#Wicked Abyss
fated-mates · 6 months
An absolute classic for a reason, we’re talking about BEAUTY AND THE BEAST today — about the trope itself, about how the 1991 Disney movie brought it back to life (yes, we see you, Dain), and about why we love the vibe of scarred and broken men in a castle being found and renovated by whip smart, bookish heroines. Spoiler: It’s patriarchy.
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goodbooksonly · 1 year
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Omg I can’t believe I have one more in the series to finish. There are like 20 of them and I started the first book last June!! 😳😳 I didn’t read them in a row. I read several books in between. Kinda upset it’s almost over.
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renklix · 2 years
Ninjago concept art hits different
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Art by Matt Betteker
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Genius Invokation TCG | Monster Cards | Abyss Herald: Wicked Torrents
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evrensadwrn · 7 months
why YOU should read maybe they should add a fifth wall!!!
why you yes YOU ! ! “should read maybe they should add a fifth wall” by oneirogen !!
okay so background of the author(because seriously they rlly do deserve the applause). just in case you’re either new or you weren’t there for no bills in the mail!! this is a reader interactive fic!! MEANINGGG readers get to see where the story heads by voting polls left by the author! but not just that! It is also a cross between an ARG and actual fanfiction. yes you read that right, this thing has ARG elements!!! meaning that there is a story under this story!!! readers have to decode, decipher, and read their way through getting the fuller picture of the story! oneirogen(iconic fr) has done this with one before aka the infamous no bills in the mail still centered on reddoons and ashswag.(read it. it’s soooo good like holy shit. absolutely dreadfully and beautifully written)
okay, enough yapping. time for the actual storyline(the surface level). time for the professional stuff!! (>^_^ )> salamat sa pagbasa :3
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This ^ is a screenshot of the very first chapter and yes it might not be your typical, average fanfiction but the story? The story is amazing so far centers and follows around Ashswag and Reddoons, gay businessmen canonically and people suffering…. in a lot of other things.
The story follows these two, Ash and Red. There’s only 2 chapters so far. With 632 words in total but do NOT let that deter you from reading it because the notes and the polls are worth it.
These two are in this room, stick with me right? There is a table in the middle where the two sit in. The author states that they are supposed to be in this room, and that they need to be here.
The room has no door.
They got in, yes, through a door, but they don’t know where the door has gone. It’s vanished as if it never existed in the first place whatsoever. The duo; Ash and Red are stuck in this room yet they need to be here, they’re supposed to be here. They want to get out but alas! They cannot. In fact it almost seems impossible to get out! Because while they did get in, they could not get out. They can never get out of this predicament.
Anyways read the story for yourself because holy hell is this just already a banger!! There’s only two chapters as mentioned but there’s already a puzzle to solve!! And a poll to vote on(well two actually if you catch my drift) anyways!! Happy reading this author deserves the encore!!!!!
(sorry this was long, i want to say so much yet it seems like my words feel like they have a lid on it, unable to escape)
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oopsallmabari · 3 months
in other news i'm 5ish chapters away from having my longfic rewrite overtake my last completed chapter (and like. 2 away from the last chapter i posted lmfao). very excited to start doing new stuff :3
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maternalcube · 10 months
okay i might have more than 5 unfinished inquisition playthroughs
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wildmelon · 2 years
can we talk about how hard the dragon age inquisition main story quest names go
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crackinglamb · 1 year
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @fadedsweater (like two weeks ago, ack), @theluckywizard and @anneapocalypse, thank you all! 💕
Tagging @ir0n-angel, @effelants, @lilbittymonster, @the-desert-dancer, @chrideart, @fiadhaisteach, @mogwaei and @serial-chillr. No pressure.
Biggest WIP right now is getting my back where it's supposed to be. Preferably without torquing my leg muscles into pretzels. Which is why I haven't been writing as much as usual. HOWEVER, the muse returned after months away at the war and I've gotten back into a groove this week with WG. Have a bit of HLTA, Imogen style.
“Ahh, a visitor,” a bodiless voice said, reverberating through the space. “Welcome, Imogen McLean. I have long been expecting you.”
Imogen stood tall, her hand halfway to her bow over her shoulder. “I told you that someday I would come, and I would cut you down to size.”
“I remember,” the voice of the Nightmare replied. “You are brave to enter this realm, and I salute you for it. But do not think I cannot feel your fear, even now. The fear of failure, of exhaustion and despair.” The demon laughed. It was a rich, rolling sound that felt like it should shake the ground, and yet it remained stable beneath her feet. “Come then, take your gift if you dare. I know you have sought it.”
“What is it talking about, Genny?” Hawke asked, her staff already held in her hands, ready at a moment’s notice to cast or swing like a cudgel.
“I’m missing the memory of how I got to Thedas. I’ve always known the Nightmare took it.”
“I took more from you than that, little fly,” the Nightmare taunted.
All at once she remembered Geldauran calling her that. A little fly caught in the web of something larger. Why is it always the Maker damned spiders? One of three last lines of a sacrificed Champion. It gave her strength now, feeling Hawke’s presence at her shoulder, while Solas stood at the other. Her friends gathered around her, fighting willingly at her behest. She was not powerless here. She would not give in to fear.
“Hmm, the very definition of bravery,” the Nightmare said as if she’d spoken the thought aloud. “But I am remiss, for you have brought company with you on this visit. The one who feels my voice creep up his spine into his head, the one who fears to mirror his past, the one who fears the opposite of death, the one who could not save anyone and...ah, yes, the harellan. Greetings.”
She ran the list through her head, identifying each member of her squad as their fears were named. Bull, Dorian, Terisin, Elly and Solas. The only one she wasn’t familiar with was Ter’s, but she could guess at it. Kal-Sharok had changed him, and now he was no longer a mere mortal. He would likely outlive everyone he knew and loved. Immortality was not a blessing, but a curse.
“Just words,” she said softly to her companions. “It wants to throw us off, make us think of these things so it can feed off them. Focus.”
“We once spoke on the nature of killing an idea, did we not, Inquisitor?” the Nightmare said. “It was an entertaining exchange.”
“I’m sure it was,” she called out into the expanse of green fog and glittering black stone. “But you will get no fuel from me now. As you might recall, I believe that was also when I told you that repetition dulls the experience of you. You have no power over me that matters.”
“Perhaps not. But you are not the only one here.”
“And you have yet to show your ugly face. Which one of us is afraid?”
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niofo · 9 months
i replayed inquisition so many times and just realized that every time i went about the main quests in the same order: first here lies the abyss, then wicked wicked eyes and wicked hearts. it was just such an obvious choice for me i never really considered doing it other way round.
my logic: an army of demons is quite a bigger threat than orlesians continuing their bs. which i still stand by, but in practice i feel like the decision where to go first would entirely rely on when celene's ball would take place - it's not like the inquisition could ask her to postpone it. so in rp scenario either order is fine, the question is just when celene is organizing the ball and can we fit the siege of adamant before it.
but then the siege of adamant itself - yk, marching your inquisition army through absolutely entire orlais for them to get to western approach. never thought about it before, but it would be a true logistical nightmare if they had to move through the country not only not friendly, but also in the middle of a civil war. having secured safe passage through orlais should be the prioritiy.
i still like how the plot bits turned out in my fic, and there are other little reasons why i like my original order (playing exclusively as someone orlesians are bigoted towards i feel like having just defeated an army of demons would add to my credibility), but i feel i should go with the new order of quests from now on, it just makes way more sense.
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dutybcrne · 8 months
Albedo cannot get drunk on alcohol whatsoever. The only thing that really does work for him is neurotoxins.
#hc; albedo#//Dude is pretty much immune to effects of more typically lethal doses of poisons. To a LOT of chemicals; really; medicines included#//Usually; he’d get tipsy to drink as a result of them#//One HELLUVA amount is needed to actually be lethal; and even then; by that point; it’s easy to notice#//Would practically need to give him a fully concentrated amount; he’d even wager respective equivalents to alcohol proofs#//Kae to a far lesser extent holds the immunity too; but while he can get drunk off poisons like Bedo#//He WILL have the most wicked fucken hangover and feel like he got trampled by a lawlchurl overall#hc; kaeya#//Whoop#//Gotta add that#//Halfdan & Rethal; in their present day divergences basically have Bedo’s level of toxin tolerance#//Which Dan is SORELY upset abt#//Bc he does love a good drink; what do you MEAN he’s gotta basically poison himself to get the same buzz as before???#//Bruh imagine how Bedo must have found it out#//Kae I can easily picture it being a Negotiation having inevitably gone South; and him having been poisoned#//And after the church gets traces of wtf knocked him tf out; & telling him he was lucky to still be breathing#//He gets a kick outta realizing the Abyssal energy in him serves for somethin other than offense; would suggest maybe his Vision saved him#//Bedo on the other hand prolly ate smth to test it and Sucrose & Timaeus got to see him sloshed for the first time#//Was very grateful they recorded everything; for references and to get to the root cause#//That or maybe he got poisoned for the sake of getting rid of him too; and thus the two got to see him in such a state
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goodbooksonly · 1 year
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I am struggling on finishing Secretly Yours because it is an actual book I am reading. Bane & Bound is on my kindle and I am listening to the Wicked Abyss. I would rather read on my kindle or listen to a book. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Valentine's Day is a time for grand gestures.
In Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark, the greatest gesture of love is your own body part
--in A Hunger Like No Other, Lachlain gnaws off his own leg to get to Emma before even meeting her (and upon meeting her, realizes she's a vampire and goes "BALLS")
--in Dark Needs at Night's Edge, Conrad chops off one of his own hands with an axe to go help free Neomi (and then he realizes she was lying to him and went "BALLS")
--in Lothaire, Lothaire's heart hurts too much after Ellie leaves him, so he cuts it out of his chest and mails it to her with the best most bitchass note possible, to which she goes "fuck off" and sends him her own middle finger back (he later offers to rip it out again to prove his love, and she has to physically stop him from doing so)
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Genshin Impact | Genius Invokation TCG Character Avatars
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scarletooyoroi · 2 years
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Another clear down the hatch. Same case but considerably easier now then I have a general idea on how to work it. Just having enough ER to get all your bursts up to maximize the damage has done the trick for me.
Mainly for these teams.
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C2 Keqing - C0 Nahida - C0 Yelan - C5 Kuki
C0 Wanderer - C6 Thoma - C6 Bennett - C2 Yun Jin.
Hyperbloom sub dps team with Keqing Main, then alongside of that Hypercarry Wanderer with all of these guys being his buffers raised hell and a half. Really enjoyed it!
Even the Wolfhounds aren't barking up my trees nearly as bad so to speak.
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enderevynne · 2 years
wait okay serious question: do you play Here Lies the Abyss before Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts? 
Have I been doing it wrong all this time?
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