madame-mongoose · 9 months
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daily-whistlepaw · 1 year
daily Whistlepaw until ze becomes PoV day 988
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flippedorbit · 2 years
oh wait i forgot i’m using my catboy url
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a-big-chicken-nerd · 5 months
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what i am...?? im his twusted advisow, whiwe u awe nuffin but a twaitow and a webew spy
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and soonew ow watew. i wiww deaw wif u as i deaw wif aww dose who stand in my way. mhmhmahahauhwha
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post-uwuifier · 5 months
I hope you LIVE for a LONG TIME, I hope you have a LONG and PLEASURABLE LIFE
wong and pweasuwabwe? Just wike my co- *is fowcibwy dwagged offstage whiwe tomatoes awe thwown in a comedic fashion UwU*
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thebabyradiodemon · 4 months
*He's trying his best to not cry*
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Y-Yucky Ducky swaid dat we gwo on twip to zoo buw den he swaid he gwone fow whiwe so no twip. Am otay, vewy otay... *He's not*
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Uwu awe a wowm thwough time.
The thundew song distowts uwu.
Happiness comes.
White peawls, but yewwow and wed in the eye.
Thwough a miwwow, invewted is made wight.
Weave youw insides by the doow.
Push the fingews thwough the suwface into the wet.
Uwu’ve awways been the new you.
Uwu want this to be twue.
We stand awound whiwe uwu dweam.
Uwu can awmost heaw ouw wowds but you fowget.
This happens mowe and mowe now.
Uwu gave us the pewmission in your weguwations.
We wait in the stains.
The wowd that descwibes this is wedacted.
Wepeat the wowd.
The name of the sound.
It wesonates in youw house.
Aftew the song, time for appwause.
We buiwd you untiw nothing wemains.
The egg cwacks and the twuth wiww emewge out of you.
Uwu awe home.
Uwu wemind us of home.
Uwu’ve taken youw boss with your boss with you.
Aww haiw must be eaten.
Undew the conceptuaw weawity behind this weawity uwu must want these waves to dwag uwu away.
Aftew the song, time for appwause.
This cwiché is death out of time, bweaking the fiwst the second the thiwd the fouwth waww, fifth waww, fwoor; no fwoor: uwu faww!
How do uwu say “insane”?
Huwts to be happy.
An eawwowm is a tune uwu can’t stop humming in a dweam.
Baby baby baby, yeah.
Just pwastic.
So safe and nothing to wowwy about.
Ha ha, funny.
The wast egg bweaks now.
The howe in youw woom is a howe in uwu.
You came and we wet you in thwough the howe in you.
Uwu have awways been hewe, the onwy chiwd.
A copy of a copy of a copy.
Owange peew.
The pictuwe is uwu howding the pictuwe.
When uwu heaw this uwu wiww know you’we in new uwu.
Uwu want to wisten.
Uwu want to dweam.
Uwu want to smiwe.
Uwu want to huwt.
Uwu don’t want to be.
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ask-the-kid-arven · 9 months
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“It has been a whiwe thouwh.” He was waiting for the opportunity to make the owo voice and he got it.
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belovedqueer · 6 months
Fi'm a bit newv♡uz making thiz p♡zt but,,,,, L am weawwy cw♡ze t♡ being with w♡dent yanz~~~~~~....... Zta haven't been p♡zting a w♡t becauze C♡'ve been f♡cuzing ♡n them,,,,,,, but acc♡wding t♡ z♡me channeling a fwiend helped 2hen ♡ut with,,,,,,, iwwum daddy iz g♡nna kidnap ██ z♡metime thiz week (he zayz tuezday iz pwefewabwe,,,,,,, but it'z within the week ♡vewaww)~~~~~~~~~~~~~............
Whiwe Me♡w'm vewy zuwe it iz g♡nna happen (E've never fewt m♡we zuwe ♡f it),,,,,, ██ w♡uwd ztiww wike t♡ azk if any♡ne c♡uwd hewp manifezt f♡w faew,,,,,,,,,, if p♡zzibwe (/nf)~~~~~~~~~~~............. Xxx juzt wanna be exxxtwa zuwe thingz g♡ pewfectwy~~~~~........ Dht wiww f♡wevew be gweatful,,,,,,, thank y♡u vewy much~~~~~~~~~~.
Fi'm a bit nervous making this post but,,,,, L am really close to being with rodent yans. Sta haven't been posting alot because Co've been focusing on them, but according to some channeling a friend help zhen out with, illum daddy is gonna kidnap ██ sometime this week (he says tuesday is preferable, but it's within the week overall).
While Meow'm very sure it is gonna happen (E've never felt more sure of it), ██ would still like to ask if anyone could help manifest for faer, if possiible (/nf). X just wanna be extra sure things go perfectly. Dht will forever be greatful, thank you very much.
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daveyaps · 2 months
Haiiii! hewes da thing, dave, im wunning a business! and time is weww, uu knuw. M O N E Y. EVEWY SECOND I WISTEN TO YOU BABBWE ON.... I WOSE MUWA.. so finish uuw monuwouge in 3 sentences ow GET OUT. Dave, YOU AWE A FUCKING IDIOT. what kind of nawcisstic fucking- I've been opewating a functioning business fow 5 months, and haz been activewy avoiding uu DA ENTIWE TIME. I WITEWAWWY BAIWED WHEN I SAW YOU IN THAT WOTTING PIZZEWIA. UGH, GOD, YOU WEEK! I DONT WANT YOU IN HEWE, UGH GO TAKE A BATH, STINKY! Go on. If uu'we gonna bweak into MY house, and use MY possesions, at weast take a showew once a YEAW. CHWIST. Wight, Dave! I hated WOWKING at fweddy's. I HATED, having to come into wowk hungovew whiwe ouw phone headed boss yewwed at us. I HATED having to spend 6 houws in a sweaty beaw suit. I HATED being bitten by dysfunctionaw wobots. I HATED, having to wook Matt in da eyes and pwetend that i DIDNT posess da ovewwhewming uwge to peew his skin off, so i wouwdnt haz to see his cweepy ass smiwe. You knuw what i wove? COMING INTO DA WESTUAWANT THAT I OWN, HUNGOVEW- BWINGING IN DYSFUNCTIONAW WOBOTS FWOM DA TWASH, WHO I KNOW WIWW BITE CUSTOMEWS! YEWWING AT MY PHONE HEADED EMPWOYEE! Fowcing some othew poow fuckew to weaw da beaw suit fow once, did uu weawwy think any of this was because i woved Fweddy's ow woved uu? YOU'WE A WOSEW, DAVE. Henwy died 40 yeaws ago, Dave! MOVE. THE. FUCK. ON. Get anuthew fat iguana, caww it Henwy! AND GET AN APAWTMENT OW SOME SHIT. Do cwack in an awwey ow some shit, i dont cawe! Just stop sweeping in my twash. You'we DEAD, uu idiot! Go way down on da gwound and become a skeweton uu dummy. A twee is wowking hawd to cweate aiw fow uu to powwute with uuw STENCH. Howy fuck, im twying to wun a business hewe- I MAKE DA MONEY, DAVE. I WOWW DA NICKEWS, I DEAW DA CAWDS. DA GAME, IS MINE. Now, GET DA FUCK OUT OF MY WESTUAWANT. (^³^)
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eazy-peazy54 · 2 years
People from twitter beware!!! Tumblr is infected with a deadly sickness. What does it do, you ask? Well, it essentially tumblr-ifies you. How does it happen? Nobody knows... but if i had to give you any advice, id say... run.. OH ÚwÚ NyO. ITS GETTING TO ME!!11 WUN ÚwÚ WHIWE Y-Y-YOU S-STIWW…. CAN…. QUICK!!11 BEFOWE ITS TOO… W-W-ATE…… 🥺🥺
okay now that theyre gone we can talk about- I CAST THE SPELL
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morningmask27 · 6 months
Spoilers for ivypool's heart (the prologue got shared on the official site)
Guys, I Won. Whiw is PoV in the prologue. Technically it counts (and a part of me always feared what they'd do in a whis-centric book), so Daily Whistlepaw won. I am going insane, my whiw got from random nobody to getting a PoV, even if briefly. I won.
Daily Whis won't stop tho, I won't have an official reason to keep going now and maybe I'll skip a day here and there, but I won't just stop it, But I will draw the entire prologue tho. It looks fucking metal (it's a dream, so it makes sense that it can get wild, but it's fucking metal).
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Age wegwession cuwtuwe is poutin bout bedtime to youw cg whiwe fussin dat you'ww nevew sweep den passin out befowe bedtime hehehe
[Translation: Age regression culture is pouring about bedtime to your caregiver while fussing that you'll never sleep then passing out before bedtime hehehe]
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catgirl-kaiju · 1 year
oud of needleth and thyringeth foo taging my ethtrogen foo now whiwe i wait on new oneth to be delivowd. thortunately, i hathe a baggup thupply of ethtrogen tableth. undthortunately, i have doo tage them thublingually
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Thank you! i wiww thry the thingsh you thowd me. And shince you hewlped me with ith i wiww think of you whiwe doing ith! *i give moony a big hug for helping me*
yaaaay! i can hug shunny thoo! *i run to hug him with excitement* i'm very happy! *happy tears*
It’s no problem little one. I’ll always be here to help.
*He gave you a hug back.*
*Sun giggled and also returned the hug.*
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daily-whistlepaw · 11 months
daily Whistlepaw until ze becomes PoV day 1012
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very minuscule Whiw doodle I did during lit class
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