#Where I went to school there was just two types of math
oifaaa · 1 year
When I was younger I used to get so pissed off by high-school aus specifically bc no matter where the original story takes place the au would always be set in an American high-school and American High schools confuse the hell out of me
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scremogirl · 9 months
✧✩🜚𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐈𝐂 🜸𖤐✰
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮
Yandere! Nerd x Academic Rival! Reader
Mentions of depressive behavior/thoughts of suicide. AFAB! Reader: is called “Ms”.
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A know-it-all smarty pants that was simultaneously the worst pain in your ass. Not that he meant to be of course; you couldn’t really blame him. Sure, some people are just naturally smart; but not him. Following you around like a lost puppy no matter where you went. He was toying with you on purpose and you knew it! You just couldn’t understand why he decided to make your life worse.
Now, the relationship you have is more one sided. You’d make subtle jabs and throw cheap shots his way but all he ever did was laugh it off. He never fought back. From what you’ve gathered, he just prefers to stare. And when I say stare I mean straight into your soul type stare. Every time he gets annoyed or is thinking really hard about something that’s what he does. Stares. It’s really creepy and unsettling, all the times you caught him or tried to, he would just look away blushing, trying his best to hide behind his shaggy hair. Eyes burn holes through the back of your head five out of the seven days of the week. However, even the two days you aren’t in school, the feeling of eyes on you never seems cease. You feel chills crawl up your spine and always look over your shoulder wherever you go only to find nobody there.
You’ve always strived to be the best. Your home life was like the equivalent of being tossed in solitary co finemente and being left to rot. It seemed as if your parents only cared about your academic life. Therefore, they were always super strict about your grades. You knew it came from a place deep within their hearts, they just wanted you to do good in life; but it still hurt. You wanted to make them proud. Wanted to feel loved by the people who were supposed to be closest to you. So you pushed yourself to limits nobody could ever reach. From winning spelling bees to holding the spot of Vice President on your school's student council team. Schools were already offering you all expense scholarships in freshman year!
You were an all rounder. One of the most involved students in your grade. You were in various sports and academic clubs, always helped in school fundraisers, and even have 500(+) SS hrs.
“ Apologies, Ms. (L/N), but there’s nothing we can do about this. You’ll have to get a tutor in order to pass,”
Technical engineering.
Your worst subject. You excelled in physics and math; some would say the best. You got the formulas down to a T and knew everything there was to know. It was more so the building aspect of things. There were just so many damn parts! Who even needs an electriconic digital caliper anyways?!
“I’m sorry, (Y/n), but that’s just the way things turned out. You need this credit to graduate, but you needn’t worry. Miylo is the best at this. He’s perfect for the job,”
Miylo Reneritzer. A 6 foot, dead eyed, pale skinned dork. He’s never stood out to you. He wasn’t popular or a scholar. He didn’t play sports and wasn’t in any clubs. He didn’t participate in the annual dances and didn’t attended school games. He was just there. A regular student with a knack for technicalogical architecture. You were in 11th grade at the time. You needed to get all your credits out the way so you didn’t have to worry about them senior year. Not that it was a problem for you seeing as all of them were already completed. Well… except this one. You’ve been putting off for so long. You had to face it sooner or later. Too soon for your liking.
You would meet with Miylo twice a week; you were place in the same tech class so the first meeting didn’t really count. He was a great teacher! A little quiet and very monotone, but very thourough none the less. By the end of junior year you ended up with a A-. You parents hammered you for not making it a plus but you’ve come to terms with it. He saved you. And you were grateful. You ended up losing contact the transitioning year and just never interacted again; almost completely forgetting about him.
He didn’t forget about you though. How could he?! You were the most beautiful girl in the entire school! Nobody could compare to you. What you didn’t know about him was he was s everely bullied and even contiplated ending everything. That was until you came along. Someone finally wanted to talk to him. Even if it was just for help getting a good grade. Taking to a pretty popular girl and getting money and an increases on his report card? Sign him up. That one day changed the entirety of his life, he owes his life to you.
All he remembers is being called down to the counselors office; parents ready waiting and giving him the most bone crushing hug. Everything seemed like a blur from then on. But what he can remember is how he got there in the first place.
“A friend of yours, (Y/n) (L/n) had some concerns about your health. She said she’s been paying attention to you for awhile and noticed your self destructive behaviors,” says the counselor.
What? Before he started tutoring you he thought you were a teachers pet and hog all the chances for others to answer questions but if saves him the embarrassment of public speaking he doesn’t mind. You’ve noticed him? In more than just at tutor-tutee way? Nobody ever notices him. Not even his own parents. It’s evident with the amount of shock on their faces and all their “why didn’t you tell me’s” and confessions of love. He’s mad at you at first. He spends at least 3mths in that looney bin because of you. He hated it at first. All the questions and discard for privacy. But… slowly he changes. He becomes healthy and happy again. His mind drifts back to you. The way you would answer questions when you noticed the teachers eyes land on him, the way you would always do the presenting part in group presentations, the way gum and smiley faced erasers would apprear on his desk on a particularly hard day. You cared. You did this for everyone you saw struggling. Not that he took that into account, in his mind, he was the only one. You thought he was special. And he wouldn’t let anyone take his spot in your heart.
When he got out, he decided he was a changed person. Senior year would be his redemption arc and you would finally be together. You already were in his mind; you were just to scared. He saw straight through your act. That’s why you would do all that stuff for him instead of just coming out and saying it. He needed to pull himself together and become a better person first. He wanted you to be proud of him. He wanted you to see him for all he’s worth. He joined all the clubs you were in and surpassed all expectations. He became popular, inserting himself into all your social circles and even became a student council member beside you. Or should I say infront of you? The President. And the validictorinan.
Ugh! Since when did he become so…so great!? You don’t have any clue where this change in him came from and you want him to go back to the way he was. You were the best! You didn’t work this hard for your parents approval for nothing. They would always compare you time him. Miylos the student council president they’d say. He would never get an A-, he would never miss a volleyball game because he was overwhelmed with school work, he would never feel how school was the only true escape from an emotionally disabled household. He would never understand. Oh, but he did.
He’s been in your house plenty of times to know what’s going on. Not that you’ve know of course. That explains all the missing panties. Hmm, maybe that explains where all of your pens have gone too. And your half eaten food, and the Polaroids you’ve take of yourself, and your rose to-… Regardless! You’ve had enough of this! You needed him to know just exactly how you felt. What other way than asking him to meet you under the tree on Fri before school ends?
“I already know,” Hm?
“Good. I couldn’t hold this in any longer. You do know just exactly what I feel,”
“Oh my love but I do,” ….my love? What is he taking about.
“What am I talking about? Oh sweetheart, don’t play coy with me. It’s okay; I’ve always know the real reason behind your aggression towards me. Your just shy is all. I just want to let you know that I love you too. More than you could ever know,” he steps forward and arms outstretched and expecting a hug. He push on his chest and stare up at him in confusion. Love him? You don’t love him, you despise him! He chuckles.
“Like I said, it’s okay to be open about how you feel. That’s why you brought me here isn’t it?” What! This wasn’t some sort of confession. Well…technically… but not one of love! He was here to understand how much you loathed him. He had to not like you either, that’s why he did everything you did right…Right!? He hated you. He had to!
“Hate you? (Y/n), I could never hate you. After all you saved me,” at this point you thiught he was joking with you. Furthering your suspicions of his true feelings. You tried marching pasted him only for him to grab you arm. You tried to shuck him off but his grip was strong. All those clubs really built up his physice. He wasn’t the same scrawny little geek you remembered. He was larger, seeming as if he grew a few more inches. He filled out his uniform more, and his eyes became brighter and more emotional. If your affliction for him didn’t exist you’d think he was cute. The only thing that seemed hadn’t changed about him was his unwavering love and loyalty to you. He huffs out an exasperated sign, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I get that your shy my love, but that’s there’s no need to be so rude. We’ll work on a more conventional way to express your emotions,”
“Do I have to spell it out for you! I don’t like you, you creep! You’ve been following me around every since the beginning of this year. You’ve taken everything from me. Clubs, student records, student president! Do you know how hard I’ve worked to get here! You act so laid back and relaxed about everything and it drives me nuts! I hate you!” You push past him again, angry tears forming from all the supressed emotional turmoil. He doesn’t grab you right away which makes you think he’s finally got the picture. Didn’t anyone ever tell you no to turn your back on the enemy? You’re suddenly grabbed and thrusted into the base of the tree. He tsks at your behavior before sighing again. Hands have now moved to your shoulders and apply slight pressure keeping you in place. If that didn’t do it, the way he's looking at you would’ve have; fierce and warning, and yet, filled with so much adoration.
“We need to fix this little attitude of yours, don’t we?” It’s rhetorical. You know that but you feel the urge to snap back at him. Before you could get a word out, you can her the distance ringing of the school bell signaling the end of the day. His phone rings on the last ring. He gives you a hard glare telepathically telling you not to move. He stands straighter and picks it up. With what you heard, the student council meeting is starting soon and the others are wondering where you two are. Saved by the bell. He sighs before grabbing his bag that he placed down as long as your hand before sighing.
“Unfortunately, we can’t continue this conversation my love. Lucky for us, it’s Friday. We’ll have the rest of the weekend to work it out of you,” he throws a coy smirk your way and grabs at his belt, readjusting it a bit. God, what will you do?
Hey loves! Hope you enjoyed. I’m thinking about making apart to of this. I wasn’t really confident in it and decided that I should give more explanation to Miylos behavior. This could just be his introduction and I’ll expand on it. Let me know what you think. Thank you for reading!
-Love, Sos❤️
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screaminglygay · 9 months
pairing: stalker!amber x fem!reader
summary: you have only one friend, chad, but maybe you have another one, that you don’t even know about.
warnings: dark!amber, light choking, dark themes, swearing, dirty talk, use of a puppy nickname like twice, smut!!!, possibly bad grammar, if anything else, let me know!
word count: 5.3k
an: second day, yay! this one was bit harder to write, so I hope you like it! You know the drill, if there is any typo here, let me know and I’ll fix it!
an2: thank you for all the support! It means a lot!:)
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky time and be safe!
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Buzz buzz.
Your phone buzzed again, you picked it up and notice that it´s your friend, Chad. You and him had few classes together and basically get along just because he was annoying you for such a long time, that you basically couldnt resist any longer. He was the charmer, extroverted football player who act like a big puppy of bernard. And you were the quiet, reserved type of a girl, who needed to charge before any social event.
Imma pick you up in 10!
You always chuckled at his nickname, since he came up with it himself. Chad was so proud of that, that it´s basically the law to leave it like that and don´t change it. I mean how could you, he would whine and maybe even shed a tear if you changed it to something so simple as his name.
It´s was pretty common for you two to walk to school together this early. Chad either had his practise or some football meeting and you liked to go to the library before the first period. Today wasn´t exepction, so after you quickly just brushed your teeth and took your bag, that you suprisingly prepared the night before, you were already waiting for him in front of your dorm. Both of you preffered to walk to school, especially when it was such a pretty weather as it´s today.
"Boo!" Chad jumps from one of the trees that were dacorating the street.
"Asshole!" You yell as your heath skipped a beat. Slapping his arm was truly an instinkt by now, being with Chad was the same as having an older brother. Flinching everytime he came close.
Chad laughs, he look refreshed even at this time. "Works every time! You gotta keep sharp, (Y/N)! You never know where the danger will came from." Chad started to pucnh the air. "Left hook, right hook and pow pow pow! And he´s down!" Chad stated as you two began to walk.
"Who´s he?" You asked looking at Chad.
"I don´t know, (Y/N). That´s for you to decide." he just shrugs and kept walking.
As soon as you came to school, you´ve said your goodbyes and both of you went separate ways. Not like you didn´t talk in school, you did. But you prefered to be alone and enjoy your time in silence. Chad was the other way around, he had a friend group, that he always told you to join, because he would appraciate someone who would shut Mindy, his twin sister, up and since youre into movies too, you would do a great job at it, at least that´s what he always says. But you´re too shy to come over and say hi to people. It gives you instant flashback to the days in middle school where youre trauma was created. That moment you had to say your name and three funfacts about yourself.
Having Chad as the only person you talk to is quite great. No drama, at least not with you two. You often gossip about people in school, but in non judgmental way, of course. He was always kind and you two basically complete eachother. A lot of people might think Chad is just another jock who cant count to three, but it’s the other way around, actaully. Without Chad you would most definetly fail math or chem. You hate these subjects will all of your hearth.
Speaking of math, you were just on your way to the library to borrow another book with mathematical quadrations. So you won´t fail your math exam next week, you wanted to do this on your own, at least try it and then the night before call Chad with panic in your voice that he needs to tutor you asap, or the world will end. As this was normal scenario before every math exam. As always, you put your headphones in and played your "study session" playlist, with soft instrumental music. You turned a corner and as you were in your head you bumped into someone, their books fell down. And you immidielty pull your headphones off, as you took them off you heard a little "shit".
You look up and notice its Amber Freeman. A girl you know from Chad´s storytimes. You quickly look her up and down, which she in fact did notice, but you didnt realized that. She was portrayed by Chad stories as someone who dont give a flying damn about anyone and anything. Her outfit was pretty suiting on her. Black on black, with some cute silver nacklace.
"Oh shoot! Sorry! I didnt notice yo.! Let me just..." you crouched down and picked up all her fallen books. She probably just visited the library herself. You notice one of the books were a mathematical quadrations. You chuckled in your mind, being little happy that you´re not the only person who was having problems with that.
"No worries." Amber smiles.
You made eye contact with her again, she doesn´t seem that unfriendly as Chad said, she look actually pretty welcoming.
"Here." You smiled at her as you give her the books.
"Thank you..." She prolong the word as a gesture of not knowing your name.
"(Y/N)!" You state awkwardly as you though she know your name from Chad stories as well. Maybe you were just wrong.
"(Y/N)? Huh, are you new?" Her question throw you off guard, completly.
"N-no, uh Im actually Chad´s friend." Trying to explain who you are was even more humaliating to you.
"Oh really? My bad. Well pleasure to meet you, I guess I see you later." She winks at you and with her many books, she left.
You stand there for a couple of second, not knowing what just happened.
Did she just wink at me? Did Chad never mention me before? Should i socialize more if people think im new? Math exam!
After you enter the library, you were trying to find another edition of the math book and of course you can´t find it. So you asked the book lady and she said that the last edition was just borrowed by one of the students today.
You can´t go bother Chad again, not when he has practise, so either you´re gonna fail, or you´re just try to socialize. It would be easier to move to Mexico, change your name and just dissapear from the world. You sigh, looking at your phone, you still have some minutes till the first period. So your next task is to find Amber Freeman.
After walking for another ten minutes, you decided to go to second floor. You walk there and thanks to your luck, Amber is there, putting her stuff into her locker. You start to walk little faster and you awkwardly stand next to her. The dark haired girl closed the locker and look at you.
"Well I guess that later is sooner then I expect it." She chuckled.
"Yeah, I need that." Poiting to the book she was currently holding in her hand wasn’t actually the maturest idea. "I mean..." You clearn your throat. "Im really shitty at math and this is the only way i can have at least D."
"Why don´t you ask Chad?" Amber tilts her hand, looking at your face.
"Um he has a football." You shrug. "I don´t-" Before you can finish your sentence, Amber speaks up.
"Wanna bother him." She rolls her eyes. Now you were starting to understand what Chad was saying about Amber. "I bet you’re one of those little cute shy girls, huh?" Amber smirks.
"I... just think I can do this on my own." You say, but it sounded more like a question.
"Can you?" Her brown eyes are watching every single one of your facial expression.
"I don´t-"As you want to answer she cuts you off again.
"I´ll tutor you, tomorrow after school?" Amber doesn´t care she started talking over you again, she doesnt look so welcoming at all anymore. More like this whole converstaion is beyond her and she has to deal with the most annying thing.
"I- uh.. yeah! Sure. Thank you." You nod, being shocked at how fast her behaviour changed.
"Good. Anything else you want?" Amber looks away, now not even looking at you. You feel more and more humiliated around her.
"N-no, no." You shake your head and with that you just leave to your first period.
After you left, Amber smiled to herself. After long nights of thinking about the best plan ever, she´s finally doing it and everything works just how she wanted too. With just the right push you gonna fall in love with her, just how she wants you to. How you want to, but you don´t know it yet.
Of course Amber knew who you were, of course Amber knew that every morning you go to the library before your first class. And of course she knew how much you suck at math. She knows way more than just this, even way more than a normal person should know. But who said she was a normal person?
She had you as her little project over the summer, when you and Chad became close friends. Analyzing your posts on social media, zooming in to see every detail, saving every photo or video of yours, just in case your little overthinking head will decide to delete it someday. Which happened a lot, but she was always a little faster than you. Amber was the first person who liked your photo, viewed your story, see what youve been up to. She gave you subtle signs that you two are meant to be. Of course she had to make sure, not to be so obvious - so she made a couple of fake accounts, for her to actaully work on her little project better. For exaplme account "mathe_F" was made when Chad said you had first problems with math and that he can´t hang out with the group, because he has to tutor you. "emily_didi" was made right after you shared on your story that you´ve just finished a show called "Dickinson" and all of the other account were in the same vibe. Meaningful subtle messages for you and only you.
After a few classes that were nothing else but boring you were at your locker, when one of the professors addresed you. She asked you if you could give this to Amber Freeman since she saw you guys talking, it was just some small books that she was interested in. She handed you two small books and walked away.
"This is just perfect..." You mumbled to yourself as you had mixed feelings about that mysterious girl. You weren´t sure if she was nice or if she was mean. You want to figure it out, but definetly not today, since you´ve been up her ass twice today. Twice.
But it would be better to already have it done, so you walk up to the second floor and hope that Amber will be at her locker again, but she´s not. As you turn away ready to walk away and catch her later, you saw some long dark hair dissepearing into the womans batrhoom. So obviously you made your way there, you opened the door and wait for her next to the sinks.
After few minutes the door opened and you were right, it was Amber. She looked up and it was suprise even for her. She tilt her head and walk to the sinks on the right side. She made eye contact with you through the mirror and because you haven´t said a word, she just smiles
"Are you stalking me or just following me like a lost puppy?" She took few towels and wipe her hands. Then take a few steps closer, sudenly you feel how your back hit the cold wall. "I´ve asked you a question, didnt I?"
"I... I´m not stalking you, I just- Mrs. Darott asked me to bring you this. Your books from her class." You explain, but you were pretty nervous by her comment, that it sounded like a poor excuse you just made on the spot.
Amber smiles and nods, taking the books from your hands. "So if youre not a stalker, then that leads us to our second option and that´s a lost puppy. Cute." she steps closer again. "If i didn´t recognize these books I would truly think that you´ll find any excuse to be at least 2 minutes with me."
You don´t know what to say to that, you simple just stare, completly like a confused puppy. She steps closer, now fully blocking a way out, literally by her body. She press agaisnt you and who would have thought she would be that strong. Her hands are next to your head, her eyes never left yours. You can feel her breathing on you, you can feel her levander parfume, it is like youre intoxicated by her.
"You wanna go?" Amber barerly whisper to you. The truth to be told, you don´t want to go, you just want to stay, because... you don´t even know why, but you want to stay with her. But because you don´t want to look desparate you nod your head.
"Then beg." And there she is again. The harsh Amber you don´t like that much, but your body does.
"W- what?" Confussion is heard from your voice, it can be also read from your face.
"You heard me, if you want to go, you can just beg. It´s not that hard, (Y/N)." Her lips are so close to your ear, meaning her whisper are running right down your body.
You mumble something, that you don´t even understand.
"Speak up, (Y/N). I can´t hear you." she said in mocking way.
"Please, may I go?" Your eyes avoid hers, looking everywhere else than her is the smartest way to survive, whatever this is. But she has something else in her mind. Her left hand comes closer to your face and her fingers softly touch your chin. The sudden feeling on your face is making you look at her. Once again her plan working exactly how she planned. Your gaze met and you can see on her face that she is not happy at how badly you just beg. So intiitively you correct yourself.
"Please Amber, I came her to give you the books. May i go know? Please." Her looks is not satisfied. "Pretty please?" You add with the most puppy dog look, that just breaks even someone as Amber Freeman herself.
She pull away and for some confusing reason, you already miss her being so close to you.
How the hell does she do that?
"Yes, you may." She smiles and like nothing happen she fully pull away.
"T-thanks" Stuttering words were left out of your mouth as you left the restrooms.
The whole day was this feeling in your stomach every single time you thought about Amber. You try to shake it off, you don´t know what happened in the restrooms, you didn´t know if it was a good or bad feeling. Youre first thought was to tell Chad, so he can help you understand this, but it was Amber. His friend. You were alone to figure it out, like you were with the math test.
Who even is Amber Freeman?
On your way from school you took the bus, Chad had his after school practice and you didn´t feel like walking anymore. And you were also pretty interest in finding out who Amber truly is. You looked at her instagram and the number of followers she had shocked you.
Is she that popular?
You scrolled down her feed and you´ve seen some pretty selfies. Some group photos, some nice instastrories about travelling. Oh and some pretty good music and books taste, almost the same as yours. What a coincidence, right?
As you scrolled lower her account, you noticed that she used to be a horse lover. A lots of pictures when she was like 10 on a horse. Looks like she didn´t care if anyone sees this, what a confident and non insecrue person. She owns every signle photo. As you scrolled down you missclicked and you like one of her old photos on a horse, by accident.
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! Fuck!
You unlike it in a second, but youre not entirely sure if it´s in time.
Fuck! She will think im really a stalker now! Fuck me!
You yell in your head as you panic on the bus. It was few stops till your dorm and you didn´t care at all if Chad has a practice or not. This is an emergency!
Are you okay?
What´s wrong?
And that was a lie. Probably the first lie that you told Chad. After few texts with Chad, he went back to doing whatever football guys do, but he promised he will bombard you with quiestions later. Great.
Amber was just going from school as a notification pooped up, (y/n/n)_ liked your photo.
She doesnt recall posting something very recently, she opens the app and chuckle as she realized what just happened. You had to dive deep, really deep. Amber smiled to herself knowing her plan is working even better, than she imagined.
You wake up with a jolt, your heart pounding in your chest. The sunlight break a way through your curtains, casting a warm glow on your room, but it offers no peace to your restless mind. Last night, sleep avoided you due to a dark haired girl.
The anxiety builds up within you as you remember the countless equations and formulas you struggled with. Your tutor, Amber, is a person you can´t really imagine tutor someone and don´t yell at them. But at the same time, she can be nice, sometimes. But will she be nice when you liked her old picture?
Maybe she didn´t see it. But what if she did?
As you groggily roll out of bed, your stomach is buzzing with nerves. You wonder if she´ll notice your sleep-deprived eyes, your shaky hands, your breathing. With each step towards the kitchen, you try to shake off the uneasy feeling. Maybe today will be different. Maybe you'll have a normal study session and it will be like nothing ever happened. You force yourself to eat a small breakfast, though the knot in your stomach makes it difficult to swallow.
The clock ticks relentlessly, drawing closer to the time you have to get out of your dorm and to face Chad.
Oh my god, Chad.
You´re not ready for his teasing, at least not today.
As you leave, you take a deep breath, trying to quell the nervousness that courses through your veins.
Oh what am I thinking? Today will be hell, but it’s okay, one after school session with Amber can´t hurt me, right?
As you open the door Chad is already waiting there with big smirk on his face.
"Soooo?" He skips to you. "Spill the tea!" Chad giggled like a small boy.
"Spill the tea?" You tilt your head and look at him as you two began to walk to school.
"Mindy says it a lot" Chad answers as he shrugs. "But don´t change the subject, go on and talk, (Y/N)." You have to make something up, quickly.
Shit, shit, shit. It was your friend. And we had this situation in bathroom... what it even was? I don´t know, but it was something!
You thought to yourself as you internaly panic.
"(Y/N)?" Chad nudge your arm.
"It was uh... do you remember the story about the girl at a bar? Well..." You and Chad made eye contact and his mouth falls open.
"The one you made out with?" Chad asks.
You simly just nod. And that was a second lie in less than 24 hours you told your bestfriend.
"No way!" Chad laughs.
"Yes, way." You sigh.
All the way to school Chad had many teasing remarks at you and how funny this whole situation was.
Yes, Chad. It´s absolutely hilarious.
You rush through the crowded hallways, your books in hand. First, it's history lecture. Then, off to sociology and lastly for the day englist literature. As the clock ticks, you barely notice the passing of time.
Suddenly, all your lectures are done for today, which means your tutoring with Amber is here. Your stomach grumbles as the nerves are back kicking in. As you get out from school, you notice Chad, Amber and the rest of the group sitting near the parking lot. You walk up to them, looking only at Chad, not wanting to make eye contact with Amber, at all. Not now yet.
"There she is! The lucky girl!" Chad announces.
"Hm?" You tilt you head not knowing what he meant.
"I was just telling them how you liked the old picture..." He laughs.
"Oh..." This was the moment you shared a look with Amber, she was already looking at you, but you didn´t see any hint of her knowing anything else, besides what Chad just said.
Maybe she really didnt saw it.
"Don´t worry, (Y/N). It happenes to the best of us." Mindy smiles.
"Yeah, (Y/N). She probably didn´t even see the notification." This time it was Amber speaking. But there was this smile again. This cruel smile of hers, which she had in the bathroom as well.
Shit. She knows.
"R-right." You nod.
After a few minutes of just hanging up, all of you went to different ways. Mindy went back into her dorm to her girlfriend. Chad went to his football practice as always, Tara went with him as a "cheer up". So it was just you and Amber. And you already know that it´s gonna be a memorable tutoring.
"So... puppy, are you ready for tutoring?" Amber asks.
"Can you not call me like that, please?" You take your backpack as a sign of ready to leave.
"I thought you like it, guess I must heard something, if im already seeing things." She shrugs and smiles at you.
"I uh- about that-" You look at her.
"About what?" She takes her own purse and the both of you start to walk towards her dorm, you don´t question it, you just follow her. Like a lost puppy.
"About- you know..." You nod towards her phone.
"Oh! Give me your phone." Again, you don´t question her and just passing your phone to Amber sounds like a good idea. You look at her nervously and after a few second, she pass you the phone back. You look at it and notice that she added her number into your phone.
"I- didn´t... thanks." Smiling was the only good idea you had right now.
"So it´ll be less weird if you like my old photo again." Amber winks.
"Shit! I- sorry. It was on accident. I just- was-" You immidietly blush and stutter your words like a kid who just been caught.
"Don´t. It´s cute. And don´t worry, we´re cool." It was again, the nice Amber, the same one as the first time you met her. "We should study, for your own good, (Y/N)." You liked this Amber a lot.
You sit across from Amber in her cozy dorm room, textbooks and notebooks spread out before you. The math problems on the page are challenging, but Amber's suprising patient is really making you at least try. She's been an excellent tutor, who would have thought?
As you both work through the problems, Amber's focus is strictly on you. Her dedication to helping you succeed is evident in her every word and gesture. However, as time passes, you notice a shift in her demeanor. She starts to glance at her phone more frequently, checking messages and notifications, her attention gradually drifting away from the math problems on the table, from you.
You clear your throat, trying to refocus her attention on the task at hand, but Amber's responses become distracted. She apologizes, but you can still feel her attention away from you. It seems that, for now, the math problems will remain unsolved, overshadowed by her phone.
You try to make the conversation back to math, asking questions and showing her the problems you're struggling with, but her attention keeps slipping away. You find yourself making more of an effort to capture her interest, right now you´re trying anything, hoping that she'll put her phone down and pay attention to you, like she did at the beginning of the session.
"Just so you know, I didn´t like like the picture, it was on accident. Horse girls are... scary." You mumble, being annyoed as she doesn´t even look at you.
"What did you say?" She looks up from her phone.
"You heard me, Amber." You shrug.
"Oh so that´s how you gonna be now? I don´t pay attention so you gonna attack me for my posts?" Amber chuckles. "Aren´t you the one who is obssesed with Marvel ladies? Or should I say... fanfiction?"
How the hell does she know?
"I don´t know what you´re talking about." You sit up more straight as to help you come of as confident person. Which doesn´t help at all.
"Natasha Romanoff x reader, smut, bdsm-" Amber is cut off by your hand.
"Shut up." After a second you´ve just realized what did you do. "Sorry." You pull your hand away as your face is now red as a tomato.
"So I was right." Amber has this cheeky smile on her face. The one you´d like to kiss away from her face.
Kiss? Am I attracted to her? No, I´m not. Maybe. I mean she´s hot. God i like her. Maybe? Do I?
"No you´re not. I don´t like these stuff, who even is Natasha Romanoff?" You chuckle.
"God, you´re such a shitty liar. Besides you had an essay on the MCU like a few months ago plus I saw Wattpad AND Tumbrl on your phone." She nods towards your phone.
"So you knew who I was, when we met!" You basically yelled at her. "Who´s lying now, huh? Miss mysterious!" This time it was Amber who lost her words. "Hm? Cat got your tongue?" Your smirking made something in Amber switch.
"Fuck this-" Her hand grab your shirt and pulled you towards her, her lips crashing at yours. The kiss is electrifying, sending shivers down your spine. It's both sweet and intense, like a long-awaited release.
Amber's hand finds its way to the grab your neck, fingers harshly threading through your hair, while yours rest against her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. The world outside melts away, leaving just the two of you, lost in the heat of the moment. Math was long forgotten.
Emotions swirl within you - confusion, longing, and a spark of undeniable passion. It's a kiss that feels like both a beginning and an end, a moment of surrender to something you can't quite define but desperately want to explore. As you finally break apart, breathless and wide-eyed, knowing that this kiss has changed everything between you and Amber. At least for you, for her? Nothing have changed and everything is going by her plan, maybe it´s little fast forward, but how can she wait, where you’re basically on her bed.
Amber looks at you with a hint of exitment in her eyes and admits. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time, you know? I've imagined this scenario so many times."
You feel a mixture of surprise and curiosity as you respond. "Really? I had no idea."
A faint blush colors her cheeks as she continues, "You never do, pretty girl."
You don´t notice the nickname, but only the feeling that it make you feel as she said those words. So you quickly move close to her again, blushing like a crazy as you already miss her lips on yours.
What could these lips do? Oh my god-
"What?" Amber tilts her head, "If you want anything, ask for it. Didn´t they learn this in school?" There she is, the mocking Amber you thought you hate, but your body says otherwise. You have to clench your thigs, to get at least a little friction. Because Amber, she´s looking at you with her dark eyes and you´re are positive if she says few sententes it could make you come right at the spot.
"Nothing." You mumble as you look away.
"Oh, okay. Then I guess, we can go back to studying-" You cut Amber off, pretty harshly, that was suprising to both of you.
"No! I don´t want to study..." You´re still looking down, knowing if you look up, you´d met her gaze.
"No? So what do you want to do?" By her voice, you can tell she has the smirk on her face.
"You know..."
"I don´t, (Y/N)." She knows. "You mean you want to fuck?" She chuckles.
This made you look at her. "Amber!" And that was a mistake. "I- uh"
"Hm? Say it and I´ll give you what you want." Her hand is caressing your cheek, slowly going up and down.
"F-fuck." You mumble out.
"Whole sentence, pretty girl. Come on." Her hand slowly squeezes your neck, which makes it hard for you to think.
"I want to fuck." You say very quietly, but Amber let it be.
"You forgetting something." She whispers in your ear.
When did she get so close?
You clench your thighs together again, now one Amber´s hand slipping into your pants.
"I want to fuck, please." You clear your throat as you can feel her hand pushing your drenched panties to the side. "I want you to fuck me, please. Pretty please, Amber!" You buck your hips towards her. "Fuck, please- I need you."
"You need me?" She looks up at you.
You nod. "Yes! I do! So much- a lot. I need only you, please." Your words were so pathetic, but Amber is loving every one you let out.
"You do need me, only me. That´s right. I´m keeping you safe, sweetheart. I always had." She wispers in your ear as her finger is slowly playing with your sensitive clit.
You don´t pay attention to her words, at all. But her finger is doing the gods work. She´s speeding up, but it´s still not enough.
"M-more..." you whine. "Please, im begging you, Amber. I really need it." You quickly add.
"Do you think you deserve it?"
You stay quiet, only letting few whines out, you don´t really know how to asnwer to that.
"Of course you do, my precious girl. Aw, you want more fingers, two? Oh three? We want three fingers? Okay." Amber nods as she whisper in your ear, you don´t control your hips anymore, it´s just going by itself at this point.
As Amber insert three fingers into you, it´s so easy as your wetness is dripping by your thighs. It takes you less than two minutes and you´re feeling like coming.
"Amber!" Is the only thing you are capable of yelling.
"I know, I know, shhhh" she shushes you. "I got you, I do."
"Please, can I? I- please!" You close your eyes, hoping she would say yes.
"Look at those pretty manners, of course. Go ahead my pretty girl." She smirks knowing this is better than she ever imaginated. Way better.
As you ride your high Amber just hold you close. Not ever letting you go and making sure all the danger in the world is secured by her and only her. It was like this before and it will be like that forever.
Thank you for reading!!!!
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rxmqnova · 5 months
Hi, could you write a player reader x wanda where yn has the fame of player but deep down she wanted to be in love but she was afraid because she was adopted and never felt any type of love until a woman adopted her. Yn and Wanda met and she helped Yn a bit with maths(for example) and they started to feel for each other but Yn didn't want to say anything because why Wanda would feel something for her? But one day, yn didn't go to school, and Wanda went to Yn's house and she found yn in there crying because she lost her mom and in that moment, Wanda swore to always protect her and show her the love she feels for her
You're not alone
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NO ONE'S POV With a huge smile on her face Y/N's telling her mom about her day. Her mother listening to her daughter's every word, smiling weakly while rubbing Y/N's knuckles with her thumb.
It's been a while since Y/N's mother got sick and had to go to the hospital. Y/N was absolutely devastated, but now her mother's feeling better and the doctors assured her that her mother's condition is a lot better, so Y/N's trying her best to come every day at least once and tell her mom everything what happens in her life.
"Math isn't so good, but I'm working on that, so no worries. We have a new girl in class and she's quite good at all the math stuff, so I'm planning to ask her for help" Y/N assures her mother. "Oh, look at the time! I'm running late already. I'll stop by after school, mom. I love you!" The girl presses a kiss to her mother's cheek, quickly taking her bag and rushing out of the hospital.
Y/M/N can't help but let out a chuckle, shaking her head with a smile as she's watching her daughter rushing out.
Luckily Y/N makes it to school just on time, running to her classroom before the bell rings, accidentally bumping into some girl and causing all of her books to fall on the ground.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Y/N quickly apologizes, bending down to help the girl pick up her books, locking eyes with her to realize it's the new girl. "That's okay" The brunette smiles.
"Oh, it's you! The new girl… Hm. Wanda, right?" Y/N questions, receiving a nod. "Hm. I know we haven't really talked yet, but I would really-"
"I won't go out with you" Wanda blurts out on which Y/N tilts her head in confusion. "Sorry, I'm not someone you can change after a week of dating. I-"
"I wasn't trying to ask you out" Y/N stops the brunette right there.
There's a well-known fact on the entire school that Y/N is a player. Her longest relationship lasted for about two weeks. She really wants to find someone who would love her and whom would she love, yet that hasn't happened yet.
Maybe that's caused by the fact that she's never really felt a real love until she got adopted 6 years ago.
A simple 'oh' leaves Wanda's lips, her cheeks turning red at the akward moment.
"I was just hoping you would help me with math? I have no clue what's going on there and you seemed to understand in the last few lessons, so I was hoping you'd help me out a little bit please?" Y/N asks, hoping to get a yes.
She really wants to get a good mark, so she could show it to her mom and assure her she's doing okay, so she wouldn't worry.
"Oh, sure, I can help. Sorry about that before, I didn't mean to-"
"No, that's fine. Can we meet up after shool?" Y/N questions with a smile, looking into the green eyes and searching for an answer.
It's been over a month since Wanda started helping Y/N with math and Y/N's grades got a lot better ever since. Though lately there's only one thing on Y/N's mind and it surely isn't school… Wanda.
For some reason Y/N just can't stop thinking about her, but whenever Y/N decides to tell Wanda, she gets insecure. Why would Wanda feel something for her? Why would she like her back?
After all, she always remembers their first encounter, how Wanda rejected her even though she wasn't about to ask her out. The whole school is talking about it, Y/N is a player, so why would Wanda want to date her?
Wanda, on the other hand, is feeling the same. Her mind is constantly wandering around Y/N and she just can't stop it. But she's certain Y/N doesn't feel the same and she definitely doesn't want to be another girl Y/N played with.
Wanda steps into the classroom, expecting to see Y/N's bright smile, but her seat is empty. Wanda shakes it off though, maybe Y/N was visiting her mom again or she just overslept, right?
There still is this weird feeling, telling Wanda something's wrong. She's been waiting for Y/N to arrive, yet the girl just isn't showing up. Something must have happened.
So as soon as the last lesson ends, Wanda rushes to Y/N's house, ringing the bell and knocking at the door without any response.
"I know you're here, Y/N!" She doesn't, but it's worth a try. What if Y/N is sick and needs help? Or what if she got hurt?
Few seconds later the door finally opens, revealing the young girl in a horrible state. Her hair is messy and her eyes bloodshot red from crying.
Wanda's just happy to see her in that moment and immediately pulls the girl in for a tight hug.
"You got me worried sick. Why didn't you text me you wouldn't come to school today?" Wanda lets out a sigh, pulling away from the hug and finally noticing the state Y/N is in. "What's wrong? What happened, Y/N/N?" She asks, cupping the girl's cheeks and wiping her tears away with her thumbs.
"… My mom died" Y/N sobs out, burying her face into Wanda's neck and crying again.
"I am so sorry" Wanda nearly whispers, rubbing Y/N's back and squeezing her eyes shut.
Y/N told her everything about her horrible childhood and how she got adopted. The girl would never ever tell anyone, but for some reason, she felt like she could tell Wanda.
"She was the only one I had" Y/N hiccups, Wanda feeling tears in her eyes as well.
"That's not true. You have me. And I will help you with everything" Wanda smiles slightly, wiping Y/N's running tears.
"Why would you? No one ever cared for me, only my mom. So why would you help?" Y/N asks, stepping back a little bit.
"Because I care, Y/N. I have feelings for you… I-I love you. I want to be here for you and I want to protect you" Wanda confesses, slowly taking Y/N's hands in hers.
"Y-you do?" Y/N questions, her voice cracking a little.
"I do" Wanda smiles, bringing one of her hands up to Y/N's face and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I-I have feelings for you too. I was scared to tell you. I thought that you would never feel the same" Y/N admits, her eyes filling with tears once again.
"Come here" Wanda pulls Y/N in for another hug, rubbing her back and letting her cry. "I'm here for you, honey. I'll help you with everything. You're not alone"
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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mirai-e-jump · 23 days
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Hirakawa Yuzuki Photobook: Yuzuki (select pages and translation below)
Publication: May 10, 2024
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Hirakawa Yuzuki Interview
-Playing along with my older brother as the youngest child-
I'm originally from Kumamoto. When I was little, I was an active kid who played outside all the time. I'd play baseball, tag, takaoni (another form of tag)…I often followed my older brother and played with him and his friends. Since I was the youngest child, I was allowed to do whatever I wanted (laughs). Speaking of, I asked my mother about the origin of my name "Yuzuki," but apparently, she said there was really no particular reason. She said she chose it because it had a good stroke count. Since a bunch of people tell me it's a good name, I really like it alot.
When I was in elementary and middle school, in addition to playing basketball as part of club activities, I also did various sports related activities, such as beach volleyball, baseball and swimming. My older brother would be doing it, so I'd follow him…or my friends would be doing it, and I admired them…it often started out in a similar way. I didn't do things like abacus when it came to studying activities. One time, I enrolled in cram school during the Summer of my third year of middle school, but I wasn't suited for it, and quit about two months in (laughs). My best grades in school were in gym, Japanese, and social studies. I had been playing the electone for about 10 years since kindergarten, so I had good grades in music. Things like math and science I wasn't good at, if I had to say, I was better at liberal arts. As for what kind of student I was, I was the type of student who didn't go to school much back then (laughs). Those who know me now probably have the impression that I'm "cheerful, innocent, and full of energy," but I wasn't very good at fitting in with others back then. I'd feel hurt by a casual comment, but I couldn't say it clearly to the other person, and so it'd build up more and more…and when someone was angry with me, I sometimes felt as if I was angry with them too. Growing up, I was the type of person who wasn't suited for group living. My mother didn't force me to go to school, but told me, "If you don't want to go, make sure to properly study at home," and so I took occasional breaks. Of course, there were my club friends and close friends, but I was more likely to hang out with people like my older brother's friends, who were older than my classmates.
When I became a high school student, me and those around me became more mature, so I didn't have to be intimidated about fitting in. Furthermore, at the time, I was thinking of finding a job right after graduating high school, so I was conscious that school was more of a place to go to study than a place to have fun. I went to an information related high school, where I was exposed to bookkeeping and became really hooked, so I joined the bookkeeping club in my first year of high school. We couldn't get enough people together, so we couldn't form a club, but a "similar hobby group" (laughs). While I'm not good at math, for some reason, I'm good at calculating money (laughs), so I thought I'd like to become something like a tax accountant or a certified public accountant in the future.
-An audition applied for out of curiosity to go to EXPG, a place I had always dreamed of going to, changed my life forever-
I've always liked LDH's artists, and I used to drag my mother along with me to various live shows. During this, when I was in high school, I learned from a program I was watching at the time called "Weekly EXILE" that they'd be holding auditions for girls for the first time in about seven years. I thought it'd be just singing and dancing anyway, and that I wouldn't have a chance, but they were looking for girls with various dreams, including becoming actresses and models, so I thought, "If that's the case, I probably wouldn't be out of place." It was really more out of curiosity than wanting to be accepted. The venue for the first round was at EXPG STUDIO (dance and vocal school handled by LDH) in Fukuoka, which I had wanted to attend for a long time. Ever since I fell in love with LDH, I was drawn in by their singing and dancing and wanted to attend, but the time and money it would take to commute to Fukuoka made it impossible….So, I was tempted by the idea that if I auditioned, I'd be able to "go to that place that I had always dreamed of." However, with my mother saying she'd buy me clothes for my audition, being able to enter EXPG, which I adored, and being able to go shopping in Fukuoka, I had ulterior motives…I sent in my application just before the deadline since I wasn't sure if I should really apply. I remember taking the photo that seals the application document by propping my phone up against a CD player in my house (*picture on the left side on page 128). I also needed a full body photo, but I didn't have any clean white walls at home, so I used one at a friend's house and had it taken in a hurry…I rushed to prepare the necessary documents and applied. Since it was right in the middle of Summer break, I applied secretly without telling anyone in my class, only my parents knew about it.
After passing the written exam, the practical exam began, but I was surrounded by other girls who had been singing and dancing since they were young. I felt that these girls must've devoted all the time I spent enjoying my hobbies to their dreams, and their enthusiasm was so intense that I sometimes wondered if I was out of place after all. But, it was a miracle that I was even able to be there, so I decided to just enjoy myself. Everything I did was new, and since I had never sung or danced before, it was fun to learn how to do it, and I never forgot that feeling of "having fun" during the audition. In the final round, we were divided into groups and had to perform one song while singing and dancing, which was very difficult. When the screening was over, rather than a desire to pass, I felt a stronger sense of accomplishment, like "you've done well," and when my name was called as a successful applicant, I didn't really understand what was happening. I finally realized for the first time that I had been accepted when I went to the agency with my mother to sign the contract. For the first time, I felt a sense of excitement that I was stepping into the entertainment world, which I always thought was far away.
When I joined the agency, I left my parents home and moved to the capital, and was overwhelmed by the city of Tokyo. I walked from Nakameguro (where the agency is located) to Shibuya through Dogenzaka, and at first I thought the intersection in front of 109 was the scramble intersection that I often see on TV. And then, I went alittle bit further and there were many times more people there, and I was like, "Uwah, it's this way!" (laughs). In the beginning, everything I saw was new to me, and I was always pleased and said "uwah."
Immediately after moving to Tokyo, I took singing, dancing and acting lessons at the agency. In the acting lessons, I had a strong Kumamoto accent, so the first thing I did was fix that. I was also taught other various basics to acting. I started out taking one on one lessons at the agency, but eventually I began attending outside lessons for acting. There, I was with other kids of the same age, and I discovered new things like, "Even with the same script, this kid expresses themself in this way," and my passion for acting grew more and more. I had so much to think about during my life in Tokyo, that I didn't have time to say I was lonely, but the reason I didn't feel lonely was probably because I video called my mother every day. Still, I didn't want my parents to worry, so I didn't complain. I think my mother was probably worried about sending her teenage daughter off to Tokyo by herself. Kumamoto and Tokyo aren't close enough for me to rush over there right away, and I didn't want to cause any unnecessary worrying. That's why I barely talked about work, and just talked about casual things like, "What did you do today?"
My first job was on stage for "Moryo no Hako" with Tachibana Kenchi-san. I had never seen a stage before, so I really couldn't tell right from left in this situation. I started from the very beginning and thought, "What is the stage?" My seniors taught me everything from the basics, such as "this is good and this is bad." In any case, I was desperately trying to hang in there every day. After a month and a half of rehearsals, I took the stage for the first time, and I'll never forget how the audience looked at me and how enthusiastic they were. When I received applause at the curtain call, I was very happy to know that what I was expressing and what we had created together had become one piece of work, and I really felt that "this is how we reached the audience," which made me very happy. From there, I was motivated to work even harder on my acting. I was so frustrated by the anger I felt during rehearsals, that I became fired up and thought, "I never want to lose"…yeah, I think I'm very competitive (laughs).
-This is my last chance, I'll bet it all on a "cool" type of Sentai heroine!-
I played the role of Rita Kaniska, the king and chief judge of Gokkan, the country of ice and snow, in "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger." I've been doing tokusatsu auditions ever since I joined the agency. I think I've auditioned for both "Kamen Rider" and Sentai about four times. Having auditioned multiple times, the image I had of the female cast was that of "the heroine," with their charming smiles and angelic appearance. But the heroines of King-Ohger were different from the previous ones, and when I received the script on the day of the audition, I thought, "A cool one is here." I thought I was more suited for "cool" than "cute," so I decided, "I'm definitely going to get this!" Rita's gender hasn't been disclosed, but they're like a medieval character. I thought that maybe there wouldn't be another role like this in Sentai for a few more years, so if I missed this chance, I probably wouldn't be able to appear in Sentai.
That's why I locked onto the role of Rita from the beginning. When presenting yourself at an audition, I thought it was normal to mention a special skills, so I announced my morning routine (laughs). I thought that I'd definitely make a better impression on the judges if they remembered me as "the XX kid" rather than my name. That's why I thought it'd be nice to be called "the morning routine kid" and when I said something like, "Every morning, my morning routine is to pick out coffee beans and drip them while having a conversation with the beans," I got them to bite, with them responding, "What, talking to beans?!" (laughs). The conversation expanded from there, and I was told, "Please be yourself, there's no need to pretend," so I approached the role with my "natural character."
When I received the news that I had been chosen, I was truly relieved. There were about five rounds of auditions, so I thought, "If I fail after making it this far, I'll never recover," and I was in a situation where I couldn't even get food down my throat. There was a time before I auditioned for King-Ohger where I thought, "I'm not suited for this kind of job after all." My work was decreasing due to the covid pandemic, and when I was alone, I often thought deeply, wondering if I should go back to my hometown and get a job.
I was thinking of quitting if I didn't get the chance in 2023, but King-Ohger was scheduled for the end of 2022, so I thought, "I can continue this job." I was very happy because I felt that I finally had a grasp of the situation, and I also had a positive feeling that I could work hard again from here. I'm glad that my mother also told me, "Good for you, keep doing your best," which I think reassured me alittle. My mother watched King-Ohger every week and became a regular fan of the show (laughs). She was quicker than I was to get information on merch, and she came to events like G-Rosso. I'll send Rita merch to my parents house, and they'll say, "It'd be cute if they were all lined up together," so they're collecting all the characters themselves (laughs).
-Approaching the character by writing my "heart's voice" in the script.-
The story of King-Ohger is more interesting than anything else. The cast loves King-Ohger so much, that I think the actors themselves are the biggest fans of the show. Everyone looked forward to the next development and eagerly waited for the new script every week, saying, "I can't wait to read the next one!" (laughs). I also really enjoyed playing the character of Rita.
I was careful about many things in my performance, such as my voice and the way I stood. Since only my left eye is the only part of my body that shows facial expressions, some parts are difficult to convey, while other parts can be conveyed too much, so I was especially very concerned about how to handle my gaze. Also, the word "Immovable" was used, so I had to give meaning to "not moving." I thought it wasn't enough to just stand there, so I had to think in detail about it, such as "why not move here?" and "why move here after not moving for so long?" I'm the type of person who writes alot in the scripts, but I wrote what was going on in my mind rather than "I'll do this here." For each line, I imagined things like, "Rita is probably thinking this here, and so they're probably saying this," and then I'd write it down. Rita particularly has alot of emotions packed into short words, so I think that if I don't properly interpret the words in my mind before speaking, my words won't hold any weight. I also made sure that I had a clear understanding of the meaning of words that I normally wouldn't use, such as "perjury," and if it was difficult, I'd replace it with a different word and interpret it in a way that made sure I understood it clearly. Since they're also a presiding judge, I tried to take a variety of approaches in order to accurately convey a sense of dignity and persuasiveness.
The final battle from episodes 48 to 50 hit me all at once. I felt the weight of a year's worth of work, and I was in pain while performing, but I also felt the bond and connection between everyone, and even though there wasn't a part where I would cry, I still cried. In terms of Rita's individual scenes, episode 30, in which the secret of their right eye that they had been hiding for a long time was revealed, left a strong impression on me. I really felt that what Rita had been carrying and what they wanted to protect became clear, and that they became stronger.
It was also a challenge to film, but even after 30 episodes, I was able to discover new things like, "Rita can be this emotional!" This was the starting point to further expand on the character of Rita again in the last 20 episodes. Also, speaking of Rita, they have a habit of yelling when they're annoyed, but in the script it's written as "Ah!" I take care about the number of "A" and "!". Each time, the number written was different. So, when I told the Screenwriter something like, "Since there are so many ! here, I should shout like this?," he was overjoyed and said "You noticed?!" (laughs).
Apparently, he also writes the lines while shouting them, and depending on the tension, he writes it differently, like "Aaahhh!!!!" or "Ah!" (laughs). Such subtle differences were interesting, and I also enjoyed acting out the screaming parts. Another memorable episode was episode 38's audition episode. I saw an unexpected side of Rita, who said, "I'll go to such lengths for this job," and I felt that they had opened a new door. As for myself, when I was first told, "Next time, Rita will become an idol," I thought, "Hmm? How did they become an idol?," but then I was given a video of the dance and was told that I'd also sing. Well, it was like I was just taking on what was handed to me. (laughs). I only had about a year's worth of experience in dance lessons from my agency, but I didn't want to do it half heartedly. I think the image my agency has is that they take pride in dancing, so I did my best not to disgrace LDH's name (laughs). The singing and dancing was challenging, but it had been so long since I performed with my face showing, that I was alittle embarrassed at first. It had probably been about nine months since I performed with my whole face.
That's why it felt abit strange to see my whole face on screen, and I was like "whoa" at first (laughs), but in the end, it was alot of fun. Twin tails and a frilly costume…it's not often in life that you get to dress that cute. More than 100 TTFC members came as extras to play audience members, waving penlights and calling out to me. The special effects were amazing and so authentic that it made me think that I had become an artist.
On the day when we filmed the dance performance, the Director told me to "dance three times," but I was so excited that I got better every time I danced, and I ended up dancing eight times. The Director said, "There's been alittle bit of an increase," but it wasn't just alittle, it was more than twice as much as we had planned! (laughs). But, thanks to that, I think we were able to get some good shots, and I also felt a great sense of accomplishment.
Everyone in the King-Ohger cast got along really well. I'm currently regaining the youth I didn't get to enjoy in my teens (laughs). At the beginning of filming, I was worried about whether I'd get along with everyone, but everyone was so warm and welcoming that I didn't need to worry about it, and it felt like we were family. Everyone was so considerate and kind, and I was truly blessed to be a member of this group. We often went out to dinner after filming, and they were very reliable seniors, so we developed a relationship where we could easily discuss both our private and work related issues. Despite all that, we usually had alot of fun talking about things that we really couldn't do anything about (laughs). On set, when someone would make a joke, someone else would respond to the joke, and there was always alot of noise, but when it came time to perform, it felt like we made a quick switch. I think we were a really good team, and I'll do my best so I can work together with them in other productions in the future.
At the wrap up, everyone was crying quite abit, but I didn't cry. If I cried, it would start a chain reaction and everyone would start crying, so I just kept smiling. For awhile, the Director said to me, "You're not going to cry?" I said, "No, I'll probably cry," but…as I thought, the Director saw right through me. I don't really know why, but…but, when the Director cried while saying that, I was touched and was like, "Director~!" He even joked around saying, "You won't even cry at my tears?" (laughs), but I was actually pretty teary eyed.
I've learned alot over the past year. In the beginning, I was really nervous, to the point where I thought my hands would start shaking when I stood in front of the cameras. But after being in front of the cameras for a year, I feel that I've become less intimidated and have been able to focus 100% on the performance. This was my first time focusing on a single role for such a long period of time, so I learned how to expand on my character, come up with ideas for acting, and gained alot more skills. I was taught from the very beginning how to act, which I had been interested in for a long time, and also how to do the dub recording…I really learned alot of things, and I'm sure that what I've gained here will definitely come in handy in the future.
-My first impressions of the snowy landscape was quite literally, "It's dazzling!"-
The idea of publishing a photo book was mentioned to me casually by my manager during a completely different meeting. They said, "This is totally off topic, but do you want to publish a photo book or calendar?" When I heard that they were interested in a project, I asked for it with, "Definitely!" In our meeting to discuss the concept, I expressed "my wish to see snow," since I myself am from Kyushu and had never seen a snow covered landscape. Since Rita, the character I was playing at the time, was king of the country of ice and snow, I thought it'd be a good idea to use "snow" as a theme, and the location for the shoot turned out to be Akita.
When I actually saw the snowy landscape in Akita, I thought the snow was dazzling. I had never been exposed to light reflecting off snow, so at first my eyes weren't completely annoyed by that pure whiteness. But thanks to that, I think my skin looked nice and beautiful (laughs). Some of the snow had piled up quite abit, so I enjoyed flopping and rolling around in the snow, something I'd never have been able to normally do. There are some shots of me just having fun, so be sure to check them out (laughs). The sight of snow on the mountains was also something you don't see in Kyushu. It was so beautiful, that it cleansed my soul. I also made and ate kiritanpo by myself. I love rice and hot pots, so I enjoyed it tremendously. I never had a chance to visit the north before, but when I went to Tohoku for the first time, with delicious food and beautiful scenery, I thought it was the best. Lake Tazawa was so spectacular that it was like being overseas (laughs). It made me realize that there are also alot of beautiful places in Japan, and it made me want to travel around the country.
In addition to Akita, we also had the opportunity to shoot at "AMAZING COFFEE" (coffee shop produced by EXILE TETSUYA, also known as AMECO) in Tokyo. Previously, there was a period of time where I did a societal study at AMECO, where I learned alot about coffee there. Personally, I've always been a coffee lover, but there are many staff members at AMECO who know coffee inside and out, and many customers come to AMECO for that quality. So, I learned more about coffee than ever before. Now, I have fans who say things like, "When you think of Yuzuki-chan, you think of coffee," and people I meet say, "You love coffee, right?" I feel that it's become recognized that coffee is my hobby.
The photos here are the ones of me seriously facing the coffee and just enjoying latte art (laughs).
This time, the makeup artist did alot of creative styling with my short hair, and the style without bangs was very fresh. The costumes all had things I liked, so it was hard to choose. Also, the photographer, Mae Kosuke-san, was a very nice person who really helped me out. Even though I'm used to being in front of cameras, I still get nervous when taking still photos (laughs). Mae-san relieved me of that problem in a good way, so I was able to relax and feel at ease. The photographer, stylist, makeup artist…everyone created a great atmosphere that helped me relax during the shoot, so I'm very grateful.
-The "it's okay to express yourself more" that my friends in King-Ohger told me-
Acting allows me to experience many things that I could never experience in my own life, and above all else, I love the time I spend facing my roles. I've enjoyed the past year very much, so I'd like to continue to face different roles, absorb various things, and discover my potential and new sides of myself. I'd like to try anything, regardless of genre, whether it be film, stage plays, or voice work. In terms of expression, I've been doing some occasional modeling work, so I hope to expand that as well.
The roles I'd like to play in the future are ones of working women, such as a police officer or firefighter. I'd like to continue to do action, so I'd like to play cool roles that make use of those skills. I also really want to wear a uniform. I'm embarrassed to imagine a romantic role, but I'd like to play the role of a best friend position, someone who assists the main character in their love. Something like…"Actually, I'm in love with the same person the heroine is in love with, but my friend talked to her about it, so I can't confess anymore." I'd like to play a role in such a sad position like that. There are things like "getting together someday" right? (laughs). I'd like to play a role that makes people think, "I wish that girl had gotten what she deserved."
Now that King-Ohger is over, I'm currently in a period of taking occasional breaks.
When I'm at home, what do I do…as expected, I often immerse myself in making coffee at home. I'm not good at switching between emotions, so in a positive sense, I use coffee like a switch. I often brew it when I'm motivated for things like, "Let's do the laundry now," or when I need to take a breather and immerse myself with, "Now it's time to relax." And then there are times when I just feel relieved (laughs). There are times when I just sit on the sofa for two hours without watching TV, listening to music, or looking at my phone, and just stare at a single spot (laughs). Hearing this might make you worried, but since I talk alot outside of home, I'm very quiet at home. On days off, I don't say a single word, and I seem to unconsciously create time to be relieved and think about nothing. Something I consciously do as a mood changer is to go for a walk. When I set out, I can leave all kinds of things behind. If I'm thinking about something at home or on my way home, I end up remembering it when I arrive at the same spot. For example, if I sit on the sofa and reflect on something that went wrong, the next day when I sit on the same sofa again, it's like the bad thoughts I had yesterday come back to haunt me. That's why I'll do something like stretch my legs and get out of my comfort zone, throw away my frustrations, and go home. I'm like, "Don't come here anymore!" (laughs).
I guess what I value in life is thinking about the feelings of others. I'll think about what the other person would think if I said "this"…I place great importance on understanding and trying to pick up on the feelings of others. I'm mindful of being considerate to those around me as to not be selfish. In the past, I used to take it too far and become overly concerned about what others thought, but the members of King-Ohger told me, "We think it's okay to express yourself more." That's why I thought I'd try my best to be myself in a way that wouldn't make the other person feel uncomfortable. Right now, I'm in the process of growing up and trying to find the right adjustments (laughs).
Finally, I'd like to thank all of my fans for their support.
Thank you for picking up this photo book. I always receive alot of love from you all through SNS and fan letters, and this is the driving force behind my activities. I've only ever been given energy, smiles, and courage from everyone, so I'd like to give alot back in return. I'd be happy if you'll continue to support me going forward. I'm also looking forward to seeing tons of feedback on the photo book!
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dual1pa · 1 year
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warnings: using she/her pronouns, lanugage, all around fluff, heavy makeouts in car
not really proofread
enjoy :)
All she thought about was prom. She’s been looking forward to the very special night since she was a freshman at Hawkins High.
She was more than halfway through her senior year and she was ready to graduate and get the hell out of that place. However, the only thing keeping her going: PROM
She already cut out several potential prom dresses in the paper and taped them to her bedroom wall to create a large collage and has it narrowed down to two. They were both equally as perfect, but she just couldn’t decide. 
Of course, she had the perfect boy in mind to be her prom date: Eddie Munson. However, he cringed at every prom poster he walked past in the hallways. 
He wasn’t the type of guy to “dress up.” A simple jean jacket and black pants would suffice his forever wardrobe.
She, of course, fell for him in the 10th grade. He sat next to her in English class. It wasn’t right, of course, but she let him look at her tests to help him pass the class — which he did. The two were complete opposites but clicked instantly. 
One night, she invited him over for a study session since her parents were away on business. One thing lead to another and they ended up making out all night on the couch. 
They’ve been happy ever since. 
Returning back to the now, she tapped her pencil on her neatly written history notes, waiting for that slow clock to finally hit 11:33 so she could see her boyfriend. 
Sure, they weren’t the most popular guys in school, but she really loved hanging out with his group of friends and learning all about Dungeons & Dragons.
She drowned Mr. Smith’s voice discussing the Revolutionary War ages ago. The thought of cramming more information into her brain gave her a migraine.
As soon as the bell rang, she quickly put her notebook and folder into her backpack and went to her locker to switch her books around for the second half of the school day. 
She put her three-number combination into the lock and opened it, admiring the photos she had in her locker — most of her and Eddie, but others of her friends and family. 
It wasn’t long before she felt arms wrap around her waist only to quickly be turned around and lightly pressed up against the locker beside her. 
Her beautiful brown-eyed boy was wearing his famous Hellfire Club t-shirt and his favorite jean jacket and pants. 
“Hi, angel,” he said, giving you a sweet kiss. 
“Hi, how was math?” 
“Fucking boring, as usual,” he sighed, “But I’m with you now and that’s all that matters.” 
She chuckled, “You really need to pass that final, Eds, If you’re not walking down that aisle with me, it’ll be the end for you.” 
“Speaking of... could you come over tonight and help me prepare for this test? I know I would fucking fail without your genius mind.” 
“Of course,” she smiled.
At the end of the day, she grabbed the books that she needed for the weekend and met Eddie at his van where she was greeted with a passionate kiss. 
“Well, isn’t someone happy to see me,” she kissed him once more before throwing her bag in the back. 
“Before we leave, I have a question to ask you.” 
Her eyebrows raised, “Is it bad?” 
“What? No! Of course, not,” he reassured her. 
He gave her a large envelope, which she opened quickly. 
“I was wondering... uh.. would you like to go to prom with me?”
She squealed when she saw the physical tickets for “Hawkins High School Prom 1986.” 
She instantly wrapped her arms around Eddie’s neck and jumped into his arms. 
“Yes, yes. Of course I’ll go to prom with you. Oh my God!!” 
She pressed kisses along his lips, then over his cheeks, and then all around his face. 
“I’m sorry it’s not a big ask like I’ve seen others do but,” 
She interrupted him, “Stop that. I love it and I love you. Thank you for doing this for me.” 
“I want to because I love seeing you so happy.” 
Prom night came so fast. 
Thank God Hawkins High canceled classes for the day. 
She was up and awake early in the morning to start getting ready. Eddie begged her to sleep over the night before but she didn’t want him to see her or her dress before the big night.  
Throughout the day, she was so busy: she had a hair and nail appointment as well as getting her makeup done by her best friend, Rachel. 
She saved the best for last, putting on her dress. 
After weeks of deciding between those two dresses - she finally found the perfect one. 
Her mother helped her into the baby blue dress and zipped up the back.
“The love of your life is downstairs,” her sister, Elizabeth, said, “And he looks incredible.” 
She put on her white heels and took her time to walk down the stairs - holding on to the railing for dear life so she didn’t fall. 
Eddie was facing away from her until he heard her movements.  
He took one look at her and fell in love with her all over again.
She felt the same, he looked so handsome wearing a suit. 
He raced to the bottom of the stairs to help her with the final few steps. 
“You look... wow. You look so beautiful,” he leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. 
Deep down, she knew that all he wanted to do was pick her up, twirl her around and kiss her all over. However, since they were in the company of her family, he kept it PG. 
After several pictures, Eddie finally got her out of the house and into his van.
While driving back to school, his hand intertwined with hers on her lap. He constantly told her how beautiful she was in her dress.
Sure, they’ve been going out for a while, but he’s never seen her so dressed up before — and vice versa. 
She couldn’t take her eyes off her man and how hot he looked while wearing something other than his normal attire.
As he abruptly parked the car as far away from the school as he could — can’t have those popular kids hitting his car. 
He ran over quickly to help her out of the car. 
As he was about to lead the way, she pulled his hand back to bring him up against her chest. She leaned up to quickly kiss his lips a few times. 
“I’m excited for tonight, and you really do look so handsome,” she kissed him once more before joining the other students making their way into the gym.
“I kinda only really wanna for a few songs tonight, then get outta here,” she said. 
“My God, you are the woman of my dreams,” he kissed her cheek and twirled her. 
Since none of Eddie’s friends “believed” in Prom, she saw her friends waving to her to go sit with him. 
“Wow, Eddie, nice to see you not in your typical uniform,” her friend, Rachel said — sort of joking. 
He turned around to give the table a full 360, “You all like?”
Hoots and hollers came from the table as she held her boyfriend close. 
“We’re gonna go dance.” 
“Behave, you two,” her other friend, Veronica stated. 
“Don’t we always?” she asked. 
“Never!” Veronica joked.
What felt like forever, the band finally played a slow song. She was still out of breath from dancing. 
Eddie pulled her in by her waist and swayed back and forth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. 
Deep down, Eddie didn’t find prom as bad as he thought it was going to be. He had the girl of his dreams in his grasp and never wanted the moment to end.
Every now and then, she felt him place gentle kisses on her temple as he held her close — like he was afraid someone was going to take her away from him. 
This was the moment she was looking forward to since her freshman year – before she even knew Eddie. She wanted to slow dance with her first love while feeling safe in his arms. 
She lifted her head to look into his eyes.
“What do you say we get out of here?” she asked. 
“Honey, I’d never thought you’d ask,” he grabbed your hand and swerved through the crowd of people. 
The cool Indiana air hit them as they walked back to Eddie’s van hand in hand.
Luckily, prom wasn’t close to being over so they had a chance to leave before everyone else. 
He opened the door for her and quickly ran over to his side. 
“What do you wanna do now?” he asked. 
As he was speaking, she pulled her dress up so she could leap over into the drivers seat. 
“Woah, what,” he said, hands instantly grabbed her waist to balance her. 
His hand reached down to pull the seat all the way back and down for more space. 
She spent the next few moments attacking his mouth with kisses. 
“What’s all this about?” he asked. 
“You did something very nice for me tonight. You knew how much prom meant to me so you sucked it up and went along with it. Thank you, Eds.” 
“I love seeing my girl happy,” he smiled, reaching to pull her dress up so he could feel her ass. 
“My uncle isn’t home tonight, wanna get outta here?” 
“I don’t have a change of clothes,” she pouted. 
“Oh babe, you won’t need any clothes,” he smirked.
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Oh!!! It's a good thing I was staying up late or else I might've missed this!! (Oh god this got a lil long, I'm so sorry ajdgskahd)
Using she/her, how about a kakegurui one where R(eader) is a relative of Yumeko's, maybe her sister (or cousin could work too), and it's like. Yumeko's the fun loving one, her canon sister I imagine is the calm one, and R is like the angry takes no shit from anyone type, and she's there to watch over Yumeko's trouble attracting ass to keep her inline, so to focus on that, she doesn't gamble (Yumeko does enough of that for both of them) but now that's making trouble turn to R instead in the form of an infuriating Kirari, R like back talks to her and would probably bite a hand that gets too close if she has to, and when Kirari in one (underhanded) way or another manages to corner R into a gambling match with some poor soul so Kirari can observe her, R shows that she's just as good and insane as her relatives (though calms down faster?) , aaaahh I don't know what else to add on or how to end this, can't think much this late so here you go!! I hope you have fun!!
The Jabami Blood Flows
Jabami Sister Reader, Yumeko Jabami and Kirari Momobami (Platonic)
A/N: Here it is! Sorry I didn’t really get into the gamble. I couldn’t make myself research exactly how craps works and I’m not smart enough to calculate any math or cheats. The canon gambling timeline might be a little messed up too because it’s been awhile… But I think I captured the spirit of what you were asking for. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 2,523
(Y/n) couldn’t remember what life was like when her parents were alive, nor could she really remember what her oldest sister Souko was like before Yumeko had to send her away to live in that special hospital. All she knew was that life as a Bami was eat or be eaten, take or be taken from, and she hated it.
When Yumeko told (Y/n) of her plans to transfer to Hyakkaou, she was dead set against her going. That was where she went to school, Momobami Kirari. The one who had a hand in their older sister’s decline in mental health along with their own aunt. However, nothing that she said to Yumeko could get her to change her mind. So (Y/n) did what any good and responsible sister would do and filled out her own transfer papers so she could tag along.
It was difficult keeping track of Yumeko when they were two years apart, especially when the middle school was in a separate wing of the sprawling building.
But after she had heard about Yumeko becoming a house pet within the first week, (Y/n) had nearly blown a gasket. In retaliation, she quickly sized up the casino disguised as a school and realized the students could do basically whatever they wanted. (Y/n) was disciplined, a diligent worker and good student, so she got all of her schoolwork ahead of time and did it at home so she could keep an eye on Yumeko throughout the day.
She allowed Yumeko to take part in the Debt Swapping Game to undo the damage she had done to herself and her “new friend” Saotome, but after that (Y/n) was all over her… not that her nagging was very affective, unfortunately.
“You’re so cute when you pout!” Yumeko gushed, squeezing (Y/n)’s cheeks.
(Y/n) grabbed her sister’s wrists and groaned, “Neesan, I’m serious! No more gambling! We have the money, pay off the debt so you can stop wearing that ridiculous tag!”
“Sweet little sister, always looking out for me. You don’t worry so much, okay? I want to keep this tag just for awhile longer.”
“Why? It makes no sense, people treat you worse than an animal!” (Y/n) only got more upset the longer this conversation dragged on, “Get rid of it!”
“I’m not going to do that,” Yumeko smiled, somehow so carefree, “it makes for some really interesting gambles!”
“You’re so stupid!” (Y/n) suddenly yelled, finally shocking the smile off of Yumeko’s face, replaced by mild surprise, “It’s like you want to end up like Oneesan, you want to leave me all alone!”
“(Y/n)—“ Yumeko reached out her hand to (Y/n) but she ran passed her and kept running until she found an empty classroom to cry in.
She couldn’t cry forever though, and soon fell into a quiet, simmering anger that began to boil the more she thought about how their lives had come to this.
“Momobami Kirari.” She hissed hatefully. She ruined Souko and was in the process of taking Yumeko away from her too. Well, (Y/n) wasn’t going to standby quietly.
She wiped her eyes and and stood up, tromping through the halls, she followed the signs until she came to the Student Council room and without bothering to knock, she pushed the door open with a loud thump, making the pair that resided within look up.
“You can’t just charge in here like that!” Sayaka was quick to reprimand.
But Kirari put up a hand, “Don’t be troubled, Sayaka. It’s just one of my dear little cousins paying me a visit. I’d recognize a Jabami anywhere. Care for tea, (Y/n)? I haven’t seen you since you were quite small, you’ve grown a lot.”
“Jabami…” Sayaka’s mood soured a bit more. One Jabami was already one snake too many.
“And you look very cute in the middle school uniform.” Kirari continued on, tilting her head towards Sayaka, “I remember your middle school days Sayaka, you looked very cute in that uniform too, although this one is nice as well.” She tugged on the hem of Sayaka’s jacket for emphasis.
“Thah- thank you, President.” And like that, Sayaka was subdued, but still a little wary of their impromptu guest.
“I don’t want your stupid tea, or small talk!” (Y/n) yelled. “I want you to get rid of the house pet system!”
“You can’t just storm in here and demand such a thing!” Sayaka bristled.
“Ah, is Yumeko refusing to pay off her debt?” Kirari sat back in her chair slightly, “Unfortunately for you, I’m not inclined to accept your request. Your sister is just too fun to watch.”
“I hate you!” (Y/n) seethed, Kirari’s eyes widened, but it was clear amusement rather than surprise at the outburst, “I hate what the Bami clan is under your rule! If it was someone else— if things could have been different— My parents would be alive, Souko wouldn’t be in the hospital and you wouldn’t be trying to take Yumeko from me right now! I hate gambling! I hate that when people gamble, they are risking the happiness of people they are supposed to care about too! I hate you for pitting everyone against each other all the time! You have the power to stop all this before we all destroy each other for good, but you don’t use it, and I despise you for it!”
“Oh my,” Kirari cupped her between her thumb and index fingers, “so much resentment for a girl so young. Are you sure you aren’t Saotome’s little sister?” She chuckled.
“This isn’t funny!”
“Is it not? I find it a bit amusing at least. For someone with Jabami blood flowing through her veins, you are very adamantly going against your nature. It’s interesting. You might be one to watch as well.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“I think Yumemi has plans for your sister today. You might want to start making your way to the auditorium to cheer her on.” Kirari said instead, steepling her fingers in front of her coral blue lips.
A look of realization and then dread fell over (Y/n)’s face. She gave Kirari one more glare, then bolted from the student council room.
“What a rude girl!” Sayaka huffed. “Has she no respect for upperclassmen at all?”
“Easy Sayaka,” Kirari soothed with a teasing lilt, “I think my week just became a little more interesting.”
In the days after Yumeko’s admittedly unique gamble against Yumemi, (Y/n) had taken to giving her dear older sister the cold shoulder. It made Yumeko sad and pouty of course, but until she could promise (Y/n) that she was done gambling for good, (Y/n) refused to talk to her. She started going back to her classes like normal instead of following her sister around and did her best not to think about all the bad situations Yumeko could be putting herself through.
But she couldn’t ignore her sister for long, not when an unfamiliar upperclassman came to her classroom to summon her for a gamble. Apparently, Yumeko had got herself in a lot more trouble than (Y/n) had dared thought possible, or so the house pet had claimed.
“Where is she? Yumeko!” (Y/n) ran into the room, only turning around when she heard the door lock behind her. “Hey! What are you doing? Open the door!”
“That was a lot easier than I thought it would be.”
(Y/n) whipped her head to the back of the room to see a tired looking upperclassman, another house pet, sitting at a fancy craps table in front of a large mirror that almost took up the whole wall.
“I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this to get back at Jabami for what she and Saotome did to me at that damn debt swapping game. You’re her little sister, right? What am I saying, of course you are.”
“What do you want? Who are you?” (Y/n) asked defensively.
“Kiwatari Jun.” The upperclassman answered with a smirk, “And I’m gonna turn you into a house pet.”
“Like hell you are. You can’t force someone into a gamble unless they are part of the council. Unlock the door.” (Y/n) commanded, but Jun chuckled darkly.
“You’re right, I can’t make you do anything, but the door is locked from the outside, and I don’t have the key.”
“Then I guess we’re just stuck here forever until we die.” (Y/n) hotly retorted.
“Not the case,” he knocked on the mirror behind him. “See this, it’s a one way window. People can see us, but we can’t see them. Once we gamble, someone will come and let us out.”
“I’m not going to gamble you.”
“You will. Word is your sister is going on a gambling tear without you yapping in her ear. She’s got a real big gamble coming up today with that crazy Beautification Committee officer. You know, the one who likes swinging a gun around.”
“Yumeko already gambled her and was disappointed. She wants nothing to do with Ikishima now.” (Y/n) had really hated that gamble. It was exceedingly frightening. She was glad Yumeko had been put off by Midari’s recklessness in some shape.
“She came up with a new gamble that really has your sister going. Safe to say she’s giving her another chance. I don’t expect you to believe me, but is it really a risk your willing to take? If you aren’t there… you might not see her again.”
(Y/n)’s blood froze. She didn’t want to believe this guy, in fact, she was sure he was lying, but her fear of losing Yumeko was stronger than reason. Saving Yumeko was the only thing she could think of that was truly worth gambling for…
“What is the game?” She finally asked through gritted teeth.
“Craps,” he swept his arm over the table, “A simple dice game, what do you say?”
“I want to test the dice.”
Jun exhaled though his nose, “Not a gambler, huh? You sure seem to know what to look for.”
“When you grow up in the world that I have, you can’t help but pick up a thing or two.” (Y/n) sat down at the opposite side of the table, she could feel her heartbeat picking up like it would at the starting line of a race, or before reading a speech in class. She hated the feeling. She hated how her body loved the feeling. The excitement of doing something that felt totally crazy.
Despite not remembering her mother very well, she was definitely her daughter. That blood flowed through her veins as it did with Yumeko and Souko. A red glow briefly reflected off of her eyes.
“Are we doing this, or not?”
All of Jun’s little tricks were exposed round after round, but even if (Y/n) had let them slide, she was rolling perfectly every time, a skill she had picked up by merely watching Souko practice as a toddler, just a baby even. If she wasn’t so dead set against gambling, she could probably be making millions of yen a week. Her playing style reminded Jun more of Mary, but every once in awhile, she’d make an absolutely insane call that could only be something a Jabami would ever think to do.
It didn’t take long before all of the money the student council had leant him was on the other side of the table and with it, his dreams of freeing himself from his house pet chains. Now he was another four million yen in the hole.
“No… you’re just a snot-nosed middle schooler!” He hissed, pounding his fists against the table, making the dice and chips clink together. “I was supposed to win.”
“Idiot.” (Y/n) smirked, the red gleam appeared in her eyes once more, “Don’t you know nothing is guaranteed in gambling, nothing but disappointment for someone anyway.” She got up from her chair, not even caring to take her winnings with her. “A pity a had to lose my no gambling streak because of you. You weren’t even a challenge.”
She walked over to the door, pleased to see it was already opening in anticipation of her approach. She was a little surprised to see it was Sayaka who opened the door, however. She was even more surprised when Sayaka pulled her forward and a zapping noise met her ears, followed by a heavy object hitting the ground. She turned to see Jun curled up on the floor and saw the taser in Sayaka’s hand. He must have been coming up to attack her for humiliating him so badly.
“You never learn, do you, Kiwatari?” Sayaka tisked, “Lose with dignity for once.”
“Thank you for the show, Jabami (Y/n).” Kirari rounded the corner seconds later. She must have been watching from the other side of the glass. Suddenly this impromptu gamble was making a lot more sense. Jun didn’t seem smart enough to come up with a scheme like this himself.
“I should have paired you up with someone interesting, but I wanted to see what I was working with first. You did not disappoint. We will have to do something like this again soon.”
“No way,” (Y/n) could already feel herself coming down from the brief high of gambling a upperclassman into submission, “I’m not going to let you catch me in a position like this again. No way in hell! Yumeko isn’t even in trouble, is she?”
Kirari smiled, “No, she’s not. However, I’m sure I could make an offer or two you simply would not be able to refuse. Whether it’s to forbid your sister from gambling in this school again, ending the house pet system, dethroning me as student council president, or even as the head of the Bami clan, I’m sure we could work something out. I think it would be really exciting for us to gamble one day.”
(Y/n) hated the shiver of excitement that ran up her spine. There were a couple of options in that short list she wouldn’t mind seeing to fruition, yet she shook her head and bumped into Kirari as she passed her.
“Just stay away from me!”
“I’ll be seeing you around, (Y/n). Have a good rest of your day.” Kirari waved, watching (Y/n) stomp away with amusement.
“Oh, (Y/n)?” Yumeko was surprised that after days of the cold shoulder, (Y/n) had sought her out for a hug, but she was very happy for the suprise affection to say the least and instantly returned the embrace. “You’re being so sweet to me! What brought this on, I wonder?”
“Don’t gamble with Ikishima ever again, got it?” (Y/n) ordered, “And always make sure you have your phone on you so I can ask you what you’re up to, okay?”
“Okay, okay!” Yumeko giggled, “You don’t have to worry. That person you just mentioned is dead to me anyway.”
A strangled moan of Yumeko’s name could be heard in the distance, but no one acknowledged it.
“Hey,” Yumeko’s eyes lit up, “let’s go do something fun this weekend. Just you and me, anything you want, okay?”
A small smile worked its way onto (Y/n)’s lips and she nodded, hugging her sister tighter.
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easybrainrot34 · 19 days
✈️ Colin Bridgerton Headcanons ✈️
This was requested by this lovely anon!! This is my first request so thank you for writing in! It would’ve come out sooner, but i currently have a mean tooth infection, nevertheless, the show must go on! Heads up, third one is a hint of spice. Hope u enjoy☺️
Characters mentioned : Gregory, Anthony, Benedict, Daphne, Edmund, Violet, Penelope, Debling, and Eloise
🎻= regency era
🧳= modern au
🧳🎻= either
Ps my request r open :)
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🧳🎻 I think he has a very realistic view on his brothers. I think he use to blindly look up to them just bc they were his older brothers, but as time has passed he definitely sees and recognizes that they both have some decent flaws. However, he really wants Gregory to look up to him the most. I don’t think he would ever admit it to anyone, but i feel like he could think a little higher of himself (not in a bad way at all) therefor he thinks he’s led the best example for how a man should be to Gregory.
🧳🎻 He gives off shy kid vibes. Like between the ages of 4-10 he was pretty shy only having like two friends. I feel like Ben specifically found this a little concerning bc he didn’t want him to have issues in school and life in general, so together they worked really hard on getting him to not only have more confidence in himself but actually practiced having convos. I also feel like once he got to the “interested in dating people” age Daphne and Ben tried their best to tech him to talk aka flirt with people.
🧳 (Lil spicy) Had a hoe phase in college. People are always shocked about how high his body count is (20+) but he was never a douche bag to anyone he’s hooked up with. I feel like when Anthony and Benedict found out on one of the weekly boys nights they have, Ben was proud and Anthony was a little shook. Anthony made him swear up and down he always wore a condom and then congratulated him lol.
🧳 Staying on the college root, he definitely gives off world history major vibes. He def was a foreign exchange student in high school (secondary school for the brit’s out there lol) and studied a couple semesters abroad in college. Specifically went to France in high school, then America, Italy, Spain, and India in college. He also makes it a point to travel every summer. I feel like he would definitely end up as a teacher of some sort tho. Like he’s definitely the cool history teacher everyone loves. Also hes definitely that teacher that gets side tracked easily if u ask him about his time abroad.
🧳 Definitely has more girl friends than guy friends, but not super imbalanced. He just gives was invited to the girls night out vibes. (I have a headcanon that i already wrote that i would definitely add Colin too). He definitely has his Boyz™️ that he hangs with all the time, but he knows they can be a little much, so i feel like when he wants to be social but have a relaxed time he hangs with the girlies. Idk colin just gives friends with everyone vibes.
🧳 I think Colin has diagnosed anxiety, and once he learned that he became more educated and aware of mental health. I feel like he started getting panic attacks shortly after Edmund died (he was 12 yrs old if i did my math right lol) but didn’t want anyone to worry about him so he just kinda dealt with it and kinda got to a point where he thought it was normal. It came up randomly in a convo with Daphne, Ben, and Violet that he gets them but at this point he didn’t get what the big deal was. I feel like these 3 took it seriously and once he got diagnosed he put work into researching how to understand mental health issues more.
🧳🎻 He LOVES to plan dates. His go to is always dinner at a nice restaurant then a show of some kind. Play, musical, movie out, doesn’t really matter to him. He enjoys a night in, sure, but what he really loves is showing you off. He’s proud to have you as his (not in a possessive creepy way, in a sweet way) and wants to show you off.
🧳 Colin is a little bit of a jealous type. We see it in the show when Pen is being courted by Debling. However, i feel like when he’s in a relationship, he completely trust his partner. If he sees someone flirting with you he will let them flirt but he will definitely swoop in with a little hey babe and a forehead kiss lol. If someone try’s to flirt with him tho, he will just start gushing about his amazing partner. I’m talking putting out the Lock Screen and going “ya look how cute WE are”. Once y’all are married tho he NEVER takes off the wedding ring.
🧳 I feel like he has a decent following on Insta and TikTok 😂😂😂. Not like influencer numbers but like 6k on instagram and 9k on TikTok. He definitely post all his travel stuff on Insta and does like little OOTDs on TikTok. Colin gives very much “gives a fuck about how he looks” vibes so i feel like he knows the fashion trends on TikTok. His “aesthetic” is like hipster mixed with old money (bc he is in fact, old money lol). Also yes, he recognizes he gets thirst comments and will play into just a little, but once hes taken he would comment “ my partner thinks so too :)”
🧳 Colin has secret tattoos. Like his friends know but he didn’t tell his family for a minute bc he knows it would become a thing lol. They r all small and in places he can cover up (shoulder, thigh, and one on his wrist he covers up with his watch) but one day he got a little careless at the beach and let them show. I feel like Violet had a “what did u do to your beautiful body??!!” mom moment, Anthony was pissed bc he didn’t tell him, Ben laughed his ass off, and Eloise congratulated him on doing something “actually risky” for once. I feel like after the initial shock everyone really likes them and he goes out and gets more in public places.
! Bonus One !
He still sleeps with his childhood stuffed animal lmfao like it’s a cute little elephant his mom and dad got him. He has had to do many repairs on it over the years lol
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temmtamm · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having a nice day ^^
I was wondering if you could write a rise!Donnie x gn reader where the reader is kinda insecure of their intelligence? Since Donnie is a genius in a lot of things but reader isn't all that smart (can't even stand math, physics or chemistry) but they understand feelings more and like dancing and being in movement. I hope it makes sense lol, English isn't my mother tongue.
Remember to stay hydrated and safe!!
(Asks are open and appreciated)
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Papers upon papers were skewered around the office as (Y/N) chewed at the end of their pen, their brows scrunched up in agitation as they did so.
They hated deadlines. They hated that they had to sit down and finish this shit when it wasn’t even done to begin with. It was like everything else went out the window and they hated it. It was only standard math, it shouldn't be that bad- And yet they've been here in the lair for hours on end. They even had to skip out of hanging out and dancing with Mikey after the two planned for this to be their chill day.
This all would've been okay if they were alone, but there was other people in the lair which made them feel as if they were stupid whenever one passed by and saw that they did no progress on their work.
"I hate school...I should've dropped out and became a stripper-" (Y/N) whined in defeat, letting their face fall onto the table in front of them.
The sudden sound of shuffling alerted them to the presence of someone next to them. It didn't take long for (Y/N) to pick their head up, and instead find that it was Donnie sitting on the edge of their desk, a hand coming up to rest against his neck. "You're still going at this?? This can't be that hard." (Y/N) groaned and tried to shield their work with their hand to avoid any comments. "You're just saying that cause you're a genius. This is actually really hard, Don."
Donnie raised a brow at that as a smile crept on his face. "Though I am flattered that thou recognized thy genius-" Oh, he's talking in that Shakespeare tone. (Y/N) hated that Shakespeare tone. "-One of the questions is quite literally 2+2." He finished, earning a glare from his lover.
"Yeah well, I don't know what to do. My grade's dropping because of these stupid tests. The only way I'm ever getting into MIT is through these damn tests." (Y/N) huffed, pushing their chair back as they got up. "Please, either help or get out.." Donnie smirked, opening his mouth up again to let another slide comment slip out, though immediately closed it once he saw (Y/N)'s face.
"Wait....Are you actually upset?" He asked, looking surprised. He never saw the usually upbeat (Y/N) like this. They always seemed so social and easy going, it was odd to see them being so stressed about this type of thing. "Don, you know I'm not good at this stuff....A bit ironic a genius is dating a dumbass, huh?" (Y/N) tried to ease the mood with a joke, but when they looked back up at Donnie they saw that he was almost offended that they could call themselves that.
"Look, (Y/N). I know it's odd for me, the funny, gorgeous, absolutely handsome-"
"Get to the point, Don-Tron."
"Right...I know it's odd see me get serious but you're not stupid. You're smart in your own right. You actually know how to talk to people, how to always lift a mood, plus not to mention those dance skills- Besides the point. What I'm trying to say is that you are smart, you are just....As people would put it "Street smart"."
He reached his hands out to cup (Y/N)'s face and place a kiss on their forehead. It was a small gesture but a much appreciated one as (Y/N) knew how indifferent he was to physical contact.
"You're still bad at math though." (Y/N) flashed a toothy grin at Donnie, knowing that he is just saying that as a joke to cover up the fact that he was emotionally vulnerable for a moment.
"Does that mean you'll help me??"
"Fiiine!! What's the first question?"
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Thanks for watching ♥︎
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jackiequick · 4 months
Headcanons for the Mitchell-Bradshaw kids (+ friends & family) because I can | Top Gun AU ✈️
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Summary: What happens when you live with 4 little ducklings? Unforgettable memories!
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw & Jenny Mitchell
Characters included/mentioned: Dane Bradshaw, Austin Mitchell, Maverick, Slider, Iceman, Carole and etc
Note: Fluffy/ Top Gun Headcanon fic
1) Bradley and Austin used to volunteer at an Animal Shelter, full of puppies and full grown dogs if all breeds. One day, Slider’s kids wanted to adopt another dog but couldn’t since they already had 4 already so in result, they called Iceman to help them out and so in result he adopted the doggie.
But there was a catch, the Yorkie made so much more barking than expected and had so much darling energy, so Iceman had no choice but to call him—Maverick!! Let’s just say the real Maverick wasn’t the happiest person after hearing that and the kids laughed so loudly at his reaction
2) Speaking of dogs, Austin Mitchell may or may not have brought home in an panic a week later. Jenny was sending text messages on her laptop when he rushed in yelling, “Don’t tell Dad!”
She was confused and looked up, “What did you do?”
“I want you to know that I love you VERY much and you’re always welcome in my room for the bigger closest room.”
“Aussy, what happened? Did you break his motorcycle again?”
“No and for the 10th time that was Dane!”
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He hoped the door for a puppy to walk in as his sister’s jaw dropped to the floor, hugging the fur ball to tackle her. He laughed at the moment and whistles as two more dogs came in grinning brightly.
“Sooo? What do we think?” He asked with a matching grin as the dogs, carrying the puppy.
“We ain’t NEVER telling Dad!” She repiled with a little giggle falling in love with the dogs.
3) As a kid, Dane really in awe of Ice's ability to flip pens like it was nothing and wants to be his student to learn the trick, begging for him to teach him one day after school. His mom brought him a small pack of pens and pencils to practice with for flipping tricks, eventually he gets the hang of it where he showcasing his tricks in class.
He thanked his Uncle Ice later on for showing him the trick, calling him cooler than Maverick jokingly and laughed running off to show his friends his new tricks
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4) Speaking of Dane, is maths kid in school. History was never his strong suit but surprisingly, numbers came much more naturally to him. It resulted in the type of career he would have in the future.
His brother and siblings knew this fact very well, being able to be crafty where he can calculate prices of analysis for planes. As well as when needed he can calculate, like the the tax and measurement when it comes to paying for a restaurant bill.
It would surprise his mother as she would ask, “Not bad, sweetie. How did you do that so fast?”
In result he would hold up the pen and napkin he used to do the math then reply, “I counted.”
5) When it comes to certain things, Jenny is terrible at keeping secrets and wants to gossip, so she can be a little nosy at times (she gets better at it with age). Ice and her dad like to say, she got from their Aunt Carole, since Sunset was most likely the one to be hush hush about certain subjects.
When she was 5, and Bradley was 7, she knew he had a silly little crush on the babysitter cause she was so nice. So she told her auntie Carole who stayed gushing with her all about it, teasing her son about it
When she was 10, she heard all about uncle Slider becoming Commander after watching the adults talk about it and went running to her daddy to spill the news giggling with excitement. It was supposed to be a secret for a few short days but she couldn’t help herself.
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When she was 16, she found out that Dane and Austin had a crush on the same girl or so she thought. She squeals so loudly, knowing that she would have to be quiet about it or else. Bradley even gave her an odd look.
But Jenny had other plans as she sneaked up on her brother and asked, “Sooo who’s the girl?”
“What girl? There is no girl!” Austin exclaimed playing video games on the computer.
“Oh my god it’s the senior!”
“How did y-no! I am not into a senior.”
“But I saw you talking about some girl name ‘Avery’…”
That’s when her brother snorted, “No, Avery Thompson is the senior leader of the drama club. I’m into Avery Rodriguez, he’s on the basketball team.”
Her eyes widen and gasps, “HIM?! Damn, you got good taste!”
6) Jenny had a small crush on Bradley when they were kids, jokingly saying ‘You are my boyfriend.’ when she was 7 but let it go a while later. Especially since fictional boys existed on Tv duh! However, Bradley thought girls had cooties and said, ‘Gross!’
As early high school rolled around, Jenny was watching Disney Channel movies and texting her friends as she watched the boys play guitar and drums in the center of the garage. Austin, Dane and Bradley were jamming out in their band laughing and singing covers.
Tracy and Rachel, Jenny’s friends, walked into the garage jamming out to the songs as she greeted her with a hug. They were chatting and gossiping about the latest movies, along with newest episodes of Gossip Girl.
“Can you believe Blair said that to Serena?! That was uncalled for!” Tracy exclaimed as they sat on the bench, sipping water bottles.
“I know right?! But Serena had a point though.” Jenny yelled, chuckling.
“Blair was better.” Rachel added for a debating measure, “But I love Serena too.”
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Bradley was tuning his guitar but paused to look at the girls with a loopy smile, stuck in a mini trance.
That’s when Austin threw an empty water bottle at his head and yelled, “Dude! Stop staring that’s my sister.”
Dane laughed at his brother’s face, waving at Tracy, Rachel and Jenny who giggled. Bradley just glared at Austin as he stuck out his tongue muttering a few things.
I know this is random but I wanted to do it for fun. If you want to reblog with HCs or ideas you have for Top Gun universe, feel free to do so! ;)
Remember to like, comment and share for more in the future. Let me know what you think!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @starkleila @missstrawbs2001 @gcthvile @mandylove1000 @rooster-84 @cherrysft @degenbrat @hardballoonlove @queenslandlover-93 @djs8891 @theloveoftoms @topgun-imagines @simplyscorpio @roostersforevergirl and etc
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mileslovrr · 11 months
— do ya?
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— pairing: 1610!miles m. x black!reader
— genre: fluff
— summary: where reader is strongly attracted to miles but is too bashful to admit it.
— a/n : miles might be a lil ooc 😭 and this kinda half assed so enjoy 🤗
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[name] was never one to get noticed. although there was times she would talk a lot, she was mostly quiet, always minding her business, always in her own world. never had any interest in anybody until she set her eyes on him.
miles morales.
miles was so easy-going, always smiling, top his class, and so goofy it drew her to him. it made [name] start noticing him more. it made her look for him in the hallways, realizing he was in her physics class and that she sat two rows across from him. it made [name] notice how bright his smile was, how he always had a fresh cut, how awkward he could be, how she caught yourself changing the route to class so she can walk past him in the halls, how he always seemed to brighten up a room when he walked in.
the way [name] caught herself always looking for him made her realize she had a crush on miles morales. it was her first crush, and it made her feel some type of way.
[name] was so attracted to him.
she thought he never noticed her, but he did.
miles has always noticed [name]. he knew who she was. he knew she stared at him in class, he stared back when he felt that she looked away. he looks back at her in the hallways when she walks past, he glanced at her in the cafeteria when she’s talking her few friends, he knows her name. but she didn’t know that.
this routine went on for a few months. the walking past each other, staring when the other wasn’t noticing, and secretly looking for other had came to a stop when [name] approached miles.
it was a passing period and miles was at his locker. he was putting his math and english books away, taking his time since the school day was about to end. as usual, [name] made her way to walk past him, a lil nervous because he’s on her mind all the time. she has been contemplating on just going up and asking him out. trying to push her shyness aside to see if he liked her. she didn’t want this crush to go on if he didn’t like her. he didn’t even know her name, did he?
[name] decided she would do it. walking up to miles as he closed his locker, she stood next to him and said, “hey, miles.”
he look at her a lil surprised but nevertheless said hey back.
“i wanna go out with you.”
miles was shocked a little by her boldness, but recovered quickly and wore his signature smile.
he chuckled a little bit before saying, “where you wanna go?”
“we can find a lil spot, just sit n talk?”
“okay pretty, follow me.”
and with that he grabs her hand and they start walking towards the school exit and start walking towards a place called shake shack. it takes a few minutes before they get there. after they order and sit, it’s quiet. they’re usually talkative, what’s wrong with them? [name] doesn’t like that, so she starts the conversation.
“you don’t even know my name, do ya?” she says resting her chin in her palm, eyebrow raising, staring at miles.
he’s quiet for a few seconds, before replying with, “of course i know your name, pretty. it’s [name]. you’re in my physics class, and honestly, i’ve always noticed you. always noticed how you always got your hair done, how you always keep it neat, how you always look so clean, how you always got some new j’s, and the different bracelets you wear. just waiting for you to notice me.”
“i’ve always noticed you, you just make me shy.”
it’s quiet after that for a few seconds, it’s quiet before [name] let’s put a laugh, with miles following in pursuit because of how awkward this spontaneous date was.
“i like you, [name], but wait a minute while i make you mine?” miles says with hope in his eyes that even though she asked him out on this date, it wasn’t a one time thing and that [name] actually wanted to be with him.
[name] is just looking at miles, but with a look of adoration. her eye glistening before she says,
“of course, miles.”
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haknom · 1 year
bad news! 🎙️ — eleven: welcome to ditto!
warnings: mentions of food, nothing else! wordcount: 1009 words
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The weather outside was pleasing; it wasn’t too hot nor was it too cold. It was perfect. That’s the only reason why you weren’t stressing out because of Sunghoon being late to the library. The clock on your phone screen read 4:07 PM. He was only late by 7 minutes, if it did reach 10 you would leave.
You stood near a bench, still in your school uniform. Legs tired out from standing, you decided it wouldn’t hurt to sit down for a bit, right? You approached the bench nearby, removing your backpack while you took a seat.
People from different age groups walked in the area in front, surrounding you with chatter and footsteps. “Y/n,” a voice from nearby called out followed by pants. You looked around to find who the voice belonged to, making eye contact with the out-of-breath boy.
“I told you not to be late,” you stood up from your seat while swinging your backpack on your shoulders. His hands were placed on his knees and his backpack slipped off one of his shoulders as he attempted to catch his breath. “My bad, the bus was late.” He said, squinting his eyes to look at you where the sun also shined.
“Whatever, let’s go inside.” You walked towards the entrance of the library while Sunghoon trailed behind you.
The atmosphere in the library was quiet. The sound of typing, carts being pushed, and page flipping filled most of the silence. You and Sunghoon have been walking around the library for at least 3 minutes now and still haven’t found an empty seat. “I don’t think there are any seats available.” He whispered from behind you as you abruptly stopped walking, causing him to stumble.
“Do you have any other places in mind? We can’t work here.” You whispered while turning around to face him. “Uh, there’s a coffee shop down the street? That could work..” He whispered, avoiding eye contact with you. You nodded your head side to side in thought; it is nearby but it may be quite loud. It’ll still work for now.
“Okay, let’s go there then.” You agreed as Sunghoon led the way.
The cafe was quite empty. There weren’t many customers besides those who stayed behind to study.
“Here, let’s sit.” He suggested, pointing at the table outdoors. You two took a seat, hanging your backpacks on the back of your chairs. You both took out the needed materials for tutoring and placed them on the surface. Not after long, Sunghoon rose from his seat, pulling out his phone from his back pocket.
“What are you doing?” You questioned as your eyes followed his movements. “I’m just taking a photo of this, I need to show everyone that I’m a good student. You know?” You rolled your eyes at his sarcastic words as the camera shutter went off. “Done?” He nodded while taking his seat again.
You’d move around some papers with a sigh, “Which subject should we start with?” You asked, waiting for his response. “Wait, don’t answer that. What are your classes this semester?” He looked up from his phone after examining the photo he took earlier.
“Ah, Math, History, English… Oh, and Art!” He’d count the four classes on his fingers as you halted your movements. “You’re failing Art..?” You looked at him in disbelief as he nodded slowly. “It’s a hard subject, alright? Not everyone is good at Art..” He defended, looking around.
“Well, whatever. Let’s start with English.” You suggested while pulling out some worksheets from class.
Inside the coffee shop, the sound of dishes clanking, coffee being poured into cups, and the brewing of the coffee. The hand cramps she got from wiping down the front counters were painful. “Just one more spot and I’ll be done,” is what motivated her to keep going.
The chime from the door caused her head to shoot up and look directly at the customer who walked through. “Hi, welcome to Ditto!” She cheered with a smile, pushing the rag to the side. “What can I get for you today?” The customer's eyes scanned the menu above her while she tapped the cash register with her index finger to a rhythm in her head.
“Could I get a small latte?” They asked as she nodded, pressing the keys on the cash register. “Is that all I could get you for today?” She questioned while looking up from the cash register. The customer nodded, pulling out their wallet. “Okay, your total comes up to $2.33. The final amount is $2.30.” She said as she waited for the cash.
“Here you go,” they handed her the money as she took it, placing it into the cash register. “I’ll call your order out, you can have a seat now.” She smiled as they walked away. Her smile slowly faded as she headed over to continue cleaning the counters. She paused midway, noticing a familiar figure outside the window. It looked like you and somebody else but she couldn’t place her tongue on it.
Were you with a guy..? Jeon Y/n with a guy? That’s a first. She narrowed her eyes, trying to get a better look at the boy who sat in front of you but his back faced the window. He did seem to be wearing the male uniform at Decelis, so he must’ve gone to our school.
Was it Soobin? The two of you were always together, there was a chance. Nah, he wasn’t that short when sitting. Okay, maybe it was Eric? Couldn’t be him either. He currently had blonde hair and the male in front of you had a dark-brown shade. This would be ha–
“Minhee, please come to the back.” Her manager called, pulling her away from her thoughts. “Coming!” She responded, leaving the rag behind as she went through the door that said ‘EMPLOYEES ONLY’ with a small star beside it.
The only thoughts flowing through her head were, “Who was that boy?” and “Why were you with him?”. But then it hit her, it was Park Sunghoon. The playboy of Decelis.
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➴ chapter eleven : welcome to ditto!
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authors note: new characters unlocked 🤞how r we feeling???
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kisses4suna · 2 years
helllooooooo!! sorry if your requests arent open but i was wondering if you could do different types of enemies to lovers with the inarizaki boys??
i absolutely loved your inarizaki boys as your boyfriend so i was wondering if you could do my fav trope with them!
enemies to lovers w inarizaki boys !
☆ featuring. atsumu, osamu, suna. + fem!reader
☆ note. omg ahhhh how did i not think of this?!?!?!??! tysm for the req, as u can see im literally having writers block so tyyy !! if this isnt exactly what u meant pls correct me and i can write u a new one :) ALSOO SHOULD I DO A PART 2 WITH KITA, ARAN AND AKAGI??????? ++ not proofread, sorryy
ENEMIES TO LOVERS TYPE : annoyed girl + annoying boy
- atsumu just LOVES getting on your nerves, by any means necessary, flirting, teasing, name calling, literally anything!!
- but he does know about boundaries and where to cross lines, so if he ever says something and notices that you’re uncomfortable, he quickly apologizes and plays it off!!
- he thinks youre way cuter when youre annoyed so what does he do??? make u even more annoyed like the gentleman he is <3
- but in all seriousness, he’s had a crush on you since day one when he realized how supportive you were of his passion for volleyball
- there’d be times where you stay with him after practice because osamu would leave earlier with suna and you’re just worried that atsumu is overexerting himself
- he noticed this and he literally had stars in his eyes when he realized that, you stay with him after practice cause youre worried, which means you actually care
- literally makes his crush on you sooo obvious but youre just way too clueless to realize
- plus not to mention that you are extremely in denial for your crush on him too, so when suna starts interrogating you asking you stuff like “if you dont have a big fat crush on atsumu then why do you stay after practice with him” and stuff , you just start stuttering and making up lame excuses.
- it took suna months of convincing you that you like atsumu, and when it finally strikes you that you do, you start acting differently towards him.
- like in all the movies, atsumu starts to think that he did something wrong so he tries to apologize to you but then you’re confused cause you’re not sure what he’s sorry for
- he tells you that he’s sorry if he ever made you mad or uncomfortable or anything, and you ask why and he just says like “you’re avoiding me, i dont like that” and some how your crush for him just comes out
- his eyes widen and he doesnt believe anything so he slaps himself across the face and pinches his arm to make sure he isnt dreaming
ENEMIES TO LOVERS TYPE : culinary rivals
- osamu secretly attends culinary classes without ANYBODY knowing, which means nobody from school, and nobody from his life.
- first time he went to the class, he spotted a small cooking station by itself, however he didn’t know the person using the station right next to his was a girl from his school
- “no fucking way. you’re miya osamu!” you say, he turns around slowly from the front of his stove, “what? how do you know”
- “you go to my school! your stupid twin brother rejected my best friends confession!” osamus eyes squinted, then quickly widened, “wait a minute, you go to inarizaki?!”
- “yes dumbass! im in your math class dickwad!”
- after that incident osamu told you to never tell anyone about your encounter, he said that if word slipped out that he attended these classes then his entire volleyball team would make fun of him especially suna. and not just that but then all of his, and his brothers fangirls would sign up to join the classes, which he didn’t want.
- you promised that you wouldn’t say a word, as long as you could use the station next to his.
- you two didn’t seem to get along, osamu says you “act too much like his brother” and meanwhile you always say that he “constantly copies your dishes”
- you always called him out on copying your dishes and food recipes, but he just starts arguing back saying that just cause he makes it better doesn’t mean it’s an excuse for you to be mad, and after saying that you decided that you will make whatever he makes, but better.
- you know you werent supposed to tell anyone from school about how he attends these little culinary classes, but that doesnt mean you cant tell your little brother about it. besides he’s like 10, who would he tell anyways?
- you start talking to him about how annoying osamu is, everything he does or say gets on your nerves.
- that was just the first day though, after a whole two weeks of your brother hearing nothing but “osamu this”, “osamu that”, he finally felt fed up, “oh god! shut up y/n, do you ever talk about anything else but osamu!! you got a crush on him or something?!”,
- you shouted no, with no hesitation, then your brother kicked you out of his room, telling you that you’re not allowed back in until you realize how much of a phony you are for saying no to that question
- stomping back to your room, you shut the door and just laid on your bed, and you couldn’t stop thinking about what your brother said
- the more you thought about it the more you realized ‘oh god i do like osamu’
- you had to hide your feelings, by yelling at him more in the kitchen.
- days passed by and the culinary class instructor saw how you two never got along, so he decided to pair you two together for a team exercise, to lean to actually shut up and stop arguing.
- the entire ‘team work’ thing flopped and you two ended up arguing even more. the instructor kicked both of you out of the studio building, telling you two that you’d have to learn to get along before you step foot inside
- you both sighed and walked out of the building with your heads down, “hey listen, i know you don’t like me, which i don’t get why but i want you to know that whatever i did to you, i’m sorry.. and if i’m being honest, i did copy yer’ dishes, only cause yer’ actually a very good chef. i’m impressed, and sorry for comparing you to my annoying brother..” he said, looking anywhere but your eyes,
- “no! i’m sorry.. i was quick to assume stuff and- i was just being competitive.. it’s my fault we don’t get along”, his eyes met yours, and quietness took over, it wasn’t awkward but there sure was tension, and it felt like a long staring contest.
- you didn’t want to lose and be the first to look away, but you could see osamu’s eyes lower from your pupils to your lips, and back to your eyes, “yer’ gorgeous when you aren’t screaming like a demon ya’know?”
- as much as you wanted to just scream and run laps around in that moment, you tried to keep your cool, “then kiss me”
ENEMIES TO LOVERS TYPE : i hate u + u know u dont
- this cocky bastard who i totally dont love
- he will tease you any chance he gets just for a reaction, but in reality we all know how much of a simp he actually is for you, but will just never admit it
- imagine being the manager for inarizaki’s boys volleyball team, and suna being the little shit he is, makes you do extra stuff and gives you a hard time just because it makes him laugh and cause he knows you hate it
- he will throw balls purposely around the court that way, you’d have to collect all of them, or he’d make you drop all of the water bottles you just refilled. but he doesn’t do it just to be mean, he purposely does it so he’ll get in trouble by kita, and kita forces him to help you
- in his mind, by helping you then that means more time to talk to you, or at least spend time with you and plus it takes time away from practice
- “suna rintarou you little piece of shit!! look now i have to clean the floor AND refill your stupid waterbottles!”, you screamed at him, “pffttt!! oops..” he says, holding in his laugh
- “suna, help y/n or 50 laps.” kita glares at him from behind, “yes sir- i mean captain- i mean kita-san!” he says, he knows kita would say that but that doesn’t mean he isn’t scared for his life
- “hey y/n-“
- “don’t talk to me dickhead”, you cut him off, “you’re such an asshole suna rintarou! i hate you!”
- “you know you dont” he says smirking, going closer to you, as you refill the bottles, he leans his back against the wall, his arms crossed against his chest
- “i do!“
- “you know you love me” he shrugs, unfazed
- you rolled your eyes, “and what if i do?”, yeah, suna can easily predict reactions, but that he did not expect. his eyes widened, and he just stayed silent, “yeah that’s what i thought rintarou.”
- he follows you back to the court with literal heart eyes, following you like a lost puppy, “what? you need something from me?” you turn around asking him. “do you mean it?”
- “suna, i can’t read minds, what do you mean, ‘do you mean it’?” you ask him, mocking his voice, “you love me, don’t you” he asks, smirk growing bigger by the second, “ask me out first, then we’ll see”
- “alright then, y/n, please let me go out with you?” he asks, his face going closer to yours, just inches away, you flick his forehead, “sure thing idiot.”
- oh how the tables have turned, in this case you are teasing him and testing him. throughout the rest of the practice, you kept staring at him, and when you passed him his water bottle you made sure to brush your hand against his.
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ace-bucket · 2 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Ah thank you for the tag @chaos-and-ink !! :D
1. are you named after anyone?
Not a person but I was named after a song, though I don’t really like my name that much and I want to change it to something that feels like it fits me more
2. when was the last time you cried?
This morning
3. do you have kids?
Nope and I don’t plan on having any, the responsibility of kids seems terrifying and a lot and I don’t feel like I’d be ready for that
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I used to do some running stuff and basketball back in school, and I went to a few school sports clubs
5. do you use sarcasm?
Yeah, fairly often irl, tho I try to make it obvious when I do so I'm less likely to be misunderstood
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
I guess maybe their demeanour or how they hold themselves? I tend to avoid making eye contact with people so I think I notice a person’s body language more things like facial expressions
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings comedies?
I watch more scary movies than comedies but they tend to be on the milder side of scary/horror
9. any talents?
I don’t think so? I did used to be able to do a front flip on the trampoline but i haven’t been on a trampoline in a long time so I don’t know if I can still do it
10. where were you born?
The UK
11. what are your hobbies?
Mostly art but I’d like to get into writing stuff too, words are just harder for me to put together, I also watch a lot of YouTube and listen to music very often if those count
12. do you have any pets?
Yes, two brown tabby cats :)
13. how tall are you?
5”6 (167cm)
14. favorite subject in school?
I enjoyed art and science the most, specifically biology because that type of science is really interesting to me and it tended to involve less maths
15. dream job?
A storyboard or comic artist would be awesome or a concept artist, I really enjoy the mix of art and storytelling. I was thinking about going down a biology based path for a bit because I was interested in becoming a vet but my worst subject is maths and I didn’t think it’d work out
idk who to tag so anyone who wants to feel free to join in on this
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amalgamate-exe · 1 month
Dye Dye My Darling
IRL's plz dont read ^^
Eli -Hawk- moskowitz x M!reader
This is like my first full fic so enjoy!
Warnings: Unedited, Earlier series hawk, Flirting some and a whole lot of hair dye.
Hawk and you have been dating for about 6 months which would make you the luckiest girl in the entire tri-state area if this was some cheesy rom-com, but alas that's not how life worked out for you two. Unfortunately hard-core Karate kids and of course… kyler wouldn't be so chill with you two together, but that was beside the point. You were sitting with your friends at lunch admiring Hawk from afar Admiring him, the way his liberty spikes stood larger than life, the way his nose crinkled when he was laughing, probably about the Miyagi- do kids, or some new internet video that hasn't become post ironic yet, His cleft lip his-
“Earth to Y/N?” One of your friends ask 
“Hm sorry? Yeah what's up?” you ask still wanting to keep an eye on your boyfriend, you had no reason to stare but he was just… so pretty, like a Greek sculpture with his liberty spikes seeming to tower on forever
“Did you get the answers for number 6 for Math? You’re a nerd and like- Hey are you even listening to me?” Your friend follows your gaze to see “Oh for the love of gods Y/N I understand you want to live out your little romance but how many times do I have to tell you? He’s taken and… no offense, You're not his… his type!” this was almost a weekly conversation at this point, your friends and anyone else just assumed you had a crush on Hawk, but it didn't matter you two had each other and he invited you over to his house to hang out and play Tekken, and maybe… just MAYBE he’d let you dye his hair, his roots were overgrown and his hair was more of a blue-green bleached color rather than the aggressive red or any other color he has had in the past 6 months. 
“Sure thing F/N, anyways here are the answers for the homework,” You say keeping an eye on Hawk. And sliding F/N the answers
The rest of your classes after lunch went by fairly quickly, nothing interesting or notable except that on Friday there would be a huge party at the creek. The final bell rang as you started walking to His house, when you heard the clop-clop of heavy boots on the pavement behind you you turned around and see Hawk 
“Hey! Were you just gonna walk off and leave me back at that hell hole?” He asks giving you a playful nudge in the side
“Oh sorry I figured you wouldn't want to be seen with me, social hierarchy and stuff,” you say with a smirk, understanding the cliques in high school are very important, just like 80’s movies. 
“Not that I don't want to see you! I get like during lunch where you’re playing all stealth, but I love seeing you, I crave you” he says with a smirk as you walk back to his house.
Once you get into his house you both drop your bags and sit on the couch next to each other, you start playing Tekken 7 on his play station, He selects Devil Jin and you select King, as you two start playing and getting into the groove of the game, you decide to pop the question,
“Hey Pigeon~,” You ask in an almost sing-song voice
“yeah, babe?” He asks Lasered focused on the game, some things never change
“I was thinkin’ like your hair is just bleached now all the colors faded out, and I was wondering if I could dye it for you?”
“No way in hell” Responds quick and toneless
“Aww, why not?” You ask attempting to counter His attack and failing miserably 
“Because you're going to mess it up then you made a fool out of both of us! I'll trust you a lot, however my hair dye, my spikes? No one touches those”
“Well, you weren't complaining when I was touching them the other night!” You quickly retort back
“That's– that’s beside the point,” he says slightly flustered “No one touches my hair for upkeep except me!”
“So you're saying that you trust me to give you a PERMANENT tattoo over more or less Temporary hair dye?” You ask with a smirk
“What-? No, that's not what I'm saying at all!” He seems annoyed but that could be because you're beating him at video games rather than you attempting to get permission to dye his hair
“I've been dying my hair since I was like 13 if anyone knows anything I do. Also, would you rather have a little purple on your forehead or the weird half-blond green with roots you have going on now?”
He thinks for a moment as he hits a combo on you, the TV plays a little sound and goes “Player 2 WINS!” 
“Wanna know what, Fine, you can dye my hair ONCE” and if you fuck it up you will have to be the one who goes out to buy black box dye to fix it, AND deal?”
You smile and steal a kiss “Deal” 
You guys go to his bathroom and he changes into his hair-dye shirt, 
“Can't you just be topless?”
“No! You're going to be messing with MY hair. I don't need your eyes somewhere they shouldn't be!” 
“Oh sure! I'm the one ogling you when your shirt is off, I swear if you think i'm bad you should SEE your teammates when you take off your Gi top”
“Well last time I checked, I wasn't taking my teammates to bed with me” he responds with a smirk as he takes the bright Red hair dye bottle from under the sink and hands it over to you, then he kisses you on your cheek, “Ok now don't make me regret letting you do this… ok”|
After you start mixing the dye and put on gloves you start applying the dye to his head,
“Are you sure you didn't forget a step?” he asks with a smirk as you apply the dye to his hair
“Well if I did it's too late now… here my phone is in my pocket. play some music” You shift your weight so he can take your phone out of your pocket and he plays something, the noise of chiptune and 8-bit music fills the room, it is lively in its way 
“Hey this is kinda good what is it?” you ask about halfway done slopping (painting) on the red pigment to his hair
“You're not gonna believe me,” he says with a smirk
“Oh come on, you've seen my taste in music at times, this is good, what is it?” 
“It may or may not be the undertale soundtrack by Toby Fox?” he says almost embarrassed, which causes you to burst out laughing
“God pigeon, no matter how much of a karate badass you are, you're still a nerd at heart… I could kiss you right now” 
“Now now, focus on my hair, need your blood in your brain…’ he looks you up and down “Other places,” he says smirking and giving you that damned look of flirtation 
“You know you’re making dying your hair seem like way more of an in-depth process than it is… also for your hair being bleached so many times it's still soft” You liked the conversation also the silence no matter how long you've been together still felt off-putting, he smiles 
“Thanks the hair dye I use has some conditioner property or something, also I use a shit load of conditioner you know it couldn't damage your hair too much if you wanted to dye your hair too” he was just straight flirting with you now but he seemed genuine with his offer causing you to blush, a lot 
“That doesn't sound like a ‘no’ to me, c’mon we can match,” he says with a smirk that you could never say no to. The way his cheeks moved, the way his-
“Hey space cadet, can I dye your hair while mine is setting?” He asks while he's turning his head making sure every bit of the hair is saturated with the crimson dye’
“Yeah, that would be nice… though you better not fuck it up,” you say playfully.
Once you are done dying your hair and rinsing it out, the bathtub looks like a murder scene, with red dye along the bathtub and partially up the wall
“Holy shit your mom is going to kill me!” You say looking back at the mess you've made, hair dripping in front of your eyes, which causes Eli to scoff
“She's fine with it, who do you think took me to buy the dye in the first place? It just needs some TLC and it’ll all be good, baby” He says in a playful tone of voice while wrapping his arms around your waist. “The red streak looks cute on you too,” he says kissing your cheek, it feels nice his hands around your waist, and you lean more into him 
“Hey since you don't have to get going for a few more hours, wanna watch a movie? Something cheesy like clueless or… 10 things I hate about you?” He shrugs holding you close
“Both sound perfect”
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lumineskies · 1 year
ATTENTION - 42 dream girl
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written part ahead! 1.2k words 🤭
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[yn pov]
the 'closed' sign in front of the cafe you've constantly frequented this past month seems to be mocking you. how could you forget they're closed sunday? the cafe was only a 10 minute walk from the school campus, but with your phone dead and beomgyu still no where to be seen, you contemplate if you should just head home.
you tried turning on your phone, but only the black screen accompanied with the empty battery tank greets you. you should've charged your phone first before going. defeated, you pocket your phone and sit in front of the entrance to the cafe.
before your phone died, beomgyu had texted you saying he would be a bit late, something about finding a printer to print out his results. as you were about to type that the cafe was closed today, your screen turns black. now, you were alone and slightly cold.
its been raining all week, although today it seemed to be sunny and bright. the harsh wind blows, making your hair fly wildly and your hands cold. was it going to rain soon? if it was, then you really are fucked. phone dead, alone cold, and raining. you hoped beomgyu would arrive already.
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[beomgyu pov]
staring at his phone, he frowned. you hadn't replied to his last text, only seen. were you mad that he would be late? should've he just showed the results from the website and not have gone overboard? truthfully, he wanted this to be special. this was his first time getting such good marks. if it weren't your influence and the study sessions, he might still be failing maths.
he began running towards the cafe, hopefully you weren't mad, or anything negative. this had to go well. if he failed to confess today, he might not get another chance. the two of you were seniors now, only a year more to go before you start going to uni. time was moving too fast for his liking. maybe he should've acted on his feelings a bit faster.
but it's no use regretting anything now, this was his senior year now, and he was determined to make each moment count. starting with making you his.
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[yn pov]
well, this was a bum. a fun evening with laughter and jokes had just turned for the worse. stranded in front of a closed cafe, alone. great. you groan as you noticed small drops of water start to drop from the sky. it was raining. you should've left ages ago, beomgyu would've understood. now, two choices laid in front of you. run in the rain and head back to campus, or wait for the rain to subside, which might take a while. but, running in the rain sounds dangerous.
before you could decide however, beomgyu came into your view. shirt wet and stuck to his body, hand above his head, doing little to cover himself from the rain. he was soaked to the bone. seeing him, you quickly went out to the rain.
"beomgyu! oh god you're soaked!" you held on to his forearms as his eyes widened.
"yn! go inside! why are you out here??" he urges you to go inside, turning his head to the door. only then does he realize his mistake. the sign in bold red that reads 'closed' made him hold on to your arm.
"why didn't you tell me it was closed? why didn't you reply to my messages?" beomgyu's hand was on your forearms, slightly gripping you. your eyes were squinted, trying to not let the water enter your eyes. beomgyu held a folded paper above your forehead, shielding your eyes from the rain. you did the same, only with your hand.
"my phone died, i didn't want you to sit here alone, thinking i didn't come."
beomgyu's eyes softened at your words. his heart was beating inside of his chest, feeling warm and fluttery. he finally realizes something. something he had missed out on. you. you were missing from his world. you were the final piece of the puzzle.
he took ahold of your hand covering his eyes from the rain. he shifted his hold from your wrists to your hand, entertwining both of your hands together. your gaze lifted up to him, unaware of the brewing feelings that were about to spill out.
"yn, i think im in love with you."
your breath hitched, you don't know what to say. but it was okay, beomgyu wasn't done yet.
"i've been in love with you since i've met you, yn. you are the epitome of light. beautiful and strong, providing warmth and luminescent for everyone around you. you've shined your whole life, and i was blessed to have been graced by your rays. you are the sun to my moon, the light to my darkness. with each passing day and night, you have lighten me up, without fail. you have taken my heart, and made it yours. and i don't care if you have no use of it. take my heart. take my whole life and being, just like the way you took my breath away the first time i ever laid my eyes on you."
"beomgyu...." you don't know what to say. you don't think anything you can say could ever compare to this confession. the confession that had your heart beating twice as fast, twice as hard.
"i love you, yn. im so in love with you, it's making me go insane." beomgyu sighs as he rests his forehead onto yours. the rain patters harder onto the two of you. his eyes were closed, blissed from the cold rain and the warmth you were radiating.
you took a hold of beomgyu's face. both hands framing his wet face and directing his face to yours. his eyes opens at the movement, and you make your move.
on your tip toes, you brought beomgyu's face down to your level. your gaze meets his. eyes full of love and adoration, for you.
and you kiss him. lips entertwined, warm and soft. the world melts at your feet. only you and him left. beomgyu holds on to your waist, desperate. he brings you closer, bodies touching and linking with each other. it feels safe, like it was meant to be. like it was fate.
you were the one to pull away first, saliva connecting the two of you even after you parted. heavy blush resided on both of your cheeks. your hands move to his shoulder, not knowing what to do.
"i got 10 A's and one B. thank you for teaching me yn."
you giggle at his sudden words. but grateful he received great results.
"congrats, beomgyu." you smiled at him, truly happy and content.
"since i recieved such good results, can you reward me with something, yn?"
"hm? what do you want?"
"i want to be your boyfriend."
[the end]
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notes! this feels surreal 😭😭 i know i've talked about attention ending, but now that it's really ending, i feel kind of sad 🙁 ill miss writing about yn and beomgyu huhu. there will be one more extra chapter, but then this will end fr 😞 ill write a very long and thankfull note at the very last chapter so it'll feel more official hahsjshaj
synopsis! when the school president of hybe high mysteriously dies, a spot in the student council is now open. and to the overachieving students of hybe, its now or never. choi beomgyu, the bad boy of the school decides that its time to change tactics, after all who wouldn't want the attention of the whole school?
taglist! (closed) @flrtsbin @ashxxgyu @feline4txt @terrylvr @woncheecks @ioszzn @baekberrie @zhaixiaowen @zaeeeee @dazedgye @sahubreaths @angeltetae @jinjccns @milkycloudtyg @wccycc @bnhaikyu @vanillamilko @bluebearybeom @luvsoobs @yeppeudau @tae-ology @unclassifiedwhore @millksea @jaxavance @sansluvr @mingiholic @yhawnnzz @simplygyuu @thisisnotjacinta @ilovechanhee @ghostfacefricker6969 @beeomgui @openingssequence @totallynotbella @rionah @ikaeryn @qluvrv @lilactangerine @foxsunoo
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