#Worlds most autistic rat
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another r!scott since y’all liked the sketch so much
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graveyard-sys666 · 1 year
me, sending our mother a screenshot of an email:is this a thing normal ppl say? have i commitment a heinous social or literal crime with this email?
our mother, who has never done anything normal in her life, is somehow more mentally ill then we are:yeah that looks good send it
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Worried Thoughts
Mihawk x gn!reader
Summary: he thinks you’re afraid of him, but really you feel more comfortable here than anywhere else. If only you could figure out how to explain that.
Content: fluffy cozy piece. Just a hint of romance. Reader is autistic.
Warnings: reader is somewhat insecure about their autistic traits.
A/N: Couldn’t get this idea out of my head, so I’m sharing with all of you. It’s been a long time since I wrote any fanfic so I might do more, I might not, we’ll see. Story is based on live action Mihawk with some inspiration from the little bit I know about the anime. Enjoy!
He’s frustrated with you.
He doesn’t let it show. Mihawk is too controlled for that, too stoic. Besides, you’ve come to learn the look of casual disdain he wears is for everyone, not just you.
But he’s still frustrated with you.
You can see it in the little things. The slight furrow of his brow. The way he watches you over his book. The long, drawn out sips of wine.
It’s the things you’ve learned to look for after a lifetime of having to watch and analyze and try so hard to fit in. A lifetime of trying to be normal.
Around Mihawk though? You don’t feel that need so much.
It’s why you let your eyes drift away from his intense, piercing gaze. It’s why, though you’re still afraid to let yourself stim too much or let too much excitement shine through when a special interest topic comes up, you do let yourself chew on your lip. And sometimes, when you catch yourself rocking because the silence is just a little too much, you don’t make yourself stop.
But still, he doesn’t quite understand it. He thinks you’re afraid of him.
You should be. Honestly you’re not sure why you aren’t. He’s the worlds greatest swordsman. He’s probably the most powerful person in all the seas. He wears that power like a cloak, holds himself in a way that warns people to step away. Step back.
You saw it in the village last week, when he had you sail with him to a nearby island so you could help pick up supplies. Folk recognized him and feared him.
To be honest, you thought he would leave you behind there. After all, he has no reason to keep sheltering you. It’s been a month since you washed up on the beach of his own gloomy island, a month since you barely evaded the monsters that live there and found your way to his door.
He let you stay, and you figured it was because of how pathetic you looked at the moment. A shipwrecked survivor on the brink of death, looking more like a drowned rat than a human.
It’s not that you’re actually pathetic. You’re not weak. Or at least not too much so. Honestly, you can hold your own against most folk back home, and you know how to sail a small ship just fine. Or at least, you thought you did.
That storm wounded your pride and has you questioning your seafaring skills.
The point is, you can take care of yourself overall. Though, you quickly learned after you first set sail a few years back that being the best in your village means nothing when so many folk out there are as powerful as gods. Competent or not, you’re nothing compared to the great warlord.
So why did he let you stay? Why was it, when you were getting ready to turn and walk away after setting foot on the village island, he handed you a small crate of supplies and said to not fall behind? Why was it he let you get back on his ship and sail all the way back here with him? 
You haven’t asked him yet, because you’re a little afraid that maybe he’ll change his mind. You’ve come to like your life on this isolated island.
But you’re getting away from yourself again. Letting your thoughts drift. It’s been a week since that village visit and now you still sit within Mihawk’s vast and rather chilly castle, hyperaware of his piercing gaze digging into your head.
“You don’t need to be so afraid of me.”
His voice makes you jump, and you realize that you’ve been rocking where you sit as you stare at the book in your lap.
“I’m not,” you manage. “I…”
Your eyes latch onto the book. You’ve been reading it for a couple of days, but you’re having trouble focusing today. Whenever you look at the words, it makes you think about how yesterday you launched into a long analysis of the adventure genre and how it really is such a shame that people don’t appreciate this book as much, since even though it was one of the first of its type there’s been so many books that have built on it since that now it seems almost predictable.
Mihawk didn’t seem bothered at the time, but now you look back at it and you’re sure he must’ve been annoyed, or at the very least bored. You’re still kicking yourself for not taking the time to check his expression when you went on that endless monologue.
“You act afraid.”
You take a quick peek out the corner of your eye, watching as he casually sips from his wine glass. Firelight flickers across his face, lighting up those vivid eyes and casting a golden hue across his dark hair. He’s not looking at you anymore, but you know that he’s still aware of everything you do.
When you find your attention catching on his chiseled chest, you quickly force your gaze away.
“You are a warlord,” you say, trying to be teasing.
“An astute observation.”
“I’m not afraid of you though.” You close your book and with it close your eyes, trying to find the right words. Trying to get them all untangled. “I… I just don’t like eye contact. With anyone.”
“I see. That is reasonable.”
It’s not the response you expected. You’re used to people judging you when they learn how are you are. You’re used to people underestimating you and assuming the worst.
You glance back up at Mihawk, then quickly away to the fireplace instead. “I’m not very good with people,” you continue, “It’s not that I don’t like them, but I don’t always understand the rules of society and stuff. And I don’t always do things the way other folk do.”
When you peek back, he’s lifted a single eyebrow. You blush. Surely he’s already noticed that. Surely you’re being silly as you explain the obvious.
“The rules of society do tend to be rather boring.”
The way he says it, so straightforward as if it makes all the sense in the world… you feel relieved giggle bubble out of you.
“I suppose you really aren’t afraid of me then,” he says, just the slightest twitch forming a smile at the corners of his lips. He tilts his head slightly, then adds. “I was thinking about your theory yesterday. It was… Intriguing.”
Something flutters in your chest. A feeling that you never really thought you’d have for somebody so dangerous. Joy. Excitement. Perhaps even some infatuation, if you’re being honest with yourself.
His castle might be vast and chilly, but it’s also comfortable. And you’ve come to truly enjoy these times where you sit together in front of the fireplace, simply existing near each other. You’ve come to enjoy just being around him. 
“Would… would you like to talk about it more?” You can’t help the hope that creeps into your tone.
“That would be pleasant.”
And so, you finally let that wall down just a little further. You let yourself start talking without holding back, let yourself feel comfortable.
When he rises from his chair and walks to stand closer to your own, his hand just barely brushing your shoulder, you let yourself feel a little bit at home.
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davenweenie · 5 months
Things I would have done if I had created the show ‘Lab Rats’
FTM trans Chase (obvi)
Autistic Leo and Chase
ADHD Adam and Bree
Brought more focus onto why Donald Davenport was a shitty dad, maybe has character development where he realised how bad he actually was.
Douglas would still be evil but his motives would have been slightly different, he’s hiding under the guise of trying to take power over the world when he actually just wants his kids back.
Trans Douglas, hello????
Trans Douglas who used a donor to have Adam, Bree and Chase (makes more sense than him using a random AFAB person tbh)
Explore how the Rats’ bionics actually work, where they actually have their bionics, how they were implanted, if there were any failed subjects etc
Bree would originally be a tomboy who wants to explore her girlhood but has never had the chance to due to being so sheltered and only raised around boys and raised by a man
She slowly started exploring girlhood, Tasha helps by showing her media that heavily features women, they have a shopping trip where Tasha helps her pick out new outfits
Bree slowly transitions into being a more ‘girly’ girl when she discovers how much she actually enjoys doing and wearing what is traditionally considered more feminine
Chase struggling when they all integrate into the real world, he struggles with his masculinity and how the world views him since things were so much easier when it was just him, his two siblings and their pseudo father
Chase’s insane sensory issues, I’d like to believe he walks around constantly wearing a pair of noise cancelling headphones that Leo let him have
They eventually make him some bionic versions which help block out most noises since his super hearing is too strong for normal noise cancelling headphones
He looks a lil silly but they help, so he continues to wear them on days where he’s really struggling
Adam struggling in school, he cannot function well during school, he’s always frustrated in class because he just can’t retain any of the information and he zones out too much to even focus properly
Chase tries to help by tutoring him but Adam can’t focus long enough for it to have an affect
Chase researches ways to help Adam retain information and figures out that playing catch with Adam helps, the action of tossing and catching a ball occupies his hands as well as keeps his brain in gear enough to focus on the information given to him
Leo having meltdowns during the whole Marcus situation. He hates being accused of lying or accused of doing stuff that he didn’t do. He also hates people not believing him so the whole situation overwhelms him and he ends up having a meltdown practically every day.
Exploring how Trent’s bullying has affected Leo and Chase, how they’re terrified to step foot into school some days in fear of what Trent will do that day
Tasha being completely mortified at the way the Rats were raised, demanding that Donald treat them like kids rather than a science experiment
She considers divorcing him at first but she knows she needs to be there for the kids. They eventually work out their relationship and Donald begins to change he treats the Rats, he’s probably only changing because of Tasha though
Big reveal on why Donald is the way he is towards the kids, they’re not his kids and they’re his brother’s who he doesn’t have a good relationship with, he takes it out on the kids because his brother isn’t there to take his anger out on
The Rats being mad at Donald, huge argument scene where they finally stand up for themselves and tell him that having a poor relationship with his brother was no excuse to treat them the way he did, they were just kids who didn’t have any involvement in their sibling rivalry
Donald becomes a cool uncle rather than extremely strict and controlling father. Douglas becomes more like a cool dad than a cool uncle, he’s too irresponsible to have full control of the decision making so him, Donald and Tasha kinda just Co-parent.
Leo gets full bionics, not just in his leg and arm. He has to train as a student at the academy first but later becomes a teacher like Adam, Bree and Chase.
Bree and Chase still go on to be in the EF but it’s only brief while they handle the whole shapeshifter thing before they go back to the academy. Oliver, Skylar and Kaz go with them. They’re still a team that do missions together but they just live at the academy now.
This was very self indulgent, I hope you like it. Thanks for reading and I’ll probably make more of these. This was fun!
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davenportia · 2 months
lab rats, if it was not produced by disney, or at least not disney xd (maybe netflix or disney+) would have been a much better show. bryan and chris did a great job with what they had but unfortunately were working for disney. if you’re following my insta, you heard me talking about this on my story yesterday, but i’m going to try to type it all out here. trigger warning, trauma, abuse, and deaths. i will also do another warning right before the topic is brought up. here we go
time: i am aware that disney shows whether channel or xd only have a certain amount of time for table reads, filming, editing, and then airing. for a show especially like liv and maddie, they REALLY didn’t have time as dove had to film everything twice. disney episodes, unless a special episode, are usually between 24-30 minutes. but it’s so annoying how everything gets solved so fast. the laugh tracks (i am very used to them but i am aware that people find them annoying). it’s not very realistic that way. now to swiftly move to the next topic, scripts and reality
scripts and reality: even a show like fuller house on netflix, which also only had 24-30 minute episodes, had a more realities script. disney said “tweeter, twits, facegab, e-phone, madame googoo, vuuugle” because they’re cheap, fuller house would say “new kids on the block, facebook, nintendo, hamilton, pippin” ACTUALLY NAMES OF things. even outside of that, they talked like normal people would. in a disney show, something would go wrong, they would cut to commercial break, then come back and say “i can’t believe you ____! how are we going to fix this?!” NO ONE talks like that except for disney characters. whyyyy
adam; he was the token dumb character and honestly, not a nice person. i know that disney always has sassy characters but adam was just rude and didn’t have a filter. there should have been more to his character. maybe he would have had some sort of special interest like dez from austin and ally. dez was dumb but had his sweet moments and was a really good filmmaker and director. all adam seems to do is make fun of others and use his super strength. he should have been more useful outside of his bionics. had some sort of personality other than being dumb.
bree, trigger warning - drinking? ; bree, desperately wanting to be a normal teenager, would have gone crazy with partying. literally in the first episode, she said she was close to getting a curfew she was going to break. she wanted to be rebellious from the first episode. bree would have been one of those teens that either did not want to grow up or wanted to grow up too fast. she may have even been a bit of a rebel in school. not too bad, but like getting detention sometimes. once she grew out of that phase possibly, she would have had an identity crisis. and yes, i mean that kind. she was not straight. there’s no way. she should have struggled with her sexuality. maybe even a potential love interest that was a girl. i mean, considering she was the only girl besides tasha, there should have been some sort of identity issues with her.
chase; chase probably could have been explored the most. disclaimer, i promise i am not being biased by saying that; i just know him the best out of all the characters. chase is the smartest man in the world and in my opinion, was way too sane. katie from alexa and katie would get overwhelmed thinking about high school and college and would have panic attacks. chase was stressed out a lot and probably should have had panic attacks. and it pains me to say that because the last thing i want is for him to have mental health problems but it’s very realistic that he would have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks. additionally, i have seen a lot of people say this, i could see him being autistic. i don’t think he is, but if someone were to confirm it somehow, i would totally see it. i could see him being overstimulated and like how he jumps up and down when he’s excited? that could be him stimming. also, i’ve always wondered this, isn’t it painful to use his bionic eye? i feel like i would get headaches. and then all the apps he has? commando app (i will talk about spike momentarily), magnetism app, override app (no pressure??), internal hard drive, laser bow, molecular kinesis, super senses, levitation (which was only used once wtf), and obviously, super intelligence. think about how overwhelming that is, and they called him WEAK? bro was holding the team together. even if he weren’t autistic, he should have gotten overstimulated more.
follow up- spike; i’m going to be incredibly contradictory here but just bare with me. what the fuck did spike even do? he just caused destruction and distress for chase. when chase was nervous, mad, or embarrassed, he came out, but only when the episode revolved around him. i understand davenport’s intentions: remove the flight part of fight or flight, but why did he make him so angry? and also, i think that’s a bit insulting to chase, as if saying he’s too weak to handle himself. ugh, the very little he did was just useless. i wish we had gotten more of him and that he had had a bigger role. he was written terribly and never came out when he really should have come out. leo’s jam, trent gets schooled, rise of the secret soldiers, bionic rebellion, space colony, and the attack episode are all examples of where spike could have come out because chase was embarrassed or upset. also chase clearly didn’t like spike being a part of him. why did davenport never realize this and remove him when not only does chase not like him but also, he was doing anything but help chase.
leo- trigger warning, mentions of divorce, abuse, possible death; did the writers forget the literal first scene of the show? his mom literally got remarried. what happened to leo’s dad? did they get a divorce. did leo’s dad die? was he abusive? was he not around? so many questions. and we know they were married because leo excitedly said “my 𝐧𝐞𝐰 dad is batman!” so it’s not like tasha and leo’s biological father had a baby but were never married. in ‘can i borrow the helicopter?’ leo confides in davenport about his crush on janelle and he told tasha, which leo was upset about, but he had the opportunity to be more upset than he was. maybe his old dad never would have done that. maybe he’s used to it so he wasn’t as upset but he never thought davenport would have done that to him. he also forgave him way too fast (again, fast-paced episodes😒). he also should’ve had a harder time adapting to gaining 3 siblings after being an only child his whole life. i mean, even chase - who already had a brother - had a hard time gaining even on sibling. other than familial life and possible trauma leo could have had, i don’t have much to say about the character. he was written pretty well and had some awesome lines
i’m going to make a part 2 so stay tuned!
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hi lovelies!! I'm new to ed tumblr so i'm making an intro;
non edblr blogs please don't interact! I am not proana, this is simply my way of coping. Please choose recovery if you can <3
block don't report! this blog is very dear to me
my name's Cyrus, but you can also call me Sylvian, i dont mind either. I'm 16 and an art student! I dunno what i'll do with my future but i'm really into music and artistic stuff! I'm enby and i'm fine with any pronouns tho i prefer they/them. I am a lesbian and currently dating the most gorgeous girl in the world.
I'm really into old music, and currently my listening range is from the 20's to 2010, i like pop, rock, jazz, swing, classical, electro and basically any type of music under the sun. Though i'm really big on new wave, glam rock and goth music. I enjoy alternative music as a whole. My favorite artists are David Bowie, Mylene Farmer, Japan and Sisters of Mercy.
I am an animal lover and have the immense joy to have two fabulous kitties: Belle and Kits. They're my babies, my besties and i would die for them.
I'm REALLY eager to make friends, especially ana friends as it can get really lonely sometimes. So dont be afraid to message me!
i'm sorry if i can come of as "off putting" to you, or if i'm too excited sometimes. i have emotion regulation problems. I am diagnosed with ADHD and in the middle of an autism diagnosis. I also have depression and PTSD. And there's ana too, obviously.
My current hyperfixations are: Dead Boy detectives and Drag Queens
My special interests (if im acc autistic) are Naked Mole Rats and The Little Prince. I've been obsessed by them for years and years now.
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SW: 76kgs
CW: 64kgs
GW1: 60kgs
GW2: 50kgs
GW3: 45kgs
i'm 158cms (5'2) so my cw is making me quite chubby, i cant wait to lose some! I'll do daily updates if things changes!! i mostly eat 1-2 tiny meals a day and i dont seem to binge for now so i'm proud of me.
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dni: basic dni criteria, fatphobic ppl, proshippers, nsfw accounts, anti recovery accounts,
i cant wait to talk to more people on here and to post more,
sleep well, drink water and take care <3
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saltielena · 2 years
it will never not amaze me how the jrwi boys play WILDLY different characters in each campaign
like charlie plays a paladin fish who is overconfident and easily gullible, but atthe same time he plays a pathetic teenage boy who despite being tired of being the smart one— would fucking die for his friends. and ontop of that he played a fucked up Guy who wouldve gotten shoved in lockers in highschool who has a lizard and a Posession.
do not get me started on bizly playing a tricky and charismatic bastard with a haunting past and a neverending bond with two people he met under Strange circumstances, while playing a robotic and gory tortured suit of armor who will kill anything in his path. and he plays a stoner who would shit his pants if he saw a fucking bear!
and condi?? plays a literal girlboss with so much damn respect for the world and nature around her while still being a badass with a fucking GUN. he plays a confused teenage elf boy who is a rebellious genuine murderer. he played a god damn pushover lawyer who KICKS ASS and gets high off shiitake mushrooms.
grizzly. oh my God grizzlyplays. he plays a mysteriously charming bard with an aspiration to only make the world fair through theft. he plays a stoner prettyboy bisexual rockstar with a terrifying calmness to him as he watches birds splatter on his car. he plays a god damn rambunctious undiagnosed autistic teenager with an insatiable appetite who refuses to kill and stands by it.
thats. insane to me? and the npcs these guys make, oh my god. i am literally in love with most of the prime defenders npcs (come on. lightspeed? how do you not love her) and every god damn riptide npc has more personality and life than i could even muster. blood in the bayou? more like! holy fuck! rat! my boy! becky jrwi! kisses her! and ill god damn say it worm boy from apotheosis deserves more
in short: pretzel jrwi is the greatest being
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andromedasummer · 5 months
ik I'll just google them but WHITE KIWI EXISTS?? there is a white version of that funny birb???
theyre not a SPECIES per say. so, there are five whole officially recognised kind of kiwi!!!
North Island Brown Kiwi:
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Tokoeka (Southern Brown Kiwi)
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Rowi (Ōkarito Brown Kiwi, the rarest!)
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Little Spotted Kiwi
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And the Great Spotted Kiwi (Roroa!)
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(info on them here)
and then, there's Manukura
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First of three white kiwi born in the same wildlife park. She's a North Island Brown Kiwi and her parents both had recessive albinism genes. The conservation and breeding staff had no indication that anything with their genes was different and fully expected a typical north brown kiwi from her egg until she hatched in 2011 and gave everyone a MASSIVE shock. They ended up having two more white kiwi after her (including Mapuna, her little brother!)
"Manukura was born in the Pukaha / Mount Bruce National Wildlife Centre. The bird was born in May 2011 with a rare genetic condition that made it all white, instead of brown
She was named by Rangitāne leader, Mike Kawana; her name is the Māori word for 'chiefly status'." (Wikipedia)
People thought she was a boy at first! Then when she was 1 they realized their mistake. She was beating up male kiwi.
Manakura died in 2020 after having surgery. she stopped eating for a month because she was unable to pass an unfertilized egg and they tried to remove it and then had to remove parts of her ovaries. She's very sorely missed, there were storybooks about her. I believe the other white kiwi live on, which is wonderful.
There are some white Kiwi in the wild! But most Kiwi that dont live in protected parks (where they're bred to increase population) are killed by stoats or rats. It's like a solid 90% of them that pass unfortunately. It's part of the reason Predator Free 2050 is in motion (removal of all introduced vermin harming our native birds and trees. This includes possums, ferrets, stoats and rats which are responsible for 25% of extinct flora and fauna species here in NZ since arriving on boats when colonization began)
Here is another white kiwi dancing in front of one of the many predator monitoring cameras within the sanctuary it lives in.
And if you're asking "Wow, Liv, you know a lot about native birds in NZ" the answer to why that is, is my dad worked for DOC until my mid twenties and as a small autistic child it made conservation efforts the center of my world. So naturally that meant details about Kiwi, Kakapo, Kaka, Huia, Moa etc were locked away in the "INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT PRIMARY INFORMATION" part of my brain along with how to tell a male and female mallard apart, what to do in an earthquake and how to notice and prevent hypothermia and survive until finding help in deep bushland
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Hi hello and howdy
Since I can't contain my thoughts here's all the "Mirage" logicistics. Basically they either swap or enhance ones personality, heres a few examples:
Mirage Lenore is way more looney and impulsive, with a practically nonexistant off switch having to be dragged off screaming before she sets anything on fire, her group mainly sticks with her for fear of their own lives and she and Annabel are ALLOWED TO BE GAY!!! HOORAY!!! They still have the pretend to hate each other thing but thats mainly due to Annabel's paranoia
Mirage Duke is a shit magician who constantly looses parts of his tricks, he's also like WAYYY too overdramatic, the kinda mf to fall over if you steal his chip,
"Its... its just a crisp.."
"Oh my god..."
So yeah, pathetic cringefail looser LMFAO, but he is the kinda person to pull a "OMG MY BEST FRIEND! MOVE!" And shove whoever out of his way
Mirage Pluto is if you took a wet cat and made him a golden retriever. He's very hyperactive, social, easily distracted. Mf is like "wanna hear abt my hyperfixations?!" Talks and doesn't wait for an answer a neat thing i did with some characters Mirage's is i inverted stuff abt them like hair, emblems, all that. He still thinks M! Duke's magic is cool
Mirage Berenice is a feral little creature, constantly biting or nibbling on things (mainly Eulalies arm, or her own. I dont think chewlery exists in the victorian era). She's also the queen of being unhinged, in spectre form shes somewhat normal at least. For the most part she's in her own world
Mirage Eulalie is the mean autistic, less into creepy/old things n thinks their lame and/or weird. She's the one dragging Berenice around and keeping the gang from falling apart. Her and M! Morella really out here sharing the only group braincell, shes also blunt as fuck and wont hesitate to tell you you look bad. I wanted to lean more into the japanese part of her character so she just kinda- speaks more of it now (lol idk how else to explain it)
Mirage Morella, like M! Eulalie, is a mean autistic. She's less emotional, and more of "I dont give a damn just get me out of here.", sticks with whatever group she's feelin that day tbh. Won't tell you you look bad, will probably just call you a dumbass and leave
Mirage Annabel is kinda like regular Annabel but without the "Life is like chess" mentality. So more jumpy, kinda a walking talking mental breakdown waiting to happen. Excess paranoia and increase of hallucinations cus pookie and I decided we aren't giving her a break
Mirage Prospero is no longer fancy and polite, he is sopping wet germaphobic wet cat. He will go through great lengths to avoid disease, faints around blood and puke, screams at the sight of his own rats (or just rats/bugs in general), actively raising his and Annabel's blood pressure with how scardy he is.
Mirage Montresor is imo the funniest one cuz he's just a polite little gentleman, doin all the chivalry shit like opening doors, pushing chairs in and out, saying his pleases/thank yous/welcomes, he's even calling everyone "Sir" and "Ma'am". He's still an asshole, but you really gotta provoke him to see that
Tbh, I didn't think much abt Mirage Will since Will to me is kinda just there as Monty's lackey who gets kicked around. SO he's less of a pushover, more demanding, up and refuses what people tell him, bullies M! Monty, he tried bullying M! Ada and M! Morella but bro got his ass kicked. On top of it, he's unfortunately more sexist and stubborn. No more people pleasing ig 🤷‍♀️
Finally, Mirage Ada. What I wanted to do for her is have her be an absolute girlboss who is always serving 100% of the time. Everything she does is her choice and for her and her friends, and and and shes Aroace too, pretty chill when she has to reject someone just like:
"Hey i like u"
"Oh! I don't feel the same but we can still be friends?"
She also beat M! Will up, good for her
So uh, yeah! Thats all i got. If you have questions, feel free to comment or ask in the askbox. :)
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autisticaboutstufflol · 4 months
Accidental Adoptions Vinsmoke Headcanons
So Chapter 7 of Accidental Adoptions is out, and I promised Vinsmoke information! This AU for all who don't know, is Cora deciding that getting Law and the brand new baby that just got adopted into the DQ Pirates out of there is priority #1. Shenanigans occur, and now he's somehow ended up with not only Law and Dellinger, but all the Vinsmoke Siblings. Onto the headcanons!!
All Vinsmoke Siblings
They're all autistic
Are very co-dependant on each other
Distrustful of hospital environments
Reiju - 8 years old - She/Her
The second most durable out of the siblings, strong exoskeleton
Has her 'Poison Pink' abilities [Can produce poison, is immune to doses of poison that would otherwise kill regular people]
Has somewhat canon typical 'has to obey Judge's commands' modification built in [If she hears Judge's voice telling her to do something, she has to obey]
Heals the second quickest
Enjoys gardening
Helping Law out with removing the Amber Lead from his system
Ichiji - 6 years old - He/Him
Has implants in his eyes and hands to allow him to channel his red energy blasts easier
Can see further/see more detail + in fun visions [x-ray, night vision, can see shrimp colours ect.] because of these eye implants
Can't cry any more because of said implants
Least emotional due to experimentation, but is still far ahead of his canon version in terms of emotions
Likes navigation, and has essentially declared himself default captain/navigator on the ship
Niji - 6 years old - He/Him
Heals the quickest due to a combination of experimentation and a strong exoskeleton
Has super speed, which connects into the electricity powers [electricity goes fast]
Electricity powers [Can produce electric blasts from his hands, did not need implants like Ichiji because his exoskeleton was stronger]
Speaks really quickly because of his speed, sometimes forgets that not everyone processes the world like he does
Also has insane hearing
Has gotten very good at sewing because he's basically so quick he's a sewing machine. Also enjoys drawing
Sanji - 6 years old - He/Him (for now)
Most emotional out of his siblings
Has a weak exoskeleton- He's still far stronger than any normal child, but doesn't have the same invulnerability his siblings do
Does have some minor invisibility modifications [can only make parts of himself invisible if he strains himself or if he's stressed, will go full invisible if he's terrified ect.]
Everyone thinks he's got a secret extra genetic modification to talk to animals because he just makes friends with small animals constantly [He has four pet rats, Eloise, Yumi, Polly and Theia]
Loves to cook and make friends with animals
Yonji - 6 years old - He/Him
The most durable of the siblings, his exoskeleton is very strong
Both arms are half mechanical, a commenter (shout out to KitsuneNee_chan) made a remark that it reminded them of Nebula from GOTG, and I totally agree with that.
His physical modifications worked the best out of all the siblings, has had super strength since he was a baby
Has very bad sensory issues, has caused millions of berri in property damage while overstimulated
Isn't too sure what he likes to do, but absolutely loves sweet food and listening to the radio
BONUS!! X Drake Headcanons for this fic
Drake - 16 years old - He/Him
Very jumpy/skittish
An okay cook, is teaching Sanji how to use salt and pepper in moderation while making things
Good at fishing
Thinks that every zoan fruit user also has a personification of their corresponding zoan animal in their head that talks to them and will take full control when they morph into their full animal forms. He is wrong. He is mentally ill [blasts him with the OSDD1b beam]
Is very protective of the kids of the rag-tag orphanage ship that Cora has somehow gathered
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lycankeyy · 11 days
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Ref for my AU version of Boyfriend :] trivia/random fun facts under the cut
He's roughly 6'4 and the same height as this universe's Darnell
He's autistic and has ADHD, he also suffers PTSD after the events of The World's Worst Middle School Reunion
His favorite food (and samefood) is mcnuggets with spicy buffalo sauce. His comfort food is spicy pork ramen from a restaurant he used to go to with his sister as a child.
BF is his parents' only biological child. Both his siblings were adopted later on in life, so he acts as their older brother despite being the middle child; Miku is three years older (currently 22) and Ritz is six years younger (currently 13).
His favorite animals are rats because of his younger brother. He doesn't really understand that Ritz is genetically modified though and that most rats aren't that friendly.
He's mildly scared of the dark and hates sleeping alone. This is a recent development.
He despises wireless earbuds with every fiber of his being.
He loves bad movies. He's prone to forcing people to watch infamously bad films and YouTube channels against their will.
He learned to cook because both GF and Pico had very bad eating habits, which eventually kicked him into caring about his own. He got Really into it. He practically trained his partners to immediately stop what they're doing to taste test for him.
The angry faic on his hat, the prohibition symbol on his shirt, and the velcro straps on his shoes were all mods made by him. He keeps wanting to do more stuff like this, but he always wears the same clothes.
His tattoo was done by Nene.
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moonliteve · 6 months
My headcanons for the deadly alliance before being recruited by Damashi
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cw suicide mention
some of these r inspired by my friends' hcs ily cicada and leonarnd!!! <33
born in an impoverished village near the seaside
his mother had him at a pretty young age
she wasn't the best nor the most loving but she did care about him, she tried to be the best for him even though it was really difficult to do so on her own
mama shang had to teach him basic survival skills
however she committed suicide when he was around 16-17
shang wasn't left with much but in his late teenage years he had gained an interest in alchemy along with some biology
sold what he had to get his caravan, he knew he wouldn't be able to survive if he stayed in one place
at first he did try to plan out an honest living but he realized that he could just. cheat and lie? so he came up with the whole hack salesman thing
"a living? it is barely survival" so what if it doesn't work. so what if he kills a few people. as long as he's getting by
he stays in his caravan a lot and doesn't go outside unless he absolutely has to (eg to gather ingredients n stuff). the inside is a complete mess, it's not like he doesn't want to clean it he just doesn't see the point if everything is just going to revert to a mess once again
he does not care if he's gonna die tomorrow and doesn't care for any consequences
and of course he longs for more but in the conditions he's in right now? don't even think about it
until damashi steps in and offers him a chance
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born in the mines to parents who didn't want him, was a complete accident
his father died in a mining accident shortly after he turned 5
grew up to resent the world since his mother almost didn't care at all and barely treated him like her son
started working w/ the rest of the miners around 13
autistic + really awkward + no confidence at all
barely interacted with anyone else, not like he wanted to anyways
always just went about doing his job everyday even though it fucking sucks
the others always thought he was an odd one since he almost never talks and just stares and observes a lot
resulted in him always being picked on and nobody really put a stop to it until it gets out of hand
outside of work he would rather spend his time alone
killed his mom when he was around 17. He thought about taking the easy way out and just bash her head in or smth at first but he didn't want to raise any suspicion since ppl knew about the mutual disdain him and his mother had for each other
eventually ended up poisoning her
that was when he first piqued damashi's interest, he doesn't approach him yet though as he wants to observe him more
around the same time he discovered he had an aptitude for magic and had been practicing it in his own time in secret, he couldn't do any crazy stuff yet though
possibly inherited from his father? maybe he was some kind of mage who was thrown into the mines because of some hard labor sentence
and liu kang let him keep this power as he wished for him to use it to aid the slave revolt
when he first heard about his fellow miners planning a revolt he didn't think much of it. he didn't want to have anything to do with them anyways
had he actually had a good relationship with the others he might've had considered helping, but as time passed he decided to snitch. not only to raise his station but also out of spite for how he was treated
late at night the same group of ppl tried to kill him a few days after he ratted them out, although he was strong and had a bit of magic to defend himself he was overpowered until damashi intervened and saved him
he made a complete mess out of the others, blood everywhere
it terrified quan chi at first. he had never seen such power before and he was almost certain he was next before damashi offered him his aid and power
he was hesitant to trust this stranger at first but having seen what he could do it was impossible to refuse
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and that's how the alliance came to be :) tysm for reading!
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dakotac0le · 1 month
Should I start listening to jrwi?/gen if so where should I start ?
OH YOOO !!!! I mean yes absoutlyllly jrwi r the silliests ever absoulslty. i started watching and now my brain hurts forever an di have been cursed. Join me dear mutual . Where to start uHHH perosnally id recomend blood in the bayou (bitb) cause rhats the shortest campaign (4 eps) and easily digestable. thr first ep is up on thier yourube and the rest is paywalled by patreon for 5 bucks a month but . Theres always other options . Wink wink nudge nudge to be noted abt bitb tho : Deffo got a lot of horror gore fuckery and drug usage jsut ^^ heads up and whatnot
annother one that exists is the sucking and i have no feelings abt it whatsoever. Or about aurthur bennet resident loser or about shilo residnt loser or about emizel resisdnt badass losser. I love them all so bad and the npcs r . Iconic. So iconic. This is the vampire campaign !!!!! Its peak sillysims ( and also quite a lot of horror esque elements here its the vampire campaign so also blood and gore and whatnot ykyk) The first 5 eps r up on yt for free and the rest r on patreon and theres no other way to watch it at all whatsoverr
BUT !!! If u dont vibe w wiether of those or horror is not ur speed theres a v swag campaign currently running (3 eps in and next ep come sout this sayurday !!) called Wonderlust highly recomend theres a gay frat boy , weird autistic rat and Blink (loser) (affectionite) . Its up on youthbe on thier chanel for free and its very funky fresh UHHHH theres also riptide !! The big one . tbh i havent ever watched it all the way thro cause theres sm eps and its veyr intimidating bUT i hear great things and ep 114 is sick as fuck to watch even w out the larger campign (same w ep 52 and 53) basiscally weird found family pirates love whatver theyve got going on AND that campaign is compeltly free up on thier yoruube
and the one u have probaly seen rbed the most by me is apothieosis aka weird gods lore . religion . canon gay sex . miserable robots. Like . Neon evangelion but WORSE !! (Patreon exclusive but not nessaraly :3) this is proably my favorite campaign its jsut. Brain altered .
AND THE OTHER one that i am normal abt and doesnt . Kill u . Dead. is prime defenders !!! Akaa !!! The one im veye nromal abt !!!!! normalll !!!!! This ones . Ahhhhhh uh hard to get into potentially erm . Theyre quite cringe but take my hand dearest mutual thecringe is apart of it they r cringe loser teenage superheros trying thier best. It also goes from cringe lighthearted cartoon physics to AH FUCK verrry fast and suddenly everything is . Bad. IF u like superheros or discussions on morality of kilkign people or father figures or being . Very . Very sad. I cant recomend enough !!!!!!! I mean i dont and dont watch this this one hurts physically and mentally and spirtually and bibblically and. GRRRR (this ones also technically patreon exclusive)
If u enjoy absousllty any of this i do recomend joining patreon if u have the ablity cause theres a loot of sick stuff up there including a mini campaign called tmk im v obbsesed w . And unforutnalty idk how to pirate thta uhhHh the world of tmk is slowly worming its way up to being one my faves tho and the story is great so !! Yk !!!
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shiveringgroovy · 7 months
Got any RITHOTD headcanons?
YES SIR/MA'AM/ENTITY OF THE SLOP I DO!!!!!! spoiler they're all autistic and i'm gonna project onto fyodor like nobody's business
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Class 2 Autism with debilitating executive dysfunction (no i don't take criticism i know damn well that weirdboy can't get shit done. sincerely someone with class 1 autism and debilitating executive dysfunction)
Paranoid Schizophrenia with religious delusions
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
REALLY picky about sensory stimuli
Can't Stand: spicy food, mushy textures, dried mud and paint, velcro, hot environments, having dry hands, overwhelmingly sweet scents/tastes, the smell, texture, and taste of blood
Really Likes: soft/long hair, smooth textures, wood smells, carbonated drinks (listen idk why but i think as soon as shit like monster energy was released he was INSANE)
REALLY loves nature, but doesn't interact with it often
Favorite Animals: Rats, Spiders, Roaches, Tardigrades, Cats
Really poor eyesight, needs glasses but hates having things on his face
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Class 1 Autism
ADHD with major executive dysfunction
Major Depressive Disorder
Also really picky about sensory stimuli
Hates loud noises and scraping sounds in specific. wears earplugs/covers his ears with his coat hood to block out some noise
Not a huge nature fan, but likes most rodents and canines
Had a service dog for a while, probably a boxer or a doberman
Uses a cane, but would prefer crutches
Listens to classic rock like a fucking NERD. probably has a last.fm account too. someone introduce him to goreshit
he's my babygirl.
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Class 2 Autism
World's most normal Throbbing Gristle fan (the band)
Loves nature, especially invertebrates
Favorite Animals: Roaches, Beetles, Isopods, Centipedes
Stims by blinking rapidly, cracking his joints, and throwing rocks around like a cat toy for himself
Stands with his feet crossed and twisted to keep his balance
Often manipulates the ground below him to keep his balance as well, it pisses Pushkin off because he ends up falling
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people seem to forget this guy (was) in the rats blehhhhh (i like him :3)
Class 1 Autism
Owns exotic animals (macaws, old-world tarantulas, axolotls, etc)
Music taste varies. He'll listen to "whatever" but still skip through a ton of songs to get to one he likes
The worst backseat driver of all time
Has trouble regulating his voice volume, normally very loud
Has kept hundreds of diaries, this guy doesn't play about journalling.
Loves brightly-colored things
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Borderline Personality Disorder
Really good at baking and cooking
He literally CANNOT stand up after a fight because fym he intentionally loses that blood????
I'm ngl I was never interested in this guy
Cat and dog lover, hates invertebrates and considers them "dirty"
He's a total lightweight trust me. has one drink and starts sobbing
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doctorwyvern · 9 months
been feeling sick recently. anyway headcanon time!
totally not just doing this to avoid my wips
Kyborg (the mighty)
he keeps an author morgan style journal with little doodles and stuff. not saying they’re good but he does it anyway. definitely helped him keep track of everything when he was in the evirwinter woods
chronic pain haver
chronic pain DENIER. will push through it (even if he hurts himself stupidly)
so so painfully stubborn. dude you can take a break no one is gonna judge you homie stop being so tense
i personally hc that elves can choose to sleep or to trance and kyborg exclusively trances so never dreams
if/when he does fully sleep he has very vivid dreams
his hair is super long and he does his best to keep it combed and neat
however sometimes he doesn’t take care of himself and it can easily turn into a greasy rats nest
but most times he just keeps it down or in a half updo
and when he’s extra attentive he decorates it just like he and his family would.
worlds best social cue misser
sooo mentally ill. later on he talks with dr ahem and they develop a friendship. they meet up when not on missions and kinda just talk
this makes dr ahems confession a million times worse btw
professional hater
and transmasc
never ever takes off his cape. it’s nice and heavy on his shoulders and back and he likes that
very expressionless and kinda blunt
also misinterprets social cues but instead of spouting nonsense hes confused by other peoples nonsense (does this make sense?)
runs from his problems (literally and metaphorically)
would rather die then ever confront his family ever
he is so neurological disabled to me.
he’s always had memory problems all throughout his life, but shaman seuss definitely messed up his brain worse with those memory rocks
has a hard time telling his fake memories from his real memories
sometimes forgets clay was never real because of his fake memories
chronic headaches. maybe from those enchanted rocks,? they get worse after his arc
his bag is soo full of random cool (non magical) rocks he finds
sometimes super loud (especially when he’s excited) and gets embarrassed about it
he was brought up as a royal and is sometimes too weirdly formal
hates loud sounds so bad. covers / pulls on his ears when it’s too loud
Bart! Bart! Bart!
coolest sideburns in the west
i know his canon design has him barefoot but i reject that. this man wears leather boots
hopeless romantic
soo queer. just in all the ways. pansexual and gender-fluid because he can’t decide for shit
Expert navigator! can get around anywhere
definitely nosy. digs into stuff that is none of his business
drama lover
scarily good with a dagger
also keeps a journal but mostly for doodling cool people he sees when he’s out and about
extremely patient. he’s like a saint
also loyal, especially to gum gum
when he was done sailing on the jebadiah he immediately set out to find gum gum again
he was fiercely protective of gum gum in the orphanage
doenst understand sheet music
but he’s a musical master. he can make up songs anytime with anything
very craft. after all he fashioned himself a little lute and taught himself to sing
tries to be very non judgmental (ahem ahem he’s like the only one who tries to be nice to slique)
for the longest time he thought his parents didn’t care about him but he was ECSTATIC to meat omar and tsimsun
Gum Gum!!!
has a big book of flowers (with pictures!)
knows how to hand sew and patches his own clothes (albeit a little haphazardly)
when he was younger he would genuinely believe anyhting you told him about his parents
that’s why he never looked for his mom because someone told him she died
constantly imagining what his dad could look like
honestly refuses to casually take his hat off
bart has to struggle to get him to take care of his hair because of this
he has super thick hair and hates to get it cut so he has a weird mullet going on
heavy sleeper + snores
sometimes he just likes to sit back when people are talking and listen
sometimes nonverbal
also autistic (perhaps med support needs?)
haates it when he thinks people aren’t taking him seriously
has a gnarly dog bite scar on his arm from when he was younger ( 👀 ! )
wears the same coat and hat all the time
picky eater
bart always helps to accommodate him and is patient when he tries to speak. this means so much to me btw. they are literally brothers
talks in a like funny way. idk how to explain this he just does this in canon.
sometimes repeats the words he hears
i forget what this is called
i have a fever as i’m typing this so i hope it’s comprehensive. OK BYE
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lilithsterrarium · 1 month
imagine you live in a world where micros exist, and some people will keep them as pets. but 99% of the time, they horrifically abuse them, treating them like pests or objects rather than beloved family pets. most micros just put up with it, since even though it sucks it gives them a place to live and food to eat. but some micros, like you, instead live in the streets, eating crumbs, trying not to get stepped on while you sleep or attacked by animals five times your size, and living in discarded bags or whatever little hideout you can find.
so when you meet another tiny girl one day, and she tells you about how lovely her owner is, how well she treats micros, and that she's always open to accepting new strays, you're ecstatic. this girl looks so clean and groomed, so beautiful and well-dressed, unlike any other micro you've met. it's not like people normally make clothes in your size, besides ones for dolls, so your "clothes" are more akin to tattered scraps of fabric. and when she talks about her master, you can see a dreamy look in her eyes, like there's nothing she loves more. she's definitely telling the truth.
but your heart falls when you hear how far she lives. it's only four blocks away, but that's a really long distance for a little speck like you to walk! not to mention, it gives you a million chances to get stepped on or run over by someone distracted or not looking down. but food's been getting scarce ever since a new anti-littering law went into place to reduce the increasing population of pests like rats and roaches. (and micros, but nobody says that part out loud.) so you decide the risk is worth taking.
the journey does not go smoothly. doing the math, it would take around 11 hours with no breaks, but you're starving and can't walk very far for very long, so it's more like three days. (everyone say thank you anon for doing the math, you are so cool and autistic)
on the first day you get kicked hard by a jogger into the middle of a road, where you luckily land on the yellow middle line and aren't immediately run over by a vehicle. sustaining the injuries from the kick, it's incredibly hard to make it back to the side of the road without getting mowed down by a driver not paying close attention.
the second day, you have an incident with a bird, who is very interested in pecking at you like a particularly loud worm, and you barely escape.
by the third day, you're so completely exhausted that you barely even care when a group of thugs corners you into an alley and take turns pissing on you, jeering that "aw, you're barely even fighting, you must like it! what a fucking pervert!" but you know you're so close to finally being able to have a nice owner you ignore the way it makes your skirt tent up a little. you just dry off as best you can and keep moving.
finally, finally, you get to the door. it's got a second buzzer down at your height, which is promising, but you still have to put your entire small weak body into pushing it hard enough to chime. you hear a shout, then after a few seconds hear footsteps approaching, and then the door opens.
looking up, you are greeted by a huge hairy woman in a food and sweat-stained hoodie, paired with a skirt and tight panties that leaves nothing to the imagination for someone with such a low vantage point. you're instantly hit with the terrible stench of sweat, body odor, girl musk, and something else you can't quite place. maybe a bit of piss too, but that might just be from your still-damp clothes. it fucking reeks, and you're saying that when you've lived in literal garbage.
the woman smiles a predatory grin at you, and coos at you.
"oh, what a cutie! you'll make a great addition to my collection."
then you look past her, at your own eye level, and something is clearly wrong. instead of a bunch of happy micros all done up in doll clothes and relaxing in luxury, you see them all completely naked, slavishly working away at various (mostly gross) tasks, but all smiling widely, like it's the most fun they've ever had. on top of that, some are dripping wet or drooling precum as they work, a few even stopping for a moment from working to touch themselves. your stomach sinks with dread. this can't be the right house.
you don't even have the chance to stammer out a profuse apology and turn around before your vision is blocked by a headset, a fellow micro giggling "welcome home~" into your ear as she secures it around you head. your vision is instantly bombarded with spirals and flashing lights, and strange noises playing in your ears. you realize you can't move a muscle.
that is, except for your cock, which is suddenly rock hard. but you're finding it increasingly hard to think about what's going on, or care about what's happening to you. all you can think about is how horny you are. somewhere in the back of your head you can feel a dozen tiny hands on your body guiding you through the door into the house, taking off your dirty rags, every so often rubbing over your tits and dick, sometimes squeezing them and making you even more aroused. but it's all droned out by the spirals in front of your eyes. it's all you can think about, the pretty spirals, and how fucking horny you are. until you start hearing whispers in the noise playing in your ears, whispers of how much you love to serve your master, how much you love her gross smell, how much being her slave turns you on. images of the woman - no, your master - flash across your vision. you moan and writhe, calling out for your new master, even though you can't hear yourself doing it. somewhere in your subconscious, barely, you feel yourself submerged in soapy water and cleaned off.
then all of a sudden the headset is off, your beautiful new owner in front of you, holding you between her fingers, holy shit you need to serve her so badly. you need to let every last ounce of freewill leak out of your tiny little head. you need to give up all control to her. you need it more than you need air to breathe. you listen with rapt attention as she speaks to you.
"are you ready to become my brainless incon drone, slave?"
"yes!!" you can't help yourself from nearly screaming in eagerness.
"you ready to give up all your thoughts, cum them out of your little dick?"
"yeeeesssss!!!! pleeeease~~"
"then cum. cum for mommy."
"ohhhh fuuuuck, moMMMYYYYYY!!!" you scream as you orgasm harder than you ever have in your entire life, rope after rope of cum spewing out of your cock. and with it goes the last sliver of free will you had left, all your thoughts and memories. you belong to your master now. all you know is your master. you don't need to know anything else, you just have to obey her.
as your last spurt of cum falls, she unceremoniously drops you to the ground among the other incon drones that will be your new sisters.
"clean that shit up," she barks at the group of you, which you all unthinkingly obey without question, leaping to start licking up the mess.
"actually... you come back here." she grabs at you, squeezing the air out of your lungs, but you don't care. you'd do anything for her. "i've got a special job for you."
you're back on your old street, looking at the horrible conditions you used to live in. how could you have lived like this? everything in the world is just so dull and depressing without mommy, you can't imagine spending a day away from her! but right now you're on a mission, done up in a pretty outfit and makeup, completely clean of the dirt and grime you're so used to being covered in. then, you see it. another cute incon girl in the shadows, pushing open the lid of a takeout container she must live in and stepping out in search of food.
you can't wait to tell her about your new owner.
Oh my god, this is absolutely perfect... I need so, SO badly to be broken in, I need to know my place, I need to be hypnotized into a dumb, drooling slut for my wonderful owner.....
Just imagining everything is SO good... tiny body barely covered up in scraps and rags, a faded logo adorning my "top" as I scramble to find food... as much as I have a fetish for being beneath my betters, I also want to stay alive- so I scavenge and scavenge, I hide, I try my best to keep moving...
My body is frail and malnourished, covered in grease and trash, eventually stained in piss- seeing another little micro with such serene beauty is like looking at something truly alien...
The journey is so long, and every few hours I question if its worth it- but I convince myself its worth it, that I'd be happy with an owner thats nice to me, that I want more than this life... GOD
hdbsbmdjf anon you just described my dream owner oh my GOD
Taking in my shivering, barely clad, soaking body, making me a good pet- making sure to make me the perfect little pet...
I'll be so good for her!! All resistence will leak out of my pretty little skull... I'll recruit so many other girls, I'll do everything she asks, I'll work so hard to please her!!! I would be concerned with being her favorite, but its awfully hard to think about that when I can barely think at all...... just pretty spirals and a drooling, needy pet, all dolled up and so, SO happy to serve~
Just imagining giving other tiny girls the most pitying looks, telling them how amazing my owner is, how she's practically divine, utterly perfect- how I don't deserve her! They can look in my eyes, they'll see its true... but I don't think they'll ever see how little there really is behind them~
No more scrambling for food, no more being pissed on, no more fighting pests for scraps- all I have to do is be so, so good for my owner ^u^
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