#What resolution do most streamers use?
doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
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willfulabyss · 3 months
Before the new update drops, I might as well post my feelings about the 2.2 story because unless they retcon it, I don’t think 2.3 will (or can) rectify my issues with it. I took a long break halfway through the story before coming back to finish it, and while the second half did get better, it didn’t make up for how disappointing the first half was.
Tl;dr: Why did they bait us with an incredible 2.0 and 2.1 and then fail to deliver on what they built up?
Major 2.2 main story spoilers ahead!
First off, the Misha/Mikhail story. Was anyone else seriously disappointed with it? This is the main reason I put off finishing the quest for a few weeks. I was so disappointed and underwhelmed with how it panned out. After so much buildup, it fell completely flat for a number of reasons, the biggest being all the horror buildup with no horror payoff. Himeko cheerfully walks us through the literal hellscape that is A Child’s Dream, all-knowing for whatever reason, and then we learn that Misha is just the escaped memory bubble of Mikhail’s youth, and that Mikhail largely lived a fulfilling life? Like, I suspected Misha may be Mikhail just on account of their names. But if there wasn’t something nefarious going on, why on Earth is A Child’s Dream so terrifying? Why did Firefly feel “an unwavering resolution in the face of death” or whatever while we were there? Why was “Death” (which was also kind of a letdown as a ferryman to the other side rather than the embodiment of humans’ fear of death, as it was described in the special program) lurking in there while putting on a horror show with all the TVs and lights? What’s the deal with all the text that appears in Death’s horror room—“Penacony must save itself,” “no, don’t come close,” “get him,” “help me,” “don’t let him get away,” “I don’t want to die,” etc.? Why is there a woman’s voice saying, “Mikhail said… do NOT open the box!” shortly after we open the box containing Misha’s puzzle piece? What’s so dangerous about the box and why did Mikhail say not to open it when it seems like that’s what he wanted all along? That was even a clickable textbox line, not some background flavor dialogue! Why is Misha so distressed and terrified in his disembodied voice lines in the dream, begging Mikhail not to go and to take him with him? What was he trying to finish for Mikhail in the workshop? All this for the mystery to just be that Misha is a Memory Zone Meme who was never in distress at all?
I think I set myself up for disappointment by watching a bunch of streamers play the first two acts over and over before 2.2 came out. All the details I retained and tried to fit together and theorized over ended up being only the most disappointing red herrings. I was really hoping/expecting that Misha was going to be a The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas situation where the Dreamscape was powered solely on his suffering. Sparkle called it “the real Dreamscape,” so I was sure it was the single dream sustaining the entirety of the sweet dream and that it was collapsing because Misha’s will to live was fading. Maybe Misha was Mikhail, or maybe he was his grandson, but I had the idea that Mikhail being considered a traitor by the Family led to them using him/his grandson/his extracted childhood essence in Memory Zone Meme form as the foundation for the sweet dream as punishment. And if Mikhail was Misha’s grandfather, the Nameless distress call in the invite could have been Mikhail/an aware third party like Gallagher (don’t even get me started on him) trying to draw people in to rescue the fading Misha before he disappeared forever. Maybe Misha could have been merged with a Stellaron like us in order to power the dream, and he’s been “alive” for hundreds of years, unaging and suffering just to keep the sweet dream going. It would have been an interesting way to incorporate the Stellaron rather than having it just sort of being there. Or Misha could have been kept “alive” in a dream pool a la Chadwick (which would have been great foreshadowing). And only recently, he’s started to astral project himself out of the real Dreamscape in desperation to find help, but he forgets everything except his day-to-day life as a bellboy once he’s out (which is kind of what happened anyway). Ugh, I don’t know. I just feel like there was so much potential in the plot line, only for it to end up being something so mundane and weirdly wholesome. Like, if you’re not going to make it a horror plot, don’t do the horror setup just to leave those of us who really took to that element disappointed. It felt like a team of completely different writers took over for this plot, and they only had a cursory look at what was already presented. Or someone decided they wanted to tone down the story at the last minute. Just… so disappointing.
Also not sure how I feel about Dreamflux Reef being a community you can just… enter, apparently? Conceptually, I like the idea of “unauthorized” dreamscapes in Asdana where people have created their own cities and such outside the reach of the Family. But, like, how does that work when so many people were taken there against their will? Why didn’t they leave? Can they? Surely plenty of them would want to go back to their family and friends and not start a new life in this place. How did word never get out that the “victims” of Death were alive and well? What happened to their bodies in reality? Does the Family cremate them after a certain amount of time of them being gone, thus making it impossible for them to return? Also, Mimosa in Dreamjoy Memoir says Dreamflux Reef was her home town. How is SHE, an Iris family representative, aware of SUD’s true identity, but the head of the Oak Family isn’t?? Maybe this is explored in the lore and side quests, but I haven’t done those yet, and I can’t imagine a way they could write it at this point that wouldn’t feel like a cop-out. It just felt like such a gaping hole. It would have been much cooler, imo, if the people who were “killed” ended up having to form their own city there in the hopes of being rescued, truly making it a “land of exiles.” Also, now it feels like the victims of Death have no meaning or purpose. Was Death going rogue and just grabbing people randomly? Did Gallagher, who seems to be able to control it, set it on random people? If so, why? After how tight 2.0 and 2.1 were, the whole first half of 2.2 felt like a scattered mess. I hate how any sense of trepidation and unease is shattered by how chill March and Himeko are. Like there was never anything to be afraid of at all in the Dreamscape. They even make fun of that Pepeshi who was just taken, like, “Wow, bro, you actually got scared by that many-eyed thing that murdered you, lol?” It also makes the whole plot Aventurine concocted feel pointless despite how high-stakes it was portrayed in 2.1. In the end, Aventurine getting himself killed in the dream was meaningless because he didn’t figure anything out and ended up lost in god-knows-where until Argenti—for SOME reason—finds and saves him. Why was Argenti roaming the Memory Zone wilds?? How did he save Aventurine, who apparently couldn’t save himself? I love Argenti and want to see more of him, but why was he shoehorned into this quest?? Why couldn’t we at least see his rescue of Aventurine? We’re just told it so off-handedly that it gave me whiplash. (And his EN voice didn’t even work, which made it even more anticlimactic.)
The second half of the quest was better. The stuff with Acheron and Tiernan was legitimately the highlight for me. Very well-done, great buildup, and a payoff that I didn’t expect at all yet that made so much sense. The final reveal really hit hard. The fake-out ending, as frustrating and anxiety-inducing as it was to play through when there were so many loose threads left hanging, was a nice twist with many people having theorized beforehand that we never truly left the dream after we first met Acheron. Robin was cool, and I like the role she played as a foil to Sunday. I really liked her story of getting shot while doing aid work and putting on performances for people on war-torn worlds. It was a surprising example of emotional strength portrayed as, well, strength, and it aligns with her belief that not everyone can be physically strong, but that doesn’t mean they’re weak or that their lives have no meaning. I really appreciate the focus on this type of nontraditional and stereotypically “feminine” strength, which is often denigrated as emotionalism. Despite not being a fighter, Robin is an active participant in the plot after her first appearances makes her seem like she’s going to be a damsel, and I love that she’s the one who saves her brother in the end. I’m glad I pulled for her. I loved the twist with the Order since that lore has been explored in the SimUni already. Sunday’s motivation felt sort of cliche and underdeveloped—a five-year-old could have told him that the Order’s perfect world he desired could never function the way he anticipated—but it was workable. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of him soon and learn more about how his ideals became so warped. Directly following after Aventurine’s incredibly complex mix of stakes and motivations, Sunday’s felt particularly flat. It doesn’t seem like his story is nearly over yet, so I hope MHY doesn’t fumble it. Admittedly, I’ve lost a lot of trust in their storytelling abilities with this update.
All in all, I feel let down by this chapter in a number of ways when I really wanted to love it, mainly because of the Misha stuff but also because the Dreamflux Reef and SUD reveals took a lot of the stakes and tension out of the story for me. 2.2 feels like it wanted to soften the previous two chapters, and that’s honestly a shame. I’m not quite sure how I feel about the rest of the plot elements/story as a whole yet, though. I’ll need to watch it again to refresh my memory. 2.0 and 2.1 were tough acts to follow, and maybe I shouldn’t have expected something that perfectly wove everything together, but I still feel like a lot of momentum was lost and plot threads were dropped or unsatisfactorily tied when there were so many better options with what to do with them. At least it wasn’t as devastating to me as Genshin 3.3 was? Sigh.
time to write another fix-it—or rather “destroy-it” fic?
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omamervt · 7 days
The thing that sucks about livestreaming, especially on Twitch, is that they have you chasing metrics that don't really represent how well you're doing during your stream in order to get monetized.
In order to get monetized on Twitch, which also is how you gain access to some of the basic user experience tools like channel points, polls, ability to accept bits/subs, custom emotes, and, oh yeah, LIVE ENCODING, which allows your audience to set the video resolution to match what their home internet can handle, you need to achieve 3 goals. And seriously, they're all pretty meaningless metrics for success.
First and foremost, they want you to reach 50 followers. At the time I reached 50 followers, I was still only getting like 1.5 average views/stream. It was really just a hurdle to clear as I worked toward Twitch's arbitrary standard for success. Just because someone follows you doesn't mean you'll ever see them in your stream again. It's not like a follow on YouTube, where they can watch at their leisure, or a (good) social media site, where they'll see posts from the people they're following in sequential order. If they miss you live, that's it, they missed it. Even if they watch you stream a couple hours later, Twitch doesn't reward you for that.
Second, they want you to stream for a certain number of hours over 30 days, and for a certain number of days. It's a fairly low number for basic affiliate status, just 8 hours/month, to be spread out over a minimum of 7 days. But one of the fastest-growing Vtubers I'm following is a cooking streamer who only goes live for about 2 hours/day, maybe 4 days/week. Granted, that's 32 hours/month, and more than enough to reach Partner status, plus this guy is collaborating with people from Vshojo to Hololive nearly every month, but still, when people talk about streaming being a full-time job there's an expectation that putting more time in is better, but from making published content like my podcast, I can tell you that having structure and quality typically wins out over quantity. Someone could go live once a month and still be super popular because of their YouTube videos, for instance.
And finally, the most difficult goal to achieve, the average of 3 viewers per stream. This is... again, a pointless model that says very little about how well you're doing as a small streamer, because it requires you to ignore that Twitch places basically no value on a Live View, which is the thing that's actually most comparable to a view on YouTube or another publishing platform. A live view is basically the view that gets counted when someone watches your stream for a set period of time. On YouTube, this is the number you're supposed to care about. It holds the most value. On Twitch, however, a view is only valuable if the person sticks around for the whole stream, which is rarely realistic. I could stream for 5 hours and have 10 people stop by for half an hour each, then leave as the next person joins, and Twitch would still say my average view count was 1 viewer. Do you understand why that's not useful when 10 people stuck around for 30 minutes, watching you do your live show? YouTube would call that an engaged audience. Most podcast analytics standards I've seen would have said those people listened to the episode.
All that to say idk, maybe it's not as bad as you think and if you fail to see any noticeable progress toward reaching partner after getting affiliate, it could just be you're learning the wrong lessons from the reward incentives.
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godtier · 11 months
skull island: rise of kong – apparently no one remembers what games actually looked like back in the fifth gen
so if you do the Vidya Gaems, i'm sure you've already heard of the skull island: rise of kong game that came out last week.
needless to say, it's getting brutalized in reviews and by content creators/streamers, as it should be. it's a shit tier game and looks rushed and buggy as all fuck.
but one thing that i've noticed is people comparing the game to an N64, PS1, or other low-res polygonal game from the 90s/00s... observe:
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so on and so-forth...
and it got me thinkin....
"do... do these people not remember what those games actually looked like?"
so out of total boredom and nothing better to, i decided to do a little bit of a "refresher course" on how games from the 90s actually looked compared to the dogwater that is skull island.
"but godtier!" you declare with marked concern, "i'm sure they were just being hyperbolic!"
and while yes, you'd be right to assume such things, i don't actually care because it gives me an excuse to look at old shit i played as a kid.
(also it's reddit and i would not be surprised if most of these weren't jokes.)
but from the informative angle, i have also noticed many, many young people who've never played a 90s/00s game thinking this is a legitimate comparison to make in general. so just think of it as a tour in a museum of graphical advancements.
what's the plan?
my goal here is to illustrate and educate about the generation of consoles that truly changed the way i viewed video games: the fifth gen. for the first time, i realized games could look real. it blew my little mind.
but in hindsight, a lot of these games can look laughable. by contrast, some people seem to misremember just how low res or outright bad the fifth gen of games look compared to now. some people seem to think games like the gollum game and the king kong game (today's specimen) are comparable to PS1 titles with how poor they look graphically.
i'm hoping to shed some light on that for those who didn't experience it themselves or never bothered to look.
how it works
i'll be using side-by-side comparisons with skull island next to whatever game in particular we decide to examine to highlight just how low res the fifth gen of gaming and CGI were compared even the wettest of farts from current gen.
note that since skull island is brand new, getting insanely high-res screens of it is not something i can do easily without buying the game myself. and i sure as shit am not buying a dog garbage game about king-goddamn-kong for 40-fuckin-dollery-dos just to illustrate graphical changes since the 90s and 00s.
instead, i've taken screenshots from YT playthroughs at 1080p. they should suffice.
in addition, i will be using cleaned up/clearer versions of the screenshots from the fifth gen games as opposed to direct rips that i'd come across back in the day. this is for the purpose of showing detail without upscaling too much and blurring everything more.
screens ripped from games in the fifth gen were primarily in 240i. therefore, the image dimensions were largely around 320x240 px on a computer screen. back then, that wasn't an issue since the maximum resolution i ever had in the 90s/00s was 800x600 px. but nowadays, that would look like a blur of mush on most people's screens. of note, i will not be using upscaled or remastered versions of these older games if they have them.
and finally, since this post intro is already really fucking huge and a lot to read through, i will be scooting the actual analysis under a "read more" for the moment. expand the link if you dare.
let's start with the N64!
released in 1996, the N64 was a cartridge-based system, for those who don't know. this meant that the loading times were super-fast compared to disc-based systems, but the actual storage on the cart was abysmal.
back then, carts were still using ROM, as opposed to SD flash that you'd see used with a nintendo switch game card. this means there was hardly any room for things like FMV (full-motion video) or even voice tracks.
to compensate, developers had to choose between graphic fidelity or audio fidelity; they could not have both in most cases. textures were downscaled or removed, the resolution was as low as feasible, FMV, in-engine cutscenes, or audio (such things that might have been present in another version of the same game) was removed outright in order to make space on the cart for the game functionality itself.
one game i saw thrown around a lot in comparison to skull island was turok 3. a good lot were saying it looked about the same or worse than turok 3.
but does it really? let's take a look.
round 1: skull island (PC) vs turok 3 (N64)
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welp. as we can see, there's really no comparison. skull island's environments, while drab and uninspired for a current-gen title, are wholly and objectively better-looking than turok 3's environments. even the character models are night and day. at least you can see kong's individual fingers, rather than the lumps of flesh they called hands in turok.
it is quite misleading to claim with seriousness that a game like skull island could pass for an N64 title. it could not, not even remotely close.
there's really little else to say about this. the images speak for themselves.
round 1 results: really guys. really.
next, the PS1!
part two: the sony playstation singular ballin
coming out in 1995, we got one of the best-selling consoles of all fuckin time, the playstation. compared to the N64, the PS1 blew it out of the water in every technical field aside from loading times.
graphical fidelity was higher, audio fidelity was higher (actual, literal CD audio on many games compared to the bit-crushed fare on the N64) and storage space was massive for the time. you'd think out of the two contenders so far, the PS1 would have the better shot of looking superior to skull island, right?
well, yes and no. it depends on the era. while most N64 games that were going for realism looked like varying degrees of mush, the PS1's graphical quality varies wildly depending on when during its lifespan the game came out.
since turok 3 came out in 2000 for the N64, i'll pick another game that also came out in 2000 to make sure we're on as even a playing field as possible.
round 2: skull island (PC) vs vagrant story (PS1)
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here we can see just from this singular screenshot that vagrant story is absolutely gorgeous for a PS1 game. and i would say that's because it was a game released towards the end of the PS1's original lifespan. devs by 2000 were fairly familiar with working on the hardware, and vagrant story was a squaresoft (now square enix) title, who released a crapload of games on the system. they were one of the developers that really knew how to push the PS1 to the limits of its capabilities.
however, they were still pixelated and blobby when it came to actual character models.
"but godtier!" i hear you howling in despair, "the backgrounds for vagrant story look so much better than kong's crazy island!" and you'd be correct! those backgrounds are banger af.
but the argument to be made in this post isn't "which one actually looks better." the argument is "compared to another game contemporary to the fifth gen of gaming, could skull island feasibly pass for the same gen?"
the answer is no.
round 2 results: skull island could not pass for even the best-looking of PS1 games, sry2say.
part three: 90s CGI horrors
for the next segment, let's also consider the typical CGI of the era. someone mentioned beast wars in my above screenshot, so fuck it, let's use that next!
beast wars was a transformers-universe off-shoot TV show that was entirely CGI. i have very fond memories of the show, but even i know that the way it looks is ... rough. so we're gonna put that to the test: does optimus primal really look better (or at least comparable to) our good pal king kong skull island?
round 3: skull island (PC) vs beast wars (probably silicon graphics computers, idfk it was a TV show)
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oof. once again, for as ugly and bad as it is, we can actually see detail on the kong model, as well as light and shadow that the technology used in beast wars couldn't produce in a convincing manner at the time. optimus looks kinda weird, really.
...come to think of it, everyone in beast wars kinda looked... weirdly... wet or otherwise gross in that show.
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as badly rendered as kongus dongus is in skull island, i'd say he looks a fair amount better than ... pretty much anyone from beast wars. there really isn't more to it than that; even when the show was new, i knew that beast wars just looked weird.
round 3 result: kong could not blend into a beast wars episode very well or convincingly, even in beast mode.
part four: into the beyond times
so, i think i've fairly made my point about the game not looking like it's from the fifth gen... but what about other gens?
personally, if i had to place bone island: dongus kongus in a particular "vibe" of a game generation, i'd probably slot it somewhere between a wii title and a wii u title. it is definitely higher fidelity than a PS1 or N64, but it has a certain "wii shovelware" aura around it, especially when seen in motion.
let's see if that susses out!
tag-team round: skull island (PC) vs monster hunter tri (wii) & monster hunter 3 ultimate (wii u)
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now THIS is interesting!
the original MH3 on the wii definitely looks washed out and faded, certainly low-res compared to skull island. not terribly shocking there, considering the wii's maximum resolution output (on the models that supported it) was 480p (aka: standard definition/DVD quality).
but MH3 ultimate?
i dare say we have a contender here. the models look so much better, the environments are actually comparable in quality to skull island, it's quite uncanny, really. hmm.
...okay, okay. i know i technically said i wouldn't be using upscaled or remastered versions of the games in my comparisons, so in the spirit of fairness, i will also add a surprise third tag-team member into the fray:
surprise match!: kong-dong island (PC) vs xenoblade chronicles x (wii u)
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hoo nelly
alright so i am a Certified Wii U Enjoyer ™️ and i know full-well that the system is more than a bit underpowered compared to the other consoles from its gen. its maximum resolution output was 1080p, which was more than sufficient on its own, but it severely lacked the oomph in its components to make good, consistent use out of that. a lot of wii u titles look fine compared to other consoles, and some are even downright gorgeous, but performance was always a bottleneck.
but forgetting about all of that, xenoblade chronicles x just wrecks skull island.
however, we're not done yet. XBCX (or... however y'all abbreviate it) is definitely a better-looking game than skull island, but so was vagrant story. again, the true argument here is "could you feasibly mistake 'skele rock: kong's wild ride' as from the same gen as the game it's being compared to?"
and i think here we have our answer.
take a look at all the other keng kang screenshots from the previous rounds and place them next to the screenshots from the wii u titles. if you had no idea that skull island was released just last week, you cannot tell me in all honesty that you wouldn't think "oh a wii u shovelware game i've never heard of."
if you try to tell me that, you're a liar and should be ashamed.
the environments, the lighting effects, the graphical fidelity, the vibe... it all just looks weirdly familiar. it looks like a mid-to-low tier shovelware crap game that would have come out on the wii u and immediately sold for 20 bux in the budget releases section.
so that being said...
the final verdict: skull island: rise of kong does, in fact, look specifically like a wii u title. we have found its true home at last.
part five: is it over now? (mostly)
whew! what a ride, amirite? now that we've gone through this heinous, completely unnecessary journey, what did we learn? well...
we learned that the fifth gen of consoles was nowhere near as powerful to create the effects and fidelity as seen in skull island.
...and we also learned that just because a game is older and at a lower res than a current-gen game, that doesn't mean the older game is uglier or looks worse.
we learned that people clearly don't remember how the fifth gen varied wildly and was capped at 240i at best, meaning all the games were at low res and blurry af.
...and we also learned that having that nuance is meaningless when it comes to discussing things objectively.
we learned that games that are bad and ugly for current gen can also look better against games that you may have loved as a child.
...and we also learned that pointing out that a shitty game that's buggy af and shouldn't have existed in the first place looks better than your favorite game from your childhood doesn't mean your favorite game from your childhood is bad.
we learned that if you have enough time on your hands and are stubborn enough, you can make an entirely useless post that no one will read because it's too damn long and uninteresting.
...and we also learned that bulleted lists are only useful for text that doesn't overlap into the next line. oops.
anyway, i hope you learned something, even if you didn't ask for it! being that i'm old enough to remember all of the games above when they were announced, i tend to notice when people make dumb-ass claims that don't make sense a lot quicker. some games really did not age well (turok 3) and others still look fantastic to this day (vagrant story). but claiming that a game like skull island is comparable to or worse than something i actually grew up playing is just silly.
probably just as silly as this post, really.
it was just a very bizarre and arguably quick blip in time that i don't think many other people of younger gens really understand when looking at it from the perspective of internet being available 24/7. that simply was not a thing when i was a kid. and going from pixelated games with chiptunes to crash-goddamn-bandicoot was such an abrupt jump in quality that i could honestly write another post about how it felt to experience that all on its own.
but i won't. not yet, anyway...
so that's it! i answered a question nobody asked. do i feel satisfied? no, not really. i mean, if i'm being honest, i feel like i wasted several hours of my life just to prove a point.
so yknow, a normal weekend for me
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hifilounge · 1 year
Chord Electronics Summer Promo - Mojo2 and Poly!
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Hi Everyone,
Just a quick blog to say that Chord Electronics will be running a Sunshine promotion from June 12th to August 31st 2023 on both Mojo2 and Poly! For only £395 each you can own a multi award winning British designed and made Chord Electronics Mojo2 headphone/Hifi Dac or a Poly streamer that can be used both in the home or on the move - or both for £790!
MOJO 2 Portable DAC/headphone amplifier
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The British designed, engineered and built Mojo 2 is the most advanced portable DAC and headphone amplifier in the world. Distinctly different from all other devices, the What Hi-Fi? Product of the Year-winning Mojo 2 uses proprietary British digital audio technology perfected over more than two decades, coupled to a powerful ‘FPGA’ processor. The result is class-leading sound quality both on the move or at home, with the power to effortlessly drive any headphones. For music just as the artist intended, Mojo 2 brings you closer to the music than any other portable.
For more than 25 years, Chord Electronics has exclusively used powerful programmable (FPGA) circuits with custom coding to provide the most advanced digital-to-analogue conversion performance in the world. With digital audio technologies perfected over two decades, Mojo 2 contains more digital audio know-how than any other small DAC, resulting in unrivalled sound quality, all backed by peerless technical measurements from the lab.
Completely compatible with our wireless streamer/player module Poly, for wireless streaming, control and playback
POLY Music streamer/player for Mojo 2/Mojo
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Poly is a revolutionary music streamer, the first of its kind in the world. When partnered with Mojo 2/Mojo, it enables music streamed from a range of wirelessly connected devices to be enjoyed in the best possible sound quality, whether at home or on the go. Poly is also a music player: its unlimited-capacity Micro SD card slot can house huge libraries and liberate storage on smart devices. Full smartphone control using everyday apps enables effortless music playback whether streaming or playing music from the Micro SD.
Poly directly connects to Mojo 2/Mojo’s award-winning audio processing (DAC) technology dramatically improving the audio quality of streamed music.  Its advanced design enables everyday devices, including Android and Apple smartphones/tablets, to become portable ‘hi-fi-quality’ digital audio players: the smartphone becomes the controller, with Poly and Mojo 2/Mojo doing the high-level audio processing.
Poly can also be used with computers and laptops, plus it can access networked audio stored on NAS drives using popular DLNA apps. Playback is via Mojo 2/Mojo’s twin headphone outputs, plus home and in-car audio systems with auxiliary (AUX) inputs can also benefit from the improved sound quality.
Poly connects to Wi-Fi networks, including mobile hotspots when on the go, and remembers multiple networks with its auto-connect functionality. It also benefits from Bluetooth® wireless technology, AirPlay and DLNA connectivity, offering uninterrupted music streaming when transitioning from indoors to outdoors. Poly also features its own hotspot mode, enabling a connection where devices, networks or countries do not facilitate tethering. Its rechargeable LiPo batteries offer up to nine hours of playback from a four-hour charge using the device’s fast-charging USB circuit; both Poly and Mojo 2/Mojo can be charged simultaneously.
Poly is high-resolution audio-compatible, with support for the latest studio-quality files; PCM data up to 768kHz resolution and DSD64 to DSD256 (Quad-DSD). Supported file types include ACC, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, OGG VORBIS, ALAC, WMA and MP3.
Please don’t hesitate to contact HFL if you have any questions or require anything else 👍
All the best,
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discordnitro2024 · 1 year
DISCORD NITRO [Discord Nitro Generator 2024]
How To Get Free Discord Nitro (2023).Discord is an amazing application for gamers that allows them to create and customize servers, add members, create text/voice channels, and utilize a variety of bots to optimize their server’s experience. However, like many other applications, Discord has certain special features that are put behind a paywall, including Nitro. 
How To Get Free Nitro in Discord
If $10 a month for Discord is not your cup of tea, we’ve covered you. Our guide will discuss several methods to get free Nitro in Discord and what you can do instead of buying a paid subscription. So read on!  
Table of Contents [show]
What Is Discord Nitro?
If you’re new to using Discord, it can be understandably tough to figure out what Nitro does. However, discord Nitro provides its users with many extra features that make navigating and using the application easier. In addition, if you’re someone who regularly uses Discord to game or live stream, Nitro makes your experience much smoother. 
Discord Nitro offers a variety of fantastic benefits; it improves your voice, video, and text conversation. Plus, Nitro provides animated avatars, a personalized tag, two server boosts, a 30% discount on further increases, the opportunity to create your emojis, profile badges to show off your support, larger uploads that include high-resolution video, screen sharing, and Go Live broadcasting.
What Is Discord Nitro’s Price?
The core Discord Nitro subscription retails for $10 per month. While Discord offers a variety of features to all its users, if you want premier boosts to the core interface, you’ll have to invest in Nitro. However, you can opt for Nitro Basic if you want exclusive features without spending $10 a month. 
Nitro Basic is a cheaper subscription that costs $3 a month and provides you with basic features to improve your Discord experience. 
How To Get Discord Nitro For Free?
Not everyone will spend $10 or even $3 to access online features. Therefore, if you’re curious about Nitro and want to try it out for free, there are multiple ways. 
Method #1: Discord Nitro’s Free Trials 
The best way to try out and see if a subscription is worth it is by opting for free trials. Free trials are the best way to get 100% authentic Nitro for free, and you won’t have to worry about any affiliation with third-party sources. In addition, some of these free trials can allow users to enjoy Discord Nitro for up to three months!
However, the downside to free trials is that it’s not promised to all users. Discord offers free Nitro trials to its new users whenever it feels generous. This is because they have a stringent policy around free Nitro. If others around you are getting the option for free Nitro, you might want to go to the billing menu in your account and see if you’re eligible. 
Method #2: Getting Discord Nitro Gifted
Discord is heavily dependent on its features for social connection. Therefore, they have introduced an option for gifting others Nitro. Likewise, people with Nitro can grant you certain components from time to time. 
If you have a friend group or an online circle, it might be time to ask for a favor. Of course, you can also return such gifts once you have a Discord Nitro subscription. 
Method #3: Discord’s Partner Program
This is a tricky method to get Nitro, but it’s helpful if you have a successful or large following via Discord. Many social media platforms offer partnerships and sponsorships to eligible streamers, and so does Discord. 
Partner programs are built to provide and give back to some of the most influential servers on Discord’s platform. Therefore, you might be able to receive the full features of Discord Nitro without spending a single dollar. However, your servers must meet rigorous criteria to be eligible for a partner program. 
0 notes
discordnitromod · 1 year
[Discord Nitro Generator] 2023 ~(Discord Nitro Mod) Discord Nitro Android iOs
How To Get Free Discord Nitro (2023).Discord is an amazing application for gamers that allows them to create and customize servers, add members, create text/voice channels, and utilize a variety of bots to optimize their server’s experience. However, like many other applications, Discord has certain special features that are put behind a paywall, including Nitro. 
How To Get Free Nitro in Discord
If $10 a month for Discord is not your cup of tea, we’ve covered you. Our guide will discuss several methods to get free Nitro in Discord and what you can do instead of buying a paid subscription. So read on!  
Table of Contents [show]
What Is Discord Nitro?
If you’re new to using Discord, it can be understandably tough to figure out what Nitro does. However, discord Nitro provides its users with many extra features that make navigating and using the application easier. In addition, if you’re someone who regularly uses Discord to game or live stream, Nitro makes your experience much smoother. 
Discord Nitro offers a variety of fantastic benefits; it improves your voice, video, and text conversation. Plus, Nitro provides animated avatars, a personalized tag, two server boosts, a 30% discount on further increases, the opportunity to create your emojis, profile badges to show off your support, larger uploads that include high-resolution video, screen sharing, and Go Live broadcasting.
What Is Discord Nitro’s Price?
The core Discord Nitro subscription retails for $10 per month. While Discord offers a variety of features to all its users, if you want premier boosts to the core interface, you’ll have to invest in Nitro. However, you can opt for Nitro Basic if you want exclusive features without spending $10 a month. 
Nitro Basic is a cheaper subscription that costs $3 a month and provides you with basic features to improve your Discord experience. 
How To Get Discord Nitro For Free?
Not everyone will spend $10 or even $3 to access online features. Therefore, if you’re curious about Nitro and want to try it out for free, there are multiple ways. 
Method #1: Discord Nitro’s Free Trials 
The best way to try out and see if a subscription is worth it is by opting for free trials. Free trials are the best way to get 100% authentic Nitro for free, and you won’t have to worry about any affiliation with third-party sources. In addition, some of these free trials can allow users to enjoy Discord Nitro for up to three months!
However, the downside to free trials is that it’s not promised to all users. Discord offers free Nitro trials to its new users whenever it feels generous. This is because they have a stringent policy around free Nitro. If others around you are getting the option for free Nitro, you might want to go to the billing menu in your account and see if you’re eligible. 
Method #2: Getting Discord Nitro Gifted
Discord is heavily dependent on its features for social connection. Therefore, they have introduced an option for gifting others Nitro. Likewise, people with Nitro can grant you certain components from time to time. 
If you have a friend group or an online circle, it might be time to ask for a favor. Of course, you can also return such gifts once you have a Discord Nitro subscription. 
Method #3: Discord’s Partner Program
This is a tricky method to get Nitro, but it’s helpful if you have a successful or large following via Discord. Many social media platforms offer partnerships and sponsorships to eligible streamers, and so does Discord. 
Partner programs are built to provide and give back to some of the most influential servers on Discord’s platform. Therefore, you might be able to receive the full features of Discord Nitro without spending a single dollar. However, your servers must meet rigorous criteria to be eligible for a partner program. 
0 notes
markobrown124 · 2 years
How to activate Disney Plus com Begin 8 Digit Active Code | disneyplus.com login/begin URL?
Disneyplus.com/begin is an extremely well-known and popular streaming application that has their own streamer network. It streamed a variety of movies and TV shows news, web sports series, and new shows. In addition, Disney produces its own animated films through the Disney plus begin code. Today, even Disney plus com begin are the best of marvel productions, Star Wars, and Pixar. If the television of the user is equipped and has 4K resolution, then Disney has altered its films to accommodate these higher quality videos . They have released the 4K films.
Disney Plus features a combination of Disney's vault as well as original content exclusive to subscribers. The animated films of the studio and new Pixar films as well as titles from Disney's "Star Wars" and Marvel franchises are accessible to members. Following their theatrical release major motion films like "Ms. Marvel" (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness) are also accessible on Disney Plus.
We will go over how to connect Disney plus to any device using Disney plus.com/begin Enter code. In the majority of cases, you will need to enter Disneyplus.com login/begin into your browser and then enter the activation code. Follow the simple steps outlined below to enable Disney for your mobile device.-
Utilizing any browser, go to disneyplus.com.
Click on SIGN UP(If you're a new user).
Enter your email address.
Enter your billing details.
Choose your plan.
Get started with the Disney Plus app on your streaming device.
Old Users:-
Start your Disney Plus app on your streaming device.
Click on the login button.
The 8-digit code on the television screen.
Utilizing a mobile or PC browser, visit disneyplus.com/begin by clicking on the webpage.
Enter your Disney and login details.
Input the eight-digit Disney+ start code.
Continue clicking.
The service allows you to stream unlimited films and TV shows on Disney+.
What is Disney Plus?
Disney Plus is a relatively new streaming service (launching in November of 2019) however, it is quickly becoming one of the most well-known on the market. Disney Plus has a large collection of content that it is able to immediately complete its service, and it is constantly adding the latest Disney Plus movies and television episodes to its collection. This section is for this U.S. version of Disney Plus TV shows and films. It does not include Disney Plus movies and Disney Plus television shows under the Star brand that are available in international versions of the service.
When you visit Disneyplus.com Begin, you can now relax and enjoy your vacation by watching your favorite sport or film with the Smart TV while eating popcorn and other snacks.
Sign Up on Disney Plus?
These are the steps you must take to join Disney Plus. Disney Plus:
Visit on the Disney Plus website and click on the "Sign Up" button.
Enter your username as well as your email address and password.
Choose your country, then enter the details of your payment.
Click to click"Create Account" or click on the "Create Account" button.
How do you activate Disney Plus on your Smart TV?
Here's what you need to know follow to gain access to Disney Plus on TV:
Install Disney Plus, the Disney Plus app from your device's store
Start the app on your TV device
Select Log In
Choose Log In using Your Email. There will be an 8-digit code that is displayed on the TV. The code will also provide you instructions for activation and an indicator of the time remaining before the expiration date.
Visit disneyplus.com/begin on a different device or a use a web browser.
You might need to sign into your account, which means you be required to enter the email address you used to sign up with and a password.
If not, type in the 8-digit code that appears on the TV screen.
Select Activate.
After you have authenticated your activation code Your TV will then refresh and automatically log you into the service to begin streaming. However, if disneyplus.com/begin isn't working, here's what to do.
Disney Plus Login/Begin 8.- Digit code - Find it Here!
This Disney plus Login Code can be described as an innovative method to gain access to Disney Plus services. To protect your account the code allows users to log in to your account without entering any usernames or passwords. The code is located on the receipt of the purchase of your Disney Plus subscription purchase, and also in the confirmation email you receive from the time of your Disney Plus account registration.
Before you can utilize this code to stream any of the content on Disney Plus online or on television first, you need to create an account on the service. If you want to use this code while buying anything through the service, you must possess a valid credit card linked to your account.
Then, you'll be asked to enter your Disneyplus.com login and begin which can be displayed on your screen when you sign up for the service. The steps to enter the Login begin 8-digit code are as follows:
Log into your account on Disney Plus' website. Disney Plus website
Select "My Account" in the upper right corner.
Click on "Settings"
Click on "View My Account Info"
Scroll down , and then click "Enter Your 8-digit Code."
The subscription is now activated. After you have created an account, click the "Start Watching" button at the bottom of your screen to begin watching live.
What is the cost of Disney plus a subscription cost?
With the ever-growing number of users from all over the globe, Disneyplus.com login/Begin is continuing to offer the best user experience in every way possible. For $7 per month or $70 for the year, you will be able to stream unlimited of your most loved films, series, and shows across all devices.
One of the most appealing benefits that the service offers is the ability to download videos of any kind. In addition, it allows offline viewing of the downloaded video content for up to 10 tablets, mobiles or other devices. Offline content is an excellent method to enjoy a full watching experience during a binge-watching time with your loved ones and family members on a large.
In addition downloading content is the most efficient way to stream your preferred films and shows even with an internet connection that is not as strong during the weekend. With your Disneyplus.com/Begin subscription, you're guaranteed a quality experience regardless of your internet connection or power interruptions on your devices.
Apart from this, Disneyplus.com/Begin, with its collaboration with famous applications like Hulu and ESPN plus brings an impeccable price for bundled services. All you require is an internet connection, and your theater will be stocked with the latest films and your most loved shows across all your devices.
0 notes
discoblocks · 3 years
Yknow what I’m also getting kind of sick of people being like “actually the lore never died out and dsmp is actually active but just because it isn’t your faves on the server you haven’t been paying attention smile” like actually yes I have!! I watch foolish like every single day he streams, when Hannah and boomer log on I do my very best to check up on them and see how it’s going. Nearly every one of eryns streams on the server I have been there for at least part of it, and when Michaelmcchill logs on I am in that guys chat, and the only person who still streams dsmp often that I don’t regularly check up on is Ponk bc he’s usually live wildly outside my time zone. If someone is on the server, I know about it! And I’m very lucky to have a schedule that lets me keep track of that, not a lot of people do! But fundamentally their time on the server is very different from Tommy and Wilbur’s and Ranboo’s and Quackity’s and etc!!! And it certainly is nothing like how the server used to be, with just crowds of people live for most of the day, on the server, and lore practically every day. I have been paying attention, and the fact of the matter is, the content that people are talking about when they say they miss lore and talk about the lore drought isn’t the content that is currently being put out.
The people that are active on the server right now are lovely people and good streamers, and they deserve success, but they are all every single one of them lacking the same amount of time and emotional commitment that has been invested by fans and ccs over a full year towards the storylines being done by “bigger” streamers. I fully respect the new lore and content being produced and I’m very excited to see what will happen with it, but it’s very much in its beginning stages, and straight up is not in the same scale yet. It could! Later down the line if it becomes it’s own big storyline with the same level of character analysis and theories and canon-life-losing levels of drama, then I will one hundred percent be onboard with people saying it should be considered equal with the storylines from “their faves”. Like, egg lore, that certainly reached the same scale and it’s unfair to try and claim it’s not real important plot lore. But in regards to the lore currently being done by “smaller” streamers that are active, truthfully, right now it is not at that scale, and it honestly strikes me as so disrespectful to try and claim these two things are the same.
The whole reason why people are saying that there is a lore drought is because their faves aren’t doing lore and aren’t active on the server. They have invested months into this storyline, agonizing over fanworks and filling up the tags with character theories, so excuse them if perhaps they would like a little catharsis for all of that emotional investment.
Imagine for a moment a hypothetical murder mystery series that has been strung out over the span of a year but the killer still hasn’t been revealed. The identity of the killer is the light at the end of the tunnel, by finding the killer you come to the resolution of the story and finally have all the puzzle pieces to solve all the mysteries, but it hasn’t happened yet, so you are paying a lot of attention to see when it finally gets revealed. You are emotionally invested in seeing this story through, in seeing this murder solved. Now imagine another new murder mystery series starts coming out that is completely unrelated to the first except for it shares a few characters that were not key players in the first series. It might seem interesting! But it is still very much in the introductory and exposition part of the story, and is not tied to the first series plot wise. And at the same time, the original mystery series you were invested in seems to drop off the face of the earth. You hear rumours of more coming out soon but never definitive and never the killer reveal you have been waiting for. Are you really surprised when the second series doesn’t get the same attention as the first?
TL;DR: the reason people are sad about the lore drought even though there is still lore happening isn’t because they’re ignoring these smaller streamers, it’s because they’re still seeking emotional catharsis from the storylines that they originally joined the fandom for, and those storylines have disappeared, even if other streamers are introducing new ones
705 notes · View notes
askgames · 4 years
End of the year ask game - 2020
1. How many lockdowns did you go through until now? 2. Ever been quarantined? (contact person, waiting for test result or positive test result) 3. Ever taken a Corona test? 4. Have you lived together with someone during lockdown? 5. Something you enjoyed about lockdown? 6. What bothered you most about lockdown? 7. Which change, e.g. home office, would you like to keep once it´s all over? 8. Been to any Corona related demonstration? 9. On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (completely), how well do you stick to government´s rules? Explain. 10. Favorite lockdown activity? 11. How did the lockdown affect your work/education? 12. Any new hobbies you tried out during lockdown? 13. Any new subscriptions you made due to lockdown? 14. Anything new you tried to learn during lockdown? 15. Any old hobbies you took up again during lockdown? 16. How did you keep in touch during lockdown? 17. Favorite mask you own? 18. Favorite online conferencing tool? 19. Any new technologies and technological tools you tried out due to lockdown? 20. Have you been able to go on any holidays this year? 21. Are Christmas markets allowed in your country? 22. How are you going to spend Christmas in this situation? (or whatever you are celebrating!) 23. Any small business you support? 24. Any small artist you support? 25. Favorite online shop? 26. Dumbest impulse buy? 27. First thing you bought when the shops reopened? 28. Been to the hair dresser this year? 29. Got a new tattoo or piercing this year? 30. What did you only start to appreciate because lockdown took it from you? 31. Favorite book that was released this year? 32. Favorite book you read that year? 33. Favorite movie that was released this year? 34. Favorite movie you watched this year? 35. Favorite series that was released this year? 36. Favorite series that you watched this year? 37. Favorite podcast that you listened to this year? 38. Favorite artist this year? 39. Total minutes on Spotify this year? 40. Favorite album that was released this year? 41. Favorite album that you listened to this year? 42. Favorite song that was released this year? 43. Favorite song you listened to this year? 44. Favorite Corona related song? 45. What do you do to prevent yourself from going insane during lockdown? 46. Describe a typical lockdown day of yours. 47. Something you did during lockdown that you´ve been putting off for way too long? 48. Trying new baking recipes or new cooking recipes? 49. Netflix or Amazon Prime? 50. Did you get Disney+? 51. Any new social media you started using during lockdown? 52. Any trends you fell for? 53. Did you achieve more or less than in a normal year? Explain. 54. Did you start therapy this year? 55. Books or audio books? 56. Audio books or podcasts? 57. Twitch or Youtube? 58. Attended any online concert? 59. Favorite stream/streamer this year? 60. Most used social media this year? 61. Yoga or long lone walks? 62. Did you get a pet this year? 63. Did it snow where you live this year? 64. What were you doing when you found out about the announcement of the first lockdown? 65. Did you panic buy anything? 66. Ever ran out of toilet paper? 67. Favorite lockdown comfort food? 68. Selfcare tips for lockdown? 69. Did you use delivery services this year? For what kind of food? 70. Any weird coping techniques you developed during or after lockdown? 71. Favorite game you played this year? 72. Favorite drink this year? 73. Favorite food this year? 74. Favorite App this year? 75. Favorite memory of this year? 76. Any plans you had for this year that you could realize? 77. Do you even plan anything for next year? 78. Did you find new (online) friends this year? 79. Did you go through a break-up this year? 80. Did you get into a new relationship this year? 81. Did you do something creative this year? Tell us about it. 82. Favorite blog you found on tumblr this year? 83. What did you buy way to much of this year? 84. Did you win anything this year? 85. Did you drastically change your diet this year? 86. Did you move to a new home this year? 87. Did you do something this year that you never did before? 88. Celebrity crush of the year? 89. Most expensive thing you bought this year? 90. Been abroad this year? 91. Favorite tumblr trend of this year? 92. New Years Resolutions you broke this year? 93. NYRs you kept? 94. NYRs you have for next year? 95. How are you going to spend New Years Eve? 96. Will you get your fortune told in any way around NYE? 97. Any new shops (online or real) you discovered this year? 98. Any food you tried out for the first time this year? 99. How did you celebrate your birthday this year? 100. Was this ask game better or worse than 2020?
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the8skermit · 3 years
Slight rant where I get heated about fictional plotlines that really don't matter,
But the one thing that grinds my gears is how the show has already shown the audience that the system is corrupt and that it's inflexible with more than a generous dash of the there is no real justice thing
Like we've seen that it's true because the foundation is getting away with all their antics and they literally tried to justify taking a dead dudes money with zero mourning among others
And look, obviously yo hans fight crazy with crazy - hard on crime stance isn't the most peaceful way of getting things done
But I'm tired of the chief justice dumping all the fault to the live court show, because it's not-the entire root cause ? Sure it's an instigator but the actual violence? takes place when our beloved sexist president decides to enable freaking deranged streamers and validate their crimes and then there's sun ah and her whole involvement so it's just one big mess
So when sooyeon or the chief justice guy come out with their it's unlawful or it's unjust and there is no such thing as easy justice ,it really really doesn't have any standing to me.
like it doesn't hit me at all because look,
the audience has already been fed the info these characters are lacking so I'm literally waiting for them to do their research and catch up because alfjfjwn it's freaking frustrating .
Because the whole reason for the court show was to expose things that would be easily buried by justice aka the court system that's rigged for the elites? The spontaneous nature of the show lets them not get away with anything because the entire freaking country is watching?? Hello?
Of course there is no easy justice , yes the live court show's resolutions result in good for the victims but also worse for society as a whole and no one. Literally no one is trying to reform it or looking into the elite and trying to figure out the WHY. Like they're totes fine with the literal president of the country using racism and violence to gain votes and let him be ? Like maybe look a bit beyond? MAYBE don't just try to shut something down and instead weed out what's actually wrong instead?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
aaaand I'm done
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despazito · 5 years
Complete list of all problems known so far in Pokemon Sword and Shield with data and/or proof for each problem
[I am copying this post from the pokemon subreddit from u/Terotu]
Seeing as there's a lot of people that don't quite know the extent of the issues and that there's no real compilation of the problems, I feel like everyone needs a list with info and sources of each and every current problem with the games, it's a long list but I've tried to put it all together, it's not just dexit people. I will post everything that is 100% confirmed and known so far, there's potentially other problems, but this is made as a somewhat "quick" digest with info that has been 100% proven, for anyone out of the loop that wants to know exactly what's happening with these games.
1. The number of usable Pokemon has been cut, only less than half are now usable, known as Dexit, it means that you won't be able to use these pokemon in the new games, you won't be able to transfer them in, and you won't be able to do anything with them sans sticking them in home for the foreseeable future (Home will probably be a paid only subscription based service just like its predecessor), for all intents and purposes, these Pokemon are basically removed from the main games franchise and they will take probably years to come back, if ever. An image with the cut/not cut pokemon can be found here, pokemon in green are confirmed to be in, pokemon in purple have galar forms, pokemon in yellow are in the data, but there's nothing for them, they could be leftover data like the items and other things, could be giveaway/event only, could only come from other games, etc, there's no way to know what's the plans for them at the moment, if any, pokemon in red are cut. The excuse GF used for this culling was that it let's them work on delivering better animations and a more carefully crafted game, since they don't have to put more time and effort into redoing the models. This is complete BS as the game polish is worse than ever, and the models seem to just be somewhat edited XY models.
2. Just like the Pokemon cut, about 144 moves were removed, 99 moves excluding the let's go and other outlier moves, this includes extremely important and used mainstay moves like Hidden Power, return/frustration and Pursuit, on top of extremely old moves that have been there since gen 1, some of these moves were important for the viability of several Pokemon, which may cause them to be way less effective if not way worse when it comes to battles, on top of this, it also removed some SIGNATURE MOVES of certain Pokemon. The full list for deleted mainstay pokemon moves can be found here Attempts at transferring Pokemon with these moves will apparently get this message: "This move can’t be used. It’s recommended that this move is forgotten. Once forgotten, this move can’t be remembered."
3. Short game, the first streamer beat the champion at around the 14 hour mark, while he did this by skipping a fair amount of trainer battles, other streamers are clocking in about 16-20 hours, seems like the average will be about 18 hours to beat the game. Here's one of the many streamers, he's right before champion and clocking in at 14:34.
4. The graphics are extremely mediocre, it constantly looks worse and less polished than LGPE, the textures are often inexcusable. Examples of the bad graphics seen here 1 2 3 4 5 6 A comparison with LGPE can be seen here and here Here's a game recently released for switch, another picture found here, the difference is unreal.
5. There's constant graphical issues, not just low quality graphics, pop in is present at all points of the game due to bad coding, trainer models will also disappear mid battle when an attack with a high number of particles is used, this also happened in SM, however, SM moved the camera away to avoid people seeing it, they didn't even try this time. This means it's either a carry over from SM and they just copy pasted most of the code, or they somehow have to remove the trainers to avoid a switch from somehow getting fps drops. The pop-ins can be evidenced here and here. Trainers dissapearing mid battle can be evidenced here
6. Animations, one of the main reasons why GF cut pokemon, at least in the interviews, are as shoddy as ever. There's extremely lazy animation all over the game, from normal attacks to key moments in the game, such as the encounter with the box legendaries. Most of the animations are also completely copy pasted from older games, one example seen here with Hau(the entire character of hop is basically a copy paste of hau.) Most of the animations for the camp are also copy pasted from xy amie, evidenced here. Pokemon battle animations are just as bad as before, if not worse, pictured here is a pokemon headbutting with its feet. Another example found here, THE MAIN BOX ART POKEMON CINEMATIC, THIS IS THE GAME CLIMAX, another example on the other version found here In fact, it could be considered way worse if compared to the last gen, example of upscaled USUM cutscenes. (Notice the graphical change isn't that big, the only difference here is increasing the resolution)
7. Cutscenes and restrictions, like previous Pokemon games the cutscene and story forcing and restrictions are insane this time around, seems to be even more intrusive and in your face than before at times, while keeping the same level of cutscene intrusion than past gen. The video for this point was taken down, but if you wish to see this you should be able to find it by searching the gameplay clips/streams online
8. The difficulty, just like the cut scene problem, this carries over from earlier games and it's even worse.There were constant heals, to the point where in the first routes you're not able to go beyond 3 trainer fights without getting a full heal. The first streamer avoided fights and didn't train at all, it still was one shotting gym leader dynamaxed ace pokemon.This can be seen here.
9. Post-Game is almost non-existant, as usual since masuda-Ohmori started directing, there's no frontier, there's also no frontier like facility. The post game consists of battle tower and a very short sequence of missions where you beat some dynamax pokemon for your rival to catch the other legendary. Not only this, but the battle tower is also an inferior version of past towers, it doesn't have super single nor super double battles, it has no triple battles and there's no "tower bosses", it's just random trainer npcs after another.
10. Problems with game design and behavior, beyond difficulty and progression, there's other problems in the overall game design. Examples of this is not being able to catch Pokemon in the wild areas until you got a badge allowing you to do so, which usually covers your current level. Meaning if you find a level 31 shiny or a level 31 pokemon you really want, you won't be able to catch it until you go and beat the next gym. For shiny hunters, this one is gonna be really important, you cannot see if your Pokemon is gonna be shiny or not in the overworld, this means that on top of the badge limit, you also got this potential problem. Evidenced here.
11. Removed past features with virtually no new additions, seems like this is a mainstay in Pokemon, removing older features so they become one of a time gimmicks, but unlike earlier titles this new game doesn't adds anything new except dynamaxing, which is limited to gyms only. This particular gen removes Mega Evolutions and Z moves, mega evolutions in particular were a huge deal and seeing them suddenly removed means that there's little reason to get involved with any new addition, no matter how mainstay or how much GF forces it when it will very soon be gone. A list of these removed features can be found here.
12. No scaling whatsoever, models are the same sizes of XY (giving more plausibility to them not really redoing the models).Any argument against this is thrown out of the window when dynamaxing exists, since the models seem to be edited XY models then the problem remains. Here's the non scaled model in sword and shield. Here's an scaled model, released in a game that came out 15 years ago for a the Nintendo Gamecube, something way less powerful than the switch.
13. No GTS, retera thread on the discovery found here, the only strings that refer to the GTS are leftovers from Let's Go code, as seen here and here. This is most likely due to Home(this means that you will have to pay for switch online+home for services older games already included) Thanks to /u/c_will for pointing this one out and gathering the info.
14. A 20 dollar price increase for less content than earlier 3DS games, with subpar graphics and removal of features, an overall shoddy release for a higher price point.
15. Performance, game is locked to 30 fps, and while that's not a big issue by itself, this is coupled with slowdown at certain moments such as dynamaxing, it can drop fps to the floor and turn the game into a slideshow for a while. Evidenced here. Still gathering more info on this one, as it's a relatively new occurrence that hasn't happened to all users, take this one with a grain of salt
16. The overall lack of quality, polish and effort put into the game, this is all the minor/somewhat minor but still very telling problems with the game. This is apparent in many ways all throughout the game, things like the wrong backgrounds or just voids for pokemon battles. Two example of the wrong backgrounds seen here and [here] (https://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyCleanOstrichArsonNoSexy) One example of the void background seen here (these happen on indoor fights and some non indoor but scripted battles)Examples of backgrounds on indoor and everywhere else in both LGPE and colosseum, seen here and here. Then there's complete lack of music in the game story most important moments, seen here. Starters are also shiny locked. The entire world freezes when using certain objects, as seen here. To this, you add up the emptiness of the wild area and the badly implemented weather changes that don't make much sense, both seen here No animation for flying, no elite 4, no victory road, etc, this is added to all the other problems that show the lack of effort put into them.
This franchise deserves better.
You deserve better.
These games are not only a huge step down from earlier titles, but it goes beyond what used to be already barely  tolerable standards to way below standards, keep in mind this is the biggest, most profitable franchise on earth.
This is the first time a pokemon main game is released on console, people were excited for game freak to finally do whatever they wanted and it's been done with the most minimal of  efforts, all the money you've spent on Pokemon didn't went on making this a better game, it went straight into the pockets of the people in charge, those that made sure this was made with the most minimum effort and those that cut  corners.
Companies that made games decades ago on hardware less powerful than the switch shouldn't be doing a better job than game freak, and companies doing work in the switch have completely obliterated game freak when it comes to developing a video game.
Keep in mind that your purchase of these games causes this:
Continue the yearly release cycle that makes the games rushed and forces the devs to insane crunch time, creating the low morale problem
Tells them that you're ok with these problems, and they will keep lowering the bar and cutting corners on development
Your money will continue going into the pockets of those responsible for these problems
I implore you to be a smart consumer, I've played Pokemon since I red, ever since I was a child, I can no longer support this franchise, I probably won't buy a Pokemon product ever again if this is gonna be how they're gonna treat the games and its fans.
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govindhtech · 9 months
9 High-Flying Laptops or Desktops Unparalleled Performance!
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Your desktop setup includes monitors and docking stations.
Change Windows 11’s worst default settings to set up a new Laptops or Desktops you bought or received. Your computer can now surf the web, run productivity apps, and play games well.
For the best experience at home and on the road, you may need some extra gear. These are my must-have PC accessories for a new system.
High-Quality Monitor
Let assume you bought or had an external monitor if you bought a desktop. However, if you bought a Laptops or Desktops have an old desktop monitor, you should buy a high-resolution external display or two.
Four desktop PC monitors at home and wish had six. It’s nice to see a lot of content at once and have a different window or pair on each display. If you sometimes use the computer at a desk, it requires a monitor to avoid glaring at the tiny 13, 14 or 15-inch display.
Displays should match your productivity or gaming needs. For gaming, a 2K (2560 x 1440) display with 165 Hz or higher refresh rate. For productivity, a 4K panel is ideal, but a high refresh rate isn’t necessary.
A Mechanical Keyboard
Stop using the keyboard that came with your Laptops or Desktops PC. Despite your laptop’s good typing experience, you can do better. You need a good mechanical keyboard with clicky, linear, or tactile switches.
keyboards with clicky switches for typing and audible feedback. Blue or Kailh Box White switches are color-coded. Tactile switches, usually brown, are good for those who like feedback but are wary of pleasant noise. Finally, red linear switches are best for gamers who want keys with no resistance so they can hit “fire” faster.
A decent mechanical keyboard costs under $60 and a great one under $100. Here are some ideas.
Productivity or Gaming Mouse
You type thousands of times a day, click the mouse button, and roll the mouse pointer. So a good mouse is essential. Even though you like your laptop’s touchpad (or TrackPoint), a mouse is better for desk navigation.
Like your monitor, your mouse choice depends on productivity or gaming. Although wired mice are available, prefer wireless.
Bag for laptop
Carrying a new Laptops or Desktops without damaging it is necessary. A slim bag that’s easy to carry or a slightly larger one that holds more than your computer are options.
External Webcam
Laptops usually have a webcam, but not a good one. A webcam that can sit on top of your monitor for video calls is also necessary if you use your system at a desk.
Be it for work video calls or as an online influencer or game streamer, you need a webcam with at least 1080p resolution and good image quality. This is our favorite.
Docking Station Laptop
A laptop with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse shouldn’t have to be connected to each device every time you bring it home. So a docking station is needed. You connect all your monitors and peripherals to the dock and run one wire to the laptop. The dock can power and transfer data over one cable if your laptop charges via USB-C.
Make sure your docking station supports the number of monitors you want to use. Some support one monitor, most support two, and some expensive ones support three or four.
Guarantee the dock’s connection matches your laptop’s. Don’t buy a Thunderbolt dock if your laptop doesn’t have it. Here are some suggestions.
Electric Tower
You need many desk outlets for your Laptops or Desktops. Traditional horizontal power strips are available. These strips either take up a lot of desk space or are put on the floor out of reach.
A power tower, a vertical power strip that fits on your desk and lets you plug in 12 or more devices, possibly while charging them via USB, is what you need. Some power towers let you switch off your monitors and desktop while charging yourLaptops or Desktops running your NAS with the touch of a button.
Wrist Rest
After buying a mechanical keyboard, you need a wrist rest to type comfortably. Some keyboards have wrist rests, but only the HyperX Wrist Rest provides comfort.
It’s uncomfortable to drag your mouse around a rough surface like your Laptops or Desktops . You need a good mouse pad, almost obviously.
Some prefer a large, RGB mouse surface that covers a large portion of their desk.Choose a simple Belkin wrist rest with a gel wrist rest.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
0 notes
superlinguo · 3 years
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with a Communications and Engagement Assistant
Your social media prowess is actually a job skill, you might just not know yet that those jobs are out there. Maggie is a Communications and Engagement Assistant at a disability peak body. Their work includes traditional and social media communications channels, and a need to think about who your audience is. You can follow them on Twitter (@vonbees) or Tumblr (@ritavonbees).
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What did you study at university?
BA in Communications (Writing & Cultural Studies). I actually studied at a weird "technology" university and had to go through a totally different uni to do my linguistics electives. By the time I dealt with the forms and unit conversion and everything, I only had time for 101&102, which made me sad as I loved them! If I had been able to start in first year I might have changed my major.
What is your job?
Communications Assistant covers a really broad range of work! Like it says on the tin, you have to assist your organisation in whatever sort of communications it needs to do. Mine is a disability rights representative and advocacy nonprofit, so my job includes advertising, political campaigns and direct member communication. I am one of the people who tweets from our official account (including sometimes live-tweeting something like a public inquiry into systemic neglect or discrimination), updates our website, edits blog posts and media releases, creates flyers, surveys and infographics... I do a lot of "translating English to English" - explaining legalese, bureaucratic jargon and policy terminology in plain language. We need to be as accessible as possible, so aside from code-switching between Plain English and bureaucratese I do a lot of image descriptions and liaise with specialists to get really important content captioned or translated into Auslan, Easy English, etc. One of my colleagues is currently in charge of our fortnightly newsletter, but when I used to do it I would also record an audio version, sort of like a mini podcast, for members who didn't have screenreader access (usually older folks who had trouble with technology).
How does your linguistics training help you in your job?
Semantics, pragmatics and a descriptivist approach to grammar are all relevant when trying to write about things like UN resolutions and discrimination legislation in plain English! (Sometimes I imagine turning a particularly stuffy government document into a series of tree diagrams, which is at least good for a laugh). Descriptivism also dovetails neatly with an anti-ableist approach to how other people speak and write, so it's helpful to have linguistic references when pushing back against harmful ideas in that department.
Do you have any advice you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
Yes, I wish someone had convinced me not to half-ass it! See, I got into a really great creative writing course and then couldn't attend the university that taught it for logistical reasons (would have been an interstate move). I tried to do the most similar degree I could find at a local uni, but it wasn't a good compromise - it only had two writing classes each year and I was much less interested in the other parts of the course. I should have done a full pivot to something I liked in its own right, like linguistics, instead of stubbornly clinging to a shitty version of my number one choice. I guess the most useful advice without the benefit of hindsight would have been that a degree is a big commitment and it's okay to take a gap year and give yourself more time to think about how you want to go about it. Oh, also if someone had told me I have ADHD that probably would have been helpful.
Any other thoughts or comments?
I've often thought about going back for some linguistics post-grad, but it would probably be for the love of learning - none of my plausible future career moves really need one. So I'm really glad people like you make linguistics knowledge more accessible to lingthusiasts outside academia! Clinically proven to reduce symptoms of FOMO xD
Related interviews:
Interview with a Communications Specialist
Interview with two Communications Professionals
Interview with an Editor and Copywriter
Recent interview:
Interview with a Technical Writer
Interview with a Stay-at-home Mom and Twitch Streamer
Interview with a Peer Review Program Manager
Interview with an Associate at the Children’s Center for Communication, Beverly School for the Deaf
Interview with a Metadata Specialist and Genealogist
Check out the full Linguist Jobs Interview List and the Linguist Jobs tag for even more interviews  
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joshuas · 4 years
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♫ pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
♫ genre: College/university student!au, slice-of-life, fluff
♫ word count: 3.5k
♫ warnings: Nil of note!
♫ summary: After wagering a date on the success of the New Year’s Formal he was tasked to plan, Hyunjin stops at nothing to ensure the perfect dance. 
♫ a/n: The fifth addition to my seasonal oneshots! This is a continuation from my Changbin oneshot. Enjoy! 
♫ skz seasonal oneshots: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
“Okay! That wraps up our meeting for today. Remember, Ryujin, you’re in charge of invites, Jisung, you’re in charge of catering and Hyunjin, well, you’re the leader of this entire task force— you’re going to be the one to pull this entire thing together.” You stepped away from the whiteboard with your mind map of plans for the New Year’s Eve formal, giving the rest of the committee an encouraging smile as they all exited the classroom.
Hyunjin hung back, leaning casually against the desk next to you as you packed away your stuff. You rolled your eyes,
“Look, I know you asked me out two weeks ago but I already told you, Hyunjin. This dance is already taking up the majority of my headspace right now and I’m not ready to go on a date.”
“Oh, I know, Y/N. Seriously, don’t stress, I’ve got this all under control. We’ll be able to go out soon!” Hyunjin reassured you, giving you a quick peck on your cheek before skipping out of the classroom.
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“I do not have it under control.” Hyunjin paced, Changbin observing the poor guy from the couch,
“I don’t have DJ ready, neither do I have decorations or photos, and the dance is in a week—“ Hyunjin stressed, putting his head in his hands.
“Hey, you know how this was supposed to be movie night? As your friend, I know I should be helping you but also man, why haven’t you gotten your life together?” Changbin got up, gesturing Hyunjin to sit in the seat opposite him.
“Well— I may or may not have been focused on trying to confess my feelings for Y/N?” Hyunjin said tentatively.
“Wait— you what? How come you never told me this?? How did it go?”
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[2 weeks ago]
You sighed, holding your head in your hands as you tried to design the floor plan for the dance.
Someone cleared their throat, placing a steaming cup of coffee on the table before sitting opposite you in the cafe.
“Oh. Thank you, Hyunjin.” You blinked, surprised by his sudden kind gesture.
“It’s no problem! You’ve been working so hard on this dance, I personally think that you deserve a lot more than just coffee.” Hyunjin beamed, eyes crinkling.
You blushed, taking a quick sip at your coffee,
“So, are you just going to sit here and hang out or...?
“I really like you, Y/N.” Hyunjin blurted out before quickly covering his mouth.
Your head jolted up, a shocked silence falling over the two of you.
“You... what? Why are you telling me this now?”
“Ugh, I had this all planned out but my nerves took over. I was planning on telling you after the dance, but then my friend’s been asking me for love advice so I told him one thing and I felt like a hypocrite for not doing that myself so this confession just came out. I’m sorry.” Hyunjin spoke fast, hanging his head in defeat.
“Oh.” You blinked, surprised, “I’m going, to be honest with you, Hyunjin. I like you too and if this were any other time I would’ve suggested we go out sometime, but I’m just so wrapped up with the dance preparation that I barely have time to focus on anything else.” You looked at him apologetically.
“Oh!” He smiled, obviously surprised by your confession, “Well, if it’s taking up that much of your time, why don’t you leave some of that preparation to me?” Hyunjin suggested.
You looked at him sceptically,
“Hmm... I don’t know. It’s a lot of work, not to mention the pressure...”
“Seriously, Y/N! Look I’ll even wager this to show that you that I’ll do my absolute best— since I want to go on a date with you... desperately... I’ll only ask you out if the dance is up to your standards.” He said solemnly.
“A-are you sure?” You asked, shocked at his boldness.
“Positive. Anything to see you smile... and reduce your blood pressure.” He beamed before collecting your floorplan and heading out of the cafe.
I sure hope he knows what he’s doing...
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“...so now there are high stakes on making this formal perfect.” Hyunjin sighed defeatedly.
“I thought Y/N liked you... why would you even think of doing that for them? You just made life harder for yourself!” Changbin sighed, exasperated.
“Because they’re a perfectionist, and focused, and smart, and beautiful— actually make that gorgeous.”
Changbin cleared his throat, raising an eyebrow.
Hyunjin flushed, looking away,
“I mean. It’s the only way I could’ve recovered from my shocking confession. It was hardly romantic at all.”
“So you basically volunteered yourself a lifetime’s worth of stress by taking over, planning wise?” Changbin asked, slightly incredulous.
“Well. They looked like they were doing a lot worse than me...” Hyunjin rubbed his neck sheepishly.
“You, sir, did not think this through properly. Ah, the things people do for love.” Changbin pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
“Wait, why are you annoyed?” Hyunjin looked at him confusedly.
“Yah! Since you told me all this, I’m practically obligated to help you. So... I guess I’ll give up my movie night to help you plan this thing.” Changbin sighed, exhausted.
“Oh my gosh, hyung, you’re a lifesaver.” Hyunjin gushed.
“Alright, alright. I’m practically a saint for being a decent human being, thank you. Now, should we start on the table centrepieces? What do you think? Hyacinths or peonies?” Changbin held up two gardening magazines.
“Oh, definitely peonies.”
“You have no idea what you’re doing, do you?”
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“I’m really glad that we could catch up. Although, I thought you were busy with the formal planning?” Your friend, Jeongin, held the café door open for you as you entered beside him.
“Oh, about that— Hyunjin may have offered to help out more.” You unwrapped your scarf, smiling at Chan as you approached the counter.
“Hwang Hyunjin offered to help you out? The same Hyunjin you’ve had a crush on for literally forever? Why?” Jeongin questioned, agape.
“It was kind of romantic, actually. He offered to help out after he said that he liked me and said that he would only ask me out if the dance is up to my standards.” You sighed dreamily. You had probably run over that day probably more than one hundred times over the last couple of days.
“Ew.” Jeongin scrunched his nose in disgust, paying for the coffees you had ordered.
You smiled knowingly, “It’s okay. You won’t understand until you fall for someone.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen for a while. You know, a slight change of topic from this sickening conversation... I’ve been thinking of taking up trot singing...” Jeongin droned on, oblivious to your shift in interest to the people entering the cafe.
“Y/N? Are you even listening to—“ You broke him off, placing a finger to your lips, gesturing towards the people talking to Chan, focusing on their conversation.
“Hey, guys! How can I help you?” Chan beamed at Hyunjin and Changbin.
You approached the three, Jeongin scurrying after you curiously,
“Hey... how’s the planning going? Do you need help?” You asked, raising your eyebrow.
“Oh, heyyy Y/N. Yeah, it’s going fantastically!” Hyunjin reassured, trying to casually lean against the counter, but slipping against it instead.
“Oh! Okay. Have you been able to find a DJ?” You asked.
“We were actually just—“ Hyunjin broke off as Changbin cut in,
“Oh, we already have one.”
Hyunjin glared pointedly at Changbin. You looked between the two of them, confused,
“Really? What’s his stage name?”
“He prefers to remain anonymous. You’ll find out on the day!” Changbin reassured.
“We will? I mean. We will.” Hyunjin nodded resolutely.
“Okay... well I guess we’ll leave the two of you to it. Chan, we’ll see you at the dance, right?” You asked.
“Yep! I’ll be bringing my partner along as well - as my date.” Chan beamed, waving as you exited the cafe with Jeongin.
“Bye...” Hyunjin sighed, exhaustedly.
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“Ugh, my knees hurt. Who knew how much you would have to beg Minho hyung to help out?” Hyunjin rolled his shoulders, stretching all his ligaments.
“At least you weren’t the one to babysit his cats whilst he went on a date.” Changbin sighed, brushing hair off his jumper.
“It’s hopeless... you know, we were able to recruit most people but it was our friends that demanded the most of us. What was it that Felix wanted again? To add a pick-up line mic-drop competition to the formal?” Hyunjin rubbed his temples.
“Hey, Seungmin! Fancy seeing you here!” Changbin waved at the man at a distance in front of them. After the cafe interaction they had with Y/N, Changbin and Hyunjin had decided to go on a “stroll” around the park nearby, “unintentionally” running into medical student, but also part-time photographer, Kim Seungmin.
“Hyunjin, Changbin hyung. How are you guys?”
Hyunjin and Changbin scanned the area quickly before dragging Seungmin and his photography equipment behind a large tree.
Grabbing Seungmin by the shoulders, Hyunjin looked him dead in the eyes,
“Look, Seungmin. I know you quit the formal committee, but we may need your help...”
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You stepped out of your car, gazing at the entrance, “I don’t know about you, Jeongin, but I’m really excited to see how this formal’s turned out!” You entered the hall, gaping at the sight in front of you.
It was...
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“A disaster! A complete and utter disaster! Why would we enlist Minho hyung’s help? Did we seriously forget his track record?” Hyunjin slapped his forehead, looking in horror at the mismatched and oddly draped streamers, the tables arranged in no orderly fashion within the hall.
“Hey, you’re the one that begged him to help.” Changbin crossed his arms over his chest, looking disapprovingly at Hyunjin.
“Yeah, if Y/N sees this, you’re definitely going to be kicked off the committee and you can basically say goodbye to your date,” Seungmin noted.
“Whatever— we can fix this, right? We only have...” Hyunjin checked his watch, “six hours till the formal.”
“Logically speaking, it’s slightly possible... just how are we supposed to organise it?” Changbin asked, looking pointedly at Hyunjin.
“Go with a classy theme. Y/N’s a sucker for an old-fashioned ballroom feel.” Seungmin responded almost immediately.
“How do you know that?” Hyunjin asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.
Seungmin blushed, clearing his throat,
“When you’ve been part of the same clubs since high school, you get to know what a person likes. Especially theme-wise.”
“So how should we start?” Hyunjin asked.
“First, get rid of these god-awful streamers. Rule number one, avoid tackiness at all costs — that means not shopping at the party section of your local Target.” Seungmin gestured towards the... disaster hall.
“And second, grab me a calligraphy pen and lots of cardboard — we’re going rustic for table placements. While you’re reorganising the room, adding drapes and what-not, I’ll call Ryujin and ask for the invitees. Y/N will never know what happened.” Seungmin decided resolutely, gesturing to the two of them to start.
“One question... why are you so keen on helping out?” Hyunjin crossed his arms over his chest, sceptical.
“You basically kidnapped me into helping,” Seungmin said monotonously.
“Don’t say it like that... it was more like voluntary cooperation?”
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“It looks so beautiful! I feel like royalty at a fancy ball.” You said, awestruck.
“Hyunjin hyung didn’t do half bad... I guess that’s some points to add to his character in my books.” Jeongin notes appraisingly.
“Oh my goodness! Look at the food! Are those brownies?” You gasped in awe.
“Next to the chocolate fountain? Yes please.” Jeongin steered you over to the food assortment.
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“Jisung, what do you mean you forgot to contact the catering company?!” Hyunjin said, his irritation showing as he stood glaring down at the shorter boy.
“I’m sorry! I’ve just had to deal with a lawsuit and—“ Hyunjin interrupted an apologetic Jisung,
“Hang on... a lawsuit? Actually, you know what, never mind. Ugh! Why is this formal falling to literal pieces?” Hyunjin pulled at his hair, irritated.
“Hyung... might I suggest an alternative? They’re just as good a chef as any catering company.” Jisung suggested tentatively. 
“I swear to God, Jisung. If they’re one of your friends, I’m going to—“
“They’re also your friends so you can’t do anything— might I suggest, Kim Seungmin and Felix Lee? They’re practically campus royalty for their cooking vlogs.” Jisung suggested, slightly smug.
“Aren’t they notorious for their cooking fails?” Hyunjin asked, both confused and sceptical.
“You say failure, but the result is beautiful. Just trust me on this, hyung. It’ll be fine.”
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“Yah! You’re adding too much butter!” Hyunjin noted frantically, as Seungmin brushed down a brownie tin.
“Obviously you haven’t seen our pancake vlogs. They turn out just fine. And besides, they’re brownies. No one would notice if they were a little bit overcooked.” Felix said confidently.
“Um. By a little overcooked, you mean burnt. And yes! People with functioning taste buds would!” Hyunjin sighed in annoyance.
“He’s a little bit stressed, as you can see. He put his relationship with Y/N on the line for this formal to run perfectly.” Seungmin explained to Felix.
“Ahh... okay. Not to worry, Hyunjin hyung! Everything will turn out well.” Felix patted Hyunjin’s shoulder.
“What were you thinking about savoury appetisers? Is bruschetta too fancy?” Felix suggested.
“I sure hope you two know what you’re doing...”
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“The brownies are delicious! We need to get the same caterers for the next fundraising event.” You praised, making a note to ask Hyunjin and Jisung.
“Smile for the camera, please!” You turned around, face to face with Seungmin and his camera.
“Oh! Hey, Seungmin. I thought you weren’t going to do any more council stuff. You were hired to do the photography for the dance?” You asked, confused.
He laughed hollowly,
“More like kidnapped, but we won’t get into that.”
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“Okay! I think we’ve gotten everything sorted — Changbin has the DJ organised, catering is done and is actually half-decent, and the decor is sorted.” Hyunjin dusted his hands, looking at the hall in awe.
“...Not so fast. You haven’t gotten everything sorted.” Seungmin said.
“What do you mean? We’ve got everyth— oh. Photography.” Changbin slapped his forehead.
“Hmm... I wonder where we could find a photographer readily available...” Hyunjin and Changbin looked pointedly at Seungmin.
“What? No. I have other things that I need to do.” Seungmin inched backwards towards the exit as Hyunjin nodded at Changbin.
Wrapping him up in a big hug, Changbin stopped Seungmin as Hyunjin quickly grabbed the photography equipment off him.
“Please, Seungmin? I’ll owe you big time.” Hyunjin pleaded as Seungmin threw his hands up in defeat,
Seungmin sighed tiredly,
“...You do owe me... big time. I wish I could say no but seeing how much this means to you, I guess I can’t. Alright, can you stop manhandling me?”
“Don’t lie, my hugs are legendary.”
“Hyung, you’re flattering yourself.”
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“Oh? Well, you’re an excellent photographer so I don’t doubt that the photos will turn out well.” You smiled, waving before heading towards the sound stage.
“Hey, Chan. Oh? Were you planning on dancing with your partner?” You looked at his formalwear.
He gave you a small smile, lifting his equipment to the sound booth,
“That... was the plan, originally! But um. I guess life never really works out as planned.”
“Oh? I thought that the DJ wanted to remain anonymous. I didn’t know it was you...” You said confusedly.
“Hey man, what are you doing in my sound booth?” A shabby looking guy approached, duffel bag in hand.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” A stressed Hyunjin ran up, eyes wide as he stared down the shabby-looking guy.
“Hyunjin, right? Changbin contacted me and told me that I’d be the DJ at this gig.” The guy stepped towards Chan — it would’ve been threatening but his outfit really did not help his cause.
“Look, it’s just that you were the... backup DJ. Yeah! When Chan’s out there, dancing with his partner, you’ll be taking—“ Hyunjin broke off, looking to the stage.
“Helloooo everyone! I’m not in charge of this formal or anything but I heard there was going to be a pick-up line competition, so I’m here to participate. Let me start you guys off—“ Hyunjin sprinted onto the stage, snatching the microphone from a confused Felix, skidding as the momentum carried him forward, off the stage, causing him to land... on his shin.
You winced, running over, Seungmin meeting you there,
“Hyunjin, are you okay?”
Moaning in painful response, he winced as Seungmin lifted his arm around his shoulder, semi-carrying (more dragging) him towards the exit,
“Obviously he’s not. I’m going to take him to the ER. Meet us there.” Seungmin said calmly.
You addressed the crowd, laughing awkwardly,
“Nothing to see here, folks. Just... get back to the dance.” You turned towards Chan,
“Entertain the crowd whilst we’re gone.” You said hurriedly before rushing out to drive to the hospital.
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“Hi, I’m here to see Hwang Hyunjin. Is he okay? Can I see him?” You asked the receptionist hurriedly, looking frantically around the waiting room.
“Y/N! We’re here.” You whipped around, seeing a passed out Hyunjin in a wheelchair being attended by Seungmin.
“Oh! Seungmin, thank god you’re here! We need your help. The hospital’s so short staffed right now that even the students are required to help out.” A person rushed over to Seungmin, handing him a doctor’s coat.
“Okay. I’ll admit Hyunjin. Y/N, you can go back to the formal if you want. You’re not going to be able to visit him for a couple of hours.” Seungmin threw on his coat, calling a nurse over to push Hyunjin, waving as he entered the ER.
You sighed, sitting on a nearby plastic chair.
This is going to be a long night... I hope he’s okay.
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“Excuse me? You were asking for Mr Hwang before? He’s allowed visitors now.” A nurse tapped your shoulder, leading you towards his room.
You gasped at his casted leg, your gaze drifting to his tired smile, eye-bags his most notable feature,
“You... don’t look great.”
“Yeah, didn’t really get much sleep over the last couple of days. Well... except for the anaesthetic driven ‘sleep’ during surgery. I don’t think that counts, though...” He chuckled shortly.
Silently, you sat beside him on the bed.
“I probably ruined everything. The formal was a complete flop.” He sighed, hanging his head.
“Look, I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t the most... organised event I’ve been to, but I heard a lot of positive feedback from the guests in attendance, and from what I saw, the dance was practically perfect— from the food to the decorations.” You gave him a soft smile.
“To be fair, it was mostly Seungmin that helped out. I didn’t really do much.” He said, sheepishly.
“Hey, you used the resources available to you. Seungmin knows what he’s doing, and I’m not saying that you don’t, but I’m glad that you got help from him. The dance was perfect due to both of you.” You said resolutely.
“Wait— is the dance over? How long was I out for?” He asked, incredulous.
“I don’t think it is. You were out for almost seven hours. There’s... five minutes till New Years.” You checked your watch.
“I’m sorry that you’re spending New Years with me...” He gave you a forced, small smile.
“Whaaat? Nooo it was my dream to spend New Years at the hospital with the guy that I’m going to go out with because he broke his leg by falling off a stage. What was Felix doing, by the way?” You asked curiously.
“It’s a long story— I think he wanted to have a pick-up line competition with his significant other... hang on. Did you just say that you wanted to go out with me?” He asked, incredulous.
“Well, there isn’t anyone else here, and I did say that the dance was perfect.” You pointed out.
Cheers arose outside the room, choruses of ‘Happy New Year’ echoing throughout the hospital corridors.
“I guess it’s New Years... did you know that it’s unlucky not to kiss someone on New Years?” You smirked slightly.
“Well, who am I to start your year off unlucky?” He leaned in, pressing his lips against yours briefly before pulling away, slightly wincing.
“Oh— are you okay? Do you need anything?” You fussed.
“Just... more kisses?” Hyunjin pointed at his cheek.
You chuckled,
“Sure... can I ask for something, though?”
“What is it?” He asked, eyes wide.
“Let’s go on a date today. I know you’ll only be able to eat hospital food, but I heard that the pudding cups are delicious.” You suggested.
“That sounds... perfect.”
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➳ part six?  |  masterlist!
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charincharge · 4 years
jealous rowan pls that's all I have to say
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I Don’t Want To Wait, Part 2
rowaelin high school bff AU masterlist
There was one day of the year that Aelin was a complete control freak about – and that was her birthday party. She spent most of the year scheming and planning for her next big bash; Aelin’s birthdays were like prom and a wedding combined into one. This year’s theme was a masquerade ball, and Aelin was not skimping at all.
So it was no surprise that she was running late, trying to micromanage everyone.
“No, that streamer needs to be lowered one inch more,” Aelin groaned at Rowan, who stood with his arms awkwardly above his head, trying to accommodate his best friend’s wishes.
“Ace, it’s perfect where it is,” Rowan insisted, his arms tired from holding up decorations and taping them to the wall. “And don’t you need to finish getting dressed?” Rowan nodded at Aelin, whose hair was still in large curlers and wearing a sweatshirt and leggings.
Rowan’s Aunt Maeve came bustling out of the kitchen, her hair tied back in an elegant chignon and examined her restaurant, which had been transformed by her nephew and his best friend. The restaurant patio was glittering with curtains of twinkle lights, looking like stars. They’d cleared out the tables to make room for a dance floor, and red and purple streamers hung in long strands, connecting the heat lamps dotting the corners of the room.
“Oh, Aelin, it looks magical out here,” she said, sweeping Aelin into a giant hug. Aelin smiled, proud of her hard work on display. “But Rowan’s right. You need to finish getting ready.”
Maeve ushered Aelin to the large powder room where Aelin’s perfect dress was waiting. She’d saved up all her babysitting money to afford the gorgeous deep violet ballgown. She let Maeve help her put it on, stepping into the strapless contraption and arranging the large skirt so it flared all around her. Maeve tied up the corset laces in the back of the dress tightly. That was Aelin’s favorite part. Mostly because when it was all properly done up, it made her look like she had some boob to spare, rather than her usual barely there curves.
She pulled the rollers from her hair as Maeve helped her apply a light dusting of makeup. She examined herself in the mirror. Aelin didn’t usually think of herself as beautiful, but tonight…
“Wow,” Rowan called from the doorway.
Aelin blushed as his dark green eyes perused her dress, pausing just slightly on her unusually ample chest.
He raised an eyebrow and motioned to his own chest, back and forth. “Those are new.”
Maeve had the decency to smack her nephew’s arm as she made her way out of the bathroom, departing with a loaded glare. He rubbed his arm and pouted.
“What are you doing in here, Buzzard?” Aelin was planning a grand entrance to the party, and no one was supposed to see her until she decided she was good and ready.
Rowan grinned roguishly. “I need your phone. To connect to the speakers. Unless you want me to play my music…”
“Don’t you dare,” she warned him, going through her bag and handing him her phone.
“See you on the dance floor,” he said with a wink, and disappeared again. Aelin sat and combed her fingers through her golden waves, pinning the top half up, and finally put on the piece de resistance, the gorgeous black lace mask she’d ordered.
The night moved along just as Aelin had planned – she got her dramatic entrance with lots of ooohs and ahhhs, people milled around the patio, looking stunning in their formal wear and masks, and the playlist was the perfect mix of up-tempo and slow songs to dance to. Aelin had greeted as many people as she could, but every time she took a few steps, she was stopped by yet another person, thanking her for the invite. This is what she got for inviting the whole sophomore class, she supposed.
She kept looking over her shoulder at the small table of her friends, who’d congregated together. Mostly, she couldn’t take her eyes off of Rowan, who despite being thoroughly annoyed with her birthday extravaganza, had still dressed up in a suit and silver mask.
With a slow song playing overhead, Aelin finally thought it was time to take a break and join him, when a hand tapped her on the shoulder.
Despite the elaborate green mask covering his face, Aelin would know Chaol Westfall’s shining copper-brown eyes anywhere. She sat next to them in almost every class this year.
“Chaol!” Aelin greeted him with a warm hug. “Thank you for coming.”
He smiled in return and held out his hand. “I was hoping you would dance with your favorite lab partner.”
Aelin looked around. “Oh, is Dorian here already?”
“Ha ha,” Chaol deadpanned, and Aelin couldn’t help but laugh softly.
Aelin nervously accepted his hand, and let him walk her out onto the dance floor. Chaol awkwardly placed one hand onto her side and kept the other lifted between them. A proper dance carriage. Aelin was impressed as he led them in a waltz, in time with the music.
Aelin’s lips formed a small ‘o’ as he blushed. “My mom put me in dance lessons when I was little,” he admitted. “I rarely have a reason to use them.”
“Color me impressed,” Aelin said, and Chaol lowered her into a low dip, smiling widely. As he lifted her back up, Aelin giggled in a way so unlike her she couldn’t believe the noise came out of her mouth. She sounded so girly.
Chaol moved them effortlessly across the floor, gliding from spot to spot, and Aelin couldn’t believe her own feet. She had no knowledge of the waltz herself, but she just followed his lead. As the song came to a finish, Chaol bowed slightly and pressed his lips to her hand.
“M’lady,” he said, thanking her for the dance. Aelin turned, finally ready to join her friends, when she crashed into a solid body with an oomph.  
She looked up too see a frowning Rowan, his eyes dark with displeasure. But he wasn’t looking at Aelin, he was glaring across the floor at Chaol. Aelin poked his side, trying to get his attention, but Rowan didn’t even crack a smile.
“What’s up, buttercup?” Aelin asked, and Rowan shrugged, clearly annoyed by something.
“Just wanted to see if you needed help.”
“With what?” Aelin asked, confused. She looked over her shoulder at where Rowan was still glaring and put it together. “Oh, with Chaol? No, he’s nice. And who knew that he could dance so well?”
“I can dance,” Rowan muttered, and Aelin quirked her head at her best friend. In the twelve years she’d known Rowan she didn’t think she’d seen him dance once. Not even at his cousin’s wedding after sneaking two glasses of champagne.
“Do you want to…” Aelin asked, nodding her head towards the dance floor, expecting him to turn her down immediately. But he surprised her and nodded stiffly. “Okay…”
Aelin wanted to tell him he was being super weird, but she held it in. Instead, her nervous heart beat faster as she led Rowan onto the dance floor. Her palm was sweaty in his, and she realized that everyone would be looking at them. Rowan seemed to sense her nerves and finally took the lead. He wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her close, and she lifted her arms to rest on his wide shoulders. It was a far cry from the formal hold Chaol danced with her in. As Aelin exhaled a shaky breath, Rowan’s grasp on her tightened, as if he were pulling her into a hug. Except they’d never hugged for this long before.
They swayed, side to side, as the music continued, until Rowan finally broke the silence.
“Did Chaol get you a present?”
Aelin had no idea. She hadn’t gone through the tall stack of presents on the side table yet.
“I’m sure whatever he got me isn’t nearly as good as my breakfast cake,” Aelin said with a smile, and that finally got a small smirk out of Rowan.
“That’s because I know you best,” Rowan said resolutely, and Aelin tipped her head back and craned her neck to look at her best friend’s face. She lifted her hand and poked his cheek, turning his frown back into a smile.
“You do, weirdo.”
“Happy birthday, Ace,” Rowan whispered, and Aelin shivered as his breath ghosted across her ear. Rowan disappeared off the dance floor and held court as his table for the rest of the night with the rest of his cadre, but Aelin rode the high of that dance until she was crawling into bed that night.
She touched her ear where Rowan’s lips had almost touched and smiled into the dark.
tags: @hizqueen4life @df3ndyr @keshavomit @aknymph
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