#yakuza izuku
crow-gothtree · 9 months
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I give if you progress images because my tablet keeps crashing while I try to render
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its doing something I'll finish this but I've been working on it or a while and I can't deal with the crashes right now.
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Hello and welcome to Day 20 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Before we dive into the next fic idea I have, I wanna announce that I will continue this "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies" thing till I hit 31 days. After that, I will probably make a poll or something to choose which fic I need to focus on first to write - this way, I actually get to write something out of the ideas I have. (And this makes it easier for me to prepare more ideas after I finish the 31 days, too - expect even more crazy ideas from me after that)
As for today's plot bunny... well, stay with me while I try to explain it.
Firstly, this is another MHA crossover. The other is "You are my Prize in Viwefinder" or the Finder Series. (I know that those who know the series are already like, "Wtf?" but stick with me for a bit)
The title is "Adoption is also part of the Family Business."
The story starts with Inko and Hisashi dying in a villain attack and leaving a 7 years old Izuku as an orphan. Izuku is a smart boy and knows that with his quirkless status, he will probably die in the orphanage since the living conditions for people like him are... missing, for the lack of better words. Nor are people all that interested in keeping Quirkless people alive anyway. So, Izuku runs away and lives on the streets for 2 years before he gets into an altercation with a more... deranged street-resident.
The altercation ends with Izuku being stabbed in the abdomen. In a moment of true panic and fuelled by his desire to live, Izuku unlocks a fire Quirk that ends up burning his aggressor to a crisp.
While Izuku is still trying to comprehend what happened, Asami Ryuichi, one of the most (if not the most) powerful and influential yakuza in Japan (who is a business man by day), who saw everything from the moment the altercation began approaches him. Izuku, while still on high alert and full of adrenaline, looks at Asami once and snarls at him, telling him to "fuck off" before collapsing from his blood loss.
Asami, intrigued by the fact that the child didn't even try to ask for help and instead cursed at him, takes Izuku with him and places him under his personal doctor's care. (And, of course, tells Akihito about the incident, too, because Takaba Akihito (Asami's husband) saw blood on Asami and wanted to know what happened)
Asami, being who he is, tries to find any information about the kid and once he finds out that he is an orphan and (supposedly) Quirkless, Asami is even more intrigued.
Meanwhile, Izuku wakes up to an unknown room with Akihito and the doctor in the room watching over him. Although confused and in pain, Izuku is still on high alert and doesn't fully trust the two, but he is willing to cooperate so he can heal faster.
Needless to say, Akihito ends up liking Izuku a lot. The kid's sarcasm is amusing and, despite putting on a tough exterior, Akihito can see clearly that Izuku was hurt in more ways than just physical. The kid is too hesitant to accept help and when Akihito ruffles his hair, Izuku looks like he was expecting it to hurt rather than soothe him. Akihito's heart hurts just by looking at the little 9 years old kid.
And so Akihito gets an idea and asks Asami if he can adopt Izuku. He and Asami can never have biological children - and that is fine. But adoption is also an option, and Akihito got attached to the kid already. Asami thinks about it and ultimately agrees since he is intrigued by the kid as well. A child in Izuku's situation would have cried and begged for help. But instead Izuku took just one look at Asami and said "fuck off" without even flinching. (Asami's gaze makes full-grown adults shrink, but Izuku met it head on and didn't even blink)
And so Izuku finds himself adopted by Asami Ryuichi and Takaba Akihito, and slowly opens to them as well, later on fully accepting them as his parents.
Years later, Izuku attends UA as a General Education Student. UA has the best general education program in Japan, and Asami only accepts the best for his son. Izuku is accompanied by Yamada Itsuki, Izuku's chosen retainer. (Look, his father said he either chooses one himself or he will choose for him, so Izuku just did what he does best - helped someone that was in a bad situation and Itsuki chose to follow him)
UA will have a lot of things in stock for Asami Izuku and Yamada Itsuki, which include but are not limited to: meeting a former childhood friend (bully); villain attacks; creating strong bonds with his new classmates; a high amount of planning and scheming (because of the villains); high levels of competence from Izuku as a leader; Nezu meeting his match in Izuku; and so many more. (Aizawa and Present Mic are not paid enough to deal with all this - especially since Asami Izuku is like a mini-Nezu... God have mercy on their poor underpaid souls)
Other details:
Bakugou Katsuki doesn't recognize Izuku from the get-go since Izuku changed a lot from the scrawny little kid he knew. Plus, Izuku is now an Asami, not Midoriya.
Izuku knows how to use a gun. I really just love the idea of Izuku with a gun.
Izuku gets therapy. A lot of it. He is in a way better place mentally by the time he is in UA.
Izuku calls Asami Ryuichi "Father", while Takaba Akihito is "Dad".
Itsuki is like the most loyal person you can imagine. I am pretty sure if Izuku wants someone dead, Itsuki would just ask if their death should be quick and painless or slow and full of suffering.
Both Izuku and Itsuki are trained by Asami himself. They, even without their Quirks, can kill someone with their bare hands.
I really wanna explore the Yakuza world in the Era of Quirk in this. Like how much is changed from before the Quirks started appearing. Or what is the relationship now between Yakuza and the Police? Are they still enemies? Or, are they more on a Grey zone with each other as long as the Yakuza don't do things that can be visible to civilians? Does the Yakuza help the Police is some cases? It will be interesting to explore this.
Because Izuku is in Gen Ed, Shinso Hitoshi is in Class 1-A.
Speaking of class 1-A, I still want Izuku to be the one that tells Shoto he is stupid and that his power is his.
But Izuku (and his entire class) don't participate in the Sport Festival. This means Izuku tells Shoto that without fighting him at all. And, honestly, I kinda like it this way more. Like, there shouldn't be any need to fight someone to the death (seemingly) just to tell them something like this. Especially if you know how to hammer the information in their heads just by using words... and Izuku knows how to use words.
I literally have Itsuki written down as "Simp" in my notes... which means Itsuki will probably be very much thought as "Izuku’s boyfriend" by everyone who doesn't fully know the two. (At this point I am more convinced that these 2 have a more queerplatonic relationship than a romantic one)
And this is kinda it for this plot bunny.
So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Let me know! I am really interested in what you guys think about this.
I hope you have a great day/night. Take care of yourselves. (Don't become sleep-deprived like me)
See you tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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haptronym · 1 year
This only makes sense if you've read my story (Izuku does not know who Toshinori really is). An alternate way chapter 10 could've gone.
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mha-shiz · 1 month
I feel like I should preface that-
I think Bakugo is a good and well written charicter-
Very realistic-
So realistic to the fact that- he reminds me of some shitty people that have been in my life-
So- when it comes to Yakuza Deku AU-
I'm going to shatter that man like glass if I'm gonna be honest-
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hey-hamlet · 5 months
Ok so about a month ago I was desperately trying to remember who wrote about Yaoyorozu Yakuza au and I could not for the life of me find the specific one I was looking for (i.e. yours) so I am incredibly happy to see it pop on my feed again.
Also, if hypothetically Momo were to let Izuku have a little crime as a treat how would that go down? Between the two of them they could cause so much chaos but the yakuza in bnha are pretty low profile + the whole hero student thing so would they break out the goofy disguises?
My life goal - inflict a vague "was that like, a fic? an au post? a dream?" on people.
Momo, in an attempt to make up for the leaps and bounds her quirk has been developing since she started chatting with Izuku is like - "i need to get him a present but the only thing he ever wants is All Might merch and he owns like. all of it." So she has to brainstorm a better present.
Enter - mid-stakes heist her family is orchestrating on a small HPSC office in Hakone. She invites Izuku to do some snow training on a ski slope her uncle owns, and then reveals that not only are they going to do training (something Izuku was very excited for) they are going to steal! From Izuku's least favourite government agency!
Typically her family stick to like. Generic theft, protection fees, illegal gambling rings and creative accounting (one of her recent ancestors had a tanuki style quirk that let him turn leaves into gold for about 24hrs. so, also counterfeiting? I guess?) . But! The HPSC is trying to keep the fact that a lot of the yakuza are still around under wraps by taking them out lethally, so no one hears about them. So, the HPSC having info about them is a major risk, especially with their dear Momo trying to become a hero!
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Random Yakuza: *in English* Did it work? Did we kill them?
Vigilante Izuku:*also in English surrounded by knocked out yakuza grunts* Yeah?
Vigilante Dabi: *whispering* what the fuck are you saying?!
Random Yakuza: *in English* Nice! Is it safe to come back in now?
Vigilante Izuku: *in English* Uhh no? I got a little horny with all the killing and well...
Random Yakuza: *in English* fuck. Again!?
Vigilante Dabi: *whispering* seriously what are you saying you know I suck at English
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
Omega Bakugo x Alpha Midoriya AUs
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
No Quirks
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content. Read tags.
Art work by @ ox_hchicbee.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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How to lose an alpha in 10 days by Mikacrispy
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki bets with his friends that he can drive any alpha away in less than 10 days by making the mistakes every omega does in new relationships. He plans to write an article about it for the magazine he works for and get a promotion out of it. Too bad the alpha he chose for this experiment isn't going along with his plans.
Shamelessly How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days inspired.
{One Shot}
No Quirks AU | Contains Smut
Elevator Music by KaterinaRiley
Summary: In which there isn't actually any music in the elevator…not unless you count the litany of moans.
— — —
The alpha prime suddenly shoves him away.
“You’re in heat!” he gasps, eyes wide. “Why are you—you shouldn’t be here!”
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do,” Katsuki replies on autopilot, but his voice is too breathless for his usual snarl to accompany the words. “Omegas can do anything we want to.”
“Of course, you can!”
And oh. Oh, fuck, the alpha prime is being genuine.
He genuinely believes that omegas can do anything they want to.
Katsuki wants nothing more than to strip and pin him, show him all the things he can do.
{One Shot}
No Quirks AU | Contains Smut
DON’T IGNORE ME by Shelobs_web
Summary: Katsuki had been eyeing up the voluntary librarian for a while now. What happens when he finally makes his move and is completely ignored?
One Shot | No Quirks AU | SFW
Katsuki Wants a Pool Boy by kyramidoriya
Summary: Househusband Katsuki hates his life. His husband is horrible, he's lonely, and for fucks sake he just wants to get knotted. Que his scheme to find a nice, big, alpha pool boy to help him out.
{One Shot}
No Quirks AU | Contains Smut
Make love with me, Kacchan by JoonEleven
Summary: Katsuki was excited. He had finally found a cheap apartment complex that wasn't in a shady neighbourhood and his neighbours were great. That was until Midoriya Izuku moved in and seemed to fuck a new person every night. Katsuki was the only one who seemed to be upset about it because Izuku being an alpha meant people were too scared to fight back.
But Katsuki wasn't a scaredy-cat. He needed his beauty sleep! So, when Katsuki had enough and tried to tell the damn alpha to keep it down, he finally saw what he actually looked like.
And, wow, was this the worst time ever? Izuku was starting his rut.
And he had just found the perfect partner to spend it with.
{One Shot}
No Quirks AU | Contains Smut
Under Lock & Key by okakachan
Summary: “I don’t know!” He jerks his legs up to pull them into his chest, rocking back against the arm of the couch. “I just—I want to be...submissive, sometimes, it’s—I don't know. It’s not a big deal, just something I think about sometimes.”
“Katsuki,” Izuku says in a sigh. “Honey. That’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“But it’s not how I am,” Katsuki says, muffled into his knees.
One Shot | Contains Smut
Grateful Destiny by just_a_reader_of_things
Summary: After he presents as an omega, Bakugo Katsuki's mother and sire offers him to the barbarian king, Midoriya Izuku, in return for protection and knowledge that she hopes will aid her failing kingdom. Katsuki is worried about his union with the stranger until they lock eyes at the altar.
{One Shot}
Royalty AU | Contains Smut
Ordinary World by Tenkku
Summary: A dark story with a happy ending! Known as the Alpha Slayer, Bakugo is the most feared omega in the land until the Empire defeats his clan and way of life. He is saved by Alpha Izuku, a general in the Empire army, and taken to Izuku's villa. But Bakugo refuses to submit and hates all alphas, including the dynamics and the harsh mistreatment of omegas. Izuku respects all omegas and runs a different household than most alphas and wants Bakugo to join him. But Bakugo has suffered from years of sexual abuse for being an omega and cannot be touched by an alpha without going berserk. Izuku wants to win Bakugo's trust and help to heal the past traumas by showing Bakugo that not all alphas are terrible. Bakugo wants to remain untouched, unmarried, unbonded, and childless.
But when the Emperor wants to make Bakugo his omega, Izuku has to find a way to make Bakugo marry him to keep him safe. They will have to travel back to Izuku's homeland where a new growing threat is making its presence known, and they may or may not have help from the Empire. Izuku and Bakugo will fight side by side and face many challenges and dangers that will test their partnership. Can Bakugo ever accept Izuku as his alpha?
Complete | 27 Chapters
Historical AU | Contains Smut
The Boyfriend Theorem by imnotpoppunk
Summary: Katsuki is the first omega to ever play for the UA University men's hockey team. He's just not sure how much more he can take before he cracks under the pressure of it all.
Izuku is an alpha grad student working on his PhD in philosophy. He's also working on keeping himself convinced that it's his one true passion in life.
A tutoring session leads to a white lie to save face and after that things get more complicated than either of them had intended.
Complete | 23 Chapters
College AU | Contains Smut
i'm yours and you're mine by SpicyJam
Summary: "Deku. Just face it. You're not getting rid of me from now until the end of ever."
Katsuki circles his arms stubbornly around Izuku's shoulders and hugs him as tight as he can. "So you better just get used to the idea of being my alpha for the rest of your life, 'cause I'm not letting you go."
Izuku's heart picks up beneath his chest, and Katsuki knows his own is doing the same. He's not usually the one for sappy words like that, but he meant it.
A gentle touch pats against the back of his head as Izuku easily hums his agreement.
"Of course, Kacchan. For the rest of our lives."
And there's nothing anyone else can say to change that fact.
Or, they didn't really need an arranged marriage to get together.
Complete | 2 Chapters
Yakuza AU | Contains Smut
Older Deku x Younger Baku
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aro-aizawa · 2 months
*sighs in longing* why can i not find adequate mha fics where midoriya izuku takes on the hero public safety commission and tears it apart.....
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Bakugou Izuku x Bakugou Himiko
Katsuki's turn for all the siblings.
Bonus Funny for Yakuza Princess: Bakugou "This Might as Well Happen" Katsuki
Sorry Bakugou but your Only Child Privilege has been revoked
Yakuza Princess: He's dragged into so much nonsense by his siblings
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arcpeacegonow · 1 year
So, I have this scenario in my head for a fic I'm writing
Kaminari answers the phone during homeroom, right? It's his grandma on the other end
Kaminari: Hey, Grandmother
He sounds so posh as he says it because no one ever thought he'd say "grandmother" when talking directly to his grandmother
She says something, and suddenly he's looking around the class bewildered
Kaminari: One moment, Grandmother
He pulls the phone away, then looks around the room suspiciously
Kaminari: Which of you motherfuckers decided to break the fucking law? We're training to be heroes!
He doesn't get a verbal response for a moment, and now everyone else is looking for the culprits too
Todoroki: ... We signed an NDA and let my father take credit
Loud facepalms from both Midoriya and Iida
Midoriya: Kaminari, how does your grandma know about that?
Kaminari: My grandmother knows a lot of things. I think it's her four husbands
Cue something being said on the other end of the phone
Kaminari: What do you mean it's five husbands now? Grandmother, just because there's no evidence you're going to die anytime soon doesn't mean you can just keep collecting husbands like Pokémon!
Kaminari puts it on speaker to hear her better because people are making confused sounds
On the other end: It's called polygamy, Denki
Kaminari: I don't care what you call it, stop it. It's bad enough you're trying to get several wives too, you don't need more husbands. Grandmother, what are they supposed to do when you eventually die?
Kaminari's Grandmother: Well, seeing as I now have five husbands and three wives, I'd hope they can take care of the family business until your mother or you become the new head
Kaminari: I can't become the head of a Yakuza, Grandmother, I'll most likely be a Hero by the time you die
Cue several noises of confusion because apparently no one knew that Kaminari's grandma was a Yakuza boss
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mjbunnyluv · 2 months
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Kacchan month is upon us! I've got all this coming out over the next few weeks.
Sacrificial Offering: a fantasy bkdk smut fic (rated E)
A Court of Sinful Whispers-Chapter 14: bkdk omegaverse Royalty AU update (rated E)
If Only You Knew: bkdk Yakuza fic (rated T)
Digital art pieces for my top tier Super Bunnies!
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immcoconut · 11 months
#dkbk #bkdk yakuza bk who pursued /Izuku midoriya/ as a target was left dumbfounded. How can this loser be their target? This guy has no money, no social life matter of fact no life at all. Bk is absolutely sure that they got the name or face of their target mixed up
But this Izuku midoriya also had healthy amount of scar on his hand than a average person should have and goes to a prestigious school katsuki himself went to. Something just doesn't add up with this guy
So despite establishing that Izuku was not the target katsuki was after,He still dug around izuku out of curiosity.
Turns out Izuku was a star student- genius engineer and all. But at his 2nd year in UA high he got severely injured while pulling a girl -Eri- out of a burning car that exploded right after
He fall behind because of the surgery needed
In his arms and couldn't climb back up because too many surgeries cost too much money
Katsuki felt bad for the guy. The police gave him medel but not money for his medical expenses. It kinda sucked
So katsuki decided to help this little guy. Nothing too much but a box of new clothes was placed next to izuku's tiny apartment the next day, With a card that said
- to Izuku midoriya
Wear this or we'll kidnap your mom
Katsuki knew the nerd was too prideful to take the clothes if he's just handed them, so some threatening was necessity here
However katsuki was told Izuku did wear the clothes the next day but only hang around the campus, not involving himself around people
Katsuki cursed. The nerd must have thought katsuki placed a bomb or something in the clothes
Well it's all right, at least the nerd would wear those from now on
Katsuki next send him a box full of groceries with a note " eat this or your mom gets it"
He started to help Izuku with all sort of things after that. Especially seeing how cute the guy looked - confused and slightly worried but well fed and in warm clothes
He would pay izuku's bills and occasionally give him stuff that's essential not to survive but to enjoy
Life (merch, video games etc)
Eventually katsuki urge won. He sent Izuku a latter saying "I'll take care of you, just focus on your studies"
Izuku stared at the latter. Then went back and wrote 'who are you?Can we meet?'on the back of the latter and left it outside the door
Katsuki knows they'll eventually meet someday but not now. Maybe after he graduates? Yeah that sounds more reasonable
"After you graduate" was the only reply Izuku received
Izuku did not receive any latter after that. But a box full of daily necessities was placed once a week and new clothes once a month
Izuku, despite being skeptical at first, eventually started to focus entirely on his studies or academic activities, only
Working on weekends to have bit of pocket money
This arrangement let him have a stable life - academic, economic and social too since now he had time to hang out with his friends
Izuku graduated with flying score- making katsuki proud af- and demanded to see who this person was that looking out for him
Katsuki agreed, after all it's what he promised
He didn't take his goons with him - thinking it might scare Izuku away but he himself doubt the thought
Cause Izuku had not been afraid once despite knowing that somebody powerful is watching him all the time
They met at a prestigious restaurant that katsuki had influence on since he did not want to take Izuku anywhere that might come out as threatening but at the same time
The Yakuza boss himself has some restrictions in visiting any place he wants - in short, it had to be this restaurant
Izuku soon came in through the gate, looking sharp in the dress suit katsuki had send him but also nerdy by the hairstyles and tie
Katsuki motioned him to /get here/ but Izuku stopped for few seconds. He looked surprised, taken aback and hesitant.But regardless he joined katsuki
Introduction were made, well mostly from katsuki's part since Izuku was pretty well known topic in katsuki's gang now and pretty soon they jumped to the real question
" Why would you do all this for me?"Izuku asked, gulping down
/pity/ katsuki hummed. Because/I felt pity / was the first response katsuki was about to say
All though it's truth but not the entirety of it. He let himself think for few seconds before giving the answer that felt most right
" I saw potential and I gave it a chance"
It was truth. Izuku attracted him for one reason or another and the potential this guy has is unimaginable
Katsuki watched as Izuku stay blank, motionless and deep in thoughts " what do you want from me?"
" Nothing. you are free to do whatever you want" katsuki cut the
Streak in bite size pieces, seeing the end of conversation already "I did everything just because I can. There's nothing more to it"
Izuku hid his emotions well. He didn't yell out for showing pity or cry out in gratitude
" I tried digging you out" Izuku started speaking
And katsuki chuckled. As if any guy could just randomly find katsuki
"I didn't get much which was given. But bakugo katsuki-"
His /real/ name made katsuki freeze. This punk-
" I pledge my loyalty to you"
Oh katsuki likes this, katsuki likes this outcome a lot
This little punk with his shit eating grin right now-
This will be interesting
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madame-jupiter · 11 months
Yakuza Bkdk: The Credit Card Switcharoo Part 1
It’s a chance encounter where Katsuki bumps into skinny, green haired guy that looks like he hasn’t slept for days. The resulting collision results with both of their wallets and the contents to spill onto the ground.
Katsuki curses while the skinny man apologizes profusely.
He ignores him, hoping his dragon and tiger tattoos would spook the man off as he gathers his stuff. Gladly they did, the green haired man hightails it away from the blond Yakuza member. After this, Katsuki goes to buy himself cigarettes… Only for his card to decline.
“What the fuck…?!” Katsuki glances down at his card and notices that while it has the same All Might print, it’s not his name on it.
It belongs to a Midoriya Deku.
He grinds his teeth, thinking back to the green haired man he met earlier.
He must of rammed into Katsuki on purpose and stole his card!!
Katsuki’s going to find that bastard and get his fucking card back before that thief drains his bank account.
Meanwhile, Midoriya Izuku, in his sleep deprived mind after working 8 days straight at his crummy warehouse job, is attempting to get himself something to eat from a hot meal vending machine.
Izuku wonders why he even bothers. His card always gets declined even if he attempts to get the cheapest thing on the machine.
To his surprise, his transaction goes through and he almost cries when he gets his favorite flavor of cup ramen. The warmth of the broth and noodles fills his stomach up.
Stomach satisfied for now, he believes it’s a fluke from the machine and it giving him a free meal.
To sleepy to pay attention to the name on the card as he slips it into his wallet, he makes his way to his home.
Which is his car that has seen better days.
Laying down in the backseat that is uncomfortably lumpy all over, he uses a bag full of shredded newspapers as a pillow.
He snuggles underneath a thin blanket and an extra jacket he knows to keep warm.
Not knowing his world is going to completely change…
It’s been three days since Katsuki’s card had been stolen. He had planned on locking his card, but he wants to see what this thief is buying and where he is buying the items from to get a better location.
So far, to his surprise, most the purchases are from cheap vending machines.
One vending machine even being one of those hot meal ones.
Besides those, no exuberant charges are placed. For a thief who stole a card with an account with over 3,000,000 ¥, he’s seems to be cheap.
And so far, no one has been able to locate a Midoriya Deku.
“Are you sure you’re reading the name right?” remarks his right hand man, Kirishima. “You may be good with guns, mathematics, and other things, you are not the best at… reading well.”
Katsuki glares at him.
“Fuck off.”
Kirishima shrugs. “At least let me see the card and read the name.”
Katsuki begrudgingly hands over the card. The red haired man takes it and glances down at it, reading it. Then he clamps down his lips, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. But a few giggles slip out.
The blond doesn’t take to kindly to this. “What?! What’s so damn-“
“His name isn’t Midoriya Deku, it’s Midoriya Izuku.”
Katsuki feels like he’s falling into a pit of embarrassment at such an error. And it seems it doesn’t end because Kaminari, Kirishima’s boyfriend, is also sitting at the long table Katsuki situated himself at to investigate. It doesn’t even take a second for the electric blond to start laughing his ass off.
“Oh my Gods!! Hahaha!!” Kaminari laughs, holding his stomach. “The great Bakugou “The Red Eyed Dragon” Katsuki making such a blunder is hilarious!! Hahaha-AHHH!!!”
He couldn’t take it the moron’s laughing. Katsuki practically launches across the table at Kaminari, about to strangle him. But the little shit is quick and hightails it to hide behind his mountain of a boyfriend.
Katsuki seethes. “Come out from behind him, you coward!”
“Kirishima, protect me!” yells Kaminari, still hiding behind his boyfriend to get away from Katsuki’s clutches.
“Whoa! Whoa!” says Kirishima, holding his hands up in order to placate the red eyed blond. “No killing boyfriends here. What we have to focus on is that we now know this thief’s true name.” He clasps his hand on Katsuki’s shoulder, giving him a sharp toothed grin. “So we can go and find him much faster and easier than before.”
Katsuki begins to calm at this.
That green haired thief will pay for stealing what’s his!
There’s no telling by now what this thief is cooking up to buy with Katsuki’s money next.
“Alright. Tell everyone to look for a Midoriya Izuku and report his whereabouts to me ASAP!”
Kirishima and Kaminari nod their heads.
“Yes sir!”
Izuku sneezes.
“Achoo!!” He covers his mouth with his elbow, sniffing a little.
“Bless you!” says his coworker Hatsume Mei. Both of them are covered in grease from loading car parts and other metal objects into boxes; they should be shipping out right about not to their destinations. “Someone must be talking about you.”
He playfully rolls his eyes. It’s an old superstition that people still spread about.
“Don’t know who would be talking about me though…,” he mumbles to himself.
But then only one person comes to mind…
And it makes Izuku’s skin crawl.
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I’ve been working on installment number 5, Rags to Riches, for when Mothman is eventually finished. For those who aren’t up to speed, the premise is that Izuku kills Overhaul and takes over as boss of the Shie Hassakai. Given that the yakuza is a big organization, I need a lot of OCs, so have the line up of the current top executives. I don’t have a lot fleshed out for them but I put some of the hcs I have under the read more.
Mimic was never just loyal to Overhaul, he’s loyal to the Shie Hassakai as a whole, which is why he stays loyal to Izuku through and after The Culling.
Medusa’s quirk turns anyone she sees into stone for a limited amount of time, but Gargoyle’s quirk (another member) is that she is made of stone and has stone wings, so she’s unaffected by Medusa’s quirk. They are dating.
Dr Venom’s quirk, Poison Blood, is not related to the tail at all. The tail and shortened body is a result of an experiment gone wrong.
Josephine also runs a store called Weaver Wonders as a cover. Yes, this is the same Josephine as in Dekiru. Is that Josephine also secretly a yakuza member? You decide :)
Also now Eri is now the Princess of the Shie Hassakai and now the entire group is dedicated to Eri’s happiness.
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mha-shiz · 1 month
The Fall.
TW: Implied Physical and sexual abuse, gore, revenge fantasy come true
Things have all come together. The Liberation army has been formed. They all liked Izuku and respected his opinion. Not Overhaul. He even slowly won over each of his own men. So, the time has come.
Izuku was summoned to Overhauls room, again, after a meeting with Shigaraki.
What a mistake. Izuku was tired of being a victim. So... He decapitated the bastards heads.
He couldn't help but smile and cry... he did it... he finally did it...
He finished the downstairs job, then cut off the dead man's hands. Why would the hypocrite need them anymore? He then gleefully took his time butchering the being into peices.
After all was said and done, he took Chisaikis Jacket, and had the underlings take care of the mangled mess of a body that was left.
He was so happy. He was free. He had freed Eri.
Now. It's time for the world to know his anger. Aferall, who else was going to take Chisakis place?
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hey-hamlet · 5 months
Yaoyorozu Yakuza+Yakuzashi! (The one where Yamada is a Yakuza) FIVE IDEAS PLUS (from you) AND A QUESTION FROM ME!
Does 1-A just end up sorta adopted by the Yakuza in this one? I can imagine Yagi just sipping his coffee, keeping an eye on everything as he does his paperwork and then see two groups of OBVIOUS YAKUZA walk into the dorms with a bunch of stuff and just plop down with him like it’s a Tuesday, and he’s just “??????????” Until he puts two and two together.
The Yamada family was one of the Yaoyorozu's worse rivals in the early days, but they were also some of the first families to go to ground when heroes started sniffing around, and they decided it was better to work together than alone. They aren't super interconnected, but they have agreements in place to minimize conflicts.
The Yaoyorozu family always delt more in smuggling, forgeries and thefts, while the Yamada's were more about protection rings, extortion and have a lot of pretense in the police and government. They both have a few gambling set ups, but the Yaoyorozu's is closer to legal.
Yaomomo and Mic meet eyes in their first English lesson and Momo has to fight an embarrassed flush, like "Ah. He knows. This is mortifying." Mic is laughing a little, internally. He's spent so long being very good at keeping his lives separate that he thinks its adorable a baby young master is stuck in his class! Shes trying so hard! Go, Yaomomo! You can do it!
Neither of them notice Izuku's considering looks
Anyway, turns out Izuku with blackmail? Very scary. After the Stain incident he gets a second to put everything together and hes not happy with what he finds. Mic is all warm and fuzzy that Shouta has a student who likes him so much he'd threaten an important member of the family and a full pro hero. (Izuku doesn't threaten Yaomomo because 1, shes very sweet and 2, her family is much much less violent! The Yamada's,,,, not so much.) Izuku just wants his class to live to see graduation and if he has to give himself stress induced heart palpitations then by god he will. Yaomomo is wailing like "PLEASE DONT THREATEN THE TEACHER AND THE FIRST MAN I EVER SAW COMMIT A MURDER IM BEGGING YOU"
Anyway, Mic's family does run a bit of a protection detail around UA campus after the USJ, on Mic's request. Izuku eventually makes peace with the scary man with a large knife helping him carry groceries because hes in Aizawa's class and therefore under Mic's protection. He's not happy about it, but he can deal.
Anyway, 1A is blissfully unaware, Izuku is stressed and mad, Yaomomo is embarrassed because members of her family have joined in, and Aizawa just wants a break from having to remember his best friend is a criminal. All Might on god doesn't care as long as they don't hurt the students, but he was confused.
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