wild-roots-gifting · 1 month
Elevate Corporate Gifting with Terrariums and Bonsai Plants from Wild Roots
Discover unique corporate gifting ideas with Wild Roots, featuring exquisite terrariums and bonsai plants. Delight your colleagues and clients with memorable return gifts that bring a touch of nature to any space. Explore the art of gifting with our curated selection of bonsai plants and terrariums.
For More Information visit:
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What makes my shop and products so special? I make all of my body products and soap out of my home kitchen in small batches.
Each batch contains high-quality vegetable-based oils and cocoa butter, and eco-friendly micas and fragrances or essential oils that all smell amazing. Instead of just using distilled water in my soap, I brew my water with the herbs Rooibos and Chamomile and mix that with Aloe Vera.
Other items may contain other herb blends, and most come straight from the garden! Now with the new year lot of my soaps and products are in the process of getting face-lifts themselves. I would love for you to check it out and follow along!
I am a generational witch raised and taught by a herbalist / green witch. I use my knowledge of plants to formulate products that may HELP you. I can't legally tell you they will but... do your research on the herbs themselves and you'll see why I chose what I chose.
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albiorixsims · 6 months
My Top Pictures/Moments From 2023
Спасибо @sims4littlebird и @serenasims 😘😘😘
Прошлась по всем сохрам, которые так или иначе трогала в этом году в хронологическом порядке. Очень-очень сложно было выбрать максимум 30 картинок/моментов. Не справилась в итоге, пришлось сращивать 😅. Так что пост мега длинный, НО есть картиночки, которые ранее нигде не мелькали))
>>Eternal Tale Universe: My Own Blood
Влад в этом году прошел через многое. Был питомцем у парочки чокнутых чародеев:
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Сбежал и завел семью:
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Чуть не изменил супруге с собачкой Грегом (поцелуй ведь не считается?? или считается?):
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Стал питомцем для жены-тиранши:
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Сбегал из супружеской кровати, чтоб похавать ночью (от жены тошнило силь��ее, чем от обычной симской еды):
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Наконец-то взбунтовался и женушку прикончил:
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Пока спал в своем гробике беспробудным вампирским сном, какой-то щенок (Джейкоб) пробрался в особняк и нассал на ковер... А потом еще и поджег дом... (но мы этого еще не видели). В общем, год у Влада закончился не очень.
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>>Eternal Tale Universe: Cursed Race
Даэрон на фоне своего замка. Правда потом я замок перестроила, удалив весь СС... И в сохру эту так и не поиграла, но скринчики красивые.
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Асмодеус в цветочках. Куда ж без него?
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>>The Wildroot Farm
Саммари всего геймплея: Джейк и Кевин сосутся.
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Ну, и Кевин еще иногда зверюшкам серенады исполняет, пока дед на ферме занят и не может с ним сосаться.
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>>The Faraway Wilds
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Атернативное развитие первой встречи Томаса и Зейдена, которого мы не видели.
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Украденный поцелуй. Знал бы Зейден, что к этому моменту Томас его уже всего облобызал в своих снах...
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!!! Не присматривайтесь к набедренной повязке !!!
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Присмотрелись таки? Теперь вы знаете почему мне так сложно делать скрины в этом геймплее.
>>Vanilla Legacy with a twist
У Томы и Алекса все стабильно ванильно)) Кстати, после рождения дочки Алекс все же обзавелся бубенчиками. Пинокио таки стал настоящим мальчиком.
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>> One Color Sim
Очень понравился этот челлендж.
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>>Under (Bunker)
Вряд-ли я снова возьмусь строить что-то такое же масштабное, как Бункер.
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Единственные пока жители бункера: Ларри и Марк
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>>The Simkind Enslavement
Вот уж где сложно было выбрать самые-самые скрины. Пожалуй, самый длинный геймплей в блоге на текущий момент.
Такой разный у меня Эйс оказывается!
Эйс-ребенок / Эйс-родитель / Эйс-дед
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Эйс и любимый сынишка Джастин
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Любопытный Джастин
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Эйс против автомата
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Эйс - злобный иноземный ученый / Эйс в подгузах играется с пчелками
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Эйс первый раз увидел корову
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Эйс бычок качок / Эйс - инопланетная принцесска
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>>Free Spirit
Чейз и Колорадо
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>>Future Across the Street
Счастливые деньки на острове
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Эван гордится вступлением в Первый Орден
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Первый горько-сладкий поцелуй Эвана и Пи
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Передаю @edyavtostopom, @adelarsims, @lilu-sims, @madfeary, @missiszamm, @anestezia-posle, @watermellonfizz. Кажется, у вас такого поста еще не видела, но никого не заставляю естественно))
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chernobog13 · 11 months
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Sam Spade shilling for Wildroot in Captain Midnight #52 (June, 1947).
About a million years ago the Army issued us a bottle of that stuff after basic training, when we didn't have to have shaved heads and were allowed to grow our hair out.
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ads-of-yore · 9 months
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That Joe is a real son of a bitch. And Nellie has gummy scalp.
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copcontrolling · 7 months
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Wildroot pomp
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sunfireintheory · 1 year
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Quite a funky colour combo and theme for this one! A combination of dark purple and magenta, with the magenta being leaves of all things. I really like these very deep pink foliage pieces! It's such a nice floral colour, and it matches surprisingly well. The round parts are in satin trans-white, which I got an absolute TON of from a dots set I picked up a while back. Still wondering if I'll ever use them all at the same time!
This one, along with the next three (i've made another group of four to post over this week) were actually built some time last month and have been sitting on my desk since.
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triggerthreestrikes · 2 years
New idea: magic casters/users but they’re frustrated programmers.
“I do know why. I don’t want to know why. I shouldn’t have to wonder why. But the arcane circle doesn’t channel properly unless we do this inefficient ass roundabout runework!”
“Aaaand the rune panel doesn’t have a return mana filter. Because nothing bad has ever happened by letting stale mana into the circle.”
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quirkythequill · 6 months
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Photograph: Crazed Herbalist making potions
BREAKING NEWS: Crazed Herbalist Saves Ents from Loggers in Whirlwind Forest Rescue
In an unexpected turn of events, a self-proclaimed crazed herbalist has emerged as the unlikely hero in a Whirlwind Forest standoff between ancient ents and persistent loggers. The frenzied flora advocate reportedly single-handedly thwarted logging efforts, sparing the majestic ents from an arboreal apocalypse.
Eyewitnesses describe the herbalist, known as Wildroot Wizzenleaf, as a whirlwind of wild hair, waving ferns, and a seemingly endless supply of medicinal plants. Wizzenleaf allegedly burst onto the logging scene with a flurry of kaleidoscopic potions and an impassioned plea for environmental harmony.
Armed with an arsenal of herbal concoctions, the crazed herbalist unleashed a torrent of unpredictable spells, confusing loggers and causing their chainsaws to turn into harmless rubber chickens. In a surreal display of nature's vengeance, Wizzenleaf's antics sent loggers fleeing in bewilderment.
Environmentalists and tree-huggers alike celebrated the whirlwind rescue, hailing Wizzenleaf as the unexpected savior of Whirlwind Forest. The ents, ancient tree-like creatures known for their stoic demeanor, were reported to nod appreciatively as the herbalist danced through the forest, scattering seeds and humming ancient woodland tunes.
**Eyewitness Account:**
"I was just trying to get some firewood, and suddenly this wild person came out of nowhere, throwing herbs and chanting something about tree spirits. Next thing I knew, my chainsaw was a rubber chicken, and I decided maybe it's time to consider a career change," shared one baffled logger.
As news of the crazed herbalist's feat spread, social media erupted with memes featuring Wizzenleaf riding atop a giant mushroom with the caption "Forest Guardian." Hashtags like #HerbalHeroes and #EntSavior trended as the world watched the Whirlwind Forest rescue unfold.
About the Author:
Whimsy Weaver
Whimsy Weaver, a whimsical wordsmith with a Ph.D. in Comedic Alchemy, has been concocting laughter elixirs since the days when jesters were the rock stars of medieval courts. Renowned for turning magical oddities into enchanting narratives, Weaver dances on the line between reality and absurdity. When not penning tales that sparkle with mirth, Weaver can be found teaching ABCs to talking teapots or hosting tea parties for sarcastic spell books.
Remember, when in doubt, sprinkle a bit of whimsy!
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wild-roots-gifting · 2 months
Wild Roots: Terrarium and Bonsai Plants for corporate Gifting
Explore unique co-operative gifting ideas at Wild Roots! From stunning terrariums to elegant bonsai plants, our collection is perfect for corporate gifting or as return gifts. Discover innovative ways to impress with Terrarium Gifting ideas and elevate your gifting game with Gifts Bonsai Plants. Find the ideal blend of nature and sophistication for your next corporate occasion at https://gifting.wildroots.in/.
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albiorixsims · 11 months
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Рыжая пироженка расстроилась и сразу в крайности...
меня тут не любят и не ценят, возвращаюсь к маме!
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Благо Джейк оперативно сообразил, что ему сегодня не светит перегнул палку и извинился. Отношения быстренько вернулись обратно к 100%
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А извинения "как следует" под катом.
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Прям хоть тоже телеграм-канал заводи, сток материала пикантного пропадает, эх...
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cabinvibe · 1 year
Nightskyandhikes ( IG ) please follow
Tin sign sale
Cabinvibe ( Etsy Shop )
Cabin Vibes ( Ebay Shop)
The Rustic Collection ( Ebay Shop#2)
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americanahighways · 1 year
REVIEW: Dyer Davis blends, blues, soul, and rock n roll on his debut 'Dog Bites Back'
REVIEW: Dyer Davis blends, blues, soul, and rock n roll on his debut "Dog Bites Back" #DyerDavis @the_schwindy #americanahighways #dogbitesback #newmusic2023
Dyer Davis is only in his early 20s, but, being the son of a musician, has enjoyed a good musical education. His formative years included the music of Jeff Beck and Rod Stewart among others. In 2021, producer Billy Chapin convinced Stephen Dees of WildRoots Records to record with the talented singer-songwriter. That was his welcome to the WildRoots family. Dog Bites Back is Davis’s debut album…
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View On WordPress
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azeesfai · 1 year
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$3.99 Only! ~ Vintage 1940’s Barber Varieties Wildroot Hair Tonics Color Sign/Ad, Cheap Store Fixtures and Displays, Store Display Companies, Store Fixtures and Displays, Store Fixtures for Sale, A001, Antique Store Display Cabinet, Retail Store Fixtures for Sale, Retail Store Displays, Antique Store Displays, Display Racks for Retail Stores BUY HERE!
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(not my artwork, please DM for credit) @wildrootseliquid MINT TEA AND RHUBARB This eliquid is so so good guys. Its sounds weirs but tastes incredible. The two flavours mix together so well to create a weird and wonderful vaping experience. The guys over at @wildrootseliquid plant a tree for every bottle they sell. How amazing is that. Check them out at wildroots.com #wildrootseliquid #wildroots #onebottleonetree #edenproject #fyp #viral #eliquid #instavape #vapelove #productphotography #photography #photooftheday #photo #instagood #nature #art #photographer #like #instagram #picoftheday #follow #beautiful #photoshoot #model #vape #vapelife #vapeporn #vapenation #vapefam #thestockwoodvape https://www.instagram.com/p/CT5B2uAsnxG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kijikmultimedia · 2 years
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Really excited about our latest podcast release PADDY CASEY! Paddy has been called the best Irish songwriter; his albums have gone multi-platinum & he’s toured with bands including R.E.M, The Pretenders & U2; his songs are in TV shows including Dawson’s Creek, Cougar Town, Roswell, CSI: Miami & he has a song in the film Fairytale (starring our host Colin O’Donoghue & Directed by future guest John Eyres). Join us as Paddy talks about his life, loves & decades long music career, then performs live on air for the podcast!! Hear how Paddy landed himself a role in Alan Parker’s hit movie The Commitments, what happened while he was away from Galway & how it inspired his song “Love Gets In The Way.” Listen to how Paddy couldn’t stop writing songs during Covid lockdowns & what he’s going to do with them now. Keep listening as Paddy picks up his guitar & gives an impromptu live performance for the show. Stay tuned for another Irish singer and songwriter; Stephanie Rainey in the Sync Session. Listen as she talks about what influences her songwriting her love of live shows and more. We discuss the tragic loss that led her to write “Please Don’t Go” and the effect of that song on her career and everyone who hears it Out Thursday! Stream the show for free on all good podcast services including Apple podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Google and Overcast. Catch Paddy Casey live in Sligo at Wild Roots in June. Stephanie Rainey is on tour in Ireland now. #recordingartist #songwriting #musicshow #songwriterlife #colinodonoghue #musicplacement #musician #musicianlife #songwriter #musictalk #songwriters #paddycaseymusic #stephanierainey #irishmusician #irishmusic #irishsingersongwriter #irishsinger #irishartist #wildroots https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccqytg9Lujz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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