#but jeez this was 10 years ago??
taikoturtle · 6 months
I woke up today to a bunch of notifications and saw my old table dancing natalie gifset circulating again. Man, makes me feel nostalgic. I taught myself how to gif because of Carmilla and that fandom and that was probably my best contribution 😂
Times were so silly back then and engagement was at its finest. Maybe it’s time for a quick little rewatch
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steampunk-beeping · 2 years
Jesus Christ 2019 was 4 years ago-
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joelalorian · 6 months
Fall Into Me - Chapter Six: And I Knew My Heart Wasn't Mine
dbf!Joel x f!reader
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Summary: Joel is hanging on by a thread as a single father to a tenacious 10-year-old Sarah. Feeling like he's drowning, like the world is about to spit him out, he needs some help before he breaks in half. At your dad's insistence, you show up in his life and change everything.
Story is inspired by the song Fall Into Me by Forest Blakk. Chapter titles will be lyrics from the song.
Word Count: 3.8k
Chapter Warnings: Explicit, under 18 take a hike. No outbreak AU. Lots of feelings, confusion, and self doubt. Two idiots falling in love. Finally some smut-ish stuff. Dry humping on the couch. Joel is his own warning. Tommy keeping it real. Age gap of about 9 years (Reader 24/25, Joel 33/34). No use of y/n. Reader has a nickname used only by her dad.
Dividers by the wonderful @saradika-graphics
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Chapter Five | Main Masterlist
Sitting at the kitchen table on Sunday morning, you reviewed an email on your phone from the Texas Education Agency. Relief washed over you. The State Board finally approved your certification after jumping through a million hoops, just in time for your upcoming meeting at Sarah’s school.
Yet another step closer to finally feeling like an actual adult contributing to society.
“Morning, Spud,” your dad greeted as he walked into the kitchen in search of his morning coffee. “You’re up early. Did you have fun with Sarah yesterday?”
“I figured I’d seize the day and all that. I had a blast yesterday! Sarah is so smart, and Joel was really nice, as always,” you replied, playing down quite how much of a roll Joel had in making the day so enjoyable. You still couldn’t believe how things worked out.
Joel Miller, dead sexy single father, liked you, wanted to be with you. Little morsels of doubt tried to weasel their way into your mind, trying to make you question what was so special about you that a man like Joel would be interested in. You shook those thoughts away, resolving to believe that you deserved someone like him, someone who liked you for who you were and not who they wanted you to be.
“He comes from good stock, that Joel,” your dad interrupted you’re wandering thoughts. “Not sure what happened with Tommy, though. Musta been dropped on his head as a baby or somethin’.”
“Dad!” you laughed, shaking your head. “There’s nothing wrong with the guy. He’s young, single, and unburdened by responsibility. I imagine you were like that once upon a time.”
“Musta been so long ago I can’t remember,” he replied, hip checking you into the counter when you stood to place your glass in the sink. “Watch yourself there, Spud.”
“Jeez, thanks, Dad,” you replied with an amused eye roll. Your dad watched as you tidied up your little mess from breakfast and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.
“You know, Spud. You’d do well to find a man like Joel. He’s a really good guy. Shame he doesn’t date. All the women go crazy over him.”
Your dad kept going on about Joel’s aversion to dating, but your mind froze on that one simple statement – you’d do well to find a man like Joel. You tuned back in just in time to hear him say, “He needs to settle down with a girl like you. Someone smart and responsible who’ll still give him a run for his money.”
Practically bursting with the urge to admit that you and Joel just officially started seeing each other, you curled your lips between your teeth and just nodded. You promised Joel you’d wait a bit before mentioning anything to your dad and you planned on keeping that promise. “He should be so lucky to find someone like me,” you sassed finally.
The day carried on as you spent some quality time with your dad watching TV and lounging around. It was refreshing and relaxing, reminding you of times past where the two of you spent a bunch of time together.
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The urge to text you plagued Joel all day Sunday, distracting his attention from the football game until Tommy finally snatched the phone out of his hands and hid it.
“Enough, brother. You’re like a lovesick fool checking your phone every five fuckin’ seconds. You just spent the day together yesterday. Give her a little breathin’ room,” Tommy chastised. “Women like a little mystery after all.”
Flopping back into the couch cushions with a huff, Joel crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I don’t want to play games with her, Tommy. None of that aloof, hard to get bullshit.”
Shaking his head, Tommy waited until a commercial break to turn to his brother again. “I’m not sayin’ to play games. I’m just sayin’ you don’t need to be up her ass 24/7. You’ll see her every day this week. It’s ok to build up a little healthy anticipation today.”
Joel knew his brother had a point. He just couldn’t help himself. It’d been so long since he felt like this about someone – if he ever really did before – and it was messing with his head. Berating himself for not even kissing you yesterday, Joel wanted to at least text with you today. It felt somehow wrong to not talk to you.
Then again, you hadn’t texted him either.
Tommy made a valiant effort to distract Joel from his thoughts, talking statistics about the game and the players, anything to get the guy talking. It only worked for so long before Tommy couldn’t take it anymore.
“Alright, how ‘bout this. I’ll take Sarah for a dinner and ice cream date tomorrow so you two can spend some time alone. Get a little action in and maybe that’ll help you get your head out of the clouds.”
For the first time in hours, Joel’s face lit up. “You sure?”
“I wouldn’t offer otherwise,” Tommy replied. “You two need to figure out if there’s something there and you can’t do that with a ten-year-old hanging around all the time. Not unless you want to scar her for life.”
Joel nodded, reaching out to take his phone back. Before letting go of it, Tommy grinned. “I already texted her for you. You’re welcome.”
Ripping his phone out of his brother’s hand, Joel scrolled through his text messages to find what Tommy sent you.
JM: Hey sweetheart. Netflix and chill tomorrow?
He only knew what that meant because of Tommy and you had to know that wasn’t something Joel would say. “Jesus fucking Christ, Tommy!” Joel growled, his ears turning red from what you must think. He was about to really lay into his brother for overstepping when you responded.
You: Netflix and chill, huh? Sounds like my kinda date 😉
Not expecting that response, Joel chuckled. Maybe Tommy knew exactly what he was doing after all.
“Like I said, you’re welcome,” Tommy teased when he saw the goofy smile on his brother’s face.
Joel ignored him, proceeding to ask you about your day. The two of you texted back and forth well into the night until it was time for bed.
Climbing between the cold sheets of his large, empty bed, Joel wished you were there with him. He could already imagine you there, falling asleep together after a romp or two, waking up next to you in the morning. It sounded like heaven to him.
Hmm, maybe he could Netflix and chill his way to convincing you to spend the night tomorrow.
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You didn’t know what to expect when you walked into Joel’s house Monday morning, but it certainly wasn’t a flustered Joel, knelt on the floor, staring down at a mess of pancake mix surrounding him and Sarah giggling her little heart out at the breakfast table.
“What happened here?” you asked, hands on your hips and eyes surveying the damage. “Did you have a fight with the boxed pancake mix.”
“He really did!” Sarah exclaimed, still laughing. “It went everywhere!”
“I see that,” you replied, grinning at her before turning back to Joel.
He stared up at you with wide, sad eyes and shoulders slumped. “I couldn’t get it open and then it just…” His arms spread wide, gesturing at the powdery mess on the tile in such an endearing way. You couldn’t stop your smile from growing wider.
“Go finish getting ready for work. I’ll get Sarah some cereal and clean this mess up,” you directed, gently pulling him to his feet and around the mess.
“You shouldn’t have to clean up my mess, sweetheart,” Joel replied, pulling you in for a hug. You could tell the warm press of your bodies together made him feel better and you basked in it as well, not minding the bit of pancake mix that transferred to your clothes.
“Don’t worry, I got it. Now git!” One hand swatted at his ass playfully as he rushed out of the room. “Now, what kind of cereal do you want, nugget?”
Fifteen minutes later, Joel returned to find the mess gone and you running a mop over the tile to wipe away any last remnants of the pancake mix disaster. Sarah already finished her cereal and was upstairs brushing her teeth before it was time to head to school. When you put the mop back into the bucket, Joel crept up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He pulled you close until your back was flush against his chest.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he breathed in your ear, sending a flood of goosebumps down your arms. Joel pressed his lips to the spot just below your ear and left a trail of kisses down your neck. The feel of his lips on your skin exceeded any expectations you had, and a contented sigh left your own lips.
With a hurried tenderness, he spun you around in his arms, the mop forgotten as it nearly fell out of the bucket. Faces close together now, your eyes drank in every detail of him from the richness of his dark brown eyes, the curve of his nose, the purposeful stubble of his beard, and, finally, to the fullness of his bottom lip. You could feel his eyes doing the same, drinking in every bit of your face before tilting his head impossibly closer.
“I’m going to kiss you now, ok?” Joel murmured; lips nearly pressed to yours already and you hummed in approval.
After all the weeks of mutual pining and self-doubt, Joel finally kissed you. It started as a soft press of lips and quickly morphed into an overwhelming need to devour each other when his tongue teased along the seam of your lips, begging entry to deepen the kiss. Teeth knocked together and tongues tangled as you tasted each other – somehow, the taste of coffee was suddenly appealing when it came from Joel’s mouth.
Hands wandered – his over your curves and yours into his luscious, dark curls. Joel’s hair felt as silky as it looked, and you had been itching to get your fingers in it from the moment you met him.
The sound of Sarah’s footsteps bouncing down the stairs broke the two of you apart, breathless, and dazed.
“Wow,” Joel murmured, struggling to remove his hands from your waist.
You smiled up at him, equally unwilling to remove your fingers from his hair. “Exactly,” you whispered, stepping back with your hands at your side just as Sarah entered the kitchen.
“I’m ready!” she declared excitedly and you both grinned at her cuteness.
“Okay, nugget. Let’s head out.”
Heart melting in your chest, you watched Joel and Sarah do their morning routine of saying goodbye. The love between the two of them was so strong it was like a tangible thing you could hold in your hands. Nostalgia washed over you as memories of your own childhood, moments like this with your dad, flooded your mind. What you had with your dad, what Joel and Sarah had together, was a connection that would never fade, only grow stronger with time.
Briefly, you wondered if your evolving relationship with Joel would affect that connection, interfere with it in anyway. You couldn’t move forward with him if that was the case. Some woman showing up and changing the dynamic between you and your dad would have upset you as a child and you refused to be the cause of any upset Sarah felt.
When the two of them stepped back from their hug and grinned at you, any question about your place in their dynamic washed down the drain. You felt nearly dizzy with relief when Sarah quickly said, “Give her a hug, too, Daddy,” and shoved him as hard as she could in your direction.
With a chuckle, Joel gave in to Sarah’s demand, wrapping his arms around you. The broadness of him surrounded you, enveloping you in warmth and a sense of security you’d not experienced before. Was that what love felt like?
“Have a good day, darlin’. I’ll see you later,” Joel’s deep voice was but a whisper in your ear, his lips just grazing your earlobe. “I’m looking forward to tonight.”
Warmth raced up your neck to your cheeks and you squeezed your thighs together in anticipation of what you hoped would happen later. “You have a good day too, Joel. Be careful, ok?”
“Always, darlin’.” He winked as you led Sarah out the front door to your car.
The journey to Sarah’s school started off quietly, Sarah bopping along to the music on the radio as you navigated the morning traffic. Your thoughts wandered to what you should wear later when Sarah startled you with a sudden question.
“Are you my dad’s girlfriend now?”
She asked the question so nonchalantly that you weren’t sure how to respond. Would she be upset with whatever answer you gave? Was there even a right or wrong answer? What did she want to hear? Mind racing, you settled on asking Sarah a question in return.
“Would you be upset if I was?”
Tilting her head side to side a few times, the little girl contemplated her answer while you held your breath. She turned to you with a smile so big it scrunched up her nose. “Nope! It’d make me really happy.”
“Really?” Your eyebrows were nearly at your hairline.
“Uh huh. You’re the coolest and prettiest. My dad would be lucky if you were his girlfriend,” Sarah admitted with all the confidence and knowledge of a ten-year-old. Another head tilt and she added, “So, are you?”
Equal parts amazed and grateful for Sarah’s acceptance of the idea, you opted for honesty. “I mean, I don’t know,” you shrugged. How could you explain what you had to a 10-year-old? “We haven’t talked about naming it yet, but we did decide to see how we like being together. Does that make sense?”
Sarah gave it a moment of thought. “Yeah, I think so. It’s kinda like how you’re a teacher, but not officially until you get the job, right?”
You laughed at the comparison with a nod. “Exactly. I’m as good as your dad’s girlfriend, we just haven’t made titles official yet.” You pulled up in front of the school and it was Sarah’s turn to get out. “Now get going, nugget. Have a good day!”
The little girl bounced out of the car, calling out to one of her friends. Just before you pulled away, you heard Sarah tell the other girl that you were her dad’s not-yet girlfriend.
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The day absolutely dragged. Joel could swear that time went backwards every time he looked at a clock. It didn’t help that every single subcontractor gave him a hard time about something today.
The roof trusses arrived six weeks early and the sub refused to take them back even though the damn things would rot before they got to the roofing phase of construction. The company he rented the extra backhoe from wanted to raise their rates in the middle of his contract. The list went on and Joel ran out of patience three hours ago.
The only thing holding him together was the thought of you. Spending time with you. Kissing you. Touching you. Burying himself inside you… He adjusted himself with a sigh. Damn, he needed to put those particular thoughts on ice before he got himself riled up. The workday was shitty enough, he didn’t need the guys giving him a hard time about an untimely chub in his pants.
Finally, Joel had enough of everyone’s bullshit and called it a day, leaving his foreman in charge of the worksite.
“Off to doll yourself up, are ya?” Tommy teased as Joel headed for his truck. Gesturing in the general direction of Joel’s crotch, he added, “You remember how to use that thing? Make sure to clear out the cobwebs and use protection!”
“Jesus, Tommy,” Joel grumbled, climbing into his truck, and driving off. He knew his brother was only teasing, but Joel was nervous enough as it was. He didn’t need Tommy getting in his head. He did have a point about protection, though.
A quick stop at the convenience store to grab a box of condoms, Joel made it home before you and Sarah. Putting on some 90s rock, he jumped in the shower, putting in the extra effort to tidy himself up down there. He wondered if you preferred pubic hair or not. Fearing he was getting way ahead of himself, Joel opted to just trim his down and hoped for the best.
By the time he finished trimming his facial hair and tousling his curls, you and Sarah were downstairs, working on her homework. As he walked down the stairs, Joel could hear you encouraging his daughter to think the questions through and congratulating her when she got the answers right. His heart grew three sizes watching how you were with Sarah. You held his whole world in the palm of your hand and treasured it like the precious cargo it was.
Joel was falling so hard for you. You were quickly gaining the power to destroy him.
“Hi Daddy!” Sarah called out when she spotted him in the doorway. “We just finished my math homework. Can I play in the backyard?”
He set up a tire swing on the large live oak out back a week ago and it quickly became his little girl’s happy place. “Of course, nugget. Come give your old man a hug first.” Bending down, Joel swept Sarah up in his arms, biceps stretching his shirt sleeves as he swung her around in a circle. Sarah’s laughter echoed through the room, and you smiled sweetly at the pair of them.
“Uncle Tommy’s coming to take you out for dinner and ice cream in a bit. Ok?” Sarah nodded when he settled her back on her feet and raced for the sliding door. Once she was out of sight and earshot, Joel turned to you. “Come ‘ere, darlin’,” he said, voice deep and velvety.
Your body followed his command without conscious thought, so great the need to be in his arms. “I thought about you all day,” you admitted, staring up at him with wide eyes.
“Me, too. Could hardly focus on the job thinking about you and spending this evening together.” He tightened his arms around you, head bending to seal his lips to yours. When your lips parted at his prompting, Joel teased your plush bottom lip with his teeth. “It’s like a tasty little gummy worm,” he teased. “I could nibble on it all day.”
You moaned into his mouth, the little breathless sound music to his ears.
The kiss deepened until you were licking into each other’s mouths, hands wandering and grasping for purchase on any piece of real estate you could reach. Neither of you heard the front door open or the footsteps approaching the kitchen.
“Am I interrupting somethin’?” he asked cheekily as the two of you sprang apart, disheveled and gasping for breath.
Joel ran a hand down his face, closing his eyes for a moment to gather himself. “Excellent timing as always, brother.”
“Y’all just couldn’t wait five more minutes, could ya?” Tommy’s grin a mile wide as he teased. “Lemme get the nugget out of here before you two scar her for life.”
You tucked your face into Joel’s shoulder bashfully when Tommy slipped through the sliding door. Joel groaned and wrapped his arms around you. “Don’t mind him, darlin’. He just likes to bust my balls.”
Ten minutes later, after some hugs from Sarah and more teasing from Tommy, you and Joel were alone. Taking your hand, he led you to the couch. He hoped you didn’t notice that his rough palms were sweaty with nerves. You were abnormally quiet, and he wondered if you were nervous as well.
Seated a few inches apart, the tension became too much. “What are you in the mood for?” Joel asked, breaking the silence as he pulled up Netflix on the TV. He barely logged into his account when you suddenly straddled his lap.
“Hi,” you said when he stared at you in surprise. “You know what I’m in the mood for?”
“What?” He barely got his mouth to form the word, his brain short circuiting with you in his lap. His grip on the remote loosened, yet neither of you cared when it fell to the ground.
There was a moment where you both froze, each waiting for the other to act first. Then the tension snapped, and Joel’s lips crashed against yours. His tongue danced along the seam of your lips until you opened them to let him in. Tongues tangled in a never-ending dance as your hips tilted, grinding down on him. Joel was uncomfortably hard in moments, pressing up against your warmth.
His hands were everywhere, fingers tenderly tracing the structure of your cheekbones, down the curve of your neck, along the swell of your breasts. They finally settled, grabbing handfuls of your ass to pull you impossibly closer. You moaned into his mouth, hips bucking in search of more friction.
Gasping for breath, Joel tore his mouth from yours, his hands urging your hips into a rhythm as you dry humped him. His mouth left a trail of scorching kisses down your neck, eliciting a wave of goosebumps to flow down your arms. Your hips rocked, gliding across his hardened length and Joel swore he could feel your wetness breaching through the layer of clothes separating you.
Fuck, how he wanted to taste you, get high on your sweet nectar. He knew, just knew in that primal way, that yours would be the best pussy he ever tasted. His cock swelled impossibly harder at the mere thought of burying his face between your legs.
“Jooooeeelllll.” His name coming from your luscious lips in a drawn-out moan caused his own hips to buck up into you, hitting just the right spot to make you both see stars from the friction alone. His mouth sucked little marks into your neck, leaving his left ear exposed to your mouth as crooned, “I’m gonna come, fuck. You’re gonna make me come in my panties, Joel.”
“Fuck, darlin’. Come all over me, pretty girl. I want to see you fall apart from grinding on me like this. Drench those panties.” Joel sat back a little, just enough to watch your face as your orgasm swept over you. It was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen, eyes rolled back in your head, mouth hanging open in a silent ‘o’ as you trembled above him, delicate hands clenching the meat of his shoulders for balance. A little sheen of sweat dusted your hairline. Fucking beautiful.
Joel was absolutely certain he could feel you drenching his pants as you came, your breath finally coming back in a sharp exhale. He had never been so turned on in his life. Watching you come apart for him, feeling it seep through the layers of clothing became too much. For the first time in his adult life, Joel Miller came in his pants with a desperate whimper.
Taglist: @mellymbee @untamedheart81 @anoverwhelmingdin @runningmom94 @leilanixx @pedropascalfan221 @lovelyjess69 @sarahhxx03 @sofiparallel @tammythr @lulawantmula @islacharlotte @allyourfavesinoneblog @lover-of-books-and-tea @pedropascalsbbg @ashleyfilm @brittmb115 @lilmizmoz @loveisacowboyyy @shotgun-shelby @deninoe @casssiopeia @caitlynsixxx @skysmiller @missladym1981 @marirxse
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skullvgirl · 4 months
an unexpected contestant : model au | bllk
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incl. isagi, nagi, reo, barou, chigiri, bachira, sae, niko
warnings. fem reader
an's. dedicate to @chxxrybxxmb my idea plug ᡣ𐭩
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❝ YN ! ❞ your manager called to you desperately, peeking her head into the room where you were getting your makeup done. She looked frantic and stressed as ever.
❝ Yes? What's wrong? ❞
She shook her head dispointedly. ❝ It's the boys again, it looks tense in here...❞
Oh lord...
You rolled your eyes and moved from your vanity seat. Your makeup was basically finished anyway and you already had your outfit on, so you carefully made your way outside the room too where the rest of the boys were staying.
❝ What's going on? ❞ you asked politely surveying the scene. It was Isagi ( and the others ) standing as far away from each other as possible looking like they were going to snap each others necks off.
Oh jeez I hope this isn't about...
❝ Oh finally thank GOD your here, now you can just decide for yourself ❞ Bachira sighed, pulling your over too the center of the shoot, beady eyes pleading.
❝ Decide what... ❞ you pondered allowed as the group of boys shared a silent look across the room.
Finally someone spoke up, it was Barou ❝ We want too know who your doing the BAZAAR set with ❞ he asked, looking just as hopeful as Bachira did.
You poped your hip too the sides and groaned, rolling around your tense body.
Of course it's about the BAZAAR set, why wouldn't it be about the BAZAAR set!
The room stayed silent as your loosed your body and you glanced back up too see everyone still standing there waiting for an answer, although your not sure what they wanted you too say considering the set was a whole month away—practically a lifetime too you.
The set was not only the most revealing set you would do this year but it was also going to be the most influential. Which is probably why they wanted to be your partner so bad, it would bring in alot of revenue for the company and give them a boost in their career. Your managers thought it would be the easiest task—just leave it up too the modle themselves, have her pick out a person from a group and be done. But of course you were careful with your decisions and just saying put a name so easily wasn't your thing and in fear of hurting anyones feelings you planned too keep it private.
Looks like thats not an option anymore...
The boys continued to stare at you. ❝ What are y'all looking at? I told you I still haven't made a decision, now scram your inturupting me and Bachira's shoot. ❞ Bachira grinned like a maniac and swooped a hand around your waist while the other boys groaned.
❝ See I told you she wouldn't spil. YN's like an EVVA lock, can't pick her at all! ❞ Isagi said crossing his arms and leaning on the chair.
❝ Doesn't really matter since she'll probably pick me anyways ❞ Nagi yawned, pocketing his phone to observe you and Bachira's position. You ignored him but his statement sadly didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the males.
❝ Unlikely, YN and I have already done the most duo sets together this year, us on BAZAAR would a complete set ❞ Sae said, his arms crossed in defiance to what Nagi said.
❝ You failed to mention a full duo set has too have 12 magazines and not 11 Sae. You only have 10 as of right now. ❞ Reo chimed in, looks like he wasn't backing down either—much too your demise.
Angry filled looks were still spread across the room and the photographers were getting annoyed at their noise. It was time too end this thing.
❝ Alright! Alright That's enough, I'll have made a decision by tomorrow okay? So just leave..your distracting us ❞
The boys seemed pleased with your answer and began filling out of the room one by one. Finally some peace and quiet.
❝ You know I love you the most YN...and i'd love too see you all dolled up for the BAZAAR set❞
❝ Meguru, dont. ❞
❝ Was worth a shot. ❞
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1 month later
❝ YN come onnn, you said you'd tell us who you were gonna pick aggeesss ago! Ages ! And you still haven't What's the hold up? ❞ Bachira groaned as you were now in a room with the rest of the members all of them again waiting for a response.
❝ I wasn't even aware of this to be quite honest with you ❞ Chigiri said, folding his hands together. ❝ Guess theres alot of things that happened while I was away ❞
You sighed, ❝ I guess I can't put it off much longer can I...❞ The boys looked hopeful at that, and was now sitting on the edge of their seats. In the month that had past they all had gone great lenghts to please you, buttering your up with presents and sweetwords trying their best too get on your good side. But that wasn't really what you wanted.
❝ I choose... ❞ They all were holding their breath now. ❝ Niko ❞ You turned too the black haired boy and even under his bangs could see his surprise as well as his relief.
❝ Me..? ❞ He asked softly, almost not believing it.
❝ HIM !? ❞ Reo jumped out of his chair, pointing at the male in betrayal.
❝ What's the big deal? Niko's a great model plus he has the least amount of covers done here, BAZAAR will help him out ❞
❝ B-But I-I bought you a car, a porche ! ❞ he looked appalled at your decision and so did the rest of the boys there.
❝ On whose accord? ❞
He couldn't respond, he was left there gaping and confused.
❝ Niko but he's...he's a rookie? ❞ Isagi questioned. ❝ And I mean come on...a porche YN and porche ❞
❝ Uhn Uhn yall aren't gonna put this on me. Thoes things were from you. I didn't ask for shit. And anyways you wanted to know, now you know stop bothering me about it ❞
❝ Ugh that is so not fair ❞
❝ Meguru, seriously, dont ❞
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an's. i only included everyone I thought could be a model fr 🙏 no ayru cuz idk how to write for him lol
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delulu-sushi · 8 months
Future Y/N and Mikey visiting their childhood!!! Canon to Always By My Side. :D
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"Remember this place?" Mikey's words trigger your memories as he offers his hand to help you off the back of his motorcycle
Just like he did that day
He entwines his fingers into yours, as deep as one possibly could, as the two of you walk down Musashi Shrine.
You glimpse at him.
Now 25, Manjiro Sano was still as charming as ever. He left his playful appearance, his hairstyle now mimicking his older brother's and his clothes being less casual and more flaunting, but he was still you're Manjiro.
As you walked down Musashi Shrine, you noticed how just the aura of the place brought back his Toman demeanor, just as he would walk down all those years ago... ...the hundreds of heads bowing down as he walked past them, his cape endlessly flowing back as you watched him with a proud feeling that never went away. Watching the invincible Mikey, no, your invincible Mikey walk so confidently, and see so many people respect him...
Manjiro stood where his young self once stood, and you swear you saw the ghosts of the past. He turned to you as his smile grew bigger, and slowly walked towards you, who was leaning on a pole. His one hand reached for your face as he brought his forehead closer to yours, planting a soft kiss on your lips, before whispering his daily mantra, "I love you".
"You know you can't whisper those words without taking things farther" you tease him in between his soft kisses.
"Heh," he chuckles as he takes his hands in yours leading you down the shrine and on a path in the forest, "Don't worry dorayaki, I know what to keep private" he says with a snobbish wink as you roll your eyes at him, the two of you erupting in a series of giggles with your flirtatious talks.
"Are we going to that tree?" You ask Manjiro as you notice the surroundings around you. "Honestly, I didn't think you would remember, seeing how you forget your own birthday"
Mikey gives you a raised eyebrow as he starts giving a very irrelavant and made up list of all the things you forgot, which you give an eye roll and eventually erupt into giggles
He loves making you laugh
"Never stop laughing, m'kay?" He doesn't stare you straight in the eye, but moves his arm over your shoulder as you hug his side
"For you, I never will." You answer back as the two of you eventually stop at the tree.
Manjiro rolls his sleeves down and reaches his hand into a tree hole untouched for 15 years. He pulls out a rusty box, once golden and embroidered, now dusty. Still, Manjiro takes out a handkerchief and wipes the box, which, to your astonishment, is still as beautifully embroidered as it was all those years ago.
Jiro clears his voice and stands up tall, very evidently trying to hold back a childish smile as he begins a speech.
"MS. L/N, F/N, 15 YEARS AGO I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU. 15 YEARS AGO I ASKED YOU TO PUT SOMETHING IN THIS BOX THAT REMINDED YOU OF ME. 15 YEARS AGO, I did the same" His voice calms down as he smiles lovingly. He can't stop. Manjiro opens the box and motions you to take out his letter, as he takes out the picture you drew.
"Dear dorayaki, " you start to read the letter and sneak a glance at Mikey, who freezes with a tomato-red face, suddenly remembering how much of an embarrassing love-struck 10 year old he was, "Jeez Jiro, I can't believe you made up that nickname when you were ten" you tease him.
"One day, you came to my grandpa's dojo, and I thought you were just another girl. Then we played together. You, me, Baji, and Sanzu, and all I wanted to do was make sure no one tagged you but me. Now I am ten and Shinichiro is always talking about the girls he gets rejected by. And sometimes, I get scared that you too, will reject me."
You pause to take a breath. Never in your life did you imagine that the 5th grade boy who acted so cool and chill in front of everyone was head over heels about you, going so far to write a whole letter.
"I think I'm in love with you. And if this is true, then I'll tell you. I'll look at your pretty E/C eyes all day long and we'll drink milkshakes together, and I'll even let you finish mine. But most importantly, if this is true, then I'll bring you back here and", you turn over the paper, anticipating what comes next... but its empty. Confused, you look back at Manjiro, whos
On his knees.
His hands on a small square case which you hope has what you think is inside.
He's staring at you, with love, because he knows what you're answer is going to be
"Marry me?"
No words come out of your mouth as you nod your head while tears slowly drop down your face as he takes your precious hand and slides a golden ring with the engraving Sano.
"Then I'll bring you back here and I'll make you a Sano" he finishes the last sentence of his letter and kisses your hand, while your still in shock about what happened.
"We're, WE'RE MARRIED NOW! We're married now? Oh my gosh, we are married Manji" Manjiro never thought you would be freaking out more then him. He looked straight in your eyes, picked you up, and twirled you around, "YEAH! You're a Sano now!" You've never seen him this happy before.
He then picks up the drawing you put in the time capsule,
A wedding reception. The Sano family, and all your friends surrounding the side. And in the middle?
You and Manjiro as bride and groom
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lunasdreamytreats · 5 months
Best kept secrets
Baizhu x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW // !PSUDO STEPFATHER/STEPDAUGHTER RELATIONSHIP! don't like, don't read // modern au // legal age-gap (Baizhu's in his late 30's, reader's in their early 20's) // drinking wine // reader calls their mother 'mama' // petnames (darling, little girl / good girl) // daddy kink (u call him it a few times and he calls himself it too) // mentions of drugs and aphrodisiacs // begging // oral (m+f receiving) // fingering // dumbification // bad writing (was still finding my writing style as i began writing and its not fully proofread)
Word count: 3.5k... (jeez i went crazy)
A/N: HBD MY LOVE 🥰 I love Baizhu sm, been planning this bad boy forever. Please enjoy and make sure to read the warnings carefully and lmk if I missed something ❤️
'How did this happen again?' You ask yourself as you accept another kiss from the man you knew as your stepfather. It feels so wrong, until you remember how your own mother is a cheating gold digger herself. Virtually your whole life up until a year ago had been on the move. Your mother would marry rich men who owned whole companies or company branches and either bankrupt them and leave or cause a scandal so they go out of business and leave. Over 19 years you’ve had a total of 10 stepfathers and you've never been really close with any of them.
As far as you know, the most recent one is the only one out of your stepfathers that has more than one source of income. He owns the only pharmacy in town while also working as a doctor. It must be taking longer to burn through it than normal, you thought, since you're still there.
You feel as if you should be grateful that your mother hasn't ruined it yet, because you've grown fond of life in this family. Your little sister Qiqi absolutely adores you as her big sister. Although your not sure if your mother knows about this, but your stepdad, Baizhu, absolutely loves being able to spend his money on you. Whenever you get off work he'll wait outside for you in the car with your favourite music ready to play. He'd drive around town with you for half an hour before going to pick Qiqi up from school. If you saw anything you wanted while driving, he'd tell you to quickly jump out and buy it with his card.
“Sweetie I don't care how much it costs if you want it I'll gladly get it for you.” Is what he'd say if you tried to protest in any way, in the end, you’ve just accepted it as him wanting to spoil you. Baizhu was very different to any of your other stepfathers, for one, he's making an effort to bond with you..... Oh and he's young, well, young compared to the others. At only 35 when they got married, he was 2 years your mother’s junior and 17 years your senior.
The 4 of you lived a fairly drama-free life up until tonight, when Baizhu came back home after dropping sweet Qiqi off at her best friend Yaoyao's house for her very first sleepover. He came in and asked you to come downstairs and sit on the couch, saying he needed to ask you about something important. You promptly closed the game you were playing and put the controller back, coming down to see Baizhu in the kitchen with a bottle of white wine and 2 glasses.
“Oh? What's the special occasion, Dad?” You asked before sitting back down with him.
“It's about your mother, (Y/N).” You froze slightly, wanting to ask him if anything bad happened to her. However, before you could speak, he placed one of the full glasses of wine into your hand.
"Do you know if she cheated on any of your other stepfathers, like any one of them?"
“Well I don't know for certain, but I've got a feeling she cheated on all of them, including my father.” You lifted the glass of wine up to the light and swirled the liquid around before continuing.
“Right when she leaves them, I found that either their companies crumbled, or they declared bankruptcy. Some less than 6 months after their wedding. It's happened way too many times to be a total coincidence.” Looking over at him, you saw a small sigh leave his lips as his eyes met yours. The low light of the lamps on the wall adjacent to him made his golden irises glow. ‘Oh fuck that's really pretty.... h-hold on a god damn second, that's your stepdad your talking about, dumbass!’ You quickly shook the thought out of your head and took a sip of wine to distract yourself.
“Why'd ya ask?”
“I saw your mother with someone and they were talking about how long until they can run off together....” You always had a feeling she had an accomplice her little scheme, but a whole ass lover all these years? Baizhu leaned forward in order to put the wine glass back on the counter and shifted to face you.
“Thank you for telling me this, my darling.” Eh why the lovey dovey language? He seems to be awfully calm for someone who just found out what a horrible person his wife is.
“Dad.... now that you've caught mama, when do you want us out of here by?”
“Hm? Why would I kick you out, darling?” Again with the darling! Is this really how fathers express their affection towards their children?
“I-I just thought since she's cheating on you, you wouldn't want her or her child arou-!” He's laughing? How? You thought he'd be annoyed. And yet here he is, not only not giving a toss about the current situation, he's laughing at it.... Why?
“Do you think I'd leave my cute, sweet little girl all alone without someone that loves her like I do? No no no darling. Besides, this is the best time to show you something that I've been planning this last year.” What could that be? You wondered. Come to think of it, from his plans for Qiqi's birthday party to things he's overheard at work, he's never kept anything a secret from you. He stood up and retrieved a piece of paper from inside a safe in the wall that he hid behind his back so you couldn't see what was written on it. As he sat back down, you managed to catch a small glimpse of the contents of the paper, you saw your signature there and what you can only assume is Baizhu's, both written in black ink next to each other at the bottom of the page.
'Oh! He must be holding the adoption papers we signed after the wedding'. You had another quick glance at the paper again before he folded it up and set it down on the table.... What?? You must be hallucinating because your pretty sure the words 'certificate of marriage' were at the top of the page. Hang on, if that's a marriage certificate, then why did you clearly see your signature next to Baizhu's?
“Did you see it, my darling?” Baizhu's words brought you back into the moment at hand, oh, that and his hand resting on your waist. The small gesture causing a shiver to shoot up your spine. “You’re my real wife. And you have been all this time.”
“How?” The reality of this situation hitting you like a boulder made your voice go hoarse, coming out like a broken cry. How was he able to hide something so big for so long? “How did I not notice it?”
“I'll be honest, I only got close to your mother so I could be with you, my darling. I knew what your mother was when I saw her, now she's the only one in the dark about it.” Baizhu's voice broke through the stifling silence around us. This is so weird, you’ve always thought your stepdad was a nice man, in personality, heart and looks. And you’ve told your friends about how you'd like your future partner to be like him. So should you go along with it?
“B-But what about the wedding night? Didn't you and mama have sex?”
“Nope, she ran off after the ceremony, I spent the night in your room.”
“W-what!? How the fuck did I not feel you?”
“Not when you've taken the deep sleep elixir I put in your food. I’d put it in whenever I knew your mother was going out for the night.”
“Oh, so that's why I hardly remember those nights.”
“Fuck, you're so cute when you don't know what to make of a situation, darling. I wonder what your reaction is going to be when I do this?” With no warning, Baizhu pulled you closer, onto his lap, and kissed your neck. The bold action made you gasp in shock. While you were distracted, he took the opportunity to catch you off guard again and kiss your lips. The kiss was just as he was, gentle and full of passion, yet demanding. Letting you know that although he’s being gentle, he’s still the one in control. He’s holding you so soft and tenderly, it makes this kiss feel like a natural part of life. Like your forgetting you two had a completely different relationship before...
That's how it came to you and your stepd- no, your husband making out in the open space of the living room. :)
'This isn't wrong. He's my husband.' You told yourself as you kissed him back. The grip his hands have on the flesh of your hips was so soft, as if he couldn't bare the thought of hurting you. Which, in a way, was true. He couldn’t bare the thought of being the reason you were in pain. As the kiss deepened, he felt more comfortable in exploring your body. His hands gently glide up your body before setting on your chest. His hands circle your body to where the dress zipper and bra clasp were.
As his arms pulled you closer, his fingers grazed the bit of exposed skin, making you shiver at the contact. Pulling away from your lips, Baizhu looked at you with love filled eyes and ran his finger over the neckline of your dress before hooking a finger on it and tugging at the fabric.
“My darling, can I?” He asked, rather breathless from the deep kiss. You could only nod in response until you find your voice. That was another way that Baizhu shows he cares, he was patient when you couldn’t get your words out. It was a thing you had struggled with for most of your life. And although it was a small gesture, it was something that mama never bothered to get right.
“Y-Yes daddy~” You managed to whisper a response, your head already felt dizzy and the neck kisses didn't help. Hearing daddy leave your mouth must’ve awakened something primal in him. With a newfound spark of lust in his eyes and a tightened grasp on you, his teeth grazed the skin of your shoulders. You reached behind your back to start unzipping your dress, only for your wrists to be pulled away and held back in one of his hands, while the other pulled the zip down slowly.
“Shhh~ darling, let daddy take care of you now.” An uncomfortable thought came into your head; ‘what if mama came back without warning to see her daughter, clothes slipping off, on her ‘stepdad’s’ lap making out with him?’ But don’t worry, Baizhu has a plan to deal with her if she comes back early. There’s no chance he’d allow this perfect moment to slip through his fingers again. After he pulled the zipper went all the way down, Baizhu started to gently draw circles on your newly exposed skin. The heat building up between your legs was getting frustrating, so you started to rub your clit on Baizhu's thigh to relieve yourself. Until he noticed and gently held your hips in place.
“Darling, I thought you’d let me take over tonight.. you know what happens to bad little girls that don't obey their daddies, don't you, darling?” Baizhu whispered, gently kissing the shell of your ear before continuing, “They. get. punished.” Taping your shoulder blade with each word. Each tap of his finger sent electrifying waves of pleasure down your whole body. You can’t help but lean into his touch, drunk on how quickly you crumbled under his teasing. One thing was for certain, however, the pleasure you felt was unreplicable.
“M'sorry daddy.. don’t punish me, I-I’ll b’good, please..!” You plead, hoping he’d be merciful on you. Since nobody can blame you for being needy. After a few minutes of drawing circles on your back, your dress and bra went flying off you, yelping when the cool air collided with your breasts. Smirking, Baizhu gave your hips a squeeze as his lips left a trail of kisses from your jawline down your chest, before latching onto the hardening nipple. Swirling around it with his tongue, he copied the motion on the other with his fingers, tugging whenever he sucked. All night, Baizhu had been focusing on giving pleasure to your most sensitive spots, like he already had a mental map of where he should focus on.
While your attention was taken up by the stimulation to your breasts, Baizhu let his free hand snake down, across your tummy to settle between your legs. One touch of his slender fingers to your puffy folds sent you jolting forward into his neck with a moan. Thing is, that one touch was only light, nothing much to most people. But to you? Mind-numbing. Actually, you don’t think you’ve ever been this sensitive to anything before.... it’s like your sensitivity to touch became enhanced. Could Baizhu have given you something to do this?
“You like that, don't you, darling? Good girl. Tell me, who’s making you feel this good?”
“Y-You daddy, s’you makin me feel good”
“Good. Fucking. Girl.” With every word, he swiped the pad of his thumb against the nub of your clit. Your hips subconsciously bucked into his hand with newfound lust. Like your body was chasing after his touch after he retracted his thumb. Baizhu's fingers ghosted over the outline of your clit, prodding at your hole. Easing the tip of his index finger inside while holding you steady. When your body relaxed, letting him know you were comfortable with him inside, Baizhu pushed you to the couch so you were laying on your back with him on top. The hand that’d been holding you steady now moved from your lower back to hold your cheek softly, catching any tears that fell over your eyes.
“Fuuck, you're clamping on me so tight.. I’ve barely even started with you, never thought a little foreplay would be all it takes to get you begging for me so soon, darling.” Don’t mind him though, he’s just being all mean and teasing you! He began slowly moving his finger in and out, slightly curving it to graze your soft inner walls. He added a second finger gently, stretching them apart in a scissor motion and continuing to touch places you couldn't dream of being able to touch on your own.
“Fuuck~ ur fingers~ s'deep!” It almost felt uncomfortable, keyword almost. The tender kisses Baizhu left along your body made any kind of discomfort you felt fade away. That is until a strange feeling came creeping into the pit of your stomach. A twisting and churning sensation like a knot threatening to make your insides explode.
“Ha~~! A-Ahh! D-Daddy, feels weird..!”
“Oh? A weird feeling, you say? That's your orgasm building up, darling.” His thumb quickly swiped against the sensitive nub of your clit, “Now be a good little girl and cum for me...” Your eyes peeped open at his words, only for stars to invade your vision as the knot came undone over his fingers and the couch. Your fucked out expression caused Baizhu to smirk in satisfaction, taking pride in being the only person to ever make you orgasm; other than yourself, of course.
“Good girl... ” Baizhu glanced down to where you both connected, taking note of how his wrist was now slightly wet... Did you squirt over him? Or was it sweat? This encounter certainly left you catching your breath.. Your body twitched sporadically as your walls finally began to relax around his fingers, and you sighed in satisfaction. Feeling you come down from your high, Baizhu gently pulled his fingers out, awestruck at your essence which was now dripping down his digits.
“Daddy... love you” You reached your hands out and Baizhu took them in his own, helping your sit up and kissing your knuckles softly.
“Love you too, darling. Cuddles?” He asked, holding his arms out so you could come to him if you wanted. You practically jumped up and slid into his lap, burying your flushed face into his shoulder. ‘Oh, you’re the type to get all cute and cuddly after sexual encounters...’ Baizhu thought, but that’s fine, he’d give all the cuddles you could ever need if you asked. You feel him gently smile on the top of your head alongside wrapping his arms around your middle.
Of course, with all that Baizhu’s done for you tonight, you couldn’t just ignore how hard this encounter made him. His dick throbbed against the cloth holding it back, simply begging for him to do something to relieve it.
“Daddy, lemme help, wanna help it..” You attempted to slip off his lap to kneel between his legs, fully prepared to help him. But he tightens his hold on your body, preventing you from moving much.
“No darling, y’can help me from here.” Baizhu reassured, moving the fabric that concealed his cock out the way. It bounced back against his abdomen, splashing a little precum over his stomach. Your eyes widened, you’ve seen dicks before, (in sex-ed class), but nothing like this. His dick was much bigger than anything you ’ve seen, and certainly bigger than you think you can take. Noticing your unease, Baizhu gently took your wrist and brought your hand to touch it.
“Lemme do it with you, darling... help me feel good too, yeah?” With one arm still holding you tightly, Baizhu’s other hand joined yours, guiding you in jerking him off. Even under two people’s grips, his dick still twitched and pulsed against your hand. Biting your lip, you lean your head down to press small kisses and kitten licks to his swollen, red tip. You looked up at him, still with his tip nestled snuggly in your mouth, eyes trying to convey what you want; for him to use your mouth like a fleshlight.
At first, poor Baizhu didn’t know what to say; he didn’t want to lose his composure and ram into you so hard that it became more uncomfortable than pleasurable, but the look in your eyes conveyed that you were actually begging him to lose it. He let out a long, shaky breath before moving the hand that had been on his cock to hold your hair out of your face. He didn’t even realise he was holding his breath...
“Tap my thigh twice if it gets too much for you, ok darling?” You nodded and began easing more of him into your mouth. He almost couldn’t think straight with just his tip in your mouth, but seeing you slightly struggle to fit him in drove his size kink mad. Baizhu’s fingers raked through your soft hair before setting at the top of your neck, taking control back from you and moving your head along his shaft.
Muffled whimpers and gags mixed with Baizhu’s groans made it easy to lose oneself in ecstasy, so you never noticed the small commotion happening on the other side of the door; never noticed the amused smile on your lover’s face upon realising the trap he and the millelith set achieved it’s intended outcome. Not that you were meant to know about any of this anyway...
“Sh-! Shit, on your knees, darling” You nodded and slid his cock out of your mouth to get into position, obediently for your husband. Baizhu rose from the sofa, guiding his dick back into your mouth as soon as you settled down. This time, he allowed himself the chance to thrust his hips into your mouth, meeting the pace you originally set. His thrusts started slow and deep, becoming more desperate as the pleasure built up.
“god.. m’gonna cum darling” Baizhu’s hold on your hair tightened, pulling at the strands that were wrapped around his slender fingers. He had to lean against the nearest cabinet since his thighs were twitching so much, his legs might’ve given out on him. You have to say, Baizhu’s groans of raw pleasure were a melody you’d never get tired of hearing. Baizhu abruptly pulled out from your mouth, gently taking your hand off from his thigh to place it on his heavy, aching cock.
“Finish it off, darling.. y’did so well, wanna cum on your pretty face..” You nodded and dragged your hand across his dick, feeling the way the large bulging vein running along the underside of his shaft throbbed with need. You leaned a little further up, enough to press your lips against the sensitive skin just underneath his tip. Baizhu’s grip on your hair tightened as his free hand grasped his cock, giving it a few languid pumps.
“Keep still, sweet girl,” He could barely get the words out before the tight coil inside his slender body snapped. Creamy white cum painted your face in spurts and globs, a testament to the adoration that Baizhu had harboured for you for so long.
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smilesatdawnmain · 4 months
Ultimate Au Guide (LMK)
All my Lego Monkey Kid Au’s in one big post. ( i don't wanna talk about how long this took me. don't ask me. I'll cry...)
Warning: this thing is huge
This consists of current Au’s, future Au’s, Au’s of Au’s, and anything in between!
Current Au’s;
Summary: Wukong and Macaque unknowingly have twins. Before they can realize this miracle, one (MK) is Taken away to the human realm by Nezha. All to prevent the Jade Emperor from killing this child and starting another war.
This story focuses on Qi Xiaotian, the Monkey Prince, and young “human” orphan MK as the two try to reunite while also avoiding every third party force trying to use the two for their own personal gain.
Fanfic: Yes here is the link
Red x Xiaoxiao (Xiaotian the twin, not MK) but… you know, there might be some MKxRedSon. (It’ll be dramatic, trust me)
FreeNoodles (Tang X Pigsy)
AzureLion x Ao Lie
My art:
First (From old account. It's crazy how much of a change my art and character design has come from this first post)
Older designs I really did love Xiaoxiao's outfit here though. I should bring it back. Maybe as his "he's discovered himself" outfit XD
This should lead to all art
litt1e-prince (Xiaoxiao's room!)
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6 or 7 /10
The Day the World Eclipsed
Summary: After losing his Mate and child 500 years ago, a miracle occurs when Sun Wukong is gifted with the return of his child, Qi Xiaotian. His little Star, his everything, Wukong dedicates himself to being a better Father and man. This is all tested when he is reunited with the reincarnations of his companions to the West and his long-lost Mate returned from the grave. Custody battles and shared parenting can be such a messy thing~
Fanfic: Yes, here is the Link
-Shadow Peach (past mention, and then very slow burn forgiveness)
Spicy Noodles (possibly future, still under debate)
My Art:
First Piece (Still on my old account)
If I had to pick a cover for this au, it would be this (also on old account)
Older MK sneak peak
This will lead to all other art
Fan Art
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4 or 5 /10
The First Gift
(One shot) (This does have a sequel underway)
Summary: A peek into Sun Wukong and Macaque's life before they join the Brotherhood to take down the Jade Emperor. Wukong's got a big plan under his sleeve, and Macaque has no idea. With the help of the Brotherhood, Wukong is positive his plan to ask Macaque to marry him will be flawless. (Spoiler; it isn't)
Fanfic: Yes, here it is!
My Art: Amazingly I've never drawn anything for this one
Fan Art: None
Status: Completed
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0/10 (it's super Fluff)
Tragedy of Six
Summary: The world was never the same when The Lady Bone Demon attacked. By her hands, many were injured, and many more were killed. The Brotherhood could not escape this touch, losing their children to her conflict. Yet unknowingly, these same children survived. They are being raised by The Lotus Prince Nezha, who is being forced to train and prepare these children to be soldiers for the Lady Bone Demon. (And inspired Fic on both Taken and "Blood and Bones" by EmerialynCodeVenice)
Fanfic: Yes, here is the link
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Sandy X The Huntsman Spider
Any future ships with the 6 kids are up for debate and what the audience likes best
My Art:
Link This should lead to all art
Fan art:
Status: Uncompleted
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 9/10
Fix and Mend
Summary: Macaque is trying to find his way in the world and his current place in life. Getting himself a part-time job at Pigsy's Noodles he discovered two very interesting facts. 1, Wukong clearly has the hots for him, and 2, MK is secretly dating Red Son. Now he just needs to figure out what to do with these two tidbits.
Fanfic: Yes, here is the link~
My Art:
I amazingly only drew one thing for this one so far
Other Art:
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 1/10
Choose Your Own Adventure
Summary: This is a Tumblr-focused Choose Your Own Adventure. Completely decided by the votes of the audience. The first two are basically a test to see how well I can do something like this.
Fanfic: No, but it is here on Tumblr
-First Adventure (Completed)
Second Adventure (In Progress)
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
Future Au’s:
Fading Moon
Summary: MK believes he is a normal human boy, with a normal human Dad, and normal not ancient Uncles. That is until he meets Red Son, the Demon Bull Prince, and the truth of his heritage starts to unfold. As well as discovering the unfortunate fate of his Baba, a person MK had never had the chance to meet until he was 19.
Fanfic: Not yet? A have a lot written for this though
Traffic Light Trio~ (Red Son X Mei X MK)
Sandy X The Huntsman Spider
ShadowPeach (Past mention)
Macaque X Erlang (Not sure what this ship is called. Present mention.. and.. toxic version of it. This story is a whirlwind people)
Free Noodles~ (Slow burn~)
My Art:
I do have a master post just for this au since I plan it to be more tumblr focused for now Link
Fan Art: None currently
Status: Incomplete
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6/10
The Second Gift
(Squeal to The First Gift)
Summary: Being together with Wukong could bring Macaque no greater joy. No means or way could make his life better than where it was. After a strange occurrence with his magic, Macaque realizes happiness can always grow.
Fanfic: Not yet but it is slowly getting there~
Shadow Peach
Gajasimha shipping (Azure X Yellow Tusk)
My Art: None yet
Fan Art: Nada~
Status: Still in progress
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0/10 FLUFF BABY~
Missing the Then and Now
Summary: Macaque wakes up with no memories of where he is, or WHO he is. The explanation for this is a large and very deep injury that wraps around his entire skull. Almost like something squeezed until he popped. Now, however, he finds himself on a ship with some Monkey Kid, his family and friends, and a sun-kissed Monkey King who won't stop looking at him. And what is worse, none of them want to explain how he got this way.
Fanfic: Nothing yet. But man the word doc is getting pretty hefty
Shadow Peach (Past mention)
Shadow Peach (Slow burn/One-sided for a time?)
Macaque X The Mayor (past Mention) (this one is really wild guys.)
My Art: None so far
Fan Art: None so far
Status: It's on it's way
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 6/10
Summary: When Macaque was killed, he expected his soul to be taken to the Diyu. Instead, he finds himself stuck to Wukong- the very man who ended his life. When Soul collectors come to see what the hold up is, they inform him that as the two had been tethered in life, so too are they in death. Macaque will only ever be free when Wukong has found peace and moves on. This goes on for a long time, yet when Macaque feels the tether start to loosen, he panics and realizes- he doesn't want Wukong to let him go.
Fanfic: I have too many Word docs and this is one of them~
Ships: ShadowPeach
My Art: None yet
Fan Art: None Yet
Status: Stuck in the world doc abyss
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 7/10
Torn Between A Star
(A sort of alternate direction for "The Day The World Eclipsed)
Summary: Macaque survives the fight against Wukong, forced to return home. Terribly weakened and knowing he could not defend the egg that housed Wukong and his child, he flees to his Sister- Princess Iron Fan. Together they live there until the child is born. 5 years later, Wukong's Journey To the West is done. Returning home to no mate or child, he is desperate to track them down and bring them home. A certain Bull King and Iron Fan stand in his way.
Fanfic: So... Word doc. Big one. Real sad.
Ships: Shadow Peach (Past mention and struggling with current romance)
My Art: There will be some
Fan Art: Maybe one day?
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 5/10
When Lions and Dragons Meet
Summary: Taking place in the years of Wukong's Journey Westward, Wukong stumbles upon his Brothers. Wanting to settle things Wukong meets up with Azure Lion to find peace- and surprisingly finds it. For a second. That is until he finds out that Azure Lion has had... relations, with a certain Dragon that currently accompanies Wukong and the other Pilgrims in the form of a horse. And is not keen on letting Azure continue this courting.
Fanfic: I swear guys- I got- I got soo many words docs. There aint a fanfic but there will beeee one day.
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Shadow Peach (Kind of a mention?)
My Art You are getting some art. It's cute
Fan Art: ...I mean... if ya want to?
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
Seen Through My Eyes
Summary: Wukong thought Macaque had abandoned him when he was trapped below the mountain. His Mate never visited, never once showed his face. Then, many years into his imprisonment, someone stumbles into his cave. They blindly feel around, unable to see anything in front of their face. To Wukongs shock, it's Macaque. His Mate's pure white fur is tainted black, his ears bigger than normal, and his eyes- his eyes are gone. He smiles, however, hearing Wukong's heart. "I finally found you".
Fanfic: None yet
My Art: I personally drew some stuff but never posted it
Fan Art: I dare you all XD
Status: Sitting in a Google doc, festering away from the angst
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 8/10
The choices we make, and the regrets we take with us
Summary: Lady Bone Demon had whispered a secret into MK's ear just seconds before Wukong arrived. Now safe from her clutches and seeking the Samadhi fire, surprisingly with Macaque helping them out, Wukong notices that MK can't stand to look at him. What had that Witch whispered to make MK's gaze so steely?
Fanfic: Nope~ Not yet~
ShadowPeach (Past Mention)
My Art: Maybe one day.
Fan Art: None
Status: In my Google Docs and covered with sobbing emotions from the one person I let read it
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 9 or 10/10
Au’s of Au’s:
I'll have you all know that ALL of these were given to me by YOU GUYS. You are to blame for putting these in my head! XD
Summary : A "What if" to my Taken Story. What if MK was never Taken and actually got a chance to grow up with Xiaoxiao and his parents? Xiaotian would probably be called Xiaohua in this one, and MK would go back to being Qi Xiaotian.
Fanfic: No, but it's on its way
Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Red Son X MK? Maybe Red Son X Xiaohua? Maybe they both fight over him?? Maybe they share him?? I dunno yet.
Tang X Pigsy
My Art
This will lead to all art
Fan Art: Would be cute but none yet~
Status: Tumblr grown so far but I got a good amount of stuff written in a google doc
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 0 or 1 /10
Taken Apprentice
Summary: Based on Taken once more, but with the twist that instead of taking MK to the human world, Nezha took MK with him to the celestial Realm. From there he raised MK himself as his apprentice. Hiding him with a glamor and instilling a misguided loyalty to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor is insistent one of the twins must still die, but agrees to keep MK around, hoping to find a chance to kill the other twin instead and keep the loyal MK as his own bodyguard.
Fanfic: I... I don't think it'll be a fanfic. Like- Oh my gosh, so much writing. I wouldn't know how to stop.
Shadowpeach, of course.
Probably Red Son X Xiaoxiao again
Some Azure Lion X Ao Lie
Uuuuuuuuu- other wise I dunno?
My Art
Only one thing so far
Fan Art: I would die if you did
Status: Tumblr based so far. I haven't written anything for this. I will only if begged and bribed.
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4/10
Taken Reverse/Swapped
Summary: Another Taken Au. XiaoXiao and MK are born, but instead of MK being taken Xiaoxiao is instead. He would be Xiaohua in this one. Xiaohua, who is abandoned at an orphanage, winds up being taken in by the Spider Queen when he shows promise as a thief. Xiaohua is iving the life of crime, while in return MK (Xiaotian) is being raised to follow in his Father's footsteps as a hero. The two eventually meet and clash.
Fanfic: I haven't even finished Taken there is no way XD
Hmmmmmm. Mabe MK X Red Son?
Maybe Enemy to lovers Xiaoxiao X Red Son? I dunno
Sandy X Huntsman Spider
My art
The start of the madness
Fan Art (looks into your very soul)
Status: It exists in tumblr and thats it right now
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 4/10
Parent Trap
Summary: Based on Taken once more. Isn't quite like the normal LMK lore. When MK and his twin brother Xiaohua were babies, their parents separated, each taking one of the infants with them. MK went with Wukong, and Xiaohua with Macaque. When the two get older, they manage to miraculously meet at a Summer Camp and discover the truth. Now these two working on a plan to reunite their parents.
Fanfic .... T-There might be one in the future... maybe...
ShadowPeach (Past Mention and reunion)
Ao Lie X Azure (Slow burn)
Macaque X Mayor (The kids are trying to end this one)
My art:
Only this so far
Fan art: None currently
Status: This one is in a word doc, okay?? There is writing on it!
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 2/10
The cancelled Au’s??
Strange title I Know, but it’s the best way to describe this section
-The Day the World Eclipsed (the Original Plot)
-most may know this, but I changed the plot of the Story within the first few chapters. When Wukong left to head to the City, intent on finding a new home for his son… he was originally intended to go through with that.
I have Many MANY chapters of this unfolding- of Wukong actually going through with abandoning MK.
It was farrrr different than what the story has changed to now. And I love the direction the story is now going, but I had a lot of angst planned for the original :)
One day I might even post what originally was intended to happen.
Angst Rating: (1 being not that bad and 10 being it intending to stab you in the heart and twist)
Angst Rating: 10/10
You did it! You are at the end! Feel free to either comment here or ask in my ask box about any of these~!
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birindale · 6 months
Hi I just wanted to double check something I am pretty sure I read on this blog. Is the origin of C'yra of D'riluth iii from the original cannon or was it a later addition? Also what does "of D'riluth iii" actually mean? I remember there being some vagueness to what it means
Okay there's a long version and a short version of this story.
Short version: It was a later addition. In 2008 Mattel launched a toy line called Masters of the Universe Classics, which could only be ordered through their website and was aimed at the collector market. One of the things they did was include "character bios" in a sort of homage to the G.I. Joe toys of the 80s, which featured 'personnel files' that gave specializations and a brief character history, including their real names (e.g. Duke was actually named Conrad S. Hauser).
Catra's figure was released in 2011 for about $65 USD. Her bio (which I've lifted from a Poe Ghostal review) is as follows:
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We (I, and my friends whom I've pestered for opinions) are pretty sure D'Riluth III is the name of her planet, even though another planet in the same solar system (from the New Adventures of He-Man in the 90s) has the Arabic numeral 7, so including Roman numerals is a strange choice.
Long version: There was a fellow working for Mattel at the time named Scott "Toyguru" Neitlich, and he was (and remains to this day) exceptionally bad at things like 'writing' and 'creativity'. He was never very interested in She-Ra, though he loves to tell the story of stealing his sister's doll one year, so to him Catra is simply an agent of the Horde... which, in order to adhere to the 2002-2003 tv show, was now 5,000 years old. This bio directly contradicts the Filmation canon of Catra's mask having belonged to the Magicat queen, for instance, and introduces a number of confusing details.
One of the least popular was Adora being Hordak's "step-daughter" instead of his "adopted daughter", which was already kind of a gray area since he didn't exactly raise her. Scott digging in his heels on the matter was actually how I learned he'd written the thing in the first place:
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Now you may be wondering, jeez, it's pretty confusing and the writing isn't great but aren't you being kind of harsh? Surely the push-back from the He-Fans was bad enough. Well give me a minute, dang. This is the long version!
I reached out to him about a year and half ago to ask 1. How it's pronounced, 2. If he could confirm that D'Riluth III is the planet, and 3. If he remembered how he came up with it. He told me the following:
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Some backstory here--Scott runs a bit of a one-man content farm, in an effort to avoid paying hosting fees for advertisements or actually engaging in SEO. He is a marketing consultant.
He used to upload a 5-10 minute video every day, but shortly after I contacted him that dropped to only five a week, and his weekly "Director's Commentary" videos about MOTUC figures that he worked on (largely just explaining who the character even is in an unedited stream of consciousness, as his videos became slideshows of google images) moved to bi-weekly.
I was like, okay, he left Mattel in 2014 right? So surely once he's through that year he'll get to this new series.
Nope! He's doing 2015 too! So I reached out again in January, just to like. See if he was still intending to cover the 'real names', which imo should have been part of his commentary to begin with, but...
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He had forgotten <3 I explained no, I was asking about these specific questions that I had outlined in my first email (I had replied to his last message in the chain for simplicity's sake), and he just said he'd be doing it soon. So I was like oh, cool, do you know if you'll be doing one a week still? since that would put a Catra video about 4 years out as he does them in release order, and he then promised he'd get to it soon and didn't answer the question.
Annoying, certainly, but whatever. Unless one of us dies horribly I can wait it out, right?
Scott, being an idiot, has not credited a single one of the images he lifted from google over his four years of mostly-daily slideshows. And recently, somebody fucking noticed!
So this guy--Ethan Wilson, a very talented toy photographer and reviewer--was informed that Scott (in his capacity as Spector Creative, the name of his YouTube channel/consulting business) had been using his pictures in videos. Actually, let me use Ethan's own words here:
I decided to dig a little deeper into Spector’s channel, and found 81 instances of my photos being used in 68 of the channels videos.  None of these featured credit to me for use of the photos, and 48 of the 81 instances removed or obstructed my watermarks.
-About This Spector Creative Thing
I very strongly encourage you to read through this linked post, as it gets worse! Somehow!!
Scott, not noticing these as they came in over the course of 10 days, logged in to discover his channel had been taken down. He emailed Ethan in something of a panic to ask that Ethan reverse the claims as a 'professional favor', as Scott got all his clients through his channel's "advertising".
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Now you're never gonna believe this... but when he and Ethan came to an understanding, suddenly Scott didn't give a shit.
He released a libelous video claiming Ethan had no rights to the images (he does) and that Scott could use them all he wanted because of Fair Use (he can't) and emailed Ethan the following.
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First of all: this is bullshit. Copyright is automatic in the US, trademark wouldn't apply regardless, and as Scott should fucking know by now Ethan doesn't have a 'channel', he has a blog.
Second, he shot himself in the foot with the Fair Use defense by outright stating that his channel is his exclusive advertisement for his business and that he depends on his content to make a living. He said in his first video that it was "educational" 🙄
So Ethan realized Scott was a Fucking Liar and decided he should just copyright claim the rest of Scott's shit, in order to protect his images and rights thereto. YouTube can't take the channel down again unless Ethan is willing to pursue legal action--which he isn't, because he has a full time job and two kids and even though he'd probably win, it's a lot of time and energy.
I and a few others were trying to convince him that it would be worth it anyway, and looking into identifying and contacting the other artists Scott's stolen from over the years, when... Scott released a book. His first-ever graphic novel [looks into the camera like i'm on the office]
drawn entirely by AI.
So we have a frankenstein's monster of copyright infringement masquerading as illustrations (with all the uncanny valley that implies), Scott's technically and practically terrible writing, and the plot is Greek mythology. There are four and a half typos just in the free sample, and that's not including the words in images like his map or logo. He claims the title is a registered trademark but it certainly isn't registered in his state, or federally, and it's already in use by several other brands, so I wouldn't believe him even if he hadn't demonstrated a lack of understanding of copyright & trademark as recently as last week.
So I'm kinda fucking done waiting for answers! I can't trust a thing out of this guy's mouth! And he's pretty stupid, so do I even care what he thinks? I have decided that no. No I do not. I'll check back in 2028 and if he's survived + actually followed through then maybe I'll give his video a watch but until then it is simply pissing me off to remember this guy exists.
Sorry this turned into a rant I'm just really starting to loathe the guy. It's been an infuriating week or two. But uh... No, it's only canon to this one action figure line that ran for a little over a decade. We're certainly not beholden to it, it's more of a fun little in-joke for the fandom these days. You see someone use C'yra and you're like haha I know her! It's fun :3 Regardless of Scott's bullshit I enjoy seeing it around, and it's not like he owns or benefits from it in any way when maybe 1% of the people using it know where it comes from (and the people who know it was him specifically may be limited to the followers that have watched me complain about it).
Thank you for asking, I really do love asks even if the answer isn't what I want it to be lol. I'm happy to verify or explain anything I can!
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Ah jeez, I started making this post end of May and saved it as a draft so I could come back with the recipe, and fully forgot to do that for uh. Yeah. A long time. I've since made a few more batches of successful mead, and have a couple more fermenting right now! I'll reblog with pics of them later.
Well! better late than never. Leaving what I'd written initially unchanged, so-
Two months apart - start and end - my first successful batch of mead! I've tried a handful of times over the years, but had an unfortunate habit of doing... SOMETHING wrong each time that resulted in lightly sweetened cleaning alcohol 😅
But finally, a success! Real mead! Sweet, but not too sweet, and boozy enough without being straight up moonshine
Roughly three pounds of honey
3? 4? Of those little mandarin oranges, quartered
1 packet ale yeast, I used this
Various whole mulling spices, I used a stick of cinnamon and a few cloves this time, but I've also tossed in cardamom pods and anise occasionally, maybe a couple peppercorns. Go wild
So much filtered/distilled water. So much. Like two gallons?
I'll be real folks, I used a cheap shitty online guide that I don't remember the link for, that said it was a good basic way to learn how to make garbage mead and that any brewer worth their salt would cringe at. It is also coincidentally the same guide I used years ago in the aforementioned cleaning alcohol incident; I haven't changed what I used or did, so I honestly don't know why that came out bad and this good. Shrugs! Yeast can't read.
Dissolve the honey in warm/hot water. Not boiling- you don't want to kill the yeast when you add it in. Think a nice, warm shower. Stir it well, add the oranges and spices, and mix in the yeast until also dissolved.
Load it all up into a large glass container like the one pictured. I ordered a carboy online for this, which is the 'proper' thing to use, but you can honestly get away with an old milk jug you've thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, if you again, don't care about it being the highest quality. Carboys come with the fermentation/filtration Thing on it to let gases out and nothing in (the little doohicky plugged into the top of the lid) but you can also get away with stretching the mouth of a balloon over where the lid would go and poke a teensy hole in it with a needle. The goal is to let the gases that build up during fermentation escape the container, but not to let outside air in.
Fill the container the rest of the way up with water, but leave a couple inches of space on top. This thang's gonna bubble like crazy once the yeast start feeding, and you don't want it to overflow and make a mess of your cupboard.
Put it in a dark, cool space, and wait a few days!
It'll bubble a lot those first days; DON'T mess with it. Leave her be. Let her have her hot girl summer. After a few days, maybe a week, it'll calm down a bit; now you can top off the water supply.
Fast forward uhhhh two months or so, and it's done! There's a more legit way to know for sure when it's done that involves watching the tiny bubbles that form near the top as part of the fermentation process, and figuring out when they'll stop, but I'm impatient and don't know jack and am here for a good time not a long time.
Enjoy mead! And maybe do some better research than I did if you want something fancy.
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You'll want to scoop the fruits and spices off the top and then siphon it off into another container, or do what we did and simply ladle it off the top (because on a ship of 10-13 sailors, 1 1/2-2 gallons of mead won't last longer than an off day), and NOT drink the detritus off the bottom. You can kinda see it in the picture above. It is not like unfiltered apple cider. That stuff tastes gnarly.
Do not shake the mead before drinking.
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dottie-n-stripes · 2 months
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lieke2825 submitted to dottie-n-stripes: jeez has it really been 6 years already?? i cant believe its been so long and these squids still bring me the same amount of joy as they did all those years ago
im so happy to hear that u feel that way tysm!!!!!!!! in a few months the blog will turn 9!!!! cant believe we’re so close to 10 years here. i’ve been working on a longer form comic abt how d&s became friends that i’m hoping i can finish before the end of this year :’3
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ayyeitssarahh · 2 years
Kinkmas Day 2! Billy Hargrove x Reader(Spanking)
TW: Spanking, Fingering, squirting, slightly Mean!Billy, maybe toxic!billy(if you squint), Soft!Billy, aftercare.(I believe that's it but lemme know if I missed any!)
(A/n: This is super late but I lowkey forgot so sorry abt that. Also I mentioned a taxi once or twice here and they probably don’t have taxis in Hawkins cause it's a small town but lets pretend ok. Also, There's like 2 maybe 3 time skips to get to the Smut faster. Anddd I wrote this at like 5 am so sorry if there is misspelling  Lol, Anyways enjoy.)
Word Count: 2.1k
“Do you have to tell him when you got out all the time?” Claire asks as we get dressed in her room. 
“No. He just worries a lot so I tell him so he doesn't.” I tell her, buttoning up my jeans. 
“Mhmm, sure.” She replies in an unconvincing way. I roll my eyes. Turning around to look at her. 
“You ready? I told Billy that I'd be home by 11 and it's 9 now. I wanna get hom ebay then because he said he has a surprise for me!” I said, getting a little excited. 
“Yeah yeah, lets go, it takes like 10 minutes to get there so lets bounce.” She said, grabbing her house keys and walking out the front door. Locking it once I'm outside too. 
“We’ve got everything? Keys, wallet?” I ask, just making sure before we actually leave. 
“Yep! Let's get going. Hopefully the line isn’t too long” She said, walking down the driveway. I follow after her. 
“We can always use our special charm! You know, being a woman and all!” I smirk, sending her a wink when she turns around to give me a quick look. 
“Jeez Y/n. You are such a weirdo!” She exclaimed. Getting into the taxi she called 15 minutes ago to come get us, me getting in behind her. 
*Time skip to the bar. 1 hour in*
The music is bumping in the background. Claire found someone to dance with about 20 minutes ago and since then I've been sitting here slowly sipping on my 4th drink tonight. A Bronx Cocktail. 
Looking around, I spot a pair of green eyes staring at me, a male, maybe one or two years older than me. 
I smile and look away, not noticing them coming my way. 
I take another sip of my drink, feeling a tap on my shoulder. 
“Excuse me miss, I noticed you're all alone and was wondering if you'd like to dance?” He asked, politely, might I add. Totally surprising to me. 
I blush, realizing I haven’t answered him yet. 
“Oh I’m sorry. No, I actually have a boyfriend so I don’t think that would be appropriate but thank you for the offer.” I told him, giving him a small smile. 
He smiled and nodded, “understandable. Well then, you have a nice night…”
“Y/n” I told him, “And you have a nice night too…:
“Shane” he said. 
“Well you have a nice night too Shane” I said. Giving him one more small smile and a wave as he walks away. 
A couple moments later, Claire stumbled over. 
“Who was that?!” She asked, hiccuping after. 
I grab her hand, helping her sit down, waving the bartender over to ask for a glass of water.
He sets it down and I push it in her hands. 
“Down this and then I'll tell you.” I told her. 
She rolls her eyes, ”Yes mother.” She said, downing it and slamming the glass down after, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. 
“Better?” I ask. 
She shrugs, “Kinda. Now, tell me. Who was that?” She asks again, shaking my shoulders. 
I chuckle, shaking my head, “That was Shane, I just met him tonight, he asked me to dance but I told him I had a boyfriend and he totally understood. We said goodnight to each other and he walked away. It was nothing.” I explained to her what happened. 
She shook her head. Getting another water. 
“He asked you to dance?” She asked. 
“Yes” I answered her. 
“And you said no?” She asked, like she was double checking I really did that. 
Annoyed, I nodded, “Yes! He asked to dance and I said no. I Have. A. Boyfriend. Claire. One that I don’t think would approve of me dancing with another guy.” I said. 
Leaning over, she took my shoulders, Looking me in my eyes. 
“Look girl, I’m not telling you what to do, you can do whatever you want. I just want you to have fun, and sitting here by yourself when I'm over there dancing, isn't fun. Now it's 10:30, before you have to get back, maybe asking for a dance, even just one could be fun. But if you just wanna sit here, by yourself for the next 20 minutes, then by all means go ahead. However, I am going to go back over there and dance with Danny, and then maybe go home with him, if you know what I mean.” She said, winking. 
I laughed, shaking my head, “I know what you mean. I just, isn’t it cheating if I dance with another guy?” I ask her. 
She shook her head, “No, not if you guys are friends and it's friendly. You said it yourself that he understood you had a boyfriend. If you just ask him to dance as friends, you're fine. And even if it's one dance, it can still be fun before you leave.” She explained. 
I nodded, ”Yeah, I guess you're right.” I said, thinking about it. 
“You don’t have to of course, but you have 15 minutes and like I said, one dance couldn't hurt and could be fun. Just think about it, ok?” she asks, standing back up, getting ready to head back over to Danny. 
I nod for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, leaning over to kiss her cheek.
“Thanks babe. I'll see you later ok. Call me when you get home or call me in the morning if you don’t go home tonight. If I don’t hear from you by noon tomorrow, Imma call the police. Understand missy.” I tell her, jokingly but also serious. 
“Yes, yes, I understand. I'll call you later. Love you!” She yelled, already walking away. 
“Love you too!” I yelled back. Turning back towards the bar. 
I sigh, rubbing my head before finally making up my mind. 
“Excuse, Sir? Can I get a shot of tequila please? Thanks” I said as he set it in front of me. 
I grab the glass, counting to three before taking the shot, making a face at how strong it was before shaking my head. 
I stand up, smoothing down my shirt, turning around, ready to have a bit of fun. 
*Time skip. 45 minutes later*
“You did not!” I exclaim, slapping Shane's arm as I die of laughter. 
“Yup, I totally did. I looked him up and down and showed him a shrimp. He was being a complete asshole and he deserved it for talking to my sister like that.: He said, laughing along with me. 
“That's Hilarious!” I said, still laughing. 
“What hilarious?” I hear a deep voice ask behind me. My eyes go wide before I quickly stand up and turn around. 
“Baby.” I said in a greeting. Walking over to Billy, I grab his hand. 
“What are you doing here?” I ask him. 
“It’s 11:30. I got worried” He said, his voice holding no emotion, his eyes staring holes into Shane's head. 
“It Is?! Oh my gosh, babe I'm so sorry I must have lost track of time. Lemme go close my tab and we can go ok?” I tell him, kissing his cheek before walking past him to the bar. 
I do that real quick before walking back over, Billy in the same spot where I left him. 
“Okay I'm good. Let's go.” I said, walking over to the table where Shane was at to grab my purse. 
“Oh yeah! Baby, this is Shane, we met tonight and he was telling me about how this guy was an asshole to his sister and all that. It was so funny. Anyways, sorry about this Shane. It was nice talking to you.” I said, grabbing my purse and waving at him, grabbing Billy’s hand and walking to the door. 
Shane waved back and in a second we were out the door. 
Walking to the car, Billy opens my side for me before shutting it once I'm in. He walks around the car and gets in, turning it on and backing out. 
Doing all this, unusually quietly. 
“Hey,” I said, grabbing his hand, “You ok?” I ask
He clenches his jaw, “You were 30 minutes Late because you were talking to some guy! What the hell Y/N?! I thought we said 11 because of the surprise I had?” He asked, slightly angry. 
“I'm so sorry baby. I didn’t mean to lose track of time. It won’t happen again, I promise” I said. Leaning over to kiss his cheek in reassurance. 
“I know it is not. Not after I teach you a lesson.” He said quietly, I almost didn't hear it. 
“W-what? What's that supposed to mean?” I asked.
His hand left the steering wheel, putting it on my thigh. Gripping it kinda hard. 
“You’ll see when we get home,” he said. And that was it for the rest of the car ride. 
Nothing but silence. 
Once home, he opens the door and lets me go in first. Smacking my butt a little to hurry me up. 
“Go in the room and get undressed. Everything off in 2 minutes” He said in my ear, walking off into the bathroom before I could ask questions. 
Part of me wanted to see what would happen if I didn’t but the other half didn’t want to see what would happen so I went with the second one. 
Walking in, I quickly undress and sit on the bed, waiting for Billy to come out. 
A couple minutes go by, when the door creaks open and he walks in shirtless. His jeans unbuttoned but zipped up. 
He walks over, and sits down. Looking at me then patting his lap. 
Thinking he meant to sit on his lap, I go to do that when he stops me. 
“No baby, lay across my legs, ass up dove.” He said. 
I slowly do as he says, slightly confused. 
He rubs my ass softly, massaging it almost. Until I feel a sting on it. 
“Ow!” I said, trying to get up but his arms held me down. 
“Hey- Billy , what are you doing?” I ask. 
“Teaching you a lesson dove. Now count for me. If you refuse or stop for longer than 5 seconds, we're starting over. Understand?’ He states more than ask.
I just nod, not wanting to make a big deal and just get this over with. 
“Good girl. Now let’s start”
He rubs my ass before I feel a smack.
“Count!” He demands after I don’t say anything.
“O-one” I say almost breathlessly. 
“Hmm” he hums, smacking my ass again. 
*A couple mins later*
“T-Twenty” I said, stuttering, Tears running down my face. 
He rubs my ass, soothing it a little. 
“Good job baby. We're all done. You did so good for me.” He says softly, still caressing my ass.
His hands, go over from one cheek to the other then slowly moving down until,
“Ohhhh”, I moan, my eyes rolling back. 
He slowly moves his finger in and out of my, then adds a second one. 
“Since you did so good for me baby, you can get a little reward.” he said, starting to move his fingers faster. 
I grip the sheets, moaning out. 
 I feel my orgasm start to come unbelievably fast. 
“I'm gonna, Oh god Billy! I'm gonna cum!” I screamed, cumming around his fingers. 
He slows down his fingers but doesn’t stop, helping me ride out my orgasm. 
“Okay baby, I'm gonna pick you up and lay you down. You made a mess so I gotta change the covers really quick.” Billy said, slowly pulling his finger out of me and removing me from his lap, taking the covers and then laying me down. 
I yawn, “Mess? I made a mess?” I ask, confused but also very tiredly. 
“You squirted all over my fingers and the blankets dove.” he said. Walking back over with a new blanket, shirt and a tube of something. 
I hmm, not really caring anymore about anything except sleep. 
“Alright dove, let's put this on, sit up really quick,” he says, helping me sit on a sore butt to slide a shirt on really quick. 
“Okay now lay on your stomach, I'm gonna rub this ointment on your but ro help and then we can cuddle ok?” he says, Putting some cool ointment on my burning hot ass. 
I nod, totally out of it now. 
“There we go. All done! Alright dove, let's go to bed.” He said, getting up to wash his hands and then turn off the bedroom light. 
He pulls the covers over you both, carefully putting his arm around you, mindful of your butt. 
He nuzzles his head into your neck, “I love you, you know that right?” he asks, but you're already knocked out. 
He chuckles and closes his eyes. So much for the surprise.
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Granada Holmes season 1 thoughts
I (finally) started watching this with my grandma and my roommate, who decided to join us. Unfortunately grandma wasn't impressed (pacing) so she dropped it after ep 4. But me and my roommate are enjoying it! So now we're watching it together, 1 ep/day.
Anyway here are my very unfiltered thoughts. Straight from the notes app
1- SCAN (30 iul)
Yessss. I liked it. A lot. Loved the disguises, i didn't even recognise him in the first disguise.
..why did they change it to "Irena" tho?? At least that's how they pronounced it. Weird.
At least they didn't butcher her personality
2. DANC (31 iul)
I liked this but it seemed slower. And after they get the bad news i feel like it should've been a bit.. worse? At least make the wounds more horrible. And why is Elsie still in the house? They had time to get her to a hospital.
3. NAVA (1 aug)
I hadn't read this one so i didn't know what to expect. I liked it. We made a lot of fun of Percy. I thought at one point that he had hidden them and was playing it up but no, he really was that dramatic.
Poor Holmes hurt his hand :(
Also very funny, i actually hurt my hand like 10 minutes after the episode ended.
Like during the episode I was all "awww do you want one of my pink peppa pig bandaids :(" and guess what. Guess fucking what.
4. SOLI (2 aug)
Well well well
I enjoyed this
I especially enjoyed Holmes beating up that creep
I have not read this story either but i listened to the Sherlock and Co episode. So i kinda knew the basics but not too much, yk.
My roommate appreciated how polite Holmes was with miss Smith. And i was reminded of that one part in the books where Holmes said that he thought of one of his clients like his own daughter. (Don't know what story it's from tho, i only saw it in screenshots on here)
I think it had a good ratio of intense (the obvious) and funny (holmes being kinda mean to watson, the ending :) )
Also the whole wedding in the woods bit was insane. Who would really think that that's enforceable. Jeez.
5. CROO (4 aug)
I mean it was alright. The "david" thing was a bit weird? Especially because she muttered it in her sleep? Like i guess it's something like calling someone a karen but still. The fact that she still said "david" in her sleep was odd.
Also what... How could someone do that? Indirectly (try to) kill a person who trusts you bc you like their girlfriend. That's insane.
He had it coming. Too bad it took 30 years🤷
Also Holmes being mean to that guy in the beginning was hilarious.
Oh oh and Watson's deduction at the end? "Elementary, my dear Holmes" :)))) that was good. We cheered for him
6. SPEC (5 aug)
AAAHH YEAASSSS YESS FINALLY this is my favourite story from the books, it's one of the ones i read when i was around 10 and it was my favourite then and yeah. Love it.
But yeah loved to finally see it on screen. I imagined the snake bigger and spotty-er but yeah. Oh and i loved the interactions between Holmes and Watson. And between them and Miss Stoner. (I told my roommate if i see one more person describe him as cold and emotionless, I'm throwing hands)
I liked that Holmes kinda felt bad for bringing Watson along because it was so dangerous, only for Watson to immediately go anything for you Beyonce :))
And then in the room, his hand shaking? Quality content. Bc yeah. It's a wild animal, it's unpredictable. (Super stressed at the end when he picked it up?? In his hands?? Like yea the leash was there but bruh-)
Also poor Watson being woken up twice :)) (does Holmes know how to wake someone Watson up like a normal person? Unclear)
Also also- "my intimate friend"
7. BLUE (6 aug)
Right so i do know the original story but i read it a while ago. I still think it's nice that they let the guy go but i remembered him more sympathetic in the books. Idk. Also, did Holmes keep the stone? I thought it was a bit of an odd choice. And how were they able to free the plumber guy without the culprit or the stone? Ehh yeaah, odd.
Also is everyone forgetting that Holmes and Watson aren't the only ones who know that the carbuncle is with them??
God he looked so different at the beginning of the episode, before he did his hair. Also my roommate made a comment about having cigarettes for breakfast and. Yeah, petition to have this guy eat a normal meal?? *Sigh*
Also why did we see Watson with a bunch of presents and then never saw any one of them opened? Chehov's Christmas presents. I wanted to see what he got for Holmes
(At least we have the Sherlock and co episode...)
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shinyhappysims · 2 months
Thursday, 10:44 PM, 1312 21 Chic Street Apartments, San Myshuno
long, sappy post ahead🥲
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Khalil: *sigh*
Simone: What’s up?
Khalil: You remember Justin Rose from high school?
Simone: Yeah, why?
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Khalil: Look! He’s posting all those weird conspiracy theories on Social Bunny.
Simone: I’d be more surprised if you showed me someone from high school who wasn’t.
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Khalil: Hmm. We were good friends back then so I just expected better from him I guess. But anyway, thanks for coming to see me. I’ve been super busy lately and it’s been really nice to just chill with you.
Simone: I bet. How’s it feel getting three lead roles in a row?
Khalil: Honestly? I’m just getting started.
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Simone: That’s such a Khalil answer— oof!
Khalil: I’m sorry, did I hit you? Wait… you’re ticklish? You’re fucking ticklish!
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Simone: STOP! *laughing* KHALIL STOP!
Khalil: Alright, alright. Jeez. Calm down. I stopped a while ago.
Simone: I hate you. Literally.
Khalil: Oh, is that so? I seem to remember quite the opposite.
Simone: …What do you mean?
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Khalil: Senior year, you wrote in my yearbook that you liked me but never could admit it. And you tried to scratch it out, but your pen was running out of ink so I could still make out what you wrote.
Simone: Oh wow, that’s so embarrassing.
Khalil: Nah. It’s not embarrassing at all. Um, Simone? You wouldn’t happen to still feel that way do you?
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Simone: I… don’t think I’ve really thought about it since then.
Khalil: It’s a yes or no question.
Simone: Ugh, fine… Yeah, I still have feelings for you.
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Khalil: Good. Because I have feelings for you too.
Simone: Seriously?
Khalil: I’m so serious. Let me show you.
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Simone: So what does this make us?
Khalil: I’m not sure. I mean you’re in Windenburg, and I’m here. You’re busy with your fashion design stuff and I’m busy with theater stuff.
Simone: This isn’t gonna work is it?
Khalil: I want it to.
Simone: But it’s not going to. At least not right now. And that’s okay.
Khalil: It’s not okay. I wanna be with you.
Simone: Fine. Maybe it’s not okay. But I’ll always love you, Khalil Kamal. I promise.
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karingu · 1 year
giving proper thought to the timeskip in inuyasha (part 1/2)
I've been thinking a lot about the three years Inuyasha and Kagome were apart, bc as you know... three years is a LONG time. The person I was three years ago is different from the person I am now. So I remember thinking it felt too fast to process (both anime and manga), bc the timeskip was sorta sped through in like a chapter/10 mins lol
How were Kagome and Inuyasha feeling during those three years? After being with each other practically 24/7, fighting a literal war, saving each other's lives, falling in love, Kagome almost trapped in the jewel... just to be wrenched apart at the end with no time to say goodbye. Jeez, that's practically trauma fuel.
There was no way Kagome didn't want to see Inuyasha again. So why did it take three years for the Well open for her?
part 1: kagome part 2: inuyasha
Kagome said when she returned, her purpose in the Sengoku era, to destroy the jewel, was done.
There is no reason to go back now. Well is closed. Bye Inuyasha.
Three years. Three years is enough time to be sad, to heal, and to think. I can imagine Kagome being a little down sometimes and her family noticing that. From how much she loved Inuyasha, I don't think Kagome could hide that she misses that doggie boi on the other side of the well. Because her family cares so much for her, I'm sure it didn't make them happy to see her sad.
However, it seemed pretty convincing that she couldn't go back. So it probably felt like a helpless situation to all of them.
Now, that doesn't explain why the well suddenly opened for Kagome one day. After all, it seemed like Kagome just willed the well to open... and there had to have been a time where she wanted to see Inuyasha, right? So why couldn't it open before?
I could just chalk it off as "the Well wanting Kagome to meet the legal age to marry Inuyasha" lol. That's valid enough I guess.
But, I want to bulk that justification up a little more... so here's what I think:
The Well was testing Kagome's desire to see Inuyasha again. Her job to destroy the Jewel is done, so it sealed itself up real good, forcing Kagome to focus on her life back home, go to school, meet new people, and weigh all her options for her future. If she STILL wants to see Inuyasha after all of that, then she will have proven herself to the Well that her desire to see him and go back to that era is genuine, not just some whim of the wind. (The Well isn't some plaything.)
In the meantime, the Well is adamant. Until then, it is sealed. I'm sure Kagome visited it many times, wishing to see Inuyasha. But she knows very well by her third year that the Well does not work.
When I think about it, after high school is when Kagome's life truly starts. That is when she gets to decide for the first time, for herself, what she might want to do with her life going forward.
To prepare for that, Kagome gets to weigh her options in high school about her future. In Japan, I think 1st-2nd year is when they start "university planning" called 進路希望調査 (shinro kibou chousa). 3rd year is when they take entrance exams. The closer she creeps to graduation, the more she is forced to think about her future.
That future without Inuyasha. Can she live in it?
When she graduates, she faces herself head on. "Look, I have to live in this world without Inuyasha. The well is BROKEN af. This is it." But she realizes, even still... EVEN STILL... gosh she just wants to see Inuyasha again. :(
In that moment, she proved herself to the Well. Kagome thought about this for three darn years. She went to school, stayed with friends and family, and she knows her options. Yet, her feelings for Inuyasha did not waver. She STILL wants to see him, thus proving that her desire is not superficial.
So finally, the Well's like, "Alright, I hear you now hunny. I'll open the portal."
When the Sengoku era sky appears in the Well, Kagome looks at it with such yearning eyes, her voice wavering with such longing... Her mom finds her, and knowing Mama, she probably has had a hunch all along that Kagome's happiness is not here in the modern era.
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So in a true act of love, Mama lets her go.
Thinking about Kagome's family always makes my heart break, seriously. Though, the timeskip feels sudden to me as a reader/watcher, but three years is still quite a bit of time. (Like, imagine from now, 2023 to 2026.) They had time together... I'm sure it was understood. It still must've been hard tho.
This got too long, so I'll explore Inuyasha's side in Part 2. -> I will link here if you want!
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the-revisionist · 5 months
Questions for Writers
Jeez, I forgot I left this in my drafts! Thanks for the tag, @calunalilly
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
My initial reaction to this question was, why are these fucking people asking me to do more math? Then I realized it's listed in the statistics tab on my dash. Which tells me 792,881 words. That seems low to me? (My writerly self-image is a verbose motherfucker.)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Last Tango in Halifax, Happy Valley, Collateral. In the past I wrote a lot of words about Xena, well, uber Xena.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Tristan Chord, the marriage plot, The Wandering Star, The Argentinian Maneuver, and The Wild Nothing.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely. If ever I miss a response, it's likely because I have my head up the ass of real life. So if you've commented and I've not responded, I apologize.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I feel like they're all angsty? But I'd have to go way back to the Xena stuff for the truly angsty shit, probably Coup de Grace or Venezia.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maybe The Argentinian Maneuver or a good fixed star.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I've gotten a couple passive-aggressive comments here and there, but overall I'd say our tiny corner of fandom is filled with folks who have excellent manners and are very supportive of their writers. ;)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
On occasion. You have to dig through a lot of adjectives and dubious metaphors, but it's there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I guess Happy Valley/Collateral is crossover territory, no? Unfortunately it's not crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of but if I find anyone who does, I will seriously go Catherine Cawood on your ass.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a series of old Uber Xena stories. Some brave soul translated them into French (!). I think there may have been one translated into Spanish as well. I have no idea if any of them are still available online.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Cowrote a mad little uber-Xena tale eons ago with my dear beloved @thelnjames. Good times!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Caroline/Gillian on LTiH, and the uber-Xena pairing of Mel/Janice.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would like to finish Perihelion, the crazy western LTiH AU I started years ago. Might have to rewatch Deadwood for inspo.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Knowing when all the shit I threw in the kitchen sink is too much (i.e., editing).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get too caught up in trying to write pretty and make everything a big old fucking metaphor.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It gives me the shits. I tend to research a lot, so I would try to find a native speaker of said language to verify that what I've written is accurate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is like asking a mother, who is your favorite child?
I'm tagging anyone who's interested in doing this!
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mcschnuggles · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you @agerefandom for the tag!
1.) How many stories do you have on A03? 247 and counting!
2.) What's your total A03 word count? 961k! If all goes well I should break 1 mil by next Regressuary
3.) What fandoms do you write for? It's probably easier to list what I DON'T write for lol. I'll try everything at least once. I don't know at what point that became my brand but now I try to lean into it
4.) Top 5 fics by kudos? The Android Left Behind, Down Came the Building, Gods to the Rescue, Please Don't Take Off My Mask, and A Blessing or a Curse! The sad part is I don't think I like any of them anymore
5.) Do you respond to comments? I try to respond to every one but some definitely slip through the cracks and I feel guilty about it every time
6.) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? That would have to be Queensguard. And yeah I did get rude comments because people didn't read the author's notes
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? If I had to pick one, I guess Taakito? Something about that tentative forgiveness, of moving forward together, has a special place in my heart. Also silly crack pairing. Good for Merle.
8.) Do you get hate on fics? Sometimes but not often. I've been called cringe before, I've been harassed, but most of that is all years ago at this point.
9.) Do you write smut? Absolutely not
10.) Craziest crossover? I don't really write crossovers, so it would have to be the P5/TUA crossover I did a couple years ago
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Oh dear what a week that was
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A couple of my MCU fics were translated into Russian. The translator was very kind :)
13.) Have you co-written a fic before? Stuffkin and I collab on series but that's the closest I've gotten haha. I don't work well with others
14.) All-time favorite ship? Maxie/Archie. It's been 10 years at this point I think I've earned my gold card
15.) What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I try to finish everything I post so I have a lot of P5 WIPs that I never posted and I can't see myself returning to. A fic about Joker's Palace, the New Mask Strikers fic, 2 vamp au fics, and the Akira and Ren as twin fics will probably never see the light of day :(
16.) What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, I think? And imagery, maybe. I don't really know anymore.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses? I feel like my writing is very rote and repetitive. It's missing something and I still don't know what.
18.) Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I try to avoid it if possible. I just know I can't do it well.
19.) First fandom you wrote in? We don't say its name.
20.) Favorite fic you've written? Oh jeez this is a hard one. I'm kind of in that limbo where I don't like anything I've written, but I guess I like heart of a pokemon, heart of a child best. At least, other people have told me it's good
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