#What flaws? youre perfect- BJ
playing-soldier-4077 · 10 months
"Everyones on stage for the finale!"
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Meet the cast!
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"Somone will have to get me pregnant first." -Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Background: Surgeon from Crabapple Cove, Maine. Drafted into the Korean War, he hates the army. Currently the senior member of the 4077th MASH, having been stationed there the longest.
Rank: Captian, Cheif surgeon
Gender: Male, occasionally uses female titles
Sexuality: Bisexual with plausible deniability
Height: 6'2"
Age: 32
Relationship status: Single
Character warnings: Alcoholic, somwhat of a misogynist/womanizer (recovering), jokes about his truama (has a lot of truama). Bi-polar (Though at the time its referred to as manic depression. Also undiagnosed. Anyway the warning is he has manic episodes somtimes)
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"We'll be the ones with our hands on the bible." - Trapper John McIntyre
Background: Surgeon from Boston Massachusetts, he was drafted into the Korean War. Developed an extraordinarily close relationship with hawkeye, before getting his orders to go back stateside. With much regret the only message he leaves for hawkeye is a kiss through the company clerk. They never got to see eachother off.
Rank: Civilian (Former Captian)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: yes please
Height: 6'3"
Age: 30
Relationship status: married
Character warnings: fruiquent adulterer, womanizer, alcoholic.
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"I have this strange aversion to being away from my family!" -BJ Hunnicutt
Background: Fresh from residency, BJ finds he's been drafted as an army doctor. He has to leave behind his months old daughter and his wife to work meatball surgery at the 4077th MASH. He meets Hawkeye soon after landing, and they become quick friends. They're attatched at the waist, borderline codependent, and BJ doesnt know how he would've handled life in Korea if he hadn't met Hawkeye.
Rank: Captian
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Repressed
Height: 6'4"
Age: 29
Relationship status: Married
Character warnings: Anger issues, bottles emotions, alcoholic(functioning. mostly.) Does not know when the bit has gone too far; may subject you to pranks (psychological warfare.) Accepting to queer people despite the times, but has internalized homophobia. Has a lot of internalized everything. Very repressed individual.
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"Im afraid of Lobsters." -Sidney Freedman
Background: Sidney Freedman works as a psychiatrist, and volunteered to join the Army as one. Though he never signed his loyalty agreement, and values his paitents over the rules of the military, he is still veiwed as a valuable field therapist.
Rank: Major
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5' 9"
Age: 43
Relationship status: Married (Lavender)
Character warnings: Makes jokes about his line of work. Canon example: "I'm going to commit suicide." -got a bad poker hand.
Despite the occasional joke, he does take his job very seriously. If this type of joke is a trigger and you still want to interact with the character, just tell me and I'll be sure not to make any :]
Things to note!
These characters, while progressive, are from the 1950s. They may say or do insensitive things.
(If I take this too far, do tell me. I dont intend to play into this much if at all, I just wanted to put the warning up. Please tell me if I write somthing I shouldnt, I struggle with knowing when to stop occasionally. This probobly wont be an issue, but the possibility is worth warning for I think)
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juniperhillpatient · 2 months
talk to me about bojack horseman! Specifically your most unpopular opinions. I was on the Diane Defender Team for a long time and I remember a lot of men hated me for that lol. Luckily tumblr was cool.
Oh god how I love Bojack Horseman! It’s one of those very few shows that I would just….highly highly recommend to anyone & everyone to watch from start to finish & that I have very very few criticisms of like. It just had a perfect arc & every character was explored so thoughtfully & the ending hit every note I could’ve ever wanted. One of my top favorite shows of all time.
It’s SO hard to know what opinions I have that are unpopular given the lack of “fandom” the show has - which makes sense, it’s not really the type of show I’d read fanfic or “ship” characters in so like. I GET it but I also don’t know what opinions I have that are unpopular because I’m not familiar with the fandom opinions lol!
Like. People hate my best friend Diane??? I’ve heard it said that she’s hated before & I’ve watched a LOT of “in defense of Diane Nguyen” type video essays but I’ve also (thankfully) not seen people hating on her. I’m sorry I hate to be that person because subjective taste is a thing but I’m sorry if you hate Diane you’ve entirely missed the point? She’s so integral! Diane’s arc is so important!
Diane is the kind of character that a lesser show would make the “good kind feminist counterpart to BJ” but that Bojack Horseman (the show not necessarily always the character) recognized as a real messy flawed three dimensional human who YES calls Bojack on his shit but is often accidentally awful to both Bojack & everyone else in her mission to be a “good” person.
Diane is the picture of what idealism in a cynical world can lead to in a negative way. She wants to be this bold feminist with strong beliefs that will fight for what’s right but she often forgets the people around her in the frenzy of her fight to do what she perceives as “good.” And her arc!!!! I get so emotional thinking about Diane’s arc - about her relationship with Princess Carolyne & how Carolyn advised her to just write the schlocky detective books that made her happy because it’s the kind of stuff she’d want her daughter to get to read & about how she realizes that she doesn’t have to make her trauma beautiful she doesn’t have to make it her whole personality she can just write & have fun! And like. We see her give up on some of her ambitions & gain weight & accept that she needs to let go of her incredibly toxic friendship with Bojack & that’s okay & doesn’t have to mean she hates him or that either of them are evil - her arc is so incredibly real & relatable & unlike anything we typically see on TV & I love it.
Okay that wasn’t an unpopular opinion(or maybe it was? I hope not) it was just me rambling about how much I love Diane Nguyen but like. I really really do.
Bojack Horseman depicts so many things - generational trauma & toxic friendships & romantic & familial relationships & the way we traumatize other people because of our own trauma & the ability of ANYONE to grow & change even the most toxic horrible person you can imagine even if it takes decades to get there - that you just don’t see on regular tv. And it does it through funny talking cartoon animals so it’s not boring & it never feels pretentious just like it’s telling a story. And while it CAN be depressing it knows how to perfectly balance the vibe of comedy & absurdity so it’s not just painful to watch like it would be in live action or with human characters without the absurdist comedy aspect & it just perfectly balances entertainment with hard hitting themes.
Anyway. I don’t know what the popular & unpopular opinions are this just turned into me rambling about my love for the show. Thank you for coming to my ted talk & thank you for sending an ask 🫶🫶🫶
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majorbaby · 2 years
I swear, some of the rudest and most obnoxious MASH fans are the BJ fanatics. Heaven forbid some people just plain don’t like that character!
i received this ask last night and it's a perfect example of why i don't want to rehash the 'what episode do you start from' debate anymore, even from a purely analytical perspective. it is a discussion that is only pretending to care about situating first-time viewers. it's not about which cast you like more, because there's a negligible amount of henry vs. potter discussion out there. everybody acknowledges that it gets messy and needlessly upsets everyone, and it's always immediately followed up with a bunch of smug posts like 'the correct way to watch MASH is while your married same-sex roommate rails you from behind as your tent is being shelled' which would be funny if it weren't for the convenient timing.
for the record, i'm not saying there isn't a good-faith conversation to be had and honest arguments to be made or that the question should not be asked, i just don't think that is what happens. it's a ship war. okay, so just ask the real question: hawkeye/trapper or hawkeye/BJ. the problem with that though is that you'd have to actually watch the whole show to enter into that debate without feeling like an asshole. additionally, people would be more likely to point out that the resulting data is flawed because the question (like the 'where do you start' question) merely implies that you must've seen the whole show, and the sample contains a good amount of people who haven't seen the whole thing.
and i use 'feeling like an asshole' because it's a self-imposed expectation which is sometimes enforced by others. i personally believe it's completely valid to like one ship without even considering the other. i'm not sitting around all day getting my feelings hurt thinking about who's sucking hawkeye's dick, i've got bigger dicks that need sucking.
i could (and i do) look the other way on ship wars, but this is tumblr.com where people are increasingly inclined to justify their personal preferences by virtue signalling, at which point it becomes painfully obvious to me how insufferably white this fandom is. a bunch of white people sitting around talking about how hurt their feelings are by trapper and henry cheating on their fictional off-screen wives while potter calls klinger a donkey or a house pet and hardly anyone blinks. 
and i've put my time in explaining why and how this is regressive and hurtful using patient, respectful, intellectual words. so if something somehow slips past my filters and i see the equivalent of '3rd wave intersectional feminists wrote welcome to korea' ever again i'm just gonna do as i always do in every arena of my life: mutter 'okay whitey' and move on.
anyway anon, i don't endorse these kinds of blanket statements even if i understand where they come from - and that's not to say i agree with what's you've said, it's just that if you're in a space with one dominant stance that you do not align with then yeah, you're gonna be annoyed. please do that somewhere other than my ask box.
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shiroselia · 1 year
This is mostly for my personal reference now that I’m like. I think a quarter-ish into the story and have yet to play half the protag’s stories so that I can look back when I’ve progressed more to see how fucking wrong I was lmfao
25-ish% Remembrance Manda’s 13 sentinels character opinions so far (There are spoilers here)
Juro (Locked at 55%): Who allowed you to have so many waifus king you are literally no better than an isekai protag smh smh, Intriguing what is your deal bro have you killed anyone at all?
Shu (Prologue done): Hilarious guy so far, think he’s mega clueless but I have also eh. literally only played his prologue, one of many reasons why I think one of The greatest things the explanation in this story hinges on is “Can multiple people exist at the same time or are people who are also other people separate?”
Iori (Locked at 85%): I fucking love her but also like, dude, why are you being shipped with Lithurally everyone except like Shu I GUESS, think her Miwa and Usami are an absolute delight of a trio, good times
Megumi (One of two softblocked 28% I’m saving you for later urgh): Had I not thought that her character makes Perfect fucking sense I’d def be very Ohno over her character, but I think she’s cool, NEED to know Fluffy’s deal tho WHO ARE YOU (No way she isn’t being mega strung along lmao)
Yuki (28% softblock numero 2, wtf do you want from me girls’ bathroom lock I am so lost): She’s fun! She’s so fucking good! Think she’s pretty interesting but I’m mostly agonizing over how little I get her gameplay, everytime she interacts with Shu I go “Oh, you’re such a lesbian” and I think that says about all u need to know about how I read her
Ryoko (Locked at 75%): Oooooooooooh sweetheart no oh nonono (Read: I love her but oh god you are being so fucking groomed Usami was so right fucking Run)
Ei (37% I think): I think he’s stupid fucking interesting and I Do appreciate the game for ONCE taking a bit of a break in the “the romance chart in this game is a circle where no arrows point at each other” and deciding that he and Ryoko are not together but mostly he intrigues the hell out of me what IS your deal (Predicting a “He was the good guy all along actually” twist cause I think it’s p obvious that’s what’s going on here knowing what I know from Ryoko and Iori’s routes)
Miura (Also at like 37% I think?): Funny guy, I think he’s a lad, I really like the 40s guys they intrigue me, mostly I am confused with all the timeline year shit tho but that’s not Miura’s fault his route just shows it very front and center very early, not a flaw just a feature
Hajiyama (Still fucking locked post-prologue cause this genius has somehow managed to make Ogata my last protag): This man has something very LGBT gong on, think he’s very funny and cannot wait to find out more about him, But ngl I’m mostly very gungho about his route because I Need to figure out Okino’s deal, he and Okino are fucking Stupid funny together tho, I have seen them interact like thrice and it’s already a top 3 dynamic in the game
Natsu (I’ve forgotten her percentage but it’s the lock righ after she yeets back and meets Miura): I love her!!! She’s so fun!!! BJ alone makes her route so worth it but I think she’s a delight
Usami (Finished Prologue): She’s fucking hilarious, really want to see her interact with Megumi more tho cause just based on how my stuff sways I’ve seen her almost exclusively with her 85 friends and I Really want to know more about her and Megumi, I generally have very little to say about her tho cause y’know my percentages are Not equal
Gouto (Have literally not even started him lmao): I don’t trust this mfer but I’m incredibly interested in finding out what his deal is, not sure if he’s in a similar position to Ryoko and is just coping less or if he’s a guy to watch out for but I think he’s cool so far
Ogata (Haven’t even unlocked him!): I have seen him Very little, I haven’t even gotten his fucking protag route yet, But, so far I think he’s kinda neat, I can’t say much cause I’ve also managed to sway protag stories where he’s clearly not very featured yet, but he’s fun
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keanthegooseman · 2 years
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Book Review | Frog Music
Author: Emma Donoghue
Genre: Mystery, Historical Fiction, Crime Fiction
Publication Date: April 1, 2014
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐☆☆
"People have no idea of the things that don't happen to them—the lives they're not living, the deaths stalking them—and thank Christ for that. Hard enough to get through each day without glimpsing all the hovering possibilities, like insects thickening the air."
This was a fun read for me. I happened to have picked up a copy at a local book fair. To be honest, I mostly picked it up for its cover, which I thought was pretty. What I got was a pretty decent historical crime fiction book, and while not perfect, is a novel I certainly enjoyed. 
Taking place place in San Francisco, around the summer of 1876, Frog Music centers around the murder of Jenny Bonnet, a free spirited, cross-dressing frog catcher. We follow her friend, Blanche Beunon, a French exotic dancer/prostitute as she tries to solve Jenny's murder, and track down her killer.
The plot was good and the mystery was intriguing. Full of twists and turns, this book kept me on the edge of my seat, curious to find out the identity of the murderer, and their motive. I liked how the story gives enough details to make your imagination run wild and come up with your own theories, but not too much as to spoil the mystery. The nonlinear structure of the story, switching between the present and past heightened how intriguing it was.
While the plot was good, the characters weren't as compelling. Most of the characters were cliche, and I didn't feel particularly attached to any of them. The only interesting characters, in my opinion, were Jenny and Blanche, but since we already know Jenny's fate whenever we switch back to the past, the latter is far more compelling to me. We spend the entire story looking through Blanche's perspective, and we get to know her a lot more through her thoughts, actions, and dialogue. She also isn't portrayed as a person with a heart of gold, instead, being a flawed, and relatable figure, which I appreciate. 
One thing I was a bit put off by, were the very graphic sex scenes. Since the main character is a prostitute, I wasn't surprised at the inclusion of said scenes, what I disliked was the amount and  how unnecessarily descriptive they can be. The very first sex scene was literally just Blance giving a morning BJ to her man, riding him, proceed to get interrupted by their roommate, then have said roommate join the pair for a threesome. I was thinking that the author was probably thirsty while writing and just decided to write smut during her bouts of thirst.
Overall, it was a decent novel. While the dialogue can be awkward at times, and the characters a bit bland, I still had some fun going through the story. However, this book is not for everyone. If you don't enjoy the plot or the writing style, then this isn't for you. I still suggest that you give it a shot however, read the first chapter or so and make your mind up after.
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
so in the ongoing canon of “BJ and Hawkeye are acting more and more like a couple we have “the most unforgettable characters” (which, titlewise I’m just taking in right now and it’s making me emotional all on its own)
in which BJ and Hawkeye “pretend” to fight to cheer up Frank on his birthday, only for BJ to say that Hawkeye is competitive and hates losing, which genuinely hurts Hawkeye’s feelings, and so they have an inconsequential, domestic argument that is almost sweet in the way that Hawkeye clearly cares deeply about BJ’s opinion of him and so naturally decides to act bratty in response to the notion that BJ might not place him as highly in estimation.
BJ, joking: “so which one of us do you think gets the oscar?”
Hawkeye, snottily: “Me I hope, you know how much I hate to lose.”
BJ, laughing, still not getting it: “Right.”
Hawkeye: “... Did you really say that to Frank?”
BJ: “Well, yeah...”
Hawkeye: “I always have to get the last word in?”
BJ: “Yes, always-”
Hawkeye, stuttering: “I can prove to you right now-”
BJ: “Oh, come on-”
Hawkeye: “No, just say something and walk away.”
BJ, standing to walk away: “Alright. I think you’re a very competitive person.”
Hawkeye: “Fine.”
BJ: “You just did it.”
Hawkeye: “Did what?”
BJ: “Just got in the last word.”
Hawkeye: “That didn’t count.”
BJ, about to walk away again: “Then don’t say anything.”
Hawkeye: “Ok.”
BJ: “You’re impossible.”
Hawkeye: “I’m impossible?”
BJ: “Yes! Shut up, close your mouth, don’t say another word!”
Hawkeye: “... Ok -”
BJ: “Not! Another! Word!”
Hawkeye: “No problem.”
BJ, storming off: “It’s no use!!!!!!”
Hawkeye: “... Wrong.”
Followed of course by them making up (because Radar doesn’t like it when his parents fight)
Hawkeye: “You still love me for all my flaws?”
BJ: “What flaws? You’re perfect.”
Hawkeye: “Just for that I’m gonna let you get the last word in.”
BJ, surprised: “Thank you.”
Hawkeye, smirking: “You’re welcome.”
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marley-manson · 3 years
What's your thoughts on Trapper vs BJ?
I enjoy them both in very different ways but ultimately I'm more of a Trapper fan.
What I like about BJ is that he's well written, his flaws are interesting and consistent and intriguingly subtle at times, and his relationship with Hawkeye is very engaging specifically because of all the flaws and the ways they clash and don't fit together.
What I like about Trapper is that he's a pretty perfect partner for Hawkeye, their chemistry is engaging and extremely fun, and I find him a lot more enjoyable to watch. Not to say he isn’t also well-written, but since he wasn’t around for the dramatic character-driven years he doesn’t get a whole lot of good subtle character writing, unfortunately.
Hawkeye and BJ at their most in sync and compatible are nowhere near as fun to me as Trapper and Hawkeye in an average episode. But Trapper and Hawkeye at their most interesting don't engage my brain anywhere near as much as, say, an offhand line where BJ derisively tells Hawkeye his tongue depressor monument is pointless, to say nothing of stuff like Period of Adjustment or the whole finale fiasco or Joker is Wild lol.
Ultimately I ship Hawkeye/Trapper in an endgame sense because I think they'd be happy together, they both like each other and support each other and look out for each other, and they both have a ton of fun together. They’re very compatible imo.
(And I don't care about the leaving without a note/no contact thing because it was so obviously an inorganic writing decision that reflects on Wayne Rogers' sudden departure. It ended up being thematically relevant thanks to solid writing afterwards (ie giving Hawkeye abandonment issues and paralleling it to BJ in the finale), but it's completely unjustified from a characterization perspective, yk? So it's very easy for me to disregard or explain away.)
And I ship Hawkeye/BJ in a doomed trainwreck sense because I find them boring when they’re happy together and very compelling when they’re making each other miserable, and I think adding sex is a great way to explore the flaws in their relationship. Plus, yk, I enjoy tormenting my faves, and so does BJ lol.
Thank you so much for asking ❤ lmk what you think too if you want!
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Five years ago, the women on this site who treated me like trash over loving Labyrinth and shipping Jareth/Sarah were almost always obliviously consuming Radfem propaganda, or were out and out Radfems/Terfs themselves.
They were the types of people who casually threw the word “pedophile” around against grown women who shipped an adult Sarah with Jareth, aka literally one of the most popular ships for women in fandom for 30 years.
Pretty much invariably, these women had serious sex-negative anxieties, which included a severe paranoia about any and all kink and fetish, and porn in general. I saw a lot of shocking, fear-mongering propaganda surrounding sexual expression. Pretty much invariably, their method of approach involved immediate personal shock-value attacks on anyone they perceived to be “bad.”
Today, you can look at the way some people react to other popular so-called “problematic” ships and recognize the same toxic, fear-mongering rhetoric coming from women who consider themselves regular, trans-inclusive feminists. Sometimes it even manifests in the words of very well-meaning people (including myself here), who feel the need to talk about specific issues that pertain to their own experiences of trauma and oppression.
The people who shit on Labyrinth often seem to not really be able to comprehend that the Goblin King, like the film itself, is canonically a representation of a teen girl’s psyche, a soup of fears and anxieties and desires and dreams. He’s not a literal human adult preying on a literal child, and to read the film that way seriously undermines the entire point of the film. 
When I (and people of many fandoms) say “This is fiction, calm down,” I’m not just saying it’s not real so it cant hurt you and you can’t criticize me. I’m trying to call attention to what fiction actually is - artistic representations of feelings and experiences. The Goblin King is Sarah’s fiction. Therefore, he can be anything she or any woman who identifies with her wants him to be, including her lover when she’s grown and ready for such a thing.
I once took an alarming dive into Beetlejuice fandom to see what content was there (the cartoon was a favorite when I was little). Chillingly, what you’ll find is an extremely wounded fanbase, with a sharp divide between the older women who had long been shipping BJ/Lydia because of their love for the cartoon series (and whom were previously the vast majority of the Beetlejuice fandom), and a massive amount of young people riding the wave of the musical fad who had decided that the entire old school Beetlejuice fandom was populated by literal pedophiles. 
I saw death threats. Suicide baiting. Constant, constant toxic discourse. It did not matter how the BJ/Lydia fandom dealt with any particular issues that would exist in their ship, in fact I’m certain that the people abusing them cared very little to even consider if they were trying to handle it at all. The only thing that mattered was that they were disgusting subhuman scum asking for abuse. If you have at any time reblogged recent Beetlejuice fan art or content from fans of the musical, you have more than likely been engaging positively with the content of someone participating in toxic fandom behavior.
Nobody is really sticking up for them, either, as far as I saw. It’s really hard to imagine how painful it must be to have such a large group of people explode into into your relatively private fandom space to tell you that you are evil, vile, and deserve constant abuse, and also you are no longer allowed into the fandom space to engage in it’s content. But I think there’s something very alarming indeed about this happening specifically to the BJ fandom, and I’ll explain why. 
The pop-culture characterization of Beetlejuice, which is heavily influenced by the cartoon series to be clear, has always in my mind been a vaguely ageless being who matches with the psychological maturity of whatever age Lydia is supposed to be. He’s more or less like an imaginary friend, a manifestation of Lydia’s psyche. In fact, I would argue that i think most of us who grew up with the cartoon or it’s subsequent merchandizing before the musical ever existed probably internalized the idea as BJ and Lydia as this ageless, salt-and-pepper-shaker couple beloved by the goth community, similar to Gomez and Morticia. In each version of canon he may be a creepy ghost in the literal sense, but any adult who is capable of identifying literary tropes (even just subconciously) would read cartoon!BJ as an artistic representation of a socially awkward outcast girl’s inner world. Lydia’s darker dispositions and interests, which alienate her from most others, are freely accepted and embraced by her spooky magical friend. BJ/Lydia in the cartoon were depicted as best friends, but to my memory there was always an underlying sense that they had secret feelings for each other, which I identified easily even as a small child. In fact, their dynamic and behavior perfectly reflected the psychological development of the show’s target demographic. They are best friends who get into adventures and learning experiences together, who have delicate feelings for each other but lack any true adult romantic/sexual understanding to acknowledge those feelings, let alone pursue them.
Though I haven’t seen the Musical yet, I’ve read the wiki and I would argue that it embodies this exact same concept even more so for it’s own version of the characters, in that Beetlejuice specifically exists to help Lydia process her mother’s death.
This is not a complicated thing to recognize and comprehend whatsoever. In fact, it looks downright blatant. It’s also a clear indicator of what BJ/Lydia means to the women who have long loved it. It was a story about a spooky wierd girl being loved and accepted and understood for who she was, and it gave them a sense of solidarity. It makes perfect sense why those women would stick with those characters, and create a safe little space for themselves to and imagine their beloved characters growing and having adult lives and experiencing adult drama, in just the same ways that the women of the Labyrinth fandom do. That’s all these women were doing. And now, they can’t do it without facing intense verbal violence. That safe space is poisoned now.
Having grown up with the cartoon as one of my favorites and been around goth subculture stuff for decades, I was actually shocked and squicked at the original Beetlejuice film’s narrative once I actually saw it, because it was extremely divorced from what these two characters had evolved into for goth subculture and what they meant to me. It’s not telling the same story, and is in fact about the Maitland's specifically. In pretty much exactly the same way two different versions of Little Red Riding Hood can be extremely different from each other, the film is a different animal. While I imagine that the film version has been at the heart of a lot of this confused fear-mongering around all other versions of the characters, I would no more judge different adaptations of these characters any more than I would condemn a version of Little Red in which Red and the Wolf are best friends or lovers just because the very first iteration of LRRH was about protecting yourself from predators.
I would even argue that the people who have engaged in Anti-shipper behavior over BJ/Lydia are in intense denial over the fact that BJ being interested in Lydia, either as blatant predatory behavior a la the film or on a peer level as in the cartoon (and musical?) is an inextricable part of canon. Beetlejuice was always attracted to Lydia, and it was not always cute or amusing. Beetlejuice was not always a beloved buddy character, an in fact was originally written as a gross scumbag. That’s just what he was. Even people engaging with him now by writing OC girlfriends for him (as stand-ins for the salt-and-pepper-shaker space Lydia used to take up, because obviously that was part of the core fun of the characters), or just loving him as a character, are erasing parts of his character’s history in order to do so. They are actively refusing to be held responsible for being fans of new version of him despite the fact that he engaged in overt predatory behavior in the original film. In fact, I would venture to say that they are actively erasing the fact that Musical Beetliejuice tried to marry a teenager and as far as I’m aware, seemed to like the idea (because he’s probably a fucking figment of her imagination but go off I guess). The only reason they can have a version of this character who could be perceived as “buddy” material is because...the cartoon had an impact on our pop cultural perception of what the character and his dynamic with Lydia is. 
We can have a version of the Big Bad Wolf who’s a creepy monster. We can have a version who’s sweet and lovable. We can have a version that lives in the middle. We can have a version who’s a hybrid between Red and the Wolf (a la Ruby in OUAT). All of these things can exist in the same world, and can even be loved for different reasons by the same people.
I’ve been using Beetlejuice as an example here because it’s kind of perfect for my overall point regarding the toxic ideologies in fandom right now across many different spaces, including ones for progressive and queer media, and how much so many people don’t recognize how deeply they’ve been radicalized into literalist and sex-negative radfem rhetoric, to the point where we aren’t allowed to have difficult, messy explorations of imperfect, flawed humans, and that art is never going to be 100% pure and without flaw in it’s ability to convey what it wants to convey.
This includes the rhetoric I’ve seen across the board, from She-Ra to A:TLA to Star Wars to Lovecraft Country. We don’t talk about the inherent malleable, subjective, or charmingly imperfect nature of fiction any more. Transformation and reclamation are myths in this space. Everything is in rigid categories. It is seemingly very difficult for some of these people to engage with anything that is not able to be clearly labeled as one thing or another (see the inherent transphobic and biphobic elements of the most intense rhetoric). They destroy anything they cannot filter through their ideology. When women act in a way that breaks from their narrative of womanhood (like...not having a vagina), then those women must be condemned instead of understood. Anything that challenges them or makes them uncomfortable is a mortal sin. There is an extraordinary level of both hypocrisy and repressive denial that is underlying the behavior I’m seeing now. Much like toxic Christian conservatism, these people often are discovered engaging in the same behaviors and interests that they condemn behind closed doors (or just out of sheer cognitive dissonance). As an example, one of the people who talked shit to me about Labyrinth was a huge fan of Kill La Kill, which to my knowledge was an anime about a teenage girl in like, superpowered lingere (hence why I stayed the fuck away from that shit myself). Indeed, they even allow themselves plenty of leeway for behavior far worse than they condemn others for, and create support systems for the worst of their own abusers. 
Quite frankly, I’m tired. Instead of talking about theoretical problematic shit, we need to start talking about quantifiable harm. Because as far as I can tell, the most real, immediate, and quantifiable harm done because of anybody’s favorite ships or pieces of media seems to consistently be the kind that’s done to the people who experience verbal violence and abuse and manipulation and suicide baiting and death threats from the people who have a problem.
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azroazizah · 4 years
Would you kindly give us a ranking of the soul eater arcs from 1/10 based on your opinions?
Ooooookay I’ll say first that I’m extremely picky wwwwww but here we go:
Prologues Arc : 6/10. I give this high ranking despite its messiness bc they’re the episodes that set the whole vibe. The ones that enchanted people to follow the series ✨ also kudos to Bones for cutting all the yucky bits out of the anime
Remedial Lessons Arc : 6/10. Also high bc this is the bit where I first see Soul’s fierce protective side. Loyalty always got me weak 🔥 Again kudos to Bones for cutting out Ohkubo’s gross jokes.
Demon Sword Arc : 8/10. Shit’s happening dude! Nuff said.
Uncanny Sword Arct : 9/10. Tsubaki’s characterization was... astounding. The analogy of Tsubaki as camellia flower?? 10/10. We could see how deep, complex, sad, and grey her character were. Absolutely interesting. I have no objection with this arc.
The Experiment Arc : 6/10. I like it bc it’s the first time we see Maka’s internal issues.
Black Dragon Arc : 3/10. Funny, but not interesting for me. And I personally find the Flying Dutchman more annoying than Excalibur.
A Fight to the Death at the Anniversary Celebration Arc : 8/10. Daaaaaamn the first actual creepy thing happening. True Shit™️. Stein/Spirit vs Medusa is one of my fave fights here, I love how they gave absolutely no fuck 👌
Trial Enrollment Arc : 5/10. If Arachne and Giriko weren’t introduced, I would give this arc 2/10. Apparently, this supposed to be Crona’s ‘redemption arc’ or whatever, but it failed its purpose. You just can’t bring a former enemy who had nearly killed two of your students into your school without proper surveillance. Especially when you know they’re dangerous and unstable. Showering them with unconditional love and support is not the realistic way to turn a former antagonist into the good side. it’s lazy writing.
The Bodyguard Arc : 5/10. I like it bc we got to see Star’s brotherly side and how he was slowly spiraling down into restlessness and hunger of power
Reunion Express Arc : 4/10. Another failed attempt at redemption, I was like... meh... when I saw Crona betray Shibusen, bc honestly they hadn’t even gotten a proper redemption in the first place. Plus there’s Flying Dutchman again.The thing that salvaged this arc for me was Star’s inner struggle and the start of the madness.
"BREW" - The Tempest Arc : 5/10. idk if it’s just me, but I’m not that into the whole BREW thing, honestly. The glimpses of the past were certainly interesting, but it’s just not that appealing to me. maybe bc I’ve never actually get what the hell BREW was and just heard the characters comment on its magnificent power over and over again without giving an actual explanation of why it was so powerful. But hey, we got more B Team screentime and Soul’s first time playing his soul piano!
Internal Investigation Arc : 5/10. I wish we get more of BJ. For his and Marie’s story to end like that was just.... sad. And again, I love Star’s descent to madness and how Kid managed to--literally--punch some senses into him.
The Clown Arc : 10/10. I don’t have any particular objection for this arc. Simply the best. Not only as a SoMa shipper, but also how Blair tagged along with them. Maybe it’s just me, but I think she did that bc she was worried for her kittens. She’s sticking more onto them after the madness ‘changed’ and started to turn into physical threats. Best Mama Kat 👌
Operation Capture Baba Yaga Castle Arc : 8/10. Ok, I love a LOT of things about this arc, especially the ART, GOSH. But I also don’t like a few things, hence no full score. Like how Star killed Mif or how Arachne just... died like that.... that felt like a waste of characters.
Grigori Arc : 5/10. I HAVE A BIG DILEMMA ABOUT THIS ARC OKAY? In one side, I love how SoMa it is and how badass the Spartoi were, but really, how could Ohkubo just abandon the whole concept of Maka’s Anti Demon Wavelength and just replaced it with pretty angel wings I mean COME ON!!! If you want to make Maka the ultimate target wouldn’t it make more sense for her to be hunted because she has a wavelength that could outright PURIFY the madness instead of her ‘perception skills’??? A skill that was shared by MANY other meisters???? If she has the strongest ADW she would naturally be the ultimate weapon to defeat the kishin oH COME ON THAT IS A VERY PROMISING CONCEPT WHY WOULD YOU GIVE IT TO HER IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU’RE NOT GONNA FCKING COMMIT TO IT, OHKUBO??? This is probably the arc that frustrates me the most.
The Witch's Research Arc : 8/10. LOVE how Star got batshit crazy on Crona. THAT was a proper reaction when you see a person who had betrayed your best friend despite having been given the utmost kindness. also KILIK AND THE THOMPSONS FCK YEAH 🔥🔥🔥
Business Lunch Arc : 2/10. I hate how they treated Marie. This arc was very sexist and had a very poor taste on jokes. Also everyone was a horrible adult for partying when a child was in the enemy’s hands. The only uplifting thing about this arc for me was this...
Tumblr media
Salvage Arc : 8/10. I also have a big dilemma about this one...... I love it. As in LOVE it. It’s SoMa’s Holy Grail. But... again... I can’t give it perfect score. The tasteless sexist jokes.... and how they just brushed the THOMPSON SISTERS ASIDE????? I understand that Ohkubo wanted Star vs Kid, but that’s just not how you do it, man... They’re Kid’s weapons! Partners! They were dying to see him! They SHOULD GO FERAL TO SAVE HIM!!
Mad Blood Arc : 9/10. THIS. SOUL’S FCKIN GROWTH. MY BABY. ALL GROWN UP. AND HE DID IT BY HIMSELF! My side note for this arc is I wished it was where Star or their other’s friends to snap and slap the actual severity of Soul’s condition to Maka. I wanted it to be her turning point on how to see around her more clearly, that there’s people, not just strangers in another country, but also HER PARTNER, who were suffering because of Crona’s descent to madness.
Hunt Arc : 4/10. I.... don’t like that the kids just blindly follow Maka around without question. That’s just.... urgh... not healthy
War on the Moon Arc [the whole of it]: 7/10. Sooooo many things were happening, I love a lot of things, but also dislikes a lot of things. I DEMAND A DEEPER SPIRIT/MAKA SCENE, ALSO A SPIRIT/SOUL SCENE BEFORE SPIRIT WENT TO THE MOON! FAMILYYYYYYYY!!!!
Hrrrrgh.... that’s it I guess.... thank you for asking wwwww
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Musical BeetleJuice x reader
nsft content
masturbation, voyeurism you know the drill with me
sometimes things don’t go the way you want, beej spys on reader chan while jerking it, and things don’t exactly go as planned, reader cahn is okay with it, beej, not so much
i apologize for this mess
Recently the Deetz have asked you to "babysit" beetlejuice while they were on a vacation, the maitlands also pleaded this so they could have some alone time, you didnt mind, you enjoyed the demon's presence, and he yours, ever since you sucker punched him after a jump scare gone wrong, he became very clingy to you.
It's been a few days into having beetlejuice over, yes he has spent the night in the past, hell, he's stay over enough times to get comfortable enough to sneak into your bed as you slept, a fate you've just accpected. Despite a his glaring flaws, it was fun having him around for a longer period of time, movie marathons, videogames, messing with delivery people, it was really nice having someone around who could make you laugh as hard as he could, not that youd ever admit it you had a crush on him.
But it's been a few days since you've had some proper alone time, and having beetlejuice constantly hang off you, pull you around, and spoon you while you slept has left you in a pretty uncomfortable state down there, and with the ghoul around it was pretty difficult to fix said issue.
Until today, out of the blue beetlejuice hits you with the gold opportunity to quickly tend to your little annoyance.
"Its been awhile since I bugged some of your neighbors, I'm gonna duck out and have alittle fun, try not to miss me too much Sugar, Daddy will be home in a bit~" and with that he phased through the ceiling, off to do god knows what.
It was now or never, you take the chance and head to your bedroom.
Beetlejuice phases back into your living room, so his hunch was right, you were itching to rub one out, he knew you smelled alittle different, but couldnt place it. Hes been here what? 3 days? And you already aching for some 'fun', this was gonna be good, it's been awhile since he took care of business himself, and would just LOVE for his favourite little breather to provide some stimulus.
He snaps his fingers, camouflaging himself to you, and heads to your room, walking through the door, he's greeted by the sight of you slipping out of your panties.
"Oh ho, already getting down to business huh sweetness? I like a gal who doesnt beat around the bush" he chuckles.
You prop yourself up on the bed, quickly grabbing your bright pink vibrator, and the little bottle of lube, you quickly prep the toy, as much as youd like to take your time and enjoy yourself, this was a race against the clock, a quick fix, you can take your time once your alone for real.
Beetlejuice found your eagerness more then arousing, the fact that you were so desperate to rub one out, your excitment was contagious, the ghoul was already palming himself through his pants, standing at the foot of your bed, the perfect view of you getting yourself ready.
"You're a needy little thing, aren't ya? If you would a asked me I would have loved to help you out Sugar~" he purred slipping his hard cock from its tight prison. His hair an electric pink, buzzing with excitement, it's been awhile since he had the pleasure of watching you masturbate. Unknown to you, Beetlejuice was more then fond of you, he had quite the crush in you, he adored spending time with you, and joking around, but also deeply yearned to pound you into the mattress until you couldnt walk, to have you praise him for making you feel so good, but mostly wanted you to cling to him, to have his favourite breather stay with him.
He adored watching you tend to your physical needs, because one, it gave him a nice little show to help himself out, two, a map on exactly what got you off, which he WILL use on you when he gets the chance, but most importantly, three, you thought of him while you did it.
The first time BJ watched you play with your cute little pussy, he nearly screamed when he herd you shout his name. You were a coward with your feelings, he KNEW you liked him, but recognized you weren't ready to act on those feelings, that was fine, for the time being, he was fine with what was going between you two right now. Friends, close friends, and yes like as he was doing now, beetlejuice loved to spy on you, steal your panties for jerk off material, get pretty handsy with you, just to satisfy his desperate urge to be closer to you.
The ghoul was snapped from his thoughts with a slight groan from you, his attention was drawn back to reality, watching you slide the toy into your aching core. Reaching for his cock, the demon began slowly stoking himself.
You curse through your teeth, it's been awhile, the toy buzzes to life and you jolt, letting out a small moan, as you start to pump the toy in and out you couldnt help but be a tad more vocal then normal, panting, gasping, and groaning.
"What a beautiful sound sugar, I LOVE that voice of yours" he purred, beginning to match your pace.
You were already bucking your hips, pumping little faster, really focused on just getting it done.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, there doll, take your time, enjoy yourself"
You stop,
"What's up babes? You didnt cum yet? Did ya? pretty anti climatic if ya did"
You frown, looking down at your vibrator, you click the button on the base of the toy, nothing, you click a few more times, still nothing.
You let out a small moan as you pull the toy out. Beetlejuice leans in to see what the hold up was, watching you unscrew the base of the vibrator, letting the batteries slide out, you sigh, leaning over to your side table drawer in Hope's to locate some replacements.
Despite this little hold up the ghoul was enjoying the view of you leaning over with that cute little rear up in the air, he wouldn't mind taking that for a ride.
You groan in annoyance taking Beejs attention back to you
"Nothing" you grumble, sitting back.on the bed proper you huff through your nose, after a few seconds of just sitting there you couldnt help but laugh. "That's how it goes I guess, it is what it is, guess I'll take care of this another time" you laugh to yourself as you head to the bathroom to clean off your dead vibrator and yourself.
"NO, doll, come back" the ghoul shouted, not that you could hear him, hard cock still in hand "you dont need a toy to finish, hump a pillow, use your fingers, hell just use the toy as a dildo, you dont need buzzing to get ya off! Get creative for me!" His pleas fell on deaf ears, his heart sank when he herd the rushing water of the shower.
"Great" he grumbles, plopping down on your bed, apparently you could just not finish and be cool with it? Not him, he needed to blow this load, now its not going to be as satisfying, yeah he could use a freshly worn set of panties, but being blueballed watching you quit mid way. Picking up a pair of black panties from the top of your laundry basket, wrapping his hand with the cloth he began pumping his cock, normally this would be very satisfying for Beetlejuice, but now? It felt like a down grade, jerking off just to finish the job.
Beetlejuice returns focus on his shaft, quickly pumping himself, it was rare for him to consider such an activity as a chore, but after losing such a great show his imagination couldnt compare.
The imagine of the disappointment frown you made when your toy died kept crossing his mind, making it harder to focus to get off, trying to shift his focus he grabs a shirt from your laundry basket and begins inhaling your scent, better, but not by much, no fantasy, no dirty mumbling, hell, even his hair had died down in hue.
After a few moments of quick pumping he came, using your panties as a cum rag, he tidied himself up and slid his soft cock back in his pants, not very satisfying, he grumbles to himself and heads to the living room to pout.
"Oh hey, how did the scaring go?" You notice beetlejuice was back from his 'outing'.
"Fine" he grumbles
That was never a good response
"You're in a mood"
He huff through his nose "no thanks to you"
You knit your brows together, what was his problem? "Not satisfied with your results?" You sneer
"Doll you have no idea what unsatisfied even is" he laughs
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pbjamas · 4 years
Aaah! That anon gets it— I love clever characters! I love super smart characters that are so smart that they don't paid attention to their flaws, because their focus is on the bigger things and making plans and— I just love them. But I dislike characters that are portrayed as perfect, or that are considered clever because of how everyone around them just... isn't. Writing them is also cool but my first instict is to make my characters too smart in the same aspects :') you know, that mentality of... "everyone thinks like me" (?) and then, too human. But people are pretty smart from what I've seen and we just don't notice it, because intelligence inmediately translates to academics when there are many different kinds.
I get mad when I don't see Hawks portrayed correctly (with his intelligence and cleverness) for that reason, I guess— I will decide outright if the writer is good at that based on how they introduce that common fan-scene (?) of Hawks meeting Dabi for the first time, and what Hawks says to convince him 😂 I'm surprised since almost no one reaches that ridiculously high standard I have lmao so I'm probably the problem and I should stop doing it. But I don't see the point in Dabi asking why he wants to join the league and Hawks saying that the industry is full of fakes and that he thinks that Stain is right— a common response... because to me it makes more sense to act like someone with a deep purpose, and what would someone like that do? Ignore it! With confidence :D a great confidence. Say something like... "I have my own reasons", or... "I'm going to tell you when the time comes"... or... "We're not that close yet" at first, even if the person insist and he ends up telling his reasons. Because... it feels counterproductive— why would someone that is just pretending try to act dismissive when it comes to their reasons? At least when it comes to Hawks, who is smart and careful, and Dabi, who is good at reading people. It feels like it makes no sense :p And that's why it's cool. But there are many variations and great portrayals out there, depending of the situation. Maybe mine doesn't make any sense, but, oh, well. Oh, Hawks-sensei is amazing at this :D I love it.
Imo Hawks is smart and clever and likes to know everything, but he's too dismissive when it comes to small details. He usually doesn't try to understand something if he doesn't find it purposeful or think that they will distract him from what he's doing 👀 assuming... similar to when he went to BJ house, or that panel of him that maybe I imagined when he noticed that his eyebrows are getting bushy. I probably dreamt that. Does that even exist? I think I had a dream with something like that before even liking Hawks and then I saw it somewhere... who knows.
Ah, sorry for writing so much 😂 but yeah, I love flawed, clever characters. I love seeing them and I love writing them. Huh, I don't think I'm that clever though, only emotionally lmao but I get too distracted or just don't care :')
I think you probably dreamed that panel......i read that and I was like.......omg how could I have forgotten that? And then you said you might have dreamed it and I was like. “Yeah that’s probably it but I’m disappointed.”
Yeah, I’m with you on that scene. In canon, Hawks’s reasoning isn’t discussed. He discusses it later on with twice, which is smart and which makes sense.
Like, when you’re trying to convince someone, if you try too hard, that’s sus, bc then it looks like you’re trying to convince them instead of being honest in your reasoning. But with twice, they were friends. It’s normal to mention things like that to friends.
Yes, hawks-sensei amazing A+ fic. Hawks gets kind of backed into a corner with the shie hassaikai but still maneuvers his way around it
Dismissive of small details: he kinda dismissed dabi. Not completely, he was watching out for him after the nomu thing, but dabi was right when he said “the one you should have been watching out for is me”.
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shinwoonoh · 4 years
hey i read the twitter thread thing and i say this as a fan of mewgulf - i think the problem w tharntype and non-con isn’t types past but how tharn acts when he’s passed out drunk. and i don’t think that should be seen as a character flaw like i don’t think what he did is a forgivable thing for a character. imo it’s the only flaw of the series but it is a MAJOR one. feel free not to respond to this btw. ily and your blog. this is not intended as an attack on u at all. ur a legend :)
Helloooo! I appreciate your ask and love love love that I get to talk to you about TharnType :) And thank you for the praises that I really don’t deserve lmao
First of all, I really get it. I get ttts is complicated and controversial and it’s not for everyone. There’s something that @type-go-grrr said that really encompasses the ttts experience for me and that was that: "you don’t love ttts without hating them in the beginning”. Also this post was really good at explaining how you can like something and still be cognizant about its problems. 
In my quest to find meta/analyses about ttts, I have found more discussions about Type’s homophobia vs. Tharn’s behaviour/non-con actions. Perhaps because Type’s homophobic actions were louder (we literally see and hear Type call Tharn a f*g) and perhaps because Type’s character development is the easiest to spot and see in comparison to Tharn. So I know when people defend ttts, they’re quick to point out Type’s character development as “evidence” to why ttts is good. But I’ve always wanted more analyses on Tharn’s character and his actions in the beginning so I’m so happy about this ask! 
Now, I’m not exactly too sure what you mean when you say Tharn’s actions in ep 1 shouldn’t be seen as just a character flaw. The concept of casting Tharn’s actions as just a character flaw doesn’t really fit/make sense (like Type being super stubborn and aggressive is a flaw and Tharn being needy is flaw). It’s not really a flaw that he wanted to feel type up when he was drunk???? So forgive me and correct me if I’m interpreting your words incorrectly.
Tharn feeling Type up and kissing him when Type was passed out, is very clearly wrong. I think most ttts stans understand this. I saw in some tags someone wrote, “like the fans know it ain’t shit. don’t tag it we know”. 
So we know. We know ep 1-3 was wrong, controversial, and uncomfortable to watch. Even later, with Lhong’s actions were also controversial, uncomfortable and wrong (another issue I could write an entire post about). 
But it’s not romanticized. Tharn’s actions did not go unaddressed.  (”I’m sorry. It’s okay to hate me.” and later when Tharn is speaking to the seniors that Type called f*ggots, “I kept approaching him” and “If you didn’t touch him the way I did, he wouldn’t have insulted you” and “This is all my fault, not his.” [honestly, that entire conversation is so interesting. I could probably write a yet another entire post about it]). And although I know he’s speaking directly about the bathroom-bj scene, I would think it extends to the scene in ep 1 too, especially with the way it seemed like the director made the conscious choice to mirror the love scene in ep 13 with ep 1. 
Is it forgivable? No. Tharn doesn’t even think it is. It’s why he apologizes but doesn’t expect forgiveness. It’s why when he touched Type after the infamous bbt scene, he looked at himself in the mirror. It’s why he couldn’t go through with dinner with Lhong and had to go back to his dorm to see Type. To make sure he was okay? Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t think Tharn was in that headspace yet to truly let himself care for Type. 
I think Tharn in ep 2/after the drunk scene, was also not in that headspace to sympathize or see right from wrong regarding Type’s homophobic behaviour. All he saw was a homophobe, being extremely homophobic and aggressive directly towards him. Similarly, the seniors’ first series of actions was also to call Type out for his homophobic slurs and words by posting the ordeal on the internet. And like the seniors, Tharn did the same: condemning Type and even going as far as provoking Type by messing with him (enter the ep 1 scene where he wanted to see Type wake up “to find out [Type had] been spending the night with [Tharn]”).
And this is why I love ttts so much. There are so many layers to it and you could simply go with: “Non-con, rape, and homophobia is wrong. It’s unforgivable”. And it is and should be. But the world doesn’t always work like that (like cancel culture). What do you do after you realize the actions and thoughts you had were wrong? Can you change? Can you ask for forgiveness? Are you worth being forgiven? Will others forgive you? What do you have to do to earn forgiveness? What would that look like? 
Ttts presents to us with one possibility of what that might look like. It’s not perfect, by any means, and we know that. 
And so yeah, I really love ttts. Like A LOT. But, like most fans will tell you, we know and I’m not focussing solely on the tender and soft parts of it. Episode 2 is one of my favourite episodes and it’s triggering af. The first time I watched it? I was just ready to pretend ep 1-3 didn’t exist. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I felt guilt and shame for liking such a “problematic” show. 
But the more I rewatch it, the more I see the way ttts tried to address those really controversial storylines that were thrown at our faces in the beginning. So it’s sooo satisfying to see what Tharn and Type become by ep 13. We went from “I hate gays like you” to “Let’s spend the rest of our lives together”. 
Anyway, I could go on for longer but then this post would be insane. I do hope this post opens up healthy and productive discussions about the series and I look forward to it all :D
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glumpiglet · 4 years
Reassurance (Beetlejuice x F!Reader)
Uh.. Hi..Its a me..a humble fic writer joining the massive phenomenon that has been the obsession with our fav feral ghost boi. I’ll write a more in depth first post but basically yeah...I just wanted to contribute and uh I’ll be happy to take any tips or comment..Long time tumblr reader..First time tumblr writer.
Basically there was a prompt post by @boopeen that had angst and fluff prompts so I’m like.. maybe I’ll take one from each list and then this was born.
CW: Bit of swearing, slightly smutty, bordering on NSFW. A mention of Daddy!kink.
Thanks guys <3 I love this fandom
Angst: "no, you're wrong, and here's why."
Fluff "that means a lot, thank you.”
This was the part you were dreading. Glancing at the clock, you noticed it had been an hour since you started getting ready. Not that there was any worry though, the friend picking you up was always late. You had sat at your vanity and painted your face flawless. Fussed with your hair enough to have it the way it looked best tonight, had even put in the dangling earrings, and now just were standing still, bra and panties, hands on your hips, staring at a steadily growing pile of clothes on the bed. Options were running out..  
It wasn’t like fashion was never a strong suit. All your life you had been outwardly confident. Sure, you knew what looked good on other people, you had very fashionable friends that always turned to you for advice, but had been weary of things actually on you. 
Why did you bother buying any of this crap? You hated most of it. Only a few choice outfits would make your rotation. The rest of it was either stuff friends pressured you into buying, or things that might have fit better last year, but people weren’t lying when they said being in a relationship could cause you to gain weight. 
Especially when said boyfriend was the spoiling, gluttonous little demon boy you called lovebug. 
Speaking of the devil, your eyes caught a green blur of movement before your body was scooped up in a tight embrace. Beetlejuice had no patience. 
Even as he had strolled out of your bedroom earlier, claiming to be going to watch some t.v, ‘leave you to that girl stuff babes.’ You had seen him outside your room, peeking in, trying and failing miserably to be sneaky. It wasn’t that he wasn’t invited in or anything, but he was silly your ghost demon boyfriend. It was his attempt at giving you ‘space’. 
He knew he got especially clingy when you were going out.
If he had it his way you’d never leave the house. All his all the time. After many conversations, some louder and angrier than others, you had both come to a happy medium of trust and honesty. 
Of course life wasn’t perfect. 
Beetlejuice was impulsive, chaotic and emotional. 
You were stubborn, dramatic and forceful. 
The two of you butted heads just as much as you made up, but you knew your relationship wasn’t ‘toxic’. If anything your relationship had only been getting stronger. Your demon boyfriend was very understanding that you couldn’t live your life that way, a breather stuck with the dead all the time, as sweet as he might make it sound. 
But you did want him around, no debating that. 
“Changing your mind, babes? Can’t blame ya, you know I’m much better company,” Giggling at his scruff tickling your neck, along with his sloppy tongue. You caressed his arms as you left his embrace, wiping at his saliva and went for your closet. Distraction could not win, tempting as it was or not. 
Maybe you could wear the jeans you recently bought with that blouse you got for Christmas….Except you needed to put on your bodysuit for the blouse, it was too see through..Where was that thing?
Your backside was burning with Beetlejuice’s intense gaze as you rummaged into your closet. Wanting to be a bit cheeky, pun intended, you shimmied your hips and said saucily, “Sorry BJ. I haven’t changed my mind. Just trying to figure out what to wear,”
Seduction attempts were honestly quite easy with your boyfriend. It literally took almost nothing to get Beetlejuice going. You had even seen him get aroused by you making a sandwich.
“You licked the knife, babes.” Had been his excuse.
No complaints though, you were a woman in your prime. Humming in pleasure, you felt your hips get taken by chilled hands, caressing across the fabric of your underwear and backside, straight up massaging your ass.
“Mmm...Put on that black dress you know I love.” You crinkle your nose at his suggestion. His touch was wanted, his opinion..Maybe not so much. 
“Ugh, I wear that all the time.”
“Why are you being so picky? Trying to impress someone?” Chuckling softly, you had to commend him for trying to not sound suspicious. You knew Beetlejuice too well, turning around to see the tell-tale red tint beginning to come through his hair. You spare him a wilted look. 
On the tip of your tongue you had “yeah my other boyfriend.” But since the incident, you had been more diligent to think before you spoke with Beetlejuice. 
You had a habit of speaking before thinking, and before Beetlejuice you had no intention of ever curbing the reaction. But as with so much, he changed your view. Not because you had to walk around on eggshells with him, but you were getting to know his insecurities better, and respected that he didn’t like you making jokes like that, even if they were jokes.
There were other ways to be a brat.
Tilted your head, throwing over your shoulder, you whispered, “Don’t be silly. You know you’re the only one for me…..Daddy.”
No one, however, could say you didn’t know how to push his buttons. Beetlejuice purred like an alleycat. Luckily you hadn’t put on your lipstick yet, so you were okay to play a little.
Cupping his chin sweetly, you pulled him down to press your lips gently. Taking the lead, he was obviously giving you the reins, turning around fully to grab at his hair. Parted lips sucked and pulled against each other. 
Beetlejuice was holding back very well, good boy that he was. There was no choice but to reward him by scratching and pulling at his once again changing hair, not even having to look to know it would be bright pink this time. 
Your demonic mood ring growled and preened, more so like a beast than any sort of man.  
Not wanting to get too mussed up, regrettably you pulled back, trying not to laugh at his face following yours, lips pouted and eyes still closed, a dazed expression on his face. These were the moments you craved. Those soft, sweet moments you lulled him into with all of his chaos and craziness. That little ol’ you could bring this powerful being into your submission. 
Waiting until his eyes drifted open, all smiles you continued.
“Now please let me get dressed,” Kind enough to guide your love drunk boyfriend back to sit on your bed, you reevaluated the choices in the pile. Okay, these were the things you wore enough to consider them passable…...
“How about this one?” You considered the modest, billowy item he held, deciding to humour BJ, putting your arms through the holes of the dress he was holding. Laughing as he awkwardly stuck your head in, not knowing how to drape it on, you helped him happily.
Standing at the mirror, swaying, imagining how you’d look in this after a few hours in a smoky, hot club. 
“That looks great, babes! I don’t think I’ve seen you in this,”
Your critical eye still caught the flaws.
“I can see my rolls in this,”
“So? I love your rolls,” Beetlejuice joined you in the mirror, locking golden eyes with yours, a predator’s gaze. He grasped at your waist, across your problem areas with fervour. You scoffed and tore the dress over your head, throwing it unceremoniously back into your pile of shame. Beetlejuice, not deterred,  continued his search with glee, seemingly happy to be helping. It coincidentally was helping with your dying good mood. 
You tried not to get down on yourself. You knew you were cute. Had a generally pleasing face. People called you pretty. Being beautiful? Maybe not that far. The idea of being sexxy had never even occurred to you until you had stumbled upon Beetlejuice. You had never thought so but you knew he had no qualms with the eager way he always admired your body.   
“Ooo! Put this one on!” Pulled from your thoughts, watching as BJ pulled a colourful one from the hoard, he seemed to consider for a moment. “On second thought, no. Your tits look too good in this.”
“Beetlejuice!” You squealed as always at his candor, grabbing at the sweater he was holding. You quickly whipped it over your head turning to look in the mirror. Immediately you noticed your stomach protruding, distorting the design on the front. Even this one had become tighter, arms looking like sausages in their casing. That was it. A person could only take so much.  
“I have to face it BJ. Everything I wear, I look disgusting.” The comment tried to sound normal, but you couldn’t stop the anger in your voice. 
At the sudden silence, you looked up from yourself to your boyfriend. It was hard to tell what he was thinking. You guys had never really had a talk about your insecurities. It wasn’t something that happened on purpose, there was no need to ever discuss it before now. 
It was hard to feel insecure with the way he worshipped you nightly. 
It didn’t stop it from feeling like your truth at times, especially when the answers were in front of you. 
"No, you're wrong, and here's why." Grabbing once again at your arms, you were whirled around, trapped against the dresser.
“You are so fucking beautiful babes. It hurts sometimes to think that a gorgeous breather like you puts up with a creepy old guy like me,” Beetlejuice even went so far as to clamp his hand over your mouth, stopping the protest, surprising you.
“But I know you do because you see the me…..Inside of me,” It was hard to not melt when Beetlejuice was being so naively honest. How this demon could be so menacing one moment, and marshmallow fluff the next, it sometimes made your head spin.
“Who cares about the clothes anyways?! Babes, you could be wearing garbage bags with nothing on your feet and you’d still be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my whole afterlife,”
At your ghost’s praise, the realization of being ridiculous began to break through. You knew that you were happy and healthy, which mattered more than whatever dumb voices whispered.
“I know you don’t see it, it’s just...Some days I feel like I look fine and others…..I don’t.”
Beetlejuice embraced you, pressing his entire body against you. Listening to him breath in your hair, taking in his own mossy, earthy smell, you felt peace.
“Even if you don’t feel it, that’s okay. I’ll always tell you your beautiful...Uh… I mean, as long as you know…We’re...dating.” Any mention of commitment was difficult for BJ. You knew of his … ‘Family’ issues and his fears of loneliness and abandonment. If anything, it made you love him even fiercer. 
He would tell you he loved you, when he was ready. You guys had been basically living together for almost a year. It was clear how he felt, even if he couldn’t voice it. You weren’t pressuring him, you could see how hard it was for him.
Affection and sex were the things Beetlejuice didn’t struggle with, always needing to be touching you, constantly buzzing around your area, trying to steal all your attention. Was he a massive pain in the ass? Of course. But you could withstand his quirks, all for the prize of your devoted bugman. There’s nothing you would change.
Taking his grimey face, you lovingly looked up at the weirdest, and the best thing that ever happened to you, and smiled. 
“That means a lot, thank you.”
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icameheretowinry · 4 years
So, as someone who also loves MASH (watched it in syndication and bought the whole series on DVD), so you have like a top 5 favorite episode or moments? If so, what are they? And how did you feel about the finale? I have been told that my dad did not like the finale and some old family friends also said it wasn't... Good. Me? I'm conflicted. I do see the pros and cons of what happens but you might be the only generational peer I know. So your opinion means a lot to me.
Wow! I was not expecting this ask, but I’m so glad you sent it. To be honest, it’s been a couple years since I sat down and rewatched the whole series chronologically, but I think I remember it enough to answer your question. (That, and I went through each episode summary to jog my memory.) 
I decided to go with my top 5 favorite episodes. (Specific moments just felt too… specific?) These opinions have definitely changed over the years, and they may change when I watch the show again, but for now, they’re as follows: 
Season 1, Episode 17: Sometimes You Hear The Bullet
This was the first episode I remember seeing Hawkeye vulnerable. Some later episodes with Sidney attempt to dive into his mind when strange reactions arise, but they always felt a bit forced in my opinion. This episode, on the other hand, was simple, yet devastating. Colonel Blake’s quote sums it up perfectly: “There are certain rules about a war. Rule number one is that young men die. And rule number two is, doctors can’t change rule number one.” This episode really sets the tone for the whole series. There’s going to be a lot of humor, but we’re not going to let you forget where these characters are. 
Season 4, Episode 18: Hawkeye
This episode was masterfully written. Hawkeye gets in an accident, and then must talk constantly to the Korean family who takes him in, in order to stay conscious. It’s the only episode of a sit-com I can recall is entirely a monologue, yet it never feels boring. Hawkeye’s character is at the forefront with his humor, but always in the background is his intelligence and concern for his wellbeing. It’s an episode that truly showcases both sides of his character in a way that is both natural, and funny enough, entertaining. 
Season 4, Episode 24: The Interview
I must say that the atmosphere of this show is always perfect, but this episode was especially so. Shot in black and white, it really doesn’t feel like anyone is truly acting when the journalist interviews the cast of characters from the 4077th. It seems like it’s more of a documentary segment than an episode of a military sit-com. As someone who comes from a journalistic background, I now appreciate the unique writing in this episode more so than I did when I was young. MASH was all about unique episode formats, and this is one of its best examples. 
Season 9, Episode 5: Death Takes A Holiday
I’m not a crier, but this episode did it for me. As funny and serious about political/societal issues as this show was (many of which are still very relevant today), sometimes, things were just supposed to be sad, because that’s the way things were. The moment Hawkeye stood up and changed the hands of the clock, I lost it. It’s a gesture that speaks more than any dialogue in the episode, but it completely broke my heart. Mike Farrell’s writing/directing talent really showed in this episode. 
Season 11, Episode 5: Who Knew?
Like the first episode I mentioned, this is another where the audience gets a “surprising” amount of humility, vulnerability, and honesty out of Hawkeye. It’s a heartbreaking realization to some that someone could be so rich on the inside, yet never share it. Not judging others based on many circumstances is a theme upheld throughout the show, but this is really the first episode where it forces the 4077th to look at themselves a little more closely. As it turns out, someone they perceived as distant, was actually in awe of their work, and unfathomably kind. Just a little shy. Hawkeye admits that’s he’s like her, but openly shares with those he cares about just how much so. It doesn’t feel forced, cheesy, or weighted. It feels like honesty, showing through the wisecracks. 
Honorable Mentions:
Season 1 Episode 2: To Market, To Market
Season 3 Episode 5: O.R.
Season 3 Episode 11: Adam’s Ribs
Season 4 Episode 4: The Late Captain Pierce
Season 6 Episode 7: In Love And War
Season 6 Episode 15: The Smell Of Music
Season 7 Episode 10: Point Of View
Season 7 Episode 20: CAVE
Season 8 Episode 11: Life Time
I know a lot of these episodes are more serious or deviant from the normal structure, but I just want to stay that I love all the humor, but these are moments that stick out to me. 
The Finale: 
To be honest, the first time I saw the finale as an adult (about 4 years ago), I thought it was perfect. In retrospect, maybe as someone older, more cynical, more critical, more observant, or more of whatever else, I do see its flaws. Hawkeye’s breakdown is described but never shown. Hawkeye is belligerent, as was his character, but it seems overdone. BJ’s grand goodbye also came across as very cheesy. 
However, I love the idea that Hawkeye finally hit his breaking point, because it was a long time coming. It could’ve been executed so much better, but the lead up to it was FLAWLESS. I just wish the aftermath was better. BJ and Hawkeye were close, and shared many vulnerable moments, but I think leaving it at a huge and wave would’ve been best. (Even though the message looked good to viewers.) 
In short, I’m also conflicted about the finale. I think there are aspects of it that could’ve been done better, and some that were incredible. But ultimately, there’s a reason 106 million people tuned in to watch it. This show had a special place in a lot of people’s hearts, so no matter how the writers chose to end it, I think that’s the most important thing, that it meant something to people. 
Ngl, I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t get emotional every time I watched that “goodbye” fade away with the iconic series music. 
I really hope this answered your question(s), and that I did this masterpiece of a show some justice. 
THANK YOU for this ask! 
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ratmonologue · 7 years
Mash for the TV series one and all the questions and star wars for the salty asks
Favourite character: Dr.+Captain Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce, the one and only, and love of my life even though he really shouldn’t be
Funniest character: They’re… all hilarious in their own ways…. I love Hawkeye’s punning, Trapper’s one-liners, Frank’s patheticness, Klinger’s sheer zaniness…. Though Hawkeye and Trapper have had me in tears of laughter the most out of everyone, so I guess them
Best-looking character: None of them are especially handsome/pretty or anything, but I’ll go with pre-mustache BJ. I have yet to see anyone else pull off a pink henley like he did.
3 favourite ships: I don’t romantically ship anyone. I like how Hawkeye and Margaret’s relationship develops, the Radar/Henry father-son dynamic is adorable, and Frank and Margaret did make for some comedy gold even though she deserves sooooo much better than him.
Least favourite character: I honestly love all of the main cast. A lot of the one-off military brass higher-ups were complete assholes, so I guess one of them? I know this is cheating but so there.
Least favourite ship: I don’t see romantic Hawkeye/Trapper or Hawkeye/BJ (sorry 90% of the MASH fandom), so those, even though I love both friendships.
Reason why I watch it: The quality comedy, the zany characters, and the hope and humanity that (usually) persists even in the middle of the most depressing circumstances there could be. The show (and especially Hawkeye) was also one of the main things that helped me get through a pretty rough patch in my life, so, yeah, I’m eternally grateful for Alan Alda’s existence.
Why I started watching it: It would be on TV and my mom would sometimes watch it and I just kinda got sucked in
Aaand Salty Star Wars under the cut, bc this is probably gonna get long
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Reylo. Sorry. But no. I hate that fucker and Rey deserves so much better.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Most of them, tbh….. I’m really not a shipper.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
OHHHH YES. Many times.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
I already mentioned my disgust for reylo right
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Not in Star Wars, at least, but that’s because I don’t ship anyone anyway. Except for Han/Leia and Kylo/purgatory. Those I do ship.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
The oversaturation of TFA stuff (especially when compared to Rogue One, which was, imo, a FAR superior movie but doesn’t have a third as much fandom recognition) cooled my feelings toward TFA somewhat. I still like it, but in more of a “whatever, it’s alright” sort of way.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
Pfft no I’m not that important
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Kylo. Whiny little pissbaby. I don’t like Anakin either, but at least he had REASONS why he was such a tortured little whiner. Kylo doesn’t have any of those backstory sads, he’s just a not-so-little emo fuck with a nonsensical boner for the dark side.
Jabba and Palpatine are also terrible people, and I really do not understand the fandom’s obsession with Hux. He’s so boring. He’s just….. occasionally kinda there.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Attack of the Clones is irredeemably terrible in every single way. Sorry. (Not.) Though the Padme+Anakin “““romance”““ is especially cringeworthy.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I don’t see enough love for Qui-Gon Jinn and his fuck-the-council-I-do-what-I-want poncho-wearing fabulousness
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I like the ewoks. Fight me.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I think I’ve slandered Kylo enough for the time being
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Can the Rogue One fandom maybe please stop shipping everyone in sight? I like Cassian/Jyn too, but frankly this is getting ridiculous. Also Bodhi. Y’all fuckers need to start showing some more love for him.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
God forbid Star Wars ever becomes an anime…..
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
The entire prequels tbh. Just…. scrap them entirely, rewrite them from scratch so they actually make sense, practical effects > cgi, and hire a halfway competent director.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Instead of Padme dying because “she lost the will to live” (?????) I’d have made her start what eventually becomes the rebellion and die in a way that actually means something and makes sense for her character. And wait a few years for that death so Leia actually CAN remember her like she claims to in RotJ.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Uh…. what the fuck is this asking…… people can have different opinions and also everyone has biases……..? there is no ~objective shipping truth~ that people must be in denial from…….? what the fuck
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Shippers. That goes for any and every fandom.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
I guess Finn/Rey or Finn/Poe is as “““pure”““ as it gets. Have I ever mentioned that I hate tumblr’s obsession with “““purity”““, by the way? Because I do. I fucking despise it.
If we’re talking literal ships, then the Millennium Falcon is the most perfect piece of junk in the entire galaxy.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
I mean, smugglers and drug dealers have to make a living too, though personally I think that captaining a crack ship would be too dangerous.
22. Popular character you hate?
Never mind I guess I’m not done bashing Kylo yet. Also, Yoda’s a reasonably interesting character but god I hate him and his terrible TERRIBLE black-and-white outlook on the world. Most of the Jedi Council is guilty of that, actually. I kinda hate them all.
23. Unpopular character you love?
I think I’ve already mentioned Qui-Gon and Bodhi
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
Yes because for all its flaws Star Wars (the original trilogy at the very least) is a classic and deservedly so. It’s such a great archetypal underdog story with wonderful characters and action and MUSIC, DEAR GOD THE MUSIC, ALL HAIL JOHN WILLIAMS FOREVER AND EVER AMEN
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I mean, Star Wars as a whole is still ongoing. I’d change quite a few things in TFA, especially the whole Han/Leia (lack of a) thing. That was so unnecessary.
26. Most shippable character?
Han Solo spends his life in various spaceships, so probably him. Luke, Poe, Rey, and Anakin also qualify, as they have plenty of spaceship time.
27. Least shippable character?
Do we ever see Jabba on a ship? I think he’d be too heavy and take up too much space, personally. He should stay on the ground.
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colorcoated01 · 7 years
(1) hi! i read sugar sweet in two days and loved it! it has a very distinctive style which is amazing, and humor that's just up my alley, and bucky who is written so well. i feel like you don't shy away from his flaws while adoring his character and i appreciate it more than i can say. i love that he knows his worth and what he wants and isn't afraid to go after it. also i just wanna say that i consider myself as observant as steve so i notice EVERYTHING you put extra thought in, my only
(2) my only slip up was with bucky's coffee, there steve had me beat lol. so i 100% think that steve was right to not tell bucky how deep he was, and to his credit his long-game plan was working! how about that scene where b tells him he took a buzzfeed quiz (i lol'ed, it's such a bucky thing to do) but had feels. what was steve thinking then? i bet he was like "yay it's all working out". on an unrelated note between pete's desire for bucky's bjs and his crush on steve i bet if they for some
(3) reason wanted to have a threesome he'd pull a katniss and be like "I VOLUNTEER". sorry my asks are so long i just have a lot of feels. (also lol at me for reading it when there's only one chapter left! argh). in conclusion i love you and your beta and thank you for this wonderful story.
Oh this was a lovely piece to find in my inbox! Thanks so much!I’m crazy impressed that you managed to knock out Sugar in two days! That sucker is a beast! Welcome to the story; so happy to have you :).
I really really appreciate that you’ve take the time to note all the little details! I like sneaking them in here and there so it’s nice to see someone noticing them :).Bucky is my favorite. He’s not perfect, but doesn’t try to be and he’s just happy being himself and enjoying his life and his relationship with Steve. He’s kind of a mess at times, but he’s an adorable mess!Peter is straight despite his full on crush for Pete :-D, but I’m sure he’d love that idea!In conclusion, I love you back and I’m sure @siriusgrey, Beta Rockstar, does too!
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