#We slowly get nudged into the plot of the game
bitchiswild · 10 months
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GP Yoo Jimin x F! Reader
Warnings: smut, creampie, racing , and probs other things 🤷‍♀️
Word Count: 6.8k 😟
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The night unveiled the mesmerizing beauty of the city as Karina and I zoomed through its streets. The motorcycle's roar echoed, seemingly announcing our presence to the entire city. Yet, in our youthful spirit, we disregarded it. Karina had injected adventure and excitement into my life, making every moment extraordinary. She's what makes my days and nights awesome, always bringing joy. I gotta thank Aeri for introducing me to Karina, even if we didn't hit it off right away.
“Wanna come along?” That’s all she said. Life always seems to dangle something new in front of me. Aeri pitched this idea, and I had no clue what was in store. Mysterious. But I trusted her completely; she’d been hustling and making some cash. It was our little secret. A game where the risk just added spice to the thrill. Kind of sketchy but exhilarating, you get me?
“You sure this is the right way?” I asked cautiously. We were heading down these shady, dimly lit stairs where the lights flickered oh-so-slowly."
"Yeah, I know the way. Been here a few times, no sweat!" she assured me, continuing down the steps.
As we got closer to the door, the music’s volume surged. Stepping inside, the booming bass hit us hard. The place was a riot of colorful lights, but there was this pervasive mix of gasoline and weed smell that wasn't too pleasant.
"Is this your usual weekend scene?" I quizzed Aeri.
"No doubt, I do. I'm here to help Karina gear up for her races," she said.
"Are you finally gonna introduce me to this Karina you're always on about?" I inquired.
"Absolutely! I'll take you to her now. Or would you prefer to check out the place first?" she asked.
"Let's take a look around first," I replied.
Aeri gave me the grand tour of this spot. I soaked it all in, kinda interested in this whole new vibe where everything's a bit of a gamble. It's all about the danger and excitement, you know? I find it pretty intriguing. This place, right before the race starts, it's got a vibe. But I did however, noticed how everyone's eyes are on us.
"Hey, what's with all the staring? Starting to weird me out a bit," I mentioned to Aeri, feeling a tad uncomfortable.
"They all know I'm friends with Karina. She's, well, let's just say she's a big deal around here. They call her the 'Queen' of racing," Aeri explained, and it all clicked for me.
"Can we bail, though? Feeling a bit too conspicuous," I suggested.
"Sure thing! Let's get you introduced to Karina; you two will hit it off, I'm sure!" Aeri exclaimed, ready to make the intro.
Aeri dragged me to this garage, all bright and half-open. She went and knocked on it like a maniac. ‘Karina! I'm here! Did you miss me?!’ Aeri shouted at the top of her lungs.
“Aeri! Keep it down! Get in here already,” the girl I figured was Karina snapped.
Aeri nudged me to step in first. I crouched a bit and walked into the garage. The garage was alive with various colored lights, yet one glaring light outshone the rest. Posters and tools adorned the walls, while a car occupied one side and a motorcycle sat on the other. The girl I presumed to be Karina was busy fixing something on the bike.
“Karina! Meet my bestie Y/n! Y/n, meet Karina!” Aeri introduced us, gesturing between us."
"Hey, Karina, nice to meet you. Aeri's told me loads about you, and don't worry, I won't spill anything that might get you thrown in jail," I said, immediately regretting my choice of words.
"Hi," was all she replied before returning to her work on the bike, leaving me feeling a bit like a fool.
Naturally, I felt offended. I wanted to confront her, but I held back. I hardly knew her and picking a fight with Aeri's friend wasn't the right move. It'd make me a lousy friend.
"Don't stress, Y/n. Karina's just... like that. She's very... monotone, but she's cool. Give her some time to warm up to you. Honestly, I didn't spill that I spilled everything about her illegal racing," Aeri explained with an awkward grin on her face.
“ It's fine it didn't bother me," I lied, though it bothered me more than I let on.
"So, Karina, when's your next race?" Aeri asked.
"In about 30 minutes. You heading out or sticking around here in the garage?" Karina inquired.
"Since this is Y/n's first illegal race, I'll probably stick around, cheering you on alongside her," Aeri nudged me while saying that.
"Alright, let's head out. I'm all set," she said, wrapping up the final touches on her bike.
We all made our way out of the garage, heading toward the main event. Karina revved her bike, riding off towards the street where the race would take place. The way people glanced at us left me feeling intimidated. Despite my smile, fear crept in. This was uncharted territory for me.
"Hey, Karina! What's up! Ready to race?! There's a hefty pot riding on you, lots of folks betting," a guy shouted as he approached us.
"Absolutely, BamBam. I'm always geared up to win some cash," Karina replied with a grin.
I never thought this girl smiled, but here she was, flashing a smile in front of me. It was kinda cute.
"Awesome! Just remember to stay safe, can't afford to lose our top racer, aka our 'Queen'," The guy I now know as BamBam added.
"Who's that guy? Her boyfriend?" I asked Aeri in a hushed tone.
Aeri stifled a laugh. "Nah, not her boyfriend. That's her childhood friend. They grew up together, got into street racing, and he's sort of her manager. He always bets on her because he knows she'll win. Also, Karina's gay and has a dick," Aeri explained frankly.
The last sentence caught me off guard and I took a double take at Aeri.
“She has a dick??,” I blurted out in surprise.
"Yeah, she was born with it. Why, wanna hop on it?" Aeri quipped, giving me a smirk.
I was flabbergasted! “What? No way!" I exclaimed.
"Sure, just saying, you're not the only one. Lots of other girls here do too," she casually replied.
"Alright, alright, let's stop talking about her dick," I said, eager to change the subject.
"Stop talking about my what?" Karina chimed in, joining our conversation.
I was horrified. If she overheard our discussion, I'd be mortified.
"Your bike," Aeri quickly interjected, coming to my rescue. "Y/n here was just saying how much she liked it but wanted to stop gushing over your bike."
"Thanks," Karina replied, giving me a stare that made me cough in awkwardness. Why did I suddenly feel so awkward? I needed a shot, maybe ten.
"Anyway, I came to tell you guys that the race is starting soon, so get to your spots. And remember, don't accept drinks from strangers. Have the bartender made you the drink, alright?" Karina instructed us.
Can we grab a drink, Aeri? I seriously need one after that almost-embarrassment," I admitted, fanning myself to emphasize the point.
"Sure thing," Aeri replied, leading me towards the bar.
Once we had our drinks, we headed towards the restricted area where only people acquainted with Karina were allowed. There was a large TV screen displaying Karina, geared up with her helmet on, ready for the race. Her eyes reflected unwavering determination, making me equally certain she'd emerge victorious.
The audio from the scene was clear, capturing a guy beside Karina yelling that she was going to lose. Karina, unfazed, remained focused, displaying even greater determination. A girl emerged onto the street, holding a red flag. Raising her arm, she brought it down swiftly, marking the start of the race.
The race unfolded rapidly. Kai, the guy I just learned the name of, initially took the lead, but as they reached a sharp turn, Karina surged past him. Watching her on the screen, it was evident—she had a natural talent for this. Her movements on the bike were graceful, navigating every turn effortlessly. I finally understood why people bet on her. Yet, watching her gave me a mix of sensations, tingling feelings that I couldn't quite decipher—was it anxiety or something else?
As they approached the finish line, it was a dead heat. Anxiety crept up on me, evident in my shaking leg. I desperately hoped for Karina's victory. Beside me, Aeri seemed absolutely chilled, not a speck of doubt in her eyes. I couldn't help but wonder why she was so composed. "She knows something," I muttered to myself, suspecting that Aeri had an inside track on this.
Right after that thought, Aeri did the exact thing I suspected she knew about. With a simple press of a button, Karina's speed surged, propelling her faster than before, and she breezed across the finish line.
When Karina hit that button, everyone was stunned by the speed she picked up. But as soon as she crossed that finish line, the crowd erupted in cheers. Aeri and I jumped to our feet, cheering, hugging, and bouncing around in joy. Karina had not only won the race but also scored a substantial amount of prize money. BamBam, having won all the bets he placed, was also celebrating his success.
After breaking on her bike and removing her helmet, Karina was engulfed by a swarm of well-wishers. Aeri and I maneuvered through the crowd to reach her. Aeri led the way, offering her congratulations with a pat on the back, while I stood there beaming at her. Our eyes met, and she returned a small grin. For me, that was enough. Her eyes spoke volumes, brimming with excitement and joy.
As things settled, Karina gathered her winnings, and we trailed back to the garage together.
"That was one of your finest races in a while!" Aeri praised.
"Thank you. I really appreciate you guys being there, cheering me on," Karina replied, a grateful expression on her face.
"So, when's the next race?" Aeri inquired.
"In two weeks. I need to get some more parts for my bike, upgrade it, and also visit my mom to give her some money," Karina informed us.
"Speaking of your mom, how's she doing?" Aeri inquired.
"She's still working, despite me telling her to retire. That woman is just too stubborn," Karina replied, shaking her head.
"Just like you," Aeri teased with a smirk.
"Hey! I have my reasons, alright?" Karina retorted with a slight glare.
Before Aeri could reply, her phone rang. 'I'll be right back,' she said before leaving Karina and me alone. 'And now there are two,' I murmured to myself.
"So, Karina, you did an awesome job out there! I was really impressed by how you clutch in the end. I was so anxious the whole time, rooting for you, and I just wanted you to win and I was so worried—" I started to ramble.
"Y/n!" Karina exclaimed, gripping my shoulders and staring at me. "Calm down, you're rambling," she urged, trying to rein in my chatter.
Her sudden touch caught me off guard, bringing an unexpected closeness that felt like we were almost within kissing distance. I shook my head, trying to dispel those thoughts. "Sorry... that happens when I feel awkward or anxious," I explained.
She withdrew her hands and kept staring at me. "It's fine, just take a moment. If you need to ease your anxiety, try dunking your head in ice-cold water. That might help," Karina suggested calmly.
"I'll keep that in mind for next time," I replied.
Karina returned to her bike, resuming work by taking parts off, fetching tools and components from her workbench, and moving back and forth between them. Lost in my thoughts, I scanned the garage, wondering where Aeri had vanished to.
"You know, you can sit, right?" Karina's voice startled me out of my reverie. I glanced at her, finding her staring at me and pointing to the chair nearby.
“Oh right, sorry,”I sheepishly grinned in response, taking the hint and finally sitting down. I couldn't help but keep glancing around the garage, occasionally stealing quick looks at Karina. The silence became unbearable, prompting me to break it.
"Do you need any help?" I offered, hoping to engage in conversation.
"Nope," she replied bluntly.
"Can I help you, though? I can't stand this silence, and I want to do something," I persisted.
"You can sit and be quiet," she repeated, smirking as she glanced up.
I remained silent, pursing my lips and continuing to observe her.
"Please, let me help!" I pleaded, growing desperate to do something.
"Fine, come here," she finally relented. I eagerly approached her, thrilled to lend a hand.
"I'm giving you a very big responsibility, okay? Now, hold the flashlight and don't move," Karina instructed, handing me the flashlight.
I felt disappointed; holding the flashlight was something my dad always made me do, and I often got yelled at for doing it wrong. Nevertheless, I was doing something, and for the next 20 minutes, I held onto it diligently. Finally, Aeri returned from her phone call.
"What the hell?! What took so long?" I exclaimed at her, still clutching the flashlight.
"Y/n, hold the flashlight correctly!" Karina interjected. "Oops, sorry," I apologized and adjusted my grip to hold it correctly.
"Sorry I took so long; it was an important call I can't go into details about right now, but I promise it's nothing bad," Aeri explained.
"Okay, I hope everything's alright," I replied.
"Everything's good. Are you ready to leave? Because I am," Aeri asked.
"Yeah, I'm ready," I confirmed, turning off the flashlight and handing it back to Karina.
"Alright, let's go. Bye, Karina! See you soon!" Aeri called out as she exited the garage.
"Bye, Karina, till then," I called out. As I began to duck my head under the garage door, I caught her saying goodbye.
"Bye, Y/n," I heard Karina's voice say as she continued tinkering with her bike.
"Alright, let's head back to our dorm. Don't worry, you'll be back; this is just the beginning," Aeri reassured me as we made our way back toward the stairs we came from.
It's the following day, and a strong urge pulls me to return to the garage. I'm not sure why I feel this way, but the desire is there. After getting ready, I head towards Aeri’s room to check if she's around, but her neatly made bed indicates she's probably left for class.
Deciding to go on my own, I recall the location and remember that Aeri had sent me the address. Gathering my belongings, I leave the room and start walking towards the destination.
I'm in the stairwell, making my way down toward the familiar door Aeri had led me through. As I approach, I notice the music still blaring, but today, the neon blue lights replace yesterday's vibrant colors. I glance around before heading toward Karina’s garage.
Suddenly, a random guy yells, "Hey, Beautiful! Come over here and sit on my lap!" I choose to ignore him and keep walking.
"Come on, I know you heard me! Come here!" he yells out again, this time patting his lap in an insistent and uncomfortable manner.
"No thanks, I'm good," I firmly replied, trying to maintain my course toward Karina’s garage.
But, as expected, the guy persists and ends up blocking my way. I look up at him, my expression blank, while he grins down at me. "Can I help you?" I retort, my arms crossed and an attitude evident in my tone.
"Yea, I asked you to do something but you didn't," the musty guy states.
"Yea, I know," I respond bluntly.
"You know... I don't take no for an answer," he declares, his tone suggesting an intent to push the issue.
"And? I do not care," I reiterated, my arms remaining crossed.
He made a move to reach for my arm, but thankfully, a familiar voice intervened. It was Karina. I felt a surge of relief; I was beginning to get anxious at the thought of him grabbing me.
"Nate, what are you doing?" Karina's voice addressed him directly.
"Karina! Hey! I was just trying to get this beautiful lady to sit on my lap and do other things if you know what I mean," Nate replied with a suggestive wink, trying to play it off.
Karina's expression turned serious. "Actually, she’s with me, and she is off-limits. I do not want you anywhere near her," Karina asserted firmly, setting a clear boundary.
"How come? I'm just having some fun," Nate retorted with a smirk, clearly not taking Karina's instructions seriously.
"I don't care. She’s off-limits. Now leave!" Karina's tone grew firmer, her frustration evident.
"Yea, sure, see you around, beautiful," Nate said, smirking as he began to walk away.
Karina gripped my hand firmly, concern evident in her eyes. "Are you okay? What are you doing here by yourself? Do you realize that if I wasn’t here, things could've gone bad? You can’t be here without me or Aeri, got it?" She guided me towards her garage, still holding my hand.
"I know. I'm sorry. I promise not to come here without you or Aeri," I assured her.
"You didn't answer my question. Why are you here?" She pressed for an explanation.
"I just wanted to continue helping you with your bike. Also, I had no class today, so I decided to come here," I answered honestly.
"You came all this way just to help me with my bike?" she asked incredulously.
"Yeah, why not?" I replied casually.
Karina chuckled in disbelief. "Okay, fine, you can help. Let's get started," she agreed.
And so, that's what we did. I began coming by every other day or whenever I had free time to assist her in preparing her bike for the upcoming race. Over time, we started enjoying each other's company, engaging in light conversation. However, we hadn't broached certain topics—things I wanted to know, like why she started street racing. I chose to keep those questions to myself, saving them for another day.
One such day, I had no class and was free. I had Karina’s number now, so I texted her beforehand that I was heading to the garage. She mentioned she'd meet me at the door, and true to her word, that's where she was. We walked together towards the garage, and she let me enter first before following. "So, what are we working on today?" I inquired.
"Nothing, because we are finished!" she announced with a grin, a familiar expression that I had come to adore over the past two weeks. That grin, when directed at me, felt unlike any other.
"Really? You finished it?" I asked in amazement.
"No, we finished it," she corrected, her grin turning into a warm smile.
I mirrored her smile. "Does that mean we get to go on a test drive?" I was thrilled at the prospect of riding the bike after investing so much effort into it.
"Of course! Here, let me get you a helmet," she offered, fetching one for me. She returned, placing the helmet on me. The visor was closed, but a simple click opened it, and suddenly, Karina was gazing into my eyes.
"There you are, hi!" she greeted with a grin.
"Hi back," I replied, returning her greeting. She continued to gaze at me for a moment before turning to retrieve her own helmet, securing it in place. Walking over to her bike, she mounted it first, signaling for me to climb on behind her.
Once I was on, I instinctively held onto the sides of the bike, but Karina guided my arms around her stomach, encouraging me to wrap them securely. I held on tightly, feeling the firmness of her toned stomach, grateful that she couldn't see my blushing face.
"Are you ready?" she asked.
"Of course," I replied, trying to mask any hint of nervousness in my voice.
She ignited the engine, and it roared thunderously, the sound reverberating throughout the garage. As she opened the garage door, the engine revved, and we surged out. The speed we gained made me hold onto Karina even tighter, a sudden fear gripping me.
In my helmet, I heard her voice. "You okay back there?" she inquired.
"Wait, how am I hearing you so clearly?" I asked, puzzled.
"There's Bluetooth connected to the helmets," she explained.
"Ah, that’s nice. And to answer your question, yes, I am okay, just a bit scared at the speed we're going," I confessed.
"Do you trust me?" she asked.
"Yes," I replied without hesitation.
"Then everything will be okay," she assured me, continuing to ride out of the tunnels and onto the main road.
As we navigated through the city, Karina's voice came through the helmets. "I want to take you somewhere, will you let me?" she asked.
Her proposal made my heart melt; it was a simple yet profound request. "Yes, take me wherever you want to go," I responded.
"Okay, thank you," she replied, steering toward her chosen destination.
We ascended a hill with a breathtaking view of the city, but Karina kept driving until we reached our final stop. She parked the bike, removing the key, and got off first. Extending her hand, she helped me dismount as well. "What is this place?" I inquired, following her closer to the view.
"It's a place where my dad brought my mom to confess his feelings to her. It was his spot, and even before that, it belonged to my grandma. After my dad passed away, my mom brought me here because I couldn't get over his death. She shared all their stories with me, and we laughed and cried together," Karina explained, her voice carrying the weight of memories.
I hung onto her every word. Karina paused for a moment before continuing.
"She also told me to come here whenever I feel stressed out or just need to connect with my dad in a way. So that's what I did. I was here last night, seeking guidance. I asked him if I should go forth with something, and I got the answer I wanted," she said, smiling warmly at me as she spoke.
Karina's revelation left me speechless. I sensed there was more she wanted to express.
"There’s another thing Mom told me about this spot. She said if I wanted to confess my feelings to someone, I should come here. It’s a place special to me, where my dad and grandma did the same in the past," she explained, her gaze fixed on me.
My heart raced at her words. She took hold of my hands. "Y/n, over the last two weeks, my feelings for you have grown. It started when I saw Nate getting too close to you. I realized then that I’d do anything to keep you safe. I've cherished every moment we've spent fixing my bike. I’ve come to realize that I have feelings for you. Please, tell me you feel the same?”
I was taken aback by her confession, my mind racing as I processed her words and the depth of my own feelings.
I was taken aback. Karina's confession of her feelings caught me by surprise, but it filled me with joy to know that the emotions were mutual. With heartfelt honesty, I replied, “Karina... from the moment your smile caught my eye, I felt something special. The time we've shared, every moment, it's made my feelings grow stronger. I do feel the same way. I'm grateful you feel it too.”
As Karina's hand cupped my cheek, her touch was gentle yet filled with longing. Our gazes locked, conveying emotions words couldn't express. I leaned into her touch, feeling the warmth of her hand against my skin. In that silent exchange, the air thickened with anticipation. We moved closer, our bodies drawn together by an invisible force. When our lips finally met, a surge of electricity ran through me, setting my nerves on fire. My heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness, mirroring the intensity I sensed in Karina. Every heartbeat seemed synchronized, creating an unspoken harmony between us. I withdrew my hand from hers, instinctively wrapping both around her neck, drawing her closer and intensifying the kiss. Simultaneously, her hand moved to the side of my stomach, tracing gentle, reassuring circles. The passionate exchange stirred a whirlwind of emotions between us, each moment pulsating with raw feelings. As the kiss deepened, the need for air became undeniable, forcing us to reluctantly break apart, breathless and exhilarated.
We were both breathing heavily, savoring the lingering sensation of the kiss. I opened my eyes first; Karina's remained closed, a charming smile gracing her face. When her eyes finally met mine, we shared a moment of laughter, both in disbelief and excitement. Karina reached out, taking my hand. "Come on, let's go do something fun," she said, smiling warmly.
I grabbed her hand, and we sprinted back to her bike. She swiftly handed me the helmet, planting one more kiss on my lips before securing the helmet over my head. With her helmet on, she mounted the bike, extending her hand to help me get on. I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding on tightly as she revved the engine and guided us to our next stop.
This time, cruising through the city felt different—carefree, even. I felt lighter, more alive, and undeniably happy, all thanks to the girl in front of me. As we reached Imperial, a nightclub, Karina dismounted first and helped me off the bike. She handed the keys to the valet, grasped my hand, and led me confidently toward the entrance. We bypassed any need for IDs as Karina was familiar with the bouncer.
After arriving, we beelined to the bar for drinks. Shots flowed freely, and we lost ourselves in the music, dancing together all night. Carefree and spirited, we moved to the beats, laughing and enjoying the moment. Eventually, we somehow made it back home, and waking up there, I was grateful that we'd safely returned.
I woke up in a room that didn’t seem familiar, but seeing Karina next to me put me at ease. Glancing around, I noticed a picture of her and BamBam on the nightstand. It was Karina's room. I felt a moment of panic, worrying we'd gone too far last night, but a quick check under the blanket revealed I was fully dressed. I sighed in relief and stole a glance at Karina, peacefully asleep beside me. She stirred, and I found myself captivated by her face. She slowly opened her eyes, catching me in the act.
“What a lovely sight to wake up to,” she said, her morning voice soft and gentle.
I grinned and leaned in for a kiss. She reciprocated, but before it could linger, she broke away. “As much as I'd love to, let me brush my teeth first.”
“Karina, it's fine. Come here,” I insisted, trying to pull her back for another kiss. With a laugh, she evaded my grasp and dashed into the bathroom, teasingly repeating, “No, let me brush my teeth!”
I stayed seated on her bed, chuckling at her playful antics, before eventually rising and making my way to the bathroom. While we brushed our teeth, our playful nudges and giggles made it feel like we were back in high school.
Once we finished brushing our teeth, we moved to her kitchen and decided to make some food. Karina prepared some eggs and toast, a simple yet satisfying breakfast.
“Y/n,” Karina said, breaking the calm ambiance of the morning.
“Yeah?” I responded, looking up to meet her gaze.
Her eyes held a mix of adoration and nervousness. “Will you be my girlfriend?” she asked, her voice slightly wavering.
My heart fluttered in excitement. "I would love to be your girlfriend," I replied, rising from my seat to give her a passionate kiss. She returned it with equal fervor.
Breaking the kiss, she took a deep breath. "There's a race tonight. I want you and Aeri to be there, please," she requested.
"Absolutely, count on us!" I assured her.
"Great! You guys are like my good luck charms in a way, so I need you there," she said, gently rubbing my sides.
The tension was palpable as the night settled in. Karina had her eyes set on a significant prize this time. Winter, her competitor, was no ordinary racer, having secured victories at a level matching Karina's own accomplishments. When I inquired if Karina felt nervous about this race, she assured me of her composure, having previously met Winter, who seemed amiable.
As we arrived at the garage, the atmosphere crackled with a blend of excitement and anticipation. Aeri and I joined forces to help Karina ready her bike, meticulously tuning every detail for optimum performance. Meanwhile, Karina engaged in a serious conversation with BamBam, strategizing about bets and fine-tuning her approach for the upcoming race.
"Think Karina's got this one in the bag?" I asked Aeri, passing her a wrench.
"I'm not entirely certain this time. Winter's no joke. She's a fantastic racer, saw her work before, and it's impressive," Aeri replied, adjusting a tool.
“She’s really that good?” I inquired, surprised by Aeri’s statement about Winter.
“She’s just as good as Karina,” Aeri confirmed.
Karina returned after her conversation with BamBam, drawing me in for a quick peck to express gratitude for cleaning her bike. Before I could respond, Aeri interjected playfully, demanding her own acknowledgment for the help she'd provided. Karina indulged her with a forehead kiss, a smirk playing on her lips.
Aeri teased about being the matchmaker, observing Karina and me embracing each other. As the moment of the race arrived, BamBam's booming voice signaled Karina to prepare, redirecting everyone's attention to the impending competition.
“Alright guys, let's go race,” Karina announced, setting the momentum for the upcoming event. As we made our way to the race track, Winter appeared, engrossed in conversation with some acquaintances. Aeri departed momentarily to fetch drinks while I stayed by Karina's side.
Karina sought to park her bike beside Winter’s. “Are you okay waiting here for a bit?” she inquired.
“Yes, I'm good,” I replied as she moved to position her bike. In the meantime, Winter approached me. “Hey, what's your name?” she asked with a smile.
“I'm Y/n, and you’re Winter,” I responded.
“That’s me! So… why is a beautiful girl standing alone by herself?” Winter questioned, her expression playful.
“Oh, just waiting on a friend,” I answered casually, trying to keep things light amidst the anticipation of the race.
“How about this? You and I go somewhere together after the race is done?” Winter proposed, her tone playful.
“Umm-” I hesitated, feeling a rush of panic. Where was Karina when I needed her?
“Oh, come on, I don't bite… unless you want me to?” Winter flirted, her demeanor teasing.
"Karina!" Relief washed over me as she arrived, once again coming to my rescue.
"Karina! This is your girlfriend?" Winter's curiosity was evident in her gaze toward both of us.
"Yes, she is." Karina confirmed, wrapping her arms around me protectively.
Winter eyed Karina's protective gesture and then smirked. "Okay then, your girl is a fine dime. I want to make a bet. If I win, you break up with Y/n, and she comes with me. If I don't, we can act like this conversation never happened," Winter proposed, extending her hand for a handshake.
“Deal,” Karina said, her tone firm, as she shook Winter’s hand.
“Great doing business with you,” Winter said with a smirk, winking at me before strolling toward her bike.
My heart raced with disbelief and hurt. “Karina, seriously? You’re just going to let that happen?” I felt betrayed, hurt that she would entertain such an idea without discussing it with me. I began to turn away, but Karina caught hold of my hand before I could leave.
“Y/n listen to me,” Karina pleaded as she held onto my hand.
I stopped but didn’t turn around. “No way. I can't believe this. You’re willing to throw away our relationship just like that,” I exclaimed, snapping my fingers in frustration. “We haven't even been together for two days, and now you’re betting on me? If you lose, I’m as good as gone,” I said, my anger palpable, trying to control the quiver in my voice.
“I did it to protect you.” Her voice cracked with an unexpected vulnerability.
“Protect me?” I turned to face her, frustration and confusion mixing within me.
“Winter... She’s a ruthless racer, and she’s been known for her tricks off the track. I couldn’t risk anything happening to you. I had to agree, but believe me, I never meant it. You mean more to me than anything else, Y/n. Please, you have to trust me on this.”
Her words struck a chord, but I was still shaken. “How could you make a deal like that without even discussing it with me?”
Karina's expression softened, remorse clear in her eyes. “I know, and I’m sorry. I panicked. Please, I’ll figure out a way. I won’t let anything happen to us.”
I hesitated, the hurt mingling with understanding. “You promise?”
“Absolutely. Trust me, okay?” Karina pleaded, her eyes pleading for forgiveness.
I sighed, torn between emotions but wanting to believe her. “Fine.”
She pulled me into a tight hug. “Thank you, Y/n. I promise, I’ll fix this, I’ll win the race for you.”
“I don't want to discuss it further. Let’s just focus on the race. I’ll be there with Aeri cheering you on,” I said, my hurt evident as I gave Karina a peck on the lips before walking over to Aeri, who had our drinks.
“What happened between you and Karina?” she asked, noticing Karina's sad expression.
“She and Winter made a bet about our relationship,” I explained.
“What kind of bet?” she inquired, eyebrows furrowed.
“If Winter wins, Karina and I have to split so I end up with Winter,” I revealed.
“What? Why would she agree to that?” Aeri exclaimed.
“I have no idea, but she’s asking me to trust her,” I replied.
“Okay, then let's try to trust her.”
The race commenced as Aeri and I fixated on the screen, watching Winter and Karina revving their engines atop their bikes. A girl emerged, brandishing a red flag. As she dropped it, signaling the start, the engines roared to life, and the race began.
Initially, it was a tight competition, neck and neck, but Winter skillfully claimed the lead. Her bike navigated every twist and turn effortlessly, gaining ground with ease. Karina trailed closely behind, mirroring Winter's prowess as they maneuvered through the course.
As the race unfolded, it became evident that Winter's racing skills were formidable, just as Aeri and Karina had indicated. The tension mounted within me as I fervently rooted for Karina to win. My feelings for her grew more pronounced with every twist and turn. I didn't want to end up with Winter; it was Karina I truly cared about.
Karina surged ahead at one point, fueling a flicker of hope, but it was short-lived as Winter swiftly overtook her. They were now neck and neck, closing in on the finish line. Karina managed to match Winter's pace, riding side by side. Both racers shared a momentary gaze, a blend of determination and grit in their eyes, each vying for victory.
My heart raced with anxiety as they neared the finish line. Winter had a slight edge, but Karina's resolve was unmistakable. The atmosphere was electric as they crossed the finish line simultaneously, leaving us all in suspense, waiting for the official outcome.
"Did Winter just win?" I asked myself in disbelief, falling to my knees, hurt by the outcome.
"Wait, wait!" The announcer's voice boomed. "Let's have a replay!"
As we watched the replay, it was clear: Karina's wheel crossed the finish line first. "Karina won!" I shouted in jubilation, Aeri joining in.
The crowd erupted into cheers. Karina removed her helmet, smiling. Winter approached her, extending her hand. "Good race, Jimin," she said.
Karina shook her hand, replying, "Good race, Minjeong."
Overwhelmed with emotion, I ran towards Karina, enveloping her in a tight hug. "You won," I said, still in disbelief.
"I told you to trust me," she said softly.
"I'll always trust you," I replied, pulling her into a passionate kiss.
The kiss was interrupted by Aeri's arrival. "AYYY, Karina!! YOU WON!!" she screamed, rushing to hug her. But then, Aeri punched Karina's arm hard.
"Ouch! What was that for?!" Karina exclaimed.
"That was for accepting the bet," Aeri retorted.
Karina sighed. "At least I won, and it's over now."
"Yeah, it's in the past. Let's focus on the present and work towards the future," I chimed in.
Karina went to collect her winnings, and we all headed back to Imperial to celebrate her victory. Imperial was alive with music, and we lost ourselves in the beats, dancing and reveling in the energy of the night. Karina and I moved together on the dance floor, the heat of the room adding to the charged atmosphere. The way she looked at me sent shivers down my spine, her desire unmistakable.
As our bodies moved in sync, the electricity between us intensified. Karina leaned in close, her voice a seductive murmur in my ear. “You look amazing tonight,” she whispered, her hand tracing a tantalizing path across my skin.
Unable to resist any longer, I pulled Karina closer to me, breathlessly murmuring in her ear, “Let's get out of here.” I could see the immediate spark of desire in her eyes as she eagerly took my hand, leading me out of the club. Outside, she hailed a cab, and within 10 minutes, we arrived at her house.
Pressing against her door, our passion intensified. Karina momentarily paused our embrace to unlock the door, and as soon as it swung open, she pushed me inside before closing it firmly behind us. We resumed our fervent kissing as we made our way upstairs to her room.
Karina shoved me onto the bed and removed her bra and shirt. She returned to kissing me, making tracks with her lips as she kissed down my neck. She broke the kiss and gripped the bottom of my dress,asking for permission to take it off. And I let her. I reached back to unhook my bra when she removed my dress. Allowing it to descend before me. After everything was off, she teased my nipples and kissed every part of my body, leaving as many traces as she could.
With my panties still in the way, she began to kiss her way down my body, reaching closer to my heart.
"Please," I whimpered.
Karina pulled down my panties and planted a kiss on top of them. began removing her boxers and pants. "Anything for you baby.” She muttered.
She gently brushed her cock's head on my pussy. “Fuck baby you’re so wet. Who makes you this wet” Karina Moaned.
"You!" I groaned, "Please, Karina, do something.
She began to break my pussy apart with her cock as she pushed it through my hole. She groaned, "Fuck you're so tight," and began to thrust in me. I felt amazing the way Karina was touching all the right places inside me. "Harder," I moaned.
Karina pounding me harder. We both moaned loudly. I was getting close. “Fuck Karina I’m close” I gasp out.
She groaned, continuing to thrust, "Me too."
I groaned, "Fuck Karina, you feel so good," as tears streamed down my cheeks from the pleasure she was giving me.
"Baby, where do you want it? Karina groaned, "Where do you want my cum?"
I moaned out, "Please cum inside."
Karina pushed herself closer to me. She reached down to my clit and gave it a few rapid circular rubs, and that was it for me.
I cried, "Fuck Karina, I'm cumming."
“Cum for me baby” She husked.
I squeezed Karina’s cock while I came hard. Sending her over the edge, she shoot ropes of cum into my pussy painting my walls white. I groaned at the warmth. Karina stood steady inside me for a second before releasing her grip and pulling out. She takes a deep breath and settles down next me, drawing me very close to her chest.
“Sleep now, beautiful. I’ll see you in the morning,” Karina whispered, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead.
“Hey, whatcha thinkin' about?” Karina asked, gazing at me with affection. We had just arrived at our spot. I hugged her tight. “Just thinking about when we first met, that's all,” I replied.
She leaned in for a peck. “Thanks to Aeri, I met the love of my life,” Karina said, smiling.
“Agreed,” I chuckled, drawing her into a kiss.
“I love you, Y/n,” she murmured against my lips.
“I love you too, Jimin.”
╰────── · · ୨୧ · · ──────╯
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infinitegest · 1 year
Storage Closet
Horny Plot Device University!
[this longer story is a bit of a prequel to Freshman Dorms II, another HPDU story. starring Quark (they/them) and Vic (they/them), two freshman goons at their dream college]
“This is the worst!”
The homecoming crowd was deafening.
“It was your idea to come here!”
“Well, I’ve changed my mind!”
A ball moved from one side of the field to the other, and the deafening crowd somehow became more deafening.
“____!?” Quark shouted back.
Vic gestured for Quark to follow. The two of them stumbled past a row of people and beelined for the exit. Finally, with a couple layers of concrete between them and the volume of the game, Vic spoke up.
“I thought that, you know, starting college, new year, new me, maybe the new Vic likes school spirit and football games.”
“And does New Vic magically like meaningless rituals and being bombarded by noise and lights?”
“No, New Vic does not.”
Quark snorted and bumped Vic with their hip.
“Am I the only one who’s impressed at how… flat, all the cheerleaders are?”
Vic cocked an eyebrow. “I bet they have some sort of agreement or contract or something saying that they can’t be pregnant during big games, or maybe the pregnant ones sit it out?”
“Or maybe they save it so after the game, if they win, they can give the team a celebratory bang, and if they lose, they can give them a pity fuck.”
“Is that how people think? Sounds kinda depressing to me.”
“Idk dude, just keep an eye out and see if they’re still flat after tonight.”
They smirked at each other, and walked quietly for a moment.
“So you don’t want to watch the game. What do you want to do?”
“Dunno. We could wander around, explore campus while everything but the stadium’s abandoned?”
Vic gave Quark a side eye. “So… you were watching the cheerleaders?”
“I mean, yeah. They’re hot, and I can focus on the hotness instead of being worried that they’re going to go into labor or keel over from some Mystery Pregnancy-Related Ailment. Is that a thing? Do people do that?”
“No idea. I haven’t seen anyone on campus keel over from an MPRA, and if you were going to see it anywhere…”
“It’d be here. Yeah.”
“Would you want to try it out?”
“… What?”
“Pregnancy. The whole ‘magically pregnant’ thing.”
Quark stopped. “I mean… yeah, being here, you think about it…”
“You think about it, you see other people swelling up, you watch the cheerleaders and discuss their lack of big, bouncing bellies with, dare I say it, a note of disappointment?”
Quark squinted at Vic. “What are you playing at.”
“Just wondering. The cheap tuition isn’t the only reason the two of us are here, right?”
“Fuck off with the vagaries. Say what you wanna say.”
Vic stepped a little closer than Quark was expecting. “Quark, you’re cool. You’re badass. On top of that, you’re extremely hot.”
They grinned. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“And I really like you. And if you want to try the whole… whatever is up with this school… I wouldn’t mind being the one you try it with.”
Their faces hovered closer together. Slowly, they leaned into a kiss, uncomfortably hesitant at first, then growing warmer and warmer to each other. Quark grabbed Vic’s hips and nudged up against them, feeling the growing stiffness between Vic’s thighs and realizing that they really, really wanted that inside of them.
They broke apart, breathing heavily and shuddering.
“You want to get me pregnant?”
Vic nodded. “You want me to get you pregnant?”
Quark nodded vigorously.
“Okay then. Let’s knock you up.”
“Wait, like, here and now? Do we wanna go back to the dorms?”
“We could, but…” They looked at each other. Neither of them wanted to wait that long.
“I saw a storage closet back there?”
“Gross. Cliché. Let’s do it.”
“After you, m’theydy.”
“Aaaaaaand just for that I’m gonna find someone else to knock me up, have fun jerking off in a closet!”
Laughing, Vic grabbed Quark as they started walking away and pulled them back. “Ok, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll never say that again.”
“Good, cos if you do, I will smother you with my pregnant belly.”
“Well, we’ve gotta give you that belly first, huh?”
They stumbled over each other, piling into the closet and closing the door behind them.
Quark’s voice in the darkness. “Great. Where’s the fucking light?”
There was the sound of Vic pulling a chain, and the incandescent light flickered on. Quark slowly looked up at Vic, inches away.
They attacked each other, almost tripping several times as clothes started piling up and getting tangled on the floor. Vic wore more layers than Quark, so there was a moment when Quark, stripped to just a black tank top and their socks (no homo), was grinding impatiently against Vic (who was still carefully undoing some clasps) chanting “Get me pregnant get me pregnant comeoncomeongetmepregnant—“
Finally, Vic grabbed hold of Quark, who climbed Vic like a tree, slamming their hips together and fucking like their lives depended on it.
“Come on, come in me, put your babies in me, make me huge and swollen like those cheerleaders are all gonna be!”
Vic slammed Quark against the back wall, pushing as deep into them as they could go, making Quark gasp, their eyes going wide. “I can’t wait to feel you grow, I can’t wait to feel you swelling up, your belly heavy with babies… oh god, I’m going to cum in you…”
“Do it, god I’d love that, I want to be so big I need a wheelchair to get around!”
“You think you can handle a belly that big?”
Quark grabbed Vic’s face and looked into their eyes. “Yes. I want that. I want that so fucking much, I feel so empty right now and I need you to fill me up.”
“Good, because I’m about to cum.”
“Oh fuck, oh F U C K”
They came together, shuddering and clutching, nails digging into skin, before collapsing to the floor, Quark on top of Vic, Vic still inside of Quark.
Vic felt something press against their abs. “Hey, sit up. I think…”
Bleary eyed and grinning, Quark sat up, and almost immediately started grinding on Vic again.
“Quark, wait—oh shit, that feels good—your belly—“
“Knock me up, I need you to fuck me full of babies,” Quark murmured, blissful and unthinking.
“Quark—oh, fuck—Quark, you’re getting big—“ As Quark rode them, Vic put one hand on their bouncing hips and one on their midriff, where their tanktop was quickly losing ground to the growing bump.
“Huh? Oh,” Quark finally noticed their changing body. “Oh fuck. Oh, holy fuck, you got me PREGNANT.” Mad with lust, they started bouncing furiously on Vic’s member.
“Oh, Quark—that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen—I put a baby in your belly,” Vic said, rubbing Quark’s swelling belly, the tanktop stretching thin.
“Do it again, do it AGAIN, fuck, my belly’s so big—“
“Fuck, you’re so good at this— I’m coming again—“
They both moaned as Quark felt Vic exploding, filling them with even more baby batter. Quark slid off, cradling their full-term belly, and felt it start to shift.
Vic was panting, exhausted. “That was amazing, holy shit, I don’t think I have any left in me…”
“Vic, I’m growing again.”
Quark saw something shift in Vic’s eyes when they looked at the expanding stomach now dominating Quark’s lower half. Their breathing deepened, and they sprang erect once again.
“Wait, are you ready to go already?”
“I think so, yeah.”
“I’m already so pregnant…”
“True. But, consider this: I could get you even more pregnant.”
“That’s a good point, I like that point.” Quark grinned and leaned back, spreading their legs wide.
Vic crawled over to them, and, leaning down close, the still-swelling pregnant mound pressing against their abs, they growled: “Let’s see how many babies we can fit in that belly.”
20 minutes later
The belly gently rolled back and forth, jostling its passengers, ensuring they stayed awake and active. Nearly a dozen babies squirmed inside, jockeying for wiggle room.
Quark was bent over, their gargantuan stomach stacked on top of a box of paper towels, while Vic worked on adding more to their ever-growing womb from behind.
“God, I’m still growing, I’m still growing from the last one and you’re putting more in me, I’m never going to stop growing…” Quark said, deliriously happy and horny.
“I love your belly so much,” Vic groaned, “I love feeling you swell up bigger and bigger knowing it’s because of how much I’ve fucked you, FUCK” They slammed into Quark, making every part of them jiggle and adding more babies to the growing process.
“Holy… shit…” Quark weakly patted the bulging orb that had been a cute six-pack less than an hour ago.
“Fuck… I think I’m finally done… Jesus, you’re huge…” Vic pulled back and wiped the sweat from their face.
Quark giggled, and, straining to lift their belly more than an inch above the ground, they turned to face Vic. Or, they tried to face Vic.
“Er… I don’t think I have room to turn around.”
“Hm. That’s okay, I’ll help you get dressed and open the door for you, and you can back out.”
“Insert obligatory truck backing up noises here.”
“Nice. Quality joke.”
Vic managed to roll Quark’s leggings up their shaking legs, giving their hips and ass a squeeze along the way.
“Okay. Beep beep time. Let me out.”
As Vic held the door open, Quark slowly waddled backwards, careful not to bash their womb against any shelves.
Then came the doorframe.
“Uhm. Hm. Vic?”
“Yeah, that’s… a problem.”
“Yeah, you got me so pregnant I can’t fit through the door.”
“Yeah. Damn.” Quark looked over their shoulder at their accomplice. “You’ve made my belly so huge I can’t fit through doors. Vic?”
Vic, who seemed lost in thought staring at Quark’s backside, snapped out of it to look up and see Quark’s face, heavy-lidded, and flushed with arousal. They gently wiggled their rear, the lower curve of their crowded belly visible between their legs.
“You filled me up with so many big, heavy babies…”
“I shouldn’t have bothered putting your pants back on, should I.”
“Of course not, you idiot.”
Vic gently pushed Quark back into the closet and set to work bringing Quark up to a full baker’s dozen. Down the hall, an extremely tired-looking custodian radioed the admin building, letting them know of an impending situation.
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vermillionsails · 5 months
Cooper Howard/ The Ghoul x Reader
synopsis: The reader aka Bullseye gets run out of her family settlement to find an old friend. what will happen when they finally see each other after 6 years?
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WARNINGS ⚠️: Cooper Howard/ The ghoul x female reader afab reader, DNI IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 GO ON GIT. eventual smut, adult language, fallout show, and game cannon violence. age gap reader is 22 if you're not, pretend.
I try to keep the description of the reader neutral only things that are talked about are the reader's age, teeth, smaller hands, and eventually intimate parts. I do not own the rights to Lucy or Cooper Howard or the fallout setting. the plot and town characters are the only things I made up. Time skips are in this at least this first part anyway. dream sequence as well it will be in bold so you can tell and see the difference.
A/N: I've only seen the first episode and clips, and interviews of the characters cause Freevee only has the first episode but, the brain worms are still activated for this man! 😩
Update A/N ive managed to see the rest of the show. i also wanna give thanks to my bff @oppositeoflove-isindifference for helping me edit this brain rot and make it make sense. i love you bitch, i aint never gonna stop loveing you bitch!
I know it's not from the actual Fallout soundtrack but this song fits Cooper's vibe. A couple of 'I don't know how but they found me' songs do honestly but enjoy!!
The only thing you can do is hope. you've been hoping for two days now. All you have now is your pack, everything you've scavenged in the past two days, and Shroud. Your grandma said, before the bombs dropped, Shroud would’ve been called a rottweiler. To you though, he was your best friend. You were lucky to find armor for him, so you didn’t have to worry so much about him tagging along. You were thankful for it honestly, you wouldn't doubt that Reggie would shoot him.  So here you are in the wastes, with Shroud lying across your lap. You had set up camp against an old rusted-out van. You move Shroud, deciding to sleep in the van hidden away, instead of outside in the open. You put out the campfire and unroll the bed roll from your pack and lay down. Shroud splayed out next to you as your eyes start to drift closed. It couldn't have been more than a couple of hours before Shroud was lying on top of you, trying to nudge you awake, as gunfire and a creature roared outside. Grabbing the handle on his armor, you tapped his nose with your finger to signal to play dead. You listen as the gunfire continues. The sound of shouting rises above the gunfire. You could make out at least two voices, plus the creature. It lasts for about another 20 minutes before the noise dies down, and voices come down to a normal level. You can hear two people arguing as footsteps get closer to the van. Very slowly, you reach for the pistol strapped to your leathers. As your hand reaches the handle, you hear a gun cock and a man whistle. 
“Figured you were following us. Smart hiding.” You look up to the voice’s owner, standing in front of the van door with him pistol aimed at Shroud's back. You recognize the voice, his drawl and cowboy hat knocking the memory of Mr. Howard forward.  “Mr. Howard, it's me, Bullseye!” you shout, holding both your hands up in surrender. You silently pray that Shroud doesn't leap or make any sudden movements.  He cocks his head as he looks at you, lowering his gun somewhat.  “Bullseye, huh? That really you?”  You swallow and nod, replying, “Yes sir, it's me. Grandma sent me out to look for you. We’re in big trouble.”  He tuts, putting his gun away, seemingly disappointed he didn't get to shoot anything.  “Considering you're the only person who calls me ‘Mr. Howard’, I suppose that is you, Bullseye,” he chuckled.  He waits for a beat and scowls. He growls, “Well come on now, girly! We got some catching up to do, and I ain't got all night.” You give Shroud two pats, he gets off of you and sits at the van entrance, waiting. “Yes sir Mr. Howard,” you agree, scrambling to pick up your pack and bedroll. You make your way over to Howard and…a Vaultie?  You've never seen one before. The blue and gold suit hurt your eyes, even in the moonlight. She smiles and waves,“Hi, I'm Lucy! Nice to meet you.”  Giving an awkward wave back, you nod to her. “my actual name is y/n, but everyone calls me Bullseye” She smiles genuinely at you, a rare occurrence out here in the wastes.  “That's a nice name…why do they call you Bull-” 
Cooper cuts her off, “I only needed you to help me kill that fuckin’ thing. Don't make me tie you back up.” You give her a sorry half smile and turn to Cooper. “I'll make it as fast as I can Mr. Howard,” you say, ”Ray and Reggie have built up a coup against Grandma; they've already killed 5 people, and some of our Brahmin. I escaped about two days ago, and Grandma told me to come find you. I have a package she wanted me to give you, in case you needed incentive.”  The ghoul sits down next to you, sharpening a knife, and purses his lips. “Smart woman, what did she send with you?”  You turn to unzip your pack, spotting Lucy in the corner of your eye, She seems astonished that he’s being somewhat civil to you.  You pull out the package, a small foot locker-like box. The metal dings from the objects inside rattling as you hand it to him. “Ten different chems, two large Brahmin steaks, ammo, a couple of stimpacks, and all the caps she had left,” you list, recounting everything your grandma told you. He stares down into the box, taking a long look at the top of the lid. Finally, he closes it.  “I'll do it. This is a nice incentive, y'all must be in some real bad trouble darlin’.”  The fluttering feeling when he calls you darlin’ quickly dissipates, as you feel your worry set in. You feel your chest tighten as you look down at the dirt and sand.  “Yeah, it's bad Mr. Howard. Grandma might not….might not be alive when we go back.”  He hums as he goes back to sharpening his knife. “So what are you gonna do if we go back and she isn't?”  You look at him for a moment as you think. “Kill them, have someone else be mayor, and let Doe and Jericho be the new snipers,” you reply. He strikes the knife against the sharpening stone, sending sparks off to the ground. It makes the mix of sand and dirt pop and sizzle at your feet.  “You don’t wanna be mayor?”  You can feel the sadness wrap around your chest and squeeze again. “N-no I'm not- not as skilled as grandma. She could barter for a years worth of supplies then turn around and stop a fight in two seconds.”  He chuckles, finally looking at you with a smile tugging at the right side of his lips. “Yeah, Sue was always good at calming people down,” he muses. You chuckle at his sentiment. He points at you with him knife, saying, “Now that I know the situation, think you can help me dress that deathclaw over there?” You see it splayed out in the dirt, lifeless, the horns digging into the ground. It’s at least 6ft smaller than the adults you've seen.  “Is it a bounty?” 
Cooper grunts and nods, “Yup, it's the last a group a nearby farmer wanted gone.” He grabs the bounty paper from his duster pocket and hands it to you. “Fuckin’ things kept eating everything, including his wife.” You look over the bounty. 500 caps rewarded for the head. You nod, “That's a pretty good bounty.”  Lucy clears her throat and raises her hand, the pipboy light shining directly into your eyes. “I helped, do I get some of the caps?”  Cooper raises an eyebrow ridge at her and gripes, “Put your damn arm down, your’re blinding Bullseye! And I already told you, you're getting 20 and then you’re on your own. If I see you again, it’ll be too soon and I'll shoot you.”  You keep quiet, watching them argue with each other.  “I used ten lock-joint syringes on that thing.”  Cooper laughs, “Yeah those are cheap to make, trust me I know. You're getting 20 and I won't kill you, that's it.”  You see Lucy huff and sink back down in her spot.  After a couple of minutes, the ghoul looks back at you and asks, “Can you help me dress it?” You nod and grab the knife from your boot. “Yeah, I can help.” He gets up and walks over to it, his duster flowing in the breeze like in his old movies that your grandma used to tell you about. “Atta girl let's get to it.” You get up and join him. The bottom of your boots goes from crunching the dirt to thudding and squelching from the blood-soaked dirt pooling around its body.  You adjust the green baker's cap on your head and kneel next to its torso.  “Do you want me to start at the back of the neck or the tail?” you ask. Cooper grunts ,working to saw off the head, “Start at the tail, less tension while I do this.”  Nodding, you move further down. After a few minutes of making a deep enough incision, you get the muscle and start cutting towards the head. Its skin splits into two halves as you try to keep yourself steady. It smells like dust and blood.  Part of you wonders if the deathclaws think that you humans smell as strange as you think they do. Pulled from your thoughts, you hear Cooper clear his throat. You stop and look over at him. “You tune out too easily, could get you killed.”  You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment and stammer, “Sorry Mr. Howard, I'll be better in the morning. D-Did you say something?” His eyes scan you for a moment before he speaks again. “Yeah, I did, stop when you get to it’s sides. Need to cut off its hands.” You feel his gaze on you and your cheeks burn again.“Y-yes sir.”  He makes a low sound that you think may be a chuckle.  It's a couple of hours after you started dressing the deathclaw together. Lucy, Shroud, and the dog that Cooper has let follow him around have all fallen asleep. You wrap up the last piece of meat when a thought occurs to you. “So Mr. Howard, where is this bounty at?” 
He shoves most of the meat into his saddle bags, looking at you. “About a three days walk from here, you gonna tag along? Could use that eye of yours.”  Tossing him the last piece of meat, you nod. “Yeah, it'll give me time to think of a plan.”  He makes a heh sound, a smirk playing on his lips. “A plan, huh?”  You raise an eyebrow, more curious than anything. “Yeah I mean, plans are good right?” He nods and stuffs the last of the meat into his saddle bag. “They're good but…have you ever made one before sweetheart?”  Part of you knows the nickname is being used in a derogatory way, maybe even a bit patronizing, but it still makes your stomach flip. “Once,” you say, "we had to make a run to a Superduper Mart for supplies. I got us in and out.” You sit cross-legged on the dirt, adjusting your hat. Pulling out a cloth, you begin cleaning the gore off your knife.   Cooper moves closer to start sawing off the hands. “Well,” he starts,” this is different than a Superduper Mart. How many men are on their side?” You wipe the blade as you think. “About twenty… No one else is joining them, but they’re all trained by Ray,” you say quietly, knowing he’s gonna scoff at you. On cue, he stops and laughs, “Oh, sugar, you ain't gonna make it!” You feel your cheeks and ears heat up once again and stammer out, “I–I'm not going in guns blazing if that's what you think, I-I…”  He cuts you off, putting his hand up to you. You can see how the radiation burns swirl and carve into his skin, making a pattern. “The only possible way,” he says,” of you getting back in there and saving Sue is by sneaking in or…” He smiles. Your stomach flips. You can't tell if it's a good flip or not, but you have a feeling you know what he’s thinking.  “Or?” Your voice is small as you ask.  “I take you as hostage and barter to get you back in there. They want y'all for something, they'll come looking.”  You swallow, looking at him a bit apprehensive. “You're gonna take me as a bounty aren't you?”  He points his knife at you. “Bingo! Don't worry, I won't tie you up quite yet.” He shoots you a wink and goes back to sawing off the hand. You're not quite sure what to do with yourself after that. Your heart begins to beat a little faster, not sure if you like that or not. “O-okay, so we'll pretend I'm bounty and sneak in.”  He whistles, finally getting the hand off. “Yup, I'll bring you in and we’ll take it from there. But first we gotta wait till they come for you. When they do, I gotta be a little rough to sell it. You understand don’t ya?” 
You nod, feeling your core beating a bit as you imagine how rough he'll have to be. “Y-yeah I understand, Mr. Howard.”  He hums at you answer, “Good girl. Now go get some sleep like the others. We got a long walk, starting tomorrow.”  You finish wiping the knife off and put it back in its strap. “Yes, sir.” The ghoul waves you off towards the small fire Lucy had made earlier. “Night, Bullseye,” he says lowly in a gruff voice. You give him a slight smile. “Night Mr. Howard.” Reaching the fire, you unroll your bedroll again and get in. The two-day trek to find Cooper began setting into your bones as your eyes flutter shut.   A dream starts to play in your mind as you drift off.  Strange music plays to the beat of hooves against the ground. You see the figure of a man on a horse, riding into the red and orange of the sky as you try to move towards him. It's like you’re  moving in slow motion as you try to reach out to the figure. A cloud of raised dust swirls into the sky as it begins to storm around you and the rider.  His figure and the beast he's on get closer as they rush to you. Their features never clear up, staying smoke and shadow-like as they skid to a stop in front of you. His hand unfurls from the reigns and reaches out towards you. Like a switch going off, the orange and red becomes blue and purple as your stomach flips and you start to sink into the sand beneath your feet. Scrambling, you reach out to the figure's hand but it passes through him. The hand drifted and parted like fog on water after summer rain. As you sink, darkness falls over you and you feel murky and dusty blue water ripple around your waist.  You watch for a moment as the water starts to ripple faster, turning into wake waves that crash into your chest, the coldness washing over you. You look up as a roar shakes the world and a mirelurk queen rises out of the deepest part of the water. You try to run, but your eyelids start to flutter open as the dream fades.  Your eyesight is blurry as you sit up, kicking the blanket off of you. Shroud groans when he feels your legs move. He must have moved over to you during the night. He gives you a look over his shoulder and huffs, before laying his big head back on his paws.  “Sorry buddy, morning,” you say softly, give his head a scratch. You sit up, stretching and yawning. It's quiet for a moment, before you hear Cooper's voice out of nowhere, making you jump. “Morning sleeping beauty, ‘bout time you woke up.” 
You whirl to look at his smirking face, amusement in his eyes from seeing you jump. Putting a hand on your chest to soothe yourself, you mutter to yourself, a bit louder than you mean to,“God you scared me.” He chuckles, “Didn't think I could do that to you anymore darlin’, good to know.” Your heart starts to beat a little faster, no longer because of your fear. You laugh softly, trying to play it off, you look up seeing the sun just about to come up as orange and lavender painting the sky. “H-How long did I sleep for?”  He kisses his teeth and purses his lips as he thinks. “About six hours, give or take, but we gotta get goin’ before it gets too damn hot. So up and at 'em.”   Giving a nod, you get up and roll your bedroll back up and stuff it into your pack. You give Shroud some water and crack open a can of dog food, letting him chow down as you check and strap his armor on. You helped Lucy wake up  pack up as Cooper grumbled at her.  After a few more minutes,everyone is on the road. Both dogs and the 3 of you. It's hot and dry and the continuous crunch of sand and dirt under your boots quickly becomes repetetive. You can see heat waves ooze towards the sky and winds throw the sand around, dusting you and getting into your eyes.  Its monotony for hours on end, sending you into a haze that almost lulls you into a walking sleep. You’ll never know how the creatures here don’t die of heat exhaustion alone. Another hour goes by as Cooper stops, raising his fist in the air to stop you and Lucy.  His head cocks to the side as he listens. You stay still, waiting, trying to listen as well. You can't pick anything up, his senses are much more sensitive than yours. It takes only a few seconds before you hear something scrambling up a dune toward the three of you. The top of its head peeks up above the dune. Cooper's head snaps in its direction and he mutters, “You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me!” 
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yoonkinii · 5 months
We Were Human
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Pairing(s): Ascended!AstarionxReader
Synopsis: Astarion died as soon as he became something the world has never seen before. No one noticed the damage before it was too late and the Astarion everyone loved was lost to the new one. No one could notice when the turn was slow and silent. He slowly lost the playful glint in his eyes. Lost the love he gaze upon me with. Lost everything that made him the man I loved. Oh, how I would give anything to get him back. I would gladly give up my damned soul for him.
Aka you are transported back to the past in order to prevent ascended Astarion from losing himself the only problem? You don’t have a lot of time.
Warnings: Gore, blood, cruelty, cursing, death/murder, mentions of using oneself unwillingly, abuse, depiction of abuse and violence. Its ascended astarion, prepare for the worse.
Note(s): For the sake of the plot- Astarion will not automatically be damned from the start. In this world, Astarion becomes lost to the ascension overtime until he becomes the ascended vampire we know him to be in the game. Another note that should be highlighted is that this story will be told from the first person perspective since it benefits the story more than any other perspective.
You will also notice various things being different from the game. For example, Karlach will be able to stay in the ‘human’ world and she fixed her heart. (I love my girl, I’m not sending her back), Szaars palace has a different layout cause the one in the game was stupid. There will be more that you will notice in the future so beware.
Thank You.
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For days now, the relentless drumming of rain against Karlach’s window had provided a steady backdrop to my thoughts. I found myself alone in her modest abode, a place she had grown accustomed to and seemed content with. The room held little beyond the essentials - a simple bed pressed against the wall, positioned beside the only window in the home. Atop the bed frame lay a quilt, carefully stitched by hand, a gift from myself to congratulate her about getting her internal engine fixed.
Opposite the bed, the fireplace stood as a focal point, its rough stonework casting a rustic charm. Despite its offer for year round warmth, Karlach rarely ever kindled a fire, claiming she had grown tired of feeling heat and would be like that for a long time. Only upon my arrival did she light it, deeming my chilled body was unacceptable. Even now, the faint scent of burning wood lingered, mingling with the fragrance of rain. 
The small kitchen area is equipped just enough to feel like home. A wooden dining table accompanied by two sturdy chairs, sits under a single swaying light bulb. The shelves contained only the most essential cookware, reflecting Karlach’s preference for practicality. She never carried around much and never cared for fine dining. She was content with her stomach being full and nothing more. 
Nestled in the corner, the bathing area boasted simplicity, making up a basic washing basin adorned with a small mirror suspended above. A neatly folded towel and a solitary bar of soap adorned the basin’s side, offering only the essential. Despite its humble appearance, the corner still did its job of allowing people to wash themselves as needed. 
As the front door swung open, inviting in the chill of the wind and the mist of  rain, Karlach stepped in, her hair drenched and a carefree smile adorning her lips. Settling beside me on the floor, she leaned back against her bed, seemingly unfazed by her wet state as she nudged me playfully. 
“Feeling hungry?” She inquired, gesturing towards the kitchen where food awaited. 
I offered a small smile in response. “You know I have no need for food like that,” I replied. Karlach’s brows furrowed momentarily before she let out a soft snort. “I meant in general. Have you felt hungry since you’ve been here? Any urge to bite into my neck?” she joked, tilting her head to expose her pulse point. “Not that I think my blood would taste very good…maybe just a little hot.”
Deep in thought, I gnawed on the inside of my cheek, pondering. SInce my arrival at Karlach’s place, I hadn’t ventured outside, fearing that Astarion’s threat still loomed, ready to scorch my skin at the slightest touch of sunlight. Fortunately, the rain had persisted for days, grinding me the relief from that particular dread. 
Shaking my head in response to Karlach’s question, I replied, “No, I haven’t felt the urge to sink my teeth into anything.”
“Well, that’s one way to put it, I supposed,” she teased lightly. But then her tone shifted, growing serious and somber. “But seriously,” she continued, “how long are you going to run?”
Taken aback, my brows shoot up in surprise. “Run? I’m not running.”
“Not literally,” she clarified, “but you are. You’re scared. I can see it when you wake up and instantly try to dodge out of the window’s reach. How you flinch at every creak and groan of the wood as if you’re anticipating something to leap out and get you. I see it in your eyes as you spend hours staring into nothingness, lost in a place I can’t reach. You won’t even tell me what happened or what’s wrong, and you don’t have to , but it’s plain to see that you’re scared and you are running from confronting that fear,”
I remained silent for a while, grappling with how to explain myself to her. Even though she didn’t know the exact details of what happened between Astarion and me, her observation was astute. I was running but how could I not? Faced Astarion once more, the events that unfolded had changed him, and all I had done was stand there, paralyzed by fear. How could I ever face the love of  my life after such a failure?
Karlach sighed, drawing my attention away from the window. She shook her head softly as she rose from her seat. “It doesn’t matter,” she said reassuringly. “ You can stay as long as you need to.” Moving to the front door, she grasped the handle. I instinctively shuffled away from the door’s impending opening, noticing the flicker of sadness in Karlach’s gaze as she observed my reaction. 
“I’ll be back late again,” She continued, choosing to ignore my wariness, hopefully for my own sake. “This weather is slowing down the rebuilding process.” With that, she opened the door, allowing the chilly wind to rush into the warm room. “Soldier?” she called out, glancing back at me. 
“Yes?” I responded, my hair tousled by the gust of wind sneaking past Karlach’s figure.
“Think about what I said, okay?”
My mouth opened and closed, a retort forming in my throat, but I couldn't conjure up a believable excuse. “Fine,” I relented, rising from my spot on the floor and making my way to the corner with the washing basin. “I’m going to clean up.”
Without another word, the door clicked shut behind her, shutting out the rain and wind. Reflecting on my behavior, I realized it had been rude to turn her away like that. Karlach had shown me nothing but kindness since my arrival. Despite bombarding me with questions upon my initial arrival, she had relented when she saw I wasn’t ready to answer. Even without an explanation from me, she had allowed me to stay, going as far as picking up extra clothes for me from stores, deeming my ‘fancy’ attire too uncomfortable. Those same clothes now hung in her closet, as she had generously made space for them among her own belongings. 
Selecting a nightgown, I slipped it on, shedding the clothes I had worn previously. The fabric felt more suitable for sleeping, its loose fit offering comfort as it draped over my frame, its hem skimming just above my ankles. 
With a sigh, I retrieved my bedroll from beneath Karlach’s bed, unfurling it before settling into it. Sleep seemed to be my only respite lately. Sleep and avoidance of the issues I should be confronting. But facing them was easier said than done, especially when my own mind tormented me with memories. How was I supposed to confront something when my memories of it were so painful? How could I forget the suffering I endured simply because I was in love?
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A scream of unparalleled agony echoed through the desolate halls, jolting me from my trance. I blinked, disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings. The walls, constructed of cold gray bricks, seamlessly melded into the floor, sending  shivers up my spine as the chills seeped into the soles of my feet. The hallway stretched endlessly before me, devoid of any discernible beginning or end. Regardless of which direction I faced, the scene remained unchanged. Mantels, adorned with flickering torches, line the walls at regular intervals, yet their feeble light failed to penetrate the infinite darkness that loomed beyond. I blinked again, and suddenly found myself standing before a weathered wooden door.  
Another anguished cry pierced the air, coming from the chamber beyond the door. . 
Without hesitation, my hand moved of its own accord, grasping the doorknob and pushing the door open. What lay before me turned my stomach: the room was awash with blood, the crimson fluid pooling on the floor in a sickening display. It coated every inch of the chamber, making it hard to navigate without stepping into it. Strangely, aside from the eerie glow of the torches, the walls were bare, mirroring the emptiness of the hallway. I blinked once more, and in the periphery of my vision, I noticed it: a door partially ajar, nestled in the far corner of the room. 
Once more, my body moved of its own accord, propelled forward by an unseen force. Each step I took was accompanied by the sickening sensation of slick blood coating the soles of my feets, staining them with a stranger’s life. With trembling hands, I pushed the door ajar, allowing the flickering light of the torches to cast eerie shadows in the dimly lit room. 
I stood frozen in place, my heart pounding against my ribs like a frantic bird trapped in a cage. My breaths came sharp and ragged, as if struggling against an invisible weight pressing down on my chest. Every fiber of my being crackled with fear at the sight that unfolded before me.  
I whispered, the sound barely audible in the oppressive silence. But there was no response, only the echo of my own voice reverberating off the walls. Frantically, I repeated his name, each syllable clawing its way out of my throat in a desperate plea for acknowledgement. But my efforts were futile, as if my voice had been stolen away, leaving me with nothing but mute desperation. 
Clawing at my throat in a futile attempt to force sound from my lips, I felt my eyes widen in horror as they flickered between Astarion’s battered form and the blood-splattered walls surrounding us. The mere sight of him threatened to overwhelm me with a nauseating sickness, forcing me to avert my gaze. 
There he was, laid bare in his vulnerability. Curled into a pitiful heap in the corner of the room, he trembled uncontrollably, his arms protectively around his head as if seeking refuge from some unseen torment. His once flawless skin was now marred by a tapestry of wounds, some still seeping crimson rivulets. With each flinch, a new mark appeared, adding to the mosaic of his suffering. 
Suddenly, he was jerked from her fetal position by an invisible force, his body rendered limp as his hair was yanked back mercilessly. A sob tore free from his lips, mingling with the whispered please that spelled forth in a desperate cascade. 
Driven by instinct, I sank to my knees before him, cradling his battered face in trembling hands. Bruised and swollen beyond recognition, his eyes were nearly swollen shut, while blood trickled from his broken nose, staining his lips crimson. Tears mingled with the blood, their salty tails tracing paths down his bruised cheeks, a testament to the agony he had endured.
Even as I knelt before him, my tear-filled eyes pleading with his vacant gaze, it seemed as though I was but a ghost in his eyes. His stare was distant, unfocused, as if he looked through me rather than at me. A shiver of unease ran down my spine, my confusion deepening as I followed the line of his sight, searching for whatever phantom held his attention.  
There, looming over us with a malevolent grin etched on his face, stood Cazador -  the tormentor of my beloved, the architect of his suffering. His presence was suffocating, dripping with disdain as he regarded us with contempt. With a deliberate, calculated motion, he raised his arm, his lips moving soundlessly as if uttering a silent incantation. In the blink of an eye, his blade descended, its deadly edge slicking through the air with horrifying finality. A scream tore from my throat, mingling with Astarion’s own anguished cry. 
Gasping for breath, I bolted upright, the echoes of terror still ringing in my ears. My eyes darted around the room, seeking solace in the familiar sights that surrounded me. The flickering flames of the fireplace cast dancing shadows across the wooden floor, the rhythmic pattern of rain against the windows providing a soothing backdrop to my thundering thoughts. 
With a shaky exhale, I realized it had all been a dream - a nightmare that had gripped me in its icy grasp. Swallowing hard, I forced myself to confront the anxiety that still pulsed beneath my skin, gnawing at my resolve. Rising unsteadily to my feet, I disentangled myself from my bedroll and made my way to the front door, my heart pounding in my chest. 
As I stepped outside, the chill of the rain-soaked air enveloped me, drenching my hair and clothes in its icy embrace. Ignoring the curious glances and calls of concern that greeted me, I sprinted through the cobbled streets with single-minded determination. Only when I reached the imposing gates of the palace - my - did I allow myself to pause, my breath coming in ragged gasps. 
Pushing open the door, I was met with an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. The dim glow of the palace offered little solace, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering light. 
“My Lady?” came a tentative voice, breaking the silence like a fragile whisper in the darkness.
Raising my gaze, I spotted Lucinda’s familiar brunette head as she approached, her arms laden with pristine white sheets. She regarded me with a tilt of her head, her expression inscrutable. 
“Lucinda,” I greeted her with a smile that I hoped masked the tension I felt. “Do you know where Astarion is?”
“Lord Ancunin is bathing,” she responded matter-of-factly, her gaze unwavering. 
“Thank you,” I murmured, offering a brief nod before ascending the stairs, my footsteps quickening with purpose as I made my way to the bathing chamber. As I pushed open the door, a rush of warm, moist air greeted me, enveloping me in its comforting embrace. 
Inside, I found him reclining in the large porcelain tub, his back resting against the smooth surface. His expression shifted from annoyance to surprise as he caught sight of me.
I made no reply, closing the distance between us with determined steps. Without hesitation, I climbed into the tub, fully clothed, and nestled myself against his bare chest. 
His initial tension melted away as he relaxed into my embrace, his arms encircling me protectively. I breathed in his familiar scent, nuzzling my nose against his pulse point as we savored the simple intimacy of our closeness. 
But as I made to move away, his grip tightened, holding me in place. 
“I didn’t think you were going to come back,” he confessed, his fingertips trailing lightly across my arm, sending shivers down my spine and leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“I was terrified, Astari,” I admitted, no longer willing to suppress my fears. “What you did was…it was horrible.”
“I know, and I am sorry,” he whispered, his voice heavy with regret. “Truly sorry. I don’t know what came over me…it was like…” He trailed off, his words lost in the depths of his turmoil. 
Pulling back from him, I held his gaze with unwavering determination. “No, you don’t get to do that,” I asserted, jabbing a finger towards his chest. “You do not get to shut me out like that. Keeping things bottled up is selfish, Astarion. It was selfish of you to push me away when I tried to help you with that dream. I won’t allow you to do the same now, especially after you threatened my life as it if meant nothing.” 
His jaw tensed, the muscles grinding as if engaged in a silent struggle. I knew I was pressing his buttons, but I was beyond caring. He needed to confront this, just like how I was. His lips formed a thin line. “I never meant to hurt you.”
“Really? Because it certainly didn’t seem that way to me,” I retorted, narrowing my eyes. His hands, resting against my waist, tightened slightly, betraying his inner turmoil. “Astarion, I need you to tell me what’s going on.”
His gaze bore into mine, the deep ruby of his eyes contrasting sharply with his pale lashes. “I’m locked in a constant battle with myself. I’m changing, I can feel it, but I don’t know if I can control it. I never wanted to hurt you, and seeing the fear in your eyes when I threatened you snapped me out of it,” he explained, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “But by then, it was too late. You were already gone.”
“Is it still you when you lash out like that?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. 
He sighed heavily. “Yes,” he admitted, his expression pained. “It’s my emotions, but sometimes they overwhelm me, and I become the one person I wanted to escape from.”
“Astarion, don’t say that,” I pleaded, taking one of his hands in mine and guiding it to my cheek. “You are not him. The fact that you’re talking to me about it sets you realms apart from him.” Tilting my head slightly, I pressed a gentle kiss to his palm. “When this change happens, what seems to help you come out of it?”
“You,” he replied simply, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. 
“Me?” I echoed, surprised. 
“Yes, my Darling. Even in my darkest moments, I would never hurt you”
“I never stopped protecting you from the sun,” he interjected, cutting off my protest. “You never lost it.”
Studying him closely, I noticed the weariness etched into his features, the grief and darkness that had descended upon him since his ascension. Furrowing my brow I pressed him further. “Describe this feelings to me, in detail.”
He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “It;s like a constant whisper in my mind, manipulating my emotions to its advantage,” he explained slowly. “I try to resist it, but sometimes I lose control, and my actions become erratic. Each time I regain my sense, it becomes harder to ignore these impulses. It pains me to admit it, but while it’s still me acting, the emotions driving those actions are not my own.”
I swallow deeply. This was unfamiliar information I didn’t know in my past life, one I never encountered even during the darkest times. Yet, it all makes sense now - how Astarion gradually succumbs to this unseen force, losing more of himself with each passing moment. I lift my gaze to him, offering a faint smile. 
“Use me.” I suggest catching him off guard. 
“What?” His brows knit together in confusion, his expression reflecting his puzzled state. 
“You mentioned that somehow I have the ability to pull you back from this haze,” I explained. “So use me. Utilize me in any way necessary to retain yourself. I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”
Worry creases his face, his fangs lightly grazing his bottom lip in contemplation. “Are you sure? I could put you in danger”
“Absolutely,” I affirm, leaning in to place a reassuring kiss on the crown of his head. “You’re talking to the girl that destroyed an Elder Brain.”
His arms encircle my waist, tightly as he buries his head against my chest. My fingers weave into his hair, tangling in the soft white curls. He murmurs a grateful ‘thank you’ against my chest, his thumbs stroking the fabric of my damp nightwear soothingly. We lingered in that embrace for a while until Astarion insisted that I had to bathe properly. He peeled off my nightwear, letting it fall to the tiled floor with a wet ‘plop’. As he runs his fingers through my hair, my mind swims with thoughts. The vivid dream, coupled with the newfound knowledge of Astarion’s condition, fills my thoughts. It’s not much, but it’s a starting point- a beginning that I desperately needed. 
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muselin · 2 years
Since you’re ok with requests may i also ask something? Ofc when you will be done on what you’re working now ahahah
Could i also get a Kibum x reader smut👀 I don’t really care about the plot either, just please if you could add some dry humping and reverse cowgirl 🤠 and mirrors because i strongly believe Kibum likes watching himself ehehe
Thank you 🙏
05:30 a.m - SHINee Key
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Who: SHINee Kibum x reader
What: ⛔️🔞 smut, mirrors, some dry humping, sex in the practice room, quickie-cause-someone-might-walk-in-any-minute, some dirty talk, no barrier protection, no gendered pronouns used, reader has a vagina and breasts, Minho cameo
Word count: 1.4k
"You better fucking hope no one is as dumb as I am to practice this early in the morning," Kibum grunted against your neck as he littered kisses over it, his hands steady on your hips as you moved over his lap. He'd learned a long time ago that other artists in the company were far more likely to stay ridiculously late than come ridiculously early to practice, and this was how you'd ended up on the floor of the practice room at 5.30 in the morning.
It was still dark out and the hallways were deserted, lulling you both into a false sense of security as your practice was quickly cut short in favour of you dry humping Kibum over his sweats. The hardness pressing deliciously against you from below made you only press into him more tightly, his lips never leaving your skin.
"You know the door doesn't lock," he grunted at your lips after a particularly harsh roll of your hips.
"I know, we'll be quick," you smirked, raising off of him smoothly to kick off your own shoes and sweats then landing back in his lap with just your underwear and his clothes separating you now. A wet patch had already formed on your panties and Kibum ran his fingers over it, biting his lip and smirking as he did.
"Fuck, I do love your surprises. Take these off," he was tugging on your underwear already, it wasn't so much asking for permission. When you moved to help him slide them off, his hands grabbed you tightly, turning you around over his lap so that you were with your back to him.
"I have a surprise of my own though," he hummed into your ear. He reached over to press a button on the wall and you saw the blinds covering the wall of mirrors opposite you slowly lift to reveal the reflection of your form straddling him.
His movements behind you let you know that he was removing himself from his sweats and underwear and you soon felt the warm, silky head of his cock nudging at your entrance from behind. You backed up onto him, sliding up and down his length, covering it in your slickness and making him hiss. He pulled your hips down, impaling you on his cock and you whined until he brought you down to sit on him, fully nestled inside your heat.
In the next breath he ripped your top off you, leaving you entirely naked and exposed while he was still fully clothed.
"If we get caught, you have more to lose, baby. How quick can you be, hmm?"
Realising his game, you started moving your hips quickly over him, feeling the friction of his cock dragging along your barely stretched walls.
"You're cruel, Kibum. This isn't fair."
"Oh? And it's fair for you to fucking jump me at my place of work? Where I could get fired for this?" He thrust harshly into you from below, cutting off your words and breaths into gasps.
"I don't--see you stopping," you panted, thighs working hard over his lap.
He didn't answer, hands flying up to cup and knead your breasts. His thumbs dragged over your nipples and he leaned closer to you, resting his chin on your shoulder. He met your eyes in the mirror and held them as he thrust himself deeper inside of you, watching your face contorting in pleasure. One hand left your breast to travel down to your clit which he started rubbing in time with your thrusts.
"Still worth it, look at you. Spread open over my cock, so wet for me..."
He was playing very dirty, whispering into your ear and watching you with sharp eyes through the mirror all the while his cock was rearranging your insides. It was too much and not enough all at once, you wanted more but you feared that you'd scream if he gave it to you.
Luckily for you, Kibum didn't let you agonise over your choices and released your other breast to clamp his hand over your mouth as he quickened his thrusts and rammed into you from below.
"Don't scream or I won't let you cum at all," he hissed, blown eyes still fixated on yours in your reflection. He loved to watch you, seeing your breasts bounce in time with his thrusts, seeing the tension in your thighs and your hand desperately clutching on his forearm.
He fucked into you hard and fast, stretching you still but the sting only made the whole premise even more exciting in your brain, getting you closer to the edge. His fingers continued rubbing circles and side motions on your clit and you felt yourself clamping down more tightly onto his rigid length pistoning inside of you. You were too close, you thought nothing of stopping and there was only one way this was going to go.
As your orgasm crept over the precipice, you grabbed every bit of him you could reach, one hand behind you and around his neck, the other still digging indents on his forearm working you mercilessly. He could feel the tell-tale flutter of your walls and the tension in your body peak and he put even more force into his thrusts, holding back nothing so he could join you in the hurried scramble to bliss.
Your thighs felt weak and your weight dropped fully onto him, burying his cock as far inside of you as he would go and Kibum's fingers on your clit felt like molten, disembodied heat crawling inside of you. It felt too good, your senses too heightened and you screamed behind his hand as you allowed yourself to cum. Smooth muscles constricting more tightly around his cock, making it harder for him to thrust but he was already there with you, eyes glued to your fucked out face in the mirror and the place where his cock disappeared into you for the last time before it twitched, the first spurts of his cum settling inside of you.
He buried his face in your neck, partially to muffle his own noises as he grunted and tried to catch his breath. Your cunt continued to milk him but he was sure you were doing some of that on purpose, rhythmically squeezing him so he would unload everything inside you without missing a drop.
When you were both spent, you collapsed against each other in a graceless heap for a moment, breaths and thundering hearts starting to finally slow. Suddenly nervous, Kibum reached for your top and underwear he had so carelessly tossed aside and handed them to you, carefully removing himself from you to avoid leaving a mess on the practice room floor that left little to the imagination.
Your legs felt boneless but you dressed as quickly as you could, also aware that with time dragging on, the risk was becoming higher and higher that an early riser might come in.
Your heart plopped right up into your throat when just as you were tying the strings of your sweats the door handle dipped and a tall figure walked in.
"Oh for fuck's sake, are you still on military time or something?" Kibum groaned as Minho approached, whatever greeting he was about to say having died on his opened lips.
"No, I have a 7 a.m class and came to stretch. What the hell are you doing here? You're not even usually alive before noon. Were you here all night?"
"No, I uh... We uh..." Kibum stuttered unconvincingly.
"We just got here too, we have the same class," you said confidently, putting your shoes on with as much casual laid back-ness as you could fake. "Now that you're here, why don't Kibum and I go and do the coffee run?"
"Oh yeah, good idea. Iced caramel latte for me, thanks." Minho's face softened and he put his bag on the racks, getting his own shoes out.
"Come on Kibum," you dragged the slightly shorter male to the door in haste.
After the door clicked shut behind you, you turned to him.
"You're welcome. Now you can go do the coffee run and I'm gonna go clean up because I'm leaking cum and it's about ten seconds away from showing through my sweats. Iced Americano for me, thanks."
You grinned at Kibum and skipped off to the bathroom, leaving him to shake his head with a smile as he pressed the down button on the elevator.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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To become one
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A/N: When @geralts-yenn sent me the 'nice day outside' comfort-prompt, I was ecstatic, because I get to write for Melot! (I love him.) Then - of course - it turned into... 4 thousand words of smut. With a little plot and a little lore that I feel I hid quite well, so as to not disturb everyone's porn-consuming experience 😜
Credit for the moodboard/title/banner/what do we call this?/thing goes mostly to @geralts-yenn as well, so thank you again for making that, hon. 🥰🥰🥰
This is a little more purple prose-y than what I usually do, so I hope that went well 🥰
(This was written from a promt from this ask game!)
Characters: wood elf!Prince!Melot x dryad!OFC (unnamed)
Summary: The elven Prince Melot and his dryad lover share a lovely afternoon together in the forest.
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, NSFW, MINORS DNI, oral (m and f receiving), p-in-v sex (unprotected. Be smarter!), voyeurism/exhibitionism, a smidge of a mention of feet..., dirty talk, playful chasing and teasing. Possibly an age gap of several decades if not centuries, I don't know.
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@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @ellethespaceunicorn @mayloma @keanureevesisbae @summersong69 @ylva-syverson @peaches1958 @sillyrabbit81 @livisss @peyton-warren
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“There you are,” a bright and welcoming voice chimed through the thick forest, and into the small clearing. As she emerged from between the trees, he watched her every step closely from where he was laying on the ground. She gracefully roamed the clearing, leaving gentle dents in the moss that covered the ground, finally halting near his head, where she playfully nudged his chest with her bare foot. He grasped it suddenly and firmly, before gently trailing his fingers along the sole of her foot, while pressing his lips to the top. Slowly, his hand slid up her leg, to her calf, and his lips began a path that trailed in the same direction.
One moment he held her, the next she was gone; vanished into the roots of the trees that she had been standing on, and reappearing at the edge of the clearing once more as though she had never ventured near him. He raised himself on one elbow, allowing him to lustfully gaze at her beautiful form. Light seemed to emanate from her, beckoning him closer and freezing him in place at the same time. His eyes raked over the beautiful features of her face, where bright green eyes teased him from afar. Long dark hair fell in supple curls around her face, and spilled onto her back and over her shoulders, a single strand lost between her full breasts.
In his presence, she was covered, but as her kind had no true grasp on the concept, the fabric of her gown was a silky material so thin he could easily see the contours of her nipples. It clung to her, to every beautiful curve and dimple in her skin, it’s dark emerald colour a striking contrast with the pale, slightly green hue of her skin. One at a time, she pushed the straps of her gown off of her shoulders, baring her breasts to him.
“Play a game of hide and seek with me, Melot?” she whispered kindly, her voice echoing through the trees, allowing him to hear it. Before he could scramble to his feet, she vanished again. With careful steps, he walked towards the edge of the clearing, tentatively stretching out a hand until his fingertips connected with the bark of the tree she had been standing next to. Of course, she was no longer there.
He listened for her, knowing it would be almost impossible for him to find her, unless she moved. She could be anywhere. He knew her to be kind, and, despite her playful ways, the furthest thing from cruel one could possibly imagine. Thus, he concluded, she wasn’t far away from him. Never would she let him enter into a game he couldn’t win, for she, too, relished the consequences of his victory too much to allow him to lose.
After a while, he felt her as she shifted from one tree to another, then another, and he began his pursuit; easily avoiding trees and roots as he tracked her through the dense forest. As he went along on his chase, deeper and deeper into the forest, their pace slowed. His, because it was impossible to move quicker as the forest grew thicker and the space between trees narrower, and hers, because this was her favourite part of their game.
The trees were so close together here that Melot could hardly turn around without touching them – precisely as she had wished.
“I can feel you.” A dark undertone laced his voice as he spoke. Though she wasn’t moving, she was so near him, and the trees were so close to one another, that he felt her pulse radiating through them. A chuckle rolled through the air, carried by the soft breeze, audible only as the rustling of the foliage above him.
“Come to me,” he demanded playfully, knowing his query would yield nothing.
“Capture me, Melot,” her voice echoed all around you, “if you can.” A tender hand briefly trailed his back before disappearing as suddenly as it had appeared. From then, she moved swiftly through the trees, each time reaching out her hand to touch Melot; stroke his cheek, or arm, tap him on the shoulder to get him to turn around.
“You know I can’t, my love,” he answered her plea, his voice barely above a grunt as her hand grasped his clothing from behind and pulled him against the tree she resided in. He knew all too well that it was impossible to pull a dryad from a tree. Her hand disappeared from his back and her arm wrapped around his middle instead, the palm of her hand flat against his abdomen as she pulled him against her. Her other arm reached around him, fingers working to loosen the laces of his shirt collar before sliding her hand over his bare chest. As sudden as the other movements had been, her face appeared next to his, and with her nose, she carefully moved his curls out of her way. Melot moaned softly as her tongue trailed the edge of his ear, all the way to the top, where she gently bit down, careful not to hurt him with her sharp teeth.
“Oh, those elven ears... So sensitive,” she mused softly into his ear before continuing her ministrations until she had had enough. “Follow me.”
He chased her once more along a non-existent path through the thick forest, his feet as nimble as ever, never stumbling, never clashing with a tree or a low hanging branch. The forest was his home, too, and it had been the home of his people for thousands upon thousands of years. He followed her to another clearing, where she tauntingly walked circles around a birch that stood a little further away from the other trees.
This clearing, like many others, felt magical – a kind of magic that became most apparent when one tried to step away from the trees, towards the centre. Melot struggled to put his foot on the ground, and raise the other to take the next step, as a strange force pulled him backwards, preventing him from breaching the border of the clearing.
“What is it, my darling?” she taunted. The harder Melot tried to step forward into the clearing, the more difficult it became. He drew ragged breaths from the exertion, and his eyes begged her to stop doing whatever it was that she was doing.
“It isn’t what I’m doing so much as what I’m not doing,” she giggled as she walked towards him and reached out her arm. Lifting his arm to take her outstretched hand in his, also proved more difficult than it should have been under any normal circumstances. As soon as he held her, she smiled deviously. “Please, come visit me.”
As soon as the words passed her lips, the magic that had before so longed to keep him away from this place, seemed to vanish – and so did she. Melot looked around the clearing, taking in the beautiful surroundings as he searched for his lover. The glade was unusually round, and surrounded by trees – which was unsurprising – five of which were vast, mighty oak trees, eerily similar in size, and very evenly spaced around the parameter of the space.
“Home Trees,” he muttered softly, and immediately, his suspicions were confirmed by her soft chuckle that echoed through the clearing.
“Find mine, and you’ll have your reward,” she teased once again. He drew in a deep breath, and listened – waited, as slowly the beating of her heart became apparent to him again. Without thinking, he turned on his heel and trod across the soft green moss that carpeted the clearing with determination. Less certain of himself was he when he raised his hand, his trembling fingers hovering over the bark of the tree he believed to be hers, apprehensive to touch it. Suddenly, her face appeared before him as he slowly emerged from the oak. She leaned gratefully into his touch, smiling at him as his fingers caressed the side of her face.
“Found me,” she giggled as she leaned forward until her lips almost touched his. Almost… And then she was gone again. Behind him, coming from the centre of the glade, Melot heard her voice once more: “Come and get me, Melot.”
Naturally, there was no need for her to tell him a second time. When he turned around, she untied the waist of her gown, revealing every curve of her full, naked form as it dropped to the ground. He once again went after her; biting his lip as he drank in every inch of her body, treading slowly and carefully as were he a predator stalking his prey. He came to a halt right in front of her, his eyes mirroring the ever-growing desire that coursed through his veins.
“Kiss me,” he said, his voice already dripping with impatience. When she denied him, and then a second time, and a third, he roughly placed his hands on either side of her face and pulled it towards his.
“Do not deny me my reward, you wicked little minx.” His words were a playful yet threatening growl, her response was rendered inaudible as it was swallowed up by his rough kiss. His cold demeanour melted somewhat as he felt her give in to his touch; lips less forceful, hands less demanding… His tongue slid along the seam of her lips – a subtle order she hastily and eagerly obeyed by parting her lips. Moans escaped both of them when he deepened the kiss, reaching around her to squeeze her ample behind, luring more noises of pleasure from her as he kneaded her soft flesh.  
Finally, Melot pulled away, breaking the kiss, and with small, languid strides he circled her, delivering a swift spank to her bottom as he walked behind her – then he stood still, placing his chin on her shoulder. “I found you. I won you.”
She didn’t speak, nor did she move when Melot’s hands gripped the sides of her hips roughly, and dragged her back until her body was flush against hers. His fingertips dimpled the soft, supple flesh he held so fiercely as he ground his hips against her.
“Do you feel what you do to me?” he said as the new friction caused his erection to swell even further with desperate need. She turned around in his arms and smiled a devious smile at him that sent shivers cascading down his spine. Her fingertips brushed gently past the tips of his ears, making him bite his lip and moan with pleasure and anticipation.
“The thought of your touch, my dear Prince,” she spoke slowly and in a sultry voice that made it difficult for him to keep from abandoning all manners, “has been on my mind since I felt you set foot in our forest.” Once again, she turned around, this time freeing herself from between Melot’s hands and taking a few steps away from him as she continued to speak: “Do you know what those hours of waiting did to me?” She sank down onto a moss-covered rock in the middle of the glade, spreading her legs wide for him to see, and running her fingers through her folds. “Do you want to find out?”
Melot answered her query with an eager nod, stepping towards her once more, and finally dropping to his knees in the soft moss before her – never lifting his gaze from her glistening petals. She reached for the richly embroidered collar of his shirt, and pulled at it, prompting him to pull it over his head and toss it to the side. With two fingers, she gently lifted his chin so he would look up at her.
His eyes never left hers as he took one of her legs and put it over his shoulder. From there, he started with a tender kiss to the inside of her upper leg, by her knee, his soft lips leaving a damp trail as he kissed higher and higher until he reached the apex of her thighs.
“A truly sweet reward,” he chuckled before pressing a soft kiss to the delicate skin before him. Her lips parted to let out a frustrated groan as he moved away from her core and kissed her stomach and hips, then her other leg all the way down to her foot, and back again. A gentle breeze cooled the wet marks his kisses had left on her skin, causing gooseflesh to erupt all over her body as she whined and squirmed beneath the touch of his fingers and lips. Then, finally, as she thought she would go positively mad with desire, he grasped the back of her thighs, spreading her legs even further, using his thumbs to part her petals and reveal her desperate, weeping core.
Just as she was about to revel in the sensations of Melot’s capable tongue against her most sensitive parts, she noticed something…
“We have an audience,” she said softly as she placed a hand on Melot’s forehead to stop him from moving further with his endeavours. Experience had taught her that elves had a tendency to consider intimate relations a private matter – something she and others of her kind could hardly fathom.
“Let them watch,” he growled, taking her by surprise. Melot pushed the hand she held to his head away and continued doing what he had been doing before. His tongue found her hidden pearl with ease, and before long, she poured down exclamations of pleasure and praise over him as he gently lapped at and suckled on her swollen clit.
“Do all dryads finish so easily?” he asked after he had gently guided her down from her first peak. Two of his fingers found her entrance, and without awaiting her answer, plunged into her drenched core. She found time between zealous utterances that alternated between praise and profanity, to answer his question affirmatively, while he relentlessly pumped his fingers into the snug heat of her body. She cried out his name when he added a third finger, breathing heavily as her velvet walls struggled to accommodate the cumulative girth of his digits – her second orgasm followed swiftly.
Behind them, from the edge of the glade, others – mostly of her kind – watched as Melot continued his efforts. A few of the dryads stayed mostly hidden in the trees, while some others approached matters less subtly, and settled down on the moss-covered floor of the glade, making no attempts to hide their own amorous activities – be they alone or with others. As strange as it was for him to admit, Melot secretly revelled in the attention of their prying eyes – though he doubted his feelings were really a secret to her: if his rising heartbeat didn’t give away his true sentiments regarding the situation, the fact that he continued lapping at her sopping core more vigorously than he had previously done surely would have clued her in.
Shortly after her third climax, she set a foot on his shoulder, pushing him off her as she fought to catch her breath.
“My turn,” she said with a wicked smile on her lips as she gently pushed Melot onto his back, nimble fingers wandering his exposed chest until they reached his trousers. Within seconds, she had undone them, and her eager hands wrapped around his hardened length, giving him a few strokes as she positioned herself in a way that allowed her to wrap her lips around him. She took his cock deep into her mouth with both devotion and ease, coating his shaft with saliva. As she moved her hands along his length, aiding her lips in their efforts, she elicited decadent moans and content whines from Melot as he continued his writhing, further succumbing to the pleasure she brought him with every passing second and every tender swipe of her tongue.
One of his hands weaved itself into her dark curls, and she happily let him guide the rhythm of her ministrations. She thought herself incredibly lucky to have found an elven lover, known for both their long lifespans – meaning a vast wealth of experience in lovemaking – and their stamina – which made him almost as insatiable as she was. As she looked up, she immediately recognized the burning desire in his eyes. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that hers held the same expression; she could feel the heat of her passion on her skin.
“Do you want me?” she asked after pulling her mouth off Melot’s cock – not an easy feat, as she found herself quite fond of servicing him. Her voice was hoarse and thick with lust, her bottom lip quivering with anticipation.
“More than anything,” he panted, his lips curling into an arrogant smirk as he witnessed her impatience; she hadn’t been able to wait for his answer before ridding him of his trousers completely. Upon her return, she all but dove into his arms, straddling his hips as she leaned forward.
“Then take me,” she whispered, laying her forehead against his, waiting for him to find her entrance. Instead, he pulled her off of him, and rolled on top of her, his hardness pressing against her slick folds, making her mewl and beg for him to enter her.
“Is that what you need?” he muttered against the skin of her neck as he littered the sensitive area with kisses and relished the writhing of her body beneath his. A dark growl rumbled within his chest, and he spoke in what was almost a vicious snarl: “Gods, I want nothing more than to bury every inch of myself inside of you.”
“Then why don’t you?” she whined, fretful cries escaping her as her attempts to angle her hips in such a way that his rigid length would slip into her all proved fruitless.
“Because I want you to beg for it,” he growled into her ear. “Beg for me, my little nymph.” It wasn’t often that she saw Melot so completely overcome with lust, so it stood to reason that she would wish to savour every moment of it. Soon, she heeded his request, loud pleas spilling from her mouth, urging him to break into her so that her lust might finally be slaked. Melot, however, seemed to have other plans entirely, and focused his efforts on her breasts, kneading one of them with fervent ardour. He took the nipple of the other in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the stiffened peak, sometimes suckling, or even biting down softly, repeating his treatment on her other breast, while her pleas fell on deaf ears.
She had always thought herself to be too proud to cry, but as Melot continued his cruel denial of her deepest desires, tears appeared, which, with every passing second, threatened more and more to break free from the confines of her eyes. The eyes of their spectators were all trained on her face, waiting for the moment she would finally succumb to the pressure of her carnal urges, casting aside her pride…
“Melot, please!” she cried out so loud that anyone who hadn’t yet been occupied with their performance was sure to turn their head now. “I beg of you, please fuck me!”
Melot hesitated for a final moment, knowing very well what it meant to lay with a nymph in the glade that she called home, but there was nothing more in this world that he wanted than to be hers for as long as fate would allow him to be. A few members of their ‘audience’, as she had called it before, cheered briefly as he drove his cock into her tight, drenched core, but he paid them no mind. To him, there were only two beings on this whole planet, and anything else didn’t matter in the slightest.
His thrusts were slow at first, as he savoured her constant whining and begging for more, but he ran out of patience and restraint much quicker than he had hoped. Both of them were completely enraptured by the sounds of ecstasy they let out as they continued to ravish each other. Her fingers dug into the moss flooring of the glade, seeking purchase to help her withstand his onslaught on her body, each of his wild thrusts luring a moan from her lips as her velvet walls stretched to accommodate his girth over and over again.
Her cries became louder as he hoisted one of her legs over his shoulder, allowing him to plunge even deeper into her wet heat. His thumb found her clit with ease, drawing circles around the swollen little pearl, coaxing her to her next climax. A few strokes sufficed, and before long she cried out from pleasure as she once again reached her peak.
He leaned down to kiss her, and she gladly let him, so that she might revel in his attention as he whispered praise and sweet nothings in her ear. She knew he wasn’t finished with her yet, which is why his next query was hardly a surprise to her.
“Will you let me take you from behind?” The sound of his voice was almost a whine. She happily indulged him, naturally. She was a nymph, after all. Once again, she vanished from beneath him – almost causing Melot to lose his balance, but he caught himself just in time – only to emerge again a few feet away, on her knees. She swayed her hips enticingly as she leaned forward until her chest was on the ground, and arched her back. For a moment, Melot admired her and the way the sunlight danced over her skin, before he made his way over to her.
He sat behind her and ran his fingers through her slick folds, spreading her open as he leaned in to seek her clit with his tongue. Swiftly and with great ease, he brought her to another climax on his tongue. Melot chuckled softly under his breath. From the beginning of their tryst, he had found his dryad’s ability to orgasm time and again very intriguing, and if he was being honest, it was quite satisfying to unravel her time after time. Oftentimes, he lost count of the amount of times she finished, other times, he challenged himself to make her come a certain number of times... She seemed to have plenty of fun either way.
When he was done, she found he took too long to proceed. With impatience clearly evident in her voice, she begged him once again for his cock, not appreciating it when he teasingly ran its tip through her folds, holding her hips to prevent her from pushing herself onto him. It was in that moment that she realised Melot did not just appreciate her writhing – though there existed no doubt in her mind that he thoroughly enjoyed watching her in her current state, beside herself with lust and longing. No, Melot, she noticed, revelled in the attention of the spectators on the edge of the clearing.
“You like that we’re being watched,” she spoke softly, biting her lip to choke back a moan as Melot dug his fingers into the flesh of her hips and pulled her closer, finally giving her what she had been waiting for.
“It’s growing on me,” he admitted as he thrust into her – slowly at first, then increasing his pace to a vigorous rhythm that made her cry out. Once more, she noticed how he relished the reactions from some of the onlookers as he sheathed himself inside her core again, how his erection seemed to swell even further inside of her, how there was a faint sense of arrogance and pride to the way he handled her that sat in stark contrast to their earlier encounters, which had consisted of hours upon hours of gentle lovemaking. Of course, even then, they had sometimes been caught by the occasional curious passer-by, but at the time, nothing had suggested that that was something Melot found particularly arousing.
Her thoughts were interrupted when another orgasm built inside her. It arrived quickly, almost taking her by surprise as she called out his name. This time, her clenching walls were too much for him, the sensation of her quivering muscles gripping his cock bringing him to the brink of orgasm, the sound of her cries of ecstasy the final straw that lured him over the edge, where he spilled his seed deep inside of her before collapsing next to her on the ground.
For a while, they lay there silent and spent. She rolled into his side, draping her arm over his stomach, and gently stroking his side as they slowly came to their senses again.
“I feel a little exposed,” Melot muttered softly enough that only she heard him. With one swift move of her hand, she conjured a blanket out of the moss flooring of the glade and draped it over his hips. The gesture immediately seemed to put him at ease.
“Your father won’t be happy about this,” she said after another while of silence, at once painfully aware that she had stolen the elven King’s son.
“My father will have no choice but to accept our union. Besides, it cements good relations between our kinds,” Melot responded plainly, seemingly deeming het concerns baseless.
“What if he tries to take you away from me?” she said, fear suddenly striking her as she realized what that would mean for her.
“He can’t,” Melot said, but his words did not yet put her mind at ease. “Wood elves are bound by the laws of nature. He might oppose our marriage, but there is nothing he can do to disband it.” His words brought her comfort, as did his lips, which he pressed briefly to her forehead.
“Rest, my love,” he muttered softly to her as fatigue took hold of her and her eyes began to fall shut, “my wife.”
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surely-galena · 1 year
ToT Main Story 9 Commentary/Thoughts (Part 2)
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The plot thickens and I muse about both trivial and not trivial details.
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Okay, and this lines up with Luke wanting to keep MC from danger and overprotecting her at times. Ignorance is bliss/freedom, and it's interesting how he believes this will allow her to make more choices rather than walk along a predetermined 'canon'. This is somewhat contrasted to Vyn's actions, as he is slowly trying to expose MC to the darkness of the world in a controlled manner. Still, we know that MC, as the pursuer of truth and justice as she is, will not be content with staying ignorant. Of course, this is taken outside the context of the fortune telling, but in a general sense it's still an interesting concept to think about.
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Girl?? You too?? (signs of spending too much time with Luke)
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The first time we're seeing Vyn and it's halfway through the entire episode! Also interesting is the fact that the devs are starting to change up the character sprites because this is definitely one of his newer sprites.
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Aaron! :D
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Okay, okay, good to get some new info about Luke's disease. Not only is he frequently seized by intense pain, he's also beginning to lose control of his limbs.
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Ah, classic romcom meeting -- crashing into each other and then gazing up into each other's eyes. Slightly more interesting, however, is the little girl's "it's just like what you said", revealing Jerome was the one who nudged her toward asking Marius for help in the first place. Now, is that because Jerome somewhat understands who Marius is underneath his cold, professional façade, was he only trying to help the girl, or does he have other exterior motives?
Things to keep in mind as we gradually get to see more of him, I suppose.
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Luke wait no I'm still trying to get a read on Jerome!
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Ah, and we're back to framing Marius again (temporarily). This guy cannot catch a break.
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ryttu3k · 1 year
Starting a new post because the other one is getting unwieldy. Previous posts: starting area, starting area, starting area, surface, and Kakariko, Hateno and down we go, New Serenne Stables, Rito. Beneath the cut: the rest of the Rito quest, more memories (up to: the one with the Molduga), and on to Eldin!
Been very productive! First, I've finished Tulin's quest and. Oh goodness emotions. a) He's so stinkin' cute, baby hero with serious kid Link vibes, and b) the emotions of meeting his ancestor! And being told he's important! And Teba finally seeing him as a warrior! That would be so validating!
The actual content of what the Sage said - Zelda confirmed for Sage of Time (I have a bunch of speculation on the Sages here), and also Rauru's sacrifice D: If we have an actual memory of that, I may well cry, I'm getting very fond of him. He and Sonia are very sweet, I love how Sonia was just, "Well, you're clearly our daughter now."
Am vaguely concerned about how this is going to turn out. Draconification? Does Zelda turn herself into a fucking dragon? ...bbygirl are you okay? ;_;
In less plot-relevant updates: have done many more shrines and miniquests. Am now slowly making my way up to see the Gorons, since that seems to be where the game is nudging me. Will probably do the Zora next, then the Gerudo? Basically clockwise around the map. Also, fuck electrical enemies, I want to make sure I have as much health as possible before those!
In conclusion, Rauru is lowkey giving me gender envy and also I may or may not be slightly hateshipping Rauru/Ganondorf after that Gerudo Assault memory and am fascinated to see where it goes, along with Rauru/Link just because... the potential intimacy of literally sharing an arm, there's already five fics along those lines on AO3 god bless you fandom and also Nintendo why did you give the dead goat guy that hip-to-waist ratio. A big win for furries and monsterfuckers everywhere including his actual canon wife ig??
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save-the-data · 2 years
My Top Ranking 30 BL’s couples of the year 2022...
Whilst compiling this list I noticed a few similarities between the couples chosen; that being not many ���gay panic” or “closeted gays” like in previous years In fact a lot of these characters were either established gay characters from the first episode, as well as less of the “gay for only him” troupe. Most of these couples were in a supporting, not necessary toxic relationship, with not a cheating plot in sight but some miscommunication and stupid decisions for drama, Another difference is the setting, from high-school aged boys to business men in suits. We are finally getting good older male characters and storylines. But overall the reason for the top couples came down to chemistry between the actors and how supportive each couple was towards each other in their own carved out world. 
Note 1: eligibility for the list is the drama had to be completed by the end of 22. Note 2: Only the top 5 are ranked, the others are mentions. 
Vee x Mark (Love Mechanics). 
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It’s Love Mechanics. It’s YinWar. It’s Vee and Mark as characters that came to life. Enough said, waited two years and finally they had their moment. Now quickly give Yin and War another drama, either as a pairing or solo work. 
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Tarntatch x Lomnaw (2 Moons 3: The Ambassador)
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A very big surprise, considering was going to skip the drama since it seemed like every other run-of-the-mill Thai BL, however not the characters of Tatch and Lom who made the drama. Tatch, in particular I loved as a character cause although he was put on a pedestal for being handsome he is actually very insecure and spends most of the time getting Lom to see his self-worth and supporting him. Not to mention the boys flirting game was on point and when drama did come in the form of Lom’s cousin disapproval both were like “well we don’t care” and just continued to live in bliss in their own world. Relationship goals. 
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Thian x Jiu (To Sir, with Love)
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This was a soap-opera in name; with OTT acting, very dramatic storylines and cartoonish villainy but what made the drama was the chemistry between the two leads and the best sibling-love-bromance ever in a drama. The drama was carried with the grounded love story between our star-crossed lovers. Rumour has it that the actors will be pairing again in something darker in the new year, hopefully this is true. 
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Ploeng x Yu (My Coach)
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They might have only been supporting characters, but damn if I didn’t love their story and easily one the best coming out scenes in the Thai BL history. Once again this was a couple that came to the realisation of their feelings naturally and slowly progressed into a relationship. There was a little bit of a nudge nudge wink wink with the green-eyed-monster but overall the way Ploeng just announces to the team and whole world he is in love with Yu, like its no big deal, is my favourite moment of the year. 
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Kamol x Kim (Unforgotten Night)
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This final position was hard, cause so many good dramas could have gone here. Let’s start with Unforgotten Night, which was a hot disaster but like a car crash happening couldn’t advert my attention and naturally my love for the characters, storyline and actors made me love this drama. Couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve re-watched this during the year (too many). 
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Jang Jae Young x Chu Sang Woo (Semantic Error)
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Another country that delivered on this year was South Korea, between Blueming, To My Star 2 and Happy Ending Romance, to name but a few it was a hard choice but ultimately the script and chemistry of the co-stars made Semantic Error stand out, ever slightly. What Korean BL’s are known for is storytelling, and Semantic Error did that the best and also chef kiss to the height difference. . 
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Nozue x Togawa (Old Fashion Cupcake)
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Japan BL’s are best known for their authentic slice-of-life storylines (and melancholy in some cases) and that was on display with Old Fashion Cupcake. They also win with more mature-themed BL’s like office romance and older couples. Everything about this drama from the pining, to the realisation, to the acceptance was beautifully shot and acted. Such is this polished miniseries that left you wanting more. 
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Tlemai x K (Nha Harn the Series) White x Sean (Not Me)  Yok x Dan (Not Me) Mon x So (Our Days) Nuea x Toh (Secret Crush on You) Khaojao x Sky (Secret Crush on You) Phob x Phat (Something in My Room) Vee x Dome (You’re My Sky) Yuma x Sakura (Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai) Kang Seo Joon x Han Ji Woo (To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories) Vegas x Pete (KinnPorshce) Xu Qi Zhang x Ye Guang (About Youth) Hyeong Da Un x Cha Siwon (Blueming) Koichi x Mitsuru(Eien no Kino) Kevin x Pluem (Ghost Host, Ghost House) Han Tae Young x Cha Jung Woo (Happy Ending Romance) Takara x Amagi (Takara-kun to Amagi-kun) Prapai x Sky (Love in the Air) Akk x Ayan (The Eclipse) Sho x Maito (Why You...Y Me) Nut x Neung (The Miracle of Teddy Bear) Jung Woo x Choco (Choco Milk Shake) Yashiro x Kenta (Kamisama no Ekohiiki)
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oktorpg · 8 months
Partners in Crime – Book 3 – Chapter 5 - Storyline 10 – Together
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〄 ꜱᴛᴏʀʏʟɪɴᴇ - 10
Partners in Crime
  ╰ˢᵗᵒʳʸ ᵇʸ: @LittleBirdRey & @ToldUIdSurvive
       ╰ ᵀⁱᵐᵉˡⁱⁿᵉ: ʙᴏᴏᴋ 3: ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴡᴀʏ ɪꜱ ᴜ
            ╰ ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ: 5 ᵒᶠ ᵃⁿ  @OsoKikThruOgeda ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
               ╰ᴸᵒᶜᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ: ᴇʟɪɢɪᴜꜱ ɪᴠ
•— Raven —•
“You know what… I feel like being nice today.”
•— John —•
"What are you plotting?"
•— Raven —•
“Me? Plotting? As if I would?” Smirks.
“Also, why aren’t you offering to help? And you call yourself my friend.”
•— John —•
“Please!! We all know when it comes to plotting, I am the genius! You are the one that needs to make my crazy ideas  possible!”
•— Raven —•
“Excuse Me!!” Poking him in the chest with narrowed eyes. “Correct me if I’m wrong, however I’ve had a big hand in the last two or three plots we worked on!”
•— John —•
“You did… but like I said…. My plots… your genius inventions! I’ll split the credit 50/50.” Holding out my hand to seal the deal.
•— Raven —•
My eyes linger on the outstretched hand. I shook my head. “More effort goes into the execution of a plan. 80/20 sound better from where I stand.”
•— John —•
I tilted my head, like I might be pondering her offer. “60/40?” I countered with a smirk.
•— Raven —•
Shaking my head slowly, biting my lips.  “70/30. If you ask nicely.”
•— John —•
I swallowed… what the… my heart did a thing. And I felt like I would give her anything she wanted at that moment. But that would give me away.
“65/35” I pressed leaning form added a little, turning light blue eyes up to her.
•— Raven —•
“Deal!” Reaching out I took his hand in mine. Shaking it before he changed his mind.
“I would have giving the last offer if you pushed, Watcher! I win!” Winking at him with a shoulder nudge.
•— John —•
“Did you though?” I raised a single brow?  “You accepted my offer… sooooo don’t I win?”
•— Raven —•
Dropping his hand to wave his outlandish claim off. “Yes, yes I did. I’m not a novice, John. I know when a deal is ready for negotiation and when to call it.”
•— John —•
I gasped, loud and dramatic! “You took advantage of me!?! I’m horrified!!” My very poor attempt at not laughing failed miserable.
“So who are we prancing today?”
•— Raven —•
“You’ll get over yourself.” Rolling my eyes at him, with a lick of my lips. I pointed to the door with the window in the middle of it.
“We are not prancing. More like…” tapping my chin as I thought. “Making things fun.”  On the other side of the door say Harper and Luna’s  class of children of all ages. “There is a box of the ice cream to make up for whatever we do.”
•— John —•
I tilted my head looking at her…. “Okay fine…. But after the we can do a real prank right?” I couldn’t play a joke on those kids; they had been through so much…
“Maybe we try make a game of leaning some of the Tek on board. I know a lot of the grounders are struggling with  lights and even doors. Kids pick up these things faster.”
•— Raven —•
Rubbing my hands together. “I knew you would be the perfect partner in crime for this. And yeah. That’s sounds pretty good to me.”
Waving my hand towards the door. “I was thinking about a light show in the observation room. However, learning is the more important thing to do.”
•— John —•
“That would be a good reward… something for them to look forward too if they work hard?” I smiled… going even if they didn't work at all she would still do it. “I know most of the kids are well-recovered, but this place is still very strange to them… showing them it can be pretty, and fun could go a long way to helping when it's time to go to cryo.”
•— Raven —•
Biting on my lips I let my eyes moved away from John. How did this guy always hit the nail on the head? “Uhmm… yeah… yes. Of course.” Shifting off one foot to the other.
“Some part of me feels guilty.” Blurting it out. “You know, they had a life on the ground. They were allowed to be kids. But here… we are going to freeze them in time. I feel like I’m going to steal their childhood or something.” My logic mind knew the truth, however my heart… it had another story to tell.
•— John —•
“Raven… a lot of these kids lived in poverty, or started working the land as soon as they could hold a rake.” I told her. “They would be dead on the ground... And not because of us… Because of the toxic death traps humans built 100 years ago. Here, they are medicine. Their  families… and soon they'll go to sleep, safe and warm.
They won't know hunger, or rationing…. Solar flare hideouts, or water shortages. Then…when they walk up, they will be home. And it will feel like the blink of an eye. They'll all still be the same age; they won't lose a moment of innocence.” I stepped closer to her. “You might feel like they are losing time… but it's not true… it's just because you'll be watching them through the glass.”
I knew she wouldn't go into cryo. She would stay and make sure everyone was safe. “But to them… no time will pass. And I'll be right there. On the other side of the glass with you. The whole time.”
•— Raven —•
“It’s cold…” the words came out without a thought. “The Cryo… it’s cold… not warm.” Swallowing back the floods of emotions which rared its head out of nowhere.
Of course, I knew John told the truth, but guilt came with no rhyme, nor reason. It liked to sit on my chest  free of charge.
And then it hit me. “What did you say?” Frowning a little. “Why aren’t you going in?” Lowering my voice so I didn’t disturb the class of children.
“John why wouldn’t—“ it hit me. Why would he? The realisation did not stop the anxiety of what it would mean if he didn’t go in with the rest.
•— John —•
“Oh…” I mean I knew that but… “They… um… won’t feel the cold, will they?” I knew that too. I mean, they weren’t literally frozen… I didn’t understand the science, but I knew that much.
“I can’t, Raven… I just… I’ll make myself useful. I will but don’t ask me to go  in there if…” I stopped myself from saying -if you’re not.-
“Besides… do you really think I will let you have years on me? You’re already smarter than me. I won’t let wield age over me too.” I laughed.
Would it truly create an age gap between us? It wasn’t something I  prepared to risk... The few days I had lost her were like a living hell. She would live a life for five years while I slept. I wouldn't even know her when I woke up. Wed be strangers again.
•— Raven —•
How was I going to break this down? First glancing around, because I didn’t need an audience.
“We don’t have enough sedation for everyone.” Keeping my voice low. The children will be the first to be given it, so that their experience is as smooth as possible. Then the clans heads are assigned to tell us who is likely to need what is left.” Rubbing my forehead, I shifted to rest my shoulder on the cold metal wall. “This is something they are trying to work out in the council room. Well. One of the things.”
Dropping my gaze to the floor I sighed  “I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to John. I’ve learnt my lesson when it comes to that. However, I need to you understand what you are asking. The fact that everyone but a skeleton crew will be sleeping. Dreaming I hope of a new world where we can make  better choices. Be better people. They will all be waiting for this world… and five years…. It’s an incredible amount of time to be left with your thoughts up here.”
His mental health had to come first. “I’ll still be here when you wake up. And I promise not to hold my wisdom and years over you.” Half smiling, I gave him a nudge.
•— John —•
I shuddered. Not at the idea that there wasn’t enough sedation… grounders were tough they would handle it. As long as the kids were looked after. It was the dreaming… five years locked in my head with my monsters? I’d rather float myself…
I knew she would be there… or I hoped… who would she be by then? Who would stay awake with her? Would they be her family? Would she fall in love?
My heart squeezed. “You’d be a stranger.” I blurted out…. “Five years… you… it’s…” I stopped and took a breath. “There aren’t a lot of people that ever cared about me… or that I cared about. I can’t… I couldn’t… wake up and they won a care about the most was a stranger… how..” I stammered. “And what if….” I stopped. What if she was right and we dreamed for five whole years. Five years in hell, running, dying alone, watching her die again and again. 
“I need to be on that crew, Stargazer.”
•— Raven —•
My feet took me towards the shadows in the corridor. I could have him witness the entire scene on my face while he spoke, and my emotions made themselves knows.
My heart sank at the thought of becoming a stranger to him. But wouldn’t that be true for them all? Everyone who went to sleep?
“What about Emori, of Luna. You know they need you to be there for them too. I’m not worth giving up time for John.” Hearing him use the Nick name he himself gave to me, made something in my stomach twist.
“I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t feel is correct. I just….” Tugging at the ponytail on my head. “I just need you to understand the meaning of staying awake. Of the responsibilities on your shoulders, what if something goes wrong ? What if you and I mess up and fight, and you never want to see me again?” the fact came as I said it. If he came to ask me to put him to sleep. I would do it for him. No questions asked.
•— John —•
I wasn’t sure #Luna would be willing to let herself be put under… #Emori? Maybe. She was a survivor. But she might just choose family after the regrets of choosing the leave the island.
“I don’t know for sure what they will want when the time comes.” I admitted. “But I know what I want. And it not just because if terrified of those tiny little coffin….” I shuddered. Then, I can out and said it. “I want to be where you are… I want to work on all my shit…” I rubbed at the side of my head. “And be the person I thought I was becoming on the  island, before we back down there. I see him more clearly when you’re around.” Then I chuckled.
“But if you think we’ll last 5 years without a fight? You’re delusional. But…” I closed some of the space she made between us. “There’s no world where I never wanna see you. You are a lot of… fun…” I quirked a brow. “… to look at.”
•— Raven —•
My heart in my chest did something, as did my stomach. Because he wanted to be with me. He was picking something no one had done since….. pushing that thought away before I needed to think it to the end. Rolling my eyes, which I was certain he couldn’t see. I slapped him up the side of his head.
“And you were doing so well there, Watcher. Had me thinking you were all feels… but then you’re a teasing little shit.” However, I closed the rest of the space hugging him. Hiding my face from him. “You’re an arse.” Then curious to ask.
“This isn’t because of the island and boat thing. You are going for a long nap isn’t the same thing… and we are over that misstep in our friendship John.”
•— John —•
I laughed; I knew I had broken her tension. I rubbed my head where she slapped me... not because it hurt. She hadn't laid a hand on me to cause me pain since the night she split my lip, and subsequently promised to never hurt me again.
 Then she hugged me, and I was frozen. I hugged her back after two heartbeats. She smelled like she always did, like machine oil and sparks... like home.
"No, it's not about that, it's about this." I squeezed her "It's about family..." Maybe the other would choose this too? I thought to myself. "I think this is how I heal, Stargazer. On the island, there were... less people. People I learned to trust. Maybe whatever crew stay awake... I can learn to trust too. But I need you... to call me on my bullshit and remind me to do better. And I really, really... need to know you're alive."
•— Raven —•
Something tightened in my chest. His letter flashed before my eyes where he asked me to stay alive.
Shaking my head, I pulled back and mustered up the courage to smile. “Okay. So It’s for our small dysfunctional family. This I can get myself behind.”
Still hoping he wouldn’t ever end up regretting making this choice. “And if you are mad at me, the ships big enough for you to never have to see me.” Squeezing his shoulders.
“Okay. So.” Looking around “Brains of the Universe. What are we going to do for a little fun for the kids?”
•— John —•
I smiled, still holding onto her... and wondering how long was too long.
"Yeah, that... and maybe more selfishly for myself. I think this is my chance to... get my head on straight." I put a small amount of distance between us, enough to see her face "#Luna has already agreed that the next time we fight she will lock us in a room until it's fixed or there's only a single survivor."
I let go of her when she reverted to her plan for the kids. "I think the first thing to do is maybe teach them what not to do.... like accidentally opening an airlock."
•— Raven —•
His eyes, those deep-sea blue eyes. They ones I’d seen so much in has lost some of their brightness, however I was determined to bring it back.
“As long as it is my cabin, or work space we will be fine. You know I’m all about the multi-tasking when I’m angry.”
Breaking a hug  wasn’t how I did things. I licked to give the other person the time they needed before pulling away. But the sliding sound of door behind us caught my attention.
‘Hello you two. What do we owe the pleasure too?’ #Harper stood there what a child on her finger and a smirk.
•— John —•
“Hell no!!” I laughed. “Neutral ground… you already have an advantage… I’m not adding all your tools into that as well." The door opened too soon, Raven was doing that thing where she was watching my eyes and that, of course, meant was staring.
Then Harper was there, and my  face burned like a child caught sneaking out during their station's sleep cycle.
I cleared my throat. "Um..." I looked at Raven. "We thought we have the world's greatest and possibly only mechanic... Give the kids a crash course in how this place works."
•— Raven —•
“Hey! I’m not doing it all by myself!” Smacking him up the side of his head before letting go to turn and face #Harper.
Her eyes lingered on John and then me, and back again. “Harper? What do you think?” Clicking my fingers to gain her attention.
‘Oh. Yeah. A field trip should good. We should plan it out first right? Make sure the place is safe for the little ones?’ Pointing to the young one on her finger.
“Between all four of us, and I’m sure we could ask others to help next time too, we should mange it. What do you think Watcher?”
•— John —•
“Really? What do you have against my hair?” I teased dragging my fingers through it. “I mean it’s kids how hard can it be?” #Harper’s eyebrow quirked. I figured that meant very.
‘They are good kids. But they hardly speak any English…’ Harper explained.
“Consider me your  trusty translator.” She gave me another look. “I might not be as good as #Clarke but I can speak Trig.” I told her.
‘Oh I know that… but… how do I know you won't fill their heads with mischief? Because I hardly speak any’
I smirked. “I’ll make that easy too. I absolutely  will fill their heads with mischief.”
I walked into the room, recognizing many of the kids. “Yungon Kru!” (young one clan) I called to them. “Gada raun hir.” (gather around) I held out my arms like a Shepherd herding his flock and they gathered. Sitting in the floor around  me. They were fascinated by a Skaikru speaking their language. “Finally.” I sighed, smiling at the two women. “The respect I deserve.”
Harper muttered something, grinning.
•— Raven —•
‘Of course, he is at home with the children.’ #Harper muttered to me as the two of us stood beside one another watching John take centre stage for his first performance on the ship.
“Don’t knock the free help here, he is giving you a break from the madness.” She was smiling and shrugged her shoulders.
‘You know Rey, I’ve trained to be a perfect marksperson. They put a gun in my hand, and I took to it. But this.’ Lifting her chin towards the kids. ‘This gives me peace… you know?’ And I did. I understood what she must feel. “Maybe this is why I keep looking for ways to help these children? To make up for some of the bad I’ve done on their world.”
We both were smiling now. Watching from the sideline, Harper proud of the kids, and me proud of the Watcher.
•— John —•
I spotted #Dela in the group and grinned, looking over to see if Raven had seen her yet. She was looking good. Her eyes were still dark and her skin a little pale, but she seemed to have as much energy as all the other kids.
Rey was talking quietly with Harper.
I explained in Trig to the children that we were going to take a little walk around the ship and stopped…#Dela was Trishanakru… they had led the anti-tek attacks in Polis.
I walked back to the two women. “#McIntyre… do you know how many of these kids are Trishanakru?”
I couldn't  help but worry. Dela’s father had been kind to me when I helped his daughter. Would we start a conflict with them teaching this to the children?
•— Raven —•
#Harper and I both turned to face John at the same time. 
‘Trishanakru.. Uhm… yeah, we have six in the room right now. The others aren’t really allowed to come yet. Luna is working on it.’
She turned her attention to the room point them out as she spoke. ‘We have Dela….’ I could hear another word. My eyes found the little girl who I had carried onto this ship. Her smile found me, and she came running over. Opening my arms for her I held on to her for dear life. She was my saving, Grace. The one thing I had gotten right in so long. She was still a little pale, weak, however full of life.
Emotions filled my with a lump in my throat, tightening in my chest. But I knew. They were of the good kind.
When I asked her how she was, the girl began to tear up.
‘I…I.. kiss you?’ I stood stunned. ‘Miss…’ #Harper corrected. ‘I missed you.’ She smiled at #Dela. The girl nodded her head, saying again slowly to ensure it was correct.
I beamed with pride. “Yu dig mou snap.” (You learnt fast). Combing her hair off her face. “I missed you too.” Smiling I remembered Johns question. “Why are you asking about Dela’s kru?”
•— John —•
I counted the number of kids in the room… six from TrishanaKru… that was likely a majority… but that made no sense. With clothes being shared, especially for the children (the prison uniforms weren’t an option) and with every tribe came in all colours and shapes (even if a  few did have a clear majority of skin colour.) The girls all were too young to need to cover their hair if they were Sangedakru and they were all too young to have any tribal markings or identifying tattoos.
“Six…” I muttered. “That makes no sense.”
I chuckled at #Dela’s mixed-up words… but she was learning. “You have a fan, Stargazer.” I said to Raven quietly.
Then I stepped closer to the girls, sticking to English now. “#Illian was Trishanakru and he led all of the Tek raids in Polis after the City of Light fell… they are or at least, were… anti-tek… but up here… #Dela’s father is the elder… an if he has encouraged parents to send the kids here…. Maybe…” I trailed off… trying to figure this out. “We don’t want to cross any lines and hurt the chance of the Clan working with us.”
I got down to #Dela’s level. “Chit don yu Nontu tell yu op hasta komb’ir raun hir?” (What did your father tell you about coming here.)
#Dela looked a little nervous. “En’s ku, Dela. Osir jos gaf gon tich yo hasta…” (it’s okay, Dela. We just want to) Shit! There was no Trigedasleng word  for spaceship…. I looked up at the others… Raven learned her Trig from me and #Luna. I wished the Zen Master was here.
‘Skaidon?’ #Dela provided. ‘Luna Kom Flokru tag on….’ She motioned all around us with large movements. ‘Skaidon-de’ (Skyboat? Luna of the Boat People  calls this the sky boat.)
I told her; Yes, we want to teach the children about the sky boat. And she explained to me that her father told her to learn everything Skaikru taught them because they knew more about our new home.
Then I came back to the two women again. “Dela said Delano told them all to learn anything we can teach them. I think he’s more open-minded than the previous leadership. I think we should do it.”
•— Raven —•
“I’m a bloody rockstar. You are the only one who doesn’t drop at my feet, Watcher.” #Harper coughed to hide her laughter at the two of us.
My own attention moved to the small girl and how she looked while speaking with John. I could pick up the gist of the conversation, however felt a little lost too.
“Delano? Why would he stop us?”
#Delano, #Dela’s had been a kind man. Someone is spoken to a few times now. He was thrust into a position of leadership for his people who had followed him and his wife onto the carrier that day of evacuation. #Dela’s mother had pleaded for help, her daughter lay dying in their - arms. Just the reminder of the day made my stomach churn.
#Dela slipped her small hand into mine and I didn’t hesitate to close my fingers around it. If she needed my touch right now. I would give it. “Delano is a kind man, and he’s seen what we can do to help his people.” Smiling down at the girl. “He came to the med bay and stayed by his daughters side. He was watching, learning, and listening. I can’t see anything wrong with the child’s learning about where they are living now.”
The way #Harper glanced around the room and then to John told me I was romanticising my outlook at little?
‘I don’t know guys, John’s making a good point. What if we take it in small groups? Leave the TrishanaKru children until Luna is back?’
“Also, not a bad thing I guess.” My attention was back on John again. “Why did you say this didn’t make any sense? Before. When Harper told you there are six kids here?”
•— John —•
“I know… But under #Delano’s leadership, the Clan are opening up a little more.” I said to her. I couldn’t help but be stunned that #Harper was taking me seriously. That wasn’t anything against #Harper, she and I never had any real issues. In lock-up, I may have made a few  inappropriate comments to her… playing up to the crowd, but she never seemed to hold it against me. It was simply the fact that anyone was taking me seriously… #Emori had been the first and then Raven and #Luna… I thought that #DrGriffin had started to as well… but I had  just been the most convenient person for the job she needed done.
“I feed all of these people… I know exactly how many children are on this ship… there are thirteen clans. Trishanakru has nine minors… three are teenagers. So essentially all their kids are here. Maths  isn’t my strong suit but based on the number of kids in the room… it’s a huge majority. It’s like the clan has made a complete U-turn in their opinions of Skaikru.”
•— Raven —•
#Harper’s eyes were on me; I could feel them so when I met them it wasn’t a surprise to see the shock. All I could do was shrug my shoulders to say, ‘Yeah, it’s him… John Murphy… stepping up and taking notice.’
We turned our attention back to him, well… #Harper did, mine  moved to the room and the children.
“But are they really?” Lifting my chin to the room. “There isn’t much tech in here. It’s not even a real class room.” I’d been here a few times now, helping #Luna and #Harper when I could. Being around the hustle and bustle of the youngsters gave me a sense of purpose and peace.
“Luna tells then stories, she’s kinda good at it, and Harper here plays with them. Teaching them some of our language and learning theirs.” I could feel her nodding. ‘Luna and I gather things from around the ship we feel could be of help to them. So, they aren’t completely lost. However, we don’t force them to go against their clans in any way. It’s kinda one of the main reasons some of the children aren’t allowed to come. Luna says we need to build trust, not betray it.’ #Dela let go of my hand and run off to play with some of her friends, making my heart dance. “But I see where John is coming from. Six out nine children… that’s a high percentage.”
#Harper shifts towards John. ‘What am I missing. I still don’t understand why it’s worrying. Isn’t that a good thing?’
•— John —•
I looked around the room again. Okay, so they have a point… there's not a lot of technology in here. Would a prison ship have a classroom? Should I ask or was that a stupid question? No… it was definitely a stupid question.
I smiled at the mention of #Luna’s storytelling. “I mean… not much else to do on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean.” I chuckled fondly.
“You’re right… it is a good thing… I think.” I dragged my hand through my hair. Now my mind was racing with so many other thoughts now. My distrustful nature was sneaking back in. #Delano is a good man… isn’t he? I had thought the same about #Bellamy once and he hung me…
“No… Yeah… It’s a good thing. Hopefully, the rest of the clans will follow suit.” I said. “Okay… come on. Let’s do this thing. See what happens.”
•— Raven —•
#Harper and I exchanged looks once again. I knew him was clearly holding something back. And I could see from the look #Harper gave she thought the same. The question was should I push him to just say what he was thinking, or do I wait for him to feel comfortable enough to say  it by himself?
This friendship had just come back to some form of stability, and I was ashamed to admit to myself I didn’t want to rock the boat.
Telling myself John would tell me if he felt it was important. But then a part of me wanted him to just say whatever  was on his mind. Not to hold back. And I knew it would take time.
‘What are we doing? This was your brain wave.’ #Harper questions.
“We were thinking it would be a good idea to show the children the rest of the ship. Where they can go, where not to go because of danger.
You know safety measures.” I told her, still stealing gazes at John.
•— John —•
I saw the way Raven glanced at #Harper… Could she see the anxiety underlying my thoughts? I could tell her later without Harper and several sets of ears listening in. Damn… Was I so paranoid that I thought one or more of these children were faking not speaking  Gonasleng? Fuck!
No… #Delano is a good guy.
“Why don’t we take a walk and then anything you guys think is relevant we can stop and explain?” I looked between the two women… kids and lessons weren’t exactly my strong suit… but at least for this lone afternoon I was useful, I could translate.
It might only be for a few hours but feeling useful again… felt good.
•— Raven —•
“Let’s do this.” Rubbing my hands together with a smile.
“Right, who’s up for an adventure?” I asked in trig, and got it so wrong that;
1) the kids looked at me confused.
2) they whispered to one another. And 3) they slowly burst out in laughter. However, it didn’t cause me embarrassment nor that  uncomfortable feeling. I just laughter with them too.
“Opps…” loud whispering to John. “What in hells did I just say to them?”
#Harper began gathering the youngest of the children, guiding them toward the door however not opening it just yet. Finding myself watching her I couldn’t help but wonder how life would have been for her if choices were allowed and circumstance hadn’t changed her path.
“You’re so good with them Harper. And they really like you. I can tell.”
•— John —•
I chuckled a little at the mispronunciation. “You just ask if they wanted to get cooked.” I pinched my brows and tried to control my expression from teasing her. “Wom op… is to cook. And wona of is adventure or…” I tilted my head because as far as I knew there  wasn’t actually a Trig word for adventure. “Exploring. But you were close… on pronunciation at least.” I reached out and touched her arm, without thinking… like it was the most normal thing in the world to do.
It should have been hard to reconcile the expert marksman that  was #HarperMcIntyre with the Harper McIntyre in front of me now. Making children who could barely understand her smile, laugh, and follow instructions… But it wasn’t, it seemed like the perfect fit for her. I repeated what Raven had tried to say, in Trig, and the kids all looked up at us excitedly. I leaned into Raven and whispered because I didn’t want to steal #Harper’s thunder.
“Hey, looks like I’m pretty good at this too.” I smirked.
•— Raven —•
“I know you are, who knows… maybe you’ve found another calling without expecting too?” The way these kids reacted to both these people had to be astounding. #Harper and John? Children whispers? Who would have thought, not me that’s who!
#Harper asked me to stand at the door, for John to stand in the middle about foot feet away from me, and she took the back with the last two kids.
Telling them to stay in the line, to hold the hands of their, ‘Buddy’ and to look after on another.
“Damn Harper, is it wrong that I’m a little turned on by the school teacher thing happening here?” Waggling my eyebrows, I shook my shoulders trying to tease her. And it worked, her cheeks and ears turned a Beet red making me laugh so hard.
“Okay Crew, you are the young officers of this ship, and it is your responsibility  to know and understand how to keep safe and look after those who cannot help themselves. So, let’s go and see what we can find!”
Opening the door, I turned to smile at John. “Hey Watcher, do you want to take the lead in exposing and explaining it all? My trig is No-way as good as yours.”
•— John —•
I laughed so hard I snorted. “Nope!” I shook my head vehemently. “Rare occasions like this are fine… but when it comes to kids; I’m a small doses kinda guy.” I shuddered remembering the few days I was forced to spend in the care centre after my mother died.
“Damn, Reyes… who  knew you were into blondes.” I chuckled.
I translated everything Raven said as best I could… taking up the position that #Harper asked me to as we filed out the door. I looked at Raven when she asked me to take the lead. “Um…” I looked at the kids and then around the ship… I had no idea how any of this stuff worked beyond the most basic function.
“I wouldn’t even know what was worth pointing out or not… How about you point, I translate… and if I think there’s anything else worth telling them about you can help tell me how it works?” I  raised a brow. “You know… teamwork and all?”
•— Raven —•
Rolling my eyes, “if only you knew all my kinks Watcher.” A mischievous grin on my face.
‘Rey! Children! John Do Not Translate that for them.’ #Harper shook her head and still smiled with a blush creeping up her cheeks.
“Okay… okay… we can do this. Team work.” Team works my arse… I knew where my strengths lay, and giving kid a tour wasn’t up in that list.
I was the nerd, the overachiever who thrived on knowing the consequences of all the action I planned to take. But this one? Well, it’s becoming clear I didn’t think it through at all.
Taking my jacket off, I wrapped it around my waist. Pulled and tugging at my braid trying to cool off my neck.
“Okay. Let’s head starboard, we can go to see the main deck. The main deck is where we pilot this ship from. Even if we are standing still right now. However, you can see the views of the stars from there.”
Walking ahead I felt a small hand lacing its way into mine. #Dela smiled up at me and I squeezed her to reassure both of us.
•— John —•
I help my hands out to #Harper in an 𝕆𝕙 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 gesture. “Oh, c’mon! Even I’m not that stupid.” I rolled my eyes and smirked. “Like I would air her kinks so openly when I could save them for use as blackmail later.” I laughed. #Harper gave me a look like she would wallop  me if she was close enough… even with the prying eyes of all the kids here.
Raven said starboard… I wasn’t unfamiliar with the word. I knew it meant a side of the ship… port and starboard, left and right… but which one was which? Was there a Trig word for starboard? My mind boggled while I tried to figure out if it was left or right. A cough came from behind me as we all followed Raven like little ducks in a row. I heard a cough from behind me that sounded like the word “Right.” I flashed #Harper an appreciative smile over my  shoulder.
“Rasad.”(Right) I said out loud… but then stopped and translated the whole sentence Rey had said. I shrugged at her. “I don’t know ship words.” I chuckled but I made a note to ask #Luna later. #Emori might know either; she knew her way around a vessel… but not  like The Zen Master did.
•— Raven —•
“Personal note, punch him in the arm. Just for the fun of it and payback.” Of course, I wouldn’t. The promise I made him and myself never to hit him again wouldn’t allow me, (not even as a joke.)
Listening to John translate, I felt a little impressed at him and myself. Who knew we could be a good team when it came to talking to the young ones.
“Crap, sorry. I didn’t mean to make you use your two brain cells. I’ll keep it simple from here.” Pointing to the corridor, coming up to our right. “We will be going right here. However, if you look ahead.” Pointing to the closed doors. “This is where the security room on this floor is situated. If you ever feel unsafe, or need help, or are lost, there will always be someone in there who will be willing to assist you.” As I say the words, the doors slide open to reveal #Nate and #Jasper coming out.
‘Hey… what’s going on here?’ #Jasper asked in a singsong voice. ‘Is there a party we didn’t get an invite to?’ Winking at the kids. The youngest of the group holding #Harper’s hand hid behind her. All we could see were green eyes from behind Harper’s leg.
‘There you go scaring that little ones, Jordan.’ #Nate rolled his eyes. ‘Don’t worry, he scares me too.’ He bent down and smiled at the kids.
•— John —•
I rolled my eyes at her. “Hey, you’re the one in need of my mad skills! Sorry if my brain cells are full because I learned an entire language in the span of a few months.” I rubbed it in.
“Dison hir bilaik faswogeda-de.” (This is the security room.) I translated for her… then  continued with everything else she said.
I moved to the back of the line while one of the boys at the front traced the Ark logo on #Nathan’s shoulder. I asked the little girl hiding behind #Harper.
‘Gona.’ (Soldier) She whispered, pointing at the guys.
“Nou.” (No) I told  her, offering her my hand. “Emo… Bloka. Chilkepa. Emo kep oso klir.” (They are Guards. Peacekeepers. They keep all of us safe.)
The girl finally took my hand and came with me to the front of the line. “Naithon… Jaspa…”
‘Bloka?’ She looked at me and I nodded. Then she  touched Nathan’s shoulder too. ‘Kep oso klir.’
‘What did you tell her?’ #Nate asked.
“She thought you were a soldier… Gona… I told her you were a Guard or a Peacekeeper.” I wasn’t really sure that he would like that, but we need these kids to know that we weren’t their enemy, or their jailers.
#Jasper grinned. ‘Clever.’
“Not just a pretty face.” I grinned at him. Then I turned to all the kids and asked them in trig to repeat the words after me in English. Guard and Security Room.
•— Raven —•
Both #Harper and I found ourselves witnessing a gentle side to the boys. We hadn’t had the opportunity or the chance to need it before. However, when push came to shove here, they were.
#Jasper moved into the fray of things, showing the kids how to juggle pens! “Jas, you will have one of their eyes out with those things flying in the air!”
‘Nope, it’s all in the skill of my fingers.’ He wiggled them in the face of a child making then laugh. Causing me to roll my eyes and laugh all at once. “If you harm one of them, you’ll have to answer to Luna.” This made him stop.
‘Party pooper, Rey.’
‘Okay, okay.’ Clapping her hands to gain the attention of everyone. #Harper pointed to the corridor on the right. ‘We should keep moving, less questions that way.’ “Good point, well made.”
Thanking #Nate and #Jasper, because of them all the children seemed more relaxed.
•— John —•
I was preoccupied with the kids and #Jasper’s show. But I still noticed the attention the girls paid to us and not just the kids. She gave me that nickname for a reason after all. But Rey was smiling, I never knew she liked kids so much… then again, maybe she didn’t either.
Children were rare on the Ark, most of us were only around kids when we actually were kids.
The kids seemed to understand the request to move on easily. “They really are picking up on English fast.” I said the Harper and Raven as they led the way. I chuckled thinking of the Skaikru members that refused to make any effort to learn Trigedasleng. A superiority complex was the real enemy of survival.
“Where next captain?” I asked Raven at the head of the line of chattering children. It was strange that she was so relaxed working with a large of children around a century-old spaceship.
•— Raven —•
“Captain? Are you trying to promote me without a hint of negotiation, John Murphy?” Pointing ahead. “Let’s go this way.”
This wasn’t on my list of things to do today, but it wasn’t selfless. These children needed out, to feel some freedom, they weren’t made to be locked away unlike us. We knew what it meant to be confined. We did it without a question (well mostly. Maybe. Okay fine. We were bad at it too. However, not the point I was making to myself!)
Great! Now I was fighting with myself internally!
‘Are you okay Ray?’ #Harper called from the back. When I turned to see all those eyes on me.
“All good here. I’m still thinking we head to the main deck; the bridge is where we flight this ship from, the windows—” cutting off mid thought.
“Shit!” Shaking my head. “Don’t translate that, John!” Keeping my  voice even. “I didn’t think this through.” Shit… shit… shit….
 “Air locks… let’s go to the lower decks, show the children the works of this place, I’ve been working on the transport ship.” How could I be so single minded! Foolish!
•— John —•
I laughed. “The last thing you need is an ego boost like that. And I think our fine Lieutenant…” The word was filled with sarcasm. “Would be very put out by that.”
I stopped when Rey mentioned the main deck… Wouldn’t we need permission for that? I knew Raven could come and  go as she pleased, but surely it was off-limits. It was probably a great thing to show the kids though, but maybe we could see if it was something we could do another day.
Raven was kind of freaking out… my brow pinched as I watched her. But I didn’t want to ask her what was wrong in front of #Harper and the kids. “Okay… I won’t…” I assured her.
“Airlocks it is…” I kept my eyes on her. There was always a constant sense of unease when I didn’t know if she was okay or not. I told the kids to follow her and looked for an opportunity to ask her what was going on inside that head of hers.
•— Raven —•
Now my mind flew through this plan we came up with. I came up with. Was it really a good idea? Should we be walking these around a ship that wasn’t even ours?
Then again, seeing the change in the children after seeing Nate and Jasper it was worth it. So, this was right. I needed to stop second guessing myself.
“Okay… I know it’s not much to look at but trust me when I say that this ship is full of exciting surprises that are beautiful. Pressing a code into the security doors for them to open. “These doors are in place to keep each part of the ship safe in case of an emergency.” Tapping the heavy doors as I walked by.
‘Rey, we need to work on your idea of what is an exciting surprise for a child.’ #Harper called out from the back.
“What do you mean? This is good stuff I’m showing.” Okay, maybe I needed to work on how to make others as excited about these things?
Feeling a tug on my hand my hazel eyes dropped to the small boy. Leaning down when he motioned, he whispered in my ear in trig. I’d picked up enough to know he needed a bathroom.
“We are going to make a small detour.” There was a small officer den ahead of us.
Once at the door, I pushed in the Mater code waiting as the doors slid apart. “Bathroom break, if anyone wants to go, come on in.” Walking the boy in, he stopped outside the door of the bathroom hopping from foot to foot, however he wouldn’t go in.
“It’s okay. It is safe in there.” I told him. Opening the door to show him.
•— John —•
The kids were distracted, looking around at the ship. I heard one of them ask why there weren’t any trees or grass. I was about to translate the question for Raven when #Harper spoke. “I mean… Sure they need to have fun.” I interjected. “But the kids  need to learn that they should steer clear of the airlocks too.”
#Harper seemed to pause for a moment. “It was different for us… we grew up around this stuff. These kids have no clue that stepping out into space can --- “ I made the universal Kill you motion.
‘You have a point.’ She admitted.
“Let’s let Raven do the nerd stuff and you and I figure out how to make it fun.” I said to her, and she nodded.
We detoured to the bathroom, and I was not about to take a bunch of little kids to do their business. “I’ll wait out here with the others.” I offered quickly before they could ask me to take the kids in there.
•— Raven —•
‘Oh, so you’ll help just not with the hard stuff, huh?’ I could hear #Harper teasing John before she came inside to join me as the children with me too turned to visit the restroom.
‘It’s so nice to see them happily using the bathrooms now. It’s took Luna a lot of exampling  for them to stop thinking they would be endangered if they say on them.’
She elbowed my side to gain my attention. ‘Hey, are you okay?’ Lifting her chin to the door. ‘Out there before, you seem to have been…’ she didn’t need to say it, I knew what she meant.
“Yeah, not my finest hour.” Shaking my head stepping back to lean on the walk to take some of the pressure off myself. “I was thinking of taking them to see the views and experience the flight deck.”
‘Yeah, I know. I wasn’t there when we made the plan.’ She looked confused.
“Harper… the flight deck... it had a front row seat of their home… earth… which is being consumed and ravished by Praimfaya right now. I don’t want them seeing that… witnessing the end of the only home they know. That’s…” I shook my head.
‘Oh… shit…’ she whispered. And I nodded my head.
“I’m an idiot… what the hells was I thinking!”
•— John —•
I winked at #Harper. “You may be a sharp shooter #Harper but you aren’t quick enough on the draw!” I teased.
The girls disappeared into the bathroom with a few of the kids and in the meantime… I was left alone in the hallway with most of them. The kids asked me questions about Raven. I explained her job to them in Trig as best as I could until one of the children asked me where Skaikru’s children were.
I squatted down to their level and explained to them our clan only had one small child… the rest were older. They had a whole lot of  questions about it. But I didn’t think that explaining to them that, most of them died in the sections on the ark that burned up when it crashed to earth or in the sections that didn’t land right. So I told them that living in space means you have limited space and food; so people were only allowed to have one child.
Then I asked them who had brothers or sisters. Some of them raised their hands and I knew by the looks on their faces that their sibling probably hadn’t been in Polis when they evacuated. It was unlikely that many of the siblings made it on board unless they were soldiers. Or one of the babies.
Then I explained to them that no one in Skaikru had brothers or sisters… other than the new Heda Okteivia… while I knocked on the door for the girls to hurry up.
•— Raven —•
#Harper and I stood in silence as we listened to John, a lot of what he said had been missed. However, the parts I could understand made it clear what the children were asking.
I told #Harper in a low voice what the topic of discussion was with a solemn look on my features, which she mirrored.
‘They haven’t asked me about this, unless Luna explained it, maybe?’
I shrugged my shoulders, “John speaks their language, they are relaxed now and maybe feel a connection?”
She scoffed. ‘We all know, John is a big kid.’ And I knew she said it to  Lighten the heaviness in the room, however I shook my head.
“You know, Harper… in Becca’s time… you and I would have been classed as young ones too.”
With the last of the children washing their hands as #Harper has taught them; we heard the knock on the door from John. Opening it I smile. “You know better than to rush someone who needs to go, Watcher.”
Letting everyone out, and back into their line we began to walk towards the elevators. “Could you let them all know we are going to in this, and that it’s safe. I’ve tested them all now, so if they want to use them. They can around the ship?” I asked John.
•— John —•
I couldn’t hear much with the kids still asking questions and speaking to each other. I grinned up at her when she opened the door. “The questions were about to get really awkward out here.” I chuckled. “I needed the backup.”
I followed her to the elevator, and I started to  explain it to them in Trig. “Disha hir Tagon Vieda.” (this is called an Elevator) Then I repeated the word in English, asking them all to say it. In trig again I told them, “This takes you up or down to all the different levels of the ship. One of the kids shouted out about  the lift in the Commander's tower that was raised and lowered by a pulley system and two men.
“He wants to know if it's like the one in the Tower in Polis… it's kind of famous.” I told the two women with me... Mostly #Harper. Raven’s trig was getting better by the day. I  told kids it was like that one, but this one was powered by machines, and it was very safe. I explained the button. “Gyon op.” For the up arrow and “Gyon daun.” For the down arrow. Then I exhaled.
“We might need to teach them how to recognise numbers, so they know if they need  go up or down.” I said but I was mostly talking to myself.
‘Can you teach me to count in Trig? And then I can teach them?’ #Harper asked me like it was a perfectly normal thing to ask. I looked at her a little shocked that she would ever think I could teach anyone anything. She cleared her throat a little awkwardly. ‘I mean… you and #Luna could teach them… but you both have other duties, so I just thought…’ She brushed her hair behind her ear, only there was nothing to brush back because her hair was braided tightly around her head. ‘Never  mind… Silly idea.’
Then I realised my expression was probably hard to read. “No… It’s not. In fact, it’s a good idea. I can definitely teach you and I’m sure Luna will help too when she can. It makes sense… you’re with these kids more than anyone. We should teach you the language.” I said, shifting my expression to a genuine one. #Clarke and #Kane had the best command of the language out of all of Skiakru but they were too busy to teach anyone anything. So, I didn’t see why #Luna and I couldn’t help. I was sure Emori would help too; she taught me most of what I knew.
•— Raven —•
New words for my trig vocabulary, my ears perked up while I pushed the code to keep the doors open for the elevator. The younger children at first felt a little dubious about the square box, while the older ones were excited, stepping on and off.
I could make out enough to know they spoke about the lift in the tower. I hadn’t seen it, because #Clark hadn’t let me on the missions taking place in those walls, I knew I’d slow them all down, so I didn’t push to go. I had other messes to clean up anyway.
When John confirmed my trail of thoughts I half smiled. “Okay. Come on young ones, it’s time to take a ride.”
It’s when I saw the exchange taking place between the other two ‘adults’ at the back. But I didn’t prying into their business. A few of the children joined me inside, some small one clanging onto #Harpers hands, and leg.
“Well, it’s going to be interesting to see how you move.” I told her.
‘John! It’s clear Rey isn’t going to help; please could you carry this little one and I’ll take the other.’ She handed the kid in her arms over to him. ‘Just go slow for them. This is all new for them all.’
“Why would I help?” Lifting my chin to all the children in the elevator with me. “Come on, we can’t go without you.”
•— John —•
A couple of the kids were still dubious of the lift; a few were clinging to #Harper for protection. I chuckled, Harper managed to waddle, shuffle, and drag her way into the lift with all bars two of the kids. I crouched to their level and asked them in trig if it was okay if I carried them into the Elevator. The boy pushed out his bottom lip and said he was afraid to go into the wall. The boy was clever… it looked like a wall before the doors opened. Especially if you had never seen one before.
“En’s nou wo… en’s…” I couldn’t call it a room  really. “Vieda…” (It's not a wall, it’s… an elevator.) I explained.
I looked at Raven. “Close the door for a second, don’t go anywhere… just show them it opens again.” I had the kids watch as the door opened again. Their expressions relaxed a little more when the children  reappeared. “Kom op?” (Coming up?)  I asked the kids again and they let me pick them up and carry them into the lift. One on each hip… The taller child made my gait a little lopsided. #Harper was grinning at me.
“What?” I asked with pinched brows.
‘You’re kind of a sweetheart, John Murphy.’ She smirked.
“What? Ho—Wh—Where did you get that idea?” My face heated. Sweetheart? Ew… Me? Never!
‘You could have just picked them up whether they liked it or not, but you asked. That was sweet!” She smirked.
•— Raven —•
#Harper saw in John what #Luna and I knew for a while now. His attitude towards those who need his help had always been well hidden in plain sight.
He has been the same with me, to the point that I had punched him in his face, and in response he’d asked if I’d felt better. “He wouldn’t do that.” I answered for John. “He believes in giving the choice, and then follow even if he disagrees with the outcome.” Somewhat true, even if there were times when he hadn’t given me the option. But then again, my mind had been melting before his eyes.
So, he could be forgiven.
My attention moved towards #Dela as the elevator began, its descent. She whispered to those who were beside her to trust the three of us in trig. She then curled her small hand into mine smiling up at me. This did something to me. My heart fluttered with a warming feeling; one I hadn’t felt for a long while.
The bell like sound indicated we had arrived on the correct floor, frightening some of the passengers in the small box. “It’s okay… it’s an important sound. This sound tells us we have arrived on our chosen floor.” Pointing to the light above the door as they slide open right then.
•— John —•
I smiled at Raven... She was wrong. She was right too… In this case, getting these kids into an elevator wasn’t life and death. I looked at Raven in the distorted reflection of the lift doors. I had done it to her though… violated her trust and her personal space, drugged  her… restrained her… all because I was trying to keep her alive, but I did it nonetheless. And somewhere deep inside I knew I would do it again, if I had to, if it would save her.
I wasn’t sure what that said about me.
The kid on my left… the smaller boy; flinched at  the ping the lift made when the lift stopped and clung to me while I was distracted by watching Dela and Rey… the pair had clearly developed a bond, and I wondered if the child understood it was Raven’s actions that had made sure she’d gotten on this ship before the Death Wave took Polis. She had been so sick… and I had been trapped in the quarantined area because I was too sick from exposure too.
Tiny arms locked around my neck, and I got a face full of dark curls. “It’s okay kid…” On instinct, I spoke English. But this child was probably  no more than three or four years old and normally only warriors learned English. He’d probably only heard the language here on the ship. I remembered how afraid I had been in the prison camp the first time I heard Trig… having no idea what they were saying unless they were interrogating me. So I comforted him in Trig but I had no free hands to offer any other kind of comfort.
The other child reached across and patted his back, telling him to be brave. The other boy's skin was deep, rich brown compared to the younger boy’s light freckled complexion… they likely weren’t even from the same village and here they were.. offering each other comfort.
When we stepped out of the lift, I stooped to let the boys down. The younger one tightened his grip around my neck. “Okay… Looks like you’re staying put.” The older  boy climbed down but stayed close.
‘Wow…’ Monty laughed, appearing from wherever he had been working. ‘That’s a new look on you John Murphy.’
“Hey… I have many talents…” I glanced at the kids. “Apparently.” Then I immediately turned to search for Rey and Dela.
•— Raven —•
‘There’s nothing wrong with having hidden talents when it comes to these little monsters.’ He growled laughing.
Because as soon as the doors opened, and the children saw #Monty they rushed out towards him. He had come down to his knees catching them, wrestling with a few of  the boys while the girls stayed waiting for John to disembark with the youngest one and then #Harper too.
‘Hi… They’ve missed your visited to the classroom.’ #Harper told him.
‘Hey.’ He smiled up at her. ‘Things have been crazy with the farm. I was on my way up now, but looks like you all have other plans?’
#Harper filled #Monty into why we were all coming down here, and the plan to show the children around the ship to help them adjust.
‘That’s a great idea, can I tag along? Another helping hand?’ He asked us all.
I smiled nodding my head down the corridor still stood in the elevator due to the commotion in the corridor before it. “Hells, yeah. More the merrier. And you can help with the nerdy stuff. I’m not exactly making this a fun trip.”  Laughing my eyes met Johns, frowning a little my brows lifted in a silent question. Asking if he was, okay?
•— John —•
I moved closer to Raven as the kids swarmed to #Monty and #Harper filled him in on the day's plans with the little ones. She’d seen that moment of darkness in the lift. Of course, she had. This was Raven… somewhere along the line, she’d learned to tune into my carefully guarded tells. I swayed to one side, brushing my shoulder against hers, giving her a small smile that said; I’m Fine, or… maybe, Later … Both? I couldn’t be sure myself. But if she wanted to know where I’d gone for that moment, I would tell her… later. Just her. The brush of my arm against hers was easier… not plagued with that feeling of invading her space, no dark whispers telling me I had no right to be that close to her. It was simple, natural… like it had been at home… in the mansion. After our breakthrough when I was a  friend not her unwanted nurse and before… before I destroyed us. But this was Raven Reyes; she’d never met a broken thing she couldn’t fix… and she had taken my hand. Taken it and held it while we slept.
So later… I could tell her. I was guilty of the things she said I  wouldn’t do… I was sorry I had done them to her, But I would do it again in a heartbeat… to save her.
“Where to next captain?” I stifled a grunt as the kid on my hips started swinging his legs to get let down to join his excited friends and narrowly missed kicking me in a  place I wanted very much not kicked! I set him down and he ran into the melee of tiny people.
•— Raven —•
My elbow nudged John right back, softly in reply, saying without speaking. ‘Okay… Later it is.’ Because I was done… I wasn’t going to let him walk alone. We were all going to be there to support one another from now on.
I heard the question and pointed up the  corridor with a smile. “To the room of Magic of course, the only place where anything can be fixed.”
Both #Harper and #Monty nodded their agreement, and #Dela tugged on my hand telling me to hurry. She wanted to be in the middle of all the mayhem.
Leaning down I smiled. “Go on ahead. I’ll be right behind you.” When I stood upright again, I saw her looking longingly towards the other children and then me. “Go on. Lead the way.”
When I glanced to my side, the shock of witnessing John’s near fatal accident made me wince. “Ouch… his foot was  way too close… Rather you than me.”
Tugging on my ponytail, setting off behind the others.
•— John —•
I smiled at her; she got it… she knew there were only a small circle of people I shared things with. I wasn’t one to spill my thoughts in front of anyone. But I could tell her. I watched the way she looked at #Dela… encouraging her to go and mingle with the other kids. I  wondered if it was hard for her. She had been in the med bay the longest of all the children. So, I wondered if had been hard for her to join this group after they’d begun making friends. It was something I had noticed in my short stay at the care centre… kids that age met someone and that same day they were best friends.
I chuckled at her… “Please you have laughed your arse off. The kid will understand that pain in about eight years.” I watched the kids again. “Do you think #Dela is adjusting to all of this?” I asked her as we walked towards  the place where the magic supposedly happened. “She looks… healthy… maybe a little skinny but that can be fixed over time…” And who knew how skinny she was before she came on board? “But she looks… happy? As happy as you could expect at least, right?”
•— Raven —•
“Hells yeah, I’m not even going to attempt to lie. I would have been rolling on the ground with tears coming out of my eyes…. Only after I asked if you were okay, of course.” Nudging him with my elbow with a cheeky smirk.
My gaze followed his to that beautiful little girl, who has been to hell and back. I saw past her healing scars. Some which she would have for the rest of her life, and some which would wither away with time.
Bearing witness to Singh before us with #Dela hovering around the children playing and teasing #Monty, he noticed her and brought her into the medley of madness.
“She is strong, with a willing to keep fighting. It’s a testament to her standing here today. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. But look at her… She will be fine.”
She was small for her age, or at least that was what #Abby  had said. Then again, we could see all the kids were the same. Some more so than others.
“Harper was saying… she wants to stuff them full before we place them into Cryo. And I get it. It will help them. You know… I wish we could keep them up a little longer…”
•— John —•
I shook my head at her. “Harsh, Reyes. Harsh.” But I knew she would… and she might not even laugh. At least, not until a few hours later. Seeing people in pain wasn’t something she coped with easily. I watched the kids again; the youngest boy who had almost kicked me was  weaving in and out of the crowd of them. I noticed #Harper watching him and #Dela even more closely.
I nodded, I understood where that was coming from. “I get it… I mean….” I dragged my hand through my hair. “When was the last time you saw this many children all together? At least of this age range… there weren’t even that many in the care centre.” I stopped abruptly… it probably wasn't the best time to talk about that… and it wasn’t like I was there for long. “But I do think it’s a good idea to save the rations we have for when we get back  to earth… even if we find good land to start out on… it will take time to get farms producing… If they go to sleep, they don’t need to learn about rationing… or hunger and thirst. It sounds like a good deal… if it wasn’t for the…” I stopped again. I didn’t dare speak negatively of the cryo chambers in case the kids heard.
I knew my anxiety behind them was illogical, but all the same, it was there, and it was real. Raven knew my fears and the other reasons I didn’t want to go to sleep. “Plus, the sooner people go to sleep the less chances  there are of tensions between the clans.”
•— Raven —•
Twice…. As we walked twice, he stopped from saying what he was thinking. Making me question the reason. Looking around, looking between the two of us, and the company we were in. I got it.
This hadn’t been the same as on the island. He wasn’t stopping because he didn’t want to share, it wasn’t the right time. Just like before I told myself he would tell me later. And I believed it too.
‘Rey!’ #Monty’s voice cut in before I could answer or question John anymore. ‘The door is locked. You need to punch the code in.’ Nodding my head, I allowed one last glance at John telling him we’d talk more later before slowly catching up to the others.
“Okay, are we really?” And children with excited and eager. I didn’t know how #Monty and #Harper had done this. I pushed into the code to my  workshop which was the same as my room code. And with a general hiss the doors slide open.
“Welcome to the overachievers workshop.”
#Harper laughed and picked me. ‘Rey, there nothing in here that could injure or kill a kid, right?’
At the question being asked, my mind began to wander around what I had open. “Oh hells. Uhm… give me one….” I was already, hopping, running and skipping to the far side of the room where the industrial cutters were laying out.
•— John —•
I knew how much she hated it when I held stuff back… especially now that we were back on track again. But I wasn't really holding back, there were kids everywhere and #Harper. #Monty now too… I would tell her… but when it was just her and I. I just hoped that she saw that promise in the smile I gave her, I didn’t want her to think there was still a wall between us. I translated for the kids, but they seemed to read Rey’s excitement about where we were heading.
I couldn’t but get excited at how excited she was. Maybe it was a little bit of the  kid's excitement too… maybe. When Harper asked the potential for injury in the room, I turned the kids and told them to wait in Trig then I distracted them when Raven hopped off to retrieve a wicked-looking tool that she’d left out… Shit… she must have been in a lot of pain if she didn’t put that back in its place when she last used it. I told the kids that this was the room where Raven and the other mechanics and engineers fixed things and made sure everything, we needed to make the ship run was working. They didn’t ask many questions… they’re  understanding of Tek was slim to none.
•— Raven —•
I never left things out of place; it was well known by everyone that;
1. They could borrow anything they needed, as long as they returned it.
2. I had a place for every tool. (Reason being if anyone did ask to use something. I could tell them where it was kept without needing to go to it.)
3. I always left my work space ready to go for the next time.
All of which had gone out the ship’s windows with the next to no sleep and working on empty. But now I’d had a good couple of night of sleep, which meant I had begun to feel like myself again.
Hens why this trip to show the children around felt right to do today.
“Okay…” closing the metal cages on the far end of the space I dusted my hands off. “All is safe and sound now. I’m happy for the children to walk around and look over anything.” Pointing to the windows out the back or the work space. “These windows are safe for them to see the stars; we are facing away from earth here.”
Leaning back against the metal cage. Taking some of the weight off my hip and leg, I crossed my arms smiling at them all.
•— John —•
I watched her hobble around the room, something in me ached just knowing she was in pain. The kids started to walk around looking at things but not touching unless they were told it was okay. Which is what I had translated for them. #Monty showed some of the more curious kids the tools and #Harper watched the others who were fascinated with the windows. I pushed over two work stools next to where Raven stood, off to the side.
I knew she wouldn’t like it if I drew attention to her pain, so I sat on one and held the spinning top of the stool steady  for her to sit without worrying about it slipping beneath her. I said nothing about her hurting. I would add that in later with the other things I hadn’t said today. I glanced around making sure the others were distracted.
“Hey.” I said softly. “Why did you axe the trip to  the bridge? It sounded like a great idea… the windows there are even….” I stopped.
She said that the windows here were safe. Shit! “Oh!” My eyes widened. “Damn….” Of course, she thought about that… about the trauma of seeing a whole planet ablaze. “Maybe we call ahead  another day… have them close the curtain.” I offered her a smile.
She’d made the right call; they didn’t need to see any of this. It was another reason they should go into cryo. They didn’t need to grow up here. The earth would heal, it would heal, and we could take them home and let them grow up in the real world not a tin can with water recycling and artificial atmosphere. With real sunlight and not UV therapy. With grass and weather and places to run.
•— Raven —•
I could feel my friend’s eyes on me. Of course, some part of me knew what John Murphy thought, saw, or even felt, when he witnesses to me moving. The boy knew me too well since our time on the island had been spent with #Abby making him my watchman and nurse. This is why I didn’t question or fight the fact he wanted me to sit down beside him.
Relief coursed through my muscles the moment the weight eased from my hip and leg. It had been making my back all tense and sore too.
My hazel eyes dulled with the lack of sleep, glanced all over the room, while John answered his own question.
“They deserve better than the nightmares we all grew up with. They all have family and friends who were left down there. I don’t want them witnessing the place which had been  their home, now becoming a death pyre for those who were left behind.”
Shaking my head, at my stupidity. “I hadn’t I thought the plan through. I should have foreseen it before mentioning it to them.” Rubbing my fingers over the bridge of my nose. “These children deserve a chance to make it out of this thing, without even more scarring.”
•— John —•
I smiled at her, but I knew that she would see the concern in my eyes… she never missed a thing. Even the relief on her face when she sat down wasn’t a comfort to me, all it meant was she’d been hurting… more than I could help with by offering her a seat.
I nodded. “You’re right. They don’t need that at all… But you could talk to Officer Shaw…” I neglected the rank I knew all too well he had. “Plan a day for them to visit and have them close the doors on the window? I still think they would have a good time seeing how things run.”
She was punishing herself again, it was a habit ingrained so deep in her that I didn’t think she would ever cut herself some slack. “All that matters is that you remembered before I had a chance to translate it.”
I watched the kids around the room… Monty was making whirring sounds and playing with a tool that clearly had its powerpack removed (for the safety of the kids, I figured) and handed it the some of the older kids and repeated a word I was pretty meant 𝕕𝕣𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘. I laughed at the kid's confused faces as one of them started tapping a spanner she had been examining the leg of the table… like… well like it was a drum.
“I’m guessing that tool #Monty is showing them has nothing to with drumming… Right?”
•— Raven —•
I saw the way John’s gaze turned upon me. “Oh, stop it.” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t look at me like that.” I also wondered if he had it his way, would the ripper stick me to slow me down? Because he’s done it before, and for some crazy reason now it made me chuckle, even if I wanted to kill him at the time.
But now I was the one watching him. I knew full well what he was doing, however I still couldn’t understand why? What had passed between him and #Miles for this… rivalry?
“𝗟𝗶𝗲𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁…” emphasising, his correct rank.   while knowing full well, John knew this too. “Miles Shaw would be happy to help. I just…. I should have put this plan past him too.” Moving my attention around the room and smiling when I saw #Harper.
“A little foresight and warning, and you’re right. The children would love seeing things from up there. Especially since they are so… engaged down here.” Nodding my head to #Harper and three of the young ones. Sat in the floor in a circle. In the middle lay a greasy engine part.
“They look more impressive by the greasy.” The. I turned my gaze back to John. “Drumming? What the h—” I heard it then, the sound of my tools hitting the leg of the tables, and work benches.  “Monty! What are you teaching them?”
•— John —•
“Stop what?” I asked nonchalantly. “If you want me to stop checking you out you have to stop checking me out first.” I teased her quietly. I just rolled my eyes at her correction. “Yeah, yeah.” I sighed. Then I laughed.
“Yeah, I noticed that… Grounder kids. They love… dirt!��� I chuckled. “I remembered them jumping in puddles and digging in mud for no reason, in some of the villages I passed through. And the adults just acted like it was totally normal.”
More kids chimed in with the drumming and #Monty looked up at Raven with a little fear in his  eyes. ‘No idea.’ He admitted. ‘We might need a translator over here.’ He turned his eyes on me, pleading. I laughed and patted Rey’s braced knee once, gently.
“Okay, okay I’m coming.” I laughed, but I was smiling at Raven until I stepped off the stool and made my way to the  looked more confused than ever. “You’re going to have to show them how it works,” I told him, after I got them to stop drumming with #Harper’s help.
•— Raven —•
A scoff and the mother of all eye rolls were his gift. “You wish Watcher.” Waggling my eyebrows and giving a smirk.
Not really say anything else, just making a note to ask him about his travels. How had we not had this conversation? I wanted to see more of the planet we had begun to call home. However, we didn’t have time. Consequently, fighting to live, to survive, and to thrive had consequences. It was all consuming.
Sitting on the stole, speaking to the children who ran past me asking them to be care with a kind smile. My eyes focused on my three friends, watching how taking care of these small souls came so easily to them. Once again, I thought of how much had happened in so little time, how we had failed these young ones. How they wouldn’t play in puddles or in the dirt for years to come.
And my eyes stung.
Turning my face away, to blink those uncontrollably heavy feeling back until I could let them flow when alone. Now wasn’t the time. When my hazel glazed returned to the group, they were all sat on the ground with Monty showing them what to do (other than play the drums!)
•— John —•
I glanced over my shoulder after translating for #Monty. I could see she was lost in thought, but it almost looked like she was about to cry… it made my chest ache. Not in the way it did in the Brig… this was different…
#Monty passed out goggles to the kids closest to him and told us to keep the others back a little, while he drilled a hole into scrap metal to show them how it worked. They were fascinated by the sparks and how the tool whirred. But when I glanced behind me again to check on Rey, I caught sight of the littlest boy (the one that almost kicked me in the family jewels)… hands clamped over his ears but still looking like he wanted to be part of the action. I spotted a pair of ear protectors on a workbench… quickly looked up at Raven again, like she might have vanished in the last ten seconds. I smiled at her before I picked up the yellow headset, mimicked putting it on to show the boy how it worked, and then popped them on his ears. They looked ridiculously large on his tiny head. I chuckled and he whipped his head around at the change in what he could… or rather couldn’t hear.
Then he held his hands up to me, fingers opening and closing…. My brows lowered. I looked around for a little clarification. #Harper caught my gaze and imitated picking him up. I gave her a look over the noise in the room that asked 𝗠𝗲?
#Harper’s brows arched, and she planted one hand on her hip and returned a glare that had me instantly picking up the child and turning back to give Raven an eye roll… This woman was a whole lot tougher than I gave her credit for.
She was watching everything from her place on the stool… After #Monty was finished with the kids, and I was done playing translator I put the boy down. Or... I tried to… he made a keening sound and tucked up his legs, refusing to put them on the ground. “Okay, okay…. Message received.” I chuckled… doubting he understood. He made the same sound  when I tried to take the ear protectors off. When I looked at him it looked like he might fall asleep any minute.
So… keeping hold of him I made my way back to Raven. “Hey… Do you know if they are meant to sleep during the day at this age…” I hefted the boy higher on my  hip. “This one looks about ready for bed.” I want to ask her where her mind had gone just now… touch her… not in a creepy way just to offer comfort. But we add all of that to the growing list for later.
•— Raven —•
With my head back in the here and now, the rollercoaster of emotions had been hard to keep at bay this afternoon. I knew not sleeping well did this with me, it played with my head and heart. However, I’d had a good sleep finally last night, so I had no excuses. Witnessing the events before me I could help but let go of the sadness and embrace the view of #Harper and John.
#Monty had been lost in his little show and tell, but the other two were enough of a sideshow that I found myself chuckling to myself.
Wishing someone sat with me to see it all play out too. And maybe place a bet on if the little kid got the target of Johns Crown Jewels this time or not. But to my surprise, John made a friend?
The kid asked to be lifted, to be held and not to be set back down. What was this world coming to? “Why or how would I know? He looks pretty tired. Maybe we should have kept it to a short trip?”
#Haprer moved closer to us, and I asked her the same question.
‘Yes, the little ones do have a nap in the classroom. We have a few small  mattresses Luna found, and some  blankets, Miles brought us for them.’
She glanced at the youngest of the group. ‘Maybe we should head back. They will need some lunch soon too.’
Nodding my head, I held my hand up for #Monty to notice, making a sign to round it up. “Okay. I guess John is the little people whisperer now. He picked up on their needs.” Giving him a smile of gratitude.
•— John —•
Raven saw everything, I named her Stargazer because she was a dreamer and because the first time, we made a truly deep connection I caught her literally looking up at the stars. Then she told me the stories of the constellations. She was watching everything, and I hated that sometimes her pain kept her on the edge of things. I tried not to let it happen, but this was another moment that I had dropped the ball.
I nodded when she mentioned short trips. “Yeah… I guess with the kids being such a range of ages we need to think more about the little ones. I mean like Harper’s idea of teaching them numbers to use the lift.” I tipped my chin to the kid almost nodding off on my shoulder. “It's not like this kid will be riding elevators on his own anytime soon, you know? it might be a better use of time to focus on teaching  it to the kids who need it.”
I held back the eye roll at the mention of him… but it was cool that he thought of the kids. I laughed but tried to soften it a little in case I provoked the wrath of the crotch-kicker on my hip. Like it was on cue the kid yawned a huge, face-stretching yawn. “Mean it’s not rocket science when you read the signs.” I bragged. “Should we round them all up or just take the little ones back?”
•— Raven —•
‘Ah… You’re under selling your skills again John Murphy.’ #Harper teased him at not being a rock scientist.
Then he asked another good question. “Uhm… Harper?” Taking my lead from her as she knew these kids better than we did.
‘Oh… I’m not sure it’s a good idea to split  the kids up. The little ones have grown accustomed to being around the older ones. And the older kids don’t really let the young ones out of their sight.’
The thought warmed me and saddened me at the same time. “Talk about having to grow up too fast... they are protector  when they should be children themselves.” But I got it. Wasn’t it the same for us too?
‘So, what’s the plan guys?’ #Monty walked over to ask.
My hazel eyes moved over the room, and all the faces. “I guess we are all heading back for a nap? Unless Harper do you want me to go grab the lunches? I’m happy to do it so you have some down time too?”
It felt right to offer, I’d been sat here on a stool while they did all the hard work.
‘Are you sure you don’t mind, or have any else to do?’ She asked. I had a tone of things to do. “I’m hiding out, seeing how long it takes the others to come find me. So, all of your head back. I’ll go pick up the food.”
•— John —•
I laughed at #Harper. “Yeah well, kids are crappy judges of character.” I was sure if these little people had any clue of the things I had done, they would be terrified of me. I thought about what Harper said and looked around… these kids were all from different clans… I  would have to remember to look at the list of minors and see who was from which clan. “Even the kids from different clans?” I asked.
‘Kids don’t see clan allegiance; they just see new friends. Especially after… everything.’ She cleared her throat and brushed the hair away from the little boy's eyes.
I had to say I agreed with Raven… “It wasn’t any different on the Ark. How old were all of you when you were selected for your apprenticeships?” I looked from #Monty to #Harper to #Raven… “Fourteen? Younger? You made it to Zero-G at eighteen.” I said to Raven. I, on the other hand… they planned to assign to maintenance or janitorial or something else suitably useless. “Maybe in a few decades, kids can be kids again.”
I grinned at Raven. “Wait….” I gave her a shocked look. “You tricked me into turning your day off  into a field trip! I feel so used Raven Reyes!” I had to tone down my usual theatrics due to the sleeping crotch kicker… but my smirk said it all. Then on a serious note. “Maybe someone should go with you?” I glanced around. I would have volunteered… but for some reason, I thought that would be…. I had no idea… we had been together all day. I was hard to be around on a good day.
“One person can carry the rations… but the water too? And today is nutrition packs for the minors too.” I had made the schedule based on the nutritional needs Abby  laid out for the kids and adults… those with injuries. It gave me a headache just thinking about it.
‘I can go with her… can you get them back with just too?’ #Monty asked.
I looked at the kids and asked in Trig. “Who’s ready for another ride in the elevator?” None of  them seemed to show signs of fear this time.
•— Raven —•
It was such a tender touch, the way #Harper moved the hair out of the boys eyes. Once again, I had to remind myself how things could have been different for us all of our life’s had taken an unexpected turn.
Of If I hadn’t messed up, if we had stopped the nuclear meltdown, if the stars were set on destroying everything we were trying to save?
I had to tell myself to stop… I knew where these dark thoughts took me… and it wasn’t anywhere good. Positive energy, one foot in front of the other… and small wins!
“Who? Me?” Giving John a shocked face with a hand over my heart. “I don’t know what you mean. I would never.” Winking at the children even if they understand the conspiracy I was bringing them into.
I was going to describe in detail the plan I had about accosting a trolly to bring everything back. But #Monty was always good company.
“Thanks Green, I’m going to accept your offer to help. So, shall we?” Realising, actually I hadn’t gotten up from the stool.
Not sure what #Harper saw in my face, but she began gathering the kids who John had excited with another ride in the elevator. Taking the attention off me, so that I could slowly stand myself up.
Hiding the shooting pain, making me freeze for a breath or two. And then I was on the move.
•— John —•
That little spark of mischief played in those hazel eyes, the ring of gold flashing for a moment when she gave me her cheek. I saw it dim and sputter out when she stood up. Then I was suddenly hit with all the flaws in this plan. Would #Monty recognises her pain? Would he slow down and take it at a speed not so slow that she’d know what was happening, but slow enough that she had time to breathe through the hurt? Would he ask her about it? No one who was in pain wanted to be constantly reminded of every detail of those pains and draw attention to it, bringing it into sharp relief in the forefront of their mind. Would he know to just stop for a moment if she needed to and let her catch her breath before offering to help her when she was more than capable of helping herself?
‘You coming, Murphy?’ It was #Harper, I realised she was at the door with the kids, two little ones still milling around my feet.
“Right behind you,” I told her. “Just making sure we don’t have any stragglers.” She nodded and started to lead the kids. I focused my attention… or my eyes at least on the kids, this  wasn’t a place to leave a child behind, there were airlocks and tools everywhere.
#Harper began counting heads as they filed into the lift giddy and excited, and a few sleepy yet fascinated faces. Plus, the little one that was out cold on my shoulder. #Raven was gone from my  eyeline now. I stepped inside and exhaled. She was fine. She was a grown woman, and she did not need my meddling at all.
I knew this… But it still didn’t help.
‘She’s okay, isn’t she?’ #Harper asked as the doors slid closed.
“Raven?” I asked… Blinking. “Of course.”
#Harper’s reply was a look; pinched brows and a stern expression. It suited her… this mother hen look. “She is… she’s just… working too much… but I’m working on that…” I was trying to. But between my shifts in the mess and the therapy sessions with Jackson, I hardly knew where to find her half of the time.
‘And you? Are you okay?’ She asked next. Now I was really confused.
“Yeah… sure…” Then I remembered, she was there… in the brig. “I’m fine… better. I have Raven, #Luna and #Emori. I’ll be fine.”
‘You have the 100, John… any of us that are left.’ Harper said and the doors pinged. We ushered the kids out and I rolled my eyes. #Harper looked hurt at that.
“Sorry, that wasn’t aimed at you. But we both know that’s not totally true.” I explained.
‘What’s not true?’ I audibly groaned as #OfficerShaw stepped into the corridor. #Harper beamed though and so did a few of the kids. I fought back yet another eye roll.
•— Raven ���•
Walking down the corridor I knew what I needed to do. It’s all about mind over matter. Or at least what #Sinclair told me. ‘You can do anything you put your mind to Miss Reyes. Don’t you ever forget it.’
My lips curled up into a soft smile, heading his voice in my head wasn’t  the same at on #Becca’s Island, but I had a good memory of it still. Even if it felt a little fogged.
‘What are you thinking about?’ #Monty asked from beside me. He walked step to step, like a perfect mirror of my actions.
“Something Sinclair used to say to me.” This made his heart turn, but her didn’t speak. Waiting to see if there were memories, I was willing to share. “He used to tell me I could do anything I put my mind too. That the only people or person to get in my way... was me.”
#Monty chuckled but still didn’t speak. “I’m starting to think the man had a point.” I said as we moved to the side, some of the guys from camp and some grounders were working together, carrying cleaning supplies and equipment.
‘I may not know it all, but I knew better than to disagree with what Sinclair said. So, yeah...’ He nudged his shoulder into mine chuckling again.
“Careful, Green. I may get myself a big head or something.” This earned an eye roll.
‘It’s not easy, Rey. What we are all trying to do up here. But the fact that so many people are here and breathing….  What is it you used to say…. Small wins? Yeah. Small wins. We will take them until they build up into something substantial.’
This time I moved closer to him. My friend warmed my heart.
‘Now… are you going to tell me how he is?’ The boy didn’t miss a beat while opening  the doors to the mess room.
“Who? John?” Arching my eyebrow.
‘No, Bellamy… you picked John.’ That mischievous look was back making the both of us laugh together.
“Funny… so bloody funny! But he is getting there. It’s going to be fine. He isn’t alone.” This time I truly believe what I said. John wasn’t alone. He had people he cared about. And maybe had someone special who will help keep his demons in check, even if he still hasn’t told me about them.
‘Come on, Rey. Let’s get those children feed.’ Leaving me standing in the middle of bustling mess, he rushed to find a trolly we could use.
•— John —•
We were so close. Two minutes earlier and we would have missed him. “It’s not true that your ears are your worst feature… Officer. Personally, I think they are adorable. #Harper disagrees.”
I watched his jaw tick like he was biting the inside of his cheek; I felt a swell of  pride. ‘You are so lucky you have a baby in your arms or I would smack you, John Murphy.’ Harper whispered as she passed me by and spoke normally. ‘Want to help us wrangle this gang back to the classroom?’
‘Sure thing.’ He smiled. ‘I have some time.’ He tried to take the  hand of the kid closest to me, but she looked up at me and I said without even twitching a finger. “En’s ku… Teik ai meika.” (It’s okay. Take my hand.) The little girl reached out and took my free hand. #Shaw bristled.
#Harper rolled her eyes and started to head down the  hall calling to the kids to follow. “Hos of, yongons.” (Move along, kids.) The stragglers started to move and Shaw did seem to making sure none of them wandered.
‘It’s a good look on you Murphy… maybe you’ll make a good mommy someday.’ Shaw smirked like he just landed a killer insult.
“Wow, gender base insults.” I laughed. Fuck! This kid was getting heavier by the second. There was no way I would show any hint of weakness around him. “You’re about a century too late… we wiped out that toxic bullshit a few years after the missiles  launched.”
‘Foul language in front of the little ones?’ Shaw acted horrified.
“They don’t speak English in case you haven’t noticed. Only the warriors learned English on the ground.” I said like this was common knowledge he should know.
‘So, I’d heard… why is that  exactly?’ He asked and I smirked.
“Because the people that lived in an American military base kidnapped their soldiers, turned them into drug dependant cannibals and fed their addiction when they brought them live grounders that they kept in cages and used their blood as  medicine.” It was true… and also a nice dig at the country he’d decided to fight for.
His face twisted up as he processed the information. “See that girl up there…” I waited until #Harper was far enough ahead. “The descendants of your government locked her in a cage so  small she had to curl into a ball… drilled into her and drained her bone marrow until she almost died. Then they strapped Raven to the same table and tried to do the same thing.”
‘Was that before or after you shot her?’ He looked at me smugly.
Bellamy fucking Blake! That man had no idea when to shut the hell up. “Ask Raven.” Was all I said back. Rey and I were long past that… even if I still refused to talk to #Jackson about it. It would not go down well if he confronted her about it.
He laughed and stroked his chin. He knew that was a bad  move. ‘Any particular reason you’re suddenly interested in these kids?’
“Oh, you mean the kids whose burns I treated and vomit bags I held when they came on board? Whose entire meal plan and nutrition requirements I calculated and prepare rations for every single day on this boat? Yeah… pretty unexpected that I took an interest…” I rolled my eyes. “Or maybe it’s because I’m one of about ten people from the Ark that bother to learn their language. Pick which one you like best.”
Finally, the double doors to the schoolroom appeared before us. And we went inside. #Harper pointed me to the cots and I lay the sleeping toddler down, easing his tiny arms from around my neck as Harper tucked a blanket around him. ‘You need to stop antagonising that man.’ She whispered to me. ‘Raven trusts him, we need to trust him too.’
“Oh I trust him,” I said and she looked bewildered. “I trust him to keep this boat in orbit and the life support running.... but I don’t trust him with these people.” I tipped my chin towards the kid. “This was a prison ship.. and none of the prisoners survived? Isn’t that a  little convenient? We were prisoners too Harper… I’ve seen those cells. They wore shock collars… Do you really think they couldn’t have subdued any of them? Isn’t it weird that only half a dozen crewmates survived? If anything goes wrong up here the grounders will be the first to go. Or worse.”
‘Worse?’ she asked, her brow knitting in confusion.
“They still have the collars on board.” Her face dropped and she shook her head.
‘Please don’t do anything stupid, John. Raven needs you.’ It sounded like she was pleading. But Raven didn’t need anyone, not really. ‘Let me talk to #Clarke about this before you do anything, please?’
I blinked. “You believe me? Just like that…. Without proof?” She kissed my cheek quickly and smiled.
‘Just like that, John.’ And she shuffled off to the next kid, leaving me crouched by the little one. I looked over my shoulder and #Shaw was managing to get the little kids to lie down. I… fucking… hate… that guy.
•— Raven —•
‘Raven Reyes!’ The voice came from behind as #Monty and I loaded the last of the food ration assigned to the children for midday.
‘Busted!’ He chuckled looking over his shoulder to the person who owned the voice.
‘People have been looking all over this ship for you. Where have you been?’ #Clarke came to stand right beside me now. Her arms crossed over the chest, sending out the subliminal message that she was not to be fucked with.
“I couldn’t be hiding so well. Look you found me.” Saying it while struggling a little with the box of water.
‘It’s not a joke Rey. We need you. We need to make sure the council understands every step of the process. That are all so close. I can feel it.’
She was frowning at Monty.
‘Shouldn’t you be working on the plan on what to do when this all runs out?’ She pointed to the trolly.
“Back off Griff. He has been working damn hard. And he hasn’t stopped. Right now, he is helping Harper with feeding the children of the council. So… just bad off.” She looked out of sorts, and I didn’t care. I was fine with her telling me I was slacking. But she wasn’t going to say it to anyone else.
‘I… I’m sorry… it’s just a lot riding on this.’ She frowned looking away.
“Yeah, we know. It was kind of our minds coming up with the lists of everything we needed to do.”
#Monty placed a hand on my forearm, telling me to stop. ‘As soon as we deliver this food, I will get back to work on the algae farm. I’ve begun to find a way I think will make the most sense in a short period.’ The boy was super intelligent and if anyone could, it would be him.
I couldn’t help the pride I felt for my friend right now, as he went into great detail on how far the process had come. I knew what he was doing. Taking Clarke’s attention and anger off me.
•— John —•
#Harper’s easy acceptance of what I told her was still not sitting right in my mind… I couldn’t stop my inner monologue running through what her intentions might be. Was she going to use this against me? Would she tell the crew that I knew they had the collars? Would she think  I was crazy?
I knew what Raven would say. She would tell me to trust my family, my friends… but fuck! That really wasn’t easy. Harper was trying to settle a fussy child, singing to her and trying to keep the older kids quiet. They were clearly too old for naps and none of  them appeared to need one. I searched the room and found a tablet.
“I got the older ones, Harper. Try to get her to sleep.” I took the older kids to the other end of the room and gathered them up in a circle sitting on the floor. I pulled up a blank document on the  tablet.
Ꮻ ʜᴀʀᴘᴇʀ ᴍᴄɪɴᴛʏʀᴇ ᴘᴏᴠ Ꮻ
I held the little girl draped across my lap… it was the only way she’d sleep and now I was afraid to move because she never slept well… I think she had bad dreams. I had let my humming fade out after her eyes closed. Now I was  watching John… speaking Trig to these kids like he had used it all his life… #Shaw was watching him too from the other side of the room. He caught my eye when I looked over and then came to stand next to me.
‘What is he saying to them?’ He asked me.
“I don’t know word for word. But he is teaching them to count in English and what each number looks like.” I replied, catching as many words as I could.
‘Why?’ He asked, brow furrowed.
“I think it's so they can use the elevators on their own if they ever need to, or get lost,” I told him without  thinking about whether or not I should answer the question.
‘Is that a good idea?’ #Miles asked, and there it was… I should have thought before I spoke. ‘What if they go back to their parents and teach them?’
I shifted to a little to face him and said matter-of-factly. “Then their parents will be able to move more freely around the ship.” My tone made it very clear that this was a good thing.
‘Oh yeah sure… I just meant that… they don’t understand life on a ship… We don’t want anyone accidentally stepping out into space.’ He replied  quickly.
•— Raven —•
〄 ᴍᴇᴀɴᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱʜɪᴘ’ꜱ ᴍᴇꜱꜱ
‘Rey, are you going to come and join the meeting? They need to see you there.’ #Clarke looks frustrated.
“Grif, I’m not a team mascot. If you need me there to explain what I am doing, or how things are working. Fine. But I’m not going to stand there just to make people feel comfortable. My time can be better spent.’
#Monty had stepped away to give the two of us room to speak. And some part of me thought I would have loved to walk away too.
‘You, know you are much more than a mascot. I don’t know…’ she rubbed her hand over her tired face.
“When was the last time you sat down, ate something, slept?’ Placing my hand on her shoulder. “Today I’m learning to stop and look around. To enjoy the sad wins we have.” Our eyes moved over the people in the  Mess with us. “All these people, they need to see us, to trust us. To understand we are here working to make sure their safety and security is what we are all working towards.”
Her shoulders sagged, but the fact that she wasn’t dragging me or herself out of here, it meant  she saw where I was coming from. ‘I guess…’ she began. ‘You have a point.’
I knew I shouldn’t joke. “Can I have it in writing?” She nudged me smiling.
‘Go, feed the masses. Do your thing. You’re working ten steps ahead of me.’ My smirk was all the answer she wanted.  But she pushed me playfully. ‘Shut up! And Go!’
•— John —•
〄 ʙᴀᴄᴋ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʟᴀꜱꜱʀᴏᴏᴍ
The kids seemed to get one to five down quickly, but I could see frustration starting to creep in. So I put away the tablet and started to ask them their names and tribes… they started to ask me about being born in space… that was harder.
On the ground, I never had much cause to talk about being Skaikru in their language since I spent most of my time trying to hide that fact.. other than from #Emori. It was impossible to translate words like 𝕆𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕥, 𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕥𝕪 and 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘.
Plus trying to navigate the conversation around the fact that I was locked up for attempted murder, arson, burning two days' worth of breathable air and potentially endangering every life on the Ark just by lighting one fire…. Well yeah. That was difficult too.
The eldest two kids had asked me why they hadn’t been given a job… they were probably only eleven… but clearly, they were used to contributing. So I approached #Harper, letting the kids just hang out and relax. She still had a sleeping child on her lap. ‘That was amazing John…’ She smiled. ‘Who knew you would be the teaching kind?’
I laughed. “If #Pike could see me now right?” #Harper winced. She was there the day he attacked me in our Earth Skills class. “I just speak their language is all.”
‘You do… and not just  literally… you understand them. They can tell and they respond to that.’ She smiled again and I shuffled uncomfortably. Having people not hate me was a strange sensation.
“Speaking of understanding… the eldest kids… they were asking about having a job… helping out? I  think they are used to helping out at home.” There was no such thing as laziness on the ground, everyone spent their days surviving… working, and making sure they had what they needed to survive the winter or the dry season.
‘Oh… um… I suppose I could have them help out a little more with the kids… but I don’t think there's a lot they would be able to do. If they were off in the ship they would need to be supervised and that would take someone else away from a job…’ She was rambling now, thinking out loud… “You know who would be best to help with that?… #Luna. When she’s back we’ll talk to her about it.’
She was right, #Luna had everyone on the Oil Rig pitching in and that wasn’t much safer than this ship for little kids. She had to have ideas for safe ways for them to contribute. “Yeah… you’re right. I’d  bet she would think of something.”
‘Are you really thinking about putting kids to work?’ I hadn’t paid attention to #Shaw’s presence.
“We aren’t talking about slave labour here. We’re talking about letting them feel useful. These kids aren’t used to being idle. They are tending crops and raising farm animals from the time they can walk…” I left out the part about training to be soldiers from before puberty. “They just want to contribute.”
•— Raven —•
The doors slide open to #Monty and I seeing #Harper, #Miles, and John huddled to the far side of the classroom. Some kids sleeping and the olders one’s relaxing and speaking in hushed tones.
‘That doesn’t look good.’ #Monty uttered.
“What doesn’t?” I asked curiously as I saw nothing wrong with the sight before us.
‘John and Shaw. In the same room as children. They could kick off at any moment.’ Something passed in his mind because his body language changed.
‘Raven. There you are.’ A bright smile and a salute came from across the room.
“Hey Miles. I wasn’t expecting you to be down here. I’m sure the kids are loving the attention.” We pulled the trolley into the classroom and let the doors close behind us.
‘You know I’m always up for showing my support.’ He came over to take my side of the trolley. ‘Let me help with this.’
My hazel eyes settled on #Harper and John. And the small one fast asleep on her lap.  Smiling at the two of them before the older children we up on their feet making their way across.
‘Who’s going to tell them to list up?’ Miles asked. Pulling my attention back to him
“Mi….” Before I could even say his name, #Monty replied frowning.
‘No one.’ #Monty replied. ‘They are kids, not prisoners. They can help themselves to anything they want from here. Because they know how to take care of rationing food.’
Before his sentence was over, I saw how the oldest looking of the kids stepped up. One handing the younger ones their fair share of food and water. Before even thinking of serving themselves.
‘See…’ #Monty said looking proud of them. The girl took food and water over for Harper, the baby, and John too.
•— John —•
I rolled my eyes at the salute… didn’t anyone tell him America was over? I scoffed when he asked who was going to tell the kids to line up for rations. It had been ten minutes since we talked about the fact that I was one of the few people from the Ark who spoke their  language.
I smirked and turned my attention to the child and #Harper’s lap to try and hide the grin when #Monty called him out. ‘John Murphy, you wipe that smirk off your face.’ #Harper whispered; she leaned in close. ‘Raven is allowed to make new friends. Don’t be jealous…  it can’t compare to what you did for her.’
I inhaled deeply. “Raven might be blind to it… but we all know it's not friendship he wants.” I whispered back.
‘All that matters is what our Rey wants, she will only do what she wants to do.’ #Harper replied and I flicked my eye to the side watching the kids help themselves to their fair share and passing the packet to the young ones that were awake. Saving some for the little ones still sleeping. I smiled at the little girl and took the rations from her. “Mochof.” (Thank you.) I told her.
‘How long are you going to wait, John?’ She asked and I was stunned. I busied myself opening her rations and giving them to her because she only had one free hand. Was I that transparent?
“As long as she needs me too,” I whispered, not able to look at her now. But I saw her roll her eyes in my peripheral vision.
‘You don’t get to decide what she needs, John… this isn’t the same thing as her working herself into an early grave.’ Even though she was clearly calling me out… her words were kind, like she was giving me advice, maybe even encouragement…  instead of telling me off.
I looked her in the eyes now. “I can’t lose her.”
•— Raven —•
‘I .. Uhm… I fucked up again. Didn’t I?’ #Miles stepped into me to whisper in my ear. However, I couldn’t pull my eyes away from the packet in my hands. ‘I’m sorry Raven. This is all new to me.’ And I knew it was.
“Yeah… Miles... you did… but at least you know you did. That’s a start.” I half smiled. Hearing a scoffing sound coming from #Monty’s direction before he went to join #Harper and John.
‘I’m trying. It’s not easy thinking the way you do. You are so trustful and open… I’m... well… I’m messed up.’ I knew what #Miles was going through. We’re had a number of night time conversations when he’d wake up from nightmares and knock on my door.
I smiled and nudged him with my elbow. “I am far from perfect. Just like to think we need to survive together, without the trauma every single one of  us has lived through. You, me, and everyone else on this ship. Each step we take has to be with humanity in mind. Not a power trip or thinking less about anyone else. You know what I mean?”
He nodded his head, giving me a hug and whispering in my ear again. ‘I want to be Raven Reyes when I grow up.’ This made me laugh, patting his back and hugging him too.
“Keep with me kid, and I’ll show you how it’s done.” Stepping back to look up at him. Placing a hand on his cheek. “Just show them the side of you, I’ve seen. Your kind, bull headed, but this...” My hand moved to his chest and heart. “This is what matters, when every person around you is fearful and lost.”
Looking over his shoulder I saw John speaking with Harper, it made me smile. He too once told me no one would love him and now look at him. He had a family. Even if he didn’t recognise it yet.
•— John —•
Now I had sunk so deep into those feelings, I thought I had done a good job of keeping to myself today. I was a good friend today, wasn’t I? Helped her with her pain when I could and kept her company… even if I wasn’t so successful at having her take a break… walking the ship with the kids was far less difficult and physically taxing than her day job… and now here I was grasping at those mental threads, trying to stuff them deep down again.
Would it ever get easier?
I wasn’t sure I wanted it to… on one hand this hurt… on the other… it  was a reminder that I was capable of feeling. If it got easier… if I forgot… Would I turn back into the version of John Murphy she hated?
Just so I had a reason to not watch the exchange between Rey and #Shaw I ate my ration, even if it was the last thing I wanted to do.
But then he hugged her and the movement in my peripheral vision was too much to ignore. My gaze flickered up… I couldn’t see this… I couldn’t look away.
I needed to see this. I needed to know that she had far better prospects than me. Even if it was this douchebag… He was  making her smile… making her laugh. She touched his face and the crack in my chest was what I needed to look away, back at #Harper. I forced a smile that failed to wipe the pity from her eyes. Great! I was pitiful again.
‘John, it doesn’t mean…’ She started to tell me that what I saw meant nothing. But nothing Raven did ever meant nothing. Time was too precious to her. Everything she did was about making things better.
“It’s fine… I’m fine.” I lied. I hadn’t promised #McIntyre I wouldn’t lie to her. “All that matters is that she’s happy, that’s all I need.” Another lie, this one stung me. I looked around the room at the sleeping kids, the older ones eating or helping the little ones that had woken open the little silver packets.
“Do… um…” I cleared my throat, there was a lump there that the words got stuck on. “Do you still need me here? You have soldier boy now and I should go check on the canteen… my grounder assistants still struggle with the tablets to record the rations that were collected.” Truth. Sort of… They would manage… but still, the half-truth eased the guilt a  little. Raven really was rubbing off on me if these little lies were weighing on me.
‘Um…’ Harper looked around and swallowed thickly. ‘John, you don’t…’ she seemed to think about what she was about to say. ‘We’ll be fine. You should do what you need to do.’
I didn’t give any other explanation as I made my way to the door as subtly as possible. Until the eldest child in the room called out. ‘Seda, yu gon raun?’ (Teacher, you’re leaving?) I wasn’t sure what stopped me. The fact he’d announce my departure to the room or the fact he called me Seda. It was not a word the grounders used carelessly.
•— Raven —•
#Miles handed me a chunk from his now opened sliver packet, holding it out to me with a smile. Of course I didn’t need help to open my rations. But it was the gesture in the moment, an olive branch as they called it on earth in his days. So, I went with it. Showing him that just because a mistake is made didn’t mean the end of a friendship.
We all did it from time to time, making mistakes, saying things we didn’t mean, or just having a bad day. It didn’t mean doors were closed on you forever. The room had been divided into three sections, each of which was busy with those around them.
 #Monty, spoke in hushed tones with a boy showing him how to open the rations in a clean way. And once again when my eyes went to #Harper and John, they were speaking to each other still.
Wanting to give John space, to build his relationship with the others, I went to sit down beside some of the children on our side of the room.
We needed to give all of them the same amount of attention no matter their age. (Or at least that was my belief.)
#Miles of course, joined me, giving us an opportunity to introduce him to them. We needed to keep trying to build some trust between the young ones. They were told to fear people who dressed like us, and as grown-ups it was our responsibility to break those walls down.
#Miles’s eyes widened with shock when he heard my broken trig. ‘I didn’t know you spoke their language too.’ He asked.
“You know it’s the same language as we speak, just with the evolution of over a hundred years.” This made him smile.
‘Are you going to teach me some too?’ he asked with an elbow to my side.
Parting my lips to answer, I stopped, seeing another opportunity to build something lost. “You know who taught me?” Nodding my head to the other side of the room to where John was. “John Murphy. He has a talent for picking up speech.”
I swear I saw something in #Miles’s eyes before he shook his head. ‘Guess I’ll be using sign language with the kids for a while.’
Everyone stopped speaking at the same time, with all our heads turned to  the door and John. He looked lost, caught out, as though he stopped from doing something he shouldn’t be. But more so. It’s what I saw in those baby blue eyes of his.
No one spoke for a moment, he didn’t answer the child, and it began to feel awkward. “Bilaik seda, na na bakon.” (Your teacher will be back.) I told the child waving them over to where we were sitting. “Kom op, bilaik dina ste hir.” (Come here, your lunch is waiting.) Beckoning them over.
They glanced back to John and then to me, ultimately choosing  to take a seat beside #Miles. I gave them what was left in my packet, telling them to eat it and share it with their friends if they were full, and then stood up.
Smiling at all those who had allowed me to join them for lunch. I told #Miles, I’d find him later. His eyes moved to the door, and he nodded his head in understanding before I turned and walked slowly towards John.
When I stood facing him, I smiled tilting my head to the side. My hazel eyes locked onto him. “You weren’t leaving without me, were you? No… It couldn’t be…” Pushing the button on the wall to open the door I asked.
“Where to next, Watcher?”
•— John —•
I said nothing… I had no idea what I should say… Seda? No… I couldn’t the grounders would not like their children talking to Skiakru like that. Then Raven spoke instead. That was when I noticed the kid was looking confused.
But… Raven… she crossed the room to me. “Oh…” I smiled. Those glinting hazel eyes instantly switched my rapid heartbeat from frantic to… whatever the hell this was. I didn’t care because it was infinitely better. “Um…” Honesty. Raven respected honesty. “Well I was going to go check on the guys in the canteen… but…” I stopped how could I turn this around? “It's my day off… and since I’m trying to set a good example for a certain workaholic, I should probably rethink that plan.”
I looked around the room quickly #Harper was murmuring to the kid on her lap as she stirred awake. Captain  Whatever and #Monty was talking to the kids. And Raven… She wanted to stay with me. It did funny things to my insides.
“Wait… does this mean that I’m the workaholic now and you’re the slacker?” I teased her. “Maybe you should pick what we do next instead. How does the great Raven Reyes relax?” Then I stopped. “If there’s math I’m out!”
•— Raven —•
Of course, he got the mother of all eye rolls. “Like I would try’s you with my math.”
Taking his hand, I pulled him out of the room letting the doors slide close. “We don’t want to let the young ones out, or wake those still sleeping.”
This was better, the darkness in his eyes had lifted,  it had only taken a few moments. I wasn’t sure what had caused it to occur in the first place. However, the fact that he didn’t allow himself to spiral into the depth of darkness for too long, meant he was trying to get himself better.
“You didn’t tell me it was your day off; I wouldn’t have dragged you around the ship if I knew.” Or had he and I forgot?
Nudging him with my shoulder. “I’m a quick learner. You’d be proud to hear, I even dodged Griffins attempts to get my arse into the council meeting to go over the same questions for the millionth time again.”
Glancing up and down the corridor, I was lost. “I really don’t know what we should be doing. Maybe I should walk you back to your room, and then get my arse back to work.” A Guilty feeling began to emerge from using his free day, which we didn’t have many off.
•— John —•
I let her pull me out into the hall and remember her taking my hand before she fell asleep. “I haven’t had many but the ones I have had I spend wandering the ship anyway… This is a strange place… I figured the best way to get comfortable here was to know my way around.” Then I quirked a brow… “What did you think when lunchtime rolled around, and I didn’t run off to the mess?” I chuckled. “Losing your edge there, Reyes.” I teased her.
I raised my bros in shock at her turning #Griffin down. “Wow! Really? I’m so proud!” Then I thought about it “Isn’t that more the Docs forte anyway… the effects of cryo on the human body and blah, blah, blah.”
“”Shh!!” I pressed one finger to her lips… mushing them into a funny shape and laughing. “No work talk… days off are to be spent with friends… so…. Come on! What’s next?” I smiled… I felt… lighter… and it was so easy. It was always easier near her.
I started walking down the hallway, it was selfish… but I didn’t want #Shaw to decide to tag along. Even if I was certain he had a way to find whoever he wanted on this ship if he really  wanted to.
“Come on, Rey… you have to know all of the best spots to have fun around here.”
•— Raven —•
“Okay fine, it’s a good question. But in my defence. I wasn’t looking around much in the mess. If I had stopped to think. I’m sure I’d have worked it out.” I hoped to myself at least. But his chuckling sound was worth the brain fart moment.
I was smiling too, nodding my head  and laughing a little when I spoke.
“I didn’t think she would let me off the hook so easily, but she gave in when I gave her my ‘don’t make me boom you, Griff’ voice” I didn’t. Or at least I don’t think I did. But it was worth a little elaboration. Sighing and nodding my head as I began to speak, but….
My face felt mushed, and my lips… his finger was on it! I was going to bite it, or lick it, or…. Well… I stopped my mouth from doing something awkward and laughed instead.
Following John down the corridor  wasn’t difficult, I’d been the one to pull him out, and inserted myself into his day.
“Anyway….” Pushing my hands into the pockets of my jumpsuit, catching up to his stride for now. “That’s my point… with Abby and the council meetings. I’m the ‘doer’ not the brains behind the how and what if. Sure I can’t talk about the details of the machine but do they need to know it? The worries I would have if I were them…. Is it safe, has it been tested, will our families be safe. The science… you know?”
I knew I was on a tangent. Sighing again I stopped looking at the back of John. Recalling one of his concerns about the ship.
 “I don’t know this ship like the back of my hand. So… want to go explore with me?” Watching him for his reaction.
•— John —•
I chuckled and smiled at her. “Nah... it’s a good sign… it means you were enjoying your time with the kids.”
I kept my pace slow; she was already hurting, and I didn’t want to make it any worse. “First of all; you are always the brains… but second… can’t you just trot out the screws and tell the people they were in the chambers for almost one hundred years? And they've been in and out of them a few times, right? On the way out to their mission and again on the way back. Show the living, breathing, walking, and talking results of the chamber.”
She stopped and I kept going a few steps... thinking she was hurting… but she always caught up… I knew she hated it when people slowed down for her. But when she asked her question, I turned with a grin.
“Now you're speaking my language, Rey!” Then I tilted my head and took a step in her direction. “I wanna add one thing though! Remember that bet we made… I still have ten questions. I want to ask one today.”
•— Raven —•
My brow furrowed considerably, John always seemed to act as though he didn’t understand or care about the situations around us. However, he had changed. Taking comments and actions into consideration, and even giving his opinion on the matter too. Part of me thought I’d lost this side of John. That I wouldn’t see it in a long while as he readjusted to our new life, but more so the people.
I stood pleasantly surprised and proudly proven wrong. “The council have met Miles, Lizzy. The others weren’t up to the  challenges to discuss their time in the pods and tell you the truth I don’t blame them. Waking up to so much change and losing all that time.”
I empathised with the others who woke up. I started to catch up to John, nudging him with my elbow.
“There you go, trying to weasel your way in by being charming. But… also factual. I am the brains.” Laughing until he reminded me of his win.
“I’m not going to lie. I forgot about it.” My hazel eyes turned their attention on him, trying to gauge the severity of  these questions. “But it’s only fair. We agreed to ten questions. So… you have ten questions.”
Gesturing for him to continue walking towards the elevators. We’d need to pick a level we hadn’t seen previously.
•— John —•
I couldn’t lie… I hadn’t really thought about that… that they’d woken up in an entirely different world. But then again they had accepted a mission that had them in cryo. “Isn't that kinda what they signed up for, though?” I asked, genuinely… “Obviously not the apocalypse…  how long was the mission meant to be originally… Twenty-five… fifty years? No one could be sure what you could come home to after that long.”
Sure, It was still a shock… but the planet was in a major climate crisis… there were wars everywhere. Did they really expect to  return to the exact same world? Had they lost any more than the first generation of Arkadians? But one thing was for sure. Being born in space… seemed like a better option to me. Considering everything I went through… that is saying something. At the Ark was always the Ark... Well, until it wasn’t.
I stepped into the lift with her and smiled. “So… where have you not been so far?” I asked her, figuring she'd probably seen more of the ship than me… with the repairs she’d have carried out. “Let’s go exploring somewhere neither of us has been yet,” I mentioned nothing about the question I was going to ask… I would find a moment later. As long as she didn’t pick the prison floor… I had zero desire to go back there, and I honestly didn’t want Raven to see it… even if the chances were she already had.
•— Raven —•
“I don’t know John.” I began walking down the corridor again towards the elevators. I had some insight into the minds of the crew through #Miles, but would it be breaking of his trust to bring it up? “The only way I can say I understand it, even when you know you make a choice to do the work and job they did. They knew their friends, families, people they knew were living a life, growing old, dying with a full life.”
Pushing my hair back over my shoulder, recalling the  loss I had felt in my life. “But to wake up, find out they are all gone, and why? Knowing there is no one on the planet you called home, who was even related to them? It’s a lot.”
Coming to a stop before the metal doors, I pushed the button with the down arrow. “There is some part of their story which resonates with me. I’m not sure how, or why. However, I feel for them, John. And I don’t want them to relive their memories if it cases them pain.”
Stepping from foot and foot, I gave up and lent against the wall. Pointing my finger down.
“I say we do it the way we did on Becca’s Island? Start from the bottom and make our way up? If you are game?”
•— John —•
“I get that… But maybe they just need to see that people come out as healthy as they were when they went into the bad.”
I knew the feeling… I had been there a matter of months, and I could barely stand to look at the burning planet. I watched her little shuffle, and I knew she was hurting. “Sounds good to me,” I said, I leaned back against the wall next to her, set my feet about a foot  away and braced myself back against the wall. I reached for Raven. “C’mon… no one is watching, lean on me,” I told her pulling her over to rest her hip against my thigh. Almost like sitting on my lap but not. “I’m a little more comfortable than the wall.” I chuckled. “Take  the pressure off, it’ll take a minute to get all the way down.” I wasn’t sure it felt different to touch her when we were alone… It felt like a violation when others were around… like they might guess my feelings for her and see something more. But when it was me and her… most of the time it just felt like she was my friend… she was in pain, and I could help. Of course, there were moments… but if I let myself think of those I would never get out of that loop.
I paused for a moment and then finally said it. “Can we skip the prison floor?” I asked. “I checked it out already and I don’t really want to go back… plus I don’t think you need to see it.”
•— Raven —•
“Yeah, I get your point for sure. I’ll bring it up with Marcus, Abby, and the others when I see them. It can’t hurt if we stick to the facts and don’t ask questions.”
John didn’t wait for me to reply before pulling me into his side. The moment i allowed the weight off my hip  I felt a rock life up and off my chest. I didn’t move away or fight him. John Murray was one of the few people in my life who had seen me at my worst, and still he stood here. No matter our issues, our problems, our ups and downs. We were going to rebuild our friendship.
Pain had become my not to silence partner in life. But I’d learnt soon after the fact, that the more space I gave it in my thoughts, the less it would let me live. So, it was always the case of pushing forward until I couldn’t take anything more.
“This reminds me of the evenings at home…. I mean… in the mansion, when you talked me into leaving the lab for the first time.” Resting my head to the side I closed my eyes before opening them again. “No matter how tight of a hold the pain had on me.
You found a way to take the pressure off a little.”
I took a deep breath, turning my eyes on John. I knew why he didn’t want to go to that level. And I wouldn’t push him to tell me more until he was ready.
“Sure, deck eight isn’t the vibe… we can go straight down  to deck ten. So much more to see in the waste disposal system anyway.” Elbowing him to say. I got you. Don’t worry.
I recalled a moment in my workshop, where John had said he would share his thoughts me later. But I pushed that away. If he remembered, he would tell me. I was sure about that.
•— John —•
Raven didn’t even hesitate about moving to lean on me… Was this it? Were we back to where we’d been in the Mansion?… I smiled thinking about it, keeping my hand on her waist I was sure that just like the Ark; the lifts of this ship were prone to sudden stops or jolts on occasion… they were all at least a century-old after all.
“It was a lot of trial and error. And ducking.” I teased. “But you’d be surprised by the number of ways you can turn a human body into a temporary chair.” I chuckled. “And you can call it home… I promise I won’t have a breakdown.” I didn’t want her censoring herself because she was worried about how I might react. “It was home. But we’ll make a new one.”
I turned to thank but she was looking at me and I swallowed hard. Remember those moments I was talking about? Yeah… “There they are,” I smirked, covering. Those little gold stars were showing in those hazel eyes again. “Feeling better?”
Then the rest of what she said hit me. “Wait! Waste disposal…. Is this the part where you float me and tell everyone it was a system failure?”
•— Raven —•
“Yeah? Maybe you need to start making a list of all the ways. See how far we can get.” Thankful for the opportunity to find some form of support right now.
“You are maybe able to hold on. But John. I can’t make the same promise. It… it felt like home…. You are right…”  I knew he would make a comment about me acknowledging him being right. However here we were. “After so long… we found a place to stay where nobody wanted kill us each night… well… kinda…”
Frowning a little, I tilted my head. “There who is?” What had he seen that I hadn’t? And then I burst out laughing so hard!!
“Oh… please! I wouldn’t float you. Where is the fun in that? Keeping you with me is a way better way to torture you.”
•— John —•
“Vital medical research.” I nodded, very serious. Then laughed.
I let out a breath… “I’m not too sure I believe it just yet. But I’m trying… and as #Lizzie says… I have my girls.” I chuckled, poking my fingers into her waist indicating she was one of the girls the army medic so easily called 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖. “And… I’m trying.” I said it again… because… well there wasn’t anything else to say. It seemed like there was no end to the trying, no matter what #Jackson told me.
I ignored her question with a cheeky grin… knowing that another conversation about her eyes might send me to that place again. She was having fun…. Hurting, but having fun. She had to learn how to feel both at once; because one of those things wasn’t ever going away.
“So kinky Reyes!” I teased her when she mentioned torture. “I mean…  they always say the nerdy ones have the wildest streaks… but you just take it too far.” The red number nine scrolled by on the screen above the door. I wrapped my arm all the way around her and held on a little tighter as the lift clunked down to ten and stopped with only a light jolt.
•— Raven —•
“Your girls?” I asked with a raised brow. He had girls? When his poked me it clicked what #Lizzie must have meant, making me laugh.
There were times when the woman had watched the closeness of our group, and I had caught the moment smiling. Proud that we are a people could  still relate to the realisation of having someone to care for, and who cared for us.
Laughing I shimmied in his arms. “We only have our kinks to keep us company on dark nights, John… don’t knock them until you try some.” Giving him comedic kissy lips laugh. This was us… where we had come… the distance we had travelled together as friends. We were finding our way back!
His hands around me, brought my face to him and then above the doors, seeing the ride down was coming to its end.
Taking a moment to breathe and gather my willpower. “Here we go. No don’t go screaming if something jumps out at you.” Warning him was funny too.
Straightening up once the elevator came to a still and the door slid open.
•— John —•
I mushed her lips again when she pulled that face and laughed… Just in time too… Sure I was trying hard to be her friend… but wriggling against me like that? I was only human after all. But that face was so comical I laughed… seeing her have this much fun was long overdue.   Today… the night we shared the ice cream… she was smiling again. Laughing. Living. And doing it while taking her pain in stride.
It was all I wanted for her. Well, that and some kind of miracle to take away her pain, at least the pain in her body… the other kind; I wasn't sure either of us would ever fully be rid of that.
“Oh!! So that’s what you do at night?” I teased her. “You volunteering? Because I have roommates… I’m not sure they would appreciate the  𝕥𝕣𝕪 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 part.” I laughed. Because it was what we did… the weird, utterly  ridiculous pseudo-flirting.
I put a hand on her back until she was on her feet, then let her be. “If something jumps out at me Reyes… I’m tossing you at it and legging it.” I laughed. We both knew there was no way… we were well past that… but I was much too good of a joke not to use it. I had literally been shot at trying to save her from danger… which was kinda fair… considering… well, you know. I actually shot her.
But in the Spirit of… jovial cowardice… I waited in the lift and motioned to her.
“As always, Rey.” I winked. “Ladies first!”
•— Raven —•
“Wait. Volunteering for what exactly?” Looking towards the door and then him. Recognition dawned upon me the moment I said the words, making me grin.
With a flat palm to his face, I playfully pushed his face to the side. “John boy…. You wouldn’t survive the night if I did. So, let’s not pretend you wouldn’t have the time of your life trying to stay alive.”
Pushing off I took two steps back before facing the long dark corridor as the lights began to come on with a loud switch sound as each one came on.
“Now… that’s not going to be a problem at all. I was planning of tripping you over. I don’t need to be fast, just faster than the slowest person. So, good to know neither of us needs to live with the consequences and guilt if the other person is knocked off.”
I knew it was far from the truth. I wouldn’t leave him alone. Not again. Not ever.
“Come on slow coach, we had a ship to explore, and monsters to banish.”
•— John —•
I laughed and licked her palm when she pushed me, trying to bite her finger before she pulled away. “Stop threatening me with a good time, Reyes. We both know you’re all talk.”
“Ouch!!!” I clutched my chest like I was wounded and like I hadn’t said the exact same thing to her. I followed her out of the lift… I froze. The flickering lights along the hallway were a little too like the dream where I was running to find her, and the hallway never seemed to end. I shook my head… I was awake… Raven was right there walking and talking.
I knew that  neither of us would ever leave the other behind again… and despite the vast difference in our feelings for one another; this was for the exact same reasons… we’d come through too much. It wasn’t because I was in love with her that I couldn’t leave her behind… it wasn’t because I kept her alive that she wouldn’t leave me behind. It was because right now… we were keeping each other alive.
I clapped my hands together, swallowing my idiotic thoughts and matching her speed. “Let’s go be monster hunters!” I laughed.
“So, I never saw the waste  disposal on the Ark…. Is it just a giant airlock?” I needed to keep my mind busy.
•— Raven —•
“Shut up, Watcher. One of these days you’ll learn how I’m not all talk. And then you’ll wish it was all a joke!” Giving another once of my shoulder shakes as I walked down the corridor. “Clearly forgotten about the Manson pranks I helped with.” 
Giving him the ‘I’m watching you.’ Gesture with my fingers…
Coming to a stopped I glanced over the doors to either side of the hallway, wondering where to even begin. Until I remembered. “My note book!”
Patting my jump suit, I found it in a back pocket pulling it out. “ Waste disposal? You weren’t even assigned down there? Big shock.” Shaking my head as i thumbed through the pages.
“They wouldn’t have let anyone without hight levels of Clarence down there. Because…” looking over towards him as I spoke. “They turned Trash-to-Gas. It was a good way to use a thermal degradation process to, convert waste items into a gas that the crew could either reuse onboard or dispose of via gas venting overboard the spacecraft. It meant we used absolutely everything and didn’t go  polluting space where possible.” Not adding the fact that they floated people like we were disposable by the end of our life on the Ark. 
Finding the page I was looking for.
“Here we go. Right so on this deck we have:
Transport drop.
Waste disposal  
The Shuttle Control Room
A Landing Pad
Some Workshops… oh I so want to see those…
An Escape Pods and the Cargo Bay… think there may be some more of that ice cream stuff in there?” I asked.
•— John —•
I laughed. I would have said prove it… but she wasn’t what someone would call shy. If she called my bluff I had no idea how I might react. “I’m still hearing nothing but threats of a good time.” I teased. Teasing was safe, teasing was our thing.
I gave her a sultry twirl when she the 𝕖𝕪𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕖 gesture, giving her a nice little arse wiggle as I did too. “See what you're missing out on Reyes!” I laughed harder now then I coughed. “Geek!” and patted my chest when she took out the notebook.
I scoffed. “They put me on janitorial for my internship, Raven… not that it mattered, I was in the skybox a year later.” I chuckled at her revelation… thinking back on the old movies, they would show sometimes. “Do you think people from before the Cataclysm ever imagined that waste disposal would become a high-security job? They threw everything out all the time.”
I rolled my eyes… because before she mentioned high-level clearance waste disposal sounded like the most boring thing on this level. “But you’ve gotten me all worked up for waste disposal now! You aren’t a tease are you, Rey?” I waggled my brow like I wanted her to say yes and grinned.
•— Raven —•
I didn’t know if John had a death wish, or the need to poke at the bear. But I so wanted to smack his arse when he shook it at me. You got lucky that I was out of reach, and couldn’t be doing to moving in closer just now.
“I’m a proud Geek, thank you so much for  recognising my potential.” Bowing my head, because there was no way I could do a full curtsy.
Closing the notebook, I folded it in half pushing it back into the pocket it came out of.
I actually thought about his question.  “I mean they must have been thinking around it at some point, right?”
Glancing around and then back at him. “There were those, who tried to consume less, and pollute the planet less. They would be happy to see we managed to do more with waste production?” Pointing up.
“I’ve been looking over the inmate files for here... Some of them on here were what they called activists. They went to the extreme to bring action to the dangerous situation the planet was in…. So… you know…”
Shrugging  my shoulders, before I stopped all I was doing and saying, stepping into him with a deadpan expression.
“Oh… John… Murphy… I’m the biggest tease you will ever see.” Poking my tongue out at him and laughing my head off. I knocked my shoulder into his.
“Come on…. Let’s keep walking.”
•— John —•
I knew she going to say that. She was proud of how hard she worked to get where she was and proud of it; as she should be.
“Yeah, I’m sure there were a lot of people trying to fix it. Just not enough of them I suppose…” I scoffed a laugh. “Figures, doesn’t it? Locking people up for trying to save the world.” I shook my head.
“Careful! If there’s a solar flare your face will get stuck like that.” I repeated the thing the grow-ups used to tell us on the Ark when we pulled faces. I followed her down the hallway, there weren’t any doors for a long way. So the rooms down here had to be pretty big. Unlike the other levels with a door every few feet.
“Did you say there was a cargo hold… Like supplies… or whatever they were mining? It would make sense for the mined material to be down here, wouldn’t it? Easier to unload when they land on Earth. My head stayed on the swivel… then moved to Raven to check on how deep her limp was… but when she was in adventurer mode, she seemed to forget her pain… and I wasn’t sure it was a good thing… it had to catch up with her eventually.
“Slow down a little, Rey… this isn’t a race. Unless you're that eager to get out of my company?” I teased; I knew it was ridiculous. She’d decided to go exploring with me at the very bottom of the ship. She had plenty of chances to politely part company… but she had chosen to spend her free time with me.
•— Raven —•
“I’d still be beautiful and more importantly intelligent.” Tapping the side of my head. “Maybe not as intelligent as I was on the island… but I still have a few boom sticks to prove my point.”
Of course… I wouldn’t use explosives on board, and no… I didn’t bring any with me… but the threat was just funny to use now.
Rolling my eyes and slowing my step. There was an underlying sense of urgency whenever I set out to achieve something. Planning… Creating… or exploring. It brought out my inner child.
I smiled remembering how #Finn would go out of his way on days my mom was having a bad time. Finding silly things, he could turn into something mysterious or adventurous, just so I would take him on a hunt around the Ark to find the answers.
Reaching out I curled my arm around Johns, walking step in step with him.
“I don’t know what they kept down here, which is why we’re here. My search so far hadn’t been successful in finding the contents of the hold. But my thoughts were going down the same direction as yours. They were a mining company ship… they were on their way back… so… I would expect a full load?”
I turned my hazel eyes to look at him, playfully punching the arm I held onto. “Sure, this is how I act when I want to get away from someone?” He knew better. He had witnessed me running away! Even joined me at times.
•— John —•
I stopped walking. “Rey… you are way smarter now than you were with the code in your brain… You’re surviving. Not trying to kill yourself in search of some other cause. You are fighting for all of us, but for yourself too. And whatever keeps you alive, will always be the smarter choice.” I shook my head at the words that spilled out without my consent. “Because if you die we are all fucked… And we both know you're beautiful.” I winked at her so she would believe it was just more flirty banter.
Then the last part of what she said dawned on  me. “Let’s not play with boom sticks on the century-old spaceship… at least not until the planet is fit for human habitation again.”
I smiled when she linked her arm around mine and patted her arm, half teasing, half affectionate. “Good plan… you don’t know how to take it easy. This way all you have to do is match your pace with mine.” She explained what she had… or rather hadn’t learned, about the cargo hold. “Damn, now I don’t know if I want to visit the highly restricted waste disposal or the mysterious cargo bay first.”
There were those  bright gold rings around her iris again, beaming at me. I smiled. “It’s my animal magnetism.” I chuckled. “You can’t help but want to be close to me. It’s not your fault… I’m just so gorgeous that you can’t control your subconscious.” I chuckled and we walked until we were  faced with a sign. ‘Cargo Bay with an arrow one way and ‘Waste Disposal’ with an arrow in the opposite direction.
“Decisions, decisions, Reyes… What is it gonna be?”
•— Raven —•
“I know I’m intelligent, Watcher. I… well... you know. I wish I was as fast as I was down there.” Holding my finger in the air. “However, not missing the so-called naps, and the reaper stick.” Laughing now that he’d given me the exact reaction, I’d expected about setting  off the boo. Sticks.
Giving him a deep low and soft sigh before bursting out in laughter. “Animal magnetism? Aren’t you the one who was about to be eaten by the monster in the water? That’s how much the animals were supposedly attracted towards you.”
Right away I buried all of the flashing images and emotions coming rushing at me at 100 mph. What was I even thinking? Actually, this is proof that I wasn’t thinking! Being with him always made me relax, to the point where I didn’t have any guards up, which meant not being able to think clearly.
Shaking my head. “Scratch that… i really don’t want to hear any jokes about you becoming monster bait.”
“Is it really even a debate?” Pointing in the direction of the cargo bay. Come on, John. You want to see what is in there? Think about all the stories a trip in you could inspire you to tell all your new friends?” Those kids were intrigued and besotted by him.
“You know we can see if we could find more treasures and treats!” Why was I even trying to entice him? I just began  dragging him down the corridor, with the lights going out behind us, and more coming on in front.
•— John —•
This was a sentiment that we didn’t share… on the island, the code; it terrified me. “Well, I’m sorry that you miss it… but I can’t pretend I do… every time you came out with another brilliant, unthinkable plan, it frightened me… I thought… this will be the one…” The one that kills you… those words were left unsaid.
I rubbed my arm at the mention of that creepy sea creature. The scar was still thick and gnarly. Not that it was the only one I had… or even the worst. “Yeah, let’s put a hold on the nap talk too, we can save that for a wild night and a sugar crash.”
Before I could even get a word in, she was dragging me down the hallway. I laughed and looked back at the clunks behind me. The lights were switching off behind us. “Well, that's not ominous,” I muttered, looking back. Then I turned my attention  back to Raven. “Cargo bay it is! I laughed, matching my pace to hers… then slowing it, she was practically running again. “Will you slow down for once in your life, woman!” I teased her.
“Also… about that... the kids, I mean… I'm not so sure that we should encourage them to call me Seda.” I remembered the moments before we left the classroom. “It's a term of respect… an honour to the grounders. I don’t think that they would like their children using it with Skaikru… The kids just see someone teaching them numbers they don’t realise the depth of it.
Lights flashed to life ahead of us and I had to blink away the images of my dreams once more. I tightened my arm around Raven’s. I'm reminded myself:
I'm awake.
She's here.
We’re both alive.
She’s here. She’s here.
•— Raven —•
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪…
He didn’t have to complete the sentence, for me to hear, and understand where he is coming from. I knew I messed up the moment I said it. I had been selfish in a way to give life to that thought which I knew was ridiculous. I was on a path towards death when the code was in my head. Each day could have been my last, #Abby had placed John in charge of looking after me while I worked. So, he had a front row seat to the decline of my capacity to maintain my sanity. And now, now I was telling him I missed that time and the opportunity to use the code like some lost lover? What was wrong with Me?
“I’m, sorry! I didn’t mean to romanticise what happened to me. I just….” Then I shook my head. I wouldn’t justify my mistake. So I said “I’m sorry.”
Glancing back with him again, “it’s to save power. It’s one of the main reasons why this ship is in working condition right now. Without anyone away to keep it afloat, things like that.” I pointed back over my shoulder. “Helped the ship going.” Once again, my voice had a note of surprise. “And with such basic coding and software too…. Amazing how it all words together.”
Without realising I’d sped up my pace, but John was right there to slow me down so that I wouldn’t injure myself. I did as I was told, because it would all still be there,  even if it took us five minutes more to reach it.
“Wait… why?” I asked. “Seda means teacher... and if you are teaching them something, then why…” Then I remembered. John had spent more time with the grounders. “You didn’t ask them to call you Seda, John. The children  bestowed the title upon you. I don’t believe it’s disrespectful. But... you tell me. Why do you feel this way?”
Then without warning his hands tightened. “Hey… Watcher…” Placing my other hand over his. “ I’m right here with you… We are together…” Whispering with slow calm breathing.
“Tell me what’s going on?” Concern filling my eyes.
•— John —•
I shook my head. I was ridiculous. Wasn’t I supposed to be learning to do better in my head-shrinking classes… I mean… therapy sessions. “No… I’m sorry, Raven. It happened to you… not me. You should be able to process that in any way you want to.” I pulled myself together. “I was there for most of it, you should and you can talk to me about it.”
“Hmm…” I had turned back to the darkness behind us. It was at least ten feet behind us so it really shouldn’t have mattered… right? I processed her words, at last. “Oh yeah, I know…” She was nerding  out again and I tried to watch her and not the light clicking to life ahead of us and vanishing behind us. I focused on the word #Seda.
“It’s just… It’s used with respected members of their communities, leaders and elders… seasoned warriors that take apprentices… some  like Delano may be okay but others might not take it so well.” I tilted my head. “I’ll talk to #Luna about it… see what she thinks.” She would have the best instincts. “I know the kids don’t mean to disrespect their own people… but the adults might…”
The clunking of the lights slowed as we did. My heart wasn’t as quick to slow its pace.
Her hand was on mine again and… my heart stopped… just for the span of a few beats… or maybe my brain shut down? That seemed more likely because there was my heart again, still hammering away. “Um… did you remember the medical level in the bunker… the room with the…” Where the tank was. Just say the words!
“The lights in the corridor… they were like this… turned on in front and off behind you… My… eh… Sometimes… most times. In my nightmares, I’m in the corridor but the lights just keep flickering on and on and there is no end.” I told her all of this without hesitation… But I couldn’t give her more horrors to add to her dreams, the image of her half-frozen dead body. She had plenty of her own trauma, she didn’t need mine.
“But I’m  okay… Or… I’m almost okay. In my dream I’m alone… I’m now, I’m awake… you are proof of that.” I touched her arm, wanting to assure her that I was going to be fine. “Just keep having your geek attack about energy efficiency…. It's oddly comforting.”
•— Raven —•
I didn’t tell him not to apologise, there was no point. We’d been here before; John and I both knew how to handle guilt. As in we held on to it hard! This was no different. We’d end up giving in and paying lip service, and I didn’t want that for our friendship.
We were going to do this right. It was a promise I would keep and bring him along with me.
When I came out of my thoughts, my eyebrows pulled together at how John’s demeanour had been affected by… what? He was looking over his shoulders. So, I did the same. Glancing back, but no one was there. Nothing looked out of place.
“Uhmm.. yeah…” I agreed with him. “Yeah. Luna would know how to deal with this situation without being offended by what the children have said.” Okay, I understood now where his trepidation stemmed from. I couldn’t handle it anymore; I’d been about to stop him walking. To ask him what was wrong or ask him if there was something down here giving him some form of anxiety. However, John began sharing of his own accord. Without prompting, or questioning, or even threatening  him with a boom stick!
But this is when my heart sank. My feet slowed even further as he spoke and came clean over what was going on in his mind. I was stunned into silence. Parts of his fears came freely, he was sharing, and I was listening without any judgment.
I wanted to drop his hand and draw John into an embrace, to hold my friend and show him I was here. Instead, I squeezed the hand he’d motioned towards. Half smiling, thankful I had made the correct decision when following him out of the makeshift classroom.
This is where I was meant to be. Because I was one or the reasons for this fear of his… Hells!  “I’m not going to give you false hope and say it will pass. But I am going to say… as long as I am breathing, you’ll always have me, and my geeky brain to help draw you free from your nightmares.” And I would do something about these lights, as soon as I knew what and how to work it all.
•— John —•
She stopped and listened, she heard everything I was saying. She always made the time to hear me out. She was going to draw a parallel with that corridor and her crazy, reckless, miracle cure. I didn’t need to add the thought of me finding her body into the mix of her own nightmares.
I gave her a smile and a chuckle. “What more could a man ask for?” Those gold flecks had dulled again, and I shook myself, making a silent promise to light them up again. I knew I couldn’t tell her that she gave me more hope than she knew… that she kept the nightmares away. It wasn’t fair. She had chosen to take a room to herself, she needed her space… because of course, she did, when she was sick, she was monitored twenty-four-seven… By me and the very people I had become dependent on. The people I found myself struggling to survive without one or more of them with me. Raven… alone with her… that was different.
So, no… telling her that she was my human dreamcatcher? Not an option, I couldn’t take her hard-won independence from her. She earned it. She wanted it.
Without thinking I leaned in and brushed a light kiss to her temple and whispered. “I’m glad I have you to rely on.” Because ‘Thank you.’… no, she wouldn’t accept thanks for this, she wouldn’t want it.
But my heart was racing again. And the lights still clunked. We started to walk again; her hand still  in mine, I might have my proof I was awake right here with me… but I wasn’t about to stand still long enough to let that encroaching darkness catch up to us.
‘You know you can always come and find me too, right?… if… the dreams are… well you know.” I squeezed her hand and brushed it with my thumb. “Or maybe we should scrounge up parts for those walkies you made at the drop ship.” I tilted my head… “Would they work in space?” and then I added against and distracting from what was likely the awful idea of that kiss… “Oh my god! You are turning me into a geek now!”
•— Raven —•
I knew there was something else unsaid between us, however I trusted John enough to know when he was ready, he would tell me. Maybe it was the grounder he had feelings for?
Shit! The thought only came to me now? Maybe what John had been trying to do was go see her? And then I tagged along and here he was. In the belly of a ship, in a dark corridor reminding him of his nightmares.
Fuck! I was messing up his life before I could even strengthen our friendship again. Why the hells couldn’t I think without my heart taking over when it  came to him and #Luna?
And I was holding his hand? What if this unnamed girl saw us? Okay.. fine.. she wouldn’t down here.. but what if she saw us in the main ship? What was wrong with me?
My mind was like an apiary, without the honey with just the bees with their stings  out to hit! (Or at least that’s what it felt like from all the information in the archives I gathered.) but who really knew? Miles’s name and Lizzie came to me now……
All the craziness and the thoughts went silent when my friend kissed the side of my head. Making my head go quiet to regroup. My words were my promise to him. I would have his back from this moment forward.
“I know… I know I can come find you and Luna.” But I wasn’t going to. We all had our nightmares to live with, but Luna and John They had such a hard time with theirs. I’d never add to that darkness.
I decided to turn the conversation in a different direction. “You know how I said I got you… there’s a caveat… if you mess with Abby… you’re in your own… I’m not going to get my arse grounded to my quarters because you gave her lip.” Nudging him again as we walked.
“Oh please, you were inducted into the geek squad the day you decided to help me build the distillery back at home. And you know you loved every minute of that day too. So don’t you dare deny it now.” Smiling, because somewhere there he’d found a way to bring me back.
“Well… Technically, yes walkie talkies should work up here. And now that I think of it… Maybe they actually might work somewhat better in space than on Earth, because up here in space there are far few  obstacles obcuring line of sight between the two radios. In essence the sound waves should travel better.”
Coming to a stop before two large metal doors, which looked as though they hadn’t been opened yet. Reading the words out loud.
•— John —•
She was doing that overthinking thing again… but it was much less scary without that sword dangling over her head. She could think all she wanted and the worst-case scenario was a headache. And possibly her working herself till she fainted… but it was easy to guilt her into eating by telling her she was setting a bad example by skipping rations.
I was about to say that this was completely fair, but then I thought about it… “No deal, Reyes!! I went up against Abby on your behalf a few times! I should get at least one credit for a major screw-up  with Abby.”
I rolled my eyes so hard I swear I heard the muscles straining. “That was just working with my hands… following instructions.” I chuckled. I remembered that day… it was a good day… easy. She was happy, still working but not on something that was going to fry her mind. I wasn’t worried… or I wasn’t as worried as I had been… I just enjoyed being with my friend. “That was a great day…” I smiled… The nightmares were pushed deep into the recesses of my mind by the memories.
“The crew of the ship must have had some kind of communication system other than those tablets, right?” I was thinking of the one Abby gave me for the rations… and how there was a way to send messages between them, the doc had sent me a few regarding changes needed in nutrition for her active patients who were still  recovering.
I stopped in front of the doors with her… “Wow…” They were huge… like tall enough for two people to walk through with one standing on the shoulders of the other and the entire width of the hall.
“What the hell were they keeping in here that the needed doors this big? They were mining on a meteor, right? They were hardly using heavy machinery…” I was thinking out loud now. I motioned to the keypad… “Do you have the code?” I knew she did…she had all the codes.
•— Raven —•
My lips curled up into a big smile. See… we could do this… we could find our way back to the good medium we had reached in the manor.
“Why do you always want to fight me and batter for everything I’m not willing to give you, Watcher?” Rolling my eyes to pretend like I was  actually thinking about it before offering… “fine. One major screw up and as a gesture of goodwill, I’ll throw in a minor repair if you mess up too?”
Nodding my head. “Yeah, there is still a lot of techs we haven’t had a chance to look at. We were on kind of a time crunch.” And that still has taken me too long to get back down to my friends and the people on Earth. I pushed those thoughts down. They were for my nightmares. Not now.
“You do know me, right? Of course I have the codes.” Waggling my shoulders and eyebrows teasing him. For a moment, we needed to take the laughs where we found them. Or at least it’s what I told myself.
Shrugging my shoulders at his question on, what was on this ship. “The full picture was painted for the curiosity of the council, and sure I’d done some digging when Griffin wasn’t happy to trust the crew who survived. But I didn’t find anything out of the ordinary… well… in the official logs anyway.” However, there was a growing sense of concern growing in the pit of my stomach.
“Why do we always expect the worst from these situations?” I asked before stepping up to the keypad to punch in the master code #Miles has shared with me.
“If anything was off, we wouldn’t have been given a free run to do what we like on this ship, right?”
To Be Continued....
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katreal-fic · 3 years
Amberina by Morning
Chapter 11/??
The downing of the Aurora was one tragedy among many in the long history of Planet 4546B, but it is, perhaps, one you can survive.
Once a young boy stood on a sterile, white sand shore, dreaming of the stars.
After the fetters of broken dreams rain down with the thousands of red-hot meteors that scatter across an endless ocean with no hint of land in sight--maybe this tragedy will set you free.
The PDA is on the floor when you finally tear your eyes away from the glowing husk on the horizon and descend. Undamaged, of course, despite the evident truth that it had landed on the cold metal flooring.
It’s still burned into your mind. The way the struts marking the outline of the Aurora’s nose blaze against the dark sky, haunting negative space allowing the occasional star to glare through the spaces in the smoke plumes.
Read the rest => [Link]  
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Much Ado About You
Scenario Prompt: Much Ado About Nothing Trick - Your friends make you think 'X' is in love with you. 'X's friends do the same. Making both of you realize you actually do have feelings for one another. Requested By: Anonymous (Mystery Prompt request Black 31)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x GN!Reader
Plot: Rey and Finn are tired of Poe and Y/n's bickering love-hate relationship, when it is obvious they are perfect for one another. So, they decide to do something about it. Let the games begin.
Warnings and Notes: None! Just some non-movie-plot related fun and hi-jinks! Based roughly on the Much Ado About Nothing plot between Beatrice and Benedick. If you have not seen the movie (the 1993 version) I highly suggest it, and here is a link to one of my favorite scenes.
Words: 3.8k
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"You know that makes no sense right?" You asked with a light scoff.
Poe rolled his eyes. "It doesn't make sense to you. To me, it makes perfect sense."
"Ah, then it must be something so profoundly ridiculous that it can only be understood by those who can't access the part of their brain that supplies logic."
Poe let out out an offended scoff as he turned back to Finn and Rey "Are you two hearing this?"
Rey stared blankly ahead. "I stopped listening already."
"I've been listening but I have no idea what you two are talking about." Finn added on with a confused tone.
"And I don't blame either of you, Poe is the only one who can understand his own logic anyways." You spared a sly smile at Poe as you began to turn away. "I have to go, I have much more important things to do."
"Yeah right." Poe scoffed as he turned to walk the opposite direction. "You can pretend to have an important job all you want Y/n, but we all know you mostly just sit around anyways!"
"Hey, that was a bit harsh Poe." Finn added on.
Poe shrugged his shoulder as he began to walk away. "They know I'm kidding."
"Do they?" Rey asked softly as she looked over at Finn.
"One day one of those two are gonna say something that crosses a line." Finn said in response.
"Why can't they just get along? I don't understand it! They seem like they would be best friends, but all they do is bicker and argue."
"Seriously! When I met both of them I honestly thought they would be perfect for each other."
"Right?!" Rey exclaimed. Thinking for a moment, she looked over at Finn. "You know, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if their arguing isn't just a way to hide their actual feelings..."
Finn nodded his head slowly as a smile spread across their face. "I bet they're actually head over heels for one another. But, maybe they think they are the only ones, so-"
"So they act like they actually hate each other to spare their own feelings!"
Rey and Finn stared at each other with wide smiled and looks of realization. "That has to be it!" Rey added.
"And if we're right, then, maybe we could do something about it..." Finn said slowly.
Rey looked between the to paths that you and Poe took as she wracked her brain for an idea. Looking over at Poe she smiled "I think I know something we could do."
- - - - - -
As Poe hung half way into the engine of his glider, he didn't see Finn and Rose sneak up to be closer. Finn looked at Rose and nodded his head, Rose responded in kind as they both straightened up.
"You're kidding right?" Finn said, his voice a little louder than he intended, causing Rose to give him a slight nudge.
Poe looked up at the sound of Finns voice, wondering what was going on.
"No, I'm serious!" Rose said with a feigned dramatic tone.
Once Poe heard Rose respond, he continued to work on his ship, listening a bit more out of curiosity.
"So you're saying, that Y/n, thee Y/n, actually has feelings for Poe?!"
As Poe heard this, his grip loosened out of surprise, and he fell forward. Catching himself before he fell face first into the engine, he froze in place, hoping that Finn and Rose did not hear the clang and grunt of surprise that had followed.
Finn and Rose glanced up, having most definitely heard the surprise of Poe. They shared a smile, but continued.
"Yeah, I was surprised too, seeing as they seem to be so constantly annoyed by him. But really, Y/n is crazy about him!"
"Are you sure Y/n wasn't joking, just trying to rile you up?"
"No Finn, they weren't. I'd never seen someone so confused by their feelings. Y/n does seriously have feelings for Poe, but Y/n thinks that Poe hates them, so they just try to avoid feeling at all, and instead reflect Poe's own actions!"
Finn nodded his head in encouragement as Rose spoke.
Poe slowly and quietly peaked over the side of his ship to see Finn and Rose more clearly. Surely they were joking, they must know he was here. But Finn wouldn't do something like that, would he?
"Did Y/n say if they were going to tell Poe?"
"Oh no, no way."
"Should we tell him? Maybe he should know?"
"No way! Poe would just make a joke of it! He'd tease Y/n and use the knowledge of their feelings to torment them!"
"Wha-!" Poe began to exclaim in offense before he cut himself off, ducking down with a grimace.
Finn and Rose looked over, having heard the noise. After a moment, when Poe seemed to remain quiet, they smiled at each other as they repressed their laughter.
Finn let out an exaggerated sigh. "Maybe you're right. Poe's not the best at expressing his feelings. I just wish he could see how perfect he and Y/n would be together. They are so similar, and their differences even compliment each other. Yet, maybe it's for the best, Y/n is such a great person, and I've never heard Poe express that he wants a serious relationship. I love him, but I have to admit, maybe he's not worthy of Y/n's love."
Poe frowned at this comment.
There was a moment of silence between Rose and Finn before Rose spoke again. "I suppose we will just have to wait and see. It's not our place to meddle. Come on, lets go get some lunch." Rose said softly.
Poe peaked out, seeing Rose and Finn leaving the hangar together. As soon as he was alone, Poe began to pace around as he thought of what had just happen.
If it was anyone besides Rose saying this, Poe wouldn't have believed it. But he knew you and Rose were close, so if you were to tell anyone you would tell her, or Rey. Did Rey know? If she did, Rey was a secretive type, she would never betray your trust.
Poe sighed as he sat down and ran his hands through his hair.
'I would never have thought Y/n felt anything for me with the way they act towards me. Then again, I act the same exact way.'
As the thought of what Rose said passed through his mind, Poe stood up, letting out a frustrated scoff. "I would not make a joke out of it! Or tease them! I- I-" He stopped and stared down at the floor.
Thinking solely of the fact that you had feelings for him, he felt his heart palpitate harshly in his chest. He thought of you, watching him with secret feelings, and suffering through his harsh comments, his jokes, his seemingly indifferent opinion of you. He felt guilt rocket through him.
"I'd try to ignore my feelings too if I were Y/n." He mumbled to himself. Rubbing his hand over his face, he let out a sigh and started to pace around. "Y/n probably thinks I hate them." More guilt clenched at his chest. 'But that's not true. I don't hate Y/n, I can't hate Y/n.' His thoughts went silent for a moment as a sudden realization hit him.
Hearing the soft sound of beeping coming closer, Poe looked over to see BB8 rolling up to him. As BB8 noticed the look on Poe's face, the small droid beeped in concern.
"I'm an idiot BB8." Poe said softly, and the droid beeped in confusion. "All this time I didn't see it. I didn't see Y/n's feelings, and I ignored my own. I don't hate Y/n. Not even close. I think- " Sitting down suddenly he let out a soft laugh "I think I like Y/n too. Much more than I expected."
BB8 let out an alarmed yet almost gleeful chorus of beeps as he turned and began to flee the room. Poe watched him in alarm before chasing after him "Where are you going!? BB8 no!"
Stopping the droid, Poe pointed at him. "You cannot go tell anyone, especially not Y/n! You understand? I need to do it myself, got it?"
The droid let out a disappointed whir before beeping in agreement. Poe stood up and let out a stressed sigh. "Now how exactly do I tell them?"
- - - - - -
As you walked through the wooded area looking for Rey, you stopped when you thought you heard voices. Turning you walked closer, but stopped when you thought you heard your name.
"Are you going to tell Y/n?"
You frowned as you peaked your head around the corner of a tree, seeing Rey and Finn talking.
"Tell Y/n that Poe is in love with them?" He scoffed. "I don't think so."
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open. 'Poe What!?' Quietly slumping down so they might not see you, you slowly crept closer, carefully as to not make any noise.
"Why not?" Finn asked.
"Because Y/n despises him? How do you think they would feel if they learned that Poe has had feelings for them the whole time?"
You turned away and leaned against the tree. Your heart started pounding heavily as you became a bit breathless. 'Poe, has feelings for me?'
"How do you know Y/n doesn't actually have feelings for Poe?"
"I would assume Y/n would have told me!"
You winced a little bit at this comment. You had been struggling with your feelings for Poe for a while now. You had considered telling Rey, but chose not to. Not until you figured it out first.
"Besides, I don't think I would want Y/n and Poe to be in a relationship."
You rose a brow and listened closely. 'Why?'
"Why?" Finn spoke your own thought aloud.
"They bicker all the time! How do you know they would not always be fighting or challenging one another?"
You bit the inside of your lip. That might be true.
"What if they bicker and argue because they have no other way of hiding their feelings?"
You shrugged your head in agreement of Finns comment.
"You have to tell Y/n! Or at least ask them how they feel."
As Rey and Finn began to walk further away, you heard Rey sigh. "I don't know Finn. I'll think about it."
Watching them disappear though the trees, you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding.
'How does Rey know Poe has feeling for me? Did she over hear him talking to someone? Did she somehow sense it within him?'
Grabbing a leaf off of a tree, you began to rip it apart unknowingly as you mind raced. You continued down the path back towards the base.
'When I bicker and pick fights with Poe, is it because I want to ignore how I truly feel? And if he likes me, does he do the same? If he liked me so much, even loved me as Rey said, why would be be so cruel sometimes? Does he think that I hate him, so the fact that he has feelings for me makes him angry?'
You stopped in your tracks for a moment. 'All this time, we've felt the same things? No, surely not. Rey must be mistaken.' Shaking the thought away, you continued back towards the base, trying to push away your overwhelmed thoughts.
- - - - -
"Do you think it worked?" Rey asked.
Finn shrugged a bit. "I hope so. But what if they just decide to avoid each other?"
Rey frowned, "Maybe we should design a plan so they might have to be around each other?"
"Actually I don't think we have to."
Rey followed Finn's line of sight, seeing you coming from the wooded area, and to your left, out of sight, Poe coming from nearby. "Oh, lets go, hide!" Rey grabbed Finn and pulled him around the corner, as they watched you two unknowingly grow closer.
Your mind was racing as you walked back towards the base, as you tried to figure out what to do. If Rey was wrong, and Poe did not have feelings for you, you could end up much more embarrassed and hurt. Then again, if he does have feelings for you, and you avoid them, he might move on entirely.
Poe muttered to himself as he tried to rehearse what to say to you. BB8 was gliding along at his feet, occasionally giving a beep of encouragement.
As Poe entered into the courtyard, he stopped in his tracks as he saw you coming closer from another path. He felt his heart pick up pace, and he suddenly felt the urge to turn and leave. But as he began to, he met your eyes and you halted in your own tracks upon seeing him.
There was a moment of still silence between you as you stared at each other.
"Oh come on, say something!" Rey whispered desperately as she and Finn watched from nearby.
"Uh, hey." Poe said awkwardly.
"Hi?" You responded awkwardly, as you began to walk closer, unsure of what to do. And aware that he seemed to be acting oddly. Does he know that you know?"
BB8 looked between you before beeping encouragingly at Poe. Poe looked down at BB8 before exclaiming with feigned surprise. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that, thanks BB8." Turning to you he spoke hurriedly. "I forgot Raymond asked me to get him some tools before I left, I should go do that." Turning, he walked off back towards the hanger, bb8 following behind him beeping rapidly.
You watched him for a moment before you let out a breath and made your way back to the base. He was definitely acting odd, maybe he did know you knew. But how?
Finn and Rey let out disappointed sighs as Poe fled. "Coward." Rey muttered with annoyance as she and Finn turned to leave before you spotted them.
- - - - - -
Poe kept taking deep breaths as he made his way to the facility you worked in. He was going to do it, he was going to tell you how he felt. He hoped.
It had been a couple days since he had first learned of your feelings for him, and the realization of his own. He hadn't seen you since, and wasn't sure exactly how he would react when he did see you again. In reality, he could turn and run again.
Poe's thoughts were distracted when he heard the sound of various voices and shouting from the other side of the facility. From behind the building, he could see smoke rising into the sky. Quickening his walk into a jog, he began to run around the side of the facility.
As soon as he did, he spotted you. And in front of you, a man he recognized, clearly angry with you.
"You did work on these droids didn't you?"
You let out a hiss of breath as you spoke, trying to keep your calm. "Yes, I did, but I clearly stated that they were not ready to be used yet." You gestured your hand to the now sparking and half-destroyed turret droid. "If you had listened to me, this wouldn't have happened."
The man got closer, practically spitting in your face. "And if you would have done your damn job it wouldn't have been a problem in the first place!"
Both you and the man looked over at the sudden voice, and felt your heart jump when you saw Poe approaching. He had a scowl on his face as he looked at the man in front of you.
"What the hell are you doing yelling at Y/n for? Did they or did they not say the droids weren't ready to use?"
"Sir, we needed them to run-"
"I don't care what you needed them for, answer my question."
You stared at Poe in shock as he angrily defended you. Something he had never really done before.
The man scowled and let out a huff of air. "Yes, but-"
"No." Poe interrupted "You don't get to make excuses, you used the droids when you knew you shouldn't have. Then it backfired on you. It's your fault and you don't get to blame Y/n for it, got it?"
The man clearly wanted to protest, or through a tantrum, but looking from you to Poe he let out a rough voice "Yes, Sir."
"Now go clean up your mess." Poe pointed at the destroyed droid, and watched the man saunter away in anger.
Poe looked over at you and immediately felt his heat skip a beat. You were staring at him with a mix of surprise, confusion and a bit of amusement.
Realizing you were staring at him, you clearing your throat a little. "Thanks."
"No problem. I'm sorry I intervened, I just, saw him getting in your face and couldn't stop myself."
"No, it's alright. Honestly I was about one moment away from hitting him. So you saved me some paperwork and a stern telling off." You let out a soft laugh and Poe's smile widened.
Poe looked over at the droid, finally seeing it for the first time. "Is that a turret droid?"
You nodded "Yeah. I designed it specifically to scan the atmosphere for enemy ships. It only fires if it scans a ship charging their weapons and aiming at the planet. And I programmed it to recognize our ships signatures. You can also access it remotely and fire it from the weapons room."
Poe looked over at you in surprise. "And here I thought you just made Protocol droids."
You rolled your eyes a bit. "Not just." You pointed at a nearby medical droid that scanned an injured soldier "Made that one too."
"Seriously?" He asked with an air of surprise.
"You'd know if you'd ever asked, instead you just joke that I don't do anything important."
You saw Poe close his eyes in shame and he opened them again and smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry I ever said that, I just like to get you riled up."
You smiled at him and shook your head. "You're pretty good at it."
His smile widened and he suddenly remember what he had come here for. "Uhm, do you need to deal with this? I was, uh, hoping we could talk. But I can come back later."
You felt your heart immediately begin pounding heavily as your neck burned hot. "No, I can't do anything with it yet. What did you want to talk about?"
Poe motioned his head away from the facility as he began to walk. Falling into step beside him, you watched his profile as he seemed to be thinking of what to say.
Looking over at you, he stopped and faced you. Looking around he noted that you were far enough away from the crowd that no one would hear him.
"I uh, I recently discovered something that's been heavy on my mind the last few days."
You swallowed nervously. Was he seriously going to admit he had feelings for you? Right now? "Whats that?"
"Well to be frank, that you have feelings for me."
You felt your breath hitch in your throat. "I-that, what?"
Poe could see the confusion on your face and grew nervous. "Well, don't you?"
"I- where did you hear that?"
"Well, technically I overheard it."
"From who?" Your voice was a bit higher in pitch.
"From Finn and Rose, I heard them talking and they said that you had feelings for me!"
"But I overheard Rey and Finn saying you had feelings for me!"
You stared at each other for a moment before you both realized what was happening.
"Oh." You muttered.
Poe let out a scoff as he turned away, "What did they think would come out of this?" He said softly.
"If it's their version of a joke it's not a very good one." You muttered softly.
Hearing the sensitive emotion in your voice, Poe looked back at you. He swallowed before he slowly took a step closer. "So, then, you...don't have feelings for me?"
"Do you have feelings for me?" You countered.
He opened his mouth to complain before he shook his head and let out a soft laugh. "I didn't realize I did until I thought you did."
Your chest was tight with anxiety and excitement. "I think I did before, but I wasn't certain until I thought you felt the same."
Poe took another small step closer. "So, you do?"
You nodded softly, repressing the urge to smile. Poe stared into your eyes as he processed what just happened. "So. They tricked us, into realizing that we had feelings for one another?"
Letting out a soft laugh you shrugged your head. "Maybe they could see what we couldn't."
Poe smiled and shook his head. "I wonder how long it would have taken if they hadn't done this."
You looked down at your feet and shook your head. "Ages, probably."
Poe watched you for a moment with a fond gaze. Reaching forward, he gently took your hand in his, causing you to look back up at him.
He let out a soft breath. "I'm sorry I was always so annoying to you. I enjoyed our arguments and jokes, and the way we challenged each other. But, I'm assuming, that you thought I didn't really like you all that much?" He met your gaze with a questioning look.
"I certainly didn't think you thought fondly of me. Did you think the same about me?"
He shrugged his head a bit. "A bit."
"I'm sorry too."
Taking a step closer, Poe was now right in front of you. You met his eyes shyly as he stared into yours. You noted how his eyes flicked to your lips momentarily, and you held your breath.
"Oh, would you just kiss already!"
You both looked over out of surprise, seeing Rey, Finn and Rose standing nearby.
Finn smacked Rey's arm "They were getting to that!"
"Yeah, slowly!"
You let out a sharp laugh, causing Poe to look over at you. He shook his head as laughter bubbled up in his own chest. Suddenly, Poe cupped your face with his hands and pressed a kiss to your lips.
You felt your face and ears burning hot, but leaned into the kiss, deepening it. You ignored the comments coming from the others nearby as they made jokes and whistled.
Pulling away, Poe stared into your eyes with a smile. "Better late than never I suppose."
You grinned up at him, before you both leaned into another kiss. Gently placing your hands on his face, he wrapped his arms around your waist as he pulled you closer.
Rey nudged Finn in his side as she grinned. "Told you it would work."
xx End xx
I hope you liked it!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen Star Wars/Poe Taglist: @hoeforthefictional, @whimsical-daydreams, @cosplayingwitch
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Camp North Star - August 15th
AFAB!Reader x Hirai Momo x Minatozaki Sana x Park Jihyo
Word Count: 7166
Contents: foursome, truth or dare, fingering, dom!Momo, dom!Jihyo, sub!reader, implied switch!Sana, teasing, hair pulling, use of titles (Mommy, Mistress), use of pet names (baby), breast play, clit stimulation, tribbing, choking, slight scratching, oral (reader receiving), praise, over-stimulation, crying
You dried off your body as you sat up on the deck of the pool in the dark. Momo, Sana, and Jihyo were all climbing out from the evening swim you’d taken. You looked at your watch, knowing that Momo and Sana couldn’t stay out too late, not when Nayeon had so graciously agreed to watch their campers, but only for a bit.
Jihyo threw you each a boogie board to sit on instead of the hard concrete and you relaxed back in the warm August night. A breeze was blowing through but it only carried more hot air, though it felt perfect for drying off.
“That was fun,” Sana chimed. “We should do that more often.”
“We can only get Nayeon to babysit so many times,” Momo chuckled.
“I can only do this sparingly,” Jihyo said. “I mean I don’t think Hongseok would be that mad, but if Seungcheol caught us…”
“I don’t know,” you hummed, laying your towel over the boogie board and sitting on it. “Hongseok is getting to be a bit more of a stick in the mud in his old age.”
“You say that like you didn’t fuck him in his office,” Jihyo laughed.
“Shut up,” you giggled, throwing a stray boogie board at her which she managed to catch anyway.
“Didn’t you say something about the showers after?” Jihyo questioned.
“We didn’t do anything in the showers,” you said, sticking your tongue out at her.
“Yeah,” said Sana. “I’m the only one who gets to fuck them in the showers.” Everyone laughed at her comment.
“That explains why you came back with wet hair the other day.” Momo said.
“At least tonight we have towels,” you chuckled.
“I might have forgotten the towels,” Sana confessed with a sheepish grin, blushing while Jihyo and Momo burst into laughter.
“It’s a good thing you’re cute, Sana,” Momo giggled.
“It’s a good thing Minji was willing to bring us towels,” you chuckled.
“Well luckily everyone can dry off comfortably now,” Jihyo said. “How much later do you guys wanna stay?”
“We still have time,” Momo said. “Nayeon said she would stay until just before lights out, she’s checking the cabins tonight anyway so as long as we’re back by 10 we’re fine.”
“We could play a game,” You offered.
“Ohhhh we could play truth or dare,” Sana said excitedly.
“That ought to be interesting,” Momo chuckled.
“Why not?” you laughed. You could already tell Sana was plotting ideas. She was bound to make it sexual right out of the gate but you didn’t mind all that much. It would at least be fun. You were feeling slightly better now. Things were still far from normal between you and Wonwoo but at the very least you could hold a casual conversation again without it feeling massively awkward or like pulling teeth to get an answer. So that was something.
“So long as it doesn’t get too out of hand,” Jihyo said, chewing on her lip.
“See now you sound like Seungcheol,” Momo teased.
“I do not,” she whined. “I’m fun!”
“Fine, then truth or dare?” Momo asked.
Jihyo grabbed a nearby pool noodle to whack Momo. “Just ask me a question.”
“Is it true you guys have orgies in Cabin Hydrus?”
Even in the moonlight you could see Jihyo blush deeply. “I-I wouldn’t call them orgies.”
You and Sana squealed while Momo laughed.
“If you’re all having sex than it’s an orgy,” Momo said.
“Hold on, why was I not invited?” You asked.
“You’re not in the cabin,” Jihyo said.
“Yeah but we’re in the same department,” you whined.
“Okay but you’re in a boat usually,” Sana said. “They like to get wet.”
“Okay okay,” Jihyo said, trying to hush you all a bit. “Momo, truth or dare?”
“Dare because I’m not afraid.”
“Whisper a secret to me.”
“Oh my god, you are getting boring,” Momo said, crawling over to her. You couldn’t hear what she said but you saw the look of surprise that crossed Jihyo’s face as she heard the secret.
“Wait really?” Jihyo asked. Momo nodded with a slight grin.
“What was it?” Sana pouted.
“Sorry, can’t tell you,” Momo giggled. “She should have told me to tell the whole group.” Momo looked at you. “Truth or dare?”
“I’ll go with dare.”
“Take your top off.”
You felt heat rush to your skin as the others giggled. “Hold on, you just had to whisper a secret and I have to take my tits out?”
“You really should be prepared for anything,” She shrugged. “You can switch the truth, but only once.”
“Fine, I’ll do it,” you muttered, pulling down the straps on your bathing suit top. You didn’t look any of them in the eye as you took your arms out of the straps and pushed it down just enough to rest under your breasts, thankful for the warm night so the air didn’t chill you.
You would have thought by this point in the summer this wouldn’t feel so embarrassing and yet…
“Okay, Sana,” you said, very aware of how she was now staring at your chest. “Truth or dare?”
“Hmmmmm truth,” She said. 
“Ummm,” you wracked your brain for a good question. “How many times have you faked an orgasm?”
“I never fake an orgasm!” she said. “I want them to know if they do a bad job.”
Momo nudged her hard and gave her a pointed look.
“Okay, well I don’t anymore.”
You and Jihyo snorted.
“Some people just cannot figure out how to get me off, not like it’s that hard,” she muttered. “Anyway, Jihyo, truth or dare?”
“I don’t trust you at all,” Jihyo said.
“That doesn’t answer my question,” Sana grinned. “And you said truth last time.”
“Fine, dare.”
“Perfect,” she smiled brightly. “I dare you to do a pole dance with an imaginary pole.”
Jihyo flushed red, visible even in the darkness, as she stood up. You tried for a moment to forget about how bare you were as you watched her in all of her embarrassment, trying to be sexy while Sana hummed music and Momo giggled. She was quick to sit back down, letting her hair partially fall in her face.
Jihyo said your name. “Truth or dare?”
“I’m going for truth this time,” you said.
“What’s your body count for this summer?”
“Oh geez,” you said, looking up at the sky. “Give me a second.” The girls all giggled as you counted out on your fingers, trying to remember everyone. “Wait is it just sex or anyone I’ve fooled around with?”
“Include anyone you fooled around with,” Said Sana.
“Then, god I think it’s 18?” You said, hoping you weren’t forgetting anyone. “That kinda blows Soonyoung out of the water.”
“Congrats,” snickered Momo. “You’re the resident whore.”
“Shut up,” you laughed, grabbing a wayward pool noodle and whacking her with it as she giggled.
“Your turn, truth or dare?”
“Hmmm dare,” she said.
You grinned. “I dare you to play with your nipples for the rest of the game.”
Sana giggled while Jihyo looked between you two, a little panicked. “See when I said not to get out of hand-”
“You say that like it’s hard,” Momo chuckled, pinching her nipples through her swimsuit top and rolling them slowly, clearly more than happy to be giving herself pleasure. “Sana, truth or dare?”
“Dare,” she said easily.
“Show us a fake orgasm.”
“You guys!” Jihyo hissed.
Sana blushed, biting down on her finger coyly. “You really wanna see it?”
“Oh shut up and do it,” you laughed, nudging her knee with your foot. Jihyo was looking over her shoulder towards the camp building, clearly worried someone would notice your increasingly risque game.
Sana, on the other hand, didn’t seem to care. She rested back on her elbows before letting out a moan, legs rubbing together and squirming as if she was actually experiencing pleasure. You watched as her mouth fell open, brows knitting together and eyes falling closed as her back arched and she let out very convincing moans that climbed higher and higher in her voice.
You couldn’t help the way it sent thrills of arousal through your body. You shifted a little, pressing your thighs together as you watched and listened to her. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Momo pinching her own nipples a little harder and Jihyo biting down on her bottom lip.
Sana drew her knees up close to her, head falling back in a beautiful, high cry as she “finished,” even managing to have her legs shaking a little and letting out heavy breaths as she opened her eyes. Whether she still did it or not in bed, she was very good at it.
“O-Okay,” Said Jihyo. “Maybe not so loud,” she glanced over her shoulder again, trying to shift her thighs inconspicuously. “B-But let’s keep playing.”
“Okay,” purred Sana. “Truth or dare?” Her voice was much more sultry and it was doing you no favours. By the looks of it you weren’t alone in that.
“Uh, dare?” Jihyo said.
Sana grinned, “I dare you to give me a hickey.” Jihyo seemed surprised at the relatively tame request but Momo was eyeing Sana.
“You are such a whore,” she snickered.
“I’ve done nothing,” Sana said innocently, batting her eyelashes as Jihyo crawled towards her. She rested back as Jihyo kissed low on her chest, pushing down the top of her swimsuit before sucking the skin between her lips.
Sana let her head fall back, letting out a moan, you hugged your knees to your chest, shifting again as more heat started to pool between your legs. She was putting on a show now, and you were sure the whole goal was to rile all of you up. It was working too. Somewhere in the back of your mind you questioned how you had become friends with so many people that liked to initiate orgies.
Jihyo pulled back, a fresh, dark bruise blossoming on Sana’s chest. Sana smiled at her cutely.
“Thank you, Mommy.”
You bit down on your lip as you watched Jihyo taking a deep breath, looking like she could just about devour Sana but restraining herself instead and sitting back on her heels.
“Momo,” Jihyo sniffed, regaining her composure. “Truth or dare?”
“I haven’t picked truth yet,” her voice still sounded even but the way she subtly  squirmed her body told you she was very much turned on.
Jihyo sighed, thinking for a moment. “Tell us about one of your favourite porn tropes.”
“See that’s a good question,” she smirked. “I really love the ones where a group of girls all gang up on one girl. Sometimes they’re cheerleaders, maybe lifeguards. The all hold down the one girl and make her cum until she can’t think of anything else and it’s the best fuck she’s ever had.”
Whether she was trying to toy with Sana or Jihyo you didn’t know but you did know that it was getting to you. Without warning your brain started swimming in images of the three of them surrounding you, all pleasuring you at once. Your fingers curled into the hem of your swimsuit as more asorual rushed through your body at the sudden but not unwelcome mental images.
What you absolutely could have done without though, was the whimper that escaped your lips.
You quickly looked around at all three of them, feeling heat licking at your skin and suddenly wishing for a cool breeze. None of them said a word about your outburst, but the looks on their faces made it clear they had all heard you.
“Sana,” Momo said. “Truth or dare?”
“Hmm, truth,” she said.
Momo nodded towards you with a smug look on her face. “If you could do anything to them right now, what would you do?”
“H-Hey!” You cried, curling in on yourself. Momo was definitely just trying to mess with you now. Jihyo, however, just bit her lip, invested in whatever Sana was going to say.
“I just want to eat them out,” she smirked, though her voice was sweet. “I only got such a little taste last time. I just want to push them back and hold their legs open and taste them. I want them dripping on my tongue. I want to know just how wet they’ve been getting watching everything.”
You knew that Sana knew she was making it worse. You did your best to hold still but something about having others around emboldened her. She was far less sweet and far more teasing. You could feel the others with their eyes on you even though your gaze was locked with Sana’s.
Heat licked at your skin as it curled down your spin. You knew you were wet at this point, though your body had long dried from the pool. But the more they talked the more your need grew, even if you were determined to hide just how much everything was affecting you.
“Does that sound good to you?” Sana asked sweetly.
“It sounds fine.” Your voice was so breathy and obviously turned on it wasn’t even funny. Sana looked so very proud of herself as Momo and Jihyo regarded you with the gazes of lionesses just waiting to pounce on their prey.
“Truth or dare?” Sana asked sweetly.
There was no good option at this point.
A smirk curled Sana’s lips. “I dare you to finger yourself.”
It was a mark of how much the mood had shifted that nobody giggled. Jihyo looked mildly surprised, though more interested in if you would actually do it. Momo was unphased, only expectant.
You felt your skin burning as you looked down.
“C-Come on,” you mumbled. “You already made me half strip.”
“Well if you’re going to forfeit,” Sana said.
“That’d be no fun,” Momo added. “Sana even showed us a fake orgasm.”
“You made Momo play with her nipples,” Sana said.
“Okay,” you said. You spread your legs just the smallest bit, hyper aware of the way they were watching you. You bit down on your lip as you pushed your hand into your swimsuit bottoms. One hand came up to hold your breast, if for no other reason than to cover you a little bit. You slipped your hand down until your fingers found your clit, biting back the moan that threatened to leave your lips at the touch. Of course you were already wet and sensitive, of course it was going to be harder to keep yourself quiet now.
“Wh-Who wants to be-”
“Hold on,” Jihyo stopped you from moving the game along. Apparently she wanted in on the fun now too. “Are you fingering yourself or just touching yourself?”
“Oh naughty,” Sana chided. “The dare was to finger yourself.”
“I know that,” you mumbled. They were all shifting a little closer now, watching you intently. You couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement from all the attention. Some part of you wanting even more and your mind refusing to stop playing images of them taking you all at once. Your own finger slid lower. You were still covering yourself shyly as much as you could as you pressed the finger into your heat.
No amount of lip biting or self control could stop the moan that left your lips. Each of them pressed even closer to you as you stopped moving your finger, face burning and butterflies in your stomach. Jihyo reached out to touch you, rubbing your thigh soothingly.
“Sh-Should we move on?” You asked quietly, already knowing the game was long gone from everyone’s minds.
“You’ve barely shown us anything,” Momo said. “You need to properly finger yourself.”
“You need to let us see,” Sana smirked, settling right next to you, her hand landing on your knee. Your body tensed a little but Jihyo hushed you and as you relaxed the two of them pulled your legs apart to see you properly as you slowly curled your finger inside yourself, only doing so halfheartedly and trying to make sense of your overwhelming feelings. You were embarrassed beyond belief but you also couldn’t deny that the ways they were looking at you, the light touches of Sana’s and Jihyo’s fingers, the attention, was turning you on even more. It had you clenching around your finger.
It was no secret to yourself that you wanted this to continue.
“Looks like one part of your suit didn’t quite dry,” Momo murmured. Her fingers reached out to trace the edge of your swimsuit at the apex of your thigh. You took in a sharp breath at the feeling, some part of your brain wondering if you should outright ask them for more.
“I-I It’s still wet,” you mumbled.
“Are you sure it’s still wet?” Jihyo purred, leaning in a little closer to your ear. “Are you sure it’s not freshly wet?”
“It’s- I mean-”
“It’s not very nice to lie to us,” Momo added, sounding more stern than Jihyo had.
“I think we’ll need to see for ourselves.” Sana added.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t know what she was getting at, or where this seemed to be headed. Still, you looked at Sana with wide eyes at her suggestion as Momo hooked her fingers into the waist of your swimsuit bottoms. Sana simply gave you a smirk and Momo looked up at you expectantly. You looked over at Jihyo and she brought her hand up to caress your cheek.
“Can you show us?” She asked softly, really looking to see if you wanted to continue. You nodded slowly for her and she grinned.
Momo pulled off the bottoms of your swimsuit and you let your hand fall away, pulling your finger away from your core. Jihyo shifted partially behind you, pulling off the top of your swimsuit and leaving you bare as they spread your legs again. Each of them let out a moan or whine at the sight of your body and your glistening core. You only took a quick peek at your own pussy before looking away, unable to shake the shyness nor the embarrassment and very aware that they only made you hornier.
“You look so pretty,” Sana moaned, fingers dragging through your folds and sparking pleasure inside you. Jihyo sat behind you, leaning you back against her as Momo ran her fingers over your thighs.
“Fuck, and you got me all turned on, too,” you said, breathiness finally showing in her voice.
“You two could put on a nice little show for them,” Jihyo murmured. “I think I need to help them with their fingering technique.”
Momo was almost rough as she grabbed Sana’s hair, earning a moan from Sana as she pulled her closer. You watched Momo strip off her swimsuit in the moonlight, throwing it aside. Your eyes couldn’t help but rove over her form, the way her hair cascaded down her back, the swell of her breasts, down to her waist and the curve of her hips as she seated herself, spreading her legs and pulling Sana closer.
Sana kissed her feverishly, wasting no time in sinking two fingers into Momo’s awaiting core. Momo let out a moan, knee falling to the side so you could see just what Sana was doing as she started to finger her.
“They look good, don’t they,'' Jihyo hummed, her hand wrapped around you and her fingers found your clit, teasing you lazily.
“Th-They do,” you whimpered, squirming in her grasp. You were already very turned on and the pressure she put on your small bundle of nerves was easily making you wetter and needier. Your whole body felt hot as you melted back into her, desiring nothing more than more of her touch.
Jihyo brought a hand up to your chest.
“You and Sana are turning out to be a lot of fun,” she purred. “Momo is certainly enjoying her.”
Momo let out a moan, her fingers tangled firmly in Sana’s hair as her head fell back. She pushed Sana’s head down roughly and Sana took one of Momo’s nipples into her mouth, sucking on it. Her fingers curled into Momo quickly and you could imagine, could remember how good it felt.
“And you're just too cute,” Jihyo teased. You let out a whimper as she tugged on your nipple, fingers pressing a little harder against your clit and circling just a little faster. Not fully giving you what you craved.
“You are so adorable when you get shy,” She said, making you look away from her. “Even now when I’ve got your legs open. You’re all spread out to the world and you’re still being shy for me. It’s just precious.”
Her words were only turning you on more as you squirmed, trying to rock you hips against her hand for more. The sight in front of you was incredibly arousing, and the way Jihyo moved her fingers had tension building in your body already. Even still, your core was very aware of what it was missing and you found your hands curling into the towel under you as you wondered if Jihyo would try and tell you off for fingering yourself.
“You’ve got such cute tits,” she hummed, tugging on your nipple again. “Does it feel good when I get a little rough with you?”
“Mhm,” you hummed.
“Come on,” she said, squeezing your breast roughly. “You know I have a title.”
“Y-Yes Mommy,” the words dripped from your lips just the way arousal dripped from your cunt. The word managed to turn you on even more, something about the feeling of it leaving your lips was making your head spin. You were starting to feel desperate, squirming more in her grasp as the tension in your body built slowly, but not as fast as you wanted it.
“Very good,” Jihyo hummed. “You should look at your cute little pussy, baby.” 
You whined at the pet name, somehow even in this state your brain still had the capacity for shame, though you were sure it wouldn’t take too long before that was gone too. Still, you looked down at your pussy just as she said. Even the moonlight you could see how much her touch was affecting you, already a little swollen from her teasing.
It just made you want to cum even more. Momo’s moans and curses weren’t letting up and Sana was letting out moans of her own, particularly each time Momo pulled her hair. Her ass and thighs kept shifting and rolling as they searched for some kind of friction while she fucked Momo with her fingers. 
Their sounds were filling your mind and making you clench around the utter nothing in your cunt. Even though you could get to your high eventually, it was clear Momo was getting closer to hers and you were still frustratingly far from your own, wanting Jihyo to go a little harder, a little faster, instead of taking her time.
You reached a hand between her legs. There was no way she wouldn’t notice, but maybe-
Jihyo grabbed your wrist sharply, pulling your hand away.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked.
“I w-want to cum,” you mumbled pitifully.
“So I’m not doing a good job?” She questioned.
“N-No you-”
“You have to do it yourself? I’m not treating you well?”
“N-No th-that’s not- I-I just wanted-” You were shrinking into her, complete putty in her hands now. She was making you feel good, just not fast enough. “I-I want to cum now.”
“I see,” she said. For a moment you were afraid she would pull away and you thought it might just make you cry if she didn’t give you any more attention. But her hand came back to your clit, rubbing much more roughly as her other hand moved to play with your other nipple roughly.
“I’m so nice to you, baby,” she said. “I’ll make you cum. I’ll make sure we keep you cumming until I think you’ve had enough. Does that sound good?”
“Y-Yes Mommy,” you moaned, back arching as tension started through your body, winding you tight. Jihyo’s fingers teased your nipple roughly and her hand didn’t let up on your clit.
“You’re going to cum for me just like this,” she said. “I’m not putting anything inside of you. Your greedy little pussy will just have to wait.”
“Mhm,” your whine was high in your voice as your hips ground and rolled up against her fingers. Your eyes squeezed shut but you could hear Momo moaning out as she came on Sana’s fingers. 
“And you’ll be grateful for every orgasm we give you, tonight,” Jihyo said, warning in her tone.
“Yes Mommy,” you breathed, feeling your whole body pulling tight, every muscle tensed as she brought you right to your edge.
“Then cum for me, baby.”
You cried out as you came, legs trembling but you managed to hold them open. You hips ground in circles as she kept teasing your clit and tugging roughly on your nipples while pleasure washed over you, enveloping your senses.
“Th-Thank you, Mommy,” you already knew you had made a mistake tonight and you didn’t want to make more. Her fingers kept teasing you, though much slower. It was still enough to have you jolting and squirming and whimpering in her grasp as she looked up at Momo and Sana.
“Momo,” she called.
You opened your eyes, seeing Momo smirking at you. “Yes?”
“I’d love some time to play with Sana,” Jihyo said. “But they’re just so desperate to keep cumming.” She squeezed your thighs. “They nearly started touching themselves. Do you think you can come over here and help them?”
“Of course,” Momo grinned, releasing Sana’s hair. Jihyo moved away and you managed to sit up as Momo came over and took her place. She was gentle as she rested her legs on either side of you but you knew it wouldn’t last long with how she was with Sana. You bit down on your lip, holding in your whimpers as she dragged her nails over your skin while you watched Jihyo pull off her swimsuit, instructing Sana to do the same. Sana scrambled to follow her lead as you felt Momo’s fingers trail towards your core.
Jihyo gently sat Sana back and spread her legs. You bit down on your lip as you watched Jihyo lower herself onto Sana, starting to grind her pussy against Sana’s and holding onto her leg for support. Sana let out a cute, whiny moan, while Jihyo let out a low groan, leaning forwards to stick a finger in Sana’s mouth and murmuring something to her that you couldn’t hear.
You gasped as you felt Momo spreading your lower lips with one hand and finding you clit with the other. She looked down over your shoulder as she tapped her fingers against your clit quickly. Even though it wasn’t too rough you were already sensitive and the sensation made you squirm and whimper and grip her thighs for support.
“Oh, so sensitive,” Momo teased, rubbing your clit before tapping it again. “It was naughty of you to try and play with yourself.”
“I-I know,” you whimpered.
“Now you better be good for us, can you do that? Can you be good for Mommy and Mistress?”
“Y-Yes Mistress,” you gasped taking her cue. Your legs threatened to close but Momo wasn’t having it.
“Keep them open,” she growled. “I want to see how swollen your pretty little cunt gets when I make you cum.”
“Y-Yes M-Mistress,” You managed, your voice only getting whinier.
“Maybe I should make you cum just like this? What would you say?” She was toying with you, you knew it. But you also knew better than to be a brat at the moment.
“Th-Th- I would- I’d say thank y-you, M-Mistress,” you whimpered, your hips trying to pull away from the quick taps against your sensitive clit. Each one sending an intense jolt of pleasure through your body. But you could only back up into Momo. You had to take it, even though it was already intense and you were only just starting to build to your second orgasm.
“Good job, baby,” she hummed. “Is that what you want?”
You squirmed and whined. Was it a trick or could you actually tell her that your pussy was so frustratingly empty. That you needed something in it.
“You can tell me the truth,” she murmured.
“I-I want s-something inside me,” you moaned, letting out a squeal as her taps got a little bit rougher.
“I can do that for you, baby,” she purred. Finally her fingers relented, one hand slipping down to your core and easily pressing two fingers into you. You moaned out embarrassingly loudly as she curled his fingers into you. After so much waiting the feeling of being full of something was so welcome. Momo’s other hand came up your body and you gasped as she wrapped it around your throat.
“Why don’t you watch the show while I fuck you,” Momo said, squeezing your throat lightly as you brought your eyes up to look at Sana and Jihyo.
Sana’s head had fallen back and her chest was heaving as she gripped Jihyo’s hips. She looked as if she was just on her edge. Though her fake moans had been good, they were nothing compared to the whines and cries falling off her lips now.
Jihyo was grinding down on her hard, moans cascading off her own lips between cooing at Sana and the look of pleasure on her face. She had Sana’s leg up in the air, holding onto it for support while the other rested on Sana’s waist as she chased her high.
You moaned, clenching around Momo’s fingers as they started to fuck into you fast. There was no gentleness to it, moving quickly and nipping at your ear playfully when you let out a broken moan.
“Is this what you wanted?” She teased.
“F-Fuck,” your eyelids were heavy as your body started to tense again. Your legs were already shaking and you were clenching around her fingers as she brought you towards your second orgasm. Momo’s hand squeezed around your throat and your eyes flew open.
“What was that?” She growled.
“Y-Yes Mistress. Thank you M-Mistress,” you whined quickly, trying to save face.
“You just can’t quite behave today, can you?” Momo said. Her hand dropped from your neck as Sana started to cum, crying out and shaking underneath Jihyo who was still grinding on her hard.
Momo’s fingers were relentless, fucking into your fast and rough and making your own legs shake. She brought her other hand down to your clit and you cried out as she started to rub it roughly, only able to press back into her as the intense feeling coursed through your body and you squeezed your eyes shut.
“Poor baby, are you too sensitive for this? Did I make your poor little cunt too sensitive?” She cooed.
You nodded, unable to give her proper words in response. But you just heard Momo chuckle as you squirmed and wriggled in her grasp.
“That’s too bad, I’m not done with you yet.”
Curses and moans fell off your lips at the nearly overwhelming feeling as she played with your clit just as roughly as her fingers fucked you. Your body tensed as you got close to your edge again. You could hear Jihyo’s moans as she came, which only made you clench around Momo’s fingers more. She nipped at your neck.
“Come on, baby.” She murmured. “Cum again, cum for me.”
You cried out, unable to keep your legs open as your body released. Pleasure coursed through you and you shook from the force of your orgasm, grasping at the towel beneath you and squeezing your eyes shut as Momo brought you through your orgasm.
You were tired and twitching when she finally let up. She was gentle as she pushed your legs open again, only to start tapping her fingers against your clit again.
You couldn’t tell if it was harder than before but it didn’t matter. You were so sensitive that the feeling was verging on painful, but not quite. Even if it was a lot, it still felt good.
“Th-Th- Thank you M-M-Mistress,” you managed as Sana and Jihyo came closer.
“I hope you know I’m not done with you yet,” Momo murmured as she let you lay back on the towel. Sana and Jihyo came to sit on either side of you and you gently reached out to touch them both, finding a spot on each of their thighs as you looked up at Jihyo.
“Can you handle some more, baby?” Jihyo asked.
You nodded, your brain struggling to form words. The nod seemed good enough for her though as she threw some sort of glance at Momo. You felt her push your legs back, opening them wide as you laid on your back and you whimpered, already knowing what was coming.
“Shhh,” Jihyo hushed you as she took your hand, rubbing soothing circles into the back of it. “You’re doing so well.”
“And you look so pretty,” Sana added, lying down with you to kiss at your neck. “I still wanna taste you,” she hummed against your skin.
Your mind spun at the idea. You weren’t sure you could handle that much more, but for as overwhelming as it felt, it was also so good. You hadn’t felt this good in a while and you knew when they were done with you you would feel so utterly satisfied.
Sana kissed down to take one of your nipples into her mouth as Momo pressed three fingers into you and drew her tongue over your over-sensitive clit.
Your body jolted and tried to buck up against her as you cried out from the intensity. Momo held you down as she started fingering you quickly again, her tongue lapping over your clit and sending shockwaves through your body each time she did.
Jihyo leaned down over you. “You poor thing, I bet you’re so sensitive now.”
“Y-Yes M-Mommy,” you gasped, gazing up at her. You moaned, back arching off the ground as she took your unattended nipple between her fingers and started rolling it.
“I know, baby,” she cooed. “But you are just so much fun to play with. You sound so cute.”
“You’re so soft,” Sana murmured against you before sucking on your nipple again.
Jihyo threaded her free hand into your hair gently, tilting your head to look at her.
“If it’s too much, just tell me,” her voice was a little more serious. You knew she was checking again, making sure they weren’t pushing you too far. Despite how overwhelming the touch was starting to feel each oragsm that they brought you was better. And your sensitive body was so much faster now, already you could feel the tightening in your core, your body getting tense as your third orgasm approached.
“I-I like it, M-Mommy,” you moaned.
Jihyo smirked down at you, tugging your nipple a little more roughly. “Perfect, baby.”
You panted and moaned and took in the sounds they made. Sana’s were quiet, small sighs and whimpers against your skin, punctuated by words.
“You’re so pretty,” she hummed. “I want to taste you so bad. Everything about you is so divine.”
Her praise only had you clenching around Momo’s fingers more as they fucked into you. Momo let out moans against your core, if only to send the vibrations careening through your nearly fucked out body. She seemed to like it when you squirmed or bucked your hips, holding you still with more force.
The lewd, wet sounds of her fingers fucking you and her tongue lapping at your clit was only adding to everything you were feeling. Your fingers curled around the towel, your other hand grabbing at Sana and holding her close as your body trembled and you managed to look up at Jihyo.
“Are you going to cum for us again, baby?” She grinned.
You could only manage to nod at her, no words forming in your head. Jihyo still played with your hair sweetly.
“Good, cum for us baby.”
You let out a broken cry as you came on Momo’s fingers again. Your cunt squeezed around them tightly as she sucked at your clit. Your eyes rolled back and your back tried to arch up, stopped only by Sana pressing you down as she kept sucking at your nipple. Jihyo played with your other nipple teasing it as you rode through your orgasm until you were twitching and gasping, eyes unable to open.
Momo pulled away from you gently and you laid there, panting as Sana moved away too. Very gently, Jihyo lifted you up a little, laying you back on her but not fully sitting you up, lounging back. You felt Sana pushing your legs up and you whimpered, head lolling to one side. You knew she wanted to taste you but you didn’t know if you could take another orgasm.
Jihyo pressed a kiss under your ear as she and Momo pulled your thighs back until they were nearly flush with your chest. 
“All you have to say is stop,” she whispered to you. You felt Sana pressing kisses near your core and Momo trailing her fingers over your legs and hips, but they all gave you a moment to think. You managed to open your eyes, gazing down at Sana’s sweet, hopeful expression and feeling arousal course through you.
How were you still needy? You didn’t know. But you did love the attention they were showering you in. It was so nice, felt so good. You bit your lip, taking in the sight of how swollen your pussy was from so much stimulation.
“Just a little more,” you mumbled.
Momo pressed close to you, lips brushing against yours and pressing your thigh more firmly against you as Sana pressed her face closer, her tongue dipping into your dripping core.
“I thought so,” She murmured. “You’re still needy, aren’t you?”
Jihyo chuckled. “Poor baby can’t get enough of us.”
You whimpered and moaned at the feeling of Sana’s tongue starting to fuck into you. The fact that she was moaning as she did so only made it that much worse. The vibration rushed through your body and you trembled from them as Jihyo and Momo continued to tease you.
“You knew it was a bad idea to try and touch yourself,” Jihyo said.
“That was naughty of you,” Momo added, lips just out of reach for a kiss. “And all we did was give you pleasure.”
You cried out, fully meeting her eye as the fingers of her free hand found one of your nipples. She tugged on it roughly before rolling and pinching it between her fingers quickly. You felt yourself clenching around Sana’s tongue as she fucked it into you.
“You are so lucky,” Momo smirked.
“Y-Yes Mistress,” you gasped.
“We’ll keep being nice to you,” Jihyo murmured. “One more orgasm.”
She waited for a moment and though you whimpered at the thought you didn’t protest. The two of them chuckled as Jihyo’s hand slid down your body.
“I knew they were needy,” Momo grinned.
“Such a needy baby,” Jihyo added as her fingers reached your clit and started rubbing, fast and rough.
The sound that made it past your lips was somewhere between a moan and a scream. The feeling was so intense. Sana’s tongue curling into you, Momo’s fingers playing with your sensitive nipples, and Jihyo toying with your poor clit again. Waves of pleasure were washing through you in an overwhelming way as your body jerked and squirmed in their grasp.
Momo dropped her lips to kiss at your neck and chest while Jihyo nipped at your ear.
“This is just what you wanted, right?” She teased. “The center of attention, everyone making you cum until you can’t think straight?”
“Y-Y-Y-” Words refused to form on your tongue but Jihyo seemed to understand you.
“Exactly what you wanted,” her fingers moved even faster and you felt your eyes rolling back then squeezing shut as tears started to prick them. “To be fucked senseless.”
Your body shook as every part of you tensed. The force of your impending release was almost frightening but also so welcoming as stars started bursting behind your eyes.
“Cum for us again baby, just like you wanted. Cum for us and show us just how well we’ve ruined you.”
You nearly screamed out as you came. Momo and Jihyo held your legs open, Jihyo’s fingers and Sana’s tongue not letting up, nor did Momo as your release crashed over you, nearly knocking you out. You felt your world tilting and you head felt fuzzy as your body shook and jerked and squirmed while pleasure completely sucked you under.
A few tears slipped from your eyes and Jihyo pulled her hands away. Momo and Sana followed suit. You couldn’t open your eyes as you tried to steady your breathing, babbling out a series of “thank yous” as Jihyo turned you onto your side to cuddle into her chest.
“Good job,” she hummed, rubbing your back. “That was such a good job.”
You felt Sana and Momo’s hands on you two, touching you soothingly as your body shook.
“That was so perfect,” Sana murmured, leaving a series of kisses along your skin.
“You took everything so well for us,” Momo added.
You snuggled into Jihyo's chest more, trying to keep calm while the intensity of it pushed you towards tears. Jihyo pressed a kiss to your head, seeming to read you well.
“You can cry if you need to,” she said softly. You shook your head and she chuckled while an alarm went off. Sana looked around, finding her phone in her bag.
“Oh crap, it’s 10.”
You managed to look up as Momo looked at you worriedly. “We have to go.”
“It’s okay,” your voice was a bit rough as you managed to speak.
Momo gave your thigh a squeeze and Sana kissed your nose as they scrambled to get their things back on before they headed to their cabin. You sat up and Jihyo followed you, not letting you sit up yet.
“Hold on,” she said. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you said, trying to push the swell of emotions down.
Jihyo held your jaw gently, looking at you a little more intently. You felt everything rushing back up to the surface and your face scrunched up as you started to cry.
“I-I’m sorry,” you blubbered as she pulled you against her chest.
“It’s alright,” she soothed, rubbing your back. “That was intense. Just let it all out. You can come stay the night with me if you want.”
“Yes, please,” you sniffled, clinging to her and nuzzling your head into her neck.
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
hey so could you do some dad fred✨ (my beloved) but plot twist- they are old and watching their daughter/son’s first professional quidditch game and cheering her on! i think it would be adorable:) take care!!
She Gets That From Me
Dad!Husband!Fred x Mom!Wife!Reader
warnings: :)rough game quidditch:) heckling also this is unedited im sorry
a/n: is this good? not sure. but its cute. also i didn't know how to end it but i hope you like it at least a little :))
Each metal step creaked with Fred's weight as he climbed to the seats designated for you and him. You had gone up first while he waited in line to purchase a two gillywaters and a large cauldron of buttered pop-corn.
Fred huffed as he reached the row where the seats were, the best seats in the house was what he was told, right in the middle and up close to the players in the air.
You smiled at Fred as he side stepped his way to you, a sudden wave of nostalgia hitting you.
"Come on, Y/n! The game is gonna start!" Fred shouted excitedly as he turned back to look at you climbing up the stairs of the quidditch world cup arena.
You grumbled, "I hate you."
Fred laughed at your response, waiting for you to get to him before motioning for you to hop onto his back.
He didn't need to ask twice. You jumped up onto his back, his hands gripping the backside of your thighs securely as he started to bound up the steps again, now two steps at a time.
"I'm sure they've added more stairs." Fred joked as he sat next to you, his eyes crinkling with a smile.
You nodded with a smile, "Surely, love."
Fred's eyes had always crinkled when he smiled, and he smiled often. When you two had first started dating during your seventh year at Hogwarts you had teased him about the very lines that now permanently stay etched into his pale skin.
"We need to keep you young, Freddie." You giggled, applying your eye cream onto Fred's face as you sat on his lap in your dorm.
Fred scrunched his nose, "It's cold. I'd rather have the lines."
His hands held your hips, thumbs circling over the skin that was exposed by your tank top riding up.
"Will you still kiss me if I'm old and wrinkly?" He whispered, looking deep into your eyes- deeper then he ever has thus far.
You nodded slowly, "I'll kiss every line and wrinkle." Your tone was hushed, as if it were a secret you were sharing.
"Good." Fred chuckled, meeting your lips in a kiss.
You had stayed true to your word, and Fred's smile lines had always been your favorite. The time it took for them to fade back into his skin started to slow in his twenties until one day, in his mid thirties, they just never completely smoothed away. A reminder of the happiness that has filled his life.
"Remember when you used to be able to run up these stairs with me on your back?" You laughed, nudging your husband.
He gave you a look painted in feigned offense, "How dare you imply that I couldn't do it right now."
"You'd break a hip, love."
Fred sputtered in shock, "I'll have you eating your words later tonight, you just wait."
He watched as your cheeks flushed, his affect on you still strong. Fred's eyes moved to fall over the hair that framed your face, it looked the same as when you two had first come here together years ago. Same curls, maybe slightly longer in length, and same brunette color- although now you had an endearing mix of grey hairs mixed in with brow.
Fred loved your hair, watching it slowly grey throughout the years was the epitome of beauty. What made him so lucky to witness you, your life, your grace for so long he'd never know.
Subconsciously, he raised a hand to run through his own hair. He had let it grow out ever so slightly so it just brushed the tips of his ears. The length of his hair, also brought out his own grey hair although it seemed to blend with the red pretty nicely.
Before either of you could continue reminiscing, the booming voice of an announcer stole the attention of the crowd.
The game was starting.
Fred could feel his stomach leap as he watch his little girl, although she wasn't so little anymore, fly out into the large pitch with the rest of the Holyhead Harpies.
"The first game since Holyhead Harpies legend, Ginny Weasley announced her retirement after taking the team to the World Cup, we introduce a new member making her debut. Number seven, Y/D/N Weasley, the niece of the newly retired chaser."
You and Fred couldn't help but stand and shout your support as you watched your daughter fly through the air with her team. She slowed her flying when she spotted you and Fred in the crowd, waving excitedly at both of you before gripping the handle of her broom and showing off with a flip.
"She gets that from me, you know?" Fred smirked, leaning closer to you as he spoke.
You giggled, "The cockiness? Definitely."
"I would say the sheer talent and fearlessness." He wagered.
"I would say your heads too big for your own good, love."
Fred smirked, "Thought you liked it like that."
You gasped, letting out a laugh in disbelief, "You're a right nasty old man."
"Only for you, gran." Fred teased before leaning over to pull you into a kiss, both of you trying to fight face splitting grins.
It had been three hours, no one had caught the snitch yet though it was spotted once- an hour ago. Your leg was bouncing with anxiety and Fred had shouted every colorful word he knew at the Irish team that was ahead by one hundred points.
A couple had fights had already broken out between the teams chasers, one or two started by your own daughter much to Fred's pleasure seeing as he couldn't go down there himself and give them a good whacking.
"Tear their limbs off, darling!" You yelled as Y/D/N flew after a chaser on the Irish team who had the quaffle.
Fred turned to you with wide eyes, "Tear their limbs off? Merlin, you can get violent- shove that broom up your-"
"Fred!" You cut him off.
He scoffed, pointing toward the players, "That git is trying to shove her off her broom."
Luckily, the Holyhead Harpies had gotten hold of the quaffle and managed to score thirty more points, however they were still behind.
It all happened in a flash.
A blur of green and yellow shot up into the sky after what you assumed to be the snitch. It was hard to see who was in the lead, and Fred's bruising grip on your hand told you he couldn't tell either.
Suddenly, a loud crack was heard. The sound of bodies and broomsticks colliding echoed through the arena before the two seekers flew away from each other.
The silence of the crowd was defining, it seemed everyone had their breath held to see if anyone caught the snitch.
With a collective exhale, the cheering was deafening as the Holyhead Harpies' seeker raised her hand into the air, snitch held securely in her palm.
Fred pulled you into his side as you both jumped and cheered, watching as the team all flew toward each other in celebration.
"My little pygmy puff with one professional quidditch match under her belt. I could cry." Fred started to wail into your neck, although you were pretty sure he was joking something tells you he wouldn't have to try too hard to get the tears out.
You looked out into the pitch, catching your daughters eyes. She beamed at you two, pumping her fist in the air as pride soared through your chest.
"She gets it from you, Freddie."
"No," He shook his head, eyes still trained on his little girl, her long red curls and sparkling green eyes. "She gets it from us."
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sweettodo · 4 years
⟿ Levi Ackerman x freader x Eren Jaeger
Includes : threesome, swearing, smut.
word count : 4,5k.
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for 300 followers, i promised i would bless you all with a few stories. this was a tough plot to come up with b/c the age difference, but i always come thru :)). enjoy. thank you for 300 friends, readers, and fans. one more story on the way, hope you like !!
Being in the scouts wasn't necessarily all that bad, especially when you had all the strong, agile men to look at all day long.
You didn't bite your tongue, the gushy, teenage girl flirtatiousness that you bestowed upon not one, not two, but a good sum of the boys you worked and trained with every day. Most of whom were your closest friends, who put up with your promiscuousness. For the most part, they fed into it, reciprocating the behavior. But it couldn't be avoided that you took a special liking towards your Captain; Mr. Ackerman himself.
Call it unnatural, call it unusual, but you had a justification for liking him so much. If he said the right thing in the right context, your knees would be shaky and weak, for instance, when he demanded you to 'shut up' half-jokingly for fooling around with Connie too much. You left training that day with a waterfall between your legs, leaving you stunned for at least a week.
The ideas in your head were endless and slightly disturbing. There was no denying you were captivated by him, and he knew it.
Not to mention he took a fondness to you too...
Well, not how you quite anticipated him too. He just believed you were a capable scout, thus him taking you under his wing with your friends. Leaving aside your whorish comments. He took your ignorant attitude with a grain of salt, not allotting you the time of the day- which only made it more of a challenge to get what you yearned much for.
He would scoff, walk away and roll his eyes, reprimanding you on behaving yourself and acting your age. You were 19, you were acting your age, 'I could be worse,' you mumbled under your breath.
Being the species of girl who was drawn to a particular type of man, power play, that sharp attitude which one with a level head and a drop of common sense would take as a definite red flag, the type of man that would punish you for being horny or bratty- you could only dream- it was also clear you couldn't bluff and say that you didn't favor the infamous Eren Jaeger: the strong-willed, wild, dominant and overbearing youthful man. He could command you to get on your knees, and you would in a flash.
Alas, you would not be seeing the pearly gates with what went through your mind about the long-haired, tall, demanding man. On the plus side-unlike Levi- Eren enjoyed the attention you gave him, he played the game with you.
And he played the game good- you liked it.
On numerous occasions, you would be more than touchy with Eren, the little 'not so serious' back rub, or a hand on his thigh under the table to make him hot and bothered. And once or twice, the rare make-out session in an alleyway while your friends shopped or by the stable of horses one time when you were sixteen. Though the sexual tension grew once you turned eighteen when you two were less apt to get in trouble for your conduct- yet you never took it all the way, liking the idea of having him on his toes every time he saw you.
Anyways, today was different than most days, you all were honored with a few days of relaxing, sleeping in, and extra time to eat and shower with no training, or missions.
Appreciating the peace, you lay in your bed buried under the blankets half asleep, taking in the unusual time of relaxation. While nearing slumber again, you're rudely interrupted. A pounding on your door riddles throughout your body, frightening you half to death, you flinch, sitting up in an instant.
"Food! y/n." oh, it was Connie.
You untangle from the blankets, sauntering to your wardrobe, and pulling out a regular old white shirt with shorts. The heat was not something to take lightly around here, you could collapse and suffer from a heat stroke if you weren't careful, so you rolled up your shorts a little and slipped on shoes, taming your hair and heading out of your messy room towards the mess hall, eyes finding your friends and groggily plunging into the bench besides Eren and your other buddies, "sleep well?" Connie laughs, you scowl at him.
"Yea! I was dreamin' about you too! Too bad you ruined it, I was just getting to the good part."
Connie laughs and shakes his head, shoveling food down into his mouth, "I don't even wanna know what that dream was about." Jean grumbles, ruffling his hair to remove it from his clammy forehead; Jean was a difficult one to crack, he usually blushed and would cut your trifling demeanor right off at the knees, he was more for Mikasa's quiet and ethical personality.
"Shut it Kirstein- I do!" Connie protests, you wink at him.
"I'll tell you when I get you alone, how 'bout that Springer?"
Eren could be heard from your left, snorting, you glance over and see his arm raise and head towards your back, yanking your bra and snapping it back against your skin, you unleash an 'ouch' and attempt to reach back and rub the area, "White shirt with a red bra underneath? Who're you tryna' impress?" You shrug.
"Captain, of course."
"More like you dressed in the dark this morning." Eren bullies.
"Captain, what?" Connie and Sasha childishly roll and bounce around in their seats, bellowing laughter while you slowly turn around to face your boss, he reiterates one more time before you chuckle and scratch the back of your neck.
"Talking about how good my boss looks today," the words that roll off your tongue make The tense up and sigh in annoyance, beginning to walk away, you pout, tilting your head, "am I wrong?"
"Keep it up, y/n, I'll have you in a cell indefinitely if you continue this adolescent behavior." He doesn't look twice at you, leaving as quickly as he came. Halting your comments right as they came flying out of your mouth, he had to have been enjoying them! Perhaps a little.
Right as the man in charge begins to leave the hall, he stops, peers his head over to meet your eyes.
"-In chains." Your eyes widen, a perverted grin growing onto your face, looking left to right baffled, 'in chains?' gawking to see if any of your friends noticed the innuendo, but it seemed they were well absorbed in their own business.
But someone heard him.
"In chains?"
You look at Eren, he shared the same shock as you, you wriggle your eyebrows and nudge his side, "I'm not the only one who heard it, so maybe I'm not going crazy." You giggle, finishing your meal and gossiping amongst your friends until it was time to go.
To pass time during the day, you all wasted hours cleaning up to your captain's expectations, finally relieving yourselves for the rest of the evening before dinner; walking down the streets of your town, stopping at the shops down the gravel streets. While everyone talks, your head is elsewhere; replaying that remark Levi made about the chains, borderline obsessing over it- rightfully so.
When he said the word 'chains', you instantly recalled the context behind his innuendo, unless you were going insane, but you had made a joke- your first endeavor at flirting with your boss, mentioning to him using the same chains he used on Eren in court a few years back, your friends condemning your extraverted behavior on the spot; when to no avail, Levi did not feed into that well, sending you to isolation shortly after. And then to Erwin's office to explain yourself... in front of him, Commander Hange, and Levi. Nonetheless, it didn't stop you from toying with the man.
You were somewhat... wild.
Enjoying the rest of your stress-free hours, you spend the evening sitting comfortably in the large common area after dinner; all of you except Eren, who didn't appear at dinner either. God knows where he was.
You lounge beside Armin and Jean, your head on Jean's shoulder per-usual.
"Jean, has Mikasa told you how good you look today?" You hum, his face is instantly soaked up in a rosy flush as he throws his hands over his ears to block your weird comments from reaching his ears, "Mikasa?" you quirk an eyebrow.
"Don't be absurd, y/n" she laughs, "Jean, don't listen to her."
"Jean, you look extra good today," you lean over closer to him, "just thought I'd tell ya'."
"Yeah, yeah." He cracks a small smile, you pat his shoulder then fall back into your seat.
"Awh- c'mon Kirstein, you know I-"
"Y/n, Captain needs to see you..." Eren's voice interrupts the chatting, his head peers into the room, you and your friends falling silent.
"You're probably in trouble again." Armin sighs disappointingly. You promptly stand, "good luck." dragging your feet towards your supposed 'escort', Meeting Eren at the door frame of the corridor, his hands stuffed in his pockets with a deadpan look, watching you begin to take lead ahead of him, "how do you know Levi wants to see me?" You question, examining him whilst walking through the hallways, up the stairs, and around the corner, a few feet away from your Captain's headquarters.
"We talked."
With an uncertain look on your face, churning with turmoil, Eren is knocking once, then twice before pushing open the engraved wooden door, 'Captain didn't even ask who it was at the door-' you furrow your eyebrows, his hand on your back, quickly whisking you into the large room, abruptly stopping in front of his desk.
Your feet are glued to the floor while Eren is closing the door. Levi stands there, propped up against his desk with his arms crossed. The room was eerily silent, you were becoming slightly intimidated. Do you stand? Talk? Sit?
The silence was unbearable.
"Do you need me-"
"I'm fed up, with your manner, cadet." Levi interrupts.
"If I may- Captain," He nods for you to proceed, "why is Eren here?" Captain was very much capable of taking care of reprimanding you on his own, you were almost irritated that Eren was lingering behind you, feeling his eyes burning voids in the back of your head, disrespectfully.
"Isn't that what you want?" Eyes doubling in size, you swerve your head to attempt and get a view of Eren, but Levi halts you once more, treading closer to you so you can look at him, "you don't need to look at Eren."
"I- I don't quite understand."
No one says anything. The air is now thick, more difficult to swallow for oxygen, you were entirely thrown off track with the way he was speaking to you, the way he was looking at you made you want to make a run for it, "Cat got your tongue? Y/n?" Chills rake up and down your body when you feel Eren's breath on your neck, sending your head flying behind you to see the blue-eyed devil almost pressed against your back, you look back at Levi frantically.
Without pause, your ass is planted into one of his chairs, "why aren't you being stubborn? Where's that attitude that constantly gets you into trouble?" Feeling as if you're shrinking, the two men are overlooking you, "go on."
"I- well,"
"She has nothing to say for herself, Cap." Eren looks at Levi, "told you she was all talk." He jabs, were you dreaming?
Your heart thumped out of your chest, you never dreamed of Levi taking it this far, especially when he was so professional... "y/n," Levi's finger touches underneath your chin, raising your head to look at the two men, "always teasing me when you do the same to Eren, so slutty, don't you think, cadet?"
Your mouth drops open at his use of words, finally- the game caught up to you, and you were facing the repercussions, "don't be all shy now."
"I'm not-"
"Then if you're not shy, get on your knees and show us how much you’ve wanted us.”
You hesitate to move, but eventually find yourself slowly sliding out of the chair and onto your knees, "not in my office, go in my room." Eren grabs your arm, walking towards his adjoining room, Levi opens the door and permits you to be ushered in by both him and Eren; Eren grabs you by the hair and directs you back onto your knees in front of your captain's bed, "she's so compliant now that she knows we aren't joking anymore," Levi scoffs, standing behind you while Eren is unbuttoning his jeans right in front of your eyes, a combination of anxiousness and warmth growing in the pit of your gut, looking up at him through your eyelashes, licking across your bottom lip hungrily.
"Be a good girl and open for Eren," Levi bunches up your hair from behind, removing it from around your face.
"Yes sir."
Sticking out your tongue, you try to relax your throat once seeing the size of the man, Levi's grip on your hair prevents you from getting a good look at it before his cock is nudging gently into your mouth, down your tongue, and to the back of your throat, fastening your lips around the base of his cock whilst swirling your tongue when he pulls out of your throat, groaning when your tongue works him with ease.
"So good," He hums, grabbing the sides of your face, Levi drops your hair from his hold so Eren can pick up his pace, using his hands to guide you; gagging and choking while he fucks your throat, saliva dripping down your chin, at the verge of tears, you take his length as far as you can manage. Eren grunting and huffing; only throbbing more when he sees the little tears drip down your cheeks. He heaves out of you, your tongue lolled out while strings of spit follow his cock, the men are astonished at the sight of you gasping for air, but they weren't going to tell you that.
"Are you gonna be good for me and our captain, princess?" Eren crouches down to meet your eyes, clever smile on his face, you nod and he stands you up by your armpit.
You had virtually no control over yourself, they were moving you to where they saw fit; right on your hands and knees into the soft plush sheets, "what do you want, y/n?" you listen from behind you, your head is yanked backward, Levi is there, his free hand wrapped around your jugular loosely, his shirt unbuttoned.
"I want you both to fuck me," you gasp out, they both snicker at you.
"Too easy, way too easy, such a fuckin' whore, imagine wanting both of us," Eren taunts, snatching your shorts down to your knees and lifting your shirt to grab onto the thin waistband of your underwear, "you want Jean to fuck you too? Got any other favorites?" Levi shoves you back onto the mattress, your arms catching you while Levi continues to remove your shorts from your knees, tossing them on the floor, rough hands caressing and pulling apart your ass, both men watch your panties slip in the separated cave of your ass, Eren pulling off your shirt and unclasping your bra.
"N-o, only you guys."
"Who do you want more? Me or your other little fucktoy?" Levi sneers, moving to your front, once again lifting you by your chin, keeping you still while Eren rubs his fingers against the soaked cloth. Pulling upwards against your cunt, the pressure making your clit spasm and scream for the touch of his actual fingers, looking desperate and hungry at your captain.
"I- I can't choose."
Your chest rising and falling, Eren is finally relieving you from your panties, fingers instantly meeting your folds and slipping past your entrance with his two fingers, you whine, eyes rolling to the back of your head, knuckles curving downwards to hook into you and find your sweet spots.
"Well aren't you lucky, you get both of us, even though you don't deserve it," Your captain smirks, getting on his knees, fiddling with the button of his slacks, zipping them down and pushing them past his thighs, "I think she needs to beg for it." He looks at Eren, his erection making itself known from beneath his boxers, fingers quickly scissoring the roots of your hair while he frees himself from his constraints.
"I wanna be your slut- please make me cum." They smile, pleased with your submissiveness.
Cock spilling with precum, he scooches towards your salivating mouth and holds your level to his cock, centimeters away, "so fuckin' wet, can't say I'm surprised you get off to this." Eren's tip rubbing between your folds, collecting the slick that was seeping from your hungry pussy. He pushes into you while Levi is pushing into your mouth, both holes becoming occupied by their pulsating cocks; they longed to fill you up, the torturous teasing you put them through the second you turned eighteen was bound to make them snap- you didn't know what you expected, to be honest, you asked for this.
Eren fucks you slow, savoring the feeling of you clench and suck him in further, pussy stretching from the sheer size of him, veins from the base of his cock hitting and rubbing against the very nerves that were screaming for him to go faster.
Levi fucks deep into your throat, he was about Eren's size, perhaps a little thinner, but he was no match for your throat, choking up the spit from past your throat to lube his cock further. You bring your hand up to assist you, twisting your hand back and forth- up and down while you stimulated his sensitive tip with your tongue, hollowing out your cheeks to suck him back in and repeat.
He was becoming unkempt, his mouth ajar with little moans slipping past his lips, hair dangling in front of the sides of his face while his hips bucked back and forth into the depths of your cave.
"My God, so wet."
You moaned against Levi's cock, Eren speeding up and reaching your cervix, your juices slushing and pussy squeaking while he stretches you out. When his hips connected to your backside, you only want to shrivel up more from the pace he was hitting the hole of your tight cervix. Initially, it hurt, but almost instantly it began to feel pleasurable for both you and Eren, he was reaching great lengths inside of you. He's always wanted to fuck you; almost disappointed in himself that he didn't do this before.
"Taking me so well, I can barely fit," he grunts, "you like my cock y/n? Isn't this what you wanted with your bullshit teasing?" he smacks your ass, crying out, his hips jutting back and forth against you mercilessly, sending jolts into every bone of your body.
He slaps you again, your right ass cheeks burning and tingling from the strength of his slap, "fuckin' slut, better be quiet."
Levi pulls out of your throat, finally able to audible out the loud weeps and cries, he throws his hand over your mouth, "shut up before you get us caught."
"Fuck, Eren!" you wail, ignoring Levis commands, gasps and moans fly around the room, his cock filling you perfectly to the point where you felt like you were made to shape him.
"Open." his hand is forcing your jaw open, sticking your panties into your mouth to silence you. You cry into the fabric, the coil twirling up in your stomach, clenching your walls while he drills into you, his cock rubbing against your g-spot, sending you into a frenzy.
Levi fists his cock for the time being while Eren is chasing his orgasm, knocking into you- inching you towards your orgasm. The back of your head tingling, your pussy twitching, and your stomach tightening, the room spiraling around you while you drop your head into the mattress, eyes screwed shut; Eren tearing an earth-shattering orgasm out of your body.
You see stars and a bright white consumes you, hands reaching to grasp anything, finding Levi's bicep and digging your nails into his skin for support while Eren's cock bathes in your cum, his hands pressing into the small of your back, "'boutta cum, right in this pretty little pussy." He spits, pinning your back to a better arch, you cry into the sheets when Erens thrusts loosen a little, sporadic and stabbing thrusts until he's panting and dumping a large load of his seed into your cunt, letting out moans and swears of approval. Your body convulsing, wanting to collapse.
Erin's lightheaded, dizzy and sweating, little bangs and baby hairs sticking to his soaked face, watching your cum drip down your thighs, the wetness from your pussy which had soaked his stomach, it was a fucking mess.
He pulls out of you, your cream coating his cock; snatching a shirt and wiping himself clean, hiking up his boxers, "you're not done. On your back, now."
Without warning nor regard, you're pushed forward into Levi's hands by Eren to get you moving quicker; you slide onto your back, Levi takes charge and steps off the bed, hauling you by the thighs until you're at the edge of the bed, Levi pressing his hands under your thighs, holding them up and letting his cock slap against your cum-filled cunt, biting onto his bottom lip, teasing his cock into you.
He leans down, taking out the pair of underwear from your mouth, "keep quiet, understood?"
Quickly nodding and bracing yourself, happy to feel warm again.
"Did Eren fill you good?" he asks calmly, you nod.
"Yes- Levi."
Levi halts mid-thrust, peeved look on his face, "yes what, y/n?" you swallow hard, throat dry from the cloth.
"Y-yes Captain, he did." You mewl, he nods once before finishing his thrust.
"This pussy is so tight, even after he stretched you out like this?" he huffs, head dipped down- eyes filed to your pussy sucking in his cock so well; hair flopping back and forth, "I told you I was gonna do something about that mouth of yours, didn't I?"
"Y-you did, sir." You wail.
Levi didn't hold back, each of his sharp thrusts made you more tender inside, little cries fall from your swollen lips while Eren sits beside your head, big arm reaching over your face and kneading your boob, he watches them bounce slightly as Levi ruts into you. Rolling your hard erected nipple in between his fingers, "look at that face, are you gonna cum again?" you look up at Eren, who wears a smug look on his face, "are you gonna cum on Captain's cock, y/n?" you whine, trying to remain quieter under your Captain's directions.
"Gonna-" Eren's hand moves once more- over towards your clit.
This was the first time tonight you had felt this overstimulation, hissing in air and biting onto the skin of your lip, hand grasping Eren's wrist as he swirls little- yet strong circles into your clit, your mouth slacks open, “please! Feels so-" another burst of spasms erupting, thighs shaking and clenching around Levi's waist, "f-fuck me- Fuck me harder Captain, please!" You cry, walls convulsing, cum seeping out of you, down your ass and the base of his cock while he fucks you silly, Eren bringing you that much closer to a euphoric feeling again as he rubs your spasming clit.
"Yeah? You want me to fuck you like the whore you are, right?" Levi pants, cockhead rubbing against your sensitive and exhausted g-spot.
"Who can fuck you better?" Unable to audible, Eren moves faster around your num.
"Don't disobey our Captain, pretty girl- use your words." Screwing your eyes shut, the two men await your answer.
"I-I don't know- Ah!" Your back arches, core tightening for the second time tonight- body shaking as the following orgasm sends you over the moon, Eren's hand smacked over your mouth, you wail into his hand, Levi pins your legs open, leaning down to fuck into you harder, thrashing into your guts, pussy gushing around him until he is groaning and throwing his head back while he slams into you, his stomach nearly slapping against Eren's fingers, his dick twitching. His cheeks rosy and his muscles flexed.
"Fuck, so good- so tight- keep squeezing-" he breathes.
You're dazed from the rocking of his hips, he slows, catching his breath while he releases, coating your bruised walls with his cum. Your body left empty and quivering as Levi is slipping out of your cunt, Eren handing him the same shirt he used to wipe himself off with; your captain retrieving it and cleaning the amount of cum that was left on his softening dick, moving to you and carefully wiping the inside of your thighs and beaten cunt.
Catching your breath, Levi is picking his boxers up from the floor and pulling them up along with his pants, “don’t stay there forever, my sheets need to be switched.” He states, Eren reaches for your hand and helps you sit up, putting his shirt over your head and you slip through the arms, feet meeting the cold wooden floor, you attempt to stand, your knees buckling, Eren grabs you by the tricep before you land on the floor and sits you back on the bed.
“I think it would look suspicious if I carried you out of here, can you walk?”
You nod, “yeah.”
Standing again, you're able to succeed, reaching for your underwear, Eren already had it swinging around his index finger, “I’ll hold onto these.”
With no willpower to object, you just pull up your shorts and pick up your shoes.
“Walk her back, Jaeger, don't do anything stupid.”
You and Eren both leave your Captain’s office quietly, the hall empty and empty, you and he slowly walk back, you laughed at the thought about how it would be a tough one to explain why Eren was shirtless and you were- quite obviously- wearing his shirt while he holds your stained shirt in his hand.
With great luck, you and he make it without running into anyone, reaching your door, you and him enter and you shut the door behind him.
“Here’s your shirt.”
He watches you as you throw off his shirt, tossing it to him and opening a drawer, and grabbing one of your own.
Before you realize it.
“Uhm, Eren, I forgot my bra.” Glancing down at your bare chest, Eren shrugs it off and laughs.
“Captain wanted to keep something too, princess.”
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
The Threads of Fate
Lizzie Jameson x Orion Amari
A/N: Seeing how much I'm obsessed with @whatwouldvalerydo Carnage Circus // Circus AU (if you like your horror mystery stories, do yourself a favour and 👏 check 👏 it 👏 out 👏), and she included my favourite boy in it, it was only a matter of time before I caved and jumped on the bandwagon. Enjoy 💛
As always, Katriona Cassiopeia (not by name, but we all know it's her) belongs to @kc-and-co
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Warning: I do not know the unrevealed plot of the original Carnage Cirus story. I tried to keep everything as vague as possible to make it fit with what I knew but if it turns out not to fit... that's why.
The circus had been in town for a few days now, and slowly but surely, the novelty of it had worn off. The shows, outlandish attractions and the sinister reputation preceding the Carnage Circus drew the crowd, but before long, the stream of people visiting the haunted grounds would always lessen. And when it did, it was time to move on.
Judging by the slow day he’d had so far, Orion suspected it wouldn’t be long before the director would call them to pack up their things and move away in the dead of night. He was a difficult man to predict, but no one questioned him, not ever. 
It wouldn’t be much longer. Change was in the air.
Orion leaned against one of the stakes holding the tent where he did his fortune-telling and watched the idle crowds go by. The day was warm and sunny, yet he felt a perpetual chill running down his spine. 
His eyes fell on a group of three people making their way from one of the side stalls past his tent. It consisted of a young man in a wheelchair and a woman about the same age with a mane of flaming red hair. The third member of their group was trailing behind; her light brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she carried a giant stuffed cat, one of the main prizes from the fairground games. Orion watched them curiously. He had seen the three of them every day since the circus had arrived in town, but they’d never found their way towards his tent. He couldn’t help but listen as the young man’s voice carried over to him.
“We have seen 87 % of everything this place has to offer at least twice. According to my stats, it is more than high time for us to leave and find a place to eat that doesn’t serve fried food. And maybe a coffee,” he added and took the hand of the red-haired woman, who nodded in agreement.
“If I have to watch Lizzie throw another ball after a moving target, I will drown myself in one of those apple bobbing buckets.”
“You get nasty when you’re low in caffeine,” the girl with the stuffed cat laughed. She made to follow her two friends towards the exit when her eyes fell on the sign above Orion’s tent. She stopped. “I don’t think we’ve been in there yet.”
The blond man in the wheelchair followed her gaze with a sceptical sound. “You know that that’s only a scam, right? There is no scientific proof that something like fortune-telling is real.”
“You need to learn how to have some fun, Murphy,” the girl with the cat laughed. 
“Fun is subjective,” the red-head said but nudged her friends into the direction of the tent. “In any case, I think Lizzie should go and get her fortune read, don’t you, Murphy?” 
She gave her boyfriend a look when he wanted to object. Catching on, he sighed, and the three of them made their way over to Orion. When they reached him, he inclined his head, raising his arm towards the entrance of his tent in an inviting gesture. After handing over her stuffed cat to her friends, the girl with the ponytail was the first to go inside. As she passed him, Orion could smell a trace of mint and jasmine. It made him think of summer mornings spent by the sea a whole lifetime ago.
When the other two made to follow, Orion smiled apologetically and raised a hand. “I’m afraid our fate is something we need to face on our own,” he said. “Unravelling too many threads of the web comprising our future at once can prove to be confusing.”
The girl with the ponytail paused and looked back at her friends. “I don't mind them coming.”
“It’s alright, Liz,” the red-haired girl smirked, “enjoy your fortune reading. Murphy and I are going to get coffee.” 
Before she could object, the red-haired girl, the boy in the wheelchair and the giant stuffed cat had turned around and left their friend to herself. 
“Well, thanks for that,” Orion heard her mutter under her breath, and he had to suppress a chuckle. A smile spread on his face nonetheless.
“Shall we then?” 
He led her into the tent and sat at the round table in the middle of the room. “There are many ways to gain insight into our future,” he explained. “There is the art of palmistry, the consultation of dice, and of course, the cards. There’s also tasseomancy - the reading of tea leaves - if you envy your friends for their refreshments.”
The girl raised her eyebrows, but the corners of her mouth twitched into a smile as she contemplated her options. “I want the cards,” she decided. 
She paid the price Orion asked of her, and he picked up his worse-for-wear-looking tarot deck from the table behind him. He held it out to her, and she looked at him blankly.
“The one inquiring about their future has to determine the succession of the cards,” Orion explained. “I am merely here to explain their meaning to you. Shuffle and let us see what your future holds.”
The girl did as she was told, shuffling the deck with nimble fingers. Orion collected them together and asked her to take a stash off the top, which she did. He laid his hand on the topmost card and looked her in the eye. “Are you ready for your fate?”
An amused look appeared on the girl’s face. “What are we waiting for?”
“As you wish. The first card represents events of your past.”
“Why would I need a fortune teller to tell me about my past?”
“How can we look into the future without understanding what lies behind us?” 
The first card Orion drew from the deck showed a dark, hooded figure holding a scythe with skeletal hands in front of his body.
“Death upright.”
“That doesn’t sound too nice.”
“The card of Death is nothing bad,” Orion explained patiently; he didn’t know how often he’d had to do that. “The scythe is a symbol for the harvest of the crops. It stands for endings and a change of seasons. It is associated with freeing ourselves and moving on.”
A frown had appeared on the girl’s face, and she looked pensive. Orion never asked the people what they were thinking - it was neither part of his trade nor was it his business - yet he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on inside her head. Instead of asking, however, he proceeded to draw her second card. It showed a woman in flowing white gowns, cradling a red lion's head.
“The next card stands for events in your current life. Strength upright,” he said, puzzled by the odd combination. “Your mind is fighting your heart. You will need to find yourself first to find the balance you are striving for.”
“How ominous,” the girl said flatly.
“The ways of the future seldomly run straight. Speaking of which, the third card.”
“My future?”
“Precisely.” He showed her the picture of a king in a carriage, drawn by a black and a white sphinx. “The chariot reversed. The chariot stands for empowerment, achievement, and the overcoming of obstacles. It’s a card of triumph.”
“Why is it on its head?”
Orion hesitated. “A reversed card has no clear meaning. It depends on the context. Seeing as the cards tell me of a struggle you are dealing with, I’d say that your destiny might have trouble finding you.”
She frowned again. “What do you mean?”
“Our fate is set from the moment that we are born. Some can go and see the signs the universe is sending us to catch a glimpse of what is to come. While we may stray from the paths leading us to our destiny, there is no changing its outcome. You can’t run from fate.” Noticing that the smile had vanished from her face, Orion inclined his head. “Don’t you believe in fate?”
When he received no answer, Orion began to detach himself from the conversation. He was no stranger to people seeking his advice not being happy with what he had to tell them. Somehow, the girl’s prolonged silence unsettled him, however. He expected her to get up and leave, but instead, she reached over the table and picked up his card deck. Orion watched in astonishment as she looked at him expectantly.
“It’s your turn,” she said. 
“For what?”
“If we can’t run from it, don’t we at least all deserve to know our fate?”
Orion chuckled quietly. “That’s usually not how it’s done.”
“So?” She pushed the cards towards him with a challenging look. “What are you scared of?”
Oddly intrigued by her boldness, Orion shuffled his cards and split the deck before handing it back to her. She drew the first card and held it out to Orion.
“The moon upright,” he told her. “It speaks of illusion and impressionability. A symbol of deception, confusion and strife.”
She looked at him curiously. “Does it fit?”
Orion smiled sadly. “They always do.”
“And what were you? The deceiver, or the deceived?” 
“Don’t ask questions you might not want the answer to.”
The girl looked as if she wanted to ask further, but to Orion’s relief, she let it rest and drew his second card. 
“An angel pouring water from one cup into another,” she said and sounded puzzled. “Upright,” she added with a furtive glance at Orion.
“Temperance,” he explained. “She speaks of moderation and balance. People ruled by temperance have found a tranquil place within themselves that keeps them away from the extreme.”
“Sounds pretty boring.”
Once again, Orion couldn’t help the smile spreading on his face as he answered. “What one considers boring, another might find peaceful.” Suddenly uneasy, he asked, “What’s my third card?”
A sinking feeling took hold of him as he was presented with the picture of a lone tower before a darkened sky. A lightning bolt had set it on fire, and flames and smoke rose from its windows. 
“The tower upright,” he said very quietly, a sinking feeling in his stomach. “There’s danger lying ahead, upheaval and unexpected change.”
A worried look crossed the girl's face as she turned the card to look at it. “That sounds dire.”
Orion’s eyes followed the card as she laid it face down on the table. 
“Not everyone’s fate is as bright as we would like,” he said, softly and sadly.
The girl opened her mouth to say something but then didn’t. She got up and gave Orion a friendly smile. “To answer your question from before - no, I don’t believe our paths are set in stone. It’s up to us to decide what life has in store.”
Orion stood up as well and inclined his head. “Then I hope your faith will never be shaken.” Following a sudden premonition, he turned to one of his shelves and picked up a polished, yellow crystal he held out to her. “The yellow topaz is a bearer of inner peace and provides those who carry it close to their hearts with protection and calm. I want you to have it.”
Looking surprised, she let him close her hand around it. “What are you giving me this for?”
“Something is telling me I should. Consider it a gift. May it give you comfort while you're chasing after fate.”
Before she had a chance to answer him, the voices of her friends could be heard from outside the tent. “Are you still not done, Lizzie?” 
As if broken from a spell, the girl - Lizzie - shook her head. With a quick mumble of thanks, she pocketed the topaz Orion had given her before hurrying out to meet her friends. At the exit, she paused and turned around.
“You decide your fate, not the other way round,” she told him with a smile, and then she was gone. Orion watched her go, the sunlight catching in her hair as she bounded toward her two friends. They exchanged some words Orion couldn’t hear anymore, and after they’d walked away, he returned to his card table.
He laid his hand on the deck and let it linger there for a moment. Feeling the same sense of intuition as before, he pulled a fourth card from the stack. He blinked in surprise as he looked at the picture of a sun standing on its head. The sun stood for joy and good fortune, one of the only cards that did not hold a double meaning. Orion had never before drawn it reversed, however. He turned the card around in his hands, pondering what the universe was trying to tell him. 
The threads of his own fate weren’t his to unravel, Orion decided and put the card back into his deck. As unlikely as it sounded, if the sun was set to be his destiny, he would need to have trust.
After all, the cards had never failed him before. 
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