#fictional word primer
cripplecharacters · 2 months
Navigation: Helpful Posts
[large text: Navigation: Helpful Posts]
Complication of posts from CrippleCharacters, as well as other blogs providing advice on writing disabled characters!
This post covers the general topics - for posts on specific disabilities, please see part two.
Last update: 15/06/2024
Character Making Basics and Ideas
[large text: Character Making Basics and Ideas]
How to Start Doing Research When Writing a Disabled Character Disabilities that are Common but Have no Representation Facial Differences that Would Be Cool to Actually See Represented How to Do Historical Research Our "Disabled Character Ideas" Tag Our "Character Inspo" Tag
How to Describe XYZ?
[large text: How to Describe XYZ?]
Blindness Tropes: the "Blank Look" Describing Characters with Facial Differences as Pretty Difference between Fetishization and Being Seen as Beautiful First Description: when to mention the Facial Difference How Often Should You Mention Mobility Aids? Dialogue and Speech Disorders Sign Language in Dialogue Words for Residual Limbs (stumps) Describing a Limp Words to Use instead of "Walk" for Wheelchair Users How to not Describe Facial Differences as "Scary"
How to Draw XYZ?
[large text: How to Draw XYZ?]
Tips for Drawing Characters with Facial Differences Annoying Tropes in Art Re:Facial Differences Drawing Blind Characters Drawing Amputees How to Draw (and not draw) Characters with Vitiligo Drawing Cane Users Decorating Wheelchairs
[large text: General]
Writing a Newly Disabled Character Writing a Visibly Different Character The Accident Including Disabled Communities Disabled Characters in Historical Fiction Coming up with Fictional Disabilities Tokenism Discussion Disability and Superpowers Curing and "Fixing" Disabled Characters Is It Realistic to Have Multiple Disabled Characters? "Jaws Effect": how media affect the real world Worldbuilding with Accessibility in Mind How to Let Readers Figure Out the Character's Disability Does the Disability Need to Have a "Purpose"? Including Ableism in the Story Casual Representation vs Fetishization (with albinism as an example)
General Tropes
[large text: General Tropes]
"Super-Crip": Magic and Disability Abled Characters Pretending to be Disabled I Did a Trope but It's Too Late - What You Should Do - made with the mask trope in mind, but could be applied more widely Magical Cure - made with blindness in mind Including Healing Magic without Disability Erasure How to Do a Scary Disability Reveal without being Ableist? Disabled Character Recovering, but without Disability Erasure Killing off a Disabled Character without Doing an Ableism Writing a Disabled Villain without Doing an Ableism What is Fetishization of Disability, and what Isn't Not All Sign Language Users are Mute and American
Mobility Aids
[large text: Mobility Aids]
General Overview Overview, but with More Options - not writing advice, educational Magic Mobility Aids Tips on Writing Wheelchair Users Writing a New Cane User "But Mobility Aids Wouldn't Exist in my Fantasy World" Basic Information on Service Animals Should My Non-Modern Wheelchair User use XYZ instead of a Wheelchair? Accessible Wizarding for Wheelchair Users Fidgeting with Wheelchairs
[large text: Other]
Writing Characters with Tourette's Syndrome Introduction to Writing Characters with Speech Disorders Writing Little People (characters with dwarfism) Dwarfism and Fantasy Stories Stereotypes around Characters with Dwarfism Writing and Drawing Burn Survivors: basics and resources Caring for a Burn Scar: the everyday things On Chemical Burns Writing Characters with ASPD Writing a Character with Russel-Silver Syndrome Complex Dissociative Disorders Terminology: A Basic Primer What to Consider when Writing about Pollution-induced Disability
Making Your Content Accessible to Disabled Readers
[large text: Making Your Content Accessible to Disabled Readers]
Why add alt text? Image Descriptions Tutorial Writing Image Descriptions for People Who Can't Write Them "But how do blind people even use alt text" How to Tag Your Posts (Tumblr) ScreenReaders and Color Text (Tumblr) FanFiction Accessibility
Recommended Blogs/Sources
[large text: Recommended Blogs/Sources]
@blindbeta @cy-cyborg @a-little-revolution @mimzy-writing-online @writingdrugs Fantastic website for any historical needs
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fernthewhimsical · 3 months
Hopepunk Primer pt. 1
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"It's like in the great stories, Mr Frodo," Sam says. "Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the Sun shines it will shine out the clearer."
"What are we holding on to, Sam?" Frodo asks.
"That there's some good in this world, Mr Frodo… and it's worth fighting for," Sam replies. [1]
Origins of Hopepunk
In 2017 author Alexandra Rowland (@ariaste) made a post on Tumblr saying: "The opposite of grimdark is hopepunk. Pass it on." [2] From Wikipedia: "Grimdark is a subgenre of speculative fiction with a tone, style, or setting that is particularly dystopian, amoral, and violent. The term is inspired by the tagline of the tabletop strategy game Warhammer 40,000: "In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war."" Other examples of grimdark are A Song of Ice and Fire, Breaking Bad, the darker Batman worlds, and the Walking Dead. [3] 2016 was a rough year, with an even bleaker outlook (although now writing this in 2024 we knew nothing, lol). People were growing weary of the grimdark worlds in media when the world around us was already so dark and left us feeling hopeless. It was time for a change, which Alexandra Rowland brought with her one, according to her own words, off the cuff post on Tumblr. A few hours later, people were reblogging it and hopepunk found it's way to the people. Now, it's a literary genre, an aesthetic, and a philosophy that inspires people all over the globe.
[1] The Two Towers movie, based on the LOTR by J.R.R. Tolkien [2] Original tumblr post [3] Wikipedia page for Grimdark
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Part 1: Intro and history Part 2: Philosophy of Hopepunk Part 3: How to practice hopepunk and further reading Part 4: Extra! Hopepunk and magic
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plotandelegy · 8 months
Crafting Spells with Incantations: A Primer for Fantasy Writers
1. The Roots of Language & Power: Think about languages. Why is Latin so captivating to many? Elvish words from Tolkien's Middle Earth gives us a sense of nostalgia. Incantations borrow from the weight and mystery of forgotten or invented tongues to create allure in our fictional works. Authors might want to consider phonetic aesthetics and rhyming words. Cadence can distinguish between magic that stays with the reader or falls short.
2. The Binding Element - Intention: Fancy words can enchant, but intention carries power. Consider the caster's emotions, desires, and the cost of wielding the magic. A simple spell to light a candle may be whispered, while summoning a storm might require a shout. Emotional resonance adds depth to your magical system. Depth can make it more relatable and memorable. 
3. The Harmony of Gesture: Incantations are often paired with gestures. The flow between word and motion can amplify potency. Perhaps the caster must trace a key through the air to open a door. Visual clues help readers see spell casting in their minds. 
4. The Complexity of Consequence: Let spells have consequences. Mispronouncing an incantation could come with disastrous or unexpected outcomes. Spells can backfire if cast with doubt. Create checks and balances that challenge your characters. 
5. Soundscapes of Sorcery: When performed correctly, what sounds accompany the spell? What sounds come when the magic is incorrect? Spells that summon forth storms release echoing booms in the distance. Offer readers a multi-sensory experience where they can 'hear' the magic too
If you’d like more check out my article on unique and classical sources of magic.
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micahmaeve · 11 months
you have been slowly converting me with all your icemav posting, and i recently rewatched top gun and i am s o l d. it has been consuming all of my thoughts! do you have any favorite fics??
omg, am I really?? welcome to the club!!
I’ve thrown myself head first into icemav recently so I can ABSOLUTELY rec some of my favorite fics I've read so far!!
When We Get Around to Talking About It by @compacflt is the pièce de résistance of icemav fiction I think, for me personally. It's masterfully written and nuanced and just so heartbreaking. the characterization feels so true to how these men would really be in real life and how they would deal with coming to terms with their feelings for each other and sexuality while being in the navy. and as if 90,424 words of beautiful prose wasn't enough of a gift, there is also a sequel/other stories called Debriefing (& Other Stories) which includes a more truncated version of the original but from mav's pov which is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻
Dreams of Impact by thecarlysutra is also very good. It involves a little supernatural flavor, which I enjoy, and revolves around how their lives could be different if they'd just made one single different choice.
come the same colors by susiecarter is a fav. It's a classic 'you got hurt and it's made me reckon with how I really feel about you, but I haven't figured out how to express that'. So basically it's amazing. this author also has a great catalogue of icemav, so it's really a jumping point to read all of her great work. A Shared Cup is another personal fav of mine from this author. it involves soul telepathic bonds. soooo good
a binary star by vannral is a really yummy piece of fanfic. the first line of the description is the perfect primer for how great the rest of the fic is: "Ice hasn’t ever given much thought to celestial things up in the sky but he knows that Maverick burns like one." like. c'monnnn
i'll ride in this life with you by sassenach082 is an ice and mav raise bradley after carol passes away fic, and it's full of sooo much lovely hurt/comfort that is so sweet it will rot your teeth. any fic with a plethora of baby bradley is going to be good for me
I saw beauty to the north by sortalively (tiisis) is a delayed injury fic set post TG:M. It has a lot of rooster and ice and mav reconciling in it which I'm a sucker for. and, if you like the exploration of rooster and mav's relationship (I'm a sucker for parental figure fics lets not unpack that) this author has some greaaaaaaaat fics on their page for that!
cloaked in the bruises of our failures by faerie_ground will rip your heart out. It takes the mission from TG:M and moves it to the 80s with our favorite class of '86 being trained to fly it, all while Mav and Ice are a few years post a messy 'break-up'. I should warn you that this one comes with a trigger warned from sexual assault from a person of authority to an employee, so if you aren't interested in that maybe skip this one. It is so beautiful though and treats the subject with the respect it deserves. slithered here from eden (just to sit outside your door) is another by this author that is very good and I am waiting patiently for an update
a higher fidelity by basedchamp is a classic slowburn with ice and mav developing their friendship before they realize their feelings for one another
no brighter diamond by qin_ling is a wonderful 'five times...' fic and it's so good. Everything by this author is fantastic so you should def check out their other stuff. as lions is about time travel. delish.
You're Gonna Be The One That Saves Me by an orphan_account is amazing. It's got mav struggling post hop 31 and Ice being there to offer emotional support and more if you know what I mean
'Til I Understand by Katastrophe (Karrington) is about Mav punching out of dark star and kind of fills in some blanks about what his loved ones went through while he was missing. Katastrophe is another author with a large catalogue to just go crazy in
PurpleArrowzandLeather has 153 tg fics on their page with a huge variety, some icemav, some flyboys of '86 (which I adore, I love fics showing their friendship). you can get lost in their page for a while haha. they also have their bookmarks public! so you can dig around in there, too
Sailor's Delight by saurora_borealis can be read as ice and mav or icemav and I think we both know which one I infer it as. Mal de Mer by them is like that, too
baby, baby, i'd get down on my knees for you by boasamishipper and simplecoffee is 'five times mav proposes and one time ice says yes' fic. It's sweet as candy
Is this arguably too long a response? yes. are all of these worth the read? also yes
I hope you enjoy!!
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athingofvikings · 4 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 52: The Question Of Justice
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Chapter 52: The Question Of Justice
The legal status of dragons has nearly always been that of a minor child legally beholden to and dependent on an adult human.  While the fact that dragons are fully sentient and sapient individuals was very quickly apparent, even to the early dragon-riders, the fact also remains that, outside of a few exceptional individual dragons, a typical dragon's abstract reasoning skills and higher order thinking processes range around those of a five- or six-year-old human child.  While dragons have their own language capable of communicating abstract concepts, much like those of corvids, prior to their integration with human society it was still extremely primitive, with even the most complex regional dialects only consisting of perhaps a thousand words.  Simply put, dragons aren't quite intelligent enough to be humanity's full intellectual partners.  Hence their legal status. 
At present, dragon-riders essentially adopt the dragon in a civil bond away from the legal trusts of the Brooderies, who corporately act as the dragons' legal guardians until and unless they are bonded to a rider.  With the bond between rider and dragon holding a legal status similar to that of a marriage or child adoption, dragon-riders are, presently, entirely responsible for the behavior of their dragon, and have obligations to the dragon in kind (food, housing, medical care, etc.). 
Ideally, it is a partnership between near-equals, where the human gives their hands and brains, and the dragon gives their wings.
—The Dragon Law: A Primer On Dragons And Jurisprudence, 1744, London
AO3 Chapter Link
My Original Fiction | Original Fiction Patreon
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Offer #4 @badassindistress (badassindustries on AO3)
Offer: a historical romance fic of at least 2k words
I’m offering a short Regency/Victorian/Roaring 20s fic for any fandom you can explain to me. Want to see your favourite ot3 fall in love in the ballroom or your OC’s flirt in a speakeasy? Want a regency au of your dnd campaign? Now’s your chance!
Pairings: Fandoms I’ve written for are Les Mis, Penumbra, Untamed and Adventure Zone, but anything you can give a 1 page primer for that can fit in a historical setting is fair game…
It won’t get any steamier than the touch of an ungloved hand and secret kisses in the moonlight. We’re doing fluff and pining and happiness in embroidered waistcoats and silk gowns! (Fictional characters only, RPF flusters me)
For reference to my style, see my Les Mis series of Absolutely No Homophobia Regency Romance or last year’s prize for the Untamed, Elders and Eligibility
Starting bid: $10
See the rules of the auction here
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not-poignant · 10 months
What is the best order to read your works?
It really depends on what you like, anon -> Because I write across quite a few different genres!
If you like original stuff:
If you like contemporary / slice of life, then you might want to start with the Spoils universe, specifically Spoils of the Spoiled and subsequent stories!
If you like omegaverse, you might want to start with the Underline the Rainbow universe! (Careful though, this one's unfinished!)
If you like epic fantasy, you might want to start with the Fae Tales Verse, which is the main canon, with Game Theory as the first story.
If you like epic fantasy but you want to read a standalone instead of something over a million words long, that has a happy ending and is an OT3 (i.e. M/M/M), you might want to read The Wildness Within!
If you like epic fantasy but you want it to be a standalone and you want it to be really dark incest between two brothers that ends up having a hopeful ending despite going to some truly twisted places, you might like Strange Sights!
If you you like epic fantasy but want to read a standalone, and features diplomacy, meeting strange, alien cultures, and dealing with fae who have very unique ways of doing magic and interacting with the world, as well as childhood sexual abuse recovery, and a Mage trained by his father figure who also happens to be the King of the Unseelie fae, you might like the Lone Wolf series, and especially The Nascent Diplomat! (Careful though, this one's unfinished).
If you like fanfiction:
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as space opera and military / political plots, you might enjoy The Golden Age that Never Was!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as classic fairytale fantasy elements, fights between Good and Evil, and obstacles that the heroes need to overcome, as well as a villain-turned-antagonist-turned-antihero, you might like From the Darkness We Rise and its direct sequel, Into Shadows We Fall! This is a GREAT introduction into the Fae Tales universe too!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as epic fantasy in an elves/humans/etc. style world that's similar to DND, you might like Stuck on the Puzzle!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as dark science fiction with an android/human relationship, you might like Eversion!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world (and if you ever do, you can just ask me), as well as awesome fantasy/magic worldbuilding, ghosts, and exorcisms as well as fantasy BDSM, with two older lovers, you might like The Beast that Chose Its Own Bridle!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as contemporary slice of life about enemies-to-lovers in a small country town you might like The Wind that Cuts the Night or even A Stain that Won't Dissolve (careful though, this one's unfinished!)
But I have no idea what kind of things you like to read or why you're here, or what you've read already (most folks who find me here have read something of mine already, if you haven't, then the above is a pretty good primer - just be aware that I put BDSM in everything, that it's all m/m and that there's always trauma recovery and hopeful or happy endings and you're good to go!) and some folks who like some stories don't read other stories, so there's no point saying 'this is my favourite' or 'this is the best place to start' when it has all the things you hate in it! You know what I mean?
I can't do much off a single sentence, I'm afraid, and because I've written so many different series, across different genres, I have over 5 million words out there, and it's not all in the same series, and it's not all focusing on the same thing. :D
But who knows, maybe you found something this way!
I don't know if you like the dark stuff or if you're uncertain about the dark stuff. If you love kink or don't know how to feel about kink. If you find trauma recovery really squicky or if you're okay with it. And I can't make blanket recommendations on a reading order when I've written millions of words across multiple series and genres.
So I'd much prefer to target recommendations specifically to what you like, anon, because we are not all the same, so I wouldn't give everyone the same reading order to my works :D
Happy reading, if you find something you like, let me know!!
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"Every VILLAIN is a HERO in their own mind."
It is time to evaluate who Harry is TODAY, not how we remember him growing up with his sweet charming smile, but today Harry is: a Grade A abuser.
George the Giant Slayer created a brilliant overview of the fictional book Spare. This is an excellent primer for anyone new to the story of the Montecito HUSTLER and a HATER. I recommend slowing down the speed of his video because there is much gold to be mined. Remember to read the funny captions George inserts in all his videos.😉
A few gold nuggets:
Spare is Harry's Temper Tantrum bc he was told "No." We are now watching a PR psychological snuff series
Harry is an Grade A abuser. Abusers lavish praise just before they attack
Harry is a Grade A abuser. His positive words of love, turn to ashes in his mouth as he punches the royal women & stabs the royal men with knives in the gut
Every great life has to be earned, cannot be lived off the backs of others
Duke of do nothing & his doppelganger duchess demanding to be worshipped by everyone
A half wit hater has been transformed into a full time bonafide royal traitor
Harry is high on hate to feather Meghan's nest & hurt the royal family
Harry is so high on hate, he snorts anger to smile and smokes spite in order to profit from manufactured pain
Hater and the Hustler intimatated to oprah that the royals were racists
Harry even lies by omission
Harry stabbed country & family in the back
Harry has a drug addled brain
Without Diana Harry has no story
Harry endeavors to bring down the monarchy to elevate his hustler wife to stardom so she can live the celebrity life
Harry is a cheap celebrity posing as a prince
The good men v the bad men in this story:
Prince William (a true gentleman) took the high road of silence
They are weaponized hypocrites on a round-the- clock revenge whine-a-thon which tells us they are slowly running out of cash
Meghan & Harry set a bear trap so the press would report kills to force someone to pay for their security
Mechanism to reassrt control and control is always about fear
Not a book, but a reengineering of their narrative to reasserrt their perspective. But his unwillingness to give up the titles shows you Harry is not a real man doing any of this out of love. If he gave up the titles, fully dissociated himself from the brf then his new family would truly be protected. Instead Harry is a person with nothing to offer on his own. He needs the titles to play the long con but in the end the truth will win out.
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airplanned · 8 months
Today I heard someone say they were going to be Zorro for Halloween and I went on an extended rant about the 1998 fictional hero before they stopped me and said “he’s from One Piece.” feeling embarrassed and I will now be paying more attention to your One Piece posts to hopefully avoid this issue in the future.
I got you, bestie!  Here is a Zoro primer just for you!
Zoro was the first person to join Luffy's pirate crew.  (Luffy is a huge goober, but he's going to be King of the Pirates. He kinda sucks people onto his crew by being excited about their deals.) Zoro's the first mate and the strongest fighter after Luffy.
-Three Sword Style.  Zoro carries three katanas.  He defaults to using two kanatas, one in each hand.  This is called "Two Sword Style."  But if he has a difficult opponent, he will take the bandana he wears around his arm and put it on his head (so you know he means business) and pull out the third sword.  This sword he puts in his mouth.  This is called "Three Sword Style."  It is so stupid and so cool at the same time.
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-Bad ass.  Despite how dumb this is, Zoro will do things and I'll go "Awwwww Yeaaaahhhhhhh!"  One time he one-punched a boat. One time he killed 100 bounty hunters at once.  Dude learned to cut through iron, and then he cut a train in half.  One time he was fighting an octopus who was doing "Six Sword Style," and Zoro did this flying spin thing, landed on the other side, and goes, "Three Sword Style,"  and I went YEAHHHH!  Here is the live action moment, when Zoro takes a drink mid-battle and then throws it at a dude.
During the later half of a story arc, the crew will split up with each person fighting a bad guy or fighting in small groups, and the narrative will bounce around between them.  They'll all start to lose at the same time, and they'll all turn it around and start to win at the same time.  Usually the person with the easiest and silliest battle will turn it around first, so the bad guys are defeated in order of how difficult they are.  This means Zoro always gets the penultimate battle.  He'll have a huge take town of some baddie, and then it'll be like "Woooo!  Only the boss is left!  It's all in Luffy's hands now!" And people will be very confused and wonder why Zoro is Luffy's lacky.
-Dumbass.  Do not be fooled.  This man is a dumbass.  He has big himbo energy.  One time they told him to go North, so went Up and climbed a building and then gloated about how he had climbed higher up the building than anyone else who had accidentally climbed the building. That time he cut that ship in half, he did that because he had accidentally gotten on the wrong ship. In the live action, he tries to sit down in a booth at a restaurant, but he's wearing his three swords and can't sit down and has to go around to the other side to sit on the edge.
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-Unbothered king.  Zoro has this cool dude aloofness, like he's a man of few words and doesn't engage in anyone's drama.  This makes it sound like he's too cool.  But it's a fun character trait because it gets pushed really far.  Things happen to Zoro, and he rolls with it.  This means that any of Luffy's dumb ideas, Zoro makes them work.  This means if Chopper (the tiny adorable reindeer) wants to sleep on him all day, Zoro's going to carry around a sleeping reindeer all day.  If some stranger wants to poke his face to make it look like he's smiling, then he's just gonna stand there and get poked in the face.  In the live action, it comes off as that Zoro is quietly entertained by all the nonsense happening around him, and he'll allow it because it's funny, and if things go wrong he can just kill everyone and they can leave.
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(Zoro with an octopus that has attached itself to him)
-His main job seems to be Luffy Duty.  This is not making sure Luffy doesn't do dumb stuff.  Instead, it's more tempering what Luffy does and rolling with it when Luffy pulls some shit. 
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It's a common thing that the whole crew (except for Luffy) think they're the adult in the room, and (except for Robin) they're all wrong.  So Zoro will say something and his aloofness and seriousness will make it sound like it's rational and everyone will be like, "Yeah okay, that makes sen--WAIT  WHAT?" So it's also Zoro's job to agree with Luffy and therefore get the rest of the crew onboard (because when he says things in his serious way, it tricks people into thinking the plan makes sense).
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-Dream/Tragic Backstory.  When Zoro was a kid, he lived at this katana dojo, and he could handily kick everyone's ass except this one girl who defeated him 2,000 times in a row.  This made Zoro very angry, so he challenged her to a duel with real sword.  She kicked his ass then too, again making Zoro very angry.  Then she said, "You need to quit being mad about this.  In a few years when we both go through puberty, you're going to stronger and taller than me, and I won't be able to beat you.  A girl can beat a boy, but a woman can't beat a man.  Suck it up and wait two years."  Well, Zoro has no time for internalized misogyny and (again) gets mad about this.  She needs to do a better job believing in herself, and he makes an oath that they're going to train together and get stronger together and one day one of them will be the Greatest Swordsman in the World.  BFF!  The live action makes it seem like some time passes here during which they are besties.  The manga is very specific that that night she falls down the stairs and dies.  But Zoro's not going to go back on his oath!  He takes up her sword (sword #3), and is going to be the World's Greatest Swordsman for her.
And just, the speed and devotion and certainty that he throws into his decisions is on display here.  Like he knows Luffy for a few days and is like, "I'm going to quit my job and follow you to the ends of the earth and help you become King of the Pirates and be your first mate," and then he does.  Man does not fuck around.
-Extra random character traits.  He sleeps a lot.  He drinks a lot.  He gets lost a lot, but explains it as other people getting lost or hallways moving.  This means he will often show up in places where he can be helpful, when there's really no reason that he should be there.
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clonemedickix · 9 months
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I'm just a simple gal making her way through the galaxy, making daily doodle art and chipping away at a very long, epic fan fic. You've landed on my Master List, in which you will find the chapter links to AO3 where my fiction is housed. It is still a very long work in progress. I keep my art on AO3 as well to cut down on link usage on Tumblr
Thanks for stopping by!!
Art Link
To visit all of my current art, click here
If you'd like to be tagged for WIP or new ART, click here
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Fan Fiction
If you’d like to get tagged for new fan fic posts, click here
Author’s Note - My story chronicles the love between OC General Lara Lin and her relationship with Captain Rex, Fives, Echo and her leaders of Dragon Company, Primer, Boost and Volte.
NSFW chapters will contain P in V sex, oral sex M & F receiving and giving, mention of open marriage.
SFW chapters may be heavy on description of fighting, fighting technique, medical trauma and/or procedures, blood and some gore due to fighting. A few chapters contain mention of child birth, child loss, and the coping thereof.
Fanfic Chapter Links on AO3:
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For The Love of a Man In Uniform
Chapter 1 (Image)
Chapter 2 For the Love of a Man in Uniform SFW
Chapter 3 Battles on the Ground, Battles Within SFW
Chapter 4 Coruscant. SFW
Chapter 5 The Price of Being the Army’s Man. NSFW
Chapter 6 Quit Playing, Already! SFW
Chapter 7 Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? NSFW
Chapter 8 Blood Vows NSFW
Chapter 9 Welcome to the Jungle SFW
Chapter 10 Moves Like Jagger SFW but with a NSFW euphemism convo at end
Chapter 11 When the Echos Stop NSFW
Chapter 12 For What We Want Most NSFW
Chapter 13 Marshal Commander Neyo SFW
Chapter 14 And Now a Word From Our Sponsor. SFW
Chapter 15 There is a Cost Must Be Paid In The End. SFW
Chapter 16 Keeping Busy SFW but with heavy medical trauma and loss
Chapter 17 The Reunion SFW
Chapter 18 Continuance NSFW
Chapter 19 A Trip Home SFW
Chapter 20 Order 66 SFW but with heavy medical trauma
Chapter 21 After the Carnage SFW but with mention of medical procedure
Chapter 22 Chasing Tails SFW but with mention of child Jedi deaths
Chapter 23 Eternal Father, Strong to Save NSFW
Newton’s Third Law
Chapter 1 Let’s Start at the Very Beginning NSFW
Chapter 2 The Equal and Opposite Reaction SFW
Chapter 3 You Really Should Come With A Warning Label. NSFW
Chapter 4 Earth Below Us, Drifting, Falling SFW
Chapter 5 Country Road, Take Me Home SFW
Chapter 6 The View From the Cheap Seats SFW
Chapter 7 The Deceiver SFW but with medical trauma
Chapter 8 Damn You, Elisabeth Kibbler Ross! SFW but with medical trauma, child loss, grief stages
Chapter 9 Three-Thirty In The Morning, Not a Soul In Sight. NSFW
Chapter 10 No Sleep Til Brooklyn NSFW, loss of Tech
Chapter 11 Daniella Elbert’s, Most High Princess of the Balance SFW but with medical trauma, procedures and birth
Chapter 12 Disobedience, Contrariness, Stubbornness, And a Total. NSFW lite
Disregard For the Guidance or Advice of Others
Chapter 13 Down Time NSFW for real, also medical procedure, birth, medical coping
Chapter 14 Primed and Ready To Go. NSFW, much like The Dream
Chapter 15 To The Rescue. NSFW, angst, battle
Chapter 16 What IS The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything
SFW, angst, grief, medical trauma, death from multiple angles
Chapter 17 Anger Management. SFW, angst, child birth from a medical perspective, high risk child birth
One Shots:
The Dream NSFW, so very not safe
Just A Little Ghost Story. NSFW
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pochapal · 9 months
This will be an interesting time to get into homestuck, considering everything
Umineko question for ya: Why do you think this is a Visual Novel(or as 07th expansion calls it, a Sound Novel)? They could of written a more mainstream novel. And the original version of Higurashi was a play.
probably the best time, really! if you ever get around to reading + finishing it i have a limited but comprehensive list of fics for you to check out when you're done lol.
as for the umineko question: i think this is a similar reason as to why homestuck is the way it is. the vn form allows for a better specific modulation of pacing and tone through the use of sound, art, and dialogue that a novel alone cannot accomplish. i also think in umineko's case specifically vns are often seen as "interactive" fiction and while umineko itself has no means of directly interacting with the text beyond clicking to advance it by a line, as a reader this is prompting you to have a more active involvement in the story, which in turn motivates you to further *want* to engage with and solve the mystery rather than passively letting it wash over you as can happen with traditional prose. also because "oooooOOoooOOOOOOhhhhhhh beatriceeeeEEEEEEEEEE" absolutely Needed an audio dimension for the full meaning impact and thematic importance of its existence to be conveyed. umineko is not even half the story it is without the old man shrieking.
higurashi starting out as a play is also interesting too! particularly given that (sorry to always be talking about this) homestuck's construction is deliberately evocative of a play - structured with acts and intermissions, heavy dense pages of dialogue without much prose direction - as well. this is i guess going into the construction of dramatics and maybe melodrama? ie when dealing with a text to be Performed there are certain primers/prompts that push you to engage with things on a deeper emotional level. i guess a lot of that would be pertinent with umineko's family drama angle as given the limitations of time/place/character there is something stageplay like about the story itself (i also know about the stageplay adaption and i'm very excited to get to the point where i can safely look at that). similarly this probably explains why homestuck is known for its myriad fandubs - something about the dialogue-heavy form is begging to be performed, for you to feel the words in your own throat as much as reading them in your mind. the drama makes it visceral which is probably why stories like these have such staying power in the minds and hearts of those who make it to the end.
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caffeinatedowlbear · 5 months
the hours of becoming: January (1 of 1)
Brief intro
What this is about: an attempt to chronicle my writing efforts.
Why: both for my own records (because I'm a stats nerd), and to add some transparency to the writing process (because I feel that a lot of writers despair at their own perceived slow pace and lack of progress when exposed to others' highlight reels).
What's with the title: it refers to a quote from Grit by Angela Duckworth:
Nobody wants to show you the hours and hours of becoming. They’d rather show you the highlight of what they’ve become.
Personally, I don't mind showing those hours. Writing can be lonely, especially when it feels like you're the only one struggling, while everyone else is knocking out NaNo-worthy wordcounts in one sitting.
(For full disclosure, these updates will cover exclusively my creative writing, which is non-commercial; whatever writing I do for clients comes under the heading of 'work'.)
So here we go.
Weeks 1-5
I might do weekly reports in the coming months, but January is always a slow writing month for me, both by necessity and by design. This year was no exception, with a lot of work and family care packed into what was a tough month following a tough year.
Week 1 was designated to decompressing from the holidays and family care. Week 1 writing summary: none.
Week 2 featured a really bad sinus infection that put me out of commission for the duration. Week 2 writing summary: none.
Week 3 had a tight schedule of commitments, but I made a point of showing up to my (usually) weekly writing stream, because I realized that failing to do so would mean neglecting the one appointment with myself that I had that week. I hadn't written for two weeks, and it showed. My brain was unwieldy, and every word felt like I was chiseling it out of bedrock. Still, I persevered, and got around 2,000 words of a draft down during a 3-hour stretch. That was all the writing done that week. Week 3 writing summary: 3 hours, 2,000 words (draft).
Week 4 was, basically, week 3 with a vengeance, with the only thing that kept me going being the knowledge of a two-day break by the seaside coming up on Sunday. I showed up for the writing stream, during which I edited rather than drafted. On Sunday evening, a few hours into my break, I was finally able to sit myself down to jot down a 'primer' of the Borderlands series plot, for a friend who can't play the games, but wants to read my fic set in that universe. It proved unexpectedly fun, and the c. 3k words I put down on it was probably the first bit of writing I actually enjoyed this year. Week 4 writing summary: 2 hours, 2,000 words (edit) + 2 hours, 3.3k words (writing-adjacent)
Week 5, which strayed into February, saw me leaning into my excitement for the Borderlands primer, which had morphed into a unauthorized biography of Handsome Jack (with an occasional comment from the man himself; the fictional character, that is, not actually Dameon Clarke). I wrote more of it on my seaside break (which had turned out to be more of a working vacation, because f*** me), and then on the weekly stream. I also found myself very excited about recording snippets of my own writing as the universe's most basic podfic, so that's something I might end up doing more of. Week 5 writing summary: 3.5 hours, c. 4k words (writing-adjacent) + a few hours of podficcing myself.
January writing summary: 12 hours spent on writing and writing-adjacent pursuits, resulting in 2,000 words of draft, another 2,000 words edited, and 2/3 of the Very Unauthorized (But Heavily Annotated) Biography of Handsome Jack (7.5k words and counting). Curious about my excitement re: podfics, which is worth exploring further.
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chargoeson · 5 months
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to begin my noble quest of being more annoying (a neutral term for me meaning: efforts to be more outspoken about my interests)
i literally just want to make lists of shit i am into so you all can get a better feel for who i am and why i write what i do and hopefully find things in common <3
music: not to be that guy but i genuinely do listen to everything. though not in a "play whatever it's nbd," but in a "music has been a special interest of mine since childhood and i have made hours long multi-genre playlists every month since my senior year of high school" BUT some current favorites include: Blondshell Searows Elton John (and by extension George Michael, duh. friendship of the century. Elton just came first and led me to George) Simon and Garfunkel Faye Webster Dijon Eagles Feist The Sundays Prince Chappell Roan Gorillaz Fiona Apple i am cutting myself off now, but trust there are many more and they are swirling in my head at all times.
film similarly i have such a taste for movies that's all over the place and often go against people's perception of me (i am a lesbian with a philosophy minor whose primary focus was feminist theory and i fucking loves James Bond) but that's what makes it FUN! film and fiction in general is literally a playground. So this is gonna be a mix of specific movies and directors! James Bond (2006 Casino Royale is the best, you can fight me on this but i won't listen) Memento Only Yesterday and Porco Rosso (by Studio Ghibli) Emma (2020 version by Autumn de Wilde) But I'm a Cheerleader Say Anything Rocketman Kingsman: The Secret Service You've Got Mail The Usual Suspects Eyes Wide Shut and our newest addition, Saltburn <333 David Cronenberg (Crash and Dead Ringers especially) David Lynch (Fire Walk with Me and Blue Velvet especially)
tv let's just go simple here The X Files Twin Peaks The L Words Buffy The Vampire Slayer John Doe Bob's Burgers King of the Hill Futurama
literature listen, i have a lit degree but i am also who i am, so my favorite books are usually the last good ones i read. that being said, my most longstanding favorites and the authors i return to are: Haruki Murakami (1Q84, Norwegian Wood, After the Quake, etc. i have genuinely read 80% of this man's 50 years of writing at this point) Melissa Febos Sally Rooney James Baldwin Ottessa Moshfegh Oliver K. Langmead Iain Reid Sean Hewitt hobbies i collect 'em! acoustic and electric guitar crocheting, knitting, embroidering quilting jewelry making collaging indie perfume (i will no doubt be gushing about this more on this account because i also connect perfumes to my characters/projects and i have upwards of 100 scents in my collection) if you are still here you rock i have also thought of starting a youtube channel for literal years (like many of us late 90s-early 00s kids i have tried several times throughout the worst years of adolescence lol) to just talk about writing and also alllll of that. idk if it will happen but if it does think of this as a sort of primer!
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
💄 Anomalous: Chapter Ten
Anomalous: You are attending a make-up artist convention in London, England for your work as a MUA yourself. Little do you expect to meet a handsome stranger at a bar, proceed to ditch your friends with him, have a one-night stand, and then flee because you are late for a convention event. Unbeknownst to you, that will not be the last time you see that handsome stranger, and now that you think about it… you really should have gotten his number. 
Warnings: Explicit Language.
To Note: Tom Sturridge x MUAFem!Reader, Respect The Actor! (This is Fiction), Reader has long hair for reasons, You can thank @pinksirensong for this lovely mini series.
Word Count: ~2.1k
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You had waddled your way into work following your stay at Tom’s flat, and it was mortifying. Mortifying because you kept getting looks from a few of the production team, and even some of the actors. Well, Tom did send a picture of you pigging out on your burger so it probably wasn’t hard for them to put two and two together and realize you had left with him. You just dreaded the rumors that were likely to spread. Even with a day of rest you were still sore and moving around with occasional grimaces. God, it had only been seven months… why were you hobbling around like a virgin!? Probably because Tom was a lethal man and you hadn’t been able to keep your hands off each other yesterday.
Even after you both had jumped each other without using proper protection, you’d lay within each others arms for a little while until you were back at it again. Thought this time Tom was very determined to make a point about using protection. You had only fallen more in love with the man at his determination despite his earlier statement about liking the idea of coming inside you. Fuck, you were tumbling head over heels for the silly man and you hadn’t even been on a date with him. But the sex between you…
“Shut up brain,” You muttered to yourself, focusing on your task of mixing up several paints for a few of the actors playing both Dreaming and Hell citizens. You’d volunteered to do a bunch of prep work for a few of the other regular makeup artists while they were actively working on set. You had a good hour before you were due to work on Mason and didn’t like just sitting around. Tapping the paint brush you had been using to stir, on the edge of the jar, you wiped off the excess and dropped the paint brush into a bucket of water before reaching for a lid. That was one task done. Onto the next.
If you remembered correctly, there were several scenes coming up in the hell set, so the collodion would be working overtime. You washed your hands of any remaining paint and put away the supplies you had gotten out before looking for the scar and prosthetics kits. Rifling through the boxes of supplies, you found what you were looking for and pulled it out, placing it on the work bench. Collodion was a product that was used to make scars, and most of the actors who played characters in hell had some form of a scar.
You started out by checking how full the jar was. If you remember correctly, you’d only recently opened this one so it was mostly full… but given how much work you’d be doing you best pick up several more jars so you didn’t run out. Pulling out your phone, you added the collodion to your shopping list for later. Passing the time until Mason arrived, you managed to sort and organize your workspace accordingly. You were pulling out your basic materials for Mason when the actor sauntered over in their cat costume.
“There’s my little make up artist! You looked like you had fun.” Mason chimed as they draped themself in your chair and looked at you with a wide smile. You snorted and rolled your eyes before reaching for their primer.
“What do you want to know?” You asked tiredly, knowing that they were going to worm as much out of you as they possibly could.
“Well for one how did you and Tom meet? That’s the million dollar question currently floating around set. Everyone wants to know.” Your eyebrow twitched and you let out a humorous breath.
“It wasn’t anything exciting. I was in London for work, a makeup convention last year. My friends dragged me to a bar. We met there.” You explained as you blend the primer into Mason’s already pale skin. “Bar’s aren’t really my thing, so I ditched my friends to get food at the Arcade Hall with him.”
“Just like you ditched us, hmm?” Mason pointed out with a wiggle of their eyebrows. Your own lips twitched and you patted the side of their face.
“Yep, just like that.” You confirmed before shrugging. “I was hungry and tired of being in a bar, he tempted me with food. He tempted me away from the party a few days ago with the same thing. That was probably the best burger I’ve eaten in my entire life. Or maybe that was just the sleep depravation talking…”
“Awe, so I don’t get to have any juicy details about what happened after?” Mason pouted. While you were rolling your eyes, you swapped out the blending sponge for your highlighter and contour, and began the next process.
“What? You want to know if he took me back to his place to fuck my brains out or something?” Mason laughed at your words and grinned at you. Of course they wanted to know. It was how actors and actresses kept themselves entertained when on the job for weeks. How the entire set kept themselves  entertained.  You’d humor him, to a point. “I hate to burst your bubble, Mason, but by the time Tom had me in his place I was asleep on my feet. I don’t even remember falling asleep in the first place.” You explained while you used your thumb to sharpen the lines you had drawn.
“Ah, so you didn’t get to fuck the dream lord?”
“I fucked him when I woke up,” You stated frankly. That made Mason throw their head back and laugh. You switched out the contour and highlighter for blending brushes. “Let’s just say I have sore muscles in places I’ve never been sore before. Pretty sure I’ve been hobbling around all morning because of it.”
“Well at least Tom’s no longer moping, he was getting quite pitiful.” Mason mused, letting you turn their head to the side. You blended a contour line along the crest of their cheek and added a bit more contour to the edge to enunciate the sharpness of the line. “Did you have to apologize because the way he made it seem…”
“He gave me a condition for forgiveness,” You admitted with a small giggle, you mind thinking over exactly what Tom had made you promise. Unlimited cuddles anytime he wanted. He had also asked. “He get’s cuddles any time he wants.”
“Cuddles,” Mason repeated, their eyebrow popping up. You gave them an affirming nod.
“Cuddles,” You echoed. “Anytime he wants. He also asked if he could have that as a condition. I’m not entirely sure that he understands the phrase ‘condition for forgiveness’, or the fact that he didn’t need to ask, just tell me.”
“Sounds like Tom,” You finished up the base blending and began working on the eye makeup. “So is anything going to come from your flings or are you two just going to be coworkers with benefits?”
“Pretty sure I declared Tom my boyfriend while I was half asleep?” You explained while painting on eyeshadow, your eyebrows scrunched together. “We talked about it and want to get to know each other more. My work visa is good for three months. That’s plenty of time to see if we want a relationship. We already like each other as people, but hell if I know if we are actually capable of maintaining an official relationship.”
“So then, what’s this I hear about Tom being dubbed the ‘Passionfruit Milkshake Guy’?” You couldn’t stop the complete and utterly devastating groan that slipped from your lips. Damn it Aggie.
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The community center was packed with vendors from various makeup companies. You were one of many professional make up artists milling around and looking at the latest products for the craft. Fiddling with the lanyard hanging around your neck, your looked over an array of facial hair prosthetics. You hadn’t done a lot of applications with the product, and you certainly should refresh your techniques for creating such affects.
It was simple enough to apply fake beards, or mustaches, but when it came to stubble, it wasn’t like an artist just slapped a prosthetic on an actors face and called it done. Looking closer at a few of the products, you picked up a sample jar of the latest prosthetic glue you hadn’t had a chance to try and spent a moment speaking with the vendor about the difference in the formula compared to the previous one. You had some hopes for the newest formula and purchased the small sample before moving on.
You were interested in picking up several samples of the newest pH makeup. You’d heard of pH lipstick stain, and tried it out a couple of times on yourself. But this makeup wasn’t lipstick, but different blushes and foundations. You were heavily skeptical of a pH based foundation and were going to need to do plenty of research before applying it to your work. The shade simply didn’t just change because the pH of your skin!
Humming to yourself, you looked over mascaras, picking up a few samples from your favorite brands, and picked up several limited edition eyeshadows from a seller you follow religiously. You were picking through a stall full of last seasons products no longer all the ‘rage’, when your phone started ringing. Pausing your rifling, you stepped away from the stand and fished out your phone to look at the screen. Tom’s name was on your screen, followed by a bunch of emojis. You snorted with a small laugh, wondering how the man even knew how to use emojis when his phone was a literal brick.
“Hello?” You spoke after accepting the call and putting the phone to your ear.
“Hi, Y/N, it’s Tom.” You smiled at how happy and cheerful he sounded.
“Hi Tom, I saw the caller ID you left me. I’m surprised that you even know what emojis are let alone how to use them.” You teased with a small laugh, slowly moving away from the crowd of make up artists to get to somewhere more quiet. Tom made a noise of outrage (surely an exaggeration) and you snickered. “But really, I like it, it suits you quite nicely.”
“I am going to pretend that you didn’t just insult me, Sunday.”
“Yeah, well maybe I wouldn’t tease you if you had a phone that wasn’t from the earlier 2000s.” You  laughed, not able to resist making yet another jab at the man.
“You are a mean girlfriend!” Tom accused you while you laughed at his expense.
“Sorry, you’re just a little too easy to pick on when you don’t have access to the internet, Tom.” You gently replied. “Plus you are just so easy to work up at times and I just love hearing you talk so animatedly.”
“Like my voice do you?” Tom asked, his voice now suddenly deeper, richer, a tone that made a shiver go up your spine and your pelvic muscles clench. Good. God. Now, you’d been on the set when Tom had been working and had heard him use his Dream voice, but it was never at you or like this. “I’ll take your silence as a yes,” You could only imagine the matching smug smirk that was surely on Tom’s face right now.
“What? Is it a crime to like a voice?” You asked, fanning your face because holy hell it now burned. Hot and bothered in the middle of a convention center! “You are getting me all worked up and this is not the place for that. I’m in the middle of a convention center!”
“My apologies,” He was still using that vindictively seductive voice that made your thighs clench and cunt throb. He also did not sound the least bit apologetic. Dragging your free hand down your face, you concentrated things that would kill the hot and bothered mood your body was now in. Taxes. Golf. Julian’s snores. Where mascara came from… It sort of worked and you pinched your forehead.
“Okay, okay,” You breathed out, feeling your body cool off. “Enough with the foreplay, what’s up?”
“So I got my hands on a pair of tickets to see a play at Wyndham's Theatre, on Friday, and thought it’d be a great introduction into theatre since we both know you’ve never been. Then maybe we could get dinner afterwards? I’d love to learn more about your work.” You blinked, processing his words for a few moments. Pair of tickets. Theatre. Dinner. Talk.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” You questioned, trying not to get your hopes up because your sleep deprived declaration might not have actually meant anything.
“Yes, I would very much like to take you on a date.” Your heart was beating fast now, almost racing in your chest. When was the last time you went on a date? You couldn’t remember.
“What’s showing?”
“Leopoldstadt,” Your heart was already saying yes before you uttered your affirmation, and it was doubtful that you noticed that you now had a beautiful smile upon your lips.
“I would love to.”
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Date Published: 7/4/23
Last Edit: 7/4/23
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mdemontespan1667 · 2 years
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No one ever in the history of fan fiction has asked for this AU. But here it is. It's based on the short story Trucks by Stephen King and the cocaine fueled Maximum Overdrive directed by the same. I copied the following synopsis from Wikipedia:
"Trucks" takes place in a truck stop in the United States. The truck stop is located off a freeway and it features a diner, a gas station, and a convenience store.
The story's narrator and a handful of strangers find themselves trapped together in a freeway truck stop diner after semi-trailers and other large vehicles are suddenly brought to independent life by an unknown force and proceed to gruesomely kill every human in sight.
A great big humongous THANK YOU to the uber talented and always fabulous @caffiend-queen. Without you I doubt I ever would've posted this.
“We’re gonna die.”
Her voice was composed, resigned but even.
The hysterics of 2 days ago had settled, much like the remains of her friend.
Shane had watched as their lime green VW Bug fishtailed into the parking lot, narrowly missing the concrete embedded pumps, an old International Harvester on their ass.
The driver had overcorrected, pitching the vehicle forward in a sickening roll.
Both occupants had escaped the wreckage, bloodied and disorientated.
The woman standing behind him had made it inside.
The IH had clipped her friend’s leg.
She’d spun, falling under the truck’s 24 inch wheels.
Others had followed.
All that was left was a vague dark shape, the oil stained limestone parking lot absorbing most of the gore.
It wasn’t the only body.
An elderly couple staring lifelessly from their Lincoln Towncar.
A boy, who couldn’t have been more than 16, half in, half out of his primered Nova’s windshield.
The balding, middle aged Bible salesman who had lost it last night around the time the electricity went out.
Babbling about End Times and God’s wrath against the sinners, he had bolted out the double doors. 
A cement truck had pounced.
The impact had fling him a good 20 feet, flinging him in an overgrown drainage ditch.
His agonized wails had carried in the air despite the burbling diesels, putting everyone on edge.
No one would admit they had been relieved when it stopped.
Shane’s own patrol car was unrecognizable.
Each truck had a turn like a group of sailors with a cheap whore. 
He’d been inside, shooting the shit after filling his tank when the first trucks arrived.
Trucks with no drivers.
Motion to his right brought him back to the present.
The woman had set down on the faded vinyl seat that now faced the tinted plate glass windows.
The dim glass showed her reflection.
Her eyes were still swollen and bloodshot from sobbing, lips chewed raw, a drawn, pinched look to her cheeks.
She reminded him of one of his Grandma Jean’s Limoges figurines, fragile and ready to shatter at the least provocation. 
The short Flamingo pink sundress she wore was dotted with blood, hem torn.
“Make love to me.”
Her words caught him off guard.
He glanced at the woman, trying to gauge her sanity.
She continued to stare straight ahead.
“Make love to me.”
There was no mistaking this time.
Faint, tinny music from an ancient battery operated boombox floated from the kitchen.
Time is the essence
Time is the season
Time ain’t not reason
Got no time to slow
Time everlasting
Time to play B sides
Time ain’t on my side
Time I’ll never know
Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I'm not the one to tell you what’s wrong or what’s right
I’ve seen suns that were freezing and live that were through
But I’m burnin'
I’m burnin'
I’m burnin' for you
“I’m not sure this is the right time or place darlin.”
She reached over, placing her hand in his lap.
Her fingers traced Shane’s dick under his uniform.
“It’s the end of the World.”
Despite the circumstances, he felt himself react.
Fucking her might be a Grade A Asshole move but it wouldn’t be the first one he’d ever made.
“Where to?”
He made to stand up but she stopped him.
“Here. I don’t care who, or what, sees.”
She dropped to the worn, pitted linoleum, situating herself between his legs.
Shane expected her to be fumbling, desperate.
Instead she was calm, drawing his shirt over his head, unzipping his pants, pulling his hard length free, her eyes glazing at the size.
She licked him from base to tip, swirling her tongue around the head, taking more of him with each swipe.
The woman hollowed her cheeks, bobbing her head, hand pumping in a  synchronized pattern.
Shane hissed, leaning back.
He lifted his foot, dragging her dress down.
She dipped her head over and over, saliva pooling on her chin.
Tittering on the edge, he gently pushed her away.
She stood, shimmying her dress to the floor.
Shane ran his knuckles through her slit.
“Damn girl, sucking my dick got your pussy all kinds of messy.”
The urge to bend her over and slam his dick home was strong, but if this was the last time he wanted it to be good for her too. 
He bent forward replacing his knuckles with his tongue.
Her breath caught.
He grabbed her ass, bringing her closer.
He lapped at her cunt circling and sucking her clit.
Low moans spurred him on.
He worked her faster, inserting two fingers, sweeping her nub, raising her to her tiptoes.
She braced her hands on his back, nails digging in, her legs starting to tremble.
Shane doubled his efforts.
She came hard, incoherent cries bubbling from her lips.
He held on as she ground her pussy on his tongue, dragging out her orgasm. 
Gradually the shaking resided.
He set back, lifting his hips, pushing his uniform pants down.
“Climb on.”
The woman straddled him, knees spread wide, hands balanced on his shoulders.
His hands settled on her lips, guiding her.
She whimpered as he slipped in.
A small smirk formed on his lips.
“You can take it all darlin.”
Her legs slid further apart, taking more of him.
“Jesus fuck, you’re tight.”
With a pained sigh she enveloped him to the hilt.
Shane gave her a moment to get accustomed to his size then slapped her ass.
“Ride me girl.”
She rolled her hips, hesitant at first, more confidently as her walls adjusted.
He caught a nipple, his mouth hot on her cool skin.
Arching her back, she tangled her hands in his hair.
One hand snaked from her hip to her sopping cunt, thumb caressing her swollen nub.
Shane’s other hand held her, his hips rising to meet hers.
Her pussy clenched around him, a sure sign of her impending orgasm.
“You gonna cum all over my big dick?”
The woman nodded, biting her lip.
He stroked her clit quicker.
Her rhythm was chaotic as she came, squeezing his dick so hard he growled.
Before the aftershocks faded Shane caught hold of her hips again, fingers digging in her flesh.
“Hold on.”
She leaned forward, clasping the back of the seat.
Shane lifted his hips, thrusting inside her velvety warmth.
He fucked her mercilessly, bouncing her on his dick, her tits swaying.
He caught one, then the other, sucking and nipping.
She dropped her hand between them, fingers twitching violently at her overstimulated nub. 
“That’s it darlin.”
He gritted his teeth.
“That’s it. Show me how bad you want it.”
The bench springs squealed in protest. 
She let go, her cunt clamping, head falling back as she came. 
Shane hooked his arms under hers, holding her to him.
He pistoned his hips, driving up into her, harder, faster.
Beyond control Shane used her body like a fuck toy, her head flopping like a rag doll.
Grunting he came, his cum dribbling from her abused cunt.
When their breathing slowed, she shifted, settling beside him.
He situated himself, zipping his pants.
The woman retrieved her dress.
Headlights splashed across the windows.
A faded yellow bulldozer had joined the others, smoke stacks belching fire.
She wiped a silent tear from her cheek.
“It won’t be long now.”
Shane wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. 
He kissed her forehead.
They watched………..
And waited.
Burnin' For You / Blue Oyster Cult 1981
It's been so long since I've written anything I have no idea who to tag so if I tagged you and you don't want to be tagged in the future let me know. Likewise if I didn't tag you and you would like to be just in case I actually write something else let me know.
@caffiend-queen @starynighty @lokislastlove @ironlady1993 @americasass81 @cake-reads @sinceimetyou @imdarkinme @lizzystuffsthings @msdmc1 @imanuglywombat @sagechanoafterdark-main @littlefreya @jtargaryen18 @cockslutpadalecki @boxofbonesfic @alexakeyloveloki @albinotigerpython @slothspaghettiwrites @missdemona @valancy88 @shikin83 @xsapphirescrollsx @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @msdmc1
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cryptovalid · 1 year
A mildly critical primer for Harry Potter as a franchise
I solemly swear this primer will not go into discussions of antisemitism, neoliberalism or transphobia. It is simply a set of questions to facilitate reading comprehension and critical thinking.
I am aware that none of these will likely convince any of you who are still fans of HP or J.K. Rowling, to let your adoration go. If you care too much about a fictional world to stop supporting a billionaire who has thrown her weight behind transphobes and doubled down on antisemitic tropes, this will probably not break the spell. But just as a thought exercise, some critical questions I believe anyone old enough to read the series should be able to reflect on.
1. Why does Harry Potter live with his abusive aunt? Are you satisfied with the explanation?
3. Do wizards have more rights than non-wizards and if so, why? Is this good or bad, and how does the work portray changes in this regard?
2. What is the wizarding world’s/magical Britain’s/any character’s attitude toward democracy and the rule of law in general?  
4. Who in Hogwarts is responsible for the safety of the student body and how well do they perform in this capacity? How accountable are they?
5. Is it moral to erase people’s memories or slip someone a love potion as far as any character in the franchise is concerned? Is this meaningfully different from the Imperius curse in your own opinion?
6. If a wizard can save the lives of muggles by disclosing magic, how should the protagonists respond? Does the work have a coherent opinion on this?
7. What is Harry Potter’s character arc? What lesson does he learn/how does he change in a way that allows him to achieve his goals?
8. What drives people to become evil in this work, especially those that have switched sides? What moral lesson can we learn from the work?
9. Do you think the author was trying to convey the messages you’ve interpreted? If so, did they succeed? If not, what is the message the author intended and how is it communicated?
I wish to thank Shaun, Wisecrack and Lily Simpson for inspiring me to make this post and giving words to the vague discomfort that started with JK Rowling’s weird tweets about Dumbledore’s sexuality and her pearl-clutching transphobia.
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