#Watcher is eating popcorn
anders-hawke · 2 years
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GHOST FILES 1.06 | “The Haunting of Hobo Hill House”
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starryclown11 · 1 year
I love when the community bring up the watchers not just because lore and character design they are just a fun concept to mess around with
But because they are us.
At least some what. Right?
Cause they’re the ones who watch over everyone. See it all as a game but are never involved themselves. Evo just gave them a name and interaction in their story and that’s still carried on today with some. But weren’t they originally just the viewers?
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mortal-sarah · 2 years
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scham-wcan · 2 years
The night is old enough to be morning, the two of them are stuck working on a long over due project for the Schnee's Foundation:
Cinder: This is ridiculous
Winter, unphased: I know
Cinder: Can we please just call it a night? I'm exhausted
Winter, sighing and running her fingers over the bridge of her nose: Fine, fine... but I can't sleep yet, I'm too awake for that. How about a movie?
Cinder: That actually sounds like a fun idea. Can I pick this time?
Winter: Sure, go set it up, I'll make popcorn and get all this work cleared for tomorrow.
Cinder, smirking as she looks for the most scary horrifying movie so Winter will be curled around her: Ah, yes, sounds like a plan :)
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lavaridgecookie · 5 months
Horror Movie Time with Sonic F/Os
General imagines for watching horror films with Sonic characters! What types they're into, what kind of movie watcher they are, etc. I originally wanted them to be able to be read as romantic or platonic, but eventually I just kinda went full romance.
Characters: Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Amy, Rouge, Omega
Spoiler warnings for Poltergeist and Alien, and a very minor spoiler warning for The Thing
Is more a fan of the 'campy' horror movies, although he'll also watch slashers - they get his blood pumping and his heart racing, and he lives for that. He doesn't like seeing you actually afraid, so he'll definitely take your tastes into account when picking a movie- if you say no to a specific thing, he'll tease you a bit but he'll pick something else.
Does NOT like supernatural horror. He will not watch ghost movies. He won't watch movies about doomsday scenarios. Basically, if he doesn't think he could fight it off in real life, it horrifies him and he can't stop thinking about it. What if that stuff happened to him? Happened to you? Haunts him for days or months afterwards. You made the mistake of watching The Thing with him, and for three weeks afterwards you had to talk him out of making you do the blood test every time you were apart for more than 5 hours.
He's fine with werewolf movies, for obvious reasons. Been there, done that, still tries to use his foot to scratch his ear sometimes.
All in all, he just wants to have fun with the movie, and with you. If you say 'tonight, we are watching a bunch of Disney Channel Original Scary Movies and eating our weight in popcorn,' he'll be just as happy as if you wanted to watch every Halloween movie.
Is a more all-around moviegoer, although since meeting you, he's found slashers are harder to watch. He can't help but think about you suffering through those scenarios, and ultimately dying.
Meanwhile, he loves sci-fi and supernatural horror. He's a product of science, he knows what it can do, so he can completely relax when watching movies like Alien.
In fact, and he'd never tell you this, he likes that one a LOT more after meeting you. He can easily see you in Ripley's place- resourceful, smart, trying to keep everyone alive. Going back for Jonesy seems like something you would do. He likes imagining you, triumphant, coming home to him.
Shadow likes it a LOT when you cling tightly to him- you can grab his arm as hard as you want, you can squeeze him like you're a boa constrictor, whatever. It doesn't hurt him, he's the Ultimate Lifeform! He likes the physical contact that he doesn't have to ask for, but he also very much enjoys knowing he makes you feel safe.
You should definitely expect him to start appraising the movie afterwards- he doesn't actually care, but he wants to talk to you and he's not great at conversations without a set topic. Please indulge him.
is kind of a weenie and and doesn't really like actually scary movies all that much. He's been through enough, thank you. He's much more of a children's Halloween movie guy- your Mostly Ghostlys, your Scary Godmothers, your Cry Baby Lanes. Basically, nothing scarier than Tremors.
If you do make him watch a horror film, he's shaking in the first five minutes, and once bodies start piling up he's crying into your shirt.
There is one exception.
He loves Tobe Hooper's Poltergeist. Everything about it speaks to him, and he loves sharing it with you. He'll hold your hand whenever Steve and Diane are supporting each other, and he'll pull you into his chest and hold you during the scary parts. Afterwards, he'll tell you about how he hopes you two can be together like that someday- how he'll never abandon you when things get tough, and how he knows you'll stick by him, too.
He likes it because throughout all the horrible things, everyone is looking out for each other. He loves that everyone lives. And if you like the movie, too? He's the happiest hedgehog that ever lived.
Is a big fan of slashers- the gorier the better! She's the kind to cheer when some idiot gets murdered. But she also much prefers watching them at home, with you. She wants her head in your lap, taking sips of red wine in between mouthfuls of heart-stoppingly buttery popcorn, just having a great time with you.
But, and you won't find this out on the first date, she's also a huge film buff and adores the cult classics. If you so much as mention cult horror, she'll start trying to get you to watch her Criterion Collection DVD of Hausu, and wants to discuss the finer points of horror.
And she is trusting you not to spoil her reputation by telling anybody else about this. Especially you shouldn't tell anybody that she LOVES Them!
She also really likes horror films with a romantic bent, and she keeps saying that she'll tease you during them but honestly when the time comes her eyes are glued to the goddamn screen... it's the perfect time to slip your hands into hers.
Likes two kinds of horror moves. She loves psychological horror- it keeps her guessing, keeps her engaged. When you watch with her, she likes to voice her theories out loud, and loves to hear your thoughts on it!
In the same vein, she also likes cult classics- her favourite is the 1962 film Carnival of Souls. Expect a lengthy discussion every time you guys watch a more 'cerebral' film- she really does like to hear how you felt about it! It helps her feel like she can see into your world a bit better.
But on days where she doesn't have that much brainpower to spare, she really enjoys a good horror/comedy. Her go-to is the Three Flavour Cornetto trilogy, but honestly she's not that picky. You guys watched Werewolves Within together and about died laughing. The genre is basically the mental equivalent of icecream to her.
Whatever you two watch, you are smushed up together in one corner of the couch. Doesn't matter who's in front and who's behind, one of you has your head in the crook of the neck of the other.
He also like slashers, and he's kind of unbearable to watch 'em with. Every time anybody dies, he either says 'That would not have happened to me' or 'I would not let that happen to you.'
It's kind of cute, but once you're an hour and seven deaths deep, it can get a bit annoying. That said, you appreciate him for who he is, so you knew this was a bit inevitable and you love him anyway.
Once you asked him what he would do to protect you from 'unkillable' slashers like Michael Meyers, and after a second of thinking, he picked you up, took you out to the gun range, put you down behind him, and proceeded to absolutely obliterate everything in front of him one long, sustained round of heavy fire. Probably used up at least $6k of artillery. He then turned back to you and stated 'Michael Meyers could not survive being turned into a fine mist'
You were still in your jammies, and you couldn't help but laugh so hard you fell over. God bless your loving sentry turret.
Hope you all enjoyed! These were fun to write for, and I'd definitely be willing to do more for other characters if requested!
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malcolmreeds · 5 months
soz im still eating popcorn about the watcher situation but learning that theyre gutting their patreon to be exclusively about their podcast (that ive literally never heard of) no watcher weekly, no sneak peeks, no early access is absolutely Insane to me. talk about shooting yourself in the foot ...........
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plumadot · 5 months
Ok stupid me I'm not anon anymore... I'm so dumb, embarrassing!!! But still, the hat is mine 🎩
Ok um... About Watchers! You think they are some silent chthonic creatures who only observe, or mb bunch of chill dudes who's eating popcorn while watching whatever mischief G is causing with their powers?
Probably something in the middle... I really like the concept of them as spoiled viewers who only need intrigue and drama, and it might work very well considering G as a warlock and one of your latest drawing (VERY COOL BTW)
And of course Scar is crit charisma'ed them so now they just love him as an adorable puppy 👍🏿
gkdfjkgjfkg don't you worry, you can absolutely still have the hat it's all yours <3 <3 <3
the watchers are like. an eldritch entity that's both singular and plural. they're incomprehensible gkfjdkgjf grian's never seen what they look like, but they mainly communicate with him by manipulating his emotions? he feels different when they're around, and he's not sure what they want from him yet, but they must want something in return for the immense power they've given him!!! they enjoy it when grian loses himself in his powers so his current guess is that they simply enjoy watching him either succeed or suffer... maybe both...
the watchers really don't know what to think of scar yet!!!!!!!! he's. really powerful. but in a way they don't understand. the bond grian's formed with him could prove problematic if scar keeps succeeding in keeping him calm and in control of his emotions.
also from your previous ask gkfjdkgj they've tried to come up with a party name, but jimmy suggested "big man jim's big men squad" and everyone veto'd
(thank you thank you thank you <3)
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sadiejulius · 15 days
my take on the love next door episode 8 reveal
As painful as it sounds, it often takes a rather devastating turn of events to give someone a reality check on how they're living their life. I know most people were hoping the writer would just depict seokryu's career burnout. But the writer chose to include cancer and a major procedure as a part of her medical history (with a lot of foreshadowing tbh), and i'm on board with this reveal serving as the potential trigger to seokryu quitting her job, breaking off her engagement, and eventually returning home to reset her life. My guess is that what happened at the end of the episode is a complication of her gastrectomy (as a result of eating the popcorn) rather than a relapse. But this is an ongoing drama so we just have to wait and see before jumping to conclusions.
I'm perfectly aware that not everyone likes every single kdrama trope. Whether you're a veteran watcher or a new one, it's important to consider that any trope/cliche is fair game regardless of the promo material. But when they're executed well and there is a proper balance of humor, angst, fluff, and a sprinkle of social commentary, then that means the writer has succeeded in tugging the heartstrings of the audience.
Since this drama features a triggering topic, it's totally valid to put it on hold or even drop it completely. As for me, i'm going to be patient and trust my intuition that the writer will handle this with the utmost care and sensitivity.
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lemonmelonboy · 11 months
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Head canons for Taylor Potts - Because he's got my head in a fucking vise grip.
18+ Readers ONLY - Minors Do NOT Interact! Minors/Ageless Blogs will be Blocked!!!
 I Do NOT give any permission for my work to be Reposted, Translated, or used with AI in ANY Capacity!!!
The image I drew is like- You took his jacket in a play fight and when he was trying to get it back you put it on, and he just could not be upset anymore. You were wearing his jacket and he short circuited. So of course, all he wanted was to see you in it more and so his silly little brain went "yes wear this whenever... please... I'm not asking- I'm begging... you're so pretty."
He has that shirt because it reminded him of Steven Universe and that was the show you introduced him to the first night you stayed at his house- and its possibly your favorite show ever.
If you ever go to the movies with you, he would insist on buying separate popcorns just because he would absolutely have no confidence to take popcorn if the bucket was in your lap. Nor would he be able to handle it if you kept reaching over to get some. Also, just he would not be able to focus if you accidentally brushed his hand while getting some popcorn.
He was more than happy when you willingly joined his little club, he probably went home and squealed like a little schoolgirl because he was so excited to be able to have more time with you.
His little fanfics are probably mostly cuddles because whenever he writes anything more he just gets too into the thought, and gets sidetracked, so he never gets to finishing it.
If you played games with him, he'd probably try his best to not sit near you because you tend to get very touchy when competitive and over excited, so he needs to avoid you touching him or else he'd get too distracted.
Movies at home are a similar situation, which sucks because you both are very much cuddly movie watchers- but Taylor absolutely get excited and he's too afraid of ruining the movie or missing anything. However, once you two start dating, he no longer is allowed to sit away from you, and you get to be as clingy and touchy during movies or games as you want.
You absolutely tease him nonstop for being a "salt is too spicy" type of person. And you try to introduce him to new food, but he has trouble eating most of it.
He would nearly faint is you offered him like a piece of candy or something with your mouth. The pocket challenge used to be all he thought about doing with you when it was super popular but now, he could- he would not be able to do it, no matter how much he'd like it.
Hand holding is the number one thing he wants from you, especially when you started dating. He'd crave it anytime you two were apart.
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justarandombrit · 3 months
Wrote all this out a while ago but why not post it
The Lords In Black watching through the TGWDLM timeline:
. Pokey hosts, obviously, because it was his timeline and he wants to show it off. He refused to get snacks, until Nibbly tried to eat the “TV” and he begrudgingly made “popcorn”.
. Said “TV” is actually just a projection from Blinky's Sniggles. Nibbly tried to eat one of them too.
. I don't know what the popcorn was. I don't think they would either. Pokey just appeared with it and nobody asked. Nibbly succeeded in eating it… all.
. Tinky spent a lot of time “explaining” to one of his Sniggles about how he specifically set this timeline up to make sure the musical apocalypse was the only important event that happened in that one. The only times he stopped were when Wiggly gave him a particularly withering glare, or whenever Ted was on screen.
. Tinky cheered so loudly when Ted got shot.
. Also, he completed the line “I tell you, I bleed red, white, and-” by shouting “YELLOW!” and promptly getting shushed.
. Everyone looked over at Blinky whenever Bill did anything. He just shrugged. He did enjoy Not Your Seed though, because he helped Pokey out with some of the lyric writing, to make sure Bill was completely and utterly destroyed emotionally.
. However, Blinky did disagree with Bill being shot afterwards, because, although he enjoyed tormenting him, he thought it was a cop out. Blinky is more of the vein that the act of torture itself is a lot of fun, rather than it being a means to an end. He prefers a cinematic ending, rather than a necessarily painful one.
. Snigglette snuck in to watch, despite most of the Sniggles not being invited. Finally seeing a timeline outside of the lense of Watcher World was one of the things that made her first want to leave Drowsy Town.
. Nibbly was annoyed that no one had auditioned for Honey Queen. He spent most of the runtime eating all the “popcorn” and occasionally cheering for Zoey, whenever one of his Sniggles let him know she was there (he is blind, after all).
. Wiggly was very bored throughout most of it and spent the majority of the time annoying his brothers and attempting to steal “popcorn” from Nibbly (even though he didn't actually want it).
. Webby was not invited.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Obey Me Brothers During Horror Movie Night
MC decides to pop in a slasher. How do they react? 
if you like my writing feel free to send in a request on my What Dost Thou Want? tab:]
Pissy as fuck 
Constantly bitching and groaning about how boring or stupid or cheesy the movie is 
(it’s to hide his fear) 
he flinches at every jumpscare 
and every stab and splatter of blood makes him wince
he’s trying so hard to be stone faced but pure brutality gets to him 
will not shut the fuck up 
popcorn flying EVERYWHERE 
Constantly jumping and squirming 
total pussy but will deny it later 
Hates slashers 
Not because he’s scared, but because they’re too predictable 
autistic pattern seeking brain yo 
he knows what’s going to happen before it happens and ends up spoiling the whole movie despite never having seen it before 
rolling his eyes and scoffing while stuffing his face with movie snacks 
he prefers psychological thrillers, they challenge his brain more 
underwhelmed to infinity 
the only one watching who’s genuinely not afraid 
logically none of this would ever happen 
why should he be afraid?? 
he still likes watching it though, just for the experience 
and to antagonize his brothers with it later 
it’ll be great 
no good 
squeals and shrieks at every creak in the floorboard or jump in the music 
asmo screams because mammon screams and they’re SO NOISY
he loves the gratuitous nudity though 
always down for a good sex scene or boob shot 
literally the only plus 
oh and hot serial killers that too 
(not projecting)
Too focused on the movie snacks to be THAT scared tbh 
If Mammon drops any popcorn from jumping at the scares he’ll definitely eat it off the floor
A couple of the good scares get him and he cringes at the gore, but that’s mostly it 
he just likes eating snacks with his fam:) 
asleep within the first ten minutes 
sorry, exposition is boring 
maybe he wakes up for a sec when Beel pushes him saying “look look!” 
but if there’s not action happening he’s asleep 
he’s not a very good movie watcher 
or anything watcher 
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ask-group-3-1202 · 4 months
What are the character's favorite foods?
Arti - fire eggs
Monk - noodleflies
Spearmaster - popcorn
Gourmand - doesn't have a favorite
Survivor - batflies
Rivulet - bubble fruit (duh)
Saint - Lilypuck
Hunter - Blue lizard
Watcher - Blue fruit
Enot - I genuinely have no clue lol
Crafter - centipedes
Assassin - Vulture
Tumbleweed - Slugcats :) (yes the mobile puppets can eat, they require biological material to use as fuel in lieu of water)
Silence - barely uses mobile puppet, doesn't care for food.
Steel - Snails
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deliciouskeys · 11 months
My impression of the spectrum of how the various segments of Boys fandom seem to be reacting to the Great YA Crossover Event that was dropped on us this week (and my guess as to why):
1. Gen V-first watchers (enthused because they get to watch more Gen V content in the main show)
2. Non HL Boys fandom, ie Butchie or non pairing fandom etc (ranges from don’t care to like this turn of events because it doesn’t really impact much of the rest of the plot)
3. HL x reader/oc (ranges from okay with it to meh because it nerfs HL in annoying ways and has brought in the “I notice HL is evil” brigade)
4. Butchlander (ranges from burning hatred to emotional deflation because it threatens to shift what used to be the main conflict of the show to include new characters)
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
fanfic ask game: for hermitcraft specifically, those two fandom plots - "grian watcher angst" and "dsmp character goes to therapy". your thoughts, both on the concepts and on the typical execution thereof?
oh i see you're coming in with the controversial ones for me. hm. okay like.
....both of these are in the D-F range but i'm reluctant to put them fully in F because there are good examples out there that i like and i don't like saying "yeah i outright won't read this" when like, if a friend or an author i trust writes it, or someone puts something in a summary that makes me say "oh they're doing something new with the concept okay" happens, i will read it. also i always feel bad about my knee-jerk dislike of hermit!tommy given that hermit!tommy is actually pretty directly what got me into hermitcraft, so like. cannot possibly be that bad. just...
the problem with these types of fics tends to partially be "overdone" which like, once again. not always a problem in fanfic spaces. i'll go back to my naruto team 7 as family example i have read COUNTLESS of those fics that basically all have the same plot (kakashi puts them through hell training! bonding about trauma! the very specific plot point of 'they go to the chunin exams and are wildly overprepared for them and everyone goes 'what are they feeding those kids', often with the exact sakura/ino fight except sakura wildly outclasses her because she's 'grown up' now or whatever') and i eat them all up! for the people who like those tropes the fact they're popular is GREAT. the problem is, of course, when you're sort of tired of it and would like something else but that something else is annoyingly hard to find and then you're sitting there like "i know that complaining doesn't actually generate more fic, me WRITING generates more fic, but i only have but so much capacity and i want MY popcorn reading, where's MY popcorn reading".
...that extended ramble got a little out of hand but like. you see where i'm coming from, right?
the other problem is that i have a very, very limited patience for certain types of angst. which is silly, because i'm an angst writer to some extent (or, okay, i have a very complicated relationship with that, i actually wouldn't describe myself as an angst writer but people who do are valid and i fully understand where they're coming from). i also have a very limited patience for whump unless it scratches exactly the right itch for me. and i really, REALLY don't have patience for when the angst is just... circular, nothing ever gets resolved, you spend ten chapters in the same repetitive cycle of angst and comfort, and it's not really those tropes' fault that a lot of this happens there, right. it's that they're POPULAR so a lot of new writers write them. but writing angst that doesn't just make me bored is HARD and because i have trouble finding a lot of those fics that do write it well i have a tendency to write it off, because the other involved tropes aren't things i like enough to make me keep reading despite it doing a thing i dislike.
(the third secret reason i tend to mistrust these genres is 'i am so fucking picky about mumbo characterization these days and no one ever writes him right i am the most suffering person ever and also now whenever pearl is used for grian angst with no character of her own i descend from the trees like a feral tiger and maul something". these, however, are personal problems. especially the mumbo thing. my pickiness about mumbo is deeply self-inflicted and not even entirely accurate sometimes.)
but the thing is, as i said... if you're already my friend. if i already know i like your writing. and you write this stuff? yeah i'm on top of it. if i have had a friend vouch for you? yeah sure i'll check it out. it's just that i dislike enough of this stuff that i just... fundamentally will not read anything that hasn't been vouched for me or doesn't have such a good high concept that i can hold my nose and hope.
"but second didn't you just write a watcher thing last night also" yes i know this is the other reason i feel bad writing this one out because the problem really is "lots of baby writers hitting exactly the points of writing that i personally can't stand and also a complete saturation of it when i'm trying to find other stuff" instead of necessarily. anything wrong with the trope itself. i don't know. fandom oversaturation can be frustrating.
...so yeah. D or F.
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sims-and-counting · 1 year
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Heaven: Stella Grace! You look absolutely massive! What have you been eating lately?
SG: Erm... nothing special. Just some burgers, some cake at Sadie’s wedding, some popcorn last week, food from the food-tasting for our wedding catering - 
Heaven: Watcher help me - you’re never going to fit into your dress!
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SG: I think it’s fine, Mama. I thought I looked too thin in my dress, actually - 
Heaven: It’s your Watcherly duty to stay trim and fit! What will Jeb think? He’ll turn around and walk straight out of the church! You need to start exercising and stop eating so much right this instant!
SG: Fine, Mama. I’ll go change - 
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Heaven: No time! You need to go now - there’s just a month til your wedding, this is practically an emergency! 
SG: Fine - 
Heaven: WAIT! Don’t forget a chaperone. Take Savanna. She’s looking chubby lately too. Run for at least two hours, twice a day, and only eat salad. That should do it!
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SG: Screaming internally.
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horrorrelm · 9 months
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What's wrong Sidney looks like you seen a ghost ☎️
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Still alive
🩸By Demi Lovato 🩸
On Scream Kings Samsung Galaxy
Hello Welcome to my own little playground of horror movie delight!
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I'm Scream King nice to eat ya I hope you're having a hellish day (that means a good day)
I'm 25 years old a long time horror fanatic and a passionate crime follower.
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I love scream mostly duhh
have you seen Billy Loomis
I don't like it when people gatekeep horror franchises
If your about pro-ships please leave🫀
📼Wanna play a game? 📼
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Listen to the rules 📺
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1. No hate speech of any kind
2. No pedophilic behavior
3. No hateful debates
4. No talks about religion or hateful topics
5.No bullying of any kind is tolerated on this couch
6. Pass the popcorn when someone asks please 🍿
7.Please warn anyone before giving away spoilers
8. No talking during the movies
9. Bring your own soda
10. Be kind to your fellow horror watcher
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This blog is watched by The Crow be very very careful because after all It Can't Rain All The Time
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