willgrahamscock · 9 months
It’s been pointed out to me in this post, that not everyone is clicking through chapters in a fic?? How do you read and why?
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taikoturtle · 2 months
I woke up today to a bunch of notifications and saw my old table dancing natalie gifset circulating again. Man, makes me feel nostalgic. I taught myself how to gif because of Carmilla and that fandom and that was probably my best contribution 😂
Times were so silly back then and engagement was at its finest. Maybe it’s time for a quick little rewatch
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ace-and-ranty · 9 months
Here is my cultural shock of the day: it wasn't until I started working for an American company that I learned people expected to pay for their online purchases only once the product shipped.
A demand that I found patently absurd the first time I encountered it, because never once, in my whole life, has online shopping worked that way for me.
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acoraxia · 7 months
I, uh, I may have a crush on your drawings of Erlang
hmmm hope that doesn't sound weird
You like my bearded mess of a man? Fr? On god?
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scarrletmoon · 3 months
First Line Meme
tagged by @chaotic-neutral-knitter!
post the first line of your most recent ten fics, and see if there are any patterns.
in order from newest to oldest:
Today wasn’t the first time that Stede had wished he knew literally anything about cars, but this was definitely a moment where he’d wished the hardest.
2. take from me my lace
Ed hums. “They’re a bit distracting, if I’m honest.”
3. Last Christmas
Christmas Eve was turning out to be a lot bleaker than Stede had intended.
4. Glass Houses
Stede had moved into his new apartment months ago and was mostly settling in.
5. Bower Vine
Ed spots the meadow from the crow’s nest.
6. Breakfast
One of the best things about waking up with Stede – beyond the obvious fact that waking up to him made Ed feel impossibly lucky – was breakfast.
7. Unhand Me or Bleed
Stede had changed since he’d returned, but he’d done it in a myriad of little ways that Ed was still discovering.
8. Rum and Linen
The sea was calm, the moon was bright, and the rum had made Stede pleasantly warm and fuzzy around the edges.
9. Lavender
Ever since Stede had returned, Ed had taken to wearing his clothes.
10. Later
Edward woke up first.
i really like starting with names apparently! i think i've gotten better at first lines (some of these are......girl, what were you thinking). i keep trying to avoid starting with names but i think those might be my best opening lines 🥲
a bunch of writers i know have probably already been tagged but let's see.....@local-magpie, @unadulteratedkr, @beautitudes, @mxmollusca, @veeagainsttheday
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esrah-rah-rasputin · 6 months
Things that make me really feel like I’m in the 2020s:
The lady I saw in a high hip, mock corduroy bodysuit, matching pants, and chrome sunglasses that looked like they were one single piece of plastic
A guy in my town who goes around on a uniwheel (basically a Segway but with one big wheel) and wears all black leather gear and a big helmet since he goes like 35 mph on it
A robotic smoothie maker machine arm in a gas station
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libraryleopard · 10 months
one thing that working in a bookstore has taught me is that i simply do not know what is popular on booktok. i had never heard of fourth wing until i started my job there and now we've sold out of all of our copies?
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meitanteisachi · 1 year
Just me talking in the tags
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returntoregalia · 7 months
Your account was recommended to me and I had to do a double take! We share a name (and pronouns) and started reading TUC at the same age! I've never been able to focus on Podcasts but I'll be checking yours out since it seems uniquely tailored to my interests! What a delightful discovery this Tuesday :)
Wow!! I'm so excited to have my clone as a fan!
Nah jk, but really I'm so glad you found the podcast! If listening to podcasts isn't your thing, we're working on getting transcripts published with the episodes at rss.com/podcasts/returntoregalia/ so you could read it if you prefer
Thanks for writing in!!
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draculagerard · 2 years
You guys ever think about the fact that we have a whole day to a ship on this site?
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 5 months
I’ve had this blog for six years now…
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abitofboth · 1 year
if you ever wanna know how much the english still suck, the brecon beacons national park in wales has very recently changed its name back to the welsh bannau brycheiniog and I have seen quite literally nothing but pointless uproar for it. it’s 2023 and people still think it’s ridiculous for welsh people to have a little bit of pride in their culture
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autism-swagger · 9 months
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This is literally me btw. When you're mean to me this is who you're being mean to.
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I say The Last of Us destroyed me (and it did) but I also haven’t been this creative in… years?????
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regina-cordium · 10 months
For those of you New Here, I’m slowly piecing together a family tree on ancestry and my dad found some forms with family history that goes all the way back to the 1860s, with an ancestor that came from ireland
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pchoo · 11 months
being on here is actually wild. my age says 23 im fucking 27 now where did the time actually go???/
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