chiptrillino · 2 years
By any chance do you have a larger photo of those Yue designs? I'm absolutely digging them
uhm... sadly i didn't at the time you asked me. but i do have now! so sorry for the longer wait;;;
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the one i posted were really tiny and i was working anyway on these. it just took me a bit to get it done :D uhm... so here me playing dressup... with yue... again... sorry yue...
if i have to explain mayself... my thought process is basically... yue is the moon. so her dress is either the moon or the enviorment around or below her. and.... you know... fish... -tries not to feel my ex profs glaring at me like "elaborate more dang it"-
also! all these option but if someone tells me to draw yue again i would still give her... a new outfit or just idk... because i can't pick!!!!
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astraskylark · 1 year
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popipopipopipopipo000 · 4 months
Why do they….look so….alike……eveb the shape of the nose from the front…
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blackstarchanx3new · 4 months
Mmmm I was out all day. Came back and napped. 😩
I didn't draw at all.
I wanna draw now.
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i-am-a-fan · 10 months
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Redson was always good at two things…
asking questions.. and being alone.
And as he stared at the hero beside them, a single thought repeated songfully in their head,
“I hate you. I hate that the questions you make me want to ask… need two people to answer….”
Oh, a mantra for the traitorous prince.
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impala-dreamer · 7 months
so was Soldier Boy just standing up in that chamber thing for 40 years or...
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twig-the-edgelord · 3 months
The animal experiments
Warning mentions of waste
The animal experiments were conducted to see how Dr. J. Clementine would fare in a non-human host. Given the nature of 963 and the previous experiments it was completely unknown. A few hypotheses have been suggested.
•That he would start changing the appearance of the animal.
•That the hosts would grow certain parts to be able to do human tasks.
•That he would bond completely other than certain anatomy. Specifically cat ears and a cat tail.
A stray tabby cat was gathered from a rescue shelter. It was a chubby grey tabby.
After one death a quick reminder to junior researchers that SCP 963 isn’t to be touched without gloves, SCP 963 was fastened onto a collar.
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[image taken 22/05/■■■■] 1145
Around 1232 tufts of fur had been spotted around the parts of the facility that Dr. Clementine had been allowed to access. Dr. Clementine had been napping in front of a window, taking in the noon sun. The tufts of fur was shedding from the scar forming.
After calling to him by name he reacted immediately. He was able to recognize his name, as well as Dr. ■■■■■, who he is close to. After a few tests it was determined that Dr. Clementine was able to recognize certain people, places, and a toy slug. Even though the intelligence is heightened, it is still that of a cat.
After Dr. Clementine was released from the kennel he was sleeping in, Clementine immediately had back away and hissed at the personal that had released him.
After a ton of scratching he allowed someone to pick him up. Though he was growling the whole trip.
Only placing kibble on the table kept him still long enough to take an x-ray and examination. Both revealed nothing out of the ordinary. No changes in bone, skin or fur. The cat was perfectly healthy.
Bonding continued to not occur. The only change that happened was his tooth going missing after he bit Dr. ■■■■ because he didn’t hold him correctly. Which would be like an infant.
He was brought to SCP 529, to see how he would react with another feline. The two greeted each by sniffing. Though Dr. Clementine was weary of Joises lack of a bottom half, the two grew close with an exchange of slow blinks.
When all human entities had left the cell, it had been monitored that the two cats were ‘loafing’ beside each other, with SCP 529 occasionally rubbing her head along Jacks side.
SCP 963 was removed from the cat and the body was quickly discarded.
The chain of SCP 963 was looped around rope, and tied around the neck of an American Landrace Pig.
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[image taken 01/06/■■■■] 1526
At 0245 it was discovered where Dr. Clementine had found reasonable to defecate, unfortunately it was in front of the break room with the vending machine with the good snacks. He absolutely refuses to use the bathroom anywhere but that doorway.
It was decided to give Dr. Clementine entertainment to stop him from bothering the researchers. He was given a football and straw tubes.
Dr. Clementine was permitted to wander around more of the facility, so D-class could remove the smell from the break room.
He found himself in front of the cell of SCP 321. He plopped himself down in front of the door for 2 hours, every few minutes he would push his ball up to the door as if the anomaly was able to come outside and play with him.
An agent tried to move him away, but Dr. Clementine nudged him with his head. When it didn’t move the agent he bit onto his pants and refused to release them.
Eventually he made his way back to the break room.
Multiple puzzles were set in front of Dr. Clementine, which he was able to pass for treats. Including, a maze, opening crates, and matching shapes and colours. However he wasn’t able to do more difficult puzzles, even for snacks and toys.
A female African grey parrot was gifted to the foundation and to be Dr. Clementines next host. It was hoped that he would be able to mimic human speech, but it was unsure if he would be able to actually understand it.
[image removed]
Dr. Clementine was permitted to be in most social areas to encourage speech. He is allowed to be in the cafeteria, break rooms, and certain researchers office.
Dr. Clementine struggled to fly for the first few hours but soon was found playing in the rafters.
Dr. Clementine went into Dr. Clefs office at 1033, and at 1254 he had learned the words, “piss-fuck” “𝄡” “cocaine” “I’m a silly goose”. It is most likely that Clef is purposely teaching him these things. It should be noted that it was said in Dr. Clementines voice rather than Dr. Clefs.
Dr. Clementine had a much better grasp on the English language. He was able to label things in his surroundings, flying to them and saying what they are. Examples would be
•if someone knocked on a desk, he would knock on it with his beak and say “wood”
•going to the rafters and saying “metal”
He is much faster at learning speech and better at pronouncing words than what was expected.
When Dr. Clementines handler passed his office, Dr. Clementine flew over and hovered around the door repeatedly saying “Haold” and “cikly”or other variants.
The corn snake that had nearly finished shedding its skin was brought in.
Attaching SCP 963 on to such a tiny animal was over looked until now. SCP 963 being attached to a harness with the amulet on a wagon. The Dr. Clementine gain consciousness he began to freak out. This included wrapping around Dr.■■■■ wrist and biting him. Thrashing violently, he calmed down when a camera was brought out. He began flicking his tongue at it.
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[15/06/■■■■] 0924
After being placed in a glass enclosure it was evident that Dr. Clementine wasn’t able to climb anything due to the weight of SCP 963.
Dr. Clementines eyes had finally turned green after the eye caps came off, and his scales had much more of an orange tint.
Dr. Clementine had started attacking SCP 963 in annoyance and flinching away in pain.
A doe was found a couple hundred yards away from site 19. It was brought in.
SCP 963 was put back on its original chain and hung around the deers neck.
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Dr. Clementine struggled to walk, and his front legs kept repeatedly buckling over. He was followed as he explored to ensure that he wouldn’t injure himself.
Dr. Clef was permitted to bring Dr. Clementine to SCP 166s temporary contaminant cell. SCP 166 and Dr. Clementine allegedly were timid of each other at first, but did warm up after a few minutes. Once Dr. Clementine recognized who SCP 166 was he began to lick the top of her head.
SCP 166 had made a flower crown made from the yellow roses that were loose in her antlers. Dr. Clementine responded with a behaviour that wasn’t common with deer, by wagging his tail and stomping the floor repeatedly. A very human reaction to excitement.
A few staff members have brung Dr. Clementine apples, and other fruits/veggies. Though most chased him away from them still angry about the break room.
At 1644 Dr. Clementine had been found halfway out of a window. He would try to kick any presences he could feel behind him.
The second his limbs hit the floor he bolted around randomly, trying to get away from staff.
He wound up at a dead end, crashing against the wall and was unable to get back up. He kicked at nothing with his back hoof repeatedly in a pattern. It was matched with flinching and uneasy breathing.
An apple was offered to Dr. Clementine. He instantly shoved his nose against it as if it would rot at any second. He attempted to get the apple back to his safety wall, but couldn’t because of his leg.
The now wilting rose crown was slid over to him. He placed the apple inside of the flower ring. He kneeled in front of it and watched staff intently.
By this time most who gathered around had left due to lack of interest.
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. A stray greyhound with a cut in his ear. ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. ■■■■■■■■.
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Dr. Clementine was very friendly with staff. A bit too friendly. If not actively being held back he would run up to them and happily yap, while wagging his tail. He’d tries to sit his entire body on people’s feet.
At 1752 Dr. Clementine was found trying to bite the wall, growling viciously. His mouth unable to wrap the smooth surface.
Dr. Clementine was snatched up by the back of the collar, and yanked away from the wall. Dr. Clementine lashed out, YAP YAP YAP! He just wanted to get back to his tasty wall.
Dr. Clementine was sat in front of a window, barking at everything that moved, taking in the sun rays. Upon hearing a whistle, Dr. Clementine swerved his head around, tongue sticking out. He walked up to the source of the noise. Little feet paddling and tail wagging.
The researcher brought him to his next host.
A wild Guinea pig sat on the metal table. Given the size of the critter, it was decided to just tie it around their back.
The moment Dr. Clementine saw SCP 590s cell he began weeking. Loud peeps emanated from the small carrying cage.
Once staff entered they were greeted by SCP 590, who was excited to see the rodent. “That is Dr. Clementine.” Was said as the cage was placed onto the desk near his bed.
SCP 590 leapt over to the cage. SCP 590 tried to pick up Dr. Clementine with his bare hand. Which made Dr. Clementine jolt to the other side of the cage. When SCP 590 picked up Dr. Clementine with his prosthetic hand, Dr. Clementine allowed him. He tucked his hands and feet under his body and laid flat.
Dr. Clementine was removed when SCP 590 was still sleeping.
Throughout the day Dr.Clementine seemed to be depressed.
Dr. Clementine was found tearing at his scar. Not to the point where he was causing damage but he seemed to be trying to rip it off of his body.
Dr. Clementine would squeal angrily, only to calm whenever SCP 590 spoke, even if he didn’t understand what he was saying.
A yellow moray eel squirmed as it was hung above the tank. A tempered glass collar was slid around her neck, with SCP 963 inside of it.
The eel was dropped back into the cage. Though it took a couple of moments for Dr. Clementine to figure out how to swim. He eventually noodled around, snapping his jaw.
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Dr. Clementine somehow was in the Gulf of Mexico. He was drifting happily through a small crevasse in a ledge. He got several new scars swirling his body. In order to safely get him out pets and treats were offered.
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Ending notes:
•Dr. Clementine has no memories being in a non-human host
•being in non-human hosts changed his psyche, he sometimes acts like an animal (ex:loafing, whistling, playing in the rafters, barking, crawling on all fours, ect.)
•Dr. Clementine has no idea he acts like an animal
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acciooreo · 5 months
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A drawing of my sky kid (Currently) lol
I was so happy that Chill Sunbather was the traveling spirit last week!! I’ve wanted their cosmetics for forever now!!! The sunglasses, the cape, THE HAT!?
Sadly I couldn’t afford the hat, so I could only get the sunglasses and cape. All the same, I’m very happy they came. I can now tick them off the list of spirits I want!!
(Sorry this is rather late… )
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roxannarambles · 7 months
so Pokemon really went and decided that Nov 18 is now the international holiday known as Julinemo Day
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dawnleaf37 · 22 days
*looking at explanations for all the undertale endings* oh
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astraskylark · 1 year
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hypnoneghoul · 9 months
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good morning americans
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bellyjellyfish · 3 months
whenever i read the abbreviation of witch hat atelier
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frevandrest · 9 months
When is someone going to bring up the 1974 La révolution française rock opera ?
Say whaaat again??? 0_0
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impala-dreamer · 4 months
i dont wanna be complainy, but why am I getting Tumblr ads for Tumblr while I'm on Tumblr?
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not comprehending why people think elain, who has been almost completely mia from the last 2 books, is supposed to be next
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