quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
For the ask game, 19, 20, and 22?
whumper-dumps ask game
19. Opinion on all hurt no comfort?
20. Opinion on little hurt all comfort?
22. Most controversial whump opinion?
I've answered 19 here so I'll do the other two. Thanks so much for the ask, Tris! Appreciate it ^^
20. Opinion on little hurt all comfort?
Hmm... I'd say it depends. If the little hurt includes something like referring to a major traumatic event like an abusive episode or a torture event or soft things like sickfics, then yes. Y. E. S. I'm all for it. Gimme the feels and the comfort to go along with it. But if it's something like Character A got a bullet graze or had a little wittle panic moment, then... meh. Mid.
I want strong emotions. I read fanfiction for strong emotions. My brains needs to be constantly stimulated by strong emotions in order for me to live through another day without wanting to tear someone to shreds just because they chew a little too loudly. (Side note: I read somewhere that it's because of trauma that your brain is constantly stimulated and stuff, so... yeah idk what to say about that).
But when there's that underline of angst? *Claps hands and tears up, swiveling in my spinny chair* I love it.
If it's done right, then I like it even more than hurt no comfort.
22. Most controversial whump opinion?
I love talking about controversial topics.
To myself.
Or to someone who I know will agree with me.
It's not because I'm prejudiced, it's because I can't handle confrontations. But! I'm going to... try and share something because I did not think there would be controversy amongst the whump community, but I'm not surprised that there is.
Okay, after doing some research... I'm still at a blank.
Though I did come across some interesting notions between whump lovers and non whump lovers.
Some people think it's sick to torture a character with stuff like abuse and rape and everything. (Which just makes me question: It's okay if the torture seems unrealistic like an alien beam blast, but not what humans do every day like hit their kids? But anywayyyy.) Uh, well, there are a lot of reasons people do that. One article which I read on whump (can't believe there are actual articles about this, it's just so normal to me), said that a Tumblr blog said that whump is born out of love for the characters. You can do your own research on that one, cuz it'll take too long to explain.
For me, that's actually true. I love reading hurt tim drake fics because... well, im not completely sure. It's not because I get endorphins while seeing him in pain (except when I'm writing 🤭), it's also that I... like seeing him push through and react to the whump. I like how different authors have different ideas of how he would behave in not-so-ideal situations. I like how there are different ideas on which situations he would find himself in.
But most of all, I like seeing him in situations where he can get out. Where he can escape that situation. Where I cannot. The same goes with writing, I like imagining up whump situations because I can imagine that character also making it out.
There are so many reasons. Some of which are I like seeing Tim get the love and care after the whump sometimes because he deserves it, I like seeing Tim react to his situation with bravery because he's someone who is brave, I like seeing Tim be helpless in situations then have someone help him. It all resonates within me and I like it.
As for situations where I haven't been in, I like seeing him in those situations because I love his character. I love the way he reacts to environments because all the comics and other media are literally about him reacting to situations. Fanfiction is the same thing, except they're different situations with different people who have different ideas.
There's so much difference in the world, and I love seeing it.
The different which I don't like or don't agree with, I click out. It's as simple as that. I click out and either rant about it to myself while pacing my bedroom or write a counter fic and use moments which I didn't like in that fic and recreate it to what I like. But I'm not rude to the author of that idea, because... people are different! Ideas are different! Difference exists!
So, I think on the topic where people think some whump in general is bad and sadistic and gruesome, I think they're different too. They have their reasons, we have ours. Difference exists. And I've grown to live with it. So should you.
That was long, I was expecting some length, but not... this much. I love ranting. I don't get to rant much without being criticized, so this was great because I've never ranted about whump before except to myself. Thank you so much for the ask, Tristi! Enjoy discerning this mess! /lh
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Whumptober 2023 Masterlist
So, this year for October, I'll be doing three stories:
1. Bleeding Leads
Investigative journalist Devin Connally decides to dig a little deeper on philanthropist and millionaire Erik Wildre after receiving a strange note and stumbles across a very dangerous underground world. (TWs: nonbinary whumpee, creepy whumper, captivity, lil dehumanization, normal physical whumpiness, and uh non-con touching *explicitly warned*)
2. Midsummer Nightmare
The second son to the fae king, Ikalos finds a human, farmhand Arne, lost on the outskirts of the forest and, having been bored recently, decides to acquire himself a new pet. (TWs: human whumpee, fae whumper, mind control, compulsion, pet whump, intimate whumper)
3. The Kind Commander
When fresh recruit turned spy Elexandyr Winch gets caught behind enemy lines, the cruel captain Ulysses Hawk takes a liking to him--and uses the guise of "gathering information" to play with his food, and it isn't until the enemy general Kristofer Glass visits that Lex Winch really starts to feel like he's in trouble. (TWs: military whump, systematic whump(?), power dynamics, torture, carewhumper)
Now, for the list of days:
Day 1: Drugging Day 2: Exhaustion Day 3: Isolation Day 4: ALT 18: Misunderstanding Day 5: Kidnapping Day 6: Mind control Day 7: Restrained Day 8: ALT 6: Crying to sleep Day 9: Interrogation Day 10: Branding Day 11: ALT 8: Electrocution Day 12: ALT 9: Forced feeding Day 13: ALT 24: Words carved into skin Day 14: Bleeding through the bandages Day 15: Muzzle Day 16: ALT 11: Suffocation Day 17: “You look a little pale” Day 18: ALT 29: Prison Day 19: Left behind Day 20: Master and servant Day 21: Blood loss Day 22: Punishment Day 23: Begging Day 24: Failed escape Day 25: ALT 30: Silent treatment Day 26: ALT 26: Non-con touching Day 27: Locked away Day 28: Oxygen deprivation Day 29: Bargaining Day 30: Mind games Day 31: ALT 12: Abandoned
Taglists under the cut: (ask if you want to be added)
Bleeding Leads: @panic-whump @cupcakes-and-pain @lonesome--hunter @latenightcupsofcoffee @badluck990
Midsummer Nightmare: @thelazywitchphotographer @whither-wander-whump @theelvishcowgirl @deckofaces @badluck990 @whumperofworlds @cupcakes-and-pain @misspelledwitch @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts
The Kind Commander: @theelvishcowgirl @misspelledwitch @i-eat-worlds @shywhumpauthor @the-dump-of-whump
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lifblogs · 5 months
4, 12, 13
4. What do you wish you saw more in this community?
I wish I saw more understanding for queer and disabled people, if I'm being honest. I feel like so many non-binary/genderqueer whumpees are blank slates to be used for torture. Like, please, give them a personality! Please! And I feel like also when a disabled person speaks up about their experiences that they should be listened to. I also wish our input was a bit more valued. Because of being disabled we have a wealth of knowledge that others don't exactly have. I also want more understanding of PTSD. You'd think the whump community would be great about PTSD, but I don't know, I see people have a hard time making the symptoms come alive in the characters. I could be way off about all of this, but I would just like more understanding.
12. Favorite type of whumper?
Oh, hehehehehehehehe. I want a confident whumper. They're fine with what they're doing, they actually might think it's normal. I want them to be A okay with what they're doing. I mean, I've loved reluctant whumpers like I've seen in The 100, but right now I want that stone cold confidence. I want them creepy. I want them to get up in the whumpee's personal space at all times, not even as just a sexual thing all the time, but as a power move. I want them to use their body to remind the whumpee who is in charge. Yes, you know who I'm thinking of for this, and I love him.
13. Favorite type of whumpee?
I love whumpees who fight back, who fight with the pain, who don't want to give in. Because when they do fail it hits so much harder, and then there's so much to unpack. But with the fighting back, that back and forth between them and the whumper is amazing. I want both of them to be struggling during a torture scene. I want the whumper to have a hard time getting what they want, and we need stoic/strong whumpees for that.
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whumpetywhumpwhump · 5 months
Whumper-dumps ask game: 10, 11, and 15
Also, I read your pinned tropes list post, and I just wanna say that sickness and fainting are immaculate together. A whumpy pb&j. A good soup that never gets old. You get it.
- @writinggremlin
10- Have you ever experienced anything you put your whumpees through?
Yes! I've definitely experienced the good ol' 'standing up too fast, about to faint', and I've had bad reactions to medications before. I've experienced more of the emotional whump side of things, since I have autism and a panic disorder, so writing sensory overloads/shutdowns and panic attacks are my thing!
I have also been concussed before and I do not recommend it. Someone knocked into me while I was ice skating and I fell face first, blacked out for a few seconds, and then could not see for about half an hour- not even exaggerating, I was blind for a while 😭. Of course, though, this was on a school trip, so they just bundled me back into the coach, closed the curtains around me, and did not keep me from falling asleep like they were supposed to! I should've gone to the hospital asap but it was only when I got home, puked, and felt awful that my Mum took me to A&E (UK version of the ER).
11- Favourite whump blogs?
I mostly follow sickfic blogs on here, so special mention to @warmblanketwhump and @allthewhumpygoodness , I have post notifications turned on for both of them lol
That being said, often a post pops up on my feed from a whump blog I've never seen before, and it's fantastic!
15- How many whump related OCs do you have? How many have you posted?
This is a difficult question to answer honestly, because technically the answer is 0- I pretty much exclusively write for fandoms. However, a few of the characters I write for appear in their respective media so briefly (e.g a few episodes) and with so little background, that I'm essentially creating an OC lol. Pretty much everything about them is made up.
And yes! Fainting and sickness are GREAT together, especially when fainting is an indicator of just how rough they're feeling. Might make a full post about it...
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for the whump oc ask game- Suriya and Kosuke role swap?
From this ask game <2
Okay okay so. The thing is these guys are my only two OCs who genuinely have a well thought out role swap. Incoming insane rant featuring: extremely toxic not very consensual yaoi, pet whump, torture, kidnapping, sleep deprived author
So like I don’t think I actually talked about them very much on here but for a baseline: Suriya’s story starts with him being the scapegoat for the mistakes of the mafia boss who kidnapped/raised him. So he gets turned into a pet as an apology gift for the boss’s failures which are blamed on him (skipping over so much stuff here) but that doesn’t work out so the boss gives Suriya as a gift to her hitman. Kosuke.
Kosuke is a depressed bastard. He also got kidnapped/raised by the mafia people and he fucking hates his job. But he can’t leave. My man has a lot of unresolved issues which he is unfortunately very excited to take out on this new punching bag he just got.
Suriya is there for over a year. He is fully convinced he deserved it because of who he hurt but that doesn’t make anything less painful.
Unfortunately Kosuke is really lonely and also has a lot of self hatred issues so he’s like. Man I have this guy right here who can’t ever leave me. Boyfriend time. And of course Suriya can’t refuse even though he’s aroace (doesn’t know the word tho). Cue a really weird and toxic relationship as Kosuke continues to use Suriya as a punching bag but also as a boyfriend. Kosuke gets really attached. Makes Suriya promise to never leave him. Suriya does promise, and he means it—he is unfortunately very talented at seeing the good in his torturers and he also really likes feeling important and not disposable.
And now you may be saying, what is the roleswap like? The whump? What is Suriya gonna do to Kosuke?
One important thing to understand though is that Suriya. Is fucking terrible at being a whumper.
His mafia boss ordered him to be one once and he had to be whumped into being a whumper. And the whole time he was crying throwing up and in general really bad at it. He’s fucking terrible at asserting himself let alone enough to cause someone pain. (Also becuase of the Traumas he’s extremely adverse to causing people pain anyways). My imagined roleswap for Kosuke and Suriya is not a whumper-whumpee roleswap but an owner-pet roleswap.
In this AU it’s Kosuke who is the scapegoat instead and turned into a pet who is dumped on Suriya because the gifting didn’t work out. Suriya absolutely panics, he’s barely an adult at this point in the story and he’s completely unprepared for having a person-who-doesn’t-believe-he’s-a-person suddenly thrust into his care. Also he’s still reeling from the trauma of being forced to torture an innocent person! It’s incredibly overwhelming and stressful for him.
Meanwhile Kosuke has gone from depressed to repressed. Actually no still depressed but it all goes into the repression bottle you know! He has convinced himself that being the perfect pet will solve all his problems now. His main problems being of course the fact that anyone could torture him for any reason now and everyone would think he deserved it. And also the feeling he’s always had that he has no real purpose in life but what’s that? Repression!
So yeah it’s the combination of an incredibly stressed teenager one panic attack from becoming a Ball of Crying and an incredibly stressed hitman-turned-torture-victim one small mistake away from the worst mental illness moment in the history of mankind. It’s chaotic and emotional but this is honestly a pretty nice AU for them? Suriya is genuinely committed to helping the guy recover and Kosuke is not really in a position to hurt anyone (nor does he want to once his mental state improves).
I think they end up escaping the mafia together. No romance at all ofc. But yeah those are just my silly little thoughts and someone tell me to sleep
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a-crumb-of-whump · 2 years
Other people's ask games
Compiling some, if not all the asks game's i've reblogged in the past so people can send me asks from games at any time:) Just remember to link the one you're using as well! Not linking the ones I personally made because they're in my Games & Userboxes masterlist, but they're also accepted. Will update this as i find them.
Asks games for OCs
OC Emoji Asks!
Send me emoji(s) and I'll write a drabble
Seventy Questions For Caretakers
Whump Bingo
World's dumbest ask game
70 whumpy asks: mess with my OC
Festive prompts
Torture An OC Ask Game Details about OC's
OC Battery Percentage Game
Send a whump trope + OC and I'll tell you how they'd react
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
Send a symbol and a character and I'll give you a headcanon about them
Humiliate them by...
OC interview questions
Conditioned Whumpee Bingo Card
Send a triangle and question
Ask games for the blog owner (me)
Send a colour
Ask game for writers!
The Colour Of The Moots Ask Game
Whumper Dumps Ask Game
Whumpy Writer's Block Ask Game
Writer's would you ever
Writeblr Ask Game
Whump Asks
Edgy/Misc OC Ask Game
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
I went crazy lmao. Anyways you missed this? I hope you did. It’s convoluted? Yes did I still enjoy writing it? Yes. Enjoy!
CW//animal attack, pet whump, implied torture, blood, superhero and villain whump, collars, conditioning, reluctant caretaking, dehumanization. Ask to tag if I missed anything
@boxboysandotherwhump @yet-another-heathen @fanastywhump @j-is-evil-28 @endless-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @unicornscotty @redstainedsocks @whumper-boi @whatwhumpcomments @bunny222  
The battery isn´t strong enough to feed the machine. Not anymore. 
The battery can barely process what is happening when it´s dumped outside. After almost a year of fighting to live while hooked to the machine, its wrists are numb and bloody. It had crawled around for a long time now, so putting its legs under it when dragged and pushed was something it was no longer accustomed to doing. That was no excuse to try and do better for Master, the battery knew. So it tried its best to walk again until Master kicked it out on the street.
“Get lost” Master spat at it shutting the door behind them. 
Where? The battery had nowhere to run to anymore. Master made sure of that. They had made sure it knew that millions of times. 
The battery had become loyal and would go wherever Master told it to. Sensing Master was mistaken about their order, the battery waited. Kneeling at the door with its head down, it waited for the order on where to go. 
An hour passed by in a blink. 
Then two. 
The battery blinked once, then twice before bracing itself for a beating for knocking on the metal door. It was outside, but the battery was not restrained… had Master forgotten? The battery’s head pounded as it sat back, catching its breath before standing up using the wall as leverage, and then trying to open the door to go back inside.
The world blurred around the edges as it would sometimes after losing food privileges, but the battery pulled through and kept trying to open the door.
It shouldn´t be outside. Its place was next to Master and the machine. But… the battery’s world smudged as a smell of dirty rain flooded its senses, only noticing a moment later it had collapsed on the floor.
The battery was outside because Master had wanted it. There were no shackles around its wrists. It had been released from its duty…
Then, was this…Freedom? No, the battery still had the collar around its neck. It was anything but free.
A test? No, its Master doesn´t play silly games like that. 
The battery pulls the last of its energy to sit on its heels, kneeling, before the closed doors. 
“W-Where should I go now, Master?” It tries in a hoarse voice. It doesn´t mind waiting a few more hours for a reply that doesn´t come. Its life had consisted of endless waiting, after all. 
It´s by the time the day dies into the night, that it realizes Master was long gone from the other side of the door.
The battery’s hair clung to its face as the water poured down on it, dripping tears its body couldn’t make anymore.
The weight of its Master´s words crush it, but what was it but its Master´s battery? 
Its orders were clear.
Limping heavily, it stands up and walks away aimlessly. It had stopped being human a long time ago. It had turned into just a battery for whatever plans its Master had. It was a tool and without a Master, its life had no meaning or direction. A complete waste of space.
A waste of space doesn´t deserve a bed to sleep and rest in, nor does it deserve to eat or have a name. A waste of space doesn´t get to have the collar Master gave it as proof of their ownership. 
The battery decides it's not needed to take off the collar to burn it from where it hangs against its throat. Such considerations are reserved for humans. Using just a little bit of its powers to set it on fire shouldn´t be a problem, but just brushing their fingertips against the lock makes it immediately drop its hands back to its sides. 
No, no. No touching. No using its powers when not hooked to the machine. Merely hours away from Master and it has forgotten already? No. Can´t break Master´s rules even if they don´t want to be its Master anymore. 
But then, now that it’s been discarded, is it allowed to touch? Or is it not allowed? Would it be punished for keeping it? Which is the correct answer? It doesn’t know.
That´s why a battery needs a Master. Because it is no longer a human, it can´t take decisions for itself.
After pondering a little longer, it gives up on coming up with an answer it’s not capable of getting before it crawls into a hall in the wall. 
The place is dirty and so tiny, the battery has to fold its legs and neck to fit. It’s so tight, it can´t help but relax, letting out a purr of contentment at the familiar sensation of containment. At least this is a feeling it knows well. Stored, like in the cage. 
Would Master come for it if it waited there? No, once useless, Master wouldn´t even spare a look. The battery slowly closed its eyes.
Then, would any of Master´s friends take it like they threatened to do before? It was a broken battery now, though. He couldn´t even be useful and use its powers anymore.
No wonder Master had discarded it.
Did a broken battery still have some use to someone?
It woke up to the sound of voices and barks.
The sun was still rising, painting the sky a tint of pale pink and orange. The rain from the day before was now just a breeze that froze the battery’s thin body. It was a couple of young men, taking their mean-looking dogs out for a walk on a leash. The battery felt a shiver down its spine at the sight of the shock collar and muzzle the animals wore.
It had tried to curl further into its hole when one of them peaked in.
“Oh? What do we have here?” The guy wearing a red beanie whistled as his friend came to stand next to him.
“What?” The man looked into the hole and found the battery cowering away from the dog’s snout “…is that a person?”
“Seems more like a rat to me” The battery wouldn’t disagree, given how small and contorted it was. “Why don’t you come out and let us have a better look, hm? Or are you hiding something important in there buddy?” The man whipped his arm and grabbed the battery so tight it yelped. The man pulled it out swiftly, making it land right next to one of the dogs. The battery quickly covered itself when the dog’s mouth came close to its face, curling into itself defensively as it heard the young man laugh.
“There’s nothing here,” the other clicked his tongue.
“Maybe it’s on him” the guy with the red beanie replied, pulling on the dog’s leash when it kept insistently wanting to jump on the battery. By its drooling, it figured the muzzle was the only thing keeping it from biting it. “Hey, you,” the man said kicking away the battery’s arms from its face “we won’t give you trouble if you give us what we want so just be…” the man trailed off as his eyes settled over the battery’s neck. “What the fuck? Is that a dog collar?”
The other guy stretched his neck to stare too, but when the battery tried to scurry away from it, the guy stomped on its chest. It looked at it for a moment before snorting into laughter “holy shit, it is!”
The dogs were restlessly barking and pawing at it so hard, its ratty clothes began to tear. The man pulled on the dog’s chain leash before passing it to the other guy so he could inspect the battery’s collar. It was forced up to its knees with a sudden strong tug from the D ring on his collar, choking it slightly as it struggled to put its numb feet below it.
“Woah, it’s even locked,” the man said pulling on the tiny padlock, and then, hooking a finger between the leather and its neck, cutting the battery’s airflow until it whimpered and the man let go with a gritting laugh. Then he grabbed a fistful of its matted hair and forced it up to its feet, only making it fall back to its knees. 
The battery’s head snapped to a side when he slapped it.
“Hey, hey! Do something, man” he slapped it increasingly stronger “Defend yourself, man! Say something! C’mon!” They repeated the process over and over before one burst into laughter. “He won’t even try to stop me!”
Suddenly the slaps turned into hits and fists rained over the battery’s body. It tried to put its hands around its head but the other man kicked its arms off, the force of his kick turning the battery’s body.
Even when they stomped on it, even when they pulled it up only to batter it down, the battery didn’t say a single word.
It was not allowed to speak to anyone else but Master.
Once they got bored of hitting it without getting even a single yelp out of it, they unleashed the dogs.
It was a moment where the battery debated simply letting them maul it or running. Its legs were numbed out from hours of sitting in the same position, but the ache suddenly vanished when it broke into a sprint, the two dogs dashing behind.
Air burnt through its lungs as it poured every single crumb of energy into running. It knocked over containers and trash to stop the dogs, but it was useless, as the dogs easily caught up to snap their teeth barely centimeters away from their ankles.
The battery saw its chance to lose them when it tried to turn on a corner, but the puddles of dirty rainwater were everywhere and so, it drifted, losing its balance before ultimately crashing against the floor.
It only had time to open its eyes before the dogs jumped on it.
Everything hurt even more now.
The battery lay still over a puddle of its blood hours after the dog’s owners had put them back on their leashes and ran off when the battery stopped moving. Even when its arms and legs were little more than rags now, the battery was somehow still alive.
The battery’s shaking hand passed over its neck, wet with drool and dirty puddle water, and found the collar ragged to shreds instead of its neck.
Somehow, Master had saved it, the battery thought to itself hours later, when it could gather enough strength to try and crawl back into a better hiding spot. The oozing blood from its wounds smeared on the ground as it dragged forward.
It hadn´t meant to come out of its hiding, but after days inside the hole in the wall throwing up an empty stomach, it was delirious. It hadn´t meant to land on some poor girl´s head when it thought it had seen Master.
Of course, it paddled away when it noticed its mistake. Dropping its head to wait for punishment, fearing deep in its soul the woman would somehow begin hitting it or even worse, unleashed fiery dogs to chase after it again, but the battery didn´t receive anything but a perplexed look.
“Is that…Are those dog bites?” the woman asked with horror at the half-moons covering the entirety of the battery’s body. Some of them were so swollen and infected they let out a smell the woman had to cover her mouth with both hands to not throw up.
“-ase…” The battery lowered its head until it touched the floor, the coolness of it sending a shiver of bliss through its body “Please…Water…Mas-ah, please…juss…a little…please” it begged, forcing itself to straighten itself and failing so miserably the woman rushed to hold it. Did the world always have that many funny colors? It wondered as its vision swam and it began to only catch glimpses of what happened before it.
It caught the streets, then a door. Then someone was vomiting while it laid down on something so soft it almost cried. Was it a cloud? It certainly felt like one. 
After that, it was red. So red and blurry, the battery was sure it wouldn´t open its eyes again. 
But many times, it did. It opened its eyes to a blurred world that slowly, with each new time it forced its eyelids open, the world became a little clearer. 
It was a very spacious room at the beginning, but then it became clear it was some tiny plastic hovel in someone´s garden. The door leading out to it almost always closed except for the times the woman would come in to check on it. Angrily yelling at it for squirming its way down to the floor before pulling it back on the sofa. 
The battery still found ways to not lay on the furniture but on the floor, where batteries should be. 
The woman had stopped trying to pick it up and had instead pulled the covers and pillows down on the floor. 
It had been adamant at first, squirming itself out of the comfort and warmth of such things meant for humans before the woman had growled at it. 
"Cleaning these every night for you is turning bothersome, ya know? If you´re not gonna get on the couch, I gotta make sure you´re at least a little bit warm. Or what? Are you gonna force me to tuck you up every night as if you were a kid? Don´t even think about it"
The battery was forced into the covers like a burrito many nights after that.
Neither were very happy about that, but the woman watched the battery relax in them after a while. For the battery, containment was no stranger. If this was this woman’s way of keeping it controlled, then what was a battery gonna say? She wasn’t its Master, but it had learnt to not refuse any treatment others gave it.
In a way, the wrapping made it feel like being hooked up to the machine again. It was tight, but not so much it wouldn’t be able to squirm it’s way out of the blanket like with the machine, with its openings specially designed to fit its arms and not let it move away even an inch as it sucked its energy.
The familiarity of the situation made it expect things. If it was contained, would it just be a matter of time before punishments came? It had denied food that was given freely before, but the woman’s simple scolding before she forced its mouth open wouldn’t last long. It would be hooked to a feeding tube soon. It was so sure, that when the woman pulled on her hair and then put a spoon on its hand, the battery didn’t drop it out of disobedience.
It was simply too shocked to hear her say “he” should know how to use a spoon.
A battery was an object others used because they only served one purpose. “He” was not used for the batteries. But the woman kept calling it “him”.
When it dressed its wounds with brand new bandages, when it was helped into a bath because “he” reeked. Even when she gently tried to pull it into the couch, the woman referred to it as “he”. She was gentle but severe when the battery refused to receive human things. Even when she was so frustrated she pulled on her hair, she didn’t see it as something inhuman undeserving of the help she was giving it.
It learnt even her kindness would end one day, when she was talking on the phone with someone when he waited for her to come in on the morning.
“I’ve seen everything in this streets, Marshall. And I mean that! But a man who refuses to take off a dog collar on his neck gotta be the worst of all. He was little more than a corpse when I found him but even when he didn’t try to run away the first chance he got, he refuses to act like a normal human being. Do you think this is more of a mental thing? Like, this boy has been through it, no doubt of that, but just what exactly leaves you acting…like that?” There was some buzzing words “I don’t know, I honestly want you to check on him ASAP. I just can’t shake this feeling that I’ve seen him before,” the battery’s heart throbbed “eh? A picture? Another one?” More buzzing. The battery saw her turn at him for a second before turning away “well, his face a little less swollen now, maybe there’s hope to finding out who I have been taking care of, finally”
The battery’s heart stopped at her words as she continued to talk.
The battery knew why and how it had become it’s master’s battery. The life before that had ended when the collar was put on. It was for the better. After all, the battery’s past life had ended with them when they died on the other side of the room.
The battery couldn’t let her know all of her help was given to that despicable thing that didn’t deserve anything else but being hooked up to a machine until it died. It was its master’s battery to repent, it didn’t deserve the help she had given it in the first place, but she…didn’t deserve to learn it had given so much help to a murderer. Even when it had never meant to kill them.
But that was the battery’s sin. It lifted its hand in the woman’s direction.
The battery never meant to hurt anybody, right?
But the battery couldn’t help it.
It had been so long since it had used its powers like this, but panic overcame it when the woman turned with the phone pointing at it. She couldn’t figure who it was. What it had done.
Their powers were a little too strong for a dumb battery to control. That’s why they had died and that’s why a battery needed a Master and a machine: to be properly used.
The waves of energy flowed like a river though its fingers, lighting up the very tips before the world tensed and wrinkled. As if space and time had become a paper it could fold, the battery’s finger shot a light that pierced the woman’s phone before she could even notice it moving.
“What the fuck?!” The woman screamed as she let the fried phone fall of her hands into the floor. She stared at her phone for a second. The display had melted so, a hole the size of her thumb had appeared. She blinked at it for a second before looking up at the guy in the floor with a hand up in the air, shaking like crazy.
“Don’t” the battery panted before turning its head to vomit blood.
That tiny amount of power wouldn’t have been accepted for the machine. But that was all the battery could use when it was discarded. it thought maybe after a month it could at least use this much, but oh it was so badly mistaken. The battery’s nose and mouth dripped into the floor as it heaved, gasping for air its lungs rejected.
“Y-You did that? That thing you just did, I have seen it before!” The battery whined, knowing he had failed to cover the truth. It had to go now. This woman’s kindness was over. “But- But they said you had died! No way in hell you are-!” The woman’s voice died on his ears as the battery crumbled into a pool of his own blood.
The battery watched in a blurred world how the woman reached for her phone before stumbling into the house beyond the garden.
It had no time to lose now.
Hadn’t it had worse? This little blood would have been any other day before.
Stand up.
The battery obeyed its master’s voice in its head. Sticky blood marking its clumsy attempt of lifting itself and walking out the hut in the garden, the sun blinding its eyes for a second before it walked out. Rushing away as the senses came back to it and it heard the woman screaming as sirens began to ring closer and closer. It broke into a sprint into the forest when there were many voices screaming at him with threats of having weapons and yelling at it to stop running.
Everything hurt so much. The pain was too much to bear.
And the battery jumped down into yet another hole. Such was its luck the battery managed to jump into a sewer that spat it out in a beach. The battery, half drowned and covered in feces, crumbled down unconscious in the sand.
It woke up at night. Carefully sitting in its knees before looking up at the city before it. How long had it been since it could see it’s hometown like this? The battery’s eyes filled with tears before it gathered the courage to stand up.
Help wouldn’t come for batteries.
Once anyone knew who it was, any help and kindness would end.
It didn’t matter how or why, whoever killed a hero was nothing else but an evil villain. And the battery? In a single minute, in one single hit, it had killed nine. Projecting the scene to the world to show who betrayed them before taking the battery into their base and hooking it up to the real machine.
River, the youngest of the eleven heroes, had died with them that day to be reborn as the Master’s battery when he was abandoned by his own team.
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
whump ask game: collander
This one's kinda hard...
Abusive parent/partner whumper forcing whumpee to hold the colander while they drain some kind of food... and definitely-not-on-purpose dumping some of the scalding hot water onto their hands. But gods forbid they spill any of the food, or else there'll be hell to pay later.
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otherworldly-whump · 2 years
Casual whump and my favorite syndromes
Following up from some recent reblogs and since im back on my shit again. and by shit i mean, my soap box about causal whump dynamics, Stockholm and Lima syndrome, my love of remembering that both whumpers and whumpees are real people again. Give me whumpeers that take advantage of having a captive audience.
Whumpers who get bored or lonely when they have down time, or who realize they want someone to play a game with instead of playing alone when their resting. Give me whumpers who force their whumpee to learn how to play their favorite video games so they have someone to play with. Maybe they teach them just enough so they can push them around in game, or maybe they train them to be exactly what they need, a perfect teammate for hard content. Whumpers that teach them card games and board games because fuck does it suck to have a pile of the around the house and no one to indulge with! Whumpers who force their whumpees to watch their favorite shows, so they have someone to watch them with. Force them to learn everything about it so they have someone to ramble at about the newest episodes, someone on call to debate lore and theory with. Whumpers who teach their whumpee how to listen and ask the right questions, so when they get to excited about something and want someone to share with, they realize they dont have to wait, they can just go ramble and whumpee! Whumpers who keep their captive audience close so they always have someone to info-dump to! who during downtime or rest days just casually shares their favorite topics because why not! They're there, there still someone to share with, even if you don't see them as people their perfect listeners. And its just nice to have someone to share with on short notice whenever you need.
And hell, whumpees that are absolutely thrilled by this. It give enrichment, social interaction, putting whumper in a good mood means better days, or more affection or soft moments to rest. It means less time alone or understimmed or without an outlit. Sure its a bit weird or a bit fucked up in context but? why not embrace the short moments of reprieve or the chance to improve how whumpeer sees you and improving your treatment just a bit.
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re-whump · 1 year
stolen light - summer smoothie
no one asked, but I threw Iolanthe in a blender because of this post from @thoughtsonhurtandcomfort like a week ago because everything irl is a smoldering mess. could be part 1/2 but the hurt part is so much easier to write as stress release than the comfort part, so. probably won't finish/post the aftermath. contains: tiny whumpee (fairy), wing whump, female whumpee w/ female whumper, injury, violence via kitchen appliance, mostly psychological,
Iolanthe knows better than to try and escape while the mortal is in the room, but the dish had been so shallow. Freedom had looked so close. She hadn't been able to resist the temptation brought by the mortal's carelessness.
But now, she looks up at the sly expression and shining eyes looming over her and knows that her keeper had placed her into that temptation deliberately. There was some sort of game here, one that Iolanthe was destined to lose.
Silas was still near enough for his glamour to catch the mortal's language and reflect it back in words Iolanthe could understand. She wished he would do something more useful with what magic he had left.
"You are such an obstinate creature, you know that? I can't let you out of my sight for even a second. Maybe I should just be done with you."
Iolanthe grunts as the mortal pinches her fingers around Iolanthe’s legs and the world twists upside down. Her tattered wings flutter reflexively as she's lifted into the air and carried across the kitchen to where Madeleine had been preparing breakfast.
The mortal has patience enough to wait for Iolanthe to reorient herself and recognize where she's about to be dropped. She holds her steady. Madeleine wants a reaction to savor.
Iolanthe hates to give the mortal what she wants, but it's automatic. Her heart races as she sees the deadly glass tower below. She thrashes to try and get upright and clutch at the wretched mortal's finger. 
Iolanthe doesn't know what this device is called, but it's one of the mortal contraptions she's seen in action enough times to understand its purpose. The silver flower at the bottom, already obscured by a pool of red juice, was built for evisceration.
"Don't you dare!" Iolanthe snarls.
Madeleine hms in delight and lets go. Iolanthe twists and flails, desperate for her wings to catch air, for her hands to catch the lip of the glass, but she finds no purchase with either. She tumbles to the bottom of the blender and lands with a splash.
The juice is bitter in her throat as she surfaces and scrambles onto one of the metal blades–steel of some sort, enough iron to make her itch, too treated to truly burn. She shakes herself dry. Red drips off her wings as she looks back up at Madeleine through the thick glass. Her precarious perch above the sharpened edges would mean nothing if Madeleine were to start the motor.
The mortal's impassive face is something to behold, a near‐perfect mask of apathy. Iolanthe knows it's a lie, she's been here long enough to understand that mortals aren't bound to reality in the same way she is. Still, the fairy finds it hard not to believe she hasn't been forgotten as Madeleine resumes her routine as if nothing were amiss. That she could scream and be remembered and saved. She knows better.
A cloud of slick, heavy yogurt crashes down over her shoulders. The weight nearly knocks her back to the bottom of the jar and the loss of traction finishes the job. She pushes through the white mud to climb back into place. Shadow falls over the jar as Madeleine unceremoniously dumps a cup full of fruit into the mix.
The berries are rock hard and the smallest is the size of Iolanthe’s head. The best she can do is hunker down and let them batter her backside. She hisses as the icy boulders surround her and suck away her warmth, then steels herself to climb through to her only hope of escape.
Whenever she passes by a clear bit of glass she steals a glance at Madeleine, who continues to ignore her. She fills the jar entirely, then turns her back to tend to Silas on the other side of the kitchen. She’s giving Iolanthe time to reach the top. Taunting her. Again, freedom is within reach and impossible to achieve.
As Iolanthe reaches the top of the jar, Madeleine turns and strikes her down with the broad side of a metal spoon. Iolanthe lands on her back. There’s a loud, mechanical click. She cries out as the island of fruit drops out from beneath her into the screaming whirlwind blades at the base.
White agony burns through her as the blades catch a tattered wing. Blue blood blossoms through the red summer fruits. Iolanthe is dragged beneath the surface and the world narrows to the motor's frantic screeching. There's no magic, no light, no air.
A second later, a second click, and everything stops but the bleeding.
Iolanthe doesn't resist as the mortal's hand fishes her out of the sweet muck and she doesn't run when she's laid back down in the shallow dish beside Silas.
@whumpsday tbh I've never done a taglist before, idk if you want to be included in random oneshot-y rambles
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catnykit · 11 months
im glad you enjoyed my post lol
youve answered all my questions so heres 17 I pulled from various ask games
Favorite whump fandom?
Favorite emotional whump trope?
Favorite whumpee & caretaker relationship (parent & child, lovers, etc)?
Do you have any IRL whump friends?
What was your whump awakening(s)?
What is your favourite type of whump?
What made you create this blog? Do you have any regrets/things you wish you did differently?
Opinion on whump without a whumper? Ex: Whumpee falling into an ice-cold river and getting hypothermia.
Do you listen to anything while writing/drawing whump? If it’s music, what genre do you typically listen to?
How did you discover the tumblr whump writing community?
How do you get inspiration for whump?
What's a favorite whump trope of yours?
Do you utilize whump to sleep?
What is your favorite nonhuman whumpee?
which setting does your whump generally fall into (fantasy, contemporary, medieval, etc)?
are there any writers/ artists you drew (or still draw) inspiration from?
are there any whumpy quotes that have stuck with you throughout the years?
(The full lists if you want them:
https://www.tumblr.com/whump-in-the-closet/722126157981548544?source=share )
1: Backrooms,Spooky jumpscare mansion I think I probabily have more but those are the mains
2:I dont have one??
3: human! Whumpee,Inhuman! Caretaker
I just- yes.
4:Sadly no :( but my crush loves gore!!🥰
5:Childhood series drama.
6:Psycological whump.
I love breaking them from inside 😊👹
7: I just did,I wanted to be on tumblr thanks pinterest screenshots <3 And I dont regret anything so far!!!!♡♡♡
8: NICE!!!!! Is just that Is not that dramatic I guess,So im in it but not that much
9: Breakcore/Weirdcore/Gorecore,Fleshcore/Rock
10:Pinterest screenshots. And I fell in love inmediatly
11: Almost everything LOL,Mostly games and rp's
12:Pet whump. I JUST- Yes. I love brainfuckery- I mean brainwash and stuff
And i sleep like a bb🤧💅
14: I would say alien??? Avian??? No-
15:Contemporary I think,Not always but yes.
16: I normally Get ideas on my own but no....Okay im on the warrior cats fandom😭
Okay I did it!!! IM SO SORRY,@stalecabbage BECAUSE I THOUGHT I PUT THIS ON A DRAFT BUT I ACCIDENTALY POST IT 😭😭😭😭 Im so sorry i was on a hurry
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
Opinion on all hurt no comfort?
I bend to its will. Next question.
No, but every time I sit down to write something, I end up including some sort of feels. I could be writing a crackfic then suddenly my hands are either typing up emotional feels (like what happened with "A Gold Fucking Star" I swear it was supposed to be crack. I had crack in mind),
or I go onto a different google document and spew out a whole new angst idea or add onto some angst on a fic (which is how I created a plot about Tim being cuddled by the Joker while on cuddle pollen).
I quite literally bend to its will. Whenever angst/whump/hurt comes to me, whether I'm about to sleep, or I just woke up, or I'm on public transport, or I'm in class, or I'm detangling my feral sisters, I immediately leave and go write that idea up. No matter how sleepy or tired or engrossed I am in something, I cannot rest without typing it out and recording it somewhere.
For the poor person who might have found that paper that I discarded some days ago, I'm sorry. You did not deserve to see that that day.
I just love writing it though. I have several reasons why, but not a skeleton reason. Each reason correlates to the idea. Sometimes it's projection, sometimes it's a rant, sometimes it's for fun. It varies.
I do usually end up adding comfort to the hurt because I just feel so guilty! I could hypothetically do all hurt no comfort, but I cannot really do it without the comfort. You'll see what I mean because I literally created alternate endings for the no comfort fics where there is comfort.
So, I bend to its will, but after it's done possessing me, I counter it by adding comfort. That's a TLDR.
Reading it though...
Reading all hurt no comfort is different.
Reading it is something I extremely enjoy. But I haven't read many fics with no comfort.
Why? It's not because there is a lack of them, I know there is not. It's because I'm afraid of what will happen if I do read something with no comfort and it affects me very deeply.
I will probably go into a coma to daydream the hell out of a good ending. I would create so many fics, so many rants, and let out so much grief and anger.
I enjoy them. I enjoy reading them. I enjoy writing them. I enjoy them.
Thank you so much for the ask, anon. Really. Thank you. So much. I love talking about whump and this was an excellent chance to overshare and rant.
whumper-dumps ask game
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throwawaywhumper · 2 years
Whump Dump #10
Whumper tussling whumpee's hair is always always a top-tier condescending action
Whumper that gags whumpee and slips them into a padded punching bag without telling anyone. Maybe hangs them up in a public gym where they're pummeled without anyone knowing. Bonus points if Caretaker hears muffled whining during their workout and discovers the hidden whumpee
On that topic: Buff Caretaker, caretaker that absolutley kicks ass. It doesn't have to be whumper's ass, just anyone's ass
Whumpee who's a wedding photographer, who starts notice a stranger recurring as a guest in nearly all of their photos. Even in the background of personal photos on their phone...but they're sure they've never seen them before.
Whumper who constantly plays games or lets luck decide everything for whumpee. When they eat, sleep, if they get hurt that day, if they get time outside, everything becomes a game ranging from elaborate setups to simple coin flips.
That good moment when whumper chokes whumpee against the wall, tall enough that they can lift them up on to their tiptoes as they're clawing at the hand around their neck. Especially the ones who are strong enough to lift them off the ground, watching their feet helplessly kick against the air and wall
Whumpee who does not get to experience silence at any point in time, whether its music blasting in their room, headphones in the shower, or the voice of whumper, its always something and its exhausting.
Whumpee being asked trick questions, knowing that no matter what comes out of their mouth, its in some way going to be an incorrect answer. Worse, they know that staying silent is not an option either
Other Whump Dumps
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whumpndump · 1 year
whumper dumps ask game!
What got you into whump?
I'm gonna be honest here... I was looking for kink stuff on tumblr and stumbled across whumblr by accident 😭 That's how I got into Whump proper, but I was always into this sort of stuff since a very young age.
Apparently one of my very earliest drawings (age 3 or 4) was of a person tied up in chains crying. Normally that would warrant some kind of psychological investigation, but my family decided it was fine I guess, and now I'm here! :]
Also, I went to a Christian school for the first half of my life, so I think the whole "Suffering is good and righteous." thing was just beaten into me further there lmao.
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Thank you to the lovely people who sent me asks for this ask game <2 but tumblr decided to suck so I gotta put my answers here
@emcscared-whumps @another-whump-sideblog
3. What are your favorite tropes?
I could talk about this for days omgggg
I think my favorite trope of all time has to be whumper turned whumpee/villain whump. If there is a guy in a story who hurts people and then gets hurt I am pretty much guaranteed to love it!!!
It adds a lot of flavor to stories I think. Complicates the usual whump dynamic especially. There are so many interesting things you can do with it!!! How does the whumpee react? Do they treat the whumperee with compassion despite how much they were hurt by them? Do they treat the whumperee with (honestly justified sometimes) scorn? Maybe they’re the whumperee’s whumper!!!
And the caretaker stuff too,,, Idk man it hits different when a characters who isn’t like a paragon or even just good most of the time gets a little comfort for the suffering they go through. (A consequence of my former self loathing, I think.) And there’s so much potential for reluctant caretakers!!!
And okay I love whumperees who get a redemption arc, I will always read stories where that happens, but I love love love it when the whumperee just gets worse. After all people improve despite trauma, not because of it. There is something very fun about a character who has been hurt immensely and decides to lash out at everyone. And I think my favorite types of characters are the ones that are miserable and choose to do bad things, and really they could improve but they don’t, they get worse, and it’s just such a lovely tragedy. I have many of those types of characters.
Um this is actually really long. I did not expect that. I will simply list my other fave tropes:
Immortal whumpees
Whumpee thinking caretaker is new whumper
When the whumpee is really scared of something happening but it turns out it was never gonna happen in the first place
Solitary confinement
Captivity whump
Electrocution/shock collars
Gore and cannibalism
4. What are your least favorite tropes?
Ummm this is kinda hard to say! Mostly cuz I don’t really have any tropes I particularly dislike? I guess tiny whump just doesn’t hit a vibe for me. I don’t always enjoy eye whump either. I can’t really list much! I mostly encounter tropes I enjoy or am neutral about!
7. Favorite whump writers?
THERE ARE SO MANY and this is only off the top of my head, so I’m probably missing a lot of people!!
@befuddled-calico-whump (and @whumpflash)
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WHUMPER-DUMPS ASK GAME: 4, 5, 8, 13, 20 :)
I'm sorry, I just reblogged and went to bed and didn't expect anybody to actually ask... but now! Here's my answers :)
4) What do you wish you saw more in this community?
Hm, I think I've already seen pretty much everything covered! At least I can't think of anything.
5) Whumper turned Whumpee or Whumpee turned Whumper?
The first one, rather, really.
8) Opinion on whump without a whumper? Ex: Whumpee falling into an ice-cold river and getting hypothermia.
I may be a rare species but yes, I love it. I watch 9-1-1 mainly for the really, really crazy whump. And it's not even about the main characters. I just love accidents and stuff in media, just give me random injuries, that fuels my inspiration. Yeah, strange, I know :)
13) Favourite type of whumpee?
I have no idea what kinds of them are there. So let's say, I like the sassy one, the defiant one, the one neglecting the pain etc etc ... awwwww...
20) Opinion on little hurt all comfort?
That's basically fluff to me, and I do it all the time.
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