#What is crypto?
cognitiveinequality · 11 months
So... a bunch of NFT grifters threw a party in Hong Kong this weekend and reportedly a bunch of attendees are now at risk of permanent eyesight damage because the promoters used unsafe lighting, and people are going to the ER...
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
man I wish there were a more nuanced way to talk about dress history’s darker sides without like.
making people feel guilty for thinking the clothes were pretty.
to be clear, I don’t mean this in the Conservative Pundit sense where literally any criticism of white/cis/straight/male privilege and its negative effects on society makes them cry about being Laden With Unfair Guilt(TM). I mean like...I don’t know. this Gotcha attitude I see sometimes that’s like
obviously we should talk about the horrific systems (many many of them) in the past. if a garment was made from fibers processed by enslaved people, and sewn by teenage seamstresses making a pittance, that needs to be discussed
but I feel as if it would help to contextualize that with like
“who makes the majority of our clothing today? what conditions do they work in? what difficulties prevent us from simply opting out of having our clothes produced this way? who sets trends, and do people outside their social echelon also enjoy those trends?”
so that people get that they should be thinking about the past and how its legacy impacts us today, rather than tearing themselves up for Finding The Early 19th Century Cotton Evening Gown Pretty
there is no unproblematic period to enjoy clothing from, including the one we live in now. and it’s not productive to rip people a new one for Bad Fashion Preferences. to me, it’s the same as claiming that someone supports sweatshop labor because they said a Shein dress was cute once
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rickybaby · 8 months
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Daniel addressing the negative reaction to his team’s new name
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mazojo · 2 months
From now on TUA characters are MY OC’s because I know them better than anyone at Netflix HQ’s ever would
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kimmiessimmies · 5 months
Reconnect (13/29)
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“So... Talk to me... What’s going on? I’m very worried about you, James...” Sadie said softly.
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He shook his head, “I don’t even really know... I don’t think I have the words...” “Please try?” Sadie asked. “Just say what’s on your mind. It’s me... You can trust me... And it might help...”
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James took a deep breath, “It’s just... I feel... Overwhelmed, I guess. I’m feeling a lot of things that confuse me greatly, and I don’t really know what to do with it all. Do I act on it? Do I ignore it? What good will it do?"
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"And my inner voice is being loud. So. Fucking. Loud. Screaming at me about how I’m not good enough and I have a disorder. I don’t. I think. Part of me knows that, but the voice is loud and very convincing...”
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
If you ever feel stupid or unworthy of your aspirations, please know that I am going to be a literal doctor. And today when we were driving to a farm call the vet I was with handed me her lunch bag, which I assumed was just a plain ol' bag she was passing off to me because I looked carsick off my ass. And which I immediately barfed into. With her lunch still inside. And after realizing, then went "oh my god I'm so sorry" and went to hand it back to her.
If someone like me can have a license to do surgery and handle illicit drugs, you can do anything
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odinsblog · 10 months
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Elon Musk has a long and very well documented history of publicly peddling antisemitism and repeatedly endorsing + amplifying white nationalists on his crusty platform …
👉🏿 https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/11/elon-musks-disturbing-truth/676019/
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pjlotrkwt · 4 months
They kiss, while yapping about the things they like.
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drugsforaddicts · 27 days
I see this fucking school really is trying to get on my nerves and kill me
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ilovecryoffearsm · 4 months
Eugh... i wouldn't know but i can feel through my hearing ouch
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Do you know this Jewish character?
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mishkakagehishka · 22 days
Should i say something controversial
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diamondnokouzai · 1 month
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sacredstem · 1 month
i gotta unfollow man its like every other day you're reblogging from terfs. Like at this point it rly seems like you're following them, or following ppl who follow them/one of those 'secret terfs'.
wait who do i repost from?? send urls plss ! i’ll admit ive been following the same like 2k people for the past four years (at least) and haven’t rlly visited anyone’s blog i just see posts on the the dash
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lunityviruz · 9 months
Caustic is the type to put a gas trap in front of crypto while he’s on his drone that has a sticky note attached that says “pay attention to your surroundings idiot”
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…do they hear themselves
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