#What CMS is used by Google?
tobias-hankel · 10 months
No one ever talks about the fact that Elle Greenaway, Aaron Hotchner, and Spencer Reid all lived at the same apartment complex, The Langham.
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We see Elle leaving her apartment when Hotch is following her in 2x6 - maybe that is where he learned about the apartment complex. We can also see Elle getting into her car, which has Virginia plates, so we know this apartment complex is in Virginia - not D.C.
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In 5x1, we see Emily go to Hotch's apartment to check on him. This is also when we learn that Hotch is on the first floor in apartment 121. We later see him in this same apartment with Jack and Beth in 7x23 and when he is arrested in 11x22, just to name a few.
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We see the outside of Spencer's apartment in 9x24 when Alex goes to leave after taking Spencer home. Spencer looks outside and watches Alex get into a taxi. We can see part of the green canopy and the street when Alex walks, but we can also see Spencer standing at the window. The window matches the same windows on The Langham. We can even see a spot on the sidewalk where the street lamp used to be. This is also when we learn that Spencer is on the second floor, apartment 23.
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In 1x22, we see Elle be attacked in her home - not an apartment - meaning she moved into Langham apartments after her attack.
Up until Hotch was divorced, he lived in his home in Arlington, Virginia with Haley and Jack - so we know he moved into the complex sometime around season three or four.
We didn't see Spencer's apartment until season eight but we know in 3x2 that Spencer's Volvo has Washington D.C. plates but when we see his car again in 10x13, he had Virginia plates. We can assume that means that Spencer moved from Washington D.C. to the Langham apartments in Virginia at some point between season three and season eight.
Meaning, Elle lived in the Langham apartments before Hotch and Spencer - but Hotch and Spencer lived there only one floor apart at the same time.
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itphobia · 11 months
Choosing the Right CMS for Your Website: Factors to Consider and Key Features to Look for
Choosing the right CMS for your website is a very important task before starting a website. Before opting for Drupal development services or services that involve any other CMS, you should ensure that you’re making the right choice. Selecting the wrong content management system is a common mistake website owners do (also, a quite expensive one, by the way). So if you don’t want to migrate your…
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herpsandbirds · 2 months
Hello hope this is okay, was wondering if you knew what the biggest lizard and the smallest lizard that natural habit is in North America? I know I could Google it and get my answer, but I like to ask people about things they are interested in/know a lot about.
Ok, so I 'm going to make this easier on myself, and change this to:
Largest and smallest lizards found int he United States.
Here you go...
Largest lizard found in the US:
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Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum), family Helodermatidae, found in the SW United States and northern Mexico
This lizard grows to 56 cm (22 in) long (total length).
photograph by Vaclav
Smallest Lizard in the US:
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Florida Reef Gecko (Sphaerodactylus n. notatus), family Sphaerodactylidae, found in the Florida Keys and other islands in the Caribbean
This tiny lizard only grows to total length of up to 5 cm (2 in).
There is debate about whether the species was introduced into the Florida Keys from shipping, or distributed into the island naturally from another part of the Caribbean, though rafting on oceanic debris.
photograph by John William Bailly 
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pinkslaystation · 1 month
König und Prinz: Meine Entführer
toxic! König x Reader - [King and Prince: My kidnappers] Your attempts to run away with your son fails, and your husband confronts you. Seems like he's really influencing your little one. Word Count: 2.8k This is intended to be a oneshot :P SHOUT OUT GOOGLE TRANSLATE, RLY CARRIED THIS FIC
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The picture of your husband and father of your child of 10 years, with his arm slung around another woman, really was the pinnacle of your disappointment for the man.
The house, once decorated with handcrafted creations by you and your son, Leon, whom König had frequently nicknamed 'mein kleiner König' [my little king] and 'mein kleiner Prinz' [my little prince] was now all packed away, stored in numerous duffel bags and small cabin suitcases.
"Mama, wohin gehen wir?" [where are we going?]
"Your grandparents." You huff.
It's not like König was cheating on you. He really wasn't. He loved you too much for that. But the constant nagging and the berating on your side truly stressed you to a point where you heavily questioned your relationship.
"Take all your belonging Leon, dunno if we're coming back in a while..."
"Und Papa? [and papa?] Do we need to pack his clothes too?" He aks innocently, peering up at you from down below.
He was a smart boy, your son, though he was barely 7 years old, and already at an outstanding height of nearly 140 cm, there was no doubt that he was König's son.
"No." You halt your movements, thinking of an excuse, "His clothes are already there."
Leon nods. He may be 7, but he's not stupid, and he's upset that you think so little of him. It's apparent that he's closer to his father than to you, and although you're grateful to have such a loving family, you can't help but feel a spike of jealousy whenever your Leon visibly preferred your husband over you.
Like his school's sports day, when you and König had cheered him on as he raced to the finishing line quicker than his classmates. It was an easy win, I mean look at him.
As he crosses the finishing line, he rushes to the both of you, and although you're standing in front of König, with your arms wide open to hold your son, he only just makes a beeline, straight to his father, jumping to press his face into König's chest.
It's little things like this that makes you wonder if your son even recognises you as a parent equal to his beloved father.
The drive to your parent's house was long and awkward, with Leon making small remarks like when his father was going to be there, and what his father was doing at that very moment, and why his father wasn't with you guys that very moment.
"Busy with his bitch I presume..." You mumble under your breath, and you know that if König had heard you, he would've pulled you aside and scolded you for using such foul language around his precious son.
The bond was mutual it seems.
"Mama, papa is calling you." Leon mentions, grabbing at your phone.
"Disconnect." You bark.
"But mama, what if it's wichtig." [important]
"Leon. I said, disconnect it."
He hesitates but eventually listens, hanging up König's call. It's the 5th one of the car ride.
The phone vibrates once more.
Leon looks outside the window, debating whether to tell you about the spam of texts you're receiving, but he ultimately chooses to stay silent. I mean, you don't need to know.
Kö: meine liebe, wo bist du??? [my love, where are you???]
Kö: schätze [treasure]
Kö: where are your clothes??
Kö: where's everything???
Kö: where's my son.
Kö: Hör auf, mich zu verarschen [stop fucking with me]
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On the other hand, König is shaking with fear. He never met to be near that woman. I mean she didn't mean anything to him, he barely knew her name!
She was just his senior, and he had to do what he did for that promotion in the ranks...schätze, you would understand, ja?
The moment he enters your home, the eerie silence spooks him, considering he's used to being tackled almost instantly by his wife and little one. Instead, he's faced with the empty walls and cupboards. You were even petty enough to take the TV remote with you, so he was restricted from watching from the newly bought TV.
He calls out your name numerous times, then your son's, running up and down the 3 story house. You two were nowhere in sight, and the lack of clothes from the wardrobes confirmed that his two favourite people had left him
He checks his phone to see a message from you.
Schnucki: hallo papa, wo bist du? Schnucki: it's leon papa :-D
It's his son!
Kö: mein kleiner prinz, wo ist deine mutter? [my little prince, where is your mother?]
"What's happening Leon?" You ask your son, your eyes only darting quickly to your son by the passenger seat, who's squinting and tapping away at your phone now.
"...Just watching Cocomelon, mama."
"Boy, your father told you, you're too old for that show..." You mumble once again, and your son mentally notes that he's going to inform his father about all this mumbling that seems to get on both on their nerves now.
Schnucki: we're going on a trip, where are you papa?
König scoffs, "A trip?", he's going to have to discipline this attitude out of you when he finally gets his hands on you. You should know, König plans all these 'trips', your little self isn't as efficient as he is.
Kö: i'm on my way. remind me where we are going again? Schnucki: an Ihre Schwiegereltern [to your in-laws]
König's rushing to his Jeep when he hears this. This reminds him of the previous time you had run off to your parents with his son. 2 years ago, when Leon had just turned 5, König had suggested that you quit your full-time job so you be a stay at home wife for him and his son. You could home school Leon, but also look after the home with all this new time on your hands.
Of course, you laughed in his face. A Bachelor's degree, a Master's and constant slaving away within a male-dominated industry, just to become a housewife? After a fight ensues, you run for your parents with your infant glued to your hip.
And it's happening all over again.
König starts the car, the journey to his in-laws was about 2 hours by car, a little over 1 if you're speeding. He makes sure to shoot a text to his son whilst driving.
Kö: coming. what can you see around you prinz?
Leon looks out of the window, recognising the area to be one where him and his parents would often frequent to. He sees the Wendy's where he spent his 6th birthday at, with his father munching away at his and Leon's burger in front of him. He cried hard that day.
Schnucki: i see wendys :-D and there's a park, and a field, and a roundabout and a traffic jam Kö: coming
König knows where you are, just half an hour away from your home, you're not too far, and he knows if he speeds quick enough, he can catch up to you soon enough.
But he knows that's not good enough. He needs to teach you a lesson this time for running away for what felt like the 10th time, though it was just the 2nd.
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"Mama, why are you mad at papa?"
Leon breaks the silence after 25 minutes. He can't sit here any longer knowing you're this upset at his father.
You stay silent. To be frank, you don't know what the exact reason was.
It was König's behaviour first, the way you'd tell him to clean up after himself and him not listening to you. Sometimes it was him forgetting date night just to watch Austrian movies with his son at home, even if you have them once in 3 months.
The breaking point was for sure when he mentioned a possible promotion at his job at Kortac, him running home and pressing wet kisses all over your's and Leon's face.
He warned you that one of the higher-ups was quite touchy with him, though he'd reminded her he was married with a son multiple times, though pulling his ring finger multiples times. He truly was so proud of you for fulfilling his wish for a family.
Somewhere down the line, it got mistranslated, and at the ranking ceremony, he gets promoted by his superior, with her (unprofessionally, might I add) pressing a kiss against his cheek when he had bent down to receive a new badge.
Though he was shocked, he had to suppress his disgust behind his eyes through his mask, and fake a smile for the camera, which unfortunately captured his arm sitting uncomfortably around her waist.
"Your father's getting bored of me." You say nonchalantly, to your son.
Leon scrunches his face. He's used to coming downstairs in the morning to seeing his parents smooching away, or walking in front of his parents, only to look behind to see their fingers intertwined, with a warm red colour flushed against both their cheeks.
There's no way his father was getting bored, in fact the other way round was more plausible.
"Nein." He defends his father. [no.]
"Nein?" You peer at him, still weary of the cars surrounding you.
"Papa ist verliebt in dich, why can't you see that?" [papa is in love with you]
Leon senses slight hesitation in your answer, and he glimpses at your downturn eyebrows.
"If he's so in love with me, why does he not listen to me..." You state plainly.
The phone vibrates in his hand, silent enough for you not to hear, and his attention turns to the unread messages from his father.
Kö: Prinz, do see a petrol bunk?
Leon looks out the window.
Schnucki: Ja
König thinks to himself, trying to pinpoint your exact location, now that his car is closer to yours.
Kö: tu mir einen gefallen [do me a favour] is the fuel light on?
Leon looks at the beeping petrol light.
Schnucki: Ja Kö: Gut. [good] Tell your mother to fill the tank, I'll meet you at the gas station. Don't tell your mother. Schnucki: was ist, wenn du nicht rechtzeitig kommst? [what if you don't come in time?] Kö: then stall her.
"You need to fill in the tank, mama."
You look at the fuel light beeping, humming in agreement. You wonder how your son even knows what the tank light is, let alone how he realised it was on in the first place.
After driving into the petrol station, and parking by a pump, you fill your car up. As you're about to make a quick trip to the shops to pay for the petrol, your son pops his head out of the open window.
"Can I come? I want a Schokoladentafel [chocolate bar]."
It's about 10:30 P.M. when you make your way to the empty till, ringing the bell on the counter to alert a worker. The gas station was dimly lit, with no one inside, no even by the pumps. You question whether the gas station was even open.
"Where are these people..." You grumble to no one in particular. You begin to look at the close to empty trays of chocolate bars and small packets of crisps
"Keine Ahnung [no clue]." Leon replies, holding your hand in one, his other hand still gripping at the open messages on your phone.
Schnucki: We're here papa, und du? [and you?] Kö: Ich sehe dich [I see you].
Leon giggles to himself, he's finally going to see his father!
"Where's the damn cashier..." You groan, spamming the counter bell now.
"Looking for me?" You hear a voice behind you.
Leon let's go of your hand.
"Jesus, dude finally. Can me and my son pay already, we're alread-mHmMmHPh-"
Before you realise what's happening, a wet cloth is pressed against your mouth and nose, a large hand supporting the back of your head as you falter on your feet.
"Leon..." You eyes close completely and you faint against a chest musky chest. König smiles, finally having his beloved in his arms, gripping your backside and hoisting you up to his left shoulder, where you rest, motionless.
Leon on the other hand, as if witnessing his mother being drugged in front of him was the most normal thing in the world for a 7 year old to see, was jumping against his father side.
"Papa! Pick me up too!"
König chuckles, lifting his son and carrying him on his right flexed bicep, before snatching a few sweets and walking out of the deserted gas station. He hands one to his son, rubbing his mask against his little one.
"alles für meinen Sohn." [anything for my son]
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By the time you wake up, the room was dark and it's difficult for you to differentiate whether it was the same day or the next morning. You turn to find your son, only to find that you can't move a muscle.
Ropes are tied around your waist, arms and legs, so any sort of movement was completely restricted, and you're kneeling on the cold smooth floor, bruising your skin. The ropes aren't tied expertly, so you know it's not the work of your husband, whom you're aware was a professional at the art of knots, given his career.
"Meine Blume..." [my flower]
You squint at the sudden voice. Your ears are mildly ringing so the voice is slightly distorted.
"Papa! She's awake..." A second voice, resembling your son's.
A light is shone in your face, and you put your head down, avoiding the light.
"Leon? K...König?" You're not in the same clothes, having been changed into a black sweatshirt and joggers.
"Schnucki...." [sweetie pie] It's König, you recognise the nickname through your phone contacts, "Why do you keep trying to separate this family?"
You're shocked by his words, separate?
"Why must you take my son away from me?" He demands now, his voice getting louder.
You look up to the figure, slowly adjusting to the light, it's König, with Leon still sitting on his biceps.
"Are the ropes too tight, mama?" Your son interupts.
You look down at the tight ropes, ripping at your skin under your clothes.
"Yes...König, what is this? Let me go...Let go of my son..." You can barely speak, the effects of the drugs stlll present in your system
Leon smiles at you, his dimples poking through, "Gut, I tied them on you!"
You blink at your son. They're working together?
"König- König, what are you making my son do-" you cough, and Leon leaps down from König's arms and hugs your head.
"Mama, aren't you proud of me? We can finally be a family together! You don't have to be mad at Papa, I forgave him alre-"
"That's not how it works!" You scream, interrupting Leon.
"Don't you dare shout at him."
You jolt, as König seethes at you, leaning towards you. "If you're going to be mad at someone, be mad at me. Don't drag Prinz into this."
You laugh nervously, "Me? I'm dragging him into this? Are you listening to yourself Kö? You made Leon tie me up- THAT'S NOT NORMA-"
Leon stops you, "Prinz."
"Leon...Prinz..." You try reasoning with him, he seems like the only sane person in the room, which is worrying given that he's only 7.
"Prinz. König und Prinz." König firms, crossing his arms and standing, dominating you physically.
"König, why -cough- are you doing this?"
He laughs, "Schatz, why must you run from me?"
"You and that lady-"
"Nothing happened between them." Prinz interrupts. You cough, looking at Leon Prinz.
"You told my son?"
"He's my son, not a stranger."
"And me? You think it's normal to kidnap your wi-"
"Like you tried to kidnap my son?"
A pause lingers in the air.
"That's not kidnapping.." You reply defensively, "We were visiting my parents..."
"Don't lie, mama..." Prinz shakes his head, disappointingly. "Papa plans all the trips, you know this."
This kid... You think to yourself.
"I'm sorry...okay. It won't happen again..."
Your husband and his sidekick stare down at you, waiting for you to stop beating around the bush.
"You can...can let me go now..."
"No." You can't tell who said that, your son or your husband.
"You'll sit here and think about what you did-"
"-trying to separate this family-"
"-how dare you-"
"-who do you think you are-"
The light turns off now, and your eyes fail to adjust to the rapid light changes, clenching them tightly to rid yourself of the blaring pain in your head. You can't tell who's speaking and the sudden thought of failing as a mother flashes through your head.
"Kön...my head...my son-"
You hit the floor, head first, laying in front of König and Prinz.
There's a silence between the father-son duo.
"Next time, I'll tie the knots better, papa."
König ruffles his head, "Gut gemacht." [good job.]
König, I volunteer 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ lemme know you're interested to be tagged in my future posts! tags -> @lilliumrorum, @kxtz3, @poohkie90, @rainlovesyou12, @restrictionsapply-blog, @lunamoonbby, @nigthmar3moon, @thychuvaluswife, @itsnourm, @bubusi11, @chessecakelover, @owkittie, @cheomain, @corvusmorte, @k4es, @mandythemint, @copiasratscheese, @yyiikes, @funkyysho3es
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
There are some animals that, if they didn't exist and somebody made them up, we would say they had an overactive imagination. The bobbit worm is one of those creatures, the closest we have to a real-life Mongolian death worm. So for this Wet Beast Wednesday, I'll tell you about just how weird it is.
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(image: a rare full-body shot of a bobbit worm)
Before we start, I want to go on a brief tangent. What exactly is a worm? Well it turns out that like fish, worms aren't real. At least they aren't from a taxonomist's perspective. In common parlance, we refer to any long, skinny, and (usually) legless invertebrate as a worm. In taxonomy, that is far too broad of a category, especially as lots of animal lineages would have started out as something a lot like a worm and you can't stop being what your evolutionary ancestors were. Instead, taxonomists classify worms into multiple distinct phyla that independently converged onto the worm body plan, including the platyhelminths, nematodes, nemerteans, and annelids. The bobbit worm (Eunice aphroditos) is an annelid, which are known for their multiple body segments. More specifically, it is a polychaete or bristle worm, which are known for having a pair of fleshy protrusions called parapodia on each body segment, which have chitinous bristles called chaetae growing from them. There is some debate that the bobbit worm may actually be a species complex, which is when multiple related species are mistakenly classified as a single species.
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(image: a bobbit worm found in an aquarium)
Bobbit worms are the largest of the polychaetes, with the largest known specimen being 299 cm (9.81 ft) long. They are also rather skinny, usually reaching no more than 2.5 cm (1 in) wide. Bobbit worms have a wide range of coloration, ranging from brown to black and often with a rainbow of other colors going down their bodies. You might not notice this, however, because they spend most of their time burrowing under the sand in their Indo-Pacific coral reef habitats. This provides protection from predators and is important to their hunting strategy. Bobbit worms will stick their heads out of the sand and wait while their 5 antennae use chemosensitive and light-sensing cells to detect when fish pass by. When a fish comes too close, the worm strikes. They use a set of retractable jaws that are razor sharp and come together like scissors to bite the fish. This bit is strong enough to cut small fish in half. It is rumored that this is the source of their name, from the Lorena Bobbit case. I will not elaborate further, google it if you don't know. Those fish that are not killed immediately will find themselves bleeding out and paralyzed from venom injected through the jaws as they are dragged into the worm's burrow to be eaten. There are some reports that the wom's chaetae are also venomous and that handling them barehanded can cause permenent numbness, but this does not appear to be the scientific consensus. The worms will also feed on seaweed and other algae, making them omnivorous.
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(gif: a bobbit worm catching a fish)
The borrows made by bobbit worms are dug out of the sediment and coated with mucus. The worm uses its chaetae to move in and out of the burrow. The mucus if filled with nutrients that bacteria, particularly sulfate-reducing bacteria, absolutely love. This allows iron sulfides to accumulate in the mucus. When exposed to oxygen in the water, usually at the opening of the burrow, the sulfides will become iron hydroxides. These help reinforce the burrow's opening. Bobbit worms rarely leave their burrows and will retreat at the first sign of danger, making it very hard to spot them in the wild. Several fossilized burrows have been found, one dating to 20 million years ago. Another burrow of a similar animal, possibly an ancient relative of the bobbits, was found dating to 400 millions years ago.
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(image: a bobbit worm head with jaws extended)
Bobbit worms reproduce externally. At night, a female will emerge from her burrow and release pheromones that attract males. She will then release her eggs into the water. The males will follow by releasing sperm, allowing for fertilizations. The majority of larvae will die before reaching adulthood. There are rumors that females withh bite off the male's genitals to feed to her young, but this is not true. Bobbit worms can also reproduce asexually by splitting. When handles, a bobbit worm can split itself into multiple sections, each of which can grow into another identical worm. This is a common adaptation in polychaetes as it allows them to survive if a part of them is eaten.
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(image: a bobbit worm just sitting there, menacingly)
Bobbit worms have become a nuisance species in aquariums. They are usually introduced as tiny larvae clinging to rocks brought in for decoration or shelter. Once in an aquarium, the worms can grow rapidly and will eat any fish in the tank. Removing them can be very difficult due to their size, regenerative abilities, and reclusive nature. One famous case that introduced a lot of the internet to the worms was that of the Newquay aquarium in England. Aquarium staff were confused when a lot of the fish were vanishing from one tank and the coral was damaged. They tried laying traps, but the intruder ate the fishhooks they used and could bite through 20 lb fishing line. Finally, they lured it out with food, finding a 4 foot long bobbit worm that they named Barry. Barry became a hit online and was moved to his own tank. There apparently were plans to put him on exhibit, but I can't find confirmation that this ever happened. Given that this happened in 2009 and the bobbit worm lifespan is 3-5 years, I am sorry to tell you that Barry has passed away. RIP, king.
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(image: Barry after being removed from the tank. His drab color is thought to be the result of poor nutrition)
Because of how reclusive they are, bobbit worms are an understudied species. Attempts to raise them in laboratories have mostly failed, so there is a lot we don't know about their reproduction, development, and behavior. We also don't know if they need any conservation efforts.
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How many times in this series am I going to be able to use cards from this series? (image: the bobbit worm card from Weird n' Wild Creatures)
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astr0exe · 4 months
Ch.1 , Ch.2 , Ch.3
reader is transmac and autistic cause i said so :)
SUMMARY: The boys meet someone new. He seems cool but his dog seems to enjoy ripping people apart.// The boys meet the K9 trainer
(first time transferring my AO3 work to tumblr so)
(my writing is also quite shit but hey ho)
( i project so so bad with this character)
(pls give me feed back)
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Soap's POV :
The Captain dragged us into a meeting and we have no idea why. I was busy watching Princess And The Frog after working out for ages, I just wanted to relax after so many back-to-back missions.
"Thank you all for showing up I do appreciate it, I know we are all probably tired, however I thought this was important to discuss before you saw them around the base." Huh saw who around base? Is someone new joining? I glanced around the room and caught Gaz's confused eyes.
"See who sir?" I asked cautiously, "___ they are the K9 trainer and his callsign is K9 because of this. He has a fully-grown perfectly trained cane corso who is with ___ at all times. If any of you are scared of big dogs then I am sorry because Bucky is huge. There will be a meeting introducing you all do not worry but I thought I should give you a heads up. Dismissed." Answered Price.
Whilst walking next to Ghost in the hallway I couldn't help thinking about what Price said. I don't even know what a cane corso looks like. Oh well, when I get to my room I'll find out cause Google is my friend. "Hey, Lt. Do you know what a cane corso looks like?" I questioned, "I think I have an idea, pretty sure they grow up to 70 cm (27.5 inches) ish and weigh up to 50 kgs (110 pounds) They are massive dogs." Ghost murmured.
I could feel my eyes bulging out of my sockets at the thought of a dog that big.As I finally got to my room, I instantly looked up what a cane corso looked like and I think I shit myself. I have to meet one of those tomorrow.
Time skip : meeting K9 and Bucky
We all sat in the common room for our introductions. Me and Gaz were playing uno whilst Ghost was just watching us like a babysitter would with two children whilst we were waiting for Price and ___. Slowly we heard footsteps, they sounded heavy like platform boots, you could hear heavy breathing coming from Bucky and mumbling muffled talking from K9 and Price. The footsteps gradually increased in volume until Price walked in along with an awkward-looking guy. He wore large combat boots which had to add at least 3 inches to his height, and a large leather jacket with lots of patches on ranging from band patches to quotes. Oh and a trans flag. Nice. His belt was studded like he bought it in the 2000s with added chains which actually looked heavy, he had black eyeliner on and a face mask. If he wasn't like 5"7 with his boots on I'd say he was terrifying.
After I finally stopped staring at this Greek god of an emo boy and got my shit together I noticed his dog, Bucky, who was eyeing everyone wearily as if at any point we would attack him or ___. With how intimidating they both look I think they suit each other.
"Um hi I'm ___ or K9 and I'll be training dogs you take on missions and sometimes taking the dogs on the missions myself. Nice to meet you all. As you all know, this is Bucky, he won't hurt you." He giggled towards the end and oh my god it's like I heard heaven gates open and when I gazed around the room I knew everyone felt the same with all the wide eyes and stuttering introductions.
"Well these are my boys, Lt. Ghost Riley , Sergeant Soap Mactavish and Sergeant Gaz Garrick. Boys this is Sergeant K9 he will be working with you as he described he will also be living on base and training with you lads so I expect them to come back to me feeling welcomed into the Taskforce is that clear?" Demanded Price. "Yes Sir." We all responded in unison.
As I observe K9 and Bucky I cant help but smile at how at ease he seems with his dog. I think he is gonna fit in perfectly.
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womblegrinch · 1 year
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Anders Zorn (1860-1920) - Kuvåsängen
Oil on canvas. Painted in 1918.
39.4 x 29.5 inches, 100 x 75 cm. Estimate: SEK 3,000,000-4,000,000.
Sold Bukowskis, Stockholm, 15 June 2023 for SEK 2,650,000 + B.P.
I tend to leave titles in the original language, since it's easy to use a translation site like Google's (you ought to have one on your Bookmarks Toolbar) to increase your foreign vocab. This time, though, I can't work out what it means.
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spencereid-reads · 3 months
the language of you | s. reid
wc: 2.1k // warnings: english isn't my first language! an extreme amount of italics, meet-cute, love at first poem sight kinda thing. poems that i found on either google or pinterest. a few swear words, maybe? // a/n: my first time writing for reid and cm in general. i'm in the middle of season 9 and idk where this idea came from. also i don't know anything about poetry, the last quote is as far as my knowledge goes. if you think you know me from my other writing blog no you don't<3but ily also idk if i'll keep writing, i just wanted to post it bc of world poetry day, i think it's a nice coincidence.
i use she/her pronouns//fem!reader in almost all of my fics!
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the cold hallways of the university building aren't as big and intimidating as he remembered. and this time, they welcomed him with open arms. he was just a kid when he first set foot here, and now here he was, being invited by a member of his team to teach the young minds of college kids.
spencer reid had never been a great public speaker, sure, he had the qualities of one, but he was also known to ramble on and on about a specific subject if he was interested enough in it, most likely overwhelming and quite often scaring the class attendees.
he followed dr. blake through the crowded halls, she'd invited him along to one of her lectures, she needed someone with vast knowledge about, -well, everything-, and a quick mind, and he was the perfect addition to her classes.
it was weird, being on the other side of the lecture hall, with dozens of eyes set on him as he spoke, he wasn't nervous per se, more... aware of the situation. but luckily the students were focused, paid attention and asked good questions. he considered that a win in his book. without noticing, the 90 minute class was over, and he approached blake after gathering his things and crossing his signature leather bag over his shoulder.
"ready to head back?" he asked.
"not quite, there's a friend of mine giving a lecture next door, it's her first class, actually. thought we'd stop by for a bit, wish her good luck." she said, sliding her black blazer back on.
"sure, what's it about?"
"you'll see. i think you'll enjoy it." she gave him a sly smile, making her way up the steps, he stood there for a second, wondering what the subject might be. there were a lot of things that he enjoyed, physics, math, science.
spencer caught up to her just as she opened the door to the other lecture hall, sliding in behind alex as his eyes adjusted to the change of lighting. compared to the room they'd just left, this felt nothing like a classroom. it felt more like a theater.
the lights were off, the room being lit up by fake candles lining both sets of steps on each side of the room, and he noticed real candles on the front stage, the flames dancing with the subtle change of pressure as a girl, maybe as young as he was, walked on stage. a book in her hand, but she didn't need it, whatever she was saying was from memory, the worlds flowing effortlessly out her mouth.
he stood frozen in his spot, it took him two seconds to recognize and figure out what was going on.
"lines fall on the soul like dew on the grass. what does it matter that i couldn’t keep her. the night is fractured and she is not with me." she recited, eyes closed as she stopped walking, even from his spot at the top of the steps he could see her facial expression, a frown on her face as her eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed as if she was the one feeling the pain the author was describing.
neruda. poetry.
spencer had never been the biggest fan of poetry, but maybe he just hadn't found the right person to teach him about it.
what an incredulous thought, someone teaching a subject to genius spencer reid? but he couldn't help but be drawn to the soft voice that spoke with love, sorrow and rhythm.
"my voice tried to find the breeze to reach her. another’s kisses on her, like my kisses. her voice, her bright body, infinite eyes."
she was savoring each word in her tongue, and spencer's ears perked up at every sound that left her mouth.
"wonder boy, come on," alex's whisper brought him out of his thoughts, as he followed her down the candlelit steps to one of the first rows.
how he wished he could've stayed up there, hidden within the shadows, since he couldn't take two steps without his eyes having to find the young lecturer again, slowing down his legs.
but from down there he noticed the way the candles lit her face, casting a soft golden glow, and now he found himself thanking the small flames scattered around the stage.
she threw the two fbi agents a look, a knowing gleam in her eye as she recognized the female doctor. it was fleeting, she didn’t let the interaction distract her from the verses and the words slipping from her lips.
“loving is so short, forgetting is so long,” she breathed the words, barely audible as she felt every syllable in every bone of her body.
as she finished the poem, deafening silence fell upon the room, and spencer realized how quiet the room had been since he arrived, yet her soft voice seemed to fill it effortlessly.
“has anyone here ever felt emotions as strong as the ones depicted in the poem? joy, sadness, anger?” she asked, somehow leaving aside the ‘character’ she’d slipped into as she recited the words written by neruda. “love? has anyone ever experienced this… deep, unshakeable need to absolutely possess someone? to keep them all for your own, locked in a room to look, touch, admire as much as you wish?” she continued, eyes scanning the room, and spencer’s breathing hitched when she placed her eyes on him. “i know how it sounds like, but- poetry and language, is quite possibly the best way to express those intense feelings.”
“what about sex?” a voice from the crowd asked.
“that’s a great way too,” she nodded, laughing along with the class, “but have you ever stood in front of a girl, a boy, a person you truly feel like you’d die for, and told them exactly that? how just the touch of their hand holding someone else’s would rip your soul out of your body, or how you’d swim oceans just to get to hear their laugh one last time? i don’t know about you, but i feel like that’s a hundred times better than sex.” she continued, walking from one side of the stage to the other, using her hands and changing the tone in her voice to emphasize what she wanted to say. “i promise you that by the end of this semester you’ll be able to put all of that into your own words. read, everyone. please, read and do your research, and i promise you that you’ll get your chance to be neruda, dickinson. anybody can be a poet. poetry is about feelings, thoughts, the things that keep you up at night, and being able to put all of that into words. read, even if you don’t understand what they’re saying, but think about what they want to say. i know it’s our first class but i’ll leave you some work for friday. just pick a poem, learn it and present it here, i want to see what we’re working with. that’s it for today, thank you.” she vowed her head like an actor who’d just finished a play, walking around the stage as she blew the candles off.
“come on, let’s go say hi,” alex stood up, prompting spencer to do the same, and he had to swallow the feelings inside of him. his mind repeating every word the girl onstage had just said. he knew the importance of poetry, he had a few favorite poets, and he knew about all the hard technical work that was behind writing a good poem, but he’d never taken the time to think about the personal aspect of the work.
“dr. blake, great to see you here,” she greeted the older woman, who embraced her in a hug.
“you too. you were great there, no one would’ve thought it was your first time teaching,”
“well, what can i say, i learned everything from you.”
“please, our fields are as far apart as they could be. it’s all thanks to that big brain of yours. which, speaking of, meet dr. spencer reid, we work together.” alex stepped aside, revealing a tall man, hands fidgeting with his leather bag and long strands of hair covering his forehead. alex always had a soft spot for spencer, the young genius reminded her of herself, once upon a time.
“pleasure to meet you, dr. reid,” the young girl smiled at him, offering her hand.
“likewise,” he said, taking her hand in his. alex’s eyebrows raised, she’d been expecting a speech about germs and pathogens but got none.
“so, what’d you think? was it too much? think i scared the kids?”
“today’s youth doesn’t take things too seriously, they prefer one night stands and lack of commitment.” spencer explained.
“think i’m reaching for the stars for trying to get them to channel their emotions and actually feel them?” the young professor asked him, a smile on her face told him that she’d already thought about that.
“not necessarily, studies have proven that people who can feel and acknowledge their emotions are happier, live longer and have better relationships with themselves and others. also, they have more confidence in themselves and can make lasting relationships, but physical and emotional.” he continued, and this time dr. blake spoke.
“so if you do your job right you’ll get lots of people laid,”
“ah, if only i could make that work for me,” she replied, heat creeping onto her cheeks as she looked down. her words made spencer stop breathing.
“i’m sure someone with your wits and… well, you could get anyone you want,” the words slipped out before he could control them.
“sounds easier said than done, but i’ve decided to devote my life to my work and books, and there doesn’t seem to be anyone coming anytime soon to change that. i’m alright with that, life is more than that.” she shrugged her shoulder.
“not enjoyment, and not sorrow, is our destined end or way; but to act, that each tomorrow find us farther than today.” spencer recalled from memory.
“you speak my language, doctor,” the young professor breathed. and the older woman took the opportunity to interfere.
“like i said, genius. you two should talk, he’s got a very interesting brain that i’m sure you’d love to pick,” she reached toward her friend, wrapping her in a quick hug, “i’ll meet you out there, reid, i have a few things to do.” with that she walked out of the lecture hall, leaving the two young brilliant minds together.
“sorry about her, she’s been trying to set me up with someone since we met. i was her t.a back when i was a grad student.”
“you worked with her?” spencer asked, internally rolling his eyes at himself, she’d obviously just stated that.
“yup. i know, how could someone go from linguistics applied in criminology to poetry? it’s a big leap, but… she’s helped me more than anyone in my entire career.” she spoke with fondness in her voice. “anyway, she was right. i would love to pick that brain of yours.” she said, “sorry, that sounded weird, but-”
“no, no, it’s- fine. i- i’d like to talk to you, more, as well.”
“it’s a date, then.” she smiled, even wider when she noticed the slight blush creeping on his cheeks,
“if only i could recollect it, such a day of days. i let it come and go as traceless as a thaw of bygone snow; it seemed to mean so little, meant so much-” spencer started, the words taking over his mind and mouth before he could even think about it.
“if only now i could recall that touch, first touch of a hand in hand- did one but know,” she finished for him.
“i-i,” he started, surprising himself by the way he stuttered. “i don't speak your language, not like you do, not yet. i'm not a poet. but… i want to learn… i want to.”
she breathed out, all the air leaving her lungs, his wild eyes scanned all over her face, not profiling. but learning, taking in her cues, and a pressure left his shoulders when she saw her lips twitching, breaking for a smile.
“i may be the writer, but you'll always be the words.” she took a step toward him, his eyes settling for her own, it helped him calm down. “it's like i said, anybody can be a poet.”
“i-i’ll see you friday?” he said.
“friday?” she raised her eyebrows.
“yeah, you-you said you had to see what you're working with?”
“i do.” she nodded, a playful gleam in her eyes, “i guess i’ll see you friday. we can get coffee, before coming here.” she suggested.
“is that special treatment, professor?” one more time, he surprised himself by the way he spoke to her, like it was the most natural thing to do. we wished it never stopped, he wanted to hear her amused laugh again.
“maybe.” she bit her lip as she laughed.
“this could be the start of something new, and it feels so right to be here with you.”
-high school musical
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deerspherestudios · 9 months
Hey! I just recently met and went through the demo of "Mushroom Oasis", and I already have so many questions! I hope I won't be too intrusive. You may not answer some questions if the answers contain spoilers.
Questions about the game: 1.Will it be possible to choose the MC gender? Is it possible to choose the gender of the cat in the same way? It's just that when I started the game, I named the cat after my cat and it was a little funny to me when the pronoun of the cat was "she" when my cat is male.
Will we be able to choose some kind of "style" for the MC, according to the type of clothing, at the beginning of the game?
Questions about Michael:
Does he see the world like an ordinary person? I mean he has 2 pairs of eyes and 3 pairs of pupils. And it baffles me.
If the MC suddenly goes out alone and doesn't come back by midnight, will Mychael worry about the MC and will he go looking for the MC?
How does Mychael feel about piercings and tattoos? Does he know about it? If so, would he like a piercing/tattoo?
I wonder where Mychael gets things for the house. That is, I saw that he had a broom, thread and knitting needles. Where did he get them???
If Mychael saw me (I'm 164 cm tall and I have red hair), would he think I'm some kind of witch, because of the color of my hair, or something like that? How would he react if he saw me?
And sorry for the mistakes, I used google translator. English is not my native language :( I also want to say that I am your fan from Latvia (I don’t know why I’m saying this, I just want to please you with the fact that you have a fan from the Baltic countries)
Oop!! Ty for the questions!! Let me try and answer em under the cut, since it might end up as a pretty long post hahaha. But hi hello!!! I'm always happy to know where my fans come from, it's always a surprise for me to see people around the globe enjoy my silly little game ;v;
Questions about the game:
1. Will it be possible to choose the MC gender? Is it possible to choose the gender of the cat in the same way?
Being nonbinary, I just choose not to mention pronouns when writing for the game, so anyone can fit in their shoes. Unless it comes to a point where I have to use it, I'll probably code in a pronoun tool but for now it doesn't seem necessary! As for the cat, that's a good suggestion. Perhaps I'll try coding it in for the next update so the cat can be male or female, according to player preference!
2. Will we be able to choose some kind of "style" for the MC, according to the type of clothing, at the beginning of the game?
Probably not, as I'm not really good at setting that up in Ren'Py. I did make an MC design though! But what they look like is entirely up to you. I've drawn a POV shot of them wearing jeans and sneakers but that's about it. They can look however you like!
Questions about Mychael:
1. Does he see the world like an ordinary person?
He does! Trigger warning for unsettling iris images if you wanna look this up, but his bottom pair is kinda what people with polycoria has. Except it's normal for him, and not really a condition. His vision is normal, he just has lotsa peepers.
2. If the MC suddenly goes out alone and doesn't come back by midnight, will Mychael worry about the MC and will he go looking for the MC?
Yes? He didn't save you just to have you running off into danger again. He'd absolutely track you down and find you.
3. How does Mychael feel about piercings and tattoos? Does he know about it? If so, would he like a piercing/tattoo?
He knows about it, but not enough to really understand how it works! He finds it fascinating humans decorate their bodies with shiny beads and jewels, and turn their skin into tapestries for art. He'd probably assume you can take them off any time and that the tattoos are drawn onto the skin.
I don't imagine he'd want a piercing, but he'd probably try a tattoo! (Until he realizes it's ink going under the skin, in which case he might change his mind haha)
4. I wonder where Mychael gets things for the house. Where did he get them???
He has his ways ::-)
5. How would he react if he saw me?
He wouldn't be reacting much to how you look. You're not the first human he's seen! He's been around plenty of them, but you'd be one of the few he's interacted with the longest. And that's what makes you stand out more than anything else.
Phew that was a big ask!! But thank you for the interest :-D!! Hope everything's good in Latvia!
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fangirleaconmigo · 11 months
So I’ve been a bit absent. Putting a ‘read more’ because shit in my life has gotten very real very quickly.
One of my younger sisters went to urgent care with stomach discomfort last Tuesday. It turned out that she had a huge mass in her pelvis, (18x25 cm) and our lives were plunged into a black hole of fear.
In the past week/weekend, she’s gotten blood tests and referrals for more scans. Every test result is more ominous and terrifying than the last. It is definitely ovarian cancer and she will need a major surgery and we don’t know what else.
In one day, I moved her completely into my house. She gave notice on hers. We are trying to find foster care for her cats while she is in treatment because she can’t care for them during, and neither can I.
We still haven’t had a proper prognosis and treatment plan. That will be today, I hope. I am about to drive her to her first actual appointment with a real oncologist.
It’s early and I’m lying awake in my bed. I haven’t slept much in the past weeks. I go to sleep googling ovarian cancer, and I wake up and google ovarian cancer, and I feel like an entire house is crushing me. I can barely breathe. I have to go fetal position for a few minutes sometimes during the day to get through it.
We need some hope today. We need some good news. We need, at the very minimum, a plan for her care. Something to focus on.
Please keep us in your thoughts and send us some love and good will. She is either in shock or being very brave but she could get hopeful, or devastating news today (or more terrifying limbo) and I don’t know where that will leave us.
I won’t try to tell you how much my sister means to me. But I will say that we grew up together in an isolated family with shitty, monstrous, abusive parents and it fused us together in profound ways. I raised her to the extent that a child can raise another child. (It’s like that John Mulaney joke where he said his babysitter was so young, it was like a horse caring for a dog lol)
We are both super sci-fi fantasy nerds. I watch tv with her probably three to four nights a week, and we can talk for LITERAL HOURS about the intricacies of the writing and the characters on the various franchises. We usually agree, but we probably woke the neighbors with our argument about who the best Doctor Who companion was.
We work at the same hospital and share an office one day a week, and the people in the hall probably hear our elaborate Star Wars or MCU theories.
I know better than to get her started about certain things, but no matter what I do, every Thanksgiving she gives an entire speech about how the LOTR movie adaptations failed Gimli, son of Gloin.
We’ve been to Supernatural cons (we’ve both written SPN fic), and SDCC together many times. Actually, we went to ECCC together this year, so @spacecores and @roguepyrola met her and can attest to the fact that she is a mouthy, down to earth, absolutely brilliant, funny, foul mouthed, nerdy ass bitch.
So if you meditate, pray, send intentions, I don’t care what it is, I need it today. Her appointment is in about three hours and we need some hope.
Thanks for reading, friends. ♥️ I know this isn’t fandom related but we’re all real life human beings here with real lives, and that’s what is happening in mine.
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anniesstories · 1 year
How they behave when they're your boyfriend?
Tokyo Revengers boys (Mikey, Draken, Kazutora, Baji)
Warnings: None, just some cute headcanons:3
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At first you thought Manjiro was .... very rude, disrespectful and ruthless since he is the leader of Toman but damn you was wrong, he's so sweet and kind and he makes you feel like you're the only woman on earth.
He'll probably ask you for advices about his gang, plz guide this dude when he needs you sometimes
He loves buying you little gifts just for you to know that he is thinking about you 24/7.
He's loyal af, whenever a chick is trying to flirt or anything he'll be so uninterested....
Loves cuddles. Long ones specially. Since he's been thinking about his gang, he never had time for girls...so he's touched starved, trust me .
I feel like he'd joke about your height if you're taller than him...I mean he's 5'3, ty google for your help, we know he's 1.62 cm (jokes like "what's the weather up there") 😭
He would talk about how pretty you are 24/7...
He's such a good bf, don't leave him plz
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Even though he looks dangerous he's a gentleman around you.
He doesn't know much about romance, but he's trying so hard to understand you....plz give him time.
He tries to teach you how to fight just in case you will need, he just wants to make sure your safe even if he isn't around you.
Kisses under the moonlight! KISSES UNDER THE MOONLIGHT. He loves them, trust me
You think he's weird because he enjoys violence, but you still love him sm.
When you two argue about something, he will wait for you to calm down so he can apologize ....
He's jealous....very jealous...and sometimes he can be toxic tho
Night walks with him are >>>>> like you can finally feel safe walking when the sun's down.
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He spent YEARS in jail, so you can't tell me that this man isn't touched starved.
You are the only person who can give him comfort bc he has mommy+trust issues
He has 0 experience when it comes to relationships but he'll still try his best to show you that he cares .
Mommy issues boy, he'll obviously call you mommy ....not in a sexual way or anything...
His childhood was a mess and the crimes he committed are still haunting him, so hold him close when the night comes.
He's too shy to make the first move...ig you have to make it....
Buys you flowers whenever he has a chance
Gentle and overprotective....and he gets jealous pretty fast bc of his insecurities.
The healthy relationship can turn into a toxic one pretty easy and he'll feel devastated....like you have no idea how much he loves you...
Loyal af bc he thinks about you 24/7...
He'll use your chest as a pillow bc he feels safe plz don't forget to watch a movie or sum...he loves these moments fr
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Rude af but dw he still loves you.
He's overprotective and jealous afff
The relationship can be a toxic one...but he'll try his best to solve the problems you both have🥺
Princess treatment...no, queen treatment, he'll treat you like he's a bodyguard and you're the queen he has to protect.
It's so cute when he lets you tie his soft hair...he loves it but can't admit it...
When he's in a good mood, i feel like he will act kinda goofy...he loves seeing you smile but he will never admit it...
He doesn't want you to see him fighting, he's afraid you might fear him, so he'll just let you take care of his wounds.
He's such a good stalker.
I just finished Tokyo Revengers season 1 and I was thinking about some headcannons... I hope you like it :)
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violetszone · 2 years
Charles x fem!reader
From this request
Summary: you were wearing heels and getting insecure bc you are taller than Charles when wearing them.
WARNINGS: Bad English (a little google translate), insecurity about height, fluff Charles
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Yes, Charles wasn't short, even 180 was the ideal height for a man,and you were insecure about your tall height since you were little.177 was considered taller than normal for a woman your parents always told you not to worry about your height it's makes you look good.
Charles was always supporting you in this regard, you were going to attend a party tonight, so you wanted to wear a pair of high heels, you thought it would look stylish. You put on the heels you just bought and you thought they looked so good, when you looked in the mirror, you wanted to sit and cry. The heels extended your height by 8 cm.
Charles walked up to her as she sat on the chair in the room, "Is everything alright, honey?" you took off your heels and put them aside "yeah it's fine" Charles bent down and took one of the heels in his hand, "Why did you take off this beautiful shoes, I thought it look so good from afar" you smiled sadly.
Charles sat down next to her. "You know what, when we were little, Lorenzo was always taller because he was older than us, so he made fun of us, I'm 5 inches taller than him right now" you were trying to understand what he meant
"So I'm going to say that being too tall or too short is not a bad thing, it's a quality you should love in yourself and I love you, I love you all the way"Before you could start talking,he got down on his knees and put the heels on your feet.
You almost cried because of this sweet gesture, you both stood up and hugged. Thanks to Charles, you started to trust yourself a little more. And yes you went to the party in those heels.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Hello! Fan of your blog for a while now, and I've been meaning to scream about Billy Batson to you for some time, too.
I'm curious, what are your favorite personal headcanons for Billy Batson? And what D&D class do you think Billy would take/fall under?
Oh hi!! I'm a huge fan of your blog too, I love the Billy content <3
One headcanon I am constantly rotating in my brain is the whole "Billy is immortal and Captain Marvel doesn't age" concept. Because we all love Billy for his special power of Kid Turning Into Adult but also kids do that anyways after enough time so him dealing with adulthood and immortality is just.... so good....
I LOVE the communal Twitch Chat AU the Billy Batson fandom has created. The idea of all these gods just constantly yelling at Cap is so funny this poor guy cannot catch a break. I also like the "the Wizard put a magic filter on Billy" headcanon specifically for the surprises the League gets when a depowered Billy is suddenly swearing like, every other word. What do you mean you usually talk like that? What do you mean "A Wizard did it??"
I'm going to be honest. Despite being part of a ~2 year long D&D campaign (we're really bad at scheduling, it really shouldn't be this long), I know like... nothing about D&D. One moment I'm going to google some stuff.
Okay, so after a quick skim of the D&D Beyond class page, here's my Billy class headcanons:
Cleric: Because "A priestly champion who wields divine magic in service of a higher power" seems pretty spot-on to what Billy does in like. Base canon
Ranger: "A warrior who combats threats on the edges of civilization" would be accurate for a Billy who's more focused on the supernatural side of things (as opposed to the Punch Alien side of things). Especially one that focuses on honing the magic in his mortal form and not just relying on his Captain Marvel form to get out of trouble.
Rogue: "A scoundrel who uses stealth and trickery to overcome obstacles and enemies" would be great for a less magically-inclined Billy who has to deal with all sorts of bullshit on the streets. Especially if he's of the "I shouldn't become Captain Marvel for anything but the most morally correct of causes" because then he has to like. Pickpocket or steal food and run away from cops all the time.
And now, for a reverse Uno card... What are YOUR favorite Billy headcanons? Who's your favorite CM supporting character?
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stoneytruck · 5 months
Happy New Year to everyone who stumbles upon this post! I wish you all the best 🤍🩶🖤
Now, I would like to update you on the Who's Lila Zine. Unfortunately, we have NOT reached the goal of 22 people for the project, as there are 3 empty slots at the time of the deadline (WE HAVE FOUND AN ARTIST FOR THE EMPRESS, WE ARE SOOO BACK).
The zine is still going to be made, because I, myself, am going to fill those empty slots! While the initial goal was not reached, I know that the people who have joined this project did it out of love for the game and for what it stands for. Just the amount of support and people spreading the word showed me that this is something that many people in the community would like to see being made, and that's enough for me to start working on it!
Here is the list of the cards and the artists who are going to work on them!
0. @officeshoebox 1. @urartbro 2. @louijanaa 3. @bloomenvogel 4. clemtime 5. Noodlespark1 6. @saznny 7. maskedphoenix22 8. @iguessihaveanaccountnowguys 9. me 10. @funkyworm1234 11. @whenthedeeppurplefalls 12. @feveraven 13. tulpatree 14. redrring 15. @pixiedixiedo 16. @sitephi 17. @viktuurishipper96 18. @zombieboy07 19. @boygerbishart 20. @tuxedkitt 21. @qutille
YOU CAN NOW START WORKING ON THE ARTWORK. YOU HAVE TIME UNTIL THE 1ST OF FEBRUARY TO WORK ON THE ARTPIECE (that counts for me too, of course), SO GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN! If you need help with your art piece, like an advice or you're uncertain about something, just send me a DM and I'll answer asap!!
VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: I have forgotten to add the details of the artwork, MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES FOR THAT!!!
SIZE: 7 cm x 12 cm (2,756 x 4,724 inches) FORMAT: As long as the final result is sent in PNG format, you can use any digital program you'd like. If you're working with traditional tools, remember to send me a scan of the piece! COLORS ARE A MUST, whether you only do flat colors or you choose to shade is not important!
This post is pinned on my blog to make it easier to find it in the future! If you need info about your card and the ending it's associated to, here is the Google Doc for you!
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kushkomikss · 3 months
š! #51 'Mindfulness' open call!
After some quite chaotic times, we want to meditate a bit and put our mind at ease. So for our next issue we make an open call with the theme "Mindfulness."
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Excerpt from Gary Colin's mini kuš! 'Link'
Details of Participation:
Theme: Mindfulness
Page count: 4-12 (preferably an even page count)
Language: English
Format: DIN A6, width 10.5cm × height 14.8cm
Bleed: In case you want your comics to be full bleed make sure to add 3 mm cut off space all around the comics (in this case the width of each page should be 11.1 cm and the height 15.4 cm). Don't place texts and important details close to the page borders!
Colors: Yes, CMYK, b/w works are also welcome, color profile FOGRA52
Resolution: 300 dpi (1200 dpi for b/w works)
File format: preferably tiff or pdf
If we publish your comics, you'll get 6-10 free copies of the anthology.
You keep the full copyrights to publish your story anywhere else.
Submit only low-resolution jpgs for our consideration (but big enough to read (approximately 900 pixels in width)! The high resolution files as described above we'll ask you to send later.) Please don't send zip files, don't use google drive, dropbox or the like, we only want preview files now as simple attachments.
Please include a short description of yourself and a link to your site/instagram
Deadline: 1 May 2024
Additional notes:
After receiving your work we'll write you a confirmation e-mail within 14 days. If you don't hear from us, please write us again, maybe your mail got lost.
Not all the works from the open call will be published! Usually we get around 200 submissions of which we can print around 20. As we usually get many submissions we enjoy, we often also use "rejected" pieces for later issues or try to collaborate with the artists on other projects.
The decision what we'll publish will be made until around 1 June. We'll mail you if you're in!
We'd prefer if you don't publish the full comics on- or offline before we print it.
Please don't send comics which are made for a bigger format. If your comic is unreadable in A6 format, it will not be published!
We are always happy to feature experimental approaches in storytelling and art. Don't limit yourself!
If you have any questions, just write us. Best if you write a comment below, as other people might have the same question.
If you are not interested to take part and just landed here because you are obsessed with comics, you probably should get some of our previous books. You can find them all on komikss.lv or maybe even at your local comics shop.
Looking forward to your submissions.
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mimisempai · 6 months
15 people 15 questions
Thank you for the tag @catkelpie
1. are you named after anyone?
My mother's best childhood friend ( who passed away long before I was born)
2. when was the last time you cried?
Yesterday evening, rewatching Loki S2 ending for the sake of a fanfic... T_T Now... thinking about it again
3. do you have kids?
I like other's kids, it's already enough.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I did judo a looooooooooog time ago and now swim from time to time
5. do you use sarcasm?
Depend with who...
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
7. what's your eye colour?
1 brown, 1 green/grey
I have heterochromia. (Mutant and proud)
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy ending, let them be happy forever, smooch forever, be sappy forever...
9. any talents?
I write fanfic (but if it is a talent, it's up to my reader to say it) and music (singing, playing piano)
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, video gaming, photo editing, lego, singing in choir and alone, and other minor things
12. do you have any pets?
We had one cat, and hopefully soon again another one
13. how tall are you?
160 cm (to lazy to look on google how much it is in ' and ")
14. favourite subject in school?
Maths ( a long time ago)
15. dream job
My hobbies 😁
Tagging whoever want to do it
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