experienced. Like the last two pieces of a puzzle locking into place.
Dean shifted his hips, starting a slow pace to keep from hurting her. Much to his surprise, she couldn't care less about the pain, she wanted more.
"Dean, faster," she whimpered.
He couldn't tell her no even if he'd wanted to, and he certainly didn't want to. He began to thrust into her with more force and speed, earning moans of pleasure from her lips.
"You feel so good, baby. Never felt this good before," he whispered softly.
The room filled with the sounds of their shared moans, the salacious slapping of skin, and the whispered words meant only for each other.
Dean was about as far from a virgin as a person could be, and (Y/N) wasn't new to this either, but he had never ever had a sexual experience even remotely close to what he was feeling with her.
Most of his experience came from one-night-stands, which meant there hadn't been feelings of any kind involved, but with (Y/N)? He could hardly breathe, it felt so right. Three words crept into his mind, but he pushed them away quickly. He didn't want to ruin this.
He focused back on the beautiful woman beneath him and his heart nearly exploded at the sight. He'd never seen anything so incredible, so beautiful, so perfect. He was dying to watch her come apart for him--he just knew it would be a sight to behold.
"Do you think you can give me another one, baby?"
Her eyes widened. "I don't know, Dean...I've never cum more than once before and I've already done it twice."
He smiled. He liked knowing he'd done something no one else ever had. "Come on, pretty girl. I know you can do it for me," he murmured.
Before she could say another word, he shifted her hips to give him better access. The new angle left her speechless as his cock slammed into that delicious soft spot deep inside of her--a spot she hadn't been certain existed until this moment.
She dug her nails into his back, clinging to him for dear life. It felt so good she could hardly think. Her brain was filled with nothing but the pleasure she was feeling.
Dean knew she was getting close and he was desperately holding back his own impending orgasm. He would be damned if he came before her. "I need you to cum for me baby. Can you do that?"
She nodded and held onto him even tighter.
Dean's motions never slowed, his aim never faltered. He was determined to push her over the edge. He wanted it more than anything.
Her legs began to shake and strangled cries left her throat as she neared orgasm. With one final thrust, (Y/N) shattered--a broken scream of his name leaving her lips.
Dean continued to thrust, chasing his own high as he helped her ride out hers. "Where do you want it?" he whispered.
In her haze, it took her a moment to figure out what he was asking her. "Inside of me," she begged. "Wanna feel you fill me up."
"Fuck," he groaned as he moved impossibly faster. Moments later, he came harder than he could ever remember, emptying inside of her for what felt like an eternity.
Eventually, his hips slowed to a stop and he nearly collapsed on top of her, completely spent and out of breath.
After a few moments, Dean pulled out and rolled over to collapse beside her on the bed. "That was...fucking amazing."
She laughed lightly. "I would have to agree."
He turned to look at her. "Best sex of my life."
She rolled her eyes. "Okay, riiiiight..." She chalked up his statement to a post-nut haze.
"I'm serious, babe. There's something different about having sex with someone you love."
(Y/N)'s entire body froze, but her mind beginning to race. He'd said earlier that he'd loved her, but she honestly hadn't believed it. Hearing him say it now reminded her that she hadn't responded to him the first time.
Dean noticed the tension immediately and suddenly realized what he'd said. He started to panic...Shit, shit shit. "(Y/N/N), I--"
She waved him off. "Dean, you don't have to explain--" she started.
He pulled away from her so he could see her face better. "That wasn't some post-orgasm utterance. I meant it--I mean it."
She laid there, desperately trying to wrap her brain around what he was saying. "What?" she said again, softer this time.
He rolled onto his side so he could see her better. He reached out and gently caressed her face, eyes watching her reaction with trepidation. "I'm in love with you, (Y/N). I've known it for a while, but it didn't seem like something you would want to hear. I said it earlier in that motel room, but we didn't really have a chance to talk about it--and I don't want you to think for even one second that I didn't mean it. I love you with everything I have, baby. I would burn this whole world to the ground for you."
Hearing Dean Winchester say those words was enough to shock her into silence, but hearing them directed at her? It was a feeling she couldn't even begin to describe. "I don't know what to say," she whispered.
Pain flashed across his face, but he hid it before she could really notice. "You don't have to say anything."
"Of course I do," she insisted. "I never expected to hear you say anything like that to anyone, let alone me. I'm struggling to find the words to say...I guess I'm just unprepared. I never thought Dean Winchester would be the one making me speechless with his beautiful words, but here we are. All I can think to say is, I love you too."
A warm smile graced his features. "I couldn't have asked for a more perfect response." He leaned down and kissed her gently. "I love you," he said again.
She smiled back. "I love you too."
Dean pulled her against his chest and held on tightly. He didn't want to let her go for fear of losing her. He knew their lives were risky--he knew either one of them could die at any time--and he didn't want to waste a single moment. He'd already wasted so much time pretending not to love her. He would never make that mistake again.
Apparently (Y/N) was having similar thoughts because she whispered, "I never thought I'd be thankful for a Siren."
Dean chuckled lightly and kissed the top of her head. "Me neither, baby. Me neither."
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samdeancass · 5 months
The New, Old Devil
Pairing: Castiel x fem!reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Characters: Lucifer, Y/N, Sam, Dean, Castiel
Description: Ever since Lucifer took over Cas's vessel, he can't help but wonder why Cas is so infatuated with Y/N, so he decides to take a look for himself.
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The day you found out Castiel had said yes to Lucifer was the worst. It felt as though your heart had been ripped from your chest. You didn't know if you would see your Cas again or if Lucifer would ever let him go after this. You spent your days in your room, pitch black, with an empty place beside you where Cas should be. Sam and Dean were becoming increasingly worried about you; you hardly ever ate, and it wasn't enough when you did. You didn't really sleep and never came out of your room.
"I'm worried about her, Dean. This is the first time I've seen her like this. It's like she's a shell of who she used to be. Dean, we need to do something." Dean nods in response but with slumped shoulders. "I know we need to do something, but it's not as if he's just gonna waltz back in here, right?"
Coincidentally, the bunker sunk into a dark red hue, and the warning sirens sounded. Both the brothers stood and rushed from the kitchen towards your room. For the first time in a while, you stepped out into the hallway, completely bewildered by what was happening. "Guys, do we know what it is?" Just as Sam was about to answer, a low chuckle sounded from the end of the hallway. "It's not a what, angel; it's a who."
Your blood ran cold as you instantly knew who the voice belonged to, but a pang exploded in your chest at the pet nickname Cas calls you. Sam and Dean stood before you to shield you from Lucifer's eyes. "What are you doing here, Lucifer?" Dean growled as the devil began to stalk forward, keeping his eyes trained on you. "Well, I'm a little intrigued, actually. The little angel inside has not stopped rabbiting on about his love, and I wanted to come and see why, in fact, he loves you so much."
The brothers lunged forward at the devil, but he easily swooshed them away, sending them clanging into the surrounding walls. A sinister smile snuck onto his face as he was now toe to toe with you. Inside, you were screaming with fear but weren't about to let Lucifer know. He placed his hand on your cheek, and you instinctively leaned into it, recognizing Cas's warm, soft skin. "So beautiful and full of love." "Please let him go, Lucifer. I need him; I need my Castiel back." The fear inside you turned to sadness and anguish as you took in the form before you. He looked like Castiel and felt like Castiel, but he didn't sound like him. His whole demeanour had changed, and it was something that you weren't prepared for. Stray tears betrayed you and fell down your cheeks, the achiness of your heart becoming too much to handle.
The figure standing before you seemed to be having an internal battle with the two angels, one trying to keep control and the other trying to gain it. It began thrashing around, its eyes widening. Sam and Dean rose from where they were and ran towards you, wrapping you in their arms for protection. It suddenly stopped, and you warily looked over to see who had won. The eyes were squinted slightly with its head tilted and a small smile. "Hello, angel." You ran towards Cas and jumped on him, wrapping your arms and legs around him; he brought you closer into him with an arm around your waist and a hand on the back of your head.
"I've missed you so much, Cas. I've been so empty without you." Cas carefully placed you down and gently kissed your forehead. "I've missed you too, angel. But you know I can only stay briefly." Tears welled up again as your head slumped down. "I need you, Cas, here, with me and the boys." Cas glanced up and nodded at the brothers, acknowledging their presence. "Thank you both for taking such good care of her. I cannot repay you enough." They both nodded in response as he set his attention back on you. "I must do this, my love. I wanted to contribute to the fight; this was the only way I could think. I'll be back here soon enough. I love you so much, Y/N." He pressed a loving kiss to your lips before turning away and disappearing.
You turned to the brothers and ran into their arms, the only comforting solace you had left. You knew Cas would return to your arms soon, but it didn't stop your heart from aching for him.
Tags: @akshi8278
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lambmotifz · 24 days
thinking about how in the siren episode the point is that dean craves the perfect version of a little brother who’d submit to him & adore him
and then we also have dean locking sam in the panic room and being willing to let him die there because he thinks sam is a monster (aka no longer the perfect version of dean’s brotherwife). he even admits it in 5.18 (“i have let you rot in there”)
dean doesn’t love sam unconditionally and it’s canon!
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toasty-broski · 9 months
People making THE siren episode about Destiel piss me off. I’m sorry but be so serious for like 2 seconds and see what’s right in front of you. All Dean wants is his brother!!!! It’s all about Sam!!! Them fighting each other in the end was filled with tension regular brothers shouldn’t even have towards each other. Like yes the siren was spurring it on but that shit didn’t come from no where and we all know it!They’re literally obsessed freaks when it comes down to it and I fucking love them for it.
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panicroomsammy · 11 months
Throughout the show Sam and Dean are repeatedly confronted with people telling them their relationship is unusual, but this never seems to sink in for them. The canon compliant interpretation is repression and that they have never acted on their more than brotherly feelings for each other, but I have another theory: they started acting on these feelings way too young and can never acknowledge that they act on them because of this. I’m putting it under a cut for containing severely underage sex but I’ve been thinking about this for days and just have to get it out of my system.
You see, when some kinds of relationships start so young that the people in them don’t know what to call it, it can either never be given a name or it can end. I don’t know if there is any relationship in the world that can survive saying out loud “we started having sex when both of our ages were in the single digits and that was really fucked up but do you want to keep doing it.” But Sam and Dean’s relationship cannot end - they are soulmates after all - so they can never say it out loud. It started before there was a word for it so now there never will be a word for it.
It starts when Sam is two or three and Dean is six or seven. They sleep in the same bed - they have practically ever since either of them can remember. Legs wrapped around each other maybe one of them grinds against the other just the wrong way and it feels good and they don’t stop. Maybe it starts with Sam maybe it starts with Dean, it doesn’t matter - it happens. Maybe Dean already has some idea of what’s going on, maybe he’s done this before on his own, but he doesn’t fully grasp that it’s wrong for him to be doing it with another person. Maybe he has the vague feeling that it would be Bad if John found out about this but he can’t put his finger on why - just an internalization of societal norms that he doesn’t understand and never will. It stays this way all through childhood. Humping turns to touching themselves next to each other turns to touching one another directly. When Dean is in middle school there’s some kind of sex ed class and he finds it intriguing - he’s always been interested in sex - but never puts together that what he’s doing with his little brother is sexual. They’re both boys after all and sex is something you do with a woman. When Sam reaches middle school teenage Dean figures it’s his job to teach his little brother about sex. He never stops to consider that it’s something they’ve already been doing. Dean loses his virginity to some girl in high school. As far as he’s concerned it’s the first time he’s had sex with another person - sex requires a pussy, after all. Some time in their teen years they start going farther. It would seem impossible for the denial to continue at this point but it does. They’re just doing this because they’re brothers, because they need to be closer to each other.
Then maybe Sam realizes. Or maybe he doesn’t. If he does, maybe that’s part of why he leaves. It would be impossible for their relationship to continue once one of them accepted that the start of it at least had been messed up. But then Dean shows up and drags Sam away from his normal life. Was Sam ever really capable of normal, of enjoying normal things in normal ways after everything? Maybe Sam never did realize anything. Maybe he was living in his normal life like a dream, never understanding why it never quite felt right. Then he’s back with Dean. Their relationship is so, so much more than just sex-that-isn’t-sex - that’s just what I’m talking about here - so this doesn’t pick back up immediately. There are so many more things to sort out. But then one night they’re just both horny at the same time and they do find themselves exactly where they left off. It still isn’t sex. Sex is something you do with women. Sex isn’t something you do as a kid. They did this as kids, so it isn’t sex.
When the siren says it wants to be their brother because it wants to fall in love, neither of them bats an eye. When Ash tells them they’re soulmates they’re relieved to spend eternity together but not much else. When countless people assume them to be a couple they’re genuinely confused - they’ve just always been this way so they can’t be a couple because couples are people who haven’t always been that way.
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“Dean was soo gay/bi because his siren is a man!”
This argument is the absolute perfect example of why hellers don’t understand the show, and it highlights the process they use to consume SPN and try to prove bi Dean/Destiel.
In the show: Dean has a male siren.
Hellers think: “Dean has a male siren! Oh! Dean loves boys! Tee hee!”
Hellers ignore: they ignore the fact that the siren explicitly claims to be a stand in for Sam: a little brother who listens to, and looks up to, Dean. This also means that if Dean is attracted to that siren, it doesn’t mean he is attracted to boys. It means he is attracted to Sam (even SPN is not trying to explicitly make that point).
In the show: The siren says that what Dean needs is not “some bitch in a g-string.”
Hellers think: "Dean has a boy siren because he thinks girls are icky! He’s my little gay/bi meow meow!”
Hellers ignore: We have seen Dean hook up with women all the time. Being both attractive and charming, Dean can “score” a very attractive woman just be being himself. He doesn’t need the siren to be a hot girl because he sleeps with hot girls all the time.
The siren being a male and a stand in for Sam is somewhat unhinged for sure, and people can read more into it than what is explicitly shown in the episode. But, based on the text (with the siren), there is no supported interpretation that Dean is just attracted to guys in general. He is having problems with his brother, and what he needs is a brother he feels close to. That’s it. That’s the message. You could maybe argue that Dean is somewhat Aromatic from this episode.
The heller process: What hellers do is watch a scene, hyper-fixate on one moment/line/image that they think proves the point they are trying to prove (Destiel/bi Dean) and ignore everything else. They ignore the greater context of the show; in this case, Dean not needing a siren to be a pretty girl both because he can hook up with them himself (we see this for ourselves over the years: context) and because he values familial relationships, specifically with Sam, more than romantic ones (we know this both from context and from what is actually said). They ignore explicit show explanations (what the siren actually says). And they view everything through their lens, or shipping goggles, so it naturally skews everything they watch from the start.
In other words. The show they watch is a highly coloured snd edited version that looks very little like the actual show.
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dotthings · 2 years
Since I just rewatched 4x14 "Sex and Violence" let me revisit a few things. I really really like this ep, it's darkly psychological and it's a great ep on Sam and Dean's relationship, as well as having bi Dean subtext.
The first victim murders his wife
The second victim murders his mother
The third victim, Dean, the siren tries to goad into killing his brother
So the siren manipulates some people into harming a romantic partner, or manipulates them into harming a family member, a platonic bond. The siren gets off on the violence, the power, of driving someone to that extreme.
Sam and Dean are on different paths this season. Dean misses his brother and he's lonely. They're drifting apart, mistrust is growing between the brothers. The siren takes a male form, FBI agent Nick, to entice Dean. To give him someone who is like-a-brother. But Nick isn't like Sam. Nick is a lot like Dean. He's excited about the Impala, he's knowledgeable on classic rock, he laughs at Dean's jokes. Nick is the siren purposefully honing in on the loneliness in Dean, but in so doing, creates someone who is sort of like a brother but isn't Dean's brother. They aren't brothers. What the siren is playing upon is Dean's wish for a companion who understands him, who he can connect with, and it doesn't have to be his brother.
"I gave him what he wanted and it wasn't some b*tch in a g-string, it was you" is the text. Textually, Nick is using Dean's loneliness due to his slowly growing estrangement from Sam, and giving him a substitute for that.
Nick, along with being a companion, is a potential romantic and sexual partner, which a brother wouldn't be. Those scenes with Nick and Dean in the car...for one thing the siren innately operates in a seductive way and that actor really seems to be leaning into that, and Dean is...Deaning the way he sometimes does with men he's not related to. The way they're looking at each other in the car scene. This is the subtext.
And it's so weird to me that people get attacked or mocked or have had hate threads made about them on twitter dot com just for analyzing all this (I've been trolled for it, other bi Dean fans could probably tell similar horror stories). Even recently, I know it's still been going on -- a few weeks back, some bitter Sam stan tried to claim that if you let in the subtext on bi Dean, that must mean that you are validating w*ncest and that's just not how this works.
In fact it can be both about the platonic sibling bond, and bi Dean subtext (with Dean/Nick as the unspoken potential). The episode is mainly, and most overtly, about the brothers and their strained bond and how the siren preys on that. And I have a lot of feelings about Sam and Dean in this episode. It hurts. It's poignant. That is a platonic bond on the series and one that I really love. At the same time, the bi Dean subtext, the dynamic he has with Nick, the actual seduction siren Nick is playing on Dean, can co-exist with the brothers and their sibling bond troubles. Sam is not a potential romantic or sexual partner for Dean. Nick is. And yes that can be a layer, it's called subtext, while it is ostensibly about Nick filling that loneliness in Dean because Sam and Dean are drifting apart.
We also need to put this in context of the season. This ep isn't about Dean and Cas, but it is in S4 and falls at a time when Dean is drawn to a male companion--an angel, who is not related to him. Who gets him in ways nobody else Dean knows does. An unexpected kindred spirit where Dean never expected to find that. Cas isn't like Nick, Cas is weird, and he doesn't know pop culture and he doesn't know music and he doesn't care about classic cars like Nick does. Nick is an illusion, a seduction, the siren creates The Perfect Person for Dean to get close to. Cas, otoh, is the real deal. He's authentic. The connection between them isn't a seduction, it's Cas being Cas, Dean being Dean, and Cas goes against his orders from Heaven due to his growing attachment to Dean. Cas is making Dean feel a whole lot less lonely in S4 where Dean and Sam are drifting apart and Sam is wading into dangerous waters and isn't listening to Dean. So Sex and Violence isn't about Destiel, but Sex and Violence, Dean and Nick, exist not only in the context of Sam and Dean's relationship, but what's forming between Dean and Cas as well (even if Sam and Dean are obviously most directly relevant as the context).
Scrubbing all that out, and trolling and mocking anyone for unpacking it and making their case for the bi Dean subtext is really weird and it's anti-art and it's anti-interpretation. There's nothing wrong with saying "huh, that's an interesting take, hadn't thought of that. Not sure I see it, but carry on *shrug*" and move on.
Instead, for years, there are stans who attacked subtext and attack analysis of subtext, who laugh at it and call people insane, and are still doing it recently.
This analysis of Sex and Violence is old news, but I hope my revisiting maybe adds something to the discussion of this ep. bi Dean discussion is still going on to this day about it and so is the trolling, and I refuse to be silenced on perfectly reasonable subtextual analysis because some people feel a need to throw immature tantrums. It's utterly unhinged, in a bad way, that some people have been so aggressive about actively trying to silence discussion of bi Dean in Sex and Violence.
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
saw someone say that sam is the only one in tfw whose trauma is sexualised... and I just want to know what show they watched because that's the most blatantly untrue thing I've ever seen. truly glad to find some people on tumblr like you who seem to actually have watched the show so thank you for that
Not exactly sure how to interpret this the way it's phrased. If the idea is that Sam is the only one who faces trauma that has sexual undertones or overtones...
In 1.20, a rapist vampire forces her tongue down Dean's throat while another vampire watches appreciatively. This is also all happening while John and Sam are using Dean as bait.
In 3.01, Dean is attacked by Lust.
In 4.03 while Dean is tied up, Azazel sniffs at his neck while wearing his grandfather, Samuel.
In 4.05, Dean is undressed by the Dracula shifter while unconscious and then dressed in lederhosen.
We... all saw Alastair, right? Like. Just watch the guy in a single scene. How he talks to and looks at people. How he talks to and looks at Dean. ("They sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that..." - Dean in 4.10 talking about hell). (Also this)
In 4.14, Dean swaps spit with a siren and is put under it's control.
In season 5, saying "yes" to an angel is repeatedly compared to sex acts by Dean.
In 5.01, Meg forces a kiss on Dean.
In 6.05, Soulless Sam uses Dean as unwilling bait. Dean is attacked in an alley by a rapist vampire who calls him "pretty" and then later in the episode, the same vampire asks Dean if he wants "the private tour" while looking him up and down.
Multiple instances in 6.09
In 6.09, Meg sits on a tied up Dean's lap and puts a knife to his throat, and says "Satisfy me or I please myself". Afterwards, she tells Dean "don't pretend you don't enjoy it".
This moment also in 6.09.
This moment from 8.03.
Abaddon says a range of creepy, sexual things to Dean while overpowering him. [Ex 1]
Lots of heavy implications in season 10.
The Amara plot line.
Dean being tied to an altar as a sacrifice for a tentacle monster.
Whole season 14 Michael possession plot.
Didn't make it to film but "Wide-eyed hitchhiker routine" (14.14)
In 15.05, Lilith says that Chuck has a "Very weird, very pervvy obsession" with Dean. (Pair this with Dean being "full frontal" in the Supernatural books according to 5.18).
Then there's Cas, who is almost murdered by a woman he had sex with in 9.03, and who also gets possessed by Lucifer, and who was lobotomized 5 billion times for being in love with Dean.
My tag #dont objectify me! might be of interest.
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kaleldobrev · 1 year
Spitting Image
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: You think Dean looks like one of your favorite characters. Dean on the other hand...doesn’t see the resemblance.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Cursing (5x), Insanely minor spoilers for S3 The Boys
Authors Note: I’m sure there’s someone that has done this already, but I wanted to write this because I believe Dean would probably be one of the biggest The Boys fans there ever was | I also just really love Soldier Boy and just need S4 | This is my first time using gifs throughout the fic so let me know if that’s something you like. I mainly did it so if you haven’t seen the show you know what scenes I’m referring to. But you don’t have to watch the show in order to read this | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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When you and Dean first met three years ago, the two of you instantly clicked. It was a strange feeling for Dean at first, because the last time he had felt this kind of instant connection to someone, they turned out to be a siren; and he wasn’t about to fall for that again. Thankfully, because you too were a hunter, you had let him subject you to all the usual tests to prove that you weren’t some kind of monster. Silver, holy water, bearing your non-vampire teeth, and even showing off your anti-possession tattoo; the whole nine yards. Dean subjected himself to the same kind of tests as well, to prove to you that he was not a monster either. You had told him that he didn’t have to, that you believed him when he said that he wasn’t some kind of monster, but he did so anyway, without complaint.
Not only did the two of you share a passion for classic rock, Clint Eastwood movies, bacon cheeseburgers, and classic cars, you also shared a love of a tv show that barely anyone he knew, or you watched: The Boys. One of you, neither of you could really remember which of you had first mentioned it, but as soon as one of you did, it was like a light bulb went off. “Holy shit! You watch it too?” You had said. Not soon after that conversation, the two of you had started dating, which caused you to jokingly ask Dean, “Was me liking The Boys the final test if you were going to date me or not Winchester?” He remembered laughing at your comment. “No, I wanted to date you the moment I laid my eyes on you but, you liking the show did give you bonus points.”
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Week One. Today was the day; the first three episodes of The Boys was going to be available to watch today, and you honestly couldn’t be more excited. “This is what I hate about tv shows now. One season is like five episodes, and then when it’s over, you have to wait another two or three years for the next season.” Dean started to complain, but you couldn’t help but agree with him. “Back in my day, you only had to wait like four or six months for the new season. Or, if it was a cartoon, the next week.” Dean continued. His, ‘back in my day’ comments only made you chuckle as you were only a few years younger than he was.
“Well, at least we can enjoy three episodes tonight, and then one each week for the next couple of weeks.” You said, trying to add some kind of positivity to the situation. Once you walked into the bedroom you shut the door behind you and started relying the list of quote-on-quote supplies that you needed for premiere night. “Okay, I got the popcorn, you got the beers. We’re both in our comfy lounging clothes. Is there anything else I’m missing?” You asked, making your way to yours and Dean’s shared bed. Dean was already sitting in bed with the remote in his hand, where he had already placed a beer on each nightstand – one for you and one for him.
As you stood at the side of the bed, Dean turned to look over at you with a small smirk on his lips. “Just for you to bring that ass over here with the popcorn.” Dean winked.
“You don’t have to ask me twice.” You replied, giving him a wink back before sitting next to him in bed; both of you sitting with your legs crossed. You placed the popcorn bowl in the middle so the two of you would be able to have easy access. Grabbing the remote that Dean had placed in front of you, you hovered your finger on the play button. “Ready?”
“I’m ready when you are Beautiful.” Dean said – you had never pressed the play button quicker your entire life.
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As the two of you were watching the show, there was one scene in particular where you couldn’t help but raise a brow. Without any kind of warning to Dean, you pressed the pause button on a scene that showed a black and white photo of Soldier Boy and a group color photo of Payback. You did a double take just then, looking at the screen and looking at Dean. You couldn’t help but think that Dean looked like a spitting image of the actor that was playing Soldier Boy. After looking at Dean for a second time, he couldn’t help but look at you with a slightly confused, yet annoyed expression on his face. “Y/N, why’d you pause it?” He asked.
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“You’re not…you’re not seeing this?” You asked, sounding slightly baffled.
“See what Sweetheart?” He voice sounding a bit more confused now.
You pointed at the screen, as if it should be obvious what he should be looking at. “You look exactly like Soldier Boy.”
Dean turned from looking at you to looking at the screen, eyeing the black and white picture of the man before him. He squinted his eyes, and unsquinted them just as quickly before looking back at you again. “What?”
With an annoyed huff, you got up from your spot on the bed and walked over to the screen so you can point at the picture. “You don’t see it?!” You questioned, amazed that Dean could not see the clear resemblance between him and the actor.
With a sigh, Dean got up from his spot; doing his best to humor you in the moment even though he knew for a fact that there was no way he remotely looked like the character. Getting up close to the screen he stared for a moment, doing his best to focus on the picture. “Nope. I don’t see it. I mean, the dude has a mask on.”
“Dean, that smile, clearly yours. And plus, I think I’ve seen you with a mask on plenty of times to know what you look like with a mask on.” You said. “Two words: Zorro roleplays.”
“I…” As soon as you said that, he looked back at the screen again. “No. I still don’t see it.”
“I honestly don’t know how you’re not seeing it! It’s like looking into a mirror!” Your frustration was starting to show in your voice. You walked back over to the bed and sat back down, Dean following your lead.
“I’m sorry Sweetheart. I’m just not seeing it.” Dean said. “Can we finish watching? We got two more episodes to watch tonight. And we’ve waited like a year and a half for this season.”
“Fine, fine…Soldier Boy.” You whispered the last two words, hoping that Dean didn’t hear you.
Dean’s head snapped to look in your direction. “What?”
“What?” You asked, almost too innocently for his liking.
“Did you…did you just call me Soldier Boy?” The way he asked, you knew for a fact that he had heard you.
You hesitated to answer for a moment. “No…”
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Watching episode three was a struggle for you. It was so hard not to picture Dean now in the Soldier Boy scenes because of how much he looked and sounded so much like the actor playing him. “Fuck, you would look so good in that suit.” You whispered, barely audible as you watched a flashback scene taking place about what happened with Soldier Boy and his team when they were in Nicaragua with Grace Mallory.
“Say something Sweetheart?” Dean asked. You could see in your peripheral that Dean had his face looking toward you instead of having his eyes on the screen like you.
“Nope.” You turned to face him. “Why?”
“I thought…” Dean thought for a moment whether or not he was going to comment on what he thought he heard you say. Fuck, you would look so good in that suit. But decided that it would be best to play dumb for now; he didn’t want to bring up the weird argument you guys had during episode one. “Nevermind.”
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Week Two. The next week rolled around, and it was time for episode four. “I can’t believe that the season is already halfway over.” You commented.
“Don’t know why they can’t do thirteen episodes like a normal show. None of this eight episodes crap.” Dean complained, doing his best to try and set the show up like you had showed him to do so many times before.
“Alright. As usual, I brought the popcorn, you got the beers, and we’re both in our comfy clothes. Anything else I’m missing?” You walked over to the bed, holding the giant bowl of extra buttered popcorn that Dean had requested.
“You sitting next to me.” Dean winked. “Come bring those soon to be insanely buttered fingers over here.” His comment made you laugh. “What’s so funny Gorgeous?”
You sat on the bed, taking your place next to your boyfriend, and looked at him with absolute awe. “You.” Was all you said before kissing him.
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“Oh come on!” You said, pressing the pause button. “He even sounds like you when you sing!”
“What? That sounds nothing like me!” Dean exclaimed.
“Yes, it does. That’s exactly what you sound like when you sing.” You argued back.
“I-I’m not that bad. That guy –” Dean pointed the screen, “that guy sucks!”
“I’ve heard you sing Rapture by Blondie countless times. You sound exactly like that.” Although you had only known Dean for a short amount of time – three years to be exact – you have heard this man sing all the time. More often than you would have thought for someone like him. Between the long car rides, hearing him randomly sing when he’s in the shower or working on Baby; even at karaoke night down at the local bar when he’s had a few too many, you were far too familiar with his singing voice. Your boyfriend couldn’t really sing, but he enjoyed it. He wasn’t horrible, but he wasn’t necessarily the best either.
“I don’t sound like that! That guy right there? Clearly tone deaf.” Dean couldn’t believe what he was hearing right now. He knew for a fact that he wasn’t the best singer; he didn’t sing because he was good, he sang because he enjoyed it. “Are you calling me tone deaf?”
“What? No. Don’t be ridiculous. I’m just saying, I honestly cannot understand how you don’t see or hear that you sound exactly like this guy.” In that moment, you felt an idea hit you. Pointing your finger at Dean you said, “You know what? I’m getting Sam. He’ll agree with me!” Getting out of bed you started making your way toward the door; Dean following close behind you. “Sammy!” You called out once opening the door.
“Y/N! No! We’re not getting Sam involved.” Dean said, a hint of frustration and slight annoyance in his voice.
You stopped dead in the middle of the hallway, turning around to face Dean who you almost collided with. “Cause you know I’m right!”
“What? No! I didn’t say that!” He pinched the bridge of his nose; there was a small part of him that didn’t believe that he was having this kind of quote-on- quote argument with you.
“Sammy!” You called again, practically marching your way down the hallway.
Sam came out of his room, which was pitch black; the only hint of light was coming from the flashing lights of the tv in his room. “Y/N? Everything okay?” Sam asked, partially stepping out of his bedroom.
“Okay. Me and Dean need a debate settled.” You began. “There’s this character on The Boys called Solider Boy and I honestly think he a spitting image of Dean. Even sounds like him. But Dean, can’t see it or hear it.”
“I think she’s wrong. Clearly.” Dean chimed in.
Sam looked at the two of you, almost in disbelief. He didn’t know what he was really expecting to be honest, you and Dean had gotten into all sorts of debates since you two have known each other; some of them more ridiculous than the previous one. In some ways, it almost reminded him of some of the debates him and Dean would get into. They were slightly childish, but also weirdly passionate when it came to their side of the argument. “Alright.” Sam rubbed his face. “Show me what you’re talking about.”
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Back in yours and Dean’s room you had episodes three and four pulled up: the flashback scene that had quite a bit of Soldier Boy lines, and episode four where he sang Rapture. After the three of you watched both parts – Dean rolling his eyes 90% of the time; you turned to Sam waiting to hear him hopefully agreeing with you. “I mean…” Sam looked at the scene that you were paused on and looked at Dean and then back at the screen. “Kinda. Like, if you squint.” Sam finally said.
“Ha! I win!” You slapped the sides of your legs as Dean said that. His reaction about what you were expecting.
“No! No! He said if you squint! That’s different than a flat-out no.” You argued.
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Week Six. It had been a couple of weeks since you and Dean had your weird argument – more like debate – about whether or not he did in fact look like the actor who played Soldier Boy. You were a firm believer that he in fact did, which you thought was a compliment because you had thought that the guy playing him was probably just as attractive as Dean was. But Dean on the other hand, was of the opinion that he did not look or sound remotely like the guy and could not believe that you could even compare the two. “It’s like comparing apples to rifles.” Dean had told you. “Dean, that doesn’t even make any sense.” You replied. “Exactly my point.” He said.
After the first couple of episodes, you had decided that it was best to not bring up the debate again, knowing that the two of you would never agree. It wasn’t the end of the world of course, but there was a part of you that still could not believe that Dean couldn’t see it. Even Sam; who you really thought was going to agree with you, really didn’t. You had thought that if anyone would agree with you, it would be him.
You were currently in the Bunker kitchen with your back leaning against the counter waiting for the popcorn to be done. You were doing your usual weekly routine where you were the one that made the popcorn and Dean was the one that gathered the beers for the two of you. As you were watching the seconds count down on the microwave you heard heavy boot steps coming into the kitchen; full well knowing that it was Dean. You had been living with the man long enough to know exactly what his footsteps had sounded like, and you were also aware that you and Dean had the Bunker all to yourselves tonight. What made it slightly strange though, is that his boots didn’t sound like the ones that he normally wore. “I was thinking, after we finish the finale tonight, we could go for a nice long walk.” You said as the microwave beeped. Taking the popcorn out of the microwave you turned to see Dean; your jaw dropping. “Son of a bitch. Where did you…How did you…” In front of you, Dean was in full Soldier Boy costume – minus the mask; you were impressed that he even had the shield.
“Uh, Charlie.” He almost seemed embarrassed. “I uh, I called her up a few weeks ago.” He walked into the kitchen more so he was now on the other side of the counter that you were currently behind.
“You…you asked Charlie to get you a…Soldier Boy costume…?” For one of the first times in your life you were utterly speechless. You and Dean had roleplayed before and have seen each other in some…interesting costumes, but for you, this took the cake, especially since you knew Dean thought he looked nothing like the man. You wondered what had changed his mind, or even if he did change his mind, and was just doing this to appease you.
Dean let out a small, slightly embarrassed chuckle. “Yeah.” He put the shield down on the counter. “I asked her to get it for me. Mainly…Mainly for you.” He mumbled the last couple of words, but they were still loud enough for you to hear. Your face lit up a bit at his comment. Even though he really disagreed with you that he looked nothing like the man, that didn’t mean he couldn’t indulge you in your fantasy; considering you have done that plenty of times for him, and well…he did have to agree with you on one thing: he did look pretty good in the costume.
“Well, I uh…” You walked around the counter and stood in front of Dean, placing your hand on his chest. “I’m definitely gonna have to send her a fruit basket cause…fuck.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around your waist. “You wouldn’t…You wouldn’t want to roleplay would you?”
Dean smirked, clicking his tongue. “Would I have to wear the costume the whole time?”
“Only for a bit.” You smiled.
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constantpan1c · 3 months
I'll burn your name into my throat, I'll be the fire that'll catch you.
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HII x3!! I’m Panic (or Riley if we are close)
🦇🩸a sadist + cardiophile freak 🩸🦇
Drama teacher at the Tumblr @hellsite-school and the most 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 member of the @mydinnercult
🖤 @archiewantsheetmetal ❤️ my lovely boyfriend!
I’m 16, Bisexual, I go by She/They, and I play the drums
Most of the time i’m rambling about my favorite musicians 🥲
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MUSIC I LIKE: My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, Chappell Roan, Panic! At The Disco (pre split), Twenty One Pilots, Queen, Greenday, Blink 182, Yellow Card, Nirvana, The Offspring, The All American Rejects, All Time Low, Weezer, Set It Off, Bowling For Soup, Evanescence, Boys Like Girls, Flyleaf, Avril Lavigne, and System Of A Down!
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MEDIA I LIKE: SCREAM 1996!!, Glee, Heathers 1988, Nightmare Before Christmas, Sweeny Todd, Smiling Friends, Hamilton, Sinjin Drowning, Scott Pilgrim, South Park, Danny Gonzales, Kurtis Conner, and Drew Gooden!
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psychicsamlover · 1 year
what I really love about sex and violence ep is that the siren curse can be interpreted in different ways and it will still make sense.
like in canon, I think it was mostly platonic (but still weird and we love that). dean wanted more than anything to get his relationship back to normal with sam. he wanted sam to be his little brother again. so their platonic brotherly love surpasses any sexual/romantic/erotic desire or attraction because it is the most important thing to them.
at the same time, it fits perfectly into the wincest context - dean is most attracted to sam, and sam is most attracted to dean. "It wasn't some bitch in a g-string. It was you".
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