#Whitehorn Digital
edparkerreads · 1 year
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Rowan and Aelin from Throne of Glass.
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digikraf · 1 year
Digital Marketing Strategies for businesses Mumbai- Marketing Insights from Successful CEOs and Entrepreneurs
In the fast-paced world of business, effective marketing strategies can make all the difference between success and failure. Some of the most accomplished CEOs and entrepreneurs have shared their top marketing tips, offering valuable insights into their journey to the top. From living the brand to finding the right name, here are some key takeaways from these industry leaders.
Live the brand:
When T-Mobile U.S. was in dire need of a turnaround, they recognized the significance of marketing in their revival. They sought a marketing genius to lead the company and found it in John Legere, a veteran from AT&T. Legere embraced the role wholeheartedly by immersing himself in the brand's culture. He even started wearing the magenta-and-black uniform of store staff, emphasizing his commitment to the brand's identity. This level of dedication resonated with both employees and customers, and Legere's efforts played a vital role in T-Mobile's success.
Find the right name:
The power of a name should not be underestimated. Richard Branson, the renowned entrepreneur behind Virgin Group, stumbled upon the name "Virgin" during a casual conversation with friends. Its novelty and risqué nature made it attention-grabbing, while its versatility allowed the Virgin brand to venture into various industries. Choosing a name that captures the essence of your brand and stands out from the crowd can be a crucial element in marketing success.
Get out of failing industries early:
Recognizing when to cut your losses is a skill that can save businesses from prolonged struggles. Will Whitehorn, a former executive at Virgin Group, emphasizes the importance of swiftly abandoning failing projects. Many organizations make the mistake of persisting with ventures that are clearly not working, leading to significant losses in time, money, and resources. Virgin Group's decision to sell its music retail business before the industry's decline demonstrated their ability to identify potential pitfalls and act accordingly.
Focus on customers:
While many companies claim to be customer-centric, few truly prioritize their customers' needs. John Legere, during his tenure at T-Mobile, discovered that customers were frustrated with their experiences. To address this issue, he made it his mission to improve customer care. Legere personally listened to customer calls and ensured that every employee shared the same commitment to customer satisfaction. By putting the customer at the center of their operations, T-Mobile witnessed a remarkable turnaround, both in customer sentiment and financial performance.
Use your personality:
In marketing, authenticity and personality can set a brand apart from the competition. Michael Dubin, the founder of Dollar Shave Club, understood this well. With a limited budget, Dubin starred in a YouTube ad that showcased his sense of humor and conveyed the brand's value proposition. This approach resonated with consumers, resulting in a dedicated following and ultimately leading to the company's acquisition by Unilever. Combining humor, vision, and a genuine connection with customers can create a powerful marketing strategy.
Scrutinize your product:
Maintaining high-quality standards is paramount, particularly when dealing with expensive products or services. Zhang Xin, CEO of SOHO China, insists on personally scrutinizing construction sites, ensuring the highest standards are upheld. This level of attention to detail and commitment to excellence helps safeguard the reputation of the brand and instills confidence in customers. By maintaining a relentless pursuit of perfection, businesses can differentiate themselves and gain a competitive edge.
Beat the big guy:
Even as a small player in the market, it is possible to outmaneuver larger competitors. Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP, draws from his early entrepreneurial experience to offer advice. When he purchased a delicatessen as a teenager, he strategically introduced video games to compete with a nearby 7-Eleven store. By identifying what larger competitors are unable or unwilling to do, small businesses can leverage their agility and entrepreneurial spirit to gain an advantage.
In conclusion, these marketing tips from successful CEOs and entrepreneurs highlight the importance of living the brand, choosing the right name, being customer-centric, using authenticity and personality, maintaining high-quality standards, and finding unique ways to outperform larger competitors. By incorporating these strategies into their marketing approach, businesses can enhance their chances of success in today's competitive landscape.
Digikraf is360 degree Internet Marketing Agency in Thane providing digital services
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narwana-games · 3 years
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Lake - trudne powroty to starych znajomości i starych miejsc
Przyjazd do miasteczka położonego nad bajecznym jeziorem w stanie Oregon nie powinien być żadną katorgą, a jednak Meredith Weiss - główna bohaterka Lake - do Providence Oaks udaje się z niezbyt wielkim entuzjazmem. Państwo Weiss wyjeżdżają na wymarzone wczasy na Florydę, a ich córka postanawia zaopiekować się domem rodzinnym i zostać pracownicą poczty w zastępstwie za ojca. Rozwożenie listów i paczek stanowi dla Meredith oderwanie od wielkiego miasta i wymagającej pracy w zawodzie programistki. Jest to swego rodzaju przygoda, która może potrwać dłużej, o ile tak zadecyduje gracz, ale równie dobrze wyjazd tam może się zakończyć rychłym powrotem do poukładanego życia z dala od rodzinnych stron.
Lake to po części symulator listonosza z dodatkiem wątków fabularnych. Meredith już pierwszego dnia sprawowania nowych obowiązków otrzymuje służbową furgonetkę, którą steruje się bardzo przyjemnie, a jazdę wzdłuż i wszerz Providence Oaks umilają wpadające w ucho utwory z gatunków country i pop (szkoda, że jest ich mało). W dni robocze mapka miasta wypełnia się punktami, które należy odwiedzić, by doręczyć przesyłkę. Twórcy, zapewne przewidując, że niektórym znudzi się przemierzanie tych samych dróg po kilkanaście razy, wprowadzili punkty szybkiej podróży. Jest to dobra opcja dla zniecierpliwionych, gdyż szybka podróż znacznie skraca czas dostarczania poczty i pozwala na sprawniejsze pchnięcie historii do przodu. Gorzej, że skraca się również ogólny czas rozgrywki.
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Część wizyt u mieszkańców miasteczka kończy się krótkimi spotkaniami przed drzwiami ich domów. Dlatego też Meredith ma szansę na odbudowanie relacji z dawnymi znajomymi, wykonanie paru przysług, a nawet zakochanie się. Potencjalne obiekty westchnień to Angie, właścicielka wypożyczalni filmów, gadatliwa i roztrzepana blondynka, oraz Robert - nieco wycofany drwal obawiający się o przyszłość leśnych terenów. Gra pozwala na wybory (za którymi idą odczuwalne konsekwencje), dlatego Meredith może wieść w Providence Oaks całkiem udane życie towarzyskie, ale i może zachować dystans i z nikim się nie spotykać, odliczając czas do wyjazdu. Bardzo podoba mi się możliwość pójścia jedną albo drugą ścieżką. Trzecią opcją jest połączenie obu dróg i otwarcie się jedynie na wybrane postacie drugoplanowe. Mnie na przykład mocno zainteresowała relacja Meredith z jej byłą przyjaciółką z okresu nastoletniego. I tutaj także nie trzeba podejmować żadnych konkretnych kroków, by odnawiać przyjaźń. Jest to całkowicie opcjonalne. Istnieją jeszcze takie wątki, które pogłębiają życiorys protagonistki, lecz nie są wysuwane na pierwszy plan, na przykład alkoholizm pana Weiss.
Poziom trudności... W zasadzie żadne trudności tu nie istnieją. Lake to gra bardzo łatwa do przyswojenia i podaje odbiorcy na tacy wszystko, czego będzie potrzebować. Poza tym Lake uraczy odbiorcę pięknymi, kojącymi duszę krajobrazami. Góry majaczące w tle, soczyście zielone lasy i sporawych rozmiarów tytułowe jezioro. Codzienne rozwożenie poczty jest znacznie milsze, gdy otoczenie wokół obfituje w tak urocze widoki. Miłośnicy stanu Oregon - łączmy się! Oprawa graficzna jest dość prosta, a postacie charakteryzują się komiksowymi rysami twarzy, ale całość jest przyjemna dla oka, no i te kolorki - miód i malina.
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Jeśli miałabym się do czegoś przyczepić, byłyby to głównie "głupotki" fabularne, na które nie sposób nie zwrócić uwagi. Może to kwestia czasu, w jakim toczy się akcja gry (rok 1986), ale jakoś nie wyobrażam sobie, żeby kompletnie nieprzygotowana do zawodu osoba mogła go wykonywać w zastępstwie, nawet jeśli to "tylko" doręczanie poczty. Dziwiło mnie, że Meredith na każdym kroku wydawała się zaskoczona zmianami, mieszkańcami miasteczka, a w dodatku ominęły ją bardzo ważne i trudne wydarzenia. Skoro utrzymywała dobre kontakty z rodzicami, dlaczego nie informowali jej oni o tym, co dzieje się w Providence Oaks? Czy Meredith przez ponad 20 lat nie odwiedziła rodziców w swoich rodzinnych stronach? Myślę, że próbowano tę sytuację usprawiedliwić problemem alkoholowym jej ojca, choć nie wybrzmiało to wprost. Jednak słuchając rozmów telefonicznych, wiele osób powiedziałoby, że córka ma z rodzicami raczej ciepłe stosunki i pomimo dojrzałego wieku liczy się z ich zdaniem. Nie wierzę, że Meredith w przeciągu dwóch dekad nie wpadła do domu choćby na weekend, za to nagle, ni z gruszki, ni z pietruszki, postanawia wyjechać tam na dwa tygodnie i poświęcić urlop na realizowanie się jako listonoszka.
W temacie rozgrywki i grafiki zanotowałam kilka rzeczy wymagających dopracowania. Myślę, że postać Meredith mogłaby poruszać się nieco szybciej - jej zwykły chód jest bardzo powolny, a chód pod klawiszem Shift - po prostu powolny. To ślimacze tempo nie zachęca do przespacerowania się po Providence Oaks. Inna sprawa - dlaczego twórcy nie wykonali animacji wsiadania i wysiadania z pojazdu? Zamiast tego każda taka akcja jest dla gracza niewidoczna, bo bohaterka teleportuje się zza kierownicy do pozycji stojącej poza samochodem, a obraz się wówczas przyciemnia. Zastrzeżenia może wzbudzić brak przywiązania do detali, które ożywiłyby nieco otoczenie. Na przykład w przydrożnym bistro goście zawsze siedzą przy stolikach jak kukły, a na blatach stoją jedynie filiżanki z kawą. O ile naturalniej by to wyglądało, gdyby pojawiały się tam talerze z jedzeniem, a postacie podnosiłyby sztućce do ust. Kiedy główna bohaterka zamówiła tam posiłek, wiecie, co zrobiono, żeby przewinąć całą sekwencję z kosztowaniem go? Stało się to samo co w przypadku wsiadania i wysiadania z furgonetki - ekran się zaciemnił i nastąpił przeskok w czasie do momentu, gdy Meredith mówi, jak bardzo jej wszystko smakowało.
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Czymś, co mocno wpłynęło na moją ocenę tej gry, jest świetny voice acting. Przysłuchując się dialogom, przeszło mi przez myśl, że równie dobrze na ekranie mógłby się wyświetlać jakiś obyczajowy serial (prawie, bo jednak postacie w Lake są lekko przerysowane i często zachowują się specyficznie). To jest niesamowita moc głosu ludzkiego - jakoś tak podskórnie jestem przekonana, że gdyby nie on, to Lake nie utrzymałby na długo mojej uwagi. Świetnie, że twórcy mniejszych gier coraz częściej stawiają na dobre aktorstwo głosowe. Zerknęłam na obsadę Lake na stronie IMDb i nazwiska znajdujące się na liście absolutnie nic mi nie mówiły. Jednak krótki research wystarczył, aby dowiedzieć się, że część z tych osób rzeczywiście profesjonalnie zajmuje się dubbingiem i pracuje na co dzień głosem.
Lake opowiada historię, która nie zmieni niczyjego życia, ale z pewnością umili ze dwa, trzy wieczory. To ciepła obyczajowa historia pełna zwyczajnych rozmów, zwyczajnych problemów. Bez szalonych zwrotów akcji oraz wielkich i poruszających zaskoczeń. Takie okruchy życia przeniesione do gry. Przyjemnie spędziłam czas przy tym tytule - na tyle przyjemnie, że z chęcią rozegrałam wszystkie trzy dostępne zakończenia.
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pixelrelatedpodcast · 4 years
Short-Form Narrative Game 'We should talk.' Launches June 2020 on PC/Mac & Consoles
Short-Form Narrative Game ‘We should talk.’ Launches June 2020 on PC/Mac & Consoles
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Developer Insatiable Cycle and publisher Whitethorn Digital announce their short-form narrative game We should talk. will launch this June on Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One — with a demo available to play now on Steam for a limited time as part of The Steam Game Festival Spring Edition.
It’s not what you say — it’s how you say it. We should talk. is a game about…
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theanxiouskitten · 3 years
Teacup Review: A Short and Sweet Adventure
Teacup Review: A Short and Sweet Adventure
It’s time to spill the tea on Smarto Club’s narrative-driven adventure. Released: September 23, 2021 Developer: Smarto Club Genre: Exploration/Narrative Publisher: Whitehorn Digital Platform: Switch/Steam/Xbox/Playstation Price: $9.99 Gather Round and Enjoy A Cuppa Teacup is a short and sweet adventure game that revolves around an adorable frog of the same name. In Teacup, our protagonist…
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aportesur · 4 years
[Recordatorio] Evan's Remains ya esta disponible en consolas y PC
¡Por si se les paso de largo! Les recordamos que #EvansRemains ya esta disponible para comprar! El videojuego #indie argentino de @maitan_60 y @whitethorngames ya esta para #Switch, #PS4, #XOne, y #Steam. Entérate de todos los detalles del juego aquí.
El videojuego Evan’s Remains, realizado por el developer argentino maitan69, esta disponible en Switch, PS4, Xbox One y PC.
La semana pasada tuvimos el grandioso estreno de Evan’s Remains, un juego del que ya escuchaste hablar antes aquí, y que ha ganado variedad de premios. Desarrollado por el argentino maitan69, y…
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operationrainfall · 4 years
REVIEW: Evan's Remains
REVIEW: Evan’s Remains
Title Evan’s Remains Developer maitan69 (Matías Schmied) Publisher Whitehorn Digital Release Date June 11th, 2020 Genre Puzzle Platformer Platform PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox One Age Rating N/A Official Website
Editor’s Note: Due to the postponement of GDC, oprainfall has taken it upon themselves to help provide coverage to developers who were going to showcase their games there.…
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oneangrygamer · 5 years
Newt One, Fanciful 3D Platformer Launches On PS4, Xbox One, Arrives Sept 12 On Switch
Newt One, Fanciful 3D Platformer Launches On PS4, Xbox One, Arrives Sept 12 On Switch | #IndieGame #3DPlatformer #Xbox #PS4 #Switch
Devnari and Whitehorn Digital’s Newt One is currently in Early Access on Steam. The game has been available on Valve’s digital distribution service since February of this year. However, they announced that you can currently pick up a digital copy of Newt One for PS4 and Xbox One as well, with a Nintendo Switch release scheduled to arrive on September 12th. (more…)
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erhiem · 3 years
Reading Time: 4 Minute
Lake is a narrative game from developer Gamius and publisher Whitehorn Digital. You play as Merideth Weiss, who returns to the idyllic Providence Oaks after 22 years, to fill her father’s position. For 14 days, it’s up to you to decide how she spends her work vacation in this cool, mid-’80s lake town.
Here’s the deal: Never bring your planner on vacation. I work something 70-80 hours a week most of the week. This is partly out of necessity and partly out of an inability to say no to more gigs. Therefore Lake, A game about someone who literally goes on leave from his full-time job to work a part-time job at his father’s side, and then is asked to help basically every single person he meets in town, or offers, is extremely related. Merideth certainly doesn’t hate her day job, though her boss is awful and she’s constantly trying to work while she’s off. he is clearly dissatisfied, and in the meantime Lake, It is up to you to investigate that dissatisfaction.
And specifically, you’re searching for that feeling. You are clearly not motivated to use this vacation time to determine the path of your life. It really depends on you who you want to interact with, who you want to help, how you feel about spending your free time after work, etc. It’s clear that Merideth has some ideas about her own life path, and it’s probably easier to reflect on that struggle herself. But there is no pressure on you to do any special work in this game.
But there’s the rub. If you’re like me, overly anxious, bad at saying no, averse to conflict, and constantly paranoid about potentially bad outcomes, then this game is going to be a whole lot of anxiety, not a pretty city. To live in the peaceful, quaint that it looks like it should be. Every conversation is an afterthought about how not to let that person down, especially since the cues can often look more negative than how your sarcastic character actually says them. Every side is a debate as to whether I want to spend my time being helpful or just get on the next thing I want to do really fast.
And metacontextually, it’s a game I’ve spent money on. I just don’t want to blow people up even though I really want to because then I won’t experience everything the game has to offer, or I miss an achievement I could have unlocked, or I Looks like I didn’t spend enough time looking for what I needed for an unbiased review. As my planner filled in more and more, at times, I found myself wishing I had never set foot in Providence Oaks. But its great townspeople, potential romantic entanglements, and repeated occasions to blow up my boss when he called me at inappropriate hours during vacation always brought me back (honestly, a really great narrative mechanic whenever someone called. did). Which reminded me of my own life, where I’m very committed, but still find great joy in the things I spend my time doing. most of the time.
All the features that make Lake This slow-paced and intense experience, such as slow-paced and reconciled mundane tasks, is understandable. Mail delivery is a great medium for exactly that type of game Lake intends to be. My only criticism is that your mail truck has the driver’s seat on the left side of the vehicle like a normal truck, not on the right side like a mail truck. They are purposely built this way in real life to deliver mail faster and safer, so you don’t have to haul around the truck to the mailbox; You just pop out the door on the sidewalk. But then again, maybe it was a deliberate decision to slow you down further? And my reaction is another extension of my concern about playing the game.
Like any good story game, Lake It’s all about the options. And those choices don’t have serious consequences by any means, but they do affect how people treat you and the kind of relationships you may have. Notably, there are two romance options, Robert and Angie. Chasing one or the other takes nothing more than to do their favors and respond to the most flirtatious of them. For a game based on the ’80s, it makes a bit of a hoax about it being an odd choice, which is good. It just lets you chase it, and no character makes the slightest deal out of it.
To me, the game’s many potential endings didn’t feel like a worry, among all other things. Probably because I knew I wanted to pursue the game’s awkward relationship above other options if I could, and I refused to return to my crummy work life pre-vacation at all costs. But in his individual queue reading of the game, it was consistent with the game’s themes that the end of the queue was the most disruptive. “Easy Choice” and “Hallmark Choice”, if I may call them, match the odd standard of many such stories before, even though the latter may not be an easy choice to make itself. They have no shame in choosing anything. But the third way is, perhaps intentionally, radical and risky. It is completely out of the bounds of any expectation of how I could have ended this story before it began, and this, to me, is a testament to the inevitability of fanaticism in choosing the bizarre consequences of my own confused and overexcited life. There is a great reflection.
What Lake There was no peaceful, slow-moving reflection on what matters most in life to me. Instead, it was a worrying and difficult exercise in letting go of the things that don’t bring me joy, even if they may hold other values. And it was a reflection on the fanaticism of choosing what is really best for oneself despite the strange experience and expectations of others. However, while some moments of my time playing were tough, it was because of how I saw my own running experience through Merideth’s eyes. And if a game can make me do that through expertly crafted gameplay, a perfect soundtrack, and engaging characters and relationships alone, you can certainly impress me.
Lake Now available on Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Mac and PC.
tl; Dr
What Lake There was no peaceful, slow-moving reflection on what matters most in life to me. Instead, it was a worrying and difficult exercise in letting go of the things that don’t bring me joy, even if they may hold other values. And it was a reflection on the fanaticism of choosing what is really best for oneself despite the strange experience and expectations of others. However, while some moments of my time playing were tough, it was because of how I saw my own running experience through Merideth’s eyes. And if a game can make me do that through expertly crafted gameplay, a perfect soundtrack, and engaging characters and relationships alone, you can certainly impress me.
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Pop culture is cool, but have you ever tried to analyze it through a historical and cultural lens so that you not only understand the material more deeply? When Jason isn’t editing podcasts or considering the impact media has on our lives, I’m working to develop a sustainable food system.
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artemis-entreri · 6 years
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[[ Above is one of the official paintings released by WotC with the publication of The Sundering novels. The labels for the characters had their accuracy verified by official sources. While some of these characters are first-time appearances, the others are established and/or significant figures within the Forgotten Realms.
Drizzt, Guenhwyvar and Catti-brie don’t require much explanation. The Companions, as the first book in The Sundering series, is the only novel in the Drizzt franchise that isn’t part of a trilogy. 
Vasen Cale, Erevis Cale and Drasek Riven appear in The Godborn. Vasen is a new character in the Erevis Cale storyline, which began with the Sembia series. Erevis Cale gained momentum and went on to feature in The Erevis Cale trilogy and The Twilight War trilogy.
Farideh and Dahl Peredur appear in The Adversary, as well as other books in the Brimstone Angels series.
Anton Marivaldi, Stedd Whitehorn and Umara Ankhlab appear in The Reaver. There are no other books that contain these three characters, with the exception of a brief cameo by Stedd in The Adversary.
Kleef Kenric, Arietta Seasilver and Malik appear in The Sentinel. Like the characters of The Reaver, these three characters from The Sentinel do not have any other books that contain them.
Storm Silverhand and Elminster appear in The Herald, but both have extensive legacies spanning many novels, sourcebooks and digital media.
These books can be read standalone, however some things do make more sense, or are more interesting, in the context of preceding novels. I personally found this to be especially true with the The Godborn, although my overall favorite of the series is The Reaver. In addition to being a solid addition to the collection, The Reaver is one of the better novels of all the 300+ Forgotten Realms books. It is very well self-contained while maintaining consistency with the shared world, which allows it to flow well for both those who are familiar with the Realms as well as those who are not. ]]
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faconti · 7 years
Verdade - verdadeira(o) - verdadeiramente
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"A fotografia é a mentira verdadeira." - Millôr Fernandes "A mentira é uma verdade que se esqueceu de acontecer." - Mário Quintana "A minha maneira de brincar é dizer a verdade. É a brincadeira mais divertida do mundo." - George Bernard Shaw "A religião é considerada pelas pessoas comuns como verdadeira, pelos sábios como falsa e pelos governantes como útil." - Sêneca "A verdade absoluta não existe. Isto é absolutamente certo." "A verdade é a coisa mais valiosa que possuímos. Talvez seja esse o motivo de a economizarmos."- Mark Twain "A verdade é a melhor camuflagem. Ninguém acredita nela." - Max Frich "A verdade é que a gente não faz filhos. Só faz o layout. Eles mesmos fazem a arte-final."- Luís Fernando Veríssimo "A verdade é que não há verdade." - Pablo Neruda "A verdade é que, nesse mundo cheio de feministas agressivas e gays reivindicantes, eu sou um mero homem."- Millôr Fernandes "A verdade é que, olhando pelo prisma do homossexual, o heterossexual é uma aberração." - Millôr Fernandes "A verdade está lá fora, alguém sabe a URL?" "A verdade está lá fora, mas daqui a pouquinho ela volta." "A verdadeira amizade é aquela que nos permite falar, ao amigo, de todos os seus defeitos e de todas as nossas qualidades."- Millôr Fernandes "A verdadeira bravura está em chegar em casa bêbado, de madrugada, todo cheio de batom, ser recebido pela mulher com uma vassoura na mão e ainda ter peito pra perguntar: 'Vai varrer ou vai voar?' " "A verdadeira felicidade custa pouco. Sendo cara, é porque a sua qualidade não presta."- François René de Chateaubriand "A verdadeira felicidade está nas pequenas coisas. Um pequeno iate, um pequeno Rolex, uma pequena mansão, uma pequena fortuna." "A verdadeira inclusão digital é o exame de próstata." "A vida está cheia de uma infinidade de absurdos que nem sequer precisam de parecer verossímeis porque são verdadeiros." - Luigi Pirandello "Ao ler uma biografia, lembrai-vos de que a verdade não se enquadra bem numa publicação." - George Bernard Shaw "As pessoas não lêem porque não têm tempo nem interesse. Na verdade, compram livros apenas para fingir que se apropriam do conteúdo."- Arthur Schopenhauer, filósofo alemão "Às vezes, a única coisa verdadeira num jornal é a data." - Luis Fernando Verissimo "Brincando, pode-se dizer tudo, até a verdade." "Contra o que é habitual crer, a verdade é quase sempre divertida. A única coisa que as pessoas se dão ao trabalho de inventar são tragédias." - Graham Greene "Deixe-o ir. Se não voltar, é porque não era amor de verdade. Logo, todos bumerangues me amam!" - Irapuan Martinez "Depois da primeira mentira, toda verdade vira dúvida." "Dinheiro compra tudo. Até amor verdadeiro." - Nelson Rodrigues "Dizem que estou ficando amarga, enjoada, ácida, sem graça. Não é verdade. É só colocar limão, adoçante, sexo, gelo, brilhantes e mexer gostoso, que eu fico maravilhosa!" - Radical Chic "É muito mais fácil fazer o público acreditar em mentira do que o inverso, pois há verdades que não inspiram confiança." - Carlos Porto de Andrade Jr - cineasta paranaense "É preciso amar as pessoas como se não houvesse amanhã, porque se você parar para pensar, na verdade não há."- Renato Russo "É verdade que existem vários idiotas no Congresso. Mas os idiotas constituem boa parte da população e merecem estar bem representados." - Hubert H. Humphrey, ex-presidente dos EUA "Esses são os fatos: é lamentável que sejam verdadeiros e é verdadeiro que sejam lamentáveis." - William Shakespeare "Eu era o único garoto da rua que tinha um revólver de verdade. Uma semana depois, eu era o único garoto da rua." "Eu não quero um homem que só diga 'Sim' trabalhando comigo. Quero alguém que fale a verdade, mesmo que isto lhe custe o emprego." - Samuel Goldwyn "Eu nunca minto, mas quando falo a verdade ninguém acredita em mim!" - um mentiroso "Eu sou o tipo de homem que gosta de mulher verdadeiramente. Eu nunca enfeei uma mulher." - Deputado federal Clodovil Hernandes (PTC-SP), representante da Câmara na sessão do Congresso Nacional que homenageou as mulheres "Exagero é uma verdade que perdeu a calma." - Kahlil Gibran "Existem dois tipos de pessoas que dizem a verdade: as crianças e os loucos. Os loucos são internados em hospícios. As crianças, educadas." - Jean Paul Sartre, filósofo francês "Há histórias tão verdadeiras que às vezes parece que são inventadas." - Manoel de Barros "Hoje, numa sala de aula, o verdadeiro quadro-negro é o salário do professor." - Max Nunes "Jornais imprimem qualquer coisa. Todos os dias eles contêm pelo menos uma verdade: a data."- Luís Fernando Veríssimo "Metade das mentiras que dizem sobre mim não são verdadeiras." - Yogi Berra "Meu pai nasceu na Espanha, minha mãe na Itália e eu no Rio. Na verdade, nem sei como conseguimos nos encontrar." - Millôr Fernandes "Minha solidão não tem nada a ver com a presença ou ausência de pessoas... Detesto quem me rouba a solidão, sem em troca me oferecer verdadeiramente companhia..." - Friedrich Nietzsche "Na dúvida, digam a verdade." - Mark Twain "Na verdade, desde o tempo de Tiradentes, andamos com a corda no pescoço." - Max Nunes "Nada é mais falso do que a verdade estabelecida." - Millôr Fernandes "Não conhecemos o verdadeiro valor de nossos momentos até que eles se submetam ao teste da memória." - Georges Duhamel "Nenhum homem verdadeiramente bem educado é bom para chamar táxis." - Katherine Whitehorn, jornalista e radialista inglesa "Num mundo em que as certezas têm feito tanto mal às pessoas, espalhar dúvidas pode ser uma benção." - Carlos Eduardo Lins da Silva "Numa época de mentiras universais, dizer a verdade é um ato revolucionário."- George Orwell "Numa guerra a primeira baixa é a verdade." "Nunca confie numa mulher que diz sua verdadeira idade. Se ela diz isso, é capaz de dizer qualquer coisa."- Oscar Wilde "O cientista não é o homem que fornece as verdadeiras respostas; é quem faz as verdadeiras perguntas." "O fato de todos estarem de acordo não transforma o falso em verdadeiro."- Max Gehringer "O homem não ama, apenas finge que ama, que é para saber como seria se amasse de verdade." "O maior inimigo do conhecimento não é a ignorância, mas sim a ilusão da verdade" – Stephen William Hawking "O mistério é a coisa mais bonita que podemos experimentar. É a fonte de toda arte e ciência verdadeiros." - Albert Einstein "O otimista fala que nos vivemos no melhor dos planetas. O pessimista teme que isso seja verdade." "O papel aceita tudo. Se bobear, até a verdade!" - Paulo Sérgio Pinto "O povo pensou ter escolhido o salvador da pátria, mas, na verdade, elegeu o exterminador do futuro." "O que dá o verdadeiro sentido ao encontro é a busca, e é preciso andar muito para se alcançar o que está perto." - José Saramago "O respeito irreflexivo de qualquer autoridade é o melhor inimigo da verdade." - Albert Einstein "O saber é saber que nada se sabe. Este é a definição do verdadeiro conhecimento." - Confúcio "O único animal verdadeiramente racional é o caranguejo, porque não avança rumo ao desconhecido." "O verdadeiro herói é aquele que faz o que pode. Os outros não o fazem... - Roman Rolland "O verdadeiro herói é sempre herói por engano; sonhou ser um covarde honesto como todos os outros." - Umberto Eco "O verdadeiro milagre brasileiro: uma democracia completamente isenta de democratas." - Millôr Fernandes "Proverbial: tanto é verdade que o dinheiro pode tudo que uma pequena moeda, a menor moeda do fabulário econômico, colocada junto ao olho, esconde a luz do sol." - Millôr Fernandes "Qualquer coisa de ruim que se fale dos políticos, mesmo sendo mentira, é verdade." - Carlos Antonio Junqueira de Siqueira "Quando se começa a discutir a relação é, quase sempre, porque não existe mais relação. Apenas discussão." - Mário Prata "Quando se descobriu que a informação era um negócio, a verdade deixou de ser importante." - Ryszard Kapuscinski, jornalista e escritor polonês "Quando se julga uma coisa falsa, a avaliação provavelmente é verdadeira." - Barry Levinson "Quanto mais a sociedade se distancia da verdade, mais ela odeia aqueles que a revelam." - George Orwell "Saber é saber que nada se sabe. Esta é a definição do verdadeiro conhecimento." - Confúcio "Se a verdade está lá fora, o que estamos fazendo aqui dentro?" "Se é verdade que o pão cai sempre com o lado da manteiga para baixo; e que o gato sempre cai com as duas patas no chão; então, o que aconteceria se amarrássemos uma fatia de pão nas costas de um gato e o soltássemos pela janela?" - Steven Wright, comediante americano "Se meus inimigos pararem de dizer mentiras a meu respeito, eu paro de dizer verdades a respeito deles."- Adlai Stevenson "Se não for mentira, deve ser verdade" - Emmanuel de Macedo Soares, jornalista e historiador, 1945-2017 "Se tivesse acreditado na minha brincadeira de dizer verdades teria ouvido verdades que teimo em dizer brincando." - Charles Chaplin "Se uma mulher diz que transou com N, na verdade foi com N*3. Se um homem diz que transou com N, na verdade foi com N/3." "Tem cérebro de um verdadeiro computador, comete erros inacreditáveis!" - Millôr Fernandes "Um idiota nunca aproveita a oportunidade. Na verdade muitas vezes o idiota é oportunidade que os outros aproveitam." - Millôr Fernandes "Um país só tem verdadeira liberdade de expressão quando um homem pode dizer em público, bem alto, tudo o que lhe vem à cabeça ao bater com o martelo no dedo." - Millôr Fernandes "Uma meia-verdade é uma mentira inteira." - Provérbio iídiche "Uma verdade matemática não é simples nem complicada por si mesma. É uma verdade." - Émile Michel Hyacinthe Lemoine "Uma vida inteira de felicidade? Ninguém aguentaria: seria o inferno na terra." - George Bernard Shaw "Verdades objetivas são estabelecidos por provas. Verdades pessoais pela fé. Verdades políticas por incessante repetição." - Neil de Grasse Tyson "Vivo numa sociedade que anseia pela verdade, mas que odeia aqueles que a dizem."
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Fátima Conti
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| Deus | Mentira | Palavras | Religiões - Seitas - Fé |
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- Última alteração: 14 mar 2020
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edparkerreads · 2 years
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My favorite child of chaos.
Aelin Whitehorn Galythinius.
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lifesobeautiful · 6 years
Find Your Call: The Best Tips on How to Select the Right Career
“Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.” – Katharine Whitehorn (British journalist)
A quirky take on careers, the famed journalist was not too far from the truth when she remarked about the importance of loving what you do for a living. However, knowing what you love to have as a full-time career is not as simple as, say, receiving a ping on your phone. It is a bit more complicated than that. However, it does not require having bomb-diffusing skills, either.
So, how to select the right career?
To start, you need a plan. Yeah, that’s right.
There is (almost) nothing that cannot be achieved with a help of a well worked-out plan and choosing a career is no exception, either. Here is why proceeding with a plan works out superbly for most people:
Having a plan lets you think with more clarity and once you start doing that, things will start falling into place.
A global survey notes that around 88% of employees place job satisfaction or being happy with what they do for a living as one of the biggest factors for having a successful life.
With the growing demands for skillful professionals in every industry nowadays, having a plan helps you take the right course of action towards the career of your dreams.
Making an informed choice comes hand in hand with having a good plan for analyzing and applying the factors at play while choosing a career.
For instance, if decorating cakes is what you enjoy, it will be quite a messy affair if you have to work a 9 to 5 desk job at some financial consultancy firm. You should be training to become a pastry chef, or better still, a digital entrepreneur offering online tutorials on decorating cakes!
10 steps to take for choosing the right career
Having a fulfilling career is not only about earning truckloads of money, splurging on fancy consumables or being happy with your job description. Plenty of other factors such as a rewarding work environment, the future of the industry that you choose, and your co-workers will also create the holistic outlook that you have towards your job at the end of the day.
Whether you like to develop software suited for the music industry or becoming a successful blogger is your dream, make sure that you follow these 10 steps. Divided into the four crucial stages of knowing what to do, planning your roadmap, preparing for it and doing it, these 10 steps will help you make the right choice when it comes to your career.
► Knowing
Assessing yourself
Know what you are really good at and no, winning a singing competition back in fifth grade does not make you skilled enough to be a professional singer. However, that is not to say that the only skills you have trained to acquire count.
For example, no one can train you to be jolly or resourceful with high emotional intelligence. But all of these, coupled with smart communication skills, make you a perfect person for the job of an HR personnel.
Look deep within yourself and try to find the things that you rock at and you will be surprised by what the future holds for you.
Researching like there’s no tomorrow
Gather all the information that you can get your hands on regarding the careers that you can craft using your talent, training, and skills. Innate and acquired skill sets both contribute to building an all-around developed person for the job sectors.
You can subscribe to webinars and podcasts relevant to your area of interest to stay updated on the latest happenings in the industry.
See Also: 7 Steps On How to Figure Out Your Career
► Planning
Having a go-to person
Having a mentor or guide to help you course through the troubled times of choosing the right career for yourself is imperative. Get a senior, parent, professor or someone who can provide you with sound advice. It can direct you to your future job or chosen industry. You can also consult a career counselor on this matter.
Shortlisting probable career options
Prepare a list of careers or job roles that you find fascinating. You can research on the Internet regarding the various job domains and roles that your specific set of skills fits.
Make sure you include the jobs that you aspire to have by following an order of preference. This way, you will quickly be able to make the final choice from the list when the time comes.
Setting career goals
At this stage, you must set some professional goals for yourself. Sure, you have not worked a day in your life, but you must have some ideas about what you wish to achieve in the present and future.
Jot down your long-term and short-term goals in a journal to help you assess the kind of career that you need. For example, acquiring a top managerial position in five years could be your long-term goal. Mastering the art of writing perfect business emails within six months of joining a job might be a short-term one.
Looking up courses and tutorials
Search for relevant courses, webinars, online tutorials and podcasts that can boost your skills. Devote some time searching online and offline for relevant classes or training.
See Also: A Guide to Developing Your Career Prospect
► Preparing
Honing your set of skills
After you are done researching and planning, it is time to prepare yourself for the challenges that lie ahead. You will need to pick up more than one specific skill to make yourself one of the most sought-after candidates.
Upskill like a pro using web resources as well as offline ones. If you are into graphic designing, for example, you can try upgrading to a more updated tool for designing.
Acquiring universal skills
Apart from the technical skills in your specific area of interest, make sure that you have stocked up on the universal skills, too. Fit for any job industry, these skills include effective communication skills, emotional intelligence, computer knowledge, acquaintance with digital marketing and the likes.
These skills are much needed for any job domain. They will help you become a part of any organization way faster.
► Doing
Interning all the way
The best way to acquire insightful knowledge about a specific industry is to be a part of it. Your best bet would be to do that as an intern.
It’ll help you learn a lot about tackling the challenges and in making yourself a valued candidate for job interviews later in life.
Learning from varied experiences
Since you will be spending around one-third of your life at work, you need to find a job you’ll be happy to stay with.
Unfortunately, you will need to be brave enough to take the plunge and that involves trying your hand at various jobs before you can finally find the one that speaks to your soul.
With that, the last step in finding the right career is to keep looking and never losing patience.
In Conclusion
It’s okay to not know at first, we got your back.
Of course, you won’t have the answers to everything. However, that does not mean that all is lost. If you are confused or clueless about what you want to do for a living, simply follow the plan that we suggested.
Slowly but surely, you will find that light at the end of the tunnel. Once you decide to go towards it, there is very little in this world that can stop you. Armed with the right knowledge, skills, and resourcefulness, you will be sure to conquer any challenge. Consider all alternatives and make an informed decision. Good luck!
The post Find Your Call: The Best Tips on How to Select the Right Career appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
This article was first shared from Dumb Little Man
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indiehangover · 5 years
PAX West Spotlight: Newt One
At PAX West 2019, we played colorful 3D platformer @DNANewtOne, and despite its relative simplicity, we had plenty of fun!
Newt One is a colorful platformer developed by DevNAri and published by Whitehorn Digital. It doesn’t seem like the most challenging game of it’s type, but being able to take a more relaxed approach to gameplay definitely works in its favor.
Newt Onetakes place in a land called Groovy Hue, which was at one time bursting with music and color. It was then hit by a phenomenon known as the Great…
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uros · 5 years
Los peques de la casa tendrán un nuevo juego: Newt One
Color, diversión y un apartado musical con buenas ideas se dan de la mano en Newt One, un nuevo plataformas para todos los niños.
A veces hay que dejar un costado tanto disparo, frenetismo y dificultad en los videojuegos para relajarse con títulos más humildes, con ideas sencillas pero relajantes. Es el caso de lo nuevo del estudio Whitehorn Digital, quienes han pensado en el notorio de más corta existencia para brindarnos Newt One, un plataformas sencillo pero efectivo.
Añadir vida en vez de quitarla. Ese podía ser el letrero de Newt One, ya que su protagonista tendrá que ampliar color a un mundo rodeado de grises, mientras le acompaña una música pegadiza que encaja con el animación que posee el charnela. Solo nosotros seremos capaces de devolver la vida, la alegría, el color y la música a los habitantes de estos mundos flotantes. Inspirado en clásicos como Mario 64, Esquizofrénico Roco o Monument Valley, Newt One vendrá a los bazares digitales para difundir gusto a aquel legatario que quiera poco desigual.
  Newt One saldrá en Xbox One, PS4, Switch y PC el próximo 30 de Agosto.
La entrada Los peques de la casa tendrán un nuevo juego: Newt One se publicó primero en El rincon de diego.
Por El rincon de diego
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edparkerreads · 2 years
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The main couples. I just like playing with some colors for portraits.
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