catacosmo · 2 years
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Slowly drawing Weltall and Fei!!
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system-contact · 1 year
What bubble tea are you?
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brown sugar bubble tea
you are laid back and relaxed, and food is your most primary concern. if you were to spend your money on anything extravagant, it would most likely be an esoteric dish that you just had to try out, and the highest priority when you travel is trying out the local cuisine. you are not too concerned about what others think of you, since you're satisfied with yourself, and so you come off as quite confident.
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cheese milk tea
you may be standoffish and appear quite intimidating at first, maybe because of your resting bitch face, or maybe because of your fondness for dark colours. friends would often jokingly describe you as chaotic, or even chaotic evil, however you really aren't. once people get to know you, they'll realise that you're actually a sweet person, and you probably enjoy hobbies such as baking and are really invested in decorating your room. you also probably used XD unironically when you were a teenager.
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strawberry boba milk
what can i say, you're just a really sweet and cheerful person! you're peppy and optimistic in your outlook, and you try to keep a positive mindset at all times. people can always rely on you for listening ear, and you enjoy being social and going out with your friends. you also have the habit of excessively apologising even if you didn't do anything wrong, and you're quite easy to excite, as you have a wide range of hobbies and topics you find interesting.
tagged by :: @laughing-hellblazer tagging :: whoever wants to! tag me back so I can see!
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lorillee · 1 year
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im really normal about them <- lie
#ace attorney#mia fey#diego armando#miego#lorillee.png#THATS RIGHT BABY. AFTER -um . hold on. *checks notes* - SIX MONTHS. LORILLEE IS BACK WITH PHOTOSHOP ART 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#every now and again i like to put effort into something just to remind everybody that i can actually draw#well i say that but to be honest i put a lot of effort into those ms paint ''diego fey REAL'' doodles#but half of that is just because humans are a . something. to draw. and urban backgrounds are my worst nemesis#and also trying to work with ms paint to like slightly transform things is an incredible pain in the behind#anyways. yeagh 😎👍 behold the power of miego. getting me to actually finish something in photoshop for the first time in months#anyways. ive discovered the secret to getting me to draw stuff on photoshop. prepare yourselves accordingly#what i need to do is sketch & line something in ms paint. and then directly trace it over into photoshop#and then i can go ham#see because the reason i never did this before was because i would sketch things in ms paint#and try to line them in photoshop and it simply Wouldnt Work.#so i had assumed that if i wanted to draw in photoshop id have to sketch in it first. yknow. which i cannot do for some reason#something about the way the pen feels and the . its like the smoothing setting is on even when its on 0 percent. you know. anyways#but with this one i drew mia in ms paint as per usual . and i wanted to mess around with color & light#and i triedddd to do it in ms paint but unfortunately as you can probably imagine. doing stuff like this without layer filters#can get a little difficult. if you know what youre doing its obviously going to be easier but that being said i do not#when i pick colors i am literlaly just wildly guessing 😭🙏 which is fine for more straightforward coloring/shading#but not quite here. which is why i wanted to take a stab at it in the first place#so anyways i was like FINE WHATEVER and tried tracing the lineart in photoshop so i could take a stab at coloring in there#and i was . enlightened. (no pun intended). it WORKS#so anyways . you may actually be able to expect. some photoshop art from me#well ok thats a lie never expect art from me. but we can all dream together#anyways they really are the star-crossed doomed by the narrative romance ever. everything to me
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okminer07 · 1 month
Mice Among Beasts Pt 1
A Baldur's Gate fanfiction.
The dungeon-like space smelled awful, like death, rot, and goblins. It was impossible to see where they were going, what with the cage constantly rocking back and forth with each step the goblin took, clearly taking pleasure in jostling them around.  
A look of shock was still painted across Willow’s face, her brain struggling to keep up. How had she been so stupid?! Trying to steal food from that camp, and without any sort of plan? Had she even taken the time to scope the place out? No! She had simply seen the food and gone for it. Now, she was facing the grim reality that they themselves might become food. Did goblins eat her people? It seemed like a very real possibility, seeing what had been on- 
She jumped when a loud, high-pitched wail filled the air, the source being right next to her. Belle had been sniffling and whimpering from the moment they had been captured, but now she was screaming.   
The goblin above them groaned. He gave the cage a good shake, sending the two tiny humanoids falling from one side to the other, “Shut up!” 
Belle only cried louder. Holding her aching head, Willow stumbled over to her. She wrapped her arms tightly around her sister's frail body and pulled her into her lap. Cooing at her and petting her golden hair very slowly quieted the girl down, being content to cry into Willow’s shirt.   
The two were both trembling, but Willow tried to mask it by slowly rocking the sobbing mess in her arms. The corners of her own eyes burned, but she gritted her teeth and tried to remain composed. It wouldn’t help anyone if both of them began to crumble. Then again, could anything help them now?  
She turned her head to glare at the underside of their captor's chin, “What do you want?” she hissed.  
The two shrunk away as the cage was brought up to the goblin’s eye level. He smirked, “Entertainment.” 
He lowered the cage back down to his side, pushing open a large double door with a guttural grunt. Willow peered through the bars, vaguely able to make out the room they had entered. There were two rooms on either side of them, but the goblin walked past them and down a short set of stone steps. All sorts of crates and wooden boards peppered the room's perimeter, but what caught her eye were the two large cells across the room, one on the left, and one on the right.   
The goblin turned right, going down another short flight of stairs. Willow’s eyes widened, seeing ahead of them a small group of even more goblins. Three looked to be young ones, all of which were cackling with laughter. A guard of sorts seemed to be supervising them, a look of content amusement on her face.  
“Listen! Did you hear it squeal?” one of the young ones laughed, pointing into the cell before them.  
“Make it do it again!”  
One of the goblins bent down and when they straightened, had a large rock in their grasp. They promptly threw it into the cell. A deep yet pained whimper came from behind the bars, pitiful and animalistic. Willow tensed at the sound, goosebumps beginning to pop up along her arms. What sort of animal did they have in there? Anything larger than a rabbit would have been enough to send her running.   
The group burst into laughter, “Hand me another one!” 
Willow flinched as their captor cleared his throat. The oldest of the group turned, her face lighting up with a similar sinister smirk.  
“Hey, Crusher! Come to join the fun?” 
“Actually, I plan to add to it.”  He raised the cage and gave it another harsh shake, exciting a shriek out of Belle, “Lookie what I got ‘ere.” 
The whole group descended upon them. All the kids hurried forward, pushing and shoving one another to get to the front and peer inside the birdcage. Willow’s arms tightened around her sister as the pairs of eyes on those hideous faces slowly settled upon the two of them.  
“Woah!” exclaimed one child, “What are those?”   
The goblin next to him gave him a shove, “They’re clearly some kind of fey, idiot.” 
“What kind though?”  
“Well… uh…” the smartass peered through the bars once more, “Uh… I’m not sure. Are they pixies?”  
The eldest pushed them aside, leaning her ugly face down to scrutinize the girls, “No… no, pixies got wings, and these nibblets seem smaller. At least from what I’ve seen.” she gave the cage a small shove, causing Belle to cry out once more, her bony fingers clawing into her sister. 
“Hah! They make even funnier noises!” Willow flinched at the volume of the child’s voice, wishing her hands were free so she could cover them, “Make ‘em do it again!”  
“Oh oh! Let me see!” the smartass lept forward, his massive pudgy hands groping for the cage.  
Their captor- Crusher he seemed to be called, held them higher up, chuckling, “Now now, you’ll all get plenty of time to hear them make their noises.” he shot the two a grin before turning to the other adult, “Notice you haven’t fed that furball to the worgs yet.”  
“Nah, I’ve been having too much fun with ‘em.” she peered over her shoulder, “But if we ever run out of fresh meat-” 
Crusher held up his hand, silencing her and turning to the kids, “How would you guys like to see a real show?”   
Those greenish-yellow faces lit up, “Yeah!” 
“You wanna see a real show?” 
“Alright then.” he smirked from the cage to the cell, “This will be fun.”  
The cage started to sway once more as Crusher pushed past the kids, approaching the cell. Willow, her sister still in her arms, began to back towards the opposite side of the cage. 
They were suddenly lifted higher, being held right against the bars. Her heart hammered against her ribs as if trying to escape itself. She didn’t want to look, didn’t want to know, but her eyes betrayed her as they peered down into the cell.  
She gasped. Through the bars, standing in the very center, was a bear. An absolutely massive brown bear.  
Belle screamed, trying to backpedal further away to no avail. The goblins burst into fits of laughter, “What? You don’t like ‘em?” The cage was spun so now their backs were right up against the cell. Willow held her sister’s head against her chest as she whimpered. 
Chancing a glance over her shoulder, Willow saw that the bear’s eyes were fixed upon the cage. When Belle let out another whimper, its ears perked up at the sound.  
“D'aww look, I think he wants to be friends” teased Crusher, receiving more laughs in response.  
A shiver ran down her spine as the bear released a low, long drawn-out growl. Oh gods. 
“You wanna go in and say hello?” 
Belle shrieked, frantically shaking her head as if it would do anything.  
“Is that a yes?”  
“No!” she screamed. 
“Well, if you say so.”  
They began to be lowered, the cage nearly being touched down to the ground before the floor suddenly began to tilt. Willow hurriedly pulled her and her sister up the growing incline and wrapped her legs around the cage bars. Her sister screamed, clawing her way up her body and desperately trying to also grab onto something as their world continued to turn.  
Her arms began to burn as they became vertical, but she didn’t dare let them loosen their grip around Belle, not even for a moment. A large clawed hand came around and pried open the cage door.
“Come on now, “ Crusher gave the cage a good shake. Willow winced, straining to keep the two of them up, “Don’t want to keep ‘em waiting do ya?” His eyes zeroed in on what was keeping them from falling. Those clawed fingers crept towards her, nails slipping beneath her legs. A mere flick of the finger, and they were falling, falling into a death trap.  
She spun around in the air, putting herself between Belle and the approaching stone floor. An airless gasp escaped her as she collided with the ground. She coughed and wheezed, wincing at the throbbing pain now blooming across her whole back. 
Belle began to shake her and tug at her shirt collar. Willow pushed her away, forcing herself up. She froze as another low growl filled her ears. Grabbing hold of her sister, she looked up and wanted to scream. The bear’s eyes were fixed upon them. Even from afar, it towered over them, a huge mass of fur that could swallow them whole.  
Whipping her head around, her eyes landed upon the cell’s bars. The space between them was big enough for them to slip through. She ran for it, dragging her sister behind her. Almost as soon as she had started towards it, the goblins took notice. All of them crouched down in front of the cell to block her path, laughing at her pitiful attempt at escape.   
She spun around, heading in the opposite direction. Heart pounding in her ears, she began scouring the stone walls for cracks, holes, anything. The ground beneath them quivered and Willow looked over to see the bear taking a step towards them, head lowered and shoulders up.  
It stalked towards them, throwing her off balance with every step. She frantically continued to search the walls, running along the perimeter of the cell. When she reached a corner, she stopped, out of breath. She turned and froze. The bear was close now, its shadow beginning to cover the two of them. They couldn’t run now, they were cornered.  
Belle began to whimper. Willow stepped in front of her and began to back away. She only made it a few steps before they were pressed against the wall. Looking up in horror, she watched as the bear's head began to encapsulate her entire vision. The air around them stunk of its rancid breath. Its eyes were piercing, the gaze as sharp as its protruding fangs. This was it, they were dead. 
Willow’s arms came up to shield her and her sobbing sister. She braced herself as the beast closed in, opening its gaping maw. It descended upon them and she snapped her eyes shut, praying it would be a quick death for the both of them.  
Nothing. Nothing happened. She didn’t feel anything. Not the feeling of teeth tearing them to shreds like she had expected. Not the feeling of being doused in drool, not anything. However, she did hear something, the snapping of the bear’s jaws. 
Willow cracked open her eyes, freezing. The bear was mere inches away, its warm breath blowing back her silvery hair. It was still staring at them. It remained motionless.  
Suddenly, its massive form began to shift as it turned away from them. It began to make a noise that sounded like chewing. Willow hurriedly checked behind her, worried that it had somehow gotten a hold of Belle before her. But no, her sister was still huddled up behind her, looking up in terrified confusion. 
The bear continued to chew, at least that’s what it sounded like. She wracked her brain for an explanation of what else it could be but came up short.  
“Aw man, where’s all the blood?” rang out the familiar voice of one of the goblin children.   
Another voice sighed, “I guess if we wanted a real show, we should have thrown in something bigger, or maybe something that would have at least put up more of a fight. Ah well.”  
Willow’s eyes widened. Did they think that they had been- she looked up, seeing that the bear’s form was completely blocking them from the view of the goblins.   
“I guess we should get you lot back to work.” 
The young goblins all began to protest, “Aw come on! Can’t we throw more rocks at it or-”  
“Do you want to keep our True Soul waiting?” growled Crusher. 
True soul? 
“N-no. N-not at-” 
“Then get to it!” he barked, and Willow felt and heard the multiple pairs of feet hurry away, “Oh, and Butch wanted to see you, something ‘bout his worg. Won’t stop whining over it.”  
“Ugh, fine. Take me to him, will yah?” 
Another rumble of footsteps and the goblin’s grumbling murmurs slowly grew distant. With the slam of a door, the room fell silent.  
Hope you enjoy! and let me know if you want to hear more!
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just-some-guy-joust · 5 months
Full list of Side A OCs under the cut!
Bracket post
Side B list
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Jaiden Wells | She/her | @apotheoseity
Jaiden is.. really just some girl. A college student and avid Tumblr user, many of the people she's close to are wrapped up into supernatural or otherwise out-of-this-world situations, but she's just.. not. Everyone around her is terrified that she'll be exposed to some sort of horror, and at some points she's jealous of the people around her for leading such interesting lives, but she remains.. utterly mundane.
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Finch | They/them - it/its | @hershelchocolateart
Finch is the newest ghost to appear in the Whisper Court Ghost Sanctuary. While they themself consider this to be unremarkable, somehow everyone else in the cast is convinced that their appearance is malicious in some nature. While they spend the story trying to come to terms with who they are and find a future they want to live with, everyone else has pushed them to the forefront of the story by convincing themselves there's something going on behind the scenes. Even one of the Deities of this world is enamored with them, but Finch is simply too busy hanging out with their friends and attending tea parties to really know what's going on. Finch is simply a widdle guy who wants SOMEONE to come to board game night but no one trusts them :(
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Evergreen | She/her | @insertsona
shes just kind of chilling tbh . she's technically unemployed (didn't feel like it) and spends most of her time vibing . her ex recently returned to the city after randomly disappearing for years and she was just kind of oh hey glad youre back . her most interesting trait is that she takes part in a fighting tournament once a year and wins it usually . and shes transgender
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Zephyr Fey | He/him | @lord-plague
An averagely built guy who somehow managed to join the military force of his fortress city without a birth certificate, ID, and with dyed hair. Nobody knows where he came from, nobody knows why he is here but there he is. No magic or superhuman abilities or prodigal skills but my god does he make great goo bowls with greater personalities (nobody wants the goo bowls and he does not know why). That one friend that keeps trying to alleviate awkward situations with jokes and random laughter.
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Wally Rosette | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
Wally Rosette is a 15-year-old kid who was chosen (and then kidnapped) to attend the Elite Villainous International Learning facility. This position, however, is solely because his parents were world-famous villains. Wally himself has no interest in the business, and is often described as the sweetest person any of the cast has ever met. He spends most of his time in the background, helping out faculty and students with their homework or various tasks, and only ever becoming relevant when homework *is* the plot of the week. Wally is just a kind kid who knows better than to get involved in the plot and loves his friends so so so so so so so fucking much it's unreal
CW: Cartoony bugs, minor eye horror
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Mason | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
Mason is a Monster in a world of Monsters that rule the underworld of the city. Mason is an office worker at an office building where he doesn't even know what his job is. He just knows he's an office worker in a real office building :) he's an Insect Monster which usually results in the user becoming an insect themself, eventually losing their humanity and giving in to their animalistic nature. Mason is a beehive. He's friends with all the bees :)
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Adan Botello | He/him | @rainecloud020604
Adan is a highschooler who is just looking to pass class, go home and play Minecraft. He doesn't want to be unique or special any more than he is, maybe being a Minecraft YouTuber would be awesome but that's all he wants out of life. No matter what is thrown at him he tends to run away from it, like a fantasy world trying to claim he's a prince, he wants nothing to do with it. He just wants to be a normal kid, graduate high school and play Minecraft. He's also got transgender and autistic swag
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Joel Joehn | He/him | @rainecloud020604
Hes a college student, a ghost hunter where nothing ever really happens, and also hes a classic high school bully all at the same time. He likes musicals, and honestly his personality is kinda boring because all it can be boiled down to is "i'm a dick sometimes". his parents love him and support him hes got like two besties who are kinda normal too like nothing is ever going on with this guy except a false ghost report or a misread reading on something.
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James Chagrin | He/him | @fispy
James, despite being infected by a parasite that ate his soul, is just some guy. He feels ambivalent about the Matrix films. He doesn’t care for carbonated drinks. In the future he will work at a Target.
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Anita da Nevoa | She/her |@angelfishcake
Anita was just out living her life until her cousin ruined everything. Now she's cursed and gotta go find a cure (with the help of friends :D). Scares super easily which sucks because she's gotta deal with lots of scary things. Only one who acts reasonably in these situations. Likes roller-skating.
CW: Cartoony bug
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Greg | He/him | @tomfoolery-coolatta
hes a imp. approximately half a apple. he works for a local news station. he has a healthy work life balance, is fairly nice to everyone and is overall just. kind of average, especially compared to everyone else on the island he lives on. hes so normal i dont rlly have much about him
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Tulip | It/Its | @joyfulness03
-Literally just a little tulip mouse -Caught in the middle of a monster war, but is entirely oblivious to anything happening (not privy to The Horrors, because it is literally just a mouse) -Day plans: curling up in the sun to photosynthesize. it is fully booked, indefinitely -The most neutral of neutral parties (group pet) and the most background of background characters (group pet) -very friendly to everyone that pets it and gives its treats. it only bites a little bit, just little love nibbles. Average rodent behavior but with slightly sharper, plantier teeth
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Bradán Berongoy | He/Him | @serenefig
Bradán is a simple fisher who got swept up by a mercenary crew entirely due to a misunderstanding. By the time the captain realised, it was too late to cut the contract. He doesn't fight much, if at all, and his skills really only lay in fishing, be it rod fishing or spear fishing. He occasionally takes up cooking for the crew, but overall he's just. There. The crew is fond of their gruff civilian, and will go out of their way to prevent their own work disrupting Bradán's.
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Andrew Moss | He/him | @flowerrose14
Andrew is just your average nerd, ghost hunter and an anxious wreck but despite it all he is a guy. Despite the horrors of being shrunk and traumatized hes still himself, an anxious wreck of a human who thinks the supernatural is awesome and he wants to study it so so bad. Even though fairy hunting gone wrong is literally the reason he got cursed, he's still interested in the supernatural. After all its awesome, and whats going to stop him.
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Blake Stevens | He/him | @azumelia
His entire joke is being a completely normal guy in a very wacky world. He is the only cishet person in the entire setting. He has extremely bad luck and constantly gets fucked over - whether or not this is connected to the cishet thing is unknown, but people in-universe like to joke that he's "cursed by the Gods for being straight." He does not enjoy this. He is tired at all times, both of everyone's shit and just in general - man is suffering.
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Rafferty | He/him | @kris-the-kraken
Rafferty is an office worker and aspiring author. Though he has an endless depth of creativity he scraps all his ideas because they remind him of his first attempt at writing.
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audiofictionuk · 1 month
New Fiction Podcasts - 18th August 2024
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Crucible - A Byron Chronicles Tale Audio Drama The final segment in the Master of Sorrow Trilogy. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240809-01&check=Yes RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6260327/episodes/feed
Multiversally Misplaced Audio RPG A podcast that travels throughout fandoms in a great TTRPG style with 4 friends, if you love comedy, crude humor, and fandoms like Fallout, Walking Dead, Jimmy Neutron, and Spider-man then this is the pod for you! New Episodes on the 10th and 20th of every month. Starring: Fey Wild as the DM and Host, Juan Reyes as himself and the Editor, Oz as themselves, Tian as himself. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240809-02&check=Yes RSS: https://media.rss.com/multiversallymisplaced/feed.xml
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Walkie-Talkie Audio Drama Walkie-Talkie is a scripted narrative comedy podcast that follows Katie, a young asexual woman, who decides to meet and connect with new people by hiding a walkie-talkie in a new place each week and then going on a walk with the person who finds it. Essentially, she sets herself up on platonic blind dates. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240812-01&check=Yes RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f9b81c18/podcast/rss
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Dungeon Masters Audio Drama Dungeon Masters takes a behind-the-curtain look into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, told through the lenses of the creator of the game, Gary Gygax, played by Wil Wheaton and of private investigator, William Dear, played by Jon Hamm, a swashbuckling tough guy in 1979. Gygax guides the audience through this incredible true story as our Dungeon Master, as we follow Dear on his quest to find Dallas Egbert, a Michigan State student, who supposedly disappeared in the steam tunnels under his University while enacting a real-life version of D&D. What Dear encounters on this journey and ultimately discovers, defies all expectations, and changes the culture as we know it. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240812-02&check=Yes RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/QCD9312075181
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MERCY: A Queer Eldritch Western Audio Drama Wayne Sawyer is a grizzled jack-of-all-trades, helping the folk of Mercy for a mere pittance. When he meets the bizarre and enigmatic academic, Doctor Daisy Gray, they are both thrust into dangers beyond human comprehension. A queer eldritch audio drama set during the tail end of the wild west. For adult audiences only. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240813-01&check=Yes RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/mercy-a-queer-eldritch-western
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Palace of Mirrors Audio Book A narrative podcast about a mysterious talking sword that leads a boy on adventure across a dying moon. About a woman seeking her revenge at any cost. About a scarred pirate, broken and twisted, who can see the future and will stop at nothing to meet it. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240813-02&check=Yes RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2393496.rss
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The PMRP Podcast Audio Drama The Post-Meridian Radio Players (the PMRP) have been performing audio dramas in front of an audience since 2005. This podcast will showcase some of our past performances from our almost two decade history, along with some new material and surprises! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231011-10&check=Yes RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2245345.rss
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The Last Floor Audio Drama Four people at different seasons in their lives answer a job ad. They have no idea what the job is or what it will entail. They have no idea that they were chosen...for a reason. Follow them as they go up to the Last Floor. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240814-01&check=Yes RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6244913/episodes/feed
The LZR Project Audio Book For years, Mr. Big terrorized the city of Lysallis and most of Enera, carving a path of destruction and chaos through most of Western Anaisha. To put a stop to him once and for all, the teen heroes known as the Lazerblades decide to form a joint venture with the Enera government to enact The LZR Project in the hopes of bringing Lysallis's crime lord - and his thugs - to justice. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240805-03&check=Yes RSS: https://media.rss.com/the-lzr-project/feed.xml
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SHOT fictions. Audio Book Découvrez SHOT, votre micro dose de fictions.SF, thriller, drame... serez-vous prêt.e.s pour la chute ? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240725-05&check=Yes RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/shot-fictions
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Nuka-Tales Radio Audio Drama Dive into the irradiated world of “Nuka Tales,” where every episode unveils a new story from the Fallout universe. From the desolate Capital Wasteland to the glitzy New Vegas Strip, our narratives explore survival, betrayal, and redemption. Join us as we unravel forgotten secrets, encounter mutated creatures, and grapple with moral choices. Whether you’re a Vault dweller or a wandering wasteland wanderer, “Nuka Tales” delivers post-apocalyptic tales that resonate across the digital wasteland. Tune in for immersive storytelling, captivating world-building, and the haunting echoes of a bygone era. Because in the wasteland, every story is a fight for survival—one episode at a time. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240802-03&check=Yes RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/nukatales
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Boohouse Books, Short Horror Stories Audio Book Audible tales of horror written and narrated by Mark Steven Nordlund. New story every month, more information available at boohousebooks.com https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240808-03&check=Yes RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/boohousebooks/feed.xml
Shelterwood Audio Drama Shelterwood: A Suburban Gothic is a Docu-Horror Podcast written and produced by Stephen Indrisano. Join one man’s quest to find his long-lost sister in an infinite, monster-infested suburb beyond the veil. Shelterwood is one part Gothic, one part Found Footage, and one hundred percent terrifying. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240815-01&check=Yes RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/BDA2155394596
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The Bad Spot Audio RPG Join Matt Risby as he plays Ironsworn: Starforged by Shawn Tomkin. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240807-02&check=Yes RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/thebadspotcast/feed.xml
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What's Poppin' Penny? Audio Drama Welcome Trusted Adults & Brownstone Buddies to What's Poppin' Penny? A Whimsical Podcast for Preschoolers and Families! Join us as we embark on enchanting journeys with Penny Wright, a curious preschooler with brown skin and curly hair who lives in a cozy multi-generational household filled with love, laughter, and learning. Penny's life takes a magical turn when she finds a teddy bear in a box of her grandfather's belongings during a game of hide-and-seek with her grandmother, Spicy. Thanks to a familial poem her grandfather taught her, Penny learns that when your past is just your beginning, your ancestors' gifts can always find you! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231014-02&check=Yes RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2256958.rss
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Re: Wizard Stupid
As you outline it, i definitely believe its a thing. However, id like to object that Ludinus exhibits it in earnest. Absolutely its what he projects (ie. the absurdity of hating clerics for being gifted magic while working alongside SORCERERS), but i think he projects it knowingly and deliberately, which disqualifies him from Wizard Stupid.
Basically im denying the adage “Never attribute to malice what can be adequately attributed to stupidity”. Id LOVE your thoughts on this but its my belief that Ludinus is weaponizing populist talking points against what are basically ignorant common folk and traumatized people as a shield to hide his greater true desire to become god emperor of Exandria. Especially keeping in mind that us as the audience have a vaster knowledge of the Exandrian pantheon and its inner workings than a regular commoner who’s worked a farm all their life and just wants to make enough money for a meal. If right-wingers get away with this kind of shit all the time, i certainly believe Ludinus does, too.
I would disagree with a few things here; but to address the first point, Wizard Stupid really is just "I think the consequences of my actions will not come back to me, and indeed haven't necessarily thought them through at all", which I believe absolutely applies to Ludinus. While we don't know for sure that teleportation is broken, or that he's fucked the ley network and therefore arcane magic, those are both pretty likely. He activated a machine that had taken damage with his own life force. He also did hire Astrid, who is heavily implied to have been feeding intel to Caleb and would therefore be indirectly responsible for quite a lot of that damage. He stiffed Ira's bill; reneging on a contract with a fey even other fey think is kind of a wildcard? That's Wizard Stupid. I'd also note: never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity is much more about assuming that the person who cut you off in traffic is a fucking idiot who wasn't paying attention, not that they have it out for you and want you to crash. It doesn't mean people can't be both malicious and stupid, and we do know Ludinus is, canonically, evil. I am not denying his malice; I'm saying he's also, in some areas, very, very stupid.
In general though, I don't think a comparison to populism is apt. Ludinus and the Vanguard expressly aren't going around doing massive, active recruiting among common people who are, or perceive themselves to be, disenfranchised. Tuldus is actually the exception to what we've seen; the majority of Vanguard members we've encountered have been Ruidusborn. This is a cult recruiting vulnerable people. If it were truly populist, why is it not commonly known among the population? Why recruit Lilliana and not Relvin, who is similarly a regular commoner who's worked on a farm all his life? Why hasn't anyone in the party, many of whom have been living on the fringes of society, heard of it before now? Why are their only allies other tiny obscure cults and a crawler gang? Why are they killing what appears to be random travelers? The Paragon's Call members are honestly pretty apathetic, and the Malleus Key plan wasn't a recruiting tactic when Bells Hells encountered them; I think it's a case of "boss says we're killing god and they're paying well, so, sure, I don't care as long as I get overtime." Killing the gods is not a talking point being used to rally the masses; it's not populism and it's frankly not even popular. All things considered, the group at the Tishtan site is pitifully small.
I will also admit, and this applies here but to a few other posts as well, that I don't find a framing of Mortals vs. the Gods under any kind of real-world political structure to really work for me. The premise is in fact that the gods don't function like mortals, so even if killing the gods were a popular sentiment, which again, it is not, I don't know if it would map well to populism.
Now, I do agree that Ludinus is being deliberately manipulative and hypocritical. With that said this also doesn't rule out stupid for him (nor for real-life politicians). I do, in fact, think that no shortage of right-wing populists believe a decent amount of their own bullshit. Like...generally, a lot of fascists are very effective at amassing short term power, and they don't believe all the bullshit they say but use it to manipulate the population, and we obviously don't want that either, because it does not take terribly long to do a massive amount of harm; but they do often fuck up the long term planning. Eventually, you eliminate everyone you've been scapegoating and you still haven't built a utopia so you either need to, as Ashton said, get down to like 5 people at which point society collapses; or someone else shows up and you now become the target of the population's ire. Basically this is all to say you can be both stupid (and specifically Wizard Stupid, which is about ignoring immediate and possibly lethal consequences, often though not always in the service of pursuing knowledge or a greater vision) and manipulative, ie, Ludinus is not in fact disqualified from Wizard Stupid simply because he also deliberately misleads some people.
I also don't think Ludinus wants to become god-emperor and haven't seen any evidence he does - it's a theory, but I don't agree with it and believe he genuinely is mostly focused on just killing the gods. But, frankly, if he did wish to be god-emperor? Doing so by allying with powerful sorcerers whose powers are believed to come from Predathos? Of whom we know he - one of the most powerful archmages in the world - is jealous? And assuming he'll keep that position? With all the potential fuck-ups to magic? Also, specifically pissing off druids, who might actually (along with paladins) be the group most able to withstand what may go down if Predathos is unleashed given that their magic comes neither from the gods nor is arcane? Now that's Wizard Stupid.
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system-of-a-feather · 11 months
My writing partner and childhood best friend, during a real talk hours, asked me: "I scare me tho. You're not scared. Why? Do you trust yourself?" following a kinda DID kinda whole self chatter
And I was thinking about it today this morning going to work. And an hour or two of thinking about it as a whole (Fei)
It both refers to "me and my parts" both as a system and as a single person in a more IFS manner
"Thinking about this while doing work and driving this morning some
And honestly, its because I think I deserve to be trusted, given patience, and unconditional love even when I am being the most disruptive shit and acting out because I've already been given too much distrust, abandonment and conditional love in my life to be giving that to myself
I deeply want to be better than every adult has been to me and I want to give myself the warmth I never got
And removing all the details of DID and sitting with myself as a whole, thats what I feel
I dont need a reason to trust myself other than that I deserve to be given a real unconditional chance by someone to be loved and supported, and even if I've tried to sabotage and ruin my own life, I trust that somewhere even in that version of me, there was just someone trying to live, be happy, feel safe, and be loved
Even if I dont look like I need it.
Even if Id cackle at death and enjoy being isolated and on top
Even the most sadistic asshole parts of me could use some unconditional love, support and trust towards being happy
Id put a blindfold on and let them walk me into a volcano cause Id rather die being wrong about unconditionally loving and supporting myself than to abandon myself and force myself to appear in a specific way to be loved like almost everyone else in my life did
I dont know all of my parts, I have / had so many dissociated parts I couldnt control that I couldnt realistically count then
But ALL of them, I trust and think deserve the world
Because theyve all been through enough because theyre all me
And I deserve the world and Ive been through enough
Followed by a redacted part I wrote for him and about him, but a thing I felt was worth sharing to the general public
"You deserve a chance to live a life not doomed by the plot and you deserve to have that trust and support [to change the narrative you've been given]"
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mejomonster · 11 months
Started reading In The Dark, first chapter Nightmares:
Interesting vibes. Before anything else, I love the descriptions in this. I've been losing my own ability to spit out what the fuck Im trying to describe when writing lately, and the slightly poetic imagery but also to the point present tense of how this is written... it's really helping inspire me. (And of course, seeing quick examples of describing characters and buildings quickly without clumsiness but also still with some emotion is helpful)
Expectedly, the leads appear to be "two hot men" as is the bl usual ToT it is what it is. I'm partial to modu's babes still, but I'll get used to a new novel again lmao (what can I say? No character in a Long While is gonna top the fucking Captain China descriptions, the personality of priests characters screaming out so much that its ultimately the feeling of the character so unique and bizarre that you remember more than actual looks).
I am hoping, somehow, this novel's gonna be written as intelligently (as in intense themes, parallels, symbolism, points to make) as a priest novel. Im spoiled cause all the other chinese bl novels ive finished reading? Fucking excellent. I think my hopes are justified, tbh. If for no other reason than this writer doing some of my favorite shit: they name dropped a japanese murder author Ive read (and mentioned a plot of it im intrigued by), and they've left a TON of potential foreshadowing threads.
Said threads: opening, character dreams of a bloody woman? Could be a Fei Du (ish) situation where he did awful stuff and blacked it out. Could be a darker situation, where he's actually the bad guy/antihero/dangerous and we get a story from THAT point of view in some regard (which is a fascinating potential).
Character meets guy who clearly matches him, was at the theater for him, stalking him? At some prior point, started watching him first? Oh you know me. I like a slow burn. I like a long history (as long as its not childhood friends anything but that), i like rivals, its giving L X Light, Beyond Evil guys energy.
The movie playing: the stranger says he doesnt like roses. And the earlier quote from the murder novel, the Xie Lanshan remebering the quote that "even a demon essentially Id still love you." My prediction: one of them believes even cruel they'll love the other, but the other believes they'd stop loving and fight each other. This of course also implies: one will go darkside/be cruel/lose themselves/already is lost, and either that same one Or the other will not be loving the other when love is whats expected. Sort of the whole "youre a monster, but you wont hurt me" then the monster DOES hurt you. Or "even though youre a monster, ill still be here with you" (which is luo wenzhou 100 percent) but with the monster going "well that was a fucking mistake cause i am killing/betraying you now." If this novel likes foreshadowing, which i like, itll play with this AT LEAST in some case long arc. And ideally itll play out between the leading lovers. Which if so, is a story Id be interested in reading
And yes, i did go into this totally blind except knowing its (probably) a dark detective bl story. So we'll see how the predicting goes lol
For real though, i do really enjoy its writing style and the way its snappy but lingers just enough on painting images emotionally.
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scarlet-bee · 1 year
Why you should vote for Sparrow Ben in the Spiteful Bitches bracket
[Plain text: Why you should vote for Sparrow Ben in the Spiteful Bitches bracket. End plain text.]
A masterpost of reasons why he is the most spiteful bitch of all. I tried to mostly stick to that theme, but I also included a few funny moments, and a bit of explanation of the character so you can understand him better if you don't watch the show.
Warning: Major spoilers for The Umbrella Academy season 3!
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[ID: Sparrow Ben Hargreeves, from "The Umbrella Academy." He is facing away from the viewer, shirtless. The word "asshole" is written on his back, in all caps. His right arm is up in the air, as he holds up his middle finger. End ID.]
Sparrow Ben propaganda tag
Vote here
He's an alternate timeline version of the Umbrellas' dead brother, who was also named Ben. Umbrella Ben was beloved by his siblings and the fandom, often described as the kindest of the Umbrellas. After a heartbreaking scene in which his ghost disappears for good, the Umbrellas end up in a new timeline, and come face to face with Sparrow Ben. Their beloved dead brother is now alive... but he's not the same Ben, he doesn't know them, and he's also a huge dick now.
A bitch since his literal first moment onscreen; his very first line in the series is "Dad? Who the hell are these assholes?"
He had this emo hairstyle in his first appearance (the s2 cliffhanger finale). It was then retconned to a spikier hairstyle in s3 (and both of them are so stupid, god bless).
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[ID: Sparrow Ben in the season 2 finale. He has an "emo" hairstyle, with bangs hanging over one side of his face. He has a slightly confused expression. End ID.]
Extremely uptight, irritable, and hostile. Always angry, annoyed, or scheming. He will insult or even physically hurt someone (even his own siblings) with little to no provocation. He's vicious, but so over-the-top it's almost comical.
He used to be Number One (AKA the leader) of his superhero team, the Sparrows. For a currently unknown reason, he was demoted to Number Two, and he has been bitter about it ever since.
Fist-fought a 13-year-old with no hesitation. Five, the kid, is actually a 58-year-old man stuck in a 13-year-old body, but Ben didn't know that. He also didn't know at the time that Five had powers. As far as Ben knew, Five was just a normal 13-year-old. He had 5 adults and 1 kid to choose from when the fight broke out, and he immediately went for the kid. He punches said kid multiple times, wraps his arms around his neck, and attempts to use his power on him (eldritch tentacles that emerge from his chest).
Kidnapped The Umbrellas' Number One (Luther) when the Sparrows' Number One (Marcus) disappeared, without even knowing for certain that the Umbrellas were the ones who took him (they weren't).
When Luther asked where Marcus was, Ben reacted by stabbing a fucking knife into the table they were eating at, and saying "That's what we'd like to know."
Decided that Marcus' disappearance was his chance to take his place as leader again. He spoke like it was a burden he had to bear, but it was clearly what he wanted.
When his sister/teammate Fei brought up his demotion from leader, he grabbed one of her crows, crushing it with his hand. Due to Fei's connection with her crows, she felt the pain as well.
Upon finding out that the Umbrellas were possibly linked to Marcus' disappearance, Ben decided to attack them without finding out the full story. He commanded his brother Christopher to use his debilitating electricity on them, then commanded the rest of his siblings to kill them.
Slapped Fei in the face for saying he was a shitty leader, then told her that she was the real problem.
Fei is right by the way. He tends to act impulsively and irrationally, without thinking his plans through. He doesn't care about the team, he just wants to be the one calling the shots.
In a flashback, he took a training session way too damn seriously. Once he had his sister Jayme restrained with his tentacles, he threatened her by saying "Either tap out or pass out, it's your choice." *leans in* "Hey, it's your life." He then proceeded to tighten his grip on her, smiling sadistically as he hurt her, despite the others' protests.
Rage quit and stormed out of the room when Jayme managed to escape and win the match.
Witnessing a relationship-ruining argument between two siblings, he sat down with a giant jar of cheese balls and started making bets. He visibly enjoyed said argument, which ended with one of them being punched.
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[ID: Ben, sitting next to Five, and holding a large plastic jar of cheese balls. Ben looks offscreen, watching intensely, and says, "Twenty bucks on the little one," before eating a cheese ball. End ID.]
HAS A FUCKING POSTER OF HIMSELF HANGING ABOVE HIS BED LMAO. I WILL LITERALLY NEVER GET OVER THIS [Plain text: Has a fucking poster of himself hanging over his bed lmao. I will literally never get over this. End plain text.]
Said, "Stop crying on my bedsheets, emo" to a man who was grieving a loved one's death.
His reaction to his sister Sloane being engaged to Luther was "Kill me. Jesus." *drinks from flask* (This one is pretty fair in context, I just think it's really funny.)
To recap: Ben kidnapped Luther, antagonized Luther's family for the whole season, physically attacked multiple of them, and even attempted to kill them at one point. After all of this, Luther didn't invite Ben to his bachelor party, and Ben was fucking pissed about it. 5 out of his 6 siblings were dead, all of existence was being torn apart, and the thing that upset him the most was not being invited to the bachelor party of a guy he didn't even like. He would not fucking let it go.
Did the Sharpay pose on a balcony while brooding about not being invited.
Moments after doing said pose, he said "Ugh. What-ever!" while looking in a mirror. Why is he literally a mean girl
Said the line "Let's get this over with before I die of cringe" at his sister's wedding. [Plain text: his sister's wedding. End plain text.]
The only time in the whole season he ever relaxed, was genuinely nice to people, and enjoyed himself was when he was super drunk at the wedding.
This episode is when we start to see another side of him. That's right, he's not pure anger and malice, he has depth! Remember the whole "alternate version of the Umbrellas' beloved brother" thing? The Umbrellas are constantly comparing him to their Ben, saying how much better he was. It turns out, these comments hurt Sparrow Ben more than he lets on. His shitty dad always made him feel like he's not good enough, and he's insecure about it. Deep down, he really just wants people to like him, and his father to be proud of him. He also states that the Sparrow Academy is all he has, which is why it's so important to him.
All that said- he's still fucking horrible lmao. He's so damn hostile to everyone for no reason, and then gets upset when people don't like him. Why is he like this.
The morning after the wedding, once sober, he returns to his normal bitchy self.
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[ID 1: Ben, shirtless, says intensely and angrily: "I hate you."
ID 2: Angrier, Ben says, "I do, I do, I really do." He turns and walks away. The word "asshole" is written on his back, in all caps. End ID.]
This is, of course, shortly followed by the image at the top of this post. Honestly, I think that image alone should be enough to convince you.
Kept trying to convince the others to go on this super important and dangerous mission to save the universe, and then once they were there, he just bitched and watched the others fight instead of helping. (He did eventually help when it really mattered though, and it was super cool and badass. I love him.)
His final line of the season is "I'm out, bitches!"
In conclusion, he is the definition of spiteful bitch. He is so unbelievably terrible, but he also has hidden depths. He's a genuinely complex and fascinating character, but he's also a fucking loser and I love bullying him. I could go on about him forever. Trust me when I say this post is me holding back.
If none of the above convinced you to vote for him... please, at least do it for me. He's my absolute favorite character, and I love him so much. I want him to win so badly that I stayed up all night working on this post. Excessive, yes, but it has to count for something.
If not for me, then do it for Justin.
Thank you so much for reading! Vote for Ben!
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maw-and-pawp · 6 months
Alright, I guess it's time to talk about some OCs related to the vore world from that first post I made, which I'm tentatively calling Behind Veiled Faces right now.
Alma Florimell
This little lady is my other prey oc that didn't appear in the world concept. Alma meaning "nourishing, soul, or young woman", and Florimell meaning "flower and honey".
She's type of fairy which I'm loosely basing off cluricauns and moss maidens, although not 1 to 1. She is, however, definitely a changeling in the sense her parents left her in the mortal side of the Veil to rabbit-like prey. Although now as an adult she's noticeably shorter than her peers by two feet, and completely missing the antlers her jackalope adoptive parents sport. Instead of a short, cute cotton tail, she's grown a long whip like tail. Think that stereotypical demon/imp tail, except the spaded end can open up to show off a flower similar to a marigold/dandelion. To blend in to this side of the Veil, she has to tuck it away unfortunately. And bring her ID everywhere so people can be quickly corrected about her age. She's 22, dammit, not a preteen!
Another major difference between her kind and the prey species here is that she can reform after digestion via the plants she's bonded to. Don't ask me how that works, no one told her either, and she definitely didn't find the time to ask when she first went to meet her birth parents. She was too busy trying not to kill them for what happened to the "real" Alma.
Alma is a lesser known indie folk artist. Think Rabbitology, Cosmo Sheldrake, The Amazing Devil, Crane Wives and Paris Paloma. She posts her stuff to TakTik, MeTube, and Spotiply, never revealing her face or identity. She sometimes streams as a GTuber with a dragonsona lmao. Her artist name is Beetlebug.
Anyways. Any and all actual vore scenarios will be between her and Robin, after much convincing on her part. And perhaps a couple drinks to loosen inhibitions...by a couple she means more than is probably wise for normal people.
They're the pred from the world concept, and oughh have they been sitting in my head for awhile. Firstly let's get it out of the way that mortal preds are,,,Tall, and generally more humanoid than faery preds. Built more for ambush than chasing or tracking. Not usually anything more than (shorter) claws and sharper teeth - so the wings are sooo a giveaway to any one looking for the signs, and they have to glamour that away. And faery preds are perfectly sized for faery prey, and not much else. In fact, mortal preds can look at a faery pred as prey if they're not sufficiently intimidating just from the get-go. So that's part of Robin's deal when interacting with people - they can't be seen as weak for even a moment, but they also hate being feared as it reminds them of their childhood.
Speaking of that, Robin can't go back to the Fey Wilds. They escaped here for a reason even if it is annoying to deal with cocky mortals who think they're a quick snack (seriously, how come Alma is too small but they aren't??). They had a father who sold their true name off to another faery to repay his debts. The collector made them into a monster, a "loyal" hound incapable of direct disobedience to any order given. Killing whatever and whoever they were pointed at, and beat for lapses in efficiency. And it was so until they were a teenager, where they managed to poison their master, fake their death, and flee to the mortal world where any calls of their true name couldn't pierce the Veil and summon them back. They took on the name of Robin, and gave up the lifestyle of a predator, until Alma squirms her way past their walls lmao.
Prey isn't *necessary* for them to live - sure they need nutrients, but they can get that from the normal food found in the mortal realm. All they really need prey for is to keep their connection to the flow of the world's magic. Without eating faery prey, Robin will slowly lose their ability to become one with the wind they were born from, and lose their ability to hear any of their names on the breeze (or cries for help).
They work a normal job during the day, and at night listen for cries for help while they still can. Helping others now won't make up for what they were forced to do as a child, but like their father before them, they have a debt to pay. It's just theirs is a blood debt.
Cedar Bryn
Bryn meaning "hill" or "mound". Jackalope prey in the world concept from the mortal realm. Also traumatized, but from nearly getting digested by a pred guy before Robin swooped in with their sharp talons. He is a sweetheart, though, and has been all his life. You heard most of what he's been through already, but I'd like to expand that he's an aspiring author and artist for a comic book. His monthly publications had to be put on hold as his world turned upside down after the Event. Thankfully the people at his support group won't recognize Cedar Bryn - he uses C.B. as a pen name to keep his personal life private.
(Ironically the pred who nommed him was a huge fan, and if he'd succeeded then he'd have been scratching his head on why the author suddenly Stopped)
Robin has definitely moved in post-tummy listening. They've got an unnamed kinda thing going, neither party really knows if it's platonic or not anymore. And things will be complicated further by Alma lmao. Cedar has no idea what's up with Robin, so when he comes home one day and finds his pred roommate with a full squirmy gut, he's gonna rightfully freak 😂
Cedar's developed a "sudden" interest in knives and self defense classes. I wonder why 🤔
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system-contact · 1 year
important headcanons to consider
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Fei - Id - Coward
can they use chopsticks — Fei can, Citan used them to help him get strength back in the hand that had been broken when he was dropped off in Lahan. Id can, he fidgets with them at the table, though. The Coward knows how their supposed to work but isn't very good at using them.
what do they do when they can’t sleep — Fei is used to waking up, he'll either try to force himself asleep (the full pillow over the head, blanket burrito treatment) or exercise until he's at least physically tired. Id just stays up out of resignation and/or stubborness until he passes out. Coward tries to hum or remember bedtime stories.
what would they impulse buy at the grocery store —  Fei? Probably anything that looks good, he has a well-documented problem when he’s given the team wallet to hold. Id? Apples. Coward? Chewy rice candies.
what order do they wash things in the shower — They all pretty much work top to bottom in the shower, with the one exception of the Coward getting very tired and bored of dealing with just how long their hair is now. It’s a lot of work!
what’s their coffee order — Fei likes his coffee black when he has it. Id likes cream and sugar but prefers tea over coffee. The Coward thinks coffee is gross so he'd probably order the hot chocolate, whipped cream with the chocolate fluff dust.
what sort of apps would they have on their smartphone — Fei would probably have those little meditation apps, or apps that help him keep track of things. Id would have word search games or other puzzles and be annoyed with them but very persistent. The Coward would play Pokemon GO, let’s be real.
How do they act around children — Fei is great with kids, he was basically a free older brother to all the village kids. Id is wary of people in general, but tepidly easier around kids, notably he’s viciously protective if an adult threatens a child. The Coward is shy, but he’ll warm up quickly to kids.
what would they watch on tv when they’re bored and nothing they really like is on — Fei’s not much for TV but would probably watch something like Animal Planet. A bored Id would probably get stuck on those how it’s made shows. Coward would honestly wander off outside if nothing he wanted to watch is on.
tagged by ;; @laughing-hellblazer (thank youuu!) tagging ;; whoever wants to! tag me back so I can see!
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yoggybloggy · 2 years
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delloso de la rue + stray italian greyhound, vienna teng
(id under the cut)
Image description: Lyrics from Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng intertwined with various quotes from A Court of Fey and Flowers, as follows:
I don’t have time for my heart to be the center of anything. Do you not understand that my job is to make other people happy? I come last, always. I always have, and I always will.
And so why now Please not now I just stopped believing in happy endings Harbors of my own
I see that you struggle with battles that I cannot see.
But you had to come along didn’t you Tear down the doors, throw open windows
I have never been truly myself with anyone, and as you grabbed me by the wrist and looked into my eyes, I felt something I’ve never known before.
Despite my rational brain,
Oh if you knew just what a fool you have made me
my heart has taken control of this chariot I call my body, and it compels me to write you this letter.
Rue: I cannot allow my feelings to get in the way of my duty. Wuvvy: And you never would.
God I just want to lay down These colors make my eyes hurt This feeling calls for everything that I am Not
Rue: But these feelings are too strong.
I have organized the Bloom for millennia.
I’m so good at shooting down any notion This tired world could change
but I’m afraid that if I confess my feelings to Hob, the Bloom will fall apart, and if what they say is true, this is the last Bloom. How can we end it this way? How can I think of myself before anyone else for the first time?
No use in spending all that emotion When there’s someone else to blame
Captain, I see a lot of myself in you, someone who navigates within a world that hardly understands, a fey caught between duty and instinct.
But you had to come along didn’t you Rev up the crowd, rewrite the rule book
These are good things. Maybe not for the Goblin Court, but they’re good things for me.
Where do I go when every ‘no’ turns into ‘maybe’
I am willing to pursue it. Where stands you?
I was ready for the downslide But not for spring to well up
I’m very scared and I feel like I’ve rushed into something that I’ve just been introduced to.
Wuvvy: What do you have to lose? Rue: Everything, Wuvvy. Everything.
To know Is possible now
Wuvvy: No. You have everything to gain.
What do I do, do I Do With a love that won’t That won’t sit still?
Everything I’ve done is through fear.
It scares me to do, but if what you say is true, that this is the last Bloom and that we must do things and not regret them, then I need to do that exact thing at this moment.
With a love that won’t That won’t sit still Won’t do what it’s told?
my glamor starts to disappear, and the tea wig moment sort of melts away, the white dress sort of fades away,
Everything that I am
The glamor starts to fade. Shock first, a deep admiration of a bravery that Hob recognizes in you that he does not possess, followed by a very clockable moment of marveling at the splendor of your true form.
Everything that I am
I shall arrive to the tea ceremony as my authentic self.
and then my real form appears to all,
Everything that I am Everything that I am
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lawtwt · 3 years
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do you think that lawtwt has roleplay accounts. no? well i do and its everyones problem now
alt text under the cut (theres a lot)
id: a series of fake twitter threads and tweets. they are as follows:
A fake tweet by Miles Edgeworth (verified) @milesedgeworth. It reads: "Please stop at-ing me on Twitter with the Skater Boy song. I don’t listen to pop music and am not interested. - M. E." It was made on August 5th, 2018, and has 73.5 thousand retweets, 31.1 thousand quote tweets and 325.4 thousand likes.
A thread of fake tweets made on October 13th, 2018. The first tweet (by @mattslawacc) reads "i can't believe this is a hot take but we shouldn't let minors to stand with the defense. what do you mean those 17 and 8 year olds r ur legal counsel like-" it has 23 replies, 43 retweets and 127 likes. The second tweet in the thread is by "maya fey's burger buddy  (@ramenborgerz)" it reads " i KNOWWW thats not a franziska stan talking  take a look in the mirror before u start coming for the feys, bestie" and has 102 replies, 23 retweets and 995 likes.
A fake tweet by nat   in my witness era @0bject1onable. It reads: "i did Not just see someone with "dl6 truthers dni" in their carrd talking about how weird it was that mvk retired so suddenly then died like 6 months later " It was made on october 14th, 2022, and has 32 retweets, 9 quote tweets and 348 likes.
A fake tweet by im the prosecutions witness (eric) @guitarssserenader. It reads: "yall klav antis just mad that ur blue suit husbando finally lost a fuckin case smh  hes not gonna fuck u" It was made on february 25, 2021, and has 69 retweets, 21 quote tweets and 420 likes.
A thread of fake tweets made on april 6, 2027. The first tweet (by STREAM PROSECUTOR @hot4justice) reads "why KLAPOLLO IS REAL: a thread (1/??)" it has 453 replies, 567 retweets and 4.1 thousand likes. The second tweet in the thread is by "truth || where my themis besties at xx @legallybitchin" it reads "did you motherfuckers learn NOTHING from wrightworth." and has 12 replies, 39 retweets and 400 likes.
A thread of fake tweets made on March 1st, 2026. The first tweet (by maya fey's burger buddy  @ramenborgerz) reads "Ok ik this is like. A serious topic. But imagine u get framed for murder and the prosecutor is edgeworth  I would simply walk myself into the jail cell at that point " it has 8 replies, 5 retweets and 114 likes. The second tweet in the thread is by "meena  stream KLAVIER @guitargavel" it reads "The exact opposite of this is committing 1st degree but it’s Phoenix v Payne lmao ??" and has 2 replies, 1 retweet and 6 likes.
A fake tweet by  ant (any prnouns!!!) @girlbossvonkarma. It reads: "rewatching is-7 and the sexual tension is palpable. what do you think manfred karma and greg edgeworth were doing for that whole year? exploring each others bodies???" It was made on november 12, 2025, and has 76 retweets, 14 quote tweets and 619 likes.
A thread of fake tweets made on October 27, 2018. The first tweet (by ψ  miles edgeworth (spelt with the greek alphabet)  ψ@karmaaic_prosecution) reads "he looks down at the chess board, considering, then eventually moves a bishop to take your rook. he looks up at you over his glasses through half lidded orbs and smirks. "your move" #openRP" it has 1 reply and 2 likes. The second tweet in the thread is by "steel samurai @neooldetokyorp" it reads "kicks open the door and stabs you with my massive katana" and has 1 retweet and 4 likes. (edited)
end id.
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cloudmancy · 2 years
you guys sent in SO MANY asks and I physically cannot respond to all of them so I’ll post (most) of them at once. I am like a little messaging service an anonymous ruehob confessions blog of a sort... you are welcome... discussion goes in the reblogs/comments
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[ID: anon ask reading “ruehob isnt really a like concept of acutal partners to me its just an exploration of regency tropes and dynamics... like i dont understand making like fluff post-canon stuff for them because it feels like the relationship is intentionally pretty shallow because its more about the narrative tension than either of them as Real People in a Real Relationship. theyre here to check the boxes of a dramatic regency romance and that is very fun like i love it but its also not really ABOUT if theyre gonna have a good life after the show”]
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[ID: anon ask reading “personally i like ruehob but its true its literally because people hate women and wuvvy deserves so so so much better... i was kinda sad that aabria didn't address wuvvy's side in the AP and just made it out to be like a "ooh fun and drama" thing but maybe it's bc she didn't want to dive deep into it yet and i REALLY hope wuvvy will like. get to make a statement to rue or smth because she deserves FAR better at this point. i know the wuvvy neglect from rue's side might be because the player's have way too many interactions to go through but LORD!!!!!!! its not even supporting womens wrongs at this point bc like wuvvy DESERVES to do at least that much if she's been treated like this :| anyway people will stay hating women and prioritising ~ romance ~ over all else its maddening to see”]
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[ID: anon ask reading “could be my years of reading fanfiction but the miscommunication trope are the reason that ruehob are acting like middle schoolers with a crush who they have only talked to twice and saying "they love them" is why they feel like an unfulfilling ship”]
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[ID: anon ask reading “not to join the crowd but thank you for putting words to my inarticulate dissatisfaction w ruehob 😭😭 it felt very sudden and maneuvered into place and narratively dissatisfying, like they were trying to hit tropes rather than craft a satisfying romance into the story. there was no buildup!! there was one scene that led to contrived drama for several episodes and now they love each other. it could have been a really fun narrative about an infatuation between two powerful fey and the hearts they trample on in the process, but it's not being framed like that (or, y'know, they could've given their characters a history together). you're right about wuvvy/binx though, i'm a simple lesbian ready to get deeply invested in this”]
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[ID: anon ask reading “i gotta thank you homie, after scrolling through your blog it's helped me put my finger on why i'm not as about ruehobb as everyone else seems to be and also that wuvvy can destroy folks, as a treat tbh”]
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[ID: anon ask reading “insane take maybe but the ruehob of it all isn't about the long-term relationship- it's about the experience of one person making you reconsider everything. rue and hob do fall fast and hard and their relationship is a catalyst for self-growth more than it is sustainable, which I kind of like tbh and find relevant to at least my queer experience. we don't know what hob (and rue to an extent) would actually be Like because he doesn't know that, because he's never given himself the chance. wuvvy is stable and confident in her identity in a way that rue and hob aren't, and so their dumpster fire mess of longing and repression looks insane and unappealing to her, but I do think it's compelling to watch from our perspective. the issue comes in when every fan acts like they are soulmates who are going to be together 4ever and it's like. we don't know! these people haven't been themselves ever, really, we don't know! I think in AP7 brennan said that he intentionally put a seed of growth in hob that he needed to confront his relationship with his court and duty, etc, and rue just happened to slot perfectly in. it's not about it being rue specifically, it's about the self-discovery of realizing you can be loved, that there is something deeper than orders, as he says. same goes for rue: it's not about the specifics of hob, it's about wanting something and Not putting cordiality and safety and appearances first”]
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[ID: anon ask reading “remember when hob was like rue doesn’t actually love me i was just there at a good time. i was sitting here thinking man…i WISH, that’d be way more interesting. anyway to each their own but ruewuvvy rights”]
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peakyscillian · 3 years
Adored | Cillian x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Cillian Murphy, Movie Star and Sugar Daddy. Warnings: Sugar daddy/Sugar Baby relationship, smut, language & age gap relationship, a tiny little daddy kink (ok maybe it grows as the series goes on). Requested: No Parts: 18/? A/N: My mind works in overtime, Cillian as a sugar daddy? Yes Please! I never mention Cillian’s real family, all mentions of a family are fictional.
Adored Masterlist | Masterlist
Part Eighteen
You weren't looking for anything, apart from what Cillian had asked you to get from his emails. You just happened to be scrolling and see her name, numerous emails from her, minutes apart for the past two weeks.
You didn't want to be the jealous girlfriend, the untrusting young girl but something about it made your heart drop right into you stomach, you handed him his laptop, you were trying to bite your tongue but you couldn't.
"Who is Emma? Why is she emailing you so much? Ever since you've been back from Birmingham"
Cillian frowned at you, his laptop cast aside as he tried to make everything click into place in his confused mind. "Wha-"
You shook your head "If she was no one you wouldn't of hesitated" you were rooted on the spot heart hammering. "I hesitated because I was trying to figure out why your acting like this" he retorted.
How dare he! Turn this on you "she's emailed a lot, she must be important" you huffed
Cillian sighed, hands dragging over his face rubbing at his eyes "She's an estate agent, I was looking for a new place in Dublin, for when you've finished studying, I didn't think you'd want to live in the house my ex-wife chose" "So you're making decisions about our future without even talking to me?" you were riled up, picking a fight. "No- I fuck sake, I was just looking, speaking to Emma making enquiries" Cillian had stood up now, eyes searching your face.
"You really think I've studied for three years, to move to Dublin and be some kind of housewife?"
Cillian couldn't help the laugh that rippled past his lips, your eyes flashed with hurt and anger.
"Fuck you, Cillian" you turned snatching the car keys from the side table.
"Y/N calm down" Cillian was following you but you were too angry at him, you pulled the front door with force slamming it behind you.
** You were so mad, you had a whole day of classes in this mood, Cillian was trying to dictate what you needed in life, of course it was your own fault getting involved with an older man who was so settled in his own life.
Your phone was ringing, your eyes flicked to the caller ID for just a second, Cillian of course it was.
He loved you, told you just as much everyday and here you were making his life hell.
You went to click the answer button, apologise for being a brat, tell him you'd take the day off scroll endless sites looking for the perfect Dublin house.
But everything went black instead.
** Taglist @missymurphy1985 @janelongxox @queenshelby @heidimoreton @being-worthy @elenavampire21 @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @magicalpieex @uchihacumdump @otterly-fey @vhscillian @inkandpen22 @pocket-of-possibilities @cilleveryone
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