#Where Is My Mind?
rwpohl · 10 months
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80s-music-tourney · 5 months
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ghostlyvioletharmon · 4 months
my favorite Violet's edit :)
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hemocarea · 4 months
Where is my mind?
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acapulco-goldd · 2 months
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way out in the water...
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o-kaythislooksbad · 6 months
made a spreadsheet to procrastinate editing (worried about having back-to-back pov chapters), and besides for somehow losing three words between the ao3 word count and the google doc word count, one story is doing okay with balancing the povs
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....while the other one looks like this
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in terms of word count, the numbers are also a bit disproportionate (in 'defense' of kay, b, and the moons having higher numbers than larry and eddie, they've got more guys per guy for each pov)
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... (kon has a similar defense, and kori and gar are slated for upcoming chapters 🤞)
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
I was just formatting a post for Tumblr and said, out loud, to myself, "ah, yes, cocks under the cut" to indicate that I wanted to put the "read more" line above a saucy paragraph.
That's how today is going
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manitat · 10 months
Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
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alfairb · 1 year
I was swimming in the Caribbean The animals would hide behind the rocks Except the little fish When they told me east is west As they tried to cry Where is my mind
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Way out in the water See it swimming
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thedepressedpelican · 1 month
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ruporas · 3 months
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dragon meat, you, and me
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giannic · 2 months
Am I lost? Why do I feel the way I feel? Will I die without knowing love?
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pineapple-frenzy · 3 months
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Book 2 au with Zuko and Katara Lee and Huamei
Katara is separated from her friends, and so she's left to travel the earth kingdom on her own. She stumbles across Zuko, who is similarly travelling on his own. They decide that pairing up and travelling together would be best
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o-kaythislooksbad · 2 years
aaand of course today’s writing was about yet another character who isn’t in the fic 🤦 unedited jason todd ramble/thoughts/angst under the cut
bruce wayne replacing dick grayson with jason todd as robin 2.0 after he fucked up the relationship with dick is tragic for so many reasons but man, bruce is not a good dad and kinda being a shitty vigilante (a role which he arguable cares about more than his role as a father figure) with this move. okay, so bruce drove dick away, fine, another rant for another time. but seeing jason, a guy with a similar build to dick, by the batmobile, bruce is reminded of how dick used to be. and of course any kid brave or foolish enough to try stealing from batman is someone bruce would prefer to have on his side rather than against him.  and so bruce sees not only a robin 2.0, but a dick grayson 2.0, and wow isn’t that a great way to start a relationship. he’s also so disconnected from the actuality of how gotham citizens, average, poor citizens like jason live, that when he gives the kid his own fucking room in a fucking manor, hell yeah the guy knows he’s being played, there’s a catch here. but jason can play that game, too, can play the role of a kid grateful for this opportunity, so he says yes to the training, yes to being robin. at least there’s a semblance of shelter and security in the routines of living at the manor with alfred and the cave with bruce. and when the whole crowbar incident happens, besides for it being the final straw that breaks jason’s back, in bruce’s eyes, it’s the nail in his coffin that he placed there himself by being too much of the edgy, not-grayson robin. then there’s the lazarus pit and talia al ghul before he makes it back to gotham, and the pit takes everything from jason. everything that indicated his life before the whole death thing. the pit removes scrapes from his knuckles, dye from his hair, bruises from all over his body. all signs of life gone, a blank slate, a dead man walking in a body that isn’t even his. no more scars, at all; he’s got smooth skin where lines from surgeries and fights and autopsies should be.  it’s waking up, gasping for air like what the fuck. there’s no signs you were ever alive and no signs that you were ever dead.
so by the time you get to the whole, you’re jason and you’re red hood and bruce finally, finally sees you - you realize he doesn’t. he stands across from you as you hold the joker hostage, and there he is, your dad, still seeing you as his other son. bruce still sees dick, sees robin, sees a disappointment. a son, a robin, with a gun? a big no-no. you’re a bad, bad robin, one who died fighting your dad’s stupid battle, and you weren’t even good at staying dead. so now there’s the three of them on the roof and bruce still won’t kill the joker. your dad left you for dead and the man who killed you stands between you and he knows that no matter what happens, he wins. he has this big fucking smile plastered on his face, the same one that you saw right before you died, and across from him, bruce - no, batman - has the same fucking grimace beneath his cowl.  and this is the guy that puts the first scar on your new body. a batarang to the neck, a knife to the back, another one through your heart. your hair is no longer dark like grayson’s, your clothes are no longer his bright colors, and you work alone. for the first time in years, your hair and your clothes and your body and your life is your own - and then he fucking brands you as his again.  so anytime you catch a glimpse of your reflection, swallow a sip of water, suit up in your helmet and zipper your uniform - hell, any time you fucking breathe - there’s that line across your throat as a reminder of your inability to live according to the expectations of your mentor, your protector, your father. a reminder made by a weapon that could have, should have, been a fraction to the side and embedded in the joker’s neck.
a mark on the new red hood, on jason todd, that says the life of the previous hood, of the joker, is worth more to bruce than you ever will be.  it’s waking up, gasping for air like what the fuck. there’s the sign that you’re alive and the sign that will stay with you even after you die. 
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toribookworm22 · 3 months
It's been a repeat kinda mood for the past week or so, so here's what I've had
On Loop
last day on earth by Tai Verdes
The Good Witch by Maisie Peters
Where Is My Mind? by The Pixies
Upside Down by Jack Johnson
I'd Rather Overdose by HonestAv feat. Z
It Could've Been You by Hannah Grae
life's been boring by RYMAN LEON
Now & Then by Sjowgren
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