#Why can't you just say‚ ''nO!! tHaT's BaD wRiTiNg!!'' like a normal stan?
thecruellestmonth · 7 months
Has Jason ever donated a bazillion dollars to charity? Has Jason ever used his corporate monopoly to hire felons? Has Jason ever been a landlord who insisted on earthquake-proofing all his properties which make up a significant share of an entire city? Has Jason canonically exploited the child welfare system using bribes and his prestigious family name in order to gain custody of vulnerable orphans? Has Jason directly supported and funded improvements to the police department?
Yeah, I didn't think so. That leftist hero is Bruce "Batman" Wayne. 😏 Jason has never dumped his massive dynastic wealth into charity, to offset his violent crusade. I bet all you Jason stans feel really stupid now. 🤭🤭🤭 You have failed at leftism, you lack critical thinking skills and media literacy, and your real-life politics must be awful. Truly, you guys are poisoning the Batman fandom with reactionary politics.
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I really like South Park fractured but whole, so maybe you could do Team Stan + Butters reacting to their s/o wanting to be their hero sidekick?
Ughhhhh that’s such a good request. I was like, about to say that my requests are closed but lately I’ve been in a funk and really obsessed with tfbw so NVM I’M WRITING THIS! It might get me out of that funk I was talking about, I need to write anyways. Btw this is all like, aged up to highschool at the very least. You can't tell me they wouldn't still roleplay during highschool because I know damn well they would
You can kinda tell which ones I didn't put too much effort in sorryyyy I just didn't know what to write also also also ignore any mistakes
Cartman, The Raccoon
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• Cartman literally gets so excited it's funny, but if you say anything about him being excited he flips you off and tells you that you can't be his sidekick (he's lying)
• He kinda thinks of everyone on the team as his sidekicks but you're like, his special sidekick and he'll never admit it
• He loves having you as his sidekick, NOW IT'S LIKE ALL OF YOUR MISSIONS ARE DATES!
• Cartman literally throws a fit anytime he has a mission you can't go on, he wants you there SO FUCKING BAD but he'll never tell you that
• He's weirdly protective of you but it's really nice (this totally isn't based off me talking to the Cartman character ai)
• You definitely bring snacks for you guys during patrol and I swear to god his pupils are hearts I'm not even kidding
• In my opinion, patrols and stakeouts with Cartman would be the best
• Out of all of them, he's the one you do the most with. Every other night there's some sort of crazy bullshit y'all deal with
• Most of the crazy bullshit being because Cartman caused it but shhhhh we don't talk about it
• Being his sidekick is a soild 7/10, he can get a lil selfish but he's really fun
Kyle, Human Kite
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• Kyle's excited but more nervous than anything, he doesn't have anything to worry about tho!
• Y'all are a pretty good duo, even though you don't normally go on missions where y'all have to fight
• You guys work more with damage control, I mean kites are pretty fragile and mans is a human kite alien so like
• Not to say he's weak, he's far from it actually! He just has pretty low health and stuff ya know?
• HOWEVER! You're a pretty good healer so it just makes sense that y'all are always near each other on the battlefield, plus sidekick so yeah
• Not only do y'all usually do damage control but also a pretty good amount of recon
• Half of the time you guys end up getting caught and have to run away so you get to be on Kyle's back as y'all are gliding the hell out of there
• Its like, surprisingly fun to be gliding. The wind in your hair and the excitement is the best
• Anyways, because y'all don't see combat too often the patrols are really calm. Sometimes even a little boring but you don't mind, neither of you are getting hurt and that's all that matters
• 9/10, it's kinda boring sometimes but it's pretty nice to be with your bf. At least y'all don't get hurt and can goof off during patrol
Stan, Toolshed
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• Stan's kinda indifferent about it, he's like "cool you're joining me... why?"
• Don't get me wrong, he thinks it's cool you wanna join him! He just doesn't get it too much, isn't it gonna be boring for you?
• Well, ya know what? Now he has someone to spend sleepless nights with when he's on patrol!
• Ngl he underestimated how much he would enjoy having you by his side, he's not lonely anymore AND SOMEHOW HE DIDN'T NOTICE HOW LONELY HE WAS TILL YOU JOINED HIM
• Ahhh, imagine if you had tool themed super powers too?? Y'all share some of his dads power tools and have to awkwardly try fixing them when they somehow break during battle
• You can't tell me Stan hasn't broken them before! He literally throws screwdrivers at people and shoves power tools into the ground, they have to break at some point
• Good thing you guys somewhat know how to fix things, y'all both probably would've been dead multiple times if you didn't know how to repair the shit y'all break
• Y'all have definitely had to clean blood off the tools at the end of patrols/nights. Literally almost every time, he really has to stop throwing screwdrivers at people
• Anyways, Stan thinks you're the best sidekick ever and he loves having you around. Having you as his sidekick is really fun overall, he wouldn't trade you for literally any other
• Being his sidekick is a good 8/10, it's not the best thing to clean blood off tools at 2 am but you don't mind too much
Kenny, Mysterion
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• Part of Kenny is over the moon! The other part, not so much
• He doesn't want you to get hurt while you're his sidekick so he's probably a lot more careful on his missions than he usually is
• There's definitely a lot of flirting between y'all tho, he gets SO cocky when he's Mysterion. Its one of his favorite things to get you flustered and flirt with you like, mid battle
• He doesn't die as much as he used to now that you're there so that's nice! He can't bare having you see him die tbh
• Y'all often patrol more dangerous parts of town so you guys see combat REALLY often
• I mean it's not Kenny's fault that homeless methheads and rednecks keep trying to kill you guys. It's whatever, he's good at fighting and so are you!
• You are by no means delicate, no matter how much he tries to protect you from all the battle you still end up seeing it anyways
• He kinda thinks it's hot that you're so good at fighting, he's literally like "damn bbg, you can beat my ass any day"
• Kenny never gets used to you flirting back with him, he practically short circuits. You think it's cute how he can flirt so easily but get so flustered when it's reciprocated
• In my opinion, being his sidekick is 8.5/10 because of all the fighting and flirting
Butters, Professor Chaos
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• Omg Butters is ecstatic! He didn't know how you knew he was Professor Chaos but he doesn't dwell on it too much
• Now you guys can bring all the chaos your little heart desires to South Park and he's so happy about it
• First South Park, then WORLD DOMINATION!
• You're not exactly one of his henchmen and he doesn't have the heart to call you his sidekick, you're something higher than henchman?
• Does it really matter? He's gonna bring chaos to the world with you by his side and that's all that really matters in his opinion
• Every time Cartman and his hero team beat him up after foiling his plans you always end up having to patch him up which is kinda annoying but it's fun to scheme with Butters during that time
• You definitely end up being the one who reminds him of his common sense, you're kinda like his rock in a way?
• He's so glad to have you by his side, plus now that you're here his plans actually succeed sometimes!
• The younger henchman all ship you guys considering most of them don't know y'all are actually dating, it's pretty endearing
• Solid 8/10, you rarely get hurt and it's kinda painful to see Butters hurt but y'all have a good time in general
No hear me out, like I wanna pick them all up and hug them like teddy bears. They're all so cute as kids even tho Cartman would probably and most likely has committed war crimes they're my lil cutie patooties. They're literally all really close to my height but I don't care I wanna hug them like teddy bears
If anyone has any recs for places to buy like, nice plushies of them I would appreciate it <3333
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
Preamble! I had a HELL of a day yesterday, woof. So if this comes out garbled, y'all will know why. I'll try to keep this short, but... I'm likely lying to myself, let's see.
TW: FORCEBOOK -- I'm going to say a few words about ForceBook below, so if words about ForceBook are not your thing, please move along!
I'm gonna start this post with thoughts on the three main pairs, and then get some last little thoughts out at the end.
a) I have a feeling that I don't need to write THAT much, because the lovelies @lurkingshan (here), @neuroticbookworm (here), and @chicademartinica (here) all covered the top points of this episode nicely: this episode was a BostonNick WIN. On Nick, dear Chica nailed it so hard that I will have to link AND screenshot her m'fucker:
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(Nick says the first line below, with Boston saying the second:)
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Fuckin' a. There are two reasons why I STANNED BostonNick in this episode.
1) First of all, as you see above, Nick still had to be a tiny bit of a shit. Nick was in Atom's shoes once. Nick remembers the feeling of having feelings for someone who didn't have feelings back for him. So Nick took a little passive aggressive dig at Boston by calling Boston's sex and predilections "terrible."
And Boston shot back at Atom -- and maybe indirectly at Nick -- with his perspective on sex: "[h]ow can you love me after sleeping together just once?"
I've written before (and forgive the foggy mom brain, but I believe @emotionallychargedtowel has also written on this), that the hormonal experience of sex can impact people in incredibly different ways. Some people, like Boston, feel no connection with the person he's slept with after sex; other people, like Nick and Atom, catch feelings. All of it is normal.
What happened in the dialogues that we were privy to earlier in the series vis à vis Nick and Atom was that WE, the audience, heard THEIR perspectives, and the narratives allowed US to contemplate sympathizing for them -- by playing off of a general assumption that an audience would JUDGE people like Boston for having casual sex. Boston's positions on sex (heh) pissed off people like Nick and Atom! So Boston got fuckin' wiretapped and smeared by these dudes.
However: BOSTON REMAINED CONSISTENT, CONSTANT, AND ACCOUNTABLE to his position, AT ALL TIMES, that he wasn't someone who caught feelings after casual sex. I am sure for many sectors of the Only Friends audience, that this may not have been easy to parse, especially considering the very early and popular judgements levied against Boston. (For the record, I never took Boston as a predator, and I established my thoughts early in the series run on this as rhetoric about Boston's "badness" around sex was flying around. I'm a Khai girlie. Boys, girls, and non-binary friends can be playas, too, and deserve to enjoy their sex lives without judgement.)
What I UTTERLY admire about the pace of this series vis à vis BostonNick is that it took its TIME in establishing Boston's AGENCY to be able to LEVY his position on sex SO STRONGLY and CLEARLY, with Nick's support. While much of the series allowed the popular and condemning rhetoric to swirl around Boston, this scene put a fuckin' NAIL in that coffin. I believe this scene said: you can't only listen to one side, the crying, sobbing side of a person who wants another person after a one-night stand. You HAVE to listen to both sides. The hormonal aspect of wanting to be close to your sex partner is valid, but also -- if the other side is talking, you MUST listen to what the other side is SAYING.
Boston was always clear about his position -- and Nick and Atom HAD to take responsibility for their unreasonable demands from Boston after their one-night stands with him; unreasonable, because Boston CLEARLY stated to the both of them that he wasn't a relationship guy, and would not be forced into it. And both of them ignored those statements, and all hell broke loose, TWICE.
2) HOWEVER! Boston realized, after spending more time with Nick than with any other sex partner, and after he lost his friends, that he HAD caught feelings for his fave, his Nick! Remember last week, when I got all mewdy that MONOGAMY might be the dramatic device that the show would use to "redeem" Boston? BLECH.
Paraphrasing! "I want to spend the next few months loving on you," or whatever Boston says?! FUCK, YES! Nick, all OVER this, setting boundaries, allowing himself TIME and SPACE to figure out what's best for him, with both Dan and Boston! SHIT, MARK PAKIN SHOWED UP! Omg, BostonNick for the win.
My head's spinning, because that was seriously one of the BEST conversations I've seen written in a drama about the consideration of a relationship and a status check. That impressed me as much as Pharm asking Dean for a break in UWMA -- and then Pharm straight up LIVING HIS LIFE, BBQ pork grills and all, without Dean for a few months.
And. Boston was cool with Nick's boundaries and thoughtfulness. Boston knows what he wants, but he's not gonna push Nick into anything. Boston knows time is ticking, but will wait for Nick's answer.
It was so cool to see. My heart was full.
So that pairing, the NeoMark/BostonNick pairing -- SOLID.
b) Moving on! Thanks to @lurkingshan, I got clarity on what the fuq was happening with Sand and Boeing. At first, I thought Boeing was a little SHIT for showing up to Sand and stirring unnecessary drama in his ex's life after getting rejected by Mew. (Mond, though. 🤤)
But, as Shan pointed out to me in my insane day yesterday: Sand has a problem saying no to dudes. (Homey, RELATE.) So like, then they all go back to Ray's place, and Ray KNOWS that Sand has trouble setting boundaries and saying no, because that's what Sand's mom said to Ray, but also, that's the way Sand's been engaging with Ray himself, and Ray will DEF know what will be up if Sand gets closer to Boeing again, and Ray's like, uh, come into my pool so we can nip this in the bud?, but no, we know what Jojo's thinking, so.
I mean, have sex already, you three, chop chop. I see the FirstKhao gworls on my dash not happy about not having a complete episode of SandRay peace, which I get, but also, this continues to reiterate my bleh on Sand, which like -- get a backbone, Sand. You have a literal boyfriend now, and you're still not saying no to dudes? What if Mild strolled in for a foursome? (NO, DON'T TURN THAT DOWN, SAND, DON'T.) But I'm just saying -- maybe listen to a person in your life, like your mom, to set some boundaries, like your roommate. I'm throwing my hands up in the air on this one, but at least we may get our threesome, and, Mond.
c) Okay, last pair! TopMew. For a hot second, I was impressed with Top.
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I liked this, ::waves index finger in a circle::, this worked.
But I have decided. I'm done with ForceBook. I just -- please remember the TW, FB girls. I'll get back to TopMew in a second as characters, but this was my first ForceBook show, and it might be my last. Watching them is as exciting to me as breaking down Amazon boxes.
We have seen Mew waffle this whole dang series. (WELCOME BACK, THE ONLY FRIENDS VENGEFUL WAFFLE! HEART YOU, @starryalpacasstuff!)
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And there was more Mew waffling, more talking to moms, and Top is just like, I'm gonna peace out, DEUCES, and then, OF COURSE, HE COMES BACK INTO THE KITCHEN, LIKE HE NEVER LEFT THE HOUSE AFTER SAYING HE WOULD (I cackled), and then they're together in bed. And now they'll move in together.
This was a BIT of a storyline ride. But -- and I HAVE TO ADMIT, part of this is my tiredness talking -- I'm just kinda bored of ForceBook at this point. Do I actually get the sense that Top is *excited* about Mew moving in? Do I get the sense that Top and Mew *love* each other? I.... don't! Is it the chemistry between ForceBook? I.... I think so? I think so!
And, so... Mew will try to convince Ray to accept Top in the next episode? I dunno. (Episode 12 previews, we've learned to distrust them.) As much as I want to try to sit here to analyze TopMew at this point, I kinda just wanna throw my hands up in the air and be like, I'll leave these characters to fiction. And I think it's because I was unfortunately spoiled by the FANTASTIC chemistry emanating out of Neo, Papang, Mark, First, and Mond in this episode (MARK! MONNND. PAPANGGGG.).
I have to admit it, and I'm sorry to admit it. ForceBook do nothing for me, acting-wise and chemistry-wise, and I am done struggling with analyzing TopMew. I'll let 'em be.
d) Last thoughts! Bye, Cheum. We haven't had enough of Nonnie in this series, and I wanna see Nonnie as April dump Cheum's ass and break shit in episode 12, the way Nonnie's real-life brother goes and breaks shit on social media. Way to hold no one, including yourself, truthfully accountable, Cheum.
(What in the. I would love a Soonvijarn episode on Jojo's thoughts on Cheum one day.)
Anyway, bye, B.
THAT'S ALMOST IT! Ephemerality? I hope Boston makes a whole bunch of righteous new homies in NYC. This whole series has made me sick and tired of proximate friends, lol. We'd better see Mond suck face with Khao and First. Andddd, bleep, bloop, that's all I got!
[EPHEMERALITY SQUAD, second-to-last weekend meta for ya! @slayerkitty (SK... I am so tired, lol), @ranchthoughts, @chickenstrangers, @twig-tea, @neuroticbookworm, @lurkingshan, @distant-screaming, @clara-maybe-ontheroad, @thatgirl4815]
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marshmallowprotection · 2 months
What are your thoughts on the new Cg? Butler Saeran? I’m not use to the him nor Jumin and Zen with glasses. But they look good
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Normally, I would do a lengthy analysis post about the image, but there isn’t much here for me to analyze! I do want to write something for the anniversary that I will try to get out before the end of the month, but it's not going to be tacked onto an image analysis since there isn't much for me to say here other than point out a few Easter eggs. 
I got what I wanted. Jaehee in a tuxedo. This is what I manifested at the start of the month and I am grateful that we not only got her in a maid outfit, we got her in a butler outfit, too. Jaehee stans, you have won and she is front and center! This is her moment and she is killing it. I feel the need to stare at her for a little while because it's cute and there's no way I'm going to let this moment pass me by without really appreciating Jaehee aesthetically.
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I'll be honest, I don't know why the recent trend has been to make our boy Yoosung super clumsy. He's never really been a clumsy guy and I don't know where someone got the idea that Yoosung isn't on top of what he's doing. I will agree in saying he's probably the easiest person to bully in the entire universe because he's sweet and gullible, but he isn't clumsy, and yet, every image we've gotten of him this year other than his birthday image has had him busting his ass on the ground in one way or another.
Does ANYONE know why they're bullying Yoosung this bad? I mean, he's really cute here and I appreciate that he's trying his best to really impress the MC, but c'mon, give him a break.
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I did not realize how badly I needed Jumin in glasses. Jumin's already a very handsome person but somehow adding glasses really elevates it here for some reason. I don't know how his vibe has enhanced for me but it has. I wear glasses myself and I always have, so it's nice to see the characters in glasses in official artwork because I'm always super curious to see how they would look. It's working for Jumin, that I can tell you.
I like that his hair isn't as neat and tidy as it usually is, too.
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I fear they have slayed. Saeyoung and Zen are dazzling in their own right and I can't remember the last time they were drawn side by side but I think it's been a little while.
I've already noticed many people have pointed out that Saeyoung is wearing a ring. It's a little bit silly that he's wearing it over his glove, but I have to admit that is something he would do if this were his timeline. He is proud of the fact that he gets to live in this world, and he's even happier to know that he has somebody by his side who understands him more than anyone else. He's definitely that guy who doesn't stop talking about his partner because he's so in love. 
Zen with roses is something I've come to expect because he's also a traditional romantic. Red roses are the best way to captivate someone with your love and it’s no surprise that he follows that path. It might seem a little cliche but who is he if not somebody who loves romantic cliches? He is that guy who would watch romcoms with you all day long regardless of your relationship status with him, he just gets it.
I don't know how I feel about him wearing glasses since he doesn't seem like a glasses guy, but maybe if I saw him in sunglasses I might be able to rationalize this better. He's wearing a stylized pair here and I think it's the gold that's throwing me off. If it was silver, I don't think I would feel as perplexed by how I feel because silver fits him better as that's typically what he chooses for himself.  
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Controversial thing to say every time I say it, but I have to tell you guys that Jihyun is still my third favorite character in the game, and I really don’t mind when Saeran and V are drawn together. I recognize that they do this because those two are tied together as the leads of Another Story, just as the core five, meaning Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee, Jumin, and Seven are drawn together.
But, to me, seeing Jihyun with everyone makes me feel like there is a timeline where V did the right thing for everyone and asked for help at the first sign of trouble instead of continually shooting himself in the foot. A lot of the art that's drawn with V included is self-indulgent and can only exist as true fanservice because it would never be true in most routes of the game. 
Normally, I would expect him to look exasperated in art like this but he seems to be fairly confident which is a good change for Jihyun. I’ll take it! 
I have no idea what they're doing here, did they choreograph a song and dance? They aren't the most coordinated members of the group so that makes me want to laugh. It's sweet, but I have a huge feeling they're going to trip over each other if not on their own feet. Saeran is as cute as always, I could talk about him for hours.
Seeing him as a butler always takes me back to when Ray said he would be happy to be your butler in a huge mansion. That was utterly indicative of the fact he was willing to become subservient to you if it meant you would stick around. That’s what the first bad ending is all about. Unfortunately, he thought so poorly of himself that he would be willing to make himself nothing more than something for you to push around if that's what you wanted. 
At least, in this context, he's doing it because he wants to make you happy, sure, but it's not something he's doing to make sure you stick around, he knows you'll still be there no matter what because he doesn't have to work himself to the bone to prove he's worthy of your companionship. 
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I don't know if anybody picked this up but the painting is in homage to the anniversary image from two years ago. Rika was in the painting that time, and this time around, it's MC.
I do think it's worth noting that they are playing with light and dark imagery which is to be expected in a game that takes a lot of cues for religious imagery. Rika and MC are always bathed in white and black, light and dark, true contrast.
They're both wearing a dress that goes off of the shoulders, the only difference being the color and the style. MC has a more sleek pattern and Rika is bathed in ruffles. Rika’s seems to be more constrained and MC’s a little more loose around the edges. MC is free to make choices one way or the other by pushing outward, and Rika makes choices that go against her best interest as she pulls inward. I think another CG that plays on this is the BE from V Route.
Love her or hate her, there are important parallels at play here. 
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In conclusion, Rika has always been like this in official art and I don't know what to tell you.
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travllingbunny · 4 months
So, The Apprentice, directed by Ali Abbasi and starring Sebastian Stan, Jeremy Strong, Maria Bakalova and Martin Donovan, had its world premiere on Monday at the Cannes festival. I have tried to avoid reading too many of the reviews, because most of them are written by people who seem to think they should be describing specific scenes (how do you write a spoiler-filled review for a movie based on real life? That's how), but I have still read several reviews in full and quotes from many others that have been plastered across social media, and seen reactions on Twitter.
And at this point I just have to address how terrible many of these reviews are.No, I don't mean in the sense that they are negative about the movie, I mean that they are terribly written and contain insane, stupid arguments. I will not be able to see the film until it is released worldwide (probably in the autumn), so I can't talk about the film itself and its quality, but some of the arguments are bad by themselves. It's not surprising that, due to the topic of the movie (you know), many are unable to be normal about it even when writing professional reviews. But can you write reviews that don't use arguments like.. (and here am I'm going to list increasingly bad, stupid arguments, with the dumbest and most insane one at the end (including a quote from a review that exudes homophobia and antisemitism))
"Why is this movie made, why now, do we really need it?" (We don't need any movie. No movie is a necessity. And maybe your review shouldn't be about you being pissed off to begin with that there's a movie about Trump, even if it's highly critical and unflattering.)
"We already know all this" (What else did you expect?! That's true of any movie or other fictional work based on real life events and people. Every such movie only tells events you already know if you have done a minimum of research on the topic -information is available online for everyone to see. .Unless you go and just make up things. Should a film based on real events include made up stuff to be better?? Not that the general audiences tend to know all about the real life topics of various biopics and real life fictional work, they usually don't because people don't read up on everything. )
-"Since these things are already known, it's unlikely that it could be a game changer in the elections" - Of course it won't. Who in the right mind ever expects a movie to change minds (people who don't like what's shown will just say it's lies and propaganda, which the Trump campaign is already saying) and affect elections?! What made you think that's what it's meant to do, or what movies generally do.
Anything along the lines of "Trump would hate/love seeing..." Why are you trying to read his mind? Especially weird when you see negative reviews based on the idea "Trump would actually love this because [reasons]" (especially wild knowing some of the extremely unflattering things shown in the movie, but these comments usually contain weird projections to the effect that he will think he looks cool because he 'wins' in the end? Which may say a lot about the people saying these things) Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is threatening to sue the movie
"The movie is tepid, doesn't go far enough... " (OK, in what way...?) "in making Trump look bad enough. it's so dangerous to humanize him" (?!) I guess the better approach would be to portray him as an alien monster from outer space who was born evil. This is obviously stupid in itself, but even wilder when you know it's about a movie where (SPOILER)................................ ....................................he is shown raping his wife............................................................................................. What does it say about you if you think this is still not unflattering enough? (Then again, Trump is not the only POTUS who has had multiple allegations of rape, sexual assault and sexual harrassment against him, in fact that's true of 3 of the 5 last Presidents of the USA including the curent one, so it's more of a feature than a bug in US politics...)
and then similar to this, but even wilder, is the absolute worst argument/criticism I've seen (and it says a lot that this is these are the only negative criticisms of the two central performances that I've seen): the performances are weak because those figures are are not caricatured enough?!
This last argument is something I've seen in only two reviews, but it's so bad that I just have to single it out.
One such is The Telegraph review, which argues that Stan's approach is "too sensitive" and that the role needed an actor who is "more of a caricaturist"?!
I thought this was the worst review I've seen, but it gets even worse in this review from something called Little White Lies (I'm linking the Tumblr repost, because I'm not giving this crap a click):
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WTF?! Aside from why you would expect the performance to be campy (I know why...) apparently this dude thinks it's a failing that Jeremy Strong is giving a credible and realistic portrayal of Roy Cohn rather than making him look like a homophobic, antisemitic stereotype?! (I don't know if this dude's description of this other performance is accurate, but I'm going by what is said here.) Which this guy thinks is just the right way to go - obviously he believes (like quite a few liberals seem to) that it's OK and in fact desirable to be bigoted when it's against people who are/were bad, right wing and bigoted themselves. See, Roy Cohn was gay and Jewish and he hated being gay (true) and hated being Jewish (debatable), so it's not only perfectly OK but in fact awesome to be homophobic and antisemitic towards him? Oh but see it's fine because he was a hypocrite? Well, I have news for you - so are you. F**k off.
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demonsfate · 30 days
i've never seen a fandom hate and spite their own mc more than the tekken fandom. i was browsing r/Tekken one day for tips on how to beat lili and unsurprisingly i found a post where people kept disrespecting him on his OWN BIRTHDAY. seriously, as someone who is a diehard stan of kazuya mishima and sasuke uchiha (i loved both of them since i was a kid) even those two get more respect than jin - the naruto fandom on reddit never straight up disrespected sasuke on his birthday.
worst part of it all is that jin got basically the same treatment as luke from star wars and captain america in marvel comics - he was just ooc as fuck in tekken 6 and his characterization in that game completely contradicts tekken 3-5 jin. it can easily be fixed too by just saying he got brainwashed by azazel (like how nina got brainwashed by ogre). jin fans get called whiny for trying to retcon or fix their own favorite, but side character fans (ex. paul, law, etc) get a fix their own fav and be called "the best writers in all of fiction". i think i also remember seeing someone say they hope jin's va gets terminal c*ncer and dies so the writers could have miguel kill him off and then replace him with kazuya or lars as the new mc while xiaoyu fucks hwoarang or something (i checked to see if it was still there, but they probably deleted their twitter account).
why can't the tekken fandom just do what voltron stans do and ignore canon while making their own?...yes, everyone and their grandma knows tekken story has gone down the shitter since post tekken 5. so then instead of saying "Tekken story sucks and no one cares about lore in fighting games" for the 100th time how about fucking make your own au's and fanfic.
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honestly it's hard to look thru any jin content without a joke about tk6, or straight up bitter haters. i'm not saying every jin post has a comment with that content, but there's a lot that does. reddit is probs the worst place for jin hate too as i see it there the most. heck, i get hate for being a jin main. usually when they don't agree with one of my takes, they point out me being a jin main and how we're all retarded or some shit. (alisa & jun are now more of my mains, but that was back then when i still listed jin as my main lmao) so whilst you're still gonna come across jin hate on places like twitter or even here, it's best to steer away from reddit 'cos it's most egregious there.
yeah. most normal fandoms do just ignore canon, or if they can't ignore canon 'cos it's canon, they acknowledge it's trash and purpose ways it could've been handled better. but the tekken fandom isn't like that. they're insistent on jin being a fucker head because it happened in one game. and yeah, i have seen ppl say jin fans are either whiny or losers for wanting to say he was brainwashed and not hold him responsible for his actions. and it's like, yeah, i approve of holding characters responsible for their actions. but the problem with jin is that his character should've never been written to commit those actions to begin with - i'm not gonna care to hold a character responsible when they were out of character. i'm just gonna criticize the writing.
also maybe you saw that on a message i already answered? there was another anon that also told me something similar that their sister or friend was praying for that in a church lol. i dunno if you're the same anon or not (as you both have similar takes regarding the treatment of jin's character)
i think the reason why tekken fans have a harder time ignoring the Bad Parts of canon compared to fandoms like marvel, star wars, or certain animation is because of the "stories in fighting games don't matter" saying that's popular. it gives people the mentality that they shouldn't care about the story as much... yet ironically caring about it as they're mad at jin for being the Hope of Mankind lmao.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 years
Can't understand how chengcheng fans has always been the first who started to disgust people and start a war in the fandom.
Let me tell you a story. In China itself, modao once was a peaceful fandom on Lofter or Weibo during 2016-18, because the fans are all coming from reading the novel. At most they like the friendship of young Shuangjie but not UwU-ing so bad while scolding WangXian.
It was Not until late 2018-19 when donghua and CQL came out. A lot of JC stans spread like moss, either baby-ing JC or breaking WangXian by saying ChengXian originally is the official pair but because LWJ got popular mxtx give it to him (simply daydreaming😒 Even before writing, mxtx has said she first constructed what kind of protagonist she'd write and what kind of Husband he'd get thus WangXian are canon even before the making of MDZS).
At first the pairing of JC with LXC originally came due to the coincidence of Shuangjie and Shuangbi, but afterward, they literally recruit almost every character in MDZS to love their chengcheng. Such as ChengNing, ChengQing, ChengJingyi, RuohanCheng, ChengYao, SangCheng, even incest ChengYanli! etc, because chengcheng is pitiful being alone and he needs much love, lol. And finally, they simply insult both WangXian for betraying JC for love, or wen sibling for whatever sin they said to be guilty of, insulting Jin Guangyao for the third party between XiCheng (almost every XiCheng fanfic must hate and step on JGY to dregs to make JC look so much better, which is funny because XiYao is kinda popular in China much earlier, so this is a tense war, poor Xichen though🤣).
The even funnier thing is that they started to protest "why can't official pairing be broken?". In China, fans are pretty strict to official pairing (even the role of top/bottom, so this is really getting on a lot of people's nerves). If previously they robbed WWX and hate LWJ, now they started to rob LWJ and hate WWX. Yes. They think why did WWX get all the best thing? Why can't LWJ love and pamper their chengcheng? (Oh they already forgot about pairing LXC with JC in order to pamper him in the early days, can't get enough and want more).
There is even a party of DuWei or HeiMXTX(smth like antiwwx and antimxtx here), distorting canon facts (practically the so called canon they say is by ignoring 80℅ of facts itself), distorting every good intention of WWX into sinful and wrong things, even stepping on mxtx and slander her for neglecting her character just to make way for wangxian. The funny thing is that not even JGY Stan are as hardworking as them in slandering WWX and mxtx, when JGY literally got butchered in the end compared to the alive and kicking JC.
Naturally, WangXian fans get disgusted so bad they retaliated hard😂 around 2019 and intensified around 2020-21 (now the fandom has cooled down a bit). All kinds of meta and fanfic to slap awake those daydreaming ChengDu (literally mean Poisonous Cheng) are made. We can find tens of thousands articles (there are different tags, so rounding them up, it is more than 100k articles) has been written to refute the weird logic-brainwashing from JC stans on Lofter or Weibo.
This. At this point, came another problem.
Some of them simply hated JC but think that JFM and JYL are good people (which I also think so, they are just simply normal people who treat WWX just like how normal people in their shoes would be, without particular malice or hidden conspiracy). Some of them got angry for ChengDu remarks who said WWX owe YMJ for life, so they feel disdain even to JFM and JYL because those 2's kindness arent so great, if they were replaced by someone else WWX could even be treated better, yet why did it got said WWX owe them so much? Small portion of them even turn to dislike JYL so bad for being an ignorant and almost love brain Mary Sue girl, in retaliation of ChengDu who practically insult all kind of shits about WWX and Wen Qing while putting the saint family YunmengJiang onto the pedestal (including JYL), lol.
Anyway, there are all kind of different sides even for those who hated JC and his poisonous fanatic. But each one of them came due to JC Stan brainless remarks in the first place, lmao.
But what I want to say is, no matter what country, no matter what fandom, whether local or international, why is it always those JC stan who started to first disgust people and provoking a fight? Like, is this really hereditary? Those who worshipped JC are destined to distort the canon facts, refuse to accept reality, must insult and slander other characters to whitewash their own idol?
That has always been a mystery to me🙃
I think my largest frustration with the English side of the base is, that I never had to defend the fact that the Ancestral Hall fight, was never in the wrong for Wangxian and Wen Ning when it came to Chinese fans. This is completely on the side of mostly American fans.
I remember the mess of Jiang Cheng fans while the novel was being written only to have been replaced by nastier Xue Yang fans that were the ones to chase MXTX finally off of weibo, which is honestly as notoriously gross to creators as twitter is on the western side of things. It stopped once they didn't get what they wanted, and at least JC stans there stay in their corner because they know they will be mocked to hell and back for claiming distorted canon is actually true (trust me bro).
I can very much deal with Chinese mainland and Taiwan fans as they are well aware what fanon and canon separation is. What I am shocked about is how heavily I still get insulting anons and slurs from his base specifically that do only speak English and use some distorted meta that argues about "cultural sensitivity" yet they don't have anything other than some weak argument about their own personal life as proof of it all to try to shut me down when I speak about the abuse Wei Wuxian did face from Jiang Cheng's actions.
I don't mind fanon, I ship Xicheng as I have said multiple times. I can deal with a softer Jiang Cheng as long as there is acknowledgment of his past actions being shit and him having to work damn hard to be a better person for the people he supposedly loves so much. Yet I am still being told "personal experience is always different so that means this behavior from him is actually okay", when no, because the author of the work makes it textually aware that it is not at all ever meant to be a reason to take Jiang Cheng's side. Just because you, personally, relate to a character does not mean the text of them being meant as an antagonist changes suddenly. Your unhappiness of that does not change the story that is shown and what we are meant to generally pull from each of his interactions with Wei Wuxian.
I am tired of being told to accept that people want to make a hateful homophobic, selfish rich man, as something else and demanded to accept that people want to project that instead of what he is. I don't need to accept that because my rejection of that "hurt feelings." I am not here to say all interpretations are valid, because it is not truthful to the story text or the author's further clarifications of how she meant for him to be perceived.
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aris-ink · 1 year
U conplain more than you write. You absolutely like everybody else need therapy. Don't consider it a hating comment. But the amount of heartfelt posts you post on here is huge. And it's absolutely normal. But the way you're making it seem like a habit and the repetitive texts you write looks like you struggle with the same problem every time. And let me tell you that I know for sure that you don't receive many complaints as you make it seem cause you're posting asks one by one 24/7 and by the time you post this one too I'd know too since I've sent it just recently.
I m not following you anymore anyway after this ask . Not just because I hate you but because I respect you fondly and know how rare to come across pple like you. But on a real life basis not on a blog where pple don't even know who you are.
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I don't understand half of this ask.
"you need therapy, don't consider it a hating comment" why would I? I don't know how long you've been here honey, but I'm very open about being in therapy. I am in therapy already and there's nothing wrong with that. but thank you for the advice? which was so rude and unsolicited, do you go around every blog telling people to go to therapy because they have problems? are you that kind or obnoxius? if it's kindness, and you're so willing to help, please use the kofi link and fund our sessions, thank you. ❤️ unless you only wanna go around making people feel bad for struggling, that is. not that it's gonna work on me, but good try I guess? 3/10 for effort 😭
"the amount of heartfelt posts you make here is huge and it's absolutely normal" but it annoys you all the same? I know it's shocking to hear, but, yes........... my struggles...... are about the same things. sorry I'm not dramatic enough to have a new problem everyday dhdhdhdhfhf
I'm battling with my mental health. I'm battling anxiety, so I repeat myself, because when I have no energy to reply I don't want people to feel ignored. I'm explaining myself when people misunderstand me so that my points are clearer. again, 2/10 bc I sure as hell am not gonna feel bad or apologize for being mentally ill lmao
"I know for sure you don't receive as many complaints as you make it seem" 1/10 I literally could not care less what YOU think. I know what my inbox looks like. I don't respond to hateful asks that are just nonsense, like "abuse enjoyer", "weirdo", "what can we expect from a multi stan", because engaging in a conversation like this is pointless. but asks like this???? why should I keep my mouth shut when you're throwing crap at me?
"I'm not following you anymore anyway after this ask" oh no, why 😭😭😭
please shove all that fake kindness somewhere where someone will care. people like YOU are the reason authors have to hide their struggles, they can't say anything on their own blogs, can't talk to anyone, and then just end up disappearing. because people like you make them feel bad for being human and sharing their thoughts and opinions.
I will complain however much I want on this goddamn blog, I don't go on yours and tell you what to do with it. pay me to write for you and then you will have any right to tell me that I should just do my job and shut up. otherwise? kiss my ass.
thank you for affirming the decision I made to leave lmao.
and to my angels, I know you're not used to seeing this side of me, and I am sincerely sorry, but there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, and I'm not a mat for people to walk all over. 🤷‍♀️
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
I'm a not a huge fan of Daemon, for me the only cool things about him are his sword and dragon. A few days ago I tried to read some Daemon x reader fanfics just to see how it is and you know, maybe there is something about him that isn't...messed up. But It was exactly what I thought for the most part. It was mostly just D**myra x reader oneshots or Daemon x niece! reader fics. But I wasn't at all prepared for romantic Daemon x daughter!reader stuff and....that was just beyond weird. I can't describe it. I can't fathom how anyone can write such a thing even if it's fictional. There was also a romantic Daemyra x daughter! reader fic....this fandom is getting worse every day. The fact that it was smut just made me completely lose any interest in his character.
The state of Daemon’s fics is not that great. I had to start creating my own because they by in large just weren’t inclusive🙃(even the ones that aren’t incest, and there is still a way to make incest inclusive, have a white reader in mind, but that’s the case with most fandoms).
That being said, I may rag on this man, and I do love to read other people raging on him, but I do genuinely love Daemon Targaryen(he’s the whole reason I started writing fanfiction), I have written Daemon x niece!reader fanfic, and I’m about to start writing Daemon with one(or both) of his daughters…
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As a self-proclaimed Daemon stan, he’s the type of character who you either love or you hate.
He is admittedly a psycho(well his show! counterpart has been shown in not the best light and that’s what most of these fics are based on), but he’s got charisma. He’s charming. He has this dark aura about him and there is something so alluring about that darkness.
I mean think of all the other fictional bad boys that have a large fanbase or massive appeal because of their dark and brooding ways. In recent years you’ve got Draco Malfoy, Prince Zuko, Edward Cullen, The Darkling, Namor, Massimo from 365 Days, and Kylo Ren(and now Daemon and Aemond). Go even further back and you have characters like Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast.
These guys are not “good guys” by any stretch of the imagination. Most of them are terrible people(or at least unpleasant) who in real life you should probably avoid. However, their darkness is appealing, and at the center of most of these stories is a woman who has captured this beastly man’s attention and love(and has changed him in a way).
Now as far as his “fanbase”(they are by and large Dumbnyra stans which is why I stay on my island 🏝️ now) leaning into the whole incest /blood supremacy theme, yeah a lot of it is low-key creepy. I may be hypocritical saying it, but the way they do it doesn’t seem normal especially when you take into account how they treat certain characters like Nettles(who is the one who changes him in canon, but they dislike her and want to acknowledge her importance to him due to her not looking like them😙).
I’ll leave it off by saying if you dislike Daemon most of his fics aren’t going to make you like him because of the nature of the content. No one is trying to show him in a good light. His appeal is in the fact that he’s this powerful temperamental brute of a man that their chosen self-insert (s) “tames”🤷🏽‍♀️
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lemonhemlock · 9 months
I feel kind of dumb. >go on r/asoiaf >'this is why feudalism bad! GRRM is criticising feudalism!' idgi. We haven't had feudalism for ages. Do I need the old man to explain to me why the divine right of kings is misogynistic and generally quite bad? I feel like it's a bit of a reductive attitude and I think it makes the ending he'll choose to go with really unclear. Anything short of a heckin' democracy would feel bad. *wipes the reddit off of me* What do you think?
Anonymous asked: I sent that anon ask before I realised that it does crossover with topics you've touched on before so please feel free to ignore it, but if you want to springboard more specifically about the social criticism intentions of ASOIAF that could also work lol. It's a very frustrating thing to the point I wonder how ASOIAF can exist as a text if taken through such a lens.
First of all, hello & happy new year! 🎉 Sorry for the late reply, but I've been busy with celebrations.
That being said, I do think that people sometimes take this universe way too seriously. GRRM can criticize feudalism without dismantling the entire system at the end of the series and that's an absolutely normal way to write pseudo-medieval fantasy. So often I see takes like "there's no worthy king" gain popularity, except that there is? This is what we're looking for in this particular text. I understand that this doesn't jive with many people's political beliefs, but we are living in 2023 and this text we're stanning is fantasy literature with brave knights and courtly politics. It's really not that deep. Nowhere does it say that enjoying medieval fantasy has to reflect in your real-life voting patterns or that it's representative of some evil drive within you to exploit your fellow man.
And just because feudalism is bad (which it is! it sucks!) doesn't mean that having a "good" king can't make a difference and can't improve people's lives. Those with an all-or-nothing attitude are going to be disappointed at the end of the series, because GRRM never intended to re-write a new, completely fair political system.*
*at least IMO, after all, we could always take a Stephen King turn and change genres to sci-fi and the answer to everything will be aliens. and spaceships and stargates. lol.
What I think he was interested in is a passion project showcasing his love of history (since so many details are inspired by real-life history). Also, to bring it back to the social critique you mentioned, another point of interest in the medieval setting is that it allows him to build sophisticated characters that navigate their various constraints in different ways. It's the variety of personalities and approaches and reactions to these sometimes rigid impediments (be they social, economic or political) that make ASOIAF stand out in the world of fantasy. To give an example, it's both Cersei and Sansa being abused by the patriarchy, but taking such wildly different stances as a result of sometimes similar experiences! ("The only way to keep your people loyal is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy" vs "If I am ever queen, I will make them love me.") etc. One thing we cannot take away from GRRM is that he is wildly talented at writing people, with distinct values and belief systems, formed as a result of unique (or not!) life experiences, who benefit from varying degrees of privilege, who wield that privilege in particular ways etc. Could you do that in any time period? Of course you could, but he chose medievalesque and that's also fine.
I know that D&D made a stupid joke in the last episode about how silly democracy is and I agree that it was very heavy-handed in their typical dudebro, nuance-less way. But here are the current roadblocks that limit the amount of freedom the general population have:
the majority are illiterate;
the printing press has not been invented in Westeros. Books are copied by hand;
the road infrastructure is poor;
modes of transportation are really not very fast;
How are you going to spread democratic ideas in this context? I don't think people realise that, in order for representative democracy to work (and it has to be representative with a population so large), you need organizational resources that do not exist in Westeros - voting lists, polling stations, election observers, people who can count the votes and centralize the results in an efficient way etc. How large is Westeros again?
the lack of modern medicine keeps people beholden to antiquated patriarchal and religious views;
In a world where there is no birth control,* where STDs can be a death sentence, where you can die from a simple fever or infection, where many women die in childbirth, you will always find societal restrictions imposed on women and their bodies/wombs, as well as prudish views on sex. It's absolutely slut-shaming, but, with the existing technology available, it's also a health concern. What if you get sick from having multiple sex partners? How can you prove the child is your husband's if you sleep with more people? Or vice-versa, what about your lawful children if you, as the man, keep allocating resources to your bastard children? (this is important for marriage contracts for the purpose of inheritance).
*there are characters who seem to take moon tea without issue, but it's not a foolproof recipe as it can have dangerous side effects (see Lysa). Also it doesn't seem to be freely available to everyone.
very few cities within Westeros; most of the population live in the rural area and have agriculture jobs;
the status of guilds is unclear; how many? what occupations? in any case, guilds are closed organizations not everyone can join - as a regular Joe, you can't practice the trade of a guild, you can't access their knowledge etc;
all the land is owned by the lords; how are you going to earn a living and pull yourself by the bootstraps out of feudalism?
the lords live in castles. Castles are nigh impenetrable, it can't be overstated how effective they are at keeping away attackers and how hard they are to conquer. What are you going to do about it. Cannons haven't been invented in Westeros. Dragons do exist, but they are painted as destructive forces of nature that shouldn't exist, most definitely shouldn't concentrate that level of power in the hands of a few individuals, and will most likely disappear once and for all at the end of the series. In short, dragons will not be used as a deterrent against the construction of castles and to even out the power differential between the rich and the poor.
In real history, it was changes in warfare technology and the centralization of government that caused castles to lose their utility (more power in the hands of the king? tumblr is going to hate that).
Acknowledging these limitations and drafting an ending that's believable with the available technology painstakingly described in seven books is not going to be a cop-out or morally bankrupt or even particularly cynical. It's the best that can be done in bad circumstances. And isn't that all that we can ever do anyway?
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
Hello Dani , this is a response to the ask about TNLD Alec .
I am so glad that we are now talking about it .
The hate toward Magnus really made me uneasy because I felt like the people defending Alec where acting as if Alec’s emotions had more value than Magnus’ LIFE. It gave me major « online mirroring real life «  type vibe where the white man’s feelings are all that matters
i didn’t say anything because I did not want to make the situation more unpleasant for you and did not think that the people critiquing would have been able to have a real conversation about the topic.
I had a really hard time with TlND Alex . I could not understand why Magnus got back with him and stayed all these years . He gave me huge toxic WHITE man vibes and I read the story for Magnus and Max (and also your amazing writing and treatment of mental health as a topic)
I never understood why there where so much hate towards Magnus because he was the one who suffered and sacrificed the most for this angry, oblivious white man -like bro could have done so much better.
Like asking your boyfriend to tolerate your racist parents and getting mad because he refused ?? Automatic breake up. He actually carried that lack of consideration when it came to race after he was married to a certain extent too 😤
Let’s not even talk about his jealousy problem, and tendency to »say hurtful things he doesn’t mean « like this excuses the fact that u are willfully hurting someone u claim to love .
Annnnnywwwwways , I could write an essay ..
I am very curious about the demographic of the TLND Alec stans
I myself is a Caribbean woman not raised in the US in their late thirties.
Love this.
Let's discuss further.
Because I can't just mind my business and write fics, I not only analyse my characters, but I also analyse my readers. TLND - in that case - is very special.
BECAUSE, if you followed the discourse around the fic, you might notice that some of that discourse also made it into the fic. I've even directly quoted some people because it was SO interesting how people started to take sides (expected!) but the way in which they started to defend their fave and attack someone else was basically what was happening in the fic itself.
This fic started to mirror reality and vice versa and for a minute it got a little surreal for me tbh.
But in my analysis and observations, I noticed four kinds of Alec stans in TLND.
Please note these are merely my observations and don't mean anything beyond that so don't take it personally y'all 😇
People who liked Alec and Magnus and believed 'they were both wrong' - The concept of 'both sides are wrong' is a paradox. It doesn't exist. Yes, two people can be wrong. But in the event of a conflict, because of the power dynamics involved, one side becomes the aggressor.
In TLND, this changed from time to time, but it was very clear that Alec had the upper hand in the relationship. It's how I wanted it to be (for plot reasons) which is why Alec is significantly older than Magnus and richer (in the beginning) and many other things.
I firmly believe that neutrality doesn't exist. So, the "both Magnus and Alec were wrong" gang took the easy way out. Sometimes, one person is more wrong than the other, and we need to learn to admit that.
People who liked Alec even when they knew he was a bad guy but didn't hold him accountable - Well, at least they are self-aware. But not holding people you like accountable is a dangerous habit. Did you know (fun fact) that marginalized gender identities are more likely to face violence and intimidation by people they know than people they don't know? In many cases (as that initial ask that started this conversation pointed out), Alec was one of the people who hurt Magnus too. It's just hard to see that (for many) because Alec was also one of the few people who loved Magnus a lot. I will not go on a rant about how emotional violence in intimate relationships is completely normalized (and statistically proven) but it is.
Also, this bit reminded me of this quote from rwrb because it's one of my favourite quotes ever.
 “God, I want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn't it? All that time. I'm so sorry.” - ACD
ALSO - I've encountered so many "Alec should've moved on and Alec should've dated someone else" readers. They also fall into this category. One of the reasons I never let Alec date anyone else was Alec wasn't ready to date anyone else. That relationship, even simply sexual, would've been extremely toxic. Alec didn't need another boyfriend. Alec needed to learn how to be a better boyfriend. I said what i said. I would've never let Alec date someone else without working on himself (and guess what, I think he knew that too. One of his better qualities).
People who liked Alec, knew he was a bad guy, but wanted him to get better and were rooting for him - Totally valid people. I like these people. I'd fall into this category if I was a reader. I think, these were also people who felt it wouldn't be the end of the world if they didn't end up together. I think people who were in the category would've enjoyed the fic the most.
People who liked Alec, and because of that, started to hate on Magnus - Wish they hadn't found the fic 🫠
But here's the deal though. Not all readers fit into one of these categories. It just doesn't work that way. If I had been younger and you said you hated TLND Alec, I would have been hurt and offended. But I'm not now. At all. Because I'm old enough to know that the way we perceive characters depends on our own values, experiences and identities. So, it's impossible for the readers to like all the characters and like the fic the same way.
While I didn't mind that TLND got all these different kinds of stans, what I did mind was when people started to get abusive and hurtful - to the characters, to me, and to the people who didn't agree with them.
That was just juvenile, and unnecessary and made me realize they were simply reading the fic without understanding the themes because if they did, they would've realized their mistakes by now.
I'll stop now though.
Thanks, always, for engaging critically with my writing. I love it and appreciate it a lot.
PS - if it helps for context, I'm a south asian woman in her late twenties :)
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earlgarden-archived · 2 years
Kazuha x KomiShouko!Reader
As you can see, I Stan Kazuha, because this is the second time within a week that I'm writing another Kazuha headcannon post. Sorry about that! Also I know I'm posting a lot of Character x different anime character!reader stuff but I always find these types of posts so interesting so I just had to make my own. But don't worry, I'll be posting normal posts soon.
(just like the Childe x Shinobu!Reader series, I'm making this a series too! So once again, stay tuned)
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Kazuha x KomiShouko!Reader part 1 :
How you guys meet
Kazuha was simply strolling around Inazuma, of course considering how he's a fugitive, it's a bad choice to go wandering around Inazuma. But at this point, he didn't seem to care, as much as he disliked the region, he wanted to see the Sakura trees just once.
When strolling, he noticed a tiny voice talking. Thanks to his good hearing, he could make out what this voice was saying.
"Why can't I do it? Why is it so hard for me to utter even a single word?"
Cant even utter a single word? How sad...
Kazuha decided to listen in a bit more, maybe he could find out what's going on
"Even though I got the thing I wanted, I ended up getting more than I wanted. Why? Did he find me weird? Maybe he thought I was weird and wanted me to go away, so he gave me a bunch of stuff so I could never come again?"
Maybe they're mistaken
Kazuha slowly emerges from the trees, silently hoping that this person doesn't think of him as a stalker
"hello there" he quietly says, trying not to scare you, regardless it still startles you. You drop your small cat plush that you seemed to have been holding a few seconds ago
"ah, apologies, but I heard you talking. You seemed troubled so I thought I could talk to you." Kazuha said, trying to sound comforting to hopefully soothe your stressed self. But he was only greeted with silence. You slightly panick, trying to find something
"hm? Is there something you would like me to help find?" Kazuha asks, wondering why you won't talk to him. Just as he was going to help, he saw you take out a notebook and quickly scribble some words into it.
He watches patiently, anticipating what you are going to do. You show the notebook to him, hiding your face in the process. On the notebook it reads:
"I appreciate the help, but I'm good" although Kazuha doesn't really think so, if you say you're okay, then he'll leave you alone. Just as he was gonna open his mouth to say something, you flip the notebook onto the other page. Kazuha reads it, it says:
"but actually, do you mind if you could buy a cat plushie. I had promised my dad to get one, yet I could only get one... And those other plushies" Kazuha looks at the pile of stuffed animals sitting next to you and chuckles
"I can see the seller must like you a lot. Alright then, I'll help you" He watches in amusement as you quickly put your notebook away and attempt to carry all the animals. Unfortunately, one tiger plush ended up dropping to the floor. As you crouch to try to pick it up, an elephant plush drops. Then as you try to pick that up, a leopard drops onto the ground until eventually, every single animal plush is on the ground again. Your on your knees, looking as if you're about to cry. Once again, Kazuha chuckles
"there, there, I'll help you. Leave the carrying to me, I can handle it" your eyes sparkle, and you quickly bow down to thank him. Kazuha finds your actions very cute.
As you both walk to the shop, Kazuha couldn't help but wonder why haven't you uttered a single word? But the longer you walk to the shop, the more he starts to understand.
Maybe she dislikes talking? No, if she dislikes talking then she wouldn't have wanted me to help her in the first place. As well, it seemed like she really wanted to talk to people. Maybe she can't talk? But how is that possible? Is she mute? No, she was slightly shrieked when I approached her. And she was talking to the stuffed animal beforehand. So... What could it be... Ah! It has to be... Does she have a communication disorder?
But before he could say anything about it, you tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at shop selling plush. He smiles at you and places the stuffed animals down
"wait here" he quietly says and approaches the seller.
"hello, I would like to buy a cat plush"
"of course! That would be-" the seller suddenly stops, Kazuha turns his head to see you. Your holding a wallet, which he assumed was your wallet, when he looked back at the seller, the seller was shaking.
"wh-what? You're back? Did I not give you enough? I gave you every type of plushie we h-have" he stutters, he's clearly intimidated by your gaze. Which further proves Kazuha's theory. Kazuha looks over his shoulder to see you very sadly take out some mora and nervously handing it to Kazuha. Kazuha sighs as he hands it back to you
"I'll pay for this" he says, as he turns back to the seller
"sir, what's the price?" kazuha asks quickly
"f-five moras" the seller stutters as you hang your head to avoid eye contact
"alright here you go"
"h-have a n-nice day.. hope t-to nev- I mean, hope to s-see you again" the seller slowly stutters as Kazuha picks up the stuffed animals again and you hug the cat plush gloomily. As he looks back, he notices several people admiring something. He averts his gaze to what the people were staring at, only to find himself looking at you. People were admiring you.. He takes a closer look at you, and quickly realized why everyone was admiring you. You were beautiful. The most prettiest person he had ever seen. Your hair was silky, your skin was porcelain and your eyes were beautiful. Everything about you was perfect. But Kazuha simply turned his head forward, it's not like he really cared about looks anyway.
You two go back to the spot you first met and sit down. You look at the floor, embarrassed to make eye contact with Kazuha. While Kazuha looks out at the sea.
"The ocean is truly beautiful. Don't you agree?"
Kazuha says to break the silence, not knowing what to say. He looks back to see you writing on your notebook, turning the notebook to show what's on it:
"yes it is." You quickly turn to the other page
"by the way, thank you for helping me buying and carrying the stuffed animals" using the notebook, you're blocking your face, once again embarrassed to meet his gaze.
"ah, it's no problem. I'm happy to help"
As you two continue talking (actually Kazuha's doing all the talking, you're just writing on the notebook) Kazuha starts to enjoy your quiet nature. Since you can't talk, the conversations between you two are calm and peaceful. This is a lot better than being on the ship Kazuha thinks. Especially at night when the crewmates are drunk.
He is taken out of his thoughts when you suddenly start scribbling things down, you show your notebook:
"actually, I haven't gotten to know your name" Kazuha widens his eyes, how rude of him!
"apologies, looks like we were to busy chatting we forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Kaedehara Kazuha, a wanderer that roams the land" after introducing himself, Kazuha smiles seeing how your face lights up after hearing that he's a wanderer.
"What about you? What's your name?"
Very quickly, you scribble your name down in big letters, turning the notebook around to reveal your name.
"y/n." Y/n that's a nice name
"what a beautiful name, it's nice to meet you y/n" Kazuha says smiling as you turn your notebook around
"nice to meet you too"
I find Komi relatable so this fic was for my own needs. Also quick reminder: This will be a series, so make sure to stay tuned
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I would like to request a Elf King!Kyle x Human!Princess!Reader. Reader is Cartman's sister and forbids Kyle from liking her.
Thank you <33
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Those are super cute Tbh
I have so many Elf King Kyle x human princess reader requests I decided I’d do one post about it
It’s probably gonna take me a sec to write it but I will gladly <333
Elf King Kyle x Human Princess Reader
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• When Elf King Kyle saw you, mans was HEAD OVER HEELS, it was love at first sight and he doesn’t even really believe in that
• When you guys first met on business for a peace treaty between the elves and the humans y'all ended up getting distracted and becoming friends
• He really tried being intimidated but it didn't work at all considering his face was a shade of red and he was sweating the whole time. I mean you were in a similar state so it wasn't as bad for Kyle as it probably would've been
• After a while of talking he found out that honestly, you were only on Cartmans side because he was your brother. And even you had to admit, the man was an annoying shit that sometimes you couldn't deal with
• Y'all ended up bonding over your similar feelings towards your brother
• Ofc your meeting ended up being cut short when your brother kept sending messenger after messenger to come get you because he was bored of waiting for you
• When you got back and he heard from his messengers you best believe he started gagging and said that he'd handle the affairs with the elf kingdom now. He can't have his sister having a crush on Kyle!! That's soooooo gross
• He definitely told Kyle that he's forbidden to see the human princess (you) and that it's not allowed for anyone to have crushes on you because he has the stick of truth and its super weird for him. Why it's weird for him specifically no one will ever know
• Obviously that didn't stop Kyle, why would he listen to him?? It's Cartman after all
• This started secret meetings between you guys, it honestly wasn't that hard to sneak out considering your brother snores like a fucking leaf blower
• The elves caught wind of this because duh, it's their kingdom they should know what's happening in it
• So one night before you left the elf kingdom after one of you and Kyle's secret meetings, some elves kidnapped you
• They didn't hurt you in any way it was almost kinda funny because of how bad of a job they did. They tried blindfolding you... but used really really thin fabric you could see out of
• Anyways, for the most part they just questioned you a lot. They kept asking if you had a crush on the king and in general, were shipping you guys
• To be honest, the elves loved you and just wanted a chance to talk to you. At some point they untied you and took off the blindfold so you guys just had a normal conversation
• They really wanted to get to know the girl that their king was so smitten with, that he would talk about her any and EVERY chance he got
• Cartman was definitely pissed when you got home, how he knew you were gone was beyond you. He kept grumbling about how you "smelled of stupid elves" which was really weird
• Yeah no, turns out he just got one of the humans to spy on you and tell him what they saw. Gee, thanks man :rolling eyes:
• Anyways, the secret meetings continued because who the hell was gonna stop you? Definitely not your brother, and y'alls mom thought it was cute so she wasn't gonna try either
• Soon enough, the meetings started turning into unspoken dates before you guys eventually made it official
• Both of you were so obvious it was almost stupid how neither of y'all realized until your individual knights told you
• Stan is definitely Kyle's wing man, no doubt
• Butters and Kenny are probably yours, which is utter chaos but that's for another time
• Honestly, your brother wasn't happy about this but the elves would totally beat his ass for you so he wasn't gonna say anything about it for once
• Kyle (not so) jokingly calls you his elf queen and it's super sweet
My lil Cartman shimeji was staring at me as I wrote this, he's so dang cute <3333
anyways ignore spelling mistakes, shhhh they are not thereeee
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cosmicjoke · 9 months
"There is so much hostility toward the Eruri fandom by Levi stans" Excuse me but Wtf. Dear Anon, have you ever thought about why this happened? From your other colleagues lynching Levi saying they are homophobic for shiping with someone else, especially a woman, to the fact that Levi has a life outside of Erwin and his own character, you are always bullying people for saying it doesn't revolve around Erwin and then you play the victim card and say "they are so touchy" "we only presented (vague and mistranslated) canon evidence". "E L has a faithful and loving relationship and they are jealous that it's not on their ship"Saying and somehow you manage to get rid of your own messes. While Erwin and Levi have a well-crafted relationship in canon, in your fandom you make Levi ugly, a sewer rat, a spoiled who is always angry, but who is calm and knows his place next to Erwin, and you make Erwin radiant, clean, a god. And you write about a dynamic that follows Erwin as if this is the ideology of his life, that he follows every order, that every action he takes is only about Erwin, and that he is ready to drag everything, including humanity, to hell if his countryside is harmed. Yours say it's a Canon, not an Hc, and to those who say it's not, you do what you do best and gather all your friends and bully them. There are so many dramas that you have been doing for years that if I count these things, there will be at most 3 full pages, but I will mention a few of them here as an example;
A month ago, when the Bad Boy spin-off was announced, and it was mentioned that some guys were making Levi do "the same job as his mom" and it was implied that Levi was being sexually harassed in some way, some Eruris were happy and fetishized it… Because it meant that Levi would have a sub and that he would probably be gay… It's so vile and disgusting.
At least one-two years ago, an artist on Twitter said that Levi has no romantic feelings for anyone and that no ships are canon. While some shippers and people agreed with this, only the Eruris didn't accept it and harassed the artist. Some time after that the artist's account was hacked in a strange way. Luckily she was able to get her account back.
Last but not least, this just happened. 2 weeks ago a Lh shipper who was known (both by her toxicity and by her Lh friends and artists she loved) died of her illness. While most of her friends were mourning, someone who was known for bullying and harassing those people and people who didn't ship Eruri for years with her friends because of the ship she didn't like on Twitter, and who got rid of all the shit she did, made fun of the death of that person and said that she faked her death because her ship was not canon in the anime. Although she did not seem to regret what she said, she wrote an apology post because she lost a few followers. The silent followers who supported her and bullied her are just as guilty as this person. Fortunately, someone on Twitter created a post exposing the toxicity of this person over the years for awareness and I am leaving the link here for other people who are not aware to read it. [update:Unfortunately, I can't post because of the link..]
I know you'll say that there are toxic people in every fandom, but there are also normal people. Yes, there are. I've seen various toxicities in other levi shippers. But when I see the sewer rat comments about Levi being ugly and the fetishization of his abuse, when I see the misogynistic comments about him being selfish and hating women and the mischaracterization of his character, these discourses come out of Eruris the most. As much as I see a lot of toxic eruri, I also have Eruri friends who understand the difference between canon and fanon, who appreciate the two characters separately and love and ship the dynamics of both. I used to have them. Now, after seeing the toxicity of Eruri and their views on Levi, they stopped posting. All they do is art appreciation.
So Anon, I hope I was able to explain why they have so much hostility towards Eruri. Half of your fandom is busy twisting Levi's character for a ship and proving that even if the ship is not canon, Isayama is still trying to say that it is canon through subtexts. And your are trying to convince those who do not accept it under the name of 'discussion'.
Do you argue that Isayama, who focuses on subject-oriented the series rather than romantic relationships and is cold-blooded on these issues, is actually resorting to fanservice by drawing a heart on Levi's cheek and silently shouting that it is canon? If we are going to start from subtexts, why only Eruri? Lh and RivaPet, they also had subtexts that resembled romance.
And that's pretty much it in a nutshell. A certain sect of the eruri fandom just can't let it go, and harass anyone who denies their ship, over and over and over again. The whole reason I was so blunt and short in my initial replies to this person, because they just never stop, and they never accept your opinion, and they just keep pressing. Their passive-aggressive BS is blatant, hiding behind a facade of friendliness, only to expose themselves for the raging psychos they are when they don't get what they want.
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i lowkey would totally be interested in your richie and stan dance moms au lore. I read that fic ages ago and now can't get richie and stan being dancers out of my brain. especially because im a dancer myself
Richies strengths are performing (obviously), but i also think she would have this super cool and unique quality to her dancing while stan is super technical. and i think stan would struggle with a perfectionistic mindset (ugh dont we all) and sometimes lose her artistry while richie is relaxed and genuinely just dances for enjoyment, not really caring if shes not completely technically sound
(btw you are such a talented writer i could read ur writing forever. and you characterization skills are so fucnjkh good)
(Here's the fic for reference btw)
Dude, homie, bestie, my dear like it’s so STUCK IN MY BRAIN because like?? I in general am of the opinion that gals Stan and Richie were in dance classes as little kids together, because I think it’s fun, and I ALSO think they’re the two funniest characters to throw onto reality television? Like,,,, come on?  
(Also like I’m Bad at describing dance for a person who dances so unfortunately there isn’t nearly enough dance info forthcoming in this as there is in my brain)
SO the basic timeline and lore built out in my head is:
Age 2: Richie and Stan start dancing at the ALDC in those baby ballet classes, Andrea and Maggie become friends sitting in waiting rooms and tiny Richie and Stan baby bond INSTANTLY, so they’re best friends immediately 
Age 8: The show starts filming, and it follows the actual real life incredibly fucked up dance moms lore where everyone thought they were signing up for a short documentary style thing about dancing and got locked into YEARS OF TELEVISED CHILDHOOD TRAUMA
They’re in a one year contract at first, which then gets upped to a five year contract once the show starts picking up, so six years in total that they’re REQUIRED to be on the show.
Stan genuinely is very invested in dance and both her and her parents specifically put a lot of weight in her being successful (without meaning to be kind of fucked up about it), and she’s an only child with a stay at home mom who can spend all her time on Dance, so that’s why they sign on
Richie is pretty much Gonna Do What Stan Is Doing and is generally having fun (-ish) with the being a minor celebrity of it all because she’s Nine Years Old so she’s down
She does have one older sister but she’s way, way older (18 when Richie is 8 kind of vibe) so she’s going to college by the time the show begins and therefore Maggie and Went feel comfortable committing to it
(There are some episodes where Maggie isn’t there because of Richie’s sister and Abby thinks she’s a bad mom because of it and says it a lot)
It’s also important to note that they’re just normal people being intensely manipulated by production to sign on
At the start of the show A La Maddie (DISCLAIMER: i refuse to write any semblance of real person fanfiction, Abby doesn’t count because she fucking sucks, so decide on ur own if the normal real dance moms girls are there or there are just other random Dance Children) Stan is very much the golden child who Always wins and Always gets very good solos because she’s abby’s favorite
Their solos are mostly Ballet and Lyrical because they are technically incredible and a very pretty dancer
HOWEVER like you said she is SUCH a perfectionist (mood) and takes every loss REALLY personally, so it becomes a sort of toxic fandom mindset that she is a spoiled brat because they cry a lot and have panic attacks over not liking how a dance went (FILMED LIVE ON FUCKING TELEVISION AT EIGHT! WUH OH!) 
Richie is sort of set up to be a Jojo type character, where she’s REALLY REALLY fun to watch dance and a ball full of energy but because she’s so Much all the time the producers end up painting her as very, very rude and sort of lazy brat
But she’s a fantastic performer, which is crazy important in dance, and it’s not like she’s BAD she’s just not super technical? Which actually sometimes works in her favor because she ends up being a really a super versatile dancer
Jazz and musical theater are her Big Two but she’s pretty much good at everything except ballet because WHO IS? (Stan)
The dynamic is basically Stan is a incredible dancer but really just at certain styles (idk if I’m describing this well but she’s very much the kind of dancer you watch and think Wow She’s Good At Dancing and Doing This Correctly) and Richie is very much a jack of all trades master of none
They’re very good at duets though because Richie gets Stan to loosen up and Stan refuses to let Richie Not Practice Constantly
Richie’s coasting the bottom of the pyramid WEEKLY even when she wins because of her ‘behavior’ and Stan is usually at the top
Generally the production team tries to frame the two of them as enemies because they’re SO different that it makes good television for perfect, ballerina Stan to be constantly butting heads with obnoxious brat Richie but they’re genuinely such good friends it Does Not Work
One episode is set up to sort of push the Hate Each Other narrative in season one where they give Stan a really cheesy, big performance jazz number and Richie a really, really technical ballet number, expecting it to be a big competition and fight but instead they just help each other practice and cheer each other up when they get upset
Stan wins the first nationals, obviously
Age 9-10ish: By the second season it sort of starts to pick up in intensity and both of them start to get homeschooled/setschooled and the show becomes their entire lives, which is Bad
By this point both of their mental health isn’t Awesome but Stan is really not doing great, especially because they’re so anxious the social media perception is really getting to them, and her mom is trying really hard to get out of their contract, but they’re stuck. 
Stan and Richie (along with their moms) decide they’re both leaving together the second their contracts are up.
Someone else from their team wins nationals second season but because Stan is so in her head about everything she gets like fourth, which is also Bad For Her and the narrative starts to slightly switch from ‘golden child’ into ‘is she Still the golden child?’
Age 11: THIRD SEASON, though, Richie win’s nationals and Stan gets second, which like… isn’t supposed to happen
(Fun actual Dance Moms fact: pretty much all the competitions are rigged but nationals are Less Rigged like they’re tilted in their favor but the judges are a little more real)
Abby is PISSED and basically tries to make it seem like the judges messed up scoring or it was a mistake and it’s one of those Famous dance moms scenes because Abby is basically saying that Stan should have won because she is better and Richie is clearly very genuinely upset (which doesn’t happen a lot she’s very good at like making when she’s upset a joke when the cameras are around) and Stan fully stands up to Abby and calls her out on her bullshit 
After that the whole energy skews more against Stan where suddenly production is airing a lot more of the little insults they usually cut out specifically for Stan to try and push the agenda that Abby is unfairly nice to them
Everyone sort of blames Richie for it a lot of the time, though, and the two of them probably have a thinly veiled duet called like The Bad Influence 
Age 12: Abby really fucks up and says something Genuinely So Bad (and probably Pretty Antisemetic im ngl because have you fucking watched dance moms?) to Stan so production literally cannot make them stay legally, like with Kelly situation, where it could get them into actual trouble so Stan and Andrea are allowed to break their contract and leave the show
The show runners cut most of the argument out and edit it to seem like it wasn’t Abby’s fault
Richie and her mom try to follow but because it’s a specific situation that wasn’t aimed at Richie they aren’t allowed
They both know they’re leaving when the contract is up but there's still two years stuck on the show without her immediate best friend support system and it really sucks
People make a lot of sad edits about it and Richie thinks it’s really funny but also it's genuinely the crux of why she's QUITE so mentally ill (in general being hated by abby was never good for her but once Stan leaves it's ROUGH)
Age 14: Richie’s off the show, she knows she’s gonna be off the show, so she like fully flips Abby off in the dressing room after nationals and storms out with her mom and the show honestly just keeps it in because it’s good tv to have a big reason like that to explain why she left
They worked it out so Stan and her mom are waiting outside and they drive them home and hang out and it’s a good time :)
Richie and Stan were best friends with Mike from before the show and they went to school together/continued to post both of them leaving the show
She’s in One (1) episode for two seconds at like a party or something and Richie and Stan pretty much Just Post That Scene when they’re older, like if someone asks them about their favorite moment they’re like oh yeah when mike was there
She’s got a big social media following from the two of them and thinks it’s hilarious
They meet the rest of the losers in college
Bill and Mike are college roommates who are crushing hard on eachother so she becomes their friend through Mike
Stan and Ben are roommates and Ben is dating Bev so that’s how they become friends
Bev was a childhood Dance Moms stan, like ran a fan instagram account and went to meet ups because I think that's really funny don’t worry she’s better now
Bill and Eddie have been best friends since elementary school so she gets dragged to a lot of their hangouts and is completely and entirely unaware that Stan and Richie are like c-list celebrities for a WHILE
tbh this is like a very train of thought bare bones explanation but do with it what you will :)
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kittyphoenix12-xx · 1 year
About that why did you get billy hate poll... Personally i dont post about billy or harringrove so i never had any hate targeted at me, and i cant vote in zhe poll because of it. BUT i had to block so many accounts and tags because i couldnt go into the billy hargrove tag without encountering these mile long posts about how awful we all are. I know you know these posts too well, so i wont detail how according to the antis we are all racist assholes. The worst part is that when i first joined the fandom i saw so many of these that i almost believed them. You know, when a bunch of people are all saying the same bs but you start to doubt yourself, it really sucked. It effected me enough thst i had a hard time "confessing" to my real-life (aka not online) friends who are casual fans of the show that he was my favourite character. And the funny part is most of them couldnt even care less, cause being such a passionate anti for a fictional character and writing 10k essays on how awful that FICTIONAL CHARATER is and therefore his fans and the actor too IS NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR! It is as chronicly online as it gets. There was only one friend of mine who was suprised and since she is a very opinionated person started to explain to me how SHE COULD NEVER LOVE HIM and she is suprised that i care about him. I tried to explain to her that i know that he behaves like an asshole but its due to his background and i believe would he have gotten the same treatment as steve he could have been redeemed, i was hit with the classic tonedeath answer:
Well my home life wasnt sunshine and puppies either but i dont go around beating up kids
At that point i just gave up in arguing honestly and then i felt like an idiot for not putting up more of a fight, cause this made it feel like her argument i agreed with. God.
I love billy so much, but all this negativity that comes with being in the fandom just drains me.
my dear anon, you are absolutely correct and i hope you have a lovely day.
i confess that when i first watched stranger things, i didn't like billy that much. and i handled that by not engaging with media about him, you know, like a normal person. this was just after s2 came out so i wasn't active on tumblr, i wasn't writing fanfiction, i wasn't in the fandom (and I'm glad let me tell you). but i was also thirteen and related to max more than billy, but the older i got, the more mature and aware i became of just the world in general.
in my humble opinion, the vocal billy antis are ignorant. they don't want to a conversation, they don't want to discuss nuance or entertain the idea of people unlearning things.
we've reached a place in this world where racism and homophobia and ableism are so prevalent that people forget that these things are taught and can therefore be unleant. because a lot of the real life people don't want to unlearn, or can't.
and that idea as spread into fandom spaces. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but the fact that people's response to children/teenagers saying racist/homophobic things is to immediately call for their death is a bad thing actually. and yes, it's spread to characters as well.
it's all performative. i made that poll just to see how performative antis are and, yeah, the results aren't great.
another thing i've noticed about people in general is that they tend to hate characters that exhibit their *embarassing* flaws. media that has racist/homophobic characters in the bad positions aren't really loved by people who hold those views.
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^^^^ i think this summarises what i'm trying to say. no one wants to be the bad guy, so when they see something that forces them to confront that part of them, they push it away, deny it.
billy/harringrove stans have been harrassed, told to kill ourselves, called slurs and yet the people who say those things think they're right because they can't fathom being wrong.
so, anon, what i've learnt from my six months in this fandom, is to embrace it. yea billy was going to hit the kids with his car, i actively encourage that now. yea billy was going to kill everyone, he should've killed them all.
but no matter what, we love and support each other. so feel free to ramble in my ask box whenever, start posting on your blog about billy, do whatever you want.
they don't matter to us. they can't matter to us. fandom should be safe and it should be fun and those people are making themselves miserable. and that isn't our fault and it isn't our problem.
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