#What a wild ride Binary Stars has been
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You can totally just cheese the Ozen fight with enough guns, bullets, and food
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nova--spark · 10 months
What’s Anthea’s relationship with the members of Team Prime?
This one will be interesting oh lord.
I will keep it to Team Prime Core, meaning just OP, Ratchet, Bee, Ratchet, Arcee and Bulkhead. If y'all wanna hear about Secondary Team Prime ,lemme know.
Optimus Prime is someone Anthea was...reluctant to meet, when Plasma first made it known to the Autobots about her condition and existence.
She was intimidated to say the least, to meet who Plasma had described as essentially, a walking and living demigod among his kind.
It would come as a shock to her that he was...gentle, with her. Acting remorseful, for what his people's war had robbed her of and turned her into, and offered his sincerest apologies and assured that her protection would be a priority.
Knowing that he wasn't some high and mighty leader...eased her to him, and she came to see Optimus as a familial figure of sorts. A wise mentor, who would protect her.
If he has a moment to spare, and isn't a bother, Thea will ask him stories from his days as Orion, curious about the stars beyond just Earth.
He once stated her survival as having been thanks to the Will of Primus. She's not entirely sure but...maybe he's right.
Ratchet was the second Autobot she was close with, if only because he took over her medical care, to the best of his abilities, pertaining to her Energon-Blood combo, and her Cybertronian prosthetics.
Having bad memories of doctors from her early recovery days, Ratchet's grumpy nature took time to get used to but...she appreciated it in time. At least once a month, she checks in with him to recalibrate her legs, update on how the Energon flows in her body, and more often than not, mid check up, the two are snarking back at one another.
An odd friendship but one they're both quite comfortable with.
Admittedly though, Ratchet is sometimes reminded of what happened to Raf when he was inflicted with Dark Energon and...he feels a sense of duty, to ensure Anthea's well-being in this bizarre state of existence she now has.
Bumblebee is ,in official capacity, meant to bring Anthea to base and guard her, should Plasma fall in battle, be hurt, or otherwise incapable.
Unofficially, Anthea considers the rambunctious scout a friend, and one she can connect to. Like a brother who you rope into your shenanigans.
Both lost a part of themselves in the war, and are in a manner, still readjusting to the world in a sense, Anthea's change still fresh and healing, Bee's older but still present.
If Plasmaclaw is occupied on a mission on Team Prime's behalf, she often asks Bee if they can maybe got out on a ride for a bit, if only to take her mind off things. It took her a little while to decipher his binary speech, but she can understand him a decent amount, though nowhere near perfect as Raf does.
Arcee and Anthea have a mutual respect of one another, as Arcee has loved and lost, fought and been hardened by it.
Anthea lost part of herself, and yet still returned to where her life was torn apart, and reforged herself into something entirely new.
Thea has also joked that out of the two biker Autobots, Arcee definitely has Plasma beat. A fact which Plasma took quite a bit of offense to.
Both girls have spoken with each other often in moments where both needed an ear to vent to.
Bulkhead was quite surprised in learning about what Anthea had been through, I mean sure, he'd met Miko who was wilder than a rabid scraplet, but Thea was a different story, having been one to hone that wild streak into a way to rebuild her life.
Hearing that Bulk had been a laborer, Anthea respects him,as her own mother labored at a factory when Thea was just a baby to make her life worth it. And she was impressed in how the once Wrecker could carry out battle ,and use his skills to both build and break.
It was like a brother and sister, who just...would be there when the other needed them. And that was ok between them.
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legendaryvermin · 2 years
So I got a new TV, but it didn't have any RCA ports. I've been playing some old games on SNES and I think to myself, I should do myself a favor and get a tube tv, I will enjoy the art of the games more if I'm looking at it the way it was meant to look.
I go on the ole Offer Up, and all the tube TVs are $70+ and at least a half hour away. They're harder to find now, and I guess a lot of folks like me want one again, go figure. I find a guy, he says $70, I says "ok".
I go to meet him, very nice guy, and I bring my SNES cause, ya know, don't want to find out it's a dud when I get home. He has some old home movie in it, so we know it works, but when I plug in the SNES and flip on Donkey Kong Country? Nada. Dead as Jacob Marley if you catch my drift.
We poke the thing and prod it, and I know my SNES works because I was playing Final Fantasy IV (II) not a week ago. Guy says "look, you seem nice enough, and I mostly don't want to throw a thing like this in the dump if someone might give it a new life. Take it for free, no worries." I say "Thank you very much kind sir, I will do my best".
I get the thing home, have dinner with the wife, watch the Princess Diana Musical- terrible musical- and after we're done I get to troubleshooting. See, I have a pile of spare parts and just enough know how to be dangerous, so first things first I check the port with a machine that I know works: my Wii. Boots up like there's nothing to it.
Now I'm thinking, "ah nuts, did it finally happen, did good ole Snessie finally buy it on that car ride?" I try a new RCA cable. Nothing. I try a different cart, Super Mario All Stars. Bubkis. At this point I don't mind telling you I'm sweating cause this repair job ain't what I thought it was, and while a free TV ain't a bad deal it means diddly if the Gray Lady don't sing.
Then, I try that Finally Fantasy IV (II) cart I mentioned earlier. Boom. She lights up and I do not mind telling you it was the most gorgeous thing I seen since I walked down the isle to meet my wife on my wedding day.
But now I have a new worry, see? Those carts, DK and Super Mario All Stars? I've been keepin em safe for more than a quarter century. Mario is as much my bro as he is Luigi's, and Donkey Kong Country is the first game I ever truly loved. Now I'm lookin down the prospect of burying my brother and my first love. I tell ya I was near tears.
So I did the only thing I knew to do. The one thing everyone told you not to do but did anyways. I took those cartridges, and I blew right on the contacts. I blew like a wind out of the north, wild and furious as you like.
I slotted Donkey Kong Country in, and I prayed.
Ladies and germs and all those around and outside that binary, hear this:
The kiss of life works.
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cherriesradio · 4 years
Class 1-A relationship headcanons
Part 2 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640893672076001280/class-1-a-relationship-headcanons
Part 1 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640877154337538048/mha-relationship-headcanons-class-1-a
Mezou Shouji
Best hugs ever
I mean what else is he gonna do with all those arms? Fight villains?
Y/n is the only one who can call him by his first name
Shouji is super tall and y/n just calls him “Mezou McTallMan”
He has like 5 million IQ and plays chess with y/n and they just sit their feelin stupid cause they keep losing
Shouji and Tokoyami are best friends and then when him and y/n get together all three of them are best friends and it’s adorable
Y/n never really cared about the mask but was like “hey you don’t need to take it off if you don’t wanna”
And it melted Shouji’s heart that they were fine with it
Thier hair is always ruffled because of how much he messes with it
They just don’t bother anymore
He doesn’t like getting to much attention so for events they have little at home/ in the dorm party’s with just a few other kids
He 100% takes advantage of how scary he can look
If someone is trying to get at y/n he will look at them with the most haunting glare in the world
(*cough* Mineta *cough* *cough*)
Kyouka Jirou
Rockin out to rock but also crappy 2000’s pop music at three am
Jirou will just be sitting beside y/n as they mess with her lobes
Y/n is as much as a crackhead as the rest of the Bakusquad so they all get along great
Bakugo has almost stabbed both of them for kissing in public and being affectionate in public
Coming back to the dorms all sweaty from going to a concert and jumping around for four hours straight
Has the hardest time trying to teach y/n how to play everything because it hurt their ~delicate fingers~
Leaning on each other’s backs and listening to music sharing ear buds 😫
Getting records and hanging them on each other’s walls and painting them if they don’t like the songs 💜
She has a ton of vintage art/ band hoodies and they just share them at some point because they keep stealing them from each other
Going to the arcade with Denki and Kirishima and whoever else wants to come
Y/n always says Jirou has a “out shine the stars smile” and she becomes a blushing mess every time
She’s not very good at comforting :(
She tries tho
She’s great honestly
Hanta Sero
He asks y/n if he annoys them and y/n legit feels so bad like “I love u so much don’t you dare think that>:(“
He likes saving up for dates and going to fancy restaurants and stuff but he’s fine with small inexpensive dates
They’ve gone to sixflags at least ten times and they have definitely broke a whole ride from messing around with his tape
That couple where even before they were dating they were dating
Jokingly kissing each others hand/ cheeks, cuddling up to each other, always asking if the other was going somewhere too, that kinda stuff
Hammock cuddles
I think you understand
Prank war in the whole dorm and y/n and Sero are the kings (or queens) (or non-binary royalty) of it
Bakugo has declared war on them multiple times but never goes on it because of how hard they go
Everyone has said it, you know it
Spider man kisses
He has almost passes out from the blood rushing to his head before
if Mineta walks up to y/n from behind he will tape him up and they can’t have a normal conversation without Sero glaring at him
So many inside jokes
Once y/n put his hair in a bun or something and he was like :0 “oh my god there’s a world without hair in ur face”
Sometimes either of them will sneak in the others dorm in the morning before they wake up and put sunglass on them or draw on their face
“This reminds me of u” insert simp meme
This boy will make sure y/n is always holding his werid long lanky hands
They teach Todoroki what “Yeet” means and now they all use it all the time unironically
Fumikage Tokoyami
👏head 👏scratchys 👏
Y/n has to get him a nightlight so Dark Shadow doesn’t go wild in the middle of the night
Huge edge lord y/n is his only soft spot
Watch dumb vampire movies
They binged all the Twilight movies in one night and everyone makes fun of them for kinda unironiclly liking it
I know Halloween is only really a american thing but they 100% have Halloween party’s at the dorms
They’d set up the whole thing
Y/n gets him black nail polish and skull rings and edgy everything
He has a box that takes up like half his closet of just gifts from y/n
He doesn’t do gifts as much as just spending time with y/n
He does love the gifts tho
Give each other plenty of space
Just say “hey I wanna be alone for a bit” and he’ll be gone in a second
He’s always the little spoons cause he’s scared of peaking their eyes out accidentally
They didn’t keep the relationship a secret they just aren’t very physically affectionate to each other
So one day Shouji is like “oh are you crushing on y/n? Like you are really nice to them and they give you stuff”
And he sits there like “dude we’ve been together for months how do you not know”
And then they are like maybe we should announce it just to make sure? So they do that and the whole class is in shock that they were together for so long and no one noticed
Jokingly calls Tokoyami “Emo Peacock” 
You can’t tell me they try to do the Waltz as a joke but get really into it and do it whenever they hear any music now
Jirou could literally be playing hard core rock or heavy metal and they’ll be doing the waltz to it
Dark Shadow low key feels like a third wheel sometimes but then y/n give him a tight hug and he feels appreciated
Shouto Todoroki
Feeding the simps
So ya know that thing in the notes app where you can share notes? Yeah they share one of those where they list things they hate about Endeavor and after a month they are already on a thousand
Just sit in the same room
Could be doing anything not even envolving the other but it’s nice just to have the other there
Protecting the girls from Mineta together ❤️👏👏
at first it honestly just seemed like they were really good friends because they kept it a secret (mostly cause if it got out to the public Endeavor would find out and probably try to break them up)
Even in private they would just kiss the others cheek or forehead and hold hands and that’s the only difference
He talks to his mother about y/n a lot and she is so excited to meet y/n
She has really high expectations just because of how good they sound but does take in that Shouto is literally in love with them, he’s gonna have slight rose tinted glasses
Yeah their just as good as Todoroki made them out to be
When he told y/n about his childhood (endeavor, his mom, his scar, Dabi…) y/n cried because they felt so bad and cuddled him all day trying to help any way they could
They totally made him go to therapy 😌
Has a written down list of thing they said they like so he can get them one if they feel down
He has literally bought them a cat when they were feeling really down and y/n had to explain that he can’t just go and buy a cat when their feeling bad
They keep it tho don’t worry
He’ll turn off the air conditioning when he wants y/n’s affection
They’ll just come running at him and tackle him so he can warm them up/ cool them down
Expect goodnight texts
Make custom memes about how bad of a parent Endearvor is
Legit the start of Todoroki crushing on them overhearing them tell a friend that they don’t think Endearvor is a good hero/ deserves to be number 1
Once asked All Might to adopt Todoroki (I mean he thought about it for a second before Aizawa told him no)
Todoroki let’s y/n cook stuff on his left side
Deku will just wake up in the morning smelling eggs and think someone’s cooking but find y/n cracking eggs onto Todoroki’s left side
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midnight-scrivener · 3 years
Okay I'm supposed to be working on my thesis but instead I'm going to pitch a show to anyone who cares to listen. It's a half-reboot, half-reimagining, all wild ride.
(a warning that comes from a place of hindsight: this gets. Long. I think it's J to skip still?)
There was a short lived television program, both commissioned and cancelled in 2001, named Tracker. Tracker was a monster-of-the-week style low-budget sci-fi adventure about an alien sent to Earth to capture runaway fugitives who wanted to make the planet their own special little evil pillow fort.
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The show starred Adrian Paul (yes, that one, the Highlander guy) as the Eponymous Tracker, called Cole, and Amy Price-Francis as his human translator and romantic interest, Mel.
The show, in concept, has a lot of pros! Its Monster of the week format allowed for clean, self-contained episodes, while also hinting at larger, seasonal arcs.
There's some variation in the structure of the episodes, too, between chases and battles of wits and brawns, to whodunnits and other varieties of mystery. The main characters have great chemistry, and by keeping the episodes contained, you have the opportunity to keep the core cast small and cycle out a rotating cast of recurring side characters with their own ties to different themes and subplots. I also really liked the "learning to be human" throughline of the show, and the common theme that Mel and Cole shared, which was healing and building a life and a purpose in the face of grief and tragedy (Cole's family has been killed, and Mel's Grandmother has died).
The aliens are formless, and the bad guys take up residence in existing human hosts. This keeps the budget nice and low and means that the effectiveness of the villain relies on lore and storytelling, rather than just special effects. All the aliens can blend into a crowd of people at a glance, but they have their own arrays of strengths and weaknesses that make them interesting opponents. A lot of this is due to the low-budget nature of the show, and the original leans into the cheesy element of this pretty hard.
Another thing about the aliens all being formless is that they canonically exist outside the human gender binary! All aliens are queer by default! I love this!
And the romance between Mel and Cole is actually kind of wholesome, especially for a 2001 network tv couple.
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(there aren't a lot of gifs of this show. Probably because it is like. The least relevant IP I could have chosen to spend neurons on.)
HOWEVER. this was a show that ran for one season 20 years ago.
This is because it was a bad show.
(I say the above with love, and also because I mean it with my whole heart)
I'm just going to bullet point the cons really quick* here.
(*Note from the author, I just finished reading this list back after writing it, and it Will Not Be Quick)
Cole's a cop
His sidekick is a weaselly coward and a regrettably stereotypical embodiment of the "token black comic relief" character
There's not a whole lot of meaningful character growth. Everyone ends the season pretty much where they started it.
Adrian Paul is a professional martial artist, and a physically intimidating specimen, but because of some goofy fucking effects in post, ALL of the fight scenes are somehow the worst fight scene I've ever seen.
Only the bad guys steal real human hosts, so Cole has to get his physical form elsewhere. He manifests his body based on a billboard photo of an underwear model. This wouldn't be a bad thing, except the show uses it as an excuse to play out the same gag of him walking around in briefs and everyone being uncomfortable about a billion times over.
Also it presents questions that genuinely plagued me for all of the 22 episodes. Are the briefs his flesh? Is he wearing them in the (frankly weirdly charged) bath scene where Mel washes his upper body with a sponge? The image was two dimensional, so how does he know what a butt looks like? Was it just a guess?
The weird bath scene deserves its own bullet
The plot writing was a little predictable, which isn't always a bad thing, but matched with the lack of character growth, some episodes are left feeling less than dynamic.
It was the beginning of the aughts, so there's plenty of casual ableism, sexism, racism, and a smattering of transphobia to go around.
The villains, in the spirit of cheesy sci-fi, tend to be kind of flat (almost as flat as Cole should be, given that his only point of reference was two-dimensional and ASSLESS). There are also times where we just have to take the show's word for it that they're guilty and deserve to be in jail.
The non-binary aliens thing is verbally confirmed in Canon, from what I recall, but they don't really... Do anything with it? He still uses gendered words like husband and wife and daughter, and uses gendered terminology and pronouns to refer to the fugitive aliens. I KNOW it was the 2000s, but just from a world builder's perspective, it was a missed opportunity, dude.
Cole's a cop.
Everything was pretty Cole-focused. I think the show could have benefitted from having a few more episodes where the real focus was on other characters and their problems. It would have fleshed everyone out a bit more, and been good for building relationships.
It's a space cop show. Cops in space.
But the real problem is that. In spite of the above diatribe of headaches. I do genuinely have a fondness for this wonderful, terrible piece of television. I think the concept deserves a second chance. And I am going to tell you my plan. (Read: pipe dream)
(If you've made it this far in, you HAVE to stay to the end. Sunk-cost, baby. You've wasted this much of your life on my drivel, why not waste some more?)
The proposal:
First things first, forget the space cops. There's no reason for this to be both a monster of the week and a police procedural. The world has moved past the need for fantastical police procedurals. Make the main character a mercenary/bounty hunter/gun for hire type with his own code of conduct and definition of morality. Make the invasion of earth personal (interested in some dead family, anyone?) or his biggest job to date that then becomes personal(possibly still with some dead family on the side).
Second, keep the monster-of-the-week style, but connect the lore of the worlds and aliens enough to actually start painting a tapestry of who these people are. I wanted to know more about what these people left behind to come to Earth. Also, they kind of touch on the infiltration of the upper class and the exploitation of the working class by the aliens in the original show, and how financial success and influence can be a very effective weapon. I would just say... Lean into that a little more. Let Cole stand up for good people, instead of just hunting down bad ones.
Thirdly, revamp the core and recurring characters. Give Mel a little more agency, and a life outside of Cole and his drama. Give Nestov, Cole's Sidekick, more of a personality than "chronic con artist." Plan subplots and arcs for everyone Cole comes to consider his family. The humanization of Cole and his connection to the people around him through the lens of his grief and loneliness is so under-explored in the original, but when they do touch on it, it's brilliant! Making the people around him more real will make that element feel more real. And just !!!! Human compassion, man!!!! Shows about aliens are so good for creating portraits of humanity from an outsider's perspective!!! Why not paint people as wonderful and complex and strange and kind????
Fourthly, Make It Queer As Hell. Have a masculine presenting, but comfortably he/they protagonist! No one else is doing that yet, and frankly it would be nice to get away from the stereotype that is rapidly developing in certain mindsets of non-binary identities being "girl-lite." Make all the aliens queer, and make most of the humans queer too! Queer people find each other. That's not going to stop at just one species. Also, how much fun could you have with "Alien doesn't understand gender binary?" It's a comedy jackpot! Double also, feeling like you're an outsider to the rest of your species because of your queerness could be really encapsulated in the metaphor of a literal alien being asked to conform to societal expectations that are fundamentally nonsensical to them.
And lastly... I'm actually advocating that we keep the underwear model origin story, if only because it then presents the opportunity for the actual model to make an appearance down the line, and I think the shenanigans we'd get out of that would be too much of a gold mine to pass up.
I don't know if I've sold this, to be honest. It's the wee hours of the morning where I am, and I've spent longer writing this post than I have my thesis today, and I Still do not know if I've put together a coherent thought, either about what the show is or what I want it to have been. I have no idea if my inexplicable enthusiasm for this program has come through at all.
That being said I've thought about it Too Much and ABSOLUTELY built a complete fancast for the core characters. Read on (really, at this point, you have no choice. You kind of just have to keep scrolling until you get past it. This is becoming like 'Do you love the color of the sky' but more niche and sad. I'm so sorry)
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I present Rahul Kohli, he/they royalty themself, as Cole. Their work on iZombie shows an awesome sense for lovable comedic timing, and on Midnight Mass, he was a dramatic powerhouse. They can be soft and kind just as well as they can be really imposing and commanding. I think he could easily walk the tightrope between cold-steel heroism and genuine naivete that would really bring Cole's good heart to light. Also, a he/they playing a he/they? Unthinkable!
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I nominate Rachel Keller to play Mel. She's another really incredible dramatic actress, and her work on Legion showed an ability to maintain a compelling portrayal of a competent person in the face of utter absurdity that I think would be a good balance for Cole's constant and unending weirdness. She has a very steady energy about her, and I think the vibes are right for a woman trying to run a legacy business while also putting up with alien bullshit at all hours in the apartment upstairs from her bar. Keller's character in Legion also had a really complete and well-rounded feeling to her, which I think is an awesome nuance to be able to bring to Mel, a character that could frankly use some more building out to do her concept justice.
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I LOVE Liv Hewson for the role of Nestov. First of all, they'd be a queer actor playing a queer character, so immediate points. But also, Hewson brings such an unorthodox, spunky-yet-deadpan delivery to their characters that I think they'd be a great option to play a streetwise, grifter alien that goes from a minor antagonist to a really key part of Cole's most trusted inner circle. I also think that leaning into Nestov's queerness and his (he goes by he/him in the original show) experience as an alien on earth without the support of the fugitive gang that Cole is hunting could be a great place to bond and a wonderful change for mutual character development.
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I think Lolly Adefope would be marvelous as Jess, Mel's overenthusiastic bartender who's constantly looking for a way to make Mel's relic of an establishment into the Next Big Thing. Adefope has such a bubbly, sunny energy about her, and especially as Mel's life gets crazier, she'll need a spot of normalcy. A cheerful, unconditional friend running away from a surprisingly dark English past might be just the breather Mel needs from the impending alien apocalypse. Also, it's just nice for girls to have friends who are girls, independent of men or shared romantic interest. The major change in Jess's character that I'd want is making her less creepily fascinated by Cole. In the original it felt at times like a fox eyeing a deer carcass. Especially when Cole (frequently) stripped down to his maybe-made-of-meat underwear. I'm not saying that I'll except nothing but a joyful femme lesbian, but... No, actually that's exactly it. Make Jess Gay! and use that to subvert the stereotype of the predatory lesbian that's still so prevalent in tv production today. It would also give Cole an example of human queerness to relate to and a human queer friend to build connections with.
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I think Jemaine Clement is my ideal Vic Bruno, but. Not necessarily as he appears in the original show. In the original show, for the (many) uninitiated, Vic is Mel's ex, and a police detective. He's all right, but he sort of just serves as a narrative foil for Cole, and isn't good for too much else. This Vic would be more of a mentor figure to Mel, one of her Grandmother's regulars at the bar. He's either a former detective or a detective that's becoming more disillusioned with the abuse of power at his job by the day. He's reluctant to help out at first, and doesn't particularly like Cole, but cares enough about Mel to eventually become invested in Cole's safety by extension. The two end up having kind of a weird, tense-but-ride-or-die friendship. Vic ends up being more of a foil for Nestov's energy than Cole's. In Canon, he'd be the one confirmed token cishet, but he'd be all right in spite of that. Dad Energy.
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The last main character I have Thoughts about is Tricia Helfer as Zin. Zin is the show's BBEG, the mastermind behind the fugitives' escape to Earth, and Cole's mentor-figure-turned-traitor. Mastermind is already a sexy energy, but MILF mastermind? Yes Please. I don't really have a good story reason for this decision, her performance in Battlestar Galactica is just a core memory from my childhood and I think she should get to be sexy villains more. I do know that Zin, while in concept such a cool villain, felt really under-utilized in the original show, and in this hypothetical remake I'd want so much more direct conflict between the him (as per gender in the original) and Cole. The betrayal of a trusted quasi-paternal figure is such a tasty morsel of trauma to play with, and it's one that went almost completely unacknowledged. Just like Cole is mourning his family, he's also, in a way, mourning the person he thought Zin was, and having them face off and have to confront their relationship head on would be a very sexy thing to do I think.
So those are. My thoughts.
Tl;Dr: (understandably so, holy SHIT) Im advocating for a queer remake of a shitty alien show from the early aughts. It already had the bones of hokey charm, monster of the week adventures, and misfits making found family. It just needs to re-examine its own biases and get👏 more 👏queer👏 to tell a story that's really unique and special.
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marinettereadsfics · 4 years
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Kim Seokjin
Make You Scream  Now, when I say this is a wild ride is because I truly mean it. There is nothing like this out there I assure you. Reese is a mastermind. You won’t regret reading it. [crack, smut, Monsters Inc. AU]
A Lullaby on Canvas  Pure amazing plot and writing. If smut with plot is your thing, you got urself a masterpiece right here. [smut, siren AU, neighbour AU]
Dick n’ Go  It never ceases to surprise me how well thought out their plots are + I laughed at the “five star dick” more than I should have bc I totally see Jinnie pulling that off [smut, crack]
Eight  You may be hesitant to read an octopus hybrid Jin but please, this is so well written its just *chefs kiss* [smut, Hybrid AU]
Folia  I never knew I needed an alien AU until I read this. Do yourself a favour and read it. [smut, Alien AU]
Kiss It Better  A quick but amazing read. Seokjin + crack and f2l?? SIGN ME UP [smut, crack, f2l]
Golden Boy  Love me some amazingly written smut with plot. Because what’s better than Pornstar Kim Seokjin? Neighbour pornstar Kim Seokjin.[smut, Neighbour AU, Pornstar AU]
Better With You  This three part fake dating with kinda chaebol Seokjin is juts *chefs kiss* definitely one of my faves [smut, angst, Fake Dating AU]
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Min Yoongi
The Touch of Silk  You know what’s better than vampire Yoongs? Sugar Daddy Vampire Yoongs. Do you even need to know more? [smut, Sugar Daddy AU, Vampire AU]
Talk  One of the most well-written two shots out there. I simply loved it. Most probably read it when I should have been doing homework but hey, Phone Sex operator Yoongi is so worth it. [smut, Phone Sex Operator AU]
Book of The Beasts: From the Ashes  I’m a sucker for anything mythical and this is definitely no exception. It has an amazing plot and build up. 1000/10 [smut, angst, Witch AU, Mythical Shifter AU]
Owner Training  Okay hear me out, I love reading fanfics but I almost never something longer than a one shot bc otherwise I wouldn’t graduate but this. This right here ladies, gentlemen and non binary buddies, is so so worth your time. I’m a sucker for hybrid Yoongi yeah. [crack, fluff, smut, Hybrid AU]
Snake Kisses  If your thing is grumpy Yoongs, mix it a little bit with this amazingly written Hybrid fic and you’ve got: perfection! Danger noodle are my favourite words since I read this. [smut, fluff, Hybrid AU]
Glass  Pure amazing filth by this amazing author. Spare a few minutes and read this masterpiece. Thank You. [smut]
Inheritance  There are a few shots in this one and truth be told you will find yourself reading them all. This one is kinda angsty but it is so so good. Again, grumpy Yoongi hybrid is my fave. [fluff, smut, angst, Hybrid AU]
Demon! Yoongi  I distinctively remember having this one in my to-read list and saying ‘I’ll just read this one and head to bed’ on a school night bc my sleep deprived ass read “2.1 k words” but it really was “22.1k” and so… yeah. It was so amazing I ended up reading it all in one go. Education is important but this Demon Yoongi fic is more important. Don’t quote me on that. [smut, Demon AU] Catharsis  Hello my fellow kinky Yoongi enthusiasts, I bring you an amazing fic full of smut with some amazing plot behind and character development. [smut]
Android!Yoongi Excuse me while I go and weep in a corner. This is a scenario I didn’t know I needed so much. 24k yeah, but it is so so worth it. [smut, angsty, Android AU]
Mighty  I can’t recall details because I tend to read to sleep BUT GRUMPY CAT YOONGI IS A THING. [smut, fluff, Hybrid AU]
Love and Laughter  A quick read, but I’m a sucker for established relationship drabbles. [smut, fluff]
Tonight  If daechwita Yoongs did something to you, spare a few minutes to read this masterpiece. [smut, Historical AU]
Bent Will  Heavy kinky stuff ahead. That is about enough. [smut]
Daechwita  The title is pretty self-explanatory. If you haven’t read this masterpiece, I honestly- don’t know where you’ve been. [smut, Historical AU]
Give It To Me  Hello fellow kinky Yoongi enthusiats, again. Shibari is a thing here. Enjoy. [smut]
Want a Taste? 
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it all the time, SMUT WITH PLOT. Yoongi rapper while working in a mall is something I didn’t know I needed. As always, amazing writing and plot. [smut, humour-ish, Mall Worker AU]
Let me tell ya something, this fic right here has slipped from my fingers more than once, but I just loved it so so much that I’ve spent hours looking for it without remembering the title. A FAVE. Amazing writing and an even more incredible character development. A MUST READ. [smut, fluff, comedy, College AU]
The pure essence of Yoongi’s life lessons mixed with a tiny bit of bad boy vibe and smut. [angst, smut, College AU]
Tricks of the Trade 
This was such a fun and sexy reading! I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Can you just imagine swapping bodies with your crush okay look no further. Here it is. [smut, humour, fluff, Soulmate AU]
The Singularity Theory 
Three parts of absolutely worthy Min Yoongi smut with plot [smut, comedy, college AU]
Nine Months From Now
SMUT. WITH. PLOT. And a hell of a plot I absolutely love CEO Yoongi [smut, fluff, CEO AU]
To Love an Empress 
Ummm hello? This piece of art is just- idk absolutely brilliant to say the least. I am in love with the writing okay and you know im a sucker for smut with plot.[smut, fluff, Historical AU]
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Jung Hoseok
Airplane Pt.2  I’m not saying that I can totally picture Hobi in this scenario but maybe I am. Welcome to the mile high club, everybody. [smut, Sugar Daddy AU]
Fake Love  I’m a cliché lover okay. [smut, fluff, fake dating, enemies to lovers]
Rogue Galaxy  SMUT. WITH. PLOT. May you feel blessed with Kristi’s amazingly written masterpiece. [angst, fluff, smut, alien AU]
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Kim Namjoon
Hammer it Home  I started reading this in the middle of my customs and tariffs class and somewhere along the middle I kinda forgot I started reading it BUT MY MY THIS IS *chef’s kiss* one of the most amazing smut with plot I’ve read in a while. [fluff, smut]
The Moment Pleasantly Frightful  Joonie here is a devil, you are an inexpirenced witch [smut]
What Friends are For  Joonie is kinda inexperienced but hey, making sure he gets it is what friends are for. [smut, BFF AU]
Love Bites 
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Park Jimin
Love Me, Love Me I read this in a sleepy haze for the first time but ever since, I’ve re-read it bc it is just so good! One of my hybrid faves tbh [smut, Hybrid AU]
Book of The Beasts: The Hunt I was so caught up with the story from the beginning, no words, just do yourself a favour and read it. [fluff, smut, angst, Mythical Shifter AU]
A Serpent’s Flower Part 1 and Part 2  You gotta read these if you wanna have a good laugh but still get the sexy writing in it + if you like HP AUs okay. The plot is so rich I loved it.
20 Things (and Counting) I Hades about You  Cocky Jimin makes an appearance in this one as Hades’ embodiment and lemme tell ya I’m here for it. [crack, angst, Greek Gods AU]
Beneath the Water by @jungshookz ExcuSE YOU, this is easily the best mermaid/merman AU I’ve read. It really takes you places, please read it. [fluff, crack, smut, mermaid AU]
The Airport Couple: Park Jimin’s Cock [pit] This was so so fun to read, plus, it is so well written I might cry. The plot is so original is2g. I never knew I needed Jimin as a pilot in my life, but we all do. [fluff, smut, crack, pilot!AU]
Everywhere  One of my werewolf AU faves in this site, this so smutty I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT [smut, Werewolf AU]
Sleeping on the Couch  Hello there cute smutty drabbles. It is so entertaining, just read ahead. [smut, fluff]
Shewolf by @dovechim​
You should know by now this is the author of some AMAZINGLY WRITTEN SMUT so just go ahead please [smut, werewolf AU]
Love Like This  If your thing is soft boyfriend Jiminie, look no further, this will make you feel things for sure. [smut, fluff]
User: Mochibuns95  There is nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for camboy Jimin, now make it a “we kinda know each other but not really” and you got this brilliant plot! Kudos to the author, you are an absolute genius! [smut, Camboy AU]
Lovebug  Gimme some more of this angsty smutty hybrid Jimin slowly learning to love himself YESSS [angst, fluff, smut, Hybrid AU]
Dress Code  If you haven’t thought about CEO Jimin in a nsfw type of way. Stop lying to yourself. Read this. [smut, CEO AU]
So it Goes
A 3 part masterpiece. Once again I kinda cried reading it. It must have been hormonal. Or perhaps the amazing way it is written. [fluff, smut, Alien AU]
Power Play
Okay so I went on a reading spree for Addie but can you even blame me? SHE IS AN AMAZING WRITER PERIODT. FEED ME THAT FILTH WITH AMAZING PLOT. Definitely one of my faves. I can promise you your heart will skip a beat with this one.  [smut, fluff, Pornstar AU]
Watch Me, Watch You 
Listen up, I can’t be the only one that has found a TA attractive as fuck. Now bring Jimin into it? YES PLEASE [smut, college AU]
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Kim Taehyung
Ahem. Excuse you. This hit hard it is amazing, astounding, I loved every word of it. I’m a sucker for smut with plot and this right here, delivered. Homeless but passionate for music Tae is here to save the day. [fluff, smut]
All That Is Gold  I’ll said it once, I’ll say it until I die, AMAZING PLOTS THAT NEVER FAIL TO DELIVER. Tae is a sugarbaby here. [smut, angst, roommate AU]
Plunge  Hybrid shy Tae is a thing here [smut, angst, Hybrid AU]
Fun & Games  Soft smutty lover Tae is a dream come true in this one [fluff, smut]
By Chance Tae saves your life and things get… heated. An amazing plot, lovely characters as always. [angst, smut, fluff, Mythical AU, Shifter AU]
By Chance Tae saves your life and things get… heated. An amazing plot, lovely characters as always. [angst, smut, fluff, Mythical AU, Shifter AU]
Sehebon Then again, a bless to read Alien AU, Tae here is just a dreamy one. So so lovely writing, smut with plot, you know it. [angst, fluff, smut, Alien AU]
The Talk  I absolutely loved this, pornstar Tae stepping out of his comfort zone is something so so needed in your life [smut, Pornstar AU]
Good Girl  Accidentally sending your coworker nudes can be something less than a nightmare. [smut, Office AU]
Planning Ahead  Sweet baby Jesus. I loved it. [smut, breeding kink]
The Morning After 
I’m sorry I love ex to lovers smut but y’all shouldn’t stay in toxic relationships okay [smut, e2l]
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Jeon Jungkook
The Underwear Thief  I found this so so funny to read and I just noticed that it is 10k but it doesn’t feel like it. Plus, Kookie and a cat as a concept is so cute to me. [smut, neighbour AU]
Bandslam  I haven’t read a fic with this much well written plot ever since my 1D phase so I am forever in debt to Laura for delivering such an amazing fic. Enemies to lovers is a cliche, I know but mix it with drummer boy JK and you got this amazing piece of art. [angst, a bit of fluff in there, smut, E2L, Drummer AU]
Caught Me  I read this quite a while back but I can still recall bits and pieces of it. Seokjin is a sneaky bastard in this one + JK is that roommate that is kinda hard to live with.[smut, Roommates AU]
Crybaby  I’m just going to say: this goes hard. Do yourself a favor and read it. [smut]
Dynasty  I was on a historical streak when I read this. It is angsty but trust me, you’ll absolutely love it. [angst, smut, Historical AU]
Black Card  A wonderfully written two shot that gathers a few faves: CEO Jungkookie and a spoiling kink. Honestly, where can I get myself a man like this. [smut, CEO AU]
Periapt  A two shot (? where JK is an incubus. That should be enough of a description. Amazing writting as always by Rha.
Robot!Jungkook  Okay so one of my many not so guilty pleasures is reading android AUs and lemme tell ya, this 5 shot scenario is just *chefs kiss* [angst, fluff, smut, Android AU]
Dumbo  Wanna have a great laugh while still getting the smut content you deserve? This is your fic. Please just read it. It is amazing and will most likely make your day better. [crack, smut]
2! 3!  Fluffy vanilla smut. Sometimes we deserve it. [fluff, smut]
New Beginnings One of the sexiest Werewolf AUs I’ve read if not the sexiest. You know I love my smut with plot on the side and this fic right here: absolutely amazing. [smut, angst, Werewolf AU]
Felicity  NOW THIS FIC TOOK ME PLACES I DIDN’T KNOW I NEEDED TO BE. There are amazing hybrid fics out there but this is on a whole new level. Like seriously, novel-worthy plot. Also, this is off hiatus now apparently and I will most definitely be waiting for it. [angst, smut, hybrid AU]
Out of the Blue  Four-piece that is worth every second you read it. It takes you places, trust me. Plus, you get Namjin on the side. [smut, fluff, Hybrid AU]
Anemia  Hello, a quick read but smutty and quite the ride. Just read it. [smut, True Blood AU]
Fluff and Smut 
Yesssss love me some pinning pornstar au I LIVE FOR IT [smut, Pornstar AU]
138 notes · View notes
skywalkingthegalaxy · 4 years
The Binary Stars Chapter 1
So another Mandalorian Fic out of the thousands that are written. Right? So I decided to get on this train because of the obvious. So I hope you all enjoy and here’s hoping that people will have fun reading! If you would like to be tagged please let me know! And I’ll see y’all later! 
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Just attach this wire and….
Anytime now please.
Nothing. Hmmm. Maybe just needs a little more aggression? Smacking the panel as the windmill turned back on and began spinning. With technology sometimes a little tap can fix it nicely.
Closing the electric panel to see that the only blurg in her fence was sound asleep. These Blurrgs including the one he’s riding towards the ship. They keep bitting the power lines and if one more does it I’m going to shoot her and make a nice stew.
Speaking of Kuiil he should be back by now from seeing if the ship was here for the bounty. He’s either being friendly or is taking a very long time riding back. Since the sun was setting he probably stopped to watch the sunset for a little bit. I’ll go get the tea ready at least for him when he gets back, and get an extra cup for the possible stranger coming to join us tonight.
Looking out to see Kuiil with a stranger following behind him. Must be another bounty hunter after this client that’s making Kuiil all sorts of upset. He doesn’t enjoy the violence which I don’t blame him for of course. After being enslaved for so long I imagine the taste of freedom is wonderful.
“Annika!” Kuiil yelled as I put my tool bag on my back then began climbing down the windmill. Landing on the ground to wait for them to approach me. That makes...twenty...there was the human with the symbiotic arm..twenty two. That is bounty hunter number twenty two attempting to capture this target. Maybe this time he’ll be able to catch the target and get these raiders off the planet.
“Twenty two. Congratulations your number twenty two on those who’ve attempted the bounty.” Commenting for them to stop right in front of me.
“We will discuss inside.” Kuiil told the bounty hunter as the Blurrg sniffed my hand.  
“Your blurrgs keep chewing through the power lines and eventually it’s going to end up killing one of them.” Commenting as Kuiil got down as the bounty hunter was looking directly at me.
“Welcome to Arvala 7. You’ll be comfortable down here till morning when we head out.” Motioning him to follow me as we began walking inside.
Kuiil was first inside already getting the tea ready for the bounty hunter to join us. I think the spare cot is still up from the last one that came through seeking this target. My gut is telling me that this bounty hunter in particular may actually get the job done.
The bounty hunter sat down at the table as I put down my tool bag next to me then sat down. He’s got some shiny helmet. I'll give him that much. Beskar which makes sense as it’s practically indestructible. Impressive. I’ve been studying my metals and other elemental stuff these past few weeks.
“Annika.” I held up my hand to him but he looked over than back over at Kuiil. Guess he ain’t too friendly.
“He’s a Mandalorian.” Ah. That makes sense with the armor and the stoic personality. Though the few stories Kuiil has told me I truly thought he would have brought more weapons. Not just a rifle and a blaster. Then again. If you’re the greatest warriors in the galaxy then you may not need much to get the job done.
“Many have passed through, they seek the same as you.”
“Did you help them?”
“Yes. They died.”
“Well, then I don’t know if I want your help.” Looking up as I stared directly at him.
“You do.” I commented as Kuiil handed me my cup and then to the mandalorian.
“We can show you the encampment of where it’s being held. And you’re going to need an extra body in order to get the job done.” Taking a sip as the warmth of it made me relax a little.
“What’s your cut then?”
“Half the bounty to guide? And volunteering to help? Seems steep.” Relax there shiny I don’t want payment. This has been sort of keeping my skills up to date so I don’t become weak.
“No. Half of the blurrg you helped capture.”
“The blurrg? You can keep them both.”
“No. You will need one. To ride. The way is impossible to pass without a blurrg mount.”
“I don’t know how to ride blurrg.”
“I have spoken.” He poured himself the tea as the Mandalorian put down his cup. Right. They can’t take off their armor so there’s no way he would drink in front of us.
“It’s not hard. As long as you have some sort of good balance you’ll be able to ride it easily.” Telling him as he sighed.
Nighttime fell over the farm as I turned on the light underneath the canopy. Kuiil is dead asleep inside and rather not work on my weapons with him trying to sleep. My blaster needs some calibration for tomorrow. Rather not go in there with a blaster that can’t fire correctly.
The Mandalorian came out of the hut to start walking over to me, grabbing my poncho to then cover up my upper body.
“Can’t sleep?” Asking as I began taking off the barrel of the gun.
“Not really.” Motioning my head for him to sit on the spare stool.
“Feel free to sit here till you feel like falling asleep.” Telling him as I too off the barrel then continued from there.
“Do you clean your blaster often?” He looked down to put it on the work table.
“Better than what I expected. Here.” Handing him a spare pipe cleaner for him to take it. He began taking his gun apart as I began cleaning the barrel.
“How’d you end up all the way out here?” Sticking the barrel pipe down to start moving it up and down to get the gunk out.
“I was on a refugee ship coming out here to drop off people in the outer rim. Kuiil was sitting alone when a group of ass holes thought it would be funny to try to jump him. Beat them up and in return he offered me a home. Make sure you get around the gears.” Telling him as I grabbed my cleaning rag. We sat there in silence for the next few minutes while we continued to clean our weapons.
“What should I be expecting tomorrow?” Asking me as I put down my rag.
“About thirty to forty. One huge turret and an eagerness to keep whatever they have in that compound. The one time I went we made it a good way through but he was killed then they brought out the turret. Can’t exactly take a turret out by myself along with thirty to forty guards.” Telling him which made him stop cleaning and from what I can guess is thinking about strategy.
“Here.” Clearing a space then started moving around the pieces of my rifle to give him a visual layout.
“So according to their layout. This is where the asset is supposedly held in the main building. The rest of the buildings on the side is where these thirty to forty guards will end up coming out. A frontal assault is a horrible idea from a past mistake.” The Mandalorian began looking over the really bad layout of the compound.
“Now the compound is in the middle of the rock hills so there’s a chance for an attack from each side. But you’re the Mandalorian, I'll leave that up to you.”
“Does the main door always stay shut?”
“No. But they will shut it when we attack due to whatever this asset is, it’s worth a lot to whoever is paying the bounty. Can I know who the one is paying for this asset?”
“The Empire. What’s left of them in the universe.” The Empire? I...I didn’t think they were even around anymore. Figured the New Republic would’ve taken care of them by now. The outer rim must not be their top priority and if any planet isn’t Coruscant they don’t matter.
“Well I’ll let you get to thinking Mandalorian. Good night.” Getting up to leave my blaster apart on the work table.
*The Next Morning*
I sat under the canopy again to put together the blaster I left apart. After I finished putting back my blaster together I began working on my armor for the assault that was about to happen at the compound. My left shoulder plate just loves popping off after a few beams hit it. And rather not deal with an open wound in the middle of a firefight.
Putting it back on my shoulder for it to stay nicely on there now. Moving my arm around to see The Mandalorian and Kuiil walking towards the wild Blurrg. Hopefully we can get this done and be home by supper.
Hearing him grunting for my head to turn and see him on the ground. Oof. Who would’ve guessed that he lacked patience. Not that I haven’t ever but still I figured this would’ve been an easy task. It’s just a blurrg.
“Perhaps if you removed your helmet.”
“Perhaps it remembers that I tried to roast him.”
“That is a female. The males are all eaten during mating.” It's really not a pretty site when that happens as well. Yuck.
The Mandalorian got back up to attempt again. He’s rushing it and not giving them the chance to feel a bond. Every sort of animal species requires trust in order to ride and she’s a wild blurrg. Watching him fall off once again made Kuiil shake his head at him.
“I don’t have time for this. Do you have a landspeeder or a Speeder bike that I could hire?”
“You are Mandalorian. Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur. Surely you can ride this young foal.” He’s not wrong. It’s just an animal that needs to make sure you’re not going to harm them.
See. They just need to make sure you’re not going to kill them! Clapping my hands together as he began riding around on the Blurrg. It just takes a minute to get a good grip and balance on these things. Truth be told I’d rather walk and jump around on the gorges for a little bit. Yet here we are.
Placing my foot on the table to grab my holstered knife into the boot. Next putting on my leg holster as I clipped it together. The Mandalorian came up to stand next to me to make sure he had everything.
“That a amban rifle?” Asking as he turned his head to look at it.
“Impressive.” Getting down on the ground to grab my gun case. Standing back up to see him still looking directly at me.
“Don’t worry I’m not gonna take it.” Assuring him as I opened my gun case to pull out my DC-15LE. Snagged it on that refugee ship that was making its way out here. I imagine the Empire isn’t going to work their way out here to take it back.
“You don’t have to help me if you don’t want to.” He commented as I placed the rifle over my head and snuggled it tight around my chest.
“It’s not a matter of wanting. It’s a matter that you’re going to need my help.” Grabbing my shawl to wrap around my chest.
“Have you always helped the other bounties?” We began walking out and heading towards the Blurrgs.
“Only the last one. Everyone else I just assumed that they failed and were killed. But it’s been upsetting Kuiil with his peace and quiet being disturbed. So now I figured why not help a little to get this land to quiet down.” Walking past him then towards the blurrgs.
“Trust me Mandalorian. If I wanted you dead it would’ve happened already.” Winking as we turned the blurrg to start riding off.  
Passing through the cracks of the planet and into the rocky hills that hid the compound. Pretty decent spot to keep an asset because from the air it looks just too busy. Not to mention who wants to make the effort to climb rocky hills and cliffs just for an asset.
We should be getting close. You can see the remaining blasters and the smell of those who’ve attempted the bounty. The stench of these bodies never goes away, it only gets far worse and I can’t stand the smell. Slowing down the Blurrg for Kuiil to point towards the compound.
“That is where you’ll find your quarry.” The Mandalorian held out a small sack full of credits for Kuiil to decline it.
“Please. You deserve this.” Kuiil looked up into the landscape and sighed.
“Since these ones arrived, this territory has been an endless stream of mercenaries seeking reward and bringing destruction.”
“Then why did you guide me?”
“They do not belong here. Those that live here come to seek peace. There will be no peace until they’re gone.”
“Then why do you help?”
“I have never met a Mandalorian. I’ve only read the stories. If they are true, you will make quick work of it. Then there will again be peace.”
“I have spoken.” Watching Kuiil ride off as we dismounted the Blurrgs.
“The Blurrgs should stay here till we get back. Then we’ll go our separate ways.” The Mandalorian nodded as we began walking towards the edge of the cliff.
We laid down on top of the rocks as he got a closer view on the compound. Last time it was swamped with guards and some huge turret was directly at the entrance of the compound. Pulling out my electrobinoculars to get a good look at the entrance. So far it looks approachable and no heavy artillery in the main entrance.
“They usually have some sort of heavy turret.” Where is it?
“How many do you see?” The Mandalorian asked as I did a quick headcount from what I could see.
“About twenty from what I see. But without that turret it’ll be easier than before and is that a droid?” Double checking with my electrobinoculars to get a closer look.
“Oh no. Bounty droid.” Shaking his head for us to get up from the cliff. Watching the droid going into the compound and taking out the soldiers one by one. Wow this is the first bounty droid I’ve ever seen and it’s sort of impressive.
We began climbing down the cliff as quick as we could to see the droid was making his way through the compound. If he gets to the asset first I’m going to use him for spare parts! Climbing then turned into sliding down the hill and reaching the bottom. He was up first as he offered his hand to help me up. Getting up for us to walk towards the gunfire. Guess the droid is already making his dent in the compound!
“IG unit stand down!” The droid immediately shot him and sent him flying back. It held it’s gun up at me as I immediately pulled out my blaster.
“I’m in the guild!” The Mandalorian held up the tracker. Offering him my hand to help him off the ground.
“You are a Guild member? I thought I was the only one on assignment.”
“You alright?” Asking him for him to nod.
“That makes two of us.” We got behind the pillars waiting for them to come out from the doors.
“So much for the element of surprise.”
“Sadly, I must ask for your fob. I have already issued the writ of seizure. The bounty is mine.” Excuse me? Since when does a droid..what!
“Unless I’m mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty-handed.” Gottem there.
“This is true.” We both kept poking our heads out to see if anymore of the guards coming from the building.
“I have a suggestion.”
“We split the reward.”
“This is acceptable.” Thank goodness.
“Great. Now let’s regroup, out of harm's way, and form a plan.” They’re going to come anytime now! I’d like to be kept alive during this whole ordeal!
“I will of course receive the reputation merits associated with the mission.”
“Can we talk about this later gentlemen!” Yelling as they were beginning to take formation.
“I require an answer if I am to proceed.. ALERT ALERT ALERT!” Shit shit shit!
They started firing down on us from the roof of the compounds as more were coming out of the buildings. The bounty droid kept his stance in the middle of the battlefield as more and more were coming out of the buildings. The Mandalorian and I kept ourselves behind the pillars as I grabbed my rifle from my back. Loading and looking down the small scope to start firing back at the men.
“We gotta get to the door.” The Mandalorian yelled as he began moving to the next piller. I followed him as he turned his head up. Looking up to see one of them on the rooftop as I shot him down.
The bounty droid was focusing on every enemy for the two of us to work our way around to the door. This is going to work I think holy shit! The door opened behind me for one of the guards to tackle me. Kicking him in the gut for the Mandalorian to shoot him right in the head. Rolling over to behind the metal barrier to then sit up.
He looked at the tracker as it was still behind the main door. Glad to know that they haven’t evacuated it. I imagine they think they’ll kill us and move on. Not this time! The three of us began moving towards the metal door as the droid stood and began walking right in the middle of the path firing at them. What droid holy crap!
“Wow. I’ve never seen a droid move like that.” Commenting as I looked up to see two were about to fire down on us.
“Up top!” We both yelled as he got behind the opposite pillar.
The firing began to stop to see them beginning to gather up in the center of the compound. Why’d they stop? Is this when the turret is coming out? I’ve gotten this the last time and now it’s just a waiting game!
They began raining fire down on us again as we both kept out heads behind the pillar. Each time we would try to fire back the pillar would be shot to pieces right before we could fight back!
“It appears we are trapped. I will initiate self-destruct sequencing.” SELF WHAT!?
“Whoa you’re what?” We both stopped and were ready to shoot this droid in order to save our asses.
“Don’t you dare blow up!” Yelling at him as we kept trying to get a good shot of one of the guards.
“Manufactures Protocol dictates I cannot be captured. I must self-destruct.”
“If you blow up right now I will use your parts for my toilet!” I yelled as the Mandalorian looked over at the control panel.
“You two cover me!” Nodding as The droid was the first one out to start firing back. Landing a shot into the left one on the roof. They’re too much fire shit! More blasts were going past me than I could fight back!
“Go go go there’s too many!” I stood on the opposite side of the pillar as I was ready to go back out and face them.
“They got us pinned!” He yelled as I landed another target that was standing in the doorway.
“No shit!” Yelling as I ducked back into cover. They began cheering as the firing stopped once again.
“Do not self-destruct! We are shooting our way out!” The Mandalorian ordered as we all stepped out from the pillars.
“Okay.” Is all he said for us to duck back.
“New plan!”
“What plan!” Screw it! I’m using it and if that means trouble brought down on me then screw it! Getting shot at like this is getting infuriating. Even last time wasn’t this bad and there’s three of us! Cracking my neck as I dropped down my rifle and taking off my poncho.
“Mandalorian! Get ready to run for that turret!” Cracking my thumbs and fingers to then step out.
“Papo. I can’t do it!”
“Yes you can.” Holding up my hands as I tried once more.
“The Gods have given you a duty my child. To protect those who can not protect themselves.”
“But it feels like a weapon.”
“Sometimes one must fight to save those who are in need. Concrete Annika. You’re the only one making it difficult.”
“It’s as light as air.” Closing my eyes as I began to concentrate.
As light as air.
As light as air!
Raising my hands to take in a very big breath. Turning my eyes into a bright white My white energy began glowring force field appearing before me as it was taking all the heat from the laser turret. The blast was bouncing all over for the shield to grow big enough for everyone to focus on it. He was staring at me as I looked over at him.
“GO!” Yelling as the droid went running from the other side and was immediately shot into the corner. The Mandalorian went around to then pull the turret towards him. Dissolving the shield as I watched him take out the rest of the compound.
Here it comes.
My breathing began to hurt as my lungs began to tighten up. This tends to happen when I don’t use this ability after a while. It feels like my body just sorts of tightens up for a little bit. Then it leads to the coughing which hurts worse.
“You okay?” The Mandalorian asked as I spat out the blood that came up. Whipping any remaining blood as I caught my breath.
“Give me a second. Sometimes my body doesn’t like it when I do that.” Chuckling at myself as I shook my head. There we go. All better.
“That was impressive you two.” The droid commented as I nodded.
“Thanks.” He nodded as he looked over at the door.
“Well, now we just need to get the door open.” We all starred at the door, then shifted our stance towards the turret. That’ll work.
“You two go in there and get the asset. I’ll stay out here and make sure no more come out to get us.” Ordering as I walked over to the turret and climbed on. I’ve been waiting to shoot this thing since I first saw it.
Flipping the switch for the turret to charge back up. Pulling back the trigger as I began shooting all across the door. It was shaking my entire body as I was super ecstatic at shooting at this door! YEAH!!! WHOOOOAAAA!!!
Now done.
The door fell over as the two of them stood in the doorway. For a few weeks I thought we weren’t going to be able to get rid of these people. All it took was just the three of us and some pure luck.
Now Kuiil can be at peace once again and I go..back to my life. Leaning against the pillar to go into my bag and pulled out my canteen of water. Taking a few sips to close the lid of the canteen. A shot rang out from the inside as I came running in to see the droid with a bullet in it’s head.
A little hand was poking out from the metal egg and was reaching for the Mandalorian. Is that a child?
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jq37 · 5 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 5
The One With Garthy O’ Brien
Welcome back you guys and a special shoutout to all of y’all who are fans of FH and CritRole. I don’t know about you but Matt and Brennan basically shaved a full year off of my life between Wednesday and Thursday with their DM machinations. Now we don’t have time to unpack all of that, but we can at least tackle the FH stuff so let’s jump right in.
Last we left off, the gang had just arrived at the floating pirate city of Leviathan. Pirates immediately start hauling them in and everyone turns to Fabian for a cue on how to react (at the exact same time, hilariously). Fabian tells them all to be mean and he makes a pirate cry immediately. Wild.  
They meet Jemina Joy who is a very cool Warforged (living automaton) pirate and also the boatswain of the city (pronounced “bosun”, they’re the boss of the crew and all the stuff on the boat, I was very into Monkey Island as a kid). One of her arms is a cannon and I need you to know that. Anyway, Fabian name drops his dad to try and get them some respect. It goes pretty OK but not as well as Adaine simply pointing out Cathilda’s presence. Jemina fully takes the knee and calls her, “Cathilda the Black, Terror of the Celestine Sea.”  Fig helps Cathilda disguise herself so she doesn’t draw any unnecessary attention. Despite the clout, Jemina still says she’s seizing the boat (it seems like they do this to get materials to keep the city afloat). Fig tries to move her with the power of rock because of course. She hits at 23 on a 20 DC check for that because of course. 
While she’s doing that nonsense, Adaine and Riz are--as always--trying to keep the party alive. Riz rolls a high perception check and noticed a pretty boy tiefling watching Fabian looking all hero worshippy. 
Thoroughly swayed between the name dropping and the rock and roll and the Cathilda of it all, Jemina offers to let them buy the Van-Boat back. Fabian, as always, is ready to throw any amount of cash at the problem and Adaine, as always, is trying to be responsible with their cash. After a hilariously long sidebar (which includes Fig, who introduced herself as a very famous rock star, saying they should “Act the part of the pauper,” which is a wild turn of phrase to just drop out of nowhere) the tiefling from before shows up and pays for the Van for them. He introduces himself as Alistair Ash and tells them that he paid with rocks magick’d to look like gold for ten minutes so they better book it. They have another long sidebar about whether they should pay or not with Adaine and wildly Fig on the side and of paying. They pay and Alistair agrees to take them to see Garthy O ’Brien (the pirate Bill had been dealing with).
On the way to see Garthy, the gang finds out that Allister is a warlock, his patron being none other than the damned madman himself--Bill Seacaster. Hilariously, Bill doesn’t take his charges souls. He makes them do microtransactions for their spells and recruit others like it’s a pyramid scheme. I don’t know what he’s gonna do will gold in HELL but it is on brand, I’ll give him that. 
A random dwarf calls Riz a slur so Fig and Kristen get him to jump to his death by turning into him and telling him he’s been dead for ten years, respectively.
Normal D&D stuff. 
Anyway, they make it to the Golden Gardens which is Garthy O’ Brien’s casino/brothel/resort (“Pirate Moulin Rogue” is how Brennan described it) and we learn that Brennan specifically made this character to F with the chat because they are this beefcake, non-binary,  aasimar/half-orc, tatted-up, succubus. My chat is usually on like a couple of seconds lag and I could have timed exactly how long the lag was by glancing over and counting off the seconds until the horned up comments started flooding in. You knew exactly what you were doing here Mr. Lee Mulligan. 
Garthy invites them in for drinks, drugs, and use of the facilities where Kristen accidentally takes the drink of a mindflayer (think, humanoid Cthulhu-monster). He’s James Whitlaw, Captain of the Crimson Claw and enemy of Bill Seacaster. The group tries to smooth things over but Fabian Sparta kicks him in the chest after he drags Bill. There’s a bit of a tousle but Garthy shuts that down before it can get out of hand. 
Post fight, the group questions Garthy and here are the highlights of that discussion:
They were supplying Bill with Palimpsests. Doing dead drops like the group assumed. 
The last time they were at the hotel, they got told by the new staff (ie: the demons in disguise) that Bill wasn’t coming and when Garthy wouldn’t play ball with them, the demons attacked them and took their pouch of gems. Garthy says the demons were probably there to ambush them for their gems. They especially wanted the Sapphire but was useless to them because it already had a Celestial inside of it.
The demons had been summoned and bound to the material plane by someone very powerful.  
Garthy doesn’t usually get gems from the Red Waste. 
Garthy has heard of the Shadowcat. They can’t see the Shadowcat in the pic (just Pok who they say is cute). Alistair also can’t see Kalina. 
Garthy tells Fig that, like they already knew, it would be super hard to break Gorthalax out. It would be hard for them to do, even considering curse breaking is one of their specialties. 
The crown of the Nightmare King passed through the Gold Gardens recently, brought by--surprise, surprise--Adaine’s mom. Adaine’s mom was coming in to get a curse broken--one placed on her by the crown. With it broken, she’d be able to handle it more easily. She tricked Garthy into doing it without revealing exactly what the curse was and was kicked out once it was revealed. Garthy’s not sure where she went but they know she was frustrated that she couldn’t just teleport there (because she hadn’t been there before and didn’t have a description of it). She left on a Falinel-bound ship. 
Garthy says Gorthalax is likely in a lot of pain in the gem he’s in.
The demons needed the gem for some kind of ritual sacrifice (namely, the one with Riz and Fig).
Also, Kristen is fully drunk for all of this. 
Post info-dump, Van-Boat (whose actual name is Zathriel btw, more info from Garthy) mindlinks with Gorgug to tell them that a fight has broken out. Gorgug has the Van drive towards them. The group pays for a suite and then Riz, Fig, and Adaine fly over to the Van (with Tracker following in her spectral wolf form). Riz jumps in the front seat, takes the wheel from Gilear, and commits a ton of vehicular manslaughter. During the fight, Sandra-Lynn gets shot and falls off of Baxter. She almost goes down but Tracker catches and heals her. 
They all make it back and proceed to reenact the house party scene from that one John Mulaney sketch (“a bunch of drunk toddlers”). People are getting wasted. People are getting tattoos. People are doing drugs. Kristen is riding Tracker like a horse (the G rated way, tyvm).  
Then, uh, something not super chill happens.
Sandra-Lynn gets totally wasted and decides she’s gonna teach Fig (who is a little cagey about if she likes anyone by the by) how to flirt without the use of disguise self and such. She decides she’s gonna demonstrate on Garthy which she does. Successfully. Sandra-Lynn who is in a relationship that is monogamous as her request. 
The drunk toddlers are herded into a room by Fig and Kristen. Kristen has Tracker cast the Moon Haven spell on the room and Fig and Adaine go to Garthy’s room to make sure Sandra-Lynn isn’t in trouble or anything. She’s not in trouble (yet) but, based on the way she’s clearly hastily redressed, she’s clearly about to run into some. Fig books it out of there, mortified. 
Fig and Adaine lie about where they’ve been to Gilear and then they report back to the group. Tracker--who is pretty out of it at this point--sleepily asks who Sandra-Lynn’s been kissing. Everyone realizes, Oh no, Jawbone is poly but the relationship is supposed to be monogamous. Big yikes. Kristen feeds Tracker a mumbly lie about how Sandra-Lynn is kissing Jawbone that I really hope doesn’t blow up in her face because then it will be the hat trick of main relationships imploding in as many episodes. Kristen and Riz go back to Garthy’s room because Kristen wants to cast something (Detect Good and Evil, the result of which we don’t see this ep--though I feel like it would have to ping Garthy since they have celestial blood, right?) and Kristen notices that someone cast Clairvoyance on her and Riz, meaning someone knows they were outside.   
Meanwhile, Fabian sneaks off to Crow’s Keep to be an emo pirate boy and talk to his dad while staring out into the sea. He’s suddenly surrounded by cloaked figures. Brennan rolls a bunch of dice, triggering Lou’s fight-or-flight, before revealing the cloaked dudes are just Alistair and the rest of his warlock friends who are all huge fans of their patron’s son. And we don’t get to find out what, if anything, they want from Fabian until next ep because that’s where Brennan ends the ep. 
Sandra-Lynn for Cheating on Jawbone
OK, there’s a lot to unpack here. 
I’ll start by saying we technically don’t know if she went through with it or not since Fig interrupted her before things could very far but we know she got naked which is more than far enough to be a betrayal imo. 
And it’s so wild because she for sure could have been in an open relationship. She’s the one who stipulated monogamy. 
On the one hand, I appreciate that Brennan is playing these NPCs as human (“human”) and failable and realistic but on the other hand, man I can’t stand cheating. And it’s not like she hasn’t cheated before. That’s, like, a major plot point. But it’s easier to gloss over something that happened a long time ago and we didn’t have to witness in real time.
Like, this isn’t good. It’s not gonna be good for the group. She forced Kristen into a position where she has to lie to/keep secrets from Tracker potentially. Also, Tracker is a wolf. There’s a non-zero chance she’s gonna be able to smell what happened. Do you really want one possibly both of the healers on the team mad at you? And they weren’t just dating They’re LIVING TOGETHER. And not just together. Together with like five--pending six--children (and pending one adult). That’s a lot of people that are gonna get forcible sucked into your drama. 
And poor Jawbone. I know he’s a trooper and he’s def been through worse but just because you can deal with something, doesn’t mean you should have to.
Anyway, Adaine said it best: Sandra-Lynn is both more and less cool than I thought she was. 
Honor Roll
Riz for His Driving Skills
I couldn’t tell you why but the phrase, “vehicular manslaughter” is so inherently funny to me.  Riz hitting a nat 20 to just mow down all the attackers in his path was hilarious. 
Note: I also could have given this spot to Garthy but I’m a little ambivalent on all the enabling of awful but hilarious life choices. 
Random Thoughts
Adaine trying to blend in by saying ahoy to everyone and getting a tricorner hat from her jacket was so good (big props to everyone who drew that, especially y’all who also gave Boggy a hat). Also, I’m glad she’s been using her jacket more in general so she’ll be more likely to remember it in an emergency.
@jamiebluewind made this really useful post with the descriptions of all the new characters and the tats the Bad Kids got which you can find here.
Also, @ttttttterrence shouted me out during the livestream so I’m returning the gesture. What’s up man!
I like that when the group is discussing how to split the cost of the suite, Fabian is just like, “I got it, don’t worry.” He clearly takes pride in being able to throw money around for his friends.
Fabian, who has for sure seen Cathilda in action during a fight: Maids can’t kill. 
Ally’s amused disbelief at the phrase, “Act the part of the pauper,” was sending me. 
Adaine: There’s no way you’re an only child. 
OK, this isn’t totally related to this ep, it’s more a point about FH in general that I don’t think I’ve brought up yet. How does a fantasy high school work in a world where races age at vastly different rates? Like goblins have a max age of about 60 and reach adulthood at 8. Meanwhile, elves reach physical maturity at the same age as humans but because they live to be like 700+ years old, they’re not considered adults until, like, the age of 100. At first I thought they were ignoring racial aging differences (like I do when I write fantasy I can’t be bothered with the implications usually) but in this and last ep, they were brought up. And I thought it might be that we were saying what everyones’ ages were in human years but, based on the info we’ve heard (like how far back Pok died for example) their ages have to be in normal years. Which brings me to theory 3: everyone ages physically and mentally at the same rate as humans to adulthood and then some races just decline more quickly than others afterwards. 
Fig: I sink into a deep depression. 
Alistair has an adorable cockney accent and he might be a little bit of a sociopath but let’s put a pin in that until next week. Oh, also, I was so sure he was gonna be Fabian’s brother too, just like half the table. 
Brennan so good at adding things in for flavor to make the world cooler. What prompted this comment is him saying that as Tracker travels in spectral wolf form, a forest path appears at her feet briefly. Very cool attention to detail.
Bill running a MLM warlock system where you pay by the spell is so, so funny. I actually am not sure if the MLM aspect of it was planned or if someone (one of the girls I think) said it as a joke and Brennan ran with it but that’s extremely funny. 
I know how leveling works in the above-game for balance but, in game, I feel like there’s no reason Bill and Gorthalax shouldn’t give everyone a level of Warlock. That would get them all 2 cantrips (eldritch blast, mage hand, and chill touch are options) and 2 level one spells (charm person, hellish rebuke, and charm person can be clutch).
Speaking of, I almost feel like this episode was setting up Fabian and Gorgug to multiclass. Fabian’s dad being a patron is a prime opportunity for him to get some warlock levels (and it would be very good for his aesthetic. I mean, magic pirate? Hell yeah). And Gorgug later in the episode says something like, “I could fix the van so fast if I had magic.” I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a level in a caster class soon. 
“Did you learn your magic in a book?”/”Yes!”/”Oh, lah-dih-dah. I can read.”
Fig: Adaine is the best at armies!
Forget if I mentioned this before but I’m very pleasantly surprised that Adaine’s mom is such a driving force this season. She’s one of the characters we explored the least last season which was a bummer for me because I really wanted to know what was going on in her head. Looks like we’re close to getting some insight soon. I’m guessing we might have another ep or half ep until we get there unless something else happens to sidetrack the group. 
I glossed over it in the actual recap but Fig casting disguise self on herself to look like the dwarf who was picking on Riz was just some peak Emily with an assist from chaos monster Ally. Here’s the scene. What’s funny is I thought I knew what Emily’s thought process was (If he sees himself, he’ll very likely be thrown off his rhythm) but then she was like, “I wanted to be someone from the area and he’s the only guy I’ve met.” Lol, bold of me to assume I have any idea what’s going on in her head. 
Adaine and, by extension, Siobhan just casually knows what a forecastle is (it’s “a raised deck at the bow of a ship”). Also, Brennan uses the word susurrous which means “full of whispering sounds”. That’s twice I had to reach for my dictionary (by which I mean Google). 
The whole concept of Garthy is extremely cool and I’m specifically talking about race. I’ve never heard of a half-orc aasimar because in fantasy books it’s usually the humans getting it on with everyone and making half-whatever babies but there’s no reason a half-orc couldn’t have celestial ancestry. The idea of a risen devil is also very dope and something I’ve only seen once (and as art, not in an RPG context--Edit: Actually, I’ve seen in twice. In one chapter of Ah My Goddess, Hell sticks a demon onto the main goddess to try and corrupt her and she ends up purifying the demon which was wild when I read it in high school but you’re not here for me to go off about my comfort manga so let’s keep moving). The idea that there are “bad” gods and so their opposition, their “demons” would be essentially angels is very clever and something I hadn’t really considered. Also the phrase  “The job is the fuck people into being decent basically,” is really A+. Well done Brennan. 
Also, my knowledge of CR Campaign 1 is very spotty so this may be very off but I feel like Brennan watched a bunch of Gilmore scenes and then snorted a line of coke before he created Garthy. 
Kristen: I’m proud of the choices I make. 
Emily: They eat brains but also drink beer?
Captain Whitlock has a peg leg tentacle on his face that he tries to face touch Kristen with and Tracker is not having ANY of that. “Under no circumstances.”
Poor Fabian, giving an awesome speech to Captain Whitlock and then rolling a 1 on his Sparta Kick. Luckily, Gorgug hit a 26 on a DC 25 challenge to give him the help action so Fabian didn’t eat it.
Sidenote, we learn there used to be a pirate king but Bill killed him. Sounds about right. 
I’m even more convinced that the rule is people who have seen Kalina before can see her in the picture after the conversation they had about it in this ep. Glad they decided to puzzle it out some more--even though I think it’s a little iffy to be spilling all your info to a pirate you literally just met (especially Fig--closed book my ass). 
Garthy mentions again that the NK defies categorization--something that came up in Adaine’s research. I’m wondering how that’s gonna come into play later. 
“I could tell you a very sweet lie, which is more my style.” I really like Garthy and I hope that continues to be the case.
Gorgug: That would be pretty disruptive...Yeah.
“Your name’s Van-Boat.”/”No!”
Riz, right before a nat 20 to commit Vehicular manslaughter: Get out of the way Gilear. I’ve killed people before, it’s fine.
I loved everyone being like, “Gilear you killed people! You’re officially an adventurer!”
Gilear, with the intensity of someone a firefighter has just pulled out of a burning building: I need the frog.
Tracker does like a crazy blood-brother type ritual for healing which is interesting because you’d think that would be bad what with the werewolf-ism but I guess it’s just through biting.
Fabian and Ragh peer pressuring Riz to do snuff, Ragh actually getting him to do it with a hippie speech about mind expansion, and Riz getting high as hell and getting Memento tats all over his body (NIGHT YORB--also, Sklonda is gonna LOVE this I bet) is such a wild series of events. 
Kristen casts a spell on Gilear so she’ll take all of his damage and he starts getting hurt the second he’s out of her eyeshot. Wild. 
“I cast friends on Gilear.”
I am going to murder Brennan for that cell tower gag. 
Sidebar: I don’t have a picture of the Leviathan map but if someone has it someone I’ll post the link here for anyone who could use it.
And while we’re side tracked, shoutout to the dude who made this song based on Gorgug’s last ep. The line, “My girlfriend's really mad and she's also a goat” is truly golden.
Oh! And someone randomly gifted me a twitch subscription to dropout! If you’re on here, thanks somePloops!
Kristen and Tracker getting neck tats of each others’ names is just so so much. 
Also, let’s pour one out for the fan-artists of FH that are also fans of CR and had to watch half the cast of both getting tatted up in back to back weeks, making any canon drawing that much more complicated. 
I don’t think I fully realized until this ep when Adaine was the only sober one of her friends in a bar reading a book how closely she’s tracking my high school/college experience. Her, “Everyone is drunk by which I mean everyone but me is drunk,” killed me because I have said that verbatim on so many occasions. Watching Siobhan play Adaine is like, therapy by proxy for me.
“I am a child.”
Adaine, lying badly: I have also taken drugs.
Kristen has a stealth of -3. Woof. 
Fig, Adaine and Riz each got nat 1 20 this ep. Fabian, Gorgug, and Adaine each rolled a nat 1 but Fabian’s was cancelled by Gorgug and Adaine’s was on initiative. 
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shimmersing · 5 years
Best Intentions Masterpost | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Bonus! Soundtrack @ Spotify
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Chapter Two: Hope
“You’ll join us in celebrating, of course?” The Duke spread his arms in welcome. “The children will so much want to speak with you, and I’m certain you have many tales of Jedi courage to share. And your crew as well!”
Standing next to Duke Charle Organa on a palace balcony, Jedi Consular Aitahea Daviin finally relaxed enough to let go of the sigh it seemed like she’d been holding in for months. The Force plague had kept her on Tattooine for so long she’d thought she could never bear sunlight again, but the familiar comfort of the alpine breeze and docile morning light was a soothing change from Tattooine’s punishing binary system.
Despite her sunburned cheeks, Aitahea’s eyes sported sunken shadows, her already delicate features too hollow. Her crew had doubled since leaving Coruscant; Tharan Cedrax and his assistant, Holiday, had decided to join Aitahea and Qyzen on the Luminous after their work on Nar Shadda had been completed. Adjusting to new allies and personalities was taking time, as expected, but Aitahea found herself appreciating the quiet busyness on board. It distracted from the worry and strain of their mission, a burden the consular stubbornly refused to share. Locating Master Sidonie on Alderaan should mean the end of this particular search.
The consular prided herself on entering every situation with the best intentions. What she returned with each time was something a little different; with each healing, each new link to Vivicar, another barbed hook anchored in her spirit. Just a little more.
Returning to Alderaan should have been a welcome respite, but with Vivicar’s Force plague intensifying across the galaxy, she had no time to rest. The Council was counting on her established connections with House Organa, but the nobility was not all-powerful. Her contacts were sending messages and holos in circles, leading Aitahea on a wild bantha chase instead of taking her directly to the at-risk Master Sidonie. It would be nearly a day before she could even meet her first contact.
Perhaps she should take a few hours for dinner after all.
“Thank you. I’m honored to be welcome at your table, Your Grace.”
The Duke smiled magnanimously at Aitahea, who suddenly felt a very great deal younger than she had a moment ago. “Good. We'll eat and drink and strategize and show the world we still have hope.”
Aitahea nodded wistfully. Hope.
As a youngling, coming to Alderaan after the chaos of the Sacking of Coruscant had been a privilege and a blessing. Her time here as an initiate had been filled not only with growth and change, but also a substantial and comforting structure that Aitahea had excelled within. The alpine valleys had swiftly earned her affection in place of the urban landscape of Coruscant, and she had felt welcomed and cherished in House Organa.
The formality of the royal houses, the pomp and circumstance of court, and the composed, powerful women of Alderaan had inspired Aitahea so much that she’d begun wearing her hair in the same manner, braids wound into a bright but less elaborate coronet. The struggle of maintaining both public and private lives in the face of Alderaan’s seemingly endless brawl for rule had seemed a magical dance that they completed with admirable grace, and Aitahea had watched them eagerly, nurturing a love for peaceful diplomacy.
She’d found a strangely familiar family in the Duke and Duchess, as well as in their children. The handful of other Jedi younglings that she’d joined in the enclave had welcomed and accepted her, but they had never quite become the family that her first clan had been. Nor her biological family, still residing on Coruscant. With the vastness of space now between them instead of just a quick speeder ride, her unique attachment to her parents and younger sister had languished.
She had also loved the stolen moments of silliness that had let her feel like an ordinary child, without the looming responsibilities of a swiftly growing initiate, without the memories of terror and fear that no child should have. The time she and the other younglings of the Jedi Enclave had snuck into a private revel and filched several bottles of wine that none of them had been brave enough to taste. Even her first kiss, hiding in an alcove during the very same thievery incident, in these very halls.
Lost in thought, Aitahea startled a little when the Duke tucked a few loose strands of hair back behind her ear, the motion gentle and paternal. “Child, what troubles you?”
The Duke’s concern enveloped her, even without the use of her empathic senses. She blinked back a sudden stinging in her eyes. “So many things, Your Grace, I scarcely know where I would even begin.” She turned, offering a sentimental smile. “But at the moment I was only recalling the fond memories I made here.”
“You are always welcome on–”
Aitahea turned as the sound of rapid footfalls came into hearing, alerted by the sudden urgent presence. Haley Organa, barely more than a boy when Aitahea had left for Tython, sprinted down the hallway to where Duke Organa and the Jedi stood. He slowed, taking a few deep breaths before speaking, brow creasing a little when he caught sight of Aitahea’s face.
“My lord? There's a call coming in on your secure channel.”
“Thank you, Haley.” He shifted slightly to include the now wholly composed Jedi. “You may remember Aitahea Daviin, now a full Jedi of the Order, formerly a member of our own enclave.”
Recognition flickered in the younger man’s eyes, followed by an efficient bow. “Master Jedi, welcome back to Alderaan.”
“Pleased to see you again, Haley. Let’s not delay.” Aitahea wondered as they turned to follow Haley if the command room was where she remembered.
As they walked, Duke Organa provided Aitahea with some of the more sensitive details about the strife between the noble houses, how the aggressions had accelerated in recent days, even prompting the involvement of the Republic military in an official capacity. The escalations hadn’t escaped Aitahea’s notice even while she continued on her own missions; Erithon’s messages had kept her apprised of information she might not otherwise have been party to.
Neither of them had been foolish enough to risk sensitive data in their communications, but Aitahea had a reasonable amount of faith that the Jedi Order’s slicers could keep her missives secure, and either way it was him. She’d been more disappointed than she would admit when they kept missing key starports by days, even hours once, ships literally passing in the unreal night of hyperspace. What she found herself most irked with at the moment was an unviewed holo practically burning a hole in her comm, but Aitahea hadn’t had a moment to herself since they’d arrived. It would be nice to hear his voice. To be fair she’d sneaked a peek at his service record just once a few weeks ago, curious when his birthdate was, purely for debriefing reasons and she hadn’t known his service holo was included in the file so that had been a nice surprise…
Haley was ushering them into the command room when Duke Organa paused to gaze closely at Aitahea, who found herself with her hands at her temples, disoriented. “Master Jedi? Aitahea?”
“Oh,” she gasped, lashes fluttering. “Forgive me, it’s nothing.” The Jedi shook her head, refocusing – if only there had been time for a moment of rest.
The Duke pressed a hand under Aitahea’s elbow, regret creasing his brow as he led her into the room. “I’m sorry that this will likely add to your burden. Introductions proper will have to wait. Master Aitahea; General Kashim.”
Aitahea nodded to the Mon Cal. “General, may the Force be with us.”
“Indeed,” he replied before turning back to the Duke. “Your Grace, by your leave.”
Charle Organa narrowed his eyes as the holocamera whirred. “Put it through, General.”
Aitahea found her fingers brushing against her lightsaber hilt and quickly clasped her hands at her waist, pulling in a steadying breath.
The holo flickered to life; the being’s size ridiculously exaggerated, it dominated the holotable, wildly disproportionate to the beings in the room. A human smirked down at the Duke and his advisors, a misplaced and blustering bravado coating his words. He spoke; “It's been a long time, my lord Duke. Who is your friend?”
Organa waved his hand impatiently. “If she should wish to speak to the Wolf Baron of House Thul, she’ll do so herself.” The Duke tilted his head and the holocamera swiveled.
Aitahea took a step forward, her demeanor vulnerable and gently diplomatic as she opened her hands beseechingly. “Baron Thul, my name is Aitahea Daviin, a Jedi Consular and friend to House Organa. Your Lordship, I’m told you ordered the land bombed and the turrets captured.”
Thul sneered, tossing his head back, but his gaze was still calculating. He answered leisurely. “I did, yes. Your Republic friends may have retaken the Spears of Organa, but they served my purpose – scattering your people and sending them straight into my hands.”
Aitahea struggled to hide a sharp swell of apprehension; she knew Organa had involved some military resources in returning the Spears into the right hands, yet this was the first mention from someone other than Organa himself. This in addition to the wild rumors of Sith on the ground in the highlands. It seemed like madness.
Organa drew himself up and glared at the holocamera. “What are you saying, Baron?”
The Wolf Baron scowled impatiently. “I’m saying that House Thul has taken three hundred Organa citizens captive.” The man’s lips twisted viciously as he savored their shock. “I thought you’d want to know.”
The Duke reeled back a step, and General Kashim gripped the edge of the holoprojector. After a breath, Aitahea lifted her eyes to the hologram again, her words low and measured. “Make your demands, Your Lordship. We’re listening.”
“Talk, Baron, before my patience runs out!” Organa snapped furiously. Aitahea remained still as a frozen pond, attention fixed on the holo while she flooded the Force around them with subtle patience.
Thul took his time smoothing his hands over his tunic before peevishly clearing his throat, all while Organa fumed and the Jedi waited with seemingly boundless tranquility. “I’d like to meet in person to civilly discuss the fate of my prisoners.” Organa bit back a snarl, while Aitahea stiffened at the words ‘my prisoners’. “I’m sending a time and coordinates now.
“In the meantime, your people will be treated well.” The Baron leaned back, hooking his thumbs into his belt as though he’d just pronounced some magnanimous gift, but a vicious glint remained in his eyes. “The incident with your son-in-law will not be repeated.”
The line went dead.
Aitahea’s practiced façade faltered as she tried to unravel the Baron’s final words. “With your… Your Grace, what does he mean?”
Organa stared at his clenched fist, unhearing. “Damn him! Damn his eyes!”
Kashim folded his arms. “I suggest you remain calm. This is the Wolf Baron’s trap.”
Organa rounded on his general, venting his frustration. “I’m not a fool! But a ruler who can’t protect his people is no ruler at all.” The Duke shook his head, squared his shoulders and inhaled deeply. Aitahea felt a twinge of irritation; the influences she had attempted to weave into the pattern of the Force were fading all too rapidly under Organa’s emotive tirade. “I have to go.”
“No, Your Grace.” Aitahea lifted her chin, an elegant motion filled with quiet confidence. “Allow me to handle the Wolf Baron.”
Organa turned to the Jedi, worry clear in his eyes. “My dear, I cannot place you at risk.”
“Your Grace, before I ever stepped foot on Tython, my training here prepared me for ordeals just like this. Your household equipped me for this very moment. The very least I can do is protect the house that so generously sheltered me when I was young.”
The Duke’s face softened. “My dear Aitahea – Master Aitahea – you are among Alderaan’s bravest daughters, and our best hope. You will not go alone.”
“Thank you, Your Grace. We will rescue your people. The Force is with us.”
“Lead the way, and I will follow. Sweep aside the Wolf Baron’s Black Guard, his assassins. He wants to meet? Let us meet on even terms.”
Kashim nodded severely. “House Thul will be massing its forces. I will prepare our troops while you confront the Wolf Baron.”
“Thank you, General. And Aitahea, I wish this were under better circumstances, but…” The duke straightened proudly and gave her a level stare. “I pronounce you a paladin of House Organa, my beacon in the dark.”
Aitahea felt something flutter in her chest and pursed her lips at the phrase before nodding her acceptance. “It is an honor, Your Grace.” Swept up in the solemnity of the moment, she dropped into a low curtsey, more elaborate and demonstrative than her usual motion of hand to heart, drawn directly from the customs of the court.
“Master Jedi.” Organa leaned forward to take Aitahea’s trembling hands and drew her back to her feet with an encouraging smile. “It is your valor I salute. Your word I believe. Clear the path, my friend, and let us look evil in the eye.”
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Best Intentions Masterpost | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Bonus! Soundtrack @ Spotify
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bramblescratches · 4 years
get to know the mun - ceil
I am over / under 5‘5“ / I wear glasses/contacts / I have brown hair  / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have brown eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards / I prefer vintage to modern clothing / I wear certain articles of jewelry every day
hobbies and talents
I play a sport (horseback riding) / I can play an instrument (tambourine, melodica, trumpet) / I am artistic / I know more than one language (french) / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand / I know CPR and first-aid
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience / I have caught something on fire / I have performed in a talent show / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship / I have a crush / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / I have a brother / I have a sister / I am the youngest child / I am the eldest child / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / The sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Spring is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities (tech theater) / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBTQ (non-binary lesbian)
tagging: @takealook-fall; @sinisteraugurey; @timidstrcngth
tagged by: @parents-of-dust-and-ashes
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suchagiantnerd · 5 years
48 Books, 1 Year
I was just two books shy of my annual goal of 50! You can blame the combination of my adorable newborn, who refused to nap anywhere except on me, and Hallmark Christmas movie season, during which I abandon books for chaste kisses between 30-somethings who behave like tweens at places called the Mistletoe Inn (which are really in Almonte, Ontario). 
Without further ado, as Zuma from Paw Patrol says, “Let’s dive in!”
1. Human Errors: A Panorama of Our Glitches, from Pointless Bones to Broken Genes / Nathan H. Lents
We have too many bones! We have to rely too much on our diet for survival! We suffer from too many cognitive biases! Reading about our design flaws was kind of interesting, but the best part of this book were the few pages toward the end about the possibility of alien life. Specifically this quote: "...some current estimates predict that the universe harbours around seventy-five million civilizations." WHAT?! This possibility more than anything else I've ever heard or read gives me a better idea of how infinite the universe really is.
2. The Fiery Cross / Diana Gabaldon
Compared to the first four books in the Outlander series, this fifth book is a real snooze. The characters are becoming more and more unlikeable. They're so self-centered and unaware of their privilege in the time and place they're living. Gabaldon's depictions of the Mohawk tribe and other First Nations characters (which I'm reading through her character's opinions of things) are pretty racist. The enslaved people at one character's plantation are also described as being well taken care of and I just.... can't. I think this is the end of my affair with Outlander.
3. Educated / Tara Westover
This memoir was a wild ride. Tara Westover grew up in a survivalist, ultra-religious family in rural Idaho. She didn’t go to school and was often mislead about the outside world by her father. She and her siblings were also routinely put in physical danger working in their father’s junkyard as their lives were “in god’s hands”, and when they were inevitably injured, they weren’t taken to the hospital or a doctor, but left to be treated by their healer mother. Thanks to her sheer intelligence and determination (and some support from her older brother), Tara goes to university and shares with us the culture shock of straddling two very different worlds. My non-fiction book club LOVED this read, we talked about it for a long, long time.
4. Imbolc: Rituals, Recipes and Lore for St. Brigid’s Day / Carl F. Neal
Continuing with my witchy education, I learned all about the first sabbat of the new year, Imbolc.
5. Super Sad True Love Story / Gary Shteyngart
This in-the-very-near-future dystopian novel got my heart racing during a few exciting moments, but overall, I couldn’t immerse myself fully because of the MISOGYNY. I think the author might not like women and the things women like (or the things he thinks they like?) In this near future, all the dudes are into finance or are media celeb wannabes, while all the women work in high-end retail. And onion-skin jeans are the new trend for women - they are essentially see-through. Gary….we don’t…want that? We don’t even want low-rise jeans to come back.
6. The Wanderers / Meg Howrey
Helen, Yoshi and Sergei are the three astronauts selected by a for-profit space exploration company to man the world’s first mission to Mars. But before they get the green light, they have to endure a 17-month simulation. In addition to getting insight into the simulation from all three astronauts via rotating narrators, we also hear from the astronauts’ family members and other employees monitoring the sim. At times tense, at times thoughtful, this book is an incisive read about what makes explorers willing to leave behind everything they love the most in the world.
7. Zone One / Colson Whitehead
The zombie apocalypse has already happened, and Mark is one of the survivors working to secure and clean up Zone One, an area of Manhattan. During his hours and hours of boring shifts populated by a few harrowing minutes here and there, the reader is privy to Mark’s memories of the apocalypse itself and how he eventually wound up on this work crew. Mark is a pretty likeable, yet average guy rather than the standard zombie genre heroes, and as a result, his experiences also feel like a more plausible reality than those of the genre.
8. Homegoing / Yaa Gyasi
One of my favourite reads of the year, this novel is the definition of “sweeping epic”. The story starts off with two half-sisters (who don’t even know about each other’s existence) living in 18th-century Ghana. One sister marries a white man and stays in Ghana, living a life of privilege, while the other is sold into slavery and taken to America on a slave ship. This gigantic split in the family tree kicks off two parallel and vastly different narratives spanning EIGHT generations, ending with two 20-somethings in the present day. I remain in awe of Gyasi’s talent, and was enthralled throughout the entire book.
9. Sweetbitter / Stephanie Danler
Tess moves to New York City right out of school (and seemingly has no ties to her previous life - this bothered me, I wanted to know more about her past) and immediately lands a job at a beloved (though a little tired) fancy restaurant. Seemingly loosely based on Danler’s own experiences as a server, I got a real feel for the insular, incestuous, chaotic life in “the industry”. Tess navigates tensions between the kitchen and the front of house, falls for the resident bad-boy bartender, and positions herself as the mentee of the older and more glamorous head server, who may not be everything she seems. This is a juicy coming-of-age novel.
10. The Autobiography of Gucci Mane / Gucci Mane and Neil Martinez-Belkin
Gucci Mane is one of Atlanta’s hottest musicians, having helped bring trap music to the mainstream. I’d never heard of him until I read this book because I’m white and old! But not knowing him didn’t make this read any less interesting. In between wild facts (if you don’t get your music into the Atlanta strip clubs, your music isn’t making it out of Atlanta) and wilder escapades (Gucci holing himself up in his studio, armed to the teeth, in a fit of paranoia one night) Gucci Mane paints on honest picture of a determined, talented artist fighting to break free of a cycle of systemic racism and poverty.
11. I’ll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer / Michelle McNamara
McNamara was a journalist and true crime enthusiast who took it upon herself to try and solve the mystery of the Golden State Killer’s identity. Amazingly, her interest in this case also sparked other people’s interest in looking back at it, eventually leading to the arrest of the killer (though tragically, McNamara died a few months before the arrest and would never know how her obsession helped to capture him). This is a modern true crime classic and a riveting read.
12. A Great Reckoning / Louise Penny
The 12th novel in Penny’s Inspector Gamache mystery series sees our hero starting a new job teaching cadets at Quebec’s police academy. Of course, someone is murdered, and Gamache and his team work to dig the rot out of the institution, uncovering a killer in the process.
13. Any Man / Amber Tamblyn
Yes, this novel is by THAT Amber Tamblyn, star of “The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants”! Anyway, this book is a tad bit darker, and follows five men who’ve been victimized by the female serial rapist, who calls herself Maude. Going into this read I though that it might be some sort of revenge fantasy, but dudes, not to worry - we really feel awful for the male victims and see them in all their complexity. Perhaps, if more men read this book, they might better understand the trauma female and non-binary victims go through? That would require men to read books by women though. Guys? GUYS???
14. Ostara: Rituals, Recipes and Lore for the Spring Equinox / Kerri Connor
Yet another witchy read providing more information about this Spring sabbat. 
15. Scarborough / Catherine Hernandez
This novel takes place in OUR Scarborough! Following the lives of a number of residents (adults and children alike), the plot centres around the families attending an Ontario Early Years program as well as the program facilitator. Hernandez looks at the ways poverty, mental illness, addiction, race, and homophobia intersect within this very multicultural neighbourhood. It’s very sad, but there are also many sweet and caring moments between the children and within each of the families.
16. The Glitch / Elisabeth Cohen
Shelley Stone (kind of a fictional Sheryl Sandberg type) is the CEO of Conch, a successful Silicon Valley company. Like many of these over-the-top real-life tech execs, Shelley has a wild schedule full of business meetings, exercise, networking and parenting, leaving her almost no time to rest. While on an overseas business trip, she meets a younger woman also named Shelley Stone, who may or may not be her younger self. Is Shelley losing it? This is a dark comedy poking fun at tech start-up culture and the lie that we can have it all.
17. The Thirteenth Tale / Diane Setterfield
This is my kind of book! A young and inexperienced bookworm is handpicked to write the biography of an aging famous author, Vida Wynter. Summoned to her sprawling country home around Christmastime, the biographer is absolutely enthralled by Vida’s tales of a crumbling gothic estate and an eccentric family left too long to their own whims. Looking for a dark, twisty fairytale? This read’s for you.
18. Love & Misadventure / Lang Leav
Leav’s book of poems looked appealing, but for me, her collection fell short. I felt like I was reading a teenager’s poetry notebook (which I’m not criticizing, I love that teen girls write poetry, and surprise, surprise - so did I - but I’m too old for this kind of writing now).
19. Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows / Balli Kaur Jaswal
Hooo boy, my book club loved this one! Hoping to get a job more aligned with her literary interests, Nikki, the 20-something daughter of Indian immigrants to Britain, takes a job teaching writing at the community centre in London’s biggest Punjabi neighbourhood. The students are all older Punjabi women who don’t have much to do and because of their “widow” status have been somewhat sidelined within their community. Without anyone around to censor or judge them, the widows start sharing their own erotic fantasies with each other, each tale wilder than the last. As Nikki gets to know them better, she gains some direction in life and starts a romance of her own. (It should be noted that in addition to this lovely plot, there is a sub plot revolving around a possible honour killing in the community. For me, the juxtaposition of these two plots was odd, but not odd enough that it ruined the book.)
20. Beltane: Rituals, Recipes and Lore for May Day / Melanie Marquis
Beltane marks the start of the summer season in the witches’ year, and I learned all about how to ring it in, WITCH STYLE.
21. Summer of Salt / Katrina Leno
This book is essentially Practical Magic for teens, with a queer protagonist. All that to say, it’s enjoyable and sweet and a win for #RepresentationMatters, but it wasn’t a surprising or fresh story.
22. Too Like the Lightning / Ada Palmer
This is the first in the Terra Ignota quartet of novels, which is (I think) speculative fiction with maybe a touch of fantasy and a touch of sci-fi and a touch of theology and certainly a lot of philosophical ruminating too. I both really enjoyed it and felt so stupid while reading it. As a lifelong bookworm who doesn’t shy away from difficult reads, I almost never feel stupid while reading, but this book got me. The world building is next level and as soon as you think you’ve found your footing, Palmer pulls the rug out from under you and you’re left both stunned and excited about her latest plot twist. Interested in finding out what a future society grouped into ‘nations’ by interests and passions (instead of geographical borders and ethnicity) might be like? Palmer takes a hearty stab at it here.
23. The Trauma Cleaner: One Woman’s Extraordinary Life in the Business of Death, Decay and Disaster / Sarah Krasnostein
When Sarah Krasnostein met Sandra Pankhurst, she knew she had to write her biography (or something like it - this book is part biography, part love letter, part reckoning). And rightly so, as Sandra has led quite a life. She grew up ostracized within her own home by her immediate family, married and had children very young, came out as a trans woman and begin living as her authentic self (but abandoning her own young family in the process), took to sex work and lived through a vicious assault, married again, and started up her own successful company cleaning uncleanable spaces - the apartments of hoarders, the houses of recluses, the condos in which people ended their own lives. Sandra is the definition of resilience, but all her traumas (both the things people have done to her and the things she’s done to others) have left their mark, as Krasnostein discovers as she delicately probes the recesses of Sandra’s brain.
24. Becoming / Michelle Obama
My favourite things about any memoir from an ultra-famous person are the random facts that surprise you along the way. In this book, it was learning that all American presidents travel with a supply of their blood type in the event of an assassination attempt. I mean OF COURSE they would, but that had never occurred to me. I also appreciated Michelle opening up about her fertility struggles, the difficult decision to put her career on hold to support Barack’s dreams, and the challenge of living in the spotlight with two young children that you hope to keep down to earth. Overall, I think Michelle was as candid as someone in her position can be at this point in her life.
25 and 26. Seven Surrenders, The Will to Battle / Ada Palmer
I decided to challenge myself and stick with Palmer’s challenging Terra Ignota series, also reading the second and third instalments (I think the fourth is due to be released this year). I don’t know what to say, other than the world-building continues to be incredible and this futuristic society is on the bring of something entirely new.
27. Even Vampires Get the Blues / Kate MacAlister
This novel wins for “cheesiest read of the year”. When a gorgeous half-elf detective (you read that right) meets a centuries-old sexy Scottish vampire, sparks fly! Oh yeah, and they’re looking for some ancient thing in between having sex.
28. A Case of Exploding Mangoes / Mohammed Hanif
A piece of historical fiction based on the real-life suspicious plane crash in 1988 that killed many of Pakistan’s top military brass, this novel lays out many possible culprits (including a crow that ate too many mangoes). It’s a dark comedy taking aim at the paranoia of dictators and the boredom and bureaucracy of the military (and Bin Laden makes a cameo at a party).
29. Salvage the Bones / Jesmyn Ward
This novel takes place in the steaming hot days before Hurricane Katrina hits the Mississippi coast. The air is still and stifling and Esch’s life in the small town of Bois Sauvage feels even more stifled. Esch is 14 and pregnant and hasn’t told anyone yet. Her father is a heavy drinker and her three brothers are busy with their own problems. But as the storm approaches, the family circles around each other in preparation for the storm. This is a jarring and moving read made more visceral by the fact that the author herself survived Katrina. It’s also an occasionally violent book, and there are particularly long passages about dog-fighting (a hobby of one of the brothers). The dog lovers in my book club found it hard to get through, consider this your warning!
30. Everything’s Trash, But It’s Okay / Phoebe Robinson
A collection of essays in the new style aka writing multiple pages on a topic as though you were texting your best friend about it (#ImFineWithThisNewStyleByTheWay #Accessible), Robinson discusses love, friendship, being a Black woman in Hollywood, being plus-ish-size in Hollywood, and Julia Roberts teaching her how to swim (and guys, Julia IS as nice in real life as we’d all hoped she was!) Who is Robinson? Comedy fans will likely know her already, but I only knew her as one of the stars of the Netflix film Ibiza (which I enjoyed). This is a fun, easy read!
31. Midsummer: Rituals, Recipes and Lore for Litha / Deborah Blake
After reading this book, I charged my crystals under the midsummer sun!
32. Fingersmith / Sarah Waters
So many twists! So many turns! So many hidden motives and long-held secrets! Think Oliver Twist meets Parasite meets Lost! (Full disclosure, I haven’t seen Parasite yet, I’m just going off all the chatter about it). Sue is a con artist orphan in old-timey London. When the mysterious “Gentleman” arrives at her makeshift family’s flat with a proposal for the con of all cons, Sue is quickly thrust into a role as the servant for another young woman, Maud, living alone with her eccentric uncle in a country estate. As Sue settles into her act, the lines between what she’s pretending at and what she’s really feeling start to blur, and nothing is quite what it seems. This book is JUICY!
33. Rest Play Grow: Making Sense of Preschoolers (Or Anyone Who Acts Like One) / Deborah MacNamara, PhD
I read approximately one parenting book a year, and this was this year’s winner. As my eldest approached her third birthday, we started seeing bigger and bigger emotions and I wasn’t sure how to handle them respectfully and gently. This book gave me a general roadmap for acknowledging her feelings, sitting through them with her, and the concept of “collecting” your child to prevent tantrums from happening or to help calm them down afterward. I’ll be using this approach for the next few years!
34. Lughnasadh: Rituals, Recipes and Lore for Lammas / Melanie Marquis
And with this read, I’ve now read about the entire witch’s year. SO MOTE IT BE.
35. In Cold Blood / Truman Capote
How had I not read this until now? This true-crime account that kicked off the modern genre was rich in detail, compassionate to the victims, and dug deep into the psyche of the killers. The descriptions of the midwest countryside and the changing seasons also reminded me of Keith Morrison’s voiceovers on Dateline. Is Capote his inspiration?
36. I’m Afraid of Men / Vivek Shraya
A quick, short set of musings from trans musician and writer Shraya still packs an emotional punch. She writes about love and loss, toxic masculinity, breaking free of gender norms, and what it’s like to exist as a trans woman.
37. The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You / Elaine N. Aron, PhD
Having long thought I might be a highly sensitive person (lots of us are!), I decided to learn more about how to better cope with stressful situations when I don’t have enough alone time or when things are too loud or when I get rattled by having too much to do any of the other myriad things that shift me into panic mode. Though some of the advice is a bit too new-agey for me (talking to your inner child, etc), some of it was practical and useful.
38. Swamplandia! / Karen Russell
The family-run alligator wrestling theme park, Swamplandia, is swimming in debt and about to close. The widowed father leaves the everglades for the mainland in a last-ditch attempt to drum up some money, leaving the three children to fend for themselves. A dark coming-of-age tale that blends magic realism, a ghost story, the absurd and a dangerous boat trip to the centre of the swamplands, this novel examines a fractured family mourning its matriarch in different ways.
39. A Mind Spread Out on the Ground / Alicia Elliott
This is a beautiful collection of personal essays brimming with vulnerability, passion, and fury. Elliott, the daughter of a Haudenosaunee father and a white mother, shares her experiences growing up poor in a family struggling with mental illness, addiction and racism. Topics touch on food scarcity, a never-ending battle with lice, parenthood and the importance of hearing from traditionally marginalized voices in literature. 
40. Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay / Elena Ferrante
The third novel in Ferrante’s Neapolitan quartet sees Elena and Lila move from their early twenties into their thirties and deal with a riot of issues - growing careers, changing political beliefs, the challenges of motherhood and romantic relationships, and existing as strong-willed, intelligent women in 1960s and 70s Italy. I’ll definitely finish the series soon.
41. Half-Blood Blues / Esi Edugyan
A small group of American and German jazz musicians working on a record find themselves holed up in Paris as the Germans begin their occupation in WW2. Hiero, the youngest and most talented member of the group, goes out one morning for milk and is arrested by the Germans, never to be heard from again. Fifty years later, the surviving members of the band go to Berlin for the opening night of a documentary about the jazz scene from that era, and soon find themselves on a road trip through the European countryside to find out what really became of Hiero all those years ago. Edugyan’s novel is a piercing examination of jealousy, ambition, friendship, race and guilt. And features a cameo by Louis Armstrong!
42. A Serial Killer’s Daughter: My Story of Faith, Love and Overcoming / Kerri Rawson
So Brad and I had just finished watching season 2 of Mindhunter, and as I browse through a neighbourhood little library, I spot this book and the serial killer in question is the BTK Killer! Naturally, I had to read it. What I didn’t realize is that this is actually a Christian book, so Rawson does write a lot about struggling with her belief in God and finding her way back to Him, etc. But there are also chapters more fitting with the true crime and memoir genres that I equally enjoyed and was creeped out by.
43. The Night Ocean / Paul La Farge
This is another book that made me feel somewhat stupid as a reader. I just know there are details or tidbits that completely went over my head that would likely enrich a better reader’s experience. In broad strokes, the novel is about a failed marriage between a psychiatrist and a writer who became dangerously obsessed with H.P. Lovecraft and the rumours that swirled around him and his social circle. The writer’s obsession takes him away from his marriage and everything else, and eventually it looks like he ends his own life. The psychiatrist is doubtful (no body was found) and she starts to follow him down the same rabbit hole. At times tense, at times funny, at times sad, I enjoyed the supposed world of Lovecraft and his fans and peers, but again, I’m sure there are deeper musings here that I couldn’t reach.
44. Glass Houses / Louise Penny
The 13th novel in Penny’s Inspector Gamache mystery series sees our hero taking big risks to fight the opioid crisis in Quebec. He and his team focus on catching the big crime boss smuggling drugs across the border from Vermont, endangering his beloved town of Three Pines in the process. 
45. The Bone Houses / Emily Lloyd-Jones
My Halloween read for the year, this dark fairytale of a YA novel was perfect for the season. Since her parents died, Ryn has taken over the family business - grave digging - to support herself and her siblings. As the gravedigger, she knows better than most that due to an old curse, the dead in the forest surrounding her village don’t always stay dead. But as more of the forest dead start appearing (and acting more violently than usual), Ryn and an unexpected companion (yes, a charming young man cause there’s got to be a romance!) travel to the heart of the forest to put a stop to the curse once and for all.
46. The Witches Are Coming / Lindy West
Another blazing hot set of essays from my favourite funny feminist take on Trump, abortion rights, #MeToo, and more importantly Adam Sandler and Dateline. As always, Lindy, please be my best friend?
47. Know My Name / Chanel Miller
This memoir is HEAVY but so, so needed. Recently, Chanel Miller decided to come forward publicly and share that she was the victim of Brock Turner’s sexual assault. She got the courage to do so after she posted her blistering and beautiful victim impact statement on social media and it went viral. Miller’s memoir is a must-read, highlighting the incredible and awful lengths victims have to go to to see any modicum of justice brought against their attackers. Miller dealt with professional ineptitude from police and legal professionals, victim-blaming, victim-shaming, depression and anxiety, the inability to hold down a job, and still managed to come out the other side of this trial intact. And in the midst of all the horror, she writes beautifully about her support system - her family, boyfriend and friends - and about the millions of strangers around the world who saw themselves in her experience.
48. Christmas Ghost Stories: A Collection of Winter Tales / Mark Onspaugh
Ghosts AND Christmas? Yes please! This quirky collection features a wide array of festively spooky tales. You want the ghost of Anne Boleyn trapped in a Christmas ornament? You got it! What about the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future drinking together in a bar? Yup, that’s here too! 
So, what were my top picks of the year, the books that stuck with me the most? In no particular order:
The Wanderers
Know My Name
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
The Curious Case of Dr. Sludgelove and His Awesome Cosmic Adventures
~By Billy Goate~
There's something to be said for the enduring power of a Stanley Kubrick film. There's no denying his potent storytelling, especially when it's inspiring a new generation of bands to write music about 2001: A Space Odyssey. I mean, wasn't that movie released in the late-60s? It's tech is dated, as are much of the effects, yet here we have young musicians writing minor epics about Dave's star-tripping Jupiter run, raging apes, and that gosh-darned monolith. Hmmm, well if you look at your typical Sunn Amp, it's no wonder. Thing is a picture of solitary grandeur, to say nothing of its omnipotent, knee-bending sonority.
In our last globe-hopping journey, we landed in Mexico City where we met a band called MOONWATCHER, known to project scenes from the film while playing open amphitheaters at the dead of night. Our travels next take us to Hungary, a scene I've sorely neglected over the years. More specifically, we're going right into the heart of the action: Budapest. It's the birthplace of the great pianist-composer Franz Liszt, who is arguably the first rock star for taking his solo piano performances on the road, which ignited the swooning throngs.
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Some of you may have been exposed to the Hungarian doom-stoner sound already and not even realized it. Bands like Apey and the Pea, for example, have demonstrated that Hungarians like their music spicy, served up with verve and gusto. I decided it would be a good time to open up the window and take give you all a peek at this world through the eyes of a band I stumbled upon at random a few weeks back, who endeared themselves to me almost from the start with their name: Dr. Sludgelove. C'mon, how can you not love it?
Another thing I admire about the band is their dedication to concept. The presser they sent out was helpfully annotated with scene-by-scene narration of each track, which I've decided to share with you as I walk you through them. Finally, we're going to meet the band and find out what they can tell us about what it's like to be Doomed & Stoned on their side of the planet. Buckle up, boys. We're about to take a ride with a pair of wild men out into the final frontier.
Dr. Sludgelove is:
János Papp
Attila Temesvári
János Paronai
This is the story of their excursion into the universe of Stanley Kubrick, relayed in their own words.
My Space Odyssey
I. Dawn of Man
This is the first song off of Dr. Sludgelove's debut album, inspired by the Stanley Kubrick movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. In this song, humanity has just been born. Apes are living their everyday lives, which is just about struggling, fighting for food, and finding a place to sleep. They gather into groups -- the groups are fighting with each other, as well. The Earth during these times is very unfriendly place, with big and wrathful storms. Green can be found barely in this region and the vegetation is not very rich.
At some time, in the morning a big black prism is just appearing in front of our group at the ape cave. The shape, color, and smell is just something that has never ever been seen on this planet before. It is a monolith. An ape shows interest at once, as he caught sight of it. He moves closer, wants to touch it, but at the same time he is afraid of the unknown. He starts to dance around it. Others are appearing, as well, but they have bigger fears and choose to watch him from a decent distance. After a while, our hero just decides to tap on it. Then after some quick taps, he constantly touches the Monolith, but nothing visible seems to happen.
My Space Odyssey by Dr. Sludgelove
After some days, the ape finds some bones of a guinea pig, which are just lying in front of him. He starts to play with a piece, but he realizes after a while what he can do with it. He holds it high, then smites it with all his power. At this moment, he realizes how to use something to achieve bigger force than he is able to provide with his bare hands. He has just started to use a tool! This is also the start of the intellect, which drives humanity to reach bigger and bigger improvements. The Monolith gives the possibility of having a better, more developed life than the miserable life of apes. This moment starts everything, a pathway to the modern person's future.
II. Discovery One
In this second song, humanity is in space, travelling between planets in the Solar System. There is a base at the Moon, which can be visited by the average person, as well. Traveling in space is not such a big thing any more.
My Space Odyssey by Dr. Sludgelove
After discovering the Monolith in the surface of the Moon, a group of elite astronauts and scientists start their travel to the planet Jupiter to discover an anomaly, marked by the Monolith on the Moon. Most of the scientists are in hibernation, though two astronauts are awake during the long journey to supervise. An artificial intelligence, called HAL9000 is supporting them, dealing with all the low level controls of the spaceship.
III. HAL-9000
In this song, HAL-9000 reveals his true colors, as he tries to kill all astronauts on the spaceship. Dave Bowman, the last astronaut, decides to switch off HAL's intelligence to stop its influence controlling the whole ship's whole ecosystem. During the switching off operation, Dave needs to wear a spacesuit, as maybe HAL will try to kill him by providing no oxygen. Because of the spacesuit, we can hear Dave breathe during the entire track. This gives a sense of great tension to the whole song and originally for the movie scene, as well. We can hear as HAL tries to convince Dave that everything is alright and it will have no problems continuing the mission successfully.
My Space Odyssey by Dr Sludgelove
In the meantime, Dave pulls out computer cards from HAL's central unit, so HAL gets more and more simple-minded. At a certain point, HAL tries to convince Dave by appealing to his emotions as it states it is AFRAID! During Dave's actions, the music is heavy, a really metallic riff suggests that Dave is doing some harmful thing to HAL. When Dave finishes with the shutting down process, HAL goes into standby mode. Then he starts to "sing." This is the first thing that was taught to HAL back in the day, when it was created by its instructor, Mr. Langley.
IV. Alone Into The Void
After Dave Bowman successfully switches down HAL9000's high-level functionality, he continues the mission and heads towards the direction of Jupiter to investigate the enormously big copy of the Monolith found in the Moon. This is the focus of the fourth song. His colleague Frank Pool and all of the scientists held in deep hibernation were killed by HAL 9000 and the connection to Earth is also cut.
My Space Odyssey by Dr Sludgelove
During the long journey, therefore, he is really alone. The way to Jupiter lasts for long months. He tries to focus on the mission, but because he is lacking communication partner, Dave thinks a lot about his future, what he will find next to Jupiter, how the Monolith will behave, what will happen when he encounters it. A lot of questions and a lot of pressure on him and the prospect of the unknown drives him to depression, as he prepares to meet his doom.
V. My God, It Is Full of Stars!
For the fifth song, astronaut Dave Bowman encounters the Monolith. He says the following phrase just before losing contact with Mission Control: “The thing’s hollow -- it goes on forever -- and -- oh my God! -- it’s full of stars!”
My Space Odyssey by Dr Sludgelove
During the journey, he sees these stars as flashes, as the known three dimensional world falls apart. Time, direction, and all the usual physics does not make sense here anymore. Bowman is transported via the Monolith to an unknown star system, through a large interstellar switching station, and sees other species' spaceships going on other routes. Bowman is given a wide variety of sights, from the wreckage of ancient civilizations to what appear to be life-forms living on the surfaces of a binary star system planet.
VI. Death of Man, Born of The Starchild
After a journey through the wormhole, Dave Bowman finally arrives during the last song. The Monolith creates an environment for Dave to exist in that would not harm him in any way, making it look like a hotel room filled with familiar items to assuage any fear and appear welcoming.
Dave can't believe what he sees, but leaves the pod and explores the room in his suit. He sees the telephone and telephone book, but the phone doesn't work and the telephone book is blank.
He explores more and finds the refrigerator, where there is a variety of packaged food, but it is all "blue substance, about the weight and texture of bread pudding. Apart from its odd color, it looked quite appetizing." There are clothes in the closet, which are a bit out of date for Dave's time.
My Space Odyssey by Dr Sludgelove
Dave decides to trust the environment. "But this is ridiculous," Bowman tells himself in the novelization by Arthur C. Clarke. "I am almost certainly being watched, and I must look an idiot wearing this suit. If this is some kind of intelligence test, I've probably failed already. Without further hesitation, he walked back into the bedroom and began to undo the clamp of his helmet. When it was loose, he lifted the helmet a fraction of an inch, cracked the seal and took a cautious sniff. As far as he could tell, he was breathing perfectly normal air." He eats the blue food and drinks the water, showers, dresses, and he turns on the television.
Refreshed and exhausted, Dave lies down on the bed, turns off the light and "...for the last time, David Bowman slept." The Power behind the Monolith then transforms Dave into the Starchild, the next evolution of man.
Encounter With Dr. Sludgelove
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I'm afraid 'My Space Odyssey' has only whet our appetite for more from Dr. Sludgelove. Where does the band go from here?
We are just starting to dive into the Hungarian stoner/doom/sludge scene. Our first release is more than a year old, but the needed band members have just been recruited. We started to rehearse and were able to find rehearsal room, so a lot of technical problems were solved in the last few months. Now we are planning gigs more gigs, after performing for the first time in this configuration during the spring. We are mostly close to Baby Gorilla Records and bands like Third Planet and Lanterni. We are planning gigs together first in Budapest, after that probably in some bigger cities around the country. Our one year goal is to be a band in Hungary that's invited to support a bigger foreign name, when such an act comes to play here. Our second album also will come out around the summertime, with the help of the sound engineer of the well-known band Red Swamp. Also merchandise, CD, and cassette releases are planned.
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You mentioned a couple bands from the Hungarian scene. What are some others that doomers and stoners might check out?
Maybe the biggest name nowadays is Apey and the Pea. They usually play to sold out parties in Budapest, tour the whole country, and perform in foreign countries and festivals more and more. Their first releases were more grunge and stoner, then they delved into doom and sludge. Their most recent release is sludgier and contains thrash elements, as well. They are the best in Hungary right now.
Some other names worth checking out are Red Swamp, Lemurian Folk Songs, Űrhajó, Grizzly, Lanterni, Entrópia Architektúra, Alone in the Moon, Mighty Manlifter, and Third Planet, just to name a few top of mind.
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For outside bands looking to tour through Hungary, what are some good booking agencies?
There is Baby Gorilla Records -- overall, really nice guys. They are managing and representing around 8-10 bands in the stoner, sludge, doom, noise, and prog rock subgenres. Also dealing with record releasing, of course, in addition to artwork, and organizing label nights, where their bands are usually supporting bigger names from foreign lands. While we're not on their label roster, we played one of their label nights in May, supporting the British band Famyne.
Thulsa Doom Booking is another one. They organize gigs for smaller foreign bands. Also they have their own group of bands, which they manage. They organize the underground festival called Thulsa Doom Fest, which you might have heard of.
Cudi Purci Booking is a bigger fish in this pond. They organize gigs with big foreign bands in the genre, like Elder, High on Fire, that kind of thing. They also organize the so-called Desszert Fest in Hungary.
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What are some places that people like to hang there?
So, I'm listing some places where metalheads usually go out. Durerkert hosts a lot of live gigs in all rock and metal genres. This is a really cool place, we like it very much.
BARhole Music is the place where today's "rock stars" go to hang out in Budapest. If you want to meet with members from bands like Apey and the Pea, you will likely bump into them there.
Három Holló is a coffee house and restaurant at daytime, a cultural gathering at night -- including host to a lot of heavy music gigs and festivals.
Gólya is a cozy little place, which has lots of possibilities for smaller bands in our genre to perform live.
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juni-ravenhall · 6 years
writings about juni as an oc
30 questions about Juni (with unnecessarily long answers), from this SSO OC asks posts except i just filled it all out in one go. i want to try developing her into a more detailed character just for fun so this seemed like the best way to start! i hadn’t decided anything about her besides “non-binary and pan” until starting to fill this out hahah, i just tapped into my jorvegian feels and went along with what felt right.
this is already stated on my “about” page but, to be clear, Juni is some kinda persona/OC thingy and not “me”, while having some traits and details inspired by my real self. (you can definitely get to know about me by reading this, but, it’s not me me.)
BASIC CHARACTER INFO (remember her details are not mine!) Name: Juni Ravenhall Age: around 18-20 i guess, don’t wanna make her too old to fit with the other characters in the story. Gender: non-binary / genderfluid?, but more or less OK with her female body, and she’s fine with any pronouns. Sexuality: panromantic pansexual.
1. What is their home stable in-game? Why?
South Hoof Peninsula (headcanon:ing that there is a home stable there, obviously) because it’s her home. While travelling she makes use of stables and accomodations anywhere, so some people know her in the places she stays over a lot (Valedale, Moorland, others).
2. Where do they actually live in Jorvik?
Her home is on South Hoof, although she doesn’t stay there for long periods of time anymore with all the travelling and adventures going on. She was born in Valedale, but was taken to South Hoof as a small child. (My headcanon is that there’s a few more people living on the peninsula than what’s shown in-game.) It’s worth noting she’s an orphan (or is she...?! *dun dun dun*) so she grew up without a biological family. (btw, that’s not just to be dramatic... I’m from an abusive home and parents mean nothing to me, so I wouldn’t be able to relate to her as much if I gave her some kind of normal, caring parents, I don’t know that stuff. I’d much rather she has no parents / doesn’t know her parents, than that she has to grow up with awful ones.)
3. Who is their favorite NPC?
Hmm, I would make up some OCs for her proper personal story, but out of the NPCs that exist..... (these are not all my favourites, just some of them that I think works well for her story.) - She knows everyone at South Hoof to some degree since she grew up there, I think she’s especially close with Jonas as a parent-figure of sorts, and of course, Madison. She helps the hermit and is on good terms with him. When Hugh moved there, she started making friends with him, I imagine they’ll get close as Juni really cares about animal rescue. - She's fairly close to Conrad, mix of mentor, friend and parent-figure. (He’s taught her more than what’s shown in canon, and she visits him anytime she’s staying in Moorland.) - She likes helping Agnetha and Björn with their garden projects so they have a friendly relation, though casual. It’s the kind of thing where she’ll stay over and help them for a few days, and at the end of the day they have cozy outdoor dinners outside the house, watching the sunset view from the cliff and smelling the roses. They probably get some great fresh food from around Silverglade. - I think she's somewhat friends with Ed at Wolf Hell Inn (or stays over and sees what crazy stuff he’s up to often enough). - She definitely likes Rania and like going out for rides with her, whether there’s a special cause or not. I forget the name of that crazy ranger girl... but she likes her and Alonso too. - She likes hanging out with Mario, and they’ll have picnics on the mountain or on top of the observatory after she’s been helping him out, watching the stars together (platonically). - She’s a wary friend of the Bobcats and Justin, like, they could be friends (since she’s at Moorland often enough) but they aren’t quite. I think she gets along with Josh (pole bending guy). - I was going to write about the soul riders and druids... but I think in my made-up headcanon, Juni's situation and role in the soul rider team would be different. I’ll have to think more about it.
4. Who is their Soul Steed? What breed are they? Do they have any markings or look different in some way from the in-game appearance you could give them?
Winterborn, a Jorvik Warmblood stallion (here’s his tag on my blog). He’s a brave and loving companion, thoughtful sometimes, a bit silly and spoiled sometimes. His bond with Juni is very strong. He probably does look a bit different in my headcanon but I’d have to draw/edit it to make a decision, so let’s leave that in the air for now...
5. What is their favorite location? (Ex, Hollow Woods, Greendale, Silverglade Manor Library) Why?
- South Hoof, as her adopted home, and because of the ancient and “wild and free” energy it has. She feels relaxed and at home there, and somehow connected to the magic of the land (even before she learns about magic). - Valedale and the surrounding areas like Hollow Woods, where she feels a nagging sense of nostalgia and belonging, a tingling mysterious feeling (similar but not the same as what she feels on South Hoof). She loves the flowers, buildings and nature there. - Moorland Forge, for Conrad. - Agnetha and Björn’s gardens. - Wolf Hell Inn, she likes it there and (as mentioned) she likes seeing what weird stuff Ed is up to. - Dino Valley, she loves the winter, the solitude, and the challenge of survival (she’s an adventurer after all). - Crescent Moon Village, just for how cozy it is, and the Mirror Marshes, for its beauty. There’s a lot of spots around New Hillcrest and Epona she likes in general too. - Goldenhills Valley, she loves the autumn colours and the ruins, and takes an interest in the witchcraft that she sees, starting to wonder what’s good and bad magic. - Cape West, a cute little village to visit now and then. - Jarlaheim, as a place to hang out and shop / rest, after a day of helping out with farm chores around the area. - Greendale, where it seems like faeries might pop out if you’re quiet enough. - Ydris’ circus, because she can’t help but get curious about it. (I love circus / fairground aesthetics personally... I’m one of those people who’s always loved clowns and everyone else is like “what?! clowns are creepy man!”) - Mistfall and Firgrove are places she likes both for the nature and buildings, but she doesn’t tend to stay there long. - The Observatory, and other spots high up with great views, like the shortcut between Firgrove and Valedale, and the secret path up the mountain in Firgrove, too. - Aideen’s Plaza in Jorvik City, a cozy and fun place when you need a break from the countryside, especially if there’s an event / festival / market going on. - Pandoria? -- there’s certainly something about it...
6. Who’s their favorite horse? Why?
I’m going to say Juni doesn’t own any other horse than Winterborn, at least at this time. (Obviously I have lots in-game but for this OC story it doesn’t really make sense, so let’s say the rest aren’t canon, haha. Maybe they’re horses she’ll own later in life.)
7. What are their powers? Are they stronger with one Circle over any of the others?
Hmm... I dunno, I have to think more about this one. I probably want to draw some pictures to figure out more about her relation to magic and Pandoria and all that.
8. What’s their usual style? Any favorite tack sets or color themes for them?
She likes all colours and likes putting together new outfits and tack sets of various styles, but some particular favourite colours are red and purple, and overall her style tends to be bold and graphic rather than soft or gentle. She can do soft and gentle too though, when she feels like it!
9. Thoughts about Jorvik City? How do they feel about Rania’s petition for a horse-friendly Jorvik City?
She likes it there (especially Aideen’s Plaza as mentioned), but definitely thinks that there’s such a thing as “too much city” and has to retreat to nature after some time there. A horse-friendly city would be nice, as Winterborn would probably really enjoy getting spoiled with treats at the Plaza on a warm evening, getting petted by nice strangers.
10. Thoughts about Justin? (I’m sorry, I’m curious, he shows up so much)
She pities him in a kind way, thinks he’s sensitive and immature. She wouldn’t mind being friends with him once he starts growing as a person. She also likes lasagna, so they could organise a lasagna party together with the Bobcats sometime.
11. How do they feel about the magical horse race at the circus? Did they enjoy being a horse?
While she doesn’t like how Ydris treats people, she thought it was really interesting and insane, and had a lot of thoughts about what magic is / what magic can do after starting to come into contact with all its different types (Pi, Ydris, the soul riders and druids, etc etc). Maybe being able to turn into a horse at will and gallop around with Winterborn would be really cool!
12. Do they trust the Druids? Or how do they feel about them?
Once she starts getting to know about them, she trusts them as soon as she knows Conrad is involved with them, because she trusts him. Of course she doesn’t trust them 100%, due to all the weird stuff that goes on, but she trusts that they have good intentions even if it doesn’t always come out right, or maybe the right people aren’t in charge.
13. Least favorite NPC?
That’s a tough one... let’s just say she doesn’t like when people use or abuse others. However, she believes that anyone can change and become a better person, it’s just exceptionally hard for some people (and nobody is entitled to forgiveness). (Honestly it’s just difficult because I’m an open-minded person and I appreciate villainous *fictional* characters for their roles in a story, just as well as I appreciate the heroes and background characters. I don’t see a point in being pissy about fictional villains, they’re just part of a story, and in fiction everyone has a chance at bettering themselves. Plus, the victims of their actions are all fictional... nobody really got hurt. I wouldn’t think IRL people like Tr*mp is going to change for the better, plus even if he did he’s caused a lot of people a lot of harm, so IRL is another thing. but I can accept any character’s change and redemption in fiction because... it’s fiction, a fantasy.)
14. How do they make their money?
Before travelling she made them by doing odd jobs around South Hoof, now she does odd jobs around Jorvik. Often she’ll take a trade and do work for food and someplace to stay for the night instead of getting paid. She sells things she’s found and things she’s made now and then (having some skills in crafts).
15. How many horses do they own?
Same answer as before, as an OC she only owns Winterborn (right now).
16. How many pets do they have? What kind? What are their names?
I don’t think I want her to have any at this time, I might change my mind later. She loves the farm animals and the wild horses on South Hoof, of course, and helps take care of other people’s pets when needed. (I love my baby seal in the game though.)
17. How do they feel about the Soul Riders? Do they trust them? Feel like an outsider? Are they closer to some over the others?
I’ll have to decide on her role in the story and relating to the soul riders before I can answer that, so I’ll leave that for now. I don’t think she’s very close with any of them, if anything it’d be a somewhat good relation with Linda and Alex, I think.
18. Do they believe something mystical, magical, or otherwise strange really exists in Dino Valley? How did they feel about the leaving of the Kallter and the roar/scream/screech in the Valley?
There’s absolutely something strange about it, and her heart beats at the idea of more adventures there. The Kallters must have had a reason to leave.
19. Thoughts about Jorvik Wild Horses?
I think for headcanon OC story purposes, Jorvik Wild Horses and Starbreeds are probably the same thing? Just like, I’d go with that there’s a one type of magic horses with Jorvegian magic (or Pandorian) flowing through them, but then they can look different from each other. In the headcanon there wouldn’t be random Jorvik Wilds running around or anything, it’d be super special rare stuff like the Starbreeds are.
20. Do you think they are a Wild Whisperer? Or are they just bonded with their Soul Steed?
I’m not sure, leaning towards that she’s mostly just bonded with Winterborn. Maybe she has some level of whispering abilities but it’s definitely not one of her strongest skills.
21. What’s their favorite Jorvegian holiday or celebration?
All holidays, any excuse to celebrate, although she prefers peaceful and homely celebrations over parties or high-tempo events. Life is precious, so she celebrates every day to some degree (like I mentioned... sunset picnics, enjoying nature).
22. What do they think or feel about Pandoria? Have they or do they visit outside of the quests (using the rifts)? If they have or still do, why?
I think at the time I would place Juni’s story, she’s only starting to learn about Pandoria and is still confused and thoughtful about the different types and uses of magic. So what she’s going to think of Pandoria and what she’ll do about it would be something to figure out.
23. How has their visit(s) to Pandoria affected them? Do they have scars? Has it affected any of their life views?
See above. But also, since I want to explore Juni’s relation to magic, I’ll say I think the magic (or something else about Pandoria) might start to eat at her, and maybe she starts losing herself a bit the deeper she gets into those thoughts and the magic itself. (Hint... I think it’ll have to do with being an orphan and feeling alone and depressed.)
24. Would they ever consider working for Dark Core or believing their side?
No, I can’t imagine she would unless there was some very specific reason.
25. What or who is Garnok to them? A dark presence? A squid-like monster? A child with a ridiculously complicated jumping course (fuckin @’s Lizzy)?
I love Lizzy’s course lol, but maybe Garnok did have a hand in it... Anyway, I don’t think Juni knows anywhere near enough to have an understanding of Garnok at this point, so it’s just some vague thing the druids aren’t describing enough.
26. Do they ever go to the Disco? If they don’t, would they ever consider going? What would it take to make them go?
She goes sometimes, but she quickly gets tired of both dancing and socialising in crowds and has to wind down afterwards, maybe just sitting down at the disco balcony to look at the ocean, or heading down to the beach to lie down and rest. The evening ride back to her home on South Hoof (or to a place to stay in Moorland if the ferry stopped running) is a moment of winding-down, too.
27. Disco or Moorland Beach party?
The beach party is probably a little more chill, which suits her.
28. Are they interested in helping with archaeology or fishing?
She likes trying to do archaeology, and finds ancient (or just old) things really interesting, but she’s not necessarily the best at it. It’s something she does from time to time, or when someone asks for help. Fishing is something she’d only do when hanging out with someone else.
29. How do they feel about Igor, the waiter/manager of the Dino Valley cafe, and whom seemed interested in your horse for… “culinary reasons?”
She hopes he was joking, and appreciates his efforts in starting up the café since the Dino Valley crew is so small, and everyone needs each others’ help to survive and explore there.
30. Do they like the perpetual winter of Dino Valley or the perpetual autumn/fall of Goldenhills Valley, or is it strange to them? Do they prefer one over the other, or neither?
She likes them both, but she’s curious about what they’d look like if the seasons did change.
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vinniekpop · 4 years
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[Excerpt From the Recovered Files of Dr. Ira Ehrlich, World Historian]
In the year 2100 a star in the Vela Constellation known as Velorum A went supernova.
A part of the Gamma Velorum star system; what was referred to as a singular celestial body was in all actuality a spectroscopic binary star; two stars that appear as a single point of light when viewed from a great distance, often shifting between blue and red in color. What was once Velorum A consisted of a blue supergiant and a red wolf rayet star. The wolf rayet star ended its life in a Type IC Supernova. A supernova is an astronomical event that occurs during the last stellar evolutionary stages of a massive star's life; a dramatic and catastrophic destruction marked by one final titanic explosion. This particular type of supernova occurs when the core of the star has been stripped of its outer layer of hydrogen and most of its helium shell. In wolf rayet stars, the loss of the protective outer shell can occur suddenly and the rapid expansion of the inner gases results in the far flinging of materials away from the star. This drives a fast moving shockwave into the surrounding interstellar medium.
In the case of Velorum A, the shockwave drove that celestial detritus from the core of the wolf rayet star into the heart of its neighboring blue supergiant. The supergiant absorbed all that it could, but the resulting build up of energy resulted in the supergiant going supernova as well, not long after the wolf rayet.
The inevitable consequence of these cosmic events was a high dose of gamma radiation that travelled the 840 light years across space to eventually collide with a planet called Earth, burning away a significant portion of its atmosphere, destroying electrical grids, downing planes, and essentially grinding the civilizations that lived there to a resounding halt. This initial event, called the Desolation, marked the beginning of the end for humanity as they knew it.
In the weeks after the radiation hit, the death toll topped ten million and showed no signs of abating. Despite extreme precautions, even the rich and powerful proved to be just as susceptible to the cosmic onslaught as the homeless, the panicked, the reckless, and the everyday citizen. In the months to come, radiation poisoning left more than sixty percent of world leaders dead or dying, along with more than a billion others worldwide. With the government in chaos, fear of anarchy and terrorism followed in its wake. But the terrorists were as busy dying as everyone else.
Urban areas became war zones, with thinning police forces fighting against survivors who looked at the end of humanity as an opportunity for blood, brutality, or profit. Commercial air travel shut down almost immediately, the planes that hadn’t crashed during the initial electrical surges were left abandoned on the runways with no one left to fly them. People tried to outrun what they couldn’t even see, leaving their homes, their cities, even their countries, only to die elsewhere. Others opted to ride the death and destruction out, stockpiling supplies in their homes and apartments- even their office buildings. Locking their doors and windows, guarding against an enemy that was literally in the air around them. They had all the comforts of dying in their own beds.
Those who locked themselves in and managed to survive, clung to sporadic news coverage hoping for a miracle. It wasn’t long until even that was gone, and the Earth fell silent.
The gamma ray burst, while it lasted only a short time, was the cause of long term and sometimes irreversible chemical reactions that took place in the Earth’s atmosphere; mostly involving oxygen and nitrogen molecules. Creating first nitrogen oxide and then nitrogen dioxide, affecting the planet threefold. This depletion of the ozone layer by up to 75% in some areas of the world would last for years to come. This reduction of protective atmosphere dangerously elevated the UV index levels on the surface. Those who survived the initial breakdown of civilization soon succumbed to a bevy of radiation based illnesses.
The nitrogen oxide produced by the depletion of the ozone layer eventually created a sort of photochemical smog which darkened the sky and blocked out parts of the sunlight spectrum. While this helped reduce the amount of people dying from UV exposure, it also negatively affected photosynthesis on the surface, causing a sharp drop in plantlife. This photochemical smog also attributed to the severe cooling of the Earth’s surface, impacting the climate and producing a cosmic winter; a period of prolonged cold weather resulting in the formation of a new glacial period. These phenomenons culminated in a devastating loss of life in the form of plants and the animals and in the mass extinction of other animals higher up on the food chain that relied on those plants eating animals to survive. Ultimately, a further 25% of the remaining human population perished from lack of food.
In the remaining human population, the gamma ray burst along with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation acted as a rapid mutagen, creating sudden changes in the brain’s neurological processes. As a result, individuals began to develop preternatural abilities. Dubbed the Vela Effect, these ‘powers’ often took the form of psychic or accelerated/enhanced physical abilities. Common powers included the ability to manipulate weather or encourage plant growth, all of which were needed to combat the effects of the new Ice Age. Individuals with these gifts were later called the Touched and were instrumental in securing humanity’s survival and future in the days after the Desolation.
Even with the mutagenic advantage, population levels were stagnant. In some areas, the birth rate continued to drop and the death toll continued to rise. The dwindling human population suffered from a lack of resources including clean water, shelter, and renewable energy sources. Human survival became dependent upon people dividing themselves into small, manageable groups. Over the next few decades, those who had survived their brushes with radiation sickness began to note physical changes to go along with the sudden emergence of latent preternatural abilities.
Slowly, they became stronger, faster, and more resilient; while others succumbed to a mysterious illness people began to call the Star-Blight. Marked by a swift mental deterioration, the ill were quickly overwhelmed with madness and became violent and deranged before falling into a sudden coma, followed by heart failure, and then death. An individual could remain ill for years or days before death took them, leaving those around them confused and terrified of who would fall next.
Some viewed the Star-Blight as a form of natural selection; humanity was changing, becoming stronger and more suited to their wild, dangerous new environment. Those who couldn’t handle the change would die. But even with their newfound resilience, life spans were still too short and birth rates remained low. Too Low.
In 2200 the Alpha-Beta-Omega Mutation was first reported. Humanity had changed. Evolution, in an attempt to battle declining birth rates, created a new system in which more of the population could potentially reproduce. Male and Female no longer dictated whether or not a person could bear a child; instead three new ‘dynamics’ or ‘subgenders’ emerged.
Alphas; characterized by their superior strength, protective instincts, and natural leadership abilities as well as an instinctual biological drive to sire children.
Omegas; naturally agile, graceful, nurturing beings whose biological need to bear and raise children made them ideal caretakers; dedicated to preserving peace and fiercely driven to guide and teach future generations.
Betas became the ballast, necessary to provide balance and genetic stability. The most unique amongst the new dynamics, their hormone production is dictated almost entirely by the biological makeup of those around them. If their family group is lacking in alphas, their bodies produce the necessary hormones to fill that role. If they lacked in omegas, the hormones they produced would allow their dormant reproductive organs to mature and enable them to bear children. Without the balancing aspects of Beta DNA, alphas and omegas would cease to exist.
Three a/b/o generations were born before, in 2275, the first people shifted from human to wolf. The ability to take on a primal form was considered by many to be evolution’s ultimate last ditch effort to preserve humanity; by providing them with a weapon in the form of their own bodies and shelter within their own fur. Perhaps the nomadic lifestyle humanity adapted had something to do with the form nature chose for them, but truely, like the development of the strange mutagenic gifts, the origin of the ability to shift would remain a mystery…
In those who were Star-Blighted, the ability to shift was not a blessing, but rather, a curse. People who suffered from Star-Blight found themselves unable to control their shifting. The would shift back and forth between human and wolf at random until one day they would simply get stuck somewhere between the two forms. These monstrosities, called the Rabid, were violent, bloodthirsty beasts that hunted what was left of humanity with a single minded focus. It was considered a blessing for a Star-Blighted family member to pass away before they became one of the most horrifying monsters that haunted their new world.
[File Corrupted - Unreadable]
[Excerpt From the Recovered Files of Dr. Chae Jeongsik, Professor of Sociology and Post-Desolation Histories]
By 2280, the amount of Rabid roaming free in the wilds of what was once the Korean Peninsula became a real threat to what remained of humanity that called the peninsula their home. To protect themselves, in 2282 it was decided that the isolated packs would return from their self-imposed exile and join together to rebuild select cities, surrounding them with strong walls to keep out the Rabid. They could start over, not only with their own lives but with the story of the human species. They’d have to live simply at first, but they would not have to live primitively. All of humanity’s knowledge was stored away in books and journals. They could rebuild, slowly, with sustainability in mind.
At first, the need for cooperation kept everyone working in cooperation. The need to build up a defensible perimeter quickly and efficiently had to come before anything else. These fledgling cities were collectively known as the Walls. Outside of the Walls, smaller walled villages known as Compounds received resources and militarized protection from the Walls in exchange for their agricultural and industrial contributions; as long as they agreed to follow the law as decreed by the ruling body inside the Walls - The Committee.
Doctors and Scientists became world leaders and as a result, an extensive amount of focus was put on maintaining the status quo between the three dynamics. Large-scale genetic testing was performed and the subgenders were broken down into six distinct genotypes. AA and AB Alphas, OO and OB Omegas, and BB and AO Betas. This research was what led to the initial discovery of just how essential Beta DNA was to ensure the continuation of all three dynamics and that, without the genetic contribution of BB Betas in particular, the dynamics would become unbalanced and humanity would go back to being unable to produce enough offspring to maintain the population.
To prevent this from happening, The Committee declared a ban on all relationships that were not with partners who were ‘genetically compatible’. This regulation has resulted in a culture where betas are often controlled and manipulated by their families for social and political gain. Male betas in particular were prized for their ability to mold themselves to the needs of their community; to assume the role of either alpha or omega in terms of siring or bearing children and in terms of ability.
Some communities inside the Walls, seeing the danger in this new system, sought to re-isolate themselves from this newly reformed version of civilization. They sought to carve out their own place in the world, and so they left the city of Seoul behind to make use of the many islands surrounding the south western side of the peninsula. Teams were sent to clear the Rabid from a large island in the Western Sea known as Saeloun. There, the settlers rehabilitated what was left of the infrastructure of abandoned villages. Over the years the people who settled the island began to worship the moon, as it soon became apparent that the celestial body had an astounding effect on both their bodies and their preternatural abilities.
A religion, built around the story of an Omega called Tal and her two mates, a Male Alpha named Hae and a genderless Beta called Chugun, became the basis of their society. A society that emphasizes a person’s right to live on instinct rather than the cold science that dominated life inside the Walls.
These islanders, called Taliians, lived a life in direct opposition to those inside the Walls, but in a world where humanity was dwindled to nothing more than a smattering of life in varying corners of the world, the two factions let each other live in peace.
On the peninsula in what was once South Korea, initial projects aimed at restoring the major cities and walling them in, but it soon became apparent that without the population the world used to boast, there would be no way to maintain and protect so many fledgling communities. After a particularly devastating series of Rabid attacks, the decision was made to abandon construction in all areas except for Seoul, Daegu, and Busan.
The dwellers of those cities that were to be abandoned were invited to join those inside the Walls and many took them up on this offer. There were, however, those who regarded the ruined cities as their homes, their ancestral pack grounds, and refused to leave them behind for the safety of the Walls. They chose instead to carve out a place for themselves amongst the ruined cityscapes. While they lacked the resources to construct the great walls that surrounded the sanctioned cities, they used their survival instincts to make themselves invisible inside the ruins, relying on hunting and foraging to sustain themselves and eventually became the peoples known collectively as the Wolfolk.
In 2300 the MATCH program was set into motion inside Seoul; a program designed to sustain the population and balance the dynamics at the same time. At the age of five, every child inside the Walls is tested for their subgender and genotype. They are tested a second time at the onset of puberty and added into a pool of potential mates. At eighteen they receive a list of individuals deemed to be more than 95% compatible. They are required to meet with at least one person on the list for at least an hour once a month. Every year an updated list is sent and citizens have until they are twenty-five to choose a mate deemed as ‘compatible’.
After mating, a couple is required to meet their Reproductive Quota. Depending on the population needs in their area of the city, couples will be asked to produce a child of a certain subgender within the next five years to maintain a steady rise in all dynamics for future generations. Most often a second child is required of the couple as well. Any children produced that are not of that subgender are accepted but the couple is still required to produce the requested child. Failing to produce the requested subgender in a timely manner results in a fine. Failure to choose a compatible mate before your twenty-fifth birthday results in a fine. Choosing to mate someone outside of your government approved list of candidates results in a fine. Nothing is done to prevent you from making these choices, but the fines are meant to be harsh enough to discourage anyone from diverging from the approved course of action.
Since the prevailing message from the Committee is that the MATCH Program is ‘for the future’, the attitude of the general public towards those who did not follow the rules is less than favorable. Choosing to follow instincts when it came to finding a mate is seen as a sign of poor self-control and overall selfishness. It is viewed as a person being too emotional and not thinking logically, as them thinking only of themselves and not of the good of the community or of how their actions could affect the future of the city as a whole. People in relationships that couldn’t provide anything ‘beneficial’ were especially looked down upon. Relationships between two individuals that could not produce any offspring were, in particular, regarded with an attitude of confusion and revulsion. For example, a relationship between two male alphas.  
Relationships consisting of more than a single mated pair were outright illegal, with the Committee declaring that those relationships took ‘useful’ DNA out of the available reproduction pool and therefore was a crime against the future of the Walls. Anyone discovered to be in a relationship like that would face forced separation and jail time, and little to no mercy from the public.
That same year in 2300, The Committee announced its blanket ban on shifting inside the Walls, proclaiming that those who shifted into their primal form had a higher likelihood of going Rabid. The Committee declared that those who allowed themselves to give into their base urges and become a literal ‘beast’ were uncivilized and undeserving of a place within the Walls.
One year later, they proclaimed those with mutagenic abilities, called the Touched, to be a danger to society, ordering family and friends to turn those they believed to be Touched over to Enforcement.
Initially, those who were found to be Touched were simply exiled from the Walls and left to fend for themselves out in the Wastes. However, it soon became obvious that individuals with certain abilities were essentially, and therefore those who were deemed useful were rehabilitated and trained as Special Operatives for Enforcement, those deemed dangerous were locked away or killed, and those who were deemed simply unfit for polite society were made to live out the rest of their days inside specially designated Sanatoriums.
In 2320 it became apparent that the MATCH program needed more individuals with unique DNA to sustain itself and so The Committee enacted its plan to bring the Wolfolk into the fold, sending out Enforcement teams to offer them a place inside the city and to take them by force if needed. Orders were given to killing their alphas, bringing their bearers and children back to the Walls. At the same time, they began to spread rumors that the Wolfolk, called the Shameless by Committee propaganda, were dangerous, lawless individuals who abhorred the Walls and everything they stood for. This ensured that the Compounds wouldn’t offer aid to any Wolfolk who managed to escape Enforcement.
The Committee also tightened their control over who could enter and exit the city, effectively trapping those Taliians who came to the city for things like specialized medical care and trading, detaining them until it was ‘safe’ to leave while at the same time trying to force them to assimilate into life inside the Walls by forcing them to stop shifting and to renounce their ‘heathen’ religion. Often Taliians who entered Seoul would end up trapped there for a year or more depending on what time of year they entered.
Seoul’s harsh rules acted in direct contrast to the general mayhem inside Daegu, and to the Monarchy that ruled with an ironfist in Busan. The populace accepted the rules put forth by the Committee as necessary to avoid the failings of the other resurrected cities, but there is a fraction of those inside the Walls who would see things change. Reports of a rebellion brewing right underneath the Committee’s nose are passed from person to person; whispers that those who are Touched might live in the shadows and those who would follow the instincts of their beasts have laid plans to demolish the system that would keep those who don’t follow it in poverty rather than give a single inch.
[File Corrupted - Unreadable]
[Excerpt from the Journals of Mr. Jo Hodong, Explorer and Amateur Cultural Anthropologist]
In 2290, ten years after the decision to construct The Walls, a group of dissenters decided that life inside the Walls wasn’t for them and set out to find a place of their own. It was decided that attempting to live on the mainland wasn’t feasible without the protection the Walls provided and instead, guided by a vision of the future from one of their own, they chose to make their home on an island far out in the Western Sea. A team was dispatched to the 1636 sq. kilometer (632sqm) island consisting of two mountainous peaks and plentiful lowlands for agriculture, and ancient pine forests for hunting, alongside numerous sources of fresh water. They combed the island and its abandoned villages, eliminating any Rogues and Rabid they came across. The first group of defectors settled down in the remains of the largest village on the east side of the island, led by an omega woman and her two mates. The woman, who’s name was lost to history, is remembered mostly for her Touched ability; her prophetic visions. Over time she was deified by those who followed her and she became the embodiment of the Moon on Earth, Tal. Her mates consisted of an alpha man who history called Hae with the ability to manipulate fire which lead to him becoming the personification of the Sun to his mate’s Moon, and their co-mate a beta whose androgynous nature lead people to make their own assumptions about their gender, who was a healer of great stature known to have been so powerful they could bring people back from the dead if they got to them quickly enough. Called Chogun, they became the deity of life and death, personification of The Stars, the spark of chaos that wrought so much change on Earth.
Legend has it that the other deities the Taliians worship were the children of Tal and her mates, but science says that this is not possible. Individuals who are Touched who actively use their powers are infertile. The process of using their abilities raises their core body temperature so high that it renders their bodies incapable of procreation. People who have Passive abilities, like Foresight and Empathy, are incapable of controlling when or how they use their powers, though they can learn to manipulate and guide them in the right direction with practice over time; those with Passive abilities can never regain their fertility. Individuals with Active abilities- powers that require thought and action to use- such as power over the wind and rain- can choose not to use their powers for a time, usually a period of a year or more, and regain their fertility. Sadly, this is only true for people who can sire children not those who can bear them. Damage done to eggs stored in ovaries is permanent and irreversible, while those with testicles can hope to recover sperm production over time.
Unfortunately, this means that Tal more than likely never had any children, let alone so many children with Touched abilities. Nevertheless, the Taliians choose to believe that their various gods and goddesses, called the Brood, are the children of Tal just as the Taliians themselves are the Children of Tal; The Great Moon Mother.
After the settling of Saeloun, the Taliians spread out to occupy most of the islands surrounding the southwestern edge of the peninsula. Life on the islands consists of mostly homesteading. Homes are usually large, multi-family pack houses that function off of alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, and water based power. Farming, raising livestock, hunting, gathering, and salvaging from the Mainland are key components to their survival. While most homes have electricity, they enforce strict lights-out hours and are very conscious of conserving energy. In most Taliian villages, two places have constant power, the Main Hall and the Temple. Average pack size is between two hundred and five hundred, with the largest settlements boasting upwards of three thousand residents. The Main Hall serves as the central food storage area, with large walk-in freezers and refrigerators and an industrial style kitchen that serves the whole pack. The Temple serves as their emergency medical location, with a small surgical theatre and the ability to administer general anesthetic. The Temple receives medical supplies that they trade for from the Walls, although when it comes to most medical needs they rely on traditional and natural remedies. Both places are connected to back-up generators at all times.
Taliians are a diarchic society as their leadership is divided between the Pack Alpha and the Head Acolyte of Tal. The Pack Alpha sits at the head of the pack council, while the Head Acolyte of Tal is the leader of The Temple. The pack council sees to the day to day aspects of the pack including handing down justice when needed, while The Temple sees to the spiritual needs of the pack as well as their health needs as they train and provide healers to the village.
Every Pack Alpha comes together to form the main governing body of the Children of Tal. They meet once a year during the annual Summer Meeting on the Mainland. The leadership of the various temples form the Light of the Moon and meet yearly in the same way. In between meetings messages are delivered by trained birds and via Storytellers. The leader of the Alpha’s Council is called the Prime, and they are acknowledged as the overall leader of the Taliians as a whole.
The Prime is the alpha all other alphas defer to, historically they have often earned their place by challenge, but can be democratically voted into the position as well. When a Prime steps down or passes away, they name an heir. The Taliian people can either choose to accept that heir or name one of their own. A competition will be held to determine whether or not the Prime’s Successor will maintain their hold on the title of Prime.
The leader of the Light of the Moon is simply called The First. They are almost exclusively an Acolyte of Tal, but other servants of other members of the Brood have held the title in the past. Like their Prime counterpart, their authority inside the temple is absolute. They lead the important ceremonies during the Summer Meeting and once a year they administer the test that determines whether or not a trainee is ready to move onto acolyte status
To reflect their diarchic leadership, members of Taliian packs dedicate themselves two-fold; picking a profession to master and a deity to pledge their loyalty to; a Calling and a Devotion. A person is expected to work hard at their profession and they spend their life trying to live according to the ideals of their Devoted. Each person chooses their own path and the Acolytes help them achieve a closeness to Tal and Her Children as they follow that path. The goal is to have a population who individually excel at unique skills and who have a steady relationship with their gods.
Inside the main body of the Pack exists individual Hearths. Each Hearth is led by an alpha who submits to the Pack Alpha. Newly mated individuals can choose to stay in their family home or establish a new Hearth. Some Hearths, such as the Saltwater Hearth maintained by the Kim Family in the Village of Haedoji can be traced all the way back to the founding of the village while newer Hearths, such as Kim Hongjoong’s Aurora Hearth are only a single generation old.
Taliians are marked so they can easily identify each other and to show which Packs they belong to. They also believe that the marks keep them honest; you can’t lie and deceive anyone if your true identity is right there for everyone to see. The backs of their right hands are tattooed with the unique, distinct insignia of their Pack. Receiving your First Mark is a right of passage and signifies a juvenile's ascension into the rank of adults. A mark on the bicep shows which dynamic a person belongs to, and one on the shoulder declares the temple a person has Devoted themselves to, and a more complicated series that begins at their right wrist and travels up the arm with time, is made up of symbols that when read detail a person’s history; the hearth of their birth, their Calling, their mating, anything that someone might need to know about them is etched in a design that flows together almost seamlessly to the untrained eye.
Those who serve the Temple have an additional tattoo across their right cheek bone depicting the phases of the moon. The more complete the cycle is, the farther into their training an Acolyte is. A fully trained Acolyte will have the entire cycle from start to finish spanning across their cheek. Certain embellishments to the design depict an acolytes rank within the Temple as well.
Common Mating Practices  
In contrast to those who live inside the Walls, Taliians believe that their wolf is part of their soul and to ignore it is to ignore Tal herself. Therefore, they believe that following your instincts can be an almost religious experience. Because of this belief, Taliians tend to be a more sexually free society than any other Post-Desolation peoples. Jealousy is considered to be a toxic emotion and possessiveness is frowned upon up to a certain extent. Following the example of their Goddess, many Taliians have more than one mate.
Their three main deities represent the alpha, beta, and omega spirit. They are represented in an Earthly way by the sun, moon, and stars. The saying used to go, ‘the sun is the counterpart of the moon, the moon compliments the stars, and the stars mirror the sun, but the sky is not complete without all three.’
It used to be that unions between alpha, beta, and omega were considered the perfect relationship as it mirrored the relationship of the Founders. But gradually over the years, those types of unions fell out of favor. Partly because it became harder and harder to find a third person that they could get along with to complete the trio, but also because people became more concerned with lines of ascension.
In the past having more than one mate was something you did only out of love, but as times changed and people jockeyed for status a marked change began to happen among the mating habits of Taliians.
People began to take on mates for a variety of reasons, which led to the concept of First Mates and Second Mates. A First Mate would be a mate an individual took on for love. They are bonded and there is a real, true relationship between them as partners. A Second Mate is usually a mate that is taken for status, for political gain, so a bearer can have an extra set of helping hands around the house, or so that an alpha can gain an heir if their First Mate fails to produce one. In this situation, there is usually one person who has two individual mates, but those mates have no relationship with each other. These are called Cross-Mates. A trio of people or more who are all in a romantic relationship with each other are called Co-Mates.
There is a difference between Co-Mates and Second/Third/etc Mates aka Cross-Mates. Co-mates are people who are in a mutual relationship with each other. They are all mated to each other and all enjoy an intimate relationship. Co-mates are people who are in love, a unit, they’re all equal in their bond. A Second/Third/etc Mate is a mate that a person chooses to take on outside of and separate from their original union. Second/Third/etc Mates are usually for social or political gain or to produce heirs and it’s not considered socially acceptable to show them any favoritism over a First Mate.
Example: An alpha who is already bonded with an omega decides to mate with another omega. The two omegas have no feelings for each other and therefore do not want to be in a union together. The second omega would then become the Alpha’s Second Mate and the two omegas would now be considered cross-mates as opposed to co-mates.
Most of the time, Second Mates are for political or societal gain; usually more along the lines of a contractual agreement. Often they are brought into the fold so that more children can be born to a specific Hearth. The Second Mate and the First Mate are not often involved with each other, and if they do become romantic/intimately involved, they can become co-mates. First and Second Mates might even live in different homes, though more often than not they simply have their own quarters within the packhouse. For example, the First Mate has a set of rooms, a drawing room, a bedroom, and a room for their pups that they share with their mate, and then the Second Mate will have the same style of apartment, and the shared Mate will stay with them when the mood strikes. It is considered inappropriate to live permanently with a Second Mate. One must still provide for them and acknowledge their children as children of one’s Hearth.
Typically, the custom of taking a Second/Third Mate is practiced by alphas and betas, rarely will an omega or an omega-aligned beta take on a second mate that is not a co-mate. When it comes to Second Mates, no one is forced into anything. Taliians are very much concerned with an Omega’s right to choose their own mate. If a Second Mate really wanted to, they could find another mate of their own. But because it would make lines of succession difficult to untangle, omegas are generally discouraged from having more than one dominant mate. Overall, the actual parentage of a child does not matter; it only matters whose Hearth they were born to as that’s where they get their status from. Agreeing to become a Second Mate can guarantee an Omega’s children have higher status, which is usually more than enough for most Omegas to make the choice.
Sexual freedom is important to Taliians, and people often have sex outside of their unions. For the Children of Tal, Moon Festivals are a time of socializing and celebrating. It was discovered long ago that the cycles of the Moon influenced hormone levels, and that even those who aren’t expecting a heat or a rut can feel the effects of a full moon. To discourage unpleasantness, anyone who is willing or wanting to have a little fun in their heightened state of arousal is invited to attend the Moon Festival where people indulge with whoever they want as long as all parties are willing.
In fact, Moon Festivals are so important to their culture that children thought to be conceived during a Moon Festival are often considered to be lucky and it’s said that they’re destined for the Temple.
Bondmates are what mated wolves are called after they exchange a mating bite; or ‘mark’. Not every mated pair/trio/etc choses to bond, and not every bond takes. A rejected bond can make a wolf very sick, so people have to be very sure that their wolf halves have accepted each other before they attempt to exchange marks. Often choosing to become bondmates involves going to the Temple for guidance and seeking counseling with the Acolytes there.
In addition to bondmates, there also exists the concept of Fated mates. Anyone can mate with anyone, but everyone has at least one Fated mate. Meeting your Fated mate is signaled by the Pull, the Pull is a physical/biological response to someone who is your perfect mate, on a scientific level. Often described as a sensation of the Earth moving beneath your feet but you’re standing still, the pull is more so a sign that two individuals are essentially designed for each other—perfectly compatible. In terms of science they'd produce offspring with superior genes. The instinct to act on the Pull is the same instinct that drives people to mate during Heats and Ruts; a deep seated need to ensure their lineage.
Among Taliians, hunting partners are bonded similarly to mates. It’s said that hunting partners exchange pieces of each other’s soul to keep them in tune with each other and encourage them to look out for each other in dangerous situations.
Tal - Moon Goddess; The First Omega. Legend has it that she birthed the Taliian people and continues to guide them through their Earthly lives until they one day return to her side. Mate of Hae and Chugun. Goddess of the Past, Present, and Future. Patron Deity of the Touched. Sacred of Omegas, and Protector of Bearers. Worshiped in the Temple of the Moon.
Hae - Sun God; The First Alpha. Watches over Her People while She sleeps. Deity of Justice, Civil Order, and War. Mate of Tal and Chugun. Sacred of Alphas, and Guiding Light to all Alphas. Worshiped in the Temple of the Sun.
Chugun - Life & Death. Genderless, but often depicted as male. The First Beta. Guides Tal’s People from their Earthly bodies back to Her side. The souls Chugun returns to Tal are healed and returned to Earth to be reborn. Mate of Tal and Hae. Sacred to Betas. Worshiped in the Temple of the Tomb.
Chijin - A Beta God of the Earth. Male. He Who Provided the Islands. God of Fertile Land. Worshiped in the Temple of the Stone.
Konggi - An Omega Goddess of the Sky. Female. Bringer of Rain, Clean Fresh Air, and the keeper of the Moon Temple where Tal lives. Worshiped in the Temple of the Wind.
Mul - A Beta Goddess of the Sea. Female. The Endless Provider; Goddess of Fishing. Guides and Protects those who travel to the Mainland on Salvage Expeditions and ensures that they return safely. Worshiped in the Temple of the Waves.
Namu - An Alpha God of the Forest. Male. Provides foraging and building materials; Patron of Famine and Shelter. Worshipped in the Temple of the Glade.
Pul - An Alpha God of Fire. Male. Fire is essential for Taliian survival, but it can also be deadly. Pul is a respected, revered, and feared God. Worshiped in the Temple of the Flames.
Sanyang - An Alpha Goddess of Hunting. Female. Guides hunters on their quest for prey, directs their hand as they hunt. Provides dutiful worshipers with good luck in their hunting endeavors. Worshiped in the Temple of the Beast.
Tongmul - An Omega Goddess of Animals. Female. Watches over animals in the fields and ensures their good health. Worshiped in the Temple of the Beast.
Nongbu - An Omega God of Farming. Male. Patron of the Harvest, Planting, and Protector of Fields. Worshiped in the Temple of the Harvest.
Kongang & Uihak - Beta & Omega Twin Deities of Health & Healing; Brother and Sister. Kongang is a Beta God who specializes in Traditional Medicine, and Uihak is a Omega Goddess whose realm in Childbirth. Worshiped in the Temple of the Soul.
Nunbora - An Alpha Goddess of the Snow. Female. Snow is a big factor in how Taliians live their day to day lives; Cosmic Winter means long, hard periods of cold and heavy snow. Respecting Snow as the game changer that it is, is an absolute necessity and therefore they pay Nunbora the utmost respect so that their winters will be short and the frost will come late enough for them to secure the harvest. Worshiped in the Temple of the Frost.
Misul - An Omega Goddess of Crafting. Female. Source of Inspiration and Artistic Ability of all who wish to create. Worshiped in the Temple of the Masteries.
Nanlo - A Beta Goddess of the Hearth. Female. Watches over the Hearth, Protects the Packhouse when no one is there. Ensures Harmony within the Home. Worshiped in the Temple of the Heart.
Kyolhon - A Beta God of Mating/Bonding. Male. Works Closely with Tal and Nanlo to find the perfect mates for each of Her Children. Blesses Unions and Bonds. Fertility and Love are his specialties. Worshiped in the Temple of the Heart.
Chaos - the Spirit of Desolation
Geulimja - the Dark Shadow. He travels the land and spreads sickness and death wherever he touches. Animals starve, plants will not grow, water becomes poisonous and dangerous to bath in or drink.
Gongpo - the spirits of those who failed to return to Tal after death. They try to inhabit bodies already holding a wolf spirit and drive them insane (Taliian myth for the origin of the Rabid)
Originally called the Wolf Folk, the name over time flowed together to become the Wolfolk. The ancestors of the Wolfolk were those who chose to stay behind in the ruins of what were once great cities, refusing to abandon their ancestral homes. While some Wolfolk are nomadic, most have a permanent home hidden away somewhere in the stone tombs of cities long dead.
They rely a large amount upon hunting and foraging as raising livestock and growing crops requires large amounts of land space and makes it hard for them to keep themselves hidden from Rabid and Rogues alike. Each pack has uniquely adapted to the territory they live in. Every Wolfolk village is different, with different cultures and rules unique to their pack structure.
Packs are generally small, twenty to thirty being the norm while packs of fifty or more find it hard to stay safe and hidden. A surprising amount of the Wolfolk are Touched, most likely due to the fact that in the early years of the ban, the Walls used to throw those whose powers they deemed to be too ‘dangerous’ out of the city which lead them to intermingle with the Wolfolk.
In addition, or probably in part due to this phenomenon, most Wolfolk packs have traditions and rituals that are conducive to genetic diversity. The most benign of those being that matings inside the pack are frowned upon and mechanisms exist for young people of different packs to meet. More extreme packs will have bans of mating with someone who shares the same Clan name as them. Slightly more problematic traditions include young alphas being kicked out at a certain age and they can only return if and only when they bring a mate back with them.
Perhaps among the worst of these practices are those Wolfolk packs who raid the homes of young omegas from other packs, systematically capturing them and sometimes killing all of their relatives to prevent anyone coming after them. Most Wolfolk tribes are peaceful and resent their barbarian reputation inside the Walls, but some of them have given into their more base instincts, especially those closer to Daegu where chaos seems to reign even in the surrounding areas that make up the Wastes outside the city.
Wolfolk are incredibly territorial when it comes to both their cities and their hunting grounds, and skirmishes between both other Wolfolk packs, Rogues, and even Compounders are not uncommon. They tend to rove far from home in their wolf forms in search of hunting and areas to forage, often traveling with their smaller, lighter weight packmates riding on their backs in human form in order to carry supplies and help bring their haul back.
Most Wolfolk packs are ruled by a single family with an alpha handing down leadership to their first born alpha offspring generation to generation and therefore are called after the Clan Name of their ruling alpha, i.e. the Choi Pack.
Citizens: Those who live inside the Walls; particularly Seoul.
Compunders: Those who live inside the sanctioned villages outside the Walls, who supply the Walls with useful agricultural products and industrial resources in exchange for supplies and protection from the Rabid.
The Colonies: Fledgling Compounds often far, far from the Walls. Often located in the most dangerous parts of the Wastes, they are tasked with settling the land and carving out a foothold for the Walls in that area. Often people are sent to the Colonies as a punishment, and people who struggle inside the Walls will often volunteer for the Colonies as a last ditch effort to survive. The Colonies are notoriously dangerous, untrained, and undersupplied. Most of them are wiped out by Rogues or Rabid barely a year after they’re founded.
Taliians: Those who live on the islands along the southwestern coast of the peninsula and revere the Moon.
Sangilions: A particular subset of the Taliian people, native to the island of Saeloun; they reject Tal and instead worship the sun, her mate Hae. They are a civilization of raiders that rely on brute force to survive on top of their mountain.
The Chayuroun: A small civilization founded in 2285 on an island far to the north in the Western Sea. Their population consists of almost entirely Omegas with a few genetic throwbacks to Betas mixed in.
Wolfolk: Fringe dwellers who live inside the ruins of abandoned cities. Called the Shameless by those inside the Walls for their reliance on their wolflike ability to survive in the Wastes.
The Rabid: Those who have reached the final stages of the Star-Blight and have descended into madness; stuck between their human and wolf forms, driven by a need to hunt healthy humans. They roam the Wastes attacking anything living, human or animal. Most often they are little more than animals themselves, but some have retained a sort of warped, sadistic intelligence. Rarely, they organize into a sick, twisted facsimile of a functioning pack. At worst, they band together in blood thirsty, destructive groups to prowl the forests, mountains, and abandoned cities of the Wastes in search of prey.
Rogues: Those who choose to reject any form of law and order, roaming nomadically throughout the Wastes. They rely on violence and survival of the fittest to sustain their way of life,; often at the expense of others. Murder and thievery are their bread and butter. Rogues often act as slavers, kidnapping Wolfolk, Taliians, and Citizens alike and selling them to the highest bidder.
Seoul: Most Commonly Referred to as ‘The Walls’. A Walled City built upon the ruins of what used to be the Capital of South Korea. Ruled by the Committee, the Walls uphold an unwavering belief in science and uniformity, believing that it is key to the continuation of the human race.
Wonju Compound: A Compound to the North West of Seoul, dedicated to the Walls they are a lumber district overseen by the Bang Family.
Saeloun: An Island in the Western Sea, about eight hours by boat from Incheon. Saeloun is the location of the original Taliian settlement. Those who live there follow the guidance of both their pack leaders and the Temple of the Moon; a religious sect dedicated to the worship of the Omega Moon Goddess Tal.
Haedoji: Located on Saeloun; The Oldest Taliian Village, the Original Taliian Settlement. Home of the Shore Pack, their leading family is the Kim Clan.
Kangbyon: Second Oldest Taliian Village, the Second Settlement on Saeloun founded after Haedoji became too crowded. Home of the River Pack, their leading family is the Bang Clan.
Sangil: Third Oldest Taliian Village, the Third Settlement on Saeloun. Founded after a fissure developed over the leadership of Kangbyon. Home of the Mountain Pack, their leading family is the Oh Clan. A splinter religion, they instead choose to worship the Alpha Mate of Tal, the Sun God Hae.
Baengnyeong: A island far to the North of Saeloun off the coast of what use to be North Korea; home of the Chayurouni Tribe - a Warrior Race comprised almost entirely of Omegas and a select few Betas who generations ago escaped from a dangerous group of alphas who intended to enslave them. They isolate themselves and do not associate with people from off their shores. Alphas are forbidden on their island.
The Haven: A Secret Village located inside the Ruins of Jeonju, North of what is left of Old Gwangju. A Wolfolk settlement; home of the Choi Pack- it is located almost entirely inside of a few rehabilitated apartment buildings, sort of like a town inside of a building.
Jirisan: A summer village belonging to the Taliians located in the heart of an ancient forest near the Southern end of the Korean Peninsula. Large enough to accommodate the entirety of the Taliian nation, it is only occupied from Mid-May to Mid-August. Designed as a summer home to allow their islands to recuperate from constant human occupation, Jirisan consists of a collection of sturdy wooden packhouses- one for each Pack- with enough cleared land to pitch tents in between; as well as a Temple and an arena for competitions such as wrestling and foot races and a central square area for festivals.
The Walled City of Daegu: One of the three remaining Walled Cities, Daegu is ruled by a ruthless monarchy that rules over it’s people with an iron fist. A strict class system exists with those who are Touched composing the highest tier and Omegas taking on a role as second-class citizens.
The Walled City of Busan: The last of the three remaining Walled Cities, Busan succumbed to a mysterious illness known only as The Virus. What is left of it is rules by lawlessness. Their Compounds have all been taken over by Daegu, leaving the citizens of Busan without any resources, but with nowhere else to go.
[The Remainder of this Journal was Never Recovered]
[Excerpt from the Research of Dr. Enomoto Yasuka, Geneticist and Bioengineer]
As a result of the gamma radiation combined with environmental stressors, human evolution responded by separating the second chromosomal pair back into two distinct pairs. Called 2A and 2B, these chromosomes then mutated. 2A developed the genes that would lead to the ability to shift into wolves, and 2B developed the genes that determined a person's reproductive anatomy in regards to their subgender.
The pair of chromosomes that make up 2B each contain one of the Alpha, Beta, or Omega alleles. Each person inherits one allele from each parent. The paired alleles are called genotypes. There are a total of six different genotypes a person can have: AA, AB, OO, OB, BB, and AO.
Alpha and Omega alleles are dominant, meaning people with the AA and AB genotypes are Alphas and people who make up the OO and OB genotypes are Omegas. The BB genotype results in a Beta, however, people who have the AO genotype are Betas as well since the two dominant alleles cancel each other out.
Example: A Male Alpha, Genotype AB and a Female Omega, Genotype OB would have a 25% chance of producing a AO Beta, a 25% chance of an OB Omega, a 25% chance of an AB Alpha, and a 25% chance of producing a BB Beta, or a 50% chance of producing a Beta offspring as opposed to the likelihood that they’d produce another Alpha or Omega being 25% each.
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The presence of the Alpha/Beta/Omega alleles in Chromosome 2B rewrites the rules when it comes to how the X and Y Chromosomes behave.
All embryos are endowed with the same all-purpose structures that determine the growth of the developing person’s reproductive organs. The development of these reproductive structures are triggered by secretions released from the testes called androgens.
At the direction of these androgens; male alphas, male betas, and male omegas will develop typical external male genitalia- and the absence of these androgens for female alphas, betas, and omegas when it comes to developing typical external female genitalia.
It is the presence of the omega and beta alleles in combination with the Y Chromosome; and the alpha allele in combination with the X Chromosome that alters the configuration of the internal reproductive structures.
Between the fifth and seventh weeks after fertilization, human embryos of either sex develop two primordial gonads that will by the eight week commit themselves to becoming either testes or ovaries.
If either the Y Chromosome or the alpha allele is present, one gonad will become a teste. If there is no Y Chromosome or alpha allele present one will become an ovary.
Embryos start out with two sets of ducts known as the Müllerian Ducts and the Wolffian Ducts. In absence of the testes, Wolffian Ducts atrophy while the Müllerian Ducts grow into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and the inner part of the vagina. With testes present, the opposite happens; androgens produced by the testes stimulate the Wolffian Ducts to develop into seminal vesicles, vas deferens, and epididymis.
In male alphas, a testicular protein called Müllerian Inhibiting Factor prevents the Müllerian Ducts from developing into the internal childbearing organs. In female alphas, the presence of the second X Chromosome prevents Müllerian Inhibiting Factor from being produced, allowing female alphas to develop their childbearing organs.
The combination of the second X Chromosome and the alpha allele influences the synthesis of each individual enzyme required to build functioning internal reproductive structures, leading to the unique alpha female configuration of organs that allows them to both sire and bear children.
In female alphas, one gonad develops into an ovary while the other develops into a teste. The ovary is connected to the uterus by a fallopian tube while the teste and the surrounding epididymis are housed in a protective layer of tissue that is connected by a vas deferens to a seminal vesicle that takes the place of one Bartholin’s Gland located in between the vulva and the opening of the vagina. While the ducts of the Bartholin’s Gland secretes the fluids required for the natural lubrication of the vagina; the ducts of the seminal vesicle in combination with the vas deferens secretes semen and spermatozoa upon orgasm; allowing an alpha female to potentially fertilize any other individual with childbearing organs.
During sexual intercourse the presence of submissive pheromones causes a female alpha’s cervix to swell, closing it off and preventing her own reproductive material from reaching her eggs. When a female alpha chooses to submit to another person, her cervix does not swell and instead the tissue housing the teste and epididymis swells, preventing sperm from being secreted upon orgasm. When allowing penetration, an alpha female’s vaginal walls swell to lock her partner in place; similar to the knot developed by an alpha male.
In male alphas, the first gonad descends into the scrotum and divides into the testes, and the second gonad descends and becomes the bulbus glandis aka the ‘knot’; tissue located at the base of the penis that swells up to lock the alpha into place inside their partner in the moments before ejaculation. They remain locked together until the swelling goes down, ensuring that no sperm is wasted. Often a male alpha will cycle through numerous orgasms as their knot goes down, all while locked in place with their partner.
In female omegas and betas, the process is fairly simple; the second gonad atrophies and is reabsorbed into the body leaving them with a function set of childbearing reproductive organs.
Similar to Female Alphas, the presence of the Y Chromosome in relation to the Omega and Beta Alleles in Male Betas and Male Omegas determines the unique way their internal reproductive structures develop, one gonad becomes the testes, splitting and descending into the scrotum, while the other develops into ovaries which are then attached to the uterus by fallopian tubes. A short vaginal opening is located inside the rectum leading to the cervix. Outside of Heats, the opening is sealed shut by a flap of tissue. During heats, the tissue blocking the vaginal opening swells, blocking the rectum and allowing for sanitary access to the cervix and thus the uterus. Hormones secreted during Heats allow for enhanced muscle elasticity, easing anal penetration. A Bartholin’s Gland located a the vaginal opening secretes what it colloquially known as ‘slick’ during Heats as well, to aid in the process of anal penetration. Those same hormones allow for the tissues of the anus and rectum to easily and safely stretch during childbirth, giving male betas and omegas the ability to birth their children naturally without medical intervention.
Male Omegas begin to experience their Heats at the onset of puberty, while Male Betas reproductive abilities remain dormant until their place in their pack structure is determined. Once their role has been assigned, they will either develop a Heat or a Rut to suit their role. A Beta can switch dynamics based upon the pheromones of their sexual partner and once bonded often falls into one role and stays there. For example, if a Male Beta is mated to a Male Alpha, the beta's body will be triggered to begin producing Omega Aligned Hormones, which will in turn trigger the maturation of their childbearing organs and thus a Heat, allowing them to become pregnant and bear children. A Male Beta mated to an Omega would begin to produce Alpha Aligned Hormones which would trigger a Rut and thus the production of the reproductive material needed to sire a child. A Male Beta mated to another Male Beta’s designation would depend on which individual was more Dominant in terms of rank within the pack structure. A Male Beta in a relationship with more than one person might struggle with their place in the pack, especially if one mate is more dominant while the other is more submissive, causing their hormones to swing rapidly between Alpha Aligned and Omega Aligned. The rapid hormonal shifting often leads to an illness called Diametrical Breakdown Syndrome characterized by hot flashes, night sweats, sudden weight loss, nausea, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, loss of muscle mass, irritability, trouble sleeping, fatigue, memory loss, and lowered sex drive. If the issue is not resolved it can lead to a coma and eventually death.
Reproductive Potential of Each Dynamic:
Male Alphas - Sire Only.
Female Alphas - Bear and Sire.
Male Betas - Bear and Sire Depending on Alignment; Difficulty with Conception/Sustaining Pregnancy Due to Hormonal Imbalances.
Female Betas - Bear, With a Lowered Chance of Siring; Difficulty with Conception/Sustaining Pregnancy Due to Hormonal Imbalances.
Male Omegas - Bear, With a Lowered Chance of Siring.
Female Omegas - Bear Only.
Cultural Note:  
In same-sex relationships the person who contributed their dna to the creation of the child is called the Sire and the person who gave birth to them is called the Bearer. A female alpha who contributed their DNA is referred to as ' Isa  ' by their children and a male omega or beta who birthed a child is called '  Beba '. Mother and Father are normally used by male-female pairings. However, any combination of terms that suits a family best is tolerated. For example, a pup can have a female omega bearer, aka their mother and male alpha father, aka their sire. Another pup can have a male alpha sire, aka their father and a male omega Bearer, aka their  beba .
A person’s ability to shift relies entirely upon a special cell similar to stem cells called ‘Catalyst Cells’. Like stem cells, a person’s body contains catalyst cells throughout their entire lifetime and their body can use them whenever it needs them. Catalyst Cells do not have a specific role in the body and can become any cell that is required of them. Unlike stem cells, which become more tissue-specific when an embryo reaches maturity, Catalyst Cells retain their embryonic state. Produced and circulated by dual-functioning scent glands located on the sides of the throat, inside of wrists, and on the inner thigh; Catalyst Cells are present in the brain, bone marrow, blood and blood vessels, skeletal muscles, skin, and liver primarily. Most of the time they are dormant and have to be activated when the body ‘calls’ on them using certain hormonal triggers; but in times of dire need the body can use Catalyst Cells to make repairs and grow new tissue- lending to humanities new found resilience and increased healing factor.
Catalyst Cells can divide and self-renew indefinitely, meaning they can mimic various cell types, allowing them to heal flesh wounds, knit broken bones, and even regenerate damaged organs if given enough time. As previously stated, Catalyst Cells remain dormant until the right combination of hormones activates them. Once activated they begin to divide rapidly, attaching themselves to the nearest aspects of their host’s body and altering the body from the inside out. Some Catalyst Cells attack and break down existing bodily structures to make room for new growth or reshaping them into the best base to suit a person’s transformation from human into wolf.
A person’s body can on average produce and store enough Catalyst Cells to transform from human to wolf and back at most three times in a twenty-four hour period. The cells require the right combination of hormones to activate, but the quickness with which they allow a person to change requires that an exhaustingly large amount of energy be available to burn, meaning that those who shift have to eat a high calorie, high protein diet to be able to change with any kind of speed or grace.
After a person has burned through their store of Catalyst Cells they usually require a cooling down period of twelve to twenty-four hours to build up enough cells to shift again, leaving the individual essentially trapped in whatever form they were in last when their reserves ran out. It is recommended that a person try to avoid becoming trapped in their animal form. Spending too long in wolf form puts one at risk for memory loss, personality changes, and eventually the loss of the ability to shift back into their primary human form as the beast takes over entirely and overrides the shifter’s human nature. It is also recommended that a person not try to shift again until the required time has elapsed and their stores have been renewed as there is the potential to become ‘caught’ in between forms; a condition known as going ‘Rabid’.
While forcing yourself to change and becoming caught between form is a rare feat, one often only accomplished by those who are truly desperate to change, there is an illness known as the Star-Blight that causes a person’s Catalyst Cells to become unstable, activating outside of normal protocol, and therefore causing a person to shift back and forth rapidly without being able to maintain a proper cool down period. Prolonged time in their wolf form coupled with their inevitable fate of becoming stuck in between the two forms eventually causes them to go mad and thus they become one of the Rabid, a condition for which there is as of yet no known cure.
[End of Recovered Information Available At This Time]
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THE YEAR IS 2395; ninety-five years after the imposition of the MATCH program and one-hundred and five years after the Taliians separated from the Walls. The Wolfolk have been resisting the Committee's attempts to bring them into the fold for the past seventy-five years, but things are beginning to come to a head. The Committee; currently led by Kang Jinsun, a cold and calculating Alpha whose ruthless pursuit of the Wolfolk and recent crack down on those who would avoid the MATCH Program is beginning to stir feelings of dissent in the general population.
 On the island of Saeloun, the Shore Pack- the oldest and most powerful of the Taliian settlements- is led by Alpha Kim Kyuwook while high in the mountains, the Village of Sangil rots from the inside out.
 In the ruins of Jeonju the Alpha of the Choi Pack has passed away, leaving his young son San to lead in his place.
 While away in the Compounds outside of Seoul, Yeonjun struggles with a gift he can hardly stand to bear. Inside the Walls, locked away inside the Sanatorium, a man with a similar gift struggles to find his way in a world that looks to only be made up of varying shades of gray.
 And a young beta runs from it all.
0 notes
thomcoldman-blog · 7 years
My 10 Favourite Games Of 2017
This list was originally posted on the forum Resetera, but I felt like putting it up here too, with a little more insight into why I liked these games so much, and so they don’t get lost in the muddle of forum posts. Enjoy!
10. Snake Pass (Sumo Digital; Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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Sumo Digital has been a developer I've admired for years, particularly for their work on the Nintendo-tier kart racer Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Snake Pass is their first independently-produced title, and it has a great hook - the player controls a snake in much the same manner as a real snake might move. There's no jump button, no Earthworm Jim spacesuit, just the power to raise one's head and the strength to grip tightly to any object you've coiled around. There's no timer or enemies; Snake Pass is content to let you explore its levels at your own pace, letting you getting used to its unique feeling and take in the calming David Wise soundtrack. It's a game that feels like learning to ride a bike again, and the progression in ability over time is such a pleasing sensation that it earns it its place on this list by itself. The good use of collectables and generous helping of levels is icing on the cake.
9. Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus (MachineGames; PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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B.J. Blazkowicz returns and he's lost all meaning of subtlety whilst he's been out of action. Wolfenstein 2 shoots all of its shots - the action is bloody, explosive carnage, and the subject matter isn't satisfied with just skewering Nazi idiocy and narcissism, taking time to shine a light on White America's love affair with sitting back and reaping the rewards of compliance under fascist rule. Whether it's exploring B.J.'s broken psyche, giving Wyatt a crash course on hallucinogenics or putting you under the spotlight in a terrifying audition, MachineGames refuse to pull their punches, each great moment coming swinging like B.J.'s Nazi-reprimanding fireaxe. The combat encounters are far from polished, with stealth being heavily nerfed from The New Order and the half-way shift in tone from borderline-satirical diatribe on mortality and American race relations to comic-book capers is incredibly stodgy, but Wolfenstein 2 leaves a hell of an impression all the same. Shame about that credits music.
8. Gorogoa (Jason Roberts; PC, iOS, Nintendo Switch)
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A good puzzle game can make a really strong impression, guiding you subtly by the hand to make you feel like a member of MENSA just for pressing a few buttons or prodding at a screen. With Gorogoa, I can't even begin to describe how the puzzles actually work. Imagine a window segmented with 4 panes of glass, and now imagine you can drag elements out of those panes and into other panes, or over where there isn't a pane to create a new pane... See, it’s hard! In as simple terms as I can muster, it’s a game about taking the world apart and putting it back together again to create paths and progress for your anonymous young hero. It’s intensely abstract, yet the South Asian aesthetic feels like a living locale, an exploration of a boy's days-to-come. It's a short experience, but with each puzzle solved making me feeling smarter than Albert god damn Einstein, it's one that will stick with me for a long time.
7. Splatoon 2 (Nintendo EPD; Nintendo Switch)
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Like pretty much everyone, I didn't own a Wii U, but the sting of that decision never really happened until the arrival of Splatoon - Nintendo's first proper new "core" universe since what felt like Pikmin. It instantly looked like sheer fun - and as a big fan of both Jet Set Radio and The World Ends With You, it was clear as day Nintendo's younger designers were picking up the Shibuya fashion torch those games dropped behind them. Put simply, it's totally my shit. Splatoon 2 confirms my suspicions and then some, being the first multiplayer title I've enjoyed online in forever. I can't get enough of the soundtrack, the sound effects, the amazingly catty banter between Pearl and Marina, and just the feeling of dropping into ink, strafing around a sucker and blasting them straight between the eyeballs with my N-ZAP '85. 20% of Switch owners in the US can't be wrong.
6. Yakuza 0 (SEGA; PS4)
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The only games I've played previously by SEGA's Toshihiro Nagoshi are the brilliant arcade/Gamecube bangers F-Zero GX and Super Monkey Ball 2, plus his one-off PS3 sci-fi shooter Binary Domain. Loving those 3 wacky games, I always felt a little put-off by his regular gig nowadays being a series about Japan's most decorated crime organisation, and a bare-knuckle brawler at that. Yakuza 0, the 80s-set series prequel that serves as a perfect entry point for series newcomers, proved my suspicions ill-founded. It's a game which instantly casts the majority of the yakuza as control freaks and bullies, pits its protagonists Kiryu and Majima as their unfounded targets and pawns... and then lets you fight your way out of hell via brutal finishing moves, bizarrely complex business management sidequests and, if you're so inclined, a gun shaped like a giant fish. It's that kind of game that always keeps you guessing whether or not you should take it seriously, and so it wins you over with its best-in-class action choreography, astonishingly good direction and a never-ending deluge of sidequests, minigames and challenges. Don't sleep on Kamurocho.
5. Sonic Mania (SEGA/Christian Whitehead/Headcannon/PagodaWest Games; Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
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If you’re reading this, you probably know I'm a Sonic apologist. I don't really stand by the 3D entries - bar Sonic Generations, which I genuinely love - but the narrative that "Sonic was never good" is some ridiculous meme that I can't stand. They were genuinely fun games, albeit far from perfect; every game can use some improvement. Sonic Mania is that improvement, spinning the level themes and gimmicks from the original Mega Drive (and Mega CD) games into vast new forms, with myraid routes, tons of secrets, an astonishing sense of speed from beginning to end and fairer, more agreeable, more exciting level design. Old locales, new levels - oh, and some new locales as well, one of which (Studiopolis Zone) is an instant classic. 16:9 presentation, all new animations and crazy levels of animation detail, and a mind-blowing soundtrack by Tee Lopes - Sonic Mania is the perfect Sonic game.
4. NieR: Automata (Square Enix/PlatinumGames; PS4, PC)
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For my first foray into the sunken mind of Yoko Taro, he couldn't have left a better impression. NieR: Automata uses Platinum's engaging-at-worst, thrilling-at-best melee combat as the language to tell his new story of how pointless it is for anyone to even bother throwing themselves after ideals of society or humanity, and why it's worth trying all the same. Every inch of this game feels crusted in Taro’s sensibilities, with the no-bullshit 2B and her curious whiny partner 9S running into robots waving white flags, avenging fallen comrades, establishing monarchies, throwing themselves to their deaths, and coming to terms with their crumbling existence in apocalypse.  It's crushing, it's raw, it's often dull, but its uniquely bleak vision of AIs breaking free of their programming has a grip as powerful as a Terminator's. And when it’s ready to let you go, it has you send it off with the most memorable credits sequence in history. Glory to Yoko Taro, glory to PlatinumGames - glory to mankind.
3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo EPD; Nintendo Switch, Wii U)
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Standing in the centre of a bridge connecting Hyrule’s broad, emerald green fields to the desert mountain approach, a bridge overlooking the still Lake Hylia, I fire an arrow into a lizard bastard’s head, or at least I try to. He dodges it and rushes me, forcing me to jump away and retaliate with my claymore. Out for the count, I resume looking for the lost Zora wife I’ve been asked to seek out, who apparently washed all the way downstream in a recent downpour. I can’t see any wife - my entire view is dominated by the giant green dragon snaking across the night sky above me. The wind picks up, but I am too awestruck by its presence to take note that I could glide up to it and shoot off a valuable scale. Instead, I just stand and stare, this utterly unexpected moment happening before my eyes. Friend or foe? A boss monster, perhaps? A vital story element later on? The answer ended up being none of the above: in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, there be dragons, and that fact in and of itself speaks volumes about what this game is about. After 30 years, Hyrule finally feels alive.
2. Night in the Woods (Infinite Fall; PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS)
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Very few games instil a genuine emotional response within me, but the story of Mae Borowski's no-fanfare return from college to suburban gloom resonates hard with me. It's an expert at the little touches - the needless-yet-fun triple jump, the not-so-starcrossed rooftop musicians, the impulsive reaction to poke a severed arm with a stick - and woefully precise with its big swings, like an upsetting cross-town party, a wave of violent frustration amongst the townspeople, and the inability to just lay it all on the table with friends and family when you need to most. In the cosmic dreams of shitty teens, Night in the Woods finds an ugly beauty in depression. 
1. Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo EPD; Nintendo Switch)
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It’s impossible to deny 2017 has been the year of Nintendo. There’s plenty of celebrate elsewhere, but the Switch’s rise to prominence as the machine to be playing ideally everything on, and the amount of absolute smash hits Nintendo has producing this year makes it hard for the narrative to focus elsewhere. The epitome of all this is their final killer game of 2017: Super Mario Odyssey, the grand return of a more open-ended style of Mario platformer. A true blue achievement in joyous freedom, it brings together everything from Mario's history of 3D platforming - 64's freedom, Sunshine's other-worldliness and sky-high skill ceiling, Galaxy's spectacle, 3D World's razor-sharp platforming challenge - and throws into one big pot, creating a Mario where both the journey and the destination are one and the same, and exciting to the very end. In a year of amazing games that hit upon horrid, upsetting themes with delicate, pinpoint accuracy for tremendous success, I’m not sure whether it’s a shame or an inevitability that such an unapologetically surprising, happy game made the biggest mark on me this year, but either way, I’m welcome to have Mario be truly Super once more.
7 notes · View notes
paulrennie · 5 years
Unpacking my Library • Once Upon a Time in the West • Christopher Frayling • 2019
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I can resist anything but temptation...especially in relation to interesting and beautifully designed books. Indeed, I’ve always judged a book by its cover, and I was very happy to buy a copy of Christopher Frayling’s new book about Once Upon a Time in the West. 
We listened to Christopher, a brilliant performer, speak about the film at the NFT last week. Over the years, Christopher has interviewed almost everybody involved in the making of this film, and the new book collects all of this research, along with stories and pictures, into one place. The author is also an expert in the history of the cinema western genre, and in the Italian film industry too. So, the book has both a depth of detail about the film, and a breadth of context.
Actually, that’s just like the film itself.
The book reminded me that I have a big poster for the film.
I’ve posted before about the film, back in 2011...
There are lots of films about the history of the wild west and many of those films include railway trains. Usually, the train is high-jacked or robbed, or chased by Indians. It’s unusual for the railway system to be structurally embedded in the plot; so as to draw out issues of land-grab, profiteering and social progress. This is post about Once Upon a Time in the West (1968).
The western genre has been a staple of the film industry from the very beginning. Of course, it took a view from outside Hollywood to see what “the Western” could be…
The European Western
During the 1960s, the Italian film industry re-invented the American western film. The genre was attractive for a variety of reasons. The first was that, for many Europeans and because of familiarity, the western was widely acknowledged as a quintessentially American form of film storytelling. Secondly, the pared-down circumstances of the American west allowed for a heightened, or operatic, intensity of drama. Finally, the films were attractive to producers in terms of costs because of their relative economy. These films became identified, because of their Italian origins, as spaghetti westerns.
Italian film-makers drew on their familiarity with the western genre to re-cast the western in a more cynical light than their American contemporaries. Film-makers in America had generally mythologised the west in terms of the harsh, but fair, binary moral certainties of biblical teaching.
The ironic re-invention of the genre became a global phenomenon through the success of Sergio Leone’s Dollars Trilogy. Clint Eastwood was cast as the man-with-no-name bounty hunter, Blondie, and was launched toward global superstardom.
The success of these films encouraged the producers to give the director, Sergio Leone, carte blanche for his next project. That project became Once Upon a Time in the West. In the beginning, the film was elaborated by Leone, Dario Argento and Bernardo Bertolucci. The collaboration between these three produced a story with a conceptual and philosophical sophistication that is unusual for cinema. Argento and Bertolucci both went on to have important careers as film directors.
Marx in the West
The story of Once Upon a Time is set against the land-grab associated with the building of the trans-continental railway. So the drama is played out, against the background of money (capital) and technology (the railway and guns) that provides the determining forces for their actions. The foregrounding of these powerful determinants informs the film with a historical, sociological and psychological realism.
In the 1960s, the critical understanding of human behaviour was advanced through the development of social-science methodologies. The revelation, in detail, of the complex workings of modern society was generally understood as informed by Marxist theory and the pop culture sensibility of the Frankfurt School intellectuals. So, the film provides a watershed by acknowledging and foregrounding, in part at least, the complexity of the systems that determine our behaviour.
Every child is familiar with the railway as a system of interconnected mechanical parts. The model railway layout provides for a perfect representation, in miniature and in simplified terms, of the complex original. It was entirely appropriate that the scriptwriters of Once Upon a Time in the West should focus on the railway as signifier of a specific form of social, political and economic organisation.
The Opening (The Train Arrives)
The title sequence of the film is almost half an hour long. Three men, wearing trademark dusters, await the train and form an intimidating welcoming committee. After a long wait, the train arrives. The men are surprised when no one appears. It is only as the train departs that they become aware of the visitor. After some discussion, a gunfight takes place and the newcomer rides away.
The duster coats are recognised as belonging to a local gang. In fact the agents of railway speculator, Morton, wear the coats as a form of disguise. The ruthlessness of Morton is based on a number of personalities associated with the American railway boom and its associated frauds, scandals and mayhem.
The underhand and double-dealing of the railway speculator provides the framework for a film about violence, duplicity, and revenge. 
The duster is a long, loose work coat made of canvas or linen. It was designed to be worn by horsemen and to fit over their normal clothing and to protect it from trail dust. For practical purposes the coat had an exaggerated vent that allowed the coat to be worn comfortably whilst riding. On foot, the coats had a particular flapping gait. In addition the long, loose, coats allowed a variety of guns and weapons to be concealed. Just like the poncho, the coats allowed for the ready and speedy use of firearms. So the flapping duster was associated in the popular imagination, and from its very beginning, with violent and itinerant groups of horsemen.
These specific associations help explain why the duster was rarely seen in the traditional western. The hero, individually isolated, could ride long distances without requiring special clothing except in the most difficult circumstances. Furthermore, the moral integrity of the hero would be fatally compromised by the use of a coat to hide a gun. Lastly, the action of most westerns is played out against the civilised backdrop of town and community. Even the saloon bar setting of many westerns required the protagonists to fight it out in their Sunday best.
At the same time as the first train, and the visitor, is arriving a terrible massacre is occurring. Over at the Sweetwater Ranch, Morton’s gangsters have murdered an entire family, including the children; the McBains. They are gunned down as they prepare to welcome their new stepmother to the home. The arrival of this woman into the family is a sign of better things. After years of struggle and isolation, the railway is coming and the water, at the eponymous Sweetwater, will bring people, wealth and excitement. Sweetwater will become a whole town and community. McBain’s prescience will have been vindicated.
The Ending (The Railway Arrives)
At the end of the film, the railway is shown arriving at Sweetwater. The new Mrs McBain is shown welcoming workers to a feast and with great pitchers of refreshment. So, notwithstanding all the violence and mayhem, the railway is acknowledged to be an instrument of social progress…
The film starred Charles Bronson, Jason Robards and, cast against type, Henry Fonda. The female lead was Claudia Cardinale. The film has a remarkable musical score by Ennio Morricone.
This is my all time favourite film. I’ve watched it many times and I’m still amazed by it. It’s big, and clever, and beautiful. If you watch the film and like it, give Michael Cimino’s Heaven’s Gate (1980) a go.
Supplemental Sunday 21st August 2011
The film is routinely described as “epic.” It’s certainly got big themes played out against the big spaces of the mid-west. Amongst the cruel brutality there are passages of amazing beauty. One of these, my favourite, is the scene when Mrs McBain (Claudia Cardinale) arrives at Flagstone Station. The train pulls up, she gets off, and is a bit surprised that there is no one to meet her (she doesn’t know that the entire McBain family have been murdered). She moves along the platform and arrives at the ticket office. The camera moves vertically over the building to reveal the town beyond.
The whole scene is touched by the terrible pathos of what we know to have happened. The amazing music by Ennio Morricone adds the finishing touch.
I’ve watched the film loads of times and have payed the opening sequence over and over. Even after all these years, and notwithstanding this familiarity, the sequence of Mrs McBain arriving still amazes me. The combination of pathos, sadness, and beauty; all combined in image, movement and music, is heartbreakingly moving.
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