#Writing him is basically like: Hello yes what's Sirius doing today?
maraudererasmut · 5 years
Black and White (Part XVIII)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX | Part XX
"Thanks for joining me for dinner!" 
Lily's voice was light and airy, her posture relaxed and her smile bright. In many ways, she was the opposite of Sirius.
Remus quickly pushed the thought from his mind, choosing to focus on the present. He still hadn't heard back from Sirius or James, and it was his goal for that evening not to bring them up in conversation. Lily was her own person; she was more than just James' wife and Sirius' friend. She needed to be treated as such. If she chose to raise the subject, Remus wouldn't be opposed to it, but he refused to ruin a fun evening with memories from last night.
"Thanks for inviting me. It's not often that I get to go out for dinner with friends."
It's not often that I can afford to.
Lily had insisted on buying Remus dinner that night, refusing to take no as an answer. She promised that Remus could return the favour once he sold his first painting at the gallery. 
"And you will sell one, trust me!"
Remus admired Lily for her optimism, even if he didn't share it. 
"This is great! I'm glad you're here!" Lily's voice broke through the fog in Remus' mind. He looked up into her emerald eyes. To Remus, they were summer. They were the bright green of rolling fields, as warm and sunny as a perfect August day, as soft and gentle as a summer breeze. He couldn't get enough of Lily's eyes. He'd have to use that colour in a painting some day. 
"Yeah… me too…"
"You seem off, Remus. What's the matter?"
Remus' gaze drifted down to his hands. Was he that obvious? Was his face betraying all of his emotions?
"I'm fine. Really. Let's just have a fun evening talking about art."
"You sure?" Lily sounded concerned as she reached a hand across the table and placed it gently over Remus'. "I'm here if you need to talk… does it have anything to do with what happened the other day?"
Remus looked up and furrowed his brow. How much did Lily know?
"What did James tell you?" He asked suspiciously, a subtle grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. Lily smiled in return.
"He said you had a painting for us and that Sirius flipped when he found out. Which was stupid, because Sirius can be a jealous twat sometimes."
Remus' grin grew wider.
"Yeah… that just about sums him up."
Lily chuckled, removing her hand from Remus' and brushing a loose strand of auburn behind her ear. 
"He's more than that, though, despite what the past few weeks have shown you…"
Remus responded with a laugh of his own, recalling the look in Sirius' eyes at the coffee shop. He had seemed so apologetic, so genuine, so different from the gallery owner version of Sirius. 
"I don't doubt that…"
“I’m sorry about him, by the way. I swear, he’s not usually like this. He’s a really nice guy…”
Remus laughed affectionately at Lily's embarrassment. 
“You don’t need to apologize oh his behalf. It’s fine, I get it. Anyway, he… he actually apologized himself. It was… kind of sweet…" Remus' mind flickered briefly to the previous night. "Well… Until he ran away, that is…”
“Ran away?” Lily quirked a brow at Remus, suddenly confused. Lily must not have heard about that part of the evening. 
“Yeah, we had met up at my work last night and chatted a bit. Things were going fine, but he kind of got super upset all of a sudden and left the coffee shop without a word. I…" Remus' eyes drifted to his phone, sitting upside down at the edge of the table. "I haven’t heard from him since.” 
“Oh no… that’s awful…" Lily's face was a cross between pity and concern. Her shoulders dropped and here eyes grew wide. "Do… do you remember what it was that made him upset?”
Remus shrugged. Did he?
“Sort of? He had left me this… voicemail. It was kind of cute, actually, not gonna lie. He had gotten drunk and called and just started talking about how he wanted to talk with me. It really wasn’t a big deal, but it seemed to throw him for a loop…" Remus noticed a distinct flash of panic on Lily's face and his shoulders stiffened. "What? What is it, Lily?”
Lily pursed her lips, speaking more to herself than to Remus.
“That explains a lot…”
“What does it explain? What’s going on?” Remus leaned forward anxiously. Lily seemed to have some answers to the questions that Remus had been asking himself all day. 
“Yesterday… Sirius called James… He was really stressed…”
“What did I do?”
Lily reached across the table again, giving Remus' hand a little squeeze.
“Nothing! Oh, Remus, you did nothing wrong, I promise. This is… well, it’s complicated…”
Remus chewed his lip, pondering how much he should press the subject. 
“Is it… something you’re allowed to share with me?”
Lily let out a sigh, pulling herself away from Remus and gazing down at the napkin in her lap.
“It’s a very long story…”
“We’ve got a long dinner…”
Lily smiled gently, that frustrating look of pity ever present. 
“Well… it started when Sirius was young. You… you know he’s not close with his family, right?”
The conversation from the previous evening reverberated in Remus' mind.
“Yeah, he mentioned that last night. I didn’t realize…”
“Yeah…" Lily let out a soft sigh before continuing. "When they were teenagers, Sirius ran away from home and went to live with James. James’ parents basically adopted Sirius. The boys have been inseparable ever since.”
“Wow… I had no idea…” Remus didn't realize the extent of Sirius and James' relationship. He knew they were close, but from the way Lily was describing it, the boys were practically brothers. It was no wonder Sirius was so jealous of James and Remus' budding friendship.
“Anyway…" Lily continued. "One of the main reasons that Sirius left was his parents. They were… well, they were cruel to him. They drank. A lot. It… never ended well…”
“Shit… I’m… That...that sucks…” Remus didn't know what else to say. He wasn't entirely sure there was anything to say. How does a person respond when they find out someone they know had a rough childhood?
“Yeah…" Lily agreed, keeping here eyes averted. She shrugged her shoulders and continued her explanation. "When Sirius left, his younger brother stayed home. He became their prodigal son, the son that the Black family always wanted. He took after his father in many ways… Including the alcohol." Lily picked up the glass of water in front of her and brought it to her lips, taking a long, slow sip, as if to regain her composure. "A few years ago, Regulus… that’s Sirius’ brother… he went to rehab, joined AA, decided to make a change in his life. It was really great. We got a lot closer with him… the boys reconnected… Then about a year ago…”
Lily paused. Emerald eyes sparkled with lingering tears, threatening to fall at any moment. Remus felt a lump in his throat and stinging in his eyes as he imagined how difficult this must be for Lily to recount. 
“You don’t have to keep going…”
Lily wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and smiled up at Remus. 
“No, no, it’s fine. It’s just… a bit hard to talk about." She let out a strained laugh, trying to sound casual. "A year ago, Regulus got into a huge fight with his parents. He let himself go that night, relapsing, falling back to his old habits and coping mechanisms… He… he got into an accident.”
“Shit…"  That seemed to be the only word Remus knew that evening. "Is he…” Remus trailed off, unsure how to phrase his question. Lily caught on to what he was asking. 
“He’s alive… he’s just… not the same." Lily took another drink of water, preparing herself for what came next. "The accident left him unable to do a lot of the things he used to… he turned bitter… claimed he was broken. We’re not as close as we once were. Every time we try to reconnect, he pulls further away. Sirius and Regulus haven’t spoken in months... “
“God… that awful….”
Remus couldn't imagine the pain and struggle that Sirius had gone through. Being an only child, Remus knew he would never fully comprehend Sirius' situation and the hurt he experienced.
“Sirius stopped drinking after the accident. He still has a glass of wine on occasion, a pint of beer, but he hasn’t gone out, gotten drunk, in almost an entire year.”
Remus closed his eyes, knowing exactly why Sirius had left the cafe in such a panic.
“Until two nights ago…”
“Until two nights ago.” 
“And then I brought it up in conversation. Fuck, I’m such an idiot.”
Lily reached forward, gripping Remus' hand firmly. She looked him straight in the eyes, penetrating his defenses.
“You’re not an idiot, Remus. You didn’t know.” She said it with such conviction, Remus almost believed it. 
“...It was my fault,” Remus mumbled to himself.
“How was it your fault?”
“We got into a fight. He… he must have drank because he was angry at me. I made him so mad that he—”
“Stop." Lily's tone was harsh as her grasp on Remus' hand tightened. "Listen to me: this is not your fault. Sirius made a mistake. That’s on him. He’s struggling with it right now, but that doesn’t make it your fault. The best thing we can do is support him and be there for him.”
“I guess…”
“No. There’s no “I guess”, Remus. This is not your fault. You need to know that…” 
Remus heard Lily's words, but his mind kept racing back to their argument in his flat.
“But if he hadn’t—”
“No. Stop it. None of that. Remus, you and Sirius have had a bit of a strained relationship thus far, but he really does enjoy your company. I can assure you of that. You just have to be understanding that he might be a bit off for the next while. Just… be there if he needs you and he’ll reach out to you when he’s ready… Okay?” 
Lily looked so earnest, it was hard to argue with her. She seemed to believe that none of this was because of Remus, despite the evidence to the contrary. How could she be so sure?
“Yeah…" Remus muttered, knowing that there was no point in arguing against the feisty woman before him. "Yeah, okay.”
“Good. Don’t worry, Remus. He’s not mad at you.”
Remus raised an eyebrow skeptically at Lily.
“You sure?” 
“Positive. He doesn’t see this as your fault at all. As far as he’s concerned, he’s worried that he upset you.”
“What? Upset me? How? Why would he think that?"
“That’s what I keep telling him. Now we just have to wait for him to believe me. Things will be fine in a few days. The dust will settle and you two will be able to get back to… whatever it is that you call normal…”
Remus felt himself smile despite the situation.
What was normal these days anyway?
“I… I hope it can be a bit better than that…”
“Yeah, Sirius had been a bit of a prick lately," Lily said with a grin, the humour finally returning to her expression. "Well then, hopefully things can get better than normal… For both of you.”
"Yeah… hopefully…"
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bringbackthebastard · 3 years
Bring Back the Bastard Daily Prompts
Hello, folks! I'm posting these two weeks before we begin our fest, on September 1st, to give folks some inspiration on what to write each day as we celebrate Severus Snape's pettiest, most dastardly moments. I specifically picked out moments Snaters always harp on, that Snapedom personally enjoys--from any moment with Trevor to bitching at Lupin at Sirius, to the moments that Lily turns away and Dumbledore's face flashes with disgust--sure, he's a bastard, but he's our bastard, and that's what we like about him. You don't want him? Good. We'll keep him. Here are 30 scene prompts for 30 days--it's a long list, pulled chronologically from all seven books, but I found that it reminded me of everything I love about this character. The moments where he's called deranged, the moments where he slips into all-caps, the ugliest moments of the soul. Hope yall enjoy. Excited to kick off the fest starting September 1st, and absolutely excited to see what Snapedom will do. Let's Bring Back the Bastard! The prompts are below the readmore.
Day 1: The Scar Professor Quirrell, in his absurd turban, was talking to a teacheer with greasy black hair, a hooked nose, and sallow skin. It happened very suddenly. The hook-nosed teacher looked past Quirrell's turban straight into Harry's eyes--and a sharp, hot pain shot across the scar on Harry's forehead. "Ouch!" Harry clapped a hand to his head. "What is it?" asked Percy. "N-nothing." The pain had gone as quickly as it had come. Harder to shake off was the feeling Harry had gotten from the teacher's look--a felling that he didn't like Harry at all. "Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" he asked Percy. "Oh, you know Quirrell already, do you? No wonder he's looking so nervous, that's Professor Snape. He teaches Potions, but he doesn't want to--everyone knows he's after Quirrell's job. Knows an awful lot about the Dark Arts, Snape."
Day 2: Bad Impressions Snape, like Flitwick, started the class by taking the roll call, and like Flitwick, he paused at Harry's name. "Ah, yes," he said softly. "Harry Potter. Our new--celebrity."
Day 3: Potions Class "Potter!" said Snape suddenly "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of what? Harry glanced at Ron, who looked as stumped as he was; Hermione's hand shot into the air. "I don't know, sir," said Harry. Snape's lips curled into a sneer. "Tut, tut--fame clearly isn't everything."
Day 4: A Horrible Sight Snape and Filch were inside, alone. Snape was holding his robes above his knees. One of his legs was bloody and mangled. Filch was handing Snape bandages. "Blasted thing," Snape was saying. "How are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?" Harry tried to shut the door quietly, but-- "POTTER!" Snape's face was twisted with fury as he dropped his robes quickly to hide his leg. Harry gulped. "I just wondered if I could have my book back." "GET OUT! OUT!"
Day 5: Maybe He's Ill "Hang on..." Harry muttered to Ron. "There's an empty chair at the staff table...Where's Snape?" Professor Severus Snape was Harry's least favorite teacher. Harry also happened to be Snape's least favorite student. Cruel, sarcastic, and disliked by everybody except the students from his own House (Slytherin), Snape taught Potions. "Maybe he's ill!" said Ron hopefully. "Maybe he's left," said Harry, "because he missed out on the Defense Against the Dark Arts job again!" "Or he might have been sacked!" said Ron enthusiastically. "I mean, everyone hates him--" "Or maybe," said a very cold voice right behind them, "he's waiting to hear why you two didn't arrive on the school train."
Day 6: Slytherin Takes the Field "But I booked the field!" said Wood, positively spitting with rage. "But I booked it!" "Ah," said Flint. "But I've got a specially signed note here from Professor Snape. 'I, Professor S. Snape, give the Slytherin team permission to practice today on the Quidditch field owing to the need to train their new Seeker.'"
Day 7: No Quidditch For You! "I suggest, Headmaster, that Potter is not being entirely truthful," he said. "It might be a good idea if he were deprived of certain privileges until he is ready to tell us the whole story. I personally feel he should be taken off the Gryffindor Quidditch team until he is ready to be honest." "Really, Severus," said Professor McGonagall sharply, "I see no reason to stop the boy playing Quidditch. This cat wasn't hit over the head with a broomstick. There is no evidence at all that Potter has done anything wrong." Dumbledore was giving Harry a searching look. His twinkling light-blue gaze made Harry feel as though he were being X-rayed. "Innocent until proven guilty, Severus," he said firmly. Snape looked furious.
Day 8: Expelliarmus! "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape," said Lockhart, flashing a wide smile. "He tells me he knows a tiny little bit about dueling himself and has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration before we begin. Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry--you'll still have your Potions master when I'm through with him, never fear!" "Wouldn't it be good if they finished each other off?" Ron muttered in Harry's ear. Snape's upper lip was curling. Harry wondered why Lockhart was still smiling; if Snape had been looking at *him* like that he'd have been running as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Lockhart and Snape turned to face each other and bowed; at least, Lockhart did, with much twirling of his hands, whereas Snape jerked his head irritably. Then they raised their wands like swords in front of them. "As you see, we are holding our wands in the accepted combative position," Lockhart told the silent crowd. "On the count of three, we will cast our fist spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course." "I wouldn't bet on that," Harry murmured, watching Snape baring his teeth. "One--two--three--" Both of them swung their wands above their heads and pointed them at their opponent; Snape cried: "Expelliarmus!" There was a dazzling flash of scarlet light and Lockhart was blasted off his feet. He flew backward off the stage, smashed into the wall, and slid down it to sprawl on the floor.
Day 9: Only Bite Him A Little Bit, Please "Don't move, Potter," said Snape lazily, clearly enjoying the sight of Harry standing motionless, eye to eye with the angry snake. "I'll get rid of it..."
Day 10: Poisoning Trevor The end of the lesson in sight, Snape strode over to Neville, who was cowering by his cauldron. "Everyone gather 'round," said Snape, his black eyes glittering, "and watch what happens to Longbottom's toad. If he has managed to produce a Shrinking Solution, it will shrink to a tadpole. If, as I don't doubt, he has done it wrong, his toad is likely to be poisoned." The Gryffindors watched fearfully. The Slytherins looked excited. Snape picked up Trevor the toad in his left hand and dipped a small spoon into Neville's potion, which was now green. He trickled a few drops down Trevor's throat. There was a moment of hushed silence, in which Trevor gulped; then there was a small op, and Trevor the tadpole was wriggling in Snape's palm. The Gryffindors burst into applause. Snape, looking sour, pulled a small bottle from the pocket of his robe, poured a few drops on top of Trevor, and he reappeared suddenly, fully grown. "Five points from Gryffindor," said Snape, which wiped smiles from every face. "I told you not to help him, Miss Granger. Class dismissed."
Day 11: Insufferable Know-It-All Everyone sat in motionless silence; everyone except Hermione, whose hand, as it so often did, had shot straight into the air. "Anyone?" Snape said, ignoring Hermione. His twisted smile was back. "Are you telling me that Professor Lupin hasn't even taught you the basic distinction between--" "We told you," said Parvati suddenly, "we haven't got as far as werewolves yet, we're still on--" "Silence!" snarled Snape. "Well, well, well, I never thought I'd meet a third-year class who wouldn't even recognize a werewolf when they saw one. I shall make a point of informing Professor Dumbledore how very behind you all are..." "Please, sir," said Hermione, whose hand was still in the air, "the werewolf differs from the true wolf in several small ways. The snout of the werewolf--" "That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger," said Snape coolly. "Fire more points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all."
Day 12: Your Saintly Father "I would hate for you to run away with a false idea of your father, Potter," he said, a terrible grin twisting his face. "Have you been imagining some act of glorious heroism? Then let me correct you--your saintly father and his friends played a highly amusing joke on me that would have resulted in my death if your father hadn't gotten cold feet at the last moment. There was nothing brave about what he did. He was saving his own skin as much as mine. Had their joke succeeded, he would have been expelled from Hogwarts." Snape's uneven, yellowish teeth were bared.
Day 13: Don't Talk About What You Don't Understand "KEEP QUIET, YOU STUPID GIRL!" Snape shouted, looking suddenly quite deranged. "DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" A few sparks shot out of the end o his wand, which was still pointed at Black's face. Hermione fell silent. "Vengeance is very sweet," Snape breathed at Black. "How I hoped I would be the one to catch you..." "The joke's on you again, Severus," Black snarled. "As long as this boy brings his rat up to the castle" --he jerked his head at Ron-- "I'll come quietly...." "Up to the castle?" said Snape silkily. "I don't think we need to go that far. All I have to do is call the dementors once we get out of the Willow. They'll be very pleased to see you, Black...pleased enough to give you a little Kiss, I daresay...."
Day 14: A Great Disappointment "He must have Disapparated, Severus. We should have let somebody in the room with him. When this gets out--" "HE DIDN'T DISAPPARATE!" Snape roared, now very close at hand. "YOU CAN'T APPARATE *OR* DISAPPARATE INSIDE THIS CASTLE! THIS--HAS--SOMETHING--TO--DO--WITH--POTTER!" "Severus--be reasonable--Harry has been locked up--" BAM. The door of the hospital wing burst open. Fudge, Snape, and Dumbledore came striding into the ward. Dumbledore alone looked calm. Indeed, he looked as though he was quite enjoying himself. Fudge appeared angry. But Snape was beside himself. "OUT WITH IT, POTTER!" he bellowed. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" "Professor Snape!" shrieked Madam Pomfrey. "Control yourself!" "See here, Snape, be reasonable," said Fudge. "This door's been locked, we just saw--" "THEY HELPED HIM ESCAPE, I KNOW IT!" Snape howled, pointing at Harry and Hermione. His face was twisted; spit was flying from his mouth. "Calm down, man!" Fudge barked. "You're talking nonsense!" "YOU DON'T KNOW POTTER!" shrieked Snape. "HE DID IT, I KNOW HE DID IT--" "That will do, Severus," said Dumbledore quietly. "Think about what you are saying. This door has been locked since I left the war ten minutes ago. Madam Pomfrey, have these students left their beds?" "Of course not!" said Madam Pomfrey, bristling. "I would have heard them!" "Well, there you have it, Severus," said Dumbledore calmly. "Unless you are suggesting that Harry and Hermione are able to be in two places at once, I'm afraid I don't see any point in troubling them further." Snape stood there, seething, staring from Fudge, who looked thoroughly shocked at his behavior, to Dumbledore, whose eyes were twinkling behind his glasses. Snape whirled about, robes swishing behind him, and stormed out of the ward. "Fellow seems quite unbalanced," said Fudge, staring after him. "I'd watch out for him if I were you, Dumbledore." "Oh, he's not unbalanced," said Dumbledore quietly. "He's just suffered a severe disappointment."
Day 15: Haven't You Heard? "Blimey, haven' yeh heard?" said Hagrid, his smile fading a little. He lowered his voice, even though there was nobody in sight. "Er--Snape told all the Slytherins this mornin'....Thought everyone'd know by now...Professor Lupin's a werewolf, see. An' he was loose on the grounds las' night...He's packin' now, o' course."
Day 16: I See No Difference "And what is all this noise about?" said a soft, deadly voice. Snape had arrived. The Slytherins clamored to give their explanations; Snape pointed a long yellow finger at Malfoy and said, "Explain." "Potter attacked me, sir--" "We attacked each other at the same time!" Harry shouted. "--and he hit Goyle--look--" Snape examined Goyle, whose face now resembled something that would have been at home in a book on poisonous fungi. "Hospital wing, Goyle," Snape said calmly. "Malfoy got Hermione!" Ron said. "Look!" He forced Hermione to show Snape her teeth--she was doing her best to hide them with her hands, though this was difficult as they had now grown down past her collar. Pansy Parkinson and the other Slytherin girls were doubled up with silent giggles, pointing at Hermione from behind Snape's back. Snape looked coldly at Hermione, then said, "I see no difference."
Day 17: The Dark Mark Snape strode forward, past Dumbledore, pulling up the left sleeve of his robes as he went. He struck out his forearm and showed it to Fudge, who recoiled. "There," said Snape harshly. "There. The Dark Mark. It is not as clear as it was an hour or so ago, when it burned black, but you can still see it. Every Death Eater had the sign burned into him by the Dark Lord. It was a means of distinguishing one another, and his means of summoning us to him. When he touched the Mark of any Death Eater, we were to Disapparate, and Apparate, instantly, at his side. This Mark has been growing clearer all year. Karkaroff's too. Why do you think Karkaroff fled tonight? We both felt the Mark burn. We both knew he had returned. Karkaroff fears the Dark Lord's vengeance. He betrayed too many of his fellow Death Eater to be sure of a welcome back into the fold."
Day 18: If You Are Ready...If You Are Prepared... "Severus," said Dumbledore, turning to Snape, "you know what I must ask you to do. If you are ready...if you are prepared..." "I am," said Snape. He looked slightly paler than usual, and his cold, black eyes glittered strangely. "Then good luck," said Dumbledore, and he watched, with a trace of apprehension on his face, as Snape swept wordlessly after Sirius.
Day 19: Obviously "Now...how long have you been teaching at Hogwarts?" she asked, her quill poised over her clipboard. "Fourteen years," Snape replied. His expression was unfathomable. His eyes on Snape, Harry added a few drops to his potion; it hissed menacingly and turned from turquoise to orange. "You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, I believe?" Professor Umbridge asked Snape. "Yes," said Snape quietly. "But you were unsuccessful?" Snape's lip curled. "Obviously." Professor Umbridge scribbled on her clipboard. "And you have applied regularly for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post since you first joined the school, I believe?" "Yes," said Snape quietly, barely moving his lips. He looked very angry. "Do you have any idea why Dumbledore has consistently refused to appoint you?" asked Umbridge. "I suggest you ask him," said Snape jerkily. "Oh I shall," said Professor Umbridge with a sweet smile. "I suppose this is relevant?" Snape asked, his black eyes narrowed. "Oh yes," said Professor Umbridge. "Yes, the Ministry wants a thorough understanding of teachers'--er--backgrounds...." She turned away, walked over to Pansy Parkinson, and began questioning her about the lessons. Snape looked around at Harry and their eyes met for a second. Harry hastily dropped his gaze to his potion, which was now congealing foully and giving off a strong smell of burned rubber. "No marks again, then, Potter," said Snape maliciously, emptying Harry's cauldron with a wave of his wand. "You will write me an essay on the correct composition of this potion, indicating how and why you went wrong, to be handed in next lesson, do you understand?"
Day 20: Very Like His Father "How touching," Snape sneered. "But surely you have noticed that Potter is very like his father?" Yes, I have," said Sirius proudly. "Well then, you'll know he's so arrogant that criticism simply bounces off him," Snape said sleekly. Sirius pushed his chair roughly aside and strode around the table toward Snape, pulling out his wand as he went; Snape whipped out his own. They were squaring up to each other, Sirius looking livid, Snape calculating, his eyes darting from Sirius' wand-tip to his face. "Sirius!" said Harry loudly, but Sirius appeared not to hear him. "I've warned you, Snivellus," said Sirius, his face barely a foot from Snape's, "I don't care if Dumbledore thinks you've reformed, I know better." "Oh, but why don't you tell him so?" whispered Snape. "Or are you afraid he might not take the advice of a man who has been hiding inside his mother's house for six months very seriously?" "Tell me, how is Lucius Malfoy these days? I expect he's delighted his lapdog's working at Hogwarts, isn't he?" "Speaking of dogs," said Snape softly, "did you know that Lucius Malfoy recognized you last time you risked a little jaunt outside? Clever idea, Black, getting yourself seen on a safe station platform...gave you a cast-iron excuse not to leave your hidey-hole in future, didn't it?" Sirius raised his wand. "NO!" Harry yelled, vaulting over the table and trying to get in between them, "Sirius, don't--" "Are you calling me a coward?" roared Sirius, trying to push Harry out of the way, but Harry would not budge. "Why, yes, I suppose I am," said Snape.
Day 21: Wormtail's Whine "We...we are alone, aren't we?" Narcissa asked quietly. "Yes, of course. Well, Wormtail's here, but we're not counting vermin, are we?" He pointed his wand at the wall of books behind him and with a bang, a hidden door flew open, revealing a narrow staircase upon which a small man stood frozen. "As you have clearly realized, Wormtail, we have guests," said Snape lazily. The man crept, hunchbacked, down the last few steps and moved into the room. He had small, watery eyes, a pointed nose, and wore an unpleasant simper. His left hand was caressing his right, which looked as though it was encased in a bright silver glove. "Narcissa!" he said, in a squeaky voice. "And Bellatrix! How charming--" "Wormtail will get us drinks, if you'd like them," said Snape. "And then he will return to his bedroom." Wormtail winced as though Snape had thrown something at him. "I am not your servant!" he squeaked, avoiding Snape's eyes. "Really? I was under the impression that the Dark Lord placed you here to assist me." "To assist, yes--but not to make you drinks and--clean your house!" "I had no idea, Wormtail, that you were craving more dangerous assignments," said Snape silkily. "This can be easily arranged: I shall speak to the Dark Lord--" "I can speak to him if I want to!" "Of course you can," said Snape, sneering. "But in the meantime, bring us drinks. Some of the elf-made wine will do."
Day 22: A Loving Caress Snape set off around the edge of the room, speaking now in a lower voice; the class craned their necks to keep him in view. "The Dark Arts," said Snape, "are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many-headed monster, which, each time a neck is severed, sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible." Harry stared at Snape. It was surely one thing to respect the Dark Arts as a dangerous enemy, another to speak of them, as Snape was doing, with a loving caress in his voice? "Your defenses," said Snape, a little louder, "must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the arts you seek to undo. These pictures" --he indicated a few of them as he swept past-- "give a fair representation of what happens to those who suffer, for instance, the Cruciatus Curse" --he waved a hand toward a witch who was clearly shrieking in agony-- "feel the Dementor's Kiss" --a wizard lying huddled and blank-eyed, slumped against a wall-- "or provoke the aggression of the Inferius" --a bloody mass upon the ground.
Day 23: Better People "What does it matter?" said Malfoy. "Defense Against the Dark Arts--it's all just a joke, isn't it, an act? Like an of us need protecting against the Dark Arts--" "It is an act that is crucial to success, Draco!" said Snape. "Where do you think I would have been all these years, if I had not known how to act? Now listen to me! You are being incautious, wandering around at night, getting yourself caught, and if you are placing your reliance in assistants like Crabbe and Goyle--" "They're not the only ones, I've got other people on my side, better people!" "Then why not confide in me, and I can--" "I know what you're up to! You want to steal my glory!" There was another pause, then Snape said coldly, "You are speaking like a child. I quite understand that your father's capture and imprisonment has upset you, but--"
Day 24: Revulsion and Hatred Etched on His Face "Severus..." The sound frightened Harry beyond anything he had experienced all evening. For the first time, Dumbledore was pleading. Snape said nothing, but walked forward and pushed Malfoy roughly out of the way. The three Death Eaters fell back without a word. Even the werewolf seemed cowed. Snape gazed for a moment at Dumbledore, and there was revulsion and hatred etched in the harsh lines of his face. "Severus...please..." Snape raised his wand and pointed it directly at Dumbledore. "Avada Kedavra!"
Day 25: Don't Call Me Coward Mustering all his powers of concentration, Harry thought, Levi-- "No, Potter!" screamed Snape. There was a loud BANG and Harry was soaring backward, hitting the ground hard again, and this time his wand flew out of his hand. He could hear Hagrid yelling and Fang howling as Snape closed in and looked down on him where he lay, wandless and defenseless as Dumbledore had been. Snape's pale face, illuminated by the flaming cabin, was suffused with hatred just as it had been before he had cursed Dumbledore. "You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? It was I who invented them--I, the Half-Blood Prince! And you'd turn my inventions on me, like your filthy father, woudl you? I don't think so...no!" Harry had dived for his wand; Snape shot a hex at it and it flew feet away into the darkness and out of sight. "Kill me then," panted Harry, who felt no fear at all, but only rage and contempt. "Kill me like you killed him, you coward--" "DON'T--" screamed Snape, and his face was suddenly deranged, inhuman, as though he was in as much pain as the yelping, howling dog stuck in the burning house behind them-- "CALL ME COWARD!"
Day 26: The Guest Voldemort raised Lucius Malfoy's wand, pointed it directly at the slowing revolving figure suspended over the table, and gave it a tiny flick. The figure came to life with a groan and began to struggle against invisible bonds. "Do you recognize our guest, Severus?" asked Voldemort. Snape raised his eyes to the upside-down face. All of the Death Eaters were looking up at the captive now, as thought they had been given permission to show curiosity. As she revolved to face the firelight, the woman said in a cracked and terrified voice, "Severus! Help me!" "Ah, yes," said Snape as the prisoner turned slowly away again.
Day 27: I Regret It "All this long night, when I am on the brink of victory, I have sat here," said Voldemort, his voice barely louder than a whisper, "wondering, wondering why the Elder Wand refuses to be what it ought to be, refuses to perform as legend says it must perform for its rightful owner...and I think I have the answer." Snape did not speak. "Perhaps you already know it? You are a clever man, after all, Severus. You have been a good and faithful servant, and I regret what must happen." "My Lord--" "The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, Severus, because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Albus Dumbledore. While you live, Severus, the Elder Wand cannot be truly mine." "My Lord!" Snape protested, raising his wand. "It cannot be any other way," said Voldemort. "I must master the wand, Severus. Master the wand, and I master Potter at last." And Voldemort swiped the air with the Elder Wand. It did nothing to Snape, who for a split second seemed to think he had been reprieved: But then Voldemort's intention became clear. The snake's cage was rolling through the air, and before Snape could do anything more than yell, it had encased him, head and shoulders, and Voldemort spoke in Parseltongue. "Kill." There was a terrible scream. Harry saw Snape's face losing the little color it had left; it whitened as his black eyes widened, as the snake's fangs pierced his neck, as he failed to push the enchanted cage off himself, as his knees gave way and he fell to the floor. "I regret it," said Voldemort coldly.
Day 28: You Hurt Her! "Tuney!" said Lily, surprise and welcome in her voice, but Snape had jumped to his feet. "Who's spying now?" he shouted. "What d'you want?" Petunia was breathless, alarmed at being caught. Harry could see her struggling for something hurtful to say. "What is that you're wearing, anyway?" she said, pointing at Snape's chest. "Your mum's blouse?" There was a *crack*. A branch over Petunia's head had fallen. Lily screamed: The branch caught Petunia on the shoulder, and she staggered backward and burst into tears. "Tuney!" But Petunia was running away. Lily rounded on Snape. "Did you make it happen?" "No." He looked both defiant and scared. "You did!" She was backing away from him. "You *did*! You hurt her!" "No--no I didn't!" But the lie did not convince Lily: After one last burning look, she ran from the little thicket, off after her sister, and Snape looked miserable and confused....
Day 29: Save Your Breath "I'm sorry." "I'm not interested." "I'm sorry!" "Save your breath." It was nighttime. Lily, who was wearing a dressing gown, stood with her arms folded in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. "I only came out because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep here." "I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just--" "Slipped out?" There was no pity in Lily's voice. "It's too late. I've made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you. You and your precious little Death Eater friends--you see, you don't even deny it! You don't even deny that's what you're all aiming to be! You can't wait to join You-Know-Who, can you?" He opened his mouth, but closed it without speaking. "I can't pretend anymore. You've chosen your way, I've chosen mine." "No--listen, I didn't mean--" "--to call me Mudblood? But you call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I any different?" He struggled on the verge of speech, but with a contemptuous look she turned and climbed back through the portrait hole....
Day 30: Anything "If she means so much to you," said Dumbledore, "surely Lord Voldemort will spare her? Could you not ask for the mother, in exchange for the son?" "I have--I have asked him--" "You disgust me," said Dumbledore, and Harry had never heard so much contempt in his voice. Snape seemed to drink a little. "You do not care, then, about the deaths of her husband and child? They can die, as long as you have what you want?" Snape said nothing, but merely looked up at Dumbledore. "Hide them all, then," he croaked. "Keep her--them--safe. Please." "And what will you give me in return, Severus?" "In--in return?" Snape gaped at Dumbledore, and Harry expected him to protest, but after a long moment he said, "Anything."
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fruitcoops · 4 years
eve you have been killing the content game lately!!! I have a suggestion for the team to do the cut video where someone guesses their starsigns!!
This was a really interesting fic to write, since I know next to nothing about astrology! It’s also the longest I’ve spent researching for a fic--I will apologize in advance for any errors I made. All the birthdays/ signs came from Haz’s page (@lumosinlove) and SW credit belongs to her! Hope you enjoy <3
Marlene was practically bouncing as the video began. “Welcome back to Lion Pride, everyone! I’m Marlene McKinnon, and I can’t tell you how excited I am for today’s video. Would you like to introduce yourself, Elaine?”
An older woman with her graying hair piled in a bun waved to the camera. “Hello! My name is Elaine, and I’ve been studying astrology for about forty years now.”
“We’re so glad to have to here! Today’s video is going to be a guessing game with some of our Lions players, where you ask them a few questions and then match their zodiac signs.” Marlene handed her a small pile of cardboard signs with strings tied to the tops.
“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Elaine adjusted her reading glasses and flipped through the zodiac cards. “I’ve never done anything like this officially, though it’s a bit of a hobby when I people-watch. Ms. McKinnon, would I be correct in assuming you’re a Leo?”
Marlene’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Uh, yeah, actually.”
Elaine nodded. “I thought so. Alright, where do I start?”
Marlene waved off-screen and seven young men walked in, lining up in a semi-circle behind them. “Take it away, Elaine.”
As Marlene disappeared behind the camera again, Elaine scanned the group. “This is very interesting,” she muttered. “You all play on the same team, yes?”
“We do,” James said.
Elaine’s lips twitched into a smile and she beckoned him forward. “Are you the team captain, then?”
“No,” he laughed. “Assistant captain, though. I’m James.”
“Nice to meet you, James. Were you popular in high school?”
James paused for a moment. “Yeah, I think so. I’ve always been pretty friendly and hockey helped with that.”
“You’re confident, and you don’t like sitting still.” She tapped her chin and gave him a once-over. “Can I take a look at your ears?”
“My ears?” James blinked at her, clearly surprised, but obliged and leaned down to her level.
Elaine made a noncommittal noise. “Ears say a lot about a person. Capricorns often have more vertical ears, but yours are quite round. You strike me as an Aries.”
James hung the sign over his neck and headed back to the line with a smile. “She just called you annoying,” Finn teased, giving him a nudge.
“Oh, no, Aries’ can be lovely people once they mature.” Elaine tilted her head and motioned to Finn. “Could you step up to the plate, dear?”
“Sure thing.” Finn kept his hands in his pockets, but straightened up a bit and rocked on his toes as he took James’ place. “My name’s Finn.”
“You’re certainly a fire sign,” Elaine laughed. “But you’re not quite an Aries. Are you a generally upfront person?”
“Pretty much.”
“What did you want to be as a kid?”
Finn smiled. “Anything where I could be around people.”
She nodded. “I thought so. Are you in a relationship?”
“Yeah, with those two.” Leo and Logan waved and Elaine’s smile widened.
“You’re a Leo, and a lucky one at that.” She carefully slid the sign over his head and patted his shoulder. “Good for you. Could the young man in the black jacket come up next?”
“I’m Sirius, it’s nice to meet you.” He shook her hand before taking a step back.
“Nice to meet you, too. You’re the captain, right?”
He glanced at the camera, surprised. “Uh, yes.”
“Well, you certainly could be another fire sign, but there’s something different…” She trailed off and drummed her fingers on the stack of zodiac cards. “Are you friends with our lovely Aries over there?”
“I’m the godfather to his son.”
Elaine held her hand over her heart. “Oh, that’s so sweet. You’re not another Aries or Leo, then. How much do you value your privacy?”
Sirius snorted. “A lot.”
“Are you in a relationship?”
He held his left hand up with a slight smile and inclined his head toward Remus. “Engaged for about six months.”
“Point him out for me, please.” Elaine kept her eyes on Sirius as he pointed toward Remus, then turned to the camera crew. “Did you all see that?”
Sirius frowned slightly. “See what?”
“You’ve been so tense and focused, but your whole face opened up when you looked toward him. I’m going to guess you’re a Scorpio.” She surveyed the group as Sirius returned to his place, then beckoned to Leo. “You have the prettiest eyes!”
“Oh, thank you.” He blushed slightly. “I’m Leo.”
“It’s lovely to meet you, Leo. Do you believe in astrology?”
He shook his head. “Not really. I think it’s neat, though. Stars are cool.”
“Good. You’re young, and I’m glad you’re not letting it dictate your life.” She scrutinized his face for a moment. “Turn sideways, please. There are certain face shapes that are more common than others for specific signs…if we had an argument, would you apologize to me?”
Leo smiled slightly. “Depends on what it was about. I’m not very confrontational in the first place.”
“So you like keeping things equal?”
“I do, yeah. As you can probably tell, I’m not big on making hard decisions,” he laughed.
She smiled and shuffled through the cards. “I think you’re a Libra, but this was the hardest one yet. Which one is your boyfriend again? Not the Leo.” Her face brightened. “Ha! Leo with a Leo!”
Finn’s face split into a wide grin and Leo groaned. “Oh, god, he’s never going to let that go.”
Logan was still laughing a bit when he walked over. “Bonjour, I’m Logan.”
“Oh, this makes lots of sense.” Elaine looked between the three of them and nodded. “Are you a hothead?”
“What sets you off?”
Logan exhaled slowly as he thought. “Most fights on the ice come from people pushing me or my friends around. I’m not one of those weird angry guys, though. There’s always a reason.”
“I bet there is.” Elaine laughed a little. “What are your thoughts on liars?”
He made a face. “Nothing good ever comes from lying.”
Elaine hung the ‘Sagittarius’ sign over his head. “If you’re not a Sagittarius, I need to find a new career. Could the Scorpio’s fiancé come up here?”
In his thick sweater and blue jeans, Remus was the polar opposite of Sirius. “My name’s Remus.”
“You are a sweetheart,” Elaine said with a laugh. “Oh my goodness, no wonder he got all mushy! Have you always played hockey?”
“I was supposed to be drafted out of college, but I got injured and became a physical therapist for six years instead. That’s how I met the rest of the guys.”
“Interesting.” She bit her lip. “Why did you choose physical therapy?”
He shrugged. “I wanted to stay close to hockey and help people. It was tough, but it made me happy.”
“Would you say people underestimate you on the ice?”
Remus hummed in thought. “I don’t know. I’m not a big guy, but I’m fast.”
“Well, all your friends are nodding behind you.”
“What?” He turned and they all hid their smiles in their hands. “Guys!”
“They do!” James defended. “Literally everyone we play against underestimates you!”
“Let’s say we get in an argument. Would you apologize to me?” Elaine asked.
Remus raised an eyebrow. “That depends. Was I right?”
“Yeah, you’re a Pisces.” She handed him the card, smiling. “Congratulations on the engagement. We only have one left, correct?”
Kasey shook her hand as he walked up. “I’m Kasey.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Kasey. Do you believe in the zodiac?”
“Nope,” he said. “But my girlfriend does, and she has cool necklaces and stuff.”
“You don’t strike me as a hothead.”
He shrugged. “I’m a goalie. It doesn’t usually come with the job description, but I’d take the gloves off for my friends.”
She flipped through a few of the cards. “You care deeply for them, then?”
“Absolutely. They’re basically my family by this point.”
Elaine hesitated. “This is a tough one. I’m going to go with Taurus, but I’m not one hundred percent sure. Are you patient?”
“With some people, sure. It varies.” Behind him, the others were stifling their laughter. Elaine gave them a look, but hung the Taurus card over his head.
“Alright, that’s everyone,” Marlene said as Kasey rejoined the group. “Raise your hand if she guessed you correctly.”
Five hands went up; only Leo and Kasey stayed still. Elaine clapped her hands happily. “Oh, I didn’t do too badly!”
Marlene ushered them into a line. “So, Elaine, how did you know James was an Aries?”
“He’s just…” She waved a hand in her air. “He’s very confident, though I feel like he’s matured over the past few years. Something big happened in your life that settled you down, right?”
“My son was born just over a year ago,” he said. “That definitely toned me down.”
“Thank god for that.” Finn muttered, giving him a playful nudge. James smacked the back of his head with a grin as he walked to the end of the line.
“It’s a good thing you’ve got your boyfriends,” Elaine said. “Leo’s often struggle with their identity when they’re younger, so it’s wonderful to see you’ve figured things out a bit.”
Finn blinked, dumbstruck. “Am I that much of an open book?”
“Yes,” the other six chorused. He paused for a moment, nodded, and made room for Sirius to step forward.
“Ah, I knew it!” She beamed at him. “Scorpio and Pisces are very compatible.”
“So we’ve been told,” Sirius laughed.
“You’re the hopeless romantic, aren’t you? Making up for lost time?” At his shocked expression, she her smile became gentle. “That’s usually how it goes. Don’t be afraid to be soft, okay?”
“Okay.” He hesitated a moment longer before joining Finn and James at the end of the line; James touched his elbow in solidarity while Leo walked forward.
“Oh, an Aquarius!” Elaine’s eyebrows rose. “I should’ve guessed. Well, that’s a good thing. You’ll be a good counterbalance for the reactive parts of Leos and Sags.”
“Thanks.” He looked faintly amused. “Can I blame Finn’s puns on his zodiac sign?”
She laughed. “Yes, absolutely.”
“It’s good to know there’s a reason for it,” Logan said as he took Leo’s place. “You guessed me pretty fast.”
“You were bluntly honest.” She shrugged. “Sags can be difficult to narrow down, but you fit right in for all the good parts.”
Elaine smiled when Remus stepped up. “You seemed really certain about me,” he said.
“You’re the most Pisces to ever Pisces, dear.”
She nodded. “You’re kind, but I don’t think you take any shit either.” At the back of the line, Sirius barked a laugh. “Oh, and he agrees!”
“He better!” Remus grinned back at him.
Elaine gasped when Kasey held up his new sign. “Really?”
He shrugged. “My girlfriend is a Taurus and some of that might have rubbed off on me.”
“Does she have a big personality?”
“Wow.” She gave him a quick once over. “There were some parts of Sagittarius that came through, but you were a tough one.”
“It’s the goalie face,” James called from the back of the line.
“Sorry,” Kasey said. “It’s a habit.”
“No, no, that’s alright.” She stared at him for a second longer before shaking her head. “You’re much softer than most of the Sags I’ve met. It’s hard to believe you and the Energizer Bunny back there share the same sign.”
“Did you have fun, Elaine?” Marlene asked as she collected the zodiac cards.
“I had a wonderful time, thank you so much for inviting me!”
Marlene smiled at the camera . “Thanks for watching, everyone. Be sure to like and subscribe for more Lion Pride content!”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 8
a/n: okay so since my halloween special was a flop ill write this instead but uwuwuwuwu its also my birthday today so hehe this is kinda a special request too :D
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- IF IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY! omg :0 i think we can all agree that the ramen shop will get GOOD BUSINESS that day. but it was a total surprise when the upperclassmen basically JUMP you after exiting your last class. vball practice? deliberately cancelled cuz today is YOUR day. kyo leading you, iwa making sure your eyes are closed while oikawa keeps teasing you on how you’re letting a group of men take you BLIND (cue the PUNCH). your smile is worth the XXX amount spent c,:
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okay yay happy birthday to me uwu
i kinda put this request off since my borfday was right around the corner so hahaha to the anon who requested this, here it is!!!
okay anyways!!!
so today is your borfday
obvs this could be any day lmao it doesnt have to be today but it can be any day just pretend the calendar was different lmao
you were born today and your parents and natsu obvs celebrated it the morning you woke up
like you were peacefully holding your squirtle plushie and snuggling close to get more sleep bc it was still early
but natsu quite literally kicked your door down and your parents walked in with a large cake with candles
okay ill stop now
ofc you were startled bc what the hek 
like you were so surprised that you rolled off the bed and landed harshly on the floor
instead of being yanno ‘yey! its my borfday!’ you were like ‘dear asahi kill me’
waking you up at the buttcrack of dawn?
lmao 10/10 not recommend
natsu felt really bad and he pulled you up from the floor and situated you back on the bed while your parents backtracked back downstairs
‘ohmygosh babygirl im so sorry i didnt mean to hulk smash you to the floor’
im sorry sir what 💀
this whore
you waved him off but he still felt guilty so he just pressed kisses to your forehead to soothe it
meanwhile youre just leaning against him, eyes closed, bc you grew up with natsu always doing this whenever you got hurt so it was such a soff moment for you
eventually, he was able to bring you downstairs and your parents were lowkey scared lmao but you smiled at them
‘thank you for the cake’
they breathed a sigh of relief and you sat down on the chair to eat breakfast
‘here darling’
you accepted the bowl of rice from your madre and you ate your birthday breakfast with them while yall are saving the cake for later during dinner
when you finished, you were getting up and shouting up the stairs that you were showering first
hehe natsu was all like ‘lmao why? its like 4 in the morning’
you froze, foot hovering over a step and you sighed
‘excuse me what 💀‘
yea no
you were dragged back to the kitchen and you were all pouty bc duh who the hek wants to wake up that early but your parents saved themselves by giving you your parents early
(literally anything you guys want they gave you okay? but only like 3 lmao not a bajillion things)
you were still grateful for everything and you felt very much appreciated
since it was still early, you just decided to screw it and got ready to go to school early and set up the gym for early morning practice
natsu volunteered to go with you to school but you shook your head
‘nah, im okay. the walk is peaceful’
he huffed, crossing his arms, but nodded anyways
‘fine. only because its your birthday’
hehehehe the amount of freedom during your day of birth
you were of course the first one in the gym but you didnt mind bc you actually liked the quietness that was so rare inside there
you turned on some (f/m) (lmao favorite/music) and you were sweeping, unknowingly swaying and dancing slightly
at around 5:40, the third years have arrived and since theyre the eldest, they usually get there first
omg the blush explosion on their faces when they saw you twirling around with the mop and ofc oikawa being the little poopie head he is, he swooped in and held your waist
you got startled but seeing the soft brown eyes of your captain made a soft smile appear on your face
‘hello, oikawa-san’
you whispered and he nuzzled his face to the side of your head softly
‘morning, y/n-chan’
before he could go on, iwa threw him away behind him and you giggled
mattsun raised an eyebrow at your odd behavior
‘hm? why are you so happy today, y/n-chan?’
you stopped then chuckled
‘nothing much, mattsun-san’
you didnt really want to tell them it was your birthday bc tbh you didnt think it was a big deal or anything
the others werent complaining bc they rarely see you so lively and upbeat and they loved it
you were humming under your breath for gods sake
the other boys have trickled in and again, they also went ‘?’
your soft smiles, giggles, and joy was everything to them 
god bless for this beautiful morning
poor kindaichi cowered in fright as he braced himself for a scolding from you for missing a block but he got even more scared when you just patted his head
‘its okay, yuu-kun. there’s always a next time’
yea there was something wrong
unfortunately, school was starting and they weren’t able to start questioning you and there aint no way kindaichi and kunimi were going to do that themselves without the upperclassmen who could calm you down if you got too defensive
you were skipping down the hallway and you even looped your arms around your first year friends and they shared a confused look before being dragged by you
during class, darling kunimi was too busy and distracted by your quiet singing of some show that takeru watched when you were over
yes, yes it is
but he didnt say that and instead turned away so fast that you felt the wind beside you
DID A 180 CRAZY~~~
he texted the separate bros group chat about you still being all happy and they were all curious as to what makes you so happy
during lunch time, kindaichi usually went over to go eat with you and kunimi right?
but he was surprised when he just saw kunimi there without you
‘i dont know’
‘what do you mean you dont know?!’
nah fam we not dying yet
natsu texted you earlier that he had a bento for you that he made himself and he wanted you to eat it instead of the one your mom made
you were passing by the building entrance door thingy and caught the attention of the third years who were at the rooftop eating their lunch
there was also other students outside and they watched your flowery aura skip over to the equally attractive hiroshi natsu
he cooed and you smiled up at him
curse him and his tall height
he let you hold the f/c cloth covered box so he could cup your face and kiss over your booboo again
‘wo mow, matsu-’
translation: no more, natsu!
you whined as he kept kissing your forehead and you were turning red at the attention from the other students
dang oikawa crushed his juice box at the sight even though he knew natsu was just a cousin
‘ill save you, y/n-chan!’
he shouted, already flying down the stairs towards you and the other third years after him to keep him from doing something stupid
but they also lowkey wanna see you too
but by the time they reached the entrance, you were already walking away and even passed by the quartet, giving them a close-eyed smile and a cute ‘hello!’
the 3 were distracted by you and were coddling you while oikawa ran out and shouted after natsu’s retreating form
‘natsu! oi, natsu!’
as if the boy was purposely ignoring him, natsu kept walking forward
his scream finally made him turn around and natsu’s face held a teasing smirk
‘oya? chibi-chan?’
oikawa huffed and panted as he firmly walked over to natsu
‘tell me, hiroshi natsu. why is y/n-chan all cutesy and happy today?’
then the smirk fell, replaced by an actual, genuine annoyed look
oikawa blinked
‘what do you mean ‘hah’?’
natsu waved his hands around in a frenzy of shock
‘so you mean to tell me, you, oikawa tooru, the dude who literally woke up the neighborhood at the buttcrack of dawn a few weeks ago, in love with my cousin, doesn’t know what today is?’
‘was i supposed to,,,, know?’
natsu’s face became a meme and the guy was so disappointed that he just turned around and continued walking
oikawa gasped and clutched natsu’s arm, begging and pleading to tell him
ofc the little shite natsu is, he smirked down at oikawa’s kneeling form
‘hmm, gotta say, chibi-kun. i like this view~’
‘tell me, natsu-chan!’
the puppy eyes of oikawa tooru not only affected girls but also boys fully socked homosexual boys so natsu had to turn away, fighting down a blush
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
wait, no, probably tetsu
or kenma
or both
or keiji
‘-me! natsu-chan!’
that snapped the pink-haired boy out of his thoughts and crossed his arms, glaring down at oikawa
‘hm, why do you wanna know so bad? youre on your knees, begging me for information you shouldve already known since you claim to like her so much’
oikawa pouted and he sniffled
‘i wanna know everything about y/n-chan. i wanna know what today is so i can make her as happy as she is today forever!’
‘youre so cheesy’
natsu chided and oikawa pouted even harder causing natsu to sigh and pinch his nose
‘the girl was born today’
oikawa’s face lit up and he hurriedly stood on his feet, hands on natsu’s biceps since he could barely reach natsu’s shoulders bc of his 6′5 height
‘its her birthday today?!’
‘i literally just said that-’
‘oh my gosh! we need to plan something!’
oikawa started but then frowned
‘but we’re in school so it would be too late to do a surprise when we finish’
his mumbles 
filled their vicinity and natsu finally realized where exactly they were so he tugged the still mumbling boy over to the side out of people’s view
ohmygosh if i saw 2 handsome, tall, hot boys there, id be staring too omg
‘oi, oikawa’
he still didnt budge until natsu had to kick him at the leg
rip not his knee yall
tooru flinched and hatefully glared at the boy but natsu pointedly glared at him right back
‘before you start bitching to me, i was just gonna suggest i can help you and your little plan to woo my baby cousin’
as if he wasn’t irritated in the first place, tooru lit up and he excitedly clung onto natsu
‘really? you’ll really help me?’
natsu rolled his eyes and tried to pry the brunette off of him but he felt the grip tighten
‘listen, oikawa, as much as i like having pretty boys hang on to me, i’d really appreciate if you just back off a bit and actually understand what im saying’
can i just say how long their lunch break is?
and not at natsu trying to get with oikawa and oikawa completely missing it
‘you can go do your education scam system thing while i can go set things up over at that one noodle place she likes’
natsu explained
oikawa was about to smile until he paused and leaned away
‘theres a catch. i know theres a catch’
then natsu smirked, confirming oikawa’s suspicion
‘ill think about what i really want but for now, i just wanna see that one doggie boy you guys have. also, your friend with the big arms’
lmao imagine the surprise in oikawa’s face
‘why? you want me to?’
‘YES! i mean, well-no but YES!’
thats how oikawa ended up telling the boys about the last minute birthday surprise for you and the help from natsu
‘yea, apparently its her birthday. also, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, you need to talk to natsu-chan’
‘hah?! why?!’
you were minding your own business during class until you saw kunimi raise his hand
‘yes, kunimi-kun?’
normally, you wouldve just looked away but you noticed him grab his bag when the teacher wasn’t looking which prompted you to sigh since he was skipping class
i mean, whats the point of skipping class when the day is about to be over in like 15 minutes anyways?
‘make sure to come to practice’
you whispered when he passed and he smiled, making you raise an eyebrow bc that was a smile you knew that had a hidden meaning behind it
when the bell rang, everyone nyoomed themselves out of there and you were just walking past the door when a body came crashing to you which made you distracted and allowed a chance of vulnerability
there was a pair of hands covered your eyes from behind, hands grabbed your own from in front, and an arm around your waist started to guide you forward
‘um, just so you know, i have the power of god, anime, and iwa-san by my side and i wont hesitate to kick you in the di-’
‘its so cute when y/n-chan threatens us’
a voice from in front of you hums and you smiled
‘you wont think im really cute once youre on the floor clutching your di-’
‘oi, y/n, ill wash your tongue with soap’
‘yes, iwa-san’
you continued to walk, completely trusting at the hands of your boys, when you felt yourself being pulled to turn a corner
‘iwa-san? aren’t we going to the gym? why are we exiting the gates?’
the boys exchanged a look of amazement at your sense of intuition and the accuracy of your guess despite being deprived of your senses
‘dont think you can lie to us, y/n-chan! how could you not tell us its your birthday today?!’
you heard mattsun a few feet in front of you whine and you giggled
‘its not important’
then kyotani scoffed, you knowing it was him by feeling him twitch by the arm around your waist
‘boke, of course its important’
‘so your punishment for lying to us, we’re kidnapping you’
makki teased and you rolled your eyes beneath iwa’s hands
‘oh, shiver me timbers’
the walk continued, you still being dragged around, and you heard oikawa laugh
‘oh dear, its a sight to see, ain’t it? if only you can see the looks people are giving us, y/n-chan~ a group of boys taking a little girl like you? how could you trust us to not do something to you-ACK!’
you cut him off when you lifted your foot to kick right where it hurts the most
forget his weewee
its the knee
poor child crumbled to the floor and had to be picked up by baby watari
‘oh wata-cchi, youre the only one who cares about oikawa-san!’
you heavily sighed at the exagerrated theatrics of your captain
‘the one day. the one day when he could be a normal person for once’
you grumbled but stopped when you heard iwa laugh by your ear
‘he’s right you know. you technically lied to us when we asked if there was something special’
you shivered and you leaned your head back
‘its okay, iwa-san. we can talk about it after this event. make sure to give me my present, okay?’
but iwa chuckled and he promised you that you would love his present
kyotani’s arm tightened around you, as if prompting you that he was still there and he wanted your attention too
‘careful there, pup’
he warned when you almost tripped over air
‘hehe, i know ill always be safe when youre next to me, kyo-san’
you teased and he was lucky your eyes were covered bc you would see the way his cheeks tinted red
‘s-shut up, idiot! maybe i shouldve just let you fall and hit your head! not like its gonna do damage since theres nothing there anyways!’
you just giggled and he retaliated by pinching your waist to which you squealed and gripped his hands
then the smell of the ramen broth entered your nose
‘are we-?’
‘nope! not there yet, y/n-chan!’
oikawa’s voice made you whine and complain but then he stopped, making everyone else stop too
‘okay, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, release her!’
both grumbled something about you being treated like a pokemon but stopped when your eyes widened and contorted into confusion
oikawa grinned and your eyes met to see the way his eyes crinkled, a tell-tale sign that this one was a rare genuine smile
‘come on! lets go!’
you let him take you inside the restaurant until your feet stopped, eyes wide when you noticed the streamers and the cake by the corner
your parents stood with natsu by the table and a large smile decorated your face
‘you,, you did this for me?’
you whispered and the team made noises of agreement
‘we had to do something for you to celebrate the day you were born. its a special day because you came into the world and we were able to meet you’
yahaba grinned and you gave him a big hug but you leaned back a bit so that the others would know you’re talking to them too
‘everyone, thank you. i love you’
they all scoffed a bit to hide their flustered state but they still smiled and each gave you a hug
‘oi! come here and eat the food! oikawa’s paying today!’
natsu shouted, which caught the attention of some customers in the restaurant, but they just ignored it bc theyve seen you and the team so many times that yall practically lived there
‘what?! i didnt-’
oikawa started but your mother came up to him and clasped her hands to his, sharing the same exact grin you have
‘you must be oikawa tooru. y/n has told me loads about you’
excuse him while he descends to heaven bc your mother is practically another you
iwa was already acquainted with your dad so they started talking and you just stood back, observing your two families interact with each other
you were so unbelievably happy that it hurts
kindaichi noticed you and he slinked away from the debate between makki and mattsun to go sling an arm around you
‘so? what do you think?’
you turned to him with glassy eyes
‘im so blessed. so blessed to have these amazing people with me’
poor babie panicked a bit bc he didnt really know how to comfort a crying girl but he just wrapped his arms around you
‘hehe, its kinda the other way around actually. we’re blessed to have someone like you’
he whispered and you giggled then playfully hit his shoulder
‘so cheesy, yuu-kun’
he leaned away from the hug and gave you an offended look
‘but its true! i dont know what we did to have-’
oikawa shouted from the other side, cutting off your soft moment with kindaichi
‘what are you doing, natsu?’
you noticed your cousin wrapping his arms around your captain and trying to drag him away but poor tooru was scrambling to escape
‘we made a deal, didnt we, darling~? i know what i want now and youre going to have to give me you’
oikawa screamed
a/n: can we please pretend i posted this on november 3? bc i was dumb and forgot to post this and KLDJLSDKFJDSKD IM SO ANGRY but its okay at least i am able to publish this haha
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fleetingpieces · 4 years
Everything we were CH 4
I was kinda waiting to post the chapters I already have for this fic, but work is keeping me hostage and I couldn’t finish MOIAM and I miss writing, so here ya go
Enjoy some marauders❤️
Special thanks to @knittingdreams for being such an amazing friend and beta❤️
Please check the tags for CW!
Masterlist ¦ Ao3
Chapter 4
When the Hat announced that to the whole school, Sirius felt the blood leave his face. His thoughts were all jumbled. He had always felt a bit different than the rest of his family, and in the last few years he’d started drifting further and further away from them. But the Blacks had always been in Slytherin. Yes, he had thought about the possibility of this happening, and some part of him actually felt relieved, but it was still a shock to hear. His first reaction was to look up to the Slytherin table, smiling slightly at his cousin. When he saw Narcissa’s fuming glare however, his smile fell and he looked down. It had only been a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity before the gryffindors erupted in a wild applause and cheer.
He quickly took the Hat off and walked to the table, feeling dumbstruck, until his eyes found James’ and the boy gave him a thumbs up with a happy grin. Sirius relaxed a fair amount after that, kind of enjoying the bemused faces smiling up at him as he took a place on the bench.
The red haired girl from the train, Evans, was the second student to be placed in Gryffindor. Sirius tried to make some space for her, given that they were now housemates, but as soon as the girl recognized him, she threw a pointed look his way and promptly ignored him. Sirius rolled his eyes. What a stuck up.
Then a boy named Remus Lupin got called to the front and sat down with the Hat, shifting nervously. After only one second, Sirius saw the boy’s body go completely still, his face turning awfully pale. He wondered what the Hat could be telling him. But then the boy got sorted into Gryffindor as well; he came to sit down next to Sirius in a dazed state similar to the one he himself had been in.
Two more girls were consecutively placed in their house. The gryffindors were almost howling at this point, but Lupin was looking down, not noticing anything around them, stuck in his own thoughts. So Sirius decided to take the initiative. They were going to spend basically 7 years together after all.
He was faced with bright amber eyes, and it was only then that Sirius realized it was the lad from the station. The boy gave him an apprehensive once over, before his eyes stopped at the sleeves of his robes and stayed there. Sirius tilted his head as the silence dragged by. Then Lupin’s head snapped up and he replied shyly.
“Um, hi.”
Sirius smiled, somehow reminded of Regulus. He thought about something to say, but before he could come up with anything interesting, the students around him started cheering again, and a pudgy blond boy sat in front of them. Sirius suddenly thought of James and tried to locate him between the remaining students, finding him just as he was called over by Professor McGonagall.
When James put the Hat on his head, a sudden fear took hold of Sirius. What if James was sorted into another house? They had bonded so quickly the thought hadn’t even occurred to him. They wouldn’t be able to spend much time together if they were in different houses, and what if Sirius couldn’t make other friends?
His thoughts were put at ease fairly quickly though, as James was sorted into Gryffindor as soon as his bum had touched the stool.
The rest of the evening was a breeze of happiness for Sirius, with just a little prick of doubt. He knew his family was a bit obsessed with the snake house and purebloods, but surely they wouldn’t hate him for this. He could still achieve great results at school even if he was a Gryffindor, and he’d never really liked Narcissa anyway, so she could just bugger off. His parents wouldn’t care, right? 
However, he forgot all about that uneasiness when they were guided through the castle to the common room, and he and James struck an animated conversation with Nearly Headless Nick. All in all, it was a great start of his school life.
 There was a draft coming from one of the windows of the big Charms classroom, making Remus shiver. He pulled at the sleeves of his jumper to cover his hands completely, the movement reminding him how uncomfortable he felt in his new uniform. He wasn’t used to clothes like this, most of his wardrobe at home was muggle. Jeans and sweatshirts were so much better than shirts, trousers and Merlin, that damned tie. How the hell was anyone able to make that thing look good and not a rumpled knot was beyond him. The only redeeming fact about the piece of clothing was whatever charm came with it. Remus had been surprised that morning before breakfast, when he’d gone through his trunk and found that his tie and the lines at the cuffs and neck of his jumper had changed from black to bright red and gold. He was faintly aware that he shouldn’t have been so surprised by it, but he just couldn’t help but try to figure out which spell was used on the school uniforms.
A loud thump beside him made him look up.
“Man, how did you find the classroom so fast? I’ve been wandering around for ages with those bloody staircases and whatnot. Had to ask a prefect to help me!” Pettigrew ranted, noticing with a weary glance that he was the last one in, but he seemed relieved that the class hadn’t started yet.
Remus gave him a noncommittal hum. He had been avoiding the other boys as much as he could since the feast last night, which wasn’t easy given that apparently all four of them would be sharing a dorm together. It made things so much more complicated. Remus had to take special care to get changed in their private bathroom, he didn’t want any of them seeing his body.
Pettigrew opened his mouth to say something more, but then Professor Flitwick appeared behind the desk, standing on top of a pile of books that didn’t look too steady, if you asked Remus.
“Alright students, please take out your wands,” he said with a squeaky voice. “Today we are going to learn about the Levitation Charm. This charm is an excellent test of your magical skills, wand control, and above all, patience!”
Remus felt the excitement filling him up. Finally, he would be able to try his new wand! He hadn’t dared use it at his house, to risk giving the Ministry an excuse to visit them and find out about him. No, Remus had been very careful and had pushed down on his anxiety.
But now he could finally try his hand at some spells!
Looking up at the Professor with bright eyes, he listened carefully to the explanation, taking in every detail of the demonstration. He actually knew most of the theory already, as he had read about it while at home.
“Now, try it yourselves. Don’t forget to do the right wand movement!”
Remus looked at the big white feather in front of him. To keep the nervousness from showing, he gripped his wand tightly, feeling a warm sensation spreading to his fingers. The students around him were chanting the spell out loud, the swish of wands drifting through the air, whoops of joy when someone got it right.
It’s ok, calm down already, Remus thought to himself.
He squared his shoulders, flicked his wand once…and nothing happened. His eyebrows drew together as he tried again. Nothing. He could clearly hear other students had succeeded already, but his feather was as unmoving as it had been when he’d set it on top of the desk. Maybe he was doing something wrong? After a few more tries with the same result, Remus started panicking. Was he not good enough? Did he have zero magical skill?  Would the Headmaster realize he’d made a mistake and send him back home?
Then a darker, scarier thought crossed Remus’ mind. What if it had to do with him being a creature? Was he too much of a monster already that he couldn’t use magic anymore? His condition had taken so much from him already, that he wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case. He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.
Remus was scared to look up, but if his lack of magic was a characteristic of his kind, he had to make sure that no other student had noticed. No one could know. Glancing around, he saw Pettigrew waving his wand frantically, sweat forming on his forehead, the white plume in front of him lying lazily on the table. With a tiny bit of hope, he noticed that quite a few students were still having problems, even if most of them seemed to have gotten at least some reaction from their feathers. Except from him and Pettigrew, that is. Apparently, they were the only ones not accomplishing anything.
Remus exhaled a relieved breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He wasn’t a complete monster yet.
The teacher had said they would need patience, so he kept trying and trying, purposefully avoiding to look at Potter and Black, who were making their own quills clash around in the air while laughing. The theory was all in his head, the words and wand movement fresh in his memory, but he just couldn’t wrap his head around the way magic was supposed to work. The practical part of it was completely new, he had no reference as to what it should be like, as he hadn’t had any way to practice this at home.
Just as the bell rang, Remus felt something clicking in his head. The feather made a turn in the air, making his heart skip a beat, and he smiled happily as it hovered shakily in front of his eyes.
“Merlin, at least you were able to do it in the end,” said Pettigrew with a bitter scowl.
The pudgy boy had only managed to make his quill toss and turn on the table top. Remus gave him a sympathetic smile.
“I think yours was taking off that last time.”
Pettigrew's face lit up a bit, and Remus wondered if maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. Was that comment too friendly?
“Good on you, Lupin!” said a voice from behind them. Remus turned around to face Potter, who had Black sitting right next to him. “A lot of people don’t get it on the first lesson. At least that’s what my Dad said.”
Remus didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t tell if they were making fun of him or not. All the other students were leaving already, the sound of shuffling feet on the hallways filling the air. So he gave Potter a small nod and hurried out as well, leaving the boys slightly stunned. He knew he was being rude, but he didn’t know how else to interact with them. It would be better if he didn’t have to do that at all.
The first year gryffindors had some free time before lunch and, thinking about ways to keep himself busy, Remus decided to explore the castle a bit. It really was a pain to get around without getting lost, Remus had only found the classroom by following other students discreetly. He wanted to get acquainted with every hall and passage, and he really wanted to figure out the pattern of those bloody moving staircases. He’d nearly fallen five floors that morning when one of them started moving just as he was getting on.
Remus reached the hallway on the third floor, thinking about how nobody seemed to mention anything about the multiple dangerous things the school housed. Maybe that was why he’d been allowed to attend.
He was so distracted that he didn’t notice there was something in his way until he bumped face first into it. Rubbing his nose and cursing under his breath, he looked up to find Avery, the bulky first year from Slytherin, looking down his nose at him.
“Watch where you’re going, you dirty scum.”
The boy was barely a few inches taller than him, but he was wide; his arms were probably three times the size of Remus’. His short dark hair was cut in a way that made his jaw look sharper and his brown eyes harder. Avery had his arms crossed over his chest, studying Remus like he was a piece of meat. Remus raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. 
The situation reminded him an awful lot of some experiences he’d had with some neighbourhood kids when he and his family had lived in East Sussex. Avery seemed like the kind of mindless bully that would love to pick on Remus just because of his small and scrawny complexion. Those other kids had certainly enjoyed making him their preferred target. But it was precisely because of that, that Remus knew to keep an eye on his surroundings and scurry when necessary. So he went around Avery, muttering a half-hearted apology and trying to move along, but was soon stopped by another figure that came from behind the slytherin.
“What’s the problem here?” a tall boy with platinum hair drawled. Remus contained a whine and looked up, he’d almost gotten away. There was contempt in the bloke’s voice as he looked at Remus. “Who are you?”
Remus silently studied the blonde for a second. The way he held himself, like he was royalty, was similar to Black’s, but different at the same time. His robes were equally expensive, he had a green and silver tie, and a badge pinned to his chest. Of course he was a prefect. Remus had that kind of luck. There was something in the older boy’s pale blue eyes that was making Remus’ hairs stand on end; he looked like he could be trouble, the kind Remus was aiming to avoid as much as possible.
“I’m Remus Lupin.”
“Lupin?” the prefect sneered. “I’ve heard about your father’s preferences. You are a half-blood.”
It wasn’t a question, so Remus didn’t deign to give him a reply. The way he’d said the last word though, as if it was rotten garbage in his mouth, had Remus frowning. What did that even mean? The bloke was making him nervous, and Remus tried not to shift in place. He didn’t want anyone looking at him that closely, let alone a prefect. No one could know.
“Um, who are you?” his voice sounded smaller than he would have liked, and Avery smirked as the prefect narrowed his eyes at Remus.
“Watch your mouth, boy. It’s Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy. You’d do well to remember my name.”
As Malfoy took a step forward, a large group of students appeared around the corner, almost bumping into them when they filled the whole corridor. Remus decided to use that chance to get away before things could get worse, and as the students walked past he blended in with them and disappeared into another hallway. He’d learn to recognize when someone was best to avoid, and Malfoy was definitely someone he didn’t want to cross paths with more than necessary.
Remus walked fast, trying to put as much distance between them as possible, and went in the first room he could find. Closing the door behind him, he leaned into it and closed his eyes. It was his first day of school, and he’d already had to escape from some possible bullies. He wasn’t kidding himself, the kids from his old neighbourhood had no idea why Remus was so weird, but he knew the students at Hogwarts would be able to tell if he showed enough signs, if they saw his scars. He hoped running away hadn’t made things worse.
Sighing, Remus opened his eyes again and was stunned to see where he’d ended up in his haste.
Thousands of books, right in front of him, neatly organized on shelves. He glanced around with his mouth slightly open. Rows and rows of bookcases, going from one wall to the other, filled the room. There were only a handful of windows that filtered the morning light, giving the space a calm atmosphere. A few students were sitting on the tables scattered all over the big room, but everything was so very quiet; the only sounds were those of quills going over parchment and pages turning.
Remus walked ahead, his eyes glued to all those old volumes, until he reached the front desk and a woman with a deep scowl appeared in his line of sight.
“Are you lost?” she barked.
She was looking at him as if he didn’t belong there. Remus felt himself shrink under that look, but the temptation was too much to just let it slide.
“No, um…are we allowed to borrow any of these books?” He knew that his eyes were wide, probably making him look a bit insane, but he couldn’t erase the expression from his face. To his surprise, the woman’s glare dimmed a little bit. Not enough to make her look less scary though.
“You can borrow any book, except for those on the Restricted Section.” She pointed to the back of the library, where a rope separated some books from the rest. “You’ll need a signed note from a teacher to have one of those checked out. The other books you can read here or take out of the library, if you get my permission first. But I warn you, if you tear, fold, smear or damage these books in any way, the consequences will be quite severe.”
She fixed him with a stern look, and Remus smiled shyly.
“I will be very careful, I promise.”
The librarian looked mildly surprised, but Remus wasn’t paying attention to her anymore. He was staring in awe at all the knowledge sitting in the room, waiting for him to dig into it. The charm they’d learned that morning had been harder than he’d expected, but he was pretty sure he had figured it out now. Maybe he could find a corner of the library to tuck himself away and practice some more. He could even find out which spells they would be learning, and try to learn them ahead of time to avoid himself more embarrassment. Remus hoped that if he practiced enough, he would be able to understand magic better and struggle less. Smiling to himself, he set off to explore the tall shelves.
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tinkonka · 3 years
things i was thinking about today regarding witch’s heart
(includes spoilers for the bonus stage i believe)
- so 9999 loops. claire dies on the . 4th day If we're assuming the monsters kill her on the 4th 39996 days. otherwise? 109 years. that is a mf CENTURY (if i have done the math right) . NOEL HAS BEEN KILLING CLAIRE FOR A CENTURY
- this image
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i would like to write a oneshot based off of it post sirius’ conclusion (im making an au and will write a oneshot for it soon!)
- sirius likes mlp . strikes me as the type to deny liking mlp but then go on a rant about how pinkie pie is the most well written character (something like that)
- i’ve asked around 12 people if they would die for noel. all of them have said yes. and then around 8 of them said they’d die for ashe, and 4 of the 8 said, upon me showing them the cg where ashe has a gun, went ‘even better’? 
- claire wld totally take noel to a cat cafe for his birthday dude. she’d spoil him
- im just thinking if shin and ashe met shin wld be batshit terrified of ashe. ashe has a very similar aura to midori so shin wld be like shin: Oh hello there :D whats your n ashe: OH MY WHAT A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU MY WORD YOU ARE QUITE SMALL HELLO HELLO MY NAME IS ASHE BRADLEY I AM BUT A HUMBLE TRAVE - this meme
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but saying it out loud in their voices
- i voice act the game to myself because i enjoy it and the best part is giving sirius and rouge absolutely OUTRAGEOUS british accents. when they get mad it is so priceless because i will just be shouting in a british accent
- claire elford is basically steven universe different font uhh hu they both have a gem/precious artifact inside of them? they both like making people happy both like sweets both abnormally strong both Do get angry (claire @ sirius and steven @ eyeball ruby)
- not really witchs’ heart related but my dad drew this for pictionary a few nights ago and?
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I just wanted to share
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heywardsarchive · 4 years
a beautiful dream
Remus Lupin x reader                                                                                Remus is my absolute favourite marauder and he doesn’t get enough love. So in his honour, enjoy this oneshot.
warning: fluff to angst, remus being pessimistic and a few swear words
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gif not mine credits to the owner
this is for Ria’s 2k writing challenge. @im-a-writer-right​
word count 4k words
lets begin~
Magic had made many things possible. It made many things easier as well. But there were some stupid things that in my opinion were stupid. One of those things was the idea of soulmates. Who gave the ministry of magic the right to decide who i was meant for? Well, if i’m being honest at first the thought of having a soulmate fascinated  me. I was so happy to know i had someone out there for me. Well, that was until i developed a crush on none other than Remus Lupin.
We met on the hogwarts express before first year started. I was sitting in a carriage with my oldest and most annoying best friend- James Potter. James was like a brother to me, a very annoying possessive brother. He made sure to sit with me on the carriage and make me part of his group. Basically what was his was mine as well. Anyway I became the fifth marauder. The  mom of the group. It was upon me to look after them (mostly James and Sirius because they were both big babies who needed loads of attention.) and make sure they didn’t do anything too stupid (I obviously failed most of the time and they always ended up in detention) Some people even called me their mom. 
I’m getting off track. Where was i? Ah, yes. The whole soulmate thing. Basically on your 16th birthday you develop a connection with your soulmate and can hear their thoughts and feel their emotions. Isn’t that like an invasion of privacy?My friends say that I’m just being difficult because i have a crush on someone else and cannot accept the prospect of him dating another person. I hate to admit it but they are right. 
my 16th birthday was in a few weeks and James decided that i needed a huge birthday party and there was no way he was taking  no for an answer. After a lot of protest from me and a lot of bribing from James and the occasional puppy dog eyes from Sirius I gave in. They started giving out duties to everyone. I while on my prefect rounds had to help Sirius sneak out to Hogsmeade where he would buy drinks. I made him promise not to get any alcohol but was he going to listen to me? No. The days flew by very quickly and i was not happy. I made my unhappiness very vocal among my friends. They were surprised because i was one of the few who hated the soulmate system. To get to the bottom of the whole situation, the night before my birthday, they surrounded me asked  no demanded I tell them why i suddenly hated the whole soulmate thing. After beating around the bush for i long time i sighed and said,” I have a crush on Remus okay? I can’t bare the thought of someone else being his soulmate.” “Aw honey, don’t be sad. What if Remus is your soulmate?” Lily said, trying to lift my spirits. It was a good effort but i was still dejected. They saw my sad state and dropped the subject. I was grateful for that.
We chatted a bit more after that but i was tired so i went to bed. I could have slept in but no, at 8am Lily, Alice and Marlene blew a party horn so loudly near my ear that i thought there was fire and woke up frantically. My face must have been a sight to see because they burst out laughing. Meanies. To make my morning even more eventful, the boys were waiting at the foot of the staircase waiting for me to arrive just so they could wish me so loudly that the entire gryffindor tower woke up. “That was unnecessary.” I scolded them. “Yes mummy.” said Sirius and i shot him a glare. “So y/n any plans of finding your soulmate today?” James asked throwing an arm around me. I had totally forgotten that from today onward i could another person’s thoughts. Ugh. 
“Well?” Said James looking hopefully at me. “I don’t like the whole idea of soulmates anymore, you know that James.” I said looking at him. For some odd reason, i felt a wave of sadness wash over me. Weird. I ignored it and threw my arm around the Sirius’ shoulder. “So Pads what do you have planned for yours truly today.” He put his arm around my waist and head on my shoulder. Jealousy washed over me. Why was my soulmate feeling all negative emotions? It wasn't wierd to me because sirius was like the brother I never had. "Well love, we have planned something extra special for you." "Tell me what it is." I have him puppy dog eyes. "You'll get to know soon enough." I gave him one more pout before giving up. "Ok that's enough." Came a voice. Remus. "Let's go eat breakfast." I nodded and followed him and the marauders to the Great Hall. Lily, Alice and Marlene had already been seated there and saved me place. I sat down across Remus who was picking at his food. The full moon was close so he probably was unhappy. "Remus are you alright?" I asked. "Yeah, just peachy." I decided not to press further and let it go.
I chatted with the girls for a while before telling them I'm going for a walk. They seemed happy to see me leave probably because I knew they had a surprise planned for me before my party. Anyway, I sat under a tree near the Black lake and thought that I might as well contact my soulmate since we're stuck together anyway. I closed my eyes. "Hello?" No reply. I tried again. "Hello? Soulmate, you there?" Maybe they weren't 16 yet. (Remus' birthday is in march so if your birthday is before March 10 just pretend it's not)But wait, that's not possible. I could feel their emotions just a few hours back. Was my soulmate ignoring me? Uh, rude. "Ok mr soulmate if you don't want to talk to me that's fine. I'm as unhappy about this soulmate rubbish as you are since you're clearly ignoring me." Guilt. Aha caught him.
"I wasn't ignoring you. I was busy." Oh so now he replies. "Well that was rude." "I'm sorry." Atleast he apologized. "So what year are you in?" Wait that was a dumb question. He's probably in his sixth or seventh year like me. "I'm in my sixth year." "Oh! Me too! Which house are you in? Im a gryffindor." "Yeah, I'm a gryffindor too." Okay. So a gryffindor sixth year. I probably know him. "Do I know you?" "Probably. What's your name?" "Y/n." I felt shock wash over me. After that there was no reply just a series of shit shit shit. The cursing stopped abruptly when he probably realised I could hear him. He started singing dance like a hippogriff to cover up his thoughts, I think. I guess my soulmate likes someone else too. I decided to return back to my dorm until the girls decided to take me to my surprise.
When I walked into the dorm I expected it to be empty and not filled to the brim with balloons? Why were there a million balloons in my dorm. "It's for your surprise. Crap." Ah so he is one of the marauders. Oh dear god please not James. I can't see him in that way. This is bad. Then again maybe it isn't the marauders. They could have told the other boys what they were doing. You never know with those boys. They covered my eyes with a cloth and then sirius picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Dear god what is happening? I was carried a long distance before I was set down on the grass. "Can I take off the cloth now?" "Not yet, not untill Lily and the others arrive." I waited for about five minutes I think when the cloth was removed. "Happy Birthday!" They all cheered. They had brought to me to my favourite spot on the courtyard near the Black Lake. Lily had brought a birthday cake that was frosted with (f/c) frosting. "Aw guys that's so sweet of you! You didn't need to do all this for me!" "Come off it (y/n/n)! You do this for us every year! You deserve it!" I smiled at them. How did I get so lucky?
"you deserve the world" Thank you soulmate I appreciate that. But that comment made my suspicion that my soulmate was one of the marauders stronger. I was determined to find out who it was.
Remus' pov
After we gave y/n her cake and gifts the girls dragged her to their dorm for some girl time and to get ready for her birthday party. When we returned to our dorm, I shut the door and sausy. "Guys. I have a problem." "What's up dear moony? " Sirius said. "I found my soulmate." I told them. "Finally! I guess they turned 16 recently. But why is it a problem." "It's y/n." Sirius smirked and James snickered. "So our darling star (your nickname cuz of your animagus being a wolf.) Is your soulmate. And that is a problem why?" "I can't date her. Im a monster what if she hates me?" James sighed. "Remus, if she hated you she wouldn't have become an animagus for you, she wouldn't hang out with us and she's have stopped talking to us a long time ago." "He's right you know, and besides y/n has a crush on you." Peter piped in. She likes me? Y/n likes me? I thought.
"woah there soulmate I don't even know you. You mustn't always listen to rumours." Oops I forgot she could hear my thoughts. Dang it. "Also soulmate please stop feeling 5 emotions at the same time because it's very confusing." Yep it was our sassy y/n alright. "Sorry." No reply. I started to get ready for the party. I dressed up in a simple shirt and pant. I read a book while waiting for the boys to get dressed. "Nice book. Whatcha reading?" Came her voice. "Little women. It's a great book." "I must read it one day then. Or maybe I can just hear you read it." I smiled at her. She was so sweet. "Yes I know I'm sweet." She commented sarcastically. I laughed and shook my head. "So soulmate when will I know who you are?" "You won't like me if you know me." "Don't be so pessimistic, you're just like my friend... REMUS? IS THIS YOU?" Shit shit shit "no it's not Remus." "I don't believe it. Remus, what are you so scared of?" "Look I'm not Remus and i dont have time for this right now. Goodbye."  How could i be so stupid? Before i could think anything else, the boys had gotten dressed and were ready to head downstairs. 
y/n was waiting in her gryffindor robes for Sirius at the portrait hole so he could go and get the required supplies while y/n did her prefect rounds. Luckily for me i didn’t have rounds today. I would have to deal with the consequences later. She saw me and looked like she wanted to say something but Sirius dragged her out saying that if it got too late they would get caught. She sighed and reluctantly followed him out. “Okay, what’s going on between you two?” “She figured out i was her soulmate and i got frantic and told her i wasn’t.” “Why would you do that?” “I don’t know, i got scared.” James just shook his head and patted my back before returning to charming the room to be soundproof and putting the decoration up. Not long after, the party had started. Sirius and y/n had returned. she went up to get dressed. She returned wearing the most beautiful (f/c) sundress and I think my heart just stopped.
"take a picture it will last longer" "what? I wasn't staring at you. I don't even know where you are." "Don't lie Remus we both know it's you." I didn't reply. The party started and it was loads of fun. Everyone was dancing and having a gala time, but I couldn't take my eyes off y/n. She danced with her friends and laughed with others. The party went on untill midnight when everyone retired to their respective dorms. I knew I was going to have to face y/n in the morning and I was scared. But I put my thoughts aside annd went to bed. I couldn't sleep much that night. I ended up waking up at 6 and decided to read in the common room. I sat by the fire side and started reading.
'I want to do something splendid...something heroic or wonderful that won't be forgotten after I'm dead.'
"I don't know what, but I'm on the watch for it and mean to astonish you all someday." Said a voice. One I know very well. Y/n. "I read the book you know, after you said that I was good. I finished it in a day." I avoided her eyes feeling embarassed. I felt betrayal wash over me. She was definitely hurt. "Why did you lie Remus? I thought we were friends?" "I'm sorry. I couldn't bring myself to believe that someone like you is my soulmate." "What do you mean?" The hurt in her eyes was replaced by concern. "You know what I am y/n. I can hurt you in so many ways. You deserve someone who will be able to take care of you. Someone who doesn't need to go running every full moon." "And yet we're soulmates. Remus, if we were not good for each other we wouldn't be soulmates." "You were the one who didn't like the soulmate system." "That was because my heart belonged to someone else, you. I had a crush on you since 4th year. I couldn't accept that maybe we were just destined to be friends." "I liked you since third year too." "Then why won't you just let me love you? I accept you Rem. If I didn't I wouldn't have become an animagus for you. I wouldn't be friends with you. I love you and I care for you. Accept that." She smiled at me and held my hand. I could feel all the adoration she had for me. "If you're sure." I told her and closed the gap between us. I could feel fireworks and my heart felt complete. All I felt was her lips moving against mine and how happy I felt. I pulled away and smiled at her. "I love you too."
Just as the words escaped my lips I heard wolf whistles and cheering in the background. "Our moony has finally grown up." Said James wiping a fame tear and sirius laughed. I looked at y/n and she hugged me. "Im still pissed at you for earlier but I can't stay mad at you for long can I?" I laughed and pecked her lips. I was finally happy.
We were sitting in the common room a few moths later when James and Sirius ran inside yelling at each other. Lily sighing as she walked behind them. "Y/n your children are fighting again." Y/n glared at Lily and I snickered. She elbowed me hard. "Firstly I am not their mother during the school term. Secondly why are you two bickering again?" "You clearly act like it." Marlene muttered and y/n just ignored her. "James hexed snivellus and blamed it on me and now Minnie is behind my life!" "James! That was wrong. When will you ever act your age?" "See?" Marlene yelled. Once again she was ignored. Sirius and James kept bickering when all of a sudden sirius looked at me all seriously. "If y/n is our mother does that mean you are our father?" Marlene and James burst out laughing and y/n looked like she wanted to strangle Sirius. "SIRIUS BLACK FOR THE LAST TIME I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER IN SCHOOL!" The whole room fell silent for a few seconds before laughter filled it again. This time y/n joined in too. I love her. "I love you too you know." She turned around and winked and I felt my cheeks heat up.
Seventh year came and went by quickly. We were on our way home for the last time on the Hogwarts express. Everyone was discussing their future plans. I stayed silent. Who would employ a werewolf? Y/n literally sensing my discomfort came closer to me and held my hand. She shot me a small smile and I instantly felt better. I studied her profile and realised how much she meant to me. The train came to half. We walked out slowly taking in the feeling of the train. We stepped out of the carriage and hugged each other goodbye. "We must meet up often." Said James who had an arm wrapped around Lily's waist. (They were soulmates. Big shocker am I right?) Everyone nodded in agreement. Everyone started to walk away in their respective directions. I held y/n's hand and told her to wait a bit. She looked at me questioningly. "I've been thinking-" "uh oh." She snickered a bit. "The last time you were thinking you thought I would not want to be with you." I glared at her a bit and she suppressed her laughter. "Marry me." "What?" "You heard me. Let's get married. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I felt various emotions wash over me. Shock , fear, love and finally pity. "Remus I love you too but aren't we tok young? We just finished Hogwarts. I would love to marry you. Just, not yet." "Alright thats fine." She could tell I was hurt but made no comment.
A few days passed we barely spoke to each other. Suddenly out of the blue she aparated into my apartment. "Ok, let's do it. Let's get married." "Wait. Seriously?" "Yes." She pulled me in for a kiss. "I thought about it and I want to spend the rest of my life with you too." I was ecstatic! Over the moon! She laughed at my reaction and I fumbled to pull out my mother's ring. "This was mum's before she died. And I want you to have it." "Rem, this is so beautiful. Thankyou." "Let's go tell the others and your parents and my dad." She nodded. We told everyone and they were all happy for us. We got married a few months later in a small ceremony. We moved in together in a cosy apartment which we bought together. A few months after that Lily and James got married. Life was looking better for us. Lily was pregnant. Soon after that a dark lord called voldemort was on the rise. He was killing muggles and wizards alike. Everyone was terrified. On July 31 1980 Harry Potter was born. He was the ray of light in our dark lives.
All of us spent our time together savouring every minute. Then came the prophecy of the chosen one. The child born on the end of July who could kill the dark lord. He had decided that it was Harry and was out for his blood. Lily and James had to go into hiding. A fidelius charm was placed on both sirius and y/n. Only Sirius' name was disclosed. Then Peter was put under the charm as well. Then the dreaded happened. Voldemort had come to know about the Potter's hiding spot and killed them. Baby Harry was alive but lily and James were dead. Sirius was put in azkaban without trial although it was the rat Peter who gave out their location.
Y/n who had been studying to become a lawyer in the wizengamot fought for custody of Harry after he was placed under the care of his horrid aunt. After all, she had the right to do so as she was his godmother and the Potter's will stated that Harry was to be under her or Sirius' care. I saw her come home in tears after our best friends had died. She promised herself to avenge their death. It killed me to see her blaming herself so much. After a long year of her hard work, Harry's custody was finally passed onto us. I was so proud of my wife. The next thing y/n had to do was prove Sirius' innocence which was an easier task. She declared herself as the second secret keeper and after being put under verataseruim Sirius was declared an innocent man and Peter was being searched for. Things started to look up again. Y/n started to laugh again. She spent most of her time with Sirius (who temporarily moved in with us) Harry and me.
"Remus, do you want children?" She asked me one day out of the blue. "Ofcourse I do. But what if they inherit my lycanthropy?" "Then we'll love them as I love you." I hugged her tight. A few months later we got the news that y/n was expecting. I felt immense joy. I had never been happier. Harry was already 7 by then. He lived a happy life surrounded by people who love him. When he started Hogwarts he had a little god sister to look after. We named her Hope after my mother. She loved Harry and Harry loved her. She didn't inherit my lycanthropy which was a relief to me.
Everything seemed fine for many years until voldemort was on the rise again. We fought a battle once, we could do it again. With that thought in mind, y/n and I stood together, holding hands as the death eaters attacked the beautiful castle that I once called home. We stayed together the whole time. When I was duelling a death Eater another one came from behind me. He muttered a curse. "No!" Y/n called jumping in front of me taking the hit of the curse. She fell down on the ground with a deep gash on her chest. She started breathing heavily. "Remus.." "No no you can't die." I sobbed. "Im not worth dying for." "Oh darling, you are worth everything. Don't cry Rem, think of the good times. " "No" I sobbed. "Kiss me one last time, hug me one last time, tell me you love me one last time and tell Hope that she's my world." I sobbed but obliged. I hugged her and kissed her hard. Pouring out all my sadness into it. "I love you y/n. Always." "I love you too my love, always and forever..."
3rd person POV
Just as the words died in her lips, his world had ended. He felt a numbing silence wash over him as the reality of her death hit him. Everything felt around him felt like a blur because all that was left of his beloved was a beautiful dream.
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adenei · 4 years
Finding My Way To You - Ch. 5
Missed Gestures
It was a picture perfect day by Ron’s standards. He’d returned to the flat and made breakfast for them as Hermione still slept. They’d gotten ready and went out to explore the area. He showed her the walking trail on the park he’d taken that morning, and then they’d made their way to the street Hermione had found the cafe on the previous day. There were several shops that lined the road, and they took their time walking through each one that interested them. Hermione bought a few cat toys for Crookshanks in one of the touristy pet stores they’d found, and they walked further down where they turned onto a bustling street. 
They stumbled across the Melbourne Museum, and Hermione looked at Ron with excitement that he couldn’t remember seeing on her face in a long time. He nodded to her, indicating they should go in. So they paid their fees and entered the museum. Ron couldn’t deny how incredible it was to walk into the various exhibit halls, watching Hermione examine every exhibit, artifact and portrait, skimming the descriptions and learning the history behind them. 
Three hours later, Ron’s stomach grumbled rather loudly, though they’d only gotten through about half the rooms. Hermione checked her watch and looked at Ron, “We should probably go and get some lunch.”
“Are you sure? I know you wanted to see everything here,” Ron said.
“We can always come back, can’t we? Plus, I wanted to check out that bookstore we passed.”
“That’s true. Why don’t we go back to that cafe you got breakfast from yesterday, and then you can check out the bookstore.”
“That sounds good to me,” Hermione said with a smile as they made their way to the exit. 
The sun was warm on their faces as they walked back and stopped at the cafe. They ordered their sandwiches and sat outside at one of the tables while they waited for their food to be ready. 
“So, how much are you planning on telling your parents tonight?” Ron knew he needed to start the conversation. 
“I feel like I owe them everything,” Hermione said. “What do you think?”
“They’re not my parents, Hermione. But for what it’s worth, I think you’re right.” Ron agreed. “I know it’ll be hard, but maybe if we made a plan, you’d feel better about going through the story.”
Hermione nodded slowly as the server came out with their meals. They smiled politely and said thank you as Ron waited for Hermione to respond. “That’s a good idea, actually. They know about Cedric’s death and what happened to Harry at the end of fourth year. I think that’s why they let me go with your family to Grimmauld Place for the majority of the summer. They assumed it’d be safer for me there if Voldemort did try and make his move.”
“What about fifth year? The Department of Mysteries?” Ron continued.
“I wanted to write to them about how evil Umbridge was, but knew I couldn’t when we found out she was checking our mail. I gave them a brief idea of everything that had happened, and then with your Dad being attacked, and they were the ones who told me to go to you. They drove me to London and dropped me off. I was finally able to tell them about everything that summer, but when I talked about the Department of Mysteries, I only made it sound like the Order was there fighting when I explained Sirius’ death. They don’t know we were there…”
“Okay, so you start there and clear that up,” Ron said. “Sixth year?”
“Well, they knew about your poisoning and Dumbledore’s death, so I guess there’s nothing there really aside from the horcruxes, but that ties into this past year more than anything.”
Ron nodded. Not that the whole Lavender debacle related to the story, but he was relieved Hermione didn’t mention it. Even if he was sure her parents knew all about it. “So then, it’ll basically be from the point where you altered their memories to now.”
“Yes. I suppose we should explain the mission and what we were after..” Hermione was thinking.
“Should we start with the attack on Bill and Fleur’s wedding?” Ron asked between bites of his sandwich.
Hermione played with her soup. “Yes, probably, and explain how we got to Grimmauld Place and gathered the first lead. We’ll probably need to explain the Ministry break in, and the disaster of the Godric’s Hollow trip.” She looked up at him. “I won’t tell them that you left. They don’t need to know that.”
Ron felt the tightness release ever so slightly, knowing that she didn’t want to tell them of his abandon. “Er, thanks,” he said awkwardly.
“It wasn’t you. I know that deep down,” Hermione admitted.
Ron looked at her gratefully. He wanted to talk about that, but it was a conversation for another day. “So then I suppose that brings us to the Lovegood visit and, er..”
“Malfoy Manor,” Hermione finished.
“How much are you going to say?”
“I’ve been thinking about that. They’ll need to know about the Cruciatus, and..and what Bellatrix was after to have done what she did.” Hermione couldn’t look at Ron. 
“Are you sure?” he asked. This was something even they hadn’t breached. He knew she thought they’d stolen the sword, but Hermione hadn’t been ready to talk about the experience beyond that, and he’d never pushed her. 
“I think it’s time I should. They deserve to know. You do as well.”
“Only if you want to, Hermione,” Ron reassured her.
“I will. I’ve made my decision. But I don’t want them to know about her offering me to Greyback, or how long the recovery took.”
“Noted. So then we go into Gringotts and the battle, yeah?”
“Well, when you put it that way, it seems as though it will be a quick story,” Hermione said with a chuckle.
“Think of it this way, we’ve got a plan now,” Ron said as they finished their meals. “I reckon you’ve got enough time to head to the bookstore for a bit before we have to get ready to head over to your parents.”
“You’re right. Do you want to just meet me back at the flat? I don’t want you to feel like you have to follow me around the store,” Hermione suggested.
“If that’s what you want to do. Just make sure you’re back by 3:30, or I’ll have to come find you,” Ron told her through a smirk as she nodded and they stood up from the table. 
He watched her go down the street before turning in the opposite direction to head towards the flat. He walked by a now open flower shop that had been closed that morning, and walked in. So far, the date she hadn’t known he’d taken her on had gone off well, but he wanted to get her something to make it seem like just a day out exploring the city. 
“Good day to you!” The florist greeted him. “What brings you in on this fine day?”
“Er, hello. I was just looking for some flowers, for, er, a friend,” Ron said awkwardly as he eyed the display of roses.
“Ah, well you’ve come to the right place! Is this friend a true friend, or more than?” he asked.
“Best friend, but hopefully ‘more than’ soon,” Ron said honestly.
“Ah, young love! Such a wonderful thing,” the florist said happily. He noticed Ron eyeing the various colored roses. “Roses would be a perfect choice for you. Did you know that the different colors have different meanings?”
Ron stared at the shopkeeper. “They do? Of course they do, nothing is ever an easy decision..” he muttered to himself.
“They do indeed. I can give you an explanation if that would help you to make your decision.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Well, red of course signifies love, and white represents innocence and loyalty, and some even say hope or a shared secret. The other two common colors are pink and yellow. Pink is another common color that represents admiration, grace or joy, and yellow stands for happiness, friendship and new beginnings.”
“What about these purple ones, here?” Ron asked him, taking in what he’d said.
“Oh, the purple ones typically stand for enchantment, mystery, and love at first sight.”
Ron nodded as he thought about the different colors and their meanings. He was thinking he wanted a mixture of the white, red, yellow and purple. But he liked the pink, too. All the colors really represented them. He just couldn’t decide.
The florist could sense his uncertainty. “You know, there’s a special rose color combination I can make for you if you think it would fit better. I take the yellow roses and add red tips. It signifies friendship deepening to love.”
That was it, Ron thought. “Could I take six of those, two purple, two pink, and two white to get a bouquet of a dozen?” Ron asked. His heart had started to skip a beat, as the excitement was starting to build.
The shopkeeper smiled knowingly. “Absolutely.” He plucked up six of the yellow, and two of each of his other requested colors. “I’ll be right back after I tip these yellow ones with red and arrange the bouquet for you.” He turned a few minutes later with the flowers wrapped in a beautiful bouquet. He’d even gone so far as to place them in a vase, that he’d boxed up for easier transport.
Ron gladly paid for the flowers. “Thank you so much for your help, today.”
“Of course! Of course! Helping customers like you is part of the reason I do what I do. I wish you the best.” The florist nodded as Ron thanked him again and headed for the door.
Ron walked into the flat and set the flowers on the table. He’d decided he should get cleaned up a bit and change into something a bit more presentable for dinner with her parents. His nerves were building as he waited for her to return when she walked in a few minutes past 3:30. 
“I know, I know, I’m sorry I’m late! It was only a few minutes!” she apologized as she walked in. Ron came out of the bedroom as Hermione set a rather large bag of books down. She noticed the flowers there. He’d meant to take them out of the box for her, but had forgotten.
“Ron, these are beautiful! Did you get them for my parents? What a brilliant idea!” Hermione gushed.
“Wha- Er, no, I- Hermione, they’re meant to be for-” Ron stuttered as he tried to explain.
“You’re so thoughtful! My parents are going to love them. Though, Mum is more a tulip person herself, but I’ve always loved roses. It’s probably a cliche but they’re my favorite.” Hermione bustled over and hugged him. “I’m going to go change for tonight, and then we can get going. You look really nice, by the way,” Hermione said shyly as she made her way to the bedroom.
Did that really just happen? Ron thought to himself. Did she really think the flowers were meant for her parents? Why couldn’t things just be easy for them? It was always one misunderstanding after another. And he’d tried to tell her they were for her, but she didn’t listen! Now what? He wondered as she came back out. 
She was dressed in a pretty coral colored sundress that she must have bought when she and Ginny had gone shopping a couple weeks ago. Her hair was tied back into a soft bun and it looked like she’d applied a small amount of makeup to her face. Merlin, she was beautiful. 
“Hermione, about the-” Ron tried to explain again.
“Ron, can we talk on the way? I don’t want to be late! Can you carry the flowers? I picked up a couple of books I thought my Mum would like when I was at the bookstore. I’m so nervous, I- What?” Hermione paused as she noticed Ron was staring at him.
“You, er- look really pretty,” Ron managed to say. 
Hermione blushed. “Oh, um, thank you,” she said as she kept herself busy by organizing the books. She put the few she had bought for her parents in the beaded bag. Hermione picked up the flowers and handed them to him. 
Ron tried to choke back the sigh as he followed her out the door. They were halfway to her parent’s house when he realized he should have just insisted they leave them there and go back to the florist for a different bouquet. Or that he should have gotten a second set to begin with.
“They’re a really unique set of colors you picked out,” Hermione said out of nowhere.
“Sorry?” Ron asked.
“The roses. The colorscape is quite unique. In a good way.”
Well, that’s a relief, since they were intended for you, he thought to himself. “Oh, well, I chose them based on the meaning behind their color.”
“Oh, yes, I’d heard that there were certain meanings associated with different colored roses. You’ll have to tell me what they are later.”
They were walking up the drive to her parents house now, so there was no time for it. Mrs. Granger answered the door before they could knock. She embraced her daughter happily when she opened the door and ushered them into the house. They walked into the kitchen when Hermione gestured for Ron to set the flowers on the counter.
“Mum, Ron picked these out at the local florist for you. Aren’t they lovely?” Hermione told her.
“Oh, yes darling, they’re...unique. Interesting color scheme,” she’d said. Mr. Granger had come in and gave Ron a look to which he returned with a defeated one of his own.
“Don’t worry, Mum, I told him you prefer tulips for next time, and that I’ve always been the one partial to roses.” 
“Ah, yes, I do love tulips. Hermione, dear, your father and I ordered Italian takeaway tonight. We thought you’d like to talk to us in a more private setting.”
“Oh, yes, that does sound perfect. Look, Mum I bought these books for you at the bookstore! I thought you might like them,” Hermione said enthusiastically.
“Thank you, dear! These must have just been released! How’d you know I’d want to read them!” Mrs. Granger said appreciatively. 
“Why don’t we go sit down in the living room?” Mr. Granger interrupted. “I don’t have to pick up the food for another half hour or so. Maybe Hermione can start a bit of her story before I have to leave.”
And so they all moved into the living room, where Hermione began telling them the truth about what happened between fifth and sixth year. She’d approached the point where she needed to tell them why she’d done what she had. 
“I know it wasn’t fair to alter your memories without your consent, but it was the only way. If you’d known, and they’d somehow managed to find you...I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself. And I thought you’d have been happier not knowing you had a daughter if I...if I…” tears pooled in Hermione’s eyes as Ron moved to comfort her. 
But Mrs. Granger moved quickly to her side and put her arms around her daughter, stopping Ron in his efforts. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You are still here, and that’s what matters. We remember you, and you survived. Sweet girl, you’re still here,” Mrs. Granger pressed a hard kiss to her temple.
Mr. Granger checked his watch. “It’s about that time...Ron, would you like to join me while I go pick up the food?”
“Er, sure,” Ron said as he got up to follow Mr. Granger.
He got into the passenger seat of the car as Mr. Granger started it. “Try not to mind Jean too much. She’s a bit emotional over the whole ordeal. She’s not intentionally being cold or rude to you,” he’d said as he pulled out of the driveway onto the road.
“I didn’t notice anything. Besides, it’s understandable,” Ron said.
“Were the flowers really meant for us?” Mr. Granger asked.
“I got them for Hermione. She walked in from the bookstore and saw them there and assumed they were to bring with us. I tried to explain it to her, but she just carried on and didn’t stop to listen,” Ron admitted, the words pouring out of him before he could stop.
Mr. Granger let out a full hearted laugh. “That certainly sounds like Hermione alright. What do you say we stop at the florist and get a tulip arrangement for Jean? I know for a fact the florist doesn’t close until 6.”
“Really? That’d be fantastic. Not that I’ll know how to or when to tell Hermione the roses were for her.”
“I’ll help you work in an opening.” He pulled over in front of the shop as they went in to pick out a colorful array of tulips to bring back to Mrs. Granger. Ron paid for the second bouquet as the florist gave him a knowing smile, and they continued on to pick up dinner from the restaurant.
“So what did you two do today?” Mr. Granger asked Ron.
“It was actually quite busy.” Ron went into detail about their day, as Mr. Granger smiled at his efforts. They had to pause as they ran in to pick up and pay for the family style meal they’d ordered, and when they were on their way back to the house Mr. Granger picked up where they left off.
“Sounds like a perfect day for Hermione to me,” he’d told Ron. “Though, it sounds like you’ll have to be a bit more obvious. I wouldn’t fear the rejection so much. She very clearly cares about you, too.”
“I hope so.”
“Have faith, Ron.” Mr. Granger said as they pulled back into the driveway. Ron carried the flowers as Mr. Granger grabbed the food and re-entered the house. “We’re home, dear!” Mr. Granger called as they made their way back into the kitchen. 
“What’s this?” Mrs. Granger asked as Ron set the tulips down on the counter. 
“Ron wanted to get you tulips instead, Jean,” Mr. Granger explained for Ron.
“Oh! They’re beautiful. You didn’t have to, though,” Mrs. Granger said as her face finally softened toward him. Ron’s own felt hot as his ears tinged pink. Hermione had given him a confused look, but didn’t question it.
Dinner was a quiet affair compared to the Burrow. Hermione’s parents filled her in on their life in Australia and what they missed about England. They said they were excited to return home to England, and Hermione had assured them that she’d taken precautionary measures to keep their dental practice intact, and their home would still be waiting for them. Bill had offered to check the house to make sure there were no lingering traces of Dark magic. 
“We’ll probably have to wait until July or August to return,” they were explaining. Their lease on the condo wouldn’t be up until then, and it was close enough that it didn’t seem worth it to try and sublet.
Ron helped Mrs. Granger clear the plates and clean up before she prepared tea. She finally rejoined them and urged Hermione to continue the story. So Hermione and Ron took turns describing the events that happened from Bill and Fleur’s wedding until the battle. They’d skipped Malfoy Manor to start with.
“So he’s gone then?” Mr. Granger had asked.
“Yes. There are still some of his followers at large, but the Ministry is working hard to catch them all,” Ron explained.
“But what happened at Malfoy Manor?” Mrs. Granger wanted to know.
Hermione took a deep breath. “We were captured because Voldemort’s name was Taboo. The snatchers appeared and our wards were broken. They took us to Malfoy Manor and Bellatrix wanted to question me because of what she found in my bag.”
“What was-” Mrs. Granger started to ask.
“The sword. She lost it, Mum. Thought I’d stolen it out of her vault at Gringotts, which is why we knew to check there for another Horcrux. She ordered Ron and Harry to be taken to the dungeon in the cellar and then she dragged me by my hair to the center of the room. She used the Cruciatus on me to try and get information. I was being honest about the sword. I wasn’t there when Harry and Ron had found it. But she didn’t believe me and the pain kept coming. It was unbearable. I- I really thought that was going to be it. But I heard Ron calling for me, and- It was enough to help me hold on.
“I’m not sure what happened after a while. I think I must have lost consciousness. Apparently a chandelier fell on me, and I have this scar on my neck, but I don’t remember there ever being anything against my throat. I only remember waking up at Shell Cottage.”
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. You’re so strong. So strong,” Mr. Granger had said. “How did you end up safe?” 
“Harry and Ron had somehow called Dobby, a little house elf. He helped free the other prisoners. He also dropped the chandelier as a distraction, he didn’t mean for it to land on me, I’m sure. But it was enough for Ron to get me out of there.” Hermione looked at him gratefully.
“But why didn’t this woman believe you about the sword?” Mrs. Granger asked.
“She was evil, Mum. She’s dead now. Mrs. Weasley got her in the battle at Hogwarts. She couldn’t understand that there was magic in the sword to allow it to appear to any worthy Gryffindor, and I wasn’t going to tell her that. She couldn’t know. I had to protect us.”
“But still, honey, why didn’t you know about the sword? You knew about everything else?”
“I was sleeping when Harry found it. It was lucky that Ron came back and found him. Otherwise, he would have been-” Hermione froze. She looked at Ron. She said she wasn’t going to say anything about him leaving, but she’d just…
“Hermione-” Ron started.
“I didn’t mean to,” she whispered. She looked horrified.
“What do you mean Ron came back. Wasn’t he with you the whole time?” Mrs. Granger shot a look at him.
“He- He was. He got injured, Mum. The splinching. There was no-”
“It’s okay, Hermione.” Ron cut her off. He might as well own up to it. “Yes, Mrs. Granger. I left. It was the worst mistake of my life. We promised we’d see Harry through with this together, but I couldn’t take the Horcrux whispering to me anymore. Telling me I was useless and not needed or wanted. Harry and I got in a huge row, and I walked out. I’m not proud of it, and I did everything I could to get back to them. And I did, eventually.”
Mrs. Granger stared at him. He couldn’t tell what he was thinking. He hoped that Mr. Granger could at least understand. “Hermione, I think you should stay here tonight.”
“But, Mum-” Hermione tried to say.
“No, darling, it’s been eleven months since we’ve seen you. You’ve spent so much time away since you were eleven! At least give us this, stay with us! You have a place here.”
“But what about-”
Ron knew when he’d been defeated. He wasn’t going to win against Mrs. Granger, and he didn’t want to further the wedge between her and her parents. “I’ll be fine, Hermione. You stay.” Ron got up. “You know where to find me. I’ll stay for a couple days, but if you want me to leave, I’ll contact the ministry and arrange for travel back to England.” 
Nothing about this trip was turning out the way he was hoping. Maybe they weren’t meant to be after all.
“Ron, I-” But Hermione didn’t know what to say. 
“For the record, I’m not leaving you. Not this time. You know where to find me,” he said quietly. He promised her he’d never leave her again, and he wasn’t leaving her. Not really. “Thank you for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Granger.” Ron turned and walked to the door, and headed back to the flat.
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Little Letters
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*Not my Gif*
Summary: James couldn’t find the perfect way to ask Y/N out so he enlisted the help of his quiditch team.
Post Date: 10-26-19
Paring: James Potter x Reader
Word Count: 2K
~Master List~
~Harry Potter Master~
“You know, just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you can miss class.” You said as you crouched behind the couch, putting your head right next to James as he leaned back to be right next to you.
“But It’s more fun that way.” He said feigning confusion before splitting off into a grin.
“Come on Prongs.” You said as you grabbed his arm and pulling until you had a hold on his hand, trying to pull him up from the couch. James just groaned and let himself slack into the couch, making your job harder. “James! Seriously!” You tried to hold back your chuckles but it was no use.
“Fine.” You huffed, letting go of his hand. “I’ll leave without you.”
You barely had time to turn around before James’ hands were on your waist pulling you back. “Oh no you don’t!” He laughed as you fell into his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist as you squealed. You both laughed as you turned, now laying down with James wrapped behind you. For a second you let yourself forget James was only your best friend, it just felt right to be in his arms. It seemed James had forgotten as well.
You sucked in a breath, trying to hide the blush on your face. “James, seriously we have to get to class.” You whispered as you peaked over your shoulder, catching sight of the frown on James’ face as he nodded, finally releasing you from his hold as you rolled onto the floor. James helped you up, laughing at the slight push you gave him before he wrapped an arm over your shoulder and led you right out of the common room.
James sat with his elbow on his desk and chin rested in hand as he stared off into space over Sirius’s shoulder.
“Prongs!” Sirius shouted for the tenth time, knocking the hand out from under James head.
“What?!” He exclaimed and turned to Sirius who asked what James was looking at. “Nothing. I wasn’t looking at anything.”
Sirius quirked a brow at James mumblings. He knew that James only acts this way when he has a secret and by the way he had been smiling Sirius knew he had a crush. He look behind himself only to see James had the perfect sight line to you sitting at your desk quietly scribbling on your paper.
“Y/N?” He whispered harshly as James eyes widened. James looked between his two best friends, one who wasn’t even aware of the conversation going on and the other who’s mouth has basically dropped the desk. “You like Y/N?”
“Keep it down!” James scowled him, suddenly aware of how many people around him could possibly overhear. Sirius was trying to hold back his smirk.
“You need to do something! Ask her out!” Sirius told him as James looked at him like he was crazy.
“I can’t do that! She’s my best friend!”
Sirius put a hand to his chest in fake hurt. “I thought I was your best friend.” James rolled his eyes, risking one last glance at you with a sigh.
“Sirius, you know it’s different with her. She’s... she’s Y/N.” Sirius saw the look on James face, the one showing a sense of longing and pining in his eyes and he knew he had to do something.
Sirius bounced his knee during lunch watching as James snuck glances at you across from him and Sirius wondered if he had always done that and he just hadn’t been paying attention. He knew that Lily and you normally leave lunch a little early to head to the library and he was just waiting for the moment.
As soon as both you and Lily left your spots, stopping at the end of the table to retrieve Alice and Marlene, Sirius let it out.
“Prongs likes Y/N.”
“Padfoot!” James seethed as he shot Sirius a glare. Sirius just watched as Peter dropped his fork in shook but Remus just nodded.
“You just figured that out?” Remus asked Sirius as James sputtered out his food.
“You knew?” James asked mortified. “Bloody hell, does everyone know?”
“I didn’t! When did this happen?” Peter watched as James sighed in relief and Sirius and Remus both chuckled.
“It was pretty obvious Prongs.” Remus tells him with a shrug. Remus has a fortunate position in this friendship. He knew James had liked you for the longest time because he started paying attention the moment you told him you like James one drunken night. Of course Remus kept your secret and even volunteered to help you but you declined, believing that James and you could only ever be friends. But he knew that wasn’t true at all.
“You need to ask her out.” Sirius said for the second time that day.
James shook his head, his eyes never leaving you laughing with the girls. “You don’t just ask out someone like that.”
“Something tells me she going to say yes James.” Everyone looked towards Remus who wore a grin. James, finally getting the confidence nodded his head.
“Ok. Ok, I’ll do it. But how do I do that?” Everyone shrugged as they continued eating. “It has to be heartfelt.” He told them.
Peter almost jumped out of his seat, “Oh! It has to be something unique!”
“Yes, something that relates to just the two of you.” Sirius added while he tapped his spoon against his chin.
James paused as his fork hit his plate, his lips I turned into a grin as the other marauders gave him quizzical looks. “I have an idea.” He told them taking a last glance at you finally leaving the great hall, “but I’m gonna need a lot of help.”
You shivered was you walked down to the quidditch pitch. It was completely dark, the only light you could see was from your wand as you casted Lumos, guiding you to the center of the grass plane to wait for this mystery person. You reached into your pocket, pulling out the crisp folded paper someone had stuck into your potions book today.
Will you meet me at the quidditch pitch tonight? An hour after curfew? I promise you won’t regret it.
“Hello?!” You shouted into the darkness unsure of you really wanted anything to answer back. You didn’t really think about how stupid this was. You followed directions from a mysterious note outside without telling anyone. You were about to turn around to head back to the castle before a crumpled piece of paper fell onto your head. “What the...?” You glanced up but you didn’t see anything in the darkness. Picking up the paper you noticed it was the same as the other, only a little older when you began to read it with the light of your wand.
October 6, 1971
Dear Y/N,
Ever since Lily introduced you to me I couldn’t get you out of my head. Mum always said when I had something stuck in my head I should write it down, so that’s what I’m doing. Letters for you. I hope it works.
You didn’t know what to say, not that there was anyone to talk to. You knew you were blushing as your cheeks were much warmer than the rest of your body. You wanted to know who this was. You tried to remember everyone Lily had introduced you to in first year but it was no use, she introduced you to almost everyone.
You took another glance into the sky, faintly seeing movement before another letter fell a feet in front of you.
December 1, 1971
You smiled today and I felt my heart beat right out of my chest. It was perfect and I knew I wanted to see it for the rest of my life.
It was followed by another.
May 27, 1972
Summer seems so long when I think about not seeing you. We better see each other over the months because I don’t know if I have it in me to not be with you. I’m so glad you’re my friend Y/N.
Then another fell and soon you had stacked of wrinkled paper dated throughout the 7 years you had been at hogwarts.
April 4, 1974
I don’t understand how someone could be so perfect Y/N. Even as we were laughing over Sirius begging on his knees for Lily and Remus to tutor him you still looked like a angel. Then you fell into my lap and smiled up at me and you looked so beautiful. You make me feel things that I’ve never felt before.
You gasped audibly. You remembered that moment exactly. You gripped the papers to your chest, a wide smile on your face. You were about to close your eyes before the a light in the sky caught your attention. Like the letters had fallen, they lit up sporadically and made the sky soon lit softly by the various wands and people hovering above you on their brooms. It was like an entire quidditch team up there. You let your arms fall to the sides as you spin around catching the grinning faces of Lily, Remus, Sirius, and Peter who all of course helped but you weren’t focused on them. Instead you searched the lights for a certain boy as you found yourself breathing deeply.
A small tap on your shoulder caused you to spin around so fast you would’ve believed you’d break your neck. James stood in front of you, a nervous smile on his face but his eyes were held a softness you’d never saw before. You were about to open your mouth to speak before he shook his head and reached into his pocket. He slowly pulled out a folded paper and handed it to you.
Dear Y/N,
For the first time in my life I understand what my parents meant when they told me about love. It’s home. It’s feeling safe with someone. Its when you have someone who makes you want to be a better person just to see their smile. It’s everything I feel when I’m with you. Because I love you Y/N.
“James...” Your voice was merely a whisper and you reread the words on the page over and over again.
I love you Y/N.
You wasted no time in closing the distance between you and James, pressing your lips to his and wrapping your arms around his neck. He gripped your waist, bringing your body into his as you gasped against him. You both pulled away when your lungs needed air, your noses now brushing against each other’s as you stared into his eyes.
James was in awe of you, the light from the spells caressed your face and your eyes shined brighter than all the stars in the night sky. “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too James. So much.” You placed a gentle kiss to his lips before the sounds of claps broke through your utopia as you both turned up to the sky where the boots of all your friends made you blush. You buried yourself in James chest and laughed.
“Ok! You can all go now! Thank you for your help!” He yelled with a cheery tone, a slight chuckle in his words as the lights dispersed leaving only your wand and his.
“James, this was beautiful.” You said quietly, both of you glancing down at the notes.
“If I would’ve known back then I’d be using them to ask you out I would’ve written more.” He told you with a laugh as you giggled.
“They’re beautiful. Everything... it was perfect.”
“You’re perfect.” His voice was soft almost a breath as you found yourself swooning once again. He captured your lips as you both smiled into the kiss.
Neither of you had said anything more as you pulled apart, grabbing James’ hand with yours and walked back in the castle.
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spootiliousrps · 4 years
Wolfstar Charms
You both like sirius/remus.
Stranger: [6th year, Remus hasn't told his friends about the werewolf gig yet.] Hey, so. I heard you talking to McKinnon after Magical Creatures today. Is that how you really feel about werewolves and vampires? Marlene was saying some pretty hard shit.-R
You: Well, I don't know what was said, but yeah. I mean, they attack anyone that gets close enough and spread their condition like a disease. They're better off where they can be kept an eye on that let loose in the world. -S
Stranger: But like. Every werewolf? -R
Stranger: And they only turn one night every month -R
You: But how can you be sure? I mean maybe not constantly but at least as their cycle gets closer. You heard what the professor said, they're practically monsters. I would feel safer if something was done about them. I'm not saying to kill them but something should be done. Even if its requiring them to be locked up during that time. -S
You: Why are you so curious about this anyways? -S
Stranger: I don't know. I just think it's wrong to prosecute an entire race of people, some of which may have done nothing wrong. -R
Stranger: There's bad ones, sure, but like. Thats not everyone. Just like not every pure blood is evil. -R
Stranger: Should we round up all of you lot and lock you up? -R
Stranger: I--fuck, I'm usually more eloquent about this, I'm just tired. -R
You: Whoa! Hey! That is not the same thing! I'm not saying to enslave them or anything like that! Locking them up during a transformation is humane! It would be for the protection of both them and the people around them. I know its not their fault. I'm not an idiot. -S
Stranger: It's inhumane to lock anyone up. -R
You: [Delay] Yeah... you usually are lol. I'm not use to seeing you so riled up. Whats got you so tired. -S
Stranger: Like -- would you want to lock me up for the week before the full moon if I was a werewolf or something? -R
Stranger: You said they're basically monsters -R
Stranger: Nothing, it's nothing. I just didn't sleep well, okay? -R
You: They are. Basically monsters I mean... but that doesn't make the people they infect monsters. I mean... the beast that comes out at night is not the person they are the rest of the time yeah?-S I mean, I never really considered it but... Would you have a better idea? Look at it from the person's point of view. You heard about the wizard that woke up after a cycle to find he had slaughtered his whole family? Sure, it sounds cruel when you explain it like that but they guy ended up offing himself cuz he couldn't live with what he had done. If I were a werewolf I'd want to be locked up during my cycle to protect you guys. I mean, I wouldn't know what I'd do if I hurt one of you. -S Maybe you should talk to one of the Ravenclaws, they might be able to slip you something to help sleep a bit better. A charm or something? -S
Stranger: I'm sure the werewolves that actually care take proper precautions. -R
Stranger: There was that one, sure, but. -R
Stranger: All the wolves in the media are all those nasty ones, that just was to cause mayhem. They should be punished for their crimes sure, but you can't control an entire race, that's not right
Stranger: I know plenty of charms. -R
You: Listen, Remus. I'm not going to pretend like I know why you have such a hard on for werewolves' rights suddenly and I'm also not going to pretend like I know everything. You asked and I told you. If you have a better idea for dealing with them then great. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't really involve me and its not like I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to the Minister to try and convince him of anything. Regardless of how either of us feels if a werewolf attacks us in the middle of the night I'm not going to be too torn up for defending myself. -S
Stranger: ..right. Sure. -R
Stranger: I'm going to go nap in Pomfrey's office. -R
You: Probably for the best. Want me to come fetch you for lunch? -S You're even worse when you don't eat. -S
Stranger: Um -R
Stranger: Maybe, I don't know. -R
Stranger: I can ask Peter to bring me something -R
You: [Delayed] If you're sure. Let me know if you change your mind. I promised James I'd meet him on the pitch before third so I won't be doing much. -S
Stranger: you'll be late for transfig -R
You: Wouldn't be the first time. -S
Stranger: Gonny's gonna murder you -R
You: I'd like to see them try. Besides, Lily is suppose to be there too. No one ever gets on to her. -S
Stranger: well.. I hope you guys have a nice time. -R
You: It'd be nicer if you would join us. -S
Stranger: um -R
Stranger: I can see if I can grab some coffee. -R
You: Awesome! I'll swing by the kitchens and bribe one of the house elves for those sweets you like so much. -S
Stranger: sure, yeah. -R
Stranger: I'll see you on the pitch then. -R
You: [[Switch to para?]]
Stranger: [[sure!!]
Stranger: [[I can start]]
You: [[Sounds good]]
Stranger: Every bone in his body hurt before the full moon. Every movement was filled with pain, and the entire week of the moon he felt like he wanted to crawl out of his skin. And he would've, if it meant that it'd stop. Remus dragged a hand through his hair as he made the hike down the hill from the castle to the quidditch pitch, slipping onto the field without being seen. James and Lily were already there, talking quit close together over on the edge of the field. He raised a hand to offer a hello, a grimace on his face with each movement.
You: "Remus!" Sirius called from Remus' right. He was still a few yards away an bulging cloth tucked under his right arm, a few pastries peaking out from beneath it. His left was tugging on a Peter's elbow as the other boy seemed to shift his gaze this way and that as if worried they'd be caught and taken to the dungeon's at any moment. "There you are! I was worried I might have to go to Pomfry's office after al-" he cut himself off as he drew up close enough to make out the boy's expression. "Christ, you look like shite. You weren't kidding earlier were you?"
Stranger: It wasn't fun, being woken up in the middle of the night with agonizing pain. He glanced over to Sirius as he came over to him, and he offered a small smile. "Yeah, I uh, rallied. I have my coffee in my bag so, hopefully that'll get me through potions later." Hey sighed. He nodded to Peter, and glanced back over at Lily and James. "It's fine though. Like I said, I just. Didn't really sleep." he had bags under his eyes, his face a little sunken in. "Whatcha got there?"
You: Sirius glanced down at the bundle as if he had forgotten about it entirely. "Oh, right!"
You: [sorry wasn't done]
Stranger: [nw]
You: Sirius glanced down at the bundle as if he had forgotten about it entirely. "Oh, right! I told you I was gonna swing by the kitchens. Swung by the potion's classroom too," he added with a wink and a grin. "Got a surprise for ya." "I-I had n-nothing to do with it," Peter rushed as if that would save him any grief should they be caught. Sirius just rolled his eyes and pulled him onward as he headed for James and Lily, obviously expecting Remus to follow. "Snatched a few Wideeye potions from the stores while Slughorn was distracted," Sirius admitted, still grinning proudly.
Stranger: Remus laughed softly, shaking his head as he followed them over towards James and Lily. "You're gonna get caught one day, you know?" he said teasingly. "I'd be nervous if Slughorn's rage came down on me, man. He's old but I can tell he's gotta temper." He stifled a yawn into his arm, and let out a puff of air. "I have so much course work to get done tonight." He frowned.
Stranger: [hey im jumping in the shower rq I'll be like. less than ten minutes]
You: "Well my luck hasn't run out yet," Sirius teased lightly. "Oi! James! Stop making pillow eyes at Lilly and get a move on!" Sirius called out to his friend with a laugh before focusing back on Remus. "Luckily for you, of course. Otherwise who would be here to pick you up when you need it ah? Peter?" he teased, elbowing the chubby boy in the ribs. "I-I... T-thats not..." "Relax Peter. I'm only teasing, lighten up."
You: [[Take your time. If we get disconnected I'll be under the tag spootilious]]
Stranger: [back! just gotta get like dried off[
You: [[wb]]
Stranger: Remus watched Sirius for a moment, shaking his head. "Maybe James?" he offered, snorting softly. As they approached, James flipped Sirius off, focusing back on Lily for a moment. "--Did we skip Transfigurations just to watch you talk to some lass?"
You: "No offense, Lilly," Sirius added as if as an after thought. He was a brave and reckless boy sure but he knew better than to piss off a woman, especially on that was such a talented witch. "You could do better than this sod," he teased lightly practically jumping into James' lap and ruffling his hair.
Stranger: "Yes, absolutely no offense," Remus agreed, nodding. Lily just let out a soft laugh. "Of course. Why'd we all come out here, James, did you want to go show off on that broom of yours?" she prodded at his side. Remus sat down heavily, a small grunt escaping him with the hard movement.
You: Sirius's gaze followed Remus' movements and despite his outward jovial appearance, worry lined his eyes. Typically he would have wrestled with James a bit, mock flirting with him, but as it was he allowed the other boy to shove him from his lap, depositing him next to Remus with a grunt of his own. "Rude," Sirius mock pouted but shifted back a bit to give himself room. He laid out the cloth, sweets still piled in the middle. Without hesitation he took two from the top and offered one out to Remus before shoving the other in his mouth.
Stranger: He didn't even want to know how completely like shit he must look like. And tomorrow, he would be concealing his bruised and battered body just like he did every day after a full moon. He glanced over at Sirius as he laid out the pile of sweets and pastries. He smiled, softly, and took the offered treat. "Thanks," he said softly, taking a bite. He let out a long sigh, and leaned his head on the man's shoulder, puffing out a breath.
You: Sirius tried to be as still as possible for the other man, only moving to reach into his robes and produce the small vile of wideeye potion he promised. Peter sank down next to the two reaching for a few sweets of his own. He may have refused to admit his part in the thievery, but he had no quarrel about partaking in the spoils. Sirius wouldn't admit it but his anxiety regarding Remus odd behavior had skyrocketed upon the sight of him and wasn't getting any better.
Stranger: Remus offered a small smile, and took the vial from the man. He twirled it in between his fingers, he uncorked it, and grimaced for a moment before he took it like a firewhiskey shot, closing his eyes tight and shuddering. "Oh, that's so gross."
Stranger: [brb!]
You: Sirius couldn't help but chuckle at the words. "I've caught you snogging Prevel Martin. I'm sure it can't be worse than that!" he countered making the group laugh, though his own didn't quite reach his eyes. They were still pinned to Remus, dark and calculating, as he tried to piece together the puzzle before him.
Stranger: "That was a dare!" he cried, elbowing him in the side. He could feel the effects of the potion almost instantly, though he was still full of his aches. He could feel how tired his eyes were, but the potion buzzed away inside of him and kept the open. His eyes flickered over and met Sirius's gaze, and he let out a puff of breath. "What, were you just upset it wasn't you?"
You: Sirius tensed in surprise at the sudden retort, forcing his grin wider to try and hide the blush. "Oh, yeah. I've always dreamed of snogging that ugly mug of yours," he teased. "Sounds more like a nightmare," Peter added around a mouth full of food. Sirius just laughed harder.
Stranger: Remus snorted softly and grabbed another pastry, kicking his boot out towards Peter playfully. "Aye, just you wait, bastards. Give me a year or two and I'll be taller than James."
You: "Pfft, not likely," Sirius scoffed playfully before turning towards James. "I'm suppose to be in transfiguration right now. Whats up? Or did you just want to bore us again with another one of your rants about Muggle studies again?"
Stranger: Remus scrunched his nose up and rolled his eyes, before he snuck another treat, eyes turning to James. "Yeah, what is it?" James looked affronted and scoffed. "What, a guy can't just ask his mates and-- his uh. non-mate." a glance to Lily. "To come and hang out and skip class?"
You: Sirius snorted at that. "Sure you can, but I think I rather be learning how to turn into a dragon than to have to stare at your ugly mug," he replied, sticking out his tongue. "You can't transfigure into a dragon," Peter commented absently reaching for another treat. "Says you! I bet I could turn into Norwegian Ridgeback by the end of the year if I wasn't skipping class!" he grinned, pointedly looking at James and knowing full well it wasn't the truth.
Stranger: Remus quirked a brow at him. "Actually, not possible. Not a dragon, at least," he nodded. He glanced towards James. "What was that thing we were reading last week? Animagus?" he questioned. "You can turn into an animal, but like. I think it has to be within a certain size."
You: "A baby dragon then," Sirius shrugged before James could answer. "Enough to breath fire and do some damage at least." "Yeah and probably shit everywhere," James laughed. "Good, another job for Finch and his cat," Sirius laughed.
You: *Filch
Stranger: Remus laughed, but it sounded distant even to himself. James looked over at the other lads and quirked a brow. "Shit aren't they covering Wolves and shit in Creatures today? What if you could turn into one of them?"
You: Sirius' smile faded a bit at the question. What was with all this talk about wolves? "I dunno, wolves are just vicious dogs right? I think I would rather be a regular one. Lounge about all day, get fat on treats, swarmed by women all the time." "Sniffing butts," James added with an arched brow. "Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it," Sirius countered.
Stranger: James laughed loudly. "But no, like, hear me out. You could scare the fuck out of any of your friends, if you like. Showed up at their house as a massive fucking wolf. Like would you shit yourself right there?"
You: "I dunno," Sirius continued. "I still think a dragon would be better. What do you think Remus?" he asked turning towards his best friend.
Stranger: Remus blinked a couple of times, and forced another laugh from himself. "Uh. Maybe a rabbit," he said lamely, clearing his throat. He ran a hand through his hair, and he suddenly did not feel very great at all, his stomach churning uneasily.
You: Sirius hesitated as he watched the color begin to drain from his friend's skin. "Don't rabbits mate like crazy?" he asked trying to hide his concern. "I always knew you had a promiscuous side," he teased. "Either way, it won't matter what we want to turn into if we don't learn how," he pointed out, pushing to his feet.
Stranger: The man cleared his throat, letting out a long breathe and tried to stop the queasy feeling. Almost as bad as the bone and joint aches, he hates the nausea that comes along with it, as the full moon ticked closer and closer. "James could probably find the book with the animagus spell in it." he murmured. "I uh. I have a ton of homework to do, and I have a feeling I'll...be falling asleep early tonight. I should get it done."
You: Sirius offered out a hand to help the other up. "Nah, I bet he's too distracted making eyes at Lily," Sirius teased, fluttering his lashes at the girl playfully. "Right, Lily?"
Stranger: Lily snapped out of her little world with James, a blush coming across her cheeks. "What? Oh, um--" she glanced over at James. "Nobody is making eyes at anyone."
You: "Ha! Right! Whatever you say, Lily," Sirius chuckled before making a kissing face towards them both. "You guys don't do anything I wouldn't do," he teased with a wink, "I think I'm gonna walk Remus to his next class before he collapses on himself."
Stranger: Lily rolled her eyes and flipped him off as well, something she had picked up from James no doubt. Remus glanced up as he was mentioned, and frowned. "I'm not gonna collapse. Wide awake, see?"
You: Sirius paid Remus no mind as he pulled him a long, calling over his shoulder. "James you're a bad influence on her!" he laughed just as they turned the corned and were suddenly on their own. Sirius let his smile fade now that they didn't have an audience though he didn't speak, unsure of what to say.
Stranger: Remus grumbled but sighed, following Sirius. He let him get pulled along, his bag swinging over his shoulder. When they were out of sight, the man glanced over his shoulder. "They're insane ,the lot of them.."
You: "Might as well include us in that lot as well, Remus," Sirius pointed out before shooting the man a side glance. "You're hiding something, aren't you?" he asked deciding that a blunt approach would be best.
Stranger: "I'm hardly insane." he puffed a breath out. "I'm the sanest one around." At the accusation, Remus stopped in his steps, and he frowned. "What would I be hiding."
You: Sirius turned to him, studying the bags under his eyes and his exhausted features. "That's what I would like to know," he countered, "You obvious haven't slept, you're moody, and you know enough about charms that if it were something as simple as a bad dream you would have taken care of it by now," Sirius pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest, "Exams aren't for a few months and-" he paused, realization striking, a devilish smile spreading across his lips. "You've been sneaking out, haven't you?! Who is she? Couldn't be a Gryffindor or you wouldn't be up all night... Is it that Hufflepuff girl I always see trailing after you? What was her name? Levy? Levi? Lindsye?" he pretended to stumbled over the girl in question, knowing full well her name was Lauraine, not wanting Remus to think that he pays far too much attention to him.
Stranger: Remus felt like he was going to throw up for real now. He sucked in a breath and rolled his eyes, pushing a hand through his hair. "Fuck man, maybe I just had a bad night sleep, okay?" he frowned. "I get -- insomnia sometimes. I don't like to take potions all the time because I don't think it's good for you ." he felt his face heat up at the insinuation that he was hooking up with a Hufflepuff, and he groaned, covering his face with his hands. "Sirius, shut the hell up. Please." he shook his head. "I'm not--I'm not sneaking out with some girl."
You: "Some guy then?" Sirius shrugged, his grin broadening to hide his sudden wave of jealousy. "Hey, I'm not one to judge, we're mates regardless of who you decide to shack up with." He moved to loop his arm around Remus' and start walking again. "No reason to get cranky about it."
Stranger: Remus let out a shaky breath. "I'm not shaking up with some guy, either," he groaned. "I'm--" he paused for a long moment, trying to come up with something on the spot. "I'm taking extra lessons with Gonny. At night, when everyone's asleep. Not a lot, just like. Every couple weeks. She's.. helping me learn some higher level charms and stuff."
You: "Oh," Sirius mumbled a bit put out, but far more relieved than anything. "Wait... why do you need to know higher charms? I mean, I get that you're talented and all, but that's a bit excessive and why would you keep that a secret?" he asked absently, brows furrowing as he attempted to work it all out.
Stranger: He shrugged. "She didn't want the other students getting jealous." He explained, frowning. "I just. Was curious, and thought about maybe going into a job with the Ministry with it, so." he cleared his throat. "And she likes that I'm a hard worker, so she was willing to teach me. If you want to join you can go ask her, but--"
You: "Brilliant! I could use some extra studies in Charms. If I'm gonna become an Aura I have to get Outstanding on the OWLS and I only got Exceeds, but I was talking to Peter earlier and they're letting him retake his. Maybe they'll let me retake mine!" Sirius chimed, beaming with excitement as he pulled away from his mate. "I'm going to see if I can speak to the Headmaster about the exams. Meet you in the common room after supper?" He called already hurrying down the corridor.
Stranger: Remus opened his mouth in surprise at Sirius's willingness to take up extra charms and transfiguration lessons, and he looked surprised. But before he could even make a rebuttal, Sirius was off. "Fuck," he groaned, and shook his head, trying to race to Minerva's office to go and tell him what he had done. Besides Dumbledore, she was the only person that knew what he was. He best go ask her if they could start up some random charms practice now and then.
You: [[Quick questions (srry just want to make sure I don't overstep): Do you have a preference on how you want this to go or do you just want to wing it? Are you wanting to do the scene with Minerva or Dumbledore or skip to that even? I figured with Sirius it could go two ways either they tell him yes but he didn't talk to the charms prof so he shows up just all like 'hi! ready to go to charms, mate?!' or he figures out somethings off and there is no extra charms and he confronts Remus about lying to him. ]]
Stranger: [[ooh lets maybe do the lying ]
Stranger: [and uh. lets skip the scenes with Dumbledore and minerva]
You: [[Ooo ^.^ yay I was hoping you'd go with the lying >:3 ]]
Stranger: <3]
You: Sirius managed to attend the rest of his classes though he seemed a bit stand offish whenever he caught sight of Remus or James and Peter for that matter. He didn't bother showing up for dinner either. In fact, it wasn't until they were to meet in the Gryffindor common room that he showed his face. His usual smile was absent, replaces by pursed lips as he studied Remus silently for a moment. It seemed as if the dark haired man wasn't going to speak at first, but eventually he let out a heavy sigh. "Charms, huh?" he asked evenly, a brow arching as he pinned Remus with a dark stare, waiting for his next excuse.
Stranger: brb!!]
Stranger: Remus wasn't able to find Mcgonogall all afternoon. In her study, in class -- He finally had to give up to try and find her. He needed to get some homework done. He finished out his classes and was immediately kept up in the common room the rest of the night, hurriedly scrawling away, watching the clock tick away. The moon would be at it's highest point by 9pm, which meant he needed to leave by 8pm to get himself hidden in the shrieking shack. He glanced up as he felt the gaze of someone on him, and he parted his lips. "I--um. What?" he asked weakly. He only had twenty minutes before he had to leave.
You: "Don't play dumb Remus, its not a good look on you," Sirius grumbled, crossing his arms. "You lied to me! We're suppose to be best mates! Best mates don't lie to one another!" he snapped, losing a bit of his temper.
Stranger: Remus snapped his mouth close and let out a shaky breath. "I--" he stammered, and made another glance at the clock. "You're right." he nodded quickly. "I'm. seeing that Hufflepuff girl. Lauraine." he said quickly. "I didn't want to get the same shit that James gets for Lily because she's.. shy."
You: "Bullshit," Sirius snapped without hesitation. "You know the only reason I give James hell about Lily is because Lily is just as much a mate as he is. You are also a horrible liar..." he hesitated, something similar to pain crossing his features. "or at least I thought you were. Whatever you're hiding Remus... I hope its worth it," he spat, his anger returning full force as he gave the other boy a shove.
Stranger: Remus really didn't have the energy in him so close to the moon. When Sirius shoved him, he knocked back hard into the corner of the table, letting out a little yelp. "Maybe just mind your own business," he huffed out through a grimace. "If I wanted you to know, then I'd tell you."
You: "Last I checked, you are my business!" Sirius growled, kicking the chair between them out of the way. "At least, if we're best mates, it is... but then again, apparently... we're not," he added his voice lowering once more. "My mistake."
You: [[brb]]
Stranger: [nw]
Stranger: Remus backed away from the man, moving to start shoving his papers and books back into his bag. "I don't have to tell you everything about me, Sirius. Just. Drop it, okay?" he huffed out a long breath, swinging his bag over his shoulder. "I have to go."
Stranger: brb]
You: "No, of course, not! Why would you?!" Sirius snapped at him. "Go then! I'm not stopping you! It's not like I could even if I tried, obviously! Just don't expect me to come looking for you when you're late for class in the morning... or when you need another potion! I would hate to assume you needed me for anything."
Stranger: Remus felt a hard shudder run through his body, and he doubled over briefly. He glanced at the clock and puffed a breath. Why was he-- the moon didn't finish for another hour, at least. It dawned on him, there, that he forgot to account for the time change. He made a noise in his throat, hands shaking. "I'm--I'm sorry, I have to go." he said, and bolted from the common room.
You: Sirius' hesitated as he watched Remus falter, his anger and hurt forgotten. "Remus!" he jerked forward, intent on giving the man a hand but he was already bolting down the corridor leading towards the stairs. "Remus!" Sirius called after him, a spike of worry joining the concoction of emotions swirling inside him. He paused for a breath... another... before he realized what he was doing he was half way down the stairs, barely managing to keep the other boy in his sights.
Stranger: Remus was shaking, feeling his breath coming out hard, his bones aching inside of his skin. He had to pause, once, as another hard shudder rippled through him, before he was staggering towards the hidden passage behind the statue. He heard Sirius calling behind him, and just hoped he could keep out of his eye sight. Sirius couldn't be there for him, it was too dangerous.
You: "Remus wait!" Sirius called again, the words coming out breathless as he hurried down the stairs, catching a glimpse of the other boy just as he ducked behind one of the statues. Sirius didn't hesitate to follow, blindly following at this point. Whatever Remus was hiding was more than just some silly secret between friends that much was obvious now. But whatever it /was/, judging by the shaking and cries coming from the other boy was painful and possibly dangerous. Sirius had heard of some slytherins selling gillyweed and waking death to other students for kicks but... he had never pinned Remus as one to partake in something so dangerous. Now, however, he couldn't be so sure.
Stranger: Remus could feel the blood rushing in his ears, drowning out all other sounds. He made it to the statue, ducking behind it and entering the hidden passage. It was mostly dirt, dug through what had to be centuries ago, making his way under Hogwarts and towards the shrieking shack. He just needed to get there, then he could -- he could let the shift finish. A strained whimper came from his throat, seeing the door in sight. He reached to yank it open, clambering out. He fell to his hands and knees onto the old, rotting, wooden floor of the shack, gasping for air. He could feel the howl starting to catch in his throat.
You: Sirius slid to a stop in front of the small tunnel, heart sinking. He hated tight spaces... They were worse than boggarts... He shifted from one foot to another before he managed enough courage to dive in, doing his best to focus on the way Lupin had sounded, the way he had shivered. His friend needed him whether he knew it or not and Sirius was sure as hell going to- A howl broke through the sound of his trembling breaths making him pause, glancing up at the small bit of moonlight at the end of the tunnel. Remus wasn't alone! Something was there! He had to get to him! "Remus!!!!" He called desperately, doubling his efforts as he crawled through the tight space. "Remus! I'm coming!"
Stranger: [agsjldf sorry im helping boyfriend w/ dinner so lots of back and forth. we can always move to email or discord if its easier. brb]
You: [[No worries! I gotta get my son to bed anyways. Discord is still working for me but I would love to continue via email when we have to cut off if that's cool. I would hate to lose ya. Good Rp partners are so hard to come by.]]
Stranger has disconnected.
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ardentmuse · 5 years
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Hello, my little love bugs!
2k followers is fast approaching and I am not willing to wait for it! So we’re having a celebration now.
As many of you know, toddle started daycare, which means I have 4 hours every morning just to myself. So for the next week, I am devoting all of that time to writing. And with The Good Place coming back so soon, why not do some prompts based on the wittiest, silliest, most gut-wrenchingly romantic dialogue on television? AND why not add two new fandoms while we’re at it, just to get some good stuff goin’!
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The Rules:
Must be following me (@ardentmuse)
Must submit me an ask with a number of a prompt and a character
Must like this post
Should reblog, but obviously live your own life, run with your blog aesthetic and just be happy
Only one submission per person, please!
Block “#ardentmuse almost 2k celebration” if you don’t want to see these for whatever reason (though I promise they will be good. My story with the most notes ever - over 1.5k now - was from one of these challenges)
Each ask will become a reader-insert imagine. Aiming for ~1k words for each of these, but we’ll see where the spirits take me.
Note that as I am going to be devoting all my writing time for the next week to this, I am not setting a hard cut off regarding number of submissions, but do know that I won’t be addressing these forever. Once the new Good Place season starts, I’m going to be washing my hands of whatever requests still sit in my inbox.
Character list and prompt list below the cut.
Hugs, Lia
Note: all responses will be reader inserts (no x ships). Also, this list is off the top of my head so if I missed anyone that you really want to see, let me know.
Harry Hart
Merlin (Hamish Mycroft)
Eggsy Unwin
Whiskey (Jack Daniels)
James Spenser (Lancelot)
Roxy Morton
Harry Potter:
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Percy Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Talbott Winger
Barnaby Lee
Felix Rosier
Bruce Banner
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers
Scott Lang
Game of Thrones:
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Ned Stark
Tyrion Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Theon Greyjoy
Gendry (Waters)
Podrick Payne
Sandor Clegane
Petyr Baelish
Good Omens:
The Prompts from The Good Place: 
Hi, guys! I’m broken.
Ya basic.
I was dropped into a cave and you were my flashlight.
Humans only live 80 years and they spend so much of it just waiting for things to be over.
I promise I’m worth it.
Kill me. Kill me. Kill me.
I gotta stay jacked. It’s who I am.
You know, sometimes a flaw can make something even more beautiful.
This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.
I never thought I’d be the one to say it, but this is getting out of hand. I think we gotta go to the cops.
Well, I’ve narrowed it down to two possibilities: yes and no.
Well, I’m sure you’re busy, you probably wouldn’t want to talk to me. I get it, I wouldn’t either. I’m as dull as a rock. Ugh, even that analogy was boring. I’m sorry, I’m so dull, and I’m ugly. I’m like a rock. Ugh, stupid! Stop talking about rocks!
She’s so pretty, like Nala from The Lion King. And she talks so smart, like, um, Nala, from The Lion King.
It’s devastating. You’re devastated right now.
Okay, bud, whatever’s going on right now, just shove your feelings way down deep, plaster on a fake smile, and pretend like you’re having fun. Okay?
Ugh, of course your hugs are amazing.
Long story short, it was all a dream.
Right now I’m just a girl, towering over a boy, asking him to admit he loves me.
Pay it forward.
Now I’m living my truth and creating my bliss.
I am attractive, yes.
I don’t think this can be solved with a book.
Searching for meaning is philosophical suicide.
Now I’m bored. Walking is dumb.
You’re awesome! Be nicer to yourself.
I would say I outdid myself, but I’m always this good. So I simply did myself.
Lies are always more convincing when they’re closer to the truth.
Why do bad things always happen to mediocre people who are lying about their identities?
Rule number one– I get to do whatever I want, and you all just have to deal with it.
Principles aren’t principles when you pick and choose when you’re gonna follow them.
It’s a rare occurrence, like a double rainbow.
We are not in this alone.
Pobody’s nerfect.
Yep, shouldn’t have said that. Regretted it immediately.
You’re kind of, you know, turtling.
You and I are very different.
I’d say it’s like 50 million simultaneous orgasms, but better.
… I can work with that.
But then I remembered that I’m a naughty bitch.
Oh come on! You and I both know I’ll never read those.
What’s the secret? Is the secret more books? How many more books do I need?
Cool stance. Counterpoint: Get over yourself.
I’m outtie. See you in hell.
That broke me. I’m – I’m done.
I am your hottest friend!
You’re barfing Wikipedia over everyone to avoid talking about your feelings.
No matter what he does, we will find each other. And we will help each other. Because we’re soulmates.
I’m going to hug you because I love you. And because you feel just as alone as I do.
That’s insane. But it’s also like the eleventh most insane thing to happen today so who cares.
A: That’s not a question. B: So you agree, it’s a fact.
53 notes · View notes
daydreamjournal · 6 years
Cliché (Sirius Black X Reader)
Author note: Hello everyone, this is my first time writing for Sirius Black so I apologize if he seems out of character to you, other than that I hope you enjoy this song inspired one off.
Word count:  3591
Warnings: None, this is one fluffy boy.
I walked into the room and then I saw your face
Walking into the Gryffindor common room you scanned the room before sighing in relief, it was basically empty except the marauders who appeared to be arguing over something trivial like always. Moving over to the empty couch you sat and allowed yourself to sink into it’s comfort after a long day of classes, with O.W.L’s coming up fast you felt as if you barely had time to breathe with all the homework the professors were cramming down your throats, not to mention you felt like Lily, your best friend, was going to make you study to death.
“Hey (L/N)” A familiar voice called out to you.
You looked me in the eye and I wanted to erase myself (erase myself)
Glancing over your (e/c) eyes were met with stormy gray ones, the eyes that belonged to the famous Sirius Black, fellow fifth year and flirt extraordinaire, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive. However, except for when Lily was around, you rarely spoke to the marauders so this situation caused you to internally panic and wish you had just went up to your dorm.
“Yes Sirius?” You asked politely trying to keep your nerves from showing through.
A playful smirk danced across his lips which enhanced his handsome features, you felt as if your heart was beating faster from it alone.
“Strawberries or blueberries?” he asked.
You blinked in confusion as your eyebrows knitted together to physically illustrate your emotion “Excuse me?”.
He chuckled “Which do you prefer?”.
“Oh uhm..” you paused as you chewed your bottom lip in thought “I guess i’d have to say strawberries.”.
“You’re a romantic than huh?” James asked looking over to you.
“I don’t see how that makes me a romantic Potter.” you snorted.
“Ouch, why does Padfoot get the first name treatment and not me?” he pouted
I didn’t wanna fall, but then I stepped right in
“I like him better.” you joked laughing a bit as you got to your feet.
Unknowing to you, when you said that Sirius had felt his heart skip a beat.
“I’m heading up to my dorm, try not to stay up too late boys.” you waves a hand as you moved towards the stairs to the girls dormitory.
“Yes Mother.” James called after you.
You listened as the other three boys laughed before shaking your head and heading up, they were immature sure, but they were entertaining.
Stepping into your dorm you noticed Lily absorbed in her studies per usual, quills and parchment scattered around her as she was pouring over her transfiguration textbook.
“Don’t bother trying to talk to her.” One of your other friends, Marlene said from her four poster “She hasn’t moved since you guys got back from the library.”.
Sighing you snatched the book from the red heads hands before holding it out of reach when she tried to grab it “Lils’ you need to rest, your brain is going to be mush if you don’t.”
Lily pouted as she held out her hand to you “Give it back, I just have one more chapter left to go over.”.
“A chapter that will turn into the rest of the text book?” you asked as you crossed you arms.
Groaning in defeat your best friend gathered her things before putting them away “Fine, only because I know you’re right.”.
“When am I not?” you grinned finally handing the book back.
“Don’t push it.” Lily laughed.
I looked down at the ground and I felt it right within
“Where have you been anyway?” Alice, another friend of yours asked sleepily.
“The couch looked comfy.” you shrugged as you sat down on your own bed glancing down at your shoes.
“Did something happen?” Lily asked looking to you.
“Huh?” you glanced up once more not realizing the blush that had spread on your cheeks.
The three girls ooh’d at you and you suddenly felt the burning heat in your face 
“Details.” Marlene demanded as the three girls moved closer to you.
“N-Nothing happened! I just talked with the boys.” you shrugged looking away.
Lily smirked “Sirius talked to you huh?.
“Maybe.” you mumbled as you undid your tie “It wasn’t like we had this momentous conversation, he just asked my opinion on fruit.”.
They all looked just as confused as you had been a few minutes ago
“That’s-” Alice began
“Weird.” Marlene finished
“I know, and when I said strawberries James accused me of being a romantic.” you sighed running a hand through your (H/L and H/C) hair.
“They must be planning something.” Lily sighed “Probably a prank.”.
“Ooh fun.” you spoke sarcastically.
“Why would they prank (Y/N) though?” Marlene asked “They all seem fond of her, especially Sirius.”.
It was too late for me (too late for her)
After changing the subject and bit more banter the others and yourself got ready for bed, however as you laid in your four poster staring at the ceiling your mind was filled with Sirius, your stomach was filled with butterflies and your body almost ached or his touch and warmth despite having never felt it before in the five years of knowing him.
‘Stop it’ you thought to yourself ‘Sirius has a reputation, I shouldn’t get my hopes up.’.
With one last soft sigh you drifted off to sleep
You took a step forward and tilted your head, with a curious glance you stared and I felt like dead
Walking down the stairs to the common room you noticed that Sirius was standing at the bottom of them talking to another fifth year girl, you hated yourself for the jealousy that washed over you, it wasn’t as if Sirius was even remotely close to being yours, but to see him talking to another girl stung, nonetheless you continued your way down.
As you approached the bottom you noticed Sirius’s attention turn to you as he tilted his head with a look of curiosity in his gray eyes as he moved towards you closing the distance 
Oh my god I think i’m dying
He gave you a small smile that nearly made you melt  “Hey.”.
“Hello.” you replied as you two met on the bottom stair
“What’s your name? I’d really like to know about you.” Too bad I stopped at “Hello.”
“Are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?” Sirius asked, the small smile still on his face.
You gave a nod “Even if I have to drag Lily by one of her quills.” you joked laughing a bit
His smile grew “Well, I was wondering.” he paused as he gave the back of his neck a rub “If you want to accompany me when were there?”.
Did you ears deceive you? Had Sirius Black just asked you on a date? No, no he had to mean it as friend surely.
“Are James and the others coming too?” you asked adjusting your bag.
“No, just us, a date would be awkward with them along for the ride.” he smirked
I just stared and you grinned and looked right back, it felt like just one big whirlwind.
“A-Alright than.” you managed still completely caught off guard.
He took your hand and placed a kiss on it’s back “See you in potions (L/N).” and he was gone.
You continued to stand there in shock until Lily shook you and brought you back to earth
One big emotional whirlwind.
“Are you alright (Y/N)?” Lily asked as you looked to her “I’ve been trying to get your attention for like five minutes now.”
“I..” you finally spoke “I have a date with Sirius this weekend?” you said still unsure whether if this was real or not
“Wait what?!” Marlene said a she joined the two of you.
“(Y/N) has a date with Black.” Lily smirked looking to your friend.
Marlene wiggled her eyebrows as she walked past the two of you humming about how you and Sirius were sitting in a tree soon to be k-i-s-s-i-n-g
“Marlene!” You whined chasing after her as a laughing Lily followed you guys to the great hall for breakfast.
Over the next few days we got to talking, with every single word I started falling
You sat in the common room laughing quietly to yourself from behind your book as you listened to James try to persuade Lily into a date for the third time that day
“Not in this lifetime Potter.” Lily said as she turned a page in her own book.
“Then in the next perhaps.” James seemed to purr
You snorted as you brought your book closer to yourself to avoid Lily’s glare
“Since when do you purr Prongs?” Sirius asked from beside his best friend.
“Hard not to when talking to someone as purr-fect as Evans.” James winked and the sound of Lily’s gag made you lose it as you completely buried your face in you book
“Someone is giggly today.” Sirius smiled removing the book from your face.
You were still laughing as you smiled up at me “Hard not to laugh when Potter’s pick up lines keep getting worse.”
“Not a bad as Peter’s jokes.” Remus said as he walked through the portrait hole with Peter himself in tow.
“Hey!” Peter huffed which earned a laugh from the five of you 
Sirius took the empty seat on the couch beside you and leaned closer “Not a fan of pick up lines?” he whispered.
Fighting back a blush you glanced to him “Depends who is saying them.”
His usual smirk seemed to ooze cockiness “And if they were from me?”
Farther, farther, and farther for you
“Then I might just like them.” you admitted 
He gently tucked your (H/C) locks behind your ear “That’s good to hear.”
A clearing of the throat snapped both of your attentions back to James “No flirting while i’m trying to woo my future wife Padfoot.”.
Lily rolled her eyes and grabbed your arm “Come on (Y/N) we’ll just study in the dorm.”
“Oh uhm, alright.” you glanced to Sirius feeling a bit sad before grabbing your book and following her “See you later guys.”.
“Not if we see you first.” Peter called to you and his three friends groaned.
You were so witty, and so charming, you swept me of my feet
However Sirius did up seeing you first, he had snuck down to the kitchen for a midnight snack to see you had done the same, your back to him as you talked to one of the house elves.
Smirking he quietly moved behind you and pulled you into a backwards hug “Boo!”.
You nearly jumped out of your skin as you spun around quickly to see who had scared you “Sirius!” you whisper yelled.
He chuckled “Surprised to see me?”.
You nodded “I shouldn’t be though, even the house elves thought it was you sneaking in when I first arrived.”.
He chuckled as he still held onto you close to him “yeah I suppose I have a reputation.”.
Reputation, the word that hung in your head every time you longed to get closer to Sirius, the word that kept you from admitting just how you felt about the messy haired Gryfindor who was currently holding you in his arms.
You gently pushed away from him and walked over to a counter hoisting yourself to sit on it “Getting a snack?”.
He nodded as he grabbed a pumpkin pastie and leaned against the counter beside you “Are we still on for Hogsmeade tomorrow?” he asked after swallowing the bite he had taken.
Nodding you sipped your tea “Did you think i’d chicken out?” you joked.
Sirius chuckled “To be honest I was surprised you agreed, seeing as we rarely talked before, though to be honest i’ve always been curious about you.” his smirked turned into a small smile as he looked to you.
You blushed softly “Sirius Black interested in little old me?” you laughed a bit “Why is that?.
“Well.” he moved so he was in front of you, putting his arms on either side of you as he trapped you in your spot “I remember in first year you got lost, but you were too stubborn to ask for directions so, you pressed on and ended up walking into potions with five minutes to spare.”
Your whole face turned red “Gee what other embarrassing thing do you remember?” you snarked glancing to the side.
He chuckled “In third year on our first hogsmeade trip I remember Remus was low on funds so you paid for the rest of his honeydukes for him.”.
“Well that’s-” he held up a finger stopping you.
“Fourth year you stood up for a first year who was being bullied despite the fact that I can tell you hate confrontation.” he continued.
“What are you getting at?” You finally asked.
“(L/N) you are the most amazing girl i’ve ever met let alone get the honor of being friends with, You’re stubborn sure, but you’re also determined, caring, sweet, compassionate...You’re amazing (F/N) and I love you.” he admitted glancing away slightly, a light blush on his cheeks.
You were shocked into silence once again thanks to Sirius, you opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out so you closed it whilst feeling your face heat up so hot you thought it was gonna melt off.
You made me laugh, you made me blush, no one could compete (no one could compete)
“I-I love you too Sirius.” you finally managed after about a minute.
He looked back to you as a wide smile spread across his face “Really?”.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips, if you didn’t know any better you would think he was wagging the tail he didn’t have “Of course, I have no reason to lie.”.
Pulling you into a tight hug Sirius pressed a kiss to forehead “You have no idea how long i’ve waited to hear you say that?” he mumbled into your hair.
“How long?” you asked as your head rested on his chest, the beating of his heart soothing you.
“I’ve been in love with you since that day you walked into potions late during first year and asked Slughorn why on earth Hogwarts had a dungeon.” he snorted at the memory.
It seemed to good to be true (It seemed to good to be true.)
“Really?” you asked surprised
He nodded “What about you? How long have you been in love with me? Since puberty?”.
I wanted to be with you (only with you)
You shook your head “Second year actually, we were in transfiguration and another Gryffindor was having trouble and while McGonagall wasn’t watching you helped them out.” you smiled at the cute memory.
He blushed softly “Didn’t think anyone had seen that.”
“You’ll find i’m very observant.” you giggled and heard the clock chime “It’s getting late, we should both get to bed.”
He pouted “I wanna be with you though.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you gave him a small smile “Well if we go to sleep, the sooner tomorrow comes for our date right?”.
“Fair point love.” he sighed as he hung his head in defeat “May I walk you back to your dorm than?”.
You nodded and got to your feet as he stepped back “I’d like that.”.
 We clicked like legos, or the clacking of tap shoes
The following morning Sirius was yet again waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs, a smile on his face as you finally appeared
“Hey.” he said taking one of you hands in his
“Hello, how was your day?” you asked glancing to your joined hands.
“Better now.” he replied still smiling as he kissed you hand.
What a cliché, but to be honest it made my day.
The two of you walks around hogsmeade taking in the scene whilst stopping in at places like Honeydukes to get treats and The three broomsticks for a hot butterbeer to warm up from the cold.
“Warm enough love?” Sirius asked as he noticed you pulling your coat closer to yourself.
“I’m alright.” you replied as you sipped your butterbeer “I forgot how cold it is here in the winter is all.”.
Chuckling he wrapped an arm around you as he pulled you closer “That’s what winter does.” he said pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Oh shush, it’s not my fault I get cold easily.” you huffed.
“Than it’s a good thing you have a boyfriend whose a walking heater.”
Boyfriend, the word echoed in your head causing your heart to beat faster. Sirius Black was your boyfriend now.
I didn’t wanna fall, but then I stepped right in. I looked up at your face and those eyes they drew me in
You had almost forgotten how beautiful Sirius’s eyes were as you looked up at him, his face so close to yours that you could feel his hot breath on your neck. He leaned in closer, his nose now brushing yours and making it hard for you to breathe normally
“Siri-” you began, but were cut off my his lips softly crashing into your in a shy yet passionate kiss
It was too late for me
When he pulled away he rested his forehead on yours, his gray eyes never leaving your (E/C) ones “First kiss?” he asked.
You nodded as your fingers absentmindedly brushed over your lips “I’m glad it was with you though.”.
“Me too.” he smirked and leaned in kissing you again though this time with a slight bit more force and greed attached, though you were more than happy to oblige to any type of kisses from him.
He was your first love and it seemed you were his
That’s what we were, a simple cliché, it wasn’t made to work, but I wouldn’t have it any other way (any other way).
Time passed and it became well known that you were Sirius’s and that he was yours, though that didn’t seem to stop girls from trying to steal him from you, not that you could blame them really, he was Sirius Black after all, but as Sirius told them countless times, he was yours and only yours no matter what happened in the end
Sixth year was finally here and you sat in your compartment quietly reading, Lily had left to find the restroom which left you waiting for the others and as per usual the marauders all arrived together, Sirius making a b line for you before pulling you into a tight hug and pressing kissed all over your face causing you to giggle
“I missed you so much.” he said sitting down with you in his lap.
“I missed you too Siri.’ you smiled kissing his cheek
Lily walked in to see this and gave a awe while James and the other look repulsed
You were so witty, and so charming, you swept me of my feet. You made me laugh, you made me blush, no one could compete (no one could compete)
“Oh hush Prongs.” Sirius joked pulling you closer so Lily had room to sit “You too Moony and Wormtail, i’m in love.”.
“Oi i’m in love with Evans too, but you don’t see my kissing all over her face.” Potter pouted
“That’s because if you tried i’d turn you into a toad.” Lily stated with no hesitation.
“As long as princess Evans kisses me and turns me back that’s just fine.” he winked and everyone else in the compartment groaned in protest.
It seemed too good to be true (it seemed too good to be true), I wanted to be with you (only with you).
Time passed on through the school year and you and Sirius were still acting as if he had just confessed yesterday, two touch starved teens always acting as if it had been forever since you had seen the other during breaks despite having classes together and the same common room, nonetheless the two of you were happy/
We clicked like legos, or the clacking of tap shoes
Waking up one morning, your body was tangled with Sirius’s as you caught him watching you 
“Hey.” he said as played with a lock of you hair.
“Hello.” you smiled moving up to kiss him softly which he gladly returned.
You thought about the dream you had, you were marrying Sirius, a question bubbled up inside of you “Can I ask you a question?”.
“Of course love.” he said, a hand rubbing circles on your lower back.
“I had a dream that we were getting married and while I love that idea, I gotta know do you feel this way too?” you asked
He smiled as he placed a kiss on your forehead “Yeah, I do, but I was scared of what you might say if I brought it up.” he admitted.
“I would have said that let’s do it, after graduation let’s get married.” you replied and watched as his smile grew wider before he kissed you deeply.
And that’s all we were, a silly cliché
As you stood at the alter saying your I do’s Sirius mouth “I still think you’re cute, but maybe it’s better this way as right now you look beautiful.”.
And before you could reply the priest had announced that Sirius could now kiss his bride and his lips were on yours as soon as the words had been spoken.
“I love you (Y/N).” Sirius whispered as he pulled away
“I love you too Sirius.” you whispered back
That’s okay, we’re just a little cliché, a little cliché, but that’s okay!
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Hey, I love your writing! Could you maybe do like Marlene makes Sirius and Remus do the boyfriend tag for the lions media page and the questions are just a mix of cute, normal things and then really really not so cute normal things 👀
I may have gotten a little carried away with this ideas, whoops! There isn’t much ~spicy~ stuff here, but if you guys liked it I’ll do a part 2! Writing this was easily the best part of my day. Credit for Coops and Sweater Weather goes to @lumosinlove!
“Hello, everyone, I’m Dorcas Meadowes, and welcome back to Lion Pride!” Dorcas smiled at the camera and waved. “Today I’m here with team captain Sirius Black and our newest player, Remus Lupin, for the boyfriend tag. They’ll be asking each other a series of questions and they are legally obligated to answer honestly!”
“Wait, really?” Remus asked, his eyes wide.
“No, but it’s a good idea anyway.” Dorcas shuffled the small stack of notecards in her hands and passed half to each of them. “I’m here to supervise and clarify if you need it.”
“Alright, first question: how did we meet?” Sirius grinned. “Take your time on this one.”
“We met in the PT room before I was formally introduced to the team because Pots unscrewed the lids of the Gatorade bottles and the spout hit you in the eye.”
“Oh my god, I forgot about that!” Sirius turned to the camera. “Watch out, Pots, vengeance is coming.”
“Question number two,” Remus laughed. “If we’re going out to eat, where are we going?”
“Sid’s.” They said in unison.
“Number three: What’s one food I don’t like?”
Remus paused and bit his lip. “That’s a tough one. You’re kind of like a black hole for food. Uh, maybe pickles?”
“Yeah, I hate pickles.” Sirius shuddered dramatically. “Leave the poor zucchini alone.”
“Pickles are made from cucumbers.”
“Same difference.”
“No, it’s not!”
“Moving on!” Dorcas interrupted. “Remus, you’re up.”
“This is why we need a supervisor,” he said to the camera. “Okay, question four. How many siblings do I have?”
Sirius lit up and beamed at him. “One! Jules!”
“Your number-one fan,” Remus teased.
Sirius glanced down at the next card and barked out a laugh. “Oh, I’m going to get roasted so hard here. Am I a morning person or a night person?”
“You are the earliest early bird of all time and it’s terrible,” Remus groaned. “Six a.m. rolls around and he’s wide awake while I’m barely a person until eight, and that’s assuming I’ve had coffee.”
“You’re the cutest zombie I’ve ever seen at seven in the morning,” Sirius said.
“Aw, babe. Question six: what’s our song?”
Sirius thought for a moment. “Hmm, I don’t know.”
“I was going to say, I don’t think we have one yet.”
“We’re taking suggestions if anyone has ideas,” Sirius said to the camera. “What’s my best friend’s name.”
“Harry Potter,” Remus answered without hesitating. “You only like Pots for his baby.”
Remus started to read the next card, then looked to Dorcas. “Do I have to ask this one?”
“Cover your ears, everyone. What’s my nickname?”
“LOOPS!” Sirius shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth. “But to me it’s mon loup. What’s my weirdest habit?”
Remus dropped his face into his hands. “Your order of operations. To anyone out there who still thinks Sirius Black is cool—stop kicking me!—last night he got stuck in his t-shirt because he was brushing his teeth at the same time.”
“It’s efficient!” Sirius protested, poking him in the calf one more time. “You don’t appreciate me.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Remus kissed him on the cheek. “Okay, what’s one of my special talents?”
“That doesn’t count,” Dorcas said.
“Bummer. You can sing really well.”
Remus’ ears went pink. “I don’t know about really well.”
“You do it all the time!”
“That doesn’t mean I’m good at it!” They both laughed until Dorcas cleared her throat.
“Sorry, sorry. Question number…something. If you were baking me a birthday cake, what flavor would it be?”
Remus snorted. “Bold of you to assume I can bake. But if I could, I’d do a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting.”
“You’d steal all the frosting off it, wouldn’t you.”
“Oh, definitely. Next question! Where was I born?”
Sirius was quiet for a solid ten seconds. “…Wisconsin?”
“What, the entire state?”
“I know you were born in a hospital.”
“Do you have any idea how many Wisconsin hospitals there are?”
“Well, you were only born in one of them.” Sirius shrugged. “I give up, what city?”
“I’m not telling you. You can call my mom and ask when we’re done here.”
“She’d tease me for days. I’ll get it out of you eventually.” Sirius shook his head and turned back to the cards. “Oh, here’s a good one: could you tell I liked you?”
Remus burst out laughing. “Are you kidding me? No!”
Sirius turned to face the camera. “If anyone out there doesn’t know the whole situation, we basically just stared at each other for, like, a year before anything happened.”
“I think the first time I started picking up on it was when I came back from vacation and got a fifteen-second hug from this one,” Remus said, pointing his thumb toward Sirius. “At that point I kind of went ‘…wait a minute’.”
“Let’s do the next question before you spill any more embarrassing stories.” Remus’ smile turned sharp. “Oh, no.”
“What was your first impression of me?”
“Hot.” Sirius’ eyebrows shot up. “Woah, I said that way too fast, didn’t I?”
“A little bit, but I appreciate it.”
“Are you comfortable with PDA?” Sirius looked over at Dorcas. In lieu of an answer, Remus scooted over on their shared couch and settled down in Sirius’ lap. “Hello.”
“Hi. As you can see, I can’t stand it if you even breathe on me in public.”
“God forbid we make eye contact.”
“In all honesty, I think we’ve already crossed the PDA bridge,” Remus said. “Once pictures of you and your boyfriend making out go viral, there’s really no incentive to tone it down. My turn: who’s my favorite musician?”
“Fucking ABBA.” Sirius let his head fall on the back of the couch. “Sorry, I mean ABBA.” Remus started whistling the intro to ‘Gimme, Gimme, Gimme’ and Sirius scrambled for his notecards. “What’s my favorite time of the year?”
It took Remus a minute to catch his breath from laughing. “Uh, fall. Autumn. We have the same favorite, actually.”
“It’s a great season. You get hockey, big sweaters, and there’s still a little bit of sunshine.”
“Halloween, too,” Remus added. “Oh, shit, you’re going to have a field day with this one. What word do I use the most?”
“Jeez.” Sirius gave him a big smooch on the cheek. “Such a Midwesterner. Where was our first kiss?”
“Pascal Dumais’ guest room, on a dark and stormy night,’ Remus said. “We got snowed in for Sirius’ birthday party.”
“It was really romantic though.”
“Yeah.” Remus planted a quick kiss on his lips before grabbing the next card. “Who would win in an argument?”
“What’s the argument about?” Sirius asked. “Dorcas, is there a specification?”
“I think we trade off,” Remus mused. “We don’t fight much.”
“Nah. Kissing or cuddling?”
“What about it?”
“Which one do each of you prefer?” Dorcas clarified. She hadn’t stopped smiling since the interview started.
“Ohhhhh.” Remus readjusted himself in Sirius’ lap so he was leaning against the armrest more. “I mean, both are great.”
“Last question for me!” Remus waved his final notecard in Sirius’ face. “How would you describe my style? Tread carefully, Cap.”
Sirius thought hard for a moment. “This is a dangerous question, Dorcas. Um, you’re going to hate me for this.”
“Spit it out, Black.”
“Sexy librarian?”
“Fuck off.”
“See! I told you!”
“Sexy librarian? Really? At least I own clothing other than monochrome t-shirts!”
“I have my game day suit, too.”
“…the suit is nice.”
Dorcas was laughing too hard to get them back on track, so Marlene had to motion at them from behind the camera. “Sorry, Marlene, we’ll finish up. Okay, Fruit Loop, am I a dog or a cat person?”
“I think you love dogs more than you love me,” Remus said. “You don’t hate cats, though.”
“First of all, that’s not true, I love you most.” Sirius kissed him soundly on the lips. “Second of all, Regulus is enough of a cat person for both of us.”
“I was genuinely afraid we’d come home and find out he’d adopted eight kittens while he was still living with us. Dorcas, is that it?”
“That’s it,” she confirmed, still dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. “Great job, you guys killed it. Thanks for watching everyone, and make sure to stay updated with Lion Pride social media!”
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leviathanpotato · 6 years
She’s not your type - Young!Remus Lupin x oc
Tumblr media
Part 2. 
Tag for @imalostredheadinablondeworld
Potential link to part 1 here. I’ve never done a link before so this might not work.
Young Remus Lupin imagine kind of based off ‘You belong with me’  by Taylor Swift. I think i can actually condense this into 4 or 5 parts rather than 6 or 7.
Thanks again to @tooinlovewithfictionalpeople for encouraging me to post this. This is my first Tumblr Fanfic.
Slight language warning
The nightmare lasted three weeks.
In the beginning, each morning Sadie would come down to breakfast to the same scene. James would be snuggling up to Lily as she stared blankly forwards. Sirius would be lounging dramatically as he gossiped to James. Peter would be doing last minute homework as he nibbled on his toast. Then there would be Remus, huddled with his hot chocolate as Harriet jabbered on about herself on his lap.
She used to run right up to them and join them for some last minute toast (she had a habit of getting up five minutes before breakfast ended) but since Remus started going out with her, she slowly began to edge away from them. Harriet’s gang of followers had started to fill the empty space, giving her an even bigger reason to leave. None of them seemed to notice her withdrawing. Each of the five was always preoccupied with something else.
Eventually, she got up well before they did and ate with the Hufflepuffs, finishing her food with enough time to run back to her dorm and avoid them entirely. She attempted to make up for lost time by chatting to them more often in class. Even then, Harriet would still be there to ruin it. A typical conversation would go somewhere along these lines:
She would approach Remus, awkwardly playing with her robes. “Hey Remus, how are you?”
Remus would up and smile softly. “Hi, Sadie. I’m fine thanks.” He would then run his hands with his hair.
She would giggle, mentally cursing herself. “I was wondering if she’d want to hang out sometime in the library.” She’d ask hopefully.
Remus’ eyes would light up and he’d begin to nod.
Enter Harriet.
“Reemy” She’d drawl as Sadie cringed. “Come help me with my work.” She’d say, when she basically meant ‘do everything for me’.
“I was just talking to-” Remus would start to protest, his smile sliding off his face.
“Baby, please.” Then, without giving him a choice, she’d grab Remus’ arm and drag him away, giving her a knowing black glare as he shrugged apologetically. Sirius would roll his eyes next to her.
End scene.
After several attempts at conversation she gave up.
After further isolation, she found herself glancing towards them more often than usual. They were all joking just as much as they used to, but something just seemed off. Remus would be laughing along with them, but with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
That’s because he belongs with someone else, her brain piped up, like yo- FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY?
She jumped, flailed, then toppled out of her seat.
Having scrambled to get back up, she were met with the eyes of the entire class and an infuriated Professor McGonagall.
“Yes miss?” She mumbled nervously, scratching the back of her head. She pointedly stared anywhere but her face, but found that even worse as she noticed the marauders barely containing their laughter.
“I am astounded” She seethed, her voice calm but trembling with suppressed rage. “In all my years of teaching, never have I heard such language in my class, let alone shouted as I was talking.”
Her face paled, her mouth falling into a small ‘o’. Whoops, her brain taunted.
“I didn’t intend to say that out loud, miss.” She sheepishly looked up at her, subconsciously starting to tear at her robes.
“Then you weren’t paying attention.” McGonagall snapped, getting all the more impatient and shocked. “You, my top student? Sadie I have no option but to give you a detention, stay behind after class.”
She hung her head, her cheeks pink, and slumped back in her seat. She glanced at the marauders and flashed a smile they all returned. She couldn’t help but notice how Remus’ beam was a little dead eyed and forced.
During detention, she had a lot of time to think - primarily about Remus. Maybe if she just ignored them, her not-crush thing would simply dissipate. Or, her brain added, wait until Harriet leaves him and then you two can live happily ever after.
She clenched her fist and slammed her head on to the desk. She really hated her mind. Maybe if she hit her head hard enough she’d stop thinking altogether.
“Sadie” A stern voice echoed across the room.
She blearily raised her head from the desk. She was meant to be writing lines, but somehow the page was filled with senseless squiggles. Rubbing her aching eyes, she heard the snaps of McGonagall’s heels coming closer. When she lowered her hands, McGonagall had drawn up a chair and sat down in front of her. This time, her gaze was less furious and more motherly.
“I have been a teacher for many years, Sadie, and I’ve seen many students go off the rails. But very rare is it that my most well behaved start failing papers, lose concentration and shout profanities mid lesson.” She raised an eyebrow at her and she squirmed uncomfortably. “There’s always a reason behind such behaviours, is something troubling you?” She asked.
She sighed. “There’s just a lot on my mind right now.”
McGonagall raised her eyebrow higher than Sadie thought possible.
“You know, stuff, people, there’s nothing deadly serious. I’m not…” She flapped her hands, in some way hoping that she could convey her thoughts through what was borderline interpretive dance.
McGonagall smiled and nodded in understanding. “Ah, something is stirring up strange emotions.”
“Yes.” She nodded eagerly, thank goodness she got it.
“Or perhaps another student?” She added with a slight smirk.
She knew. Of course she knew. When doesn’t she know?
“Don’t worry professor. I’ll have it sorted, I promise.” She beamed as she waved her out of the class. Upon exiting, she noticed Sirius flouncing nearby in the corridor as she left. Remus was sighing exasperatedly with his hand across his face.
Right, she thought, Sirius hasn’t been eavesdropping at all. She frowned, wondering what his intentions were. She’d always been close and he had this uncanny ability to tell exactly what she were thinking about at all times.
He turned and noticed her, acting so melodramatically shocked she wondered if he was taking the piss.
“Oh good heavens, Sadie! What a surprise!” He flung his arm across his forehead like he was in a Shakespeare play. ��Why don’t you walk with us on this fine evening?” He finished with a flourish, ignoring Remus groaning behind him.
She bit back a smile. Clearly this boy had never heard of the words ‘act natural’. “Can’t. Homework.” She responded.
He grinned with a look that clearly said ‘I know your darkest secrets’. “Ok, see you around, my fine friend.”
She waved goodbye to the pair, feeling the pang of guilt that this was the beginning of her very meticulously planned and definitely well thought out plan to avoid four of her closest friends.
However, she was useless at sticking to any plan, and this one was no exception. A few weeks later, she overslept badly. She woke up on a Saturday dazed with just over an hour until breakfast ended. Her hair was a frizzy mess and in dire need of washing. By the time she dragged herself down to breakfast, there was only fifteen minutes to go and the hall was swarming with students. She glanced across the tables, realizing with a sickening jolt that the only space left was in between Sirius and Peter, right across from Remus and his beloved Harriet.
She sidled awkwardly into the gap, slipping her hand across Peter’s textbook to grab the jam and praying that they were too busy to notice her.
“Oh hello Sadie” Peter piped up with a mouthful of toast.
For once, she cursed Peter for being so sweet and quirky. He’d glanced up from a rushed overdue essay with a small smile.
Sirius stopped talking to James, who was too busy nuzzling Lily’s arm to notice. He looked at her with an odd glare.
“Nice to finally see you again, Sadie.” He sat up and folded his arms, raising an eyebrow as he took in her sleep deprived, dishevelled appearance.
“I’ve been having issues.” She tried to explain, nibbling on a croissant that she suddenly decided she couldn’t eat. The food seemed to stick in her throat.
Sirius’ frown softened. Truth be told, she hadn’t kept her promise to McGonagall. She found herself getting more and more sick with worry over Harriet’s controlling nature over Remus. Concentration became even more of a struggle that ever, sleep and schoolwork was going down the drain. All this over a boy? What’s happened to you? She thought.
It was clear as day something was up, Sirius had a sixth sense for his friends emotions.
“Why don’t you join us for Hogsmeade today, before the quidditch final? I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages” He dragged out the ‘ages’ as he took a large bite out of a muffin.
She were about to agree, but then remembered that by ‘us’ that included Harriet and her harpies.
“I have some essays to catch up on.” She mumbled, not meeting his eyes. Strictly speaking, this wasn’t a lie, she’d been ignoring a lot of her essays for weeks and they’d been piling up drastically. However, she had no intention of completing them.
Sirius saw right through her bullshit. “Why don’t you hang out with us anymore, do you hate us or something? You’ve been ignoring all of us for weeks.” He snapped.
All eyes turned to her and she fidgeted in her seat. She could feel their glares on her skin, prying at her for her secrets. There was a long pause. Anticipation hung in the air.
“Because of me.” A smug voice piped up from the swarm of preening bitches. Sadie flinched.
“You don’t like me at all” She drawled, in a silky tone. Harriet had propped herself up, a perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised at her and a subtle sneer on her cherry lips.
The other four glanced between both their faces; their hostility towards each other was evident.
“No.” Sadie mimicked her smooth breathy tone. “I guess not”
Her cold voice surprised the others, unused to seeing her seethe with rage whilst remaining eerily calm. Sirius looked mildly amused, Peter was eagerly hanging of each word and James was too busy playing with Lily’s hair. Remus, on the other hand, was pale and his eyes kept flitting between the two of them.
“Why?” Harriet simpered. “You’re the one who stopped hanging round them sweetie, why wouldn’t any of them pick me over you. Are you jealous?”
Warmth crept up Sadie’s neck but she supressed the flush. She steadied her breathing and unclenched her fists. “Remus is just a friend.” She responded with gritted teeth.
Harriet burst into those bubbly giggles Sadie found so grating. She flashed a pitiful smile as though Sadie was a dog about to be euthanized. “Did I say Remus?” She simpered, running a finger along Lupin’s jawline. “I thought I was talking about all of your friends.”
Numbness spread through Sadie as she realised in horror what she’d done. She noticed the shuffles beside her but couldn’t bring herself to look at them. If she did, she felt she’d probably sink into a deep pit of regret.
“My my.” She breathed. “You really are jealous.”
She grasped her chin with her pointed nails and tilted her face up to look at her.
Sadie slapped her hand away. “At least I’m not a slag” She spat, never breaking eye contact as she grabbed her bag and leapt to her feet. “See you, sweetie” She hissed, before turning and marching out the hall, leaving the others to sit there and mull over what the heck just happened
Still to be continued.
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afaithy · 6 years
A Crinkle in Fate; Ch. 10: Summer Stories
 Original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16896918/chapters/40183823
Fancast:  http://afaithy.tumblr.com/post/182695568319/so-an-anon-asked-for-some-real-people-references
"Summer night-- even the stars are whispering to each other." — Kobayashi Issa
The end of the school year arrived. It felt like it’d been yesterday when she had say goodbye to her parents and boarded a train completely alone; and now she was about to board the train once more, but unlike the first time, she was now joined by a group of noisy Gryffindors and a pretty grumpy Slytherin. “I can’t believe the year is over!” Sirius growled “Ah...it’s gonna be quite a boring summer. I might sneak to your place, James…” “You know mum and dad always welcomes you anyway…” James chuckled “Same as Peter…” “So I take you live pretty close by?” Tonks asked sitting down next to the window. “Yup, east London...pretty nice actually…” James nodded. “You mean snob…” Sirius snorted. “You two are city boys huh?” Lily said tilting her head “That explains a lot.” “Severus and you are neighbors, aren’t you?” Tonks asked. “Yes…” Lily nodded with a smile. “You’re lucky...I don’t think I have anyone close to hang out on summer…” “Where do you live?” Lupin asked. “York...a small town called Castleton…” Tonks shrugged. “Ohhh, you’re a yorkie too? Well, don’t worry about that. Remus here is a yorkie, too.” Sirius smiled. Lupin rolled his eyes at Sirius use of a dog breed to address them. He then turned to Tonks who seemed quite excited about the news. “You’re from York?” “Yes, Heatham Hollow….it isn’t far from Castleton. We might as well hang out during summer…” he smiled. “See that’s fixed…” Lily smiled “You won’t be lonely after all. Remus will visit you! And we will write you tons of letters, right Severus?” “Oh, I was planning on that anyway. You think I’m going to let him forget about me during summer? Not a chance…” Tonks laughed. “...I might consider burning anything you send me, Nymphadora….” “FOR MERLIN’S BEARD….it’s TONKS….” she answered annoyed and she saw the grumpy Slytherin smirk. Well, as long as the boy was a little happier, she could deal with the name harassment. “I might as well go visit some time, too.” Sirius smiled “go see old cousin Dromeda.” “Mmm as long as you’re in good terms with her...I wouldn’t want her to Hex you because a Black stepped into our front yard…” “I only met her a couple times when I was a kid. I liked her since she was nice. Thousand times nicer than her sisters.” “Well, I tell her you said that.” “If Sirius and Remus can go...does it mean we can, too?” James asked with a grin. “Well, sure I guess. I’m sure mum and dad wouldn’t mind the company and since we are at it, maybe you can drag Lily and Severus too.” “That’d be lovely…” “I pass. It’s most likely that I’d have to deal with you for another year next term. I want a peaceful summer…” Snape said shaking his head. “Aw...I’ll think of you too…” Tonks replied rolling her eyes and winning so snickers from the other kids. “We can all go visit, Remus afterwards…” “I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind either…”Lupin nodded. “It is a plan, then.” It was a half made plan, but Tonks didn’t care. As long as she got to see her friends during summer vacation, she was more than looking forward to it.
*** Tonks felt happy to be home. Her parents had showered her with love, hugs and sweets. It was more than evident that the Tonks had missed their dear daughter, but they had been glad to hear about her friends and were more and excited about meeting them in the near future. The first days she had spent the mornings in the garden with her mother. The young girl would show her mum a plant and then she’d continue to tell her all the properties and uses that she had learned in her gathering adventures along Snape and professor Slughorn. Her mother would look at her proudly and ask her more about her little excursions and the kids she so fondly talked about. Sometimes, her dad would join and he would purposely ask something about a plant feigning ignorance. Then the three of them would laugh. It was the happiest she had ever been. Honoring his word, Lupin sent an owl a few weeks after the start of summer vacation, telling her that he and his parents would be visiting Castleton in three weeks and that’d he’d love to spend some time with her. Needless to say, she was delighted with the idea and her parents were more than glad to meet the famous Remus Lupin that their daughter was so fond of. That morning, the weather was nice and fresh, so Tonks had decided to take a stroll to the small river that was a few meters from her house. She was walking around down the road when she found a small featherless baby bird in the middle of the road. It was so lonely and vulnerable that Tonks didn’t have the heart to leave it there. So she picked it up carefully and began searching around the nearest trees until she came up with the nest. It wasn’t too high and the tree seemed perfectly climbable, but knowing her amazing lack of graceness, she wasn’t sure she would make the climb unscathed. The girl bit her lip in thought and looked at the bird tucked in her hand, and thought that if she had to break her arm to get the animal back in its home, then so be it. It’d be a worthy war injury. The climb was easy and smooth. She didn’t lose her footing nor she slipped. Perhaps she’d make it out neatly this time, she thought. When she reached the nest, she carefully put the bird back in its place and smiled. “There you are...no better place than home, right? And now be careful. You don’t want to fall over again,would you?” Tonks giggled. It wasn’t like the bird would answer anyway “Alright, now I’ve got to get down from here. I’ll see you around…”
Tonks turned away with the intention of climbing down and a sudden thought crossed her mind. She could now understand why cats could climb up a tree, but never climb down. The latter was much harder and when the branch she had grabbed broke sending her unceremoniously, she told herself she’d never climb a tree again. To her surprise the impact wasn’t as hard as she anticipated. “Tonks...we really need to stop stumbling to each other like this…” a familiar voice groaned with a small hint of amusement. Tonks looked up. Lupin was spread on the ground by her side; and she realized that she must have hit him on her way down from the tree. “Remus!” she groaned horrified “Oh, Merlin...did I hurt you?” “I’m fine….” he laughed “It’s just amusing how we always stumble with each other like this.” “You mean...how I always seem to fall on you?” “Yes, basically…” The two laughed. Lupin pushed himself up and patted the soil from his clothes before helping Tonks on her feet. He gave her a quick scan and was satisfied when he found no injuries on her. “What were you doing on a tree?” “Eh...getting a bird back home?” she smiled “I was doing pretty well…” “Until you...fell?” Lupin frowned. “Well, in my defense it wasn’t like I tripped. The branch broke….and I will never mock cats again. Climbing down trees is the worst.” Lupin laughed loudly at her last remark and Tonks smiled. It’s been a while since she heard him laugh. “Remus?” Tonks hadn’t noticed the couple standing behind Lupin until the woman had spoken. She was pretty with long honey colored hair and hazel eyes that slightly reminded her of Lupin’s; the man by her side was tall, with a friendly smile and green eyes. His hair was neatly combed, but if it hadn’t, it would have most likely looked like Lupin’s. “Oh, mum, dad…” Lupin smiled “This is Nymphadora Tonks. The friend I told you about…” “Didn’t we agree it was only Tonks…?” she pouted at him “Ehm...hello, nice to meet you. Ehm, I didn’t meant to fall on your son...it was...sort of an accident?” The Lupins smiled at her as they walked closer and Tonks could almost feel the flush of embarrassment in her cheeks, but she was quick to morph it off. “It’s alright sweetheart. Are you alright?” Mrs. Lupin asked with a smile. “Oh, I’m okay. I’m already used to it, I think….” “Falling from trees?” Mr. Lupin asked amused. His smile was the exact replica of Lupin’s. “Yeah, well no...I mean...mostly...falling..,” “Oh, if I’m not mistaken...I think Remus did mention that you two met when you fell on the train…” “Ah...yeah…” Tonks shrugged “How many times did I trip that day?” “I counted three…” Lupin chuckled “Twice in the train and one during the sorting ceremony.” “Oh, did you have to remind me that?” Tonks said rolling her eyes “How come you didn’t tell me you’ll come today?” “We just arrived. I thought about sending you an owl, but mum wanted to walk around for bit.” “It’s such a pretty day for a walk after all…”Mrs. Lupin smiled. “Oh, it is! You should go to the river. It’s a really nice sight…” Tonks smiled “My house is right up this hill. Would you like to come? My parents would be delighted with the company…” “Oh, we wouldn’t want to intrude. We are here unannounced after all.” Mr. Lupin said politely. “My parents won’t mind. We don’t get too many visitors and I think they get a little bored dealing only with me…” “Is that really possible?” Lupin laughed. “I don’t know...maybe?” Tonks shrugged “I’m not that entertaining,” “I beg to differ…” Lupin chuckled. “Either way...please. If you’re not too busy, I’m sure they’d love to receive you…” Lupin’s parents exchanged looks and then nodded. Tonks was delighted to lead them to her house. When they reached her house, Andromeda was planting some new plants in the garden, while Ted read the newspapers in the front porch. Both of them seemed quite surprised to see her daughter return with company, but just as Tonks had said, the Tonks were more than delighted to receive their unexpected guests. Introductions were made and soon the adults had headed into the living room to share some tea and pastries. Lupin’s mother, Hope and Ted soon discovered that they had gone to the same school when they were younger. They were both Welsh after all. Soon enough the four adults were happily chatting like old friends giving the younger ones the chance to sneak out. “Well, told you they would be happy to receive you…” Tonks laughed “Come on, I’ll give you a tour around…” “Does the tour include climbing trees?” “Maybe...but you’ll do that alone or you’ll have me falling over you again.” “I’m sure I could catch you. You’re quite small after all…” “Just because you’re tall doesn’t mean you can bully me for being small…” “I didn’t mean to bully you…” he laughed “I think it is cute. You don’t seem to have neighbors…” “No we don’t. Dad and mum prefer to keep muggle company limited and well, we are not exactly...comfortable with magic neighbors either…” “Why not?” “Well, after a whole year with Boreas rubbing it in my face, I thought you would have caught on. You’re the brilliant mind in the group after all…” “You mean...your mum and all the pure-blood supremacy?” “Yes. Mum has her own army of enemies, courtesy of my two dear aunts…” she sighed “so we keep a very a low profile, but hey. It isn’t that bad...not having neighbors, I mean…” “I suppose. This place is really nice.” “Yes, we’re close to the moors. If we climb up that hill over there, you can see them. Sometimes at night you get to see lights. Dad said they’re hinkypunks.” “Oh, probably. Dad was interested in that, hence why he wanted to visit Castleton.” “What does your dad do?” “He’s a researcher. He’s a specialist in Non-human-spiritous apparitions, but he does a bit with magical creatures and defense against dark arts, too.” “That’s so cool. Now I know why you’re so good in that assignment; it is in your blood…” Lupin smiled shyly as Tonks guided him to and old tree swing at the top of the hill. The spot had a wonderful view of the moors, he thought as he sat in the swing next to Tonks. “Don’t worry. The swing was charmed by my dad to make sure I wouldn’t fall from it in anyway, so it will stand our weight...” Tonks smiled “The view is beautiful, isn’t it?” “Yes, it is….” “It’s even prettier at night. The sky is so filled with stars…” “Now I see why you have the habit of taking night strolls…” Lupin chuckled. “How did you know?” Tonks said surprised. Lupin felt like smacking himself. She didn’t know he was Mr. Wolfie, so he wasn’t supposed to know about her full moon escapades. “Ah...Snape might have said something….” “Oh, yeah….I did stumble with him a few times when he was out with Slughorn.“ Tonks nodded. “Has Sirius written to you?” he asked trying to change the topic. “Oh, he did. He wrote a whole parchment complaining about his family and saying how much he wanted to visit. He’s probably run off to James by now…” “Yes, most likely. The Potters are really nice people. At least they are not Pure-blood obsessed like the Blacks.” “That sounds nice.” “You know there are a lot of wizards who wouldn’t mind about your mother…” “I know. Not all wizards are gits; but the Black family is ...influential. So…” “They wouldn’t want to go against them. I think I know what you mean…” Lupin nodded “Well, I’m sure my parents are more than delighted to go against that.” “Haha, well my dad is definitely comfortable with your mom. Can you believe they went to the same muggle school?” “Yes, it is curious. To think they knew each other. That’s really a surprise…” “I already expected your dad to know my mum; but that was a nice surprise…” she grinned “how long will you be staying?” “A few days. Dad wants to look around and ask some questions. Mum wanted to know the area too....” “Oh, maybe my mum will want to volunteer as guide. Either way, it’d be nice to have you around for a bit…” “That would be nice.” Lupin nodded.
They spent the rest of the morning chatting and laughing until Andromeda’s magical voice called them -using her full name, to her despair. The Lupins had to leave since they had an engagement programmed for the afternoon. So Lupin had left with his parents promising to come by the next day. “That’s a nice boy…” Ted said watching them walk away. “He is…” I smiled proudly. “He’s such a gentleman. It’s obvious he’s been well taught by her parents. They’re really nice people, and we don’t need to worry about repercussions, considering that Hope is a muggle. I invited them for dinner the day after tomorrow.” “Oh, that will be delightful. It’d be nice to have them over again.”
What they didn’t suspect, was that they’d have another unexpected visitor soon. Tonks was helping her mother pick up some mulberries for a tart she was planning to make for the Lupins when she heard voices coming from the road. She immediately recognized the strong laugh and her eyes widened. “SIRIUS?” she shouted when she recognize the familiar mane of thick black hair and the charming smile. Lupin stood behind him with a faint smile. His arms were crossed over his chest and he seemed slightly apologetical. “Hey cous! Happy to see me?” “...More like….surprised. What are you doing here?” “Got tired of my family, so I flooed here.” Sirius shrugged “I knew Moony was staying in a hotel close by and went to find him.” “It was a surprise for my parents, as well…” Lupin shrugged “Since I was planning on coming, I thought I should take him along.” “You live in a nice place…” Sirius said looking around “A little lonely, maybe, but nice. I like it...so what are you doing?” “Picking up berries….” Tonks replied still a little shocked “Mum wants to make berry tarts.” “Ah, I should go say hi…” Without waiting for Tonks replied, Sirius headed to the house and Lupin stood at her side with a smile. “I don’t reckon your father set some Anti-Black spells, did he?” “Oh...if only, haha…” Tonks laughed.
Andromeda’s shock to find her younger cousin standing in the front yard with a smile and waving at her couldn’t be described with words; but Lupin thought that her face when she saw Sirius was exactly the same look that Tonks had a few minutes before. After recovering from the shock, Andromeda smiled and dragged them into the house and showered them with food. “Feel fortunate. Mum doesn’t throw food at anyone…” Tonks laughed “I hope you’re hungry…” “Ah, I’m more than willing to eat it.” Sirius smiled “This is a thousand times better than eating at my home…” “Which reminds me that you haven’t answered my question.” Lupin said with a raised eyebrow “Where do you plan to stay, Sirius?” “Ah….that….” “Oh, he can stay here. We have spare rooms…” Andromeda said pouring them more tea “I don’t have the honor of receiving likeable family visits that often. You can stay with us for as long as you want…” “Well, thank you, Dromeda.” Sirius grinned “See, Moony? All under control…” “You’re just too lucky, Sirius.” Lupin sighed rolling his eyes. “I thought you were planning to run to James…” Tonks said tilting her head “What made you change your mind?” “What? I can’t come visit my two favorite cousins and one of my best mates?” Both Lupin and Tonks looked him skeptically. “Oh, fine. James and his family went off to Birmingham. He said something about paying Evans and Snivellus a visit on the way. He did say I could tag along, but it wasn’t that appealing.” “So you decided to run off here?” Lupin said shaking his head “Seriously… your parents must be so annoyed.” “I bet they are….but that’s the whole point.” Sirius replied winking at them “So how long are you staying, Moony?” “Not sure yet. Depends of what my dad finds, but it won’t be more than three weeks… “Why not?” Tonks asked curiously and Lupin seemed a little nervous. “Well, I have to go back...I have an event I that I can’t miss…” “Oh...I understand.” “Well you can always come back afterwards. I mean...I suppose your house is connected to the Floo...isn’t it, cous?” “Eh, yes. Why?” “Then Moony just needs to floo here and that’s fixed.” Sirius shrugged. “Sirius, just how long are you planning to stay here?” Lupin asked with a frown. “Well...I was thinking about the whole summer….” “What?” Tonks and Lupin said at the same time. “Oh, come on. I’m sure Tonksie would love the company.” “Sirius...you’re staying in someone else’s house. You can’t just invite yourself to stay over the whole summer…” Lupin said sternly. “Ah...fine. Hey, Dromeda?” Tonks mother came out from the kitchen with a smile when she heard her name and Tonks thought that she hadn’t seen her mum so cheerful for a long time. “Yes?” “I was wondering. Would you mind if I stayed over for the rest of the summer? You know how things are in the...Most noble and ancient house of Black…” the last part was said in a over dramatic and sarcastic tone. Both Lupin and Tonks turned to Andromeda awaiting her response. Her mother had made a disgusted face when she heard the reference to the family motto and her look quickly turned to pity. “Of course you can stay. I wouldn’t send anyone back into that hell…” “You’re the best, Dromeda. You were always my favorite cousin…” “Aw, you don’t need to sweet talk me, Sirius. You can barely remember me.” “Maybe, but anyone with enough guts to go against the Black stupid ideas is my idol.” Andromeda smiled and shook her head before disappearing into the kitchen once more. “Well...that was easy…” Tonks said with a raised eyebrow “You’re such a sweet talker, Sirius.” “Just being honest, cous. Just being honest…” “He always gets away with it…”Lupin sighed. But despite their complains, having both Lupin and Sirius around made that summer one of Tonks’s best ones. The trio had their own small bunch of adventures in the area, from chasing a porlok in the forest, to catching up hinkypunks in the moor which result in Tonks falling into one of swamps. Hope spent almost the same amount of time with Andromeda that her son did with Tonks and Sirius. Despite being from two completely different worlds, the two women got along pretty well and Andromeda was more than glad to show her some of the herbs in her orchard and their uses. When the day of the Lupin’s departure came, both Sirius and Tonks were a little sad, but after Ted had assured that his chimney would always be open for any of the Lupin’s, the boy promised to visit again soon. And so the days passed, and the full moon lit up the sky over the moor. Tonks, as usual, had sneaked out from her room and was sitting on the swing watching the sky as her thoughts flew to a certain wolf. She wondered if Mr. Wolfie was missing her as much as she missed him.
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randomfandominserts · 7 years
Sirius Black X Reader - Cold Autumn Nights
So backstory to this story!!! I started writing it in November when I literally got my heartbroken (a lot of the dialogue is like,,, almost verbatim lmao) and then I opened my Drive today and said “I’m going to write shit” so I opened this up, renamed it something cuter, and finished typing it up! Yeah. So I have another Sirius Black thing coming up, a Peter Parker thing I started, and a Zuko thing coming (those are the things I am working on literally rn), so stay tuned (i’m digging the Parker one so if you like Tom Holland and Spiderman be ready). Okay I’ve talked a lot please enjoy Cold Autumn Nights (aka Budzoned)!!!
Word Count: 1820
Have you heard of the Friendzone? Wait, of course you have. Everyone has.
But have you ever heard of the Budzone? It was a thing you didn’t even realize existed until now. It was almost friends with benefits, but worse. It was almost dating, but not. It was nearly the friendzone, but not quite. Basically, it was hell, and you had no clue what you had done to Sirius Black to deserve this.
But let’s start from the beginning of the story. It was a cold October night in Hogsmeade, and it seemed as though you and Sirius were the only two there. You were close, of course, that’s how you ended up walking alone in the beautiful town. You only had a couple hours left before you were required to go back to Hogwarts, and you were making the most of it.
“My hands are freezing,” Sirius had said, rubbing them together.
“Really?” you asked, a small smile on your face.
“Really,” the boy replied, dropping his hands back to his side.
“How cold though?” Sirius raised his hand in response to your question, holding it out for you to feel. You placed your hand on his, nodding your head as you caught his gaze. “That’s pretty cold,” you noted. You turned your head away, dropping the eye-contact you had been maintaining, but you kept your hand on his and, in a moment of confidence, slowly intertwined your fingers. To your surprise he didn’t pull away, and instead pulled you closer to him.
Later you two were talking. Sirius admitted that he had stopped seeing and flirting with girls because of you. “I get why whenever I’m with you,” he had told you, giving you that small smile that made your heart flutter.
That night was like a dream.
Though you two still talked often and were still very close friends, you only acted on the feelings you had admitted to having for each other on cold Autumn nights in Hogsmeade, when it seemed as though you were the only two there. You were fine with it until you kissed one November night. To you, the kiss meant the world. It was like a fairytale moment with sparks flying and butterflies in your stomach and happiness in your heart.
But, to you the kiss wasn’t enough. Sure, you two were basically dating. You went on dates and did all the couple-y stuff. You told each other secrets and trusted each other with the world, but that wasn’t enough. You wanted to know for sure that you were dating, or if whatever it was that you had going on was just a fling. So, you decided to confront Sirius about it. After all, the worse thing that could happen would be him saying he didn’t want labels, right?
“Hey, Sirius, can we talk?” You caught up with the boy after class one day. You barely had the courage to start this conversation, but you needed to get it off your chest. It had been nearly 3 weeks since the kiss and the suspense was killing you.
“Yeah, what is it?”
“Well you like me right?” Sirius nodded his head. “And I like you. So, what are we?” Sirius stopped walking and looked at you. You couldn’t make out what his expression meant, and it was killing you.
“I mean… we’re buds,” he said after a while. “We just hold hands and stuff.”
“Buds who hold hands and stuff. Okay.”
“What are we to you?” You just shrugged.
“I don’t know. That’s why I asked.” You gave him a weak smile. “I’ll see you later.”
Of course “later” ended up being the next brisk, Autumn night. The next trip to Hogsmeade. And though you told yourself you wouldn’t play his games, you found yourself holding his hand, caressing his cheek, kissing his lips, despite the fact that you knew deep down he wasn’t in this for the long run.
After that night, a rush of adrenaline (or maybe some unwanted courage) had you deciding you would approach Sirius Black soon and ask, no, demand, that you be made official. So, after the last class of the day, as all the students were rushing from their classes to wherever they pleased, you walked beside Sirius.
“You know, I’ve been thinking-”
“Blimey, you?” Sirius grinned at you, waiting for you to laugh and push him and say, “Oh, shut up!” like always, but it didn’t come.
“I’ve been thinking,” you started again, “And normally, when two people like each other, they date.” Sirius’ grin almost disappeared. “So, I was thinking, maybe we should-”
“Look, (Y/N), I’d rather not get into that right now,” he said briskly, before turning the corner and leaving you alone.
“Oh. Alright,” you said, calling after his receding form. You stood alone in the middle of the busy hallway, tears threatening to spill from your eyes, but you shook it off and walked to the library to clear your thoughts.
Not even 24 hours later, you heard a familiar voice calling your name.
“(Y/N)! Can we talk?” You tried to act like he hadn’t just torn your heart out 24 hours ago, but nodded and gave him a smile.
“Sure, Sirius. What’s up?”
“Sorry I blew you off yesterday. I was just really trying to catch Regulus before he vanished to wherever he does, you know?” Ah, so that’s why he was so distant when you tried to talk to him.
“It’s fine. So, can you talk now?”
“Talk? About what, exactly?”
“Um, us, I guess?”
“Okay.” You quickly took a seat on the bench that was nearby, Sirius following en suite.
“So, you never really answered me. Shouldn’t we be dating? I mean, we basically already are and-”
“Well, if we basically are, then what’s the difference?”
“What would be the difference?”
“I mean…” He had caught you off guard with that one.. “I guess there really is no difference. But if there’s no difference, why can’t we be, you know, official?” Sirius was looking past you at this point, not at you, but you were too focused on the subject at hand to glance back to where he was looking.
“Look, what’s wrong with what we’re doing now? I take you on a couple dates, we’re free to talk to other people, then if we want to later on we can date.”
“I… what?” You shook your head, confused by what he was saying. You thought he liked you, for God’s sake. What was with this “talk to other people” business? As you stared at Sirius, you finally took a moment to turn around, only to see 2 girls standing behind you. One, a 7th year Ravenclaw, was giving Sirius some serious love eyes. And Sirius, apparently, was returning the favor. “Sirius, I like you. But secret rendezvous while you flirt with other girls is not exactly what I had in mind.”
“I guess you just don’t want to like the idea.”
“No. I just don’t like the idea.” You stood from the bench, slinging your bag over your arm a little too aggressively. Without another word from either you or Sirius, you stormed off.
After a couple weeks of ignoring Sirius, the boy approached you during class.
“It kills me that you’re ignoring me.” When you didn’t answer, he continued. “Look, I’m sorry that we wanted different things. If you need time, I’ll give you it. If you need space, I’ll give you it. But I just need to know that we’re going to be friends again. You used to be one of my closest friends, (Y/N).” You sighed and glanced up at him.
“I guess I’ve been overreacting… slightly.” Sirius smiled.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Want to hang out tomorrow? Library, after Potions?”
“You know me, I love the library.” And that was that. You anxiously waited for your library date with Sirius, as you were definitely not over the boy. He had stolen your heart, and been the first to do so in quite a while. You believed that maybe he could change for you.
The next day, as you sat in the library, the clock ticked on. It was 3, then 4, then 5, and yet no signs of Sirius appeared. Suddenly, someone sat in front of you, and you glanced up eagerly…
Only to link eyes with Remus.
“Oh. Hello Remus. I was expecting-”
“Well, yes.”
“He’s not coming, (Y/N). Surely you would have realized that by now.”
“But he invited me…”
“He also invited a 7th year Ravenclaw to an empty classroom after Potions.”
“Oh.” You didn’t know what else to say. It was like you had been hit with a hammer for the second time in a month, right in the chest. You didn’t know what to do and certainly didn’t know what to say.
“Don’t get involved with him, (Y/N). All he ever does is play games.” Remus reached a hand out, placing his on yours in an attempt to comfort you. He could see the tears forming in your eyes. “Everything is a game to him. He enjoys the chase.” You quickly pulled away from Remus, using the hand to wipe your eyes. This was not happening, not again.
“No. No, Sirius said-”
“Sirius says a lot of things. But I’m here, as his friend and yours, to tell you that whatever he said was just a part of the game. His game. And you’ve lost.” Remus stood, reaching over to place a hand on your shoulder. “You’re so nice. Too nice for this. I’m sorry you got involved with Sirius.”
“Me, too.” The tears were streaming down your face, and you couldn’t tell if you were sad or angry or both. But what you did know was that everything you felt for the past few months was real. It infuriated you, however, to know that what Sirius had felt the past few months could have been fake. Completely fabricated, all for the sake of his stupid game.
You wouldn’t let him win, though. You couldn’t. You carried on with your life, happy as a bug. You smiled, you ignored Sirius, and you acted as though nothing had affected the state of your heart. Sirius Black was simply a faint memory. He had left a wound, but all that remained was a scar.
December came and went. Then January, and February. March was a blur, and suddenly it was April, and you weren’t wearing jackets on your Hogsmeade trips. Every weekend, every time you visited Hogsmeade, you passed Sirius with another girl. You would try not to glance his way, but couldn’t help but look every time he passed you with a new girl. He would never look your way, though.
It was almost as though he had forgotten those cold, Autumn nights.
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