clangenrising · 2 months
okay, so: least changes time!
myst = longhaired solid blue
razor = shorthaired silver black tabby with mid white
This means that: their parents were shorthaired carrying longhair. Both were carrying dilute. One was hetero tabby (Aa) and one was solid (aa). One of them had high white and the other had no white (to explain myst not having white).
russet = longhaired ginger tabby
Pretty understandable.
Blue = longhaired blue tabby
Yellow = longhaired golden black tabby
If Russet is ginger, blue has to be a tortie (unless she's trans/intersex). Therefore, he can't be ginger, assuming Blue is XX.
One of the parents also need to carry dominant golden, or both carry copper.
Russet needs to carry dilute. Both his kits are tabby, so he's probably AA.
This leaves us with a few options.
Myst (longhaired solid blue carrying copper, XX) x Russet (longhaired cinnamon tabby carrying copper and dilute, XY) = Blue (longhaired blue tabby carrying copper, XX) + Yellow (longhaired black copper tabby, XY) - this is closest to canon without sex change, you'd just need to change russet
Myst (longhaired solid blue, XX) x Russet (longhaired wideband cinnamon tabby, XY) = Blue (longhaired blue tabby, XX) + Yellow (longhaired wideband black tabby, XY)
either of the above, but russet is ginger and blue is X0, not XX, which is the closest to canon with sex change
I love the work you've done here but you've made some pretty big errors.
First things first Blue is a boy, not a girl. He Cannot be a tortie.
Also, as of now, Razor is not a silver tabby, just a blue one. I'm not sure where you got that impression haha. Also, he and Mystique are half siblings who share a mother. I'm pretty sure I said that somewhere but I totally understand you not remembering it.
Also, if it matters, Russetfrond's father was a blue and white tabby named Wolfmoon and his mother, Sunstar, was a ginger ticked tabby. His sister, Heatherwind, was a tortoiseshell and I believe she was dilute but I can't seem to find proof (stupid Tumblr search).
So Russet can stay ginger because he has two sons. Bluekit is not a girl and thus it's fine if he's not ginger. And if I'm reading the rest of your post correctly, that means that neither parent needs to change their phenotype, they just need to be carrying copper? If so, then there we go!
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inumaru-hokashi · 2 months
Here's SunPup and WolfMoon in motion. SunPup's tail can be BIG too too but it'll always be shorter than WolfMoon's tail by a foot or two ✨🌞💖🌛✨
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twister-sister · 2 months
Commission done for @inumaru-hokashi of Sunpup and Wolfmoon, they are so adorable!
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Wolf Moon Recollections II
January 2024
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ivysanctum · 2 months
🌑✨ Embrace New Beginnings with the New Moon Energy ✨🌑
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As tonight (August 4) enters the New Moon of this cycle, I want to tell you all about it.
The new moon signifies the start of a new lunar cycle and is a potent time for initiating new projects, setting intentions, and embarking on personal transformations. This phase is perfect for cleansing and focusing on rituals that plant the seeds for future growth. The darkness of the new moon represents a blank slate, offering the chance to set goals and begin anew.
🕰️ Phase Duration: ~2 days
Suggested Traditional Ritual: During the new moon, write down your intentions and goals for the upcoming cycle. Light a black or white candle to symbolize purity and new beginnings. Meditate on your goals, visualize and focus on FEELING them coming to fruition as the candle burns (How do you sit when that happens? What is your shoulders’ posture? How do you breathe? What excited sounds are coming out of you?). During this period, you might also consider a ritual bath with sea salt, to cleanse and prepare yourself for the new phase.
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🌙✨ What are you planting for the future during this New Moon? Share your hopes and intentions in the comments—I’d love to connect with you. Save this post for your new moon rituals, share with your favorite witches 🧙 and follow for more lunar magick! 💜 🌱
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roselleasly · 1 year
i really hope that this doesnt get too far from my close circle but uh
queerPLATONIC rosegold smooches because this world needs more friendly kissing
rbs are appreciated! this took me more than 3 hours somehow lol
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also for anyone curious amity's shirt says "BPD BOY PUSSY DISORDER" i just think its funny
drawing was partially inspired by these cats lol
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rheima-art · 6 months
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callumogden · 2 years
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Some stars visible from Craigmillar Castle in Edinburgh during January's wolf moon.
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aetherealstockphoto · 2 years
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rotting-brains · 8 months
Amiter obviously has a lot of problems but it's so funny to me to imagine them in the avarage tfem egg cracking scenario where Amity at first thinks "I like a guy?? Guess I wasn't a lesbian after all" and then after a while Hunter realizes she was never a guy to begin with and Amity's lesbian senses were right all along
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thelustybraavosimaid · 7 months
The four-footed gods howled, and the two-winged gods roared in response.
It seemed as if the world itself was aflame, orange-red vengeance kissing the earth and the trees and all in between, melting snow and ice to mere steaming pools of water. Bones liquefied and the ash of shredded clothes lay on the ground, accompanying a foul stench of raw cold, but she couldn't focus on any of the destruction; it was as if someone had brushed their lips against her ear, drawing a breath before speaking in a high, sweet voice. Come closer, it encouraged. She was unsure who the voice belonged to, for no one corporeal stood next to her; perhaps a wayward spirit chose to be her guide this dream instead of the night wolf.
But Arya Stark found it hard to disobey.
Closer now, it insisted, closer.
She passed the threshold of flames, untouched and unharmed. Above her, the dragon gods growled their approval, and the great moon watched them all in its steadfast, silent vigil. The winged gods lowered themselves to the earth, deigning to rest beside their tether. The very beat of their wings reduced great flames to tendrils of smoke.
Destiny awaits you.
Arya's eyes followed her old friends down until she found the being they were drawn to, until grey locked with violet.
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clangenrising · 4 months
Please give some RisingClan trivia in these trying times? (Has had a very bad day) Likkeee…
Who do you like writing the most? Who do you have the most difficulty with? What’s Orangestar’s favorite meal? Things of that nature ^^ Just some silly stuff :D
Haha How can I refuse? okay, let's see....
Its hard to say who I like writing most, I tend to have more fun with specific scenes than with specific characters, but I will say that the one piece we got in Razor's POV was so fun to write, just like, getting to see the world from his twisted perspective for a bit.
In that vein, I don't have a character who is the hardest to write either. I guess kittens are hard for me, I struggle with writing children accurately to their ages haha.
Orangestar's favorite meal is squirrel. I'm currently struggling to map out the politics in the city following Razor's death. Russetfrond's dad was a big blue and white classic tabby named Wolfmoon. Barleybee isn't actually ginger, she and Sparrowsway are both cinnamon, she just has high rufousing which makes her look redder (like abyssinian and somali cats).
I hope your day gets better <3 I'm glad RisingClan is something that brings you joy
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inumaru-hokashi · 2 months
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So in just the short amount of time my girlfriend and I had these two, I think I got so obsessed with them that I started making a whole ass reference sheet for both! 😅
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railwayhistorical · 8 months
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Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse
Two images by Richard Koenig; taken January 21st 2019.
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#wolfmoon our second film. Two girlies at a bush party when trouble arises.
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ivysanctum · 2 months
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🌒✨ Manifest Your Dreams with the Waxing Crescent ✨🌒
The waxing crescent moon is a time for action and manifestation. Historically, this phase has been used for initiating new projects and personal development.
As the moon grows, now especially under the effect of the Lion's Gate Portal, it's the perfect period to focus on growth, attraction, and drawing new opportunities into your life. This phase supports spells and rituals related to increasing prosperity, success, and advancing personal breakthroughs.
🕰️ Phase Duration: 4~5 days
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🧙‍♀️ Suggested Traditional Ritual:
Take a cleansing bath with Epsom salt and a few drops of bergamot essential oil to prepare. Write your desires and intentions on a piece of paper, and light a green candle to symbolize growth and abundance. Hold a clear quartz or citrine to amplify your intentions, and chant: “With this flame, desires ignite, bringing forth my dreams tonight. So mote it be,” focusing intently on the feelings of your desires coming true. 🙌
Meditate on those feelings, intensifying them as the candle burns. When the candle is nearly out and you feel ready, safely burn the paper to release attachment from the specific way you imagine your desire - trusting the intelligent universe to manifest the best outcome for you. I suggest carrying the crystal with you to enhance the effects of the ritual, and cleanse it under the full moon.
🌙✨ How are you planning to harness the energy of the waxing crescent together with the Lion's Gate Portal? Share your thoughts and tag a witchy friend who would benefit from this ritual 💜 You’re welcome to save this post for your lunar practices and follow along for more! 🌟🌿
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