#Will Koehn
nanowrimo · 11 months
How Finding the Right Writing Community Can Support You as a Writer
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Novlr, a 2023 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is the world’s first writer-owned creative writing platform, built by writers, for writers. Today, professional writer and Novlr Community Lead Pamela Koehne-Drube shares some of the benefits a writing community can provide:
I’ve been a storyteller since I first learned to speak and a writer since I first held a pen. The writing journey is an emotional roller coaster, and no single day is ever the same. 
There are moments of delight, like when a scene I’ve struggled with finally comes together, or the satisfaction of building a character who comes to life on the page. There’s the sense of accomplishment when my first draft is finished and I get to read my completed story, and the nerves of putting those same words in front of readers for the very first time.
There are lots of silent rooms, the soft tapping of keys, or the scribble of a pen. Sometimes the isolation gets too much, and that’s when I grapple with writer’s block, wrestle with stubborn plot holes, or have to slog through edits I’m just not in the mood for.
In my years as a working writer, the most important thing I’ve learned is that while only I can do the writing, I don’t have to go on the journey alone. A writing community can make all the difference in keeping me motivated. 
What is a writing community?
Writing communities are as diverse as the writers who are part of them. Every writer will have a different need from their community, but what they do share is giving writers the opportunity to interact, share knowledge, and provide mutual support.
Some communities come ready-made. NaNoWriMo is a prime example, where diverse writers all rally together to achieve a common goal and support each other along the way. It has been one of my biggest encouragements over the years. And at Novlr, we’ve built an entire writing workspace around the idea of community, not only offering a virtual space for writers to come together and share their wins, struggles, ideas, and techniques but also giving our writer-owners a real say and influence in how our platform grows and develops.
Why are writing communities important?
Writing communities are a lifeline for many of us, offering a nurturing environment where we can learn, grow, and find kinship. Whether it's seeking feedback, gaining inspiration, or just breaking the isolation often associated with writing, they play an invaluable role in any writer's journey.
Sometimes, as a writer, all you need is someone telling you you’re doing a good job. Positive affirmations and encouragement can make all the difference, not only to your confidence but also to motivate you to stick with it. Being able to share ideas, troubleshoot plot holes, and celebrate even the small victories with people who get it is the perfect motivation.
Being part of a writing community that openly shares its goals and commitments is a surefire way to motivate you to follow through. Again, NaNoWriMo is a perfect example of this; announcing your intention to the world and to the wider NaNo community makes your 50,000-word draft more than just an idea you have. It makes it real.
This accountability works for smaller goals too. Just sharing them with people makes them a tangible thing to work toward, keeping you accountable and on track to achieve your writing goals.
Become a better writer
Writing groups offer the perfect opportunity to get real-time feedback on your work and expose yourself to diverse and unique perspectives from fellow writers. Not only can they learn from you and your experiences, but you can learn from theirs by championing supportive and constructive criticism.
Rediscover the joy of writing!
There’s something truly special about the collective joy and camaraderie of sharing your writing journey. Writing groups help foster friendships where you can celebrate your shared successes. The challenges of writing become less daunting and more like puzzles to be solved together, and if you involve group activities, like writing prompts or collaborative projects, the process of writing becomes much more vibrant and enjoyable. 
What types of writing communities are there?
Writing events
Writing events foster writing communities where each member shares a single goal or focus. NaNoWriMo is, of course, the biggest and most well-known goal-focused event in the creative writing space. I have lifelong writing pals I’ve met over NaNoWriMo, and we still regularly get together for critiques. Last year, I even did a 24-hour novel challenge where we took the NaNo goal of 50,000 words but tried to fit it into a single 24-hour period. It was one of the toughest writing challenges I’ve ever done, but the community that came from it is amazing.
Similarly, online communities, like our Discord, that host regular writing sprints, often attract goal-focused individuals who enjoy the thrill of time-bound writing challenges. 
In-person writing groups
In-person writing groups meet at a dedicated time and place, like a local coffee shop, library, or someone's home. I host a writing group at my local pub on one of their quieter afternoons, and there’s a handful of us who get together, exchange ideas, play writing games, provide real-time feedback, and just generally share our work in the spirit of improving our craft. 
The value of personal contact can't be underestimated, as it does allow for more nuanced discussions about works in progress and provides a structure that many writers, myself included, find beneficial.
Critique groups
Critique groups, as the name suggests, focus primarily on providing constructive feedback on members' work. These groups are all about sharing drafts and receiving detailed criticism about your writing — anything from accuracy to style and accessibility.
Peer critiques can offer a variety of perspectives on your writing. It’s a great way to find plot holes, character inconsistencies, or stylistic improvements that you might have overlooked early on. Furthermore, by critiquing others' work, you learn to sharpen your own editing skills and gain fresh insights into the writing process.
Writing retreats
Writing retreats are designed to provide writers with a break from their everyday environment and immerse them in a space dedicated to their writing. These retreats can range from weekend getaways to month-long residencies and are often situated in inspiring locations, from country houses to beachfront cabins.
The tranquil and focused atmosphere of a retreat is designed to spark creativity and reduce distractions, allowing writers to concentrate solely on their craft.
Online writing communities
Not everyone lives near other writers or is comfortable seeking out strangers in person. Online writing communities offer a digital space for writers to interact and learn from each other, extending the possibility of collaboration regardless of geographical location.
Platforms like Reddit, Discord, and the NaNoWriMo forums are popular for hosting vibrant writing communities, providing a dynamically interactive space that keeps writers connected, inspired, and motivated in their writing journey, even if they can’t be with other writers in person.
Social media
Social media channels offer various ways for writers to connect, exchange ideas, and foster communities. On Twitter and Tumblr, writers can follow trending hashtags like #writingcommunity, #amwriting, #writeblr, #writingtips, or #NaNoWriMo to engage in conversations, share inspiration, or get advice. TikTok has also recently emerged as another hub for writers, with the #BookTok and #WritingTok trends really taking off. 
To sum up
Writing communities come in many forms and serve different purposes, but each offers unique benefits to support and enrich your writing journey. They provide the encouragement, accountability, feedback, and camaraderie needed to navigate the often solitary path of writing. It may be your journey, but you don’t have to take it alone.
As you seek to join or create a writing community, consider what you want from the experience and explore various options that align with your needs, preferences, and schedule. Remember, writing doesn't have to be a lonely endeavour. In the company of fellow writers, the journey becomes a shared experience, making the process less daunting and far more rewarding. Happy writing!
Novlr is free to use. However, for those who need the extra bits, there’s a 40% discount on Novlr Pro for 12 months for NaNoWriMo writers. Simply add the NANO23 coupon code when subscribing at Novlr.org. Offer expires December 31st, 2023.
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Pamela Koehne-Drube is all about building creative writing communities where imagination thrives and writers achieve their goals. As a professional ghostwriter and editor, Pamela has first-hand experience in the book trade, from supporting fledgeling writers all the way through to working with the Big Five publishers. She’s an expert on all things writing. In her role as Writer Development & Community Lead at Novlr, you'll find her organising challenges and chatting about writing in Novlr’s Discord and building a repository of amazing writing, editing, publishing, and marketing resources for the Reading Room.
Top photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash.
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ashrakoehn · 6 months
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The Total Solar Eclipse will be a unique opportunity to take full advantage of this energy to turn your wishes into reality.
My mentor and I will be traveling to ensure we are in the direct path of this Solar Eclipse when we cast!
This unprecedented cosmic event will have a massive impact on all of the zodiac signs, and I am now accepting reservations for the Solaris Solar Eclipse spell! A lot of preparation is involved, so there is little time to spare. Also, spots are limited, so securing your spot as soon as possible is essential.
Solaris Solar Eclipse Spell: https://www.ashra.net/community/threads/ashra-koehns-spells-ashraspells-com.6/page-751#post-522697
I've received several emails from people who will also be in the direct path of the Total Solar Eclipse! 
This spectacular and rare celestial event is set to unfold over the United States, Canada, and Mexico! The next one won't happen for 20 years!
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I'm expecting clear skies and a phenomenal view of the Solar Eclipse!
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iamidentical · 7 months
sportswriters gonna sportswrite but maybe they should refrain from commenting on a teenaged prospect's weight, just a thought, une pensée if you will
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picturebookshelf · 2 years
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Nintendo Adventure Books: Leaping Lizards (1991)
Story: Clyde Bosco -- Art: Greg Wray, Josie Koehne & Fabia Wargin Design
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lakings9 · 1 year
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Credit: LA Kings
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onmytape · 1 year
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Koehn Ziemmer in Road to Nashville: Episode Three
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dollcreme · 2 years
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welcome vane and koehn :(((((
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chadkoehn · 12 days
A Look at Diversification
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Diversification, also known as portfolio diversification, is a popular financial planning strategy that spreads investments across various asset classes to minimize the risk of losses. A diversified portfolio contains several investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities, to create value for investors and ensure the effect of one underperforming asset is diluted by the positive performance of the rest.
Investments face systematic and unsystematic risks. Systematic risks, like inflation, recessions, and increases in interest rates, affect entire markets and are primarily unpredictable and beyond investors’ control. Unsystematic risks, on the other hand, affect specific industries or sectors and can be mitigated through diversification. Business, financial, operational, and strategic risks are the common unsystematic risks that can affect investors’ portfolios. Business risks affect revenues and profits and include labor shortages and workers’ strikes. Financial risks lead to loss of money on investments, and operational risks, such as cyberattacks and data loss, affect entities’ productive operations, while strategic risks, like competition, threaten long-term investment goals.
Besides protecting investors against the risk of extreme losses, a properly balanced portfolio can optimize returns from various investment vehicles. Diversification allows investors to spread investments across several asset classes with unique characteristics. This means that in some cases, multiple or all investments can experience growth within the same financial year.
Diversification preserves investors’ capital. Retirees and those who wish to preserve capital toward the end of their careers can diversify portfolios to ensure they enjoy increased financial security in the future, since this approach protects investments against unsystematic risks.
Diversified portfolios can also be configured to hedge against inflation. A well-balanced portfolio often contains real estate investments that can effectively hedge against inflation, since property prices and rental charges tend to adjust in these periods to match the average price changes of other products within the economy.
The popular types of portfolio diversification investors can implement include asset type, sector, geographic, time frame, and strategy. Asset class diversification is the most common, and basically involves investing in various asset classes. While using this approach it is advisable to include stocks, bonds, and real estate in one’s portfolio since stocks have performed well historically during periods of economic growth, bonds can provide stability during economic downturns, and real estate hedges against inflation.
In sector diversification, investors spread their investments across different and unrelated sectors of the economy. For instance, one can choose to invest in health care, technology, and energy sectors, and since these asset classes react differently to economic changes, portfolios are protected against the risk of extreme loss and sector-specific risks.
Industry diversification involves investing in various correlated industries with different risks to ensure portfolio stability in cases of market changes. For instance, an investor interested in infrastructural investments can buy stocks in the cement, steel, and power industries, and those interested in the transport industry can add railway and airline stocks to their portfolios.
Geographic diversification involves spreading investments across various physical locations to minimize risks inherent in specific countries, such as political instability. This portfolio diversification approach also benefits investors since they can venture into emerging markets with high growth potential.
Finally, strategy diversification involves choosing various approaches when selecting assets to ensure they expand portfolios. Value and growth investing are popular approaches in this type of portfolio diversification. Value investing identifies assets being sold at prices significantly lower than their estimated future market value, including those being disposed of by distressed investors. Investors retain these assets with the goal of selling them in the future for a profit.
Growth investing, on the other hand, is a relatively high-risk strategy that aims to accrue benefits from investments that other investors avoid. This includes investing in emerging markets, new businesses, or developing countries. Since it is a high-risk approach, under the right circumstances, savvy investors can enjoy a significant return on investment (ROI).
The information herein is as of the date of publication and is provided for informational purposes only. Content will not be updated after publication and should not be considered current after the publication date. We provide historical content for transparency purposes only. All information is subject to change without notice and due to changes in the market or economic conditions may not necessarily come to pass. Mention of a security should not be considered a recommendation or solicitation to purchase or sell the security. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The reader assumes the responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of any information or other content and for any decisions based on such content.
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tigerkoehn · 19 days
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twitchywoman · 2 months
Discovering Joy in Life with Parkinson's
You are still you! Linda Berghoff Sometimes it is the little things that bring us joy A couple of days ago we discovered a new tenant in our backyard. A mourning dove made a nest in a hanging planter on our patio. As we got closer to look, she did not flinch. Neither the presence of our dog nor us seemed to bother her. It was clear that we would not be able to water the planter for a…
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stopandlook · 2 years
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Y’all Means All by Robin Koehn (Instagram), signboard at Mosaic Makers Collective in the Bishop Arts District, Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas.
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ashrakoehn · 1 year
Moonflower Love Connection Spell: Limited Time Offer!
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Greetings, dear friends and followers! We're incredibly excited to announce that we are offering the powerful and enchanting Moonflower Love Connection Spell for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! If you want to strengthen an existing bond or attract new love, now is the perfect time to take advantage of this magical opportunity.
Moonflower Love Connection Spell: https://www.ashra.net/store/product/moonflower-love-connection-spell/
This potent spell is designed to harness the radiant energy of the Full Moon to bring forth love, passion, and harmony into your life. With the upcoming Full Moon on May 5th, the enchanting powers of the Moonflower Love Connection Spell will be at their peak, making it the perfect time to cast this spell and watch your love life flourish.
The Moonflower Love Connection Spell is a rare and highly effective love enchantment known for its ability to create deep emotional connections and lasting bonds. But don't wait too long, as this extraordinary offer will only be available for a limited time.Take advantage of this exclusive, limited-time offer to experience the potent magic of the Moonflower Love Connection Spell. 
Let the Full Moon on May 5th bring love, passion, and harmony into your life. Don't let this chance slip away – secure your spot now and embark on a journey of love and happiness under the enchanting glow of the Full Moon.
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tina-aumont · 2 months
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Im Auftrag von Madame (Paul May, 1973 - screencaps part 7)
Madame's Order was an early evening series on ZDF. It ran in three seasons of 13 episodes each from 1972 to 1975. It was produced in Studio Hamburg, Paul May directed the first two seasons, and in the third season he alternated with Peter Meincke. Each episode was 25 minutes long and aired on Wednesdays at 7:10 p.m. (season 1), 6:25 p.m. (season 2) and 6:20 p.m. (season 3).
Plot (it may contain spoilers)
Homer Halfpenny (played by Horst Keitel), who holds a chair for Tibetan dialects, works as an agent for a "Madame" who always gives her instructions by phone and remains invisible to the viewer in all seasons. At his side is the playboy Peter Proud (played by Roger Herbst), a car dealer by profession. The tasks of this unequal team are varied, but they have one thing in common: Halfpenny and Proud almost always have to travel abroad to successfully complete a job.
Horst Keitel - Prof. Homer Halfpenny
Roger Herbst - Peter Proud
Verónica Llimerá - Diana Appleton
María Montez - Gloria
Ángel Álvarez - Capitano Garcia
Rufino inglés - Fellini
Javier Inglés - Matrose
Montserrat Julió Nonell - Miss Cox
Heidi Koehn - Susan
Jochen Köppel - Archibald
Franz Otto-Kruger - Fellini (voice, uncredited)
It was aired the 17th January 1973.
You can watch the full chapter (in German) here.
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catdotjpeg · 1 year
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The top executive for San Jose’s police union imported synthetic opioids over an eight-year period to orchestrate a national drug ring that disguised packages of pills as wedding gifts, makeup and chocolate, federal officials said Wednesday.
Joanne Marian Segovia, the 64-year-old executive director of the San Jose Police Officers’ Association, used her home computer and police union equipment to facilitate the mailing of the synthetic opioids, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. The drug smuggling allegedly took place from October 2015 to January 2023, with Segovia facilitating more than 60 shipments from Hong Kong, Hungary, India and Singapore.
In a three-and-a-half-year period ending in January, officials allegedly intercepted five shipments to Segovia that contained thousands of pills, including synthetic opioids Tramadol and Tapentadol... 
Segovia allegedly used the encrypted messenger WhatsApp to handle logistics, exchanging hundreds of messages with someone using a phone with an India country code. The messages—containing shipping and payment details, pictures and receipts—continued into this month even after federal investigators interviewed Segovia in February, prosecutors said.
On March 13, federal agents in Kentucky seized a package that contained valeryl fentanyl and was addressed to Segovia, officials said. The package originated from China and the contents were listed as a “clock.”
Segovia was charged with attempting to unlawfully import valeryl fentanyl, according to a complaint that was unsealed Tuesday. The complaint alleges Segovia was apprehended as part of an ongoing Homeland Security investigation into controlled substances being shipped into the Bay Area from abroad.
Will Edelman, an attorney listed for Segovia in court records, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Edelman previously worked as a federal prosecutor in the same U.S. Attorney’s Office that charged Segovia, according to his LinkedIn profile.
The complaint against Segovia said that she told federal investigators she had nothing to do with the drug smuggling and blamed the shipments of pills on a woman she identified “as a family friend and housekeeper.”
Segovia allegedly told investigators that after their February meeting, she realized “like a light bulb” that it must be this unnamed woman who smuggled the drugs.
However, the complaint casts doubt on Segovia’s statements and includes photos that she allegedly sent to a collaborator. One image shows a computer with police union work materials in view and another shows her signature on a packing slip sent from the police union address. 
Tom Saggau, a spokesperson for the San Jose Police Officers' Association, said the union became aware of the alleged crimes on Friday and has been cooperating with federal authorities. He added that Segovia had no role in handling financials for the organization and was not involved in decisions about the organization’s stance on police issues.
“No one at the POA is involved or had prior knowledge of the alleged acts,” Saggau said. “The POA immediately placed the civilian employee on leave and as is standard procedure cut off all access to the POA. The board of directors is saddened and disappointed at hearing this news, and we have pledged to provide our full support to the investigative authorities.”
-- “SJ Police Union Exec Accused of Smuggling Drugs as Wedding Gifts, Chocolate” by Josh Koehn for The San Francisco Standard, 29 Mar 2023
[Image ID: A person wears a San Jose police jacket during a press conference outside of the San Jose Police Department. End ID.] 
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reavenedges-lies · 1 year
NHL Draft Round 3:
65. ANA- Coulson Pitre RW
66. CBJ William Whitelaw RW
67. CHI- Nick Lardis LW
68. NSH- Jesse Kiiskinen RW
69. MTL- Jacob Fowler G
70. ARI- Jonathan Castagna C
71. SJS- Brandon Svoboda C
72. ARI- Noel Nordh LW
73. DET- Noah Dower-Nilsson LW
74. STL- Quinton Burns D
75. VAN- Hunter Brzustewicz D
76. STL- Juraj Pekarcik LW
77. VGK- Mathieu Cataford C
78. LAK- Koehn Ziemmer RW
79. DAL- Brad Gardiner C
80. CGY- Aydar Suniev LW
81. ARI- Tanner Ludtke C
82. WPG- Zach Nehring
83. NSH- Dylan Mackinnon D
84. SEA- Caden Price D
85. ANA- Yegor Sidorov RW
86. BUF- Gavin McCarthy D
87. PHI- Egor Zavragin G
88. ARI- Vadim Moroz RW
89. VAN- Sawyer Mynio D
90. NYR- Drew Fortescue D
91. PIT- Emil Pieniniemi D
92. BOS- Christopher Pelosi C
93. CHI- Jiri Felcman C
94. CAR- Jayden Perron RW
95. PHI- Denver Barkley C
96. VGK- Arttu Karki D
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world-beauty · 1 year
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Nashville Four Planet Skyline
Credits: Larry Koehn
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