#Which..is going to take a long ass time since today is my last rest day before I have to go back to work
aesopsbaby · 2 months
do you think you'd ever ship one of your characters with Master Quill? Idk I'm just thirsty for more of your content and your interactions with your Tumblr husband are impeccable (lo)
Feed me
Myself. EHUM EHUM,, COUGH,,!!
Also, seeing you guys call Lo my tumblr husband always makes me so happy for some reason-- is that weird,,, well anyways!!
I actually do have,,,a few candidates!
Butler OC (Unnamed at the moment) but I'm leaning with Carlton for his name so,,,let's call him that for the time being! (I...might change it..)
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LOOK. HES A BUTLER BUT HE HAS NO MORALS. He would do whatever he is tasked to do. Take someone out? Sure, on a date or- oh nevermind, he already shot the person.
So imagine Master, who enjoys having full control over someone, meeting this man who is willing to submit to him no matter the orders. Carlton would carry out whatever Master wishes.
After all, a butler must serve his master, right?
Akari (I haven't drawn her in awhile but I'm pretty sure there are some posts floating around on my blog!!)
Not much is to be said about her, except for the fact that she'd take joy in being around Master. Having to live with two sisters that are always protective around her, is boring her.
She needs someone that is the embodiment of pure chaos and destruction. She enjoys watching Master torment others and would be more than happy to be his subject of torment!! She doesn't feel fear (except for her sisters being hurt), but she doesn't care if anything happens to her.
It would be so interesting to see Master takes full advantage of that and try to push Akari till he finds out how to make her feel true fear. How to make her crumble and afraid of him.
He's stubborn. Real stubborn. He strongly believes that Elios was a good soul, that Meztli killed him and now he HAS to take revenge for Elios! His heart is set on Elios no matter what.
I'm just so interested to see Nathan being conflicted when Master joins the story. I just imagine Master taking advantage of how vulnerable Nathan is right now and just treating him with kindness, exactly how Elios was. And it's messing with Nathan's mind,,,now he has to decide whether he still loves Elios or has another man captured his cold, confused heart?
Head in hands,,,there's so many more ocs that I have thought of but I have to choose those that are mentally unstable,,,(for plot purpose ofc!!)
Master Quill belongs to @feelin-lo !! :D
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gyuuberryy · 6 months
fight for my way!
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pairing: best friend’s brother!heeseung x martial artist!reader x bff!jungwon, ft lee chaeyeon as your best friend
summary: you’ve harboured a huge crush on your bff’s brother, heeseung for quite a bit. each encounter with him has you stuttering and blushing like a mess much to the dismay of your best friend, jungwon. it’s summer vacation, but unfortunately you won’t have the time to relax as you battle with your newfound feelings instead of kicking someone’s ass in training for taekwondo. you certainly did not sign up for this 
genre: f2l, best friend’s brother trope, crack??, coming of age, jungwon and mc practice taekwondo
warnings: making out, fighting, angst, fluff, swearing, mc beats up someone, mentions of blood, mc is super embarrassing and a major simp teehee, flirty heeseung(as always), i know nothing about taekwondo so please excuse me if i made any mistakes related to it
note: nothing based off the drama ahaha. this was originally a txt fic, now republished as an enha one(it's edited). i wrote this like a year ago and idk why but some parts of it give off disney movie vibes💀 enjoy!!!
word count: 8.1kish
If you liked it please reblog or comment to give me your feedback! <3
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you knew it’s wrong to simp over your friends, but you couldn’t help it.
since when did yang jungwon get so hot?
you hadn’t even worn your dobok yet and you were already sweating just looking at him box with that punching bag. his arm muscles flexed and rippled deliciously, and his face which was contorted into a focused expression, glimmered under the studio lights due to the layer of sheen sweat that coated his body. a drop rolled down the bridge of his nose and was about to land on his lips when he stopped and wiped it off. the sudden change in movement brought you out of your daydream and you mentally punched yourself for drooling over one of your best friends. 
you need to stop simping over anyone who is even the slightest bit hot.
slinging your bag over your shoulder, you walked towards the locker room to get changed. shuffling through your belongings, you tried to find the plastic in which you had kept your dobok, when you were startled by the feeling of someone's hand on your back. you looked behind to see your best friend chaeyeon grinning at you. 
“you’re a bit early today.”, she stated. 
“yeah, my mom kicked me out of the house at six in the morning.” you sighed, “i was wandering around till class started.” 
chaeyeon patted your shoulder sympathetically. ever since the summer holidays for your senior year had started, your mom had been making sure you didn’t laze around the house and be productive everyday. this was the last year for your taekwondo training and then you would finally receive your black belt. so, your mom felt it was important for you to go for training. 
every. single. day.
honestly, you were a bit pissed in the beginning because you couldn’t join the rest of your school friends on their month long trip to kyoto. but, jungwon and chaeyeon were staying back as well for their training, so it wasn’t that bad. 
you wore the white jacket on top of your t-shirt and slipped your belt through the white loops. your pants were almost up your calves when chaeyeon spoke again. 
“do you wanna come over to my house in the evening? we should get started on our physics project.
you jumped in excitement at her offer, “is your brother gonna be there?” 
chaeyeon slapped your arm, “why does that matter? we have to do our work, i’m not going to sit there and watch you fangirl over him.” 
ah yes, chaeyeon's brother, lee heeseung. 
the man you were absolutely smitten with.
the perfect, handsome, smart and talented golden boy of the school.
your crush of three years.
and lately, it felt like he was reciprocating your feelings as well because he had started flirting with you back. you didn’t care if you were being delusional, you would take any chance to interact with him, which is why you were always ecstatic to visit chaeyeon’s house.
“just tell me please”, you dragged out your sentence in a whiny voice, making chaeyeon hiss at the annoying sound. 
“okay okay, he’s going to be there. he has nothing to do this week.” 
you squealed and pumped your fist in the air. chaeyeon just rolled her eyes at your actions and pulled you out of the locker room to join the training.
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you lay spread eagle on the blue foam mat. your arms felt like wet, heavy ham and the muscles in your thighs felt like they were stretched to the maximum. you really shouldn’t have skipped your warm up, but you had no idea how rigorous today’s training would be. your coach was hellbent on making sure you perfected your double roundhouse kick and only let you take a break when you got the hang of it. these were probably the most tiring four hours of your life. 
suddenly, a handsome face came into your view as the person loomed over your body and blocked the light, making you jolt up. after getting a closer look you realised it was just your best friend, jungwon. you stomped on his feet out of annoyance. 
“you startled me man.” 
“i thought you fell asleep”, he huffed at your actions “let’s go home now, my stomach is gonna digest itself if i don’t feed it anything soon.”
you rolled your eyes at his exaggeration and went towards the locker room to get your belongings.
chaeyeon had already left before you both, so you took the shorter route towards your house. usually, you both would drop her off along the way and then walk back together since you lived right next to each other. 
the walk back home was rather silent, filled with occasional slurps of the popsicles you both had bought. your walks home were usually always filled with a comfortable science accompanied by some type of snack. lately, you both had been trying to eat all the popsicle flavours of the new trending brand. so today, you both tried the cherry lime flavour and honestly, it was absolutely disgusting. you stared at the bright red and green ice on the stick and grimaced. 
“this tastes really bad”, you stuck out your tongue in disgust “especially the cherry side, it’s just frozen cough medicine.” 
jungwon shrugged his shoulders, “i kind of like it, the combination is nice.” 
you wrinkled your nose at his remark, “you have bad taste.” 
he turned to look at you with mock hurt on his face when you noticed a red stain from the popsicle on the corner of his lips. you walked up to him and  tried to rub off the insistent stain from the corner of his lips, making jungwon freeze in his spot. you looked at him to be met with his eyes already staring at your face. his face looked flushed and his eyes were wide open. his eyes.
they were so mesmerising, looking like pools of freshly brewed coffee that always held a sparkle in them. you quickly moved away when jungwon suddenly spoke up.
“w-what are you doing?”
you cleared your throat and looked away, “you had a red stain on your face.”
these types of awkward encounters had been frequenting a lot between you both lately and you felt slightly bothered by it.
he rolled his eyes and tried to play it off, “your lips are green, eat the cherry part also. you look like mike wazowski.”
“shut up.”, you muttered while wiping your lips.
you handed your half eaten popsicle to him and resumed walking. feeling disgusted by the sight of him gorging down both of the disgusting frozen treats you decided to change the topic. 
“i’m going to chaeyeon's house later to start our physics project.” 
jungwon nodded absentmindedly at that.
“hee is gonna be there too”, you sighed dreamily, making him glare at you.
“why are you still obsessed with that bastard?”
you gasped in offence, “how dare you call him that? he’s an amazing guy.”  
jungwon chucked the ice cream sticks in the nearby dustbin a bit too forcefully for your liking. every mention of heeseung’s name always riled him up. both of them were academic rivals, always competing for the top spot, which was why they were never nice to each other and always bickered. but you were not letting their issue meddle with your non-existent love life. 
“he’s annoying and not a nice guy”, jungwon walked faster making you break out into a slight jog.
“just last week i saw him walking around with a new chick.” he threw his hands in the air, “how could he do that when he just dumped his girlfriend!” 
yeah that was true. heeseung was a bit of a playboy. you weren’t surprised though, his good looks and personality had girls throwing themselves on him right and left and he just accepted it. you didn't mind, you were ready to forgive him for that.
“i don’t care, i know he would never hurt someone intentionally.” 
jungwon shook his head at your obvious lovesickness. you were too blinded by your crush to notice the possibility of getting hurt. you waved him off when you reached your driveway. 
“bye won, i have to pick an outfit for the evening.” 
jungwon didn’t bother looking at you and just simply reminded you that it wasn’t a date. but who cares? definitely not you.
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the shiny silver doorbell was waiting for you, inviting you to press it, but you just stood like a fool at chaeyeon’s doorstep. why were you getting nervous for absolutely no reason?(heeseung). it’s not like this was your first time visiting her house. 
you dismissed your worry with a nervous chuckle and smoothened your hair down one last time. the summer heat was making it frizzier by the second and you had to look your best for heeseung, which meant you had to enter the house soon. taking a deep breath, you finally pressed the doorbell. 
a few moments later, the door swung open, unveiling the most beautiful sight known to mankind—heeseung's beaming face. he gave your outfit a quick once-over, and his smile evolved into a teasing smirk. glancing down at your sage green tank top and acid-washed denim shorts, a hint of uncertainty crept in. were they not to his liking? despite your attempt at a casual look, a moment of self-doubt lingered in the air.
“what’s up?”
his voice broke you out of your dilemma. now you felt too scared to respond. taking another deep breath you tried to keep your voice steady. 
“i’m here to study with chaeyeon.” 
for some reason, his smirk grew even wider as he checked you out once again, casually leaning against the doorframe. wait, was he actually checking you out? you really sucked at this love stuff because you had absolutely no idea what was going on. were you reading into things too much?"
“studying during summer break?”
he raised his eyebrows as if reminding you to speak. you cleared your throat, “yeah we have to complete a physics project.” 
he nodded. “chaeyeon is out running errands though. she won’t be back for another hour.” 
you frowned at that information, “but she told me to come over.” heeseung shrugged his shoulders, motioning for you to come in. 
“you can wait in her room.” 
you had no choice but to agree because he had already started walking in. you sighed and mentally sent a prayer to all the gods to prevent you from embarrassing yourself further. 
suddenly, he stopped in his steps and spinned around to face you. you immediately forced your feet to stop walking to prevent crashing into him. “do you want to watch a movie with me instead?” 
your heart dropped to your toenails at his words. as much as you wanted to jump at the offer, there was no way you would survive an entire movie with him without embarrassing yourself. 
tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you tried to look as apologetic as possible, “actually i should get started on my work, maybe another time?” 
heeseung shrugged, “yeah sure.” 
you gave him a sheepish smile and started your ascent up the stairs to chaeyeon's room. the entire time, you could feel a pair of eyes burning into your back. the outfit was a good choice. smirking to yourself, you pushed the door to chaeyeon's room open. 
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it had been over an hour and so far you had listed out all the main points and subheadings to be included in your project. you had no idea when chaeyeon would come back; every time you called her she would say that she'll be home soon. there was a lot of rush at the supermarket she had forcibly gone to with her mom. you had thought about going back home but your mom wanted you to study as much as you could and it wasn’t evening yet, so here you are. 
your face was almost going into the laptop screen because of the amount of concentration you had on finding the perfect template for your ppt. the opening of the door shortly distracted you, but you deemed that it was chaeyeon. 
"bro, what took you so long?”, you spoke in a exasperated tone “was it actually that crowded? it's not even a weekend today." you didn't bother looking behind and continued doing your work. 
you immediately stopped what you were doing as the feeling of two arms wrapping loosely around your collarbone made you stiffen up. a warm breath fanned your neck sending chills down your spine. "it’s me."
how and why were his arms wrapped around you? you weren't complaining because this was your dream come true but at the same time this was not good for your heart, which at this point was about to beat its way out of your chest. 
you rolled your chair away from his hold and stood up, almost about to trip over nothing. you were sure you looked redder than a tomato right now, but you somehow managed the courage to look up at heeseung, who was already staring back at you. his head was tilted slightly and his pink lips were scrunched up in a pout. 
brushing a non existent stand of hair away from your face, you decided to question him about his previous actions. 
"why did you do that?"
he looked at you innocently in question, as if asking you what?
"the hug, why did you just hug me out of nowhere?"
a look of realisation crossed his face and he just chuckled softly at your question. "i was pretending to be chaeyeon." he smirked, "why? don't friends hug each other?"
if he was flirting with you or friend zoning you, you had absolutely no idea. you had to change the conversation quickly. 
"why did you come up, is chaeyeon back now?"
"she's on the way now," he pointed towards the door, "i just made some rose lemonade. let's go drink that while you wait." 
you nodded and followed him down to the kitchen. you leaned against the marble counter, trying to look as calm and collected as possible while heeseung fetched the pitcher full of the pink drink. suddenly, he turned around and started walking towards you, making you instantly freeze at your spot with an awkward smile etched onto your face. he got closer and stopped once his feet were almost touching yours. giving you a dashing smile he slowly leaned forward. was he going to kiss you? 
your dream is finally coming true! you closed your eyes and puckered your lips slightly in anticipation for his to land on them. but that never happened. you opened your eyes to see a wide eyed heeseung staring back at you with two glasses in his hand. oh, he was only reaching for the glasses behind you. 
embarrassment washed over you, making your cheeks flame up in shame as heeseung chuckled. you really wanted to melt away into a big puddle of nothing right now. clearing your throat you snatched a glass from his hand and poured yourself the lemonade. heeseung watched you with an amused smile as you chugged down the entire glass in one go to cool down your burning cheeks. 
“was it that good?”
you nodded enthusiatically, “you have to send me the recipe!” 
heeseung laughed at your reaction and poured you another glass. he probably had the most beautiful laugh and you could hear it on replay for hours. you smiled dreamily at him. by now, literally everyone knew about your humongous crush on him. 
the thing was, you had horrible flirting skills and were always oblivious if someone showed interest in you. your exemplary skills in taekwondo and bubbly personality had attracted many but you ended up friendzoning them unintentionally. you only had eyes for heeseung, who was currently washing the dishes you both had drunk from. he was such boyfriend material. you stood up straight once he spoke up.
“my friend is hosting a party this friday.” he turned off the tap and wiped his hands on the kitchen towel. “i’m sure you know who jake is.” you hummed in reply. 
“you should come, it’ll be fun.” 
you were usually never interested in parties, in fact you never had the time to even think about it while juggling school and taekwondo together. but, you had a bit of free time now since school was off. and heeseung’s offer kind of seemed like he was asking you on a date? you can’t just straight up ask him that so maybe you should just go and find out. this could finally be your moment to directly confess your feelings. you were getting tired of holding them back.
“okay,” you smiled, “i’ll be there.”
heeseung’s face brightened up at your words. “that's great-”
“can i bring jungwon as well?” 
his smile dropped, but he nodded somewhat enthusiastically, which didn’t really show on his face. oh right, they hate each other. the air turned awkward at the mention of his name and you were brainstorming things to change the subject when you were saved by the doorbell. 
you immediately perked up the sound, “ah, i think chaeyeon is home.” 
heeseung gave a forced smile back, “yeah, have fun with your project. i have some work to do. i’ll see you on friday.” with that, he walked back to his room.
your face fell at his sudden change of behaviour. you knew he had no work to do this week because chaeyeon had told you so. it was kind of weird but you assumed it was probably because you mentioned jungwon. he shouldn’t dislike him so much though, afterall he was one of his sister’s closest friends. shrugging it off you walked to the door to let chaeyeon and her mom in.
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it was the day of the party and jungwon(who had agreed to attend after much of your insistence) and you stood right outside the door, waiting for someone to open it. chaeyeon had decided not to attend the party and had gone out with her other friends to the amusement park instead. you would have joined her as well because parties were not your thing and you’d rather spend your time riding roller coasters, but this was a matter of love. you had to make sacrifices for your dear heeseung .
the door opened to reveal a beaming jake, “oh hi guys!” he motioned for you both to come inside, “the drinks and snacks are over there and we’re playing games in the living room.” he patted you both on your backs. “have fun!” both of you smiled back at his warm welcome and walked inside the huge bungalow. 
the kitchen counter was lined up with all sorts of colourful sodas and delicacies. the living room stretched far and wide, making you gaze at it in awe. colourful fairy lights were strung across the ceiling, setting the people’s face aglow with multiple colours. trending pop songs blared through the speakers and you could feel the bass thump to the beat of your heart. people were spread across the entire house and some of them were gathered outside in the lawn. 
jungwon pointed at the people playing games, breaking you out of your trance.“i think they’re setting up a game of twister, let’s go join them!” 
you shook your head, “i should go find heeseung first.” 
jungwon’s jaw ticked at your words. he rolled his eyes as he spoke, “i don’t think you should do this, he’s not a good guy.” 
you frowned at his words, “how do you know? you just hate him because he is better than you in academics.” 
he grasped your shoulders and his eyes turned serious. “that’s not the problem. i’ve seen how he treats people. he may act all nice and sweet in front of you, but he’s actually really shallow.” 
he sighed at the perplexed look on your face. “he’s a walking red flag and i’ve been trying to get you to understand that for a long time.”
you remained unfazed at his words because just like he had mentioned, he always said the same thing. no matter what happened you were going to try to shoot your shot. 
flashing him a sympathetic smile, you patted his shoulder. “sorry buddy, nothing is going to stop me. unless you have feelings for me or something.” 
you snickered at your ridiculous thoughts, missing the blush that overtook jungwon’s face. he looked away at your words and shrugged his shoulders. 
“okay then, i gave you enough warnings.” rolling your eyes at this dismissive behaviour you grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the group of people setting up the game of twister. 
“calm down drama queen, let’s play this first then i can go accomplish my mission.” he sighed and accompanied you as you said.
the game was going pretty well and you were confident in your chances of winning. you were in a fairly easy position compared to others, who had their limbs twisted in all sorts of hilarious ways. especially jungwon, who was basically in an upside down table pose. you tried not to notice the way his biceps were bulging out from under his black turtleneck, but it was hard to do so. 
looking away from him, you accidentally made eye contact with heeseung who seemed to have just arrived at the party. you waved at him and motioned that you will talk to him later. he gave a bright smile and flashed a thumbs up at your actions. soon after he looked away, a girl with bright red hair walked up to him and kissed his cheek. your heart shattered at her actions. does he have a girlfriend?
he proved your assumptions incorrect when he pushed her off of him. getting a closer look, you realised it was his ex-girlfriend. she was probably just a psycho. you were planning to spy on them more, but annoyed shouts of your name brought you back to reality. 
“what are you doing? you’re the only one left to finish your move, everyone is already done.” 
apologising, you looked at the wheel that had decided your next move. looking back at the twister mat, you realised that all the good required spots were taken. the spots that were left for you were only reachable if you bent over jungwon, which meant you would be leaning over him until the next move. you had no idea why you were feeling so nervous about it though. he was your best friend after all, you were the closest to him. you’ve been together since childhood. it was stupid to feel nervous over something so trivial.
putting on a cool exterior, you leaned over him to take your position. both of your arms were placed next to his torso and your face was directly hovering over his. you were shocked to see his cheeks turn red because of the close proximity of you both. he was avoiding eye contact with you and you frowned. one nudge of your elbow brought his eyes back to yours.
deja vu hit you as you couldn’t help but get lost in his mesmerising eyes once again. that one twinkle that was always present in them no matter what, the colour of his orbs and the warmth they held every time they looked at you made you lean in closer. you were so close to each other that you could see your own reflection in his eyes. butterflies filled your stomach and you felt warm and fuzzy all over at the realisation of your close proximity with him. jungwon could now feel your warm breath on his lips, making him close his eyes in anticipation of his next move.
but instead of that, your face crashed onto the expanse of his neck with an embarrassingly loud smooch. some idiot had kicked your leg by accident, which made you lose your balance and bring down jungwon with you. you don’t know what demon possessed you to do this, but you took a big sniff and the smell of vanilla and cologne invaded your senses, making you sigh out in content. the feeling of jungwon’s body stiffening under you brought you out of your stupor and you immediately scrambled to get up. why did you act like a creep, you want to cry now.
you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck when everyone started clearing away. the game had ended because the idiot who had tripped you had also ended up rolling down the entire mat merrily like a bowling bowl, knocking everyone down. 
that wasn't the issue right now though. were you just going to kiss your best friend? there was no way you had any sort of feelings for him. just a month ago you had given him a friendship day bracelet and told him how your friendship had to last forever or you would bite his nose off. so now why were you so curious to know what his lips felt like? you spinned around to see jungwon clutching his chest like he was a heart patient. 
trying to push away the recent embarrassing encounter into the deep, dark pits of your brain, you walked up to him and stood silently, gazing at his lips. they were a light rosy shade of pink and looked glossy due to the coat of transparent lip gloss you had applied on them before coming to the party. they looked so soft.
you were shaken out of your thoughts when jungwon flicked your forehead. you gasped and clutched your forehead in pain, “ow, what was that for?” 
jungwon smirked as he pulled you closer by your shoulders. “you seem kind of obsessed with me lately. those looks haven’t gone unnoticed by me you know.”
he raised an eyebrow cockily, “are you sure it’s not me you have a crush on?” 
you sputtered and coughed like a broken car engine at his words. how did he already guess what was going on in your mind?
shrugging his hands off of you, you gave a firm whack to his chest. “h-how can you even say that! i only have eyes for heeseung, you’re nothing compared to him.” 
jungwon snickered and just pulled you into his side, guiding you towards the table full of food you both had been eyeing. he leaned towards your ear and whispered in a low voice.
“i’m pretty sure we were about to do something else back in the game though.” 
your face burned with embarrassment. nothing can save you now, jungwon was in his cheeky mode. he was oozing with confidence and you were blushing as bright as a beet.  
you huffed in annoyance and pushed him away to speed walk towards the table. not bothering to wait for him to catch up, you picked up two humongous cupcakes, ready to stuff your mouth. suddenly, a hand came up to your shoulder making, you almost drop your food in surprise. thinking it was jungwon, you put the ugliest scowl on your face and turned around to face him. 
“what do you-” 
you paused midway through your sentence when you realised who was in front of you. it was a smiling heeseung, who looked smoking hot today. he had adorned a tight fitted black shirt with a grey patterned jacket and his hair was styled to show off his gorgeous forehead. you immediately dropped your scowl and put on your most charming smile. 
“oh hey heeseung !” 
his smile widened at your greeting but all of a sudden, his eyes turned dark when he looked at something behind you. you looked over to see jungwon standing there with two cups in his hand, his expression as cold as ice. they both were practically shooting lasers from their eyes and you could almost feel the heat from it. gulping, you looked away and tried to think of what to say.  
“i have to tell you something important.” you blurted out. heeseung  finally broke his staring contest with jungwon and smiled at you.
“sure, go ahead.” 
okay, this was the perfect time to confess your feelings.
although, for some reason you hesitated before speaking. you could not stop thinking about what happened between you and your best friend today. were you doing the right thing or should you ponder on it more? unfortunately, one raise of heeseung’s eyebrow had you spilling everything out. 
“i have a crush on you.”
is this how it feels like to have a heart attack? because suddenly it felt like you couldn’t breathe anymore and your heart was pounding erratically. maybe it wasn’t a good idea to confess if you felt this scared after it. 
before you could comprehend heeseung’s reaction to your confession, the feeling of something cold and sticky being poured over you made you scream in shock.
your mouth was hung open in shock as you turned around to see who the culprit was. it was the same girl with cherry red hair who had kissed heeseung  on the cheek before. 
“what the fuck was that for?”, you spat in anger. 
she crossed her arms with a stupid smirk painted onto her face. “you were shamelessly flirting with my boyfriend, i obviously had to do something.” you were about to retort but heeseung beat you to it.
“lena we broke up a week ago, can you stop doing things like this! i’m so sick of you.” 
lena just chuckled and shook her head frantically. pushing you out of the way, she walked up to heeseung and cupped his cheeks with her manicured hands.
“no baby, we’re just going through a bad time. we’re still very much in love with each other.” 
letting out a tired sigh, he pushed her hands away from his face. “stop being so delusional,” he looked towards you with an apologetic gaze, “why would you pour your drink over her? she’s like a sister to me. that’s not acceptable..”
this was worse than getting friendzoned, he sister zoned you. 
that too right in front of his ex. 
after you confessed your feelings for him.
you tuned out the rest of his words as anger bubbled up inside you. you knew you were not as delusional as the mosquito of a girl in front of you. heeseung had reciprocated your advances sometimes and had even initiated flirting with you. then why would he say all that?
a warm hand clasped around your forearm that was now sticky from the soda that was poured over you. jungwon pulled you towards him gently with a concerned look on his face. 
“are you okay? do you want to leave?”, your face softened at his genuine concern. 
a mischievous glint appeared in your eyes as you decided on what you were going to do. “give me five minutes jungwon, i'm going to make sure someone pays for ruining my dress.”
jungwon’s eyebrows raised as he understood what you were about to do. 
you moved towards lena who was still yapping about how much she loved heeseung, and tapped her shoulder. she pushed her tongue against her cheek when she realised it was you.
giving her a condescending smile you motioned towards your outfit that was drenched in the sticky soda. “you’re going to have to pay for the damage you did.” 
lena scoffed in disbelief, “and what makes you think i’ll do that? get lost, don’t waste my time.” 
she waved you off and turned back to heeseung . even though it was against your morals to fight with someone weaker than you, you were not going to be civil with her anymore.
grabbing a fistful of her obnoxious bright red hair, you yanked her towards you making her yelp in pain. turning her around, you repeated yourself.
“are you going to pay or not?” 
she looked at you with a crazed look in her eyes. “of course not you psycho.” she punched you weakly on the jaw making everyone around you gasp in shock. 
“you started this”, shrugging you let go of her hair and punched her smack on the nose, making her stumble backwards. a loud crack resonated throughout the room. lena shrieked in pain as her hands became red from trying to stop her nose from bleeding. one of her fake eyelashes(which was about half the length of your fingers) had fallen onto the floor due to the impact of your punch. 
you pouted mockingly, “i guess you’ll have to get a nose job again.”
wiping away the blood from her face she charged at you with her fist ready to strike, but you easily grabbed her arm making her stagger to stop. you twisted her arm around till it was painfully bent behind her back. she whimpered in pain and tapped on your arm.
“ow please, that hurts.” 
you scoffed, “this is nothing, i can do much worse if i want.” 
she looked up at heeseung  with pleading eyes, “h-heeseung please stop this psychotic bi-” 
you tightened your grip on her arm making her groan out in pain. heeseung paid no heed to her words, in fact he was watching the entire scene play out with an amused look on his face. 
you looked to your left and tilted your head at jungwon, silently asking him what to do next. he was watching you with a proud smile and nodded his head signalling you to do what you wanted. you gave him a thumbs up and returned back to your situation.
you gave her a firm kick to her shin, making her fall on her knees. she raised her free hand in defeat.
“alright i’ll pay you for the drycleaning i promise!” 
you huffed loudly and left her arm causing her to completely collapse on the floor. you nodded towards heeseung with a blank face. “you’re going to leave him alone as well.” 
she squeaked out a yes, handed you a fifty dollar bill and scurried away, probably leaving the party.
everyone else cheered loudly for you for standing up to her. you grinned and jogged over to jungwon and grabbed his hand, “how did i do?” 
his eyes held affection as he looked you over, “awesome.”
that one word of praise cheered you up instantly, much better than any amount of ice cream would have.
you both were just about to leave the driveway of jake’s house when the shout of your name made you both halt. you turned to see none other than heeseung jog towards you with a set of keys in his hands. he held them out to you and looked at you with an unreadable expression.
“i think you dropped your keys behind.” your eyes widened and you grabbed them from him, thanking him in a small voice. 
he stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked you up and down, the action making jungwon’s grip on your hand tighten. “you were really cool back there. i’m glad i got to see you in action.” 
you hummed, not knowing what to say. can he not read the room? it felt so awkward to even look at him anymore. 
he cleared his throat and his confident persona dropped for a minute as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. 
“actually, what i said back there about you being like my sister.” your head shot up at his words. “i didn’t mean any of that.” 
he looked at his feet. “i only said that to get lena off your back, but if i knew you would’ve taken care of it yourself, i never would have done that”, he trailed off in his sentence.
jungwon’s voice cut through the tense atmosphere, making you feel relieved as he questioned what you weren’t able to, “cut to the chase.”
heeseung ignored him and looked directly into your eyes. “well i don’t exactly have feelings for you right now, but i really want to make it up to you. you’re a really cool person,” he stepped closer towards you, “i want to take you out for dinner this sunday.”
you could almost feel the anger radiate off jungwon as he spat out his next words, “did you start finding her cool only because she beat your psycho ex-girlfriend up.” he scoffed, “you don’t owe her a favour, she did what was right.” your shoulders slumped at his words. is that how he actually felt?
heeseung rolled his eyes, “please don’t bring your jealousy into the middle of all this. she can make her own decisions.”
both the boys looked at you intently, waiting for you to make your decision. the urge to crawl in a hole and live there forever was extremely strong right now. you really couldn’t handle the pressure. wanting the best of both worlds, you said the first thing that came up to you.
“i’m okay with the dinner.” 
heeseung ’s face brightened up in victory whilst jungwon dropped his hand from yours in defeat. 
why was he so upset about it now? it’s not like you were going on a date with heeseung, he made it very clear he doesn’t like you. and why were you so adamant on making sure jungwon understood that?
being born as a dolphin would’ve been so much better at this point. at least you wouldn't have to deal with physics and this romance shit.
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it was the day of the dinner and you were currently lacing up your doc martens on your front porch. you had decided to wear a black skirt with a white top and a dark brown coat since it was raining today so it was a bit chilly outside, even though it was the middle of summer. you had only just finished wearing your shoes when your phone started ringing, indicating a video call from chaeyeon. 
you furrowed your brows and picked it up, “hello-”
“you absolute moron!” she screamed from the other side making you flinch. 
“what happened? since when did you start insulting me, jungwon was enough-”
“this is about him! how could you be so heartless?”, she cut you off once again. you frowned, what did you do to him? 
“stop making that face, you look like a pug,” she rolled her eyes, “why are you going out with heeseung today?”
oh so that’s what this is about.
you shook your head, “it’s not really a date, he just wanted to take me out to dinner.” 
chaeyeon's lips formed into a thin line at that. “you mean my brother, who’s basically a casanova, is taking you out to a casual dinner?” she shook her head disapprovingly, “i didn’t think you could be so clueless."
you squinted at her in confusion, “just tell me what you want to. don’t beat around the bush. there’s no time for that, he’ll be here any moment.”
pinching her nose in frustration, she let out a deep breath. “jungwon told me the full story of what happened at the party since someone else forgot to.” you gave her a guilty smile at that. chaeyeon caught a horrible flu a few days ago, so you didn’t really get the time to update her on all this.
“he likes you a lot. he’s been hopelessly in love with you since the past five years.” 
your jaw hung open at that. there’s no way your suspicions were right. jungwon actually liked you? you felt gooey and warm like a freshly baked brownie right now. you could feel the heat spread through your entire body at the idea of jungwon liking you, something which you noticed was opposite of what you felt when you were around heeseung.
“close your mouth, i can see your internal organs.” you really wanted to slap her right now because her sarcastic commentary really wasn't helping you with the whirlwind of emotions you were going through. 
you let out a deep sigh, “i really don’t know chaeyeon. i feel so happy and excited at the thought of that? but also kind of scared. he’s my best friend, you know, i don’t want to mess things up.” 
she shook her head at you with pity, “it’s too late for that, you already did.”
“what do you mean?”
“are you kidding me?”, she scoffed. “jungwon is competing in the interstate taekwondo championship today!” 
you stood up from your seat in horror, “what! why didn’t you tell me before?” 
she wiped her runny nose into her tissue and glared at you, “you’re his closest friend, i didn’t think you would forget something so important.” she sighed, “i can’t attend the fight because of my cold, but you should.” 
the honk of a car horn made you look in front to see heeseung waving at you. you mirrored his actions and looked back into your phone. “there’s still time till the fight right?”
she nodded, “kinda, it starts in thirty minutes.” 
muttering a ‘shit’, you thanked her for giving you a reality check. she only nodded and coughed into her tissue once again, “it’s up to you to pick between your amazing and sincere best friend or my brother who’s probably only interested in you for your fighting skills.”
nodding solemnly, you cut the call and stuffed your phone into your side bag. by then, heeseung had walked up to your doorstep with an umbrella in his hand. 
“are you ready to go?”
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your hands were sat on your lap as you watched the rain fall outside of the car window. you were sitting in a rather rigid manner on your seat as you listened to heeseung blabber about some olympiads he had won medals for. you felt bad because you weren’t paying any attention to what he was saying. you couldn't get jungwon off of your mind. 
the warmth he made you feel everytime he smiled and when the dimples on his cheeks showed. the way your heart fluttered when you watched him execute taekwondo moves with perfection and the way his face lit up with joy each time he was successful. the butterflies that swarmed your stomach every time you hugged him or held his hand. all of this, you had been brushing them away for so long thinking that this was a normal thing for friends. there was no way you could be more than that. but now realisation seemed to dawn upon you; you had been in love with him all along, perhaps even longer than he has been. 
looking next to you, you observed heeseung. he still made you feel nervous and excited, but you realised that this was a different kind of feeling. the kind you feel when you receive updates from your favourite celebrity. it was nothing more than a schoolgirl crush, the one where he was just good eye candy to admire. he didn’t make you feel the comfort and love you felt with jungwon. and you didn’t feel the same way about him either.
you have to see jungwon, right now.
shuffling through your bag for your phone, you frantically checked the time. you still had fifteen more minutes to go before his match started.
“heeseung can you please take me to x stadium instead? i’m so sorry, but i can’t have dinner with you today, i have to go.”
heeseung frowned, “what happened all of a sudden? is it that urgent?”
“yes it is, please turn the car around.”
he nodded, still confused. he was about to question you but stopped when he saw you hold up your phone to your ear, trying to call jungwon so you could tell him you were coming to his match. he received missed calls after missed calls from you, but he didn’t pick up any. his phone was probably with the coach.
soon, heeseung stopped the car at a red light right across the stadium. you asked him to unlock the car door and thanked him for the ride. 
his eyes widened, “are you going to walk in the rain? it’ll just take me five more minutes to make a u-turn.” 
you shook your head, “there’s no time for that, i’ll miss jungwon-”
“you’re going to see jungwon?”
“yes, i’m sorry for leaving you like this but i can’t miss out on his match. i forgot about it till today,” you sighed, “i also need to tell him something.” 
you breathed out in frustration when heeseung just stared at you blankly, not complying to your request. reaching over him you turned off the door locks. you had just stepped one leg out when he stopped you by grabbing your wrist. 
“i thought you liked me.”
you looked at him with surprise. what is he playing at? judging by the pissed off expression on his face you could conclude that he was jealous because you were ditching him for his rival. 
you gave him a small smile, “i was wrong.” 
slamming the car door shut, you dashed off into the rain and crossed the road towards the stadium entrance. you always found the main leads in movies crazy to be running in the heavy rain towards their lover, but you finally understood their situation today. a stupid smile was graced upon your features and you couldn’t wait to tell jungwon everything you felt about him.
upon entering the stadium, you immediately ran towards the direction of the changing rooms and were met with your coach standing in front of it. his eyes widened momentarily upon seeing you all soaked.
“y/n you’re here? what hap-”
“is jungwon inside?”, desperation laced your voice as you questioned him. he nodded, “yes, but he has to be out soon-”
you cut him off once again by thanking him and entered the room behind him. the slam of a door being shut, startled the man standing in front of you, making him drop the water bottle he was holding. he faced you with eyes as wide as saucers, clearly not expecting to see you here.
“you came? but what about your dinner?” 
you paced towards him and smacked his shoulder, “screw that, why didn’t you remind me of your match even if i forgot?” 
he winced as you whacked him once again, “you know this is equally important to me as much as it is to you!”
he caught your hand when you were going to hit him again. “i didn’t want to disturb your date, i know how badly you want to be with him.” 
he tried to mask the hurt on his face by putting on a small smile, but you could see it in his eyes. “this is just one match, i would have told you the results anyways, you didn’t have to-”
you cut him off by grabbing the collar of his white uniform and smashing your lips onto his. jungwon froze for a few seconds but then slowly closed his eyes and cupped your face as he kissed you back. he tilted his head to deepen the kiss and moved his lips with more fervour. the kiss soon turned messy and heated as you both let out your years of pent up feeling you couldn’t say. his lips were cushiony soft and tasted like vanilla and peppermint. your brain felt like it turned to mush as you moved your lips against his addictive ones. damn, if you knew he was such a good kisser, you would’ve asked him out yourself long ago.
your knees were about to give out from the intensity of the kiss, so he wrapped one of his hands around your waist and pulled you flush against him. when you felt like you couldn’t breathe anymore you pushed him by his chest away slightly, but he only chased your lips for more, muffling the squeal that came out from you with his lips. he pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth, then your nose, your cheeks and continued to pepper kisses all over your face, making you giggle in glee. he pulled away and held your face as if you were the most precious gem in the world. you felt your cheeks heat up as you looked at his lips which were swollen and glossy from kissing. 
“i like you so so much y/n”, his cheeks bunched up and his eyes crinkle at the corners from smiling so happily. 
you kissed the dimple that appeared on his cheek and grinned at him.
“i like you a lot, too pretty boy.”
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𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 ©𝗴𝘆𝘂𝘂𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆𝘆 on Tumblr
˚ · .𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
''I need you, Daddy!''
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Pairing | Fiancé!Chris Evans x Fiancée!Fem!Reader
Word count | ~ 800 words
Summary | Chris is in an online interview and you're feeling needy. The only way to rid yourself of your feelings is by giving him the blowjob of his life, making it all even more interesting when you find out the interview is broadcast live on national television.
Warning(s) | RPF, established relationship ~ Fiancé/Fiancée, use of pet name ~ Princess, large age gap (10-12 years difference), semi-innocent Reader
Smut | Porn with very little to no plot, blowjob, cum swallowing, Daddy kink
A/n | This drabble came to life after a rather interesting conversation about Chris with my dear friend @cevansbaby-dove, and since I couldn't stop thinking about it, you're all going down the rabbit hole that is my dirty mind with me. This isn't proofread; any and all mistakes are completely my own.
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | DIvider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Owner
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist
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Chris is getting ready for his interview with Good Morning America, and his laptop is about to be set up when you make your way over to him.
''Hi Princess,'' he tells you as you sit on his lap, straddling his thighs.
''Daddy...'' you whine softly, and by the tone of voice alone, Chris already knows what's happening.
''What's wrong, Princess? Are you feeling needy for Daddy right now?'' he asks as he pulls you closer, his hands resting on your ass, kneading them softly.
''I need you, Daddy! I'm all tingly right now,'' you tell him, and he kisses your lips softly when you're pouting.
''But Daddy can't help you right now, Princess; I have to give an interview for GMA in about 10 minutes. After the interview, Daddy has the entire day free just for you, alright?'' he asks, but you shake your head.
He raises an eyebrow at you as a warning, and after a soft ''Okay, Daddy, I'm sorry,'' you slide off his lap and go to where Dodger is peacefully lying on the floor. If Chris won't give you the attention you need, you could provide your other best friend some scratches.
You're quickly running out of patience, though, and once Chris's interview has started, you're suddenly getting an idea, which has you sporting a huge smile as you get up and walk over to where Chris is seated at the table.
It's good he doesn't notice you as you go down on your knees, and you crawl under the dining room table, taking your seat between his spread legs.
How can you not take his invitation when he's seated like that?! His bulge is already pressing against his jeans, and when you rub your hand over it, you can hear Chris' breath hitch ever so slightly.
It's not enough for everyone to pick up on, but you're so close that it's hard to miss, and it makes your heart race in excitement. You two have talked about this scenario a few times, but you only went as far as doing it today.
Your fingers swiftly open the button and zipper of his jeans without making any noise before pulling out his cock, which is about halfway hard right now.
Chris has to try very hard to keep a straight face, and it's already tricky when you're just stroking him, but when you wrap your lips around his tip, he's an absolute goner.
It takes every last bit of willpower in his body not to give anything away as you take more of him into your mouth, suckling softly as your tongue is pressed against the underside, just the way he likes it.
You repeat this motion a few times before pulling off and giving some special attention to his tip, and when you can tell he's almost about to cum he reaches under the table, grabbing your hair.
He pushes you further onto his cock while taking a deep breath, his hand moving you over his cock, your nails digging into his thighs as you let him use you to reach his high.
It doesn't take long, and he manages to mute his microphone before letting out a deep groan as he cums, his cum coating your mouth, tongue, and throat in long spurts.
You moan softly as you swallow every last drop, and he whispers a 'good girl' before getting back to his interview, but his hand isn't letting you go.
It is immediately apparent to you that he wants you to stay there and cockwarm him with your mouth, and that is precisely what you do until he's done with his interview.
By the time his interview is over, your pussy is throbbing with need, and he's gotten hard again, and he shuts his laptop, sliding it aside before pulling you from underneath the table.
''You really couldn't wait to feel Daddy's cock inside you, huh? Such a needy Princess for her Daddy's cock that you just had to go and suck him off?'' e tells you before hiking up your dress, pushing your panties to the side, and shoving his cock in with one thrust.
''Daddy's going to show you who's really in charge here, and you can be sure you won't be walking far when I'm done with you, Princess,'' he tells you, his hand hooked behind your neck, forcing you to look where you two are connecting.
That is the beginning of every single way he is about to ruin you for the rest of the day, just like he promised. And he made true to his other promise too, as you couldn't walk for the rest of that day and the next one.
It's good that you didn't have anywhere to go because this man will ruin you daily. And you will happily let him whenever he pleases.
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changetyre · 4 months
Your Man II Daniel Ricciardo x Reader ⓈⒽ
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SUMMARY: Your country-loving boyfriend loves to serenade you with his favorite songs more often than not...today is one of those days where he just goes the little extra mile.
WARNINGS: almost smut but mostly fluff
A/N: I'm having a block with writing smut but I was listening to my country playlist and this song came on which inspired me to write this. I also really enjoy writing stories along with songs so if you enjoyed please let me know cause I have a list of songs I've been wanting to write a story with.
You sat in your home back in Australia, having stayed back at the ranch this time you sat peacefully in the living room admiring the way the darkness began to cover the vast land Daniel had purchased with time.
The quiet times you had were few after falling in love with a man like Daniel Ricciardo who was all loud and energetic 100% of the time although you wouldn't complain since there was never a dull day around you.
It almost felt wrong sitting in silence for so long and being able to read more than a few pages of your book without being interrupted by a loud cry of attention or simply your man jumping on you for some cuddles.
Baby, lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby, we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
You yelped in fear as the speaker system around the house blasted the song. You looked around your heart beating out of your chest trying to figure out what was going on.
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong
You placed a hand to your chest in relief as you saw your boyfriend walk through the front door singing along, a proud smirk on his face as he approached you.
You simply began laughing too used to your boyfriend's antics and serenades and despite knowing he should've been back in a few days it didn't surprise you that he found a way to get back to you earlier.
Daniel approached you on the couch leaning his body over you as he sang the next words.
I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
Your smile was wider than ever, a common occurrence around him as he closed the gap locking his lips with yours.
There's no hurry, don't you worry We can take our time
Daniel missed signing the last 2 lines but after picking you up in his arms, resting his hands on your ass while you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist he didn't dare to miss the next.
Come a little closer, let's go over What I had in mind
"Ooo and what was that?" You smiled down at your boyfriend brushing your nose with his.
Baby, lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow
He answered along with the song making you laugh again as he carried you towards your room.
Baby, we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
He wiggled his eyebrows with the last few lines as you bit your lip in excitement. Happiness radiated off you both.
You arrived in your bedroom, the music still clear as ever as your boyfriend had done an incredible job at putting a speaker in every single room in this house, music being a huge part of his personality.
He laid you down on your bed as he hovered over you.
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong
He kissed your neck lovingly.
I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
He sang this time more quietly to your ear, making you whine in anticipation as the familiar tingles spread across your entire body.
He kissed you again this time more deeply as he let his hands roam your body. Although they came to cup your face.
Ain't nobody ever love nobody The way that I love you We're alone now You don't know how long I've wanted to
His smile was as bright as yours.
"I love you." You whispered to him letting him sing to you.
Lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby, we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
He took your (his) shirt off you gently as he continued singing, but missed a few words as he began kissing down your chest, leaving a trail down your body. He sat up quickly stripping his own shirt off himself and letting you admire his body.
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling that was quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
He was able to sing along as he stripped his jeans off, followed by his boxers. You were so glad you'd worn nothing under your pajama shorts today as he was able to simply move them to the side and align himself with you.
I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
He finished singing just as he pushed into you. Ecstasy.
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thefallennightmare · 7 months
Comfort-Noah Sebastian
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*gif created by me. feel free to use(sorry for the poor quality)*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: language, mentions of period, and all-around good fluff.
Summary: Reader suffers from really bad period cramps and Noah takes care of her the only way he knows how.
Authors Note: Again, to the anon who requested this, I'M SO SORRY! I completely forgot so I really hope this makes up for it.
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A soft voice sounded from the other side of the door, followed by a gentle knock. I peered over the piles of blankets that I cocooned myself under and called out that the door was open.
"How're you feeling?" Noah asked with a frown.
I sighed and clutched my lower stomach. "The pain is terrible and the warm compress doesn't seem to do much."
It was like this every month for five days. My period cramps were awful, the pain causing me to be stuck in bed for days. Sometimes it would be so bad that I'd be hunched over the toilet, throwing up. It wasn't anything I enjoyed, so I always made sure that I stayed home away from Noah during those five days once a month. However, since we moved in together last month, this was the second time he'd been able to witness firsthand the pain I went through. And just like last month, he was there for whatever I needed.
"I ran you a warm bubble bath if you think you can make it to the bathroom," he nodded towards the bathroom across the hall.
I sat up slowly. "You didn't have to do that."
Noah shrugged before pulling off the mounds of blankets and taking the now cold compress that I was using to soothe my cramps.
"Soak as long as you need and I'll make you something to eat. What do you want?"
Ignoring the shooting pain that spread across my abdomen, I left a kiss on his lips in a way of saying thanks for running me a bath.
"Honestly, surprise me. Anything sweet."
With a gentle pat to my ass, Noah led me to the bathroom where he parted ways with me to trot back downstairs while I spent the next twenty minutes in the tub letting the warm water and bubbles ease some of the pain away.
Once dressed in a pair of Noah's sweats and oversized shirts, I slowly made my way downstairs to the kitchen where I saw Noah leaning over the sink, mixing something in a bowl. He had yet to get dressed for the day, baring all of his tattoos on his stomach, chest, and arms for all, or just me, to see. His long hair was a disheveled mess, but he still looked absolutely breathtaking. If I wasn't on my period, I'd probably make him take me on the counter.
He peered over his shoulder as he heard me walk in, a bright smile on his face. "Did the bath help?"
I nodded while sitting at our kitchen table. "It did, actually. Thank you again."
"Anytime, angel. French toast is almost finished. There's a glass of orange juice and some meds to help with the pain," Noah nodded to the glass and two pills that lay on the table in front of me.
My heart warmed with yet another small but kindest action from him today. After drowning the meds down with half of the orange juice, Noah brought me a plate of steaming hot French toast which I could only eat about half before the cramps made me hiss out in pain.
"Still bad?" he wondered, pushing his empty plate away.
"Yeah, I feel terrible. We had plans to go to the fair with Jesse, but I don't think I can handle walking for hours," I sighed.
Suddenly, Noah's arms pulled me from the chair, and carried me bridal style through the kitchen into the living room where the couch was set up with an array of blankets and pillows, the title screen to my favorite movie on the television.
"What's this?" I asked with a hint of a smile.
As he placed me on the couch and covered me with blankets, he sunk deep next to me, and I wrapped an arm and leg around him. The comfort of the large couch was exactly what I needed in order to deal with this pain.
"This," he pointed to the television. "Is our plans for the rest of the day. If you feel up for it, we can go to the fair tomorrow."
I stared up at him with so much adoration in my eyes that my heart swelled up in two sizes. Everything he had done since the moment I woke up this morning made every single cell in my body vibrate with love; something I'd never thought I'd get from a partner. I was sure if I told someone I was with that I was on my period, the flow heavy and cramps so bad that I could barely move sometimes breath, they would ditch me for the week and come back when I wasn't a mess.
But not Noah. He even changed the sheets this morning when I woke up to the blood staining my pants and the bed. Not once did he turn away in disgust or avoid me? He was what I thought every partner should be for their significant other.
Turning his chin towards me, I placed a firm but quick kiss on his lips, one he had no issue returning.
"I love you," I smiled into the kiss.
Noah brushed his nose over mine. "Anything for you, angel."
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hey-i-am-trying · 23 days
hi, tripoier here! Long text incoming alert and a detailed explanation of the situation for qsmpblr (also sorry if I make some typos I'm writing without translator)
Yeah I also saw what happened today with the og admin of Pepito and I have a lot to say about it. First of all I'm not speaking in behalf of the community but I'm my own experience of the situation. I watched the development of Pepito's story since day one and fell in love with that little guy (and his laggy PC). Then second day arrived and I noticed the admin change bc he was less laggy and I've learned enough Portuguese and 07's (Richas admin) mannerisms to recognize when he's playing a character, even Roier noticed but didn't say anything until the screencap incident lol
Few day passed and 07 created such a cute and wholesome personality for Pepito, that contrasted very well with the role that roier was having at the moment— that it's understandable that it may not be too comfortable for some people but for the ones that had been watching Roier's story in the server + his relationship with Bobby, we take it with humor/hope for him to heal slowly after what happened in Purgatory and with Bobby (and believe me, Bobby had a HUGE impact on how Roier behaved with the rest of he eggs after his death)
So during the days 07 played as Pepito all the tripoiers were in this state of hope because we knew how much q!Roier was trying hard to not to get attached to Pepito, he knew the moment something happens to him he was gonna suffer A LOT, and Pepito was this pure, innocent ray of sunshine that it was imposible for us not to love immediately (Roier also did from day one but he loved to play with us + his lore at the moment was being in depression for the lost of his husband and having Richas and Leo in their comatose state). Also, is worth to mention that after he discovered it was 07 the one playing as Pepito he became more playful and started to tease him just to make him go out of role (and succeeded one time). Which is why he used the chancla a lot with him, as a shield for the feelings that were starting to grow on him again.
Then, Otipep happened.
This is the part I'm gonna be more careful to explain bc there is a language barrier that for the people who don't have Spanish as their first language they cannot understand or got confused
When Otipep appeared Roier noticed that it was another admin playing as Pepito because 07 was busy helping with Q's lore, we don't know if he recognized immediately that it was the original one or just a random temporary admin, but he noticed that this Pepito appeared where the fist one disconnected (in the garden outside of his house). Some people noticed that it was the original one and got happy bc it meaned that finally Pepito had his permanently admin back and bc Richas and the others eggs were also back from the coma we could see them both at the same time (roier used to joke about it every time 07 was around)
We also thought that the og admin had been catching up with the role that 07 has built so far with Pepito (which was not, and we would never know if it was either miscommunication between the admins or the og admin just decided to ignore the actual role to keep their 'idea' for the role), so at first we were a little bit shocked when this Pepito started acting so "dry" (idk if this is the correct word) with Roier, bc we had already gotten used to Pepito's tender way of speaking, but we just let that pass for a bit.
But then that "dry" behavior started going to go down a path were even we as an audience started getting uncomfortable, because roier was trying to socialize with the admin but they clearly didn't knew what's has been going on these past days, so Roier take the time to make a summary of the last days with his typical chill humor, and while he was doing that everything reached its final point with the sign "hueles a culo también hijo de puta" = you also smell like ass son of a bitch.
now This. THIS right here is what destroyed everything. Because you would say "oh, it's just Pepito following Roier's game, it's was in a playful way".
It. was. not.
When Roier starts calling someone with some swears or related words is always in a playful way, and there is context and trust behind. When Otipep put that sign Roier was making a summary of the role that 07 has been doing with Pepito, bc he didn't wanted to let them behind, and while doing that he always explain with his usual humor to make it less unconformable for the admin/ entertained for his audience.
So when he placed that sign we all get out of the loop because it came from nowhere, even Roier kept silence of a few second because 1). it sounded rude, that sign was so out of place 2). Roier was explaining the last few days to the admin so he can keep up with the role, he was not "joking" with the admin, or moving on to another topic, he was helping the admin. 3). We, as an audience, felt so shocked because they weren't saying that to Roier in a playful way, they were giving weight to those words. And this is the part that people that do not have Spanish as their first language doesn't understand. They gave weight to the insult. They didn't wrote that as a joke, they directly INSULTED the streamer.
Then roier proceeded to hit him with the chancla bc he wanted to take the control back of the situation in a humorous way, a damage control in other words, because the chat was filling with "??????" And people getting offended and angry (justified, even I felt offended) with the admin, but Roier is not of those type of persons and he always try to make his streams a safe place for his community, so if you ask me he did a really well job handling the situation even tho he felt offended and his audience noticed that for the rest of the stream (hell, even days later)
And if that was not enough, Roier kept trying to save the situation but the admin was not cooperating, with the "no he preguntado"= I've not asked you and other sign that I just don't remember and is not really worth it (and bc Otipep literally left Roier speaking alone with the "I'm going to look for better parents" and went to spawn zone), he just gave up trying and waited for Richas to come back (which was also chocked w the situation)
And this is me speaking from a non-neutral tone, but I think we could've had a Roier being super loving and caring with Pepito if this situation didn't happen in the first place, bc after this I noticed that Roier stopped tried to get close to Pepito, the situation really affected him so whatever role he was building with the character he just simply stopped and changed the dynamic with another one more limited and less parental, but keeping his usual humor bc it was not the fault of the actual admin or 07, it is what it is unfortunately.
That's why I'm so glad that the actual admin and Ricardão did such a good job saving Pepito because the Spanish speaking community was about to drop him, even streamers friends of Roier that are not part of the qsmp acknowledge the behavior of Otipep with Roier (if that doesn't say a lot about how complicated it was on this side of the road)
And even after all these things there was people out there calling the Spanish speaking community as dramatic or harassing Roier when the situation happened (and it seems they still do it :/ ), but most of us kept quiet because we respect Roier and as he says, mejor pasamos de movidas.
and well, this is it, I know I'm missing some points in the story but honestly getting into fights or hate in general is not my thing, I wanted to give some context for the people of Tumblr because I know, at least here people take the time to read and are more chill unlike twt, and I hope I gave some clarification for the rest of the communities that are not native in Spanish, I really really love Pepito and I'm so glad we had 07 and the actual admin there to play this character, I still can't believe that person had the audacity to come out proudly as Pepito's 1st admin when literally no one from the Spanish community considers his 2 appereances as canon after their blunder xd
Thank you for sharing!
I understand that some stuff are hard to translate, thank you for taking the time. I didn't know that your community was being called dramatic because of that! That is dumb as hell and I am sorry it happend in the first place.
Of course we are no in business of spreading hate. I have always tried to see the other side of situations, I think from what I read in the admin's doc they had some kinda of vision for the character, but I guess they didn't realized that well, they were not going to become automaticly friends with Roier and have room to "joke" like that just because they have become an egg admin. Probably my best guest of what it happend.
It is really weird, maybe they were banking on the support that the other admins have gotten? Or they actually never realized how insulting they have come out as.
Well, I don't have much to say, except I am sorry it happend at all with Roier and the hispanic community.
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saddestsquid · 2 months
First Miguel fic + 250+ follower special ୨୧
I’d like to start off by saying THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR ALMOST 300 FOLLOWERS !! And 2000+ notes?!? omg. I checked my inbox a few times and saw 99+ notifs every time, and when I tell you I SCREAMED. As a new writer I can’t thank you enough for all the notes and sweet comments ! I’m so grateful, so take this fic as a thank you <33
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Warnings: Miguel is hinted to have slept with socks on which….is a trigger on its own apparently 😥, potentially botched ass Spanish……(no Google translate was used tho, my French teacher taught me better than that), p in v, making out, grinding, slight blood, reader has no chill nor filter but Miguels lowkey into it, degradation, bondage, banter, oral, praise, etc.
a/n: Takes place before the whole Miles incident !! I love Miguel but I can’t forgive him for doing that to my son 🤨🤨 This could also be imagined as König, since they’re both huge stubborn men <33
Pairing: Female reader x Miguel O’Hara 
Summary: Miguel is pent up and needs a release. Lucky for him, there’s a certain spider woman who’d do anything for him <3
Words: 4141 (DAMN I shocked myself w this)
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. . .
Miguel runs his hand through his hair, grumbling when he feels it’s getting to a length that needs cutting again. Just another thing to add to his pile of responsibilities.
He pushes the fumbled blanket off to the side and lazily palms at his morning wood, finding the ministrations do little to help his raging hard-on. He’s shocked, mainly that he could still get one with how tense he’s been lately, but mostly that he’s actually annoyed that he has to jerk off. It feels like a chore to him now…though taking care of himself in any sense has since he became Spider-Man.
With a sleepy groan he drags himself up and to the bathroom. His mismatched socks are soft against the cool bathroom tiles where he turns on the shower. His muscles stretch when he tugs his white sweater over his head and tosses it onto the ground nearby, abs tensing and shoulders refusing to relax no matter how much stretching he did.
When the rest of his clothing join the heap on the floor he steps into the freezing cold shower, twitching at the icy droplets that felt like tiny icicles poking into his taut skin. 
He hoped the temperature would make the nuisance go down, but it raged on, standing proud at its full height. Miguel never thought he’d find himself glaring at his own dick, but here he was, horny and heavily pissed off. 
He reached down and tugged at his cock, rubbing his thumb over the angry red tip. He jerked profusely, yet all it did was leave him feeling unsatisfied and humiliated. 
“Fuck.” He cursed, washing his hand off before aggressively turning the knob to stop the flowing water. He tried to remember what he had to do today while pacing the bathroom, but he couldn’t focus with his erection clouding  his thoughts. Maybe if the blood would stay in his head…
He was an attractive guy, he knew that much. It would be easy to go out into the town and hook up with some stranger, but not so much so when he was in this constant sour mood. That sullen energy & resting bitch face paired with his looming height would scare any woman away.
Any sane woman.
You tied up the last of the criminals in your silky webs, smiling in victory. Unfortunately, the joy wasn’t long-lasting since as soon as you got home you felt boredom creeping up on you once again.
For weeks you’d been entertained by the intimidating founder of the spider society; Miguel O’Hara.You’d been bugging him for days on end, literally drooling at his feet and begging him to come back to your place.
He kicked you out multiple times, but like a cockroach you couldn’t be squashed—and neither could your need for him. You just couldn’t take a hint apparently. When he picked you up by the back of your suit and threw you back into your universe, all you focused on was how easily he carried you with just one of his big, veiny hands.
The way that suit hugged his defined chest so well, and his massive arms where you could see every vein…plus that prominent bulge? You were sunk.
He’d finally run out of patience for you when you ‘accidentally’ messed with the tech for his suit, almost making him go full commando in front of everyone in the spider society.(wouldn’t be the last time that happened…) He banned you for good, taking away your ‘multiversal gizmo’ without a second thought.
Your last words being ‘worth it!’ as you were flung back into your universe by the go-home-machine seemed like the icing on the cake to him despising you forever, but apparently that wasn’t the case because the man himself just appeared in your living room.
“Y/N.” He addressed nonchalantly.
You stared at him, jaw agape for a few moments before pinching yourself to see if you were dreaming. You had to be, he basically filed a restraining order against you. A really complicated, multiversal restraining order. Why  would he ever voluntarily come to you?
You couldn’t even respond since your throat felt so dry .. . It seemed your body had other ideas of where to soak.
“Why are you so obbsesed with me?” He suddenly asked, paying no mind to your awkward silence. 
“I mean, you chased me around every day, eyed me down so intensively it was basically public sex and yet here you are, alone with me like you wanted, and now you’re speechless?” He stalked around your living room, circling you like a bird of prey.
You blushed up a storm and stood frozen in front of him, trying to discretely rub your thighs together.
He eyed you down, noticing your obvious ministrations but only chuckling. “Sometimes I had wished you were an actual spider so I could crush you under the soles of my shoes, but lately I’ve found myself feeling as horny and desperate as you.” He admitted with a smirk that revealed his sharpened fangs. 
That confession had your mind reeling to the point all you could muster up was; “I would’ve let you step on me regardless.”
His smirk grew and he started to approach you until his shadow covered you completely. You had to tilt your whole head up to look him in his glowing red eyes now—but you couldn’t handle making the eye contact anyway.
“You are just a small little thing, yet I didn’t expect you to be all bark no bite. All those filthy things you said lingered in my mind..don’t you want to take care of what you started?” He asked in a deliciously low voice. The almost mocking manner he said it in made you feel called out, and you looked down at your hands and picked at your nails to try and calm yourself.
A clawed finger tilted your head up by the chin and forced you to look into his eyes. How could you forget—in all your time spent basically stalking him you noticed how he never broke eye contact with anyone that he was speaking to. It was both exhilarating and intimidating to see, and you felt that full force while finally being on the receiving end of it. “Look at me when I’m speaking to you, arañita.” He ordered, and it sent tingles shooting up your spine.
You swore you heard your neck crack from how fast you looked up at him. He looked predatory staring down at you like that, eyes gleaming in the sunlight. “So? Will you finish what you started muñeca?” He asked, as if it was even a question to you.
“Fuck yes.” You agreed without missing a beat, making him chuckle darkly. “Needy thing.”
Before your mind could catch up you were suddenly being lifted by him and thrown on his shoulder with ease. He walked through the halls of your cozy apartment and waltzed into your bedroom without even searching for it, carelessly throwing you onto the bed.
You landed with a bounce on the soft comforter, feeling even smaller now with him standing above you. “Wha- how do you know where my bedroom is?” You asked when your brain finally decided to have a rational thought. 
“I’ve done my research—wanted to make sure you weren’t a spy. It was a waste of time, really, you’re just a horny stalker.” He shrugged.
You stared at him with an offended expression (tho it was 100% true) and went to argue until your lips were suddenly sealed by sticky red webs.
 “On your back.” He ordered. 
You crossed your arms at him first until he repeated the command in a low, dangerous voice. “Now.” Any defiance you had pretended to have quickly left your body and you laid down flat on the silk sheets.
He stalked over to you, all big and menacing as always. He leaned over you and forced your wrists together, twirling more glowing silk around them until they were bound above your head. 
He smirked down at you, leaning in to pepper kisses all over your neck. He sucked dark hickeys onto the sensitive skin of your throat, enjoying your muffled moans. While before he found your voice excruciating—he was now desperate to hear it crying out his name.
He stripped the webs off your mouth and you whined at the pain. The feeling resembled a bandaid being ripped off a fresh cut. He cooed pitifully above you and leaned in, whispering “Pobre araña, why don’t I kiss it better?” 
You nodded desperately until his lips met yours with a slight sting. He growled into your mouth, swirling his tongue around yours and exploring your mouth until you were squirming. He nibbled on your bottom lip, sharp canines threatening to break the skin. He pushed his muscled thigh between your legs and pressed down on your clit with his knee, the pressure making you moan under him. Your sweet sounds drove him wild, and he couldn’t help but bite down lightly on your lip until tiny droplets of blood dripped onto his tongue.
He groaned at the taste, his animalistic split-DNA going wild. When he pulled back—lips reddened, hair tussled and fallen slightly in front of his face— you couldn’t help but stare. His face looked so much more chiseled up close, cheekbones perfectly defined and a jawline sharper than the claws currently resting on your hips. 
His toned chest rose up and down steadily while he regained his breath, the familiar spider symbol on his suit growing bigger then smaller with each rise of his lungs like it was breathing. 
“Let’s take care of these, Cariño.” He addressed your clothing as if it were nothing but a nuisance for him before slicing your shirt right off you. He did this with ease, big claws moving onto your bottoms and clawing those off as well.
“Hey! Those were nice.” You pouted, though apparently he didn’t appreciate that comment because you were now being tied up even worse than before. Webs spewed from his wrist and circled your body like serpents, tying around your waist, arms, and thighs. “Don’t be a brat.” He ordered, webs tightening in warning. Once satisfied, he admired the way they looked pulled taut against your soft skin. “Red looks lovely on you, amor.” He praised, a quick switch from his previous comment.
He lifted you and reached behind your back, unclasping your bra with one hand. He threw it onto the ground somewhere with your torn up clothes, focusing his attention on your soft tits.
He hummed in content, playing with your nipples and letting his webs circle around the soft flesh of your breasts. He licked and sucked at one while tugging on the other, making you moan and squirm under him.
“Fuck Miguel- ah! more!” You whined desperately, coaxing a chuckle out of the behemoth. 
“Such a desperate slut.” He tutted, sucking marks all over your chest to match your throat. He kissed over the already forming hickeys, grazing his teeth dangerously close to your jugular. This man was massive, and made of pure muscle like a Greek god. He could easily hold you down without the help of his webs, but he wanted to focus full attention on you. 
He finally moved down to where you needed him most, going to rip your panties straight off you before you rudely slammed your thighs shut. “You take off your suit first….” You whined, embarrassed at being nearly completely nude before him while he was still covered. He was genuinely offended by this, feeling like he’d just had a door slammed on his face, yet he grumbled and messed around with his watch until the hologram started to dissipate.
Your jaw dropped wider and wider the more you took him in. The man resembled a skillfully carved statue belonging to Olympus itself. His biceps and abs were enough to challenge even Ares himself. Your eyes trailed lower and lower, leisurely mapping him out until your eyes locked on the weapon between his legs.
His dick stood loud and proud against his toned stomach, and it was massive. The man is 6,9, you knew he’d be big, but this thing was around 9 inches and looked like it could rip you in half. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from it even if you tried—I mean—the thing was basically introducing itself to you. We’re talking hello, how are you and goodbye.
Miguel basked in your ogling, his ego swelling more than it already had since he first noticed your obsession with him.
You finally snapped out of your trance when he bent down and slipped off your soaked panties, kissing up your leg as he did so. You spread both your legs for him and he took that as an invitation to lean in and lick a stripe up your wet cunt. You jumped, not expecting him to get into it so quickly, but you definitely didn’t complain.
He prodded a finger at your hole and pushed it in slowly, holding your hips down with his free hand. He made sure to be mindful of the claws adorning his fingertips since they wouldn’t go back down thanks to his clouded mind. The thick digit went in without much resistance thanks to how wet you were, until he pushed in a second and started scissoring them. 
You moaned and whimpered at the stretch, two of his thick fingers the size of nearly four of yours. He pumped them in and out quickly, the slick sounds your pretty hole made for him music to his ears. Your slick dripped down his ring and middle fingers that he was ruthlessly pumping inside you and dribbled down his veiny forearm.
He massaged your walls and pushed against them, scissoring his fingers to stretch you as much as possible. He couldn’t hit your g-spot thanks to his clawed fingertips, so he sucked at your clit to fill that extra stimulation until your head was rolling back. 
Something circled your waist and you figured it was his arm until you looked back down to see more webs. You would wriggle far too much without them, and he needed his other hand to spread your folds to drag a mix of his salvia and your slick around your twitching clit. You mewled at the overwhelming stimulation, bucking onto his face while he had a full on make out sesh with your pussy.
Only when he finally sunk four fingers into you and you were basically on the brink of tears with need did he pull away. Not without blowing on your sensitive clit, of course, just to see you twitch and squirm under the unrelenting grasp of his webs.
He stood up with a playful smile, freeing you from some of the webs just to pull you to the edge of the bed. Your ass met his pelvis with a slap when he yanked you by the ankle that quickly locked around his waist. He chuckled out something in Spanish that you didn’t understand, maybe along the lines of “Qué bonita putita…”. You didn’t bother to question it when he started to grind his rock hard dick on your drooling pussy, getting him all nice and wet to push into you. 
Only when he was coated completely in your essence did he listen to your pleas and finally line his fat tip up at your hole. Even with the all the stretching, your poor cunt had to stretch to accommodate the swollen red tip. His pre-cum mixed with your juices when it finally popped in after some resistance, and he groaned at the warm feeling.
“So fucking tight, your poor pussy can’t take it, hm? You were so confident when you were begging for it like a desperate whore.” He growled, degradation making you clench Impossibly tighter around his head until he had to bite back a groan.
“Please Mig, I can take it.” You begged, rutting your hips onto him and trying to coax him deeper until he swiftly grabbed your waist. His claws dug into your skin, threatening to break through. He pulled back and you immediately assumed he was going to tease you again for being desperate. 
Straight away you whined out apologies, stumbling over your words and pleas until he suddenly slammed back inside you, cramming 5 of his solid inches into your hole. You screamed, tears brimming on your waterline at the stretch. Your back arched off the bed and you squirmed away from the sting until he pulled back and rutted back in again, almost as if testing the waters.
With every drag of his hips his cock slowly got deeper into you until he was bottomed out completely. His tip kissed against your cervix and you looked down, amazed and horrified to see him crammed inside you so snugly. He gave you a moment to compose yourself—preoccupied on the bulge in your lower stomach. 
“My good girl, fitting around me so perfectly. That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” He teased, dick twitching at the fucked out moan you gave in response.
It definitely was hard, yet his dick was harder. You could feel every single vein and ridge pressing into you, rubbing against your gummy walls in a way that left you drooling. You suddenly understood why he’d prepped you for so long. It wasn’t just to tease you, this just was not an easy thing to take. 
“Move,” you pleaded, correcting youself when he raised an eyebrow, “please.”
He hummed, palming at the fat of your hips to see the way your skin sunk under his touch. “I don’t know Cariño…do you really deserve this dick?” 
You gave him your best “are you for real?” face. This man was not about to make you beg when he was the one to randomly show up in your home. You’d been begging on your knees for him for months, and now he chooses to acknowledge it?
You made it your personal mission to go against everything he’s ever ordered from you, and the grind never does stop, does it?
“Like you deserve to kiss my ass?” You jest without hesitation. 
You can see the way his whole face stretches; clearly dumbfounded at your response before he’s able to compose himself. With your cunt wrapped around him so tight and warm like that, it’s easy to forget the pretty spider underneath him is a little rascal.
“You were just whining a second ago, don’t try that,” He warned. “You’ve been begging for it for months, practically humping my leg in front of the entire Arachno-Humanoid-Poly-Universe.” 
You groaned at his insistence on calling it that, even while balls deep inside you. “I didn’t sign up to fuck a geek,” you mutter.
“With the way you approached me I’m sure you’d fuck just about anyone, puta.”
You wanted to be insulted, but your words caught in your throat when he leaned close to you to whisper right into your ear; “Quit acting like you had any dignity in the first place and beg.”
His warm breath on your nape left you shivering. Miguel wasn’t human—not completely. With DNA mixed with a spiders, he was a predator; one ready to devour you whole.
It wasn’t a surprise to anyone really when you gradually let quiet pleas spill from your mouth. Miguel had half the mind to make you speak up, but he was loosing his thin amount of patience as is. With a satisfied click of his tongue, he pulled back until his flushed head was right at your entrance “see, was that so hard?”
You knew better than to try and answer at this point when he rammed his cock back into you. Huge hands gripped your thighs and pushed your legs into your chest while he bullied his dick further and further into your cunt. 
Your pussy was embarrassingly loud for him, squelching with each brutal thrust of his hips. His muscled thighs were tense with the pure strength he put into slamming into you—beating your sensitive pussy in until it memorized his shape for life. 
“Mig- ah! Holyfuck!” You screamed, draping your arms over his shoulders and scratching at his back like a cat post.
“Go on princesa, mark me up.” He encouraged and got a better grip on your thighs, pushing your legs out to a full spread. He had you displayed like a dinner feast and bent you like a lawn chair with your lower half on his toned chest. He was actually impressed at your flexibility, yet like always he chose the worst way to phrase it.
“I’m shocked, I never expected you to do any real training.” 
“Fuck you.”
“That’s what you’ve been wanting, is it not?” He gloated with such a shit-eating expression that you just had to wipe off his face. He sunk deeper into you when you pulled him in for a kiss and it had you clenching around him.
His thrusts got more erratic until your mind was clouded with only the sounds of his dick disappearing into your cunt. His hands were dragging you back onto him by the hips at the same time, so you could feel him bumping against your cervix with each thrust.
You were too fucked out to say anything other than broken moans and mewls of his name, and he wasn’t too far off.
“So pretty Cariño,” he groaned, “all for me? mierda- yeah, all for me.”
A string of loud mewls along with shameless moans poured out of your bruised lips in response. He pounded your pussy with so much vigour that you edged forward on the ruffled mattress with each rough thrust.
He massaged your throbbing clit between his fingers, laughing at the way they kept slipping around from how much of your own arousal was dripping down your cunt. Heavy balls slapping against your soft skin filled your ears when you felt that coil in your stomach start to snap.
“Pussys gripping me like a fucking vice- you gonna cum for me?” he teased, “look baby- look at how well this sweet little pussys taking me.”
He took your hand and lead it down until it was tracing the prominent bump in your stomach - You could feel every brutal thrust and see the way he ravaged your insides. You pressed down on it, getting impossibly tighter around him and the broken moan he let out was what got you.
He quickly tore a mind-numbing orgasm out of you - thick cockhead still splitting you open while he worked your clit. You soaked his cock and squeezed against it, shaking and crying under him until you could barely take it anymore. 
He smiled in pride, sharp fangs showing and making him resemble the waiting mouth of a shark. “Such a good fucking girl, coming all over me like that. Look at the mess you’ve made,” he hummed, observing the noticeable white ring you left around the base of his cock. 
His thrusts stuttered before stilling completely inside you. He made a noise akin to an animal before spilling his hot cum inside your welcoming heat with a shudder and a broken moan.
“Mfhm- mierda.. .” He cursed, his warmth filling you up so much it started to spill out.
You felt like a rag doll under him, half-asleep and smiling dumbly up at him. He chuckled and admired one last time how pretty you looked in his glowing red webs, wrapped around you like his own custom lingerie. 
He sliced them off you and smiled warmly when you raised your arms out to him. He leaned in to let you wrap your arms around his massive shoulders with your legs now wrapping around his waist.
He picked you up with you curled into him like a koala - the warm sensation of his cum dripping down your connected bodies grounding you while he walked to your bathroom. 
He pressed soft kisses to your marked up-neck while he ran a warm bath, rubbing at the indents his claws subconsciously left on your hips. 
You didn’t remember exactly when you fell asleep; somewhere between when his large hands washed the cum off your skin or when he gently laid you down on your fresh bedsheets. 
All you knew was that you woke up to the smell of clean laundry and noticed snacks and a water bottle left on your nightstand. There was a note too that you had to reach over to grab. His handwriting was smudged but fancy, and it was so adorably him that it left you smiling ear to ear. 
“Had to leave early. Meet me in my office tomorrow and we’ll discuss how you’ll be living in my universe from now on ,seeing as how you’re now mine, mi vida.” 
. . .
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nightlilly0110 · 28 days
I have not paid attention to My Hero Academia in ages. It got boring for me, I especially didn’t really like the “yes and” sort of fights they were doing where it was like “oh no he’s dead, oh wait no he’s not, and he also has gotten stronger and has somehow developed more powers” (I’m staring so hard at Dabi vs Shouto and Dabi spontaneously developing an ice quirk after having his ass beat multiple times already).
Anyway. Regardless on me having issues with that, because I know that when your main villain’s power is All Of Them, you gotta shove a whole lot of shit into your grand act, your finale.
The story of My Hero Academia did a really good job at pointing out all the flaws in hero society. Everyone wants the prestige with becoming a hero so they gotta limit it to people who have a strong enough power to get into hero schools, specifically the hero track. Not all heroes are good people and it’s dangerous to blindly give out this status as a top member of society. Not all villains are inherently evil - as the manga states, all it takes is one bad day. Racism, abuse, and mental health issues are overlooked because it happens to the people on the bottom rung. It’s realistic. It’s great. It gets the point across that this world isn’t as fantastic as it first seemed.
And then all of that immediately gets undercut by the reveal that Everything in the manga is AFO’s fault. He gave Shigaraki Decay and groomed him, he’s the one who caused the surge in crime and the anti-mutant rhetoric. They establish him as born evil, as the devil incarnate, that he has always been this way and will never change. I expected that he would never have redemption and is beyond saving, but to say he was Born Evil contradicts the “one bad day” narrative that is literally on the first page of Volume 24.
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Gonna Devil’s Advocate myself for a second. I think the idea that AFO being irredeemable and going against the “one bad day” narrative would have been a great contrast to Shigaraki and the rest of the LOV.
Here’s the but.
They also go on to imply that Everything Will Be Okay As Long As We Kill AFO. Since he’s the Root Of All Evil, if they kill him, everything will be 100% perfect and nothing will be Evil or Wrong or Bad ever again.
Please hear my sarcasm. That’s unfortunately not how systemic racism, classism, abuse, or any other social issues work. They unfortunately do not vanish because you get rid of one guy. It’ll definitely help consider AFO won’t be around to fuck shit up, but it’s not a be all end all situation.
Additionally, having all of this realistic worldbuilding and establishing all the problems in this hero society, having testimonies from the villains and from Deku himself that if you are different you will suffer, and then turning it around and going “actually it wasn’t the system, the system it’s fine, it’s just this one dickhead lol” fucking sucks. Okay yeah, it’s cool to see all the ways AFO was pulling the strings behind everything and manipulating society how he wanted it, but it seemed very shoehorned in???? We see some glimpses of his control of resources with the Nomu labs and the implications of using doctors to scope out good quirks to use, but we spent too little time on that other than focusing on Kurogiri.
Moving on to the spoilers I saw today for the most recent chapter. Deku’s motivations have always been “I want to be able to save as many people as I can, just like All Might.” He’s stated many times throughout the last few fights that he wants to be able to reach Tenko - not Tomura, but Tenko - and this is the end he gets?????
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Liberties with the translations as it’s not official but like. Come on.
“I’m a crying brat just like you said.” We established a long time ago that Shigaraki fights because he wants to build a better world for him and his friends. While he might have been a “crying brat” in his first few appearances, he hasn’t been that way in literal years. Deku calling him this (which I can’t find a good image of, sorry) goes against his entire character. He’s not a brat. He has reasons to do what he does.
“I wanted to stop you because you wanted to be stopped.” Stopped, not saved.
“So your sadness wouldn’t be passed on.” What Deku is saying here is that he is acknowledging that Shigaraki was wronged, but he isn’t going to do anything for him other than stop him (kill him) because he was hurting other people. Again, reminder, this was the kid that wanted to save as many people as he can, and Shigaraki wasn’t past saving. What was the point of emphasizing that Tenko was still a part of him that existed if you were going to kill them both?
We also don’t know what happened to the other villains as of right now. None of their statuses have been confirmed, but they’re presumed to be dead. None of them got their happy ending. None of them even got a good ending. None of them have the closure that their injustices were wronged. None of them have the closure that they left this world in good hands for other people like them. They just died.
So who exactly are we saving? What’s the point?
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
The Way You Miss Me | Joel Miller (Chapter Seven)
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Chapter Summary | Joel has been MIA for a week since he kissed you on the porch. You're paired up for patrol, alone for the first time and Joel has twenty years of time to make up to you.
Pairing | Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings | SMUT. MY BABIES ARE FUCKING AGAIN. Unprotect PiV sex, oral sex (F receiving) and some dirty talk for good measure.
Authors Note | It took me so long to get this right in my brain, but these two idiots are finally together again and I'm so happy that they get aa happy ending. This is the last full chapter of The Way You Miss Me - I have a small epilogue planned coming out soon to round their story off. I'd love to know what you think - you can pop into my ask to let me know and as always, reblogs, comments and likes are my life blood.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
It’s just past 9am when a knock at your front door pulls you from the bottom of your coffee mug. You set it down on the coffee table and answer the door. It’s Tommy. 
“Good mornin’, sunshine,” He greets as usual, “Nice day, right?” 
You lean against the door frame, “Morning Tommy,” You smile, you know he wants something, “Absolutely, looks like it’s going to be a scorcher.” 
“Perfect day to get out and about, right?” 
You smirk, “What do you want, Tommy?” 
“Ben is sick, he was due to head out on patrol up to the lodge, I was wondering if maybe you’d consider taking his duty today?” 
It had been a week since the last time you’d gone out. Since the close call with Ellie and Joel. Since Joel stood on your front porch and kissed the life out of you. Or back into you. You still couldn’t decide. A week since you’d seen him. You didn’t know where he was hiding. 
“Yeah, I don’t see why not, what time was he due to head off?” 
“He was down for midday patrol, should mean you’re back in time for dinner later,” His hand moves to the back of his neck, like it always does when there’s something else, he’s not telling you, “You should know Joel is down as his patrol partner, I know things haven’t been easy between you two, so if you’re not comfortable, I can take it instead.” 
You shake your head, so Joel hasn’t told Tommy about kissing you. Interesting. Were you about to go back to being a secret again? 
“It’s alright Tommy, I’m a big girl,” You shrug your shoulders, “Plus, Maria will have my ass, you’ve got a baby to think about now, can’t have you out there risking life and limb just yet.” 
“I owe you one, thank you,” Tommy reaches out to squeeze your arm, “I’ll make sure he’s on his best behaviour.” 
“I’m capable of putting that man in his place Tommy,” You say, pushing yourself off the doorframe, “We’ll be fine.” 
There’s a slight breeze through the trees as you walk which makes the heat pleasant. You’ve got a rifle strapped to your back, much like you had when you’d taken Joel and Ellie to the lake, and a handgun resting in the back of your jeans. Joel is walking a few steps behind you; he’s been like that since you left Jackson an hour ago. 
“Enjoying the view, Miller?” You shoot over your shoulder. 
“Always have.” Is his response. He can’t see your face but you’re smiling. 
You have to admit, this is weird. When you’d met with him at the gun store, he’d been polite, saying hello, but keeping his distance. You thought maybe once you’d left the confines of town he’d lighten up, walk closer to you, maybe even hold your hand, but he’d kept a few steps behind you all the way. Maybe it had something to do with the tight jeans you’d decided to wear, but something in you suspects he’d a few steps behind to keep an eye out, to protect you if something goes wrong. 
It doesn’t take long for you both to reach the bottom of the hill that leads to the lodge. You stop and prepare yourself. You’d first done this run with Tommy in the winter and it had almost killed you. The snow had made walking up the steep incline even harder, and when Tommy had announced you were halfway you thought you might cry. Your lungs were screaming, the calf muscles in your legs threatening to cramp. 
“You alright?” Joel asks, finally standing side-by-side with you. 
“I hate this fuckin’ hill.” You reply simply. 
Joel laughs, “Come on, you’ve still got youth on your side, I’m old and this is fine.” 
“I’m forty-five years old Joel and my knees have gone to shit,” You hit his arm, “And my lungs are not what they once were.” 
He’s stepping forward to start walking, “That’s what you get for starting on cigarettes,” He scoffs, turning around to you, “You should really give up.” 
“Don’t try and take the high ground Miller, it won’t work.” 
He holds out his hand to you now, “Will you take my hand, for God’s sake,” He chuckles, “It’s not going to burn you.” 
You slip your hand into his and he’s pulling you up the start of the hill. His hand is still large against your own, his skin still rough and calloused, like it always had been. You’d expected him to let go of your hand once you got moving, but instead, he moves to lace his fingers through your own. You look down at your entwined hands and up at his face, which shows a smile you hadn’t seen in forever. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around much,” He speaks softly as you tackle the hill together, “Tommy’s been bustin’ my ass with patrols all week.” 
“It’s alright Joel, you’re here now.” You give his hand a squeeze and a comfortable silence falls between you. 
“Listen, I wanted to say sorry for what I said before,” You can tell he’s a little out of breath, but you don’t know whether that’s from the hill or the nerves you can feel radiating through him, “It was wrong of me to tell you I hadn’t thought about you, truth is darlin’ I never stopped, always wondered what happened to you, where you were, what you were doin’, it drove me crazy the whole time,” He stops to take a deep breath, “I’m fuckin’ awful at this,” He grumbles to himself, “I guess what I was tryin’ to say to you was that thinking you were dead helped me stop thinking that maybe you weren’t safe, that someone had you or somethin’ like that.” 
“Joel, stop, please,” You give him another squeeze to his hand, “It’s fine, I get it. There were times when I tried to do the same, although I suppose if anyone was going to make it through this whole ordeal then it was always going to be you,” The hill is becoming steeper and you’ve both slowed down, “I guess I just always knew if it wasn’t going to be you, you know, that I ended up with, I didn’t want anyone else, that’s why I kept telling myself one day, one day I’d find you, and all that matters now is that I did, we can forget everything else, let’s just focus on moving forward.” 
It takes another thirty minutes or so of walking before you’re cresting the brow of the hill and the lodge comes into view. Joel let’s go of your hand for the first time since he took it, letting you press your palms to your knees, bent over to catch your breath. He’s right, you need to give up the smoking. 
Once you’re both sure the lodge is still secure with no signs of infected or raiders, you move to the guestbook which Tommy had set up and write both yours and Joel’s name down, with the date and any observation notes. When you turn around, he’s leant against the railings, arms crossed over his chest with his backpack and rifle placed against the wall. The sun in framing him like he’s straight from the pages of the bible, creating a halo around his head, and you think he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, but then again, he always was. 
“C’mere darlin’.” He reaches a hand out to you and you walk the short distance, taking hold of it. 
He tugs you to his chest, arms wrapping around your shoulders as yours circle his waist. You can feel him take a deep breath at the top of your head and instinctively you do the same, soaking in his smell. You feel content here, he always was your safe haven. 
“I’ve missed you so much Joel.” You speak softly, feeling one of his hands drop to your lower back, pressing you further into his body. 
“I missed you too darlin’ girl,” He presses a kiss to the top of your head, “But I’m here now, and I’m not goin’ anywhere, I promise.” 
You tilt your head towards his face, pressing yourself up on your tiptoes to press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. You try to pull away but instead, his firm hand presses into the small of your back to keep you still and then his mouth his on yours. It’s slow, his lips pressing against your own softly, so soft that you could almost convince yourself you were dreaming. He pulls away slightly, tilting his face so his nose bumps against your own, then his mouth is back on yours, this time with more force behind it. 
One of his hands is tangling in the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling your face towards him and as your mouth opens for him and your tongues are working against each other, you feel the hand that was at the small of your back work its way down. His hand slides into the back pocket of your jeans and he squeezes, earning a moan to fall from your lips, only to get drowned out on his tongue. 
He pulls away and presses his forehead to your own, eyes closed, and you can tell he’s just as content as you are right now. 
“I’ve thought about this for the last twenty years Joel,” You whisper, “Please, I need you.” 
He smiles with his eyes still closed. He moves, turning your position so he has you pressed up against the railings this time. His lips are back on yours as his hands move to undo the button of your jeans, undoing it with the same prowess as he always had. He tugs the zipper down and then he’s dropping to his knees in front of you and you think you might combust with excitement. He’s pulling your jeans down your legs, trailing wet, open mouth kisses to your skin as he does. He’s unlacing your shoes and pulling them off before his husky voice is speaking to you again. 
“Step out of this darlin’ girl.” 
You do as he says, lifting one foot and then the other so he can pull your jeans right off. They’re discarded somewhere behind him, then he’s hooking one of your legs over his shoulder. Your head tilts back as you feel his mouth pressing kisses around the outline of your underwear. His hands are gripping the back of your legs, where the curve of your ass meets the back of your thighs and you think that if you have to wait any longer for what you want, your heart might stop. 
“Joel…” You breathe out, fisting a hand in his hair to pull his attention to you, “I’ve waited too long for this for you tease me.”  “What do you want, darlin’ girl?” 
“Take these off and put your mouth on me, Miller.” 
You can feel his smirk against your inner thigh as he pulls your leg from his shoulder. Your underwear is swiftly discarded, and your leg is back over his shoulder, his hands cupping the round cheeks of your ass in order to keep you upright. 
He licks the pad of his tongue from your aching entrance all the way up the seam of your pussy until the tip of his tongue flicks at your clit and you crumple. His hands on your ass are doing a fine job of keeping you up as he circles your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your hand is fisting his hair and you’re pulling so hard you think you might hurt him, but judging from the depraved sounds that are coursing through your pussy, you don’t think it matters to him. He keeps you like this for what feels like forever, teasing your clit with his tongue until you’re practically grinding onto his face. 
“Joel… fuck, oh my god, I’m so close, please…” You beg. 
“Please what?” 
“Make me cum.” 
He wastes no time. He does exactly what he used to do all those years ago. He pushes two of his fingers into your weeping pussy, curling them in just the right way that you’re keening at him, shallow breaths heaving through your chest as his lips suction around your clit. It’s too much. It’s always been too much. Before you know it, your legs are shaking and cries of “JoelJoelJoel…” are falling from your lips as he works you through the first orgasm you’ve had since you last saw him.
He presses kisses to your inner thigh, rubbing his stubble on your skin to wipe off most of your slick before he’s standing. There’s concern in his eyes because you’re crying. Genuine tears of happiness that the man you had wanted all along really was here and was still able to pull earth-shattering orgasms from you like it was nothing. 
“I’m okay,” You reassure him, “Just happy.” 
He kisses you and the taste of yourself on his lips is sinful. You drink the taste of yourself from him, letting your palm run over the growing bulge at the front of his jeans, “You going to fuck me, Miller?” You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes. 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
He’s turned you around now, the front of your body pressed against the railings. You can see the whole world in front of you. The sun just beginning to set, the wind rustling the trees, and Jackson out in the distance. You hear Joel undoing his belt buckle and the sound of his zipper being pulled down. Then you feel his skin against your own, the hardness of his cock pressing into your ass. He takes a moment to push his fingers back inside you, gathering your slick which he then uses to coat his own length, before he’s lining up to you and gently pushing himself inside. 
If you thought the feeling of his mouth had been a relief, it was nothing compared to this. He had always been a snug fit inside you, the friction of his size sending tingles up your spine as he slowly edged himself inside you. He’d never fucked you bare before, too risky, but now you didn’t care. You could feel all of him inside you and it was like you’d never been apart. Fit right back together like two pieces of a puzzle. 
He starts thrusting into you in earnest, clearly as overcome with the feeling of being back inside you as he always had been, “Fuckin’ hell darlin’, you’ve not changed a bit,” He pulls you flush against his chest, one hand resting at your throat, the other wrapped across your lower belly, mouth right against your ear, “Still fit me like a glove.” 
“Oh Joel,” You moan, hands gripping the railing in front of you, “Harder, please.” You beg. 
He obliges, just like he always has done, “Darlin’, I’m not gonna last much longer,” He breathes out, hand snaking down to your clit where he starts to rub tight circles around you, “Fuckin’ old man, I want to spend eternity buried inside you.” 
“Ohhh Joel, don’t stop,” Your head falls back against his shoulder, “I’m… ah! Oh god, I’m going…” 
“Go on, give me one more, always such a good girl for me.” 
You do just that, the tight circles he’s rubbing on your clit and the filth he’s whispering in your ear, topped off with how his cock is slipping in and out of you, has you screaming his name out into the world below you as your feel your pussy clench around his cock. He’s not far behind you, he pulls out of you just in time to paint your backside with thick ropes of his cum as he fists himself through his own orgasm. 
You fall forward, pressing your forehead into the railing whilst you catch your breath. Joel follows suit, his chest falling against your back whilst you both gather your thoughts. 
“I have to admit, this is not how I thought I’d fuck you after all these years.” He’s chuckling into your ear as you both stand up, aware that you need to start heading back soon. 
“We were never conventional Joel,” You smile as he hands you your clothes, “I’d have thought something was wrong if there was a comfy bed or I had to be extra quiet, so we didn’t wake anyone up.” 
The walk back to Jackson is much easier downhill than it was going up it earlier. The sun is almost set when the gates open for you both. Joel had been holding your hand the entire time and you’d expected that once you got back to the safety of the commune, he’d let it go, but he does the opposite. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, and you find your hand slipping into the back pocket of his jeans, just like his had up at the lodge. 
You can see Tommy in front of The Tipsy Bison, he looks like he’s seen a ghost at the two of you, claiming each other in front of everyone else. And then he’s cheering, confusion written on the faces of the people around him who don’t know your history. It’s reminiscent of high school and you bury your head in Joel’s shoulder to hide your embarrassment. Joel shrugs his shoulder, so you lift your head. 
“Not embarrassed to be seen with me, are you?” He’s joking, and you know it. 
“Never.” You smile, pressing a kiss to his lips for everyone to see. 
You’re done hiding from everyone else. Joel Miller was yours and you were his. No more secrets. 
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starlightandsouls · 1 year
Hand In Hand, We Live
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A/N: I cannot seem to get off the fluff train you guys, all the sweetness is rotting my brain. I hope you like this small thing. Do let me know what you think of my writing. Please please comment, it keeps me going
Takes place in the 1+1=4 universe but can be read as a standalone
Azriel POV...
There had been few things in his long, long life that had been able to bring Velaris’s infamous Shadowsinger to tears. His ruthless attitude and stoicism was what made Azriel so good at his job. There were few people who saw through that mask of his; his brothers, his mother. But even they were always kept at a distance. Then, you came into his life. And oh so slowly you began to chip away that cold exterior of his until he surrendered his heart to you completely.
And just when he had thought his life couldn’t possibly get any better, the Mother had blessed the two of them with twin children, Mikhail and Annalise, their little miracles. Not only because of how rare it was for Fae to conceive, but also because of the hardships they had faced afterwards, mainly Beron and his plotting, miserable ass. Thankfully, that pig had been disposed off soon after. With Eris as High Lord and his alliance with Rhysand, Azriel was assured that their children would grow up in a somewhat safer world.
Their little blessings were almost two years old now, the darlings of not only their parents but also of the entire Inner Circle. Therefore, they were no less spoilt. Like today, Mikhail has been whisked off with Cassian and Rhysand. The two of them often kidnapped their children to buy them more toys than they had space to keep. Anna, however, had been a little moody today, unwilling to go with the uncles she usually doted on. Like her father, she was often overwhelmed with people and needed time to recharge. Since he had nothing to do for the day, he had stayed home with his daughter, even sending you off for some shopping with Feyre and Nesta, knowing you also deserved some time to relax.
Now, as we return to the matter at hand, Azriel rarely cried. The last time he remembered crying was at his mating ceremony and then when his precious children were born. The most recent case of tears, it seemed, would take place today.
After bathing her and feeding her, he had taken her to his room to try and get her to sleep. His little angel seemed particularly restless today. So now Azriel was sitting against the headboard in bed, with his knees pulled up and Anna's back resting against them. No matter, how much time passed he was still amazed by his children, unable to believe that someone like him would be blessed by such perfect miracles. Every time he held Mikhail or looked into Anna’s eyes he teared up.
As he cooed at Anna’s babbles, he tickled her tummy which caused her to erupt into a fit of giggles, the sound more beautiful to him than any symphony ever could be. As he laughed along her, Anna grabbed his hand in hers. The sight made his breath catch. Anytime he saw his marred hands against her smooth, soft skin, he felt like collapsing. The memory of what he had done his entire life resurfaced as he held such innocent children in his arms.
He’s pulled back from his memories as Anna ran her hand across the scars and ridges that riddled his hands; the hideous sight not deterring her one bit. She pulled his hand up with both of hers, turning it over as if seeing it for the first time. Completing her inspection, she put his hand up against her face and rested her hand against his palm, all the time smiling up at him.
Her glistening hazel eyes, mirroring his own, gazing up at him with that gorgeous smile of hers, was enough to bring Azriel to tears. His heart had never felt as full as it did now. He had hated his hands his entire life, finding them too ugly, too sinful to ever accept. Regardless of what his family and his mate had worked to reassure him over the long time he had known them, Azriel still harboured some resentment for his burnt hands. But in this moment, he could swear he had never loved them more than he did now, with his daughter resting against them.
Seeing her father’s tears rolling freely down his face, Anna flicked her head to the side, trying to figure out what was ailing her dad. Being unable to understand, she took matters into her own hands, and crawled over on her father’s chest. Reaching him, she wiped her tiny hands on his face, rubbing away any tears left. Anna then once again smiled up at him, feeling proud of her work. Azriel only shook his head, and pulled her against his chest.
You had come home to find both father and daughter snuggled up together, fast asleep. And when Mikhail returned, the two of you joined them as well. With his family in his arms, what more could Azriel want.
The next time little Anna made her father cry was when she had turned eight. Even still so young, both his children were exceptionally bright, a fact he took much pride in. Both had their own hobbies that they loved partaking in.
They were currently at the House of Wind, visiting Nesta and Cassian. Mikhail was off play wrestling with Cass while Anna was busy being doted on by her Aunts. Just as he was about to go find Rhysand, Anna ran over to where he was sitting and jumped to his lap.
“Dada I made you something,” Annalise said, gazing up at him with her big, doe eyes, her sweet smile adorning her face.
“Did you, my little star?” he offered in return. Anna nodded her head as she went on,
“I made them with Auntie Gwyn.”
From the pocket of her jacket, she then procures two friendship bracelets. Both of them were identical, consisting of blue (presumably for his siphons) and pink, which was Annalise’s favourite colour. She took his hand in his and tied it around his wrist, putting her own on as well.
Anna then took his hand and put it side by side with hers, admiring her work.
“See, Dada. Now we’re the same,” his little angel said, as if the most obvious thing in the world.
Azriel only wiped away his tears and gave his Anna a reassuring smile,
And the simple statement from his innocent, brilliant daughter was enough to bring tears to his eyes. It was shocking to Azriel how his children found his scars to be as much a part of him as anything else, never finding them hideous or scary. It was true as well. Little Anna had never found them ugly at all. And there was a simple reason for it as well; to her they were just her father’s hands. The same hands which would comfort her during a thunderstorm, the same hands which taught her how to walk and then fly, the same hands that helped her tickle her brother whenever they all sat together. Deep down she knew, even then, that those hands would be the first to catch her whenever she would stumble in life.
“Yes, darling. We’re the same.”
From that day onwards, Azriel wore that bracelet that his daughter made for him every single day. To trainings to meetings to dinners to missions. It was a reminder of his family that waited for him at home, of his daughter who he loved more than his own life. It was a rather disconcerting sight; seeing the feared Shadowsinger wear around a pink bracelet. But the few idiots who had ever questioned him about it, now warned everyone else. Because no one made fun of his daughter’s work and got away with it.
So Azriel continued wearing it, often taking it to Gwyn for repairs when the threads started to fray, because he trusted no one but the expert with this precious item. Seeing it on his wrist everyday would remind him of the unconditional love his children had for him, and the eternal devotion he had to them. Anna and Mikhail taking his hand in theirs for comfort made him slowly let go of his resentment of his scars. Hand in hand, he learned to love and accept them, forever grateful for you and their children for teaching him that everyone deserved to be loved; even the scarred and broken.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Summary: After almost dying at a crime scene, Commander Thorn realizes that things need to change.
Pairing: Commander Thorn x Reader
Word Count: 2173
Warnings: Canon typical violence, Reader gets Blown up, mentions of a crime scene
Mando'a used: verd'ika - lit. little soldier
A/N: I've been meaning to write for Thorn for, like, weeks now. But I finally had an idea.
Divider by saradika
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In an ideal universe, you would never have to work a day in your life. You would be able to stay home, and spend your time writing novels, or painting pictures, or crocheting blankets, and you’d never have to worry about food or power or rent.
However, you don’t live in an ideal universe.
You live here, on Coruscant, which means that five days a week, you have to drag yourself out of bed, shower, brush your teeth, and put on your uniform for another 8 hour day of hell.
Also known as work.
And you, the clever person that you are, decided to major in Forensics. Which meant that not only do you have to drag yourself to work every morning, you also have to see the absolute worst of people every day.
Sometimes when you close your eyes, all you see are blood spatters and burn patterns and bullet trajectories. Those are the good days.
You don’t have many good days.
There is a reason that people in your line of work rarely last more than 10 years. Especially on Coruscant. 
You exhale slowly and press the palms of your hands against your eyes. You’ve been working close to ten hours, less than halfway through a double, that was probably going to turn into a triple, and you’re already so done with the day that you kind of want to cry.
You’re hungry, and tired, and you still have six hours before the next shift is supposed to roll in, and you have to start the DNA analysis from three different cases, and run the fingerprints from last night-
You look up when there’s a knock on the door, “It’s open.”
Your office door slides open, and you tiredly look up at the man who steps into the room, “You look like shit, verd’ika.” Commander Thorn says as he steps into the room, a teasing grin on his lips.
“Please tell me you didn’t just walk your happy ass all the way from the Corrie Bullpen to my office just to insult me?” You ask as you rest your chin on the palm of your hand as you half-heartedly glare at the handsome man who has made it his life's mission to make your life more difficult.
“I would never,” Commander Thorn replies as he presses the button to shut your office door, and lazily drops into a chair across from your desk.
“Oh, please, have a seat.” You say snarkily.
“Thanks, I think I will.” He counters cheerfully, as he slumps even further down the chair with a wide grin.
You close your eyes, and forcefully stamp down on your growing ire, it’s not his fault that you’re exhausted, and it’s not right to take it out on him. Especially since you actually enjoy his company, “Is there something you needed, Commander?”
“How long have we worked together, verd’ika?” He asks, dragging the nickname out obnoxiously. 
“I don’t…2 years, give or take?” You say with a shake of your head.
“Long enough that you should just call me by my name,” He says mildly, and he frowns when you curl in on yourself as though he yelled at you. He sits up and leans forward slightly, his sharp eyes scanning your face for a moment, and his scowl deepens, “How many hours have you been working?”
You glance at your chrono and sigh, “a little more than 10 hours. I’m working a double today…maybe a triple.” You tiredly rub your eyes, “What did you need, Commander Thorn?”
“...we have a case.” He says quietly, a look of guilt crossing his face as you utter an exhausted curse, “No one else is available for field work.”
“It’s fine, this is my job after all. Just let me grab my keys and I’ll meet you there. Send me the location?” You ask, as you get to your feet and grab your jacket off the back of your chair.
Thorn says nothing for a moment, and then he releases a deep sigh, and you hear the sound of some typing, “I’ll see you there. It’s just going to be the two of us, for now.”
“Alright, I’ll see you there.”
30 minutes later, you pull up in front of a run down building. The building itself is taped off, and Thorn is waiting for you with his arms crossed over his chest. You park near his speeder, and slip out of your jeep, having to essentially fall out of your van due to its height.
“Nice of you to join me,” Thorn teases lightly, though there’s tension in his shoulders and his hand rests on his blaster, “So we have a body.”
“It’s almost always a body in this part of Coruscant,” You reply as you pull your kit out of the back of your van, “You suspect foul play?”
“The person who called it in claimed that they witnessed a murder,” Thorn replies as he scans his datapad, “I have some shinies canvassing the area, looking for the witness.”
“Is that why you’re so tense?” You ask.
“You’ve had your hand on your blaster like you’re expecting someone to jump out and start shooting at us.” You explain as you press the button that closes the trunk door.
“Just…a bad feeling, verd’ika.” His voice is tight, “I’m going to be staying close for now.”
You eye him for a moment, and then nod slowly, “If that will make you feel more comfortable.” You finally reply, “Is the body inside?”
“Yeah. The shinies cleared the house before you got here.” Thorn says, “At first blush, it looks like an execution.”
You flash him the smallest of smiles, “If you say so, then that’s probably what happened. But I’ll check anyway.”
“Ah, verd’ika, when you say stuff like that it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” Thorn teases flirtatiously, and you know that if he wasn’t wearing his helmet, he’d be smirking at you, in spite of the tension running through his body.
You pull your gloves on and shoot him a look, “You know that you’re probably right. I just need to verify it for legal reasons.” You shake your head and take half a step towards the house, “I assume I’m free to enter?”
“Yep, the scene is yours.”
You nod at him, and grab your camera, and slowly make your way into the house, taking pictures as you go. You snap a series of photos of the victim, a woman, likely in her 70s. True to what Thorn told you, she had two bullet holes in her head.
“If the execution was what killed her,” You say to Thorn, “She wasn’t killed here. There’s not nearly enough blood.”
Thorn is somehow even more tense than he was outside as he makes a note on his datapad, “Anything else?”
“Give me a minute,” You reply, standing and moving around to the other side. You look over the victim, and then tilt your head when you notice something strange. “Huh. What’s this then?” You murmur, more to yourself then Thorn as you reach out and adjust the thick jacket the victim was wearing. Your hand presses against something hard, and metal, and you hear a click that makes your blood freeze, and you slam your hand down on the victim’s chest. 
“I think there’s a bomb.” You say, turning panicked eyes up towards Thorn.
Thorn swears and tosses his datapad out the front door, and crosses the room to kneel across from you. He scans the body, and then swears again, “It is.” He confirms, “It looks like a pressure plate.”
“Sorry.” You whisper, “You should probably-”
“If you think I’m leaving you here, alone, with a bomb then you don’t know me well at all,” His voice is sharp, and for a moment you hate that he’s wearing his helmet, because seeing his face would offer you a little comfort. “Okay. Disarming the bomb isn’t possible, not now that it’s been triggered,” Thorn explains as he stands and walks around the body until he’s behind you.
“So what do we do?” You ask, glancing over your shoulder as he turns a thick table onto it’s side and moves it so it’s nearly pressed against your back.
“You are going to sit there,” Thorn replies, moving so he’s behind the table, and then reaching over the table and grabbing you under the arms, “Verd’ika?”
“This is going to hurt.” Is the only warning he gives, as he tightens his grip and pulls, jerking you away from the bomb, and over the table, and covering you with his own body in one smooth motion that he’s had to have practiced before.
The bomb detonates at the exact same time, and the last thing you remember, clearly, is the pain the Thorn warned you about.
You wake to the sound of a heart monitor beeping annoyingly in your ear. You slowly blink the sleep out of your eyes, and you can taste bacta on your lips. 
You half expect to be in the hospital, but you’re also not really surprised to see that you’re in the Guard’s Medbay. Slowly you try to sit up, only to stop when gentle hands press against your shoulders, laying you back. “You’re not supposed to move, verd’ika.”
“Thorn?” You quickly look him over, he’s wearing casual clothes, rather than his armor, which means you can see the bruises covering his arms, “Are you okay?” You ask.
“Me? Yeah, a couple of bruises. A minor concussion.” Thorn waves away his injuries as unimportant, “How are you feeling? You’ve been in a bacta tank for two days.”
“Pretty good, all things considered.” You lightly take his hand and squeeze it, “I thought that I would be in the hospital?”
“Yeah, well…” There’s something grim on Thorn’s face, “Someone put a hit on you.”
“You’re very good at what you do,” Thorn replies, “We moved you from the hospital when one of the nurses tried to kill you.”
“I don’t…why?”
“You’re very good at what you do, cyar’ika.” Thorn says with a sigh, “You’re being moved into protective custody until we can figure out who’s trying to kill you.” He lightly takes your hand and squeezes your fingers, “I’m afraid you’re not going to have much privacy for a bit.”
You lay in the bed, thinking on his words, “Am I being forced to leave Coruscant?” You ask.
“No. You’re being moved into protective custody under the care of the Coruscant Guard. Well, to be more specific, we’re being moved into protective custody.” Thorn explains.
“Ah, you got stuck with babysitting duty.”
“I volunteered, cyar’ika.” Thorn replies, “You almost died because I didn’t do my due diligence.”
“It’s not your-”
“It is my fault. If I had done my damned job, the bomb would have been disarmed before you even arrived on scene.” Thorn interrupts, “So, I’m afraid you’re going to be stuck with me for a while.”
You sigh quietly, “It’s not that much of a hardship,” You murmur, “When I’m not working, I actually like spending time with you.”
He laughs quietly, and slowly releases your fingers to brush his fingers against your cheek, and you turn your head into his touch. “You know I only bother you as much as I do because I want you to look at me, right?” He asks quietly.
You smile gently, “I’m looking now, Thorn.”
His fingers pause, mid stroke, and his gaze locks with yours, “Yeah. I guess you are. And…do you like what you see?” Thorn asks, something hesitant in his voice.
“Always did.”
“You never said anything.”
“You never come to talk to me alone when we’re not working,” You reply, “Or I would have.”
A look of amusement crosses his face, “I didn’t know that you’re shy.”
“I didn’t either,” You admit with a laugh, “Just about this one thing, I guess.”
You fall into a comfortable silence, with his fingers gentle on your cheek. “Cyar’ika,” He says slowly, “Do you know what that means?”
“Something less insulting than verd’ika, I hope.”
“It means sweetheart.”
“Oh, that’s much nicer than being called Little Soldier.” You joke lightly.
He laughs quietly, and his thumb lightly ghosts across your lips, “Can I kiss you, cyar’ika?”
“I’m in a hospital bed and covered in bacta.” You reply.
“That’s not a no,”
You smile at him, “Yes, Thorn. You can kiss me.”
He flashes an almost blinding grin, and then he leans in and gently presses his lips against yours. His kiss is so breathtakingly gentle that you’re helpless to do anything more than let out a quiet whine into the kiss.
He breaks the kiss, and lays his arms on the bed and then he lays his chin on his folded arms, a grin on his lips, as he looks at you with a lovesick look on his face. And all you can do is blush and try to pull the blanket up over your head.
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dazais-guardian-angel · 2 months
Flying Too Close To the Moon (a Baizhu character analysis)
Over a year ago now, in February of 2023, Genshin Impact's twitter account posted about a certain green-haired doctor from Liyue with a snake, announcing that he was at long last going to become playable. *narrator voice* Little did I know at that point just how much my life was going to be ruined changed by this man, something I never could have fathomed in all my time of playing before.
Today, by the time of Baizhu's birthday, almost a year since his release, he has never left my team and is one of my ultimate comfort characters... and at the same time, paradoxically, fills me with such intense feelings of dread, if I ever think just a little too hard about him for a little too long.
This is my experience with him.
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From the beginning, I wasn't one of the people who had been anxiously awaiting for Baizhu's release. I'd always been curious about him, and thought he was beautiful (but lol who in this game isn't?), but there was practically nothing to know, and he appeared so little, so not being an existing fan, I didn't think much about him compared to other more prominent characters. With that first drip marketing, however, I was suddenly instantly intrigued:
"Regrettably, Baizhu cannot save all his patients — himself, for example. Herbalist Gui has mentioned that Baizhu's physical condition is extremely poor, and he often has to go back to his residence to rest after seeing patients. Even so, his smile never falters while in front of people. When Gui asked him about this, he replied, "If the doctor looks sick himself, how can his patients face their illnesses with confidence?" Day after day, Baizhu heals his patients. His ever-present smile hides the numerous bitter medicines he takes and the pain he suffers alone."
What's this, Baizhu is a doctor who is also sick himself? He has a chronic illness?? Finally I have a disabled character in a video game I can play as and relate to??? Not to mention the DELICIOUS angst potential the (absolutely devastating) last sentence held. Unfortunately, because my lazy ass rarely ever talks to npcs outside of quests, I was completely unaware of this very important little fact about Baizhu, learned via Herbalist Gui that had been in the game since literally 1.0, but to say that I was excited upon finally learning it now was an understatement. This changed everything, turning a character I had previously only had a passing interest in into someone I felt like I might be able to connect with, and a character I could truly call my own. Previously, my favorite Genshin character was Zhongli — he was my very first limited 5* and I started the game pretty much because I was interested in him lol — but just from this short summary alone, I had a strong feeling that Baizhu had the potential to surpass him, and become my new favorite.
My initial impressions from everything we knew about Baizhu pre-release (for how little that was) were that he was a kind, selfless doctor who didn't want others to see his weakness, but in secret was striving for immortality in order to save his own life from his severe illness. Qiqi seemed to be someone he observes to further his research in gaining said immortality, but his love and care for her still feels sincere, although he can never properly convey this in words because, to me at least, he's keeping himself at a distance from her and others so as to not hurt them too much if he passed away. Baizhu tearing out Qiqi's journal entry about him being a good person so that she doesn't dwell on and remember such things about him seemed to support this, as well.
Upon release, we also had Dainsleif's lines about Baizhu in his collected miscellany video, which made me emotional as well: Dain, someone who is cursed with and suffers daily from immortality that he never asked for, respects Baizhu's desire for immortality himself, because for him it would be freedom from the pain and suffering he already experiences, seemingly. Most people want immortality for selfish reasons, but for Baizhu, I thought, it's out of a desire to save his very life, and in turn save more people as a doctor in the future. It's human, understandable, and the mark of an incredibly caring and altruistic person, and Baizhu wanting to heal himself is something to be sympathized with, especially if you can relate to his pain.
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This part in particular from his demo was so powerful to me: the defiance of his fate, of his death, and the display of his continued strength of will and resolve, and even skill in battle, no matter how physically weak he may be. Though he still has his doubts and his guilt, here he says "I will not die, I will beat the odds, and no one can decide my fate for me, nor can they shake my resolve."
All of this only made me love him more and more. I was hoping we would get to see his insecurities and fears about his condition and his possible fate, and that he would learn to allow himself to be cared for by those who loved him — to realize at least a little bit more that he will never be a burden on others, because the guilt over such things is all too real for someone with a disability or chronic illness. His non-spoiler voice lines were so comforting and hopeful, and I wanted his story to be hopeful as well, without going as far as to magically cure him like what unfortunately happened with Collei.
That was what I wanted. More or less, that was what I expected, especially with the copious other examples of the "overworked character learns they need to take a break and feel supported by the traveler" storyline in Genshin insert the waifu baizhu (waifzhu?) jokes here.
And then, I played Baizhu's story quest.
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.....No image in the world can fully sum up exactly how I felt after that, but, well, I think Paimon here is the closest I can get.
I still remember it like it was yesterday. I remember standing there, at the bottom of the steps leading up to the pharmacy where the end of the quest left me, not knowing how to feel. Feeling completely numb. Feeling like I'd just gotten punched in the gut a million times over. Feeling sick. Call me overdramatic, too overly attached to fiction, whatever, but no words can possibly convey just how much the revelations about Baizhu in his quest fucked me up. I did not feel good for quite a few days after playing it, as it haunted me, as I turned it over and over again in my mind. Not just the information given itself, but how it was given; the entire tone of it all. At some point I was finally able to make myself cry, and it was only then that I felt at least marginally better. But I'd be lying if I said that I've ever truly and fully processed and let sunk in everything to do with Baizhu, even a year later.... and I doubt that I ever will.
Don't get me wrong: Baizhu's story quest is without a doubt one of the best story quests in the game so far, and that's not at all bias speaking. It's short, to the point, uses npcs effectively and in a way that helps develop the main character instead of taking all the spotlight over them, and it leaves setup for more story in the future. For a Baizhu fan, it's the best quality one could ask for. It's the most we've ever learned about him, the most screentime he's ever had, and it emotionally and tenderly shows exactly what kind of person he is, and why he is the way he is, and does the things he does.
It's also absolutely horrific, and to this day I'm still not entirely certain exactly what message the writers wanted the player to take away from it by the end.
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The quest introduces us to a boy and his father, Ayu and Jialiang, the latter of whom Baizhu wishes to treat, partly as a personal favor to his late master and to said master's other past disciple, the mother of the family, Jiangli. Through Baizhu's handling of their case, and talking to Hu Tao, we learn that Baizhu is not only obsessed with attaining immortality, but that he supposedly uses less-than-reputable methods to heal patients, methods that he keeps tightly under wraps. This, along with all the strange research he does that seemingly has nothing to do with the medical field, has given him a suspicious reputation — the game subtly lampshading the fandom seeing him as nothing more than a sketchy snake doctor ever since the beginning — but no one has ever been able to dig deep enough to find any proof that he has any ulterior motives, not even Yelan; thus, the ultimate consensus is that he truly must be nothing more than a kind and benevolent doctor who has his patients' best interests at heart, no matter what else he's doing in the background. Upon Baizhu treating Jialiang for the first time, however, we’re directly confronted with this secret, dubious healing method he uses, and what exactly it means for Baizhu, as with all the masters that came before him.
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To say my stomach dropped here would be an understatement, because I knew exactly what this meant. And sure enough, not a few minutes later in the quest, we get the dreaded truth:
Baizhu’s poor physical condition is not from natural causes; rather, he is as weak as he is because he’s made himself that way. Changsheng is a former adeptus he made a contract with, that allows the host to transfer some of their own life force from themselves to someone else, using Changsheng as the conduit. The contract is meant to strengthen the body of the host and extend their lifespan, however these advantages effects are outweighed by Baizhu, and all his predecessors before him, repeatedly giving away their life force to heal others, causing them to become frail and inevitably die young. The contract has always been used in this way, and all of its prior users all met the same untimely end; Baizhu is at no less risk of that.... which is why he wants to become immortal, so he can continue to heal people with the forbidden arte without fear of death.
This would already be a Lot as it is. Trading away one's life force to save another isn't exactly a brand new trope, but the idea of a doctor doing it over and over again to save lives when all else fails, even to the detriment of their own body.... It's the ultimate act of selflessness, of kindness, of sacrifice. It's touching. It's laudable. It's devastating, to a degree one can't even imagine.
Because Baizhu doesn't just stop there, as we find out at the end of the quest.
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How do you expect me to read this—
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and additionally this—
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and also this...
...and not have it occupy my mind 24/7, sending me in a downward never-ending spiral of existential horror, for all of eternity?? just like Baizhu himself—
While it's heavily implied that all the contract users prior to Baizhu only ("only") used it one-way, to give their own life force to others, Baizhu has taken it a step further, and also been using Changsheng to transfer his patients' diseases and illnesses onto himself. This likely is a more effective way of "curing" some of them entirely, instead of simply delaying their symptoms' worsening with more life force, although he cannot take on the worst of them/terminal illnesses of course. But he has taken on so, so many, so many diseases and so many symptoms, all compounding and blending together to the point that Jiangli, another doctor just as skilled as Baizhu, cannot even distinguish them all or recognize some of them, that he might as well be terminal. Not only does Baizhu do this for the sake of his patients, but he's also using his body as a human petri dish, testing different diseases and poisons on himself to see how they interact with each other, both to create more effective medicines and understand the mechanisms of the human body better, and to perhaps find the secret to immortality.
This reveal at the end of the quest is presented as an awe-inspiring, poignant twist, that's meant to make you see Baizhu in a brand-new light. The animated cutscene is tear-jerking, bittersweet, yet beautiful, as we finally come to understand the full scope of just who Doctor Baizhu is, just how truly pure and selfless he is, and just how much he has sacrificed, and plans to sacrifice forevermore. Many people who weren't fans of Baizhu or were neutral on him had their minds completely changed upon this bombshell being dropped, it rightfully clearing away any and all misunderstandings about him somehow being a bad person, and fostering newfound respect for him. That's the best word to use for how the game portrays all this: respectable. Baizhu's situation is tragic, but his actions are nevertheless shown and seen as beautiful, and admirable. His self-sacrifice is to be praised, and honored, because he is doing it for the good of so many others, because his heart is just that big, and that caring. It's bittersweet, but Baizhu is determined, and we should respect his resolve.
But should we really?
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Yelan would disagree, I believe. Which is ironic, considering that in her own story quest, Baizhu transfers poison into himself from Uncle Tian with her there, and she is none the wiser.
Just... really stop and think about the implications of what Baizhu is doing to himself, and the life he lives. Try to imagine it, how it would feel, to be inundated with that many diseases and toxins, to the point that all of your internal organs are diseased; to the point that you have every symptom imaginable, sometimes all at once. Now, take that, and imagine living that kind of hell with it progressively worsening, for all of eternity, as Baizhu wants to do.
You can't fathom it. To say that it's beyond human comprehension is an understatement. And yet, that is Baizhu's reality, every single day, and if he has his way, for the rest of time.
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This is not okay.
What truly frightens me about Baizhu, is how.... empty he feels. He is kind, gentle, nurturing, and a bit flamboyant and mischievous at times, but he has essentially no personality traits or life outside of "being a doctor". All of his voicelines involve him giving health advice, or looking after us or others, or discussing the troubles he encounters in the medical field, or his hobbies, which involve... making medicine. While there's nothing wrong per se with a doctor truly enjoying their job — it's what makes Baizhu such a good caretaker, after all — their life and personality never revolves entirely around that. People have their own lives outside of their professions, that don't involve said professions, even the most enthusiastic and genuine of workers. But Baizhu..... doesn't have anything else. For Baizhu, being a doctor is all that he is.
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Nothing is more subtly chilling than this joke Changsheng makes (that gets reinforced by Paimon later), where she calls Baizhu her "mannequin" — and especially the way that Baizhu doesn't comment on it at all, merely continuing to look like a guilty child getting scolded for being reckless. Because a mannequin is an eerily accurate description of Baizhu: he is not a person of his own, but merely a vessel for her power. "Baizhu" does not exist outside of his role as a healer; he has no other life, no other aspirations, no other joys and things to care about, nothing. Even though he's a pillar in Liyue Harbor that is beloved by the community, especially by the children, he's also in a sense practically a ghost: he is never seen outside of taking care of people in some way, because he never lets anyone see him at his sickest, and he has no sense of self outside of that role as a doctor. He is distanced from everyone, almost as though he was already immortal.... he could die at any time, frighteningly easily, and to him, no one would notice or care. As depressing as it is, even Qiqi, a literal zombie, is more alive and has a much more fulfilling life at this point than Baizhu does.
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Many of Baizhu's voicelines are dripping with casual self-deprecation, and others with extreme hypocrisy, where he will express frustration and disappointment at others not being diligent in taking care of themselves, completely oblivious to his own extreme levels of self-harm and self-sacrifice. Of course, as mentioned earlier, feelings of inadequacy and being a burden are tragically not unusual for someone with significant health problems, but it goes far, far beyond this for Baizhu, before he was ever ill — all the way back to his childhood. Baizhu's hometown was struck by a plague when he was young, from which he was seemingly one of the only survivors, and his obsession with wanting to save each and every life he comes across that needs saving, no matter the cost to himself, is likely born from the trauma and extreme survivor's guilt that the event instilled in him. It was during this plague that he encountered his former master, and in training under and being influenced by him, he adopted these harmful mentalities (through no fault of his or his master, to be clear), without ever being given any other way to cope with his pain, other than to do everything in his power to never let anyone else die ever again.
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Again, Yanfei sums it up best.
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The true tragedy of Baizhu is that, although he wholeheartedly agrees with his late master's sentiment, and truly believes that he himself is headed down a different path from his predecessors, at the end of the day, he is no different from them, nor is his chosen path any different from theirs. As he states, those with the most altruistic and purest of hearts are the ones seduced by the contract, and he, too, has fallen victim to Changsheng's siren song: the allure of reaching beyond human means to prevent death. He believes he has found the solution to the conundrum of saving both the world at large and the one doing the saving, but he's merely fallen into the trap just like all the others: even if he doesn't die, he is still sacrificing himself, cursing himself to a fate unimaginably worse than death itself. After all, as he says, the contract can't erase pain from the world entirely, but merely transfer it from one place to another, and Baizhu is living proof of that. If his master could see what he's doing, he most definitely would be heartbroken at the "answer" Baizhu has found, because a life isn't saved if it's merely surviving, and not living.
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All of this began from Baizhu, selfless and benevolent as he is, wishing to save a snake. Changsheng is a dear friend, a being so closely intertwined with his very soul, and his closest connection to his late master, and yet she is also the very thing that's killing him, and will inevitably be his doom, in whichever way that comes. Baizhu being who he is means he will never abandon her, and Changsheng will never leave him as well, her worry over the fate of her host overwhelmed by her fear of death and her desire to live on, which is how the contract has persisted for six generations. It is a toxic bond, and yet their care for each other is too great, both parties accepting the misery that awaits them. Changsheng knows that any of the cycles could be her last, but cannot help but seek out new ones in order to continue living — and Baizhu intends to make that "last" be a reality, by living forever, to make sure that Changsheng will also never die, but also that no one else can take on the contract after him. He wants his cake and to eat it too, wishing to save anyone and everyone — and he fully believes that he can. He believes that he is headed towards the light of the moon, escaping the flames of the sun.
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But the moon is still ever-so-far away regardless. Perhaps even impossible to reach, if Teyvat's sky truly is fake. No matter where he aims, even if he isn't burned, Baizhu is destined to fall eventually, if he keeps going the way he is. Many people have tried to warn him, to convince him that immortality isn't what he deserves, to convince him of how much he's loved... but Baizhu is too stubborn; too, ironically, selfish in his selflessness. He insists he has everything under control, that he won't let himself die... but how can anyone believe that, when all the signs suggest that he's already on death's door? And even if he does get his wish, and be granted immortality, will he truly be content like he thinks he will, endlessly suffering with only Changsheng by his side?
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I don't think the writers ever intended to glorify Baizhu's actions, or at least, I don't think it occurred to them that it could be read in that way. I do still mean it when I say he is one of the best-written characters in the game, because there is so much care given to him in his story quest and to his lore, even if, frustratingly and tragically, Hoyoverse as a whole doesn't seem to care about him at all. He's so fun to play as, and in isolation, it makes me very happy to have a canonically disabled playable character. But I'm also so, so haunted by him, and I think more people would be as well, if the game didn't gloss over the incredibly bleak reality of Baizhu and his symptoms due to the overall lighthearted tone of Genshin. I desperately need to see where they're going to take his arc, if they intend to at all, because there is so much potential for it, and right now it's very much up in the air. I don't want him to die, as I fear he's close to, but I need him to heal, and finally learn that he's done enough, and that he can finally, finally, stop. Stop torturing himself, and finally accept for himself all the love he's given others for so long now, and live. I want Baizhu to live more than anything, and not the way he is now, nor as a cursed immortal. I want him to live, and thrive, and truly, unapologetically, be himself (whoever that "Baizhu" is), and be happy.
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He already has someone worth living for, right here, aside from Changsheng. He has a daughter, a family, who love him, not to mention an entire city, and and I dearly wish he could realize that. I wish he could know how comforting he is to me and so many others, and how important he is to us, not because of what he can do, but because of his beautiful heart. 💔
Happy Birthday, Baizhu. Thank you for being such an incredible healer on my team, and I hope we'll see you in Chenyu Vale one day :')💚
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ghostly-wisp · 1 year
[series masterlist] [chapter 2] [chapter 3]
in which, the newly divorced teacher across the hall from you is more charming than you expected.
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“Hey, have you introduced yourself to the new guy?” Asks your co-worker, and best friend, Sam. The two of you sharing lunch in solidarity of your classroom. Most of the time, the lunch wave was spent between the two of you talking about crazy things students said or airing out problems either of you had with other co-workers. Today, it seemed like it was going to be about the new science teacher that everyone and their mom was obsessed with. 
Mr. Pascal transferred to your school just this year, replacing the old science teacher that retired the previous year. From what you understood from students, along with some teacher, he was an absolute heart throb. You were lucky enough to have your classroom across from his, so you’ve seen him a few times — but you never got a chance to actually speak to him yet. “No,” you reply. “I’ve been meaning to, though. Is he nice?” 
Sam nods, taking a bite of their salad while leaning back in the uncomfortable spinny-chair. “I thought so. We talked briefly, I asked him how long hes been teaching and why he moved here n’ such.” they hum, “I think I made him uncomfortable.”
“How would you have done that?” Sam for the most part, in front of other adults – lacks a certain filter, though you would still have expected longer before Sam would say something to make the new guy uncomfortable. “When I asked about why he moved here, he told me it was his recent divorce.. I think she cheated on him or something, he wasn’t excited to talk about it.” 
“Most people wouldn’t be,”
“Hey! In my defense, I thought he was just going to say the pay was higher or something! Not my wife left me!” after a moment of silence, Sam continues. “How haven’t you introduced yourself yet? He’s right across the hall from you.” To which you shrug, “I just haven’t had the time yet. Things are so busy, the year just started.” 
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For the rest of the day, Sam’s words stick with you. Hes right across the hall, and you haven’t had the decency to even say hello to him. Though, you wonder if he was really bothered by it, maybe he would introduce himself to you by now.
The last five minutes before the bell rings is normally an unproductive time, students are packed up and standing by the door, so you never actually continue “bell-to-bell” teaching philosophy, it just doesn’t work out, and if you’re being fair, you’re far too tired at the end of the day too. “Miss,” one of your students says, breaking out of your concentration to the computer screen, you turn to see what the student might want, to your surprise, they only point to the teacher in your doorframe, Mr. Pascal. 
“Sorry to bother you,” He says, his voice is deeper than you imagined it to be. Catching you by surprise just a little bit, “I need to print some things, and I can’t quite get the grasp on how to work the one down the hall. Can you help me out?” 
The printer was a tricky thing, theres a card swipe, password, authorization and then how many you want printed. To anyone who doesn’t quite know how to work it – you had a difficult time when you first started. 
“Yeah, its a major pain in the–” you cut yourself off, realizing that you’re still in the presence of teenagers, and while “ass” is not really a “bad word” and they most definitely say worse things, you still have to watch your mouth. You stand and make your way out of the classroom, making sure you had your lanyard. “Have you sent the papers to the printer?” you ask, to which he nods. “It’s just not showing on the little screen thing.” 
The printer isn’t that far of a walk, but it feels like it was one hundred miles. Especially since the silence between you two. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” you say after the tension proved to be too much for you, “I’ve heard a lot about you.” The printer seems like its getting further away rather than closer. Though he chuckles at your comment, “Good things, I hope.” 
“You can say that.” 
Another chuckle, followed by “My name is Pedro, it’s very nice to meet you, officially.” 
You smile softly to him, as you get to the printer, finally. 
“Okay– swipe your card here, and then put in the code they gave you–the one on the back of your ID card.” He does as you say, and much to his relief, he finally saw the access granted. “The printers here are tricky, take a while to learn.” you laugh, watching him put in the number he needed, and listened to the printer whirl as it started to work. 
“At my old school, they just let us have printers in our room—I was very upset to learn that thats not allowed here. Unless you’re an art teacher.” 
“They don’t allow a lot of things, some teachers do it anyway. I keep a mini fridge hidden under my desk.” you laugh, “Sometimes, we’re no better than the students.” 
He hums, “I guess so. Though, it would be very hard for me to hide a printer under my desk.” to this, you nod. “I guess it would be.”
Hes a lot more attractive up close than when you’re standing across the hall from him, the grays in his beard compliment him nicely, which isn’t something that happens for most people very often. You also like his sense of style, the black button up paired with the dark blue tie, the dark dress pants with the slim belt he wore—you can’t deny that men who know how to dress themselves seem to be more attractive than most. You can see what everyone was saying, he was a heart throb. You can’t help but wonder, what kind of person would cheat on that. “Thank you so much,” he says, turning over to you. Its only now that you notice his tie is decorated with little planets and constellations. How appropriate for a science teacher. 
“Its no problem, let me know if you have any other problems, always happy to help.” 
“I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
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“So,” Sam says, their voice is sing-songy, like they’re trying to hide something they’re clearly excited about. “I heard that you and Mr. Pascal have been spending a lot of time together between classes, you’re not trying to replace me, are you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you laugh, grabbing a water from your mini fridge. “He’s new, he’s just needed help with a few things and I’m right across the hall.”
“Thats not what Jenny said!” Their tone is still playful, though they’re pointing their finger to you, accusatory. “Jenny doesn’t know me,” you respond. “She said we were dating when I first started here!” 
“Fair point.” Sam shifts in their chair, “So you haven’t been hanging out with him?”
“Well, not between classes, but I occasionally go into his classroom to help him with websites and such.” your smile is tight, you didn’t realize just how often you two had been sharing time in his classroom the past few weeks. “He’s really sweet, you know. I get why the students like him.”
“They like him because hes good looking.” Sam replies, you raise your hands, “I said what I said.”
Sam lets out a laugh, “So you’ve fallen into the ongoing list of people captivated by this man?” they ask, as if they weren’t pretty high on the list themselves. “Not that I’m one to talk.”
You shrug, “I dunno if I’d say I’m captivated. But I can admit hes very good looking,” if anyone was a winner of the genetic lottery – it was Florence Pugh and Mr. Pascal. “This is highly inappropriate talk for work,”  
Pedro was newly divorced, surely, the last thing on his mind would be the younger english teacher across the hall from him, right? Thats what you stuck to telling yourself. Every time you hovered over his chair while pointing out how to work the teacher-portal to the grading site or how you thought he was looking at you in the break room during quick conversations, even if he was looking for a relationship – there were plenty of single teachers closer to his age he would be more interested in. Like Jenny, who seemed to ruin your small moments in his room. 
“Thank you so much, Y/N. Seriously, I would be lost without you.” Pedro huffs, looking up to you, your triumphant smile evident, after many explanations and pointing, you finally taught him how to set up his smartboard screen to be different than his computer screen. “You flatter me, Pedro.” you tease. Going to take a seat back in the chair you had pulled up earlier. He smiles his normal soft, heart-warming smile – “So uh, I’ve been thinking –” 
“Ms. L/N!” Jens voice comes in, she sounds happy to see you, but anyone knew that was forced. As much as teachers are forced to come across as one big happy tight-knit family in front of students and parents, if you throw in 100 something people together, not everyone is going to get along. This just happens to be the case for you and Jen, or Jenny — luckily for you, she teaches art downstairs. So you rarely have to interact, but shes been spending a lot more time upstairs as of late. Unfortunate for you. “It’s so funny that I caught you here, I was just looking for you in your room. One of my students was talking about some assignment you posted, they got confused about it n’ I told them to talk to you, I had to talk to Mr. Pascal, so I walked with them up here, figured when you weren’t in your room this is where you’d be.” 
“Thanks, Jen.” you reply, slowly standing up, your attention turns back to Pedro, who seems upset that you’re leaving before he could finish what he had to say. “Hold that thought for me, okay?” he only nods in response, watching you walk out the door. It's too bad, too, he should really learn to close his classroom door whenever you come by, perhaps this way there would be less distraction, and less of Jenny.
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inactive02 · 1 year
the opportunity chapter 4
a/n: hey my fellow heimdall crusaders, i have made another chapter of this chaotic yet steamy serious. from here on this is where the good stuff starts to come wink wink but besides that im sorry it takes me a while to post i work on other things like drawings and edits too, which eventually i will post art of him.....eventually but for now enjoy this please.
warnings: just heimdall being heimdall, a little steamy, nothing else to warn you about you knew what were you getting yourself into when you clicked on this. IF THERE'S ANY MISTAKES MY BAD
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It was another calm afternoon on Asgard, Heimdall decided to wake up early for work, standing in the middle of his room getting dressed. As clouded as his thoughts were, he only thought about the day before when he apologized to you, even while being outside on top of the Asgard wall and observing the area. 
The wall is the only place where he can get a piece of mind with himself. These days weren’t busy for him, since Odin didn’t assign many things to him, you bother that man every thought. That look in your eye when you weren’t expecting an apology, he never saw that before. Speaking of you,  “I forgot she has sparring today” he tells himself, taking a long walk back to the elevator.
Maybe today he’ll decide not to be a total asshole to you, not yet though. Getting off the elevator, he went to the town's shopping plaza, going to where Odin made you set up after the move.
Coming to the front door of the shop, he opens the door and is greeted by a sight to see. You were talking to a very handsome customer, that mouth of yours was brandishing a good smile Heimdall hadn't seen in a while, and this guy…, this guy is making you smile easily. You’d smile at anything that can make you laugh.
“I didn’t know blacksmithing came with slacking off”
Heimdall being unannounced, you looked over seeing him “I didn’t know you were  coming this early”
“Well, If I can get you out of my hair for the rest of the day, then sure” he looks over at that male who was talking to you, being on Heimdall's level and looking at him with a bright smile, putting a nasty feeling in his stomach.
The male opens his mouth, “I'm kamur” he knows Heimdall since he’s seen him once or twice whenever he patrolled the plaza, kamur could tell the look on Heimdall's face that he couldn't care less what his name was, and turns his attention back to you.
“I will find you later, y/n” walking out of the shop to tend to his own shop next door, the watcher's eyes watched him leave.
“Now, if you are done with your play date, I’d like to go ahead and get this over with” you weren’t in the mood to waste his time in any way possible, coming around from behind the counter. You’d made sure to close up the shop before following behind him to take you wherever you two were going. The walk was silent until you decided to ask a question.
“Are we sparring like last time, my ass ending up on the floor?”
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you covered in mud, sunshine,” he said sarcastically, “but all father wouldn’t be happy about that” looking over his shoulder at you, you hate to admit it, but there were a few times this man puts a scare in you. Not only was it because he was bigger, but he also beat you in combat, of course, knowing damn near everything coming at him.
You could say it was admirable, you thought. Earning a hum of approval from the aesir, was he reading your mind again?
Brushing from your thoughts, you realized you were back at the lodge, on this training ground again. “Since you obviously aren’t ready for a weapon, we’ll start from the basics” you stood in front of him, only looking up slightly since the height difference wasn’t too big. “Throw a punch,” he told you, feeling like he was planning something, but you swung, testing your fate, and he caught your fist before it reached his face, giving you a slight smile.
“Is that how you really punch?”
“Well, I didn’t want to ruin your face more than it already is” his grip on your fist tightened, as he got closer to your face, him being this close allowed you to examine his face more. Seeing a few beauty marks, a five o'clock shadow, and those bifrost eyes he’s so famous for.
“Hit me as if I'm a threat to you, commoner” gazing into your eyes.
Letting go of your inflamed knuckles, he stood straight again looking at you with a scrunched expression, telling you to swing again, and you did.
Over and over, for probably hours in the day, him blocking your swings, Maybe even stepping back a little. It wasn’t to mock or tease you, just to make you learn, it makes you swing faster each time.
“How did you learn to fight?” you asked.
“You can't swing, and talk at the same time. Way out of your league” he keeps catching your fist that came at him with one hand.
“That doesn’t answer my question, Heimdall” your question was met by silence as he continued what he was doing before.
He rolls his eyes “I learned from all father, he has taught me many things” You should’ve guessed the answer would be that, I mean who else would teach him how to fight? 
“It’s quite impressive”
The compliment from you surprised him, looking at the very soft knuckles that he caught each time. “Well of course it is, I’m the watcher of Asgard” he holds your balled fist without letting go, looking at you. Becoming confused by him grabbing it, you look up at his face.
“Is something the matter?” You asked, there were a million things going through his head. Watching your eyes look at him with softness he hasn’t seen from anyone in a while, making his palms a bit heated and sweaty. Releasing his hold on you, he scoffs, putting his hand down.
“I think that’s enough practice for you, don’t want to drain you out” he crosses his arms, a lot of things in his mind were trying to deny him of that warmth inside him from that compliment. Throwing the poor man through a pit of confusion. 
“You should report to all father about your training, I don’t want him to think I’m not doing my job” walking past you to lead the way back inside the lodge, he would never let any women blind him from his duty, but it seems like you're making it hard for him. Knocking on the door of all father’s study and coming in to inform him why you are here.
While you and Odin talked, heimdall leaned against the door just listening while staring at your backside, what were you doing to him? Everyone hated him to the bone, not one could barely talk to him but you, you can tolerate him. Completing him earlier, he didn’t hate it either, it was like scratching his ego more than it already has.
“I can tell you two are bonding a little more than how it first was” Odin comments.
“That’s only when she isn’t talking” there he goes, talking again without thinking.
You look at him for a second before turning your attention back on Odin, “trying my best every day, I can tolerate him” you tell Odin with a slight smile.
“That reminds me, tomorrow I will be expecting a guess so please behave” this was directed towards Heimdall and not at you, after his sigh of annoyance you bid goodnight to Odin before leaving. Heimdall, closing the door behind you.
“More people, more problems”
“Not every person who comes here is a problem” you walk up the stairs heading to your room.
“I mean look at you, your problem for me, intervening with things I usually do” he snaps back at you, watching you stop at the door of your room.
You turn to him with a look on his face he knows all too well, “do you have a problem with me?”
“I have more than just a problem with you commoner” he looks down at you.
You scoff at him, opening your door “And why do you think I should care?” Saying it in a baby tone only to mock him, walking inside your room with a mischievous grin.
“I’d be honored if the commoner cared, please you think I do” 
“I have a name or does your ego block your train of thought” there was a slight spark in his eyes, a slight laugh that rumbled in his chest.
Stepping a bit closer into your personal space. 
“You think you are so funny”.
“I find myself quite hilarious, sunshine” there was that shine again, in those devilish purple eyes he always gave you. You were so focused on his eyes, you didn’t even notice how close you two were, feeling him take a breath each time. It wasn’t quick either, it was slow, his eyes looking between your eyes and lips. Mincing the same thing you were doing, his pink lips look smooth, you bet they felt soft too.
Not even knowing who leaned in first, but all you felt was his lips on yours, they felt as soft just like you thought they would be. Your hands found their way to his neck, and his slender fingers came to hold your waist, making him open his mouth wider, the kiss turning a bit sloppy. As much as you hated him, His mouth felt so good on yours, you bite his bottom lip, hearing a whimper from him, pulling away.  A trail of saliva split after he broke the kiss.
Catching each other's breaths as you two stood there, Heimdall’s face behind dark red, lips looking bruised and wet as well as yours. He steps back a bit, calming down, looking everywhere else but at you.
“I..- heimdall”
he left, leaving in a hurry without giving you the chance to speak. If he didn’t hate you now, he hates you even more right now, is all you could think about.
Closing his cabin door in haste, he starts to pace around letting words fly, asking himself why did he kiss you? Why did you kiss him? Even all these unanswered will still have an awkward encounter in the morning, did you bewitch him? What were you doing to him?
Leaning against a wall while looking down at himself, seeing nothing but a noticeable bulge on his thigh. Only touching the cloth member once, seeing how sensitive he was, cursing under his breath. He’ll just sleep this off and deal with it in the morning, he can always sleep something like this off.
“God damn, commoner”.
a/n: that bifrost on him melting a bit, I'm joking but i hope you enjoyed this chapter
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reality-inflicted · 8 months
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This is a photo with more personal than artistic value (not saying that any of my photography has any of the former, but one can on the rare occasion hope that someone likes what I like). Somewhere in Nashville, Tennessee there is a little park. That park has, or at least it did about ten years ago, a little stage. On that little stage was the most askew little bench I've ever seen. And I loved it. I've never read a book about photography. I started out with a cheap ass little PoS-camera – i aimed it in the general direction of what I liked and I pressed the button. The camera did the rest.
After about a year or so i took money that I really didn't have and bought a small camera that I would bring with me on a trip to China. The plan was to write an article on the trip and to get it published and at least get some of the money back. I did actually manage to sell the articles (there were two of them), but the photos weren't taken with the new camera that I'd bought. On the second day of trip I got absolutely shit-faced in a drinking contest with a retired Major in the Chinese army and consequently lost the camera somewhere in a dark alley. Not a great success. I eventually bought a new camera for more money that I did not have. The last time I saw that it popped up was in a random plastic bag, a forgotten memento of forgotten times. I'd somehow managed to keep the camera though, which was a bit of a step forward I guess. As I geared up to go on my trip to the US, during which this photo was taken, i bought yet another camera I couldn't really afford. True to form I got shitfaced yet again on my second night, this time in San Francisco – a city notoriously unforgiving for drunken tourists. The camera, together with my headphones and some cash vanished. Luckily I'd managed to transfer the photos I'd taken previously onto an external hard drive (now sadly defunct and the photos – again – lost to time). I still had to buy another camera that I couldn't afford to document the remainder of my trip.
I have since lost that camera as well due to being shitfaced. As can be deducted I've had a very long and not very glamorous relationship with alcohol, however I am happy to report that I haven't lost anything to being shitfaced for quite some time now, which is always a bonus. I'd been toying with the idea of cutting down on the drinking before I went on the trip to the US (it will be ten years come December next year) but it would take about four or five more years before I finally felt shitty enough to go through with it. Alcoholism takes many forms – I was in no way drinking every day. But when I did it was always difficult to contain oneself to "just a few beers" resulting in increasingly self-destructive behaviour. What finally pushed me over the edge was the realization that I'd become that which I despise the most – my father. When he got drunk he turned into an absolute asshole and I started to see the same tendencies in myself or, rather, I came to accept that I showed those tendencies and I. Really. Did. Not. Like. That. One. Bit.
So I quit. I didn't drink a drop of alcohol for almost three years. Not that it did any good for my inherent ability to loose things. I still forgot headphones and laptops, but – increasingly – I noticed that I could find them again. In the hangover is a quiet despair, a disgusting apathy, that prevent you from handling even the easiest of tasks.
Today I have the occasional beer. Or a glass of wine with dinner once in a while. I can handle that – I know that some people can't and I place no judgement in that. I like to think, however, that I am at least a little bit of a better, albeit a bit more lonesome person. But that is ok. I like being alone. Like the bench above, all crooked like.
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passionxwrites · 1 year
Best Thing (1)
Sooooo I finally built up the courage to begin my Erik Stevens fanfiction. I know no one will probably see it right now especially with me not being that active on here (I’m definitely about to start doing that) but it’s okay because there is a start to everything. This story takes place after Erik has been redeemed and is running the Outreach Center in Oakland. I hope whoever reads this likes it!! 
Noli jumped out of her sleep startled by the loud banging coming from her apartment door. "Got dammit, who the hell making all this noise?" She snatched her phone from her bedside table to check the time which read 8:30 am in big pink numbers. Begrudgingly she slid out of the bed and slipped on her house shoes and stomped to the front door. 
Swinging it open she was met with the one man who had become the biggest nuisance ever since he moved in 2 years ago. "Erik what on God's green earth would have you beating on my door this early on a Saturday like you the police!" She was way past furious being that she had just finished a shift at the club three hours ago. "Delivery man left your package at my door again," and with that he dropped it at her feet and trudged off as if she was the one who woke him up early. "Don’t beat on my damn door like again," she yelled as she picked up the package and slammed the door. "Bastard!" 
Flopping onto her blue suede sectional she stared at the package that was now on her coffee table in front of her. Wonder what he sent me this time. The packages had become a routine with her brother as he was always sending her some memento from whatever country he had found himself in. The last one contained an alabaster pyramid that he found walking around a bazaar in Egypt. "Tuh." 
Noli's relationship with Poe had been strained ever since the death of their grandmother five years ago. Being that she was there only relative still alive besides each other it took a toll on them both. However they both grieved differently and while Noli wanted to be able to seek solace in her older brother he hopped on the first plane out of Mississippi into another country. He left her a note stating their grandmother's death was the wake up call he needed to go see the world for what it truly was, whatever that shit meant. Now while Noli also decided to move out of Mississippi she decided to stay in the states and somehow wound up all the way in California. 
She had always wanted to be a celebrity hairstylist and figured going to Cali would be the best start. She ended up finding a beautiful condo in Oakland at a great high rise thanks to the money left over from her grandmother and immediately got to work. So far she hadn't done any celebrities but she was building her brand. She began working at a popular strip club called Diamond Dazzlers where she was a bottle girl/hairstylist to the dancers. The girls were always promoting her work and she was beginning to build a clientele and soon she would be able to purchase her salon and stop working in the club for good. 
That always brought a smile to her face, it wasn’t that she hated working at the club because the pay was great, the managers and the owners were cool and respectful, there would be some catty arguments between the girls but nothing that was ever too serious. The lows came from the long hours and the perverted ass men that frequented the place. There was nothing worse than serving a group of men just for one of them to grope you can just because they think they can. Noli glanced at the package one last time and rolled her eyes before shuffling back into her to get some more beauty sleep. Today was her self-care day and first on that list was most definitely rest.
I hope you all liked it and if you see it please give feedback. Part 2 coming soon
Noli (No-Lee)
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