#But the most weird one had to be merlin
oifaaa · 2 years
When I was younger I used to get so pissed off by high-school aus specifically bc no matter where the original story takes place the au would always be set in an American high-school and American High schools confuse the hell out of me
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swordince · 2 years
lays down,,     thinking once again & forever how one of the most highlighted things about adam in pretty much every single iteration of motu is just... how massive his heart is, how unconditionally kind to everyone & everything he is, how willing to give every benefit of the doubt & every second + third + fourth + umpteenth chance he can.     of course he saves the villain’s life even if he’s kicking himself while he does it because to him a life is a life, no matter how evil.     of course he tries everything in his power to help a villain on the verge of dying because he couldn’t live with himself if they died & he’d done nothing to try & stop that from happening because he feels it’d be as bad as killing them himself.     of course he wants to rescue the dragon stuck in a cave-in because he can’t just leave a living creature like that.     of course he asks to put aside differences when facing a threat that’d affect both parties in favor of working together.     of course he grants power to his enemy so that they may help & feel what it’s like to be on the side of good & justice for once.     of course he’s kind without asking anything in return, even when knowing the one he’s helping wouldn’t do the same if their places were switched, even when knowing they won’t learn anything from it.     of course he just helps, because it’s what he knows, it’s what he does.
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amourane · 5 months
so this is love
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pairing: theodore nott x hufflepuff!reader
genre: fluff
w/c: 2.7k
summary: there's a weird feeling that erupts in theo's chest whenever he looks at you and for the first time in his life his mind goes silent.
warnings: none!
a/n: i honestly love this so much and it's so so sooo cute!
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Theodore Nott was many things. Quiet, judgmental, emotionless and most importantly handsome. One of the prettiest boys in Hogwarts yet the most unapproachable. No one had ever seen a smile grace his lips and if you had tried to converse with the Slytherin he would only stare at you with blank eyes waiting for you to go away. He spoke little words but it was enough for people to get the point. Unlike his rowdy group of friends, he wouldn’t merrily join in conversation, rather make snarky remarks every now and then, an uninterested look always on his face. A scowl or a smirk always tugged at his lips as he listened to what his friends had to say. 
Even though Theo never voiced his thoughts out loud he always knew what to think. His mind was constantly running at a hundred miles per hour. Every little thing he wanted to say flitted through his mind. It was as if his head was a cacophonous symphony. 
Yet as he looked at the girl in yellow robes his mind was oddly quiet. He watched her silently as she dropped her ingredients into her cauldron. It was a rare moment. One he had discovered a month ago when he had finished his potion early and looked around to see if anyone else was done. There you were. Eyes scanning the contents of your Potion’s book but it was quite clear you had finished brewing whatever was in your cauldron as you leaned back into your seat. 
Theo’s mind was silent. 
There were no thoughts, no opinions, no judgments. He stared at you and it made him uneasy. There was something about you that unnerved him. He didn’t recall you from his other classes and it was the first time he had even seen you in Potions. As he felt the comforting silence settle in his head he concluded one thing - you were interesting and he was going to keep an eye on you.
“Nott, mate, what are you doing? I’ve been asking you to pass me a quill for about a century, have you suddenly gone deaf?” Blaise nudged Theo out of his trance and the brunette blinked for a second before passing over a quill. His partner frowned before following where his eyeline previously was and he smirked. “Still obsessing over the little Hufflepuff I see. Who knew you were capable of having feelings.”
“I don’t fancy her.”
“I never said you did.” Blaise’s smirk widened. “You came up with that on your own.”
Theo felt his face heat up. It wasn’t true. He didn’t like you, not in the slightest. He was merely fascinated at how you were able to turn his manic mind into a state of tranquillity. He looked over. You were talking to your partner beside you and Theo assumed she had said something funny because a grin had overtaken your pretty features and a giggle slipped past your lips. Theo didn’t fancy you but he couldn’t deny that you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“He’s staring again.” Hannah said as she poked your side to get your attention. “It’s like he’s drilling holes into your skull. Do you think he wants to hex you?”
You looked up from your cauldron with a frown as you faced your friend. “He doesn’t stare at me, don’t be silly Hannah. I’m sure he has a reason for looking this way.”
“Y/n you’re terrible at finding excuses for anything. It’s so obvious he’s looking at you and his glare is starting to scare me a bit.” 
Behind your fellow Hufflepuff was Theodore Nott. Your eyes glaze over his perfectly tousled hair and his dark coloured eyes. He really was handsome. You watch as he says something to Blaise and you see a tint of pink touch his cheeks. Cute. You smiled to yourself. Merlin, he was really cute.
Theodore Nott had been watching you for a few weeks now and you weren’t oblivious enough to not notice the Slytherin’s gaze. At first you didn’t know how to react when you first felt his eyes on you. It was weird. Every time you would turn around he would already be looking down at his piece of parchment, scribbling something down with his quill. You had never caught him staring at you but you could certainly feel it. The piercing feeling of his stare made goosebumps rise on your skin. In a way you found it endearing. Sometimes you would turn around and find him, nose deep in his textbook and you could faintly see the tips of his ears blush red. It was those times you would giggle to yourself. 
It was arrogant to assume that Theo felt that way about you but for some reason you couldn’t help but get a little giddy at the thought he might. That someone like him would even think about going out with someone like you. That the cutest guy in your year would fancy you. Then reality came crashing back and you knew that a Slytherin would never be seen with a Hufflepuff much less date one.
“Hello? Earth to Y/n? You still there?” Hannah waved her hand in front of your face. “Merlin, one mention of Nott and you go all dreamy on me. When are you going to ask him out then?”
Your cheeks flared up with heat and you couldn’t help a smile that tugs at your lips. “Shush Hannah.” You try to sound serious but with your blushing face and bright grin it’s hard to do so.
“You’re actually whipped, Y/n.” Hannah let out a laugh and you let a giggle slip past your lips at her statement. You didn’t feel the need to deny it after all, maybe it held some truth. 
Theodore Nott always knew what to say and when but as he stood in front of you he found himself speechless. Now as his eyes wandered over your delicate hands and beautiful face he couldn’t find the words that needed to be said. His mind was quiet again. Silence. He opened his mouth to apologise for bumping into you and nearly knocking you over but no words came out. So he did the next best thing, help you grab your books.
You were scrambling to grab scrap pieces of parchment that had escaped the grasps of your books and Theo grabbed the Herbology textbook you had dropped. He watched as you gathered your things before finally meeting his gaze. You smiled and he felt his heart stop. Suddenly it was as if he was being engulfed in a tidal wave. There was a twinkle in your eyes and it set off a spark in his chest that he didn’t know was there. Theo felt himself grow hot as you stared at him and for the first time in his life he felt self conscious.
“Thank you.” You said and he felt his ears ring as your voice echoed through his mind. “I’m really sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going and I was in a rush to get to my next class. I hope you aren’t hurt anywhere.”
A beat passed.
Theo blinked. He watched as your bright expression slowly morphed into one of concern. He watched as you reached out to touch his arm.
“It’s Theo.” Is the only thing he can think to say before he realised how it must’ve sounded rude. “But you can call me Theodore. I don't mind.”
Another beat passed.
The two of you were now standing in the middle of the hallway as other students passed by. Theo could hear their whispers as they looked. The curious eyes wondering what a Slytherin could possibly be talking to a Hufflepuff about. For a second Theo thinks he’s upset you and you’re going to storm off but he’s proven wrong. The bright smile returned to your face.
“Well Theo, I’m going to need my Herbology textbook back, I’ve already been late twice this week.” 
“O-Oh yes right, sorry I forgot.”
Theodore Nott has never once stumbled over his words. Yet as he stood in front of you he found himself wrapped in a world he had never known before. He felt himself grow even warmer and he reached a hand to loosen the emerald tie around his neck. This was unlike him. He never went speechless, he never struggled to find a smart quip or retort and he most definitely never stuttered. You brought out a side to him that was new and he didn’t know if he liked it or not.
“Thank you for helping me Theo, I’ll see you in Potions.” You waved goodbye as you hurried off down the hallway. 
Theo’s eyes remained glued onto your frame as you ran. A rising bubbly feeling began in his chest and he felt his heart quicken. He gulped. You had long disappeared from his view but he still felt a burning sensation on his cheeks and he tried to cool himself down with his hands but it served no use. Giving up, he turned away and marched down the hall determined to figure out whatever he was feeling.
“You know staring at her won’t make her your girlfriend Nott.” Mattheo smirked as he watched his best friend. The others at the Slytherin table tittered with laughter and Theo rolled his eyes. He was now used to his friend’s teasing and even though it was relentless he didn’t pay any attention to it. Why would he? It wasn’t true anyway.
“Very funny Riddle.”
“You know me Theo, always the jokester.” He winked as he sipped the pumpkin juice in his cup.
“But seriously Theo you should ask her out if you like the girl. Salazar, it's better than drilling holes in the back of her head.” 
“Pansy’s right Nott, we’re all tired of you mooning over the girl just go ask her out already and then the two of you can go snog in the broom cupboard.” Draco snickered and the other Slytherins erupted into another round of laughter.
“Well you’ve got it all wrong I don’t fancy her.” Theo looked at his friends with a scowl present on his face. “She makes me feel all these things and I hate it. I hate how different it is. I hate how quiet everything gets when I look at her. I hate how she makes me feel and it’s all horrible and downright disgusting. It’s like I’ve got a fever whenever I’m around her and I’ve somehow contracted some life-threatening heart disease. My mouth dries up and I stumble over what I say and it’s not like me at all. So no, you’ve all got it wrong because I don't fancy her.”
With that Theo leaves the table, dinner untouched, with red cheeks and a rapidly beating heart. His friends watched dumbfounded as their friend trudged away. They all exchange knowing glances before shaking their heads at his obliviousness to his own feelings.
“That guy seriously needs to realise that sometimes not being an emotionless prick isn’t going to kill him.” Pansy dug into her beef as she scoffed at her friend’s stupidity.
Unbeknownst to the Slytherins a certain Hufflepuff was watching as their friend stormed off, her eyes never once leaving his ruby red face and the angry glare that accompanied it. She excused herself from her table before slipping away to follow a certain brunette.
Annoyance was the main thing that Theodore Nott felt at the moment. Anger at the persistence that he had a crush on you when he didn’t, he knew he didn’t. You had cast some sort of spell on him. Some sort of hex that made him notice every little bit about you. The way your smile lit up the room, the way your laughter echoed in his mind like the happy tinkering of a bell. Every second he saw you it was as if you overtook his senses. Clouding his sight with your beauty, suffocating him with your sweet scent, muffling his ravenous thoughts until everything was calm. 
When Theodore Nott looked at you he felt an overwhelming emotion, one that he couldn’t explain, but it made his hectic thoughts still and as cheesy as it sounded it made time itself stand still. When Theodore Nott looked at you he noticed every fine small detail like the way you like to smile at yourself whenever you get a question right or the way you tap your fingers on the desk when you’re concentrating. When Theodore Nott looked at you he felt his heart soar and he isn’t used to feeling this unnatural emotion that had been brewing inside of him.
He didn’t even notice you were behind him until he heard your voice. Soft and gentle and kind. He spun around. You had a look of concern etched upon your face and you stepped closer towards him and he backed away feeling his heart quicked once again. He glared at you hoping that his stare would force you to go away and would force whatever he was feeling to disappear.
“Are you okay Theo? I saw you leave and you didn’t touch your food, did something happen?”
You were so caring, so nice, so calm. You were so many things and Theo couldn’t take it. Couldn’t take looking at you when he could hear his heart pumping. “What are you doing to me?” He whispered, backing away further.
You frowned. “I haven’t done anything Theo. Are you sure you’re okay you look quite red and-”
“You’re lying.” He seethed. “You’re lying because why are you making me feel these things? Why does my mind go quiet, my thoughts stop, the words fail? There’s no explanation to this. I don’t understand why my heart races and everything suddenly feels hotter around me. I don’t understand this feeling I have inside me, some magnetic force that keeps pulling me to you. You’re everywhere Y/n.”
His glare intensified as he spoke, each word punctuated by a slow, deliberate step forward. “I look at you and I feel things I’ve never felt before, this bubbly warm feeling. Whenever I’m around you I can’t think of what to say. I close my eyes and I see your smile, your eyes. I can hear your laughter even if we’re in the noisiest classroom. You’re everywhere Y/n. So tell me, what have you done to me?”
A beat of silence.
The both of you stare at each other. Your frown had long gone and now you simply looked at the Slytherin in front of you trying to decipher his anger.
“It’s love Theo.” You take a step closer. “All the things you’ve just said - it’s love.”
Theo froze. His expression remained stony yet his eyes betrayed his thoughts as he looked away for a second. He blinked before looking at you once again. Your eyes, the eyes he couldn’t help but notice everywhere he went, looked back at him. His mind was no longer quiet. An outbreak of noise erupted inside his head and he struggled to grasp what was going on. He couldn’t focus. All he could hear was his own voice in his mind, overlapping, shouting, screaming, crying. It all came crashing down and Theo didn’t know what to do.
Then your lips collided with his and he stilled. The noise died down. Chaos ceased. Theo let his eyes flutter shut as he kissed you back with fervour. Your lips were soft and you tasted sweet like strawberries. He wrapped his arm around your waist and you were warm as you leaned into his touch. He felt your arms tangle in his hair and he smiled at the feeling. This felt right. This didn’t feel weird or disgusting. It was something he never thought he would feel. 
The both of you broke apart and you blinked looking at Theo with your beautiful eyes. His heart continued to race. You beamed up at him and he couldn’t help but smile back. You were so pretty, so gorgeous and you had just kissed him. His mind was finally quiet again. The strange feeling that filled his body now didn’t feel so foreign at all in fact it felt natural as he gazed at you.
“It’s love Theodore Nott. That’s what you feel.” You give him another kiss. “And it’s what I feel too.”
Theodore Nott was many things but as he closed his eyes to kiss you once again there is only one thing that he wants to be - in love with you.
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James Potter x fem!reader
Summary: James isn't usually violent but he'll fight anyone who bad mouths his girlfriend.
Genre: Fluff, Short-ish? around 1,000 words
Warnings: mentions of a physical violence, descriptions of injuries and blood, insults, swearing
You were surprised when a drunk fifth year boy ran up to you in the middle of your study session with Remus saying your boyfriend had just beaten the shit out of someone at a party you'd asked him not to go to.
It was being hosted by some grimy, good-for-nothing, Slytherins that always found ways to get under James's skin. But, he never listened to you when it came to those things.
You storm into his dorm, eyelids tired from staying up in the library, and Remus follows you. "James Potter!" You exclaim firmly as you look around the room.
Sirius is leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, while James sits on his bed. He's half laying on the headboard as he massages his palms. He's wearing an obnoxious black blazer with thick red lining, dark pants, and a white chemise with a loosened maroon tie. He looks handsome and ridiculous at the same time.
Your eyes lower to his hands and see his knuckles bruised as red as his clothes and when he sees you, he grins drunkenly. "Y/n!" He slurs as he sits up and his brown hair falls dramatically over his forehead.
"What did you do?" You ask, moving to sit next to him on the bed.
"You're so pretty." He mutters and he leans in to cup your cheeks and kisses them sloppily. Sirius chuckles as you push James away.
"You smell like beer."
"Yes, because I drank beer, love."
"What happened?" You ask Sirius this time as James falls back onto the headboard and smirks like an idiot.
Sirius just raises his arms as if he's innocent and drags Remus out of the room with him. As soon as the door closes, James attaches himself to your waist and you sigh. You forget how incredibly clingy he is when he's drunk.
You look at the small bruise on James's cheek as he rests his head near your stomach. You also forget how hot-headed he can be.
James sees you looking and says, "You should see the other guy," as if that makes it better.
"James. What happened." You repeat but find yourself running one of your hands in his hair as he turns onto his back and lays his head in your lap.
"Nothing." He mumbles stubbornly.
You roll your eyes and gently press your thumb onto his bruise and James winces. He shuts his eyes and opens one of them as he looks at your annoyed expression.
"I hate Slytherins." He says plainly.
"I hate some Slytherins." He mumbles a quick "most" under his breath but you ignore him and simply wait for a better explanation.
"You know the blond one? Weird nose. Punchable face?" He rambles, slurring his words a little, and you nod. "Well he was following me around all night, the little wanker."
"I told you not to go." You point out.
"Being such an annoying little shit. I was already ready to knock him out." He continues and you listen to him as you play with his curls, "And then he mentioned you." James's voice lowers.
"Yeah." His jaw tightens.
"What did he say about me?" You ask curiously and James looks up at you. Clumsily, he reaches up to caress your cheek and his eyes soften adoringly.
"Don't you worry about that, my darling. I made him regret it." James grins and you feel a warmth spread across your chest.
"You don't have to fight people for me, Jamie." You say softly.
"Of course I do, I — "James drops his hand as his eyes jump around your face. He pauses a moment and he seems to have lost his previous thought, "Merlin, you're so gorgeous."
"Thanks, honey." You whisper and lean down to kiss his forehead, "But James, please be careful if you want to get into fights. I don't want anyone ruining that pretty face of yours." You kiss the tip of his nose.
"I'm always careful, Y/n." James sits up and he looks quite serious, "You should really see the other guy." He insists.
And he's right. The next morning, you and James walk into Transfigurations hand in hand. You had wrapped a small bandage around his knuckles and applied muggle soothing cream on the bruise near his eye.
You like pampering him the muggle way, the way your parents pampered you, and you love that he lets you.
Since James cleaned up nicely, he's grinning cockily and whispers in your ear, "Over there."
You look towards where he means and your eyes widen. A blond Slytherin is glaring at you and James, his fists shaking. He has a black eye, a swollen bruise on his cheekbone, and his lip is split open and barely healed. He obviously hasn't gone to the hospital wing.
"James!" You whisper back to your boyfriend, "How hard did you hit him?"
"Hard enough that your name will never leave his filthy mouth ever again." James says proudly as Remus and Sirius walk towards you both.
"Morning." Remus yawns.
"That piece of shit sure looks handsome this morning." Sirius remarks, slappingJames on the back. James returns the gesture as he laughs.
"Sirius!" You hiss, feeling slightly bad.
James kisses your cheek, "Relax, love. If he snitches I'll have to tell the Headmaster what he called you and I'm bloody persistent when it comes to demanding discipline for tossers like him."
You decide to relax a little.
You've known James and his friends for more than six years now and you've had to grow used to them getting into fights, or simple squabbles, with other students. Plus, you also know James is never violent for no reason. Whatever the Slytherin said must have been bad enough for him to lose his cool.
"My knight in shining armor." You tease and smile at him as he wraps his arm around your shoulders.
"Always." He presses a quick kiss to your lips as Sirius and Remus pretend to gag and you giggle.
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ellecdc · 7 months
Hi! I’m back 😬. I’m still extremely new to requesting so feel no pressure to write this soon. I was thinking of quiet!reader, who gets nervous when she is around Regulus and instantly starts saying the most out of pocket things and being chatty to fill in the silence. Regulus finds this amusing and usually keeps a serious, quiet demeanor to hear the weird things that come out of her mouth. 😊
looolllll the second I got this request it made me think of that Philomena Cunk meme on TikTok where people were like 'me whenever the conversation lulls' - so I had to borrow that quote!!! (let me know if you find it). Thanks so much for requesting babes - hope you love it 🫶
Regulus Black x quiet!fem reader (who can't shut up around him)
The world was out to get you, that much you were certain of. You were certain of this fact because this was the third time this week that your table in the library had somehow attracted the elusive Regulus Arcturus Black. 
Usually, this would not be an issue. In fact, one could argue this was a rather nonissue, seeing as you were sort of embarrassingly completely infatuated with the aggravatingly quiet boy in your year.
However, it appeared that the company of one Regulus Arcturus Black short-circuited some fundamental part of your brain which caused you to blurt out the most asinine comments known to all of wizardingkind – nay – humankind. The universe has never seen the likes of such horrible conversation. 
It went a little like this: 
Earlier in the week you had set up your arithmancy homework out in front of you at your favourite table in the library. It was your favourite table because it had a window view, but that window view was the least distracting window view in the whole library. It also was the perfect distance to a fireplace, meaning you could manage to stay warm in the stone castle during the cold Scottish winters. 
Unfortunately, it seemed, the table didn’t give you a good vantage point to alert you when one Regulus Arcturus Black made an appearance.
“Mind if I sit here?” A quiet voice startled you out of your calculations, causing you to overturn a pot of ink in front of you.
“Fucking Merlin and Morgana! I- oh, erm, uh, no I uhm, fuck.” You sputtered as you split your attention between the boy standing across from you and the pool of ink quickly making its way towards your skirt. 
With a non-descript flick of Regulus’ wand, the mess was gone – though the damage to your parchment was unsalvageable.
“Oh, uhm, thanks. Sorry I – erm, have a seat. Although, you might not be safe!” You tried to joke but your voice came out disturbingly high, and the (failed) ‘joke’ made you flush hot with shame.
“I’m usually way cooler than this.” You tried to argue, before you realized that someone way cooler definitely wouldn’t have just said that.
Regulus was either unbothered by your horrifying actions or chose to ignore them. He opened his textbooks and began taking notes like you weren’t even there, while you sat in the most awkward and uncomfortable silence of your entire life.
It wasn’t long before you decided you couldn’t take it anymore, standing abruptly – so abruptly, in fact, that you had to quickly save another pot of ink from spilling – and began hastily gathering your things. Regulus did look up at this, and his eyes on you seemed to cause another malfunction to your central nervous system.
“Well, I must be off. I have other homework to dump ink on.” You said, except you didn’t deliver the sentence as a joke and it sounded all too believable – paired with your actions today, and you were certain he believed that’s exactly what you were off to do.
“Toodaloo.” You called and ran from the library.
Toodaloo!?!?! Are you fucking serious!?!! TOODALOO. Oh gods.
You didn’t dare return to the library the following day.
The day after that, though? It was fair game.
You were once again sitting at your favourite table and had ensured you placed a sticking charm on the bottom of your ink pots to avoid any more unfortunate accidents, when the clearing of a throat interrupted your studies.
“Mind if I sit here?” Regulus asked quietly, motioning to the seat across from you.
He’s kidding, right? After what happened two days ago, he can’t possibly want to sit with you?
Nonsense, perhaps this is just his favourite table in the library too.
You were determined this time not to make a fool of yourself.
“Have you finished the rune translations for Professor Babbling, yet?” Regulus asked.
No, the world was definitely out to get you.
“I, erm, I’ve started it. I believe it references the magic practiced by the Egyptians during the Predynastic period. Quite interesting stuff, Ancient Egypt. Did you know that Egyptians believed the most significant thing you could do in your life was die?” 
You were talking a mile a minute. You knew this to be true due to the fact that your tongue was actually tripping over your words, but while your brain was shouting shut up shut up shut up shut up, your mouth just kept moving.
“Is that so?” Regulus asked, his eyes squinting ever so slightly as he scrutinized you.
“I don’t know actually.” You admitted, realizing you may have just lied to Regulus Black about Ancient Egypt. “I, I suppose I meant that they put way more emphasis on death than life.” You cringed again. “I don’t know if that’s true either – it’s just, it’s... it's the pyramids!” You shouted desperately, earning you a shush from the librarian. 
“The pyramids?” He asked incredulously, a smile playing on his lips.
He was making fun of you, surely.
“Yup. Pyramids.” You squeaked, turning your face back towards your textbook.
“And you got all of that from the runes translation?”
Your face burned in shame.
“Uhm, no. The runes said no such thing. I just…know things.”
“You know things?”
“Right like, uhm, oh apparently Shakespeare didn’t actually write any of the works attributed to his name. Did you know that? William Shakespeare’s parents were illiterate - which doesn’t necessarily mean much because, perhaps he became learned later in life, right? However, William Shakespeare’s own children were also illiterate. I mean, what famous playwright wouldn’t teach their children to read? It’s all bollocks.” 
You had to catch your breath at the end of your tangent.
“That’s a bold claim.” Regulus said plainly. 
Fucking hells, was it hot in here?
“Right, well, erm. I have to go.” You said as you gathered your things and rushed towards the door.
“Uhm, Y/N?” Regulus called.
“Your wand?”
You looked back at the table and, sure enough, your wand sat forgotten in your place. 
“Right, thanks. Uhm, best of luck on the rune’s translation. Let me know if you need help and erm, uhm, I - bye!”
You stayed out of the library for two days after that.
Which brought you to today. You decided to try to save yourself the humiliation and Regulus the hassle of having to sit with you by finding a different table. You would leave your favourite table to Regulus if it meant saving yourself the embarrassment of uttering absolute nonsense to your schoolgirl crush.
What you had forgotten, however, was how the world was absolutely 100% without a doubt out to get you.
“Mind if I sit here?” Regulus asked quietly, causing you to look up so quickly and, not being used to this table and unaware of the fact that you were sitting under a light sconce, you smacked your head rather painfully in the action.
“Son of a fucking dugbog.” You spat miserably as you rubbed at the sore spot already producing a lump on your head.
“Why?” You all but screeched.
Regulus tilted his head at you as one of his eyebrows raised. “Why?”
“Yes, why.”
“Why what?”
“Oh for – why do you want to sit with me?!”
He looked close to smiling as he scrutinized your form. “Do you not want to sit with me?”
“Of course I want to sit with you!” You admitted embarrassingly - and loudly - earning you a shush from the librarian.
“So, I can sit here then?”
You groaned and let your head thump onto the table in front of you – at least now you’d have a matching lump on the front of your head too.
“At the risk of me making a total and utter fool of myself? Sure, be my guest.”
You swore you heard him chuckle under his breath as he pulled the chair out across from you. You didn’t dare lift your head, however. Perhaps if you couldn’t see his piercing silver gaze, or his adorable black curls, or his stupid smirk, then maybe you wouldn’t be forced to say something ridiculous. 
“What? No fun facts for me today?” Regulus – the arse – asked from across from you.
You raised your head slightly, though left your shoulders at table level as you levelled him with a glare.
“You’re doing this to me on purpose, aren’t you? What, you get off on me making a fool of myself?”
Regulus smirked, though something in his eyes turned a little soft as he spoke. “I don’t think you make a fool of yourself.”
You scoffed and let your head fall back to its previous spot with a thud. “You’re an arse and a liar, Regulus Black.”
“Okay, perhaps you’ve been a little foolish.” He conceded, causing you to groan into the woodgrain of the table. “But I’ve enjoyed every second of it.”
Your head snapped up at that, and even Regulus grimaced as he watched you just barely miss the light sconce behind you.
“You’ve…enjoyed me making a fool of myself?” You asked incredulously.
Regulus moved his head back and forth in a sort of ‘so-so’ gesture. “I’ve enjoyed getting to listen to you. Why do you think I’ve been asking to sit with you all week?”
Apparently, your table wasn’t Regulus’ favourite table. Or at least, that wasn’t what made it his favourite – it was the fact that you had been sitting there that had made it so.
And ever since then, whatever table you were sitting at in the library – one would likely find Regulus Black there too.
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bettymylove · 10 months
Can you please do a Theo not fix where the reader is his best friend who he has been in love with his entire life and they are always snuggling and she is always on his lap but then she sees him with some other girl talking being flirty and gets jealous and avoids him and agrees to go on a date with someone else in front of him and he loses it and tells her he is in love with her and it ends in smut?
can I just say I love this ideaaa AAAHH!!
pairing: theo nott x reader
content: read the askk<33 18+ smut
a/n: loved writing thiss
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to other people the friendship of you and theo was not what usually friends were, you had no walls up against each other, being completely transparent to each other.
it was kind of a known fact you both harbored some feelings for each other, even though it had never been said however most people keep their distance from both of you.
you were both overly touchy with each other, him always touching you in some way, whether it be a hand on your thigh in class or making you sit on his lap in the common room just so he could bury his face in the crook of your neck, all of this was completely normal to you.
it was after lunch on a friday, all the students were completely free from classes and you decided to utilize this time to finish you assignments so you could enjoy the hogsmeade trip tomorrow.
however reaching the library, you heard theo's laugh, the sound you could recognize anywhere and as soon as you started to walk towards it, you stopped in your won footsteps, since his laugh wasn't the only one, there was one more accompanying him.
he was laughing with another girl.
he was touching her knee and she had her hand on his arm, they were practically lying on each other. The urge you had to finish your schoolwork died, and soon tears began to roll down your cheeks, how could he betray you like this.
theo heard your familiar footsteps and started to follow you, calling your name but you gave no response which was very weird, since you were always cheery to have him around.
this behaviour continued well into the next day, he was ready to go to hogsmeade with you but it seemed like you had other plans, since at breakfast when a boy from ravenclaw had asked you out on a date you had said yes, that too in front of him.
he was confused to say the least, and was looking for an answer, his hand found your forearm when you once again tried to escape.
"so you're really going on a date with him?" he asked in pure shock, not being able to recover from the fact that you had said yes.
"do you have a problem with me going?" you had asked in a snarky voice, still thinking he was behaving irrationally.
"of course, i thought we had something" his tone and face all reflected sadness and pure betrayal, "I had thought that too, until I saw you flirt with that girl in the library yesterday" you had retorted.
"I was trying to get her to do my homework for me, so I could spend more time with you" he said in a gentle voice.
"why do you even care theo that I'm going on a date it's not like we're dating" you longed for an answer, to have some official word for whatever your relationship was.
"because i love you", he said in a slightly raised voice, "it's so obvious i do, everyone knows it and you should too, i love you y/n"
he leaned down, capturing your lips in a heated kiss, like you wished he would, pushing you back on the wall near you which secluded you from everyone.
his kisses started trailing downwards, he was sucking on your neck while his hands were all over your body, he soon went down on his knees, staring up at you, "let me show you how much you mean to me."
please was the only word leaving your mouth, which was soon replaced with moans as soon as his tongue touched you, swirling around, he was practically devouring you, urging you to come undone on his face.
"let it go baby, come on my face" and so you did chanting his name as if it was only thing you knew in this world.
"theo, please for merlin's sake fuck me" and he couldn't deny your pretty face unbuttoning your shirt, but still not letting it fall he started leaving marks all over there as well.
you had unbuckled his belt and soon got his cock out, it was red at the tip leaking some precum and you couldn't help but move your hands up and down on it.
he had soon took both your hands and pinned them above your head, urging you to jump and as soon as you did, he had his dick inside of you.
he was thrusting so hard and so fast that you could see stars already, moaning his name while he was still kissing your neck, it was all you could have imagined.
"theo, I'm gonna come" you had managed to say between gaspy breaths, and he had urged you to do so, since he was on the verge itself.
he had finished inside you filling you up to the brim, and you felt content with him.
"so, I hope you're gonna cancel the date" he said and you only laughed in response.
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mattyriddlesbitch · 5 months
Okay okay hear me out, Blaise with like a corruption kink with soft and kind Hufflepuff reader 🫣🫣
I didn't specify the house, but I hope this works. I love the idea of the boys corrupting their sweet little girlfriends. Thank you so much! Also I love the fancast for him, so I'm imagining him over the og actor. Just look at him. <3
Blaise Zabini x F!Reader
Warnings: Oral(female receiving), cussing, unprotected sex
18+ Minors DNI!
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Blaise loved your innocence, really. He loved how sweet you were. That’s what drove him to you in the first place. Your sweetness, kindness, that adorable smile and small blush.
But there was always something in the back of his mind that wanted to ruin you. He wanted to destroy you. To wreck you. Corrupt you.
Oh, and poor, sweet innocent you would never have guessed the absolutely filthy things he thought about doing with and to you. Merlin, if you knew, you might have run. He’s had sinful thoughts before, of course. But you, something about your sweet voice and sweet smile and sweet eyes and sweet hand and sweet legs and oh so sweet body had his mind reeling with all the things he wanted to do to you. And when you caught him staring and blushed and gave him a sickly sweet smile, that only made it worse.
So when he asked you out and you said yes, he was thrilled. He had been so sweet to you. He acted like he didn't have the most vile thoughts about you. Of course, he still loved you for who you were, but he also had to admit to himself that he was waiting until he could get into bed with you. Until he could do all those disgusting things to you.
And sweet, little you was still a virgin. Still never even had your first kiss before him. And he was so ready to help you with both of those.
So when you finally agreed to let him take your virginity, he was the happiest man alive.
He started slowly, kissing you on the bed until you felt comfortable enough to let him undress you. He wanted to savor this himself, so he went slowly. God, this felt like unwrapping a present to him. He slowly unbuttoned your blouse, kissing and licking at the newly exposed skin as he went. He moved to your skirt next, sliding it down your legs slowly. He groaned when he saw your cute little cotton underwear.
“You're so beautiful, so gorgeous.” He said as he helped you take off your bra. “I can't wait to feel you, baby.” He pressed kisses to your chest, moving to one of your nipples to tease it slightly before moving to the next to do the same as you squirmed and moaned softly underneath him.
“That feels weird.” You said, not used to the feeling.
“It's a new feeling, it's gonna feel weird but good. Doesn't it feel good?” He asked as he leaned back up to look at you, his hands moving to massage your breasts gently.
“Yes.” You said quietly, blushing as you whimpered from his touch.
Your blush only made him strain against his pants even more. “Good. I can make you feel so much better.” He said as he ran his hands down your body to your underwear. And that's when he noticed the small wet patch on your underwear. You were so fucking wet. And from him. He wanted to taste it. He pulled down your underwear, keeping the same slow pace so you could stop him if you wanted. But you didn't and he let out another groan when he saw your soaked pussy. “You're fucking soaked.” He said, more to himself than you.
He couldn't stop himself. He was going to ask. Make sure you were okay with it. But he just leaned down and licked your cunt. Heavenly, was the only word he would use to describe it. Once he had that taste, he couldn't move back. He was licking and sucking like his life depended on it and you were moaning and whimpering below him. Those sweet sounds, even when he was doing something so vile to you, you still sounded so sweet. He reached out to hold your hands, ground you a little. He knew he should slow down, but he just couldn’t. His body wouldn’t let him.
“Blaise.” You were whining and moaning his name and he couldn’t tell if you wanted him to stop or keep going, but he wanted to hear more of those sounds. He felt your legs trying to close on his head, but he didn’t stop, and he wasn’t letting go of your hands either. He was in heaven.
It took your orgasm and cries to finally snap him back to reality and slow down to help you ride out your orgasm. He waited until your legs relaxed to sit back up, moving his hands to rub soothingly at your thighs.
“You taste so fucking good, ma.” He said before kissing you, letting you taste yourself on his lips. You moaned against his lips and he slid his tongue in your mouth. He parted for a moment to take his shirt off before kissing you again. He brought your hands to his pants and had you help him get them off along with his boxers.
You parted from the kiss to look at him. Then you looked down and your eyes widened slightly. That face. Your innocent face. Your first time seeing a dick, in real life at least.
“You excited to have me in you?” He smiled as he used a hand to tilt your face back to look at his eyes. “I’m excited. I can’t wait to fucking ruin you.”
Then you did something he didn’t expect. “Please, Blaise. I need you.” You said quietly, blushing heavily.
Seeing and hearing you beg for him was almost enough to make him cum. Almost. “Yeah? You want me to fuck you? To ruin you?” He asked, smiling only growing at the thought. You nodded, very embarrassed about everything. He was so desperate for it too that he stopped teasing and started pushing in you.
He leaned in to kiss your neck, biting and licking over your skin as he bottomed out. He wanted to say that he was waiting for you to get comfortable with the stretch of his dick inside you, but really he only stopped so he wouldn’t cum. Your warm, wet, soft walls around his cock was perfect. He started thrusting once you squirmed.
“Your pussy was fucking made for me.” He groaned against your neck. He knew he should’ve gone slower. But you were moaning and your pussy felt too nice. He grabbed your hands, holding them down to the bed as he fucked you.
“So good, Blaise.” You moaned in his ear. Oh, that’ll be etched in his brain.
“Yeah? Am I making you feel good, ma? You love my dick in you?” He wanted to hear your sweet voice talking dirty to him.
“Yes! I love it! It’s so good.”
“Who knew my innocent little (Y/N) would be moaning like a slut underneath me? You just needed a good cock to turn you filthy, huh?” He said, leaning back to look at your face. Your sweet face, all contorted in pleasure. It was better than he could’ve imagined. “God, you look so perfect fucked out on my dick. You wanna cum on my cock?”
“Yes. Please. Feels so good.” You nodded.
“Who’s making you feel so good, baby?” He asked, moving a hand to rub at your clit.
“You! You are!” You cry out as his fingers touch your clit.
“And who’s pussy is this?” He was watching his cock slam into your cunt repeatedly now.
“It’s yours. Pussy’s all yours.” You cry out again and he could tell you were close, the way you were clenching him.
“You’re so fucking filthy. Wanna see you cum, love. Come on.” He said and that pushed you over the edge. You were cumming, trembling, crying out for him. He helped you finish out your orgasm before pulling out and painting you in his cum. You looked fucking perfect. All fucked out and covered in his cum. He was already thinking about what else he could do to corrupt you more.
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dykesynthezoid · 1 year
There’s lots of “Arthur was totally oblivious to Merlin’s magic the entire time because he’s just that dense” and the flipside “what if Arthur had figured out Merlin had magic ages ago and just didn’t say anything” but quite frankly I think there should be more “consciously Arthur refuses to entertain the idea of Merlin being a sorcerer, but his subconscious has been picking up on all the weird coincidences and it’s getting harder and harder for him to ignore”
Like Arthur isn’t always the smartest but I do think there’s a difference between obliviousness and willful ignorance. Arthur has some very obvious reasons not to want to believe Merlin could be a sorcerer. Namely that he cares about Merlin and thinks Merlin is Good, whereas he’s always believed and been taught that sorcery is an absolute Evil. Therefore Merlin cannot be a sorcerer, because he’s not evil.
There’s also the fact that he’s convinced Merlin is incompetent— Arthur’s idea of magic is not just malicious, but intentional. It’s something you do, on purpose, and it requires effort. If Merlin’s incompetent, then he couldn’t be doing any of those things. And Arthur, frankly, throughout most of the show, kind of needs to be able to think of Merlin as incompetent, because if Merlin wasn’t incompetent, it would mean Arthur had been unjustly insulting him and treating him poorly for years.
So Arthur, very willfully, refuses to even entertain the idea of Merlin having magic. It’s just so silly! Except, of course; it’s kind of hard not to notice how suspicious Merlin is. Like. He’s not very good at hiding it. Luckily Arthur is very good at repression, and so he can just kind of ignore that; but that also is only going to work for so long.
And I think there’s so much to be explored about the process of Arthur’s repression starting to fail, and his subconscious finally starting to break through to his conscious mind and call attention to everything about Merlin that Arthur has been willfully ignoring.
And when you add things like Arthur’s daddy issues and internalized homophobia— Merlin can’t be one of them, but also Arthur can’t be attracted to one of them, but also Arthur can’t be attracted to a man, but also men are people who take action, and sorcerers are people who do intentional evil, and Merlin isn’t like that— But he is? And what does it say about Arthur that he— That he could want—
And in all of that Arthur is just sitting there while he mentally fights his psychosexual demons. And Loses. Big time.
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suugarbabe · 7 months
Hi! I have a request, which is if you could write a post where mattheo and the reader goes on a a one week school trip and somehow got paired up together in the same room with only one bed. They’re kinda hate each other but the reader actually has a huge crush on him. Also I know this might sound kinda weird but could there be a scene when he wears grey sweatpants or like when he just comes out of the shower with nothing but a low waisted towel. (And reader happens to have brought nothing but cute small pjs/clothes)
Thanks for the request lovie 🖤
He rubbed his hands over his face while you pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. Mattheo looked up, his eyes pleading, “Professor, please. There’s no way this is happening. Can we even stay in the same room? I mean…she’s a…she!?” You rolled your eyes, “I’m a she? You mean a woman, merlin, you’re unbearable,” you turned towards your professor, “there’s got to be another room or someone that can switch with us…I’m begging.” Mattheo snorted under his breath, “Never pegged you as one to beg.”
“Enough!” you both jumped at the volume of Professor McGonagall’s interruption, “If you did not want to get stuck in this predicament, then you both should have signed up for this extra credit when I first proposed it a month ago, not three days ago. Now. You are both legally adults, I’m sure you can manage with the arrangement. Cabin sixty-eight will be yours, here is the key. The class will meet tomorrow at 10am, hopefully you can both not kill each other by that time and we will see you down by the Diricawl pens.” She handed you the keys to the cabin before swiftly walking away towards her own cabin space.
You didn’t even attempt to hide the huff of frustration that slipped from your lips as you turned and started walking towards your assigned cabin. Mattheo followed quickly behind, “Too bad we’re not one cabin over, right?” You glanced at him slightly, one eyebrow quirked. He rolled his eyes, “Because then we’d be in cabin sixty-nine…get it? Like the sex position.” You groaned in frustration as you walked up the steps to your cabin, unlocking the door and walking in. “You’re the most immature out of all of your stupid little friends, I swear to Salazar.”
Mattheo scoffed, “Am not, that’s Berkshire. It’s not like you’re much better. You…you’ve got to be fucking kidding me...” Mattheo’s sentence trailed off when you both entered the cabin coming face to face with your sleeping arrangement. “One bed, is she bloody serious?” Mattheo was quick to complain once again as you placed your overnight bag on top of the bed. “What are you doing?” He dropped his bag by the door. “I’m getting my pyjamas out, I’m going to shower and then I’m going to bed. Don’t know where you’re going to sleep but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” You gave him a saccharine smile before heading into the bathroom to change.
Wiping the fog from the mirror, you looked at yourself, mentally berrading your choice in sleepwear. To your defense, you had not planned on staying in a cabin with a male student. Taking a deep breath, you opened the bathroom door only to see Mattheo cozied up on top of the bed. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The sound of your voice made him jump slightly, “Oh, hi there, Princess. I’m just getting comfortable.” The smirk gracing his face only made more frustration boil in you, “Well get off, because I called the bed.” Mattheo only shook his head, “Yeah, and I also thought you grabbed your pyjamas, not your underwear.”
You looked down at your tank top and shorts, both of which could probably be considered smaller than average. But again, you planned on rooming with another girl, not the manwhore of Slytherin house. “These are my pyjamas, you wanker,” you walked to the other side of the bed, pulling the duvet down and climbing in, the blankets being slightly restrained from Mattheo’s weight. “Are you going to move or are you going to be a pain in my ass all night long? Get off the bed.” You pulled on the blanket underneath him only for him to laugh, “I’m getting up, calm down, sweetheart. But it’s only to shower. I’m getting back in the bed when I’m done.”
“Yeah, my ass you are,” you rolled over, your back facing him. Once you heard the door close you rolled back flat, staring up at the ceiling. You had nearly dozed off when you heard the shower turn off and the door unlock. Turning your head slightly you caught glimpse of a sight girls in your class would kill for. Mattheo’s grey sweats are low on his hips as water still trails down his abdomen. A towel covers his eyes as he dries the curls on his head and you take full advantage to gawk. “Like what you see, Princess?”
You huff out a laugh before rolling over, “Not even close, Riddle.” You feel the bed dip and the covers shift. “What are you doing?” You sat up, watching as Mattheo snuggled deeper under the sheets. “I’m getting comfortable, obviously,” Mattheo tucked himself in, clearly unbothered by the situation. “C’mon, Princess. I promise I’m real warm,” the smirk on his face only proved to irritate you further. You remained stubborn, turning away from him once more.
Trying to sleep seemed futile, despite the soothing pitter patter of the rain that started to hit against the cabin window. You heard the sound of soft snores come from behind you. Slowly turning over, as to not disturb him, you stared at Mattheo sleeping soundly. One arm rested above his head on the pillow while the other laid flat against his chest. You subtly moved a little closer to him, not quite touching him but getting fairly close. He wasn’t lying about being warm. You could feel the heat radiating off his body already and you couldn’t help the yearning in your chest to move just slightly closer.
Those efforts weren’t needed by you as Mattheo suddenly turned in his sleep, the arm laying on his stomach reaching out and encircling your body, pulling you flush to his chest where your cheek was now pressed against his bare skin. A gasp left your lips at the action, Mattheo’s voice low and gravely, thick with sleep, “You tell anyone and I avada you.” You hummed in agreeance, burying you face deeper into him and relishing in his body heat. The sleep you got that night was the best you had in months, curled up and nestled close to Mattheo’s body you’d nearly forgotten how much he frustrated you when you’re awake.
A flash of light is what jolts you awake, but Mattheo’s hold on your body seemed to adjust throughout the night, one hand holding the meat of your thigh close around his hip with his other wrapped around your shoulders, your fronts pressed together tightly. The flash of light seemed to disturb Mattheo as well as you heard a grunt and moan of complaint while his grip on your thigh tightened. A brisk feeling of cold ran up your skin as the duvet seemed to be ripped from your form. Another flash of light causing you and Mattheo both to groan. “For Salazar’s fucking sake what the-” you turned your head towards the foot of the bed to see Malfoy shaking two Polaroids in his hand while Blaise stood next to him, trying (and failing) to cover his smile with his hand, “McGonagall told us to come wake you, fucking Godric I’m glad she did.”
Mattheo sat up quickly, finger pointing at Draco accusingly, “I’ll kill you, Cousin, give me those pictures.” Mattheo jumped from the bed, chasing Draco from the cabin still clad in just his sweatpants. You turned to Blaise sheepishly, a small smile on your face. The tall boy only shook his head, twisting his fingers next to his mouth like he was locking his lips before leaving, closing the door behind him.
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my-castles-crumbling · 8 months
never - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 326
"So...Evans told me something interesting earlier," Sirius said nonchalantly as the two of them sat in the library.
"Wait...really?" Remus had confessed so much to her the night before, but he'd been sure she would keep it to herself. Or at least not tell Sirius.
"Yeah," Sirius shrugged. Damn, he looked so calm.
Remus was panicking now. "Fuck. Sirius, you were never supposed to find out. I thought she could keep a secret." And fuck her for not doing so.
"She's a bit of a gossip, that one."
"Are you....are you mad?" Merlin, he was sure to be mad. Or disgusted. Or uncomfortable.
Sirius gave him a weird look. "Remus. Why would I be mad?"
Because I love you. "Because! It could change everything!"
Again, Sirius threw him an incredulous look. "It's...what? It's not a big deal at all, Remus. I'm sure you'll get over it in a few days."
Get over it? He'd been in love with Sirius for years. It was definitely not that easy. "I...Sirius, it's been...it's not that simple."
Sirius grinned reassuringly. "Sure it is! You'll figure it out in no time. I can help you!"
Remus felt dread at this. He didn't want Sirius's help getting over Sirius. "Listen, as nice as that is, you're the last person I want help from."
Sirius looked confused, now. "Why? I would think you'd want my help most of all!"
"Because it's embarassing!" Remus almost yelled.
Sirius said placatingly, "Moony, it's just one spell."
And then, Remus finally began to realize...he was missing something. "I...what?"
Sirius rolled his eyes. "The spell. The one you can't do. I can help you learn it."
Ah. The spell. The Transfiguration spell he'd complained to Lily about. The one that had nothing to do with his embarrassing feelings for Sirius. And Sirius was good at Transfiguration so he was offering... "Oh. OH! Yes. I'd like that."
Merlin, that was close.
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akutasoda · 2 months
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ambrosial spices
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synopsis - some opposites attract like a complimentary dish
includes - jiaoqiu
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, more fluff, maybe ooc??, wc - 554
a/n: what is this? i don't know. new jiaoqiu scenes just got me thinking and there was someone talking about food and i immediately thought of this man-
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some say opposites attract. a saying that has been repeated over and over, even by some may use to describe complementary pairs that seem oh so different yet work together perfectly. some might even say that opposites do attract but they drift away eventually, but you were confident that that wouldn't happen.
loving jiaoqiu was a task in itself. as pretty as the foxian was, he tended to be rather cunning and that didn't exactly go well with the smile that he always wore in public - it made him always seem rather shifty. rumor was that he even withdrew from his practice because of a broken heart, so gossipers among the yaoqing had a field day when your relationship with the chef became speculation.
you two were truly the definition of opposites. there was jiaoqiu who was sly and rather conceited, a chef that made redolent dishes in the means of providing healing. and then there was you, a content being that offered honeyed greetings to yaoqing residents, even helping to keep the yaoqing a pleasant place to live under merlin claws guidance.
your relationship was like adding something saccharine to a peppered dish. on the outside, it seemed the same but if you were to have a taste, one could note how the flavor subsided from a dancing flame to a simmering ember that coincided with it’s newly introduced sweetness.
and if somebody asked, you would say that jiaoqiu’s love was like a cup of warm spiced chai - the kind that usually comes very spicy but with personal preferences, can be milder and sweet. sure they may look at you weird but you knew jiaoqiu, and you knew your jiaoqiu.
you met the jiaoqiu who was a celebrated medicinal chef who was renowned for well seasoned remedies that left the patient with a piquant aftertaste for days. the one that was praised and celebrated for his skill even if he was completely insufferable sometimes - especially with patients who refused to take their medicine or complained about the spiciness of his dishes.
but you became much more acquaintanced with your jiaoqiu - the foxian who knew your food preferences like the back of his hand, even if they didn't align with his. you'd watch from the kitchen doorway - you knew how passionate he got when cooking and you most often would be shooed out of the kitchen - as he prepared a meal for you and you'd observe how he stared at the food horrified. you would witness him dramatically pinch his nose and sigh before he added a certain ingredient or two because all though, never in a thousand years, he would've imagined making such a dish, he did it for you.
jiaoqiu never complained to your face and if anything, he always still probably presented those dishes to you because he knew you liked them. sure he'd rather die than eat such a dish and he always added his preferences after he plated your meal, but nothing could take away from that smile of yours that made his day when you thanked him.
yes, you two had different preferences. yes, you two led different lives but at the end of the day, some would say that you only complimented the other perfectly, because you both knew that he wouldn't do that for anyone else.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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zvdvdlvr · 3 months
baby, pass the bottle quit with all the stallin’…
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🥃 — synopsis. You- Draco’s fiancé- make a bet.
🥃 — warnings. Alcohal consumption. I messed with the timeline like I always do. Weird scenario? Idk. I wrote this to get back to writing for Draco.
Draco watched your bet Ravenclaw Booker Winston 20 galleons you could down a bottle of Firewhisky before he could. Booker raised the stakes to 50 galleons: you were a fifth year and he was a seventh so obviously there was no way Booker could be out-drank by someone so early and so early in the evening.
Your bet got little attention. People had bet against Booker before and lost. But you confidently accepted and handed him a bottle. Booker’s friends waited until both bottles were uncapped before yelling ‘go’ over the blaring music.
The rest of the fifth-year Slytherins watched in awe, screaming ‘Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!’ while you put the opening of the bottle between your lips and throw your head back. Mattheo chuckled in disbelief, smacking Blaise and bringing his attention from the lightskin he was flirting with. Blaise sucked his teeth and shook his head. 
“Go get your woman, mate,” he said into Draco’s ear. “Before someone else makes a move on ‘er.”
By now you were about done with half of the 750 ml bottle of Firewhiskey. Your chest heaved and the white button down you were wearing flashed along with the color changing LED lights. He parted through the crowd of Slytherins, Ravenclaws, Gryffindors, and Hufflepuffs alike as he reached where you were just finishing the bottle. You threw the glass down on the ground, whooping. You coughed and Draco watched you scream along to Chase Atlantic’s ‘Okay’ as you caught your breath.
You hadn’t even noticed Draco, basking in the hoots and hollers of everyone in the party. A fifth year had downed a bottle of Firewhiskey before Booker Winston! You’d definitely be the legend for the years to come. And honestly, Draco would be lying if he said he didn’t find the way your teeth shone in the seizure-inducing lighting and how much your chest heaved as you sang along to the music. You were definitely a force to be reckoned with.
Another wave of screaming filled the room as Booker- pissed- threw his hands up and gave you a sack of 50 galleons. You held the bag in the air and laughed as fifth-years carried you on their shoulders as if you’d singlehandedly won the Quidditch World Cup. 
Draco followed as you savored the victory over a seventh year on the shoulders of your classmates. You laughed at something one of your friends had said and slid down, letting men and women pat you on the back to congratulate you for unofficially taking over Booker’s spot as the ‘Keg King’ (an odd name, yes, but it was an honor nonetheless).
Finally Draco appeared at your side, one hand at your waist as you danced with your girl friends and spun around with the people that entertained you. Your shirt was almost entirely unbuttoned, revealing the emerald green of your sports bra. “Merlin, trouble,” Draco muttered as you turned to him and immediately linked your hands together around his neck and stepped closer to him. “How does it feel to be the Keg Queen?” He joked, lips grazing your ear.
“Like I’m fuckin’ invincible,” you replied. You looked at Draco with that million dollar smile that so many had tried to copy. “Definitely a party-starter, don’t you think?”
Draco laughed. His ring-clad hands grasped your hips and pulling you closer to him as more people showed up to get drunk and have a good time. “Yeah, trouble.” 
You swayed with Draco, caught in his eyes. It goes without saying that you were one of the most influential pureblood witches was an understatement. Luckily you got along with your parents enough to pick the pureblood candidates to marry (your parents believed arranged marriage was best to keep the blood pure). Your parents and Draco’s were more than pleased with the arrangement as you had all known each other since conception. Everyone knew you were together, but not that you were getting married as soon as seventh year was completed. 
Everything was always too much for both of you. But right here and now, just being two drunk and in-love teenagers was perfect.
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toa-arania · 2 months
I found Touhou on IMDB and then it got worse.
So there's a bit of a story behind this, as there should be with any post. I have spent the past *checks clock* fifteen minutes and counting losing my goddamn mind over this.
Touhou 1-11, including 7.5 but not 9.5 or 10.5 for some reason, are all on IMDB. This is not that strange, as many video games are listed there for their writing or voice credits. What's weird is how I discovered this. I heard a voice in, of all things, a four and a half hour video about the Lego Ninjago show and how badly it fumbles its women. One of the characters sounded a bit like Azula ATLA so I checked. It was not the same VA. Then I saw this.
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And then I saw this.
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Now the sharp-witted amongst you may have noticed the tiny little inconsistency that
Touhou has never had voice acting, especially not back in 2003 when PCB came out. There's also the detail that Layla Prismriver does not appear in PCB, nor does she appear in any Touhou game outside of her mention in the character profile of the Prismrivers, which firmly establishes her as very dead and thusly incapable of speech. You'll be pleased to know that it continues to get worse.
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This is not the plot of PCB. What the fuck do you mean only one of these heroines intends to stop it. The cast list is also fucking bizarre.
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Merlin and Lunasa are here but fuck Lyrica I guess. Alice and Youmu are not credited and REIMU ISN'T HERE EITHER. Youki Konpaku is credited. Youki Konpaku is not in this game. The goddamn Saigyou Ayakashi (which is spelt disastrously wrong here of course) is given a voice credit. THAT IS A TREE. THAT IS A TREE THAT DOES NOT TALK IN A GAME THAT DOES NOT HAVE VOICE ACTING. I AM GOING INSANE. WHERE IS REIMU.
Now obviously what I did at this point is start checking the other ones, and th8, 9, and 10 don't really have much interesting going on other than a continued and bizarre lack of Reimu in all of them. 6, 7.5, and 11 however are all bizarre for fun new reasons. Let's start with Subterranean Animism and work backwards.
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I was suspicious of the lack of images so I went to check all of their pages and they're mostly men as far as I can tell. Most of them are credited in a film called Sule, Ay Need You, which a brief google has only barely convinced me is a real film that exists in the first place. It has a wikipedia article in indonesian. One of them, however (the only one with a picture) has been in eleven million different things with reasonably big parts. I have no idea what's going on here. With the player character situation there are eight characters uncredited not including Koishi, who is also nowhere to be seen (which feels strangely appropriate) and Sanae who I remembered literally as I was typing this is in th11.
Moving on to Immaterial and Missing Power:
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Also I'm pretty sure Meiling wasn't in IaMP? (According to a quick google she was added in a patch but not given a story mode). Anyway the sudden appearance of Reimu is the only real interesting thing here because random cast absences are just so commonplace now. Now lastly for the weird fucking pages we have the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and oh wow this one is something else.
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Where do I even begin. Reimu is gone again. Three separate people are credited as Remilia. Actually most characters are credited twice except for Marisa and Sakuya for some reason. Sometimes they specify (voice) and sometimes they just don't. Most characters have [Character Name] and [Character Name (Voice)] which implies that one person is doing mocap or operating a puppet or something while another voices them but then there's just Rumia and Rumia. Who voices Rumia. Remilia has three fucking credits. Marisa and Sakuya get to be normal people. Reimu and Patchouli are just fucking gone. What the hell is happening.
And now it gets stranger once again because I said th1-11 earlier, not th6-11. The PC-98 games are all here too. However. Those pages are all just. Normal. ZUN is credited as the writer. There are correct plot summaries. No voices are credited. The name format is even different (Touhou [Number] [Japanese name]: [English name] instead of just Touhou [Japanese name]: [English name]). They're far too good quality. It honestly feels like whoever uploaded the PC-98 games is a different person to whoever's been doing their bizarre uploads of the windows games.
Now at this point I was looking for other interesting stuff to add - IMDB has Did You Know segments that had fun little details about the games, which seemed to be accurate. It also has a More Like This section linking to the other pages and-
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Luna Nights is here too.
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achillesuwu · 26 days
Au where merlin magic get link to arthur so he can use it too... HOWEVER 👀 the most unexpected change isn't so much that Arthur does magic when he experienced big emotions but that everything is just so loud.
And I don't know about you but I sleep with my gerbils in my room and sometimes they make a LOT of noise. I noticed that the more annoyed I get about it the more it fills me with anger but if instead of doing that I tried to calm down well... I don't notice the sound anymore. It actually felt kinda weird when I lost my firsts
All of this to say that it's actually a very strange but deeply smoothing sound (maybe a bit scary like that https://youtu.be/RL25kplyilM?si=AbCx-HNLUuRY63Re or like the sound (1:31) of that pulsar https://youtu.be/ZKkIfDUzaQ0?si=LLEnWlBKvaQPL6x7 or even the one of the eskimo nebula https://youtu.be/rvOw5p5mxzk?si=ZUtsCDF8Po7jZwAB ) but Arthur can't help but get very mad about it on top of being (sad) mad at merlin for the lying. Just the image of arthur tossing in his bed, trying to put his hand on his ear but it does not stop the sound it's everywhere. Spreading right into his bones.
After one hours, Arthur gave up and walk (angrily) to merlin chamber so he will. make. it. stop. And well, Arthur and Merlin start to argue (because Merlin simply does not understand. The world is not louder, it's as it had always been) until Arthur says something along the line "I will not leave until you resolve this" and Merlin reply by "Fine! I don't care!" and goes right back in his bed.
Of course to piss him off, Arthur goes lying on it and steal 2/3 of the bed by being on his back while merlin is on his side (and arthur is on the right side which is not his side of the bed so he is very unhappy >:( ). They stay in silence for a long time, Arthur looking at the ceiling and merlin looking through his window. Until they aren't even that mad anymore, they just stay like that because it would be awkward to move now (and they are both very stubborn)
Arthur, suddenly feel very tired from all these fights and he can feel himself melt into the rough bed until his head loll on merlin's back. And…
That's the sound of merlin heartbeat.
It's not the only sound, he can hear one of a regular heartbeat too but there is another dancing with it. One big and all-encompasing. Something so far beyond anything human. Another, small and mortal. Both equally merlin's heartbeats.
And, if suddenly Arthur feels very sleepy, well it isn’t anyone business is it ?
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jimblejamblewritings · 6 months
An Observation of Humankind [thinkpiece number: 1]
Every girlie (nonbinary, women and men of all orientations included) is a type of Marauder and their partners are marauder love interest — fandom version included.
James Girlies:
either like sports or play sports, especially soccer/football or rugby
bad eyesight
defends everyone
himbo and ditzy but we love them for that
fanfiction reader/sharer
have had several short-term but very intense crushes
surprisingly not always high school sweethearts (which yeah odd cause of Lily)
nature bros
calls their journal a diary with no shame
are always outside and can't sit their ass at home for too long
love bouquets
own at least one pair of converse
loves pop music and Hozier
have scaled a fence before
might be able to play the guitar
handwriting could be nicer if they tried
didn't get their drivers' license right away
take their coffee any way that isn't straight black coffee
definitely think all people are hot even if they don't swing that way (think lesbians love Thor)
loved Merlin the tv show
James Girlies love Regulus and Lily people, which means:
cold people, smart people, black cat people, painters, polite people, readers, homebody people, gothic people, hippie people, people with beautiful handwriting, black coffee drinkers, whisky lovers
Sirius Girlies:
dog people and cat people equally
doc martens
loves coffee and tea equally
fanfiction writer/reader
gorgeous handwriting, probably cursive
might know or has had an interest in calligraphy
an astrology and/or astronomy girl
speaks at least two languages
plays an instrument, any instrument... but their parents definitely suggested piano
leather jackets
denim jackets
wears way less black than people think
fantasy nerd and has played dungeons and dragons
was a superwholockian
usually the only child or older child
doesn't smoke but everyone thinks they might
cocktails or whiskey and beer, no in between
virgin till like freshman year of college or later, to everyone's shock
looks like a black cat but is actually a golden retriever
however they could kill you don't get it twisted
has trauma but won't trauma bond
crooked smile and not perfect teeth but gorgeous anyway
perfect hair that is deliberately messed with
motorcycles and vespas and small cars
listens to every genre of music
tattoos (even if just one small one)
journal person
can quote certain movies by heart
unfortunately turned on by sweater vests
fashion girlie
Sirius Girlies love Marlene, Remus, and other Sirius people, which means:
warm people, confident people, tall people, flirty people, musicians, readers, intellectual people, fancy people
Remus Girlies:
sweets lover
probably likes dark chocolate the most as well as hot chocolate
owns sweaters, probably vintage, some handmade by their Sirius girlies
plays chess
can draw
mismatched socks
waits till the last minute to do laundry
is more of a cat person but also loves dogs
didn't have strict parents and ended up giving themselves curfews and discipline and only late realized the reverse psychology
keeps a notebook about everything their partner likes
messy cook in the kitchen
loves tea a bit over coffee
is probably the actual smoker of the group
doesn't make their bed
good kissers
always carries a jacket or wears a shirt under their sweater so they can give it to their partner
can hold their liquor a bit too well perhaps
has trauma and might trauma bond
great fashion sense but will wear literally whatever is clean
Remus Girlies love Sirius, Pandora, and Dorcas (hear me out) people, which means:
black cat looks and golden retriever personality, weird people, people that pour their pain and emotions into their art whether music or painting or drawing, people that take time to care for themselves in the morning, witchy people, smiley people
Peter Girlies (pretend there was no betrayal):
asks the most off-putting questions without realizing it
takes a camera everywhere
loves board games
tea drinker all day every day
sends selfies at literally any angle because they don't care
always pays attention to everyone
loves breakfast food eaten not at breakfast
had a ukelele phase
cleanest of their friend group
Peter Girlies love Mary people, which means:
sunshine people, almost always happy, excitable people, pda lovers, carefree topeople
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juleswritesstuff · 5 months
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Jealousy, jealousy
I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I was inspired and...this is the result.
Hope you like it 💗
English isn't my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
Regulus Black was a possessive prick.
Or so Barty said.
“Merlin, didn't you notice the way he was looking at that guy ? The bloke is lucky he is still alive”
“Stop looking like a rabid dog, blondie is not even looking in Potter's direction”
“I swear you can't just curse a random dude for talking to Y/N, Reggie. He was just asking her about the books for Salazar's sake !”
So yeah, Regulus was apparently a possessive guy.
Then why hadn't you nor James ever noticed or even witnessed it ?
Barty and Evan always told you and James how Regulus would get fired up as soon as he noticed someone just as breathing in your and the Griffyindor's direction.
But both you and James thought it absurd. 
Regulus Black ?
The always calm and collected headboy of Slytherin ? The guy with the stone cold stare and the stoic expression ? The same quite boy that liked to read and write poetry, looking at the stars and sleeping in on Sundays ? 
Jealous ?
You and James had a good laugh.
If you had to consider one of you as the ‘jealous one’ most of the times that would've been James. The boy couldn't go a second without yours and Regulus eyes on him, pouting his way through it to get the attention of his partners, and sometimes sending dirty looks to people who were being a bit too insistent and pushy.
But it never got beyond that. 
Other times it was you even. Having two of the most handsome boys in Hogwarts as your boyfriends was fun, until random girls tried to slip Amortentia in their cups at dinner, and a weird green concoction in yours.
Then it wasn't fun anymore.
The points deducted from your House were definitely worth seeing the two girls jinxed to puke slugs for a week.
So it was always either you or James. Never Regulus.
He was always calm, put together and, weirdly you must say, extremely affectionate. 
So Barty's words didn't really make sense to you and your Gryffindor boyfriend.
Until that night.
Gryffindor had won a match against Ravenclaw. One of the biggest and toughest matches of the last three years (or so James said), so partying was mandatory.
For a night the Gryffindor common room was opened to everyone who wanted to have fun, relax, and possibly and most importantly, get wasted.
The room was full. 
People from every house were there, the sound of muggle music filling your ears (David Bowie, was it ? Salazar, Remus sure talked a lot about that guy).
After getting a drink you spotted some of your housemates talking to Remus and Lily. Dorcas, Pandora, Barty and James were there too.
You walked up to them holding your, now full, glass of firewhisky mixed with some sort of juice. Courtesy of Sirius.
“You guys keep hogging my boyfriend here. I wasn't even able to congratulate him on his victory” You said, arms going to circle James’ neck, careful not to spill your drink, as you left a kiss in his lips.
“You did so good up there” you whispered on his lips before smacking another small kiss on them and letting go.
“Did I ? Must've been my lucky charms” he said grinning, hands still on your waist as he took in the sight of you in Gryffindor colors. A rare occurrence, happening only when the match was a big one. 
In all honesty both you and Regulus would've rather died than ever wear red and gold, but James needed to know that the two most important people in his life were there for him, so you made an exception.
Well, that, and the jumpers you always stole from him that were too big on both you and Regulus, but they smelled of James and they were a lifesaver in the nights where you couldn't sneak out to pay him a visit.
“Speaking of” James lifted his eyes to look around the room, scanning it in search of a particular mop of ebony curly hair and stormy eyes “where's Reggie ?” 
“Was talking with Evan at the drink table. Said he would be here in a minute” You answered, taking a sip of your drink.
“Good, I have to thank both my charms. Can't miss one” James said with a goofy smile, one that could only be considered lovestruck.
The same kind of smile that curled your lips, too. 
“Don't think you'll have to wait for long” added Barty with a smirk on his face, trying to hide it with the rim of his cup as he took a sip.
You and James shared a look of confusion.
Suddenly a voice spoke up.
“Hey, James. Nice match you had up there ! I think it was really thrilling-”
Cole Aleberstine, sixth year Hufflepuff, came to congratulate James as well.
You knew him seen as you had Divination together. He was a quiet and shy guy, and you were almost sure he had a crush on James.
Which was hilarious considering the whole school knew James was a taken man. A very taken man.
You never considered him a problem, he actually looked like he was terrified most of the time. His little infatuation with James was never acted upon.
You actually found it rather endearing.
But apparently not everyone thought the same.
The poor guy couldn't even finish talking when a louder than usual “Baby” was heard, and suddenly a flash of black hair and gray eyes was in front of the Gryffindor chaser, surging on his tiptoes, fisting James’ shirt in his hand and yanking the boy towards him in a hungry kiss.
James let out a yelp in surprise, and then proceeded to literally melt in Regulus' arms and at the mercy of his lips.
Oh, you knew that feeling all too well. The way Regulus kissed like he was starved, like it was the end of the world and only the taste of your lips could save him.
Yes, Regulus Black was a hell of a kisser.
And you were sure James was in heaven right now.
Being used to it, you didn't have much of a reaction (the butterflies in your stomach begged to differ), but the flabbergasted faces of your friends were pure gold.
Even Remus and Sirius, who were more than used to your and the other two boys' antics, were left speechless.
You let out a snicker.
When you turned around Cole was gone, no trace of him whatsoever.
Regulus then parted from James’ lips and turned his head, looking at the empty place that was previously occupied by the Hufflepuff.
The most imperceptible smirk peaked on his lips, like he had won the lottery or something.
Your eyebrows slightly furrowed.
What ? 
And then it clicked.
The way Regulus was definitely at the drink table before Cole showed up and then, as soon as he opened his mouth, he stormed there like a fury, kissing James like his life depended on it, like he wanted to swallow him whole, like he wanted everyone to know that the Gryffindor chaser was his.
A grin spread on your lips.
Oh, Barty was right.
Regulus Black was a jealous prick.
And he made sure that everyone knew by claiming you and James.
And only then your brain realized that all the time he was extra handsy in public, which was very uncharacteristic of him, he was trying to literally mark the territory.
A part of your brain wanted to find it a little excessive, but the other, more prominent, part found it extremely attractive.
Barty sent a knowing look in your direction.
The obvious ‘I told you so’ written on his face made you shake your head lightly in complete disbelief.
“Damn, I must've been really good then” 
Said James, who looked thoroughly snogged, lips plump and glasses crooked on his nose.
“You were alright I guess” Regulus said, trying to appear as unimpressed as possible, but the sweet smile tugging at his lips betrayed him.
James loved when Regulus was a little mean to him, all in good fun, of course, and it was entertaining for you to watch.
“I should start playing Quidditch too if this is the treatment we get from our boyfriend” you added, a playful offended tone in your voice.
“No need for that, my love” Regulus said with a proper smile this time, detaching himself from James, picking you up and twirling around once before kissing you softly but just as eager. 
Funny thing ? You could still taste James on his tongue and it made your head spin.
His lips were like silk, molding perfectly with yours as you let out a content sound.
“Yeah, better not. I'd probably end up with a broken bone every two weeks”
You said chuckling and a little breathless, as he put you down gently, hands still on your hips.
“I already have one boyfriend with enough broken bones, I definitely don't need my girlfriend doing that too” he said as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“But- I mean, if you want to you can of course”
He added.
“I was joking Reggie, don't worry” you said smiling, endeared by him “I definitely like it more when my feet are on the ground” 
“Pity” interrupted James “You would look so hot riding a broom with the wind in your hair” he stated, drinking from his cup.
“I'd say I ride enough things already, don't you think Jamie ?” you said with a smirk and a raised brow.
James proceeded to choke on the alcohol in his mouth, while Regulus’ cheeks tinted a splotchy red.
“Ok, enough” said Sirius, his face distorted in horror “there are certain information that we really don't need to know” 
“Speak for yourself, Black. I wanna know everything”
Barty said, wiggling his brows. 
Regulus threatened to make him bald for the rest of his life.
Laughter roared, and the night proceeded as smoothly as a party at Hogwarts could ever go. 
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