#Why does he give me yakuza au vibes
crow-gothtree · 10 months
I imagine this Aizawa is hiding so many tattoos.
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If anyone knows any good tattooed Aizawa fics on ao3 send em my way...
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all-the-dabihawks · 2 years
Hero DabixHawks au Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
Here we go again with more Dabihawks brainrot XD it’s gonna be a long one folks - Hero au with Dabi and Hawks both in the rankings
Rating: 18+ minors DNI
Chapters: lots >.>
Warnings: slow burn on the feelings, hurt comfort, if I say lemon does that give me away?, twabuse, twdrunkdabi, hawks being a shit to hero dabi, hero dabi being a shit to hawks, probably other stuff, rp format (alternating POV)
Summary: Hawks drops in on a nomu fight to give the number twenty-three hero a hand. Hero Dabi does not appreciate the support. What better way to show it than to embarrass the Wing Hero in front of the press?
If there was anything worse than hiding from the press and avoiding interviews, it was these stupid fucking formal events. Normally, he would come up with any excuse in the book to not go to these things, but sometimes he wanted to stir the pot. He knew dear old dad would be there, and after the earful he’d gotten about his latest stint with Hawks, he was looking for any excuse to humiliate him further. If he got to see Hawks and humiliate him too, that was just an added bonus.
His complete disregard and lack of respect for the formal setting is obvious after taking a single glance at him. His tie had been shucked the moment his PR manager was out of sight, the first few buttons of his shirt down to reveal black ink littering the pale skin under his collar bone in an intricate pattern. His suit jacket sleeves are rolled up to his elbows in a sloppy display. He’s all but colorless, wearing all all black to contrast everything else about him, the only real hint of color being his vibrant eyes and the occasional glint of his piercings catching reflections of something more colorful than himself.
He leans back in his chair, scouring the room for his father who doesn’t seem to be here yet. Maybe he’ll get up and sneak off to the bar before any of his table mates show up.
A woman in vibrant, skintight red slides into the seat two chairs down from Dabi, takes one look at him and goes wide eyed. She pushes pitch black hair out of her face and glances sideways at the hero like she's seen a ghost. She reaches for the tumbler in the middle of the table and pours herself a glass of water, all the while throwing short glances at Dabi like she's looking like a bomb about to explode. Considering the way she carries herself and how stunningly gorgeous she is, the hesitation is clearly out of character.
She takes a sip of her glass, pretending to take in the sumptuously decorated ballroom in a way that doesn't make her look out of place. The silence is obviously awkward to her. It takes all of six minutes for the woman to crack.
She locks eyes with Dabi and clears her throat. "Well, this is awkward." She forces a laugh. "I'm ah- I was sorry to hear." The apology seems purely out of manners because despite her words she holds herself with a certain degree of elegance, glancing up at him from under heavily mascarad lashes.
Dabi’s used to all kinds of strange looks from people. Disapproval, intrigue, nervousness. A pretty little doll like this, probably born into money and lacking experience with normal people was almost expected to be awkward around the hero when he was sitting here looking like a damn Yakuza member. He more or less ignores her until she speaks to him.
Sorry to hear? About what? He raises an eyebrow, completely unimpressed, if a little interested, with the whole vibe she’s got going on. “My existence isn’t that tragic, doll. You’re gonna have to be more specific.” He says simply, letting his chair drop forward with a thud. “Am I supposed to know who you are?“ Why would this be awkward?
Big brown eyes flutter a little, betraying just how much of her timidity is an affect and her lipsticked mouth makes a moue.
"I heard Hawks stepped out on you." She toys with her glass, long, manicured fingernails tapping musically against the crystal. "You were right to dump him. Guys like him, they're only out for a good time." She looks Dabi up and down. It's supposed to be coquettish but she just appears hungry. "You have to know how to handle men like him." It goes unsaid. A pretty thing like you.
Hawks. Fucking hell, was that how tonight was gonna go? He shouldn’t be surprised. The media was all kinds of abuzz about their stunt. He didn’t expect people here to take it so seriously, though.
Apparently now, it was circulating that they had broken up? He snorts, smirk playing on his lips. “Oh yeah? I’m sure you know all about how to handle men.” Whether she takes that as an insult or as a flirt is completely irrelevant to him. Playing with people, seeing how they respond to his behavior, was the quickest way to figure out if they were worth his time. He had to acknowledge, this woman had his interest piqued. Dabi couldn’t tell if she was coming onto him or trying to intimidate him. She seems like a real cunt. He’s kind of into it.
He mirrors her motion, reaching forward to take a sip from his own glass. “You got a name, sweetheart?”
Hawks slips into the seat between the two and shoots Dabi a grin as he hands over two of the drinks he'd been juggling. The third, he pushes towards the Cremation hero. "Her name's Kibarashi."
The woman bats her eyelashes at Hawks and accepts her drink, tossing a knowing smile at the junior hero. She sips the red wine before finally answering him, pressing a hand to Hawks' arm to lean over him towards Dabi like she's telling a secret.
"I suppose I do." Her smile is full of promise as she leans back. Hawks just rolls his eyes. "I'm gone for five whole minutes and you're already hitting on my ex?" He throws Dabi a look, brows quirking teasingly. Beside him, the raven haired woman laughs, the sound throaty.
"I was just getting to know the competition."
Hawks snorts. "Don't worry, Kiba, he's not taking me back any time soon."
He pieces it all together once Hawks slips into his seat and the woman—Kirabashi—practically climbs all over him. Oh, this was fucking rich.
He frowns exaggeratedly, giving the avian his best “heartbroken” expression. “Real classy, Hawks. Bringing your new side piece when you knew I’d be here?” He ducks his head, fighting back the grin on his face as he sets his drink down in favor of the newly offered one and takes a sip from it. “Kind of a slut, isn’t she? But I guess you are, too. So how long before you’re bored of her, too?”
He peers at Hawks from under his lashes, a mischievous glint there. He has no idea if whatever he’s got going on with Kibarashi is serious or not, but he’s not about to leave here without ruining something for Hawks.
Hawks rolls his eyes, sticking a hand to his heart theatrically. Beside him, the woman's expression pinches, unimpressed with Dabi's name calling.
Hawks is unfazed.
"You wound me." he complains dramatically. "After all the sweet times we shared together. I come to drown my sorrows in the arms of another and you're here, teasing me."
Beside him, Kiba picks up her glass, her look distinctly not flirty for the first time tonight. "That's not funny, Hawks." She actually looks annoyed. The Wing Hero slings an arm around her.
"You're right, babe. I was messing around on him. I deserve this." She cocks a brow, the unimpressed look growing. Hawks is tickled at the reaction. She'd seemed so self possessed at the modelling agency. Who knew it would be this easy to get under her skin.
Dabi is delighted by Kibarashi’s reactions, and judging from the grin on Hawks’ face, he feels the same way. “She’s pretty.” He sighs wistfully over his drink. “Not as pretty as the girl before me, though. She was a real knockout. You sure seem to be lowering your standards more and more.”
He turns his attention fully on Hawks, leaning in and finally allowing a smirk to split across his face. “Just messing around on me, hmm? All those sweet promises you made me when we were cuddled up in your bed sure didn’t sound like messing around, pretty bird.”
He leans in closer, teeth scraping the shell of his ear as he lowers his voice just enough that he knows she can still hear it. “If fooling around’s what you’re after, she seems like a waste of time. With that line drawn in the sand, maybe we can talk about… Rekindling. Would be a shame to let a good thing go to waste, wouldn’t it?” His breath is intentionally hot.
Why the fuck is he going so hard on this charade? Hawks isn’t going to go along with it. And Kibarashi is already gonna be pissy with him. He tries not to think about it too hard.
The 'Not as pretty' gets the desired reaction, her expression pinching tightly. She really isn't all that pretty when she frowns. Hawks wonders yet again why he always has to bring a date to these things. Oh. Right. The commission.
He hooks the woman in closer, voice a practical coo. "Don't let him fool you babe, you're the prettiest woman in the room." Apparently it doesn't take much to get her back on track because she practically preens under the praise.
That is until Dabi leans forward to murmur in Hawks' ear.
He's surprised by the move if he's honest. Dabi looked about ready to burn up when he'd left him with the press. And now he's messing around again? Hawks' grin turns amused. He's so unpredictable. It's perfect. Maybe he can actually keep up.
Hawks sucks in a theatrical breath. "You wanna talk about that? Here?" He feigns offense, pulling away from the invading hero. "After you burned all my clothes! Everything I left at your apartment. All up in smoke!" He injects hurt into his voice before turning to Kiba with a frown. "He burned my limited edition Endeavor underwear! They don't even make those anymore!"
It's a whine and the woman looks suitably horrified by it. She takes another sip of her drink, pulling out of Hawks' hold. Clearly she's trying to hold back but she can't keep up with the game they're playing. Hawks lets her go in favor of messing with his new favorite hero some more.
"What, so you can break my little birdie heart again? I don't think so buster! I've got self esteem." he huffs, picking up his sparkling water and downing several mouthfuls.
His theatrical lament of all of the clothes that Dabi supposedly burned has him biting the inside of his cheek in an attempt not to burst out laughing. He’s surprised that he’s playing along at all. Clearly he’s not that serious about the woman beside him if he’s enjoying this as much as he is.
“Baby.” He tries once he’s got his composure back. “You know how weird it was to peel my dad’s name off of you? I would’ve incinerated them even if I didn’t plan on dumping you.”
His knee lightly bumps against the avian’s. “I do want to talk about it here, actually. I’ve missed you. Sue me for being a little devastated, seeing you here with someone like her.” His hand finds Hawks’ knee, sliding up just to be suggestive without actually doing anything. “If you come home with me tonight, I’ll do that one thing you really like. Isn’t that worth a little blow to your self esteem?”
Why is his heart racing so hard? This is all to sabotage his date. He’s already done the job. And Hawks doesn’t even seem to care. There’s no reason to keep this up. This back and forth between them is all bullshit. Not a single honest word has left either of their mouths. So why the fuck does he feel high off of this interaction?
"He's my hero okay." Hawks whines. "A man's gotta have a hero!" The blond huffs, gaze steady as Dabi's hand lands on his knee. He leans closer to the Cremation hero, feigning an affronted look. "You dumped me." he reminds the other, expression serious but golden dancing. "Don't think you're gonna lure me back with promises of sexual favors."
Okay so he's being a little shameless, but Dabi is interesting, and he hasn't had this much fun at a stuffy hero event in ages.
Beside him, his date huffs. "Seriously? You're just gonna let him touch you like that?"
Hawks tips his head toward her, still leaned close to Dabi. "He knows all my buttons babe. I'm a slut. Can't help myself." It's almost a whine and she absolutely scowls at it.
"I don't care if it's the hero gala. I don't need this." Kiba stands and smooths out her dress, huffing as she does. "You are literally the worst date ever."
As she storms off Hawks watches her go. "I'll call you!" he calls over the distance between them, not moving an inch from where he's sitting with Dabi. When she's finally out of sight, he leans back in his chair with a laugh and picks up his drink, tipping back the sparkling water. "Geeze, I thought she'd never leave." He quirks a mischievous smile at the other hero. "Thanks, hot stuff. That was great."
Dabi is already grinning when Kibarashi gets up to leave, thoroughly pleased with his and Hawks’ fake drama. It isn’t until Hawks calls out that he’d call her that Dabi pulls away from the wing hero and laughs, straight from his chest. “What the fuck? And I thought I was an asshole.”
His eyes are glowing with mirth as he sets his drink back down on the table. “You wanted her gone that badly?” He teases, elbowing Hawks in the side. “Why’d you bring her in the first place, then? PR damage control after our messy breakup?”
He props an elbow on the table and rests his cheek in the palm of his hand. Well, Hawks certainly has his attention. He’d nearly forgotten where they were. “Our breakup is news to me. Fuck, guess I should’ve paid attention to the stories. I’m heartbroken, feathers.”
Hawks rolls his eyes and elbows the Cremation hero right back. "Look, they make me bring some girl or another to these boring things every time. It's a pain in the ass entertaining them all evening. This way I don't have to worry about her trying for a second date."
Hawks picks uo his drink and sips from it, smirking over the top of the glass. "Didn't you hear? The number two hero cheated on you and you kicked him to the curb. It was heartbreaking. The press is in an uproar."
Keigo grins at him over his glass. "I'm not surprised. I hear that guy's a major playboy. Different woman on his arm at every event. It was only a matter of time before the honeymoon ended."
Dabi listens to his explanation of their public drama, eyebrows raised. That didn’t make sense at all.
Hearing Hawks call himself a playboy immediately following the explanation of why that was, the arsonist can’t help but laugh again. “No kidding. It was all so devastating. I’m just trying to drink my heartache away.” He emphasizes his point by picking up his first drink and downing it like a shot. “He was really fuckin’ cute though. Even if he pissed me off and left me alone with reporters when he knew damn well I hate that shit.”
Memories of that day have him scowling, remembering why he was supposed to hate—why he did hate Hawks. “Why was that the story that was spun up, anyway? I started the rumors, you could’ve just let me take the hit to my reputation rather than make yourself look like a piece of shit.” Even with his flirty persona, that had to do some damage.
"Real cute, huh? Didn't think you'd admit that out loud." He leans an elbow on the table, propping his chin in his hand to give Dabi a lopsided smirk. "You made the first move Dabs. Figured the press was your responsibility." He waves a dismissive hand before pushing Kiba's glass towards Dabi. Waste not want not.
"Easier that way. All of Japan knows I'm easy. Doesn't do a thing to my rep. You're still working your way up." He watches Dabi with a deceptively lazy expression but golden is alight with thought. "Gotta support the junior heroes you know, it's part of the gig." He knows he's antagonizing Dabi, but it's just so fun to do.
Dabi rolls his eyes. “Please. You know you’re cute. Saying otherwise would be a blatant lie. Im far from shy, birdie. Just don’t get any ideas. Thinkin’ your cute isn’t the same as liking you.” He gladly takes the drink that’s pushed towards him.
Junior heroes.
That has him sneering, all traces of playfulness quickly leaving him. “I’m older than you.” He reminds the wing hero, sticking his lower lip out into a comical pout and bringing the drink up to his mouth for a sip. Fuck, he was gonna be wasted by the end of this thing. Oh well. “And I guarantee I’ve been at this a lot longer than you have. If I’m not higher up, it’s because I don’t care to be, got it?”
Hawks waggles his eyebrows at the other hero, smirking as he sing songs. "You think I'm preeetttyyy~ you wanna date meee~" He's oddly pleased that Dabi takes the drink. He hates waste of any kind.
"Older than me?" Hawks snorts. "With that pretty face? By what, ten minutes?" He picks up his glass and gestures with it. "A, no, you're wrong. And B, the only reason you're not higher up is cause you're as bad at dealing with the press as your dad." Hawks shakes his head. "You're a good hero, but you need to learn to play the game if you wanna move up. It's as much about opinion as ability. You gotta work on being more likeable. Y'know, like you're being now." He smirks at the other, taking another sip of his drink.
There’s something about that childish sings on voice that has him feeling stupidly embarrassed. He can feel his face heat up, and he sits back in his chair, upright and proud. “Heh. You fuckin’ wish. You’re, what? Twenty-three? That makes me a year older. Show me some damn respect, kid.”
As bad—as your dad.
That has him going rigid, glare with a little more edge to it. The context of the comparison as well as the rest of his words go in one ear and out the other. “Don’t. Ever. Compare me to him.” If his voice has a trace of venom in it, he’ll blame it on the alcohol. He shoves the drink away from himself, suddenly not sure he wants to be around the wing hero if he can draw any comparisons between them. The cremation hero pushes himself to his feet. “Goin’ to the bar.”
Brows shoot up at the violent reaction to his comparison but Hawks doesn't move from his casual lean, golden sharp as he measures the other hero. No love lost there apparently. Not that he wasn't aware of it. He's more than filled in on everything Endeavor, but actually seeing it in action is very different.
He hums as Dabi stands, still watching him with an intense sort of focus. Dad's a soft spot, he thinks, got it. He wonders if that means their conversation is over. That's a pity, it really is the most fun he's had at one of these things in ages.
He gives the Cremation Hero a little wave as he heads off towards the bar, glancing up when Dabi's exit apparently makes an invitation for a gaggle of fans to approach the table.
Dabi makes his way to the bar, still seething from Hawks’ little comment. Unlike the flirty avian, no one approaches him when he looks like he could and might kill someone. He leans over the counter, ordering hard liquor in a glass. He’d need it to get through this shit. Fuck what Hawks said and fuck his reputation. He’ll do what he wants. And right now, he wants to get shit-faced and make an ass of himself in front of dear old dad. When his reputation drops, so does Endeavor’s.
He plops himself onto a bar stool, glaring down at his drink for a few moments.
You’re a good hero.
Out of all the obnoxious things Hawks had said to him… That one wasn’t so bad.
Likable. Like you’re being now.
He snorts. Bullying the number two hero’s date away and then being a grumpy prick hardly seemed likable. Hawks was messing with him.
Still, thinking it over a little longer, he finds himself feeling silly for getting huffy. The wing hero was feisty. And admittedly, it was a little fun playing around with him. Even if Hawks played a little too well.
Dabi groans and orders another one of what he’s having before making his way back to the table he’d been assigned. Back to Hawks.
There’s a small cluster of what he can only assume are fans when he gets back. They’re like fucking vultures, one on either side of the hero in the abandoned seats. The one in Kibarashi’s seat is smiling coyly as she asks Hawks if she can feel his wings. Another has apparently made herself comfortable in Dabi’s seat, and the arsonist taps her on the shoulder, scowl on his face. “Can I have my seat back? He doesn’t have time for your fuckin’ nonsense.”
The fans aren't too bad. They can go either way at these things. Sometimes the privilege of just being at these things attracts the worst kinds of people. He should know.
He's laughing off the request to touch his wings (who even does that, asking to touch a stranger?) when Dabi returns. As usual he's about as delicate with the fans as a gorilla. How is he so hamfisted with them when he's got such a delicate, quick tongue? He can't figure the man out and Hawks loves a good puzzle. Maybe it's just all the alcohol he's been knocking back?
Hawks' fans look genuinely upset when Dabi snaps at them and he rushes to soothe it over, smiling broadly at the little group. "Sorry ladies, he's still grumpy over the breakup." Their eyes get wide and the Wing Hero winks at them. "What can I say, I'm a heart breaker." They giggle happily and he waves them off with the excuse of needing to talk to his ex.
When they're gone, he lifts an eyebrow at the man. "See, that's what I'm talking about. Would it kill you to be nice to them?" His head tilts to examine Dabi. "Those are the people you save every day, you can't only treat them nice when they need a rescue. They've got feelings too, you know."
Dabi plops back into his seat lazily, scoffing at the suggestion. “Why would I do that? Those are your fans, not mine. I’m not trying to impress anyone. My fans like it when I’m an asshole just fine. Least I’m not flirting and stringin’ people along. Just because that’s more likable doesn’t mean it’s better.” It’s part of his charm among his very niche fan base. Not just stunted and scary like his dad is, but actively an asshole. Especially when he’s funny about it.
The arsonist puts a drink down in front of himself and another in front of Hawks. “Wasn’t paying attention to what you were drinking earlier, so I got you what I’m having. This shit doesn’t burn on the way down and it makes this shit show a lot more tolerable.”
Hawks hums, clearly unimpressed by the explanation. "You're not flirting and stringing people along? What'd you call that back there the other day then? A totally platonic, friendly kiss? My poor little heart~" For someone that doesn't string people along he sure jumped to sucking face fast.
He raises a brow at the drink, glancing down at it and back up at Dabi. "Thanks but no thanks." He pushes the glass back toward the other hero. "That stuff fucks with my quirk."
It's about then that Hawks realizes the rest of their table is mysteriously empty. Shouldn't the other seats have filled by now? He's not sure if it's a clerical error or people are just milling at the bar, but it seems strange. Throw in the fact that his fans are mostly staying away, it's actually making for a pretty peaceful night.
Well shit. He supposed Hawks isn’t wrong. He did kind of kiss him. But it was different. “I was trying to get back at you.” He grumbles, pulling the drink back towards himself. His scheme to put Hawks in hot water hadn’t worked at all. A fact he’s still bitter about. “And besides, you think I wouldn’t fuck you if given the chance? I’d hardly call it stringing along if I’m willing to go through with it.” Oh, fuck. Why’d he say that? Maybe the alcohol is getting to his head a little.
“Awww, afraid of a little booze? Chicken. Bok-bok. Ooooo I’m so delicate that I can’t even stomach one drink.” He’s already acting like a fucking idiot. God damnit. His solution is to take another sip. Can’t say anything dumb if your mouth is full.
A brow tilts at the confession and Hawks smirks, wings perking up. "Oh so you weren't stringing me along then? You were dead set hitting on me in front of the press." His smirk turns lop sided. "And they call me the playboy. Can't say I've ever tried to stick my tongue down someone's throat in front of the cameras before." He wonders if Dabi is being level with him. He's getting towards an awful lot to drink and Hawks doesn't know if that means he's spouting bullshit or just has a loosened tongue.
He ignores the teasing about the liquor. He'd learned the hard way how booze mixes with his quirk and he has no intention whatsoever of getting shit faced at a formal hero event. They're all in tuxes for god's sake. Well, except for Dabi who looks like he's at the after party and rocking some sweet ink. Hawks wishes the commission would let him get tattoos.
"I'd say you're drinking enough for the both of us Dabs." he points out, unflustered by the teasing. "You always aim to get shit faced at these things or what?" He doesn't recall seeing the Cremation Hero at a lot of them actually. He wonders, why this one then?
“I haven’t tried to stick my tongue down someone’s throat in front of the cameras before then, either. So I guess that makes two of us.” He swirls his drink before setting it down and pushing it away from himself. Maybe a bit too much a bit too fast. The damn thing has barely started.
He grins at Hawks’ comment about always getting shit faced at parties like these. “Sometimes.” He admits. “Don’t drink a lot, but I figure if I get carried away when I’m supposed to be behaving, it’ll drag down that asshole’s rep more than It’ll drag down mine.” He bows his head, giving the avian a lazy salute. “Touya Todoroki, the family degenerate, at your service. Always lookin’ for new and fun ways to piss Endeavor off.”
He leans back in his chair, balancing it on the back two legs while his own wobble and rock him back and forth dangerously. “I thought maybe I’d try to fuck you over tonight, too after that bullshit the other day. Thought ruinin’ your date would do it. So much for that. Least it was fun. You’re kinda fun.”
Should he be flattered he's the only one then? Although Dabi did say he was just trying to get back at him. For what? The nomu? He does kind of seem like the type of little shit that would try to take one down solo.
A brow cocks at the belated introduction. Hawks isn't all that sure what to make of it. He'd thought his own social skills sucked, but Dabi puts him to shame. Hawks snorts. "Pissing off the big guy is the number two's job. Didn't you get the memo, hot stuff?" He supposes that slots everything into place though. Touya Todoroki is a troublemaker. Even with a father like Endeavor. Go figure.
You're kinda fun.
"I'm cute and fun now am I? Gee, you sure know how to make a guy blush." Hawks teases. "That the drink talking or am I actually growing on grumpy ass number twenty three?"
“We could piss him off together.” Dabi grins at that. His father never talks about Hawks at home, but he’s seen enough interviews to see the restrained anger whenever he’s side by side with the number two. That’s what had drawn him to the avian to begin with, sending him down the rabbit hole of videos of the two interacting before he somehow ended up watching everything he could find with just Hawks alone. At first, he’d wanted to see if he had some kinda vendetta against his dad, or if he was really that obnoxious. The interviews were all lame; That arrogant attitude was seriously irritating. But the more he fell down that rabbit hole, the more he started to notice bits and pieces of what he can only assume is the real Hawks. Passionate and genuinely kind hearted. Not to mention, he was easy on the eyes. There weren’t many pro heroes as young as them so high up in the ranks. He hadn’t imagined the slut thing was an act though. Even his dad hadn’t gone that far for his reputation.
“A little of both.” He answers honestly with a shrug. “Ask me again later. There’s still enough time to get back on my shit list.” He’s written him off the shit list?
Hawks grins at that. Pissing him off together, huh? Maybe he could finally get a good reaction out of the ever stoic number one. It's worth considering.
He's surprised to hear Dabi doesn't blame ot entirely on the booze though. Surprised and curious. He's had plenty of fans and pro heroes try to get in his pants before, and taken up more than a few on it. But this is different. No one's ever gone the belligerent asshole route before. He's kind of enjoying it.
"Wait, how was I even on your shit list in the first place?" Hawks protests. "Is this about the cheating? I swear, she wasn't as pretty as you Touya." It feels weird using his name. He's not really on a first name basis with many people. Hawks pushes ahead anyway.
Hawks’ joking around earns a stupid, alcohol induced giggle out of him. Despite how sluggish he feels right now, his brain is working to keep up with him. It’s not every day you get to interact with someone you’ve secretly admired from a distance on such a casual basis. Especially when said someone was the number two hero. “Don’t lie to me. I saw the way you closed your eyes whenever we made love. You were thinking of her the whole time, weren’t you?” He laughs again, an odd in-between of his earlier laugh and a drunken giggle.
He drops his chair forward again and folds his arm on the table’s surface, resting his cheek on them to stare up at the avian with hooded blue. “Seriously, though. You ever steal a win from me again and I’m gonna burn all your fuckin’ feathers off. You’ll be walking away looking like a plucked chicken.”
Was that a giggle? Okay that's fucking cute. Hawks smirks at the hero, golden sharp as he takes in the loose, definitely drunken, behavior.
"Baby I only ever thought of you." he assures the Cremation hero, sipping his sparkling water. "How could I think of anything else when you do that thing with your quirk, huh?" He waggles his eyebrows, enjoying the man's reaction.
Hawks leans forward a bit when Dabi practically lays on the table, putting an elbow beside him and resting his hand to peer down at the man. Fuck he's pretty. He's always thought so, that ethereal white hair and those sparkling blue eyes, currently hooded and staring up at him like the only person in the world. Fuck, he might be just a tiny bit aroused by all this.
...I'm gonna burn all your fuckin' feathers off.
Okay. More than a tiny bit. He's got fucking balls and Hawks loves it.
"Oh yeah, gonna put your hands on me, hot stuff?" His voice has dropped this time, no longer loud flirting for whoever might hear. This is just for Dabi. "Threatening the number two hero looks fucking good on you, kid."
Azure is locked onto gold and it’s pure electricity. He’s far from some adoring fangirl, but for a moment, he kind of gets what this kind of attention from the number two could do to someone. His heart is turning over and his nerves have something skin to butterflies fluttering in the pit of his stomach when he drops his voice low. Fuck, he’s even prettier when he’s not being such a loud asshole. It almost distracts him from the fact that he’s calling him kid again.
“I’m older than you.” He reminds the wing hero, though he’s aware by now that he’s just doing it on purpose to piss him off.
“You were so good for a second there, I was gonna offer to put my hands all over you and show you what kind of things I can do with my quirk.” Dabi shamelessly looks the wing hero up and down before he stretches his leg out and kicks one of the legs of Hawks’ chair as some sort of petty retaliation for the kid remark. “You call all your conquests kid? That’s a fuckin’ terrible start. Here I thought you’d be better at this whole flirting thing.”
Hawks grins widely at Dabi, golden sharp at his reaction.
"You gonna let a little slip of the tongue stop you?" He knows the other hero is older. He just loves the way it pisses Touya off. A foot contacts his chair in a half coordinated retaliation and Hawks laughs, loud and unhesitating.
His feathers fluff and then smooth and the Wing Hero hums down at his prey table mate.
You call all your conquests kid?
"Only the ones that look hot when they're pissed." he returns without missing a beat. His tone is playful but his eyes are serious, watchful. He can see the way Dabi's looking at him. The kid is drunk. There's no way he's putting his hands on a drunken hero. Especially not Endeavor's son. But he can enjoy the flirting, can't he? It's not like some fan who's gonna run to the press. Dabi's a hero too, he's just as giddy on the freedom of it if those cute fucking giggles are anything to go by.
His eyes are pulled away to watch the avian’s feathers when they fluff up and relax. Well, shit. That’s cute.
Only the ones that look hot when they’re pissed.
Dabi rolls his eyes, a lopsided and somewhat goofy grin on his face. “For your sake, I hope that pun was unintentional, feathers.” He’s used to getting complimented on his appearance. Before he embedded metal studs all over his face, he was constantly told that he could be a model. It doesn’t phase him anymore. Even if hearing it from Hawks of all people is a little bit of an ego boost.
“Maybe it’s ‘cause I’m a little buzzed, but I can’t get a read on you. You fuckin’ with me or are you actually into guys?”
The question is a surprise, and it betrays the Cremation Hero's thought process probably more than he means it to. Hawks wonders if he'd be this forward if he wasn't toeing the line of shit faced. He's come to the conclusion that Dabi's kiss was an impulse move. He's definitely seeming more and more the impulsive type. Hawks wonders how that translates in bed. Is he up for quirk fucking? He'd bet dollars to donuts the man is.
"A little buzzed huh, is that what we're calling it?"
Hawks smirks and reaches down, tipping up the flame hero's chin to lock azure with intense gold. "What do you think, hot stuff?" His voice drops, losing that public quality again. "Can you picture me fucking you into a mattress?"
Dabi’s about to fire back some snarky comment about how the avian would know if he was more than a little buzzed, but his thoughts are ripped from him the moment Hawks grabs his chin and stares into his eyes.
There’s more than alcohol at work when he can feel his face burning and a breath hitching in his throat. He feels frozen in place, completely captivated by warm, intimidating gold.
Yes. Yes, he can very much picture Hawks fucking him into a mattress. He can picture it so well that he’s readjusting his legs in an attempt to hide what is quickly becoming a boner. Out in public. Fucking hell, what is he? Some fourteen year old?
“That an invite, pretty bird? If it’s not, quit wastin’ my time. I’m not here to boost your enormous ego.”
He's a bold one. Even while he's shifting in his chair to cover up a raging halfie, Dabi's still snarking back. Hawks might actually want to fuck Endeavor's son. Well this is a turn of events.
Maybe if he was sober.
Hawks shoots the man a smirk. "Oh I'm sorry, didn't realize you had a line of ex boyfriends waiting for your attention." He releases the other hero's chin and goes back to his drink, sitting forward in his chair. "Don't let me stop you. I had my chance, right?" He shoots the man a half grin around his glass before tipping it back.
"Hawks! And Dabi too. What the hell? They seated you two together after that stunt?"
Hawks looks up at the new arrivals, camera ready smile slipping instantly into place as he stands and starts shaking hands. Obviously their table is full afterall. He supposes that's good timing. Dabi had been getting heavy and he didn't fancy causing what he's pretty sure would be a scene if he rejects the tipsy hero. Hopefully his boner has gone down enough to join the social niceties and greet his senior heroes and their dates that are now milling about the table.
“I don’t have ex-boyfriends.” He tries to argue. It’s hard to have exes when you don’t do the dating thing. But Hawks is already pulling away and leaning back in his chair and joking around like he didn’t just give Dabi a hard-on in the middle of the fucking hero gala. He audibly groans and scowls at the avian. Of course he was fucking with him. Damn fucking flirty tease. In an instant, Hawks is back on his shit list and Dabi is left feeling dumb and embarrassed for falling for the wing hero’s shitty playboy persona. His mouth is pressed into a tight line as he tries hard not to let it be obvious how badly the rejection stings.
Dabi would never have thought he’d be grateful for more people to show up. He offers them a lazy wave, not bothering to get up from his seat to shake hands. “Pretty fucked, right?”
He doesn’t spend much time at the table at all between feeling increasingly awkward and overwhelmed by the newcomers and still feeling but hurt over Hawks’ rejection. In no more than fifteen minutes, he’s off to the bar again where he spends most of the ceremony, pounding drink after drink until the bartender has to cut him off.
More worked up by the bartender’s refusal to serve him any more, he stumbles back to his table, not even completely sure which table was his. He uses Hawks’ stupid oversized wings as a landmark to find his way back.
He plops into his chair, somehow looking more disheveled than he had when he left. “M’back to ruin your night bitchesss.” Nevermind that the night was nearly over already. He’s delaying the inevitable aftermath of his actions. Endeavor hasn’t approached him yet, but occasionally he can see the number one shooting looks his way. Mean looks. Looks that send a chill through him, sobering him up for a split second so he can remind himself that he’s not a kid anymore, that he doesn’t live in that house with that man anymore.
Hawks looks up when the wayward hero returns to his seat, looking a whole lot worse for wear. If he thought the guy was drunk before, he's wasted now. Unsteady on his feet with a cute little blush in his cheeks.
Hawks puts a hand on the back of his chair as he sits, stopping the thing from toppling over. "Welcome back twenty three. We were just talking about which is worse. Slime quirk or acid quirk."
"Slime all the way." A hefty looking mutation quirk with the head of a bear slams down his cup. "Acid just burns my fur but slime is a bitch to get out. Especially if it dries."
Laughter all round the table as Hawks gives his commiserations, slime isn't easy on feathers either. He'd rather regrow a few than preen that shit out.
“S’easy. Slime ‘s wayyyy worse.” Dabi inserts himself into the conversation with ease. He doesn’t have to try to ruin this social interaction. He never does when he’s this drunk. He lets his mouth run.
“Burns aren’t ‘nything new. M’used to those. Slime though? Fuckin’ gross.” In his drunken state, he doesn’t even really register that no one really knows about his quirk’s drawbacks or that he, in his right frame of mind, would like to keep it that way.
“ ‘Sides, acid can be fun and kinky. The fuck can you do with slime? Wouldn’t willingly put that shit anywhere near me.” Yep, there’s his mouth running. He can practically imagine Endeavor’s face if he had been sitting here, listening to him make crude jokes in front of his colleagues. The thought has him grinning.
He thinks Dabi's actually doing alright on the social front. He's a lot more likeable, at least to a crowd, when he's drunk. The other heads at the table nod, also lubricated with a few drinks. They don't seem to catch his crack about burns. Hawks finds that interesting, considering his BBQd state the other day when the Wing Hero had joined his fight.
Yeah, he's doing alright right up until he starts talking about kinks. One part of Hawks is tempted to let him run his mouth. Hawks himself has been known to pick up the subject the odd time. But Dabi doesn't have his rep. He's an up and comer and he doesn't seem to have the social awareness of a seasoned hero. The blond decides to save him from himself.
He slaps a hand over Dabi's mouth. "Annnnnd that's enough from you for one night." Hawks stands, dragging the drunk hero up with him. "Thanks guys and gals, it's been swell. Look me up anytime." He gives the table a broad grin. He'd wave back at their cheerful laughter if his hands weren't full of a certain white haired, very drunk, cutie.
When they're out of earshot, he murmurs at the other hero. "Had a little too much tonight hot stuff. Can't have you wrecking your rep now, can we?" He scans the room, feathers aching from the crowd. This is just what he needs. He's already oversensitive from too many people and vibrations and now he's somehow picked up a drunk junior hero to take care of. He's always getting himself into shit like this. He never knows when to leave well enough alone when he sees someone struggling. He's pretty sure the headache he's nursing is gonna go full blown.
"Where's that dad of yours, huh?" Endeavor is usually easy to find, voice booming and people crowded around. He just needs to look for the highest concentration. And the man wearing a tent for a suit. Hawks snorts. "He can take you home before you do any serious damage."
As soon as they’re away from the crowd, Dabi’s sibling instincts kick in and he sticks his tongue out to lick the avian’s palm, the stud in his tongue a stark contrast to the wet muscle it’s embedded in.
Once his hand is off of him, he grumbles quietly, almost incoherently—something along the lines of not caring about his rep followed by a fuck you.
He leans his weight into Hawks, allowing him to drag him wherever he pleases. Normally when he’s drunk, he’s a little more combative than this, but for some reason, it feels natural to trust Hawks. Maybe it helps that he’s somehow managed to steal his attention away from a table of people, probably more important than himself.
At the mention of his dad, though, Touya goes rigid. “No.” He utters, trying to hold himself upright again. “Not him. He’s gonna take me back there. I can’t go back there.” Whatever he’s talking about is nonsensical, but there are undeniable traces of distress in his voice as he tries to pull away from the wing hero. “Jus’ go away, I’ll get home myself.”
Ew. Wait. Is that a piercing? Fuck he just keeps getting hotter. Hawks shoots a look at the man anyway, a little exasperated but hardly frustrated. He's used to dealing with drunks.
Dabi goes rigid beside him and Hawks glances over at the Cremation Hero with a questioning look. It turns concerned at the white haired man's tone. What does that mean? Take him back where?
It only takes a second for Hawks to decide, he is the speed hero afterall. The blond sighs. "Okay then big guy. We won't go find Endeavor. But I'm taking you home. No arguments, you're too drunk to be wondering around." Hopefully he's not drunk enough to go drown in his own vomit. Hawks has seen attempts at that before, and while Dabi doesn't seem that bad, he doesn't like to take risks.
He steers the man toward the entrance, skillfully dodging elbows and hands and cheerful greetings as they go, giving his apologies for the early exit. These things are stuffy as hell anyway, it's not like he regrets leaving early. KFC might even still be open on his way home at this point.
Dabi doesn’t even have the headspace to question whether or not Hawks is lying to him. As soon as he’s reassured they’re not going to find Endeavor, he’s back to leaning into the avian.
Is he too drunk to be wandering around? Maybe. He feels like everything is at a slant, and it’s hard to keep himself upright much less walk without stumbling around. He overdid it.
“Gotta better idea, birdie.” Dabi pipes up again once they’re outside and away from all the noise. Without all the chatter, he doesn’t feel like he has to speak so loudly, opting to mumble under the assumption Hawks can hear him just fine. “Take me back to your place.” He nearly comes to a halt to press his mouth against the avian’s ear to nibble at it. “I know I’m probly not your type but it’ll be worth it.”
Hawks rolls his eyes at the attempt, seriously considering taking a cab. The streets are jammed with press vehicles and limos though. At least all the cameras are inside right now.
"Oh hot stuff, you are definitely my type." he returns distractedly, neck craning as he looks for a gap to hail a cab. "Now give me your address." He's not sure it's really safe just to toss the guy in a random cab. Besides his rep he's a little worried the man will redirect and try to find some place that isn't reputable enough to cut him off. And then he'll definitely be all over twitter tomorrow.
“Oh yeah?” Dabi asks, instantly matching into his answer. “Prove it. Take me home and fuck me ‘nto the mattress. Been thinkin’bout it all night.” It’s more of a grumble than a smooth attempt at trying to get into his bed, and the thought is gone as soon as he’s asking him another question.
His address? “Uh…” He knows this one. “714… Wait. No.” He giggles upon the realization that he was just about to read off his phone number. “146…” No, that was the Todoroki residence. Fucking damnit. “S’by the noodle place, drop me there ‘nd I can walk.”
By the noodle place?
He gives the white haired man an exasperated look. "It's Japan kid, there are like a thousand noodle places."
Hawks makes a resigned sound. Can't take him to his own house, cause god knows where it is. Can't leave him with his dad, because apparently that's a landmine. The man doesn't take on sidekicks cause that would be way too easy and, of course, no date tonight to send him home with. Fucking hell.
"Okay fine. My apartment." He stares down the Cremation Hero who is currently pretty much slumped against him. He's really gotta find a cab.
That is until his feathers pick up a commotion near the entryway. The sound of a presenter and equipment heading out the doors. This thing must be starting to wind up. Fucking hell. There's no way they can be out here when the press arrive.
"Okay kid," Hawks leans close, grabbing the white haired man in a bear hug that prompts Dabi to wrap his arms around him. "Hang on and don't look down."
With several beats of his wings, he's in the sky, dragging a very drunk Cremation Hero along with him as he heads to his apartment.
Chapter 3
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queenharumiura · 3 years
B, E, L, P, H, A, G, O, R
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((I see what you did there and it’s beautiful. A++ ))
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
In regards to KHR, it’s hard to find any ship that I didn’t consider, because there was a time when I went crazy thinking of all sorts of ships (boy/boy, boy/girl, girl/girl. Don't test me). Still, there is an answer because this ship started it all. Hibari x Haru lol. At the time they were my favorite female and male character in KHR. My friend joked and said, “If you love them both so much, just ship them together.” History was made that day. Coincidentally I’ve cosplayed both. I will never show them off because they aren’t good lol. That started my descent down: This is fun, let’s ship almost anything I can find. Ships didn't necessarily have to be romantic either. I love exploring friendships and also just sibling dynamics as well. Haru adopting people? Yes please. 
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I feel like I’m a troll in general, so I have added something cracky to any fandom that I’m in. Two things I can think of atop my head are ‘you reblogged a dare meme and you dare think I won’t ask Mukuro/Hibari/Alaude/Daemon to wear cat ears? HA!!!! YOU THOUGHT!!’. Another would be that I like puns, so if I see my chance to pun in a meme, I will. I always ask first before I send, however. It usually results in silliness, as you could imagine and Haru running away in fear.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I guess I’m neutral about Dr.Shamal so he should count? Mn...despite the way he is with women and the way he refuses to treat male patients, he’s a smart guy and talented at what he does. He was also utilized well in putting Gokudera’s character into perspective more. Additionally, he is a good example of, ‘Haru will punch you out if you cross the boundaries,’ and I appreciate him for that. His sacrifice wasn’t in vain. Never forget how he is the reason why Mukuro was able to use Sakura blossoms against Hibari in the first place. This man--- the damage he has caused.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I’m assuming this is asking for me to create an AU for Haru as she’s placed in a different fandom. If that’s correct, I am going to casually pretend that I don’t know the difference between a fandom and a genre by going: “I’ve been reading way too many isekai recently and I think it would be funny to consider Haru getting sent to an otome or something and her being a super sassy and head strong FL. Watch her instantly try to change her identity or run away from bad male leads with all her might. I would live for this, thank you. Haru is also smart and adapts well, so she’d be able to adapt to whatever world setting she’s put in and she doesn’t hate studying, so she’d be able to pick up on the intricacies of her new world. Mainly, I just want a FL who will actually smack the life out of a ML if he’s being a POS. I NEED THIS. It’s emotional healing.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I really like sourcing things in novels or manga/manhwa/manhua a lot. Animated sources are good too, but it’s much quicker for me to go through something that’s written, so I tend to prefer those now days. Anything that’s easier for me to binge is A+.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m answering strictly based off this blog in it’s current state, else you’ll be here forever. If I talk about ships in KHR in general, you’ll actually be here forever. No @ tags bc I’m feeling shy today. I personally love the dynamic between Gokudera and Haru (platonic or romantic). I’ve historically liked BelHaru, and it looks like it may become a thing in RPC as well. Haru is warily staring from a comfortable distance atm. Haru has a friendly relationship with a Byakuran at the moment. They’re baking a cake! She is generally very friendly with any Tsuna I encounter.
Ravein/Pino… yeah, I self-thread sometimes. Haru has a sibling kinda dynamic with Ravein which is really just a friendship dynamic. It’s the same with Pino. Mizumachi and Haru are both energetic, hyper buddies. Hibari—I aim for just a casual lowkey friendship kinda dynamic. Shame in self-threading? Never heard of her.
The best way to describe her relationship with Zelman in a ‘Black Blood Brothers’ au is ‘hey I just moved into the territory you lord. Hello!’ I think this would go down a friendship route and I’m so for it. Kajika from ‘Hanasakeru Seishonen’ has a friendship with Haru and they just get along swimmingly well. I think the mun for Rentaro ‘Black Bullet’ returned, so I think he can count. Haru has a friendship with him and they’re cooking buddies! They joined a cooking association together!
Haru also has friendships with Emi (KHR oc), and Luca (KHR oc), both of which are in the Varia!au setting that I have for Haru. Emi in particular, Haru has decided to adopt her as a little sis and will pummel anyone who bullies her. Luca--- sometimes in conjunction with Ravein (my OC) drive Haru insane. It’s a trio of dumb, dumbest, and ‘hey I’m the dumbest!’.
The ‘ships’ that I have with Haru are usually always friendship and ‘hey I’m arbitrarily adopting you’ and I love it.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Eh--- in RPC, my very first one... I believe, was GokuHaru. I currently have a GokuHaru (A different blog) in an AU for a TYL setting. I think I got very close to HibaHaru before, which is, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. Haru is treading into BelHaru territory right now in RPC and that is also, a guilty pleasure ship of mine. In the distant past there was also a TsuHaru (I know, I know, shocking) which was a reincarnated lovers Yakuza AU. That was a fun one. Also in the distant past, there was an AU for a MukuHaru as well. Le kek. I am a multi-ship blog and all ships have existed in different worlds/universes, therefore they all quality as an OTP in their own specific verse. I cheated, yes.
Pro-tip: I may warily stare from afar if shipping is a topic, but the moment you suggest an AU SHIP? I’m down. To further explain, these AU ships have always taken place in a very different timeline/world than what we know in KHR. So therefore I can feel all the freedom to do as I please and figure out characterizations based off what I need.  
PS. in regard to KHR in general, my first OTP was GokuHaru and GokuYama. Le kek.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I took my library of songs and randomized. I got: ‘Get Off My Back’ by Bryan Adams and Eliot Kennedy. So, by the vibe of the music, the first things that come to mind are either GokuHaru or BelHaru, I’m not going to lie. Now… who is saying these words, I’ll leave it to the imagination. I really like this song, but I really like the cover by Jonathan Young.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oh—that’s hard. Friendship dynamics are so fun! I really like Ryohei and Hibari’s dynamic together which could be depicted as friendship. The friendship between a lot of the guardians is just //chef kiss. However, the TRUE SHOW STOPPER in my heart is the friendship between the girls. I really love how all the girls build each other up and always support each other. I love it so much. Especially when the girls are there for Chrome, I CRY. When they support Yuni, I CRY. When I think about how big sis Bianchi looks after the girls and teaches them things- I CRY. I just cry. I love all the friendships in KHR, but the ones the girls share with each other wins in my book. I don’t take criticisms.
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winterstorm032802 · 4 years
I'm really into the headcanon of Xigbar being Xion's Dad in the Yakuza AU so here is another one:
Xion: *messing with her hands as she mumbles* Why-...should I...-?
Roxas: *behind Xion* Good morning Xion
Xion: Aaah! *Jumps up as she almost takes something from her sleeve out* Huh? *Stops and masterfully slides it back* Hey Rox
Roxas: (Did she almost grab something?) ... Hey are you alright, did I spook you that bad?
Xion: Yeah silly
Roxas: My bad
Ventus: Morning Xion!
Xion: *puts her right arm behind her back* Hey Ven
Roxas: (Definitely hiding something)
Ventus: *glances between the two* ...Rox how about we talk?
Roxas: Hm? I guess so, sure
Ventus grabs Roxas's arm and walks away from Xion
Ventus: *stops* Did you two fight or something?
Roxas: What? No
Ventus: Then why does she seem so distant and you seem to be analyzing her as if she did something bad?
Roxas: (She couldn't be hiding something as bad as he did, could she?)
Ventus: Could it be like *whispers* Vanitas bad?
Roxas: No.. I don't think so, he had a different vibe like dangerous but she seems scared? I just want to know why is all
Ventus: Okay *let's go of Roxas* If you need any help just tell me
Roxas: Okay
Ventus and Roxas walk back to Xion, but Xion left
Roxas: Class?
Ventus: You coming?
Roxas: Nah I'll chill for a sec
Ventus: *rolls his eyes* Sounds like you
Roxas: *humming to himself as he stays on his phone*
???: Argh! How many times-
Roxas: (Who is that?) *Steps forward to see Xion*
Xion: Whoever you are, get away now
Roxas: Xion
Xion: Rox, go away
Roxas: Tell me what's wrong
Xion: Nothing
Roxas: Are you okay?
Xion: Yes
Roxas: Can you look at me?
Xion: *looks over to Roxas her cheeks stained with tears* Yeah
Roxas: Why are you crying?
Xion: Personal bushiness is all, I just have to make a decision is all
Roxas: If you need help I'm here
Xion: I know (If only you could but this is beyond anything I've known and I don't know if you'll exactly get it, Dad giving me a knife to protect myself saying that I'll have to kill someone one day...if it ever gets to that)
???: Poppet listen well, if anything ever happens use this *shows her a assassin's knife with a symbol on it* Use it well, if I ever get hurt I might not be there to help you
Xion: *nods*
???: You'll have to make a decision to use it or you'll get hurt and I don't wanna see my baby hurt, okay?
Xion: Okay
???: *Smiles* Good
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
Fake Fic Summaries 26/?, the Five Ways Love Hurts edition (2020-04-20)
A/N: I would like to preface this be reiterating the shameful fact that I still have yet to consume any canon BnHA. All of my knowledge is entirely from fanfiction, the occasional wiki-ing, and various meta analysis posts.
I mean... I don't think that really matters considering these are all fake AU/recursive ship fics, but I just feel like it's something I should warn people about?
Anyway, here we go!
1) clockwork hearts (the too many gears remix)
Or, when you're in love with an android because he's so human, but that android loves some other human entirely...
... and that other human hates your beloved android because he's not the real thing.
Aka, I read clockwork hearts by OneshotPrincess and thought to myself, how do I make this beautiful and sweet fic dramatic and sad? Throw some Bakugou into the mix!
Okay, so, I would highly recommend the fic--it's beautiful and sweet and pretty quick and also this next bit is spoiler-y/won't matter much if you haven't read it.
Anyway, clockwork hearts is a TodoDeku fic in which Izuku is an android, and Todoroki is a rich boy completely enamored by this android who seems so human.
And while I cannot say whether or not it's because the android IS based off a human Izuku in the original fic, I can say that's the situation in this little brainstorm because what if that was true? And so because android Izuku is based on human Izuku that would mean android Izuku loves (whether platonically or romantically) Bakugou.
But that means Bakugou knows (and maybe loves?) the human Izuku so android Izuku is like... a despicable artificial mockery in his eyes.
So I guess first I have to figure out what the BakuxHuman!Izuku side of this fic would be--like, is who/why does Human!Izuku have an android version of him? Is he in some way incapacitated or or missing/presumed dead or actually dead?--and then, second, I would have to figure how the TodoxAndroid!Izuku path crosses with the BakuxHuman!Izuku path.
I mean, if Human!Izuku is missing then maybe Android!Izuku has the clues to find him so Bakugou is like "hey, I need your shitty robot to find my [beloved] childhood friend" to Todoroki because he doesn't even think of Android!Izuku as being sentient and Todoroki's just like, wtf no, but Android!Izuku does kind of love Bakugou and is just like. "He needs my help! Even if it's to find Human!me."
And then it becomes a begrudging trio road trip to either a) find Human!Izuku or b) give Bakugou closure on Human!Izuku's death PLUS c) fall in love???
I just love drama!
2) Becoming Real (not too shabby)
Katsuki has long ago put away his childish things, but Izuku's not one for giving up.
Or, in which Izuku is one of Katsuki's childhood toys and wants to become Real.
(aka, a Velveteen Rabbit/Pinocchio AU)
Vaguely reminiscent to the above brainstorm, although I don't know if this would be weird to make romantic or not. Given the whole Izuku starts as one of Katsuki's childhood toys and all.
I'm trying to figure out in this journey to become real, if Katsuki's life is just normal BnHA world (minus Izuku as a human) so he goes to UA and there are quirks etc etc. Because that would mean I couldn't make some of the other toys/beings on Izuku's journey to Realism be the Dekusquad. Like. The idea of Iida and Uraraka and Tsuyu as other toys/Jiminy Cricket equivalents trying to help/guide/keep Izuku from doing something nuts is very fun. But then would that mean they're not in class 1-A anymore? Or is this a weird Wizard of Oz situation? Or are the League of Villains obstacles for Izuku instead of being actual Villains ruining the UA students' lives?
Or... is this somehow a Izuku is actually human with a quirk but long ago something happened to Inko so he turned himself into a toy as a weird quirk defense mechanism and Katsuki took him home and both of them/just Izuku forgot how to turn back? So the answer all along is to get to Aizawa? ... but that one's kinda weird and horrifying, so I'm going to say no.
I don't know, I just thought. Velveteen Rabbit = Izuku was easy to connect but there's not much of a plot to follow through on?
3) Bakugou Katsuki's Guide To House Husbandry and Domestic Bliss
It's just a Way of the House Husband AU but with retired pro hero Ground Zero instead of a former yakuza. That's it.
Weirdly enough I have more semi-angsty backstory for this fluffy nonsense than actual fluffy nonsense, presumably because I was trying to figure out a feasible set up for the fluffy nonsense? So it's something like: 
When Izuku and Katsuki are six years old, they are attacked by a villain made of sludge.
This is after Izuku's quirk has failed to appear, after he has been branded as quirkless and useless, but before the words become pointed and suffocating and bitter. 
This is after Katsuki fell and Izuku leaped after him hand outstretched, after a false sense of inequality has been wedged between them, but before it can permanently shape a dynamic of confused conflict.
This is after their lives have been tied together, for better and worse, but before it can be horrendously tangled and frayed.
When Izuku and Katsuki are six years old, they are attacked by a villain made of sludge and saved by the number one hero All Might--it changes both everything and nothing of their futures lives.
Because Katsuki will turn this horror into determination, will become a hero that always wins--and better than All Might, he vows, staring wide-eyed at the curled form of his best friend in All Might's arms as he run, run, runs to the hospital. And Izuku will still help people with all he can give, even quirkless and one hand short.
And two decades later, as they move in together, this still stays the same: Katsuki is far and away the better house husband.
... and it's basically Izuku is some kind of engineer/doctor/physical therapist and at the top of his industry same as Katsuki who is Ground Zero and who is on some kind of injury related sabbatical and who has decided to be the Best House Husband ever.
I had some more thoughts about how, even though Izuku still admires All Might and doesn't at all blame him for the loss of his hand, that his mentor/goal in this world is the engineer/doctor/physical therapist that helped child Izuku with his prosthetic (and I came up with a name and a non-work related quirk for them, too, Akahana Tonakai who can make their nose glow and that's it. Quirks do not make them great, etc. etc.) And also some angst about how the hand that Izuku lost was the hand that he reach out to Katsuki when they were younger (should've take it when you had the chance!! he sometimes thinks, before shaking that thought away)
I don't have anything concrete tho, so... that's it.
4) Legend of... ???
Power, Wisdom, Courage...
Even without the great calamity, the princess of legend, or the hero of time, the triforce still remains in Hyrule waiting for those who would wield them.
Or, Katsuki was always going to be a hero, he just has no idea what to about with the weird forest spirit that has the other half of his sword.
Basically... Deku = Deku Tree from Legend of Zelda? Not that Izuku is that big old tree, but, like, maybe he was raised in the forest? Maybe it's the only name that non-forest dwellers know? I don't know. I've literally only played Breath of the Wild and, like, 20% of Majora's Mask so... the lore is not strong in me.
I kind of had an idea of, like, mixing the "canon Fantasy!AU" (which is, frankly, bewildering that that's a term that both applies and makes sense) but I don't really know the full lore of that either? I mean, maybe All Might was a powerful hero who had managed to unite all three pieces of the TriForce (at expense to his health) and when his sword was split in two and one ended up with Katsuki while the other was SUPPOSED to be waiting for its other half in the forest protected by the Deku Tree but instead Izuku was like. Hey. I can wield this to protect people and off he went and now it's kind of this chasing me, chasing you type adventure?
I was also trying to figure out the whole Power = Bakugou, Courage = Izuku, Wisdom = ??? thing. Because while I would normally be like, ah, yes, the Big Three would be Bakugou, Izuku, and Todoroki, I wouldn't necessarily say Todoroki is Wisdom? So... *shrugs*
5) i dream of flowers (the always fading remix)
Or, how to take a yearningly sweet and slightly melancholy fic and turn that sad dial up to eleven!
This would be a real sad remix of i dream of flowers (and they're always sad) by Seeress
The idea I have is going to be spoiler-y and it's not worth the spoiler so PLEASE read that first. Trust me, it's worth it. Actually, all of Seeress' fic is so *chef's kiss* if you're into BakuDeku. Anyway, the rest of the brainstorm is under the cut so as not to violate spoilers.
I really just wanted to lean on that ANGSTIER AMNESIA. So the remix is more... in which they can only be together when Bakugou is "Ground Zero" because Izuku's brain is literally incapable of holding memories of "Bakugou Katsuki" after the hanahaki surgery. So not only did the surgery cause retrograde amnesia (in that, all of Izuku's memories of Katsuki were taken out along with his feelings) it also causes anterograde amnesia in that, Izuku can't form new memories surrounding the person he knows as "Bakugou Katsuki." Kind of like a vaccine... or, so as to maintain the flower vibe/analogy, it's like selective herbicide.
BUT (and here's where it gets deliciously angsty) he can still form memories of the hero "Ground Zero" he just can't connect that Ground Zero = Bakugou Katsuki. Which is especially fun given that in the original fic they meet up again and Ground Zero is trying to reconnect with/date Izuku. It's not quite the level of Fifty First Dates, because Izuku CAN keep memories of Ground Zero (and like in the original fic, Izuku has been a fan of Ground Zero for a couple of years) it's just whenever Katsuki tries to say his real name that the memories/connections fail to form. Like the two identities must be kept compartmentalized. So they can have a perfectly functional relationship so long as Katsuki only ever stays Ground Zero to him.
I don't know how to get to a resolution though, or if there even is one? Because on the one hand, I guess I would love Katsuki mildly suffering in order to be with Izuku for infinity, but Izuku is also real smart and I feel like even amnesia wouldn't stop him and he's not really one to be stuck in a dilemma when he can just resolve it through sheer force of will... *shrugs*
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polar-stars · 4 years
Pokemon (Galar) AU - Gym Leaders
I needed to talk about something a bit more simple, before I take on the second part of the canon character’s future within “Shokugeki no Kimiko”. 
I’ve shared this information with Kana yesterday already and I thought I could share it here. 
So meep, in Pokemon (Galar) AU the Gym Leaders are the Elite 10 characters, safe for Erina who’s a Challenger (and also heir to this AU’s Macro Cosmos, but thats something I still have to think about in detail) and Eishi, who’s not Gym Leader but Champ (obviously). I’d like to say though that I matched the gym leaders more after the cities where I could picture specific characters in, rather than concerning their Elite 10 Ranking. 
First Gym Leader - Turffield
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The first city with an arena to take on is Turffield. The Gym Leader to be meet here is Satoshi Isshiki.
The reason I chose Isshiki is because him and Milo are literally the same person It’s a city surrounded by lots of green and lots of farms in the end and we know how much Isshiki loves his Polar Star Farm. Also, much like Milo, he’d hold back against the challengers (like he held back in his cook-off with Soma) which is the reason why he was chosen to be the first one to face.
He gives out the Grass-Badge and faces the challengers with Grass-Pokemon. However in his free time, surprisingly to many, he does like to train the Fire as well as the Flight Type as well. 
The first Pokemon he ever caught was Gossifleur, which later of course evolved into Eldegoss. 
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Second Gym Leader - Hulbury
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The Port-Town Hulbury is the place where Arena Challengers face off against Somei Saito and his numerous Fish-Pokemon. 
Somei specializes in Sushi in the end, which always makes me associate with, well, fish and therefore water. So yeah, that lead to me assigning him the Port Town. 
He gives out the Water-Badge and, as I said, the Team he confronts challengers with consists of Water-Pokemon. Outside the Arena-Challenge he does also train Rock and Fighting Types though. 
His first Pokemon was a Goldeen which is now a Seaking. 
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Third Gym Leader - Motostoke
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Motostoke obtains the third Arena to tackle and it’s where you have to face Terunori Kuga. 
I pretty much chose this for him mainly because in the game this is also where you face the Fire Gym Leader and I picture Kuga as nothing else but a Fire Gym Leader. It’s a very industrial town in the end which easily relates to, you know, coal and steam and all that. 
So yeah, Kuga gives out the Fire-Badge!
His first Pokemon ever was a Sizzlipede, which is now a Centiskorch.
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Fourth Gym Leader - Stow-On-Side
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Stow-On-Side is where the Arena Challengers take on the fourth Gym Leader, Tosuke Megishima. 
In my eyes, Stow-On-Side’s aesthetic perfectly match a Ground Type Gym Leader which is a type I could see Megishima working with. Also, I don’t know, Stow-On-Side just generally gives me Megishima-Vibes. I’d like to point out that in this AU, Megishima is the one to refuse using Dynamax instead of the Gym Leader of Spikemuth. 
Megishima gives out the Ground-Badge and confronts Challengers with a Ground-Type Focused Team. I like to think he also does train some other types in his free time but I haven’t decided which yet ovo;; But I’m leaning to Steel and maybe Bug or Normal?
His first Pokemon was a Hippopotas which is not a Hippowdon. 
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Fifth Gym Leader - Ballonlea
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Ballonlea is home to the Gym in which Momo Akanegakubo resides. 
Ballonlea is very magical and has huge fairytale-vibes. Whenever Momo cooks, there’s also much Fairytale imagery going on (e.g. She was shown as Red Riding Hood, she was compared to the Fairy Godmother from “Cinderella”, when eating her food the judges imagined themselves turning into pixies etc.) Also, given that Fairy-Pokemon are for the most part very cute and all, I can definitely see the cuteness-obsessed Momo training the Fairy-Type. 
So yes, Momo hands out the Fairy-Badge. 
Her first Pokemon was a Milcery, which is now an Alcremie. 
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Sixth Gym Leader - Circhester
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Circhester is where you face the sixth Gym Leader, Nene Kinokuni. 
Circhester has something a little rustically but still very beautiful to it in my opinion (it’s my favorite city actually) and I love it’s snowy atmosphere. Given how Nene does have her rustical sides and also can certainly be seen as frosty, I can perfectly picture her as the gym leader of this town. 
Nene hands out the Psycho-Badge and faces Arena Challengers with a Psycho-Specialised Team. She’s known to have a great talent for Ice Pokemon as well though and trains them privately. 
Her first Pokemon ever was a Hatenna, which is now a Hatterene. 
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Eight Gym Leader - Spikemuth
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Spikemuth is the eight city to encounter and it’s home to the Arena where the Challengers have to face of against Etsuya Eizan. 
Out of the Elite 10 members, the Toned-Down-Yakuza-Man just fits the dark, grim alleyway aesthetics the best I’d say. He’s shady. He fits into this town, change my mind. Something for this AU though is that Spikemuth does in fact have a Gym and it’s also a bit bigger than in the game. I like the idea that in this AU, it’s not a city that’s without resources, but more of a city thats truly plagued with a really high crime rate(?). It’s basically survival of the fittest in this city. If you can’t defend yourself, you’re going to go down.
Anyway, I hope that made sense, but well Eizan gives out the Dark-Badge. He does also have knowledge around the Steel and Poison Type (or maybe Electric...I could picture both, not sure yet) though.
His first Pokemon was a Nickit, which is now a Thievul. 
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Ninth Gym Leader - Hammerlocke
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Hammerlocke has the last Arena the Challengers have to master and it’s where they meet the strongest out of the Gym Leader, Rindou Kobayashi. 
In the game this is the spot where you face the Dragon-Type Gym Leader in the end and I can most perfectly see Rindou working with Dragon Pokemon. Also, she’s the most epic to face off against last before having to take on Eishi, so there’s that. 
Her first Pokemon was an Axew now a Haxorus.
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So yeah this was random, but thanks for listening I guess ;w; I know I’m not the best at it, but it’s still fun to think about. Should I really write that lil’, silly fanfic, now you know some more info, haha.
In case anyone is interested in that, I could also do that for the Next Gen Elites ovo;;
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JKBFDGJKDFG I seriously love how people are noticing how Dai is in the Yakuza AU because in terms of personality, he probably changed the most… Also a lot of people hurt Dai being real… but because this seems like it’s also wanting reasoning and history…
Have a little character analysis of Dai in the Yakuza AU, aka Death!!
[Also yes, haracter analysis exists in my aus based on their lines okay jgkdfbg I worked hard gkjfdbg I know it’s long but I hope you like the answer!!]
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“Aroon… Aroon… Kaoru… Masae…” A ginger was shaking Kaoru, who had his eyes dull. “She… She’s…”
“Dai… I know.”
“Fuck! Fuck!” There were several punches that could be heard, and he only punched the wall harder. “My mother may have died, but God shouldn’t be cruel enough to get Masae too!” He yelled before curling up to a ball. “Her family… Murdered… In such a humiliating way…”
This scene was inside The Risks part 1!! Also yes, this is when his eyes started to get dull. It also shows that he may not handle people close to him dying [Ironic, because his name is death]
“We’re breaking this gang.”
“What do you mean-”
“You make your own gang, I make mine.” He slowly stands up, but his hands were clutched tightly. “… We’ll need to work faster.”
“We have to eliminate them. We’ll kill them. We’ll be the leaders of our own gang, and get revenge…”
“Is this for her?”
“You already know my answer…”
They’d do anything for her.
This one as also seen in Part 1, and we get to see what Kaoru says and he mentions killing, revenge and stuff like that… The fact the was what Kaoru said and also mentions the reason of breaking the gang, those reasons were stuck in his head… and he followed it completely. Also how Dai is now? Kaoru doesn’t speak up against him a lot because he thinks it’s his fault about how violent he is now [So Kaoru has a lot of regrets he has but never voices out, not even his gang members know. Eizan and Kuga get to know at one point when they drink together, but if someone wants a character analysis of Kaoru, it will be on a different part]
“A must? Really? Yeah sure, whatever. Just be sure they’re not going to do anything against me… or else…” He paused for a moment, and if Isshiki was able to see him right now, he might have one single drip of sweat crawl down his face. It wasn’t a sight to smile at. A normal person would have backed away, especially if he had his favorite knife at hand. “They’ll pay.” Suddenly, someone was close to Eizan’s face, a knife directly at his neck and a gun thrown down to the ground. “This is my house. Respect me, fucker.” 
Also there are moments like this from Missing Pieces which… really show his complex with people going by his rules. Those rules are pretty much because of how he hates traitors [alright but you saw a glimpse of the Milas family there, and that actually lowkey mirrors why Dai hates traitors] and then liars because- well, he hates them because there were too much people who lied to him before. 
He normally doesn’t have a big complex when people don’t respect him, it only happens if you’re in HIS area. That’s why Eizan and Kuga couldn’t react too well because they’re not used to this complete change since they haven’t seen him for 1-2 years by now… And they actually never knew about how much he demands for respect when you’re in his place because normally, he’d be in Kaoru’s house and just be drinking or playing cards… or matchmaking because… yeah.
Eizan didn’t want to respond to the male, but Kuga had the biggest grin on his face. “Grim Reaper, she’s engaged to Greedy Shit over here!”
“We’re coming in some seconds, Grim Reaper!”
By the way, I would like to point out that Kuga was being all friendly to Dai, and Dai normally responded with fun. This shows he may have a good relationship with Kuga, but not Eizan and that’s because of the Eizans reputation of being liars [but that also branches to another story] but it does improve, and he doesn’t hate him since he knows him better- but their relationship isn’t too great yet.
And the reason behind it is because the fall of events in Dai’s life in this AU, and this shows a lot of things hurt him
1.) His joined the Yakuza at first for the money, so he could save the life of his mother. He used to work alone too.2.) He failed that, and his mother ends up dying. He was told that she was going to be saved as long as the right amount of money is given to them, and they lied.3.) He still continues in the life because he has accepted the fact that’s his way of living now.4.) He joins Kaoru’s gang at first, and this was when he felt pretty warm again, and at one point, he always saw the family of Masae back when they were dating- so he now had a new family but then…5.) Masae’s parents died, and they were basically his second family at this point. [Also Kaoru considered them as second family too]6.) Once he knew who did that to her family, he gets really screwed over, I can even say that he has a lot of trust issues after7.) He starts his own gang to catch the person faster- Kaoru focused on creating his team with people he trusts [As you can see, he’s close with all the members of his team] and Dai bases his decisions on power and benefit, money is also a factor and success. 
The turn of events really broke his character a lot, and this made him change over time of feeling a lot of things going down in his life. Also, it takes a lot of time before he actually trusts you. He only has a soft spot for certain gang members, and these are Kaoru, Masae, Emile, Tetsuji, Hanako, Christelle, Rin, The group of Clovers and Bull’s Eye and a couple of more people.
The main reason is because he met them before everything went downhill, and he trusts them. Even if he may seem like he’d threat them, he wouldn’t really hurt them.
He doesn’t have a weak spot for Eizan though because they didn’t have the best meetings [but he always guessed the type of girl he’d probably like okay… you don’t need to like a person to matchmake them] and he has no weak spot for Kuga because… honestly, why would he? He’s so prideful and all, so he doesn’t think he needs it?
He also gains a weak spot for the rest of his members, but trust me- it took time as well.
The reason why he’s so wary of Nene is because he’s well informed she’s new about this whole Yakuza life, and he doesn’t want anything bad to happen on his side and he has 0 trust in her at first. [She could literally report their location, and they can be caught] However, after a month or two, he learns to trust her more.
This is because Nene’s fear of him dies down, while his feelings of wariness for her dies down as time progresses. 
It’s also something like “If you can survive with me, then I guess I believe that I can trust you.” kind of thing for him.
More weeks later, he ends up smiling sincerely around the whole gang and don’t let the murderer fool you, as soon as you bring up ships, he’s so down to talk about them. I like thinking him and Rin [@polar-stars‘ oc!!] sometimes sit down and talk about ships even in this au. But this is only when they’re by themselves or around people they trust.
Then there’s him around Emile [@polar-star-dorks‘ oc] and he’s actually really protective over him, and if Emile talked to him, he’d also probably listen but still act like the bad vibe he gives, but it dies down a bit gjkdfbg But on free time, he’d actually really want him to play his guitar.
Dai doesn’t really act like his whole Yakuza self because he actually separates personal life and business really well!! 
Also until now, he easily flusters, don’t let him trick you for that one as well because just compliment his skill with the knife, he’s going to go red and probably bring it out because he’d believe you’re bringing his guard down.
Also out of topic but he always brings confetti with him. No one knows why. 
What stays from the canon universe?
He’s a hardcore shipper of EtsuNe in this au… LIKE A VERY BIG ONE. It only later on reveals when he’s chill with Nene and he fucking pushes Eizan a lot to her says “Now kiss, fuckers.”
Also he also ships HanaRu with his whole lot and wonders when Kaoru will confess, because god, he was shipping them ever since high school and nothing is happening!! Kaoru, in a nutshell, hs liked Hanako [@polar-stars‘ oc!!] for a long time now as well.
Also TeruSae. Surprisingly, he’s less strict than Kaoru but he has to promise him that he’ll do a better than job than him since he let every fucked up thing happen to Masae and he couldn’t stop a thing.
Just give him more time, and he’s going to be a softie, trust me! Just get through the 1.) scary phase 2.) quiet phase and you’d be good kjgbdfg [one month each, but if you talk to him more, it can lessen so jkgfdbg]
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the-apocryphal-one · 6 years
DR x Pokemon: Super Dangan Ronpa 2
And here’s the second part of my DR x Pokemon crossover AU, this time with the cast of the second game! These guys were even more fun to design teams for than the first cast. As in the first post, let me know if you strongly disagree or agree with any of them--it is just for fun, but discussion can be fun too!
You can find Part One here!
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Lots of super common ‘mons here. Sorry Hajime, but it fits with your normalcy, complex about said normalcy, and inability to pay the Reserve Course fees (you can’t afford to catch anything good). The two exceptions are Eevee, which is also Normal but has lots of potential, like he does; and Larvesta, which is weak but will become a god-like entity if you can evolve it. Hmm, does that sound familiar to anyone...?
...also sun imagery goes really well with Hajime’s full name meaning “to face a new day”. I just couldn’t pass that by.
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All his Pokemon are shiny. Because of course they are.
Ultimate Lucky student = Unfezant. Granbull is a reference to the dog he used to own. Garbodor is because he thinks of himself as trash. Delibird and Clefable both have luck-based moves (Present and Metronome). M-Ampharos is because he wants to help hope shine brightly...and it has fluffy white hair. 
Additionally, some of his Pokemon have accuracy problems and so need his luck to help land hits—Delibird has the ability Hustle, Clefable has Sing, M-Ampharos has Zap Cannon, etc.
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Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Real talk, the reason he only has Dittos instead of Mimikyu or Zoroark is because those two pretend with disguises and illusions; Ditto pretends by actually turning into whoever it’s copying. 
On a happy note, he can tell his Dittos all apart, always.
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His three dragon types are references to his family name (nine-headed dragon). I did consider giving him three Hydreigons to make the pun complete, but it doesn’t really fit him. As for why these specifically, Haxorus is awesome, Dralage’s ambushes and ship attacks have criminal vibes, and Goodra represents his inner soft side. Honchkrow is based off a mafia boss, which I know isn’t yakuza but still carries the same connotations. Krookodile and Mightyena are more underworld type ‘mons.
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I find it abhorrent that we have like 800 Pokemon and not a single one is hamster-based. Togedemaru comes closest, having four of them is obviously meant to reflect the Four Dark Devas. Greninja looks like him, just look at the scarf. M-Houndoom is a literal hellhound, nothing fits his ‘ruler of hell’ shtick better.
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The three monkeys help him with cooking. Miltank provides milk (and jokes, I’m sure), Tropius fruit, and Lickilicky is because of his perverse nature.
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Hitmontop and Emboar are both Fighting types, with Emboar in particular referencing his BURNING SPIRIT. Passimian is based off football, which as a team manager he surely has experience with. He’s got Zebstrika because lightning flies out of his eyes, and Bastiodon because Mechamaru. Skuntank farts when sent out, referencing his toilet humor.
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Wimpod is a coward, like him. M-Sharpedo is there because of his shark teeth. Klinklang is literally a bunch of gears and he’s a mechanic. Machoke, Ambipom, and Donphan all help him in the workshop—Machoke isn’t fully evolved because he just wants help with heavy labor, and doesn’t have anything near Sakura’s martial arts training.
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She shares Porygon-Z with Chihiro because she’s an AI. Komala is because of her sleepyhead nature. Crobat and Delcatty reference her hoodie and backpack. Sylveon is a major ‘power of friendship/love/hope’ Pokemon. Azumarill references her relation with Usami--though I admit, I went back and forth between it and a shiny (pink) Lopunny for ages. Ultimately, Azumarill’s Fairy type and matching Usami’s round body won out.
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I had only three things in mind: fighting types because she loves to battle strong opponents, fire types because she’s a hothead, and Acrobatics because she’s a Gymnast even if she doesn’t care for it. In fact, her entire team except Hitmonlee can learn Acrobatics, and Hitmonlee is apparently partially based off acrobats anyway.
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Half her team are dance-based to help with her performances, like Sayaka. The other half references her bullying and general nature. Liepard is called the ‘Cruel’ Pokemon, Toxapex looks cute but is highly poisonous, and Heatmor represents her ant-squishing. Froslass gets special mention for representing both halves--it’s a dancer (and it even wears a kimono!) and is known to be pretty cruel too.
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Hoooo boy Mahiru gave me a hard time. We have no photography Pokemon and she doesn’t have any screaming standout quirks. So I went off her desire to make people smile. Sunflora, Ribombee, Jumpluff, and Ludicolo all seem like they’d help in that field. Drampa is pretty gentle with kids, so I think it’d be good for entertaining them and setting up shots. M-Kanghaskan likes taking care of others, referencing how Mahiru is the ‘team mom’.
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Like Leon, she has an Exploud for sound amplification; in fact, all her first three are very much noise-based Pokémon, a lot louder than Sayaka’s gentle singers. Shiftry is a reference to her long nose sprite. Magmortar can make a dramatic entrance with smoke and create pyrotechnics, like in DR3. Finally, she has M-Manectric to help with light shows and because she finds it electrifying.
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Samurott is a samurai, Farfetch’d uses a sword-like weapon, Seviper uses its tail as a sword, and Aegislash is literally a blade. Skarmory’s feathers were used as swords in the past. Whimsicott satisfies her love for fluffy things, and was a present from Fuyuhiko against his family’s orders (they wanted her team to only reflect her being a ‘tool’).
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Blissey and Audino are the two Pokemon that immediately leap to mind when you think ‘healer’. Alomomola and Florges also make good ‘clerics’; Almomola has Healer and learns ‘Wish’, while Florges gets both ‘Wish’ and Aromatherapy. Wishiwashi and M-Banette represent her yandere side; Wishiwashi is a crying, timid thing, but becomes so terrifying in School Mode that Gyarados run from it. Meanwhile, Banette wants to inflict pain on the person who threw it away, and Mikan has lot of pent-up anger towards her bullies.
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Persian and Serperior for the same reasons as Byakuya. Her ghost-type represents her liking for the occult. She has a Scizor (not Mega, though) because her admiration for serial killers translates to borrowing the signature ‘mon of the most notable one. Escavalier is her knight. And finally, as the princess of a military nation, I think she’d easily have some powerful dragon-type, and Charizard-X’s aesthetic looks like something she’d like.
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AKA ‘stop having fun guys’. Tangrowth matches his hair :P The next four are all hard to raise pseudo-legendaries, befitting his Ultimate Everything. Volcarona is the same one Hajime had, and has multiple meanings for Izuru too: it was also considered a ‘savior’ (aka a hope) in ancient Pokemon times, and while he only kept it because he didn’t care to switch it, he still has it, representing how there’s a little bit of Hajime left in him. Speaking of, Volcarona was mind-wiped too, and the rest of Hajime’s team were disposed of by the Steering Committee :(
Finally, over half his team is capable of Mega Evolution; they just can’t, because that requires a strong bond between trainer and Pokemon, and Izuru lacks that. I also came pretty close to giving him Nihilego (for their shared apathy), but it’s an Ultra Beast, so it doesn’t really count.
Credit to @oceanairwonderland​ for Izuru’s sprite!
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Okay, I am totally digging your idea of the shimada dragons being eldritch horrors. How do they work besides being total agents of destruction? Can they converse with their hosts? Do they feel affection for them? Pls tell me ur headcanons. And hanzo having two dragons, oh boy. Is this still sticking with canon or is it veering off to au territory where the clan uses hanzo as a weapon? If we stick w/ the original timeline, obvs hanzo is still alive and kicking. But hes already nearing forty...
So, I tried to explain some of thisin a fic about Genji getting his dragon, but it’s not done because it’s beingsuper uncooperative. Imagine that, Genji being uncooperative. Anyway.
The whole exercise was essentiallyme and my friend trying to figure out how the fuck blizzard gets off havingliteral magic dragons in their (admittedly al-dente) sci-fi universe, and yeah,I’m trying to make it not directly conflict with canon or the current timeline.Luckily canon is pretty vague about a lot, so I have a big sandbox to play in.If it becomes explicit lore that they’re literally magic, I invite Chu orKaplan to fight me behind the nearest Denny’s. I’m pretty sure I can take them, what I lack in height I make up for in sheer rage.
So, I looked at the dragons, andbeing a terrible person who loves sad things, my first thought was “Those definitelygive you cancer. That’s some high energy bullshit. These Shimada guys are turbofucked.” Next question, what the fuck do weird glowing cancer snakes care abouta random subset of the Japanese population? Well there’s something, probablygenetic because it’s only just them, about them that’s of interest, there hasto be. 
Enter, two of my favorite things,multiverse and aliens! This shows up a little bit in the Hellboy comics, Tanis, and The City at the End of Time(which should have been so much better than it was). Also, uh, cough, a fandomthat I spent waaay to much time in despite the many, many problems. Anyway, ifthe dragons aren’t from this universe and need some kind of conduit to comehere for Dragon Reasons, then the Shimada clan could be that conduit. Eitherit’s something about their genetics or something about the place they’re allliving, but something about these people made them more attuned to whateverwavelength the dragons are on. So I think the Shimadas themselves representthin spots between their universe and ours, with the Well being the crossoverpoint where it’s easier for the dragon and the host to entangle, and the entanglementlasts until the host dies. (Sidebar: That all grew out of the antenna model forontological dualism) (Sidebar: I think they’re only dragons because the ancientShimadas expected dragons so that’s what they got. They could be anything, and theyinhabit more than just 3-space. This is kind of the vibe I’m thinking of. If they’d shown up in medieval europe, they’d probably look like angels or saints.) It seemed weird to me that they’re just hereto kill. They could be eating people, or some facet of people (heat, electricalimpulses in the nervous system, etc.) but that seems super inefficient. There’senergy everywhere here, once the meat people let you in, why would you let thembe your gatekeepers? But that got me thinking, what if they’re here to getsomething and the Shimadas are acting as an antenna or foothold for them? Is theirkilling for the Shimadas more of a side effect? If they do need the Shimadas tobe alive, then it makes sense they would protect them.
Circling back to multiverse for amoment, what if their universe is dying, undergoing its heat death?  They seem to be beings made of energy, atleast partially, (pulling from CatEoT, there were beings there whose minds transcendedmaterial form and were fucked whenthe heat death began.) Point of interest, there are supervoids in our universethat just seems weird. Fun fact, Earthis in the largest supervoid known to science, the KBC Void. What if the dragonsare actually here to strip mine energy and entropy and take it back to theiruniverse to keep it alive longer? A heat death is just the end of alldifference in energy levels, so if they’re stealing more energy from here tomaintain differentials to keep going, that would be a reason for them to behere that isn’t a weird crush on the Shimada clan.
Okay, but, uh, they’re killing thehosts. They give them cell-degrading radiation exposure when they manifest, becausethe Shimada doing the summoning is at ground zero for a second, roasting alive.Well, I don’t think the dragons actually grok that point! They’re beings madeof energy, and I think they mostly view the Shimadas as a web of heat and electricalimpulse and chemical activity, but I think very few of them understand them asconscious creatures because the way they think is so divergent. It’s like wonderingif your car has feelings. It’s real damn complicated, but is it thatcomplicated? Maybe, but probably not. So, like when your car squeals and you dosomething to fix it, that’s kind of like what the dragons are doing when themantra is repeated. But in using your car, you are damaging it through wear andtear, and that’s what the dragons are doing through repeated summoning. TheShimadas understand this as a kind of tit-for-tat, obviously the spirits wouldwant something so their lives must be it. And if this all started in prehistory youcan’t really blame them, when the conceptual framework for talking about the multiverse scientifically is so recent.
I don’t think they communicatelike humans do, through body language, touch, and vibrating the air withspecialized organs. I think they communicate feeling and intent more directly, probablywith energetic impulses. So, the mantras that the Shimadas recite (which varyfrom person to person) act as a sort of trigger or alert. Thinking about specific thingsexcites parts of the brain in a specific way, and there is some low levelelectric current involved. If the dragons learn to recognize that, kind of inthe way we recognize our phones have low battery because the meter changes,then they manifest and attack to protect their host. If the host dies theylose their foothold in this universe, so they do what they can to keep them alive.I don’t think the Shimadas grok that this is a side effect, I think theygenuinely believe them to be spirits. (My understanding is that a thought likethat wouldn’t be out of line with Shinto. A very devout Christian would believein angelic interference, for instance.) I do think the dragons recognize otherhosts, and try not to attack them generally if they’re in the line of fire, andthat the dragons, after a while, learn to pick out what their host thinks of asfoes. So, Genji’s dragon wouldn’t attack a friend (let’s say McCree is standingbeside him, providing covering fire) because it’s learned that the kind ofattention Genji is paying McCree is good attention, but will attack the guyjust as close trying to stab Genji, because that’s bad attention. It does takea while for that to set in, and some dragons are less discerning than others.
They can, however, learn to ‘talk’.They mostly just don’t bother. It’s a pain exciting the aural nerves in theright way, learning what the right way is, and they usually misinterpretfeelings when shared directly and dump a bunch of cortisol and freak out. Imaginetrying to learn to talk to your cat. (Spoilers for a fic I may never finish, Ithink Genji’s does talk to him. I think Genji has a very close relationshipwith his dragon, and that is basically unheard of. He’s a natural adorcist andlearned more from his dragon that the clan had in hundreds of years. Genji’sdragon is enamored with him, and Genji with her. It’s part of why he’s stillalive, she shielded him from a lot of the damage Hanzo’s dragons would havedone and shunted a lot energy away from his vitals because she learned from himwhat to protect. Genji would probably have just been burnt to a crisp if she’donly been on the offensive. She also helps soothe some of the phantom pain bypulling strings in his nervous system.)
(Okay, this section is pretty dark.)
Hanzo’s dragons think there’ssomething wrong with him. He keeps hunting down other hosts, making it harderto do their work, and keeps getting damaged. I don’t think Hanzo thinks hedeserves to do the honorable thing and kill himself directly, but I do thinkonce or twice he’s thrown down his weapons to let someone kill him, right afterGenji. His dragons won’t let it happen, they come on their own and attackeverything around him. They do not trust his judgement, and they’re harder forhim to summon and sometimes come when he doesn’t want. They don’t understandthe family politics that when into attacking Genji and then attacking the others,they think he’s just a malfunctioning machine they have to put up with.
(Uh, that’s over)
So, with two dragons, I do think theclan wanted him to be their weapon. I think, in the lull after the Crisis,there had been a kind of status quo with the various yakuza clans and Sojirowas content to maintain it. Others, now that they had a WMD in their pockets, wantedto expand territory and influence. Sojiro was like “HARD FUCKING PASS” and as long as he wasalive, he prevented Hanzo from going on more assassinations than necessary, and kepthim to more administrative things, even if that meant doing more work withdragons himself and dying faster. (Sidebar, I think the assassination thing iskind of a secret. Only people in the know would ask, and they don’t take money,they take favors. Money can be tracked. Favors can’t. Only the family is involved at any stage of planning orexecution. The client families and client organizations and random mooks haveno idea, because the rest of the clan’s business is grey market brokering or smuggling.) That’s also part of the reason the elders were so adamant Genji getin line, because if Hanzo died young they needed him to take charge. Sojirokind of let Genji be a useless fuckboy because it would keep Hanzo safer if hewas the only viable heir. It broke his heart to do it, because it ruined hisrelationship with Hanzo and the brothers’ relationship with each other, but hewasn’t going to bury Hanzo. Hanzo never puts it together, he thinks his dadjust liked Genji better and he wasn’t a good enough leader to bring him in line. Genji didn’t fuckingcare, because he was a spoiled brat, but kind of kens the truth in Nepal afterhaving to sit down and actually sort through his life and his choices.
So, because Hanzo has fuckeddirectly off, he’s done less damage to himself with the dragons than he wouldhave otherwise, but he’s still getting sick. (For a long time, it was a realworry of Genji’s that Hanzo would die before he could kill him. And then, whenGenji forgave him, that’d it’d be too late.) Nobody in the clan actually doesanything to fucking TREAT the cancer, because they think it’s part of somemagic bargain. The dragons do not fucking care if you get chemo, Genji knows asmuch. So, Hanzo’s bought himself some time by running away (and killing otherShimadas by being sneaky rather than dragon fights when he can, since hisdragons are flaky, per the dark paragraph.) If Genji can bring Hanzo to Dr.Ziegler, she can absolutely get it under control. (He’s probably got someconcerning nodules, but not full blown malignant tumors in all of his him.) Hermethodologies could absolutely target and destroy cancerous cells and repair thedamage, if Hanzo will accept the treatment. So he’s not doomed, if he doesn’twant to be. (He’s trying to race liver failure and cancer on his own though, soGenji needs to get the lead out if he’s gonna put out this tire fire.)
I think I answered most of yourquestions? I love talking about this, so if you weren’t clear I’m happy toelaborate! Please forgive any spelling/grammar fuck ups, I wrote this all downkind of stream of consciousness.
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my-trashy-writing · 7 years
A grumpy, antisocial policeman is forced to live with one of the witnesses for a while.
I don't remember if I've ever said it but - Jaymes Young's music has strong TsukiYama vibe for me. Here's another example of that - the idea came from this song.
As I’ve said before in previous posts - I've decided to make a poll when readers can decide which of my works they want to read next. The fics listed in the poll are already finished. There will be only TsukiYama ones to vote for and I will be slipping some other pairings or fandoms (*cough*Klance*cough*) in between posting the ones from the poll. You can vote here. And this one is the fic that won in the first poll (whooping four votes out of thirteen).
SFW, TsukiYama, police au Words: 4120 Also on ao3.
“Plan B, we’re switching to plan B!” Daichi’s voice could be heard in the earpieces of the whole squad. “There’s someone who-”
“Make that plan C, guys!” Kuroo butted in. “That’s definitely a civilian and he saw something he shouldn’t have. Tsukki, be careful they’re coming your way! A guy chased by two of our targets! They have guns! Sawamura! We’re taking care of the rest!”
“Why is it always me lately?” Tsukishima groaned and started acting according to the newly changed plan. He wasn’t exactly pleased because plan C was the worst option for him. Especially if their targets were armed. Before he had enough time to get rid of all his frustration, someone turned the corner and was running in his direction. Just moments later there were two more people, shouting at the guy to stop and threatening to kill him. ‘I should have stuck to intelligence, even if that host club thing was terrible too,’ Tsukishima thought briefly before he yanked the runner by his hand.
“Stay calm and run. As fast as you can,” Tsukishima tried to sound as reassuring as he could when he saw how scared the other was. But his own peace was violently interrupted when the yakuza guys started shooting at them.
“I need someone to cover me, I can’t handle this myself!” Tsukishima shouted.
“On my way! Give me twenty seconds!” Ennoshita answered. Tsukishima could hear from his voice and breathing that he was going as fast as he could.
“Fine by- FUCK!” Tsukishima cursed loudly and hissed in pain.
“Wha-?” the guy slowed down to turn back and look at him, panic in his eyes.
“Don’t stop, it’s nothing,” Tsukishima said sharply as if he was trying to convince himself that getting shot in the arm wasn’t really a big deal. “Here!” they ducked behind the nearest corner and Tsukishima could finally return the fire. At the same moment Ennoshita came with the reinforcements.
“I want a rise,” Tsukishima breathed out weakly and slid down against the wall after they captured the criminals. He tried to ignore the growing puddle of his own blood but the warm and sticky dampness, accompanied by dizziness and sharp pain, was impossible to brush off.
“Has our Sleeping Beauty woke up?” Kuroo asked, leaning against the doorframe of Tsukishima’s hospital room.
“Kuroo…” Daichi scowled at him while Tsukishima openly glared.
“I’d say you look just like usual, Tsukki. So what’s the damage?”
“One bullet wound that caused excessive blood loss. It got to rather dangerous point before we got him to the hospital. Even our first aid wasn’t helping much. Probably because we took care of him rather late,” Daichi sighed.
“Well, maybe he does look a little paler than usual.”
“Yeah,” Daichi sighed. “But luckily, almost miraculously as the doctor said, there was no damage to the bones, even though it’s close to his shoulder joint. So it’s not as bad as it could be.”
“Why are you here, anyway, Kuroo-san?” Tsukishima asked, his voice weak and lacking it’s bite.
“I was worried about you, obviously?”
“Well, there wouldn’t be any need if your intel was more accurate.’
“You should be the one who knows the best that there’s nothing like perfect intel,” Kuroo narrowed his eyes at him. “But yeah, looking at the pitiful you isn’t the only reason why I came.”
“Kuroo,” Daichi hissed.
“Yeah, yeah, everything for you, Sawamura,” Kuroo smiled sweetly. “So anyway, the case isn’t as closed as we’d like it to be.”
“Eh?” Tsukishima gaped at him.
“I’ve heard about it already but I wasn’t given any details,” Daichi added.
“It comes out that the boss of this little group wasn’t at the scene. And one of the guys managed to flee. So we still have two of them to catch. But! Thanks to our little disturbance we have a wild card we can use.”
“Namely?” Daichi asked, raising his brow.
“What? Or who?”
“Hey, actually, why are you hiding?” Kuroo leaned outside, beckoning someone who was waiting in the hallway. “Come here.”
“Ah, um… hello,” Yamaguchi came inside the room and greeted quietly. He flinched and averted his gaze when his eyes met Tsukishima’s.
“That’s…” Daichi started.
“Yeah, the unexpected factor in our action and the guy Tsukki took a bullet for,” Kuroo smirked when Tsukishima clicked his tongue.
“I’m… I’m sorry,” Yamaguchi said, his voice still quiet.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s our job to protect the citizens,” Daichi smiled warmly at him. “Some thanks would be more fitting,” he winked.
“Eh? Uh… Yes! Thank you very much! Really!” he bowed deeply towards Tsukishima. Before the blond could answer, Kuroo butted in again:
“You’ll have a lot of opportunities to thank him and show your gratitude.”
“Huh?” the three guys gaped at Kuroo, surprised.
“Yeah, just like I was saying - we have a wild card and we’re going to use it.”
“No…” Tsukishima groaned.
“What? You wanted some sexy nurse to pamper you?” Kuroo snickered at him.
“I’m not you!”
“Kuroo, stop taunting him. He’s not exactly in shape for your usual banters,” Daichi said sternly.
“Yes, sir!” Kuroo saluted playfully.
“I’m sorry but I don’t understand...” Yamaguchi said quietly.
“Ah, yeah. Back to the topic. Since Tsukki is hurt and needs someone to take care of him for the time being-”
“I don’t!” Tsukishima fumed.
“Yes, you do. You got shot in your arm. And it doesn’t matter that it’s not your dominant one,” Daichi’s voice was both gentle and stern. “You also lost a lot of blood. You might feel fine now, or are just pretending to, but you went into hypovolemic shock. You could have died. You were unconscious for almost two days. So, really, it would be easier for you to have someone around. I would be at ease too. And I do know that you don’t want to contact your family…”
“So back to the topic again,” Kuroo sighed. “Yamaguchi is going to stay at your place. He saw some things. The yakuza know his face. Basically it means that he’s in danger. At the same time you could use some help around you or the house. It would be safer for him to stay with a police officer. Even if wounded. You’re not that useless, right?”
“Kuroo! I’ve told you already!” Daichi scolded him again.
“And here we are,” Kuroo announced happily, when the three of them - he, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima -  entered the blond’s apartment. Tsukishima only rolled his eyes, while Yamaguchi was clearly feeling uncomfortable. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the whole situation. So much happened in the span of the last few days that he was feeling lost and confused.
“You can put your stuff there,” Tsukishima pointed to the closest door. “It’s a spare room I use for storage. I don’t think that there’s enough space to spread the futon, though. There's a lot of stuff my brother left after he moved out. It's still here even though he was supposed to take it back gradually,” he shrugged. “You can sleep on the couch if you want.”
“The couch is really comfy!” Kuroo commented, reassuringly patting Yamaguchi’s shoulder. “I’ve already tested it myself, I slept well even while being squished-”
“Daichi-san will kill you if you say another word,” Tsukishima butted it. “Do whatever you want, just don’t go outside, don’t open the door to anyone, don’t enter my bedroom, and just leave me the hell alone,” Tsukishima glared at Yamaguchi, right before shutting himself in his room.
The next few days were absolute torture for both of them, though for very different reasons. The heavy, almost hostile silence was really uncomfortable for Yamaguchi. He understood that having a complete stranger in their home, what’s more, someone who’s the cause of their injury, definitely wasn’t desirable situation for anyone, but Tsukishima was straight out ignoring Yamaguchi anytime he could. And he was doing it even more ostentatious when Yamaguchi was trying to somehow close the distance between them, be it during meals, helping Tsukishima shower or while changing his bandages. Yamaguchi felt disheartened and, not wanting to annoy Tsukishima any further, he stopped talking to him completely and tried to get out of his way as much as he could.
On the other hand, Tsukishima was extremely frustrated. On top of simply being injured, he was forced to stay with a stranger. Who tried to be friendly with him, even though Tsukishima explicitly asked to be left alone. But the worst thing for him was that Daichi was right, that Tsukishima did need someone to take care of him. The mere thought of being dependant on anyone was making him sick - now he was exactly that. And it was taking an enormous toll on him. He was just glad that, after the second day, Yamaguchi stopped trying to talk to him and, in a way, started to avoid Tsukishima too.
Tsukishima woke up with a loud gasp. His heart was pounding like crazy and he was covered in cold sweat. His left shoulder hurt like hell and it was this pain that brought him round faster from the terrible dream he had. He sat on the edge of his bed, hiding his face in his hands. But the pain was too much to bear so he decided to get some painkillers. Coming out of his bedroom, he glanced at the clock - it was almost four in the morning.
Minding not to be too loud so he won’t wake Yamaguchi up, Tsukishima went to the kitchen. He found his prescribed medicines and rummaged in the cupboard for a glass. While taking it out he felt another jab of sharp pain. The glass dropped onto the floor. Tsukishima cursed his stupidity for using his left not right hand out of habit.
“What happened?” Yamaguchi asked in a sleepy voice, peeking at Tsukishima from behind the couch backrest.
“Nothing,” the blond cut him off sharply, not wanting to deal with anyone’s attention. He ducked behind the counter and started to gather the broken pieces.
“It’s not nothing…” suddenly, Yamaguchi was behind him. “Oh, leave it, I’ll clean up. Are you ok? Why are you up?”
“It is nothing,” Tsukishima hissed. “And I’m fine. Go to sleep or something.”
“But it would be easier for me to do this… You’re injured and all. And I’m already up anyway so...”
“I can take care of myself! It’s not like I’ve lost my arm!” Tsukishima raised his voice, surprising both Yamaguchi and himself. They stared at each other for a long moment until Yamaguchi finally broke the heavy silence:
“You had a nightmare,” it wasn’t even a question, it was a statement. What’s more - full of genuine concern and free of any mockery. Tsukishima tensed and averted his gaze silently.
“Ok, I know,” Yamaguchi clapped his hands. “Go take a quick, warm shower. You’re probably sweaty so it must be uncomfortable wearing a damp shirt. It will calm you down too. And I will clean up the broken glass, ok?” he smiled lightly. Tsukishima groaned but listened nevertheless.
Few minutes later, when Tsukishima came out of the bathroom, he noticed that the room was softly illuminated by the warm light of the lamp he almost never used. What’s more, there was a pleasant smell in the air.
“Oh, great timing! I’ve just made this,” Yamaguchi held up two steamy mugs. He placed them on the coffee table, right beside a glass of water and painkillers. Tsukishima wondered why he was so irritated by the mere sight of it. Was it because Yamaguchi was meddlesome? Was it because Yamaguchi was able to read him so well? Or was it because of himself? Because he showed a weakness in front of someone?
“Hm? What’s wrong?” Yamaguchi tilted his head, looking at Tsukishima who was just standing there, glaring holes in the table. “Come, sit,” he patted the couch beside him.
“What is this even?” Tsukishima sat, not really grasping the situation.
“Hot chocolate. It will make you feel better,” the other smiled reassuringly. “And come here, under the blanket,” he covered Tsukishima’s legs just like his own. “Let’s drink this and talk some,” Yamaguchi seemed very different from what Tsukishima remembered from the few days they spent together in his apartment.
“It’s four in the morning, you know.”
“So what? It’s not like you have work first thing in the morning. You’re off. You can sleep even until the evening. And I’m the same. So what’s the problem? And you need to calm down, you still seem uneasy. You won’t fall asleep so easily now. Ah! And it’s not like we have to talk about you know… private things or anything,” Yamaguchi’s resolve faltered a bit. “Just the small talk to occupy your mind until you get sleepy.”
Tsukishima let out a sigh and took the pills, grabbing the mug afterwards.
“So?” he asked.
“Ah, um…” Yamaguchi fumbled with words. “Oh! I know! Let’s talk about music. There’s a lot of CDs here, so…”
Despite initial problems, their conversation went smoothly from there. After emptying his mug, Yamaguchi started to feel drowsy, but he decided to not fall asleep before Tsukishima. Right now he was telling the blond about a concert of an artist both of them liked. Somewhere mid-sentence he noticed that Tsukishima dozed off. Yamaguchi smiled warmly at him and closed his eyes. He fell asleep almost immediately.
The first thing Tsukishima noticed after waking up was that he wasn’t in his bed. He wasn’t even lying, he was sitting. The second thing was that he wasn’t alone. He was leaning his head against Yamaguchi’s which in turn was propped against his right shoulder. Tsukishima’s slight movements woke Yamaguchi up. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. He yawned and then looked at Tsukishima.
“Good morning,” Yamaguchi said with a soft smile. “How are you feeling? Better?” Tsukishima only grunted in response and stood up with the intent to go to the bathroom. Just before closing the door after himself he stopped and, without turning back, said:
“Thank you,” it was quiet but it definitely reached Yamaguchi.
The night they chatted and slept together on the couch was a turning point for them. Once again, Yamaguchi tried to get rid of the uncomfortable silence between them. This time around, Tsukishima opened himself. At first only slightly, somewhat embarrassed because of what happened that night. But, soon enough, having Yamaguchi around stopped being annoying and became comfortable instead. Even though Tsukishima always thought that being completely alone was the best for him.
In the middle of the second week of Yamaguchi’s stay at Tsukishima’s place, the investigation started moving forward again. One of their informants, Oikawa, the one they were working with on this case before, said that he has something of interest for the police. But before he shared the information with them, he had one specific demand.
“I hate host clubs,” Tsukishima grumbled under his breath, when he finally came back home, around five in the morning. “I fucking stink,” he added, taking the jacket of his suit off and letting it slip on the ground.
“Welcome back. How it went?” Yamaguchi asked in a sleepy voice, rubbing his eyes.
“Sorry for waking you up,” Tsukishima’s annoyed expression softened at the sight. He paused for a moment and started unbuttoning his shirt.
“It’s fine,” Yamaguchi smiled gently. “It’s not that I was waiting but I was kind of worried, so… Anyway, how it went? Are you ok?”
“I hate host clubs and I can’t stand their sickening scent. It's sticking to you after only five minutes. Even more so, if some random women are clinging to you,” Tsukishima took his shirt off completely. “Oikawa-san thought it was funny to see me deal with his customers. Do I look like a host?”
“Eh?” Tsukishima’s sudden question baffled Yamaguchi. “Um… if you smiled from time to time and made small talk?”
“I mean… I worked in few host clubs, as a bartender and a waiter, so I saw a lot of different types of hosts. But, all in all, they just need to be handsome and witty. Depending on who you would be working with, you could even become number one if you tried. And you’re asking me such a question without your shirt on… women would flock to you immediately.”
“I can’t believe…” Tsukishima sighed heavily.
“Well, it’s you who wanted to know,” Yamaguchi chuckled.
“Yeah… Anyway, I got some serious info and it might get dangerous soon. But first I really need to take a shower and wash this stench off.”
“Get a hold of yourself, Yamaguchi,” Tsukishima hissed.
“I can’t help being scared!” Yamaguchi raised his voice. “I’m just your average guy. The last time I got involved with them, they were shooting at me! And you got shot for real! It would be weird if I wasn’t scared...”
“We went through this many times. If you do what you’re supposed to do, you won’t even see them. There are only two of them. And Daichi-san and Kuroo-san are already on standby with their teams. Don’t worry.”
“Yeah,” Yamaguchi seemed to calm down a bit, but he jumped up, scared again, after someone banged loudly on Tsukishima’s door.
“Don’t worry,” Tsukishima repeated. “Hide in my room, close the door with the key and barricade them with the desk. That would stop anyone for a while. Don’t open until I say it’s safe... Do you understand?” Tsukishima grabbed Yamaguchi’s shoulders and looked right into his eyes.
“This is my home,” Tsukishima said slowly, not tearing his eyes from Yamaguchi’s. “And I’m going to protect both this house and you, Tadashi” he pushed surprised Yamaguchi towards his bedroom. Tsukishima waited until Yamaguchi hid himself and then he went towards the front door. He stopped few steps in front of them, when he realised that the banging suddenly stopped. Seconds later, the silence was interrupted by a gunshot and the door got kicked open.
“Are we really doing it like this?” Tsukishima asked the two guys who were standing in front of him.
“You won’t be needing any door when you’re dead,” one of them answered while the second charged at Tsukishima.
“I don’t plan on dying in the nearest future,” Tsukishima sneered, swiftly avoiding the punch aimed at him. The attacker lost his balance for a moment. Tsukishima used it, grabbing him and throwing onto the ground. The guy hit the floor with his forehead, loud thud resounding in the air. At the same time Tsukishima winced, groaning in pain.
“Judo, huh?” the second guy sighed. “Though I see we aren’t healed yet,” he taunted. “It’s not smart to throw people heavier than yourself when you’re injured.”
“Who’s fault is that?” Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
“Not mine, since I wasn’t there. And I’d rather aim at your head than anywhere else,” he pointed his gun at Tsukishima.
“This is so cliche,” Tsukishima sighed.
“Huh? Are you stall-” he didn’t finish, as he fell down on the floor after a hit to the back of his head.
“But don’t you feel like you’re in a movie?” Kuroo asked. At the same time few police officers came inside and cuffed the two unconscious guys.
“Then I want a movie-like pay.”
“Who wouldn’t,” Kuroo shrugged. “Where’s Yamaguchi?”
“In my room,” Tsukishima answered quietly and plopped on the couch, groaning again.
“Hey, Yamaguchi, you can come out!” Kuroo knocked at the door. He furrowed his brows when there was no answer. “Tsukki?” he turned towards Tsukishima.
“Yamaguchi, it’s fine to come out now!” Tsukishima said loudly and, soon after, the door opened. Kuroo only raised his brow and whistled.
“Is it…?” Yamaguchi asked quietly.
“It’s fine already. They all got arrested, you’re safe, you can go back to your life,” Kuroo answered him.
“What about- You’re bleeding!” there was panic in Yamaguchi’s eyes when he saw a growing bloodstain on Tsukishima’s sleeve.
“Yeah, I’ve noticed. And I’m getting dizzy already, so call the ambulance. And, seriously, get me a rise.”
“How are you feeling?” Yamaguchi asked shyly, standing in the door of Tsukishima’s hospital room.
“Tired,” Tsukishima sighed. “And I have anemia. The wound, of course, reopened but it’s not as bad as before. Apart from that - I’m fine.”
“It’s not perfect but I’m glad that it isn't worse,” he smiled lightly.
“Thanks. Why are you here?”
“Eh? I was worried. Isn’t it obvious?” Yamaguchi was surprised by the question.
“You didn't have to.”
“You didn't have to. The case is closed, you can go home. I’m better than earlier, so I don’t need your help anymore.”
“What are you…?”
“Just like Kuroo-san said yesterday, you can go back to your life,” Tsukishima said sharply, furrowing his brows. He glared at Yamaguchi for few seconds and then turned his head away. Yamaguchi was standing frozen still in the middle of the room and then suddenly stormed out without saying anything, bumping into Kuroo just outside the room.
“Are you stupid?” Kuroo stomped towards Tsukishima. “He’s worried about you and you oh, so politely, tell him to get the fuck away from you? I thought you were smarter. Really.”
“What does it even have to do with you?” Tsukishima narrowed his eyes at Kuroo.
“That you’re a complete pain in the ass and have close to zero social skills when it comes to your own private life? That’s why Oikawa and I like to make fun of you. That's why Sawamura acts like he's your father. And that's why we're all so worried about you.”
“I’ve got too comfortable,” Tsukishima said quietly.
“HUH?! And how’s that wrong? We need to have something or someone who makes us feel comfortable. How are you supposed to relax while doing this stressful job when you’re always alone with yourself? How long will your CDs be able to take your mind off bad stuff?” Kuroo was genuinely angry at Tsukishima. Who, unusually, stayed quiet, without any rebuttal. “Get a hold of yourself. Really. And you should be glad that it was me, not Sawamura who heard all of this. You wouldn’t escape with such a simple earful,” Kuroo added and left the room.
Despite getting out of the hospital, Tsukishima wasn’t in the best mood. He did feel bad about what he said to Yamaguchi before, but with Kuroo’s harsh words it hit him even harder. He understood the logic behind that reasoning. But he still didn’t want to be dependant on anyone. Even if it felt so comfortable. Or did he now?
With a heavy sigh, Tsukishima opened the new, replaced door to his place, thankful to whoever did it. He stopped in the hallway, surprised to hear someone bustling around in the kitchen.
“Yamaguchi? What are you doing here?” he asked, dumbfounded, after he saw the other washing the dishes.
“Ah… Um… It’s nice seeing you out of the hospital,” Yamaguchi started, not looking at Tsukishima. “You’re early, I thought I had around an hour left,” he added quietly.
“For what?”
“I’m… You... Even though you’re out of the hospital it doesn’t mean that you’re completely healed, right? So I… I dropped by to clean a bit. And I made few meals, freezing some of them. So you can eat them later. I tried to make stuff that’s good when you’re anemic,” Yamaguchi fumbled with the hem of his apron, still not looking at Tsukishima. “And I wanted to leave before you came home,” he smiled but it seemed forced. “So I’m gonna go now…” Yamaguchi hurriedly gathered his things, wanting to leave. But when he tried to walk past Tsukishima, the blond grabbed his wrist, stopping him.
“I’m sorry,” Tsukishima said quietly.
“Eh? For what?” Yamaguchi wasn’t sure what was happening.
“I’m sorry for what I’ve said in the hospital two days ago. And I want to take it back.”
“I don’t understand,” Yamaguchi turned around to look at Tsukishima.
“You… you can stay if you want. For how long you want,” he was avoiding eye contact but his grip on Yamaguchi’s wrist tightened.
“And what about getting too comfortable?” Yamaguchi asked teasingly.
“Huh? You were listening?” Tsukishima snapped his eyes at Yamaguchi.
“I got played by Kuroo-san, right?”
“A bit,” Yamaguchi chuckled. “But I really wanted to leave before you came back.”
“I’m sorry,” Tsukishima released Yamaguchi’s wrist, not sure what he was even apologizing for.
“Though, now, I don’t really want to,” this time it was Yamaguchi who grabbed Tsukishima’s hand. “What do you want?” he asked.
Tsukishima stayed still for a moment and then smiled softly, leaning down to lightly kiss Yamaguchi’s lips.
“Stay,” he answered shortly, deepening the kiss.
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crow-gothtree · 9 months
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I give if you progress images because my tablet keeps crashing while I try to render
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its doing something I'll finish this but I've been working on it or a while and I can't deal with the crashes right now.
40 notes · View notes
crow-gothtree · 10 months
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In progress... He's messy
I coloured him...he's pretty now
13 notes · View notes