#XP Programming
sivaniverse · 2 years
Extreme Programming and its Fundamental practices
Extreme Programming and its Fundamental practices
XP stands for Extreme Programming. It is a practice that values simplicity, communication, and feedback. It is a collection of software development methods that increase software quality and customer and developer satisfaction. “XP is an Agile methodology that emphasizes the delivery of working software through an iterative, incremental approach.” Some of the fundamental practices of XP include…
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tboyblogger · 2 months
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always love it whenever i have the chance to change song lyrics to make them fit my stupid vocaloids and the headcanons that come with them :) go google it lol
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tumatawa · 2 months
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My windows 10 computer themed to Vista ^^ Very happy with it
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lucilleandherrobots · 5 months
Look, I know we like to stick to the pre-60s aesthetics in Fallout, but CONSIDER...
The Institute developed synths that can see the world through the style of 90s to early 2000s graphics and interfaces. Information looks like the early Internet and program windows.
All this to say, Nick sees the world like we see abandoned mmos and the windows brick maze. He sees gaudy colored windows with case info pop up when he's recalling info from a case.
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bayheart · 2 months
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MORE ARTED FIGHT!! batch 2/2 of revenges for this year >:3
2013 wc era ready-to-strike Raven for KittyDragonLove (AF)
dark forest Nightstrike for Drakizora (AF)
scheming Slatemoon (ft. Jackson and Vellichor) for Itraka (AF) and ft. mystikatzen (AF)
up-to-no-good Ally, Moe, and Bayneheart for @ashcrowz and ft. @dzzystrs <3
honeymooning Jack and Hikaru for @recallback
favorite brother Frogpaw (ft. ecstatic Bouncekit) for goldstorm (AF)
exasperated Nixi and respective dads Essex and Cosmos for @king-hsssy
here is to me having the same amount of illness next year <3
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fantasyfantasygames · 6 months
Worst Contact
Worst Contact, Space Swabbie Games, 2014
Here's the setup: You are the crew of an interplanetary trading ship in the implausibly near future. Humanity has expanded across our solar system. You pushed the ship too hard on its trip through the asteroid belt, and a small impact left you off-course, floating slowly to your death in deep space, too low on fuel to ever make it back. You have enough food and air for months, maybe years, you just have to hope someone rescues you. And then this D'deridex-sized ship warps in near you and hails you, asking if you want a ride home with the first aliens anyone from Earth has ever encountered. You get to make first contact.
The catch: this game was heavily inspired by Redshirts (which was released a year or two before). Your ship is full of misfits and losers who would fit in well with The Lower Decks and the funnier parts of Firefly. Hilarity ensues.
Characters are primarily defined by their Profession and Motivations. Professions are what you'd expect: engineer, trader, commander, helm, explorer, scientist, security, plus a make-your-own system available that works nicely. Motivations are actually more locked down. You choose several from a set of 12, including things like "money", "fame", "entertainment", and "escape from the law". Those get ranked. You roll d10s based on Motivations and add bonuses from Professions. It's vaguely Silhouette-like, nothing new. Success chances are fairly high. You get more luck points by playing into your Motivations, so you'll have a lot of them, and they max out fairly quickly to encourage you to spend them.
The game's best mechanical innovation is the Mistake Spiral, where every failed roll looks like a success but puts a mistake (a written-down fact) on the table. Every mistake makes it more likely that another failed roll - especially one where you spend a Luck point - will cascade into a disaster, with badness proportional to the number of mistakes there were. Every failure after that point is a critical failure until the problem gets fixed, at which point you reset the spiral. I like that you all get to look competent until it all goes to hell. There are separate spirals for physical/mental rolls and social rolls.
Art is minimal, mostly starship renders on a level somewhat better than Babylon 5 but not fantastic. Setting details are mostly generated by random roll. There are 20 alien species described in brief detail. Your ship has one of 10 standard technical problems. The aliens have five words from this d100 table that they definitely do not understand the correct definition of. There's a d100 random-roll table to determine your weird cargo that will never be delivered. It's all small details. The game is mostly social, unless you get stuck in the chompers.
Worst Contact could be a one-shot, and is probably intended to be 2-4 sessions. There's no XP system. I feel like it still has a lot of potential for a 10-12 session campaign. Even after you deal with the actual contact with aliens, there's the matter of what happens when you get them back to civilization. I would totally play it, but I also have a soft spot for sci-fi games that commit to their premise.
Space Swabbie Games put out Worst Contact on USB stick, which has never worked out well. At least they open-licensed it, so if you get the PDF you're more than welcome to pass it around to others. Just watch out for the malware on the thumb drives.
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gamebunny-advance · 1 year
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2000's Mascot Girls - Christi | Denise | Glitter
So a while back, my buddy @bunniesovercats designed these cute anime girls based on several 2000s characters. I've been wanting to draw them since they were posted, but I only just now got around to it >_<;
I thought it'd be cute to try and draw them in the style of their respective mascots. Dunno if the experiment was successful, but it was fun~
Be sure to give Lex some love for making such cuties~
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s-lycopersicum · 8 months
Hm, I wrote "rpg maker games" in that previous tag, but I think the meaning of that in my mind is different than what the words imply...
When I think of an rpg maker game, the image that appears in my head is not necessarily of an rpg, given that most games I played and made back then weren't actually rpgs. I also don't think it's about the visual aesthetic either, given that I mostly used XP, and I hardly encounter that style anymore.
I guess what I fell most strongly is the sense of a machine put to wrong use. Of using (and misusing) the features of the engine to do something it wasn't really made to do. Those are the types of games I have the clearest memories of.
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tetranymous · 9 months
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Last kidpix art for now, I'm pretty sure that windows broke its entire save functionality for no apparent reason :/
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chibishortdev · 2 months
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Slowly but surely, the experiment continues…
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asmoteeth · 3 months
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vvitchynerd · 5 months
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i got silly and decided to draw in 4 programs at the same time
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couchwow · 6 months
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hey guys
did you know that a virus broke into your computer to wreck havoc and steal your data? did you also know that a broken .py file convinced it to change it's mind? I didn't, until now!
Viro ("GameBrkr.exe") is a very strong and powerful virus, although designed for pure destruction, the executable somehow gained a soft spot for this specific PC alone and decided that being a stereotypical virus is boring. No specific reason. They happen to be impatient and most of the time reliant on silence. Gug is a poorly written python addon for an AntiVirus program called Lacken AntiVirus Pro. They are very optimistic and do not resort to violence. I can't believe this is still a draft.
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a baby (15 or 16 year old) daughter of a family friend who is also interested in pursuing french tertiary level said she doesnt want to go to france bc they dont like black ppl which ok understood BUT then she said she wants to go to switzerland instead and uh can i please be the one to tell her. also while i do agree tht france like all of europe is racist the thing is france is not only the hexagon? and esp as caribbean ppl like why dont u say u wanna go to Martinique or Guadeloupe or even one of the french DOMs in africa or ex french colonies tht still speak french in africa etc. im not saying france isnt racist but in terms of places to go for immersion imo it has some of the best offers among the european languages for poc bc u dont need to go to europe but myb tht's just my misguided n erroneous opinion. there's also literally canada.
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beardedfunprince · 7 months
Check out "Password Hacker App Prank"
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memoryofmoonlight · 7 months
Hi anyone with more experience with RPG Maker XP know how I might have it where 2 specific character share EXP?
(Basically these two in the story share a body so they are switchable during combat, but bc of that only one of them would get the exp unless i can make it so they share exp gains.)
(yes them being separate "actor"s is necessary for other reasons)
Edit; I want ONLY these 2 to share exp not everyone
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