#Welcome to the family precious little beans!
mrsandypants · 10 months
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Ampers&One 'On And On' Music Video
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thebluemoonjune · 5 months
New Beginnings (Richonne One-shot)
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A pregnant Michonne is ready to welcome the new year with her family, Rick, Carl and Judith. She is thankful to where they have reached and hopeful for better days ahead. A New Year's Richonne oneshot. No saviour arc, no Negan.
A joyful new year always began with the sharing of meals and desserts that spoke to people's spirits. Additionally, we shared them with family and friends, demonstrating that our blessings were also theirs.
They called for a home to belong to a community, comfort, food, and safe water. They both required a secure haven for their well-being and for their existence to have meaning: a utopia rather than hell on earth. They owed it to each other and their precious children to fight back against an entity that could devastate everything, that turned friend against friend and separated them in innumerable ways. They were a family and a team that were prepared for the future and now that they had it, they'd protect it. A new year.
A new life does not begin with a gift wrapped in colourful bows and the promise of security, but rather as a path through the unknown with a degree of fog and frost. As a result, it requires a determined heart to seize it, daring feet to traverse it, and a brave sight to remain alert to its curves along with its peaks and valleys. If there were any other way, people would not live such lacking lives from birth to death. To achieve more, one must accept the feeling of danger and risk as one strives for the far distance. The world at large had been devastated and transformed. It had fewer people in it. So many people perished, yet it didn't stop life from going on. As she watched Judith play with Gracey, Michonne stroked her full-term stomach. One day at a time—that's how they took it.
“Did you get the black eye bean?”
“Yep. Now you ain’t gotta rip my head off for it.”
“I’m not that bad!” Michonne watched her husband tilt his head to the side, eyebrows raised to the sky. “Okay, maybe a little, but just a little… My mom used to cook on New Year's for good luck… I want us to start our new year right.”
“Carl always hated beans—beans of any kind.”
“Well, he eating it today. Judith too. No one and I mean no one, is getting off.”
“Yes, ma'am!” He chuckled at her. “You know, you never talked about your mom much, or both your folks for that matter.”
“I never realised…”
“Is it painful?” The couple stared at each other till Michonne broke the silence.
"No, not anymore… My mother was upbeat, opinionated, and the ultimate decider of everyone's life journey... Like any good army drill sergeant, she planned what to do, the schooling, and the fun that followed. Did I ever mention that I was homeschooled?"
“I was… till I was eleven years old.”
"I could see that. She was a drill sergeant?"
"No, but she acted like one." Michonne laughed, stoking her stomach, before cracking a weary smile. "She was actually a writer; children's books... Strange, huh?"
"Nah... makes perfect sense..." His eyes softened. "She made you."
“I can’t tell if that’s a compliment, Rick…”
“It’s a compliment.” He couldn't take his sight off her.
"I hear you… My father did nothing but work: work at his job, work on the house and work on getting enough sleep so he didn't fall asleep on the way to his firm. He inspired me to become a lawyer. He would sometimes grin or laugh, and when he did, the world brightened for those brief minutes. Then he'd fall back into his whirlpool of worry."
“He sounded a lot like my old man.”
“He probably was… They were good parents—not perfect but good enough. That’s all they can hope—that we can hope.”
“We’re doin' fine and we’re gonna do a whole lot better.”
“Alright, whatever you say, old man. Don’t you have to help, Daryl? Don’t keep him waiting.”
“I can cancel, stay with you… Ain’t no big deal.” Pulling her closer, he planted a longing kiss on her lips, causing her to giggle when he finally broke away.
“No, you go. I just have the peas left. By that time, you should be all done and you can fetch Carl from Edith and Judy from terrorising Hershel and Gracey.”
“Soon she’ll have someone else to nag… You sure you’re right? You been out of it since yesterday.”
“I’m fine, Rick you worry too much… They’ll be here soon, any day now. It’s normal.”
“I never thought this would happen again, for us.”
“We deserve it, Rick... A new beginning, as you said… Now go.” Rick planted a kiss on her forehead, then her belly, before she turned from him to continue the preparation of their celebration meal.
“If anything happens, send for me. I’ll come to you as soon as possible, Okay?”
“Go! I send for you.”
Regardless of his wife's words, he couldn’t help but stall and linger at the kitchen exit. She was late in her pregnancy and he wanted to treasure every second till the baby arrived. He was thirsting to be by her side. They never expected to ever have this. He never thought she’d allow herself the chance after all that had happened in the past. However, she gave him one and gave their family one as well. After being hit with a side eye, he managed to make his way to Daryl. When they completed their duty at hand, he fetched Carl and Judith to go home.
The family of four placed themselves in their seats for lunch after Michonne snatched Carl to help her set the dining table. Rick took Judith into his lap, knowing that he’d have to feed her since she was even more picky than Carl.
“Since we're here, I think we should say what we’re thankful for… and our hope for the future.” Michonne’s eyes never left her boys for one second. “ Carl?”
“I just want things to be the same as always and I’m thankful we’re all here.”
“Me too, Son.” Grinning at Carl’s answer, Rick leaned over to rub his head.
“Did you say ‘me too’ to not come up with something different, Grimes?”
"Maybe, but I mean it. You know that.”
“Well, I know that… I’m thankful that I found you. I’m thankful for getting me out that day, even if you were an asshole afterwards.”
“In my defence, I didn’t know you well yet, and I still kept you around when I sent the others away. That’s gotta count for somethin', right? After all, we were the same.”
“You didn’t know or trust me, but that didn’t stop you from checking me out, did it?” 
“You noticed that?”
“Judith and I are still here, you know?” They both crackled at their son’s embarrassed distaste for the current topic but kept going.
“You not kicking me out is part of the reason I put up with your behaviour.” Rick sighed at her pettiness. “Us being the same and me longing to stay with you guys is another part as well, though I didn’t realise that last part just yet... Carl?”
“You and Judybug saved me. You don’t know how much you two did. Thank you for making me one of you and thank you for being my best friend and not letting me chicken out… You gave me a second chance, all three of you and I love you so much for it… What I want is all of you safe and sound and happy, and by my side. The baby included, of course. Thank you for giving me back my family.”
Her eyes welled up with tears of unfathomable affection. The happiness dripped from her eyes and they were soon all overcome with shared emotion. It was such a warm, heart-gripping moment, only disrupted by Michonne's booming grunt of pain. At that moment, she came to face the fact that she’d been having contractions all day. Part of her was in denial, only being focused on celebrating New Year's the right way with her family. She stood up, grabbing the tablecloth, and Rick understood immediately. He knew she was acting weird.
"Carl, go grab Siddiq!”
“It’s happening now?”
“Yeah! Go!”
Childbirth has always been risky. It makes little difference that it is natural. It is also quite natural for a mother or baby to die. That is why they had made so much progress in medicine for safe childbirth. Michonne and the infant were in far more danger now that the world had changed. Rick became aware of a massive natural birth occurring at his feet. It had struck him, just now. Panicked and fearful, he still stayed by her side. It was his job as a father and a husband. No matter how hard it was on him mentally, she was having it a thousand times worse. She was the one in pain; she was the one in danger. He sat behind her and supported her back with every push, encouraging her whenever she began to falter.
“Rick!” She cried out in search of unconscious comfort for her partner-in-crime.
“I’m here, darlin'; I’m right here! You’re doing great!”
“Why did I think this would be easier the second time around?”
“Because you’re amazing; that’s why! You’re doin’ great!”
They traverse till the drawing of beautiful angel breath, serenaded by freedom. A sign of their baby's existence.
A happy new year was partly about starting again and partly about being grateful for all the blessings that had been granted the previous year. It was a warm welcome to new fortunes and the courage to confront problems gracefully and compassionately. Rick stared at his family as their attention fell to the newest member; his son from his departed first wife and his adopted daughter. They had fought so hard and lost so much to ensure they made it. reminding him of the bad, his mind ran to his dear, long gone friend Hershel, and his words to him,
 'Things break, but they can still grow. These little bristles, they'll take root,'.  
His wife was spent but she still held a peaceful smile on her face, gawking at their son swaddled in her arms, the first biological child between the two of them. Judith slipped her finger into his outstretched palm and watched as the tiny body curled around it. His gentle breath touched the back of her hand. Her playful day already slipping away as she observed her new brother.
Rick was going to speak again when Carl spoke first.
“We can’t use fireworks to celebrate but we do have the sparklers! It’ll be nice just to have something, right, Judy?”
“Alright, you two go now. I’ll keep Michonne and the baby company.”
Carl took Judith after she planted a kiss on her new baby brother and off they went. Michonne, feeling her husband’s eyes on her, allows their gazes to meet. They both knew this was what they struggled and fought so hard for. It wouldn’t be easy but year after year, he would make sure his children—all three of them—lived the best life, a full life. Michonne stretched out her hand.
“Rick…” Her words were weary and had a dream-like quality to them, as she seemed to crave the solace of rest, the enticement of the nice bed beckoned to her tired body.
“Darlin, what's wrong? Uncomfortable? Tell me, I’ll get it…” She shook her head, confusing him.
“His name; I have it.”
“Yeah?” His tone was gentle as he lowered his body next to her and she placed their newborn in his arms. “What is it?"
“RJ. Richard Daniel Grimes Junior... Do you like it?”
“I grateful…” Rick's eyes grew damp. He didn’t expect her to name their little boy after him. “You sure?”
“I’m sure… He’ll be as smart, sweet and determined just like his namesake… Just like his dad.”
“Thank you.” Bending over, as he kissed her forehead and whispered into her ear.
“No, thank you.” 
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serpentsillusion · 6 months
Sebastian, Ominis, and my x MC
What are their zodiac signs and birthdays? *Near the end of 5th year* 🤔💚
Ever wondered what our 2 favorite idiots were, based on the stars? I studied astrology and similar things before it was mainstream. From what I've gathered based on their characteristics and personalities in the game this is the assumptions I've gathered (and some random other observations I've gathered). These are not fact but just my personal ✨Lore✨ plus a little bit about my MC. Welcome to my spicy brain and my spicy imagination. 💚 I hope you guys enjoy the lore! Hopefully it will give you more insight into my next coming shorts. 🐍
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Sebastian: born March 28th 1874. He's MOST definitely an Aries. Aries personality traits include confidence, passion, and independence. But this sign can also be impulsive, impatient, and self-centered. They're Competitive. As a fire sign, Aries are fueled by intensity. They love to challenge others to friendly competition. Positive Traits: Energetic, Bold,  possesses Leadership Skills. Negative Traits: Impulsive, Stubborn, Impatient. Aries brings dynamism. His Mother and Father were named Johnathan James Sallow and Mary Anne Sallow. I figure his middle name is probably of his father's also. I kinda dig the thought of Sebastian James Sallow. 🤔🤭
Sebastian 100% smells like Sandalwood. Have you ever smelled that on a man? Holy Merlin TAKE ME AWAY! 😭 Sandalwood screams masculinity to me. But like a mysterious and seductive, curious masculinity way. The first time MC smelled his cologne on him she immediately had to know what it was. He told her, because she asked, very bluntly to be honest.... And now sometimes her girls bed room smells like burning sandalwood when she misses being around him or his dumb ass gets detention and she has to go to classes without him. (my real life partner wears this and it is INTOXICATING) Give it a try. 😏🤭
Nicknames: Seb, Sebby Boi, idiot #1, Sebs, sex panther (MC keeps that one to herself)
Sebastian's talents: he's really good at wood work and tinkering. He likes carving things for his friends out of tree branches. One of the very few things he doesn't use magic for. He once made a tiny carved bear for MC for her 16th birthday, she put it in a trinket box next to her bed and cried about it when she went to bed that night because it was so precious. Ominis got a teeny tiny carved peepee one time as a prank. He was not amused. ALSO Seb's surprisingly good at making food. (had to survive on his own for a little while)
Favorite food: literally anything. Jelly beans, haggis (he's Scottish, and his mom used to make it ALOT) Tablet (look it up) MC's Dad once sent a whole loaf of homemade banana nutbread to the Slytherin common room for her and she only had like maybe a bite. That was a new thing for Seb he had never tried, and unfortunately he ate most of it and was very upset with himself afterwards because it was for her. It was DELICIOUS 😂 MC couldn't help but love that he loved it. He wanted the recipe but she told him no. It was a family recipe, and if he wanted it, he'd have to marry her. That was a challenge accepted in his mind. Ominis doesn't like Bananas but he tried it and was nice about it, after spitting it in the trashcan without MC seeing. (he really hates Bananas...it's a texture thing.)
Seb=Dom. Likes to be in control 24/7. Turns into a complete and utter almost feral animal when confronted with matching Dom energy. Especially with a female.. aka MC
Probably most definitely has sad boi depression and anxiety. Which turns into fear, which turns into anger. Probably has PTSD. MC shares his pain from her upbringing and that's another reason why they have bonded so incredibly fast.
Ominis:  born September 25th 1874. Definitely a Libra. Libra's are extroverted, cosy, and friendly people. Libra's, like the Scales that symbolise the sign, are often concerned with attaining balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the world. With their vast stores of charm, intelligence, frankness, persuasion, and seamless connectivity, they are well-equipped to do so. I'm going to assume his father was British and his mother was Irish according to ✨le internet.✨ His father's name was probably something fancy like Elias and his Mother was probably something super classy like Violet. Idk 😐😂
Ominis probably smells like vetiver, tobacco (for some reason) and leather. Like a high society lounge for men. With ✨class✨ The epitome of sophistication.
Nicknames: idiot #2, omnomnom he hates it when MC calls him that but it's cute, snakey boi.
Ominis=Sub. Too nervous to touch a girl. Doesn't know what to do. Too gentleman like. Wants to wait until marriage. Probably screams and runs if he tries to be kissed by a girl. Like Poppy.
Ominis and Sebastian are already best friends but Ominis feels drawn to MC in a way a brother is drawn to protect his sister. Ominis feels obligated to help protect MC because he views her as a sister, and the fact that his best friend is absolutely smitten with her. Ominis will 100% be the best man at Sebastian's wedding to MC. She just doesn't know she's gonna get married to that idiot yet.
Ominis talents: is surprising very very good at playing the piano. It was something he was made to do as a child for his parents extravagant parties.
Favorite food: Anything, except fucking bananas.
My MC: aka Jessica "Jess" Garyn Burke born October 16th 1874. The youngest of The Silver Trio, and also similarly of Borgin and Burkes owned by Mr Borgin and Mr Burke, who were known to deal with unusual and ancient artifacts.😉 I picked Jessica because it's actually an OLD name meaning "To Behold" and Garyn meaning "warrior" Everything she knows she learned from her Dad, including protecting herself magically and *physically* like when she decked Leander Prewett in the face for calling her a rather "prude" name and teasing her in front of everyone including Sebastian and Ominis. 0/10 does not like being sexualized by other men, finds it incredibly disrespectful. She can handle her own. Obviously. It only cost her 2 weeks of detention. Leander and her are cool now btw. He's fine. His pride is not. Sebastian purposely got 2 weeks detention shortly after that so he could be around her more. 😂🤭😁✨ She is incredibly sassy, blunt, domineering, sharp as a whip, and not traditionally "ladylike". MC is not afraid to dig her nails in the dirt if she has to. And she will 100% knock a man on his ass for grabbing her butt. "Bitches get shit done." Is her Mantra.
MC=Dom a dangerous mix when tangled around Sebastian. They constantly fight for dominance but he usually always wins. Only because he's taller and a lot stronger than she is. Not sexually active because she's afraid of her father finding out and killing the poor guy. But she does know how to tie a cherry stem in her mouth without using her fingers. 10/10 proud of herself for that after almost choking on a few in her time trying. She learned that from one of her friends back in London. Father doesn't approve of said friend. Useful skill for seduction. Will keep in her back pocket for later. Is actually kinky. She's read A LOT of books about it. Can "work her magic" so to say if need be.
MC usually has her butternut ash brown hair up in a beautiful and detailed bun with intricate pieces framing her face. Slightly pale skin with mild freckles and bright blue eyes. She loves fresh flowers but fresh roses are her ABSOLUTE favorite!! Which is her perfume of choice. Just straight up Rose.
-She also cries when she gets yelled at. Because she's sensitive, but also immediately gets immensely pissed off. You would prefer having her as a friend, and not an enemy. That is why Sebastian and her formed an incredibly strong bond shortly after becoming friends. They are actually very similar. Did not speak to Sebastian for a whole month after he got mad and called her ignorant that one time. Made her cry after he left the undercroft. Did not understand why she would walk past him in the halls and ignore his owls until he apologized.
MC talents: loves drawing. She doodles some of her classmates in her spare time outside the grounds of Hogwarts, while on picnics or laying against trees. She's drawn Ominis and Sebastian. Especially Sebastian. Several times. She hides those ones because she doesn't want him to know she gets butterflies in her stomach around him. MC is also really good at singing, she just doesn't do it in front of literally anyone. She plays the lute but doesn't really care for the high pitched twang if it. Sometimes she wants someone to invent something very similar. They both should have 6 strings so it wouldn't be hard to learn a different instrument that's very *similar* to a lute. Does not like playing in front of anyone. Sebastian heard her one time when she was sick and stuck in her room practicing all day because she was bored. Everyone was "supposed" to be in class. He was befuddled and so incredibly impressed he couldn't move. MC is also formally trained in hand to hand wandless combat, trained executively by her father, Incase expelliarmus gets casted on her. Doesn't want anyone to know she can whoop ass. Also MC is like REALLY good at dancing, LOVES music and making people laugh. Will purposely embarrasses herself dancing just to make her friends laugh.
MC parents and Family: David Burke and Ramona Nielson. Wizard and Muggle. Divorced cuz Ramona is not dependable as a mother and is scared if her magic welding children, had to be obliviated regarding that part of her children. Ramona still got custody even though she wasn't really around for her daughter growing up which made MC want to stay longer with her father during summer vacation, away from school and sharing holidays between both homes. MC has to have that little bit of stern staleness from something...🤷🏻‍♀️ MC was "raised" by her loving and supportive father who served in the Royal Wizard Military as an elite and very powerful wizard. After he retired from the RWM her father decided to travel, collecting ancient artifacts which is why MC is so good at tracking them down so fast. Her uncle is Caractacus Burke who is the founder of Borgin and Burkes. MC has 2 other siblings. An older brother Roderick, and an older sister, Seraphina. Both past Slytherin alumni. Seraphina is diplomatic but deceitful. Spending most of her time working for the Ministry of Magic directly under the Minister. while most unfortunately Roderick is estranged from the family due to criminal "acts" on house elves. MC's father was in Gryffindor. He is somewhat a little disappointed that none of his children were accepted into Gryffindor, however he is still grateful they ended up possessing magic. Does not know his youngest child can see ancient magic. Wouldn't be surprised if she did. MC's bff is her father and her cat Oliver. MC constantly stops to pet cats in hogsmeade whenever she can.
ANYWAY! I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS!! It took me literal hours as I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate Tumblr editing 😂 my eyes and hands hurt. Lol
Stay stunned for more ✨lore✨
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turtlenovela · 5 months
The Blue Pragraphs - 49 Kids and NOT Counting
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Welcome to the Blue Paragraphs! These are parts I cut from my fanfic's final draft, since I felt they were slowing down the story's flow in the long run. They always contain additional information that may or may NOT appear in the story again
If you'd like to have a glass of sunshine, enjoy banter, digs at TLC shows and want to spent a little more time with the whole Hamato clan and Barry at Todd’s place, this is for you
Chapter 9 ½ - 49 Kids And NOT Counting!
"Here," Todd said, serving the Hamato clan his famous lemonade, "after a glass of sunshine," the world will look a little brighter."
"Blasphemy!" Draxon shouted, hitting the tabletop with his fist that the lemonade glasses jumped. "This kretin defiles my creation with inferior-science-based mass production!"
"Barry, whatcha talkin' about?" April asked.
"The turtles," he explained, pointing at them, "they are a state of the art masterpiece, maybe even my magnum opus! And this disgusting individual just steals their unique DNA and copies them in the most profane way possible."
April made a sour face at this utter lack of empathy for her surrogate brothers. "Getting copied and mass produced is something every brand should get used to," she said, callously smiling."
Also it's outrageous," Splinter complained, "that this dweep dares to break our family tradition. "Yes, I might have stuck to these traditions quite loosely, but my grandchildren being about to be taught kung fu instead of ninjitsu? Unthinkable!"
"This is the only thing that worries you?" April hissed, her eye twitching. 
"I think," Todd said, "these kids should decide themselves what kind of martial art they want to learn. Then he patted Draxum on the back. "Well, not everybody can perform great alchemy. So they had to settle for cloning. I'm sorry your work got copied. But now the precious little beans are there and need our love and care."
Thanks to Mickey, Todd was still blissfully unaware of the true crime background of this whole affair. Just like Casey Jr., who also sat at the table at Todd’s puppy rescue station.
Raph sighed: "Now we'd need someone like you, Todd, but who's as great at kid rescue as you are at puppy rescue."
"Oh," Todd stated, "you have a master architect among you."
"That’s not the problem," Donatello said, trying to repress a flattered smile. "Sure, I can build new hideouts any time. But what we need is funding to fully and constantly care for our kids."
"Oh yes," Todd agreed, "funding is always a problem."
Raph cleared his throat. "Talking about funding," he said and eyed his second oldest brother suspiciously: "Raph might not be the brightest candle on the cake, but you can’t even make me believe  that you build all your shiny tech from scratch. You must have your own way of funding - probably one neither pops nor I would approve of." 
Don tried to look as hapless and innocent as possible. 
"I always suspected that, but was afraid of asking," Leo remarked, frightened. 
"Well, uh- I recycle a lot and due to the mystic tech powers I developed, I additionally could cut down on costs-," Tello stuttered sheepishly. 
"Purple", his father began in a benign tone, "I won’t judge you, when you tell us how you earn money."
"Dad, he doesn't fall for that anymore," Leo remarked dully.
Dee's expression turned from anxious to annoyed and he informed his fam: "Let me tell you this: I can either afford funding for my inventions OR provide for our kids. And I don't think such sacrifice would be in your interest."
Mickey changed the topic. "Why don't we sign a contract with TLC?" He suggested.
"Very funny," Leo said. 
"No, for real!" Mike stated. "I mean, think about it! Sure, they exploit people. But they helped these huge weirdo families to make a living, pay for surgeries and stuff. Also they loooooooove teenage parents, fundamentalists and unhealthy family structures in general. And all of this is yesterday's snow compared to reichsburgers, mutants, yokai -"
"It's official now," Lee interrupted him, "Miguel has lost his marbles."
"Aw man!" Mickey moaned. "Maybe such a program would help people to see more in us than just monsters."
"Yeah, completely broken freaks for instance," April remarked. 
Leon sighed, looking at Casey, who just raised his eyebrows. "Currently," he began, "I only see one way to start our own fund."
"Not another one of your fishy and highly dangerous getting-rich-fast schemes!" Splinter protested. 
"Dad, these were getting famous fast schemes," his son corrected him. "Over the years April applied for so many jobs, I stopped counting. And Casey and his mom work as camp counselors. Sooo the most obvious solution for us is to get jobs."
This speech caused a little bedlam: Mickey stuffed a thermometer in Leo's mouth. Raph complained: "But we already have a job: to keep New York's criminals at bay!"
"Do you even know the horrors of teenage work places?!" Donnie cried and then whispered: "Customers - you have to talk to them and smile!!" He ended his sentence yelling in panic.
"You're aware that even if all four of you start to work hard," April pointed out, "you'll be far from providing for 49 kids. "We have to start somewhere," Leo replied. "We can't sit around and wait for a benevolent sponsor."
"Okay," April said, "who are you and what have you done to Leo?"
Only Casey proudly smiled at his former sensei. 
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watchingspnagain · 1 year
Rewatching Family Remains
Welcome to “If You Don’t Have Ghost Humans, Regular Humans Will Do: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s4e11: Family Remains.
Dean is itchy-scratchy for a case, despite Sam’s protests that he’s exhausted and Dean should stop avoiding his feelings by running them ragged. Dean wins out when he finds them what looks like it should be a good old-fashioned haunted house. When they show up, the house appears to be for sale and empty, and after a quick look-see, they decide to do some research and come back later. In the meantime, the family who bought the house shows up to move in. Whoops. The boys think they’ve managed to convince the family of four plus dog and uncle to stay away (asbestos! Gas leak!), but Uncle Ted Knows Things About Houses and declares it safe. When they move in, things start to go bad. Sam and Dean come back, tell them it’s a ghost, and just about have them convinced when the ghost in question steps right across a salt line because—surprise! She’s actually a very alive feral child who’s been living in the walls. From there it gets gruesome and disturbing, with the family having to come together to save each other and Dean putting on an impressive display of channeling a lot of hell-guilt into needing to save everyone. (Shock.) Spoiler alert: yes, the dog dies.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 oh precious freckled, teary green-eyed boy
 poor Sammy needs a week’s worth of sleep
 he DOES
Sam is like if I'm this tired Dean must be dead
 poor Sammy
 poor Bean
 haunted smaunted I want that porch
   “what?” “What?"
 "what?" "what?”
 and I love the shot up at them
 it IS nice
 weird. I thought we’d already rewatched this one…
 I was just thinking that I feel like this is not where this episode belongs in the scheme of things
 HAHAHAHA of course you did
 Dean’s look at the girl when she says hooker sheets
 omg Dean's look at the daughter
 I love the little character things we often get from these one-off characters. like her handing the pictures out and then closing the screen door
she'll talk to them, but she ain’t coming out
 so, if I was moving into a new house, and some randos said they were from the county and then turns out they weren't, THAT is what would send me to a motel till I figured out what was up
 and Danny is an idiot
 “really?” “No not really”
 "really?" "no not really"
 Dammit, Danny
 yeah, butt out, TED
 maaaybe investigate this weird thing Danny is telling you a bit more?
 way to teach your kid that you believe what he tells you
 was the girl…licking her?
 I guess?
 okay. weird.
 I LOVE the border collie
 no, Buster, stay inside!
 smartest member of that family, hands down
 DAMMIT. I just finished a book in which the dog died and I didn’t remember this. I CAN’T TAKE IT
 oh no!
I had kind of forgotten or I'da said!
 "what kind of ghost messes with a man's WHEELS"
 “what kind of ghost messes with a man’s WHEELS"
 Dean is so not in the mood for civilians
 the head waggle back and forth omg
 oh he did NOT just call him Fonzie
 “yeah, about that"
  and that step over the line. SO CREEPY
 these eps with the actual people. THE SCARIEST
 “I’m telling you man. Humans"
 omg "psycho Nell" that is a DEEP CUT, Dean
 does anyone even remember that movie?
 apparently Dean does
I love him
 YOU DO?!?!
 yeah, it took me awhile to come around, but I think he can stay
 “every day"
oh Dean
 "you smell that?" "every day" omg, Dean, honey
 "well do you want to?" holds him
 "please nobody grab my leg"
 “please nobody grab my leg"
omg him putting his head in his hand and breathing for a second
 SERIOUSLY though, aside from just the "oh man, humans" of it, I think the ones where it's just humans are genuinely the creepiest in their presentation
 the complete lack of soundtrack for those few seconds is so powerful CRIPES
they are always the most disturbing
 "cause I had to carry him out"
"I couldn't get to him in time"
 how old is Suz? she still thinks bad things don't happen to good people?
 (I try to have sympathy for her bc this sucks for her, of course, but she bugs me)
 (yeah, I suspect she’s just in shock and still grieving and whatnot but she is annoying)
 "rent Juno, get over it"
 "oh gross"
 "humans, man"
 "like you know what hell's like"
 offsides, Dean
 okay, Dean, take a breath
let's not go all mean on your brother bc he hasn't been to hell
 this poor girl
 oh Dean. it is not your personal responsibility to save every single person
 no, but he can save two by not letting this idiot go after his son
 HA! true
 oh JEEZ
I forgot there were two
I did too!!
 okay, Suz just went back up in my estimation a bit
 Ha! YES
 this family is gonna be screwed up for so long after this
 I bet the marriage counselor never thought of killing an attacking feral child as a way to strengthen their bond
 oh no he's off his food
 Dean’s not eating, he’s upset
 "I did it for the sheer pleasure" oooooof
 i just want to hold him and then carry him to therapy
 Dean, honey, you’re a complicated soul. you like saving people and you like torturing them. we all have facets. it’s all good.
look, some people drink blood, some people torture people in hell for fun. it's fine. at least you're not your dad.
some call on alien hordes to attack NYC. it’s fine. it’s sexy, even.
 [after the episode ended:]
 you know what else is cool about that ep? there's little hints that it's not a ghost. like Ted says it's not a ghost it's just some hillbilly chick (or something like that) and Dean yelling about what kind of ghost messes with a car like that.
 and she never flickers. she LOOKS like ghosts we've seen, but she's always solid
I feel like there’s something there about Dean repeatedly saying, “Humans, man” as if he’s not one of them, but also he sees himself as a monster after the hell stuff, but also he’s clearly unhappy about not saving Ted and then killing the brother
I just can’t quite brain it together in a logical way
 oooo yes
 it’s possible that he thinks he’s the worst of both worlds, human and monster.
 and then Sammy is literally stuck between human and monster - poor aBeanination that he is
they both keep slipping off that tight rope both ways throughout the show
 and they pull to them people who blurr those lines all the time: Cas (fallen angel who wavers between human and not), Crowley, who can’t decide if he wants to be king of hell or just a regular human again…
 well, Rowena knows what she is and has no issues with it, I think
 oh true!
 Bad Ass Bitch, is the technical term, I think. And she becomes queen of hell, so yeah, she sticks it
 I was thinking just being pulled to "dark" but that's not what you were saying
 yeah, the boys are a vortex for identity crisis in all forms
Outsiders Unite!!
 and Dean is always being pulled (or pushing himself) in two different directions. is he a badass or is he soft. is he the grunt or is he a genius who reads. is he into women or men
 (it's both, babies, it's both)
 with Free Will come Free Boundaries, and with those come Grey Areas and Confusion
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donkeybro · 1 year
What if Ames and Amelia met - A Story by Donkeybro
(Note: if a character talks like ‘this’ it means they’re thinking to themselves, if they talk like “this” it means they are speaking aloud)
*It was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing away in their nests and flew through the sky, flowers of all kinds were blooming out in large fields. The weather was beautiful, not a single cloud in the sky and the sun shone brightly in the sky*
*Ames sat underneath a large tree, being shaded by the leafs and branches of said large tree. She was just playing with her plushies, playing with Carol and Whitty, having them dance around and be a cute plushie couple. She had been playing for a bit now. Until-
“Hi!~ I like your plushies! They look really cute!!”
*Ames jumped back in surprise, having not expected anyone to approach her. She looked up and spotted a girl who appeared to be 9 years old, she had brown hair with light purple highlights, wore bright purple heart shaped glasses, a purple sweatshirt, baggy blue pants and purple sneakers. The girl gave Ames a big, cheerful smile and looked at Carol and Whitty with her bright blue eyes.*
“What are their names?”
*The girl asked, Ames held up Carol*
“T-T-This is Carol…a-a-and the bomb i-i-is Whitty…”
*The girl smiled brightly and happily waved at the two plushies*
“Hi miss Carol! Hi mister Whitty!”
*Ames made Carol and Whitty wave back, before she began to speak as if Carol*
“Hello there! Aren’t you an absolute cutie!~ what’s your name?”
*The girl happily giggled at “Carol’s” comment*
“My name’s Amelia! It’s nice to meet you Carol! You too Whitty!”
*Ames made Whitty give a slight wave*
“Same to you kiddo.”
*Amelia looked at Carol, before looking up at Ames*
“May I?”
*Amelia asked, doing little grabby hands at Carol*
*Ames thought for a moment, before she spoke up*
“I-I-If you p-promise to b-b-be careful…”
*Amelia gave a nod and a little salute*
“I promise!”
*Ames, with some hesitation, carefully placed Carol into Amelia’s lap*
*Amelia smiled brightly, carefully picking up Carol and moving the plushie around. Putting on a voice that sounded like Ames’ voice for Carol*
“Hello!~ my name is Carol!~ and my owner Ames is just the cutest thing in the entire world!”
*Amelia held Carol up to Ames’ face and made it look like the plush was kissing Ames all over the face*
“Mwah Mwah Mwah Mwah!~ I love you Ames!~ Mwah!~”
*Ames became flustered at the little scene. Giving a little giggle and a small smile*
“Uh…t-t-thank you..C-Carol…”
*“Carol” booped Ames on the nose*
“You’re welcome my precious baby!~”
*Suddenly, a young female voice called out*
“Amelia! Little sis ! It’s time to go home!”
“Coming big sissy!”
*Amelia placed Carol into Ames’ head*
“Looks like I gotta go home, it was nice meeting you Ames! You too, Carol and Whitty!”
*Amelia ran to her older sister*
*Ames watched Amelia run off, giving a little wave goodbye, making Carol and Whitty wave goodbye too. Before Ames got up, packed up her plushies and headed towards her orphanage nearby.*
The End
(Hello, Donkey here with some news and updates. Let’s start with the updates)
(Updates are, progress on updating blogs with start back up. Even though I wasn’t keeping track for y’all in the first place lol. But yeah that’s gonna happen. And…that’s really it for updates)
(Now for the big news. As some of y’all may remember, I announced on this post that I would not be bringing Amelia back when I update my cyan family blog. Well, I will now just no longer be bringing Amelia back at all. However, Amelia’s journey isn’t over yet! Amelia has been given a new owner! She will no longer by my OC but she’ll still be around, everyone. Say hello to Amelia’s new owner: @ask-the-kitty-crew/my fren Shelby! She will be the new owner of Amelia and bring a fresh start to a fresh new round of her legacy!)
(Yeah, that’s everything. Hope you enjoyed the story and Shelby, enjoy your new OC bean)
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Today’s Post
Hi welcome to Today’s Post and in today’s post we’re going to talk about Cats Returns because I love this movie and that is pretty much it ASDFGHJHGFDS
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Honestly they knew very well what they were doing when they created Baron and I can’t even express how greatful I am because that HOLY GOSH that character is everything to me.I am so SO incredibly happy that we finally found this movie in portuguese because it’s been like 12 years since I watched it for the first time and I can NEVER get over Baron and Muta’s voice. You can pry the portuguese dub from my very dead very cold hands
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Oh yeh the family bullying (/j) we’re all here for this. I adore this woman DFGHJTFRR
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mah precious bean u don’t desrve any of this you are a star you are everything you are a bean <3 <3 <3 
Anyway I need to go but here is a final screenshot:
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“Do not lose yourself. Remember who you are.”
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7waystreet · 2 months
dirty confessions | kim namjoon
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This BTS 18+ explicit series will include 7 diary entries (one from each of the bangtan boys) confessing to the dirty thoughts they have about (y/n) and the sinful sexual acts they've part taken in during their lives.
I kindly ask the reader to start with pt.1 and end with pt.7 since it's a series and will contain overlapping scenarios and characters ♡
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✬ foreword pt. 1 — seokjin pt. 2 — yoongi pt. 3 — namjoon pt. 4 — hoseok pt. 5 — jimin pt. 6 — taehyung pt. 7 — jungkook
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pt. 3 — namjoon
Dear diary,
I have a confession to make. I fucked Seokjin hyung's milf mom, (y/n). This is what that bitch ass gets for messing with my little sister.
It would certainly be a lie if I said I have never imagined snapping (y/n) in half while pounding her for all of eternity in every possible position... although the thought of wrecking the same holy pussy that birthed the most handsome man I know surely seemed insane at first. But after witnessing Seokjin hyung corrupting my precious little bean in front of my own eyes, the uncontrollable rage within me drove me into having the wildest unplanned birthday sex of my life, one that will no doubt be going in the books (reminder: do NOT lose diary).
Turning 29 and getting my dick milked by the hottest milf I have ever laid eyes on was sweeter than any cake or present I could have gotten today. Well, except for ARMY's love. ❤
Ah... there (y/n) was, warmly welcoming me with open arms into the exquisite Gwangsan Kim family home earlier this evening, my lust filled eyes only focused on her figure fitting dress that perfectly plumped her curves up while she inched forward into my embrace. When I hug most people, my chest feels larger than theirs, and sometimes I even get very self conscience about this (reminder: love yourself), but her soft melons overpowered mine and pressed me in the most teasing way possible. Shit. How could my mind not drift into that crazy sinful place with how much my cock began throbbing that very moment?
It only became worse when I had to control a powerful urge to kiss (y/n) on the mouth after she handed me a humongous container of my favorite kalguksu, which she had personally cooked and packed for me with love, my stutter idiotically apparent as I tried thanking her with kind words of affirmation instead. I should have known she fancied me from the way she blushed bright red and hid her face with her palms after hearing my praises, but no matter how desperately you want to destroy your best friend's mom's pussy, you do not in your wildest dreams expect her to reciprocate those feelings back, especially when she is a naturally caring person too (reminder: it is ok to be wrong).
(y/n) has always been pure and mothering towards me, quite opposite to my secret erotic passion towards her, but it did not feel awkward catching up with her alone at the residence at all, something we have casually done many times in the past when I used to stop by and pay her a visit after hanging out with my own parents in the same neighborhood. I was totally wronged of my belief that she is an innocent little dove though when the two of us shortly sat down on the cozy couch and started indulging in a fun little chat, her legs soon lifting up and comfortably stretching out in front of me as she eased into a relaxing position.
It is her house, I thought. The lady can sit however she wants. But I could not avoid the agonizing knot twisting in the pit of my stomach when my eyes fell down onto her smooth milky legs and traveled up to the slight gap in between her thighs, my gut completely bottoming out when her tiny foot suddenly started rubbing against my crotch. Snapping my eyes up at (y/n), I was in utter shock seeing her stop talking and bite her lips as she fully extended her leg and began playing with my boner, massaging it with her foot while words failed to leave my mouth. The only thing I could now focus on was the throbbing cock poking up my jeans.
"My baby boy deserves to be spoiled good on his big day. Let mommy take care of you."
I will never be able to forget her whispers, a wave of guilt washing over me seeing the way those luscious pink lips pouted before she started crawling towards me and got seated on my bulge. But I loved how small she looked in front of me, her knees and hips having to stretch out wide to be able to straddle the thickness of my thighs, my arms automatically encompassing her waist and pulling her onto my chest before my lips met hers with restlessness. She smooched right off to quickly inform me we have to hurry, her husband practically reaching home from his business trip in about an hour, the thrill of the situation making us jump back into a fiery make out session, which lead to an adventure like nothing I have sensed before.
The best hour of my life it was... and now I know it is possible to cum three times in the span of just 60 minutes. Her sex toy collection was extensive beyond my knowledge, things I have not even seen or heard of before, all of which she had gathered like trophies over the years. My favorite was the silicone vibrating cock ring she rolled down on my shaft and tugged around my base to stimulate my testicles while she sucked me off like the professional she is... Damn it, being with an older woman has been the best experience of my life. She seemed to have outgrown her gag reflex from sucking dick for years, a bonus for me as her ability to make me cum in just a couple of minutes while I repeatedly stuck my length deep into her throat made me almost fall in love with her.
And that was just the first orgasm. 
It was frustrating how she would not let me touch her body and made me lay down on the mattress with arms up instead, teasing me with a fleshlight next as she slid the toy onto my soaked cock already slippery from the arousing blowjob she had given me. She kept pumping my dick with it while mumbling the dirtiest of secrets in my ears... how she wanted me to make her explode in an ocean of wetness by reaching deep inside her pussy, how she wanted me to suck on her nipples like I was a good little boy hungry for a satiating meal, all while she pressed soft kisses on my lips to up my uncontrollable lust for her. I busted a nut for a second time straight into the fleshlight, my seed seeping out of the toy as she squished it with her palm to make my cum ooze out onto her bare thighs. 
"My cunt feels much better than that pathetic toy, huh baby boy?" she seethed between gritted teeth while she got on top of me, my dick almost in pain as it refused to soften up despite cumming twice already. But how could it when the sight of her naked body sinking down on my cock titillated every inch of my burning skin, the way she looked so damn satisfied after I filled her tight little pussy up with my cock raging me to let out a shameful grunt. I could see the fear in her eyes growing as she began rocking her hips to ride me, the fear of me ripping her open with my length thrusting into her hard, but knowing the savage she was for fucking me while her husband was away, I was willing to bet my money that she was finding pleasure in the pain.
A sudden panic flooded me as I was reminded of Mr. Kim by my own stupid thoughts, my head abruptly whipping towards the clock on the wall to check how much time we had left until his arrival, but (y/n) put her teeny index finger on my cheek and pushed my face back to look straight up at her, then leaning down and moaning into my lips while she picked up the pace of riding me. My first time getting seduced so good... so good. She yelped when I jammed my hips up and hit her g-spot, her nails digging into my shoulders while we both struggled to breath in air from the heat of the moment. 
But the high from hearing her scream her guts out while I fucked her on the same bed her husband slams her on until our cum mixed together and spilled onto the sheets was unforgettable to say the least. And greeting Seokjin hyung's dad on my way out while (y/n) ran to throw the bedsheets in the laundry machine was just the cherry on top of my sensational birthday cake.
The next family dinner with the boys and our parents is about to be quite interesting... Seokjin hyung, I hope you know I enjoyed every single second of fucking your milf mommy.
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a/n ♡
i imagined a normally dom appearing namjoon actually excited to being a sub to indulge in a risky adventure with someone he's secretly fawned over for a while. an older aged woman doesn't concern him since he doesn't like to judge and is open minded.
— his love for seokjin showing when he calls him "the most handsome man I know" despite his irritation towards him
— him using fancy descriptor words and his speech appearing composed like his lyrics, writing out full words even in his diary ("it is" instead of it's, "have not" instead of haven't, "did not" instead of didn't etc.) 
— since namjoon is known to being forgetful, i imagined him making encouraging reminder notes to himself as he also has the natural ability to provide words of comfort to others (so he prob practices the same with himself too)
— him mentioning ARMY even in his diary ♡
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azlrse · 2 years
As a Spouse & a Dad (Arataki Itto x GN Visionless!Reader)
CW: afab reader, pregnancy mentions, and so much fluff.
A/N: imma post this quickly since I still brainrot towards him-
*contains headcanons and a drabble
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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
In all honesty, being Itto's spouse can bring alot of happiness in your life. I mean, you already had a really good relationship with this precious delinquent and what better way to spend the rest of your lives together was getting married and if you wanted, the two of you could have a kid together.
Granny Oni would be so happy when she finds out (through her adopted son) that you're becoming his spouse and welcomes you with warm arms in the family. Same goes for the boys within his gang. All of them congratulated the two of you for the upcoming marriage.
As time goes on and lo and behold, you're carrying his first born child! Congrats! Your husband was really excited when he finds out that the two of you will become parents.
Itto will literally goes outside and shouts "I'M A DAD!! YA HEAR ME?!! I'LL BECOME A DAD!!" which you ran outside and pulled him back at the house with his arm out of embarrassment yet flustered.
He's deadset on wanting a little girl but if it's a boy then he didn't have a problem with the baby. What matters is that the kid will be raised with so much love from the two of you.
Due to his oni heritage, this guy is extremely protective over you and his unborn child. Itto would literally sends a glare to anyone who touched your stomach but was quite chill towards Granny Oni and the boys in his gang.
Itto better be prepared for your cravings and if you craved beans, he would literally freak out. He knows that the kid would be part oni part human so he's concerned and scared towards the baby if you consumed the beans.
"A-are you sure about that, babe? The beans are kinda dangerous for us oni, let alone our own kid."
"How about some ramen? As long it doesn't contain beans."
"Alright then, babycakes. I'll just head out to get some."
^^ awwww ain't he a sweetheart 🤭🤭
During your delivery, Itto was so anxious towards you and his kid that he tries to get up from his seat and makes his way to the room where you gave birth. Until some of his peers grabbed him and made him sit down again for a hundredth time.
"Come on! I just wanna check my dearest spouse! Their screams are driving me crazy!"
As soon as the delivery was finished, he wastes no time but to see you and his new born kid. And there you are, cradling the baby girl within your arms. Itto would literally has tears of happiness in his eyes as he saw his daughter for the first time. (y/h/c), red-yellow eyes, and small pale red horns on top of the baby's forehead.
As the kid grew up, she becomes the mix of the both of you. She also inherited some of the personality her father had, which is one of the many reasons why you fell in love with Itto.
Itto would be the kind of dad whose protective of his daughter when it comes to boys. He's the kind of a cool dad but still have some rules to your daughter.
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
"Oh and when a boy here in Inazuma wants to court you, I want to see if he has a onikabuto and have a match with him!" Your daughter looks at him in embarrassment as the two of the sat down on the living room. The lingering smell of the porridge cooked vegetables had spread throughout the house, making the place much more relaxing. You look over on your shoulder to see the commotion that took place on the living room.
(d/n) crossed her arms in annoyance, placing her back against the soft cushions of the chair. "Dad chill, I'm still 15. Plus, not everyone here in Inazuma like those umm...beetles..." You quickly turned off the stove and making your way towards the two of them. "Don't worry, (d/n). Your father asks me in his prison cell when he wanted to court me when we're still in our youth. He's quite a troublemaker back in the days."
This new information your daughter just heard a few seconds about just sends her eyes wide open. As she looks her dad dead straight in the eyes, mouth wide agape, both in surprise and in shock.
"Dad, did you go to prison before you dated mom/papa?! No wonder why you're so cool in this city!!"
"That happened years ago! I did something terrible back then but at least I didn't steal or hurt anyone! Yes I am quite cool, even charmed your mom/papa back then but don't go to prison, munchkin."
Itto replied sternly. He then looks at you with a playful glare while you gave him a sly smile. "(y/n) sweetie, the love of my life and the most precious human I'd laid my eyes on, I really love you to bits but really? Do you have to talk about that time to our daughter?" You only shrugged in a jokingly matter and went back to the kitchen to set up the table for dinner. "Hmm yes, love. She needs to know our past. :DD"
Ohhh, your husband was dead set on getting back to you. Or perhaps he must tell his daughter the time when you ate a bean bun during your first date with him (your daughter was still deathly horrified when it comes to beans, just like her dad :DD).
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Hi girl!! I love everything you’ve wrote! Couldn’t say how much I enjoyed reading one shots of F1 drivers! I have to ask if you could do one for Carlos? He and reader are expecting but keeping it secret, Carlos won the race! And he ask if he could hear her through radio, though with some glitch, all other drivers and teams hear Carlos’ radio, he tells her how he’s so happy with the win but more than anything about their little one on the way and now everyone knows the secret of pregnancy because he suddenly slipped it while talking to her on radio👶🏻 I can’t imagine how will other drivers will congratulate him (like Daniel, Max, Landooooo! Seb! And even Kimi!🤣) I think Lando will be overjoyed and will be presenting to be Godfather already Hahahaha!
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Summary: Having a baby and everybody finding out
Warnings: fluff
Word count: 1.5k
You realized that you were pregnant after a series of fortunate events that, individually, you did not take as alarm signals.
One evening, Carlos decided to spare you from cooking dinner and ordered your favorite food from your favorite restaurant. You were very excited to eat it, but when the food arrived you were on the verge of throwing up because of the smell. You told Carlos you couldn't eat, so you just ate an apple and went to bed. The next day, after Carlos left for the gym, you couldn't get away from the toilet because if you took a few steps you would feel like throwing up. However, when your boyfriend came home, you didn't feel so sick anymore, but you didn't tell him what happened to you because you didn't want to worry him.
You had a vague idea that you could be pregnant but you wanted to wait until Carlos leaves for France for the Grand Prix.
The day he left you went to the pharmacy and bought two pregnancy tests.
You just sat down and cried. You stared at the positive test for several minutes. Honestly, you were so hormonal and conflicted about the timing that you bawled your eyes out. You were both happy and worried. Carlos was busy with his Formula 1 career, you didn't know if it was appropriate to add a child to the dynamics of your life.
But you recovered immediately. You are talking about Carlos, of course, he will be happy to have a child with you. You've been together for four years, you knew you would be together for the rest of your life.
The next day you did another pregnancy test, just in case. Positive, obviously. You went to the pharmacy again, and you took four more tests, to do one every day until Carlos came home.
"Hey, honey. I missed you," says Carlos entering the house.
You didn't even let him take off his shoes. You handed him a gift box in which you put the six pregnancy tests you took.
"Amor, did I forget an anniversary?"
You nod.
"Open it."
You see him take the lid off the box and take out a pregnancy test. Then another one, and another one, until he took them all out. You could see it on his face, he was scared and overwhelmed.
"Seriously?" he asks.
You nod and bite your lip, a few tears run down your face.
"Amor, that's wonderful! Ay Dios Mio! Are we going to be parents?"
You laugh and kiss him long.
"Yes, we will be parents."
You have scheduled an appointment for the next day to confirm the pregnancy and determine how many weeks you are pregnant. It looks like you're 10 weeks pregnant, so that means month 3 of your pregnancy. You couldn't believe that for almost 3 months you didn't realize you were pregnant, but you always had an irregular cycle, so it's not really incomprehensible.
You and Carlos have decided not to announce publicly that you will have a child just yet. For now, you were happy to share the news with your families, wanting to plan a nice way to tell your friends as well.
You know that feeling you get at certain times of the month when you want to cry at every cheesy commercial or could explode with anger at the drop of a hat? Pregnancy is like that sometimes, except 10 times more intense. With your new hormones raging, and more stress in your life than ever before, what with getting a nursery together and preparing to welcome the precious baby into the world and all, emotions are high. Tempers are bound to flare.
That is how you felt sitting in the paddock with Carlos who was preparing for the race. He was starting from P3 so he was pretty excited and nervous for the race. He saw your state, he knew you too well.
"Ay, mi Amor, come here," he said and hugged you to calm your nerves. "Don't worry, ok? It's an easy race, I'm gonna win it for you and the little bean, ok?"
You giggle at the sound of Carlos's nickname for the baby. You kiss him and smile.
"You know I don't really care about winning. Just come back to us. Safe." you say, your voice barely a whisper, not wanting anyone around you to hear your discussion.
"Si, pequeña. Always."
Sure, you were always concerned when he was racing. But especially now when your hormones were driving you insane and you were growing another person in your body. But you trusted him. With all of your heart. If he said he will come back to you, he will.
It took you a few moments to understand what was happening. Carlos Oñoro was hugging you, yelling 'He won!' and you looked at the screens in front of you. He did. Carlos Sainz was the winner in Monza! He kept his word, he won for you and your child.
"Hey, Y/N!" you hear your name being called by Riccardo Adami, the race engineer of Carlos. "The winner wants to talk to you."
You giggle and go to him. 'The winner'... Has a nice ring to it.
"Hey, baby! Congratulations!" you say excitedly over the radio.
"Si, mi amor! I told you I'm gonna win for our baby! I love you both so much!"
What you didn't know was that there was a glitch over the radio and every driver heard Carlos talking about 'your baby'.
"Aaa, guys? Why am I hearing Carlos over the radio talking about a baby?" Charles asked his race engineer.
"There's a glitch. Come to the garage."
"A baby?!" Lando yells into the radio, making his race engineer flinch. "Was that Carlos saying he is going to have a baby? Oh my God!"
You were waiting for Carlos to come out of his car, being absolutely clueless about the hysteria you two just caused. Carlos was just about to get his helmet out when all the drivers came to you two, yelling congratulations to you both. You looked at Carlos. Did he tell someone about your pregnancy? Did you give it away?
"Uh, thank you but how did you find out?" Carlos asked, clueless as you.
"We heard it over the radio," Kimi responds giving you a genuine smile.
"This is not how I wanted you guys to find out," Carlos said and put an arm over your shoulders, kissing your head. "But, yeah, it is true, we are having a baby."
"Mate, you're having a baby! That is so crazy! You are basically a baby!" Daniel says and hugged you both.
"And who is the godfather?" Lando asked and everyone laughed.
"We just found out two weeks ago, there are still five months to think about it," you say and bit your lip and Lando pouts. "You'll be considered, Lando."
After three months you decided to have a gender reveal for your family and friends. You could have had it a lot sooner but you wanted to be at an appropriate time for everyone. All the drivers came, as well as your family and Carlos's too. You made everyone wear a piece of clothing according to the gender they think your baby is. You were surprised to see the majority of the people being team boy, but as Lewis said 'They just want to make sure the third generations of Sainz is coming in Formula 1' and you know he was right.
"Look, listen to me, I have three kids, ok? I know, for a fact, by the way you are carrying that it is a girl!" Sebastian said and you laughed. He was wearing his pink T-shirt with pride, being 100% sure he is right.
He was.
You were having a girl and you could swear that Carlos cried a little when he saw the pink confetti. He hugged you for a few minutes, being still in shock.
"Una niña pequeña..." he whispered in your ear. "I am not ready."
You laughed and kissed him.
"You are gonna be the best dad ever, don't worry."
"No, I know that. I am not ready for her to date! And she'll go to university, no..."
"Carlos, she is not even been born yet! You have plenty of time to spend with her."
"Hi, guys, sorry to interrupt!" Lando appears near the two of you, making you break apart from your hug. "Did you think about the godfather or... or this is not a good time to ask?"
Everyone heard him and started laughing.
"Mate, remember the bag I gave you when you arrived?" Carlos asked him and Lando nodded. "You can look inside the bag now."
Lando got the bag and inside was a white romper saying 'Will you be my godfather?'
Lando looked at the romper with tears in his eyes.
"Well, if you insist..."
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writeroutoftime · 3 years
baby makes three
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(gif created by me)
pairing: colin bridgerton x fem!reader (this is for the 3 anons who wanted to see a similar situation with colin being a father!)
summary: snapshots of colin throughout your pregnancy with your first child 
warnings: pregnancy 
words: 1.7k 
a/n: this is the story that kept disappearing in my drafts, but it has reappeared, which is why I’m posting 2 stories back to back! 😂anyway, this is such a sweet thought, and I adored writing it! hopefully it doesn’t seem too choppy, I just thought it would be interesting to write little snippets of colin and yourself preparing to be parents! (as well as some fluff once the baby is born!) anyway, please let me know what you think, and have a lovely day! 
the announcement 
“You’re what?” 
“Pregnant, Colin.” you repeated, unable to keep the smile off your face. “And you’re going to be the most wonderful father!” 
Immediately, Colin’s face morphed from one of disbelief to pure joy in a matter of seconds before he shot forward and wrapped you up in his arms. His laughter and lightheartedness was infectious, and your heart swelled at his reactions. A gasp of surprise left your lips as he spun your around before setting you back down and placing a chaste kiss against your lips. 
Growing up in the Bridgerton family, Colin always knew that he wanted a large family of his own one day. The day he had met you, he knew you were the one for him, and from that day he had imagined starting a family with you. Now, those dreams were coming to fruition, and neither of you could be happier. 
Once recovered, Colin quickly got down on his knees and lovingly placed a kiss to your covered stomach, staring up at you with intense love and devotion in his eyes. You reached down and carded your hand through his thick, chestnut locks, thinking how lucky you were to have someone like Colin in your life. 
“Hello, little bean.” he whispered sweetly. “I cannot wait to meet you, so you just stay safe and keep growing in there until it’s time.” Colin instructed, pulling a laugh from your lips. 
“Little bean?” you questioned the nickname for your unborn child. 
Colin shrugged with a sheepish smile. “Well, we don’t know if we are to have a son or a daughter, so I shall call our precious gift ‘little bean’ for the time being.” he explained as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.  
“Well this little bean and myself love you dearly, Colin.” you praised, smiling down at your husband. 
“And I, the both of you.” he vowed, offering your stomach one more kiss before standing up, unable to keep his lips away from yours. 
5 months 
Colin beamed as he watched you walk into the drawing room and sat down, admiring the glow that you seemed to radiate. The months were passing quickly, and now that there was a visible bump it made your situation feel all the more real. Of course, you had received so much love and support from not only Colin, but the rest of his family, especially the women who had already experienced a pregnancy of their own. It warmed your heart to know you were not alone in this endeavor. 
“Oh!” you suddenly gasped, quickly setting your teacup down and rubbing your stomach where you felt a slight discomfort. 
“Is everything alright, love?” Colin asked as he rushed to your side. “Do we need to call for the doctor? My mother?” he listed, worry glazing over his eyes as he hovered, waiting for your instruction. 
The movement repeated and with your hand rested over your bump, you smiled, realizing what had just happened. “No, no, everything is perfect.” you whispered, lost in wonder and awe. 
“Then what is it?” Colin inquired, still concerned and needing answers. 
Wordlessly, you grabbed his hand and rested it on your stomach, moving it around for a few seconds before pressing down. Colin was about to protest further until he felt the same sensation you did just moments before and his eyes widened at the spot his hand rested on. His eyes then flicked up to meet yours, and neither of you could contain the joy you felt. 
“That’s our little bean in there.” he whispered, voice shaky and eyes misty. 
“That it is.” you whispered, not wanting to disrupt the moment, though you let out a small giggle when you felt the baby kick again. 
“She’s going to be just as beautiful as her mother.” he said. 
“She?” you questioned. “What happened to little bean?” 
“Oh, she’s still our little bean, but I just have a hunch that we’re going to have a daughter to love and spoil.” Colin said, pulling you into your side and soothingly rubbing his hand up and down your bump, and that is where the two of you stayed for the rest of the afternoon. 
8 months 
The further along in your pregnancy you were, the more you found it difficult to sleep, tossing and turning as your child constantly kicked against your stomach. Luckily, Colin was always there to help you and even stayed awake with you on those restless nights. However, one night when sleep was achieved quite easily, you found yourself awakening to Colin’s soft voice. It only took a moment to realize he was talking to your baby, so you kept your eyes closed and your breath even, not wanting to interrupt the moment. 
“I can’t wait until I can hold you in my arms, little bean.” he whispered to your belly, hand supporting his one hand while the other ever so gently rested on your stomach. “You’re mother and I cannot wait for you to be in our lives, and you’re going to be so spoiled between your mother and I and all your aunts and uncles.” 
It was difficult to hold in a laugh as you imagined Colin’s words to be true. The two of you were eager to start your family, and the rest of the Bridgerton clan always enthusiastically welcomed another niece or nephew to dote upon. 
“Speaking of your mother,” Colin continued. “we are so lucky that she is in our lives. I know that this has been difficult for her, but you have been blessed with the best mother. We’ll both have to love and appreciate her as much as possible.” 
By that point, it was exceedingly difficult to keep your act up as you felt tears prickle at the corner of your eyes. How were you so lucky to have such a caring and attentive man like Colin in your life? It seemed as though your baby had been listening and agreed with Colin because right after he spoke, another sharp kick could be felt. 
“Are you giving your mother trouble, little bean?” he asked, brows furrowed as he awaited another kick. “What did I just say about being kind to your mother? It is not nice to kick her that hard, especially at night.” he reprimanded in the gentlest voice. “Even if she is pretending to be asleep.” he added with a smug grin, looking up to meet your eyes. 
Sheepishly, you looked down at your husband. “How did you know I was awake?” you asked, curious as to what it was that gave you away. 
“I could feel your small laugh earlier on.” he admitted, and shifted his body so that he was face to face with you instead of your stomach. “But I truly meant every word I spoke.” he whispered, leaning down to press a soft kiss against your lips. 
When you pulled away, you couldn’t stop the tears that ran down your cheeks, moved by the love Colin always gave you. “I’m so lucky to be doing this with you by my side. You are going to be the best father, Colin.” you told him, your voice watery but sincere. 
Colin gently brushed away your tears and kissed the spots where tear tracks had been left behind as he entwined your hand with his. “I think I am the lucky one, love.” he countered, and curled into your side for the rest of the night. 
The moment you went into labor, Colin was there to hold your hand while sending out for the midwife and doctor as well as his mother. When the doctor tried to shove him out of the room, Colin held his ground and demanded that he be allowed to stay by his wife’s side; he was not about to leave you to fend for yourself at this hour. Hesitantly, the doctor granted his request, and you sighed a breath of relief, as Violet smiled to herself at the sight, her heart warmed at how dedicated the two of you were to each other. 
Hours later, filled with blood, sweat, and tears, you were propped up in your bed, gently holding your daughter in your arms. It was a tender scene between yourself, Colin, and y/d/n. Colin held you in arms and kissed the top of your head while gently stroking his daughter’s cheek with his thumb. It felt surreal that you child was now here and that your family had grown to three. 
“She’s beautiful.” you said, voice barely above a whisper, unable to tear your eyes from your daughter. 
“Just like her mother.” Colin responded, squeezing you a bit tighter. “Thank you, y/n.” he suddenly said, causing you to look up at him. 
“Whatever for?” you asked. 
Colin took a moment to collect his thoughts before he spoke. “For starting our family, for being so strong to support our daughter until she was ready to meet us, for making me so incredibly happy every single day.” he listed over, each one more passionate than the last. 
It was already an emotional day, and you didn’t think your heart could feel any more full, but as usual, Colin found a way to prove you wrong. “I love you so much.” you told him, and he leant his head down to rest against yours as the two of you spent the next couple hours admiring the newest addition to your family. 
Later that night, Colin found that he could not sleep, the excitement and adrenaline of the previous day’s events still coursing through his veins. Carefully, he untangled himself from your embrace and padded over to the bassinet in the corner of your room where your daughter slept. He knelt down next to her and simply watched as she slept her first night. A few minutes later, your daughter opened her eyes and met Colin’s gaze. 
“Hello there, little bean.” he whispered, not wanting to frighten her or wake you up. “I just want to let you know that I love you so, so much, and I’m always going to be here to protect you.” Colin promised as he offered a finger for your daughter to grab a hold of with her tiny hand, ready for everything the future would bring. 
tagging: @dreaming-about-fanfictions​, @elennox03
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tropes-and-tales · 3 years
My Best Friend’s Girl, Part Four
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Characters:  Santiago “Pope” Garcia and F!Reader
WC:  4752
Other Pieces:  This is part of a series, which can be found here.
CW:  Language, pining, angst.  Smut, so 18+ only.
Pope can’t sleep that night, and he doesn’t even know why he tries.  He sits up for a bit with Frankie, nursing a beer, and listens to his friend explain how everything has really gone since he mustered out.
“I just can’t seem to make her happy,” he says about Sara.  “Ever since I got home.”  He gestures around vaguely at the room.  “This isn’t even our first house.  We bought one that she wanted, but within a few months she hated it.  Sold it at a loss, got this one.”
“Maybe she’s just settling into being married,” Pope offers, but it’s a stupid notion.  He doesn’t know what being married is like, and he barely knows Sara at all.
“Maybe.”  Frankie takes a long sip of beer.  “Now she’s talking about moving to Miami, as if I could even afford that.  She has all these single friends still, and they love to go to clubs there, but…I just want a quiet life, you know?  I want someone to sit on the back porch with and have a drink and watch the fireflies with.”
“Someone like Bean,” Pope guesses.
“Maybe,” he says again.  “I keep trying to do an autopsy on our friendship together, and I can see all the places I fucked up with her.  The worst was that letter.  I showed it to everyone.  I showed it to you.  It was a private thing and I just opened her up to a lot of ridicule and pain.”
“You said you patched things up.”
“It’s not the same.”  He shakes his head.  “Like that book of hers.  I know she sold it to a publisher, and I know she’s given it around to some people to read when she was shopping it around, but she didn’t give me a copy.”
That stings Pope a little.  You didn’t give him one either, but he doesn’t tell Frankie that.
“So you’re unhappy with Sara and you miss Bean,” he summarizes.  “What are you going to do?”  He swallows hard after he asks the question, wary of the answer.
Frankie shrugs in defeat.  “I can’t do anything.  I made a promise, Pope.  I stood in front of god and our families and took a vow.”
Pope is less precious about marriage – when shit goes irrevocably sideways, he sees no issue with bailing.  It’s what his parents did, and it was for the best.  Even Pope, young as he was when they split, could see the wisdom in divorcing instead of holding daily screaming matches.
“I don’t want to get divorced,” Frankie continues.  “But I can’t help but think that if I’d just taken my time and waited, maybe I would have noticed how Bean felt about me…”  He trails off, takes another long sip of beer, and his eyes slide over to look at Pope.  “I still have the letter, you know.”
“I just wonder what it would be like, to be with someone who loved me that much.”
It’s a long night.  Pope is irritable, restless.  The bed is too warm, the pillow is too soft, and he plays Frankie’s words over and over in his head.
But what about you?  How much of this do you know?  
Without much of a plan, he goes to find out.  Early the next morning, he pulls on his sneakers, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and he tells Frankie that he’s going for a run.
“I’m going soft in my old age,” he jokes, and when Frankie offers to join him, Pope pretends he doesn’t hear him through his headphones.
He jogs down Frankie’s street and then turns towards your house.  He knows where you live now, studied the route closely last night as if you’re an enemy base he’s targeting.  Maybe you are, a little.  
Pope is angry at himself for his cowardice, angry at Frankie for his late-found revelation, and a little angry at you.  He imagines that you know how Frankie feels for you, and he pictures you doing exactly what he told you to before the wedding.
You can sit around and wait for this marriage to fall apart, then welcome Frankie home.  His own words bounce around his skull as he jogs closer and closer to your house.  Is that what you’ve been doing this whole time?  Buy a house in your hometown where Frankie still lives, stay on the periphery of his life until…
It’s so early that the sun is barely over the horizon, and Pope’s feet falter a little when he reaches your front door.  In the soft morning light, he can actually see the place now, and you weren’t exaggerating:  it is a shit-hole.  It’s nothing but peeling paint and sagging window sashes.
He knocks, and he waits, and he wonders if you’re still asleep, but then he hears footsteps.  When you open the door, you are already dressed for the day and bright-eyed.  He remembers a beat too late – you’re an insomniac too.  Maybe you didn’t sleep last night either.
“Hey!”  The surprise in your voice sounds tinged with happiness.  Happy to see him?  Pope wishes.
You invite him in and make a million apologies for the state of the place, and Pope takes in the scene:  walls torn down to the studs in most places, floor covered in drop clothes.  Exposed wires, exposed ductwork.  The kitchen is barely functional, and you pull a bottle of water out of the ancient refrigerator and hand it to him.
You see him looking around.  You shrug and say, “it’s a work in progress.”
Pope doesn’t want to fight with you.  He remembers acutely the time he held your wrist and doled out a massive, bitter helping of tough love, and he never wants to feel that way again.  But his thoughts are like the night of the party when he was stoned – a million thoughts a second are racing through his head, and he can’t seem to focus on any single one.  All he knows is that he hasn’t had a single moment alone with you, not really, and then Frankie dropped a bombshell –
“Are you still in love with Frankie?” he blurts out.
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion.  “Why would you ask that?”
“That isn’t a no, querida.”
“It’s also not a yes, Pope.”  You seem to sense the tenor of the moment, and you lean back against the kitchen counter and cross your arms as if you’re ready to fight.
But he doesn’t want to.  The anger in him transforms, cools into a deep melancholy, and his shoulders slump as he turns to stand beside you, lean against your counter.  At that, you uncross your arms and turn to study him.
“What is this all about, Santiago?”  Your voice is quiet, and when he glances at you, he can see the concern in your eyes.
“Nothing.”  He runs a hand through his hair.  “I just…I’m just tired, I guess.”  He manages a single step away before he feels your hand on him, tugging him back.
“Don’t do that.  Pope, we’re friends.  Talk to me.”
“Is that what I am?” he asks.  “Your friend?”
“Of course you are!”  Your hand on his arm releases him, gives him a playful slap.  “I write to you all the time!  I send you care packages – “
“You did all that for Frankie too.”
“And you’re a better friend than he ever was.  Don’t think I don’t know that.”  You tilt your head a little.  “Is this some jealousy thing?  Do you think I’m only your friend because Frankie and I had a falling out?”
Again, you’re too close to the mark, too near to figuring it out.  Pope half-wishes you would so that it could finally be out in the open, but he doesn’t have the courage to say anything –
“Hold on a second,” you say, and you dart out of the kitchen.  He can hear you take the stairs to the second floor, can hear you rustling around up there.  Then your tread on the stairs again as you run back into the kitchen.
“Here,” you say, and you hold out a wrapped Christmas gift.  Pope feels a spark of delight that he always gets when you get him a gift, but then comes the guilt – he has something for you, but it’s back at the guest room at Frankie’s –
“Open it,” you add, and he does.  He tears away the paper carefully.  It’s a book.
It’s your book.
“Holy shit, querida,” he says.  He turns it over in his hands, rifles the pages near his face to take in that new book scent, chemical ink and fresh paper.  The cover is a glossy photo of a starry sky at night, and there it is – your name right underneath.
“Turn to the last few pages and read the acknowledgements,” you say softly, and he does that too.
He scans the short paragraph where you thank your agent, your manager, a few friends you made at writing retreats who helped you work out tricky passages.  You don’t thank your family, he notices, and you don’t thank Frankie.
You thank him, though.  It’s right there in black ink:  Finally, thanks to S.G., for pushing me gently onto the path that would lead to this book.
It’s stupid, the way his eyes fill up with tears, the way his throat suddenly feels too tight.  But then you murmur something that he can’t make out over how hard he’d fighting the urge to cry, and Pope turns and kisses you instead.
You have a working theory about Pope, and he proves it right when he kisses you.
You had an idea at the holiday party.  As the two of you ate and talked, a sort of vibe started to build between you.  You thought it was just the pot, the extra-strong edibles, but at one point, you thought Pope might kiss you –
And here he is, kissing you now.
Damnit, but he’s a good kisser.  A great one.  He wraps his free arm around your waist to pull you closer to him, and when you don’t break away, when you kiss him back, he sets your book down on the counter and cups the back of your head.
His lips are soft but his stubble is rough, and the difference in sensation makes you sigh against him.  The hand on the back of your head steers you a little, shifts you so that he can deepen the kiss.  He pulls your lower lip between his own, bites down gently without any real pain, and when you gasp at the sensation, he takes advantage and slides his tongue into your mouth.
He tastes like toothpaste, and he tastes like Santiago Garcia.  You’ve wondered at that in your idler moment, what he may taste like, and now you know.  Your hands finally start to move – they come up to rest on his chest, and you push him away just enough to break the kiss.  His eyes are drowsy, those deep brown eyes of his, but then they look a little hurt when he dips his head to kiss you again and you turn away.
You are perfectly split down the middle.  You could let this continue on as it will, and you could find yourself in bed with a man you certainly love as a friend.  It would probably be a good time, an enjoyable moment.  Part of you wants to – the unintentionally celibate part of you that positively aches to be touched, that nearly melts at just a short, fairly tame kiss…
But the more somber part of you doesn’t want this.  You love Pope as a friend, but more and more, that love is more than just friendly, and that’s one of the problems.  
You know Pope is a player – Frankie and Benny and Will always joke about it, Pope and his informants, Pope and his arsenal of casual hookups and lovers.  You couldn’t bear to be another notch on his belt, getting the same polite brush-off after you both recover from your time in bed.  If you only had friendly feelings for him, you’d take him to bed, then joke about it afterwards and go back to being friends.
But you’re growing to love him, and because of that, you can’t just sleep with him.
There’s a bigger problem too.  You spent years trying to be perfect for Frankie, hiding the worst parts of you and your messy life.  He still didn’t want you.  Now, with Pope…well, Pope doesn’t know you that well, but you’ve just handed him your book, a literal roadmap to the darkest corners of your soul, the shadowy, ugly parts of your past.  
Frankie didn’t want you when you were as perfect as you could possibly make yourself.  Why would Pope – after he reads your book – want the messy reality?
You try to explain that now, but your words are garbled and come out all wrong.  He isn’t hearing what you’re saying.  You see the hurt in his eyes, and he goes to leave, but you hold him back.  You have the sense that if he walks out that door, you’ll lose him forever.
“Pope, please…listen to me,” you plead.
“I did.  I did listen.  I get it.”  His words are sharp and curt, each one hitting you like a bullet.  “I always knew I’d come in second place to Fish.”
You shake your head at that and tighten your hold on his arm, the muscle of his bicep taut with tension under your hand.  “Never.  Pope, this is about me.  You don’t know me, not really, and neither does Frankie.  You got a glimpse at the holiday party, but you don’t know the story there.  You don’t know the dark shit in my past that makes me unlovable – “
He jerks his arm out of your hold but he doesn’t leave.  He turns and faces you squarely, and his eyes are so intense that you take a step back and bump into the kitchen counter.  “And you don’t really know me, querida,” he snaps.  “I have dark shit too.  I sleep like shit.  I feel like shit, all the time, because of the dark shit.”  
He scoffs, puts his hands on his hips.  Drops his head in frustration before he raises his eyes to stare at you hard.  “The only time I don’t feel like shit is when I’m talking to you.  Hanging out with you.  When I get an email from you, or a package.”
“So we don’t know each other.  Then why are we fighting, Pope?”
The look on his face is pure resignation, but he finally says what has clearly been on his mind for a while.  For far longer than you realized, in fact.
“Because I love you, querida.  Because from the moment I met you at the airport all those years ago, I’ve loved you.  I just want you to be happy, but I want you to be happy with me.  Not with…”  He trails off, but he doesn’t need to say who he means.  Frankie is how you met, after all, and he’s always existed as a ghostly presence between you.
It’s true that you don’t know much about Pope’s past, but you’re perceptive too.  You can guess at what drives a man without a set address, without a place to call his own.  You can guess at the stuff he’s seen in war and in his civilian work both.  You can guess at the insecurity and hurt that fuels him to say he doesn’t want to be second place…
You don’t say anything at first, and that makes his face twist in an expression of dread.  He seems to realize that he’s laid it all out, nearly all of his cards are on the table now.  So he adds, a little defeatedly, “You aren’t unlovable, mi alma.  Not by a long shot, so get that through your thick skull.”
It makes you smile.  There’s the Pope you first felt a spark for, the tough-love guy who doesn’t mince words.  Even if you were too wrapped up in your pain over Frankie, that’s when it started, a seed planted a long time ago that only just started to unfurl a green tendril.
“And you aren’t second place,” you reply.  You feel brave all of a sudden, a similar feeling to when you were standing at Cap Gaspé at the end of your hike, the cold and the wind making you feel more alive than you had in a long while.  When he snorts at that like he doesn’t believe you, you reach up and lay your hand alongside his face.  You brush the pad of your thumb against his cheekbone, and you see how he leans into your touch.
“I only met you second,” you tell him.  “But that doesn’t make you second place now.  Get that through your thick skull, Santiago Garcia.”
The smile he gives you is so tremulous, so fragile, that it nearly breaks your heart.  “You always say my name like I’m in trouble.”
Of course he’s trouble, but you’re powerless to stop now.  You were already split right down the middle, but when he tells you that he’s loved you since the moment he met you – well, it makes your decision easy, and you never second guess it once it’s made.
You’re the one who kisses him now, straining on your tip-toes.  His big hands settle on your waist, his fingers splayed, and as the kiss grows more heated, he slides his fingertips just under the hem of your shirt.  It practically burns you, his touch, like he’s tracing a brand into you, marking you as his.
You break away before it gets out of hand, but you take his wrist in yours and take him upstairs.  Your house is a shit-hole, almost unlivable as you work from room to room, renovating and updating as you go.
Thank god you renovated your bedroom first.
Your house is a disaster zone, but Pope lets you lead him upstairs to your room, which is…actually really nice.  If you were just a hookup, he’d stop to admire the woodwork, the crown molding, the light fixtures…but it’s you.
He can hardly believe it, and he almost wishes he hadn’t jogged over here.  He should have showered first, worn nicer clothes, but he had been spoiling for a fight and never thought he’d end up in your bed.
It has to be real for you.  It has to be.  There’s no way this is a pity-fuck, or just a hookup for you.  You thanked him in your book, for fuck’s sake – was it possible that you really did care for him too?
Normally Pope is the dominant partner, he usually takes the lead, but he’s off-kilter with what’s happening.  He lets you lead, and you do:  you’re far more passionate than his fantasies ever assumed, and the way you tug at his clothes, the artless way you shuck your own clothes…it’s as if you’ve been starving for him and are unwilling to wait now that you have him.
There’s so little foreplay.  You’re both ravening for each other, and you push him back until he falls gracelessly on the bed.  He gets a single long look at you as you remove your final few pieces of clothing, and the sight makes his mouth run dry with desire.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he mutters when you join him on the bed, the long line of your body pressed against his.  It’s almost too much sensation at once, the feel of your skin against his, the feel of your hands as they touch every part of him, like you’re taking an inventory.  Your mouth makes a circuit – from kissing him deeply to laying a trail down his neck and then back to his mouth.  You’re stretched out alongside him, and it’s so much feeling, but it’s not enough.  It can never be enough; Pope can never have enough of you –
He wraps an arm around your waist and tugs you until you’re on top of him, and it feels like heaven, your solid weight pressing him down into the mattress, the way your breasts press against him when you lean down to kiss him.  And then you sit up and he feels how wet you are, your arousal slick against him.
“Do you have protection?” he asks, and his voice is thick with lust, rough with how closely you press against his painfully hard erection.  “I think, in my wallet – “
You reach past him to your bedside table, and you pull out a box of condoms.  Pope feels a spark of unplaced jealousy – who did you buy those for? – but the box is unopened, and it takes you a moment to get your fingernail under the edge and open it.  You hand him one, and for that brief second, you seem shy or maybe hesitant.  
“Querida, we can slow down.  We can stop if you want to,” he says, but you shake your head at that and then smile at him.  It almost feels like the way you used to look at Frankie, and it makes Pope’s heart feel like it’s being squeezed in a fist.
He tears open the foil wrapper and rolls the latex onto his straining length, and then he reaches for you.  “C’mere,” he says.
It hardly seems real.  It can’t be real.  It’s just like his fantasies of you in his lonely little apartment in Medellín, but it’s even better.  Fantasy-you is just a shade, but this is real:  the slow slide as you mount him, the harsh punched out way you breathe when he’s fully seated in you.  You grip him so well, and he can feel the molten heat of you even through the condom, and the first cognizant thought that drifts through Pope’s mind is that you feel just like home.
Your hands brace yourself against his chest, and his hands are on your hips, rubbing small circles into your warm skin as he waits for you to compose yourself.  Your eyes are closed as you steady your breathing, but then they open to gaze down at him.
“Sorry,” you whisper.  “It’s been a while.”
Pope reaches up to cup your chin, to tug you down to him so that he can kiss you.  “Don’t apologize for a single thing,” he murmurs against your lips.  “You’re absolutely perfect.”  He doesn’t ask about the last guy you’ve been with, he has no understanding about your love life or lack thereof.  You’re here with him now, and that’s all he can focus on.
Eventually, you start to move against him, just slow movements at first, and Pope grips your hips as you do.  It’s so much, and it’s not enough, and he spurs you on as you both chase your pleasure until you are bouncing on him, arching against his upward thrusts.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he pants out.  “I’m getting close.  Are you – “
Your eyes are dark with lust, your pupils are blown wide.  “Santi, I need more.”
It’s practically a whine, and it sounds so sweet tumbling from your lips.  Pope sits up underneath you, and he gets his arms around you.  In a move that is smoother in his head, a little clumsy in execution, he slips out of you and flips you onto your back.  The move startles you, and you give a little oof, which makes him apologize, which makes you giggle.
Isn’t this better than he ever imagined, the sometimes-goofy, sometimes-awkward part of sex where you’re both laughing together?  Pope claims your mouth with his own, swallows the last of your laughter.  You taste better than he imagined, and he hopes like hell this isn’t a one-time thing because he wants to put his mouth all over you, he wants to taste every bit of you.  
You break the kiss to plead with him, you beg him to move, and he finally does.  “I’ve got you, querida,” he whispers in your ear.  
“You do,” you agree, and the deeper meaning isn’t lost on Pope.
He reaches down to take your leg and hook it high on his hip, and it changes the angle as he thrusts into you.  He takes it slow, experimental at first, and when you groan and then hiss, oh, right there, he keeps that rhythm.  You lift your hips to meet his thrusts, grant him an extra faction into your clenching heat, and Pope is so close –
“Santi, right there, please,” you’re panting in his ear, and all his fantasies could never prepare him for the moment you come apart underneath him – the way you arch against him, the desperate way you thread your fingers through his curls to haul his mouth to yours.  He can feel your orgasm as it rolls through you like a tidal wave, and he can feel the way you grip him so fiercely that he can barely keep thrusting.  
But it’s the way you sigh his name – Santiago – such a pretty little whine that starts all the way in the back of your throat.  That’s what makes his own control snap, that tension shattering as his orgasm hits him so hard that he can see stars.  
Doubt creeps in almost immediately, or at least in the amount of time it takes Pope to climb out of bed and go into your bathroom and dispose of the condom.
He takes a moment to compose himself.  Your bathroom is a wreck too; it’s obviously functional, but just barely.  For fuck’s sake, there’s an exposed wire over the shower, the bit of copper gleaming sinister in the light.  He entertains a brief fantasy where he just forgets Colombia and moves in with you.  He’s handy.  He could help you fix up your house, maybe prove that he’s worth keeping around.
When he goes back into the bedroom, you’re still in bed.  You’ve peeled back the sheets and slid under them, so he regrettably can’t study you closer in the light, but even so – you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen.  Especially when you smile at him like you are right now.  You pat the empty space beside you, and his heart soars to know that you aren’t just kicking him out.
“Your bathroom is a hazard,” he says as he climbs into bed beside you.  “You’re living life too dangerously, querida.”
You aren’t shy to have him there beside you – instead, you gently push him around, push him down and move his arm so that you can tuck yourself alongside him.  You put your head on his chest, and Pope reaches down to cradle your face gently, softly.
“That’s my morning wake-up shock,” you joke.
“This room is great, though.”  He looks around and takes in all the Arts and Crafts details – the warm wood floors, the built-in bookshelves.  You picked a soft blue color for the walls, and it’s warm and cozy.  “You do all this on your own?”
“Most of it.  I hired a guy to sand and stain the floor though.”
“I didn’t know you were so handy.”
You turn your head to gaze up at him, and he sees a sadness that is deeper than anything he’s seen before.  “My dad taught me a lot,” is all you say.
He doesn’t know what to say to that.  He only knows a few facts – that your father died when you were young, that it hit you really hard.  Pope isn’t close to his father at all, so he can’t even pretend to know how you feel.  Instead, he strokes your head, rubs your back.
There’s a long stretch of silence, but it’s comfortable.  It feels good, lying in bed with you.  It’s only morning, but Pope feels the burden of his chronic fatigue weighing on him.  His eyelids are heavy, and unbelievably, he feels sleep licking at him like an incoming tide.  It’s such a foreign feeling he hardly recognizes it.
You don’t say anything.  Right before he is pulled under by sleep, he feels you shift a little, and you press a gentle kiss on his mouth.
“Sleep well, Santiago,” you whisper, and that’s the last thing he hears for a long while.  Maybe it’s a cliché, maybe it’s really just the consequence of good sex, but Pope thinks he’s never slept so soundly, no nightmares, until he falls asleep in your arms.
~~~Tag List~~~ @bananas-pajamas  @rachelxwayne​   @stardust-fray   @massivecolorspygiant​   @imspillingcoffee​   @amneris21​  @paintballkid711​   @mad-girl-without-a-box​   @bestattempt​   @rosiefridayrogersunday​   @isvvc-pvscvl​   @marvelousmermaid​   @bookishofalder​   @hkmultifandom​   @cannedsoupsucks​   @brandyllyn​   @lawfulgranola​  @shakespeareanwannabe​   @greenvita   @enbiadventress​   @rae-rae-patcha​   @happybeepsbuddyy​   @wasicskosgirl​   @comphersjost​
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officialleehadan · 2 years
Homeward Bound
Hello darlings! Today’s story was brought to you by Kiliakit! Darling, thank you so much for all your support!
Prompt: A continuation of Star Song
Leadah’s mother was about four different stereotypes in one.
A middle-aged housewife, she tolerated her husband’s drunken ways, a son who hated him, and a daughter who refused to come for family dinner unless she was blackmailed into it.
Still, Purah did her best to keep the family together.
Personally, Leadah thought it would be wiser to let it all fall apart. It wasn’t like any of them were happy in the situation.
Well, maybe her father, but it was hard to tell, considering he was in a drunken haze most of the time. When he was around at all. A great deal of his time was spent at the local watering hole.
It was probably selfish to hope that he would be too drunk to stumble home the night that she came for dinner.
At least Beck would be there. He wasn’t much of a brother most of the time, but when it came to their parents, they were a team.
“Hey Loser.”
Beck was just getting out of his transport as Leadah pulled up. She settled her speeder beside his and was gratified when he came over to take the pie she brought so she could get out. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it. Really. You seen Donny yet?”
Beck refused to call their father ‘dad’ anymore. Small wonder. He used to take his drunken wrath out on Beck when they were younger, and generally thought girls were useless. He never raised a hand to Leadah, but that was largely because Beck made sure that Leadah was out of the way whenever their father came home drunk. If it wasn’t for the love of their mother, neither Beck nor Leadah would ever come back to their childhood home. The beatings ended when Beck’s magic woke, and woke hard, but the resentment over the abuse was theirs to keep.
“I just got here,” Leadah told him and took the pie back once her transport was locked. Their parents did not live in a good part of town, and thefts were not uncommon. As an added precaution, she snapped her fingers and warded the vehicle with magic. Better to be safe than sorry. “Haven’t seen Mom yet either.”
Beck muttered under his breath, but he followed Leadah inside with minimal protest. Like her, he only attended these dinners out of love for their mother who, despite his hatred of their father, he adored. Leadah rather suspected it was largely because their mother bore the brunt of his bad behavior when his magic woke early. Beck might be brilliant, but he was also an ass, and hadn’t been an easy child to deal with even before his magic woke. Purah did her best, but it often wasn’t good enough.
There was a real chance that Beck’s devotion to her now was out of a somewhat misguided attempt to make up for his behavior when he was younger.
It didn’t work for the most part, but Leadah wasn’t about to stop him. She had been the ‘good’ child when they were younger, and it was absolutely his turn, now that she was safely away and working on her career.
The house was warm and welcoming as always. The smell of the spices their mother loved so much filled the air, rich and delicious. The walls were the same battered off-white as they ever were, but Leadah was glad to see that there weren’t any new holes since the last time she came for dinner.
“Mom? We’re here!” she called out when the living room failed to surrender their mother. There was a happy call from the kitchen though, so Leadah followed it into the one room of the house that had always been her mother’s territory. “Hey Mom.”
“There’s my sweet little girl!” Purah explained, and left the stove to come in for a hug from each of them. “And my precious little guy. How are you? Did you drive here together?”
“Just arrived at the same time,” Leadah told her and set the pie aside so she could wash her hands. When she was done, Beck took her place and Leadah took a bag of green beans form her mother, and a knife. She might not be much of a cook, but she didn’t mind doing prep work, and cooking was her mother’s domain. Purah didn’t have much magic of her own, but her cooking was always flawless. “Where’s Dad?”
“Oh, you know, out and about,” Purah hedged in the same way she always had when their father was out getting drunk. She had been making excuses for him so long that Leadah wasn’t even sure if Purah believed them anymore. It was possible to say a thing so many times it almost became the truth. “I’m so glad you kids decided to come for dinner. Tell me all about how everything has been going!”
“Tag, you're it,” Beck muttered to Leadah, and paused to give her a barely-there hug, so quick he could almost pretend he hadn’t done it at all. “Glad to have you in town, sis. I’m gonna redo the wards.”
“I’ll join you when I’m done with the beans,” Leadah assured him and turned back to their mother, who was smiling, a little fragile, a little sad, but happy. Leadah and Beck hadn’t always been close, and still weren’t. Just being on the same team for a night was more than they usually managed, but then, when it came to dinner with their parents, all bets were off.  “So Mom. What do you know about song magic? Because I’ve got a project I’m sure you’ll love.”
Sorcery Spells
Star Song (Subscriber Only!)
Homeward Bound
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ff-imagines · 3 years
Oh snap you're opened. Welcome back! Can you please do the nsfw alphabet for peking duck? I really like your writing!
Peking duck: nsfw alphabet
Tumblr media
Minors dni xoxo
A - aftercare
The best at it, honestly. Might seriously cry a little afterwards lmao. You don’t have to ask for anything because he’s already thought ahead and is shoving everything you could need your way. It might get a little ridiculous with how careful he is with you, he doesn’t mean to baby you, he’s just terrified of hurting you. If you’re sore at all he feels incredibly guilty, even if there is a tiny part of him that twinges in pride when you remind him you’d asked for a rough treatment and, well, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t give you exactly what you asked so nicely for.
B - body part
Of yours, it’s more a question of what he doesn't like. If he had to make a choice, he’d say your stomach. It’s good to lay his head on it, and it’s one of the softest parts of your body so it’s nice and warm. He’d die before he admitted it but some nights he goes a bit harsher than usual, splaying his hand across your stomach and feeling how deep his cock is inside you as he thrusts- it drives him insane really.
He also loves your hands, always wants to be holding you hand, especaily during sex. Will pin you down in a loving way by lacing his fingers with yours above your head.
On himself? Definitely his hair. Playing with his hair and giving him a scalp massage makes him feel some type of way. Sit in his lap while you run your nails across his scalp and he’ll bury his nose in the crook of your neck and moan for you, whatever happens next is up to you babes xoxo
C - cum
It’s not a crazy amount but it’s pretty thick. You can’t tell me he doesn’t have a big ass breeding kink. What can he say, Peking Dad is a family man! Just the thought of cumming deep inside you has him thrusting all that harder. Beg him to cum inside you, I dare you. You’ll see a side to him that’s much more feral than you’ve ever seen this sweet man. Would 100% cum inside and buck into you just a bit longer to fuck any cum that’s slipped past his cock back inside you.
D - dirty secret
He wants to take pictures of you while in your blissed out state. He loves you so stupidly much, he’s already got tons and tons of pictures of you going about your daily life. He’s the type to see a cat asleep and go “what a rare moment I must capture it forever” and that stays true with his beloved. If you’d let him, he’d love to make some… home videos with you, ones he’d definitely come back to rewatch to the point where your whines are committed to memory like the lyrics to his favourite song.
E - experience
I’d say he’s not a green bean with sex. I don’t think he’s been around the block either. He’s probably opened up such intimacy with a few others before just to test the waters, but hasn’t really felt passionate about opening that part of himself back up for quite some time. He’d most likely fumble a bit to begin with as he recalls the motions.
F - favorite position
Whatever yours is! He’s the definition of a true switch, let him soft dom you or treat him how you like, it’s up to you!
If he had to pick, he’s most likely a sucker for when you’re on his lap. No matter if he’s in charge or not, he just loves to look up and see the way your face scrunches when he bucks and hits that one spot inside you that makes your mind vacate.
G - goofy
Not…. Really? He’s accidentally goofy by saying something super out of place during intimate moments or by fretting over something you wouldn’t even think to be worried over. You could have his cock buried so deep in your insides will feel like they’ve molded to the shape of his dick and he’d stop and ask if you remembered to turn the oven off lmao
H- hair
On himself he mostly trims to keep it simple but like, that’s it. He’s got a light happy trail that he doesn’t really trim since it’s not that thick, it doesn’t really bother him.
On you, he literally doesn’t care. Shave or don’t, he’s your personal cheerleader either way.
I- intimacy
It’s his expertise, your honour! He lives to be closer to you, learn more about your desires, what makes you happiest, please let him treat you good, he adores you so much, and precious things get treated like royalty in his hands. He commits your body and reactions to memory, almost like he’s taken a photograph of every single touch- and like I said….. if you let him…. he would take pictures ;)
J- jerk off
You’d think he’d only do it occasionally but he actually does it quite a lot. He thinks it’s healthy to release regularly, it’s better to cum now than have a weird spike of horniness in public. He’s probably considered the chance that you walk in on him, and he’s surprised by how much he wants that to happen. For him to be desperately close to the edge and for you to walk in and take over, him a deer in the headlights as you take control, he’s could probably cum to that fantasy alone, honestly.
K- Kinks
Well, obv a big ole breeding kink. The thought of cumming in your deepest parts has him frenzied beyond belief.
Idk if the taking pics thing is a kink but also… that ofc.
I think he’s also into sensory deprivation. Allow him to blindfold you, tie your hands behind you, let him take care of you. He’ll handle everything from here, sweet thing, all you have to do is keep moaning for him in such a pretty way.
He’s also, surprisingly, into masochism. He doesn’t care for sadism at all, he’d die before he left a mark on your perfect skin, however….. if you decided to roughly pull his head back by his hair and bite just a little too hard, you might find him bucking into you a little faster.
He’s probably thought a bit about cock warming, but surprisingly he doesn’t really want it to be…. “sexual” as much as he desires to be closer to you. You sitting in his lap, feeling you exhale against his neck with your arms wrapped around him, all the while is cock is buried deep inside you, it just sounds so intimate, and he finds himself craving to be that close to you often.
The biggest of all? Praise praise praise. Body worship as well. He’s literally always babbling about how gorgeous you are, how good you feel, how amazing you make him feel. Always encouraging and always admiring you, just like he does every single day in non sexual contexts, always sneaking in ways to remind you how much he adores you. Tell him about a certain part of your body you don’t feel confident in, he’s paying extra attention to making it known how perfect everything about you is. Everything you have, own, are, all of it. Peking is your number one fan, sit back let him remind you just why he finds you so lovely, you won’t regret it.
L- location
He prefers to be in a secluded area, he knows he’s loud and he’d be really embarrassed if anyone but you brought up the….. volume of his whines.
However, he’s very weak when it comes to your begging. If you're in a less than private location, he’ll most likely let you lead and just try to bite his knuckle to keep from crying out. It'd be soOoOo awful if you made a game out of trying to get him to break and whine out for you unmuffled as you play with him, oOoOoHhHh the horror >:)
M- motivation
He’s an old dad with an enormous you-shaped hole in his chest, just ask him and he’ll give everything he has to his name to you. You don’t need to wear that certain perfume he loves so much, you don’t need to breathe across his neck like that, you don’t need to run a finger down his spine so slowly, he’ll give you anything you ask for, please don’t tease him so much.
If you straight up ask him for sex, he’ll mostly lean towards soft service domming, if you choose to purposely rile him up, he’ll be in a much subby-er mood.
N- no
Like I’ve said, there really isn’t a sadistic bone in his body. He also doesn’t have literally any desire for humiliation kinks. He just doesn’t like it, giving or receiving. He’s a big ole simp with a big heart and it’s in the palm of your hands, please treat it nicely :’(
O- oral
P l s let him give you oral. He might not be an expert but he lives to make you feel good.
Afab readers…. He’ll most likely try to make you sit on his face at least once, please please he wants to feel your thighs against his head while he works his tongue on you.
Amab readers, he fuckin loves to rub his thumbs on your hips to keep you from bucking as he swallows your cock, he’ll open his mouth for you after you cum, swallow, and open his mouth again to prove he didn’t let a single drop go to waste.
As for receiving, phew boy does he love receiving. He cannot for the life of him figure out where to put his hands so it’s a frenzy of him grasping the sheets to biting down on his knuckle to placing a hand on your head. If you made him look down at you and lock eyes while his cock is in your mouth his soul would leave his body lmao
P- pace
Not very fast at all, he prefers to thrust deeper than should be possible. He really likes when you beg him to go faster, and as soft as his heart is, this is the only time he might withhold himself from giving into your begging for a bit, he just loves pulling out so slowly and watch you almost cry out for him to thrust back, deeper harder, faster, please, he’ll give into you eventually, just let him savour the feeling of you needing him badly enough to cry for a few more minutes.
Q- quickies
He prefers long, drawn out rounds, but if you really need some relief quickly, he’s not one to deny you. He will most likely give in, and later on in the night when you're back home and out of the public eye, suggest you two have a much more... thorough round as quick rounds just don’t satisfy him enough.
R- risk
Surprisingly…… he kinda likes the idea. The thought of someone, maybe even someone who’s been pining for you, to catch him in the act of making you beg and cry for him. Alternatively, making them watch you as you give your full attention to him, pleasure him, make them watch you love him instead of them. It riles him up in a way even he’s not used to.
S- stamina
He’s an old man, his refractory time is kinda long lmao. He prefers one really long round rather than multiple. He doesn’t mind or judge if you need a little more, and doesn’t mind giving you a few more orgasms with his tongue or hands.
T- toys
He doesn’t have any, but he’s open to the idea! Admittedly, he likes the idea on himself, like, really likes the idea. Give him a cock ring and watch him cry out as he begs for a break that he doesn’t actually want to take because the bliss you’re giving him is making him feel like jelly.
U- unfair
He's tried to edge and tease you before but he gave in so damn quick it was almost embarrassing for him. He just adores you, he lives to please you, even if you beg him not to give in and try to tease you he just can’t, his heart is so so squishy and he loves you very much dear, please let him treat you exactly how you beg to be treated.
Overstimming however….. he does it accidentally a lot, he just loves prolonging your pleasure, watching you squirm a bit as he forces a second orgasm out of your poor spent body.
V- volume
He’s very loud honestly. If you decide to dom him he talks a lot. He's got a bad babbling habit, words of adoration bleeding from his lips that get more and more incoherent the longer you toy with him. Play with him long enough and he’ll forget how to form words, letting out loud whines and he squirms under you. You might catch him attempting to cry out your name but the poor thing just can’t seem to form the right words.
If you let him top you he’s still throwing out every compliment he can think of and he still whines a lot, he likes to bury his face in your neck to muffle himself and listen to your moans. He lives to hear you come undone, but he can’t help being so loud, you’re just so warm and you feel so good :(
W- wild card
I think jealous sex will be more common than you actually think, Peking is just very quiet about the reason he’s suddenly a bit more handsy. He knows it’s not rational to worry about his place in your heart, but it just eats at him sometimes when he sees the way you blend in with others so easily while he just… doesn’t. If a stranger/friend is more overt about their flirting he will probably be more obvious about the jealousy burning through his veins. Even if he wasn’t prompted through jealously, pillow talk sometimes leans towards him venting his fears to you. Please praise him, tell him how much you love him, he needs it :’((((
X- X Ray
A lot bigger than average and a bit curved. He never considered himself to be out of the norm, or never really considered his cock to anything else than, just, “well, its there” I suppose. He does appreciate the curve a lot more now because it makes it easier to hit your weak point. He feels a bit of pride nestling into his chest if you cry about him being too big.
Y- yearning
Fairly often, but he doesn’t mind not acting on it. He can still function and do his work if he’s only surface level horny. Literally anytime you ask he’ll deliver with very slim exceptions. He’d like it to be a regular thing, since he really enjoys the intimacy, so maybe 3-4 times a week, 1-2 if you prefer it to be.
Z- zzz
Oh man he loves cuddling with you after sex. He also loves cuddling with you period but god he loves to the pillow talk with you in his arms, listening to your sleepy voice as your grip on him slowly loosens -but never lets go, as you succumb to sleep. He isn’t overly sleepy himself, instead choosing to close his eyes and comb through your hair, or run a thumb across your cheek if your hair isn’t a texture that can be combed through. Sleep will come to him eventually, he just likes savouring the warmth you bring him.
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
to date a single father (2/2)
Pairing: Francisco Morales (Catfish, Frankie) x (f) reader
Wordcount: 3.2k
Warnings: low to medium amounts of petting? teenage level make out sesh. A stomachache worth of fluff. A little angst??
Summary: part 2! Please read part 1 before this for context :) Frankie has a little girl in kindergarten and you’re the prettiest schoolteacher he’s ever seen. Being a single dad makes navigating a relationship hard, that’s all. It’s just as daunting for you, but somehow, you’re pretty sure he’s worth it?
“Frankie, I don’t know if I can do this!” your walking slowed, and you clung to his hand. Anxiety was bubbling in your chest the closer you got to the home in front of you.
He stopped, letting go of your hand to wrap his arms around you. It was a warm fall evening, and the two of you had been together a few weeks now.
It was time for you to meet his boys – the daunting equivalent to meeting his family. The little one had already run around the house, chasing the sounds of other kids and the smells of meat and smoke.
His hands ran soothingly over you, and he smiled into your hair.
“Baby, you got this, they’re gonna love you,” he said, with absolute confidence.
You pulled back, shaking yourself and taking a deep breath. “They’re your family Frankie,” you said.
“We don’t have to, if you’re not up for it,” you couldn’t help but meet his safe brown eyes. “But I promise they will love you.”
The boiling inside you settled to a simmer. You both could feel it, already, even though it had only been a few weeks.
They will love you because I love you.
“Okay,” you said, taking his hand again. “Okay, I can do this this.” For you, I can do this.
The breeze was warm and encouraging as it pushed you into the backyard. It was Will’s house, set up for a perfect barbecue and you braced yourself.
“Catfish!” one of the men called, and you smiled, despite the sudden attention.
He ran over to you, introducing himself as Santiago, and saying it was long overdue.
“Nice to meet you,” you said as the other men made their way over. “They actually call you Catfish,” you added to one at your side, half asking half not. Frankie nodded happily and shrugged his broad shoulders, but his eyes were telling you not to ask.
“Yeah we do!” one of the newcomers said excitedly. “Benny,” he said, shaking your hand, before pointing and naming most of the people around the yard. “I’m Fish's coolest friend, for the record,” he added as he was done.
This brought indignant yells from the other guys and you laughed, eyes meeting Frankie’s. He was laughing too, and he tugged you closer to his side.
Santi’s eyes caught the movement and he smiled, despite passionately asserting that he was the coolest. It meant the world to see his best friend hold you like that, after all this time.
You were already feeling much more at ease, enough to slide away from Frankie to join the other partners as the boys energetically caught bit. You scooped his little one into your arms as she clung to her snack, using her as your buffer. The evening was going to be long, and you were happy to observe your sweet pilot from afar for a bit.
Frankie was different around these guys, you were excited to get to know this side of him. There were no parts of himself he had to hide around them – and you were thankful to find that didn’t make you even a little bit jealous. Your excitement overrode your anxiety, and you began to settle into your own skin. You floated around, picking up and putting down his daughter as she ran in between the two of you and playing. It was amazing, learning about the boys, their lives, and more importantly, who they were to Frankie and vice versa. You felt his eyes on you throughout the evening, following you as you talked and listened and ate. You made sure to check in with him, but his friends welcomed you with open arms. They were talking so freely, more often than not you found yourself caught up in conversations for much longer than you anticipated.
As the group finished eating and began to settle into lawn chairs, talking at a slower pace, his little one tucked her head into your neck. You could feel her little puffs of breath even out as the excitement of the evening finally caught up to her. You’d rarely held kids this much, so you were more than grateful to sit down, unused to the extra effort of a tiny person clinging to you.
Frankie settled by your side, pulling his chair as close as he could to his two favorite girls.
“Hey, baby,” he murmured, his voice sliding under the thrum of conversation. “Are you doing okay?”
His hand warmed your shoulder, thumb rubbing gently.
“In regards to what?” You asked, crinkling your eyes so he could see your smile over his child’s curls.
He shrugged, gently moving to stroke her hair.
“You left me,” he said, almost like a question. You understood. Neither of you had planned on it – and it meant he wasn’t able to watch over you.
“I’m good, Frankie,” you said, knowing it was true. “These people… they love you. It’s not as scary as I thought it would be. I feel like I’m getting to know you all over again.”
There was something in his eyes that you couldn’t quiet identify.
“In a good way, Catfish,” you said, and he grinned.
“I don’t know how I feel about you calling me that,” he said, just as Santiago plopped down next to him.
“Your fault, bud,” he said, “you brought her here – she’s part of the family now. No take backs.” He was being childish but his eyes were honest when they met yours. Frankie could feel it too.
They loved you, too.
“She drew a picture of you in class today.”
You stared at your friend, knowing full well what she had said. She leafed through her stack of papers, pulling out the little crayon drawing to show you. For such a little thing, that girl was remarkable, drawing a big castle with what you could only assume were 6 helicopters and a depiction of the three of you. You all were by the moat - fishing? – and there were little yellow blobs above each of your heads.
“She told me her dad always tells her these stories,” your friend said, the air in the room growing more and more intimate by the moment.
“Wait,” you interrupted. For whatever reason, your heart was racing. You were near panicking. You held up your hand, unable to verbalize what you were afraid of.
Her eyes softened.
“I wont tell you if you don’t want me to. But honey,” she touched you gently, using that soothing teacher-voice on you. “You are doing such wonderful things. I know you weren’t prepared for all of this, but …” her eyes were firm but kind as she searched for the words that wouldn’t scare you away.
“This is one of those things that’s working because it is right. You are where you are meant to be.”
You were overwhelmed as the culmination of the last few months was manifested in front of you. You felt confronted, and had no idea what to do.
“They’ll be back from lunch in just a moment,” she offered you a way out before adding one last thing:
“When you’re ready – and you will be - ask them about it.” And you nodded.
It took you almost two full weeks to gather the courage, but you did it.
“Your teacher told me your dad likes to tell you stories,” you said over your spaghetti, trying to sound casual. Frankie paused mid-bite, eyes questioning. After all these months, of course he knew you well enough to practically read your mind.
The little girl across from you nodded before trying to push on entire meatball into her mouth. You and Frankie both scrambled but she managed it alright, much to your confusion and relief.
“Could you tell me too, please?” you tried again once all three of you were able to breath properly.
Her innocent face pondered for a moment, and then she hopped off her stool and ran into her room. You looked at her father helplessly. You weren’t good at this.
Thankfully, she made it easy on you, returning with a stack of drawings she’d done. She was apparently prepared to give you the full class.
Her adorable little voice explained that a long, long time ago, there was a prince who was not lonely, thank you very much. Because he had her, and that was all he needed. And he also had Bean, their pet unicorn. You were laughing, feeling considerably less nervous as she proudly showed you her drawings.
Frankie’s hand found yours and you held onto it, knowing he was sharing this with you in his own way.
The scars on his hand grounded you as she continued.
With plenty of adorable side trails, the story progressed, as princesses would occasionally try for the prince’s hand and he would always say no. And then she told you about how one princess came to be his best friend instead, and how she was the prettiest princess in all the land. It occurred to you that Frankie’s best friend was Santi? But then she added that the princess was so smart she probably remembered there was an “l" in the word “castle”. You weren’t sure what parts of the stories were Frankie’s, and what she had added, but still your heart was pounding as she got to the part where the prince fell in love with her.
The little one kept talking, her eyelids beginning to droop and her words becoming less and less comprehensible. Frankie let go of your hand before her head fully sunk onto the table, her little hand slowly releasing the precious papers. You watched with surprising affection as he gently coaxed her into his arms to take her to bed.
As they went through her routine, you meditated on her stories, on the weight they held.
You met Frankie as he came back into the dining area. His arms wrapped around you in an all-encompassing hug. There was relief in his shoulders as he murmured into your hair.
“I was worried you would leave,” he confessed. You knew what he meant. The indirect confession of how much he loved you loomed over you both, with the acknowledgement that you were becoming an important part of their lives. Of their family.
Like before, being close to him grounded you.
You didn’t answer – you didn’t have to. Although a small part of you wanted to run away, it wasn't the winning part.
“I love you,” He whispered to the crown of your head, and although maybe you knew already, hearing it was the final piece you need. With him – with them – you would stay.
You made sure the door was quiet. The warm light of his home spread mere inches before it was pushed to the ground by the heavy rain. As soon as it was closed, Frankie was scooping you up in his arms, apparently not minding your wet outer layer, planting kisses on your cheeks and forehead and nose.
“Hello, beautiful,” he whispered. He was walking backwards, guiding the two of you into his small living room.
“Hi, Frankie,” you said just as quietly, wiggling in his arms to take off your shoes and set your stuff down on the coffee table.
He sank onto the couch, hands tugging you insistently. “I missed you,” his voice rumbled.
You laughed, still half standing, trying to shake off your coat. “Frankie, I saw you this afternoon!”
He was irresistible, and you finally settled into his lap, straddling him.
It was true, but his point was clear. You had been together months and months now, and had learned you rarely got a decent amount of time for just the two of you. Now, your apartment building was being renovated, so while you could still stay in your room, regular knocks from handymen and construction noises made it impossible to spend any quality time there. Both of you thoroughly enjoyed spending time with his daughter, and you came over to eat dinner with them regularly, but the evenings often ended whenever she went to bed. His room was right next to hers, and he was prone to nervously overthinking – neither of you wanted to cause her any trauma.
But you two were well and truly in love. That’s why tonight you’d come over after she went to bed, instead, eager to have him to yourself for a little while. Francisco Morales had known for a long time that he was done for.
He couldn’t believe his luck. Of course he knew the moment that he laid eyes on you that you were beautiful, and smart and kind and special but… that someone with all that and more could love him back? That there was someone who would learn with him and about him and still adore him? This was all new. And Frankie was hungry for it, for you. He wanted to prove to you that he was worth it, show you he could give you everything you deserved, and selfishly take anything you would return.
With you on his lap as you were, all he wanted in that moment was to warm you up. He wanted to be home for you and there was nothing tonight that was stopping him.
He grabbed a blanket off the side of the couch, tossing it over you both before his hands slid inside to touch you again. The first kisses were slow and insistent, as if he was trying to make sure none of the chill remained. Your hands peeked out of the blanket to hold onto his jaw, and he relished the feeling of your fingers in his stubble.
He pulled you as close as he could, his hands not stopping their moments: broad palms leaving trails of warmth over your back, your side, your neck.
The gasp that left you when his mouth made it’s way down your neck would have been embarrassing if you hadn’t been so distracted.
Frankie heard it, and it sent white hot pride shooting through him. The way your legs righted around him and your fingers clung to him made his chest fill with triumph. He was the one you were grounding yourself to.
As his hand slid under your shirt, yours found their way down, just dipping into the waistband of his jean’s at his hips. He suppressed a groan from rumbling out of his chest when suddenly he heard a door open and tiny footsteps. Both of your eyes flew open and he didn’t even see your hands move you clamp over your mouth.
Almost comically, you began untangling yourself from him, holding your breath in. The little one entered the dark living room sleepily, shuffling to the chair farthest from you until her little hands found her stuffed animal. She clung to it, almost falling asleep standing up now that she had accomplished her task. You and Frankie were completely still, one of your hands over your mouth, the other over his. Still covered in the blanket you hovered to the side of him, one of your legs half over him.
You began to tremble, but to your immense relief she slowly turned away and almost tripped, mostly sleep walking on her way back to her bed.
Both of you were shaking with suppressed laughter, and Frankie kissed your palm. You settled back into his lap, the heated mood fully dissipated in the ridiculousness of the moment.
“What would you have said is she saw us?” you murmured, your breath warm on his neck.
He hummed, arms finding their places and holding you against him.
“The truth, I think,” his voice as quiet as yours, “that I had to rescue my princess from the rain.” He smiled as he felt you subconsciously bury your face a little deeper into him.
“Not that we’re sneaking make out sessions on the couch like teenagers?” the short hairs of his beard messed up your hair when he shook his head. He didn’t say anything for awhile, but you could almost hear him thinking.
“I wish…” Frankie felt almost nervous. “Would you, no wait... it’s just..,” you pulled back, wondering at his struggle.
He has almost never seen you so beautiful, gazing at him in the dim light. Your eyes were as trusting and vulnerable as they were that very first night. He knew then what he was struggling with now. You were his; you belonged in his arms, his home, his family.
Frankie shrugged and shook his head, and went back to kissing you.
His urgency subsided, burrowing back down. Soon, his heart whispered, but not yet.
Soon, he would talk to you about the future, outright. Soon he would explain to you how much he needed you in his life every morning and every night, and as much in between as you’d give him. Soon he would ask you to if you’d stay by his side as he raised his daughter, be her mother, and be his wife.
But for now, he was content to hold you and kiss you, and grow alongside you, separately working towards your futures. As far as Frankie was concerned, with you in his arms, you two were young, in love, and had all the time in the world.
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@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost
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prince-honeypaw · 3 years
Lol I love the BakuSquad + little Shoji trend going on here (its rare, its underrated and I love it-) 🤣 I wonder how the boys of the squad (Kiri, Sero and Kami) would act when they end up taking care of a fussy Shoji because he misses Mama Mina 🧐🤔🤔
♡ Gosh, I'll only be able to do Sero and Kaminari with him since I can't do requests bigger than three.
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♡ The only reason that Mina would ask Hanta to watch her little squiddy is if she could not, for whatever reason, get Katsuki or Eijirou to watch him.
♡ Now, don't get her wrong, she trusts Hanta with her LIFE.
♡ But, with Mezo, she's a bit more of a worrier. He's just so small! And he needs someone that makes him feel as small as she sees him.
♡ But, you never know until you try, right? And she doesn't have many options with Bakugou and Kirishima going hiking.
♡ So, Mina is going to visit her family over the weekend for a birthday, and asks if Hanta can keep an eye on Mezo while she's gone.
♡ He agrees because he's a good friend and clearly Mina's worried about her little dude being alone for the weekend.
♡ Denki is there for emotional support.
♡ She says her goodbyes and kisses her baby on his precious snout before she leaves, and it's quiet for awhile after.
♡ Too quiet in Hanta's opinion. Denki tries to tell him that it's probably not that big of a shock since Mezo's just a quiet guy, so he's probably just a quiet little!
♡ But, Hanta's an older brother. He knows better.
♡ He shoves Kaminari off his lap, (And dodges the house slipper that gets beaned at the back of his head), and heads up to see what Shoji could possibly be doing so quietly.
♡ The answer: Sitting outside Mina's door and sulking with Clump, this awful looking octopus that Tsuyu and Ochaco got him.
♡ Kaminari suggests trying to do something to take his mind off of Ashido not being there! Sero agrees because it does seem like it'd be a good idea.
♡ But, Shoji won't budge.
♡ So, Denki scrambles off to get his iPad- Because you know he has one. They sit on either side of Mezo outside Mina's empty room and get deep into watching Denki play Cut the Rope.
♡ But, no matter how many times Om Nom eats that little candy, Shoji always seems to be staring off into space.
♡ Sero remembers that when he'd start to get too in his own head, Ashido would lean him into her side to apply that good, grounding pressure he needs.
♡ So, he links an arm around Mezo's shoulders and tugs him in for a side hug... It's welcomed with a stuttered purr. Hanta and Denki share the doofiest smiles over his head.
♡ They get him back to Earth and suggest going to watch a movie in the common rooms. He's hesitant... But, it'd be nicer than sitting miserably in the hall.
♡ They let him pick the movie and end up falling asleep halfway through Finding Dory.
♡ Shoji is still awake because he will NOT disrespect Finding Dory like that... But with friends like this watching out for him? He thinks he can make it to Sunday just fine.
♡ Six hours later, Mina FaceTimes him while Hanta and Denki wonder how neither of them thought of that first.
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